A few moments in time, I thought you might like to see, caught by the camera lens, of our Thanksgiving 2011. ♥
The table’s waiting, anticipating, Music‘s playing
Most of our lovely guests are still at home, preparing to be fascinating . . . ♥
A bouquet of alstroemeria is cheering the guest room; for our friends Rachel and Paul who came all the way from England to have Thanksgiving with us. ♥
More flowers are blooming in the living room. The clock is tick-tick-ticking on the mantle. And, finally it’s time to get down to the business of . . .
Time to sprinkle the sugar over the cranberries and roast them at 350° until they are properly tart and bubbling. (The British language is rubbing off on me!!
“Properly,” such a good word! Now, say “tart” without the “r” — Tawt. Uh-oh, I feel a kicking burrrd coming on.)
Time to taste my grandma’s stuffing; more sage? More salt? More butter? Where’s my dad when I need him!!!? Time to stuff the turkey!
Time to harvest pomegranate seeds for the salad (unless you live close to a Trader Joe’s, who sells them in containers, all harvested and ready to go!).
And just about NOW in the proceedings is when we learn that our dishwasher is no longer working. Doesn’t turn on. Joe looked at it, checked fuses; I did my part, I kicked it; nothing. There was life before dishwashers, we assure ourselves. Onward and upward.
Besides, Little Women is on TV making the perfect background noise, what more could we ask for?
Time to pour off the roasted turkey juices to make the gravy.
Light the candles, pour the wine . . .
And read a beautiful poem that makes everyone cry; we toast Gerry and thank him; we toast each other and our friendships; count our blessings out loud; remember times gone by, thinking of our moms and dads, brothers and sisters, our grandmas and grandpas that can’t be with us today . . . we are so grateful . . . for all of it, for what has gone by and for what is still to come . . . “touching hands . . . “
Then it was, “Please pass the cranberry sauce. Did everyone get mashed potatoes?Johnny, could you pass the gravy please? White meat or dark meat?; oops, forgot the rolls . . .” “Mmmmm,” we are saying, “Anna, your potatoes are wonderful!!!” “Joe, the turkey is so moist!” Fork and knife noises; spinach/apple/bacon/pomegrante-seed-salad scooping; gravy puddles forming; then spooning pumpkin flan and gingerbread cake onto dessert plates, coffee stirring noises . . . more toasting, pouring wine . . . “it’s not what’s on the table that matters, it’s what’s on the chairs,” we are so wonderfully reminded, that we have fabulous chair material. ♥
After dinner, we put another log on the fire, Paul tells British turkey jokes while I play with Jack and an ostrich feather, on the giant scratching post Joe made for him . . .
And Martha and her daughter Anna began to sing . . .
Our talented friends brought their violin and accordion; Rachel and Paul did a darling duet for us, Martha played the piano and we all sang along. Jack and I were in charge of kitty acrobatics. We laughed until we cried, taking turns, telling stories about our childhood escapades; the glee we felt, the delicious anticipation, when hiding in closets preparing to scare the bejeebers out of siblings; the glee they must have felt, the delicious anticipation, when siblings obnoxiously burst out of our own closets.♥
In the book Little Women, and in the Autobiography of Mark Twain, and all the Jane Austen novels, I learned that before there was recorded music, before radio and TV, people made their own entertainment. They put on plays and played the piano and sang for one another (for better or for worse :-)). TV, especially, took away a lot of that charm; we’re so used to being entertained, we forget that we also know how to be entertainers ourselves. We do have to be brave to recite a poem or make a toast, or sing a song, or put on a skit. But it’s such a gift to everyone and so worth it. It gave us good reason to linger around the fire after dinner, making the evening last longer, and providing the perfect inevitable ending to a wonderful Thanksgiving: gratitude galore. ♥
Even after everyone put on their coats, kissed and hugged us goodbye, and walked out into the cold starry night, the party didn’t end; Rachel, Paul, Joe and I danced while we blew out the candles, washed and dried the dishes, put a load of napkins in to wash and spread a clean damask cloth on the table. ♥
Yesterday, we woke to a sunny, clear day. We shopped the little stores on Main Street and did our job as elves to help spread Holiday Cheer. We wandered through town, wrapped in our scarves and jackets, had a delicious lunch overlooking Edgartown harbor and the lighthouse, browsed in the used bookstore drinking hot cups of cider, and on the way home, we jumped out of the car at Bend-in-the-Road Beach to take photographs of the gorgeous sky that had lit on fire as the sun was going down.
I took pictures of Paul taking pictures . . .
Then I had to have this moment in time for myself. Another “little thing” to be grateful for.
While I write this, taking many kitty breaks because I’m “in demand” around here, Rachel and Joe are upstairs, still asleep. Paul bundled up and went out the door a few minutes ago; he’s riding the ferry over to Woods Hole and coming straight back this morning, not even getting off the boat on the Mainland; he just wants to take photographs of the sun coming up. When he gets back, we’ll all walk out to the pond and be grateful because it’s Saturday; we still have this last day together before we all have to go back to real life. ♥
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Hope your Thanksgiving was great, that the leftovers are still going strong and that you’re doing lots of elf-like things today! ♥ Your comments have been wonderful — Love reading them!! Thank you! XOXO
How wonderful to be able to make and enjoy such memories.
Be Blessed♥
P.S……Morning Jack :0)
Jack says “good morning Cindy!”
Your home is obviously filled with beautiful things, not only tangible but gifts you’ll keep forever; family,friendship, gratitude, love, kindness and memories. You brought back those memories of my grandmothers and great-grandmother, who I was lucky enough to have until I was sixteen. She was crusty but loved her great-grandchildren in her own way and wore the most beautiful aprons. I just found out that my aunt still has most of them and I’ll try to post some pics.
I’m thankful for your friendship through “blogging” and your sharing of your amazing talent and creativity.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Same to you Linda . . .
I made your cranberry sauce this year… I was scared, as I poured in all that sugar. But it was delicious. Quite a hit, and a future staple, at our future Thanksgiving tables! Plus, we live in “cranberry country”, and it’s a good thing, to show guests that cranberries don’t come jellied (Ha, Ha) from the bogs.
Glad you liked it … and even with all that sugar, it’s not too tart! Kind of surprising! Imagine how it would be without it!
Oh it sounds like you had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving. There is nothing better than being around the ones you love.
On another note (and don’t take this the wrong way) I was happy to see that I wasn’t the only one who didn’t iron their table cloth before they put it on the table. LOL!
