The Great Recipe Box Giveaway!


That was GREAT!  Reading your comments about the recipe box, about your recipe boxes, the sweet and touching family stories, your plans and traditions, your wonderful memories; it was like an Autumn tonic.   Take two tablespoons of this a day and counting your blessings will become second nature!  We really are so lucky!

Now I feel all candy-apple-dipped and cinnamon-sugar dusted for the holidays!  Thank you so much! 

And now, without further ado, what we have been waiting for . . . the trusty RDM (Random Drawing Machine), will be set into motion:  Let the games begin!  (The waiting will go faster if you click on that and just come right back to this page.)

Yes, it’s happening . . . . I hear the gargantuan fake hand swishing around, inside the giant hat, all your names, mixing them up real good  . . . looking for Just the Right One  . . .

Oh dear, it always makes me wish I could do the loaves and fishes trick.  Wouldn’t that be wonderful . . . just a never ending supply of recipe boxes and quilts to give away?  But then, we all get to put our counted blessings into this one box, and send it off to put down roots in one of our girlfriends kitchens. (I know; it’s coming; RDM is just being conscientious, looking for the perfect one . . .)

She’ll open this box, hearts will fly out and around the room like blowing leaves, going ping! ping! ping! like little bells, giving her whole house a silvery pink aura of girlfriend protection. (That’s what would happen if I could have my say about it. )

WE HAVE A WINNER!!!  Are you ready?  Her name is


Congratulations Patricia!!!  So happy for you!!  What she wrote was so complimentary to me, I’m embarrassed to put it here, but I know you will ask!  She wrote,

“You are the inspiration that keeps me going Susan Branch!  Because of you my pantry is now equipped with red capped jars full of yummies — because of you, my family now thinks store bought marshmallows are tacky, and now you have an adorable wooden recipe box that would be so happy in my kitchen!  I adore old wooden anything — all with stories of their own, and lots of love and life still to give.  Thank you for being you, you light up our lives!”


(I promise, she didn’t win because she’s so obviously darling :-), it truly was the fickle hand of fate that chose her!  But the darling part, I could easily say about all of you!  You can see why I love love love this blog!  I have to stop myself from taking the dishes out of my cupboards and the quilts off my beds for giveaways!  Soon I will have to enroll in a halfway house for overly enthusiastic bloggers.  There must be one.

 Hope it’s in England!

Then we’ll all go.  I’ll photograph it and blog it!  

  Alright Patricia, I’ll email you the second I finish writing this; you can give me your address, I’ll wrap up your box today and send it off on Monday!  Thank you for your sweet words, and to all of you, thank you for being you.   I’m back to work on my new book these days, feeling so inspired!  Farmer’s Market for Joe and me today!  And a new Willard starts going out on Tuesday!  Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo me

Ah friends, dear friends, as years go on and heads get gray, how fast the guests do go!  Touch hands, touch hands, with those that stay.  Strong hands to weak, old hands to young; in the heart of the home, touch hands. ♥  (after Wm. H. H. Murray)

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220 Responses to The Great Recipe Box Giveaway!

  1. Angie(Tink!) says:

    Good Morning Sunshine…Congratz to Patricia! another very Lucky Girl! Loved the Jeopardy Music…Hilarious! & Very Delightful words from Patricia……thanks Sweet Sue for All The Joy You & Your Blog Bring Us! I Know You & Joe will Have a Magical Day at The Farmer’s Market…sending lots of Autumn Pixie~Dust Your Way for a Dazzling Day! Yay! Love & Hugzzzzzzzzz to You & Joe & Kitty(Meow!) & Everybody! xoxo Poof! 🙂 Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnn it’s early….sun not up yet…gonna walk outside & watch The Sun Rise! 🙂 Good Morning!

    • sbranch says:

      Getting Joe out of the bed for the same thing, out in the woods! Thanks Angie!

      • Angie(Tink!) says:

        ♥♫♥♫♥♫ 🙂 ♥♫♥♫♥♫ We Must Breathe In… All of Fall! Yay! Thank You Sweetest ♥ Sue! xoxo Poof!

  2. Oh! congrats to Patricia, she sounds like she will be over the moon about this gift!

  3. Pamela Jo says:

    Congratulations to Patricia! The recipe box is such a nice gift!

    Susan, you truly are an inspiration. When I saw your blog about the recipe box, I started to think about my Nana’s old recipes. She had a lovely recipe box with PA Dutch decorations on it (we live in the PA Dutch region of PA). After she died, my “Pop-Pop” put many of her things in some old trunks in the attic. I now live in their house and have kept the attic untouched since their passing. Anyway, your recipe box inspired me to go to the attic in search of hers…don’t know why I didn’t think of before. I opened some trunks and found one with her crocheted kitchen towels on the top, lifted those out to bring back downstairs, and there was the box…Distelfinks, tulips, and hearts just as bright as if the box was still new! Brought it downstairs, along with old photos and other things I found, and looked through it. OH MY…All of her canning recipes are here; my favorite cake and cookie recipes which I haven’t had since I lost my Nana, casseroles, chili. So many recipes, all in her handwriting, and all her best! Because of your blog, I was inspired to go on that treasure hunt and WHAT a treasure I found! Thank you! Thank you! I’m going to do some baking today…It will be so wonderful to have my kitchen smell just like it did when I helped my Nana with her baking! (I’m nearly 50 years old, but my grandparents will always be “Nana & Pop-Pop” to me).

    Now, I’m off to our local Farmer’s Market, too! Got up early to organize all of my coupons and vouchers for some of their special sales today! Have a great weekend! You touch our lives in ways that you do not even realize, Susan! Thank you, again! ~xoxo~

    • sbranch says:

      Making me cry Pamela, what a find, and a memory! That just makes my day! So happy for you!

    • Linda says:

      Pamela Jo, it sounds like you are the one that really won the give-away! What a marvelous blessing! Thanks for sharing it so I could get goose-bumps and a lump in my throat, too.

    • Nellie says:

      Pamela Jo, what an amazing find! How very special for you!

      • Pamela Jo says:

        Yes, I do feel very fortunate. I was the only grandchild of my Nana & Pop-Pop and lived right next door to them, so I was blessed to be so close to them in every way. Now I love right next door to my parents. Also a blessing as they grow older. You know, when I found the recipe box yesterday, one of my first thoughts was that I DID feel like I was the winner of Susan’s giveaway. It was because of Susan and this blog that I discovered my very own treasure. I also feel blessed to be a part of this wonderful group. This blog is such a positive place and has added much pleasure to my life! Thank you all for so many nice comments! ~xoxo~

      • Cheryl Colazas says:

        Pamela Jo,
        I was thinking about my Grandmas the whole time I read your post. Sooooo happy you found your Nana’s recipe box! Enjoy the memories as you make all those special dishes!

  4. Gert says:

    Good morning Sue! Congratulations go out to Patricia! What a lucky lady she is! I am still recovering from our flu shot…but was hoping to go to our Farmers Market today also! Am looking forward to your new Willard!

