Hi Everyone! Guess what I’m doing? Hint: Yankee Magazine. Musica del dia.
What I’ve really been doing is getting inspired! It’s that time of year! I turned our steel-cut oatmeal this morning into a ticker-tape parade by sprinkling over chopped apple and walnuts; minced dried cranberries, raisins, and apricots, with the zest of half an orange, cinnamon and milk. ♥ Such a good way to start the day!
And it’s a gorgeous day here, well kinda, not really, now that I look out there, actually a bit overcast and chilly, but the tree outside my bedroom window called my name when I got up and I had to take a picture of it to show you! We’re going out to kick up a few leaves as soon as I finish here!
Isn’t that gorgeous? While I ate my breakfast, I was looking at some old magazines — I love the paintings on these covers. . .I wonder why they don’t use art on magazines anymore? The other thing I love about old magazines are the serials, the stories they used to run in them . . .
And look at this . . . so sweet . . .
They were so simple and clean in style . . .
Charming and evocative . . . had a bit of the fairy tale about them . . .
Plain gorgeous . . . this one above probably glows in the dark!
From a time gone by — I was looking at them because I was thinking that next month, a crew from a very wonderful magazine is coming here to take pictures of my house! This one!
Yes! YANKEE MAGAZINE is coming here on December 11, when the house is all decorated, to do a Christmas feature, which they will publish in December 2013! I’m so excited! I love this magazine, it’s been around since 1935; it’s one of the few remaining family-owned magazine publishers in the United States; it also owns the Old Farmer’s Almanac! I’m honored to be in it.♥
I want the house to be wonderful; I could really use what this magazine has to offer!
… so I’m getting ready, getting inspired; I will bone up by watching the movie Christmas in Connecticut! — such a WONDERFUL time of year, I can’t help but be excited!
It has all my favorite things. . .
Cooking and baking; thinking about making a small gingerbread house…and I should get my paper whites started a little earlier this year . . .
. . . I’ve started making lists of what I have to do and gathering goodies: Thinking about how I’ll decorate, wondering about the tree, hoping we’ll be lucky enough to have snow. What to cook; I want the house to smell wonderful for them . . . so I’m thinking about recipes. I’m thinking about dishes! I want to make it the prettiest ever; I’m going to make all kinds of garlands and banners for my hutches, over the windows and the fireplace. Thinking about how to decorate the Peter Rabbit room! Also thinking we have to have a party the day after they leave because the house will be ready!
This is the first video I ever made, and still my favorite; and this is the way the morning usually goes as I roam around thinking on how to do things, with Dean or Frank to keep me company. And of course, Jack.
I’m looking at my red things . . .
Checking out last year’s photos, making sure I have enough lights . . . Thinking, maybe do it a little differently this year. I’ll be sure to take pictures as I go along!
Already getting started with the basics, freezing the votive candle holders so I can pop out the old candles and wash them.
The ironing I did the other day was “planning ahead” too.
Time to bring out my little house and set it up on top of the stove . . . . I found this a few years ago at the summer flea market here on the island . . . The “lights” were my own addition.
I like to use my same things that have been around for many Christmases, many, many! Out comes the star linen runner and the old books!
This is going to be fun . . . I love a little whimsy, even with food . . . the people at Yankee want a recipe or two for the article, so I’m thinking about giving them my Christmas Jam. The smart thing to do is to start it at Thanksgiving, which I have every intention of doing, but I thought I’d remind you, especially for you newbie kindred-spirit girlfriends who weren’t around last year, I thought I’d give you this easy quirky wonderful recipe so you can be ready.
You start with my basic Cranberry Sauce recipe, which is beyond easy, and soooooo good! It’s three parts cranberries to one part sugar; for a big Thanksgiving dinner, I usually use three cups of fresh cranberries and one cup granulated sugar.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. If you can, use organic cranberries; pick over and discard any that aren’t perfect; rinse and drain. btw, See that basket strainer hanging in my sink? It’s one of my all time handiest cooking utensils. It hangs on a hook over the sink, and I use it→ almost every day — to dry lettuce, wash and drain fruit and vegetables, to drain chicken stock too. You can get one here.
Then you pour the cranberries in a large ungreased baking dish. Sprinkle over the sugar, don’t stir, and pop into the oven for 30-35 min., until the first berries begin to pop. Stir twice during the cooking. That’s it, honestly, it’s to die for, delicious hot or cold, never a prettier color will you see.♥
Did I mention this cranberry sauce is delicious with Chocolate Cake? And if you are lucky enough to have any left over, you are in for a real treat.
You can do what I did a few years ago. Wanting to try something new — I mixed equal parts cranberry sauce with prepared orange marmalade! Flavor-burst heaven! It’s a wonderful Christmas present too if you want to put it in cute jars; everyone loves it!
Insane on hot biscuits with turkey leftovers! Or later on with a chicken dinner.

I’m making pumpkin cranberry bread with a streusel topping, cranberry orange scones with orange icing, and roasting pumpkin seeds with butter, sugar, and a pinch of cayenne. Yummy awesomeness in my kitchen this week. This time of year fills my heart with such contentment!
Yummy awesomeness is right!
You make me hungry!!!
If you are ever in the Shore Drive area Margot, and looking for a haircut or color, come into Shear Bliss, we would LOVE to have you! You can even book online now, shearblissvb.com …we have the best haircuts and hair stylists in Virginia Beach and many times get called the best hair salon in VA Beach area. People love it here and we would LOVE to do your hair!
