I wasn’t going to post until after we got home, but I just couldn’t wait to show you how pretty it is out here … a gorgeous fall they are having in New England . . .

We got off the boat, and drove across Connecticut, following all the dotted roads on the map that indicate “Scenic.”  When we got to the far west side of the state, we made a right, went north and now we are in a darling town called Great Barrington in MA.

Following the scenic routes was a good idea, because we have passed wonderful farms, with colorful farm stands full of pumpkins and apples . . . barns, fields, cows, little towns …

I just love picket fences with spiders and dew weaving their interconnected sparkle-magic . . .

We’ve stopped at many antique stores, and one of them had this amazing doll house!  I’ll give you a full tour of it when we get home!  But I couldn’t wait to show you . . . . isn’t it wonderful?  Wait until you see the little fireplace . . . You would need an entire room devoted just to this doll house, it’s so big . . . but I’ll show you soon!

The trees aren’t in full color, they still have lots of green, which makes them even prettier!  When we drive, the leaves whip up and swirl around us . . .

Took this from the window of the car as we’re speeding along . . . the houses are so charming, this one looks a lot like the doll house!

We pulled in here to turn around to go back and look for our hotel last night … just your basic lake scene!

 So much more to show you!  There was a turkey attack (caught on video)!   We went through a covered bridge (also took a video of it so we can take you with us)!   And Joe found the perfect thing for me to wear to booksignings when our book is done, have to show you that too . . . but I can’t do it now, because the sun is up, and all the leaves are calling me!  (Or is that Joe?)  XOXO

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397 Responses to GORGEOUS NEW ENGLAND FALL . . . ♥

  1. Yvette says:

    Such beautiful photos! Makes me miss the East Coast.

  2. What a fabulous little copper kettle…perfection! Make lots of wonderful memories, winter is coming on.

  3. Ema says:

    Thank you for sharing! I long for real seasons but have to content myself with decorating the house for each season instead. Your photos are incredible; just what I want to see! I wish you would make them into postcards or something I could tape up on my inspiration board. Just looking at them makes me happy.

  4. Pam T. says:

    One of my fondest dreams when I was little was to have a doll house like that. Can’t WAIT to see more of it! GORGEOUS just sums up New England it seems. What fantastic color. I can almost smell the fall in the air and hear the crunch of the leaves. Ohhhh am I jealous! Thank you for sharing today. It’s been a lovely day all around, and your blog waiting in my inbox was just the icing on the cake! 🙂

  5. Vita says:

    In California the heat finally lifted! So it seems more like fall! Hope to go apple picking soon. Last year I got a friend to come up to SLO to your book signing, The antique show, Remmnets of the Past, is coming next weekend wish I was going.

  6. Tisa at Seattle Retro says:

    Dear Susan, the photos made me go out & kick some fallen leaves just for fun, thanks for sharing! I love October in the Pac NW, still sunny with a bit of snap in the air & a real seasonal change, unlike “Pismo Beach– where it’s Summer All Winter” (a ’60s bumper sticker) & we residents would joke “and Winter All Summer” due to the chilly morning fog 😉 Hope your ‘leaf-combing’ trip yields some lovely specimens for your autumn decor & all your roads are safe ones.

  7. CarolK (cent'l NJ) says:

    We’ve been talking road trip to NE for months now so thank you for the beautiful pictures. By time we make up our minds to get motivated all the leaves will be on the ground. Boo Hoo…..Can’t wait to see more of that sweet doll house. Happy Trail To YOu, Be Safe……Hugs, From NJ

  8. Angie(Tink!) says:

    Good~Evening Sweet Sue! I Had a Feeling You Might Have Posted! so I just Had to take a Peek! Yay! 😉 All Those Gorgeous Autumn Leaves…That Doll~House…Your Stories! Thank~You Sweet Sue…for Sharing This Adventure with Us…& When You Get Home…Even More Magic… 🙂 & Yesterday Was Herbster’s 64th Birthday 🙂 We had a Scrumptious Day! & Tonight…I Threw Him a Real Surprize~Birthday Party!…Everyone is Here Family & Friends…& Herbster Really was Surprized He had No Idea! Yay! so I Better Get Back…Happy “Leaf~Peeping” Weekend…& Happy Birthday to Herbster!…Breathe In All The Magic Of Fall! Love & always Lots of Pixie~Dust! 😉 Poof! 😉

  9. Barbara I. says:

    What I wouldn’t give for a fresh, warm apple cider donut right about now! So much I miss about the Northeast since moving to the West Coast 30+ years ago. . . although I did gain a wonderful husband in the trade! Thanks for bringing us along on this amazing trip!

  10. Betty Marie, Pennsylvania says:

    Susan , you have done again…took my breath away! First I wasn’t expecting you to be here, just was going to read any new comments from the girlfriends.
    Dotted lines taking you by roadside markets with all the pumpkins amd mums,doesn’t get any better then this…. Have heaps of fun…….:)

  11. Mary Cunningham says:

    Happy Fall Susan! Gorgeous color and fun little teases you are posting…can’t wait to see everything on your tour! We had 37 degrees this morning in Nashville ,Indiana…went to the Fall Fair, bought a book called “Beanblossom Dreams ” by Sallyann J. Murphey, athe last peck of Jonagold apples, and a tiny loaf of persimmon walnut bread….our leaves are just starting to turn, the tourists have arrived! Safe travels home! Mary “Barefoot Sparkler”:)

    • Hi Mary, we just love going to Nashville, IN in the Fall and it is just about time for our yearly trek. I live in New Whiteland which isn’t that far away do you actually live in the town or in a surrounding community? I know exactly what you mean by “tourist” since I am one and the traffic is horrific….we always got caught in it when we “tried” to get to Bloomington to visit my niece who graduated from IU several years ago. Enjoy your Autumn.

    • Debbie in So,Ca. says:

      Mmmmm pesimmon walnut bread! That sounds so good, can it be ordered?

  12. Nicole says:

    I’m enjoying my first full-color Autumn in eight years having moved back to Minnesota from Florida this past January. I’ve been ooo-ing and ahhh-ing along with my family every day since late September. It’s been stunning. 🙂 But Susan, I gasped – with only a wee bit of envy (okay, maybe more than a wee bit) – when I saw your dollhouse! I have wanted one for years! Maybe this Christmas will be the Christmas I treat myself to one. I can’t wait for your dollhouse tour and to see what you’ll do with your little place! I’m so excited for you!

  13. Miriam says:

    Can hardly wait!!! What beautiful pictures! My dad and his family were from Plainville, Connecticut……ran an inn there…..have always wanted to visit the whole northeast….one of these days. Thanks for the glimpses into it all!! Hugs, Miriam

  14. sue ziff says:

    Looks like you’re enjoying your trip. I can’t wait for your new book to come out !

