Patricia, Where Are Yoooooou ♫

Have a little problem . . . Looking for Patricia!

Patricia’s recipe box is all ready to go.  I played with it some more, added a few more little items, wrote a card, decorated the envelope, but guess what, the email I sent to her came back as undeliverable.  I left a reply next to her comment to tell her, but so far, I haven’t heard from her again.  I know pretty soon she will start wondering if this was all a figment of her imagination  and come back here to check.  And this is to her when she does:   Hi Patricia!  Could you please email me at [email protected] and tell me where to send your box?  ♫  Thank youuuuuu!  ♪ FOUND HER! ♫

I’ve planned a fun new post for tomorrow when Willard starts going out, so I wasn’t really going to do one today; but I do want to find Patricia, so, while I’m here, I might as well  show you the gorgeous flowers we found at Farmer’s Market on Saturday!  Wasn’t it a beautiful weekend?!  Seems like everyone was doing something fallish, pumpkin hunting, corn maze playing, or Molasses Cookie baking. We drove around the island, leaves flying at our windshield, with Humphrey’s Bakery coffee and donuts in front of us in the van, stopping here and there; we got our pumpkins for the porch; went to a nursery to get bulbs (never grew those giant purple alliums, but we are trying a few this year).

Our Farmer’s Market had a bumper crop of potatoes in every color, shape, and form!  We bought these baby sweet potatoes; cooked them with pork roast and cranberry sauce last night for dinner — I spread them on a baking sheet, left them in their skins, drizzled and tossed them with olive oil, ground over pepper and salt, and roasted them at 400° for about 25 min. Mmmm, they were so good! Crunchy with the skins on; and soft and melty in the middle.

 OK girls, I’m off, and setting you free; we can all go back to work!  Be sure to come back tomorrow, because there is still another surprise!  I can’t help it!  I found something wonderful on my trip, something I couldn’t resist even though I already have one, and so  . . . guess who will be getting it?  ♥

My focus today (and every day from now on!) is on finishing my new book.  I’m painting like crazy and loving the whole experience of the blank white page that I get to DO things to :-).  It’s coming together, the recipes are so delicious! I made an amazing coffee cake this morning . . . so dangerous.   I have to stop eating it ALL and get back to the idea of TASTING.  This is not an easy job. ♥  Mañana, girlfriends. xoxo If you see Patricia, tell her I’m looking for her!   ♫  WE GOT HER! Thank you!  ♪

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178 Responses to Patricia, Where Are Yoooooou ♫

  1. Pam says:

    Hi Susan, love the photographs, really autumnal colours. Hope you manage to find Patricia okay. (Looking forward to the next surprise as well, how exciting).

    • CindyK says:

      Oh my goodness, I DO hope Patricia shows up! She sure wouldn’t want to miss that wonderful recipe box with all your special touches! Susan, your week-end sounded fabulous! We had a nice week-end as well here in MN. We drove “up north” to look at a couple cabin possibilities. Yesterday we ate at Culver’s! I thought of you!! Loved the luscious flowers you found at the Farmer’s Market. Last nights dinner sounded so yummy!! I’ll be back tomorrow!

  2. KarenW says:

    Yes Wonderful weekend. Today we have a very spooky foggy morning very Halloweeny!
    Just a quick question….What are the green stripety things in the picture with the sweet potatoes? They look like mini watermelons. Those flowers are lovely. Love Love Love the Farmers’ Market.
    Work hard we are all waitng for the new recipes and reasons to sip tea and read!

    • sbranch says:

      That’s just what I said, mini watermelons! But they are a Mexican Gherkins — we were told; we’d never seen them before! They are like little cucumbery pickles.

      • KarenW says:

        I have never seen Mexican Gherkins now if I ever see’em and try them.
        Sometimes your blog is a bit like Home Ec class….just love it
        I just saw the “Directions for using the Recipe Outfit” on the lid of Patricia’s Box.Too Funny. My directions would say “fill it up fast” Thanks for the extra fun today.

  3. {oc cottage} says:

    Oh goody! A new book…can’t wait! And this news helps me, in advance, with their birthday shopping lists! ;}

    m ^..^

  4. Susan Simon says:

    I hope that Patricia stops by and sees your post so she can let you know how to send her beautiful recipe box. I have several, but they are not small… one was my grandmother’s; it is chock full of her handwritten recipes, and some of mine that I sent her years ago. (I think I used to write much more neatly back then!). My other recipe box started out small and had to be enlarged as it got to be too full to look through for recipes, so a larger one now sits in the pantry, ready to be pulled out. Then there are the binders, full of recipes that I have printed out and tried over the years, or cut out and taped or pasted onto paper. I really have too many of them, but I enjoy looking through them when in search of something new and delicious to try. I have lots of cookbooks I like, but yours are treasured, pages folded to mark favorite recipes, and used often. I gave away my copy of your Summer book when a friend moved this summer, so I will have to put one on my Christmas list. I am so looking forward to your new book; can’t wait to see it! Your blog is the first on my bookmark bar and I usually look at it first as I am sipping my morning coffee. Thank you again for sharing so much with all of us!