Have a most EXCELLENT day Susan!
Well I hate to tell you, it’s ironed! But folded, for a year! LOL.
My tableclothes ALWAYS have fold lines on them–ironing a clean, folded tablecloth just to get the fold lines out is just too much unnecessary fussiness, especially at holidays or when having company and I actually expect or want my tableclothes to look that way! I’ve usually got enough other more “pressing” (no pun intended!) things to do and worry about getting done! LOL
Thanks for sharing the photos of your Thanksgiving dinner with us, Susan. Always fun to see how others celebrate…but I want to hear the rest of Paul’s turkey joke! 
I think he would LOVE to tell it!! He’s quite a storyteller and we could listen to that accent all day long!
Dear Susan,
Finding joy in simple things is your forte and you share it so well!
“A merry heart hath a continual feast!” Proverbs 15: 15
God’s blessings from Ohio,
Hugs, Bunny
Sweet, Bunny — thank you!
Thank you for the visit to your Thanksgiving! Loved the beautiful singing voices and great pictures. The stories, quotes, & your writings warmed my heart & watered my eyes. Our Thanksgiving was wonderful too & when we held hands and went around the table saying what we’re thankful for, the first was my 13 yr old granddaughter who said she is thankful for her family (& she blushed beautifully)! As we went around the table, we also were thankful for our friends! I’m thankful for you, my friend! Hugs!
Thank you Joan!! Me too, for you.
What a beautiful and warm post to read before I got out of bed this morning. thank you Susan!
Good Morning Becky!
Susan, YOU are grace and elegance personified. Everything looks gorgeous, welcoming and inviting! I don’t think it would be possible for anyone fortunate enough to be a guest in your home not to feel like royalty, in an unassuming way. I am grateful for all you share with us, each day. Blessings be bountiful for you and yours. xoxo, Jeanette
So nice, but it really wasn’t me, it was them!
We’re most grateful that my husband had the whole week home from his current work assignment in the Boston area! The cats and I are so happy to have him here. All the outside Christmas lights are up – so I have to catch up inside! He brought home (carefully double sealed inside his luggage) Cape Cod and Maine cranberries for our made-from-scratch orange and cranberry sauce! We spent yesterday following our tradition – movies all day! Tomorrow he flies back. Hope he and all the other travelers have safe journeys.
Glad that you spent your time surrounded by loved ones – it’s the best holiday gift isn’t it?
How wonderful that you had him there!
Oh Susan! It looks like you had a simply marvelous time! Thank you for sharing your day and special moments with us. I loved that little duet – what beautiful voices those two ladies have!
Many blessings
Shirley Ann – England
Mom and daughter, do a lot of practicing in their kitchen…and make anyone sound better just by singing with them!
Susan your Thanksgiving looked positively perfect! The friends, the food and most of all the love I feel coming through your blog–Blessings to you dear Susan! Our Thanksgiving was lovely–missing my dear sister who passed away recently and all the others that went before her. Because of all those grandmothers, mothers and fathers ,we are who we are today–Joy–Love and Happiness passed through the generations! Thank you for a peek into your beautiful home! xoxo♥
Thank you Martha Ellen, so sorry to hear about your sister. Love what has made us who we are!
Martha Ellen, So sorry to hear about your sister. I lost my Mom last month and it was a challenging Thansgiving – all those “firsts” without our loved ones are difficult. You are so right about what is passed through generations. Moved my Dad in with us and I was so grateful to have him and cherished each moment and remembered Mom…wishing you precious memories to warm your heart. Best, Jeanette
Jeanette I hope you and your Dad are doing ok after the loss of your Mother and your Dad’s wife– Those precious memories are pure gold. Thank you for your kind words.♥
The singing IS beautiful! We should sing more!
Your celebration looks wonderful and thank you for sharing!
I would get on that boat, too. Just rolling on the water would make my day!
So pretty in the early morning!
Dear Susan,
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend….because here, each day, is another opportunity to continue to celebrate and eat more Turkey!! Your home is lovely, Jack is a riot, and your guests are truly fortunate to be hosted by such a giving and genuine hostess. Sending you all good wishes,
Thank you Giovanna, but I have to say, I’m the really lucky one!
Happy Thanksgiving and for taking the time to share. In the end, it is ALL about “relationships”, it is our finest treasure.
That’s for sure!
Good morning Susan! You have the beautiful talent of painting not just with paint and brushes, but with your words. Each blog post is a painting we get to step into and experience with you. Thank you for your welcoming, generous spirit. I am heading to my parent’s house today for our family Thanksgiving. We had to wait until Saturday so everyone could get here. I can’t wait for the delightful chaos to begin!
My assignment this year: pecan pies and creamed corn. Have a wonderful last day with your friends!
Happy Thanksgiving Lydia!
Wow – is all I can say. What a wonderful post. You’ve had a “dreamy” Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing with us. Your Thanksgiving wasn’t insane like ours always seems to be! I felt like I was a guest at your table! By the way, I just had to tell you that a few Christmas Eves ago we had lots of guests and dishes for days and days and our dishwasher quit on us in the middle of a huge load! We were bailing (sp.) water for what seemed like forever. I couldn’t believe it but I remembered (ha!) how to do dishes the old-fashioned way! All I can say is I am thankful for my dish washer – I just can’t use it on my china or crystal. Have a wonderful day. We’re putting up the outdoor lights here! Hugs to the kitties
Hope it’s as pretty there as it is here . . . perfect for light putting up!
Loved your Thanksgiving moments, thanks so much for putting them up. I loved the duet, so fantastic. The fire roaring…the kitty cat…the coziness of it all. We woke up to no hot water, and days later still out, while the plumber tried to repair, it won’t be til Sunday that we will be back in business…so I understand the inconveniences that just decide to occur on the big days, like your dishwasher taking the day off!
It’s like it all waits for the holidays!
Good Morning Susan! What a perfectly splendid Thanksgiving you had. Your photos look like a Norman Rockwell painting
I made a batch of your turkey soup yesterday, and it simmered and bubbled while my daughter, my mom and I started decking the halls! Today my daughter and I are heading to my Mom’s house to help trim her tree!
I LOVE this time of year ♥ ♥ ♥
We tried to get a tree yesterday, but there were just not enough hours!!! Too much fun!