Pumpkin cranberry! Yum! What a great combination – that I never heard of. And it sounds incredible that I never heard of it. I need to get out more… :>)
Cindy..could you share the recipe for the pumpkin cranberry bread with the streusel topping? Sounds delicious!
I can smell it in the air, the holidays. I just love it! It is a magical time of the year. I just made your Pumpkin Cheesecake for the first time this season. Last year I think I made it 5 times between Thanksgiving and New Years! This time was for my daughters Girl Scout Thanksgiving party 🙂
I just love the charming old art work! How excited you must be for Yankee magazine to be coming to your home! I am excited for you!!!!
Thank you Sara, I AM excited!
How exciting that you’ll be in Yankee magazine! I made your cranberry sauce last month for our Canadian Thanksgiving and it was so good and so easy to make. Then I made the Christmas jam with the leftovers and enjoyed every bit of it. I must make some Christmas jam for gifts in December.
So easy and so festive! It’s got it all! 🙂
I can sense your excitement for the coming holidays and especially being featured in the Yankee magazine. Please remind us of the feature next fall so we can see your wonderfully decorated home. As usual, your blog brought a smile to my face … loved the artwork, the old magazines, and the cranberry recipe, just to name a few of my “favorite things”. Hi to the kitties 🙂
I love Yankee Magazine and now they will be showing off my favorite author/artist!! Congratulations! They will love your home, especially all dressed up for Christmas. I hope they include Jack in a picture 🙂 Have fun getting ready!
Jack always cracks me up and he has such a charming moustache for Movember. I started my Christmas cookies today as I am baking 30 dozen for the museum’s annual Christmas Cookie Factory. It was jam-jams today. As soon as I know you are putting up your bird tree, I will put up mine. I found 3 antique birds at a garage sale this year and they will have pride of place on the tree.
I’ll be putting that up very soon. I hold off slightly because of the maniac.
Wow if Yankee Magazine doesn’t see an increase in sales/subscriptions I will be shocked. Living in Texas I am sure I won’t be able to find it, so I shall subscribe first thing 2013. I don’t think I ever told you, two summers ago when we were dying from the heat and the drought, I found this book at a Half Price bookstore, Martha’s Vineyard Houses and Gardens. I thought it would be a fun book to escape into. Low and behold, the first house featured belonged to SUSAN BRANCH! I couldn’t believe it! I think it was published in the early 90’s. It was really a fun surprise. Thanks again Susan for all the time you spend with us. Also love the cranberry/orange marmalade idea. It’s a must try. Chris.
I know which book you’re talking about! Only the wallpaper and the paint has changed!
I also make cranberry sauce using fresh, whole berries and a good orange marmalade. It works every time, sweet and tart at the same time!
Wow – CONGRATULATIONS – exciting – Yankee Magazine! I can’t wait to get my hands on that one! I love all the magazine covers – reminding me of long past times that I missed but love be reminded of. Just think, our grandmother’s maybe read those magazines and dressed like that. My grandmother was married in 1920. Such history! You have inspired me and now I’m ready to get busy decorating. So fun! The holidays are upon us. xo to Mr. Jack. What a face!
Good evening Susan, How exciting for you and your girlfriends, pictures of your home in the Yankee magazine! Always good to have something to look forward to. The party after the Yankee visitors sounds like it would be the best. Wonderful smells from your kitchen, your lovely lamps burning and the flicker of all those candles in your glass sugar bowls. I hope you invite all your girlfriends to come. I love the glow of the lighting during the Christmas season.
Have been busy working on our Holiday Fair on Saturday. It was fun seeing all the helpers peeling apples today for the apple pies that will be made tomorrow.
The local cranberries will arrive tomorrow, will be sold in our Country Kitchen.
They are always the best because of all the varieties. I was surprised when I found out how many different kinds that are grown. Some are very large in
size. You never see them in the grocery stores! After reading you blog, I can hardly wait to make your cranberry sauce, and jam. YUMMY Happy cooking
and baking, Marion
Yankee Magazine!! Wow Sue!~ That is SO exciting!! You have the best opportunities that come your way… I sure am happy for you my dear!! =)
Yes….Christmas of 2013 seems so far off, but the year will go by quickly as they all do! And yes, you do have the PERFECT home for it!! Congratulations to you and Joe, and of course Jack, and Girl Kitty too! xoxo
Thanks Bon Bon!
Susan, I feel so happy for you! Congratulations! I can’t say that I am overly shocked that you and Joe and your house would be featured in the Magazine…..after all…let’s be real….they looked at your blog, and your pictures of the house…saw Girl Kitty and Jack, and that was that! Who wouldn’t want to feature you and yours in their magazines?! I hate to say it for fear of hurting GK’s feelings, but Jack has been POSING for the camera in hopes of becoming famous! I noticed some time ago that he looked especially groomed and was smiling at the camera!
Seriously, I am thrilled for you, and it does seem that you are thrilled too…and in your element! I hope you might keep the girlfriends posted on how it goes please? You know I live vicariously through you now, don’t you? Lol.
I always felt so old fashioned because I adore those old fashioned mag covers…in fact, I love practically everything old fashioned! My husband teases me frequently because of my collection of black and white movies and my books etc. It has been so fun to have you and the girlfriends all love the very same things….I marvel at it sometimes. My personal group of girlfriends in my corner of the world like some things that I do, but not like this group of girlfriends! It is such a joy…..you are such a joy!