  5. Terri says:

    Thanks for stopping by for a chat! LOL!! Love the beautiful flowers! Get back to work and I will too! Ohhhh and recipes AND a new book! Can’t wait! Smiles!

  6. Country Gal says:

    Oh wow this all looks soo yummy . I love your decore for your posts so nice. The flowers are beautiful. Coffee cake YUMMY ! I have never made one but bought one from our local MA & PA home made Country bakery ! Hope you find Pat that little recipe box is awesome ! You are such a talented lady wish I could paint, I used to dabble in sketches but never really got into it I like to paint by numbers every now and then but thats not what I call art lol Have a wonderful day !

  7. Karen P says:

    I think you’ve misspelled “Patricia!” I think it should be spelled “Karen P.” 🙂

    Love the Farmer’s Market “finds” pictures you posted! Beautiful. Picked some of the most wonderful smelling daisy mums from my backyard yesterday. So cute and I never realized that they would smell so heavenly! Also, went to the Botanical Gardens yesterday. Saw some gorgeous roses and there were beautiful big yellow ones….looked at that tag and lo-and-behold they were “Julia Childs!”

    Keep that book coming! We’re all waiting eagerly for it! Better print a TON! xoxo….kp

  8. Deborah says:

    Fabulous pictures of your flowers! Such vibrant colors! Sometimes I think the most important part of live is experienced at the kitchen sink! I have been wanting to get some acorn squash, and after cleaning out the middle of one cut in to, fill the interier with homemade applesauce, cinimmon, nutmeg, raisin and a touch of real butter, bake in crockpot till fork tender,…goes so great with a pork roast. Ah, the joys of this weather!
    I am sure Patricia will turn up soon, and wow, what a surprized girl she will be!!!!!

  9. Ann Y. says:

    Hi Susan…What great photos ! The fall colors are so rich and beautiful. Can’t wait for you new book – hope Patricia checks in soon and will be looking forward to the next giveaway. You make life a treat !

  10. {oc cottage} says:

    Uh-oh…now I am torn. As much as I want you to work like a dog to get that new book done…hope you will still have time to visit us…maybe not so often, but often enough? {not that I’m being selfish or anything! ;}

    m ^..^

  11. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Good Morning! So happy to hear from you today! Love the additions to the recipe box, Patricia will too (my GF & I are walking in a few, if we see her, we’ll tell her to contact you! Good Golly Miss Molly, I’m rhyming, who knew?). Aren’t roasted veggies wonderful, & I can hardly wait to buy those little ones and roast them whole, thanks for the great idea. Pretty pics from you to start my day, thanks! Happy painting, happy day to you! xo

  12. Ann says:

    I never knew about the mini sweet potatoes! Have to look for them in the store. My pumpkins lasted less than a week before the squirrels got to them!

  13. Tricia B. says:

    Oh what beautiful flowers!! Thank you for sharing!!! I thought of you this weekend Susan, as I was at a flee market and got the cutest pair of crystal candle holders for 50 cents!!! I was floating all afternoon because of my purchase!!! I just have to find the right candles for them now. Yay!! I also made an actual pie crust this weekend. Susan, I haven’t done that in years because store bought is so much easier but ooooh did mine taste better!! Delicious Pumpkin Pie ~I was so excited and it wasn’t really any effort either!! Goodbye store bought pie crust and hello to homemade!! Woo hoo!! I hope you find Patricia soon; I don’t want her to miss out on such a lovely box of treasures!! BUT…my name is Tricia and I could fill in for her if you need me to do so!!!…tee hee!! Just kidding 🙂 Anyway Patricia is right…you are all of our inspiration so thank you my dearest friend!! Have a lovely day!! GOD Bless!! Love and Hugs, Tricia B.

  14. Betsy says:

    You are right! What a glorious weekend! Your dinner sounds great. We did a chicken on the grill with my husbands home made stuffing and sweet corn. We live in Pennsylvania so we know we are running out of grill time. On Sunday we took a drive out to Lancaster County and the trees were a real delight…what colors….burgundy, orange,red, yellow and a lime green. We picked apples so today is applesauce making day. I sure hope you find Patricia…..every recipe box needs a good home to call it’s own.

  15. Suzanne says:

    Hi Susan dear girlfriend,
    I hope you find Patricia as well, if she only new she has that sweet little box waiting for her, she’d be shocked! Maybe she’s away for a long weekend. I’m sure she’ll be checking soon. My weekend sounded alot like yours! Yesterday I put two pork tenderloins in my slow cooker and along to go with it I roasted butternut squash and added it to a lovely saffron risotto topped with parmesan
    cheese (yum!) we also had nice roasted green beans and onions on the side. I also made a pumpkin pie, the aromas going on just intoxicated the senses! I just love the smells cooking this time of year. I decorated my mantel too with little purple lights, lanterns and pumpkins (wish I could send you a picture) and we found some really neat looking squash to decorate with along with the pumpkins outside. After a full day of cooking and decorating I finally sat with a lovely cup of hot apple cider…..I just love days like that.