    Molasses cookies remind me of how my grandparents use to “always” make molasses popcorn balls to hand out on Halloween to all the neighborhood kids when they rang their doorbell! (another great memory…thank you!)

    xoxo Gert

  5. Ann Y. says:

    Congratulations to Patricia….and she is so right about you being an inspiration…this blog is such a nice treat in a busy, techy world…and even though it is “techy”, it’s like having a cuppa tea with a friend – you make us feel that way. I just made Pumpkin Bread ( with chocloate chips and pecans..and the house smells like heaven. Enjoy your fall day !

  6. Rosinda says:

    Good morning, Susan! Congratulations to the lucky winner, Patricia! Have a fun time at the Farmer’s Market and have a wonder-fall weekend! xoxo

  7. Lori says:

    So happy for Patricia – that little wooden box is full of blessings and love from all of us! Looks like a beautiful fall Saturday …

  8. Darlene says:

    Congratulations to Patricia!! She will love the recipe box!! I loved reading her and everyone’s wonderful stories and traditions and I loved sharing my special memories with all of you…..thank you Susan for making it all happen! I’m off to make your gingerbread cake recipe which is my daughter’s favorite!! It really is so good and leaves the sweetest scent of gingerbread deliousness throughout my home. Have a great day!

    • sbranch says:

      Sounds wonderful Darlene! You too!

    • Helene from Oregon says:

      Just read that Darlene was making the Gingerbread
      cake recipe. I have made it twice this week ! I have certain food allergies, so had to change it a little bit. I am allergic to sugar, eggs and dairy. I used whole wheat pastry flour, brown rice syrup (for the sugar) and flax meal mixed with warm water (for the eggs), and added lots of plump organic Thompson Raisins! It smells so delicious and is! My daughter asked me to make it for Christmas this year! And I will. So nice to find recipes that are delicious and make it smell and feel so warm and cozy in our homes!
      Thank you Susan, and Darlene for the reminder of this delicious recipe!

  9. Lorie says:

    Good Morning, Susan….Patricia you are one lucky girl. Her note was so on target. You’re blog is one in a kind. It’s like a breath of fresh air. You are a very generous soul, Susan. You have a very wonderful weekend and I like you are headed to the woods with my pups…if I can get this fat cat Baxter off my lap…lol…He loves the computer and grabing my mouse. Take care and everyone have a great day!!!! Lorie

  10. jeannine leonard says:

    Congradulations on the winner of the wooden box, it seem like it found a really nice home to live at. I love this blog also, makes the world a much friendlier place. Have to go too, girls are going to the corn maze/pumpkin patch with their girlscout troop this morning. It is so beautiful outside today, yea!

  11. Jocelyn says:

    Good Morning Susan! And congratulations to Patricia. I’m sure she is doing a happy dance right now. And Susan, do you know how much we have enjoyed your blog?? It’s sunshine in the morning, sugar in my tea, bows on my gifts, hugs from a child……. thanks so much for sharing your life with all of us 🙂

  12. Cindy Tuning says:

    Congratulations Patricia! I know you will cherish that recipe box not for what it what it’s made from or how cute it looks,but because of all the magical Susan and Girlfriend love that surrounds it.Sounds like we’re all off to the Farmers Market this morning…wish it was all at the same one so we could bump into each other!Bet you can’t wait to make your first dish. Hope you live somewhere that the leaves are falling and a little rain pellting the windows. Enjoy!!!

  13. Regina Keder says:

    Hi Susan, I have been a fan of yours since your first book came out and I collect recipe books from all my travels. But, I have a special collection of recipes. My college roommate’s mother, per my request, put all her favorite recipes on the index cards and sent them in a plastic black box. I covered the box with Susan Branch stickers and it looks great. But,I have been looking all over for a “special recipe box” to house all these handwritten recipes. It is one of my most treasured gifts from a very special woman who was so hospitable to a poor college student ( me 🙂 ) in the 70’s. We keep in touch via email. What a remarkable woman she is – canning peaches, tomatoes – and with a zest for life that is an inspiration.

  14. Treese says:

    Boy, I look at these recipes and I wonder if I will ever get past making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! I can barely boil water. I was raised by my grandfather (the most honorable person I have ever known) on a cattle ranch here in Colorado. He could make beans, potatoes and roast beef; I cannot. He taught me to ride, rope and shoot a gun. These are a must for ranch life and I am good at them. I went to Harvard for my education, but ate in the cafeteria-no cooking lessons there; then on Europe for a few years where my good friends always invited me for meals they prepared. I guess I should have learned at some point to cook. I always knew I would come home to the ranch. I live on the Front Range of the Colorado Rockies 30 miles to town-a very small town so I don’t think there are any cooking schools there! LOL! Maybe, some day I will try to learn to cook. I can throw a few ingredients into a Crockpot in the winter when it is 20 below zero and I make a wicked hot chocolate. All my friends that I have met over the years have been good cooks both men and women-maybe it is a survival instinct. LOL! God Bless the wonderful cooks in the world.
    Treese/ Colorado Cowgirl

  15. joan says:

    Lucky, lucky Patricia!

    I hope you have a wonderful day! =) As much as we would all love your quilts and dishes, please save some for you and girl kitty (and Joe).

  16. Lynnette says:

    Congratulations to Patricia! She’s going to treasure the recipe box.
    Susan, just wanted you to know that a few evenings ago I had dinner with 8 of my dear friends (for over 30 years) and we did the “Who would you be if you could be anyone?” game! They chose film stars, presidents wives, etc. When I said “Susan Branch” they had a blank stare (sorry to say), but soon I had gathered up my collection of 10 Susan Branch books to show them and they were amazed. I think you now have 8 new fans. They were very impressed that your books were handwritten. Thanks for your fun website, inspiring blog, beautiful shop, and enthusiastic outlook on life! You’ve been a blessing to me!

    • sbranch says:

      You are such a doll! I can just imagine their faces when you said that… too funny! And thank you . . . such a nice compliment!

  17. Maureen says:

    I must say that my husband and I recently made the Molasses cookie recipe you have in your Autumn Book. Quite good and they were enjoyed by many others especially my young nieces and nephews who wanted to eat only those for lunch. Love your books and the recipes.

  18. Carol Lichwala (gramz) says:

    Good Morning Susan,
    Congratulations to Patricia!! She is one happy camper today. I have most of my recipes in your recipe box. I tried to find a picture of it on line somewhere to post to FOSB and couldn’t find it. If you have a minute, could you post a photo of your recipe box on FOSB? It’s a great size and holds so many of my precious recipes.
    Have fun at the farmer’s market. I am off tag sailing today. Always looking for kitchen items.
    Have a wonderful weekend. So glad you and Joe are back home.

  19. Carlie says:

    Susan you are truly a blessing. Thank you for all the fun and inspiration you send our way.

    Congratulations Patricia – we’re all feeling your joy!