I think the only people who don’t love it, are the ones who’ve never seen it! 🙂 That’s why we’re here! The world is so big and full of wonderful things . . . we own the past as much as we own the now, and the future too!
Oh Susan, I forgot to mention the magazine covers you showed us. I just love seeing the faces of the children and woman. There is an innocent look to them, a look we do not see anymore. Thank you for sharing, Marion
Oh Susan I am so happy for you Yankee Magazine…what a treasure. I know you will give them an abundance of good tidings and ideas. I love Yankee and the December issue is my favorite. I just love the way you danced around the room with Christmas music. That is me..I was a little late this year and didn’t really start listening until the 13th, but normally I start about Oct 25. Not to blow by Halloween or Thanksgiving, both of which i love. But, Christmas music just relaxes me so. Maybe because it brings me back to a child. Hope the interview goes great (as I am sure it will) Happy Thanks giving!!
What a nice surprise to open my computer for the last time tonite to take a peak, and see that you are there with something new……and wonderful! The magazine covers are devine! The art of that era is just so inspiring…..just makes you feel good. I used to take Better Homes and Gardens when I was first married, and dream of a house of our own someday. (They used to have house plans in the back….those were the days.) But that was the 70’s, and the wonderful covers you showed us were from the 40’s…..a much different era.
I think our parents and grandparents were the last generations who really “sacrificed” as a whole for this country. They gave up so much of their livelyhoods, and also of themselves for WWII…..I’ve always been humbled. Anyway…..thank you for reminding us of our blessings and also for your ability to make us smile. You are soooo appreciated. Congratulations on Yankee Magazine…..a long time to wait for the issue…but it will be well worth it! In the meantime, thank you also for all the inspiritions for this holiday season we are headed into. I’m looking forward to cooking that turkey! May even try the dressing…..so different that I’m used to….I’ll let you know. Be safe out there.
Jan from Northern CA
Decorating for Yankee Magazine — such a comfortable and cozy read — like a cup of tea on a cold and rainy day. Along with all your already lovely decorating —
You could make Christmas lampshades ( and show us how ) and
Make red checked fabric wreathes for your windows (and show us how)
etc, etc — (just as long as you show us how)
Susan……..the magazine covers were truly wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing them. I’ll be making the cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving. Reading your blog is getting me so excited for the holidays.
Hugs, Nettie
Susan, CONGRATULATIONS on Yankee’s (smart) selection of YOU and your home for their Christmas 2013 issue! I bet, as I read the above comments, that that issue will be a best-seller in their long history!
Thank you for sharing those magazine covers! Just last month in New England, my sister and I spent a wonderful rainy day at the Norman Rockwell Museum. Talk about magazine cover art! Rockwell always drew things he “saw” with his eyes. He used photos, costumes, props, etc. So thankful to learn that my own drawing efforts are no less “art” because I must see it…not just imagine it! It was a personal “lightning rod”, revelation moment.
Tomorrow we will have a “practice Thanksgiving” dinner here. I have a Chinese college student coming over to learn how to prepare a turkey for her immigrant parents. We will use your cranberry recipe! Next week, your Grandmother’s Stuffing!!! So thankful for all these blessings, great and small. Thank you for your “Heart of the Home” perspective on life, Susan! ❤❤❤
Thank you Charlene — I was also thrilled when I went to Norman Rockwell’s museum! Was also very surprised to see how he worked! Not at all like I thought, I also thought he made it all up in his head. In a way he did, he started with the idea, and then developed it his own way. There is nothing like the Four Freedoms! I always loved him!
Congrats on the magazine–I have never heard of it and at one time subscribed to over 24 magazines a month. It must only be available on the East Coast or surely I would have seen it. A friend had Country Living come to her home to photograph for their magazine but they never published any of it…….hope that is not the case with you. She was so disappointed as she is a wonderful decorator and her big home was truly amazing. Love your post as always……we think along the same lines as I was just thinking the other night as I pinned some old magazine covers on Pinterest on one of my boards……get tired of “famous” people gracing all the women’s magazines and their politics that I have been cutting out all my subscriptions and am down to 4 now…….doesn’t have anything to do with the internet just tired of ads garnering 75-80% of the magazine’s pages plus unhealthy mindwise articles. I too miss Home Companion magazine and Mary did not give it up the publisher did…she has tried to garner support for a magazine comeback but so far nothing.Love the Nordic look of red and white…..could be your major “theme” along with good old fashioned Christmas. You are so special and so talented this couldn’t happen to a nice person……hope Jack makes it into the magazine as well. Happy decorating!!! Linda from Idaho
I think that’s the thing, as with Mary’s Home Companion…people are turning to the internet and not subscribing anymore, when a magazine costs more to make than it brings in, that’s what happens, goodbye magazine. So if you have a magazine that you will die if it goes away, be sure to subscribe. FYI, Yankee is a New England magazine, it’s all about New England, but anyone can get a subscription. Thank you Linda, love hearing from you!
I look forward to your blog so much. It is a beautiful escape in an ordinary day and inspires me to do something creative in my own life.
I will be sure to get that issue of Yankee magazine. I hope they do put a picture of sweet Jack in it too.
I love the movie Christmas in Connecticut, it’s one of my favorite holiday movies!!
I would love for you to someday make a day to day desk calendar. A magazine of your beautiful ideas, that would be great! Those old magazine covers you have are gorgeous, they would be great framed art on a wall.