    ( Trinkets &Treasures )

  15. Ann Beirne says:

    Oh, your pictures are gorgeous!! I miss New England autumns!! I think it is my favorite season. The leaves are just not as colorful here in Maryland…Skyline Drive is picturesque, but it just doesn’t measure up to scenic New England in the fall.

    Did you take the boat to Quonset RI and then travel west to Connecticut? I have only taken the boat from Hyannis to Martha’s Vineyard, even though I stay most of the time in RI when I am up that way.

    Well, if I can’t back up to New England, I can renew happy memories through your pictures and words! Thank you, Susan


    • Cathy from Maryland says:

      Ann, we’re vacationing this weekend in Garrett County in western Maryland and the leaves are in full color here. Gorgeous! But we have rain again today and temps in the 40’s. The sun did come out around 3:00 yesterday, so all 8 of us piled in the cars to go hike Swallow Falls State Park–a must see for anyone in the area because of the rock formations and waterfalls!

  16. Laurie - from San Luis Obispo says:

    Love traveling with you even if it’s only through your fantastic pictures & blog. Loved England and now enjoying the “fall color”. Our fall color is starting in the north county on the grape vines. Beautiful, but not quite as colorful as the East Coast. Enjoy!!!

  17. Ann Beirne says:

    I almost forgot why I love your pictures so much. When I was a child, my parents would always take me on rides to see the leaves change colors in fall. We would ride to New Hampshire, western Massachusetts and Connecticut, probably riding on the same roads you are traveling on now. I used to think it was all so boring…being an only child I had no one to “fight with” in the car!! Now I wish I could go back and be in the car traveling the back roads with my parents.

    • Pat Mofjeld says:

      Ann, when we girlfriends go along with Susan and Joe on a trip, we are a most congenial group. No fighting with us–we just have fun! We sing, tell jokes, play “I’ve got a color”, assign points for different animals and see who sees them first, etc., etc. Susan passes out cucumber sandwiches and Honeycrisp apples to us in the back seat! LOL! 🙂

  18. Elaine @ Sunny Simple Life says:

    Gorgeous Susan. It is a dream of mine to tour New England in the fall.

    • Treese says:

      I just checked out your link and what a nice suprise. So many suggestions, ideas, etc. There was so many great ideas I loved it.

  19. Jeanette says:

    Susan, Thanks for the wonderful surprise post today!!! I was checking my email and I got one that said, “Susan Branch Blog” – I thought can it be true??? I’ve been sitting on my hand practically, thinking she can’t be back yet, since you said you’d post upon your return. And, then here’s this awesome post filled with delightful photos!! Thank you!

    We had a wind chill, yes, I did say wind chill of 25 this morning in central IL!!! It was quite chilly. Had to turn the furnace on :(. But, it was just that damp, chill you need to shoo away!

    Had you in my heart today as I made your uber-delish corn chowder. It was scrumptious on a chilly, breezy evening. Made it with warm, ham and Swiss oozing out sammies. Heard quite a few, mmmmm’s around the table.

    And, I made a darling wreath for our front door to really capture the essence of autumn!

    You constantly inspire me and for that, I am grateful.
    Enjoy the rest of your peeping excursion, you’re off to a fabulous start!!

    Book signing!?!?! Yippeeee….
    Warm hugs!

  20. Rhonda D. says:

    Such beautiful pictures . I love New England. (My mother’s side of the family were from New England). And I love the fall of the year. So I’m getting the best of both worlds on your “fall drive-about.” You’re in scenic heaven and taking us all with you. The leaves here in the maritimes are turned about the same as what you’re seeing there…some are all green, some have completely turned. But really, that will make the season last longer (I think, if my reasoning is correct). Thank you for taking me “home” and making me happy!!

  21. Cyndi in NC says:

    I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures and the videos. It’s so beautiful. Also can’t wait to see your outfit!! Travel safe.

  22. Nancy B says:

    Thanks for sharing your pictures and taking “us” along on your leaf peeping trip. Oh, I do hope the color lasts until I can get there……won’t be long now. I enjoyed the ones you shared on twitter, as well.

    Nancy (from Bakersfield)

  23. Judy Frey says:

    Hi Susan,

    From one FOGT member to another: will you be driving anywhere near Southbury, CT where author Gladys Taber lived at Stillmeadow? O-o-oh, I hope so! Judy

  24. Oh Susan and Joe! Isn’t it the best driving back roads, staying off interstates and major hwys? We love to do that, we traveled for a 9 months around the US in 1973 before we settled down with a home and children, we’ve never regreted it! Love covered bridges, can’t wait to go through with you! The NE fall is beautiful, love all the pics esp the lake and dbl tree pic! Can’t wait to see the rest of the doll house!
    Susan, book signings! Do you know where you might go? I sure hope you come to NC, we have wonderful small book stores in the Asheville area! Hope I can come to one!
    Have fun you two! I can smell the fall in the air, apples and cider!

  25. Linda P. Bakersfield, CA says:

    This is just breath taking. I have always wanted to go to New England in the fall. You should add this to your book – It is NEW England. I hope you will you be coming to California for a book signing.

  26. Gail Buss says:

    Hi Susan & Joe, So surprised to see this blog. Didn’t think we’d hear from you until you returned home. So glad you sent it. The leaves are absolutely beautiful. But, that dollhouse is wonderful! Can’t wait to see inside it. It’s so cute with that little pumpkin outside. So happy you are having such a wonderful time. Looking forward to your next blog and all that it will show! Enjoy every minute! XXXX Gail & Joe Buss, Bev. Hills, Fl

  27. Michele says:

    Susan, Love It!!! (and can’t wait!)

  28. Marla says:

    I’ll be driving up that way from Alabama the first day of November and I’m praying hard that I don’t miss all of the autumn pageantry!

  29. marisa grindstaff says:

    I just knew we would be hearing from you.I was thinking to myself no need to check the blog for at least a week to 10 days give her some time for petes sake, so I waited till I thought I would bust wide open then I checked today and there it was a new post it was like Christmas morning except it was fall. You are so wonderful. Now I am not looking again, I really am giving you some alone time…. really…. not looking… I will visit the farmers market, make pumpkin butter just pass the time watching the leaves turn….. maybe just a little peek next week…….

  30. Donna Valentine says:

    How beautiful! Thank you, Susan…I must admit, that my heart skipped a beat and I got excited when I saw the picture of Great Barrington!!! My daughter lives there for now, and has been there since February…she is working in organic farming and shares a house right in town. They have farmed different fields all over in and out of town, all summer long, and have put on roadside stands and farmer’s markets! Maybe you even saw my Sarah!! We are from Montana, and she is actually returning to the west at the end of October…so glad she could be there in the fall. I got to visit her in May… it is a beautiful place. Did you stop in Stockbridge? I look forward to all the rest of your pictures. Happy fall!!! Wish I was out there now! Love, Donna V from NW Montana

    • Elizabeth says:

      Hi Donna, where are you in Montana? I’m in Billings, my husband has lived in Kalispell and Bigfork.