  20. Miss holly says:

    I’m so so happy for Patricia! What fun she is going to have! All I have to do when I need inspiration is prop up one of your books on the counter and I’m off!!! This world of blog is really life changing in such a wonderful way…thanks so for adding an amazing new chapter….and about those cookies….hmmm I am seeing them in my kitchen today! Mmmmmm…….

  21. Lisa R says:

    Congratulations to Patricia!! And, congratulations to all of us. We are all winners! I know I am always blessed by you, Susan, and all the ladies who come here. Reading all about their lovely lives, families, and traditions, inspires me, giving me ideas for new traditions, new recipes, and fun new ways to enjoy life! You give us a gift every day with your beautiful blog. Thank you, Susan. Have a wonderful day!

  22. Francine says:

    Congrats to Patricia! Feeling the excitment…even if for only a fleeting moment, that I may win a prize from Susan, is almost as much fun as really winning!

  23. What a sweet post today Susan! and congratulations to Patricia! And I wonder is her last name really pronounced winner? If it is how perfect! Loved her comment! The recipe box found a perfect home to go to!
    Susan I can’t wait to try your molasses cookies recipe! This is such a fun blog home, you make each day perfect and exciting! One of the things that was left to me along with her wonderful scrapbook, was my mothers handwritten recipes, and her friends and sisters recipes. I was ten when she died of cancer in 1955, so I really treasure the things I do have of her’s.
    Keep up the wonderful blog Susan, we love you!

  24. Karen P says:

    How wonderful for you, Patricia! I know how much you will treasure this recipe box. I can only imagine your excitement when the package arrives at your door!

    AND, I know what you mean about Susan’s inspiration. I, too, have a cupboard full of red lidded jars filled with goodies….in fact, it’s become an obsession and empty red lidded jars are spilling over to my countertop waiting to be filled with something (talk about “loaves and fishes,” Susan!) I was thinking the other day how many wonderful little things I’ve added to my life since finding this blog!….garlands of fresh, beautifully-colored fall leaves, pinecones, and acorns hanging in my windows….red lidded jars….Touchdown Chili with cornbread….the BEST Zuchinni bread ever…freshly oiled wooden spoons and cutting boards! On and on. Thank you, again, Susan for your blog. It’s obvious that you spend much more time than the average person “attending” to all your “fans!” We all love you!!! xoxo….kp

    • sbranch says:

      You know the red hat ladies? I wonder if they’d get mad if we were the red lid ladies? 🙂 Thank you so much Karen! That sounds lovely!

    • Pat Mofjeld says:

      Karen, I have a question for you: Did you happen onto all of those red lids or did you paint them with something like Rustoleum? I’ve thought about doing that but wondered if it was “food-friendly”…? Thanks! 🙂

  25. Karen P says:

    Thanks, too, for putting the Molasses Cookie recipe here, too! Been meaning to make those…this is a little extra nudge.

  26. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Congrats to Pat! Her thoughts were sweet and heartfelt and I can just picture the wooden box in her special place even though I don’t know her.
    The kindred spirits here make difficult days bearable and joyful days over the top. Thanks for that bonus to your blog.

    • sbranch says:

      Thanks to everyone who makes it happen . . . in maybe three years, I bet we all know each other pretty well! 🙂

  27. Doreen Strain says:

    CONGRATULATIONS PATRICIA!!!!! Good for you “girlfriend”! Enjoy having it and the memory of how you won it through this blog. Now….Miss Susan….I think you should look into hiring a bus to take some of us along with you to the halfway house. Nevermind being overly enthusiastic…….I’m ADDICTED!!!! LOL !!!! I’m just loving it, as I’m sure all the other “girlfriends” are. It’s not just a blog Susan…it’s a place to come and share things we love together. Some “girlfriends” don’t have those friends around them to do it with. Yes, I have plenty of friends but none of them understand the “kindered spirit” like these “girlfriends” do. And you my friend are the one that awakens that kindered spirit in us. I bet there are so many of the “girlfriends” here that didn’t even know the “spirit” was in their inner being until you came…blogging along so to say. Once they started reading…their kindered spirit sang out in joy and now they are making connections with so many other “girlfriends” that share the same loves in life that we do! God puts us all in each others lives for a reason. We may never know why but it’s wonderful even if it’s only to make each other smile. Love ya “girlfriend”! <3 😉 BTW….from the looks of things….we may need a double decker bus to take us all to the halfway house…the membership list is getting longer and longer as the days pass. That's a good thing! 😉 FOSB 4~Ever!
    ~ Doreen ~ xoxoxo!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Doreen, I just love you being here! Such a contribution! Thank you!

      • Karen P says:

        Me, too! Love you, Doreen! You ARE my kindred spirit! xoxo…kp

      • Doreen Strain says:

        The pleasure is mine! I don’t think I’m saying anything any of the other “girlfriends” wouldn’t say… Right “girlfriends”? <3 XO!

        • Nina says:

          I agree with all the above Doreen! You do always say what we want to say but you say it so elequantly. (I don’t think I can even spell the word! He he xx)

        • Cathy in Golden, CO says:

          Doreen, I couldn’t have said it better! You’ve said everything that’s been in my heart – that’s for sure!

        • Barbara Whitebread says:

          I love love love my FOSB girlfriends and agree with you TOTALLY Doreen! Susan is our angel and kindred spirit! One big happy family of kindred spirits! 🙂 ~ FOSB forever~

  28. Oh! Great Excitement and Interest from wild, wet, windy, wonderful, west Wales today! First, I missed all the fun and the giveaway because I was away celebrating my birthday; second, Congratulations to Patricia! how splendid a prize, you lucky lady; third, I’ve never seen a recipe box before, so this is a new concept to me. However . . as of my birthday, yesterday, I have my very first recipe on a card (at my age . . I know, and I’m not telling, but by now I should have many a recipe box full to overflowing {giggles}) which came along with the most magnificent birthday gift of four cans of Libby’s Solid Pack Pumkin and a bag of Black Walnuts. The recipe is for my dear friend’s own Black Walnut Cake . . can’t wait to bake it . . so I have the start of my own recipe box, late in life but as they say “Better Late Than Never” . . .
    I’ve just loved reading your previous blog and would like to ask if you know of the Welsh tradition of Love Spoons . . hand carved wooden spoons that were given as tokens of love and betrothal by the beau to his gal . . so I just adore your ‘Sue’ spoon (my lovely Dad was a carpenter) I do so love your blog, Susan, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this little place like Heaven!

    • sbranch says:

      “Wild, windy, wet, and wonderful west Wales,” gives me a thrill every time you write! Happy Birthday! So now you have to be the first on your block to make someone a recipe box! We have a whole new country to decorate! The cake sounds delicious! I don’t know about the Love Spoons, but I have a carved spoon, rather intricately carved with grapes and leaves, very pretty, old wood, maybe I, could it be, I wonder if I have one??? If I thought it was a “Love Spoon” I could love it even more! 9 3/4″ long and hangs in my kitchen. Thank you for being here, Deborah!