  16. Nellie says:

    That’s our favorite way to prepare our sweet potatoes, Susan. They are a definite favorite around here.
    It sounds like a great day at the Farmer’s Market.
    Today I make “Two Week Slaw” to take along on Wednesday when the chorus sings way across town. The best thing about this slaw is that it improves the longer it has to “age” in the refrigerator.:-)
    Speak up, Patricia! That lovely recipe box needs a home!

  17. Lori says:

    Pretty flowers at the market! So glad you took time to give us an “extra” blog today. It really perks up my day. Hope you find Patricia!

  18. I love your beautiful flowers! I guess it’s too late to change my name to Patricia! I hope you find her soon that I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not! hahaha! Enjoy your day! ♥

  19. Let’s hope that Patricia returns, if not, I can assure you my email address is fine! Well, today it really is Hello from exceptionally wild, wet, windy, wonderful west Wales . . we are in the middle of 100mm + of rainfall, a proper hoolie of a wind (around 40mph and then some) with more of the same for the next three days 🙁
    On the plus side, it is a day for giant mugs of steaming hot chocolate, and reading your wonderful blogs 🙂
    Those baby sweet potatoes look so yummilicious; never seen baby ones before, but I love to roast (full size, chunked) them together with chunks of butternut, parsnips and chunky cut red onions and fresh sage leaves . . with chunks of Butlers Blacksticks blue cheese melting over the top . . hungry now . . .

    • sbranch says:

      Without disturbing that delightful mixture, but maybe just one or two chunked up green apples would be good too as surprise package and then a soupcon of fresh cranberries to mix in. Can’t help it, gilding the lily is my middle name! 🙂 Stay warm!

      • uh oh . . . see, I can’t stop playing with my food either . . I never met a recipe that I didn’t re-write before I make it the first time . . so, with your addition of apples and cranberries . . I’m now thinking crumbled walnuts too . . with chunks of fresh baked crusty bread and butter . . really hungry now!
        waiting patiently for Willard too . .

  20. SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW BOOK!! Susan, when you finish it, how long afterwards will it take to publish and sell to us girlfriends? Gee maybe you’ll have to give us a sneak peak…maybe the coffee cake recipe…just sayin’


    • sbranch says:

      When it’s done, to celebrate, I’ll give you a page (then I have to choose ONE and that’s where the trouble will begin!) 🙂

  21. Patricia says:

    I’m willing to step up to the plate and take one for the team if the original Patricia doesn’t get in touch…..*smile*. Yesterday my family and I took a drive to Manchester, VT and poked around some old shops- you know what I was looking for, right? Wooden recipe boxes! Didn’t come across any but I’m determined to recreate your lovely idea. My darling husband picked up the new 2012 Susan Branch calendar in the Northshire Bookstore for me- just because he knows I adore you. And finally, my 5 year old Alice had a suggestion for me today when we were discussing the wooden recipe boxes…”mom can we just go to her house and I’ll bring a pencil and some paper and I’ll copy all the recipes for you then you won’t need the box because it’ll be all written on paper.” So cute. 🙂

  22. Debbie N. says:

    Too bad about Patricia’s e-mail address not working. I hate when that happens. Thanks for sharing your finds from the farmer’s market. I love shopping at markets of any kind. The flower’s are lovely. I love flowers and I still have my pots on the front porch. As long as there is a bloom still blooming those pots will still be there.
    Wonderful about the new book. When will it go to the publishers? I love using your receipes. They are family favorites. Have a great day.

  23. Emily says:

    I am smelling my Butternut Bisque cooking on the stove and headed to the kitchen to oil my wooden spoons and cutting boards I have never done this before! Can you belive it, my grandmother is cheering in heaven today for me! After 35 years I am going to make my wooden teasures last forever. Thanks to you! Happy fall , here in Northern Calif. it’s in the 70’s it is chilly in the mornings but oh so lovely durning the day. Fall is coming I can feel it:)

  24. Martha Ellen says:

    Howdy Susan–sure hope you hear from Patricia soon. I’m sure she will love the beautiful recipe box you have so lovingly put together for her. Your booty from your travels on Saturday are great! Lovely flowers and wonderful veggies–what could be better? Have a wonderful day! Can hardly wait for Willard and your new book! xoxo♥

  25. Kathy Lorenzini says:

    Hi Susan,
    What beautiful flowers! Love them! We had a great week-end…the little grandkids and I, and their parents, took the Durango and Silverton Charlie Brown Express train to the pumpkin patch and had a fantastic time! The Fall colors were gorgeous (finally!) Then we bought a caramel apple for everyone!

  26. Patricia says:

    Hello Susan!
    Would love to get that recipe box, and you can sign me:
    Patricia v3 – lol!

    Seriously, it’s amazing there are so many Patricias, as I think our name is pretty close to the bottom of the “popularity” list for current baby girl names!
    (guess that ages us; I’m 53)

    • sbranch says:

      My mom is a Patricia too! My niece, a mere baby, is a Trisha!