  31. Pamala Black says:

    Beautiful fall pictures. Today in Texas it even felt and looked like fall!! Temp in the low 50’s and overcast. What a beautiful day here, also. Love your tours and posts..I love to travel and get to so many more places because of you and Joe.. Thanks so much !

  32. Pat Johnson of Paso Robles says:

    Heaven – I’m in heaven! The colors are so wonderful and they aren’t even in full “Fall” yet! So glad you took this trip. Made my day! It is cooler now in Paso and the surrounding area and it makes me think that soon Fall will be in full swing! I am going to go out to the antique store off Hwy 101 that you suggested. I haven’t been there in a very long time – probably because it isn’t on the road I travel. Thanks for the suggestion. Next weekend is the Three Speckled Hens Antique Show – can’t wait. Thanks for the Fall news. XXXXOOOO

    • Carin B says:

      I’m going to the Three Speckled Hens Antique Show next weekend, too. Do you know the name of the antique store off Highway 101? I would love to stop there next weekend. Thanks very much.

  33. I love all of the photos, thanks so much for sharing your fall weekend with us!


  34. Marilyn S. says:

    Thanks for taking the time out of your trip to share some beautiful pictures with us. Our maple leaves turned red early here in the West but the aspen are golden yellow. I took my 3 grandchildren to the pumpkin patch today to pick out their Halloween pumpkins – a yearly tradition and so fun!

  35. Kirsten Wichert from So. California says:

    Thanks for sending a little bit of Fall our way. We surely need it here! The photos are just beautiful. Hope you include photos of the doll house (interior) and your new “perfect thing to wear at book signings” on the next blog. Can’t wait to see. How clever of you to tease us like that! I am REALLY anticipating your next book signing. Hope you’ll be somewhere near me!!!

  36. Linda says:

    If I ever get a chance to travel back East it would be in the Fall…have always thought that was the time your part of the country looks best. Starting to get cool here now–no leaves turning yet but should be just around the corner as the mornings are pretty nippy now! Love your photos and think that maybe Jack would love to have that dollhouse (the cat–not your Father!) Hope you are getting some antiquing in–another thing we do not have here in Idaho……nary an antique shop around….have to do my antique buying on Ebay once in a blue moon…but is not the same as rambling in a shop. Have fun and drive safely! Linda from Idaho

    • sbranch says:

      Take a little drive over to Iowa! 🙂

      • Pat Johnson of Paso Robles says:

        Linda – Don’t know which part of Idaho you are in BUT Sandpoint, ID has a very nice antique shop that I go to when at my cabin. Unfortunately I can’t remember the name of it (old age!!!) BUT it is an old building with a train car attached to it – it use to be even better than it is now – actually to die for – but for some reason or other it reduced the amount – now the basement has antiques and the top floor only. I agree with you – more fun when you can rummage through a store! Even if you really don’t need anything – now there is a dumb statement!!! When do you NOT need an antique???? Good luck…… Pat from California

        • Linda says:

          Thanks Pat but had to Google Sandpoint Idaho as well (not too well traveled am I )and it is like an 8 hour drive…….maybe Ebay isn’t so bad after all!!!

      • Linda says:

        Gee thanks Susan—I didn’t even know where in the world Iowa was till I googled it!! I love antiques but a 25 hour drive one way is a lonnnnnnng trip!!

        • sbranch says:

          You’d probably have to make it a weekend getaway, antiquing trip … We did it driving across country one time, and it was really fun!

  37. Judy from Oregon says:

    Beautiful pictures! Can’t wait to see the dollhouse, I love looking in them to see how they are furnished.

  38. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi susan and joe….. what a beautiful drive you are having….the pictures are just great…we drove from St. Louis to Columbia (Missouri) today for a football game at MU. We are a tad behind NE, but the colors of the Ozarks didn’t disappoint. Tomorrow our Botanical Garden hosts one of the biggest fall festivals in St. Louis….it’s called “Best of Missouri”….all of the vendors are from this state and all of their wares are produced here..everything from colorful yarn, to art and jewerly work, to furniture, to jams and jellies, to wine…something for everyone… i know you would love this!!!!! enjoy the rest of your trip…can’t wait to hear/see the rest!!! take care you two!! xo love, cindy

  39. Veronica Butler says:

    ‘Sweet Susan’, Happy Fall ! The dollhouse is unspeakably precious. The fall foliage is God’s splendid blessings bestowed upon us. The change of the season comes with a welcome sigh… Thank you for sharing your pictures.
    Veronica/Sumerduck, Va.

  40. Robin says:

    I am a career Kindergarten teacher who has NEVER had the chance to see the true fall colors in their glory. When I retire….in few years….this will be my first trip….New England. I love leaves….they are the motif in my home year around. Susan, so loved this post today.

  41. Pam Fortune says:

    Oh how wonderful! It evokes memories of when my eldest daughter Fleur took me to New England for her 30th Birthday and I just loved it. I look forward to your forthcoming blogs. Enjoy! And safe journey home.

  42. Jane says:

    Your pics are just gorgeous, Susan! What a fun trip! I was in New England in the fall once and we drove from Boston up to Maine…I will never forget it! I wish our trees would change soon, still a lot of green, but the temps are great! I can’t wait to see more from your trip!

    Jane From Chicago

    P.S. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  43. Rosinda says:

    Oh, how pretty the fall colors are! Thank you for capturing and sharing the some pics of the beautiful scenery. Fall is my favorite season of all! I’m looking forward to seeing more of that doll house! Happy Sunday!

  44. Gail from Hingham, Mass. says:

    Dear Susan,
    If I had to pick one, I think that October is probably the loveliest month in New England! I’ve heard that it has the most weddings of any other month and I can understand why. The wedding photos would be so beautiful with a backdrop of gorgeous autumn colors. Glad that you and Joe are enjoying all that autumn has to offer. xoxo

    • Janet [in Rochester] says:

      I agree wholeheartedly, Gail! I wait all year for October! And wow, have times changed! When I was a bridal registry consultant [part-time 30 years ago] June was #1, followed by September, and then December – which surprised me until I realized a lot of people are home for the holidays and that certainly makes it convenient for folks. Now it’s October? Love it!! And it makes perfect sense because it’s so beautiful most places, hurricane season is pretty much over down South and it’s not too hot anywhere [usually]. My parents were married in October and I always wished there had been color photos of their wedding. :>)

  45. Frances Fowler says:

    Road trips are the best. This is gorgeous, and I love the red house 😀 Who can resist buying mums in the fall?