Happy Holidays Susan!! XOXO
Hi Susan-
When I saw your selections of vintage magazines I knew here was a gal that loves those old covers too! Just yesterday I picked up a Etudes music magazine from the 20’s with the most fanciful cover illustation. There are charming children dancing up the keys of a piano towards the organ pipes that have magically been made into a castle. Several instruments line their way and all of them are converted into adorable cottages. There is even a little stork on the roof of the viola house. Perhaps if Id had such imaginative music covers for my piano lessons I might have practiced more! Perhaps you already know about these magazines but…
Child Life magazine (20’s-30’s) the vintage ones, they are to die for, and the 1920’s Vogues and Vintage House and Gardens usually featuring precious little cottages and picket fences. I do not know why they stopped using illustrations but my girlfriend and I were just lamenting that yesterday as we found a pile of old needlwork magazines with the most amazing art covers. I know I would certainly like to see a revival of the art. I mean who didn’t love getting Post magazine with a Rockwell greeting you !
Cranberries and hot oatmeal certainly bring back memories for me too. My Mom would make oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar. I would have to drown my scalding oatmeal in milk so to eat it fast in order to catch the school bus in time. I still drown my oatmeal, and I still have nightmares that I miss that darn bus! My mother had a theory that if we ate a good hot breakfast we would be able to get through the day with more energy and brain power. How right she was!
Making cranberry relish was a big deal at our house too, an all day family event that several of us had to be kicking and whinning into the process. Mom would come back from the grocery store and surprise us with bags and bags of cranberries and oranges and of course the largest bag of sugar ever sold in the tri-state area. That would signal the start of the relish making run. We would grind everything in an old fashion meat grinder (pre-Crusinart) into a textured consistency and then cook it slowly with plenty of sugar. Container after container was made and frozen for other winter meals. It was a sticky messy job and the meat grinder unfortunately leaked juice all over the floor. Scads of towels were use to catch the drippings until someone using their brain and put a bucket underneath! We all had a “DA” moment over that one. But we forged a head, even though our pants got splattered from the juice dispite the innovated bucket idea, and on top of everything else we had stained our fingers a funky cranberry orange that took days to go away. All in all it became another holiday tradition if you can believe it, and even though it was manufactored in a rather discombobulated way it had heart and team work written all over it. It wasn’t until many, many Thanksgivings later that someone in our family bravely pronounced that they did not care for cranberry relish and liked the canned stuff better. At first there was shocked disbelief all around, but one by one several others started to confess that they too felt the same way. We all ended up having a good laugh over it, and even Mom laughed along with us thinking about all those pints we had put up over the years only to find out that two of us liked it! Mom had always declared that anyone could open a can of something but to make home made was much, much better. I still like the home made best.
Congrats on the Yankee magazine coming to your home! How wonderful that this magazine recognizes you for your many talents and Im sure it will be a fun experience. The good stuff in life keeps coming around to those who have faith and believe in the impossible.
Take care and stay warm….
Fondly-Jamie 🙂
I used to grind up oranges and cook for hours too! Til my girlfriend’s mom showed me her method, and not only me, but all my girlfriends, we wouldn’t think of making it any other way. Sometimes simple really is the best. And I still like the canned too, even the one with the can rims still on it! 🙂
Weelllll…those can rim marks are what guide the knife to cut the “roll” in slices evenly, aren’t they?!! LOL! 🙂 I still grind up oranges and cranberries to make that kind of relish, too, IN ADDITION to making your baked cranberries, Susan. My dad loved the cranberry/orange relish and I guess I do it in his memory. I freeze what is leftover after Thanksgiving and put it in jello for Christmas dinner! The other sort of relish we make is a vegetable relish. I’m going to share the recipe (hope this is okay, Susan) as I think you would like it, as well as the girlfriends. It is very colorful and tastes wonderful with turkey, ham, pork roast, etc.
Vegetable Relish: 1 can French cut green beans drained and chopped, 4 stalks celery chopped, 1 green pepper chopped, 1 small onion chopped, 1 small jar pimento chopped, and 1 can sliced water chestnuts drained and chopped. Dressing: 1-1/2 C. sugar, 1 C. white vinegar, 1/2 C. salad oil, 1/2 tsp. paprika, and 1 tsp garlic salt. You pour the dressing over the vegetables and marinate overnight. Drain before serving.
Thank you Pat, love to hear tried and true recipes! That sounds very Thanksgivingish!
Oh, Jamie, sooo funny. Reminds me of making my husbands favorite sandwich mix with the old fashioned meat grinder. Rings of bologna, large jar of kosher dill pickles and mayo. When you’d feed all the pickles thru the juice would drip all over:) Moved here and no bread boards anymore or counter/ledge to screw/attach the meat grinder too:(
Judi, my mom and dad would make pickle bologna too using an old crank meat grinder. I remember how my dad would screw/attach the grinder to the edge of the counter and grind the ring bologne and the sweet pickles and add mayo (or was it miracle whip??). We eat it over a week in our lunch. My mom would make sandwiches with white bread. Yum! But mostly I have the good memories of mom and dad working together to make it. Ha!
My dad always used one of those grinders to grind up leftover cooked roast Sunday night to mix with sweet pickle relish and mayonnaise to make for a meat spread in our sandwiches for lunch the rest of the week. Yummm–those sandwiches with potato chips!!! I searched and found a grinder like that in an antique shop years ago and the one I found has a little spout that anything juicy runs out of into the bowl underneath it! I just used it tonight to grind up oranges and cranberries for relish!!! One thing a food processor couldn’t replace, in my book!
