A Thing for Glass ♥

I love glass. I love it for the same reason birds love it, it’s shiny.  Cleaning the glass around my house, including my windows, mirrors, and the glass on pictures is one of my chief (and some would think, strangest) decorating tips for the holidays.  Glass makes the perfect palette for candlelight and twinkle lights to shimmer and shine which does a lot to make magic in any room.  Like the trail Tinkerbelle leaves as she flies by. 

Receiving this dish in my early 20’s was probably the thing that alerted me to the possibilities with glass and started the obsession.  It was a gift from my Aunt Maroline and Uncle Bob when I got married.  When I first saw it, I didn’t know what it was or what I would DO with it; there were no bananas in it when I unwrapped it, so I wasn’t sure what its purpose was.  I love things with a purpose, so when my aunt told me it was to hold bananas, I jumped for joy.  It had a reason to exist!  I could have it!  The pure charm and whimsy of the thing took hold of my heart, and this banana dish has been on every kitchen table, island, or counter in every kitchen of my life.  It is a mainstay.  I would be bereft without it.  We are never without bananas in our house. 

Inspiration is funny.  You never know when it will hit or what form it will take.  One summer afternoon, many years ago, we were sitting at the picnic table in the backyard belonging to a French man we know here on the island.  He spread a white table cloth over the wood table, brought out beautiful cheeses on a board, and served us cold white wine in short, straight-sided thin glasses like these, while French cafe music drifted out the open French doors to his house.

 I thought, oo, la, oui!  How continental!  How adorably foreign!  How Charles Trenet!  I must have this!

And so it began, the glass collection that will never end.  Because





it was becoming obvious that to lead an original romantic life, on the model of the early Zelda Fitzgerald, where dreamy French music and entertaining would take place, I was going to need to gather the ingredients (props); these glasses looked like a good place to start.

We’ve collected ours mostly one at a time.  We’ll see one on a shelf in an antique store, it will cost a dollar, and we will jump on it like it’s a trophy.  Our eyes narrow and shift around the store, to see, does anyone else notice this wonderful thing is only a dollar? And they don’t, so we grab it and run.  What is a dollar these days? A candy bar is a dollar.

Because we find them one at a time, our collection of these little glasses is very mix and match.  We’ve found them in pink and green depression glass, etched with fruit and flowers, swirled, and hand-painted.

We have found them etched with the Lord’s Prayer.

We have found ones that we can’t believe have survived so long!

Some of them could definitely tell a story. We found this one from the first Queen Elizabeth in the little antique store on board the QEII.  It was not a dollar.  But it had our name written all over it. The Finding-Nemo seagull word formed on the lips, “mine” it said, irresistibly, as in take me I’m yours.

Over time, we realized that others, with slightly different shapes, make wonderful water glasses.  I know some of you understand this love of pretty glasses, because a couple of weeks ago we put three sets of these little glasses, colored and etched, in the Vintage section of our website, and they were snapped right up!  Sets are really hard to find but Joe and I got them out shopping as we were crossing the country!  So happy you (whoever you are) got them!  I will keep looking, when I’m out and about, for more.

We have found them in all colors . . . and have broadened our definition of “what is acceptable” to include different shapes.  We had to, there was no choice; do you look at these yellow jewels and say, oh dear, no, the ridges just won’t do? No, you do not.  You don’t even think it.

Setting the table can be like putting together a puzzle, a little of this a little of that.  But, for better or worse, however it turns out will be very unlike anyone else’s, because, as you know, you can’t walk into a store and just get this stuff any time, it takes a long time to gather this, a person has to be choosy and get just what she loves. 

Glass obsession knows no end.  It graduates from wine glasses, and gets its wings with serving bowls, candle sticks, and cake plates.  It was probably thirty years of antiquing before I found this at a price I was willing to pay for it.  I’m just not paying $200 for a cake stand, but I will pay $56.  Yes, I will.  Here it is, home at last!  Holding my mom’s famous Coconut Circus Cake with pink sugar frosting. 

Pitchers and ice bowls call my name too.

Early morning light comes in through the windows and falls across the dining table, and this is what we get, free of charge.

Glass star bobeche and colored-glass vintage sugars and creamers are perfect for the holidays.

And here is my newest find.  Something I almost never come across, do you recognize it?  Yes!  It’s a really beautiful cut-glass Banana Dish, about as perfect as it can be.  But, you are saying, “She already has a banana dish . . . this isn’t fair!”

And I am saying, “I didn’t get it for me.  I got it for you.” 

Yes, I did; this little jewel is going to one of you, and all you have to do to be entered for the random drawing is leave a comment and tell me (and everyone!) your favorite housekeeping tip.  Or, like last time, you can just say hello! Or maybe a Jell-O recipe would be good. 🙂

In a couple of days, after everyone is all signed up, we’ll draw a name.  More fun in this giant mutual admiration society of ours!  Willard starts going out this morning…today and tomorrow.  I’m off to work on my book!  Talk to you later!  Happy day to all! 

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1,791 Responses to A Thing for Glass ♥

  1. Cindy Colombo says:

    I also love glass items!!! You have to include vases in the mix! I have to say I did not know about the banana holders. Such a wonderful idea.
    Housekeeping tip: Always make your bed. It makes everything seem in order. I taught my childern early.
    Have a great day!!

  2. Betty B says:

    The banana dish is so lovely. It reminds me of all the treasured glass items I have that were my mother’s. Mine are probably not quite as “cared for” as yours, but I love them never the less.

    • sbranch says:

      How could they be more cared for if they were your mom’s and now they’re yours. Thats as good as it gets!

  3. Linda says:

    I love all of your glassware especially your new cakestand with your mom’s circus cake on it. How darling! Do we have that recipe in any of your cookbooks?It’s just so cute. I don’t have any real cleaning tips but I do try everyday to keep things from piling up and somehow if you do that your house always looks neat and tidy and then real cleaning isn’t so much of a chore.

  4. kthaden says:

    Susan, I look forward to reading your blog and seeing the pictures and movies you post. Life is to be cherished and your ability to see joy in the little things is inspiring. One of the things that makes me happiest is when all the glass in my home sparkles. My little grandson has asked to see Grammy’s “pretties” in the china hutch since he was very small. I guess even little guys have an appreciation for the beauty of glass.

  5. Audrianne in Holland Michigan along the shores of Lake Macatawa says:

    Being an English teacher finds me constantly with an ink pen between my fingers during the months of September through the first week of June. The last thing I want to do in spend the weekend cleaning the house. The one tip I learned is between breaks in grading papers I clean one room a day – the kitchen on Monday; the bathroom on Tuesday; one bedroom, Wednesday; the other one on Thursday; the living room on Friday just before I settle down for a lovely glass of wine! Saturday is spent at the market and whatever yard work my small patch of heaven requires. Voila, it’s done and I am not exhausted.

  6. Susan Simon says:

    I love all your gorgeous collection of glassware! I have several treasured pieces… one is milk glass curved dish (the rim looks like a fluted pie crust) that my dad’s mother gave me when I turned 21; the other two are cranberry glass that belonged to my great-grandmother and grandmother before they came to me. I literally just washed them yesterday as I am cleaning house, getting ready not only for the holidays but also having a bunch of girlfriends over Friday night for goodies and some wine. Your cookbooks have been pored through this week, especially the autumn book… will share the recipes and book with my friends when they come. BTW, do you collect china at all? I have lots of varied cups and saucers and other odd pieces from an English bone china company called Hammersley that I treasure… my mom and I collect these. So many patterns and although it is no longer made, we still come across it, especially on Ebay. Thank you again for sharing so much of yourself both here and in your books.

    • sbranch says:

      I sure do. Dishes are my weakness (amongst almost everything else!) I think I have some Hammersley, that name is very familiar. I’ll do a blog on it some day!

  7. Linda L. says:

    What a wonderful and unique piece of glass. I have all kinds too. I got a cut glass pickle jar with little stand and fork for graduation from my Mamaw. She was a lover of glass too. She gave me my first piece of depression era glass when I was a child. It is acutally a somewhat rare piece, and I cherish it.
    Linda L. In Texas

  8. Linda says:

    I have never seen such a lovely piece of crystal. We always have bananas in the house, but they sit on the counter! My housecleaning secrets? Not many, but I do use Murphy’s Oil Soap for most everything. It’s great for my wooden cabinets and also for the tile and wooden floors. And it leaves a nice smell. I also mix it with water in a spray bottle and it’s a natural insecticide.

  9. Ellen Hindle says:

    I love (oh ok… I like) to wash windows, too!

  10. Suzanne Capolingua says:

    I love this posting it is dear to my heart…I too am a CRAZY when it comes to glassware…I have the same exact creamer as pictured in your shot above…I also collect animals that are glass, amazing how easy they are to find in little out of the way shoppes and some Estate sales.
    Household hint…Have a little doggie that has a “oops” moment on the carpet, use White vinegar and I have never had a stain on the carpet and sometimes it also will take out old stains too!
    Love your “Banana Boat” glass dish…..Sail away to my house!

  11. Ellen Hindle says:

    I meant “wash”… : )

  12. Susanne says:

    hello — I am also a collecter of glass, among other things. One of my favorite finds is an individual butter dish with a cover. So, so adorable. It’s a perfect compliment to a cup of tea and homemade scone….which, of course, I always eat from my favorite cut glass salad sized plate. My retirement plan includes taking a glass blowing class…I have a few years to wait, until then…I’ll keep my eye out for more glass “treasures”.

  13. starr miller says:

    Hi Susan,

    Your blog entries are always so inspiring and loving. Thank YOU. Your glass collection is charming and reflective of you and your talents! Thank you for giving us all a chance to own the fabulous glass, banana dish. I have never heard of them before. Beautiful.
    My best cleaning products lately are baking soda and vinegar. They have been touted in the news a lot because people are trying to save a few dollars and keep chemicals out of their homes. I use vinegar as a final rinse in the laundry, cut with water for bathroom floors, hardwood floors and all counters in the house (and of course, windows). Baking soda is what I use to clean the toilets and the bathtub. Love these simple products!

  14. Gala Wurdeman says:

    I’m in a bit of a housecleaning rut, so it’s good to read everyone’s tips. I think the banana dish would be perfection–the rule of William Morris and whimsy, too. My dog loves bananas, so I don’t eat one unless I share (she’s very vocal and reminds me if I forget).

  15. Irene Blackburn says:

    Hi Susan, just wanted you to know how much I love your blogs regarding collecting things like these wonderful glass items ( & et.al). I have a friend who loves to go antiquing and I have seen items like you show…but dumb me–I have never bought them. I do not have a collection of ANYTHING!! I just wish I had started, like you, in my 20’s. I am in my 60’s now, but I do not believe that it is too late. I think I will start my glass collection soon and maybe I can leave something for my daughter and grand-children that mean as much to me as your items mean to you. Wish me luck.

    • sbranch says:

      Never too late, just have fun! Good luck! (And PS, you have things in your house that your daughter and grandchildren would love just because you touched it every day, it doesn’t have to be fancy. xoxo)

  16. Suzanne Capolingua says:

    OK so now after seeing this posting, I am panicing…Last Sunday in the Goodwill store here I saw small glasses in a pretty pale blue color and they were larger than juice size and smaller than water they were thin…now after seeing your glassware I think they must be old…have to hurry back and see if they are still there. Oh My1

  17. florence rozler says:

    This brings memories of mom’s kitchen with a banana basket she used for mail. First thing we looled at when you came in the house.love my glassware don’t always know what I’ll do with it but have to have the great pieces. Daughters and daughter-in-laws will enjoy them.Don’t have a family recipe for Jello but adults will love jello shots at party time, google has 100’s of recipes to choose from. Thank-You for starting my day!!!!!!!

  18. Kathy R says:

    I love all of your glassware! I have some Heisey Glass that was given to me by my mother as well as some cranberry thumb print glasses that were my grandmothers. I wash all of my glass items in plain old soap and water for the holidays so that they will glimmer and twinkle in the “happy lights” that I put everywhere. I do not have a banana dish and think it would be very happy with my other items :-). Once again, you’ve outdone yourself!