  46. Martha says:

    Susan – Great Barrington is one of my favorite towns of all time!! I went to school nearby in Sheffield years ago – I went back to visit a recently and it’s exactly the same as I remember. The area is incredible in the fall – but equally beautiful at any time of year. Maybe I’ll have to go back and visit this fall!
    Martha from Connecticut

  47. jack says:

    Right on schedule –I knew you wouldn`t be quiet for very long — a tiger can`t change it`s stripes — anyway it was a very apreciated posting showing New England in her fall dressing gown ….can`t imagine what your book signing dressing gown might be like , but I know it will be comfortable …..`bout time to show up , back at the ranch, hug the kitties and attack that book with all the renewed vigor and sprit it takes to invent and produce this creative work !
    Speaking of that —-I remember it takes about a couple monthe to get the
    printing done after the book is ready for print …..so, I suppose you will schedule your “book signing tour” sometime in the Spring of 2013 ……and that takes a degree of scheduling , coordination and route planning to set up an efficient operation to go by …….. enought to keep you busy for quite a while — do you think you will be able to maintain your blogging , during this involved time frame ?
    Somehow Angie Tink reminds me of your Mom , with her style — “what me worry –la de da” …..

  48. Lorie says:

    Sigh…..love fall!!! My favorite season…Have fun!

  49. Beverly Brewer says:

    Thank you! Autumn scenery, dollhouse, charm bracelets, Baby Jack photos—you are pushing ALL our “kitty buttons ” and we love it! And we love you for sharing!

  50. Rosemary says:

    Today was a great treat! Did not expect to hear from you as you trip through New England….after your great trip through OLD ENGLAND! It is so much fun to see the colors of nature in display in the countryside. I am about to pop as we are flying into Boston Tuesday and driving to Mystic, CT. Now it is even more exciting after seeing your pictures. We will be in the area for a week with friends. Thank you so much for sharing a little of your adventure. Have a wonderful time!

  51. zinnia patch says:

    Hi Susan, I’m sending you a big ole “thank you” hug!!!! just loved the post and what a nice surprise!!!!!!! xoxoxo

  52. Susan says:

    Thank you for your pictures. I live in NW PA and take the fall colors for granted. To me, fall colors means “cold, bleak winter comin’ on”. Your appreciation made me look again at what’s outside my door.

  53. Jamie from Virginia says:

    “The sugar maples around Stillmeadow burn bright with color. The whole world seems to be gold and scarlet and wine.” ~The Stillmeadow Road, Gladys Taber

    I can vivid recall the first time I drove into Great Barrington from the South. It was the end of September and I was headed to meet my new best friend for the first time, we met on the internet through Victoria magazine. Coming from a life below the Mason-Dixon line and southern seasons, I was left speechless by the beauty of western MA. My heart immediately fell in love and I still love MA from one end of Route 90 to the other and all the way out to sea to Nantucket. Autumn here in the western part of Virginia can be very beautiful some years but New England trumps it every time. I have such lovely memories of spending Autumn in MA with my friends. The Norman Rockwell Museum is a treat at this time of year, I have a basket of the most big & beautiful pinecones I gathered while there (the museum wouldn’t have wanted them anyway…right?).

    Autumn always leaves me feeling very warm hearted because of meeting my best friend at this time of year. The season has a special place in my heart compliment of the memories of such a beautiful friendship that has grown over the years, stronger and stronger despite being exactly 500 miles apart. Despite all of the ugliness on the internet, our friendship proves it can be used for very good things, just like your blog Susan. Thank you for bringing so many creative & amazing women together and sharing your generosity of spirit with us each day. Through you all of us here have been able to experience a New England Autumn even if we couldn’t make the road trip this year. Thank you.

    I just wanted to add a thank you for sharing your charm bracelet. I thought I was the only one who loved to wear a charm bracelet! No one were I live wears them. I’ve always thought how much they are missing out on. They are such fun to add memories to and great conversation starters. My bracelet I started many years ago with travel charms, everywhere I travel I pick up a charm. Thanks for showing you can marry gold & silver. I have been considering this recently due to the crazy price of gold now. I need to find a way to marry the two as well, especially since my engagement ring is white gold. Thank you for the inspiration!

    How precious that your Dad follows your blog. That is truly the nicest compliment I think you could ever get.

    Autumn has begun here in Virginia, some of the trees are in full color while others are still considering whether it is their time. It has turned chilly though, Indian Summer seems to be at an end. Oaks are dropping acorns like crazy. And the wind kicks up leaves and swirls them around giving a little indication that November will be rapidly approaching soon.

    ~ Jamie

    • Chris Wells from West Texas says:

      Jamie, Loved reading your story. Especially about your friendship. Thankyou for sharing.

    • Kathy from Heafed to the Fell, Brevard, NC says:

      Hi Jamie!

      I think the charm bracelet idea is a great one too. I never had one but I remember they were popular when I was growing up. I looked in my jewelry box and I have several items that I could have made into charms—things such as my girl scout pin, safety patrol pin, first husband’s fraternity pin, etc. Oh yes, wearing gold and silver/white gold/platinum is perfectly acceptable, and sensible too nowadays. If you see a closeup photo of Princess Catherine’s left ring finger, you will see that her engagement ring (formerly Princess Diana’s) is set in silver (probably platinum) and her wedding band is gold (actually Welsh gold). The royals’ wedding rings are made from a chunk of gold that was mined in Wales, although the chunk is apparently very small by now.

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      Great quote Jamie! Let me know when your side of the state is at peak peeping time. I am heading west to the Blue Ridge soon.

    • Betty Marie, Pennsylvania says:

      Hi Jamie, I too am a Gladys Taber fan. I use to belong to” Friends of Gladys Taber. I have 25 of her books two are signed by her. I have them right behind my sofa on a table,in a lovely reproduction bread box that was made by my father -in law. Always so much fun to meet a Taber fan. That is where I found out about Susan Branch. Though it was just recent I found Susan’s blog. I had been working middles with not much time to be on the computer. Happy Autumn Days……:)

      • Jamie from Virginia says:

        Betty that is funny, it was one of Susan’s book quotes that led me to Gladys Taber! I too have my collection of “Gladys” books on a special shelf in my living room, unfortunately none of mine are signed. ~ Jamie

  54. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    Oh thank you for sharing. Next best thing if I can’t be there myself. I LOVE autumn and this just made my Sunday morning! – (We actually had a smidge of snow a few days ago!)

  55. Susan ( an Ohio gal in SoCal ) says:

    Keep those beautiful pictures coming! One day, my husband and I plan to take a New England trip ( during the Autumn season, of course ) to visit various author’s homes. Seeing your pictures stirs up the excitement!

  56. Mary Lou Prendergast says:

    I just knew you would post something before you got back…..thank you…the pictures are beautiful. Yesterday, we turned the corner in Maryland, too. It’s a little cold and damp today, but we were all ready for the change!

  57. Susan of NE Atlanta GA says:

    I read ” I’ll give you a tour of the doll house when we get home”
    And I thought you BOUGHT it !?!?!? DID YOU ????

    • sbranch says:

      No, I didn’t buy it, it’s much too big for our house, I would have had to give it a whole room, I tried to think which one I’d be willing to give up! … but I took lots of photos of it to show everyone!