I agree Judy, what a lose to not have that old kitchen set up. I have the grinder my used to use. I agree with the girlfriends…that was a great sandwich. No ring baloney in VA Beach!
Well, Im certainly going to try your cranberry recipe this year since it not only looks and sounds delicious but easy to make, and Im all for that!
Congratulations on being featured in Yankee magazine. That is so exciting and I know that your house will look beautiful. Too bad we have to wait another year to for it to be published.
Those old magazine covers are gorgeous. I love the old railway posters they used to do as well, the art work was simple but really striking. Congratulations on being featured in the magazine. Your house is going to look wonderful with all your decorating ideas, can’t wait to see it, and the cranberry sauce looks delicious. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas………………….. (as the song goes!) 🙂
Now I will be singing that all day! 🙂
It’s a great song to be singing. If only we could still find “the 5 and 10”. Ethel
Love the old magazines! Now I’ll have to add them to my list of things to look for when I go antiquing 🙂 Christmas in Connecticut is one of my all-time favorite movies…and I’m definitely going to try your Christmas Jam! Thank you for your blog and reminding me that the little things in life are sometimes the most special and memorable.
Hi Susan,
Your blog was just what I needed this morning to pick me up. It has been a particularly bad year this year and I was feeling a little down until I saw the beautiful magazine covers and your wonderful news of Yankee magazine coming. It made me feel so much better and now I will go in my kitchen to make that oatmeal :)! Thank you for sharing all these good things and have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
I am happy Lucy. We all need a little pick me up sometimes! xoxo
…good morning, dear Susan…it IS beginning to look a lot like Christmas !!!…love it… (and love your bowl of dressed-up oatmeal…it looks absolutely wonderful…every morning I need to have my oatmeal with honey, flax, cinnamon, and milk…maybe I should dress mine up a little as well ?!)…at any rate, congratulations on Yankee mag. choosing your home for a photo lay-out…no surprise, with all your magic and sweet stuff goin’ on !!…the the magazine covers, especially Jessie Wilcox Smith’s work….do you remember Green Tiger Press years ago in S.Ca. in the early 70’s ?…loved them…well again, this is getting lengthy, your work/play always gets me inspired and I thank you for that !!!….might even try that Christmas Jam…with love and take care….as always…..P.S….I meant to say “love the magazine covers”…’need to go eat my oatmeal….
The perfect way to start the day! Thank you Mary!
There is nothing more “Yankee” than Susan Branch and Martha’s Vineyard during Holiday time!!!
That’s what I was thinking! 🙂
I am so excited for you and all the wonderful world you will open for readers of “Yankee Magazine.” I’m a subscriber (even during my days in CA) and love the depth of their stories. They’re fun and have delightful fluffy features, but also never loose sight of all sorts of matters of the heart. I always love your Christmas blogs and before then a Christmas e-mail, this magazine will be a keeper! The oatmeal was such comfort for me this morning even though I couldn’t eat it! Congratulations and continue to enjoy all the preparations for “Yankee!”
Thanks Carmel!
Oh by gosh, by golly. It’s time for mistletoe and holly! Susan, this feature in Yankee Magazine is so exciting!!! I cannot wait to be “coming along” as you decide and prepare for the big photoshoot! This is going to be EPIC!! Your home and your work is the perfect story for readers and I feel sure that you will warm the hearts of new readers as you have warmed ours over the decades with your books and artwork!!
Your recipe this morning for steel cut oats looks beautiful and delicious. I make steel cut oats frequently but have never added the pazazz you came up with. This is a must try this weekend! mmmmm!!
Oh Jack! I just burst out laughing at the image of balls flying out of the studio each day while you work!! I have a kitty that runs our home as well. Mr.Bump, like Jack, commands attention with all sorts of demands and meows.
But like you say, life is short and what a special blessing these kitties bring to every day.
Thank-you Susan for including us girlfriends on such exciting adventures with you and Joe! What a gift!@
Loved this post, Susan. I am getting right into Christmas now as our Thanksgiving has come and gone. I love your woodland creatures and am adding many to my old collection this year. Thank you for the recipe and I’ll be back to see all your beautiful decorations for Christmas. Congratulations on your up-coming article in such a fab magazine. Give Jack a kiss on the head for me. Hugs, Deb
Congratulations for having your heart {aka:home} featured in Yankee magazine! I just gave myself an early Christmas gift and subscribed. 🙂 I too love the art work that fills old magazines. The car below Jack’s photograph reminds me of one my parents’ owned and how it looked when we were bundled up and all the gifts were loaded in the car, heading to our Grandparents’ home for Christmas. I have no doubt the car you painted has taken many of your readers on a journey back in time.
Your Friend,
Thank you Deborah!
Don’t you feel sometimes like we were just born too late? Oh, to spend one day time traveling back to May 1926! Though I think we appreciate it more today than we would have if we lived through it. I’m sure, in twenty years or so, we’ll look back nostalgically on Novemeber 16,2012!
Thank you Susan for reminding us of the beauty of past, present and future!
Love that you like it too Donna!
Why Susan, whatever makes you think the only reason I read your blog is to get a look at Jack? He’s such a handsome devil! I look forward to all your blogs and find them heart warming and entertaining (especially when there’s a picture of Jack)!
I understand totally!
How exciting! I am going to subscribe to Yankee magazine right now. The holidays are coming and I love it all too. Also love when you share your ideas and inspiration. Thank you Susan!
Delightful as always.
