First a Little Musica!

First a little MUSICA;


Now, because of our give-away, a little prayer for you …


we want to be him

And now a little kitty ~ Joe and I walked past this scene the other day and both of us said almost at the same time, “I want his life.”

little things

Jackie naps

Vanna would like his life too, but noooooo, she is about to be a very busy girl.  But really, I almost hate to do this post ~ I’m still luxuriating in the 4,500  BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL comments you’ve left in the last couple of posts!  I don’t want to paste over them! I don’t want them to disappear.  I want to keep them forever! THANK YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE. You have made


V E R Y   H A P P Y



I have to show you what the people who send out WILLARD provided me with for the first time. You can’t see it all here, but it’s actually a map earthof the whole world. As each WILLARD is opened, those pins start dropping into different parts of the world ~ and when they do, a window opens for just a moment showing the name of the person who has just opened her Willard, and where she lives. It is so mesmerizing I could barely get anything else done.  I saw names of my friends come down!  I wanted to call them and say, “I know what you’re doing!” I watched and applauded while pins dropped into Paris, Jerusalem, Africa, Hawaii, China, Kansas, Romania, Japan, OneWorldPortugal, Turkey, New York, Dallas and Toronto, to name a few,  and I felt like we had this great big giant wonderful club.  I just went to look and they’re still coming down, one was just opened in New Brunswick!


Welcome to all the New Girlfriends, so happy to have you here! I have to tell you, you are in such good company because . . . 

normalYes, it’s true. You don’t run into this most places you go, but here, it’s a guarantee!  Oops, I hear Vanna upstairs milling about, getting ready to come down and pull names for our Giveaways.  I think she’s about ready to make her grand entrance.  But before she gets here, I just want to make sure you all got your WILLARD?


 If you didn’t, be sure to check your spam folders, sometimes WILLARD takes a detour!  You can also try signing up again and we’ll see what happens for the next one (which I am already plotting) . . . or, get a cup of tea, and take yourself here, to read Willard. 

And now, with a little drum roll please, the adorable Queen of the Deep Dive, the wild, the wonderful, the wiry Miss Vanna, this time carrying her little lambdog “Toto,” which, I think you’ll agree, looks exactly like a lamb. Both are shrouded in the undeniable mist of a Fairy Tale.  Toto, splendid in pink satin ribbon, and Vanna, wearing lizard-green bathing attire and silver glitter ankle boot stilettos. Which she has just kicked off, having handed Toto over to me. SO, the stage, she is set.  Are we ready????

We are so ready.

I just looked up from kissing Toto, and Vanna is GONE, has taken the high dive into the vat filled to the brim with your names, and all I can see now is a deep, whirling-dervish vortex, left behind from the celebrated scissor kick Vanna is famous for. I yell into the black churning whirlpool, susan branch fairy“Pull three winners, Vanna, get them from all over, don’t let them be touching each other down there!” (She says she thinks I was born in a barn, but I’m just making sure we do this right.) I see her working her way back up through the ticker tape melee of names. I hear the music …and try to be patient. She’s coming! Her long, shapely lizard arm has just surfaced, and there are three names in her hand. I think we are there Girlfriends. 


our walk

OK, this is really it. For our first prize, the lucky winner of a personalized copy of my brand new book, THE FAIRY TALE GIRLPLUS AUTUMN from the Heart of the Home, PLUS my new 2016 Wall-Calendar, and the adorable handmade Fairy Tale Banner . . . Is . . . close your eyes, cross your fingers, because I hope this is YOU . . .  R A E   L A N G E !!!  

fairy tale girl

. . . at least for one lucky girl, and yes, better for one than for none!  Means we all still have a chance!  Don’t you agree? YES!!!

celebrateBecause there is 


Give away Hobson's Choice

susan branch fairyThe second-prize winner of a delicious evening at home ~ Dinner and a Movie ~ a personalized copy of AUTUMN from the HEART of the HOME, PLUS, the MOST adorable movie IN the world AS we know it TODAY . . . IS . . . . MAMIE VL, who promises to share with her mom!