  58. jennifer says:

    Love all the colors! And cannot WAIT to see the dollhouse tour!! 🙂
    The few stairs you see through the front door thrill me!!! I have a large
    vintage doll house but alas…no stairs.

  59. Holly says:

    Such beautiful Fall photos! I love your trips, because you look at all the same things I would! Can’t wait for the full report and to see the doll house. I wonder what you found for you!

  60. barbara miller says:

    even here in the north west i have been enjoying the leaves swirl and dance on their way to the ground. and because we are blessed to have a dry indian summer,the leaves all crunch under your feet . that sound takes me ‘home’ to new england where i grew up. i love the fall. can not wait to see the doll house but do not hurry home from your trip. we can wait. enjoy and have a nice mug of hot cocoa in our honor.

    • sbranch says:

      Right this moment, I am on the boat. I have a pear cider, peah-cida, and herb cheese next to me, I’m reading comments, Joe’s listening to the radio and the boat just pulled away from the dock … homeward bound, I wonder what the kitties are doing!

      • Pat Mofjeld says:

        Sounds, to me, like a good way to ride the boat headed home–peah-cida and herb cheese. But no crackers? 🙂 I’m looking forward to seeing beautiful leaf pictures from your jaunt… 🙂

      • Joan Lesmeister says:

        Peah- cida & herb cheese, you sure know how to travel girlfriend! Me thinks you’re probably sleeping in this morning, if the kitties let you! ’twas a wonderful trip, loved it, many thanks! xoxo

  61. Patsy says:

    One word for this beauty……..WOW!!!!!!

  62. Rae Ann from northern Michigan... says:

    So glad your weather is cooperating for your autumn tour…it has been cold and rainy here in northern Michigan and there has been snow a bit north of us…the trees are quite showy here too…standing proud in all their fall regalia…the wind of late has blown quite a few leaves off the trees and they are blowing all around…reminds me of 39 years ago this coming week…our first daughter was born on October 14…we were driving to the hospital at 2:30 AM and the leaves were swirling all around our car…or were the leaves swirling because my husband was driving so fast!?!…safe travels…xoxo…

  63. Theresa says:

    Ahh… Those beautiful fall colors! It’s chilly today here in Pastures of Texas, starting to feel fall-ish! I’m looking forward to the new book… Blessings on your travels, thank you as always for sharing your life with so many!

  64. Winnie Nielsen says:

    Oh, WOW! Gorgeous photos of your trip up and about New England! I think I love the lake scene the best. All of the colors and beautiful reflections are so breathtaking. What fun you and Joe are having too checking out shops and finding so many treasures like that doll house. I cannot wait to see the covered bridge video!! I have never traveled through a real one so this girlfriend is very excited to learn and see more. Thanks again fo stopping and sharing a few highlights. This is so fun tagging along and I cannot wait to see what other fun stops we get a chance to virtually experience. Have a great week coming up!

  65. Dawn from Minnesota says:

    Hi Susan! It never goes out-of-style…. how Autumn dresses itself each and every fall season! A library book called out to me, “American Bloomsbury”, by Susan Cheever. I haven’t begun reading yet, but wondered if you have been to Concord, MA. to see these three neighboring houses….where one of our “genius cluster’s” lived? It say’s in these three homes at various times lived, Ralph Waldo Emerson and his family, Henry David Thoreau, Bronson Alcott and Louisa May, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Margaret Fuller,…and their neighbors were Henry James and his father, Emily Dickinson and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Horace Mann, …and their colleagues were Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Henry Ward Beecher and Edgar Allen Poe. Almost every 19th century American Masterpiece came from there….now that’s a book club! I hope that…… You and Joe….. take the long way home! Have Fun! XoX

  66. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    Today is my birthday and Fall is in my blood!!! I have to take my birthday ride down here the end of October, because the leaves turn later. I love doll houses. My dad made one for my sister and I a long… time ago. I played with my mom’s old one at Grandma’s house too.

  67. Janet Hundley - Grafton, WI says:

    Just a simple Thank You for taking the time during your getaway to share with us.

  68. Bonnie L says:

    Dear Susan,
    I am so glad that you and Joe took time to leaf peep….the leaves were changing color even in the rain while we were in New Hampshire a couple of weeks ago and I just knew they would be lovely for you! I was shocked about the doll house because I, too, thought you bought it and I was going to ask for how much because I saw one recently like the one I used to own and the amount being asked for it was $urprising!! and it wasn’t near like the one you showed! Yes, to going to Iowa (my home state) for shops, but I was on a street in Baltimore yesterday that looked interesting and I did not have the time!!! Only went into one shop that sold shoes and chocolate…isn’t that perfect? Can’t wait for the book signing schedule……can’t wait for the book!!
    Thank you for taking the time to let us see what you were enjoying! XO

  69. Rita from MN says:

    Lovely pictures, Susan! Here in MN we peaked last week and then strong winds sent a leafstorm. I am glad my husband and I seized the moment last weekend and went leaf viewing both Saturday and Sunday.
    I have to share that this weekend I went “up north” to scrapbook . For my 2012 scrapbook I am using your wonderful scrapbooking kit/book that I bought several years back. I decided this is it, I am going to use it. Oh my, the scrapbook turned out so well. And of course my sister (who was scrapbooking with me) and I oohed and aahed over each and every page in your kit.
    She said I would have to tell you about using it as you and I “talk”. I didn’t have the heart to confess that you are so sweet that you talk to many of us.
    Enjoy those leaves while you can! The season is so quick.

  70. sondra fox says:

    What a wonderful surprise seeing your blog today! I thought I wouldn’t even try your site today, thinking you wouldn’t post anything for a week or so. I think I tried your site out of habit. And, there you were!!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to bring joy to our day. I still don’t know how you do all that you do. Could you please tell me what vitamins you take? Love the dollhouse. What fun it will be to decorate it. I think I must have spent at least a billion hours of my life rearranging dollhouse furniture. As a child I played with my dollhouse on a daily basis, way before television. I remember my old dollhouse & the hours of fun it generated for an only (me) child, who was a bit lonely at times. Happy trails Susan. Sandy Fox

  71. CAPE COD GAL says:

    Our beloved friend just passed away September 19th. Why am I telling you this? Go see the foliage this Fall. Don’t put it off, life is short. I recommend Brewster, MA (CAPE COD), Or Concord, MA (GO CONCORD ACADEMY WITH FALL SPORTS!) Anywhere is gorgeous. Yes, the South has it’s charm; however,nowhere comes close to New England. (As far as the seasons go). Susan’s “Autumn “cookbook is great, next best thing; or this months Yankee Magazine is breath- taking. Best five dollars you will ever spend. Enjoy the color Neil, we miss you very much. For everyone else that goes, ENJOY!

    • sbranch says:

      Sounds like something very sad just happened to you Cape Cod Gal . . . so sorry. And such good advice..thank you!!