Loved enjoying your beautiful Thanksgiving. I already have my Susan Branch Christmas book out on display. I love the story about trying to sneak out of bed when your grandmother is there! Something I have learned from you is how much music adds to the moment. Do you mix CDs you listen to? Enjoy your Saturday!
Yes, I do mix them up. A little of this, a little of that!
Thank you for sharing such lovely photos and letting us be a part of your Thanksgiving day. It looked like such a special time with friends and made me think of Thanksgivings past when we had large gatherings of family. Ours was much too small this year with untimely losses this month. We’ll get ourselves together and next year will have friends over to share our bounty. Yes, that poem “Touch Hands” is so meaningful….”touch hands with those that stay”….we remain grateful for all we have.
Thank you Sarah!
Good Morning~
What a beautiful post today! Your pictures and words look like they should be a Norman Rockwell painting! Or a Susan Branch one……
I loved the grandma verse. How true!
We are getting ready to eat our second feast today so I need to “pace myself” until supper.
Our dishwasher went belly up 3 weeks ago, the electric control panel went out.
After 2 weeks of looking we bought one. The “simple” job of just sliding a new one in turned into an all day affair after my husband found that all the plumbing connecting the old one was completely rusted. He figures the in~sink~arator was the only thing keeping it together. I stayed away….. I know better! Hand washing dishes isn’t so bad once in awhile, especially on a holiday. It ‘s a little extra time for conversation and more hands make the work go faster!
Off to make pies again!
We’re getting used to it, the earliest they can come to fix it is Monday . . . and we’ll probably be standing in line by then! Good luck with yours!
Thank you for sharing your thanksgiving with us.
Thanks for coming by!
I try to always have a bunch of alstroemerias in a vase….it is one of my favorites! I enjoyed your Thanksgiving table and friends : ). We had a wonderful time with our family and friends. I am still full and still smiling.
Me too, still full, still smiling!
I have to tell you this story, Susan….I made spiced pecans (yours!), and pumpkin and pecan pies on Wednesday, preparing to have a dear friend and her finacee for Thanksgiving dinner (my sister and her family having bailed on us due to a football game four states wasy the next day). My husband said we were going to the little restaurant in town for dinner on Wednesday night so we wouldn’t have to cook and clean up. There he surprised me with an early birthday gift, and then told me to turn around for a bigger surprise. He had flown in our son and daughter-in-law from their Army base across the country so that they could be here for Thanksgiving and my birthday! We had not seen each other since they came home from Iraq to have Christmas with us last year…I was totally shocked. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the restaurant! Even the cook owners came out for hugs (both former students of mine who have watched my son grow up)…TOO wonderful for words. Needless to say we are having the best time. And the friends coming for dinner? Just a ruse to have enough food for four! Isn’t life fabulous? XOXO from queenmum
I love that story! What a perfect surprise, and Happy Birthday!!
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. The actual day is tomorrow, but it feels as though I have been celebrating for days! : ) xoxoxo from queenmum
Just as it should be!!
Good Morning Susan-greetings from Texas! I go to the computer every morning with anticipation of a new post, and as I sit here this dreary, “warm before the cold front” morning here in Dallas, I am not disappointed. You brought back memories of so many holidays long ago. My cousins and I put on many plays over the years…asking the family to step outside when we finished as we starting throwing..well, Ivory Soap Flakes for our snow. : ) Thank you so much for that memory. Reading your blog has become one of my favorite pastimes!
Thank you Linda, love the Ivory Soap Flakes snow!
I always hope that every child has a Grandmother in their life like yours and mine. That one person who makes you feel that you are such a special person, total unconditional love. My Grandparents were the hope in my heart, the voice in my conscience, the joy of security in their love. Thank you so much for that loving reminder of the love of our Grandmothers.
It meant so so much, miss her, and I know you miss yours too.
Oh Susan! I feel like I was right there celebrating with you! Thanks so much for sharing. I LOVE Paul’s accent! I could listen to that all day long. And the singing! They sound like Angels! And the tablescape! Love the little handled glasses, I’ve never seen any like them. You truly had a magical Thanksgiving. I grumbled a bit through mine….my husband used to be so helpful before his stroke, and it is alot of work to have to clean, shop, drag things up from the basement and cook all by myself, but when the five us sat around the table and savored the feast…of course it was all worth it. How nice of you to think of us while your company is still there! Enjoy the rest of your time with them. I cut a branch and cut out leaves and we each wrote what we are thankful for and placed the leaves on the little tree! I don’t want to take it down! Very rustic! Blessings to you Susan!
It sounds beautiful! What a giving thing you did, making that dinner all by yourself. Your family must love you a lot!!!
Your home was so lovely on Thanksgiving. But more important than the beauty was the warmth of friendship and your gratitude for the simple things of life. More of us should pause everyday and look at all the simple things we have to be thankful for. Thanks for reminding us of that with your blog.
Thank you Joyce, you are so right!
Thank you for your wonderful post this morning. I was looking forward to pictures of your Thanksgiving table – just lovely. I’ve never made cranberry sauce before but used you recipe this year. It was delicious!
While working in the yard yesterday, I enjoyed the same, beautiful sunset.
Thank you again for sharing your home with us.
Such a glorious post-Thanksgiving post, reminiscent of much of the goings-on at this house! It’s been a wonderful Thanksgiving week, with time with all the family in and out. I hate to see it come to a close; however, your “countdown to Christmas” calendar is in place, and the excitement has already begun to build for the next holiday.
How I would have loved to go shopping on Main Street yesterday and lunch overlooking the harbor and lighthouse!
Have a great Saturday, and thank you so much for inviting us into your home!
What an amazing Thanksgiving you had, Susan. Thank you so much for sharing it. When my dad was growing up (he was born in ’34) there was always singing at any get-together. We have lost so much by not carrying on that tradition. It does take some bravery to start in (none of us in my family have the greatest singing voice), but “make a joyful noise”, not necessarily a beautiful or in-tune noise. Would you be able to share Gerry’s poem with us? Thank you for your friendship, Susan! Susie
Gerry is a doctor, and the poem was written by one of his patients. We’re going over to their house for dinner tonight, I will try to remember to get a copy. It was like a conglomeration of words, that didn’t make sense as we know things should, but put all together, it was beautiful and brought us to tears.
For many years we had a shop cat. She just wandered in one day, liked what she saw and never left. (What goes together better than quilts and kitties?). When she passed away, we never replaced her but now as I read about Jack’s antics I’ve started thinking a kitty would be a nice addition to our staff. So tell Jack he is doing his part of spreading the word about adopting homeless kitties all the way to California. I’ll keep you posted how this all ends. Thanks Susan…and Jack.