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S    M A M I E ! !

If you aren’t Mamie, but would like to see this charming, funny, smart, feel-good movie anyway, Hobson’s Choice is available from AMAZON . . . you’ll want to watch it over and over, it’s definitely library material and the perfect item for a cozy fall evening.♥ 


More testing watercolors


. . .the ART BLOTTER, signed and totally messed up by yours truly in the quest of making art! Here you find terrible examples of penmanship, splotches of watercolor, a list of four-letter words rhyming with “told” to be used in a poem about Autumn, some trouble with my pen, and a fat, leggy purple bird created from a brush stroke.  The “lucky winner” has only a first name, so we’ll start with the happy-girlletters in part of her email address which are: “BASBLEU” ~ is this you? And her name has two “n’s” in it . . . it’s you, DIANNE!

Hope you Enjoy it!  I know it’s going to a good home. 

I’ll be emailing all you lucky winners to ask for your addresses so I can send your prizes.  Prize number one will go out to RAE letteras soon as THE FAIRY TALE GIRL arrives.

If this was not your lucky day (at least in this one teensy respect which cannot possibly count in the scheme of things) never fear, for we shall strike again another day.  Until then, back to our regularly scheduled programming.  Love you ALL for being here and taking part, in my eyes, you’re a room full of winners.

sb border

On the ferry to the Cape

So ~ I thought I’d tell you a little story to cheer you up and hopefully help most of you forget we even had a drawing!  It’s about the town of Barnstable across the water from us on Cape Cod  — I heard this on the local news a couple of days ago ~ it was funny so I wrote it down to tell you. Barnstable yikes!residents are trying to close down the sky-diving school at the Barnstable airport. They are unhappy because the newbie skydivers, experiencing their very first dives, are screaming profanities from the moment they leave the plane, all the way down, and the townspeople don’t like it.  I can definitely see both sides of this story. I wouldn’t like it either . . . and I would hate to hear what I would holler on my first sky dive.


Makes my hands clammy just to think of it. Luckily that will never happen in this lifetime so all are safe from me.

Next, fyi, I’ve been asked several times if we have the Prayer for a Little Home in a print, and yes, I’m happy to say, we do, and this is it . . . you can read about it HERE , just scroll down to the middle of the page and you’ll see it there . . . xoxo


Have I taken your mind off it yet?

legacy boxes

Well, here’s a little show and tell: Remember these Legacy boxes I wrote about sometime back? (If not click on that link and you can read the story). Those are two of them above, I have branched out into four now.

legacy boxes

You need to read the story, but I like to save little bits of ephemera, cute things I find along the way, all kinds of things, a champagne cork with the date on it, gift cards, a bottle of wax-covered ink, bookplates, bits of this and that that catch my eye and seem special.

Legacy boxesThere’s everything from postage stamps to seed packages and even a few vintage things I find in antique stores.  All wrapped in tissue and tucked away for the future. So someday someone will find them, like treasure. Gifts for unknown persons in the future. 

snail mail

Well, I found something new to put in one of my boxes.  This is the outside of it . . . dated 1906, and written to someone (Miss Augusta Andersson) in Boston from someone in Babylon (if Google is correct) which is (says G.) in Iraq.

vintage clown

When you open the card, this is what you find inside.  They just don’t make ’em like they used to! See the feet and the hand?  The sender wrote in spidery handwriting all around the face of the scary clown. A little bit of history.

old clown card

He is missing one of his arms . . . but to think he has survived for 109 years!

vintage clown card

I wanted you to see his feet.  So into the “legacy” box he goes.  For future discovery ~ for show and tell in the year 2115.

best MV

At the end of this week I send the manuscript for MARTHA’S VINEYARD, ISLE of DREAMS to my copy editor for the official spell check!  Musica I just finished figuring out the chapters.  It’s almost done.  Next, I start painting for it! I love it Girlfriends, I really do. You are going to love Martha’s Vineyard in the 1980s!