  72. Dorothy Ann says:

    * Hello Susan *

    Well, you surprised us all with your October 6th Post. We didn’t expect to hear from you ’til after you returned home from your fall color-seeking adventures. And there you were and with some delightful fall photos too! We really missed you, so your little preview of your trip was perfectly timed.

    Sure, we were calm while you were gone…we carried on and talked (commented) amongst ourselves (we’re a resourceful bunch), but truth be told, it wasn’t the same without you.

    It was like:
    Apples without a Crispy Pie.
    Fluffy-white clouds without a Beautiful Blue Sky.
    Bracelet Charms without that very special link.
    And Girlfriend Angie without her ever-sweet Tink.

    Can’t wait to see and hear all about your scenic trip…a covered bridge, colorful leaves, a turkey tale, pumpkins and even a doll-house tour…Oh My!

    Autumn Hugs to you and all the Girlfriends from:
    * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain *

    • sbranch says:

      Darling Dorothy Ann! 🙂

      • Dorothy Ann says:

        * Good Morning, Susan * Pacific Northwest Time: 1:12 AM

        Oh…I just have to say…your very sweet reply makes me blush “honeycrisp pink”.

        Must dash…I see you are back “Home on Martha’s Vineyard” with a wonderful new Post . It looks so charming, has new musica and it’s all just waiting for me to read and enjoy!

        Honeycrisp Hugs to you all..from,
        * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *

  73. Barbara T, Wolverine Lake MI says:

    Several girlfriends and I attend a huge fall event in Grand Rapids MI called Art Prize (which is another story unto itself). It’s inspiring and wonderful and the best part is nothing is for sale! It’s all about art appreciation. My friend challenged us for next year when we get together for the weekend to each create our own work of art to bring as show & tell. Not to enter in the competition but just for ourselves. anything. I have begun already and am sooo darn proud of myself!! My mother died when I was 20 and left an unfinished needlepoint project that I have kept all these 36 years in the back of my closet in her tote bag (just as she left it). well I pulled that out and am going to finish it! it’s 2 seat covers for upholstered chairs. Sue you are part of my inspiration, that old is new and much better. I found a few women who know how to do needlepoint, who helped me figure it out, and I worked on it all week long making great progress! I’m trying to duplicate her needlepoint style (which is different since she was left handed). if my friends read this they will know my secret – since we swore to secrecy about our show & tell projects — shhhh. it’s florals in lovely colors with hummingbirds and very delicate, and timeless. The background is a pale celery green, the whole thing done in wool. Amazing the receipt was still in the bag – less than $30 to make the project, I’m guessing now it would have been at least $200. And it will be an heirloom now for my daughter to someday have, half-made by her grandmother she never met 🙂 started in the early 70’s and finished in the following century!

  74. Janet says:

    What a great way to start my day – photos of my favorite place on earth! I am a transplanted Chicagoan who lives in Philadelphia and even though I miss my Windy City, I am glad I live on the east coast in the fall. Every year on the last weekend in October my husband and I go up to the Berkshires where Massachusetts, Vermont and New York meet. Great Barrington is gorgeous but my favorite town is Stockbridge. I remember reading about these places when I was little and wishing I could live there. Now I am happy to just anticipate my annual trek to see my favorite place.

    Susan, do you and Joe ever get over to New York state when you are in that area? You must see a tiny little hamlet (yes, that is what they call it) called Old Chatham. Here’s where you eat when you get there:

    There’s not much there because I think they closed the Shaker Museum and moved it to New Lebanon, but there is the Old Chatham Sheepherding Company where they make delicious cheeses and you can visit the sheep and lambs. If no one is around, there is a refrigerated box where you can buy cheese and leave your payment using the ‘honor system’.

    Even though there’s not a lot to do, it’s worth it if you love to take photos. When the sheep are out on the meadows it looks like the setting for a Thomas Hardy novel!

  75. Rosie says:

    squeee!!! doll house! I love them, can’t wait to see!

    Colors are a-popping here in central IL, too, much nicer than I feared it would look after our long droughty summer. Hubby and I have been driving around a bit and just looking at it all. We have favorite spots and views we check every year, but there are always still some new ones that come into view. It’s lovely here along the Illinois river, bluffs and hills of fall color – love it! 🙂

  76. Lauren Andersen says:

    Thanks so much for sharing! Autumn is my favorite time of the year! The colors, the leaves, the trees, pumpkins, haystacks, apples, nuts, fireplaces, coziness… I could go on an on! I recently moved to Logan, Utah and Autumn is so beautiful here (similar to that in New England). I can not tell you how happy I am to live here where the seasons are so lovely. I grew up in Southern California where it was basically summer and a colder summer. Though it was very nice and I still love and miss the beach, it sure is wonderful to experience the seasons. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  77. Barb says:

    Thank you Susan….for the sneak peek into your Fall trip. The dollhouse is really something, cannot wait to see more pictures and here about your entire trip. Jeff & I went to two fall festivals this weekend……one in Newfane Vt and then one in Ashfield, MA. It was such great fall weather with the chill in the air, the leaves whipping around with the wind, and much great food and the delicous hot cider. One lady whom was knitting (a crafter) at one of the fairs was smiling after I told her when the leafs are swirling around catch one and make a wish. She said I never knew that…….and I said neither did I till just recently because of Susan Branch. See we all have one more new tradition to look forward to Susan that you shared with us. I did by a pair of hand made knitted mittens and picked up a book on jugs, crocks, teapots…a very rare book and its signed to which I did not know till I got it home because I was just so happy to have found the book. I collect rare old crocs and jugs and teapots so this was exciting for us. I hope you and Joe continue to have a great time and cannot wait to hear more of your trip. Happy Columbus Day! Hugs&Smiles…Barb…Ludlow, MA :):)

  78. Barb From Ohio says:

    Hi Susan, Thank you for the beautiful pictures and for taking us along again. I always wanted to take a leaf peeping trip in October but have never been able to because of school and work. My husband pointed out that we have pretty fall foliage right here where we live and he’s right, of course. We have woods behind the house that are red, yellow and orange right now. Last night was a heavy frost, but we were ready for it and covered things up we didn’t want to get “bit”. I can’t wait to see the pictures of the doll house and more pretty fall scenes when you get home. Thanks for sharing!

  79. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Welcome home from your autumn meanderings! So happy you could get away–it does the soul so much good. We took a short leaf-peeping excursion yesterday via train in the Romney WV area. The day was grey and a little drizzly, but the colors were still so pretty and best of all, we got to see 9 eagles–four soaring, the other five sitting in trees. The south branch of the Potomac river was on one side of us, the mountain on the other. So very, very nice. Hey, GF’s Susan’s book-signing accessories are picked out–Thanks, Joe!–that means “our” book is heading for the finish line!! Susan, do you know yet where you might be doing signings?

  80. Kate G. says:

    Beautiful, just beautiful!