  29. Tina in Ky says:

    Congratulations Patricia!!!! 😀

  30. Jack says:

    Sue…. Brad&Maggie are coming today and I’m gonna make Gma’s. molasses cookies to surprise them…”.. Dad sent by I-Pad.

  31. Rachel says:

    Congratulations Patricia- you lucky girl 😉
    Susan- ooh these look like lovely cookies! I had to pin this recipe to Pinterest- have you tried Pinterest yet? I think you’d like it 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t made time for it yet, but when I look at it, of course I find it intriguing, all those wonderful photos!

  32. Maybe later today I will be over my disappointment for not winning this and will therefore not harbor any ill will toward the lucky and deserving Patricia. I am reading LMA’s “Little Women” AGAIN (at 52 years of age, no less! I keep thinking that soon I’ll want to read Voltaire’s “Candide” or H.G. Wells’ “Food of the Gods” for the first time, instead of re-reading books found in the children’s section of the library. But I digress…) and I really am endeavoring to be good. Later. Today…

    • sbranch says:

      Making sense to me Karen!

      • Charlene Hisayasu says:

        Karen…you are not alone! I have re-read my childhood favorite many, many times! “Gone Away Lake” and “Return to Gone Away Lake” by Elizabeth Enright. And I’m 62! Each child in my family has received a copy. 🙂

        • Cathy in Golden, CO says:

          Ooh thanks Charlene – I think I would like to get those books as well!

          • Charlene Hisayasu says:

            Cathy…I find them to be ABSOLUTELY delightful! Enright has won various children literature awards. 🙂 I hope you enjoy them!

        • Charlene! Thank you! I will discover & read those next as I have not heard of them before. I’ll not bother with Voltaire…

          • Christie Ray says:

            I read little women when I was 17.. Related to Jo…..marmi seemed soooo very old. Until I read it again at 40…and marmi didn’t seem quite so old anymore…;)) now that I’m fast approaching 50, I have embraced all those classics I failed to read growing up.. Anne of Green Gables, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, the Little Colonel Series….it’s nice to look back to sweeter, more innocent times. Do not ever be embarrassed to enjoy all kinds of literature…keeps us young;))

          • Christie, Then it is ok for me to read Nancy Drew? I’ll have to put a cover on it and do it on the sly…I know! I’ll use the cover of an adult book – how about that? Nah. Somebody sees me reading a book supposedly by Kierkegaard will immediately know I’m up to something.

        • Charlene, I just found both (audio)books unabridged in iTunes and purchased them. I am really looking forward to reading them by ear this week. You see, I have a dear friend who is sick (understatement) & in hospice an hour and a half drive’s away from me. I am driving to help her 5 days a week plus until she goes (I can barely write that…heartbreaking) and have run out of books to listen to as I drive. I am really looking forward to tomorrow’s drive now. Thank you! Really -thank you.

      • Susan – May I print out the photo of your handwritten sweet potato casserole recipe that Patricia got in her wonderful wooden treasure box to put it in my own box? (my box is vintage red plaid tin) I must ask because I see you growling at me off to the right side of this as I write. You can say “No”. I’ll still love you and Patricia…

        • sbranch says:

          No growling :-), you can do that! (The only thing that sparks a growl is when people publish my work on their own website without credit or if they use it to sell). For your own use, or for your mom’s box, it’s just fine. Thanks for asking Karen!

  33. Carilyn Wolski says:

    I couldn’t wait to come in from my morning walk to peak and see who won the precious recipe box. I’m so happy for you Patricia!!!! Susan, I can see your “angel wings” fluttering from all of the generosity and kindness you give through your very special blog. I can’t wait to try your Molasses cookie recipe this weekend, it sounds like a soft/chewy cookie. (My recipe tends to come out too crispy……so I’m anxious to try yours.) We had our first frost this morning, there was a thin glaze of ice on the birdbath, so I cut the last red rose buds to dry into little bouquets for Christmas gifts, and a big bunch of lavendar to made mini- wreathes for giving, too. I just love Autumn and the cozy/happy feeling of the year!!! Take care and keep well.

  34. Gloria Dyer says:

    Doreen you have read my mind, and I feel the same way about Susan’s blog. I love being part of a cyber girls club that always has an open door and an open heart. Please save me a place on the bus.

  35. Virginia says:

    I’m very happy for Patricia and am looking forward to reading her response to winning. I love how the quilt and recipe box contests have connected us all with such heartfelt stories of family and traditions. As someone who grew up in a fractured home, and who is rather quiet and a bit of a loner, I gain so much from this little corner of the blog-o-sphere. So thank you Susan for this lovely haven of all things I love, and thanks to all you kindred spirits out there in “Branch land”.

    I’m off to the Farmer’s Market, then home to frost Halloween gingerbread cookies, some of which I will send to my daughter in SoCal. And I think I may go looking for an orphaned recipe box at our local antiques barn as well.

  36. Barbara (WA) says:

    So fun! I make myself slowly scroll down the page and really read everything so the excitement builds until the winner’s name appears! No cheating by quickly checking the name first! Patricia will find all of us within that recipe box, smiling at her :o)

  37. Carla says:

    YaY a posting today ! Have a fabulous fall day, the farmer’s markets are especially sublime this time of year. Cannot wait for that new book in the future~

    Much Love,

  38. Michelle A says:

    Congratulations Patricia! You are one lucky girlfriend. I can just imagine how excited she will be when she opens that box. I love your description of what will happen when she opens its, that would be so much fun to see. I cant wait to try the molasses cookies, they sound yummy!

  39. Andrea says:

    Yay Patricia! I’m sure your recipe box filled with love has gone to the perfect home. These drawings are so exciting!

    Ms. Branch, I LOVE your blog! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I have been a fan since receiving Heart of the Home, Vineyard Seasons, and Christmas from the Heart of the Home as gifts in 1994. Your sweet books (I have enough books of yours that they have their own box) have endured 5 moves so far and they are the last thing I pack and first thing I unwrap when I get to my new home. I am so honored to be a part of this lovely community of truly devoted “girlfriends”. Only you could have brought us together and I am so glad.

    Shine on, girlfriend. : )

  40. Marissa says:

    Congratulations Patricia! It would be neat seeing a photo of the box in it’s new home in Patricia’s kitchen! 😉
    Thanks Susan, this has been fun! Have a wonderful weekend!

  41. Marissa says:

    Thanks for sharing your Molasses Cookie recipe! Yum!

  42. zinnia patch says:

    yeah Patricia!!!!!! happy for you…. know you will love it!!!! and hello susan, you had me falling off my chair laughing about the halfway house…..oh if you go i’m there with you….lol and i had a little idea……what if all of us ( susan’s people) send a favorite recipe to Patricia! don’t know if that’s possible but just thought it would be alot of fun….but then she would probably need another box!!!! lol
    have a happy day…

    • sbranch says:

      I think you’re right. . . that’s a lot of recipes!! 🙂 In spirit, we’ll send them in spirit! xoxo

  43. Linda says:

    Congratulations to Patricia. I’m thinking that the recipe box is really just going home.

    Now my mission is to find one of my own. The hunt is on.