Jack is, right now, on my shoulder. Do you know how hard it is to type with a can slipping off your shoulder? It’s OK, I wouldn’t change a thing. He loves me already!
You must get a cat for your shop Suzanne. Your quilt shop could become a destination like Dewey made the library in Iowa. If you haven’t read the story of Dewey, you really should. Our church office took in a stray and he is the chief o-purrr-ating officer. Having a cat on staff is an essential part of any well run business.
When I travel, I always miss my kitties — and love it when I go into a store and they have a shop-cat for me to pet!!
Years ago when Patches lived in our store we had lots of visitors who came in just to see her. We did lots of fund raisers for the local SPCA and even had a Patches’ Corner where we displayed cat and dog fabric and gave a percentage of the profits to our local animal shelter. I do think it is timefor a new kitty!
Sounds wonderful!
What a beautiful table you set for your Thanksgiving feast. I enjoy seeing your vintage china all “dressed up”. You have a beautiful, warm, cozy home! Also have noticed your collection of Emma Bridgewater mugs on the kitchen counter in your posts, they are all so cute. I made fresh cranberry sauce for the first time ever this year using your recipe. It was so easy to make and a real hit with everyone. Enjoy your weekend!
So glad it came out well. Thank you Gail!
You live life as an artist and teach us to do the same.
Thank you for sharing…
Very sweet Brenda, thank you!
Dear Susan…your Thanksgiving looked wonderful and your friends are lucky to have you ! I smiled at your dishwasher breaking as it reminded me of growning up, no dishwasher, and chatting with my sisters as we cleaned up after holiday meals. Your table was so welcoming…..what a great day you had. Spent part of Black Friday at lots of little shops near here and found an Eiffel Tower cookie cutter – snatched it right up to add a little Joyeux Noel to our holiday cookies. As always, it’s the little things….enjoy the leftovers and the rest of this wonderful weekend !
Thanks Ann!
I’m so glad you had the special Thanksgiving that you deserve!
Thank you for your wonderful idea about taking a moment to go outside and look inside! I promised myself to take that moment and what I saw will stay with me forever. The room was glowing in a cozy amber light while everyone gathered around the buffet table. I saw my nephew actually lick his lips while my mother grabbed my daughter by the waist to spin her around to a Strauss waltz playing on the record player. Everyone was laughing and loving and just so thankful to be together. I stood outside breathing in the crisp autumn night and just felt so blessed. Thank you for reminding us to take a moment to live in the moment because it’s in those times we find the true meaning of Thanksgiving.
Love that . . . together but separate, you get to be an admirer!
Thank you for sharing your cranberry recipe! Those at my Thanksgiving table enjoyed it so much. And, with the dab of leftover cranberry sauce, I’m contemplating your exhortation to make Christmas Jam!!
You’re a blessing, Susan.
You’ll love it, I promise! Thank you Martha!
How wonderful…..friends, good food, lovely singing voices and blessings galore. These are the times in life we never forget. Thank you Susan for sharing them with all of your “BLOG FAMILY”.
Hi Susan,
I so look forward to your blog. Every morning when I turn on my computer I check to see if you have posted anything new, (I have your blog link on my home page.) because it seems to nourish my soul. I knew I really liked you when I saw your living room furniture because I have the same fabric on my wingback chair and a white sofa!
For the first time in over 10 years, I cooked the Thanksgiving meal and had my two sons & their families with us. We also have 3 Marines who live across the street from us…2 went home but the other one’s parents and brother (who is also a Marine) came to visit. I invited them to share dinner with us. It was a delightful time. (There were 13 of us all squeezed around our table. We had thought to make two tables but everyone wanted to be together.)
I enjoyed all the memories of my “pretties” as I call them, as I washed all my crystal serving dishes in preparation for the day. One little item that has no $$$ value but is priceless to me, is a silly little round tin relish dish. It has a stem coming out of the middle with what looks like a cherry on top. Each family celebration dinner our favorite olives (Graber Olives, the best in the world) were placed on it. It is always fun to introduce Graber olives to new folk. One of the Marines REALLY loved them, so much so that I gave him his own little bowl in which to place all his pits!
Anyway, our day was great but I was exhausted but it was well worth it. Nothing beats having your family and “new” friends with whom to share it all.
Thanks, Susan, for feeding my soul with all your writings. I’m sure you bless more people than you will ever know.
Thank you so much Nubby, I see you also had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
What wonderful Thanksgiving memories you’ve made, Susan. And how especially nice that your friends from England are there to enjoy them with you. My mouth was watering while I was looking at your feast. Almost made me want to run out to the store and buy a turkey. We’ve already had our Thanksgiving here in Canada, so I guess I’ll have to wait until Christmas. Luckily, it will be here soon. In the meantime, I’m off to buy my 11-year-old granddaughter a copy of “Little Women”. I know she will enjoy it, and also understand that there are other ways to entertain one’s self besides TV, video games and IPads.
Oh, so lucky, to read it for the first time!
What a picture-perfect Thanksgiving you had! I just love the beautiful duet. So pretty!
We had a very nice Thanksgiving on my sister-in-law’s farm near Green Bay, Wisconsin. Got to take some fabulous pictures with my new camera len – so fun!!!
Now it’s bath time for my little one and tonight I’m shooting a sweet 16 birthday party! Can you just imagine all the photo opps waiting there? SO excited!
Blessings to you. Xoxo!
That’s LENS..haha !
Just love the post!!! What a deliciously wonderful time you all had!! And the videos are soooo charming!! Lovely, lovely voices in song!! It all warms my heart particularly remembering events near last Christmas for R! Enjoy these last
precious moments with special, dear friends…until you meet again : ) London next summer?? Now….on to the magical christmas season…can’t wait for cookie baking time!! Sending lots of love your way, dear heart!!! Hugs, Sherry xxxx
Thank you Sherry!
Tried your Cranberry Sauce and Cream Cheese Potatoes recipes and both were delicious! I made 6 cups of cranberries for 7 people and looked forward to making Christmas Jam with the left overs but guess what … there was NONE left! My son and son-in-law both went back for seconds and came back with their plates loaded with cranberry sauce because it was so good! I’m going to have to remember to make more the next time.