  19. Patty says:

    Keep your windows clean and sparkling– at least the ones you look out of the most. So much more enjoyable to look through clean windows and see the beautiful fall colors,the sunrise or the sunset, the squirrels collecting acorns, the birds flying south, and soon, the snow flakes.

  20. Bev says:

    Hi Susan…received Willard this AM and now this great blog all about glass…I do not have a housekeeping tip per se but I love to wash dishes at a certain time in the morning when the light coming through the window is “just right” and I feel like I have been given the best gift ever with the way it reflects off the dishes and glasses in the drainer and all the little glass things on the window sill…at that moment life cannot be better…but I digress…I love and will use your tip about serving cold white wine in straight thin glasses…fantastic! And thanks so much for sharing and also for the chance to win a banana dish!!!

  21. Kathy J says:

    Loving these give-a-ways! I have a morning ritual now, when I wake up and its still dark outside, now that fall is here, I make my coffee, put in it a teacup, go into my office and start up the computer. The house is dark and quiet, and I go on your site to start my day and see whats new…thanks for all you do!
    My housekeeping tip is a daily swish and swipe of the bathroom when you are getting ready in the morning. Put your toilet cleaner in the toilet and let it sit while you quickly wipe the counter and sink, spray your mirror, then swish the toilet and you are done. Five minutes and you have a clean bathroom everyday to greet you and your family.

  22. Caren Lara says:

    Housekeeping tip. As long as everything is picked up and in its place the house will look clean even though you did not dust and vacuum.

  23. Tootles says:

    Could it be we were separated at birth ?! I feel like I’ve found a kindred spirit…each time I log on there is another delightful, cozy post about things I LoVe ! I use cake pedestals for virtually everything. They transform flower, gourds, goodies into something more. I will leave you all with a wonderfully simple good jello recipe…since you asked…
    Blueberry jello
    1 6oz cherry jello
    1 sm. can crushed pineapple (or if you LoVe pineapple use a big can)
    1 can blueberry piefilling
    Mix well
    add 2 c. hot water
    1/2 c. cold water
    pour into a 9×13 pan (glass of course) refridge to set up
    Mix up topping
    1 8oz coolwhip (or fresh made)
    1 3 oz cream cheese
    mix well and spread on top.
    Even your non pineapple peeps will love this

  24. Dorinda Turner says:

    I love that banana dish!!! I have never seen anything like that. 🙂 I finally got me a cake stand at a cute little antique store the other day. 🙂

  25. oh! I could not agree more . . love glass, and there is something so theraputic washing it up to that wonderful, gleaming lustre. My collection is not big, but I do have a few pieces of pressed and Victorian glassware that I’ve been picking up in my local charity shops for pennies! Over several months I’ve put together a set of six rainbow trifle dishes all bought seperately! Same goes for a set of six lustre shot glasses. Nothing enhances glass quite like sunlight or candle light. I have a fixed window and am thinking to make a fitted frame of small compartments to fill the space so I can display a lot together in the sunlight that floods that window from early morn to dusk.
    I just love your table! Love Love Love it! (your chairs match your china . . wonderful . . and such a heavenly colour)
    My latest buy is a small screen of local handmade glass from an artisan studio. It is blue and full of texture. I burn a candle behind and it looks like I’m under the ocean looking up at the sun through the bubbles . . .
    Now, what about an English Sherry Trifle (okay, I know I’m Welsh, but it is the best dessert ever) served in a sparkling glass bowl . . all those layers of sherry soaked sponge, topped with glistening nuggets of juicy fruit, the shimmering jewelled jelly, lashings of rich yellow custard, topped with soft, billowing peaks of whipped cream, and the final decoration of lightly toasted almond slivers . . almost a sin to disturb it in its majesty, but well worth every sumptuous mouthful! . . . hungry now . . .

  26. April O'Toole says:

    Thanks Susan for your lovely blog! I like reading about your collections, and seeing all of the beautiful pics too. You very much embody the idea that beauty is in all the little things! I guess the thing that I try to remember the most about “house cleaning” is that my house is home to 3 active girls, 1 Golden Retriever, 2 cats, and 1 guinea pig….it’s never going to be model house clean, but as long as the girls feel that it is a home that they can play in, bring their friends home to, and feel loved–then I’m happy!

  27. Wendy says:

    What a gorgeous banana dish! I have one that was my mom’s that my dad asked, “Would you like this?” when he started cleaning out after she passed away. Are you kidding?! Yay! And…even better…he gave me a bunch of photo albums, one holding a picture of mom holding the banana dish that was a birthday gift from her mom, my grandmother. It’s milkglass and I adore it!

    Mom’s cleaning tip… Don’t put it down, put it away. It’s served me well!

  28. Rachel Lucas says:

    Hi sweetie – just wanted to drop in and say hello and that my best ever housekeeping tip is one that I learnt from you a loooong time ago. The one about emptying a room, cleaning it til it sparkles and then putting back only the things you love & STOPPING when it looks perfect. Such an amazingly, life-launderingly, cathartic thing to do. Many charity shops have benefitted from that exercise in these parts! I recommend it to everyone. Make sure you start early though, and give yourself a reward at the end – it’s hard work! Love you xxx

  29. ellen scott says:

    hi susan…just read your thoughts on glass…it put me in mind of my mom…she loved cut glass….really enjoyed looking at your colletion of glass…happy hunting for more

  30. Joy Rheaume says:

    Hi Susan,
    You have inspired me to start collecting “magical” drink glasses! I already have plans to go treasure hunting with some girlfriends on Friday! I am a big procrastinator when it comes to housecleaning, so in order to get myself motivated I invite company for dinner! There is nothing that gets me motivated like seeing my house through someone else’s eyes! I love the banana dish, hoping for the luck of the draw! 🙂 Cheers, Joy

  31. ellen scott says:

    opps my spelling was off on my comment i ment to spell collection…sorry

  32. Karen Cafarella says:

    Love all your beautiful glass items. I have a blue depression class biscuit jar from my grandmother. It is a beautiful light blue color. I was offered some money for it once but turned it down as that is the only thing I have from my grandmother.
    Have a great day! Karen 🙂

  33. I feel in love with your glass dish for banana’s I had never seen one before, thinking I must get one like it as the wooden hanging banana tree just doesn’t seem right now.

    I love glass, been awhile since I have collected any, use to like the little glass plates, they are perfect for so many things.

    Easy Jello recipe, two flavors of any kind of jello, I made this last with cherry and raseberry, make how you would for jello, once ready, cut into tiny squares and mix all together with cool whip. It looks pretty in glass dishes, my boys love it and it is so easy, could do colors of orange, yellow and red for fall. Just so many color combinations.


  34. Barb Kucera says:

    Hi Susan….I have to say, if I saw that adorable ice bowl in a shop, I would race you for it. It is just too cute.
    I have lots of glass too….pitchers and teapots are my favorite things to collect but I also have a little stash of my Mom’s cut glass and it’s really special. I love when one of my nieces or nephew’s asks “Wasn’t that Granny’s”. She is not forgotten and it’s nice to have a little part of her still at our family gatherings.
    Hmmm, housekeeping tip? When you are really exhausted, let it go, it will be there waiting for you later. Have a nap instead:)

  35. Jerri Ellen says:

    Hi Susan,

    I’m just “going bananas” over that dish! You’re so sweet to think of us all the time. I am into glassware, too. We just got home from New England, and I found a small clear glass pitcher with a schooner on each side. I thought perfect for flowers or juice and I snagged it for $8!! Wish I could send you a picture of it…I have no idea its history and frankly don’t care. Like you, I love to find interesting items on vacation instead of wasting money on tacky souvenirs. I can’t think of an original cleaning tip. I have house guests coming this weekend so like your other fan, I am in a frenzy. My husband and dog know to stay out of my way this week!

  36. Debbie says:

    Hi Susan,
    I check in everyday in anticipation of you warm and wonderful blog.
    I love old glass. After my mom passed away I inherited all of her moms beautiful antique wine glasses. I truly loved the glasses. But recently my aunt, my mom’s younger sister had gone out of her way to be especially kind and helpful to me and my family. I felt such gratitude that I gave her the entire collection. Even though I miss the glasses it brings me joy knowing they are now with my grandmother’s beloved daughter

  37. margie rowles says:

    Susan, I love it that you’ve given us a chance to win the “Beautiful Banana Holder”. My favourite household tip has to do with glass…oddly enough. Becky Novacek (an amazing photographer and former cleaning service owner) wrote on her blog about THE BEST glass cleaner ever….it’s ARMOURALL GLASS CLEANER. It REALLY is the best glass cleaner I’ve ever used (other than my dad’s old fashioned method of using vinegar, water and newspapers). hugs, Margie

  38. Donna says:

    I just stumbled onto your blog not too long ago and I am so enjoying seeing a new post in my inbox now! I have loved your books for years and it’s so nice to follow your blog.
    I have never seen a banana dish before but I am smitten. Like you, we always have bananas in our house as well. Hope I win, but congratulations to whoever does….they will love it!

  39. Shawn says:

    I don’t have any good housekeeping tips except I try to do it as little as possible.
    Thanks for the chance to win the gorgeous banana dish. So unusual. I have my grandma’s glass collection which I treasure. This would fit right in with the rest.

  40. JudyCinNC says:

    I made a comment, Susan – honest I did and then the site knocked me off, I really think there were just so many of us posting at the same time. Anyhow, I made another post and I think it went through, but I cannot find it now – but I left the cleaning tip off the second time – Here I am adding it, clean your windows with water and a little bit of white vinegar in a spray bottle and wipe dry with newspaper – Surely does make them sparkle. Judy C in NC sends best wishes. Oh, how I would cherish that banana bowl.

    • sbranch says:

      That might be it, because I try to comment, and it won’t let me!! I can’t find anything either! Wildness! Thanks Judy!

  41. Rosemary says:

    A simple “hello” from Central O-H-I-O! Love me some denture cleaner tablets…put them in the toilets, waterbottles….ect. It does the scrubbing so you don’t have to!

  42. Betty says:

    I love glass. I made a pact with myself a year or so ago to use my glass items and if they break so be it. So…Sunday I broke my very favorite green depression glass and then on Monday I broke my small European style juice glass, one of six. It was painful, but I looked at my husband and he said, it’s okay, remember this is really what it’s all about. so this was the perfect email. Thank you, it reinforced what might have been a slip back into leaving them on the shelf to gather dust.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s horrible when you lose one! We found a broken piece in our dishwasher when we came home (ahem) and matched it up like little maniacs to our other glasses to see if we could tell which glass had broken, then we laughed.

  43. Patricia says:

    Love to read everyone’s comments- your girlfriends are a clever bunch! My grandma had a bowl like that as well…and she always had jello in her fridge. Plus she used to give me a gold-plated spoon to eat it with. Heaven! I wish I could offer a useful household tip but everyone else is much more clever then I am! The only “tip” I have isn’t even really a tip- it’s just what I do…I always keep my sink clean and my kitchen floor swept no matter what. No matter how cluttered or messy the rest of the house is- if the sink is clean and the floor is swept it looks fairly tidy. If nothing else- if someone drops by I offer them a cup of tea in the kitchen so they don’t see the rest of the house. *smile*

  44. Cynthia Nolan says:

    Love the banana dish, it is absoutely gorgeous. Can hardly wait for this month’s Willard. It is a perfect Fall day in South Carolina. Thanks for all the love you give each day.

  45. Lynn McCormack says:

    What could be nicer than this lovely glass vessel for my family’s favorite fruit!! Love it!!

  46. Ann Beirne says:

    Hi Susan,
    I love glassware, too…the shinier the better. Since I have hard water, I have to put Lemon Shine in my dishwasher to get the glass to not have a film on it. I guess that is my household tip.
    I eat a banana every day and the banana dish would look lovely on my counter.
    On another note, I got introduced to you though a very good friend who has since moved to Florida and I live in Maryland…but when I have a cup of tea picking out a cup from my collection…I think that she and I are together enjoying that special cup of tea.
    I did feel badly that she moved away, but through you, we always enjoy our conversation about your blog and Willard.
    Thank you, Susan, for keeping two girls who live over 1000 miles apart, very happy!