    Hope you have a terrific time at the farmer’s market, Susan. What a great fall thing to do!

  44. Nina says:

    Congratulations to Patricia! I’m sure the recipie box will be very happy in its new home! I loved the comments she made. O and Susan I would open my home up as a halfway house in England for you and all the girlfriends to come! (May have to do it in shifts though, there are a few off us! lol) xxxx

  45. Kate garfield says:

    Hooray for Patricia the winner of the recipe box! I’m sure this will make her day.
    Thank you Susan, for your generosity and such interesting posts.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  46. Jacqui G says:

    Happy for Patricia…sad for me. What a lucky lady she is- I know she’ll enjoy it! Weather is beautiful in Florida today- much, much cooler so today I rounded up my college-age daughter and headed out to the Farmer’s Market to buy a big pumpkin. It’s now sitting in the centerpiece place of honor on my big kitchen table. Ashamed to admit it’s been a couple of years since we actually went out and bought one, but your blog has given me some much-needed Fall inspiration which is non-existent here in the tropics. Thank you! You, Joe & Kitty have yourselves a wonderful weekend and enjoy your beautiful Fall house and home. XOXO Jacqui

    • sbranch says:

      Something changed this weekend here too, nip in the air, got us all going in the same direction! Thanks Jacqui!

  47. Hi Susan,

    Everyone’s such a good sport on here with their congratulations to Patricia… Well, not me! I think it was rigged! I KNEW it would be a “girlfriend” who won! but what about this “boyfriend” (admittedly a troublesome label as it seems fraught with meanings not associated with “girlfriend”, but what to do?). The fact that the odds are stacked against me by about 1000:1 does ease the pain just a bit. I am determined to win one of your drawings one day… even if I have to flood your next contest with holiday memories!

    OK, OK… congratulations, Patricia… I mean it. To be honest, this is just about the best blog I’ve ever read (I have to say “just about” because I want people to read my blog, too!). It feels more like a family and a real connection with people. With most of the blogs that I’ve followed, the articles are great, but sometimes it seems like the writer is writing for their own gratification (not totally a bad thing) and the comments are sort of “sucked up”. There is no give and take. Not the case, here. With this blog it’s like sitting down with friends over a cup of tea.

    Take care and enjoy the Farmer’s Market!


    • sbranch says:

      Such a nice compliment Jake….I hope you win someday too! What we need are more giveaways! 🙂

      • Doreen Strain says:

        Jake, I am soooooo sorry! I’m so guilty of saying “girlfriends” all the time. From now I will say all the “girlfriends” and Jake! How’s that? And just for the record…..I have been to your blog and think it’s very nice. I enjoyed the Burl Ives “Have A Holly Jolly Christmas” music. I don’t want you to feel left out and I’m looking forward to including you personally from now on! FOSB 4~Ever! ~Doreen~

  48. Doreen Strain says:

    Me again Sue…I don’t me to monopolize the blog…but I do have to tell you that after I made my last comment to your comment to me, (if you can keep that straight) I went out to the kitchen to make myself some lunch. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I really don’t think you can grasp or shall I use the word comprehend how much you have done in the lives of some of us who don’t even know each other. I for one, just had a converstation on Facebook this morning with one of the “Girlfriends” who said ” I was having so much fun on Susan’s blog, but since you have befriended me I’m so enjoying it so much more. It’s making the whole experience so much more real to me.”. Susan, I’m telling you I have been having some wonderful conversations on FB with some of these wonderful, beautiful women. They are just adding so much more joy to this entire experience. I think because you are not seeing those converstations going on, you might not know that we are truly making friends with eachother. I currently have over 30 of the women from here as FB friends. We share all kinds of things. Some of them I talk to in the middle of the night when neither of us can sleep. I’ve shared the loss of my favorite tea pot on the FOSB FB page and so many of the ladies had such nice things to say and I even had one of them ask me for a picture of it so she could look for one just like it for me. These ladies understand…we connect at a deeper level. Here, is where we all call home. This is the place to come and find out what is going on…then we can all share further if we want too. You are doing such a wonderful job in what God has planned for you. I’m sure you are used to hearing it from our posts here…but I want you to sit down…have a cup of hot tea…and really (and I mean really) think about what a wonderful thing you have here with all of us as your “girlfriends” and how much we really appreciate the part of our hearts you have truly touched. Take out a few tissues when you sit with your tea because it’s going to hit you hard when you realize how big and important this blog really is. I’m a professional Susan. I’m a cardiovascular registered nurse. I work with peoples hearts all the time. God has blessed me by giving me the ability to understand the hearts of other better than some people do. Someone coming here for the first few times might not understand what I’m saying. I’m also blessed with being able to understand the wonderful experience you must be going through just knowing you…yes you Susan are creating such a wonderful gift here for all of us. Yes, we add to it…but it’s all because of you!!! BE PROUD! Allow your heart to enjoy the glory of it all and remember to take the time every once in a while and really contemplate how big this expereince really is! BTW… to all of my “Girlfriends” out there…you are making such a nice home in my heart. I hope I do the same for yours. I encourage all the “girlfriends” out there to reach out to each other if someone special seems to call out for your friendship…go for it …it’s not going to happen unless you make it happen! The opportunity is being placed there right in front of you by Susan so don’t let it pass you by. 😉 FOSB 4~Ever! ~ Doreen ~

    • sbranch says:

      For the last twenty years I’ve received letters from amazing people, mostly women, a few wonderful men; of all ages, from eight to ninty-eight — beautiful letters that have touched my heart, made cry and made me laugh. I’ve saved them, have written back to many of them, but have wished forever for a way these people could meet each other, because they deserve to know how great the world actually is. That’s why I love it here. I’m definitely proud. Thanks again Doreen. And thanks for what YOU do! Heartbreak healer.

    • Nina says:

      Doreen you are again sooo right! I met a lady through FOSB and we keep in touch via email. Earlier in the year I went into hospital for a minor op to correct carpel tunnel. This lady asked for my address and I thought at the most she may have wanted to send a card or letter. Instead she sent me the most beautiful quilted Spring table runner she had made herself out of Susans fabric! I was sooo touched by this lady doing this I had never met her face to face! It truely made my day! Yes Susan “Your people” are the best! xxxx

  49. Jeanne Hedin says:

    Congratulations Patricia! Happy for you and happy that this little recipe box full of smiles will nestle into its new home soon. And thank you for another delightful blog, Susan.

  50. Nellie says:

    Sending Patricia sincere congratulations, although just a tad envious.:-)
    What a find for Pamela Jo!
    Molasses cookies are one of the memories of fall around here. When my husband is in the right frame of mind, he will even get in the kitchen to make some of those!:-)
    We have a beautiful fall day here in East Tennessee, some frost about this morning, with temperatures below 40 degrees. Now returned from a UMW meeting which was hosted by my church, I am ready to bake chocolate chip cookies for the youth. Perhaps we will “snitch” one or two.:-)
    Hope you found some good things at the Farmer’s Market. xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      It was just gorgeous out there, we did it all, pumpkins, donuts, coffee, nursery, a good meandering sort of day! Like you!