I know, it’s kind of addictive!! So easy to make and worth it, if I may say so, to make the jam!!
Well, I guess I can skip my morning coffee as your blog has already warmed me through and through. Charming and delightful! It’s like hearing from a friend…I couldn’t wait to hear about your Thanksgiving. I made your ginger crisp cookie name tags for my table and a friend’s table. So cute! The scalloped potatoes were resplendent with purple potato leaf cut-outs and I felt so “SB-ish!” So thank you, Susan, for brightening our day as well. You’ve touched so many lives with your creativity and your giving heart…..and may I mention that your Joe is as cute as they come??! Talk about blessings!!
He’s my very best one!!!
Happy Thanksgiving and upcoming Christmas to all who read this blog. We had a small Thanksgiving but it was wonderful. All 4 of my sons were here to celebrate together. My oldest was here from NH, for a wedding of his best friend earlier in the week. It was the typical dinner, talk, chatter, and noise you described. Then later, it was game time. One game they played only had room for 4, so we let the boys play together. My husband and I sat on the couch nearby, listening to them play. Even though they are each a little older than the last time they all played games together…their individual responses were the same as I remember. We both smiled to each other as we listened to them. My heart swelled with that warmth and contnentment that comes from being surrounded by the people you love the most. So blessed to have the “things” in life that mean the most! Reading your posts here helps me to remember what is really important in life. Hugs to all of you! Happy Holidays!
Lovely Teri, all four together!!
I know how you feel Teri – had all 3 of my boys this year for the first time in a few years. I love to just sit and listen to them tell stories about their childhood. Always learn something new! Lucky us this year.
Susan, I cannot tell you how happy it has been to find your blog waiting with all of the beautiful pics and descriptions etc….it makes a person feel that they are right there with you! It is so much fun to see what you are doing and how you are decorating and sharing…and who you share those things with. It looks like you had a beautiful and happy time in your corner of the world, and I am so glad for you all! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays , and I love to know others are enjoying it too. I so appreciate the clips of singing and your kitty playing……such joy! Thank you…..and have a wonderful weekend!
You too Diane, Thank you!
Looks like an absolutely beautiful day, Susan! I’m so happy you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Yesterday Alice and I put up some decorations and feasted on Christmas music and movies….today we have sent a letter to the dolls in the doll house by Sparrow Post (yes, an idea I cadged from Tasha Tudor!) asking when they’d like their Christmas decorations put up. Our fingers are crossed for a reply tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I have it on good authority that our elf, Pippa, will also be making her yearly appearance with a special elf breakfast. So it’s now all Christmas all the time in our house. Blessings to you all and thank you so much for the lovely Thanksgiving post!
Sounds magical Patricia!
Hi Susan
That was a warm and wonderful Post. It made me get all teary eyed. I love when you said to the Mom and Daughter, sing it again. How cute you are
We had a very small Thanksiving Feast but it was nice. Thanks for sharing yours, I loved it
happy day Susan
Great post, Susan. Love your stories and pictures.
Oh, and Jack, too!
Love the photo of your friend, Gerry, reading a poem at the table. The soft light and sweet facial expressions capture what must have been a beautiful moment. Now that I am the grandmother, I feel a real responsibility (it’s one I love, of course) to create magical moments for my now 4-year-old granddaughter. She will be visiting for a week during the Christmas season, so there will be cookie baking and gingerbread house making and paper chains and fun to remember always. Blessings of the season to you, Susan, for the light and love you continue to spread.
Thank you Rosanne, you as well, spreading light and love!
wow, you had lots of fun on your Thanksgiving. I enjoyed all the photos and the videos. The two ladies who sang that duet, that was just lovely
Plus, the kitty cat, Jack, is just too cute
I can see why you take lots of kitty breaks

My dad and I have a lot to be Thankful for this year. We moved to California at the end of August, because the Oregon economy wasn’t working for us. So we moved into my aunt’s house. She lives on the Central Coast of California, less than a mile from the ocean. So it’s beena really huge blessing in disguise. I get to see the ocean every day
It NEVER gets old

Have a lovely weekend. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather
Lucky you, the Central Coast of California is a little piece of heaven alright!
Oh it all looks so wonderful ! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving !
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but had a funny happen. I made my turkey on the grill so was going to make creamed potatoes. Just before we were ready to eat I remembered I didn’t make the potatoes. Everybody has given me a bad time about forgetting the potatoes. We had so much to eat we didn’t even miss them. We are having our potatoes tonite for dinner.
We always forget something! There’s just so much!
Hi Susan:
this is what it is all about………what memories you have made and also brought back to those of us who are reading this……..my own mom always wore an apron and I really miss seeing those today. There was such comfort and love from those who were wearing them………I can still feel the warmth just speaking about that. Thanks so much for another fantastic blog article. You are the best Susan, just absolutely the best! I enjoy this site so much along with all of your books which many in my family will be receiving this Christmas holiday. Oh just introduced a friend of mine to your site, actually several friends is more like it.
Thank you Paulie! I’m so happy you’re here!
this should be shown on the armed
forces network for all of our soldiers
to see…then they would all feel like
they had been home for Thanksgiving!
glad your day was so special!
m ^..^
{getting ready to have leftovers for breakfast! ;}
How nice! And they’d be reminded of how important the work they do is!
Thank you for such a special Thanksgiving letter. Every bit was enjoyed, but my favorite parts were the stuffing prep quote, “Where’s my dad when I need him?” and “it’s not what’s on the table that is important, but what is on the chairs”. I also loved the after dinner activities of blowing out candles, loading the dishwasher and washing the napkins. There is a quiet satisfaction in these small after-feast actions – an assurance that all are fed and warm and safe in our little house.
Good Evening Susan, from once again (very) wild, wet, windy, wonderful west Wales, typing as we sit in the teeth of another hoolie hooling its banshee wails around the rooftops . . Just when I think your posts are a fabulous entity in themselves and that they can’t possibly get any better you give us this! How wonderful to celebrate with such a special gathering of friends. Well, the American cranberries made it into my local greengrocers shop this year with one day to spare! Close one!
On Thursday, I gave thanks for many things, and since I found you this year your name was added to the list, for I am so thankful to have found your blog, site, and FSOB on Facebook.
Today, the left over nut roast (I am vegetarian) is stuffing a red pepper and is braising in a delicious Mediterranean mixed vegetable sauce soon to be topped with a little Parmesan to finish it off. I am currently revisiting “Little Women” I haven’t read it for a very long time and am reveling in every single brilliant sentance Louisa May Alcott wrote!