      • Patricia says:

        And from what you’ve told me about her in all your books, she was a truly wonderful mother and woman… very inspirational, taking her children and seeing that they were raised in a wonderful, loving home. You, and all those Stewart siblings, were truly blessed. Patricia Stewart (along with your Dad, for sure!) took pride in her family, and it showed.
        My dear mother Dorothy was the same way. Every Sunday night, she could be found in the kitchen, polishing her (4) childrens’ saddle shoes til they gleamed! Our parochial school uniform blouses were starched and pressed so crisply our necks would get cut… but we knew through her many efforts that she loved us more than anything.
        Maybe your next book (i know, you don’t want to think about that right now!) could be devoted to all our wonderful mothers out there!

        • sbranch says:

          I have to say the secret is that, because of my mom, all my books have been dedicated to moms! Without them where would we be???

  27. sbranch says:

    FYI . . . Just heard from Patricia Wehner . . . have her address now!

    • Pat Mofjeld says:

      Darn, I was just going to write to tell you that my “real” name IS Patricia, too! (tho’ see that a few other patricia’s have already written in…) 🙂 I love Fall cooking. Love to roast all kinds of root vegetables together while meat is cooking; sometimes add in some brussel sprouts just for the color contrast. Also, here is one for you, Susan, and anyone else out there that wants to try it: Pork chops in a pan, about a tablespoon of catsup spread on top with back of spoon, then about a tablespoon of brown sugar sprinkled over that, then a thin slice or two of a lemon. Bake covered for about an hour at 325-350, then take off foil and bake a little longer to brown. This recipe is my “most-asked-for” recipe that I make in the Fall and tastes fabulous with either baked squash, baked potatoes, or baked root vegetables–and is very little work! Yummy!!!

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        Forgot to say–for the porkchops–I always sprinkle parsley over the lemon before baking and also you can add onion powder or even a thin slice of onion if you are so inclined. Onions “do us in” at our house so we tend to not use them, or if we do, we use sweet onions or leeks–which are milder… 🙂

        • Linda H says:

          Thanks, Pat, I am going to try your recipe. Although I am a vegetarian, my husband is not, and I need “easy” recipes so I can cook some meat for him in between my vegetarian dinners!

      • sbranch says:

        That sounds so much like something my mom used to make — it was delicious!

    • Martha Ellen says:

      Yepee!!! Glad to hear it! Susan I just made your cream scones from your Autumn book. Just had one with my husband with tea! They are so good and very easy! Thank you! ♥

    • Kirsten Wichert says:

      We all are raising a cheer! Hip hip hooray!

    • oh good! I can get some sleep now…

  28. K. Ross says:

    Well, that’s good for Patricia . . . but I was hoping that we all might get a second chance at winning – ha ha. Congratulations, Patricia! We’re all looking forward to your new book, Susan! Thank you.

    • sbranch says:

      I was afraid there for a moment, but you can see my heart was set on getting that to her!

      • K. Ross says:

        And rightly so. She will be thrilled, as we all would. Just having your personal signature would be a great keepsake, Susan Branch!!

  29. Kim Forester says:

    Girl, I don’t know how you do all that you do, and do it so well, and cheerfully, and generously and giftedly. You are a continual amazement and wonder(woman) to us all! Thank you for everything, from the bottom of my heart. xoxoxo

    • sbranch says:

      I’m not a wonder woman, I’m just like you! (That doesn’t sound right, but you know what I mean! :-))

  30. Marilyn says:

    I’m happy to hear that Patricia W. checked in! She certainly has a wonderful give-away heading in her direction. 🙂

    I love roasted root vegetables (sweet potatoes, rutabagas, carrots etc.) which is a fall tradition around our house. It’s too hot during the summer to use the oven, so as soon as the temperatures start to dip, out come the oven mitts!

    Pork roasts, especially tenderloins, are a real favorite at my house. I brown the roast in olive oil, season it and then put it into the crockpot. Then add a can of whole berry cranberry sauce and some apple sauce, and let it cook slowly all day.

    I was curious if you had a signature dish, one that is your absolute favorite.

    Wishing everyone a Happy Monday!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

    • sbranch says:

      My signature dish isn’t really a dish, it’s chicken stock, which is on the stove right this minute. I could make it in my sleep, I always have some on hand, love how it bubbles all day and makes the house smell good . . . use it for soup and to make gravy to put on top of everything — because I scrape off all the fat and boil it way down, it’s deep dark and delicious and I just love it. Sweet potatoes drown of joy in it, so do roasted carrots, so does buttered bread.

      • Marilyn says:

        I was looking to add a “Susan Branch” touch to my Thanksgiving meal, and the chicken stock idea is perfect. We always have roasted veggies as part of the holiday meal and this year it will be topped by deep, rich chicken stock. Plus, I can use it as a base for gravy.

        I make a lot of home made soups, so I think I will be freezing a batch, too.