    Ann Beirne


    Amy Packard says:

    October 25, 2011 at 1:51 pm

    The banana glass is fantastic! I’ve never seen one like that before.
    My housekeeping tip… Marry a fantastic husband who is happy to help with the work. Working together makes the work go faster and so much more enjoyable!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:31 pm

    You have the perfect household tip!


    Mary says:

    October 25, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    Wow! My eyes bugged out when I saw the beautiful banana bowl and THEN to find out you are giving it away! I’d love to share a fun recipe that is really healthy too. Peel bananas and freeze until frozen. Then, put them through a heavy duty juicer with frozen blueberries (or other fruit…maybe frozen mango) and eat right away. Makes a great frozen treat like ice cream!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    Sounds delicious!


    Deb says:

    October 25, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Hi Susan!
    Wow……now that is what a “top banana” must feel like, sitting there on its own special and beautiful crystal dish! How FUN!
    Loved the photos of your glass collection…..I have a few very special pieces too. Mine are green glass pudding dishes, that have been handed down from my great-grandmother, to her mother ( my Grandma)…to my Mom and me. As a small child, I always felt so special when my Grandma would give us “our treat” in those green glass dishes. I use to stare at them sitting in her kitchen cabinet….so pretty……they hold so many memories…..using them feels like “dishing up a little love”, no matter what treats they may hold!
    Also, want to say, I look forward everyday to see what type of wonderment you will write about…….. the simple treaures of life touch our hearts! The “girfriends club”…… is so lucky, because you bring a smile into our day!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    It goes both ways Deb!


    Giovanna says:

    October 25, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    Dearest Susan,
    Welcome home to New England! This post is so near & dear to my heart. I too collect shiny things My collection of depression glass started with my aunt Lina’s candy dish, pink with a cherry blossom pattern. I have every color…some sets and some very unique single pieces. Of all the shiny glass in my home, I have never come across a banana dish! Was I oblivious to these treasures or just clueless as to its use? Either way…I’ll be on the lookout if I’m not lucky enough to win your offering.
    As for a housekeeping tip…I’m a gardener, as you are, and I grow tansy and rue. These are great for keeping insects away. I make little linen bags from any damaged antique linens I have on hand, dry the tansy and rue along with lavender, marigold blossoms, rosemary and mint…peppermint or spearmint and stitch up some little sachets for closets and drawers. Add a little appliqué and you have an adorable little bundle! I look forward to reading your blog each day. Thank you so much for connecting!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:29 pm

    Love your little sachets . . . perfect!


    Kirsten Wichert says:

    October 25, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    Oh,dear…..I didn’t get my Willard yet. I am anxiously waiting. Queen Envy is knocking at my windows! Go away, I say!
    Wow Susan! Another give-away so soon…….O.K.! My house is not as clean and shiny as it could be. I’m working on it. I’m afraid I have a house full of collectibles and not much house, LOL. My china cupboards are jammed with old china and glassware. My kids think I should purge it, but they don’t see what I see. I’d rather give it away piece by piece to friends who love it too. So I do and that makes me very happy. I love filling a unique glass or cup with small goodies to give. So much fun! Sometimes I buy tea to put with a delicate tea cup.
    Many of my friends collect mis-matched cups.

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a new piece of glass to put out on my counter in front of the window to catch the sun! Ha, ha………..


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    Always room for one more!


    Marva Weir says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    I do so love your blog! I come to it every day hoping you have made a new entry so that I can escape for a few moments and enjoy! One of my favorite cleaning tips is more of a product endorsement. I love the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. They work wonders getting scuff marks off and other stains that you usually have to scrub and scrub on.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:28 pm

    Thank you Marva!! Have to try them!


    Donna says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    The Banana Dish is gorgeous! Sorry, can’t think of a household tip. I did want to share with you that I bought your “Baby Love” book back in 2008 and put it in a box titled “Grandbaby Hope Box”. Our only son, Michael, got married to a wonderful girl, Jessica back in 2004. They had the “5-year” plan set to have a baby. Then 2008 came around and it wasn’t time yet. It is now 2011 and we were surprised with the news of becoming grandparents! I just can’t tell you how excited I was! I actually wore the pacifier/binky on a chain as a necklace the next day while I did my running around. The best part of this is that I took the Baby Love book out of the “wish box” and gave it to my son to take home to Jessica. She liked it so much I got a FaceTime phone call showing both of them holding up the book and thanking me for it. Thank you Susan for ALL the wonderful thing you make for us to treasure. We love you!!! Donna


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:28 pm

    I’m so happy for you!! That was a long wait, but here you go!!!


    Linda Pintarell says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:03 pm

    OMG! The banana dish is GORGEOUS! I have never seen one; want one! Also – learned a new word to go along with a beautiful item: BOBECHE. Had not heard the word and never seen one before. TU Miz Susan. My housekeeping hint: once per year, whether I need it or not, and usually before a special party – I hire a housekeeper to clean my house spic ‘n span clean, i.e., last weekend I hosted a 50th high school class reunion at my house. Such a wonderful occasion; so much fun. Perfect time to put this hint into action. TU, Susan, for your wonderful blog to let us express ourselves on topics of fun and interest.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    Love it Linda, thank you so much!


    Debbie P says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:08 pm

    Hi, Susan~
    I adore glassware, too…whether it’s wine glasses or old, glass bottles that I’ve dug up in my garden. Nothing shows off colorful flowers, leaves, drink or food than sparkly glass.
    I am so grateful to have inherited several precious pieces of my grandmother’s cut glass. My collection includes a precious little ruffle-edged plate that always held Grandma’s fudge @ Christmas as well as several small bowls, vases, a
    divided candy dish and sugar bowl and creamer. I couldn’t bear to part with any of them so they take turns being put “on display” throughout the year. I actually love to rearrange the dishes in my glass sided china cabinet for each season!
    I think the best housekeeping tip I could offer anyone is to look at your home with the same love you look at your husband and children with. I read a quote from someone recently ( I think it was Maya Angelou…but not sure) that said “If you look at something in your life that you don’t like and can’t change….find another way to look at it.” I found that once I stopped looking at housework like a burden and began to approach my daily tasks with tender, loving care (along with some great music, if possible) that I felt so much better!
    Thank you, once again, for your wonderful blog…always inspirational and full of the joy of everyday stuff.
    xoxoDebbie P


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    Great advice! That Maya Angelou is one sensible cookie!


    mary says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:10 pm

    I cherish the cut glass pieces that were handed down to me from my grandmothers collection. My tip would be to give your glass dishes a good scrubbing a couple of times a year with white vinegar…..makes them really sparkle!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    People love vinegar these days!


    Kirsten Wichert says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:10 pm

    I meant to ask before: Is that seasoned butter floating in seasoned olive oil in the small bowls on that beautiful table? What a great idea…….where’s the crusty bread? I’m hungry! If it isn’t, what is it? I’m still hungry.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    It’s a little soft piece of goat cheese. mmmmm.


    pat addison says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:11 pm

    good morning Susan, chilly and cold here in Oregon this morning. perfect for a nice warm fire again in the woodstove to break the chill in the house. i love your banana bish, is it a depression glass by any chance??? i love collecting depression glass and antique teacups, and tins. i also collect wicker baskets, have a kitchen full of them and they are used lovingly everyday, even have one basket for collecting the eggs from my chickens. i also love to collect vintage seed packets, they are so colorful and so pretty. i have some household tips: i keep vinegar(distilled) and water in a spray bottle on my counter, good for cleaning up spills and disinfecting counters, also since i have cats and one is a kitten who sometimes has a potty accident, vinegar is good for cleaning up the stain and getting rid of the odor and preventing the cat from using that spot as a potty spot. i also keep a ball of twine in a coffee tin, just make an “X” on the lid with a small sharp knife, feed the end of the twine through it and no more tangles or losing the twine when you are trying to cut some strings to tie things with. and if you are in a hurry and your leather shoes or clogs look scuffy and need a quick polish, try using a little furniture oil on them, just a little on the shoe and a soft cloth to rub it in and polish the shoe with and the shoe looks like new. my mom used to have a banana dish like that pink one, never knew what happened to it but it was so pretty on the counter in her kitchen. and a fabric softner sheet in a drawer keeps lingerie or whatever smelling nice and fresh, i even put one in the linen closet. have a wonderful day Susan, Happy Fall everyone!!!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    You’re like Eloise! So many good tips!


    Chris Wells says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:13 pm

    My house cleaning tip…..I clean everything in the house from top to bottom with Murphy’s Oil soap. Been around forever….and it’s all natural. Some times I add essential oils (like Patchouli or cedar or pine) to the mop water. It’s heaven in a bucket!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    Thanks Chris!


    Lynn Rue says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    Good Morning Susan,

    I too love the reflection my glass pieces leave to dance around my kitchen ) I have a wonderful lemon jello receipe that my mom makes in the summer….the cheese may be in question, but NO don’t look back – dive in

    1 pkg (small) lemon jello
    1 8oz can crushed pineapple w/juice
    1/2 cup chopped walnuts
    1 cup grated mild cheddar cheese
    1/2 cup whipped heavy cream
    Desolve jello in 1-1/2 cups boiling water & let in set a little, add pineapple, nuts & cheese. Fold in the whipped cream and chill – it’s a lovely yellow and really GOOD

    Have a wonderful day,

    Love Lynn


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    Interesting, I trust you!


    Jeanie Hans says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    Oh I hope you check back. This looks so interesting. Do you whip the cream like sweet whipped cream with sugar? Or just whip it as is?


    Linda S. says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:16 pm

    What a beautiful dish. I have seen them before and never suspected they were for bananas. I always wondered what you would put in such an unsually shaped dish. I love sparkly glass.

    My cleaning tip is a little drastic and I happened on it quite by accident – really, an accident. I broke my wrist many years ago. My husband was with me in the emergency room while the doctor was setting my wrist. The doctor looked at my husband and said “she can’t vacuum.” Evidently Dan took that to mean ever again. I’ve only vacuumed a hand full of times in our 44 years of marriage.



    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    Brilliant! I broke my wrist a few years ago, nobody told me!


    Sue says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    Hi Sue,

    One of these times I’ll hear you calling my name….

    I’m with you about glass. I don’t think anything looks prettier on a table. My mom gave me a little glass lamp that holds a 15 watt small bulb years ago. It looks like the old fashioned kind of lamp that was in my bedroom as a little girl with a glass shade and base except instead of milk glass this is all clear. It has been in a bathroom in every home I’ve lived in and is always “On” for the past 30+ years. I can’t tell you how many people say they have looked for one like it. It’s just one of those things. I am always on the lookout for them – although I do not get out and about like you and Joe do. How I would love that!

    xxoo, Sue


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    Love the sound of that!


    Patricia says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:20 pm

    Here is a poem about housekeeping and raising children that I had to keep reminding myself of, when my children were small. I was always a clean-a-holic, and this kept me in line:

    I hope that my child,
    Looking back on today
    Will remember a mother
    Who had time to play;
    Because children grow up
    While you’re not looking,
    There are years ahead
    For cleaning and cooking.
    So, quiet now cobwebs,
    Dust go to sleep.
    I’m rocking my baby,
    And babies don’t keep.

    Maybe it should be everyone’s mantra, whether they have children or not!
    Life’s too short to worry about dust (except if it’s on vintage cut crystal!)


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    Yes, there are always exceptions to the rule!


    pandoras box says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:22 pm

    my favorite housecleaning tip is to stay organized all the time is to use baskets to hide things in!!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:48 pm

    Very tricky!