I am so excited for you that I am whirling around in a circle. That’s pretty good for a 74 year old “girl”. I can smell your kitchen, hear Jack’s purr and imagine your decorating. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. JQ
Bunko ladies loved the Pear Tatin, I told them I’d let you know!! And, thank you for your recipe in “Autumn”! I made 2, & my husband loved it too, & had to eat every last bit! I have to confess that I used Butterscotch Scnapps in the sauce (leftover from making an oatmeal pecan pie), no Bourbon here, but it was good!! Another winning recipe my dear! xoxoxo
Glad it was good Joan!
Yankee Magazine spread—how fun!!!!
Back from Italy. Trip of a lifetime. The art was amazing!
A birthday present to me.
So exciting about Yankee magazine. Why don’t they have you
paint the cover since your home will be featured? Sounds smart
to me. Thanks again for the pleasure we all have in your blog.
Especially people who have trouble getting out of the house.
Already got my calendar. Looking for more books.
Welcome home and Happy Birthday Julia!
what a wonderful picture you’ve painted in all our heads!!! love it all! i’ve printed the old “Christmas car” (enlarged) and going to frame and lean it on a counter somewhere in the house! you are such an inspiration! Thanks Susan! have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
You just brighten up my day and always make me smile!! 🙂 <3
Hi Susan,
Thank you for the cheery, inspiring post. The magazine covers are so different from the covers of today.
The confetti oatmeal recipe sounds good and will share with my mom since that is breakfast for her most days.
Your Grandmas Molasses Cookies are scrumptious – tried the recipe last night and ate 5 of them! My grandma and I baked at least a dozen different kinds of cookies at Christmas – all in one weekend. There were cookies everywhere:)
Hugs to Jack and Girl Kitty. Happy Thanksgiving!
Good Morning! We’re getting some rain here this morning. It smells so good when it rains, nothing like it. I was so happy to see this beautiful new post this morning! It’s like opening a present everytime I see a new post. Congratulations on being featured in Yankee Magazine, how exciting! I went online and began a subscription so I’ll be certain to get a copy of the December 2013 edition! Thank for sharing the beautiful old magazine pictures, the recipes and as always, the picture of precious Jack! Can’t wait to see what you do for Christmas this year! We begin decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. It makes the season last a little bit longer, so nice. Now it’s time to go and read all the girlfriends comments, another favorite thing I enjoy. Wishing everyone a wonderful day! ♥
Organic, stone ground, slow cooked porridge is the order of breakfast from October until spring in my house, usually served with wqrmed blueberries, or other soft fruits harvested during the summer and frozen for the winter. Sometimes I add dried cranberries or dried apples. As a treat, I will add a drizzle of imported maple syrup, but generally sweeten with fairly traded molasses sugar . . off to google ‘steel cut’ as I’ve never heard of them before.
‘Tis a day for vintage covers. On Pinterest, several organisations that I follow are parading their vintage covers, and I have been looking at my vintage Vogue ond original Victoria magazines this very morning. Also off to google Yankee Magazine, as I’ve never heard of that either!
The weather is dank and drear, drizzling a fine spray over the land, a day for indoor activities, and hot chocolate from one of my two new Emma Bridgewater mugs . .
Love the sound of that Deborah! Here you go! McCann’s Steel-Cut Irish Oats…
Hi Susan,
Your home is starting to look a lot like Christmas! I can’t wait to see it in the Yankee magazine. You are inspiring me to decorate for Christmas. I have to wait until after T. day but then watch out! We just bought a sailboat yesterday and I am going to decorate it also. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Fun to decorate boats! Lots of little vintagey fun things you can find for boats, like plates with anchors, or red striped cups. Happy Thanksgiving!
How exciting! I’ve been subscribing to Yankee for years. I always find great things in there, so it will be wonderful to see your house all decorated next year! I highly recommend your cranberry sauce to anyone who hasn’t tried it. I’ve made it as gifts for family and they rave about it (I’ve only had a small taste – I don’t care for cranberries in any form – yup, I know – what kind of a New Englander am I!) Thanks for the pic of Jack – I can’t believe you’ve trained him to fetch and return balls! My cats would just look at me like I was nuts!
He trained me!!
thank you susan!! when i need a little lift i know i can count on you to post something special, seeing your blog puts me more and more in the holiday spirit, i love what you put up, vintage is my favorite, makes me feel like decorating ,baking and singing lol can’t hold a tune but i love holiday music anyways haha, my poor family lol
I don’t have your calendar. shame…shame….
Can you give us your pumpkin cheesecake recipe here?
I’ll do it, but I have do it later, have to go get my haircut! Remind me!
Susan, here’s the link to your pumpkin cheesecake 🙂
Thank you Cathy!! This is why it is “our” blog…I could never do it alone!
A very weak sun is trying to make a statement on this chilly Friday morning, but I decided to warm up with all of your inspiring photos! I love them all! What can I say, Susan? I love savoring every detail of your home–decorations, food, furniture, and of course Jack!!!! It’s fun to tweak how you decorate each year to come up with new ideas.
Every year a good friend has a wreath making party in her old barn. We start with an artificial wreath and then insert with glue gun loads of fresh greenery of all kinds. Then comes the fun part as we decide on what to add–ribbons? berries? ornaments? She provides so many options. I often go the “bling” route with different sized ornaments in green and gold. But this year I’m thinking of changing. Well, anyway, just looking at your home gives me lots of ideas!
Thank you, Susan, for opening your door and letting us take a peek. Oh, and I am so excited for you with the coming of Yankee magazine! Congratulations! When one Girlfriend shines, we all shine! Yay!
xoxo Thank you Linda!