        Chicken Stock = comfort food!! 🙂

        Marilyn (in Dallas)

  31. Angie(Tink!) says:

    Good Afternoon Sweet Sue…just saw you in Twitterville! so Happy Joe put the Pumpkins over The Door! so Cute! I Know Patricia has to check Back to see who won…then she will Be doin The Happy Dance! Come on Patricia You Lucky Girl You Won! 🙂 I Love Those Gorgoeus Autumn Flowers from the Farmer’s Market…Last Night I Roasted a Chicken with lots of Yummy Veggies Tiny Yukon Gold Potatoes called Gold~Dust Carrots Celery & Onions too…oh My Goodness The House smelled so Yummy then with Every Bite Herbster & I would Hummmmmmmmm…Yummmmmmmmmmm….I called it Chicken with Autumn Veggies lol…so Good! & you will be very Proud of Me I also Made a Huge Apple Tart I even made the Pie Crust from Scratch! so Good!….I Love All of Fall! Now we Count~Down… One Week Until Halloween…I shall Savor Each Day! Yay!…I’m very Excited about Your New “Willard”…& I am so Happy You are working hard to Finish Your New Book! & Your Roast Pork Dinner sounds Scrumptious! & that sounds Like a Good Dinner for one Night this week! wishing You a Lovely Monday Evening…stay warm & cozy We have had Real Autumn Weather & have already enjoyed sitting by the Fire! We Need More Firewood! L♥ve & Pumpkin~Kisses! xoxo Poof! & a Booooooooooooooo! ♫♥ 🙂

  32. Trish K says:

    I had no idea there were so many of us Patricias out there! Thanks for sharing the pictures of the flowers, and farmers market items so beautifully fallish. I went to a farm auction Saturday. Many pretty things, but not a recipe box in sight. I hope most people keep them as family heirlooms. I did get an old Fire King batter bowl with a handle. I’ve wanted one of those forever. I cannot explain my obsession with old dishes…and towels…and…teapots…and…

  33. pat addison says:

    good morning Susan, a nice chilly and windy Fall morning here, perfect for a lil warm fire in the woodstove to break the chill in the house, and perfect excuse for wearing my nice warm slippers to keep my toes warm. glad to hear you found patricia, amazing how many Patricias there are…i’m one but i use pat more often. those pumpkins look amazing, as nice as mine. but i grew mine and let them cure in the sun for 2-3 weeks to give them that deep orangey color. now they are sitting on the front porch awaiting my pumpkin carving party this weekend, i invite the neighbors in and we have a pumpkin carving party and contest to see who can carve the scariest pumpkin, the cutest pumpkin and the goofiest pumpkin. i supply the treats and the dinner, they supply the elbow grease to clean and carve the pumpkins..i let them select the one or ones they want to carve. its a fun way to get 28 pumpkins carved, and a great excuse to have friends and neighbors over for some fun. tonight its roast with acorn squash and apples and some pumpkin pie for dessert. hope you have a fun Fall day today, Happy Fall everyone!!!! 🙂

  34. Pamela Jo says:

    So glad Patricia has been found!
    I can’t wait for your new book, Susan! I was up late last night, holding my kitty, Molly, and reading your Autumn book…I don’t think I’ve spent a single Autumn day since the day I got that wonderful book that I haven’t picked it up at least once. Each time the first day of Fall rolls around, I take “Autumn” off of my bookshelf and keep it on my living room end table. I put it back on my cookbook shelf only when the Christmas season begins, and then I replace it with your Christmas books! All of your books have become seasonal traditions at my house! Don’t know what I’d do without them! My mom and I have spent so many relaxing evenings looking through them together. It truly is a tradition for us now! Have a great day!

  35. Brenda says:

    Sitting here having a cup of tea and looking at all your pretty flowers. I still have a few of them myself struggling through our cold nights. One of my grand daughters helped me empty all the hanging baskets and pots. I had so many more than usual because of our youngest daughters wedding in our back yard this year. As pretty as they were I am glad I do not have to water them every day now. I love roasted sweet potatoes. But I can only make for myself because all my family loves them with all the sweet goo covering them. I do also but I really like them with just butter. I was wondering if there is something I am suppose to check to know if you reply to my comments or not. I came back one day and saw that you had but it was days later and the topic was past. Enjoy your work! I am on my way out to clean the hen house while the weather is still pleasant.

    • sbranch says:

      Say hi to the chickens! I think the only way to check is to come back and check — but maybe someone else has a better idea!?

  36. Paula B. says:

    I love you, Susan, you always know how to brighten our days. Sounds like a fun, fall weekend on the island, good to be home, huh. Hope you find Patricia soon, maybe she’s on vacation and when she left a comment she typed fast and put the wrong email….The potatoes sound delish, looking forward to tomorrow, have fun “working” today.

  37. Karen P. says:

    Enjoying all the comments from all our girlfriends. Still no Patricia? I think she will love it when she sees all these fun comments and how we’re so concerned about her! My hubby and I are traveling down to the Chicago area to meet our new grandson who should be born sometime today. Yay!!!