It’s a wonderful book — I so agree! Perfect for hoolie hooling with the banshee wails . . . right?
that banshee is wailing down my chimney! I forgot to say earlier, I never saw a pomegranate look so artful! Such an inspirational pattern! Off to experiment cutting pomegranates now!
There’s this theory, making the circuit now, that it’s best to deseed them under water. For neatness sake. I tried it . . . would love your thoughts on it.
But, what did he say to the pope?
Anyway, those ladies sang so beautifully! And you’re right about providing our own entertainment, but it’s rare. Your holiday sounds like it was perfect.
I can’t remember, it must have been good though, he loves to tell stories and they’re wonderful to listen to!
It sounds like you had an absolutely beautiful Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing it with us. You have such a gift for story telling, I felt like I was there and could smell the turkey.
Sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving, Susan ♥ Absolutely loved Martha and Anna’s signing…so beautiful!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oooops….I meant singing lol
Your Thanksgiving was better than any I have imagined with poems, singing duets and such talented guests. We have a long way to go….Lol! Going to come up with a poem or song for next year and surprise the family. These llittle additions make it so special. Thank you so much for sharing you day and giving me lots to ponder. Love you! xoxoxo
Love to Rachel too!
Thanks Sandy, love back to you!
You spirit for the holidays is truly shown in the words you write! While seeing the pictures and reading your words, I felt as though I was a part of your Thanksgiving day! Thank you so much!
Our Thanksgiving was very quiet. Just the 2 of us. Rest of family are 2 states away. I still love to make all the trimmings and the turkey. Love the turkey sandwiches that we have in the days to come.
Our calendar is starting to fill up with Christmas activities. Christmas is my favorite holiday of all. The excitement you see in the children’s faces and the smiles on the people that you meet on the street. The anticipation of it all.
Thanks again Susan!
When the world is in love!
Lovely Thanksgiving post! Your home looks so warm and inviting. As the years go by I have more people at my table, and for that I am grateful. So, I’m taking note of your table and wondering if you serve family-style, bringing all the food to the table. Or, do you set up a buffet, keeping all the food in another area?
We do serve family-style and bring all the food to the table, as much as will fit, and then other bowls are on the sideboard.
What a perfect Thanksgiving you had! Your friends’ singing was amazing. Thanks for sharing that with us. Wasn’t last night’s sunset beautiful! We were driving into Washington DC for dinner and enjoyed God’s painting all the way into town. My Thanksgiving was just as wonderful as yours–for the first time in a few years all my boys were there along with our daughter-in-law and my sister. Lots of recalling of childhood memories and Thanksgivings far from home when my husband was in the Army. I meant to read the poem from your “Autumn” book at dinner but forgot so read it to my sister while everyone else did dishes. She loved it and it was a special moment just between us. Bring on Christmas!
How beautiful, the moment with your sister! thank you Ann!
I SO enjoy your blogs with pictures of home … and recipes … and gorgeous animal shots … you are so very talented, Susan!!!! … just wondering if we’re going to get any christmas ‘backgrounds’ for our computers! I love opening my computer to the delightful pictures of the season … they all set the ‘mood’ for each sitting … also just wanted you to know that I loved the ironing board one … it was so fun!!! Thanks for the freebees … and ALL that you do for us!
Yes I will Beverly . . . keep a watch on the free computer wallpaper for an update, very soon.
Pictures of the sky like that remind me that Bob Ross is up there, likely the one responsible for mixing the colors.
Oh Susan your Thanksgiving was just beautiful. Everything was perfect. The table, the food, the readings, the music and dancing. I felt like I was there with you. What a glorious fun day you had. And I love your quotes. I do hope my grandchildren feel the same way about me. I have 34 so far with one daughter yet to be married. I love the idea of the little gifts your grandma gave to each one of you. I’m going to do that. How very special that was. I love your blog. I feel so at home here. Thankyou!
Hi Susan and all! Thankyou for the wonderful glimpse into your home and into your Thanksgiving day! It looked like it was a wonderful day. I love Thanksgiving as its all about the food, family and friends. Its funny that you should have taken pictures of the sky last night as I commented on it myself, I told my son to look out as the colors were so vibrant and colorful. Today is like a spring day and that is a gift in itself! Hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful and give my kisses to Girl Kitty and Jack(so adorable!).
OK, Suzanne, my pleasure to do that!
Dear Susan…what a wonderful post…once again..just makes us feel like we are right there with you! The table setting..the food!, the entertainment (especially Jack! smile), the fire crackling away….just made me so thankful to have you as my internet friend!! The singing was so beautiful! I’m like you..I would want to hear more!! Also, loved hearing Paul telling his story..that accent is so cool!
Blessings my dear friend,
I love to listen to it too! Blessings on you too Gert dear.
Hi Susan-
How beautiful your home is this Thanksgiving, not just in items but with friends and family living out traditions that go back many years. You are so right when you said that the art of entertaining is not around us like it used to be, but I come from a generation that did just that, so I am grateful to have experience those times.
Thank you for sharing and taking the time out of your very busy schedule to let us enjoy your Thanksgiving joy, and Id love to hear the rest of the story that your British guest was telling about the selling of turkeys. He has my curiosity peaked.
Lots of girlfriend hugs to you….Jamie
I forget what he said! Not sure I actually heard it, I was so into the kitty! But I will try and ask him to repeat it!
Susan, I love everything, from Frank Sinatra to the Sunset. Be Well, Angel
Thank you Angel!
Susan…what a lovely addition to a beautiful day! Thank you for sharing your home and friends as well as your thoughts, talents and love…and of course Joe… : )
You are blessed indeed.
Thank you so much Sherrill . . . if the eye of the beholder has anything to say about it, then you are so very right! xoxo
Tearing up here in MN…sniffsniff…thank you for your wonderful Thanksgiving post…what a blessing each post gives all of us, Susan…I’m thankful my two daughters and son tended to my 88 year old Mother in Michigan…had dinner with her at her retirement home and then on Friday they decorated her apartment for Christmas…
Thank you for the lovely tribute to your Grandmother…………….as I read it, the tears started to flow as I remembered the only Grandmother, I ever knew. My wonderful Granny Loretta who spoiled us, played with us and cherished us. I can picture her in her apron welcoming family and friends to our many holiday celebrations. Your books and now your blog/videos have brought such joy to so many. The singing was such a treat and again brought back so happy memories of holidays past. The happiest of Holidays to your, Joe and the kitty kids.