    Melissa R says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    Having my umpteenith cup of coffee and now some cake-lost in Girlfriendland…where vintage sparkling glass banana “boats” and wooden recipe boxes woo and connect us to the past and present!! Love glass, love You(!), would love to get a ticket on that double-decker girlfriend bus to , was it England? Also would love to win any of the treasures you keep offering to spoil us with! Also have never seen a banana dish-(add to the hunt list). PS hide Christmas presents in suitcases-haven’t gotten caught yet!
    xoxoxo mel inUT


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:44 pm

    Yes, England!


    pat addison says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    uh oh i forgot i do have a jell-o recipe for cakes. i usually do this one in the Summer but its just as good in Fall. bake one cake from your favorite cake mix, i usually do a yellow cake or a lemon cake and bake according to the directions, now while the cake is cooking take a package of lime jell-o or lemon if you like, whatever goes with your cake mix, like strawberry with white cake mix, orange or lime with yellow or lemon cake. pour in 1 cup of boiling hot water to dissolve the jell-o and then add 1/2 -1 cup cold water. when the cake comes out of the oven poke holes with a skewer all over the top of the cake and pour in the jell-o mixture. let cool in the refrigerator for a few hours and then frost. what comes out is a crazy cake with 2 different flavors, good for kid’s parties. enjoy!!!!


    Kim @ Homesteader’s Heart says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    Oh I love all your glasses. One day when the kids are older I may break out the glasses again. I have a thing for vases. I have WAY to many. It’s a sickness really. LOL!
    Okay my housekeeping tip is to use an old sock to clean blinds. Just slip it on your hand and clean away.
    Have a lovely, rose colored glasses kind of day!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:43 pm

    Perfect idea!


    Kate says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    How cute is that! Ive never seen a banana dish before. So if I dont win I will start searching for one.
    I dont have any housekeeping tricks other than hire a service! I hate cleaning and do it as little as possible. I live alone so its easy to go a month between vacumes! It just gets dusty again and I have better things to do like quilt. I do like clean window though, just finished the fall wash to make best use of the last of the sun.
    I think Ill take note of all the good suggestions other commenters have made, maybe I can get better at being a huswif.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    Quilting is better than housekeeping!


    Pamela Whelan says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    Hi Susan, I love the banana dish. My mom had a milk glass one and we never made the banana connection. I’ll have to tell her. I’ve always loved Gladys Taber as well. One of my favorite books she wrote is Especially Father. I love the way Gladys could make sitting on the porch, while snapping peas and watching the yellow school bus coming down the lane sound like a zen meditation. That’s when a realized the simple things really are the best. I’m not big on house cleaning, although I love a clean house. Very confusing. I’m always at odds with my self over this. But I do have a tip. Get a Jack Russell. My Jack was named Edith. She loved to eat and hang in the kitchen. She was our little kitchen hippy. We also called her hoverina, because she sucked all the crumbs off the kitchen floor. I hardly ever had to sweep. She’s gone now and I miss her greatly. Well that’s my tip, get a Jack Russell. They’ll do more then clean your floor they’ll fill your heart with love. P.S. I had a Samoyed who was my best friend for years, but she wasn’t big on sucking up stuff off the kitchen floor. I really think it’s a Jack thing. Love to all Pamela


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:36 pm

    That wins the award for the most different household tip!


    Vivian says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    Be still my heart!! My grandmother had a banana dish that was soooo similar to this. I used to think it was just the silliest thing in her house. When she passed away… it came to our house. Somehow over time it became one of those “iconic items” that we all remember. Somewhere along the way it got lost or broken…. noone seems to know. I have looked for one for years!! I am inspired to see that it is possible to find them if you look hard enough!!

    OK… my house keeping tip…. I have a very full house with 4 boys. The trash goes out constantly!! On the weekend… in every trash can…. I put 5-7 empty trash liners in the bottom of the cans. Then I put the one that I am currently using in place. This means every time the trash goes out… a fresh liner is waiting in the bottom of the can.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:35 pm

    Four boys! Yes you do!


    Ginny S. says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:30 pm

    I just love to use glass items all over my home and this year I got to share those items when our church had a Harvest Tea to benefit Habitat for Humanity’s Women’s Build.

    Using cake stands to make three tier servers, or turning one upside down to make a a bowl full of autumn leaves glow!

    Here is a little hint for those who like tea and are having problem finding just the “right” tea cozy (they have to be just so “you”, as we know) In the meantime I picked up an inexpensive appliance cover (as with a mixer, or in my case a can opener) and slip it over a tea pot that is on a decorative pot holder. Tea will stay warm for hours! So, until your tea cozy sings to you from somewhere, you can still have nice hot tea!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    Thanks you Ginny!


    Mary S. says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    Oh, I just LOVE all your glass items!!
    Last Christmas I discovered a new used for all my crystal items (I don’t have a lot) like sugar bowels and creamers, even little crystal vases. I put them out on my sideboard, and put a red tealite in each one. I LOVED the way that looked!! Sparkling and Christmasy!!!
    I have a set of 6 peachy pink depression glass glasses that were my grandma’s. I love them!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    That sounds so pretty!


    Deborah says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:36 pm

    Deborah says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    October 25, 2011 at 1:02 pm
    Susan-You are just so caring and giving to us! Coming to the blog has now become a daily habit and is as essential to me as my first cup of coffee in the morning!
    This gorgeous piece reminds me of a fancy frilly, dressy, party dress! Just beautiful! I love my handed down glassware and bowls I have also, from my mom and Gram, they are treasures, even with chips and cracks!

    The best housekeeping tip I can offer is to “whistle while you work” (or hum, dance, sing, play music)! A happy heart makes the work go faster! I have to add that as the accumulation of paperwork is my personal housekeeping nemesis, I sort, and throw away all junk mail on a daily basis, and put the ‘keepers’ in an assigned spot to avoid searching like a mad woman for something the following week, as I resemble a madwoman without searching like crazy as it is.
    Thank you again for adding joy and fun to our day!


    Jennie says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    Susan- I am so with you on the love of glass. For years it was just clear glass (I would tell people my favorite color is ‘clear’ and they’d look at me like I was crazy) but now if I love it, it doesn’t matter the color. I love antique glasses too- all of our ‘bar ware’ has been picked up from various little places- I’ve found some of the best at thrift shops. I dream of someday collecting more antique glasses to be our ‘all the time’ glasses, but for now with two boys, Ikea glasses have to do.
    The household tip I want to share is a daily for me at this time of year. Now that the heat comes on in the morning, it’s easy for me to get dried out and I’m prone to sinus infections. I don’t like humidifiers and their need for constant cleaning (and honestly, they remind me of all my childhood cases of croop- not a pleasant association) so I just put a full pot of water on the stove when I get up and let it simmer for a few hours to add moister. The fun part? I add different spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ect . . .) and soon the whole house smells good and homey. Especially good with orange peel, or peppermint oil if you have a headache. Just don’t forget about it- done that one a time or two- which is why I have an old pot for the purpose.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    Good idea! Especially the part about not forgetting about it . . . have done that myself!


    Debra says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    I put a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil in a spray bottle filled half with vinegar and half with water and use it to clean my hardwood dining room table and many other things. The smell is refreshing and wakes me up in the morning. Smells so much better than chemicals!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    You’re all so good at making things smell nice!


    Melissa Olson says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    Hi Susan ~ Here is my favorite housekeeping tip: Have company come over to visit! There is nothing like knowing people will be in my living room to inspire me to get out the duster and clean up


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    That’ll do it for me too!


    Kathie L says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:41 pm

    My housekeeping tip is to have a good cleaning lady!! It makes a world of difference. I love your glass collection. My mom has many glasses like yours. Kathie L in Allentown


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    Thanks Kathie!


    Brenda says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:41 pm

    I did not know that, thank you for a new item to look for when out and about. I collect creamers, glass, china, ironstone, I just love little pitchers. I should say I love full size pitchers also but they take up to much room. So when I am out and I see a lonesome creamer that I love and it is not expensive I will bring it home. I don’t buy them if they come with a sugar bowl I grumble and leave them behind. My tip is this: When you bring one of those wonderful glass items home and they have a awful sticky sticker on them that you just cannot get the gummy residue off in your normal dish water, you can rub a little WD-40 on it and it washes off easily. I usually rub it around with my finger for a bit first to loosen the gunk up. This I learned from my hubs. Guess I will keep him.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:46 pm

    Yes, those little tips help make life better!


    Brenda says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:09 pm

    Yes they do and I forgot to tell you that I ordered the Autumn Book and the new 2012 calendar. I was feeling left out and it is close to an hour to the nearest bookstore so my order is in. Cannot wait for the book and the calendar will look perfect on my kitchen wall. Thank you!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:11 pm

    Yay! Not left out anymore!


    Joan Watson says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    I don’t know where my post went – it was there and now it isn’t – about 10:30 am PST or so? Anyway – I would LOVE to have the banana dish!!!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    I don’t know either, I answer some of them, and my answers disappear, so I do it again, I wonder if there are 15 answers, but I don’t see them! Computers!


    Cindy says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    Housekeeping tip…enjoy your home with all your heart. Each and every chore you do is a labor of love that turns any house into a home. Even if it is just you, love what you do in your home so your home reflects that love right on back to you.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    Good advice!


    Diane Byrum says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:46 pm

    My mother’s housekeeping advice to me when I got married in 1967 was to always make sure to have enough money left over from the grocery money to have a maid and get my hair done once a week! Very important wouldn’t you agree? Amazing you have shared your love of glass this week . . . just last Thursday we emptied out storage unit and I have seven large dish pack boxes full of glass to unpack. The banana dish would be in some very lovely company. You’re so fun to be with, Susan. Thank you for your generous spirit and lovely heart.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:48 pm

    That will be a fun job (when it’s over especially!)


    Diane Byrum says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    Yes, and it will all have to be washed so it shines–just like you described!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    It’s going to be gorgeous!


    juniperlover says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    I keep a little grout scrubber in the shower to touch up the tile, etc, when I finish my ablutions! It’s so easy when everything is already nice and wet! (Does that sound strange?!)


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:54 pm

    It sets up a little bit of a picture . . .


    Jonnie Nottingham says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    I, too, love beautiful pieces of glass. I have glass hummingbirds and dragonflies hanging from the ceiling of my bedroom. It’s very beautiful when the sun’s rays shine in. I also love to use beautiful glass bowls to hold loose assorted things. For instance, I can see beautiful seasonal fat quarters stacked in the banana dish! I so enjoy reading your blog every day – it comes during my work day and is a bright spot that I look forward to. Thank you for bringing joy into my life!



    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Thank you Jonnie!


    Stevie Marcum says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    I am searching for something to say, but the glass has me mesmerized! Beautiful collection and wonderful way to collect…much like the way my coffee cup collection started. I was a ‘lazy’ wife/mother in the sense that I spent much of the years being a wife, being, well…bitter. He promised me we’d go back to California if ‘we’ didn’t like it in Indiana. 15 years later and I still hated it, hated being told they’d (my inlaws) help me watch the kids and then find a reason not to or get someone else to run their motel so I could take my family out to a home in the country and really start living. I didn’t go back to school. I didn’t get a job. I didn’t take it upon myself to be a super-mom, amazing housewife, or Julia Child in the kitchen. So, now that 2 of my 3 daughters are out of house and into college, I am divorced and living a much better version of my life here in North Carolina, I am finally finding out who I really am and what I love…one piece at a time.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    I see a happy ending on the horizon!


    Debbie says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    There’s only one rule in my house…don’t write in the dust!!!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:54 pm

    I hate it when that happens!


    Margo says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    I have an obsession with glass too….. love it! Have many pieces from my Nanna, Mom and MIL….. as well as others I have hunted down through the years…. vinegar & water… make them fresh and squeaky clean.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:25 pm

    Thank you Margo!


    Clair says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    I love the tip to clean from the top down in a room. Start with dusting the top shelves, finish by vacuuming floors, cleaning everything on the way down. Thanks!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:25 pm

    I need to do that in my studio!


    Anna says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:53 pm

    I have the hardest time with bananas because you can’t put them in your fruit bowl with the other fruit! They just always end up sitting on the counter, so a banana bowl would be great! My best household hint is to clean with things that you love- a polish that smells divine, a feather duster that is beautiful, and a great bucket to hold it all.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    I always think that too, you have to have a bucket, why shouldn’t it be a red one!