      • Nellie says:

        Last fall, on our trip to Martha’s Vineyard, it took LOTS of willpower not to yield to the doughnut temptation. We saw some that looked absolutely wonderful! They are SO good with hot cider.:-)

        • sbranch says:

          Yes, we yielded yesterday and split a crunchy buttermilk cruller (which we call dough-dough’s with so much love in our hearts :-))

  51. Janie Phillips says:

    Congratulations, Patricia! I feel like we’re all sharing in your joy. These giveaways are so much fun, you don’t have to win to love them.

    Sue, I scrolled through the comments and was delighted to see that your dad left you a comment from his iPad. I think of him sometimes and wonder how he’s getting along with it.

    A few months ago I got your red and white checked kitchen set with the recipe keeper and recipe card box, and I’ve been putting all my recipes in it. I know a lot of us are doing that, and one day they will be treasured heirlooms, too ♥♥♥

    • sbranch says:

      I hope so Janie, but a long time from now! Thank you! My dad is doing really well with his iPad — just as I knew he would! 🙂

  52. Ann says:

    Congratulations Patricia! You will now have a little bit of Susan in your kitchen.

  53. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Congratulations to Patricia! Reading all of the comments has been really enjoyable and inspiring to me, too! Thanks for having this blog, Susan, because I really enjoy reading your writing and looking at the pictures and videos that you post as well as reading the comments other “girlfriends” write in…

  54. ArlineLA says:

    Congrats, Patricia!
    And THAT is what we need. A group trip to England! Tea shoppes cottages, gardens, and maybe even a walk across Abbey Road. I’ll start saving now. ArlineLA

  55. Martha Ellen says:

    Hello Susan and all my girlfriends! Congrats to Patricia! I know she is going to love that recipe box–so special from you Susan! You mean so much to all of us here —hope you know that by now.
    It’s a beautiful day here in VA.–we’ve done our first raking of the leaves this morning—we do it every weekend until they are all cleaned up. They are just beginning to fall so there are plenty to make piles for the grandchildren to frolic in. Have a great weekend! xoxo♥

  56. Charlene Hisayasu says:

    Thank you for another opportunity to share “Heart of the Home” JOY with kindred spirits! Patricia is the perfect winner! I loved reading her entry! And I enjoyed reading everyone’s generous spirit and heartfelt congratulations. That recipe box is going to have one Homecoming when it arrives at Patricia’s door! 🙂
    Susan…had to tell you that though I missed purchasing your Autumn book @ Remnants (sold out soooo fast!) I found one at a Barnes & Noble nearby!!! Just missing your autograph…but that could happen in another future book signing! 🙂
    Have a wonderful weekend! Blessings…

  57. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations to Patricia! A recipe box + recipes is a perfect give-away for this time of year. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m all revved up to do some serious baking! 🙂

    Thank you, Susan for doing such a great give-away!

    I hope you are having a wonderful day at the Farmers Market.

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  58. Lee Ann G. says:

    I cannot believe I missed leaving a comment to win yet another one of your giveaways again! I’ve been too busy this week and not able to visit with you Susan until today. I’m catching up. Couldn’t stay away to long though. I enjoy coming here to visit your blog so much. You always inspire me in so many ways! I always leave here feeling happier.. Thank Y♥U

    So congratulations to Patricia!

    ♥Lee Ann

  59. Mary S. says:

    “Soon I will have to enroll in a halfway house for overly enthusiastic bloggers. There must be one. Hope it’s in England!” – ROTFL!!!!!!!!! 😀

  60. Cyndi Harp says:

    Congrats Patricia! Maybe after you go through the box Susan would let you post a yummy recipe you found. I know I would love that. Always looking for a wonderful new recipe. Again congrats.

  61. Patricia says:

    *smile* I just popped onto the website and saw “Congratulations Patricia”…my heart skipped a beat….til I saw it was NOT Patricia Heaton (me) but another Patricia…..oh well- I’m very sure she’ll enjoy it!

  62. Heartsdesire says:

    Thanks for the wonderful molasses cookie recipe, Susan. My mom used to make them all the time and I’d forgotten all about them. She was from the Maritimes (Nova Scotia) and molasses was always on the table ready to spread on buttered slices of warm homemade bread. You always seem able to pick out the things that bring back the best memories. Congratulations to Patricia. It would seem that your recipe box has found the perfect home.

  63. Peggy Cooper says:

    Oh Susan, you’ve done it again. I just got a new oven this week that does everything but wash dishes, and I’ve been thinking I wanted to try making molasses cookies, and here you come with the recipe. I think I have it in your Autumn book, but sometimes I need a reminder of what I wanted to do (lack of focus sometimes). When I was a little girl, we’d always visit grandma and grandpa in New Hampshire for two weeks in summer, and their neighbor who we called Aunt Charlotte always made molasses cookies for our visit. As you know, New England invokes nostalgia in anyone who visits, so I can almost smell them now, and plan on baking tomorrow. They just invoke comfort, and are like fall in a little piece of culinary heaven.

  64. Patricia Weher says:

    OH MY GOSH!!!!! I am so excited I’m about to burst!!! Thank you thank you thank you Susan! Girlfriends, I promise to take very good care of it in honor of all of you. Susan is such a precious inspiration to us all, and I absolutely love how she brings us all together. I am in Dallas helping with my grandbabies right now but I will be home on Thursday and I cannot wait to give my recipe box a big hug!!! Love to you all – this is such a happy moment of excitement!!!! Love to you all, Patricia
    PS – I am now going to make my 4yr old granddaughter, Anna Claire, some Molasses cookies!

  65. Patricia Wehner says:

    I just realized that I am so excited I left the N out of my last name!! My last name is Wehner, not Weher!! I’ve got to calm down and come back to earth!

    • sbranch says:

      OH, Good Patricia, so happy to see you, and Congratulations!!!! Everyone will be happy to see you here! I tried to email you, but my email kept coming back as undeliverable. Could you please email me at [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/? Then I can get your address and send your box to you! So happy for you!

  66. Judy says:

    Congratulations to Patricia. What fun it will be to look through that box and enjoy the recipes. My daughter and I just got back from driving the Oregon Fruit Loop where we tasted over 40 different varieties of apples many of them heirloom varieties. Now it’s pie baking time with a couple varieties we purchased. We also stopped at a lavendar farm where we tried shortbread cookies baked with lavendar in them. I had to have some of that so will be making those sometime soon also. I enjoyed the drive through the Columbia River Gorge to get to and from there. The fall colors were amazing mixed in with the evergreen trees , rock cliffs and waterfalls, so beautiful!

  67. Carol C says:

    Congrats to Patricia! What fun to go through those recipes! I have 4 of your recipe binders. Every time I see a new on in the bookstore I buy it. One binder is all desserts, one is good dinner party recipes, one is tea party ideas and the fourth is still waiting.