If I don’t get a chance as we all get busy…have a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you at least have a chill in the air. We’ve had a lovely week, but will be in the mid-70’s Thursday! Too hot! I remember Thanksgiving with what my dad called a “tracking snow”. He used to hunt “bunnies” (don’t tell Susan) and then in January there was a big Hasenpfeffer Party. The holidays sure do invoke memories. Anyway Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Chris
And, dear Chris, “Happy Thanksgiving” to you out there in Texas! We have been having a chill in the air. The past two days have had very chilly starts (a thick frost this morning) but then turned cool but sunny. Yesterday I was working in my gardens–doing some cleaning. Today Kevin and I went to see our oldest son, wife and GRANDSON. He helped with some house repairs. I played with Baby!
What is a Hasenpfeffer party? It sounds German.
Love, Linda
Sshh……Hasenpfeffer is rabbit stew. Can’t bear the thought of it now. It is German. We ate rabbit often as a kid, but after Tularemia (rabbit fever), my dad stopped hunting rabbit and we didn’t have to eat it anymore.:) Must get back to laundry and housecleaning….family’s coming! Take care, Chris
I remember in Little House books Pa would shoot wild rabbits and bring them home. Ma made a wonderful rabbit stew that the family and Mr. Edwards loved!
“Family’s coming!” What wonderful words!
Have fun!
Hi Linda Girlfriend!
I’d like to know what a Hasenpfeffer party is too. I read Chris’s comment and for some reason the song from the old Laverne and Shirley show popped into my mind…..Schameal, Schmozzle…..Hasenpfeffer Incorporated……..LOL……and that was about Beer !!!!!! So, Chris is it a Beer Party? LOL.
Linda just wanted to wish you and your family and warm, cozy, wonderful Thanksgiving!
Dear Deb,
Oh, my! You made me smile–how I loved those crazy gals, Laverne and Shirley! A fun show.
Thank you for your Thanksgiving wishes! My oldest son, wife, and five month son are staying over for several days. My other sons and wives will be here as well as my sister’s family. Can’t wait! But I have a lot to do before they all step through the door.
I’m thinking that you will be with your mom for this Thanksgiving time. Tell your darling mom I said “Hi!” and give her a nice hug from me! And you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, too!
Love ya!
Beer was definately served while they made the rabbit stew!
I feel like I’m taking a peek into my dear late grandmother’s era by listening to the music and viewing the magazine covers. Thank you for a peek into her life! The Christmas jam is a must try, all my favorite flavors and so festive. Looking forward to your magazine cover.
Thank you! Thank-you! A long bad cold had delayed my Christmas spirit. But all your planning, pics, and decorations encouraged me! In the last 2 days I have crocheted a scarf and Christmas stocking. Last night I made a Christmas card to share with my card club. Thank you for the inspiration. By the way, your Christmas book is either on the bed stand or at work with me. I bring it out every year and it is the beginning of my Christmas season!
‘Sweet Susan’ ! Thank you one more time,for the sharing. I’m so excited for you and Yankee Magazine. What a bestowed honor… How honored I am,to be but a small part of this joyous blog. To have touched your life,has made mine far far richer. Holiday is so exciting,and to share with others and have them share with you,is pure ‘Holiday Magic’ ! To ALL,be blessed this day. I thank everyone; For the reaching out of this thing called ‘Friendship’. ‘Jack Sprat’,cuteness as usual.Veronica/Sumerduck, Va.
Happy Saturday Veronica!
Congrats on magazine!!! Can’t wait to see your house decorated!! Please share!!
I will! I have to, it will be so clean!
So, what are your plans for Thanksgiving or are you skipping it altogether this year? (just teasing!) Do you do dinner at Branch Hall or are you invited out? All teasing aside, you have inspired me to decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving. We somehow always get busy and end up waiting until right before Christmas–and then Norm wants to leave it all up for the Scandinavian “12 days of Christmas” which takes it all into January! So this year, if we start earlier, maybe we can not spread it into the new year! 🙂 LOL!
This year we’re going up to a gathering at a friend’s house … Can’t wait! ♥
CONGRATULATIONS on the upcoming magazine spread. Will enjoy hearing what goes on in the background:) You are always an inspiration….even cut up a honey crisp apple (shared some with husband before he left for golf) and added fresh blueberries to my cereal. Delish. Love the artwork of old magazine covers. Candy for the eyes. You are getting me excited for Christmas…..but, first I have to deal with Thanksgiving which….I thought was a week later than it is. UFF DA! Have a GREAT creative day! xxxooo
I’m afraid that’s my fault. Whenever my birthday falls on a Thursday, Thanksgiving is a week early!
“Susan Branch” and “Yankee Magazine” BELONG tooogether. Excellent news! So glad for you. Soo glad for THEM. What a treat for everyone (ME, included). I’ve been a subscriber since lo, these many years ago. SOO fun. (And just so you know, I cleaned off my ironing board/area yesterday so next week I can spread out all the bread for stuffing!) xo
Funny world, all of us with our cleaned off ironing boards!
Love the video of your kitchen. Is that a Dionne quintuplet spoon by your tea?
Yes! You have good eyes!