    Sue Graham says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:54 pm

    Your blogs and Willards make me so happy – thank you for them! And I love reading all the comments, I think all of us would be great friends if we ever met. Housekeeping hint? I agree, get a good housekeeper. Love love love the banana dish!! If I don’t win, I’m going to start searching for one. I wouldn’t have known what it was without you, my dear.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:09 pm

    I always love the inspiration that gets me out on the search for something!


    Ginnie says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:54 pm

    Oh, my goodness, Susan! That cut glass banana dish is glorious! And I’ve never seen or heard of a banana dish before. You are too good to us, Ms. Branch!

    The most fun ‘specific-purpose’ item I have is a pair of sterling silver tongs that I bought at a flea market to use with our ice bucket. I told the vendor what I was looking for, and he said he didn’t have anything. Then I spied a small set of tongs in one of his cases, and asked to see them. “Oh, those aren’t for ice,” he said. “Those are for fried chicken.” What?! And sure enough, the tongs were shaped like chicken feet! Very cute. And still work fine for ice!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    Oh I’ve seen those! Perfect!


    Michelle A says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:55 pm

    I have seen those before but never knew they were for bananas. My friend and I love to go to antique stores and we both love old glass. I too have it in all shapes and sizes. Clear, colored, cut, hobnail and glasses, pitchers, bowls and cake plates, you know what I mean. You are right it never ends.
    If you like bananas you have to try Paula Deens “Not Your Mama’s Banana Pudding”. Every one I have made it for loves it.
    Thank you again for being so generous and sharing the treasures you find with us.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    Thank you Michelle!


    andrea says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:55 pm

    Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I’ve never seen a banana dish before, and am now wondering how I can possibly live without one! My family loves bananas, but they conspire to never eat the last two or three, so they’ll turn black and Mama (me) will have to make banana bread! Problem with that is, in the summer months, there’s no baking! It is Texas after all, lol! But I just pop them in the freezer, peel and all, and they’re good to go when the oven can finally be turned on. Anyway, I would LOVE to win your dish and if I don’t, then the hunt begins

    Here’s a tip I just recently learned off Pinterest….to easily clean your gas burner covers, put them in a big plastic bag (that can be sealed airtight), add 1/2 cup ammonia, seal up and put them outside and let sit overnight. The next day, take them out and the cooked on crud wipes off like magic! Well, maybe not magic, but after years of spending HOURS cleaning them with brillo pads, powdered cleansers, etc. to barely having to scrub them, it feels like MAGIC to me, lol! I do believe my daughter and I danced a jig in the kitchen when we cleaned them the last time


    andrea says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    that should’ve read gas STOVE TOP burner covers ( was too excited to tell you about it, lol)


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    It’s the little things in life!


    Sallie says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:55 pm

    We have this for Thanksgiving.
    Lime Jello Salad
    1 1/2 cup water
    1-3 oz. lime jello (or: I use one small box of sugar-free jello)
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 cup mini marshmallows
    1 small can crushed pineapple
    1 cup small curd cottage cheese
    1 pkg. cream cheese, optional
    1/2 cup chopped pecans
    8 oz. Cool Whip (fat free Cool Whip works fine)
    Heat first 4 ingredients until dissolved. Cool to room temperature, then add pineapple, cottage cheese, cream cheese, and pecans. Refrigerate 15 min, then fold in Cool Whip. Refrigerate.
    Thanks for the giveaway! It is beautiful!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    Love some sort of Jello thing on the Thanksgiving table.


    Jackie says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    I love glass, too – inherited some from my Mom, who loved it also! (My favorite housekeeping tip is to turn lights low, bring out the scented candles and no one will notice if the house needs work! ) Seriously, I always keep supplies in most rooms to do a quick dusting or wipe down when I’m in that room. That way, most of the time, everything stays presentable even when unexpected guests pop in.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    That’s a good idea!


    Sherryl says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    Really? A banana bowl? For ME??! Seriously, who knew that’s what they were for? I would have thought long stemmed flowers (for a very brief time) would lie there… or celery. LOL I wish I had a housekeeping tip, but that is definitely not my forte – I’ll be reading the comments on this blog post to see if I can glean something usefull myself. By the way, I totally share your love of old, precious glassware. We have a wonderful assortment of depression era dessert plates in every pattern and color that find their way to our table at every opportunity!
    Thank you for sharing.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Thank you Sherryl!


    Jeanie Hans says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    Well, I have to admit that I am a hit or miss housekeeper. I love a clean house but never really get it all cleaned up at once without a puff of dog hair on the floor or dust blowing in through the window. I love the banana dish (never seen anything like it) and really love dishes and glasses passionately.
    My best housekeeping trick or tip is to just do the 15 minute blitz each evening. I try to run around and do a 15 minute pickup/throwout/wipedown/clothes in the washer before I go to bed. You would be amazed at how much you can accomplish in just 15 minutes.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    Isn’t that the truth! I use that trick on myself when I’m procrastinating . . say, “I’ll do just 15 min.”


    Cindy Colombo says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    I also love glass items!!! You have to include vases in the mix! I have to say I did not know about the banana holders. Such a wonderful idea.
    Housekeeping tip: Always make your bed. It makes everything seem in order. I taught my childern early.
    Have a great day!!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    Thank you Cindy!


    Betty B says:

    October 25, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    The banana dish is so lovely. It reminds me of all the treasured glass items I have that were my mother’s. Mine are probably not quite as “cared for” as yours, but I love them never the less.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    How could they be more cared for if they were your mom’s and now they’re yours. Thats as good as it gets!


    Linda says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    I love all of your glassware especially your new cakestand with your mom’s circus cake on it. How darling! Do we have that recipe in any of your cookbooks?It’s just so cute. I don’t have any real cleaning tips but I do try everyday to keep things from piling up and somehow if you do that your house always looks neat and tidy and then real cleaning isn’t so much of a chore.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    That’s the trick! The cake recipe is coming soon!


    kthaden says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    Susan, I look forward to reading your blog and seeing the pictures and movies you post. Life is to be cherished and your ability to see joy in the little things is inspiring. One of the things that makes me happiest is when all the glass in my home sparkles. My little grandson has asked to see Grammy’s “pretties” in the china hutch since he was very small. I guess even little guys have an appreciation for the beauty of glass.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    Yes they do!


    Audrianne in Holland Michigan along the shores of Lake Macatawa says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Being an English teacher finds me constantly with an ink pen between my fingers during the months of September through the first week of June. The last thing I want to do in spend the weekend cleaning the house. The one tip I learned is between breaks in grading papers I clean one room a day – the kitchen on Monday; the bathroom on Tuesday; one bedroom, Wednesday; the other one on Thursday; the living room on Friday just before I settle down for a lovely glass of wine! Saturday is spent at the market and whatever yard work my small patch of heaven requires. Voila, it’s done and I am not exhausted.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    Organization, as my mom says, is the key to success!


    Susan Simon says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    I love all your gorgeous collection of glassware! I have several treasured pieces… one is milk glass curved dish (the rim looks like a fluted pie crust) that my dad’s mother gave me when I turned 21; the other two are cranberry glass that belonged to my great-grandmother and grandmother before they came to me. I literally just washed them yesterday as I am cleaning house, getting ready not only for the holidays but also having a bunch of girlfriends over Friday night for goodies and some wine. Your cookbooks have been pored through this week, especially the autumn book… will share the recipes and book with my friends when they come. BTW, do you collect china at all? I have lots of varied cups and saucers and other odd pieces from an English bone china company called Hammersley that I treasure… my mom and I collect these. So many patterns and although it is no longer made, we still come across it, especially on Ebay. Thank you again for sharing so much of yourself both here and in your books.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    I sure do. Dishes are my weakness (amongst almost everything else!) I think I have some Hammersley, that name is very familiar. I’ll do a blog on it some day!


    Linda L. says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    What a wonderful and unique piece of glass. I have all kinds too. I got a cut glass pickle jar with little stand and fork for graduation from my Mamaw. She was a lover of glass too. She gave me my first piece of depression era glass when I was a child. It is acutally a somewhat rare piece, and I cherish it.
    Linda L. In Texas


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    Very special.


    Linda says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    I have never seen such a lovely piece of crystal. We always have bananas in the house, but they sit on the counter! My housecleaning secrets? Not many, but I do use Murphy’s Oil Soap for most everything. It’s great for my wooden cabinets and also for the tile and wooden floors. And it leaves a nice smell. I also mix it with water in a spray bottle and it’s a natural insecticide.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    Good idea!


    Ellen Hindle says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    I love (oh ok… I like) to wash windows, too!


    Suzanne Capolingua says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    I love this posting it is dear to my heart…I too am a CRAZY when it comes to glassware…I have the same exact creamer as pictured in your shot above…I also collect animals that are glass, amazing how easy they are to find in little out of the way shoppes and some Estate sales.
    Household hint…Have a little doggie that has a “oops” moment on the carpet, use White vinegar and I have never had a stain on the carpet and sometimes it also will take out old stains too!
    Love your “Banana Boat” glass dish…..Sail away to my house!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    Thanks Suzanne!


    Ellen Hindle says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    I meant “wash”… : )


    Susanne says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    hello — I am also a collecter of glass, among other things. One of my favorite finds is an individual butter dish with a cover. So, so adorable. It’s a perfect compliment to a cup of tea and homemade scone….which, of course, I always eat from my favorite cut glass salad sized plate. My retirement plan includes taking a glass blowing class…I have a few years to wait, until then…I’ll keep my eye out for more glass “treasures”.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:15 pm

    mmmmm, that’s a creative thought!


    starr miller says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    Hi Susan,

    Your blog entries are always so inspiring and loving. Thank YOU. Your glass collection is charming and reflective of you and your talents! Thank you for giving us all a chance to own the fabulous glass, banana dish. I have never heard of them before. Beautiful.
    My best cleaning products lately are baking soda and vinegar. They have been touted in the news a lot because people are trying to save a few dollars and keep chemicals out of their homes. I use vinegar as a final rinse in the laundry, cut with water for bathroom floors, hardwood floors and all counters in the house (and of course, windows). Baking soda is what I use to clean the toilets and the bathtub. Love these simple products!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    I do too Starr, but didn’t realize until today how many people are taking them to heart!


    Gala Wurdeman says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    I’m in a bit of a housecleaning rut, so it’s good to read everyone’s tips. I think the banana dish would be perfection–the rule of William Morris and whimsy, too. My dog loves bananas, so I don’t eat one unless I share (she’s very vocal and reminds me if I forget).


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Yes, I love when William Morris and Whimsy meet, it’s perfection!


    Irene Blackburn says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:09 pm

    Hi Susan, just wanted you to know how much I love your blogs regarding collecting things like these wonderful glass items ( & et.al). I have a friend who loves to go antiquing and I have seen items like you show…but dumb me–I have never bought them. I do not have a collection of ANYTHING!! I just wish I had started, like you, in my 20′s. I am in my 60′s now, but I do not believe that it is too late. I think I will start my glass collection soon and maybe I can leave something for my daughter and grand-children that mean as much to me as your items mean to you. Wish me luck.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:12 pm

    Never too late, just have fun! Good luck! (And PS, you have things in your house that your daughter and grandchildren would love just because you touched it every day, it doesn’t have to be fancy. xoxo)


    Suzanne Capolingua says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    OK so now after seeing this posting, I am panicing…Last Sunday in the Goodwill store here I saw small glasses in a pretty pale blue color and they were larger than juice size and smaller than water they were thin…now after seeing your glassware I think they must be old…have to hurry back and see if they are still there. Oh My1


    florence rozler says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    This brings memories of mom’s kitchen with a banana basket she used for mail. First thing we looled at when you came in the house.love my glassware don’t always know what I’ll do with it but have to have the great pieces. Daughters and daughter-in-laws will enjoy them.Don’t have a family recipe for Jello but adults will love jello shots at party time, google has 100′s of recipes to choose from. Thank-You for starting my day!!!!!!!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:20 pm

    Thank you Florence! I have some Jello Shots in my Summer Book, they are dangerous.