  81. diana says:

    love autumn…a glorious thanksgiving day here in Ontario

  82. pat addison cave junction, OR says:

    Happy Columbus Day everyone, just bought a nice tea for the Fall season and its good, yummy. its from Celestial Seasonings and its called Sweet Harvest Pumpkin, a holiday tea for the Fall. tastes real good with a drop of honey in it. and smells like the Fall. i plan to get another box of this tea as it is limited and one box will not last me through Thanksgiving. enjoy everyone. hugs… 🙂

  83. Deb says:

    What a coincidence – I was in Great Barrington that day as well, and also went to the antiques stores – we might have passed in the aisles. We also went to the Berkshire Botanical Garden Fall Festival in Stockbridge. It was a beautiful morning, but got wet in the afternoon.

  84. Christine says:

    We were in New England for the fall once and had the most wonder, beautiful time! We are in Cambria Ca and having a wonderful time visiting scarecrows! Colors have yet to change but cool and lovely!

  85. Dawn from Minnesota says:

    Okay….I am trying to be brave until Bret gets home…..but, I’m getting worried…it has been very cold and windy here in Minnesota and something has taken shelter in our fireplace. Not again! Bret put a screen on the chimney spout or whatever that Mary Poppins thing is. In the past we have had 2 ducks,
    3 squirrels, 2 robins, and 1 owl……but, this sound is more of a gggrrrr….no tweeting and not a lot of moving….OMG it couldn’t be the skunk from our neighbors compost pile? Oh dear….please do not be a varmit! : .O
    Just wishing, some of you girlfriends who are good with animals, lived next door at the moment!

    • pat addison cave junction, OR says:

      could be a raccoon, i hope its a coon and not a skunk. let us all know when your hubby gets home and you can get that varmint out.

      • Dawn from Minnesota says:

        We have had a skunk….and did you know….they spray green!
        One morning when I was about to go out my front door….I had 2 bird nests in my redwood pillars (Holes made courtesy of the woodpeckers), and to my left, on the closest side of the bay window, was a racoon curled up and on the otherside a skunk in the live trap (don’t ask me why Bret put it by the house?!!), and at the bottom of our driveway were 3 turkeys!
        All I could think of was Snow White!

        • Dawn from Minnesota says:

          Oh, I won’t even mention the 7 deer that came leaping from the back yard….. because no one will ever believe me! Wish I had a picture….because I cannot even imagine what the expression on my face would have been like!!!

    • Barbara T, Wolverine Lake MI says:

      Dawn, I had a duck come down my chimney – and I thought that I would never that had happened to anyone else! It fell into the dry dusty cinders (in the summertime) and I had to grab it with a pillowcase (I was folding laundry on the couch and it was handy!) I took it outside to where the kids were playing and said, Guess what Mom has to show you!! I unfolded the pillow case and it flew away. When we told “Dad” later he said he didn’t believe me. I unfolded the pillowcase and it looked like the Shroud of Turin….the outline of the duck, complete with eye and beak!!! We had a laugh over it. I hope it’s not a raccoon down your chimney…if I lived near I would be there to help!!

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        What a great story, Barbara! Truth is better than fiction! :>)

      • Dawn from Minnesota says:

        Was it not thee most suprising thing to find in your fireplace!
        We had a duck couple that made a home in our front yard, for quite a few years……and we always called them Torrie’s (my daughter) Birthday Ducks….for we would see them on her birthday in April! And after the ducklings were ready to leave the nest we would watch the parade of wiggles go off through our yard and down the steps to find a place to grow up! It was adorable! Funny thing, Torrie grew up and left home….and we have not seen the ducks since…..her upstairs bedroom window was right above their home. Makes me think she should check outside her bedroom window now!

    • Pat Mofjeld says:

      So, what was it? 🙂

    • Dorothy Ann says:

      * Hi Dawn from Minnesota * October 8, 2012

      I am on Susan’s October 6… Gorgeous New England Fall Post. I’ve been browsing through many of the Girlfriends’ posts and I came upon yours.

      Hi…nice to meet you…brave Dawn. It’s 10:45 PM here in the Pacific Northwest and I see you posted to Susan at about 7 PM tonight.

      You left a bit of a “cliff hanger” posting, so I just wanted to see how you are doing. Perhaps I should say, “chimney hanger” since you have some critter taking shelter there! The good news is that your husband, Bret has placed a screen cover on the chimney and that will keep your intruder out. So, don’t be worried.

      Keep your fireplace flue chimney passage way closed from inside your home and nothing will come down it. I’m sure that’s exactly what you did. If I did live right next door to you, I would definitely “pop over” and be brave with you, until our hero husbands took care of that pesty critter.

      Take care…from…
      * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *

      • Dawn from Minnesota says:

        🙂 You can “pop over” anytime! Dorothy Ann, I love to imagine you living on Cougar Mountain and have always wondered …. are there really cougars there?

    • judi says:

      UFF DA!

    • Dawn, did you find out what critter was in your fireplace?? You are right about waiting for Bret…chances are it is an opossum or a raccoon..they do growl don’t think a skunk would growl…maybe snarl?? YIKES…..I’m good with animals (cats/dogs) the wild creatures are another thing…Good Luck and Be Safe!!!!

      • Dawn from Minnesota says:

        We had a whole racoon family in our unfinished basement once! They had found a way into our house, through wood and sheet metal, under the deck off our back kitchen door and were living above the cement block in the pink insulation…you could see their eyes peeking out at us. Bret set up the live trap and I remember we had a terrible thunderstorm that night with lots of lightning…..I kept waking up thinking I heard a baby screaming and crying….eerie sounding. I couldn’t sleep and when I looked outside….I saw the father racoon in the trap and the mother racoon trying to get him out. It made me feel so sad. That morning the mother was gone. We trapped three baby racoons and then the mother. We brought them all to the same spot in the woods by the river…..and I always hope that they found each other.

      • pat addison cave junction,OR says:

        was it a coon???

    • Dawn from Minnesota says:

      Well…..I guess it doesn’t take much to scare me or Larissa…. she thought it sounded like a chimpanzee….with flashlight in hand Bret looked between the iron panes and said, “well it’s what I thought, but not a baby one that’s for sure….it’s just a squirrel.” Larissa and I peeked in….. and saw it’s face looking straight at us…we both thought it looked just like a little deer head. So, it’s just your everyday deer faced, chimpanzee sounding, robust and ggrring rowdy squirrel. Even Bret thought it sounded strange for a squirrel though ……is that why it’s still in there?!

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        More excitement!! Never a dull moment here “on the Blog” as I know think of it. THE BLOG… not Susan’s blog… just THE BLOG. The only one in the world – and the very best one for sure.