Thank you Shelley, the same to you!
We are in Kansas City celebrating the holiday weekend with my stepdaughter and her family, our 3 adorable teenage granddaughters. My. Brother and his family drove down from StPaul for a few days too so we had a full table with lots of food and laughter. Every other year we have 6-8 more when my children and their families come to KC too.My stepdaughter and I had matching aprons which made everyone tease and laugh but I am thinking next year those young women need to match us too….if for no other reason than to see their eyes roll and their Grandpa laugh. For once we didn’t forget anything (we’ve been doing this holiday in KC for 20yrs now) but the second turkey on the grill decided to ignite just a few minutes before being finished so we had a quick water brigade and turned off the gas and one more story with a happy ending to add to the lore. Lots of family card and
domino games warms my heart so when the teenagers hug and say Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday.
So glad you had a heartful weekend too Susan!
Wonderful Mary Ann!
So thankful for your sharing and giving of yourself! What a wonderful, cozy day! We had a lovely, if not a little chaotic day, with 4 little ones running around. My cat was hiding, not being used to small children, but it was wonderful to have the house full of laughter and family. That truly is what it is all about. At Christmas, we all get together at my parents, usually around 35 of us, and we always have a sing-a-long. Sometimes my brothers and nieces/nephews and kids will bring there instruments to play. Last year my nephew got up and performed a comical song – we were all crying-laughing. These are the best memories for sure! Enjoy the rest of your weekend – the best time of the year has just begun!!!
There ought to be a way to incorporate more singing in life!! Love that!
I know it sounds kind of mushy, but reading your blog feels like a warm hug from a friend. It always makes me feel kind of happy and settled. Thank you, so much, for all of it.
And in other news…my girlfriend stopped by yesterday and dropped off one of your 2012 calendars! Whoo hoo. What a treat!
That’s very sweet! Thank you!
Ah, your blog today triggered such a good memory. When our kids were little, we would get together with friends about this time of year. We would spend most of the day together and our children and their daughter would spend a good part of that day imaginatively creating masks, and little costumes, and a convoluted drama. We adults would visit and visit and visit with very little interruption. After supper, the kids would perform their play for us on the hearth of the fireplace and it was always received with thunderous applause and the first Christmas cookies of the season. Now our kids are grown and my daughter makes part of her living as a stage manager; perhaps those hearthtop dramas were the start of it all!
Ah, the plot thickens! How sweet is that memory!!
Loved your post, everything looked wonderful and dreamy. That sunset was gorgeous here on Long Island as well. Loved the Grandma thoughts, mine was just like that always making us feel special and she always sang too, that made me feel good that duet was fabulous. And we don’t have room for a dishwasher in my small kitchen so what you don’t have you don’t miss, and it is a way a chatting with whoever volunteers to dry:)
I realize that…have been washing dishes all weekend, and there is something very wonderful about it. Everything modern is nice, but it does take away from that slow-down way of life. Thanks Noelle!
Your Thanksgiving sounded wonderful Susan! You are so right about entertaining ourselves … it is a lost art and treasure. In the Betsy-Tacy books her family and friends were always gathered around a piano and singing. Love your dish pattern, the Sinatra song, little Jack, the pretty song by Martha and Anna, the sunset … all so perfect! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Thank you so much Bess!!! You too!
Susan!!!! I have not logged on for a while (been happily crazy busy) & really enjoyed catching up on all of your wonderful blogs. You have such a gift for sharing. Thank you. I just unpacked my Susan Branch Christmas creamer & sugar & placed it in my kitchen; I have had it for a few years & love it. Speaking of love….you & I both love Diane Keaton…..did you know she has just written a book? My daughter is getting it for me for Christmas. Can’t wait! Hugs!
Yes, I saw her interviewed, but the book I have always wanted her to write is a coffee table picture book called “The Clothes I Wore.” Just picture after picture of the cute things she wears. I’m sure I haven’t seen them all. Once, many, years ago, I went to visit a friend who lived at the Dakota in New York. I was leaving, flagged down a cab, and as we were driving along, he asked me if I was Diane Keaton!!! I thought I would die and go to heaven, or just marry that cab driver! One of my proudest moments.
Hi Susan, your table looked beautiful! And, I know everything was delicious because I have all your cookbooks and have tried many of the recipes myself. I’m at my daughters in Lake Tahoe and it’s absolutely beautiful here. She bought her first home this year and this was her first holiday dinner. She did a fabulous job and I took directions very well, but we were so busy we never took pictures – of anything. Her table was beautiful and the food delicious and wonderful friends joined us for dinner and gave thanks for friendship and good food. I love your blog and website. I visit with you quite often and always feel welcome, thank you very much. I can’t wait for you to share your Christmas preparations, gift giving ideas, and words of wisdom. Love to you, Joe , Girl Kitty and Jack. Pat (have my SB 2012 calendar already!)
Thank you so much Pat . . . I bet Tahoe is so pretty right now!! Thanks for being here!
Don’t you just love a man in an apron? Mine was wearing one as he carved the turkey.
Thank you for sharing your Thanksgiving with all of us. It is a gift I enjoyed very much. The mother-daughter duet was so beautiful. Love the harmony.
I keep coming back to go over this post again and again. Jack has really taken to living with you. So cute.
Blessings to you.
He’s asleep on my art table right now, about an inch from my left hand . . . he’s my new little friend. He shows joy when he sees me, and that’s all I really need in life.
Hi Susan,
Great pictures, I was hoping to find you on here today. Got my Willard book and a calendar today. So all is good. Are you laying down now??
Nancy Jo
Today our guests leave on the noon boat. It will be sad to see them go because we love them dearly and are separated by a huge ocean. When they walk out the door, I am running a big deep tub of water and filling it with bubbles, where I will stay until I become a prune. Not laying down yet, but soon.
Thank you soooooo much for letting us share a little of your Thanksgiving Day with you!! The video of Martha and Anna singing made me cry, it was so lovely and old fashioned!
Everything was so beautiful!! I wish I had been there to hear all the lovely music everyone made!
I absolutely love you!!
Thank you Mary — and believe me, I cried too, I cried all night! Beauty is just so so so Beautiful!!!
Thank-you for sharing your Thanksgiving with us. Ours in Canada is in early October so sharing yours is like enjoying it twice.