    Kathy R says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:12 pm

    I love all of your glassware! I have some Heisey Glass that was given to me by my mother as well as some cranberry thumb print glasses that were my grandmothers. I wash all of my glass items in plain old soap and water for the holidays so that they will glimmer and twinkle in the “happy lights” that I put everywhere. I do not have a banana dish and think it would be very happy with my other items . Once again, you’ve outdone yourself!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:20 pm

    Thanks Kathy, Love that Heisey! Clearest of all is what it seems like to me!


    Patty says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Keep your windows clean and sparkling– at least the ones you look out of the most. So much more enjoyable to look through clean windows and see the beautiful fall colors,the sunrise or the sunset, the squirrels collecting acorns, the birds flying south, and soon, the snow flakes.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:19 pm



    Bev says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Hi Susan…received Willard this AM and now this great blog all about glass…I do not have a housekeeping tip per se but I love to wash dishes at a certain time in the morning when the light coming through the window is “just right” and I feel like I have been given the best gift ever with the way it reflects off the dishes and glasses in the drainer and all the little glass things on the window sill…at that moment life cannot be better…but I digress…I love and will use your tip about serving cold white wine in straight thin glasses…fantastic! And thanks so much for sharing and also for the chance to win a banana dish!!!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    Thank you Bev! Love the light through the window!


    Kathy J says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Loving these give-a-ways! I have a morning ritual now, when I wake up and its still dark outside, now that fall is here, I make my coffee, put in it a teacup, go into my office and start up the computer. The house is dark and quiet, and I go on your site to start my day and see whats new…thanks for all you do!
    My housekeeping tip is a daily swish and swipe of the bathroom when you are getting ready in the morning. Put your toilet cleaner in the toilet and let it sit while you quickly wipe the counter and sink, spray your mirror, then swish the toilet and you are done. Five minutes and you have a clean bathroom everyday to greet you and your family.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:18 pm

    Thanks Kathy, love your bathroom advice!


    Caren Lara says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Housekeeping tip. As long as everything is picked up and in its place the house will look clean even though you did not dust and vacuum.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:18 pm

    Yes and if there are too many crumbs on the kitchen floor, I love my trusty dust vac.


    Tootles says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    Could it be we were separated at birth ?! I feel like I’ve found a kindred spirit…each time I log on there is another delightful, cozy post about things I LoVe ! I use cake pedestals for virtually everything. They transform flower, gourds, goodies into something more. I will leave you all with a wonderfully simple good jello recipe…since you asked…
    Blueberry jello
    1 6oz cherry jello
    1 sm. can crushed pineapple (or if you LoVe pineapple use a big can)
    1 can blueberry piefilling
    Mix well
    add 2 c. hot water
    1/2 c. cold water
    pour into a 9×13 pan (glass of course) refridge to set up
    Mix up topping
    1 8oz coolwhip (or fresh made)
    1 3 oz cream cheese
    mix well and spread on top.
    Even your non pineapple peeps will love this


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    Yum, that looks wonderful!


    Dorinda Turner says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    I love that banana dish!!! I have never seen anything like that. I finally got me a cake stand at a cute little antique store the other day.


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    I bet you love it!


    Deborah Celtic Heart says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    oh! I could not agree more . . love glass, and there is something so theraputic washing it up to that wonderful, gleaming lustre. My collection is not big, but I do have a few pieces of pressed and Victorian glassware that I’ve been picking up in my local charity shops for pennies! Over several months I’ve put together a set of six rainbow trifle dishes all bought seperately! Same goes for a set of six lustre shot glasses. Nothing enhances glass quite like sunlight or candle light. I have a fixed window and am thinking to make a fitted frame of small compartments to fill the space so I can display a lot together in the sunlight that floods that window from early morn to dusk.
    I just love your table! Love Love Love it! (your chairs match your china . . wonderful . . and such a heavenly colour)
    My latest buy is a small screen of local handmade glass from an artisan studio. It is blue and full of texture. I burn a candle behind and it looks like I’m under the ocean looking up at the sun through the bubbles . . .
    Now, what about an English Sherry Trifle (okay, I know I’m Welsh, but it is the best dessert ever) served in a sparkling glass bowl . . all those layers of sherry soaked sponge, topped with glistening nuggets of juicy fruit, the shimmering jewelled jelly, lashings of rich yellow custard, topped with soft, billowing peaks of whipped cream, and the final decoration of lightly toasted almond slivers . . almost a sin to disturb it in its majesty, but well worth every sumptuous mouthful! . . . hungry now . . .


    Deborah Celtic Heart says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    oh! I forgot to say . . Hurrah! Patricia is found! So relieved, and very happy for her!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    Me too!


    April O’Toole says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    Thanks Susan for your lovely blog! I like reading about your collections, and seeing all of the beautiful pics too. You very much embody the idea that beauty is in all the little things! I guess the thing that I try to remember the most about “house cleaning” is that my house is home to 3 active girls, 1 Golden Retriever, 2 cats, and 1 guinea pig….it’s never going to be model house clean, but as long as the girls feel that it is a home that they can play in, bring their friends home to, and feel loved–then I’m happy!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    That’s so perfect!


    Wendy says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    What a gorgeous banana dish! I have one that was my mom’s that my dad asked, “Would you like this?” when he started cleaning out after she passed away. Are you kidding?! Yay! And…even better…he gave me a bunch of photo albums, one holding a picture of mom holding the banana dish that was a birthday gift from her mom, my grandmother. It’s milkglass and I adore it!

    Mom’s cleaning tip… Don’t put it down, put it away. It’s served me well!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    So wonderful! A banana dish with a family story attached!


    Rachel Lucas says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    Hi sweetie – just wanted to drop in and say hello and that my best ever housekeeping tip is one that I learnt from you a loooong time ago. The one about emptying a room, cleaning it til it sparkles and then putting back only the things you love & STOPPING when it looks perfect. Such an amazingly, life-launderingly, cathartic thing to do. Many charity shops have benefitted from that exercise in these parts! I recommend it to everyone. Make sure you start early though, and give yourself a reward at the end – it’s hard work! Love you xxx


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:21 pm

    It is the entire trick, and be sure to save room in the room, for flowers! Thanks Rachel!


    ellen scott says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    hi susan…just read your thoughts on glass…it put me in mind of my mom…she loved cut glass….really enjoyed looking at your colletion of glass…happy hunting for more


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:21 pm

    Thanks Ellen!


    Barb Kucera says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Hi Susan….I have to say, if I saw that adorable ice bowl in a shop, I would race you for it. It is just too cute.
    I have lots of glass too….pitchers and teapots are my favorite things to collect but I also have a little stash of my Mom’s cut glass and it’s really special. I love when one of my nieces or nephew’s asks “Wasn’t that Granny’s”. She is not forgotten and it’s nice to have a little part of her still at our family gatherings.
    Hmmm, housekeeping tip? When you are really exhausted, let it go, it will be there waiting for you later. Have a nap instead:)


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    Oh, I hope it never comes to that! Like Macy’s Basement on Wedding Dress Day!


    Jerri Ellen says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Hi Susan,

    I’m just “going bananas” over that dish! You’re so sweet to think of us all the time. I am into glassware, too. We just got home from New England, and I found a small clear glass pitcher with a schooner on each side. I thought perfect for flowers or juice and I snagged it for $8!! Wish I could send you a picture of it…I have no idea its history and frankly don’t care. Like you, I love to find interesting items on vacation instead of wasting money on tacky souvenirs. I can’t think of an original cleaning tip. I have house guests coming this weekend so like your other fan, I am in a frenzy. My husband and dog know to stay out of my way this week!


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:32 pm

    LOL, even the dog knows!


    Debbie says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    Hi Susan,
    I check in everyday in anticipation of you warm and wonderful blog.
    I love old glass. After my mom passed away I inherited all of her moms beautiful antique wine glasses. I truly loved the glasses. But recently my aunt, my mom’s younger sister had gone out of her way to be especially kind and helpful to me and my family. I felt such gratitude that I gave her the entire collection. Even though I miss the glasses it brings me joy knowing they are now with my grandmother’s beloved daughter


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 3:32 pm

    So kind of you, what a wonderful thing to do!


    Gamma Rori says:

    October 25, 2011 at 10:37 am

    Not sure why, but the majority of my post got cut off so I am trying it again:
    Hi Susan!!
    I just LOVE the Banana Dish as I too have never seen nor heard of one!! >> grin << Here’s wishing you a WONDERFUL, SHINY day!!
    Gamma Rori


    sbranch says:

    October 25, 2011 at 10:52 am

    Good ones!


    Dolores says:

    October 25, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    I would also like to add the perfect thing for cleaning lovely vintage glass like banana bowls is just plain old Joy liquid! I don’t know what they put in that stuff but it makes everything from my glass to my floors shine!


  47. Julie says:

    I, too, love glass, the banana dish would be wonderful to add to my collection. My favorite housecleaning tip is I clean the house first thing in the morning, running the vacuum still in my jammies. After I am all done, I then jump into the shower. That way I am stepping out, clean, of the shower into a clean house!

  48. Francy says:

    I love the crystal banana dish. It is such an unusual piece. I have several crystal and glass pieces that I have collected over the years. It makes me smile to see them displayed and used around my house. My favorite housekeeping hint? Keep your Plastic/Glad wrap in the freezer. It will be much easier to roll off and use. This hint comes from my Aunt Mary ( she taught homemaking for a number of years) and it really works.

  49. Gail says:

    My husband thinks I am the third-cousin-once-removed of a crow because I collect shiny objects! I have long had a fondness for these thin little glasses–and keep them in my bathroom. They make me happy every time I raise one to my lips or see it sparkle in the first shimmers of morning light. What a fun read this was!

  50. Nancy says:

    I saw a Facebook posting today that said “A clean house is a sign that the computer isn’t working” Ha Ha!! Let’s see… I have been a homemaker for over 31 years, so I must have a housekeeping tip!!?? Whenever I am going to entertain I make a list a week ahead of everything I need to do each day leading up to and including the event!! That way, I am usually ready to go on time and not stressed out by last minute to-do’s!! We love bananas, they go on the oatmeal, go into the banana bread (craving that now!!), and go into our smoothies, and just plain banana eating!! I would love to add the banana dish to my home, it would remind me of something my grandma would have had:)

  51. I too love glass especially cake plates. Footed or flat never has mattered. Neither does the color. My first was a plate with dome that is covered with daisies. If I had never laid eyes on that plate I would have a whole lot more room in my house. It was great to see some of your pieces. Thank you for sharing.

  52. Laura says:


    Everytime I see this pattern, I think of you.

  53. Claudia says:

    To clean all my ruffled glass shades on my ceiling fixtures, I remove them and place them on the upper rack of my dishwasher. I also add a little vinegar to the tub, and they come out sparkling.

  54. Lee Ann G. says:

    OH it would be awesome to have somewhere to put my bananas besides on top of my tea bag cannister!! And this glass banana holder is so pretty. I love glass, especially cobalt blue glass anything and also glass pitchers. I was the one in charge of stirring up the lemonade every Sunday dinner when I was a little girl at my grandma’s house. She had many different glass pitchers and getting to choose the one I wanted to use, put me in love with glass pitchers way back then.

    My husband loves mandarin oranges, so I make this recipe for him.
    Frosty Mandarin Dessert
    1 c. mandarin orange slices 2 c. boiling water
    1 6oz. pkg. orange jello 1 pt. orange sherbert

    Drain oranges and save the syrup. Add enough water to the syrup to make 1 cup and set aside. Dissolve jello in the 2 cups of boiling water and then add the 1 cup syrup water. Add the sherbert by spoonfuls, stirring until melted. Chill until thickened and then fold in oranges, saving a few for garnish. Pour into your serving bowl and chill until set or at least 1 hour. Before serving garnish with orange slices. Makes about 8 servings unless you take extra like we do!

    ♥Lee Ann

  55. Lori says:

    Gee, to think before today I didn’t even know what a banana dish was and now I *need* one. My housekeeping hint is really more of an attitude hint. Instead of complaining of all the dirty dishes, be thankful of the food that was served on them. Instead of dreading laundry, be grateful that we have so many clothes to dirty. You get the idea … too blessed to be stressed!