fairy tale girlwishes

washing dishes

And I am having a dinner party on Thursday night!  So the cleaning has continued, only now with a vengeance. Just like starting over. 🙂


dish cabinet

Everything had to come down and get washed!  Most of my dishes can go into the dishwasher, but things like the hand-painted glasses above, I wash by hand so I don’t loose the cute red stripes.

vintage dishes

There is NO BETTER WAY to get your house clean than by inviting your friends to mull around in it for an entire evening! It’s a win-win!

dish hutch

So here’s the hutch, all washed and sparkling . . . v. proud of it. (My dad, aka Blogdaddy, took the doors off these cupboards for me the very first week we moved into this house, maybe even the very first day.)

bird land


And the whole time I was working the birds were going wild at the feeders outside my kitchen windows.  I call this our fish tank, because we can just watch these guys for hours!

oh the light

My tomatoes are ripening, there are flowers from the garden in the vases . . . this is dawn, the porch light was on and I took the picture because liked the way it was illuminating the post outside.


brownie anyone?

I even made brownies, so you know things are getting back to normal! Now I am on my way to figure out the menu for our party!  Something I can make-ahead, I’ve already decided that much ~ I don’t want to miss a moment with our friends, feels like a long time since I’ve done this!


With lve from me, and Vanna and Toto, and Joe and Jack and Girl Kitty too.  Thank you for EVERYTHING, Girlfriends.  You make life so much fun!  Have a wonderful day, and night, and so forth and so on forever and ever. XOXO

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Welcome!  So much excitement here in Smallville!  If you just came from WILLARD, you are going to need another cup of tea and some more MUSICA!  (If you haven’t gotten your Willard yet, don’t worry, it will be going into your mailboxes from 9am eastern time Tuesday Aug 18, through Friday teacupsthe 21st.) But you should know, our Giveaway has grown, now there are three! If you haven’t time to read the Blog just now, scroll to the bottom of this post where you can sign up for the drawing by clicking on the word “comments” and leaving a message. For the rest of you . . . I can only hope you agree that

too much of a good thing


I love this quote by one of my favorite authors.  Wonderful things ARE happening. I used this quote in my new book, and asked Kellee if she would make it into computer wallpaper for you . . . and she did! Click HERE ~ it should be up by now, along with some gorgeous new stationery . . . As you’re about to see, things are getting back to normal!  


You really know I have a little more time on my hands when you see this. I’m finally giving my poor Beatrix Potter people a bath . . .

Beatrix Potter People

Filthy piglets, hadn’t bathed since Christmas! It was the very first thing I did to gain control over my house again after so many months in book writing mode.

little vases

Now they’re back in their places, all sparkling and happy, and the little vases are filled again and I am saying . . .

oh happy day

susan branch fairy


If I ever missed taking a closeup photo of a rose in the summer, then it just wouldn’t be summer, no matter what else I think I have to do!



There is nothing like roses from the garden, they look and smell like no other roses.

Just Joey and Just Jack

One of the first things Joe and I did when everything was turned into the printer was go to the nursery for these: ↓ Our garden needs help!  Better late than never!

went to the nursery

We also decided to celebrate our newly-found freedom with a long leisurely lunch at the restaurant at Where are they?  Do you hear a car?the golf course ~ “leisurely” is difficult to find here in August, with the Island so packed with vacationers.  But we thought this place was a little bit out of the way so we’d have a chance.  Well, it didn’t work out quite as we expected because we accidentally went on the day that Presidents Obama and Clinton were both there playing golf!!!  We sure know how to pick ’em!  So much for the quiet lunch.  There were dogs sniffing the FINE ROMANCE VAN, believe it or not, and we were wanded (that’s what the secret service called it) before we could go inside.  But after that, everything was normal until the two presidents became visible on the flaggolf course, then the entire restaurant stampeded outside to watch and take pictures.  All except us, because we had seen them before.  Yeah, we’re so cool ~ it’s old hat to us!  But we did put our flag on the front of the house!  Afterwards we went to the nursery, also my first visit this summer . . . and no presidents were there!  Yay! We’re replanting around the poor neglected bird bath right now . . . Once again, it’s Domesticity City around this place and we are happy as clams.

planting under the bird feeder

Out go the fluffy, healthy, quickly reproducing weeds, making room for actual flowers.

corn on the cobWe also stopped at the farm stand and got our first corn of the season, hot, buttered, salted and peppered, it just popped off the cob! DELICIOUS! I’m sure you’ve done this ~ now I know it’s really summer!