  38. zinnia patch says:

    been busy cleaning aka giving loving to my home and just got to the post….whee so glad at the end to hear you found Patricia….yes!!!! thank you for the beautiful pics. from the farmers market and i have looked high and low for mineral oil at several groc. stores….i’m looking with the olive oils etc….is that where it would be if they carry it….. my spoons are waiting on me. I’ve always used olive oil on them before…( ok i didn’t know) but excited about Willard being on his way…. just love to visit and that coffeecake – oh my now going to have to bake tee have a happy day!

    • sbranch says:

      I think you should look in the toothpaste aisle. For some reason it’s always over there — and in drug stores. I think some people use it like cod liver oil, whatever that’s for!

  39. Patty Opaczewski says:

    I go by patty now but PATRICIA is my given name!!!! lol I actually got so excited when I started reading your blog and saw it was addressed to Patricia. I thought you were talking to me!!!! Have an absolutely fall-lovely-ish day!!

  40. Karen D says:

    Oh Good! She must feel wonderful!
    I was so inspired by your blog that I finally got to work on my recipe box – been meaning to do it for years. I had lots of my recipes just thrown altogether in a big zip-loc bag for the longest time. It is not a lovely wooden box like the one you found unfortunately – just beige plastic- but it is big and all organized now! I used some of your ideas for tabs – thanks! ;0>
    Will have to keep a look out for a nicer box.

  41. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Whoopee, Patricia! We’re all excited for you to get your treasured recipes & box!

  42. Gert says:

    Susan..Oh what good news…I am so glad that Patricia got ahold of you! She is such a lucky lady! You have blessed her in so many ways! smile….

    Love your flowers! Sounds like your Farmers Market was…fun! Ours will end next Saturday! ;( always a sad time…

    Can’t wait for Willard tomorrow’

    xoxo Gert

  43. Diane Byrum says:

    What a precious, priceless treasure your handwritten note to Patricia will be to her! Thank you, Susan. Your blog is home~I so enjoy coming home everyday where I can kick back, relax and visit with girlfriends to the wee hours. What a joy lift 🙂

  44. Mary S. says:

    Love the beautiful flowers!!!
    I can’t wait to get your new book!!! But I have to say, I really miss you when you don’t blog! I check every day!! 🙂

  45. Sandra says:

    Your sweet potatoes look delicious; we’re getting ready to dig ours and after that the rest of the onions and garlic. Then, the garden will be put to bed with rye as a winter cover crop. I love this time of year…putting everything cozy and neat, ready to greet winter and her blanket of snow.
    Looking forward to the new book; it’s like Christmas, can hardly wait!

  46. laurie says:

    I haven’t saw Patricia. I live thousands of miles away,, lol. I made your coffee cake this morning,, what a coincidence,, its a winner for sure.Your flowers are lovely,,I can’t wait for the big reveal of your new work,, best wishes from Canada,, its snowing!

  47. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    You are just so fabulous do you know that??? I adore reading every single thing you write. Love all the pictures, but I always do.
    Those little mini things that look like watermelons are so adorable. Are you suppose to eat them or decorate with them? well either way they are too cute.
    I saw that you found Patricia, I am glad. She will be so happy when she gets her recipe box.
    You are always making something yummy. You are lucky you can eat it all and stay so trim.
    Well happy Fall Day Susan, can’t wait till tomorrow 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      You could probably string them for the Christmas tree, between cranberries — green and red! Thank you Deezie, xoxo

  48. I got some giant alliums to try too. Have you ever noticed them planted in a bank’s lot on the way out of Falmouth onRt28? That is where I first saw them and fell in love with their alice in wonderland quality.

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t think I’ve seen them there; mostly in photos, then in a garden in England, a huge row of them, with golden chain trees in bloom hanging over them! The yellow and the purple was so beautiful.

  49. Jeanne Hedin says:

    I put together a “memory book” (25 copies) for a family reunion awhile back. I interviewed my oldest living relatives, put all the family stories in writing; scanned all those wonderful old photographs that were tucked away in boxes and dusty albums; raided all my aunts’ delightfully worn and stained recipe boxes and scanned original handwritten recipes from loved ones long gone; and put it all together with a quilt theme (“a family is like a patchwork quilt:)). You are hitting on all my favorite things, dear Susan, and I thank you for the warm and caring way you do it!

  50. Janie Phillips says:

    I knew Patricia would be back. If she’s anything like me, she can’t stay away too long. I’m glad you’re back in Martha’s Vineyard. The pictures you take at home are always my favorites. I can feel the heart in your home, and you always inspire me to put a little more heart in my home. Love you, Sue. xoxo

  51. ArlineLA says:

    Just to make you miss your other home a little, we were up in beautiful Pismo this weekend. Had the most wonderful Pumpkin French Toast at the “Honeymoon Cafe”! I am sure you have been there. They cook all of the breakfasts on a BBQ (!) outside and you get to sit on the patio and feel the ocean breezes. It was misty and perfect.

    Also, can’t wait to see the new book! ArlineLA

    • sbranch says:

      So different from here! Here we are battening down the hatches. Putting on storm windows, hanging skeletons on the door! I love the Honeymoon Cafe!!

    • Karen D says:

      Pumpkin French Toast! Wow-Yum! How did they make that?!

      • donna marie says:

        YUM! I want Pumpkin French Toast !!