  56. Gale Hill says:

    Happy Fall Susan,
    I sit here writing this during my afternoon break at work and now feel so very relaxed after reading about your love of small glasses and your treasured banana dish. The glasses remind me so much of seeing them in the kitchen cupboard at my grandma’s farmhouse. How I miss that house! You would have loved it – filled with glassware stuffed in a couple wooden hutches made by my grandpa. How the memories flow when I read your blog and Willard – I look so forward to each month! My best housekeeping tip is to keep things picked up as best you can – organization is the key.

  57. KathyRS says:

    hmmm…jello and pretty glass dishes. Sounds like a perfect combination to me. You already have my favorite jello recipes, the cranberry sauce one – thanks Jeannette. And the jello poke cake – at least that’s what we always called it! Wish I knew the recipe for the jello dessert my grandma always made – it had a pretzel crust and cream cheese layer and some kind of purple jello… yummy. But grandma’s been gone for over 10 years and I didn’t think to get it from her then. I love pretty glass and have to gift it occasionally to make room for more. I would love to try out the banana dish to see if it “works” for me! haha.

  58. Patty says:

    Cannot believe you will be sharing this with us. I too am a glass junky. I have been busted several times sneeking it in house from garage sales. It is just so pretty and makes a beautiful place setting. Cleaning…hmmm…let me see I try to avoid that until it becomes sort of an issue – – others things more important to attract my attention; however, try Cermabrite on your shower doors – – works wonders on that shower scum. Awesome blog Susan!

    • Vickie says:

      I totally get caught sneaking in new finds as well.. My husband rolls his eyes when I say, “Oh, I’ve had it for months!!” 🙂

  59. Patty says:

    I too have a glass love. I have to sneak it in the house after garage sale shopping. Can’t believe you are giving this fine piece away. Try Cermabrite on your shower doors – doesn’t scratch…and doesn wonders. Awesome blog Susan!

  60. Bonny ~* says:

    This is why I LOVE your blog: It’s not the giveaways (although that’s awfully nice of you)…it’s the affirmation that I am not alone in my “obsessions”…my love of cooking, gardening, travel, antiquing, quilts, glassware…and anything “Susan Branch”. You speak to my soul !!!! BFF♥

  61. Lynne says:

    Where fruit is concerned, there’s nothing more cheerful than a banana! They’re the color of sunshine, they muster up laughter when some cartoon character slips on their skin, and they are the perfect energy food. And how could one have a delicious ice cream sundae without one? I’m just sayin’….

    I’ve never seen nor heard of a dish specifically designed for the sunshine fruit… how delightful! I too, love glass… cordial glasses, champagne flutes, crystal drops, glass vases, and the list goes on. One of my favorite memories as a kid was going to the fair and finding the glass blowing booth. I would watch with wonderment at the tiny menagerie of glass animals. I would give the man my .10 cents and hope I would pick a card out of a recipe box that would say .75 cents, so I could choose one or more little animals to add to my collection.

    As far as housekeeping goes… well, I pretend everything is clean so I don’t have to do it. I find that having a friend over or company for the weekend is what drives me to clean. It’s a good thing I’m social!

    • sbranch says:

      I agree, was always fascinated by glass blowing! They had it on Main Street in Disneyland. Thank you Lynne!

  62. Glenna says:

    I am a glass collector, too…. especially bowls and pitchers…. and I love this beautiful banana bowl. You are such a sweetheart. Only a true girlfriend would buoy our spirits everyday and give us gifts, too. Thank you Susan! hmmmm… I love a tidy, clean house, but I’ve learned is that it’s not necessary to have an immaculate home… friends and family should always be welcomed no matter what. If there’s dust and floors need to be mopped, still fling open that door and invite those beautiful folks right in….. just make sure you have a tasty homemade treat for them. They won’t even notice the rest. Hugs and blessings to all my fellow girlfriends in Susan Branch Land.

    • sbranch says:

      I never knew having a blog would be so wonderful! But it’s all the girlfriends that makes it so, I just have to say thank you right back! And I agree, no one really notices! 🙂

  63. Chris says:

    So excited about this give away. This past year, my 87 year old aunt wanted an early 1900’s 8″ cake plate that matched a candy bowl she got as a gift years & years ago. It had blue birds and strawberries enbedded in the glass…so pretty. I finally found one on Ebay…wow what a find! I got it and put red velvet cupcakes on it and gave it to her. She was sooo excited!!! I couldn’t have ask for anything better than her reaction. Ever since, I have been looking and looking at more glass…Love it so much.
    Thanks for sharing with us…

  64. Donna W says:

    I told my husband about the banana dish give-away and asked him what he thought my best housekeeping tip was. “How about: pick-up after yourself..?”. It does help! Many times I give it “a lick and a promise” as a friend of mine called it. In fact, today was to be housecleaning, but like the poem “I meant to do my work today, but…..” after all the internet play, and lunch and I’m still in my pajamas (!!) “what could I do but laugh and go my way.”

  65. Debbie says:

    Hi, Susan–The Jack Russell cleaning tip is a good one. My cleaner is named Penny. I’ve just discovered the Target Method All-Purpose natural surface cleaner in the french lavender scent. It cleans counters, glass, metal everything and the scent makes me want to keep cleaning!

  66. Sonya Hewes says:

    I don’t know that I have a good housekeeping tip, but maybe I should just say the greatest tip is reading your blogs and newsletters because there’s nothing that will make you feel cozier or warm in your own home. I LOVE reading from you and just a couple days ago, I made the Gingerbread Cake with Lemon Sauce that is on the November 2011 calendar. Very yummy — so yummy, I posted a picture of it on Facebook for everyone to see!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Boy! Love that Sonya! I need to make it myself, I have a yearning for that Lemon Sauce! Thank you!

  67. Valerie says:

    OMG! I’m in love with glass, too. And when I saw this dish, I knew I had to have one just like it! 🙂 So I thought I’d check the thrift next time I was out … but wait, you are giving one away! WOO HOO! Best housekeeping tip: It’s also semi-glass related. Every time a light bulb burns out in a fixture, whether it be a lamp, a ceiling light, ceiling fan, or an outdoor lantern, it signals a good time to wash the fixture as well. My lights are always nice and bright due to this trick. If a bulb hasn’t been changed in a while, the change of the season signals a good time to clean those lighting fixtures and stray cob webs! It’s amazing how dusty and grime covered light fixtures get. Thanks for the wonderful give-away!

  68. Amy G. says:

    Hi Susan and all the ladies! I did not even KNOW such lovely things existed as banana dishes — the pictures are so beautiful with the light coming through. I keep my bananas at present in a silver breadbasket that is almost like one my mother has; mine came from an antique/rummage shop. If I’m the lucky winner of this pretty piece, I’ll repurpose my silver basket for its original use and serve bread in it again. My homemaking tip: I set aside a good portion of one day a week to do a thorough weekly cleaning of bathrooms, kitchen, dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning the wood floors. This takes a few hours, so I load my portable MP3 player with podcasts and audiobooks. The books are FREE at librivox.org! They’re all public domain read by volunteers, and I’m currently enjoying a run of P.G. Wodehouse. I actually look forward to cleaning day since I’ve been doing this! Music on the player is nice, but to be able to “read” a book during my tasks is heavenly!

    • sbranch says:

      It’s great to squeeze reading in whenever you can . . . I ride my exercise bike and do it too, and it makes me love exercise!

  69. Cyndi Harp says:

    I’ve collected glass for over 38 years. Most of it is Anchor Hocking Royal Ruby and Forest Green and several of the clear patterns. I love it and am always looking for something new, to me anyway. *L* My husband just shakes his head when I buy something else. I don’t know what it is about it, maybe that most of my things are over 50 years old and still around. Whoever gets this piece will be lucky as it is such a cute piece. I enjoyed looking at your glass .

  70. Ann C. says:

    Now I’ve seen everything! A beautiful, sparkling glass dish with the single purpose of holding bananas– I love it!! I’ll be keeping my eyes “peeled” (har-har) for banana dishes now whenever I’m in an antique shop…

  71. Nancy says:

    Never in my life have I seen a banana dish! Would love to win that one!

  72. Kathy says:

    Hello from California! Thank you so much for spreading love and good cheer through your website and books. I am a kindrid collector of glass, tea things, quilts, and linens, (etc.!), and enjoy what you do so much!. Keep up the good work!

  73. Sweet Mormor says:

    Dear Susan…My mom always taught me to start cleaning from the top then go down so you vacuum last – I guess she thought when she dusted it fell lower and lower! 🙂 Anyhow, I have learned not to be such a clean “freak” – don’t get me wrong, I still clean house but maybe not quite so often! I LOVE the banana dishes and I would cherish this little sweet one with all my heart! Its thoughtful of you to give this away!

  74. Sarah says:

    It’s an “outside recess” day here in Virginia! 🙂 Oh, how I need that banana dish. I always look at our bananas sitting on the counter, and they look so sad. They need a fancy throne to sit upon!

    My housekeeping tips are: Vacuum and damp mop your floors every day so they don’t get “away” from you–especially with little puppy feet that like to track in leaves and other stuff. And we keep a little “squeejee” (how do you spell that?) in our showers and quickly swipe away the water after each shower. No hard water build up! A weekly wipe down with Windex, and you’re good to go!

    Oh, please draw my name for that banana dish. 🙂


  75. Christine Anderson says:

    You are so my soul mate!
    I too love glass! In fact I am one of those that bought a set of the lovely glasses! I have small glass cream or milk pitchers in my dining room window that sparkle in the sunshine. I also collect early 20th century glass baskets of a particular shape that I call figure 8 as from the side they make an 8! Clear is my favorite but I do have colors. Some are etched, some are plain , and some have stripes cut into them. I love them!
    As stated in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, Windex is great for almost everything!!!

    • sbranch says:

      This is another gremlin comment, I know I saw this from you Christine and replied before, and here it is again, so if there are a bunch of these in a row, you will know I am not crazy, something is taking over the blog! 🙂 Thanks so much Christine!

  76. Kay says:

    I’m with you on collecting glasses. It is so hard to pass them up. I have a thing for cake stands, too & love to use them to decorate with. I didn’t know that the curved glass stands were for bananas, but I would love to own one & will have to start watching for them at garage sales & antinque stores.

  77. Jane S. says:

    I’ve never seen or even heard of a banana dish before! Aren’t they pretty though.

    There aren’t a lot of household hints coming from this household, I’m afraid, but one thing I do rely on is Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. I haven’t come across any bit of grime yet that Mr. Clean can’t take care of.

    Thank you for a fun-to-read post and for the giveaway!

  78. Lynn McMahon says:

    Hi Susan
    What a great find!
    Speaking of finds…..I found an interesting cook book at an estate sale this past weekend.
    It’s called ” The way to a man’s heart The Settlement Cook Book.” It was only $3.00 so I had to have it! I don’t know if you are familiar with this cook book but I have a 1930 edition which was the 18th edition. It was compiled by Mrs. Simon Kander with tested recipes from The Settlement Cooking Classes, The Milwaukee Public School Kitchens, The School of Trade for Girls and The Experienced Housewives. It was to be used by immigrant women when they came to America. I live in Wisconsin so this was really near and dear to me. There are many regional recipes like Milwaukee Rye Bread. As for a jello recipe I found recipes for hot and cold puddings as well as gelatin puddings. If you would like an old or very different gelatin recipe let me know. I didn’t know if a gelatin pudding recipe would count.
    This cook book also has many “Household Rules.” Are these the same as tips? I think they are so here is my ” tip”
    Proper Dress for the Kitchen- Jewelry should not be worn in the kitchen. Wear a cotton wash dress or a cover-all apron with a pocket for a handkerchief.
    Have a small hand towel that buttons on band of dress or apron.
    Have two pot holders, fastened together with tape and attach to dress or apron.
    Wear a washable cap that covers hair.
    Not for us “modern” housewives but interesting to see how times have changed. I am reading my way through the book and so far there is no mention of how to clean a glass banana dish……
    Hope you enjoyed my rather long winded response. As for recipes and “rules” there is more where that came from.
    Happy Homemaking!