Out of the woods into the open sky

We went out at 7 am this morning and have been walking our walk through the woods out to the water every day. This is the place where Joe and I hash everything over . . . from the habits of cormorants, to the unknown idiot who figured out how to move the huge rocks protecting tern nests so he could park his car there, to what’s for dinner and future travel plans/dreams. And we stood at the water and said a prayer for the victims of the terrible fires out west, that they be showered with love from their families, friends, and communities.  My heart breaks when I see the ruin the flames are leaving behind.


sunset on Martha's Vineyard

We’re ooohing and ahhhing every night, and counting our blessings.

hot summer nights

Coming home after a walk to the harbor to our little greeters . . .Jack’s looking at Girl who is waiting out of reach, on the kitchen table . . 

starry night

Then back out with the camera because the sky at night has been wonderful, filled with stars. I’m a big believer in ladybug magic and there was one in the bathroom last night. Insert five exclamation marks. Second floor, hot crickety summer night, brushing my teeth, and there she was.  A lucky omen.  Believe me, I look for them every day!


Jack thinks our starry night sky is wonderful too, because it seems like it’s dropping . . .


. . . yellow cat toys!


Joe’s birthday balloons were tied around a bouquet of giant sunflowers that Kellee and Sheri sent from the Studio and within 10 minutes of arrival, Jack’s scissor-like teeth had severed the ribbons and all balloons were floating free. 

Jack and the balloon

Just the way Jack understands life to be. All about him. Which it is.

Joe and Jack

Yup.  He’s our guy. Aren’t they adorable?

having a drink in the sink

Busiest cat I ever knew.  Floor water is no good anymore, he wants sink water.

mmmm delicious grass

Grass, he loves it.  I take him out and sit with him while grazes. He’s really not an outdoor cat at all, I never let him out alone, and he is so good, he never tries to get out the door. He likes me to sit next to him the whole time.

perched on the ironing board

On Cat patrol, sitting on top of the ironing board in the pantry, watching out the screen door for any possible trespassing by anything, bunnies, turkeys, neighborhood cats.


He also watches me working . . .and I watch him watching me. Sometimes I can’t believe he’s real. I don’t get as many photos of Girl Kitty these days, but never doubt that she is still our Queen.  She just likes to keep her throne in the back of the closet most of the time, so she’s hard to get in action shots!

worn out pencils

 But they both were with me the whole time I was wearing these pencils down to the nubbins, and now they watch curiously as I reorganize the studio. I’ve been cooking too, filling the fridge with August-type healthy goodies we love, ice cold Gazpacho and . . .

compost heap

. . . my favorite Coleslaw Recipe ~ stuff to munch on. Look at that apple core in our compost pile!  Isn’t it beautiful? (If you click on the recipe you’ll also see us repainting the kitchen a couple of years ago . . . just scroll down for the Coleslaw recipe, I promise, it’s there).

apple core

Nature. Just wow. I realize we are finding wow in the compost pile, but I can’t help it.  I had to dig this guy out and take his picture. I almost put him on Ebay.


black bird looking back

leaf border

owl bookmark

I can already feel fall coming and we hear it in the woods, we’ve even seen a couple of bright red leaves out there!  And what’s back to school without book things?  I know there were two Fairy Tale bookmarks in the Willard, but I thought, considering the time of year, some of you might want our wise old owl once more. Just click there, cut around him, and he is yours.


