It’s too hot and we know it . . . 

So today, I’m going to do my very best to give you a break from it and fix the “inelegance” . . . with images of , yes, COOL things!

Starting with something cold and juicy . . . This is one of my favorite summer treats: spread a slice of ice-cold watermelon with thick Greek-style yogurt; sprinkle it with good granola; eat it with a fork, barefooted in front of a fan, or on a cool porch; joy of life will return forthwith. 

It will be a wonderful weekend if you make this ↓ and pop it in the fridge for later . . .

For even more coolness to this delicious Cantaloupe Soup, add ice cream croutons  . . . drop melon-ballers-full of vanilla ice cream in each dish . . . chill soup bowls and spoons before serving.  Or try my nice cold . . .

If you keep this icy Gazpacho in the fridge, you can eat from it for a couple of days and never have to heat up the stove!  It’s the most delicious way to get all your healthy, organic farmer’s market vegetables in one cold dish. It’s STILL the best Gazpacho I’ve ever tasted  — sometimes I like to add a little cilantro garnish … or I use balsamic vinegar instead of red wine vinegar, but truly, they both taste wonderful in this cold, crunchy, frosty soup!

And here’s something else that should help bring the temperature down:


Too much?  Hope you put your shoes back on!

BRRRRR, just feel that chilly wind coming off the snow . . .

Mmmm, cool, calm, and collected . . . Hear those sleigh bells ringing? A breeze off the ocean would be wonderful too but if you can’t get to the beach right now … give yourself a little treat … keep cologne and hand cream in the fridge and then have a . . .

  . . . nice cool shower.  Afterwards make yourself a  

. . . take it to the porch. . .

. . . and drink it near a bubbly little water fountain . . . because it’s the weekend and . . .

Is it working?  Do you feel cooler?  I hope so!  And one last thing . . . I would like to invite you to join me in a little celebration for this/our

Because while I was in England, I forgot to celebrate that on June 9, this blog, our blog, celebrated its first birthday!  It’s still a BABY!  Only one!  Let’s give it cake!

Everyone grab a cupcake! Light your candle and let’s make a wish!!!  And I actually have a wish that you could make come true!  My wish is that if you like this blog, you will nominate it for Country Living Magazine’s Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards.  We still have a window of opportunity — the contest entries have to be in by July 29, two days from now!  And if I go to New York, I’ll be sure to bring you with me!  Of course I would anyway!  OK, all together now,

B L O W !

Happy Summer Day Girlfriends, stay cool! XOXO Tomorrow is Beatrix Potter’s Birthday!

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The Allure of Island Life

Feel like life is moving too fast?  Take a few moments to slow down while I have fun explaining, as best I can, the allure of Martha’s Vineyard . . .

I am not alone in this feeling; it is very easy to understand why people from everywhere love this island so much . . .

. . . and like to tell everyone about it . . . because when they’re here, time stops — they feel like they are coming home.  And if the island could sing (which it actually does in its own way), it would sound like this.

People love the small town life they find here . . . they leave their hearts and then they dream of coming back to retrieve them . . .

. . . they like to show their lyalty . . . they like to wave at kindred spirits when they see them on the road . . .

. . . it’s like a secret code, only they understand . . .

. . . Those that know, know; they know they know, and that’s all that matters . . .

. . .  they really don’t care what people think . . .

Because that’s how love is.  It’s totally understandable from my point of view . . . over-the-top love for the island of Martha’s Vineyard has been going on a long time; here are a few reasons why . . .

For most people, this has always been the way they get there . . .

. . . the old-fashioned way; you drive your car onto the ferry for the forty-five minute ride to the island; you can bring your dog and sit on the top deck, with the water and the wind and seagulls flying alongside trying to grab donuts out of your hand; usually you are in love by the time you arrive … it’s already too late, you are smitten …. you go home and get a new license plate.

If you come at night, you’re in even more trouble . . . clanging buoys saying hello, ocean smell and lights along the shore weave a spell . . .

Alone time in quiet places is addictive . . . it’s the little things, like slowing down . . . listening to the waves . . . and watching turtles cross the road . . .

People come here to escape real life and begin to notice things, like sweet gingerbread trim on old houses, for no reason, just because they can  . . . and do . . .

. . .  people come to commune with nature . . . they like to share the space . . .

. . . they come to see interesting monuments to the past . . . and understand island history . . .

They come because they like to smell the roses . . .

They come to steam up the place . . .

The all come looking for something; for some, it’s heart-shaped rocks . . .

They like to have their lunch in a room with a view . . .

They come because they like the roofline in downtown metropolitan Vineyard Haven…

They come for the long sunsets….

They come to go fishing . . .

They come to light candles on the beach and forget the days . . .

They come to look for shooting stars . . . and they find them . . .

They come to hear the music of a different drummer . . .

And they come because they like porches . . . and people who know how to decorate . . .

They come to watch the moon rise . . .

They come to shop . . .

Many come for summer . . .

Some like the fall . . .

And some who come here

Never leave at all. 

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