        So anyway, Dawn – are you critterless yet? Or is the squirrel still claiming squatters’ rights in your fireplace? Inquiring minds NEED to know… :>)

        • Dawn from Minnesota says:

          Bret, went to put a live trap in…..and it was gone!
          We haven’t seen or heard anything….hoping it found a way out to the trees and sky! But this morning…..I heard noises in my bedroom wall?! To quiet for a squirrel…. oh, man!…..what’s the old saying?… “Quiet as a MOUSE!” Will someone PLEASE tell Bret that I really, really, really, NEED a KITTY!!!!

  86. Julie Cardenas in Murrieta, Ca says:

    your basic lake scene is truly a postcard picture ~ beautiful!

  87. Julie says:

    Did you buy the dollhouse!?

  88. Julie says:

    Oops just saw you didn’t buy the dollhouse. Pics will work!

  89. Susan Ericksen of Bainbridge Island, Washington says:

    This time of year makes me “Homesick” for New England and I have never even lived there….BUT I think, I am somehow connected, spiritually. I have visited and had such a haunting feeling of home, something calling me. If I didn’t have my family here on my Island, I would definitely consider living out on the Cape ……possibly Chatham or Barnstable or Woods Hole…I loved everything about the cape….but where I really want to go is MV and Nantucket…There is something about Island living for me…I have always been an islander..it is in my blood, I guess!!!! Continue with the pictures, they are charming. Be safe, have fun together and enjoy every bend in the road!!!!!

  90. Hi Susan, We are home from our weekend in the mountains of western Maryland and guess what I found at a thrift store?! One of those paper pumpkins! I’d take a photo of it, but I can’t because my camera BROKE on Saturday. I remember your telling us what kind you have, but of course I didn’t write it down. Could you please tell me again so I can add it to the list of cameras to take a look at. All your photos are always sharp and colorful. I remember you said you just point and shoot which is about all I can handle. Thanks.

  91. Barb says:

    Hi Sue… Thank you for the sneek peak into your fall ride……beautiful pictures.
    Anxiously awaiting to hear the stories and to see the inside of the doll house, can just imagine the workmanship that went into the details you will show us. We had a good weekend, went to two different Fall festivals…one in Ashfield, MA and one in NewFane Vermont. Such a great time and love this cool fall weather. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Hugs&Smiles Barb…Ludlow, MA 🙂

  92. Carla TePaske says:

    Thank you for taking us with. Beautiful! You always inspire me. Thanks!

  93. Pam Woods from Western Colorado says:

    Beautiful!!!! I miss those fall colors so much – spent 10 years living in the Maryland area – the colors are just so AMAZING – along with the architecture, and the cute towns, and the covered bridges…. etc., etc., etc. Sounds like you might be home by now… enjoying those wonderful kitties!! Thank you for the tour around New England… waiting in anticipation for the BOOK!!! And a new post for the dollhouse!!

  94. Patsy in Nixa, MO says:

    Some friends just returned from a trip to Iceland and sent me this link. Peter and Karen have a gallery at this link which includes two trips to England. I think you’d like the one of Walking through the Cotswolds. It’s toward the bottom. The two albums of Iceland are fascinating. Enjoy!

  95. Just beautiful, Susan! Can’t wait to see more . . .

  96. Karen P. - Green Bay, WI says:

    Wonderful pics! Can’t wait to see your videos! Don’t you just LOVE Fall! *sigh*

  97. Carolyn says:

    Lovely calendar pics Susan. I can invision the lake pic across October on my calendar. The Autumn reminds me of the Fourth. Each bend of the road brings the ooohhh and aaawwwhhh, just as beautiful explosions of fireworks can. I call that leafworks. Spring blossoms were also incredible this year. Then a summer to remember (ghastly regarding the heat). Then our beautiful Autumn….hmmm. I hope the pattern is not a winter to remember. We have had that however, here in CO. We take what we get and do the best we can. Your posting was gorgeous…again making grand memories for each of us to fill the senses and mind with good things. The aroma of the leaves and rain is something that will return as we close our eyes and inhale our own special experiences. Good reminder, thanks. Thank also for sharing your leaf peeping. Surely we all agree….you did not take enough time to relax in all that beauty!!!!! I hope that you are not putting to much pressure on yourself to meet a deadline for your book. Oh dear….listen to me….But you are special to so many people, so we want only the best for YOU!!!!!!

  98. Ginger says:

    OK….my first painting was a dismal failure. But…I remember my first drawings a few years back weren’t so lovely either. A friend of mine thinks it was my paper choice. I’m asking several people who watercolor what their paper choice is. You answered this a few posts ago, but I spent nearly an hour going back through the comments without success. Please, what weight, variety, and texture of paper do you find best?

    • sbranch says:

      Arches is wonderful for wet watercolor. I also use flat white 100 lb. Bristol Board. Practice with your pencil first, do a simple drawing of something little.

      • Susan Ericksen of Bainbridge Island, Washington says:

        Susan, what size do you usually paint? Some artists are pretty set on the size they paint. What size brush is your favorite? I know I use a #6 detail brush..Kolinsky. Has a wonderful point and can hold a lot of paint’..Do you have access to Daniel Smith Paint? made in Seattle…it is fabulous paint…..they have a phenomenal art supply store and you can get a catalog…. ….and great sales too!
        I have never tried 100b Bristol board…Going to the store tomorrow!!! It’s fun to try something new! Thanks, Susan.

        • Susan Ericksen of Bainbridge Island, Washington says:

          I LOVE Fabriano soft press #300…………just like butter!!!!!

        • sbranch says:

          If there was no other reason to have a blog, which there are SO many reasons, just the sharing of the good information would be enough! Thank you Susan! For the most part, I use a tiny #1 Windsor Newton brush. Not sure what you mean about what size I paint, I usually paint to size, so if it’s little, then that’s how it was painted, and if it’s big, like for a calendar, it’s often painted that size. Sometimes we enlarge things or reduce, but mostly it’s to size. All the art in the books are painted to size for sure. Thanks again!

          • Ginger says:

            Thanks for answering. I’ve taken your two suggestions to my about making a good pencil drawing before painting to heart. You are great! Here’s for round 2.

          • Susan Ericksen of Bainbridge Island, Washington says:

            You are a darling to share your “ART” information…I truly admire all the art work you do…so darling, in everyway. You are so bloody talented!…How’s that for “English”!!! ha ha…..Anyway, I am always wanting to hear, how other artists do things and experiment with things…. You are what I call, some of my watercolor students “A one hair brush artist!”
            So adore you and that you have taken time to address my questions…Over the top wonderful, you are! Thank you ♥

          • sbranch says:

            Thank you too Susan, for sharing your knowledge! I always call my brush a “one-hair” brush, because that’s almost what it is!

  99. Michelle says:

    I have been really enjoying your website since I found it. I love everything. Thanks for sharing your trip. I loved imagining what it must have been like to live in one of those houses so long ago!

  100. Joan Haag says:

    Im from New York and now live in Indiana.I too miss Your Mountains And My Catskill Mt, Thanks for sharing your road trip ,I felt as tho’ I was with you and Joe.Happy Fall!

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