    I just heading into the kitchen to make cookies for my friends at the nursing home when the molasses cookie recipe came up and I have all the ingredients!! Each has her favorite so I usually make gingersnaps and oatmeal raisin for them. Tomorrow they’ll get a surprise!

  68. Mary Ann says:

    Congratulations to Patricia, a little recipe box envy though! I have been reading the comments and so enjoy the community you’ve been building her Susan. I am also anxiously awaiting my Autumn book and a few goodies I got for my friendship group grab bag next month. I may even cheat and grab my own bag!

  69. Patty says:

    Look what you do Susan! Bring people into our lives that touch our hearts and make us smile. They even bring memories back again of moments we have had with loved ones.

  70. donna marie says:

    Yay Patrica! Happy Day for you!

    Hey SB! Sounds like you had a wonderful day at the farmers market! My little boys and I went to “The Great Jack O’ Lantern Campfire” tonight! It was amazing! There were at least 50 carved jack o’lanterns on posts all around the campfire!! We spread out our well worn yellow quilt. Sat down to a feast of caramel corn, hot apple cider, and roasted marshmallows. While we were enjoying our snacks…we got to listen to pirate ghost stories told by “real life pirates” as my 4 year old Tristan called them!! There was a scavenger hunt and fortune telling! On the way home I looked in my rear view mirror at the happy little faces smeared with soot and marshmallow goo. I breathed in the scent of woodsmoke and caramel corn. I couldn’t help but tear up a little. Happiness just does that to a girl every now and then!!
    Thanks for all you do! Love ya, donna marie

    • sbranch says:

      That was wonderful!! Pirate stories, pumpkins and a campfire . . . and your children, I would tear up too! Thanks for sharing that sweet story!!

  71. Gumbo Lily says:

    Hooray for Patricia! She is a loveable darling, isn’t she?
    Just had to comment about the Jeopardy *thinking music*. At home, when playing cards, someone is always slow to play and that’s when we start to hum the Jeopardy “time’s up” song! I just had to giggle when I clicked it up.


  72. Sharon says:

    Susan – your blog is indeed inspiring and you often touch hearts in a very special way. Was recently reading a post Camille Roskelley made about people making rude & sometimes hateful comments about other peoples blog posts. Do you get such rudeness on your blog at times? I felt so sorry for her that someone would criticize her for posting about her life, her family and her daily doings. What a shame. Anyway, keep up your truly fun blog. Loved reading about your train trip. Thanks again and have a great Sunday.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m definitely knocking on wood, but in all my time doing this (not just the blog, but the letters I’ve received over the last 25 years), I’ve never gotten anything but positive comments from wonderful people. I hope it never changes, but I do see things on youtube for instance, where people ask that the comments “be nice” — so I know it can be an issue. I always thought that blogs are supposed to be on-line diaries . . . which seems to me like talking about your daily doings! I agree, what a shame.

  73. Pom Pom says:

    Hi Susan!
    So, we flew into Boston yesterday afternoon and our pilot was NOT giving any kind of “there’s this and there’s that” so I looked down and saw that long skinny hunk of land and thought, “Is THAT Cape Cod? Where’s Martha’s Vineyard?” Today, when we fly to Maine, I’m gonna ask the flight attendant to give me some points!
    East coast air smells and feels good!

    • sbranch says:

      Wonderful! Yes, pilots need to be more like tour guides! 🙂 It was a perfect fall day yesterday and it looks like another one today! Enjoy!

  74. Congratulations Patricia…..enjoy your treasure and put special recipes inside so you can give it to someone special someday! Susan, since you put this wooden recipe box on your blog I noticed that my Mother in Law had one up on a cabinet in her kitchen. It was full of old recipes that will be given to my daughter someday. We cared for my husband’s Mother for several years while she was suffering from Alzheimer’s and she passed in June with her dignity in tact which gave all of us comfort. Thanks for everything that you do to help make our lives a litter brighter.

    • sbranch says:

      Sorry to hear about your husband’s mom, must have been a very hard time for you all. Love that you found her recipe box! You care for her in more ways than one! xoxo

  75. Doreen Strain says:

    Morning Sue,
    Do you know if you are going to be getting any more of your “Home Sweet Home” Christmas cards in? I just went over to “Shopping” and found out you are all “sold out”….that’s what I get for waiting. I wanted them several weeks ago but didn’t move on the thought and now…well….you know how the rest of the story goes! LOL! I need to work on that next year…making myself move on things when I think about them…not writing it down and then getting to it when I think about it again. I need to do it right then and there. I always have to do things right at the moment at work, so at home I slack a little. I have to stop doing that because I miss out when I do. Just thought I’d ask. I don’t want to go buy others if I know I can get those if more are going to be coming in. Thanks!
    The weather has really been beautiful down here in FL with cool fall feeling days. I’m just lovin it! Oh, I forgot to tell ya….I made your Garlic Herb Popcorn from your “Vineyard Seasons” book and yummmmmmmmy! The problem was…I made it at 11:00 at night and hubby was already in bed. The smell woke him up and he was out here eating it until 1:30 am. Boy…it was good! This morning the house still smells like popcorn…hahahaha! Have a great Sunday! FOSB 4~Ever! ~Doreen~

    • sbranch says:

      Sounds good Doreen! I’m checking on those cards, because I wanted to include them in a surprise I have coming next Tuesday . . . so check back on Monday when the girls get in — I thought we got a bunch of them!

      • Doreen Strain says:

        Thanks…will do! I’ll also keep my eyes peeled here on Tuesday !!!!!! I just loooovvvveeee surprises! XO ~ Doreen ~

  76. Terry Lummer says:

    Congratulations to Patricia! I agree with Patricia wholeheartedly, Susan you are an inspiration! You are listed more than once in my gratitude journal. Thank you for doing the work you do. Thank you for your blog. Your blog is a sigh of peace and love.

  77. Deborah says:

    Congratulations to Patricia!!! Your post was delightful, thanks to you and Susan for sharing with us! I bet you will LOVE that recipe box!
    …Adorable clock and words from Alice at the top of this post, Susan,…Love it! Enjoy your autumnal day..October is fleeing way to fast……..

  78. Virginia says:

    Yay again to Patricia! I hope she’ll take a picture for us all to see when her recipe box finds it’s place in her home.

    I’m in Domesticity City today having just reconditioned all 7 of my wooden cutting boards and about 20 wood and bamboo spoons and forks. Boy, were they dried out and really soaked up the mineral oil (sort of well deserved spa treatment)! That led to my reseasoning all the cast iron. At this rate, I may never get out of the kitchen today! Not that that’s a bad thing, of course… But the weather is beautiful and my bike wants to go for a ride. She’s the boss and I do listen to her.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

  79. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Congratulations Patricia and you blogged beautifully! And you blogged beautifully too Sue, because I can picture all the hearts, all different sizes, pinks to reds, flowing out of the old wooden recipe box when she opens it! ♥, ♥, ♥ all the other wonderful comments, too. These blogs are in my heart and soul for hours after I read them! Please keep them coming though, because I’m not really sure how long each one lasts, I haven’t timed them & I don’t want to run out! Hugs!