      • ArlineLA says:

        I forgot to take a picture! It was really rich pumpkin bread with an egg/milk coating that was almost like creme brûlée because the BBQ it was cooked is so hot. Crunchy sweet! Will have to try a few experiments to see if it can be duplicated.

  52. Lori H. says:

    Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing the sweet potato recipe…sounds yummy.
    And here’s a fun thing to share: Our 17 year old daughter invited some of her friends to our house for a pumpkin carving party. My husband Steve decorated with purple twinkly lights, hanging spiders and black crepe paper. I made pumpkin drop doughnuts (no rolling and cutting) rolled in cinnamon sugar, buttery popcorn, carmel dip for crisp, tangy apple slices and fresh, local apple cider. We gave away silly prizes for the cheesiest; most creative; best cutting skill (without losing a finger); scariest/ best traditional/Americana; etc. Several kids told Abby they had a great time and want to do it again 🙂

  53. Francine says:

    Oh my! Your flowers are beautiful! I love the pitcher too. Our farmer’s markets are coming to a close after this week. I went last weekend, but no more flowers. I was so looking forward to one more bunch! I think we’re all getting excited for your new book. How long will it take to get in the bookstores once you’re done writing it??? No flowers, but I did find a treasure at a rummage I stopped at, a large green depression glass juicer for $1.00!!! Thump, thump went my heart! I added it to my little green glass collection!

    • sbranch says:

      My heart is thumping too, that was a good one! Once I’m done writing and painting, it will take 4 months to print, and then it will be here first!

  54. Katherine says:

    Hey Susan,
    Sounds like you have been immersing yourself in the fall spirit! Just wondering— could you give a brief description about your new book???
    Have a great night!

  55. Bought my supply of Susan Branch calendars for the year! Simple pleasures………….

  56. Pom Pom says:

    Glee! Rejoicing! I can’t WAIT for that new book!
    We saw whales today! Bar Harbor is lovely. I’m in love with it.
    Patricia must want ME to have the recipe box. 🙂
    Can’t wait for Willard and what you have in store for tomorrow!

  57. donna marie says:

    Hey SB!
    Thanks for sharing your day with us! You put such love and enthusiasm into everything you do! You inspire me to make everyday things more enjoyable in my own life! Thank you for being you!
    donna marie

  58. Becky says:

    We had a wonderful fall weekend at our log cabin on the river. Enjoyed our first fire in our fireplace. Drove home through beautiful farm land. Loved the barns, cows and sheep. Stopped at a apple orchard and picked three different types of apples. One of our autumn annual pleasures. Glad you found Patricia and I’m sure she is too. Looking forward to your surprise!

  59. Jodi says:

    I just love visiting here….You have become a faithful companion and I look forward to hearing about your days. I must get some sweet potatoes and try baking them.

    PS. Please tell your Joe that in addition to all of my Susan Branch cookbooks, his Black Dog cookbook sits proudly on the bookshelf at our lakehouse. No strawberry-rhubarb pie recipe tops the one in that cookbook!

  60. Kirsten Wichert says:

    Dear Sue, You asked about pumkin french toast…….I make mine using pumpkin puree whisked into the eggs with nutmeg, cinnamon, and a pinch of grnd. cloves. Soak double thick bread in the mixture overnight ( I use a 13×9 baking pan). I put it in the oven in the morning. MMMMMMMM. Great smell and flavor. Very easy too! I know how busy you are. Hope you read this.
    ps: sprinkle with powdered sugar and add maple syrup ofcourse!

    • Kirsten Wichert says:

      Almost forgot……if you have this french toast for dinner…….I like it with old fashioned whiskey sauce (the kind you make for bread pudding). Or what the heck…..have it for breakfast!

    • sbranch says:

      Yum! Sounds delicious.

      • Karen D says:

        OK- hold on! I really do want to know how to do this… you soak the bread overnight in the pumpkin/egg mixture in the baking pan and then you bake it right in the same pan in the oven? What temp? How long?
        Details, please! Details! ;0D

        • Kirsten Wichert says:

          Oh, dear…..I don’t have this recipe written anywhere. This is something my grandma used to make when I was young. I wing it every time! I don’t think you can make a mistake, as long as you don’t burn it! But, here goes: whisk 2-3 large eggs with a little cream (or milk) just like you would for regular french toast. Add a half cup of pumpkin puree and whisk together with cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Soak each slice well and place in a 13×9 pan. Place the bread covering the pan bottom. Refridgerate over night. Yes we bake it in the same pan in a med. oven temp. (350 degrees) but you may adjust for your own oven. When they are browned, they should be done. Hope this helps.

          • Kirsten Wichert says:

            After reading the above, I don’t think I was clear enough. I dip the bread (soak) in the bowl of egg/pumpkin mixture. Then place the bread slices in the pan side by side(one layer). Oh, also please spray the pan with a non-stick product first. Is that better?

          • sbranch says:

            Sounds really good to me!

          • Karen D says:

            Yippee! Can’t wait to try it!