Thank you, Susan, for allowing this Canadian to peek in on your wonderful Thanksgiving traditions. You blessed me indeed. How exciting for you to have friends from over the seas visit you for this special occasion.
(just to let you know I went on a shopping spree a couple of days ago to find one of those “scraper things” you showed on an earlier blog. I finally found one that is not as “weathered” as yours but does the same job. I have used it a lot in the few days I’ve had it – especially when baking and cutting for the dozens of squares I have made to fill orders from my “Anticipating Christmas” open house sale of baked goods and handmade items.)
Thank you, thank you.
Blessings on you!
How great! Just a handy little “nothing” of a tool, that I wouldn’t want to go without! Thank you Betty!
Oh Sue, you made me laugh, you made me cry, you entertained and delighted me. Thank you so much for sharing your Thanksgiving with us. It was wonderful to see and hear some of what you and Rachel were up to. As always, I devoured every picture with my eyes, and then I saw — on Susan Branch’s Thanksgiving table, mind you! — that familiar little envelope
To see it on your beautiful table was a total thrill. Who knew such a thing would have been possible? The internet has done some amazing things, but none more amazing than bringing all these kindred hearts together. Thank you, dear Sue, for being the spark that ignites so much love. xoxo
I feel the same way, how the internet has brought us all together, it’s so wonderful! For years I got the most beautiful letters from people, but there was just no way to share them!!! Now people come here with their beautiful spirits and everyone gets to meet each other. . . makes me proud and happy!!! Love that little envelope Janie, and the card inside, I’m so happy you saw it there!
Your cranberry sauce was loved by all at our Thanksgiving feast. Thank you for sharing the recipe and your Thanksgiving day. I’m going to add the rest to orange marmalade. Yum!
So good! Thanks Patsy!
Sounds like a wonderful day! Oh, to be a fly on the wall!
“it’s not what’s on the table that matters, it’s what’s on the chairs,” What a great quote!
Looks like you had a perfectly lovely Thanksgiving! The house looks beautiful and what wonderful company! I will be cooking tomorrow and happy to have both my children with me. Looking forward to a long walk on the beach followed by our Thanksgiving dinner. So thankful to be able to have them together this year!
Sounds just wonderful! Have a great time!
What a most beautiful Thanksgiving you had! The food, the decorations, the lighting etc
Have similar pictures of ours:) Am craving that red pear salad, yum!
Yes, people made their own entertainment—I remember me and my cousins did that one year when we were little. We started off by making a “turkey” dance—which was quite sad and hilarious when I think of it now. We had this piece of classical music on, and as it started the sun was “rising.” Me and my cousins were the “turkeys” crawling around,while one cousin stood up, dressed like a man aiming with his “rifle” as he tried to get at one of us “turkeys” for his Thanksgiving. The song went on and finally, at the end, the sun “set” and he shot one of us.
And then we put on a play—that never quite ended (our poor parents), which was about the Pilgrims and Native Americans. I remember we had names like “Patience” (me) and “Constance”, while other cousins dressed up in towels were the Native Americans, and I remember one of the cousins was called “Tiger Lily.” Ha! And the only other thing I can remember was us Pilgrims, sitting on top of the grande piano (yikes!) and pretending to be on the mayflower—acting all prim and proper.
Oohh the good old days….Enjoy the festivities!
Great memories!!! Fun!
Everything looked so lovely Susan. I agree with you about “making our own entertainment”. That is what is so wonderful about grandchildren! They are so uninhibited and love to perform. After dinner when everyone was just visiting, my son in law pulled a dining room chair right in the middle of the room and stood his youngest daughter there first, and she sang the most adorable song in her 4 year old language. Her sisters followed with poems and scripture recitations. My very favorite part of our day. I’m shooting for a talent show at Christmas, just like in the movie Dan in Real Life. Wouldn’t that be fun!
Wonderful! Must be darling to see!
Susan, I just want you to know how much I have enjoyed your beautiful books and now I’m blessed by your sweet blog. It’s all about family and love and blessings. It’s what life should be all about. Thank you for the reminders.
Thank you Valerie!
Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving. It looked and sounded, I am sure it tasted. wonderful. Your having to wash and dry the dishes by hand brought back memories. We would often complain about doing them, but what fun times we had… occasionally getting out of hand, Dad would come in and order us out because he had had enough of our antics and finish them himself. Then we would feel so bad.
I too, made your Cranberry Sauce, but they were in the oven a little to long, lol, came out so stiff I could not put a spoon in it. However, more water added, some time in the microwave on defrost took care of the problem. It was delicious!
The singing reminded me of Ps 33:2 Give thanks to the LORD with the lyre;
Sing praises to Him with a harp of ten strings.
3Sing to Him a new song;
Play skillfully with a shout of joy. Or not so skillfully as the case may be, as long as we “make a joyful noise”
Love it! You are making a joyful noise right here! Thank you Bea!
So glad you had such a wonderful time. Everything looks gorgeous!
Thanks Pam, hope yours was wonderful too!
Dear Susan,
I just loved reading this post and watching the two little videos you put up. Thanks for sharing your magical holiday with us. It was lovely to see Rachel there with you as well! It was an all around “proper” Thanksgiving! Sending love and hugs! xoxo Rosinda
Thank you Rosinda!! They go today, I don’t want them to!!
What a wonderful Thanksgiving! I swear we have the same dressing recipe and even the same bowl!! Your holiday was made even more special with such wonderful house guests. Holidays are always much more meaningful when there are extra chairs set at the table for those we love but don’t see often enough. And you are so right when you say we remember those who use to be at our table but are no longer there… thank God for the new little feet under it now… but I believe their spirits are always embracing us when we come together. God Bless you Susan Branch – you are a gem! xoxo
Thank you Christine!
I always make a cold cranberry/orange relish for Thanksgiving which only my oldest son and I will eat. This year I also made your cranberry sauce, just put the warm casserole on the table and waited. Someone said,” what’s this? I said oh, just a new recipe” (I had already had a few spoonsful before I put it on the table – YUM) Then the complements started – everyone loved it! “this is a keeper! – make this again for Christmas – I never eat cranberries, this is wonderful!” There is cranberry/orange relish left but the cranberry sauce never had a chance to be a leftover. (I bought a 3 pound bag of cranberries at Sam’s club yesterday.)
How wonderful! I agree, it’s irresistible!
Selma’s quote pierced my heart.