  80. Kirsten Wichert says:

    I add my warm congrats to Patricia! That’s what I say to myself and everyone else, too, as I am chasing Queen Envy out of my house! I don’t want to be an old ugly queen when I can be a kind princess….It’s still a work in progress. Although, the older I get, the easier it becomes. It really shouldn’t be so hard now!
    I really agree with Joan L. about this blog. I’m not sure how long the high feelings last after reading it because Susan never keeps us waiting long. Susan, if you could bottle this stuff you’d be a billionaire for sure! I have to admit that I never used to go on my pc everyday until this blog appeared. Although I do visit the shopping part of the web site often. Thanks, Sue , for giving us you!

  81. Christie Ray says:

    Okay, dear Susan…I did some preparations this time, in case I didn’t win…and I searched on Ebay for a recipe box like the one I received back in 1980 at my bridal shower (it was discarded at some point…divorce wreaks such havoc anyway..I still had some of the recipes that were handwritten on those little 3 x 5 cards with apples and spices…some from my children’s great aunt, some from their grandmother and aunt..and your post got me thinking. Out of the hundreds of vintage recipe boxes up for auction, I found one! It’s the kind that had the letters carved out to spell r e c i p e. It even had the thin paper dividers inside and the brackets on the back to hang on the wall. When I opened that package yesterday…30 years rolled back…whew…some mixed emotions, I have to say…I was 19 and newly wed….didn’t know the difference between all purpose and self rising ( no wonder my cookies were hard as hockey pucks) But I have decided to create a memory box for my daughter..include the old recipes from these women on her daddy’s side and the ones from my mother and then add in recipes for the things she loves, that I make. I will also add in some mementos, like you have done…such a sweet idea.. Thank you for this post, and with the inspiration to do a search for that little box, my disappointment of not winning has been avoided;)) some of these posts just gave me lumps in my throat! I’m thankful for a place we can come and share these memories that need telling…and have them validated. You’re the best, sweet girl!

    • sbranch says:

      Fantastic, you found the perfect one! That’s so great. I like your kind of preparations! Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets! 🙂 Your daughter is going to love it! xoxo

  82. Regina says:

    Congrats to Patricia! I know she’ll just be giddy over receiving that wonderful recipe box. I have my mother-in-law’s recipe box, her hand-held mixer, a set of mixing bowl and even one of her dish towels. Every time I use her things it brings such warm memories to mind.
    I will have to take time to tell you about my weekend. My mom and 2 of my sister’s, I have another one who couldn’t come, came for a girls’ weekend. They live about 3 1/2 hours away from me. We had such fun! We went to our local farmer’s market, found some wonderful finds there, stopped at a few garage sales and estate sales, had a picnic lunch at our local county lake, then topped it off with manicures in the afternoon. My mom is 80 years old and had never had a manicure. Then in the evening I had to tell them all about your books so I pulled several off the shelves and we leafed through them. And I added my sisters to the blog list so they will now be receiving your blog notices. I had been wanting to take a picture of my mom’s hands, so I had told her to bring her rosary and prayer book. She had no idea what I was up to and she’s such a good sport about it all. So my sister is trying to arrange her hands and items in such a way to make it look good. (We are not professional photographers by any means!) My mom patiently moves her hands here and there, upon our direction, giggles from time to time, sighs once in a while and we have to tell her it must be hard being a “model.” We get several pictures, laughing the whole time. Still not sure what I want to do with them, but we have the photos now. We went shopping this morning before they had to leave for home. So many precious memories and fun times. And, Susan, I know you can relate to the girlfriend, sister, mom relationships. Thanks to you, I’m making sure I’m taking the time to treasure all of those relationships. Blessings to you. P.S. I was to remind you when you got home to share some of the ways you display your much beloved books. It won’t be long before we’ll want to snuggle up with a good book on a cool evening.

    • sbranch says:

      I will do that. Loved your day! I already treasure that photo of my dad’s hands and I know you feel the same way with your mom’s. Especially with that fresh manicure! 🙂 Thanks Regina, wonderful to hear from you! A big hello to your sisters and mom! New Willard starts going out tomorrow morning so you signed them up at just the right time. xoxo

  83. Stephanie says:

    Congrats to Patricia! I didn’t even write a comment because I knew the box belonged to someone else! Patricia’s comment was beautiful. I totally agree. I am so inspired by this blog – the cutest things have been springing up all over my house because I’m inspired!

    Like today – I have some friends who insist on packets of fake-sugar for their tea/coffee. I’ve tried buying the fake-sugar in powdered form and using it but it’s difficult to keep it fresh. I have some of those “packets” (I’m shuddering at the ugliness of them!) – but today I decided to clean up some vintage jelly jars I have and use those to house/serve the awful fake-sugar packets. You know those jelly jars with the glass bottom and tin flat top? The kind if you are going to use them you have to cover the top of the jelly with wax – and while I’ve tried that a number of times – I’ve never been able to get the wax to work (I stick to my Ball jars/lids)? Anyway – so now those lovely, vintage jelly jars with sort-of-rusted lids are put to cute use – housing fake-sugar packets!

    Long story – but an example of how your (SB!) inspiration has been flowing around here!

  84. Lisa says:

    Congratulations Patricia. What a wonderful giveaway. Just made the molasses cookies this past week – yummmmmmm. Thanks for the great recipes, Susan.

    Lisa B.

  85. Margie from Lavender Cottage says:

    Good Morning Girls and Congratulations Patricia!! I, too, have a big, maple recipe box that I treasure. I am a bit of an orphan so I won’t be passing my recipes down to anyone but I still love to collect them. It must be the time of year because I made molasses cookies last night and I frost them with lemon icing also. Everyone around here thinks that is so strange (delicious but odd!!). They sure don’t turn them down. Gotta run and get my morning started!! Have a great start to your week, ladies!!

  86. Deb says:

    Congratulations to Patricia! Alas…I wasn’t in the running. Sigh. For the last quilt giveaway my blog posts had piled up, and I was so far behind reading. So I didn’t get to enter. I vowed never to let that happen again!

    Well…it happened again! I wasn’t in the running for the recipe box either. Double sigh. But I do have a good excuse this time. I’ve been to Michigan visiting my almost 3 year old grandson whom I haven’t seen for 2 years! He called me “Granny” for the first time, and now I’m in love. So see, I really didn’t have time to check out blogs while I was away…grandsons are so very important.

    Love your blog, Susan. Ok, I’m saying that I’m checking out your next post for sure for whatever is coming up! I’ll be in the running….Lord willing!

  87. Carol Maurer says:

    I am experimenting to see if this comment goes through. I’ve tried twice before and it won’t.

  88. Diana Bowlby says:

    Last day to be a nurse in my life! I’m drinking Chardonnay. Remember when we survived on English muffins (toasted) with cheese and tomatoes while we were on Tashmooh Pond? Answer my e-mail! Love you, Diana

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