  61. Doris Petersen says:

    Hi Susan ~ the flowers from the farmer’s market are so beautiful… just love the little bouquet in the pewter pitcher! And your roasted baby sweet potatoes sound delish. I’ll have to try those, except we don’t get them that small at our farmer’s market. It would be wonderful to receive the gift of the wood recipe box along with your recipe cards and lovely gift card… all with your wonderful art. I hope Patricia writes back soon. I finished planting all my fall pansies yesterday and made a batch of Molasses Cookies. The only problem was, it didn’t feel like fall at all in our area of California… the temp was in the upper 80’s! Cooling down this week though 🙂
    I really must order your Autumn Book. Everything you write in your blog about this season resonates with me. And then, I will get your new book when it comes out! xxx, 😀

    • sbranch says:

      Just wait, soon it will start raining in California and then it will feel like fall! Thanks for writing Doris!

  62. Wow Susan, those flowers are beautiful but don’t even look real! I’m sure that Patricia will be getting in touch with you soon. Can’t wait to see what you have to show us tomorrow.

    Hugs XX

  63. Sounds like you are enjoying being back on the island, driving to your favorite places donuts & coffee? Farmers mkt and the leaves blowing all around. The flowers are beautiful! Aren’t farmers mkts fun? Your sweet potatoes sound great! Sounds like everyone was in the same fall day mood! I put a pot roast on the stove with carrots, potatoes and onions, and made the apple spice bundt cake with praline icing that is in the So Living this month, picked up the mag at my local library and had to try the cake. It is delicious! Now I can’t wait to try all the ideas everyone has mentioned here! How exciting a new book in your sites! I love all the sweet sayings and your great paintings in your books!
    Thank you Susan for your wonderful blog!

  64. Heartsdesire says:

    So glad Patricia showed up. I really feel that she is the rightful owner of the recipe box. Beautiful flowers, and a great simple recipe for the sweet potatoes. I’ll be back tomorrow to see what other surprises you have in store.

  65. Sharon Griffith says:

    Hi Susan love the fall look…I am just in love with the colors of fall..have a good evening…..

  66. Judy says:

    Glad Patricia was found. Your flowers from the farmers market are beautiful.

  67. Joann says:

    We’re having our first Winter Storm Storm of the season…..well, today’s high was nearly 80 degrees; however, the wind is blowing HARD tonight and the weatherman says that rain tomorrow will turn to snow—-16 inches expected in Estes Park and 3-5 where I live… WOW, here it comes!!! Time to get into that Fall book and find something warm and yummy to make up tomorrow for dinner!!!

    The ‘catch’ at the Farmer’s Market looks fantastic!!!!


  68. Fall, fall, fall! Can’t get enough this year. Our color has been especially pretty this year here in Missouri. I have to be careful when I drive, I am always gawking off at the trees. Hope Patricia shows up. Waiting on Willard . . . But really can’t wait for your new book! Any idea when it will be out? Our Farmer’s Market is nearly done . . . will be stopping by tonight to get some wonderful fresh eggs. Much love – Raquel

  69. Patsy says:

    Can’t wait for your new book. I have them all at this point and enjoy leafing through the pages and devouring the words time after time. I hope Patricia gets her email to you for the fabulous box, but if not I’m a Patricia too; just not the right one. 🙂
    Thanks for all the wonderful pictures you share with us.

  70. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Oh Susan, your fall flowers were beautiful!!!! (I had to stop myself from leaning toward the screen to smell them!) My 30th Wedding Anniversary was yesterday, so I missed visiting your blog. I baked a special spice prune cake and found our original wedding cake topper to adorn the cake. We toasted with champagne and just enjoyed the simple celebration. I’m so happy Patricia’s special recipe box is currently on it’s way to meeting her. What a lucky lady! Thank you Susan for all of your fall inspirations. My home is looking more “in season” because of you and my family loves it, too! We have a cozy little bungalow, but filled with alot of love! Have a great day Susan!

  71. Carla says:

    I think something may have happened to my last post. Willard is wonder-full, Susan.. simply sublime, as is this blog, the very best of the whole WWW. Arm fulls of thank yous sprinkled with fairy dust golden glitter & fall leaves.

    I so wanted to ask you: in the day before last’s blog you have a picture with a fruit embellished cannister above your kitchen sink: I wanted to ask you the maker and the pattern name, as it gets my heart giddy.

    O’ please pick me for the banana bowl.. lol


    • sbranch says:

      I answered your other one, but there’s kind of a Halloween thing going on at this blog I think, things are disappearing . . . Anyway, it isn’t a canister, although it looks like one in the photo, it’s a sugar jar! With no name or marks on it! Not too much help . . . hope this makes it through!

  72. Sharie says:

    What a fun way to spend Halloween! I loved the pictures and am pretty sure those dishes would look even more wonderful in my cupboard. I’ll have to start scouring some local antique shops. 84 degrees today in San Luis Obispo. I took my girlfriend a rum cake for her birthday (the really big one- 65,) and then sat on her patio and let the sun give us a little kiss. Is this really November 1st? Thank you for bringing your part of the world to ours.

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