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      Hi Susan~
      I don’t know if my comment posted so I am going to try it again later. It still says waiting moderation.

    • sbranch says:

      I have it! Love it! Who can resist the way to a mans heart! Mine is cream colored, with black writing on it. And a heart. Thank you for all the good tips! Happy Homemaking back to you!

  79. Meg says:

    Breaking your chores up and assigning one major chore per day helps to keep the house “clean enough” all the time. Women have done this for a long time as evidenced in Little House in the Big Woods 🙂

  80. Routhie says:

    What a generous gift! My father took his love of bananas to a whole new level after being diagnosed with a congenital heart defect, so I would definitely be passing it onto him. It only seems fitting that my housekeeping tip for removing spilled wax was a direct result of my father sharing his love for candles with me all those years ago. Place papertowels over wax and run a hot iron over, moving papertowels each time to soak up more wax. Unfortunately, if the wax was colored, you’re still stuck with a stain. 🙂

  81. Jacqueline Gowins Fortner says:

    Love the site!
    Since this post is in regards to glass, I will share with you my Grandmother’s method of cleaning all of her depression era glass.

    Regular cleaning: 50/50 water and apple cider vinegar (any vinegar works, apple cider just smells better!). Currently I have mine in a small spray bottle and when I’m ready to go at the glass works, I shake the bottle and spray away!
    *use newspaper to wipe off, for some reason it leaves less debris.

    If it has stains: soak in a mixture of warm water, vinegar, and a couple of drops of dish soap. Let it set until the water cools.
    Most stains should come right off!

  82. Barbara Hammond says:

    Thank you for your blog! It is so fun to read and I go about my day with a smile after reading it. 🙂 I, too, love glass and collect glass items. The banana dish is beautiful! My housekeeping tip would be to take care when washing special glassware. I put dish towels in the bottom of my sink and on the middle part of the sink (or use rubber mats) just in case the glass slips a little through wet hands.
    (Because of your blog I collected fall leaves, used thread to string them together, taped the leaves in my kitchen window–fun, easy, and so pretty!)
    Love ya! Keep on blogging and I’ll keep on reading!!

  83. Beth says:

    My housekeeping tip: I keep all my “bathroom essentials” in a pretty wicker basket (contact solution, hair ties, medicine, etc) so that it organizes everything in a pretty container for me. When company comes, a quick stash of the basket under the sink clears up the countertop in a snap. 🙂

    You are so sweet to share all these wonderful finds with us. Thank you much! (and everyone here is just darling, too. I wish we could have a big ol’ family reunion… or maybe a friend reunion. Imagine the delicious food!)

  84. Lori C. says:

    Cherry Pineapple Jello Salad

    1 Large Box of Strawberry Jello
    16 Oz. can Cherries (not the thickened pie filling / but the kind in juice)
    20 Oz. can crushed Pineapple
    Dissolve Jello in 2 cups boiling water. Once dissolved, add Cherries and Pineapple (UNdrained).
    If you want, you can add 1 cup chopped Pecans to the mixture – pour into a 9 x 13 baking dish and chill until set.
    It’s best to make this the day before so it can completely set up.
    8 Oz. Sour Cream
    8 Oz. Cream Cheese
    1 / 2 cup sugar
    Beat with a mixer until smooth and creamy. Pour over chilled Jello and sprinkle with more chopped pecans.

    I know you were probably kidding about a Jello recipe, but I don’t have any words of wisdom about house cleaning. I just wanted to say that I so enjoy reading all the amazing, sweet, funny comments from your readers (and your responses back!!) – if you were a Heart of the Home magazine I would read you cover to cover! XXXX


  85. Cindy Cline says:

    I love the banana glass dish. I too love glass of all sorts and dishes. They just seem to make me happy. My favorite cleaning tip is if you don’t have time to do an all out cleaning of your bathroom or kitchen – spray a little glass cleaner and wipe with a paper towel and everything will look shiny as if you spent hours cleaning.

    I too look forward to your blogs and check everyday. They warm my heart!

    Cindy Cline

  86. LindaB says:

    Hi Susan, I absolutely love your blog and all of your books!!! I never knew a banana boat existed, but I feel I should have one!!! The only tip I can think of off the top of my head is to sprinkle or spray your favorite tub cleaner in the tub before you go to bed, so you have no choice but to clean it before you use it!!! Works every time!!!

  87. Cindy Tuning says:

    How precious! I have never seen a banana dish. I always have a special glass that I put at my bedside when I go to bed at night.The one I’ve had for a few years is clear pink glass (my favorite) embossed with honey bees. I would be crushed if it broke and everyone in the house knows…you don’t use Mom’s pink glass.When we go treasure hunting,I’m on the lookout for MORE pink glass and my Husband..Fiance’…Boyfriend…I don’t know, just what do you call your SO when you’re 56 yrs old???..always says “Don’t you think you have enough?”Well,apparently I do not. Your Girlfriend giveaways just keep getting better and better..but I wouldn’t trade my quilt for the world. You make so many people so very happy and what does it take? Just sharing your beautiful soul with all of us who appreciate it.Thank-you!! Please don’t ever get tired of it. Your peeps need you!!

    • sbranch says:

      You can call him “Fiance for Life” like Oprah does. Love that. I won’t get tired, that’s for sure, I love it too! So happy you are enjoying your quilt!

  88. Barb :0) says:

    OMG !!!!!
    I have a banana dish also !!!!! It was on our counter all my life and when my Mom passed, I was lucky enough to receive it and now have it on my counter :0) I always thought it was the oddest piece, and always thought it was so funny that she kept bananas in it !!! But I treasured it, because Mom did. Your post is SO wonderful ….. I am so happy to know this really is what it is for !!
    I don’t want to enter the contest, as I already have mine … I just wanted to share my little story :0) Thank You !

  89. Amy says:

    Hi Susan! I love glass, too! I was happy to inherit my Grandmother’s cut glass serving bowls and plates. I think they’re beautiful. My husband calls me “Grandma” because of my love for old glass, antiques and needle crafts! I tell him I’m practicing for when I really am a Grandma! : ) Love that banana dish!

  90. Francine says:

    Oh Susan, you almost did me in today! A Willard and a chance to win something!!! And be still my heart – a tablescape to drool over! I love it! I am a lover of glass too, and would love the banana holder. It would get my bananas off the counter and give them a elegant home. You are too generous…but I love it! Now my mind will have a fun time with the anticipation of thinking…I could be the winner! And picking just the right spot for MY banana dish! Thanks for adding some fun to my life.

  91. Patty Craddock says:

    Favorite housekeeping tip: baby wipes! I have 3 Cocker spaniels who seem to leave little smudges, especially on the corners of the walls and baby wipes just clean them, the smudges not the dogs, perfectly. I also collect glass, especially the beautiful clear green depression glass. Thanks for the blog today it was perfect therapy.

  92. Mary R says:

    My favorite housekeeping tip: use coffee filters instead of paper towels for EVERYTHING. Separating china, teflon pans, cleaning windows (lint free) pre-measuring ingredients, no bowls to clean. Google the list it goes on and on.

  93. I have never heard of, or seen a banana dish! How enchanting! I love glass too, particularly cut glass that is old. Cake plates and serving dishes that I can use and enjoy. I love your collection of wine and water glasses! Thanks for a chance to win something sparkly:>)

  94. Jane Alexander says:

    Susan, I smiled when you photographed the straight sided glasses….as I have some from my husband’s grandmother, and another set from an antique store. I have so many pretty pieces of glass from my mom, his mom, and my own. Sometimes when it’s someone’s birthday, I ask the Lord what can I give them…sometimes He leads me to a beautiful piece of glass. Years ago, I gave away a beautiful glass bell. Ahhhhh. It’s hard to let go of some of our favorite things. Soooooo, I bought myself another bell! Right now I have two sets of cups and saucers to give to special friends of mine. One set is for a friend who has 4 little girls…..to whom the cups and saucers go.

    Love and blessings to all you girlfriends!
    Jane Alexander

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Jane, I agree. Love it when I go to my girlfriend’s house and see the candle holder I love on her counter!

  95. Suzi Havey says:

    Hi, Susan:
    Thank you for your wonderful blogs and the gorgeous pictures. It’s been wonderful reading about the glass memories so many of your readers have shared today. I, too, have glasses from relatives, so which are cobolt glass. The small ones I line up on my kitchen window sill so that they glow when the sun shines it.
    Gorgeous, and I also fill them with pink baby roses sometimes. Thanks also for the link to procuring bobeches. I’ve been looking for some for my daughter-in-law. The perfect Christmas surprise for her stocking!

    My favorite Jello recipe: 1 small pkg. of French Vanilla pudding prepared with just half the milk indicated. Let sit until firm, then fold in one small container of thawed Cool Whip. This can be used for:
    filling and frosting cakes and cupcakes,
    a topping for fresh berries piled in one of your beautiful glasses,
    put on top of a baked pie crust and covered with fresh raspberries which really should be drizzled with your famous Fudge sauce

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us.

  96. What a splendid banana boat. I have an affection for glasses and dishes that has been passed down to my two daughters. They love their glasses and dishes as well. This would look beautiful in the kitchen ofmy daughter’s ranch. They need a special place to hold their bunch of bananas! Thanks for the opportunity for the giveaway! Carol Hernandez

  97. Patty Page says:

    Hi Susan,
    I’ve been seeing these cute little tiered dessert stands on Pinterest, lately, that you put together yourself. I decided I wanted to try, so I went on a hunt at the local thrift stores. I bought one large glass plate that had 3 sections to it, a small glass sundae dish, and a pretty antique-looking glass bowl that is about 1/3rd the size of the plate. I bought some gorilla glue and will be gluing these 3 pieces together to make a tiered dish. So many possibilities! I think I’ll be making some more.
    By the way—I’ve never seen a banana dish before—it’s beautiful!

  98. Sandy M says:

    How very sweet of you! I have never seen a banana dish before, but it is quite lovely!
    PS: is your mom’s pink coconut circus cake recipe in any of your book?

  99. Holly says:

    Hello everyone! Susan, I love the small glasses! A few years ago I lived in Egypt, and people drank their hot tea out of small glasses. It struck me as odd, but it’s their custom. Everywhere there are outdoor type cafes, in the market areas especially, where people sit and share a pot of tea, drinking from small glasses.
    Whenever I am “out & about” (otherwise known as shopping/antique hunting) my eyes are always searching for brightly colored vintage dishes. There are preferred brands like Fiesta, Harlequin, Hall, but I’ll buy other colored dishes like the pastel W.S. George petalware. There is something about those colored dishes, as silly as it may sound, they jumpstart my creativity. My favorite pieces are pitchers. Large, small, unusual, one can not have enough pitchers! My most favorite are tiny creamers, like diners used to use. I LOVE them. My personal pet peeve is opening those dumb little plastic things with only a bit of cream inside!
    I’ve never seen a banana dish! Very cool. There are several of the pedestal cake places in my collection of glassware, but no banana dish. Maybe there will be! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Love all your collecting! I agree with the tiny cream things…my other pet peeve is the milk carton and how they glue the pourer closed so sometimes you have to stab your way inside with a knife!

  100. Beth Blythe says:

    Well, the banana dish is too adorable, Susan!

    I’m not a huge fan of Jell-O, but I do have a simple and yummy banana dessert. This has been made for many years by my grandma (who had 14 children!), my mother, many aunts and cousins. So, here it is…remember I said simple, but, oh so good! 🙂

    Banana Nilla Wafer Cake

    1 to 2 boxes of Nilla Wafers, depends on how big you want your cake
    Bananas, LOTS of them, sliced thin
    Sweetened Whipped Cream or Cool-Whip

    On a pretty cake plate, layer wafers, then a layer bananas, another layer of
    wafers, then a layer of bananas, etc., until it’s nice and tall. Cover and
    chill with plastic wrap for at least 24 hours. You want the wafers to
    become soft. Don’t worry about the bananas turning brown. It’s going
    to be covered up in whipping cream. 🙂 Before you serve, “frost” your
    cake with whipping cream or Cool-Whip.

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