And now for the Giveaway(s) to celebrate my new book which I can barely believe is really finished! The first one I mentioned in the new Willard ~ it’s my 2016 Wall Calendar, plus my AUTUMN book, plus my new book, THE FAIRY TALE GIRL, and, for the cherry on the top . . .


fairy tale banner

 a fairy tale banner! I’ll sign the books ~ and it will all go out to the winner the minute THE FAIRY TALE GIRL clockgets here, which should be about three weeks at the latest. (But who’s counting?  Me, I am!) All you have to do to enter the drawing is scroll down to the bottom of this post and leave a message ~ just click on the tiny gray word under where I sign off that says, “comments” and leave a comment and that automatically enters you in the drawing. And the good part (or the bad part, depending on how you look at it) is that you have a lot better chance at winning this than you do the lottery!

Give away Hobson's Choice

Also, another surprise! Something else for my Girlfriends, Giveaway #2, because when I think of fall, I think of three things, delicious recipes, books, and old Cozy fall daymovies ~ and this Giveaway covers them all. My Autumn Book, filled with fall recipes, and a wonderful old movie called Hobson’s Choice. I think you will LOVE this movie! I have it, but I have to keep it, so I bought you a brand new one. It has everything going for it: It’s old, it’s English, and it’s pure charm. And it makes you feel good. What more could anyone ask for? 


testing watercolorsAnd this strange item, for good measure, will be Giveaway Number Three. I was cleaning up my studio (WHAT a mess!) and came across this.  I saved it because I think at one time I was going to cut it bookmarksup and make bookmarks out of it.  It’s one of the little bits of paper I use to test watercolors and my ink pen before I paint or write something for a book or a calendar.  As you may notice, my pen was giving me all sorts of trouble — I didn’t want it watercolorsto blob onto the “good” paper, so I kept playing with it, making squiggles until it started behaving. Anyway, I thought one of you might like the results of the squiggles . . . the originalist of the originals, stream of consciousness without the consciousness, no rhyme nor reason for it ~ but I did sign and date it … it’s about 6 ½” by 9″ and would make a fun little piece of kitchen art for your fridge or bulletin board. And it does have fairy magic in it. And you can win it.


And that makes it three Giveaways on this blog today.  Leave a comment, and Vanna will draw three names in a few days and I HOPE SO MUCH that the name she draws is YOURS!!!!!!!!!

The Fairy Tale Girl

In the meantime, I will be watching for the UPS snow treeman to bring me my first stack of The Fairy Tale Girl. I wait ever so patiently, but I am as excited as Christmas. 

2016 wall calendar susan branchWith the new book and the new calendars, Kellee and Sheri have been shaking in their boots about the WILLARD and asking me to make a special request to remind you how tiny their four little hands are.  The phone has been ringing off the hook at the Studio about the calendars and they want me to tell you that they girlfriends on phonewill try their hardest to get everything out as quickly as they can . . . if it takes a couple of extra days to get your things, you can blame it on the dratted calendars, but have faith, they’ll be there very soon. And so will your books!

Leaving New York Harbor

And then soon, we might be doing this again, sailing out of New York harbor on the Queen Mary rms_queen_mary_vintage_passenger_ship_sticker-p217215363289977330en7l1_2162!!!  We are dreaming big time. Anything could happen between now and then, but we’re going to try.  We took all our travel books with us to our leisurely lunch at the golf course the other day ~  looking for cottages to rent, pouring over maps and plotting our possible course.  Figuring out whether we should go in the summer or in the fall . . . we’ve only ever been in the spring, so there will be new things to see. And we’ll bring the Blog along, so get ready Girlfriends!!!

flower border

Girl Kitty

And there she is ~ our beautiful in-house Queen joins me to say fare thee well for now.  Thank you for your support and friendship.♥ Joe thanks you, Jack thanks you, Girl Kitty thanks you, and . . . 

girl bowing

. . . I thank you . . . ♥  Have a wonderful day Girlfriends!  XOXO

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