Even though I live in North Carolina I love Yankee magazine. I have to renew my subscription as a matter of fact. *L* I love the illustrations also. I guess it takes too much time or cost too much money or people just think it’s old fashioned and they are to hip to have them so they stopped them. I love to find an old magazine at an antique or second hand store. I guess I like them because I’m old enough to remember when they did. *L* I guess that’s one of the reasons I was so drawn to your work. I loved the recipes in Country Living, my intro. Anyway, congrats on the Yankee magazine spread. Can’t wait to see it.! As usual Jack is a cutie. I can see the michief in that face but it’s all good fun. Like you said life is too short not to enjoy the little things.
hello, good morning susan, everyone. congratulations on being featured in Yankee Magazine, love that magazine, and i’ll be sure to be looking for that feature next year. i do hope Jack gets in the pictures, and i have a hunch he will. getting ready for the holidays here, even went out and bought myself a new CD..Bing Crosby christmas favorites. my mom used to play all his christmas records on the stereo all through the holidays, made the house seem so warm and christmassy. its not christmas until Bings sings White Christmas. still decorated for Thanksgiving but once the holiday is over and i have some time to recover, onward to christmas decorating. well off to go feed the poultry and haul up some more firewood, we have nasty storm moving in today and its bringing snow, a white Thanksgiving?? hmmm!!! have a great day everyone, Happy Fall, Harvest blessings and Happy Thanksgiving. hugs… 🙂
oops forgot to mention those old magazine covers, aren’t they the best…i love old vintage magazines like those, and wish someone would bring them back. i still remember the vintage collection of Jack and Jill magaizines my grandma collected and let us read when we visited her, i loved those old magazines. i think Little women is on this weekend, as hubby is planning on going on his annual elk hunt today, i can watch Little women in peace tomorrow or sunday, but if the weather goes bad they will be home before you know it. oh well thats my birthday treat to myself, yesterday was my birthday. off to feed the birds. have a great day. hugs….. 🙂
Happy Birthday Pat!!!
thank you everyone. i want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, i hope you all have a wonderful holiday with family and friends. hugs……. 🙂
Happy Birthday Pat!
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! And I hope you’re having Ham for Thanksgiving dinner……otherwise, I know your Turkeys are going to be very afraid……yikes!
“Sandy from Chihuahua Flats”
When I write to you, I feel like I’m twelve years old, writing to the pen pal I had at that age. I love reading all your comments, all the things you share. You provide me with such wonderful memories & ideas.
I saw the red & white embroidery on a tablecloth (?) on your ironing board. I’m in the middle of making a quilt that’s all red & white. The center is made up of red & white embroidered squares of snowmen doing various fun things that only snowmen can do in the snow, such as hang candy canes on a line to dry. I’ve been working on all the embroidery for over a year. The process of making this quilt is so much fun. Has anyone out there seen such a quilt, or has anyone followed this pattern? The outer part of the quilt is made up of red & white varying patterns of blocks.
The magazine art is fantastic. I was just wondering if I’m a happy person because of all the lovely things that I saw as a child, on a daily basis, such as magazine covers, movies with characters who were charming, & possessed great character, movies with happy endings. Our family always sat down immediately when the Saturday Evening Post arrived by mail. We’d look at Norman Rockwell’s illustrations & laugh. How he picked up on American life. Such joyful days. I wish my grandchildren could have had such wonderful things in their lives, instead of video games & all of this technology that is often pretty horrible. As a child who grew up in the 40’s & 50’s, my life was full of beauty. I spoiled myself, I guess, as now I seek out the positive, the beautiful, & pleasant thoughts prevail within my brain. We had the pleasure of visiting the town in which Norman Rockwell lived & going through the wonderful museum there, which is full of each of his illustrations. I feel truly blessed to have grown up in a childhood similar to yours Susan, where the adults in our lives loved us so much that they filled our lives with wonder, beauty, laughter, & a sense of caring for one another.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. May each of you be filled with the joy & happiness of friends & family, as our entire nation celebrates the many blessings we’ve been given. I wish I could have the people who are suffering after that horrible storm sitting around our table this Thanksgiving. God bless us everyone.
Lovely comment Sondra … I think everyone has an age for life, and mine is twelve, so I feel very much the way you do!
Sondra…what a beautiful comment.. I have never done any of that embroidery but my middle sister did two pillow shams for me many years ago… she asked what I wanted for Christmas and I gave her two white pillow shams and told her that it would be the most precious gift if she would embroider them in red with a winter/christmas theme… She did and I treasure those pillowcases and out they come, right after Thanksgiving. I am sure that your quilt will be gorgeous and a happy one!! I quilted just a tiny bit with my grandma when I was pregnant with my first baby (35 years ago!! YIKES!)… I think I could do it again but I have crocheting to do yet for gifts. My grandma also taught me to crochet.. I remember visiting her for a few weeks in the summer.. ALL BY MYSELF … as the oldest of four children, that was a VERY SPECIAL treat, and just got to learn all kinds of things!! thanks for prodding my memory bank today… You and all the Girlfriends and Susan, Joe and Kitties have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday!!!
Happy Birthday Pat!
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! And I hope you’re having Ham for Thanksgiving dinner……otherwise, I know your Turkeys are going to be very afraid……yikes!
Happy Birthday Pat! Hope you enjoyed your birthday movie!
Susan, Congratulations! Just visited the local museum that is exhibiting Norman Rockwell and all of his magazine covers plus original art. Delightful! I am so glad you are creating art and sharing it with the world. Keep up the good work.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours
Susan, it just gets better and better! I don’t know how you do it! Loved the old magazine covers, and you are so right! Sad when we lost illustrations, they were so wonderful. And the stories. What a great collection. Loved everything about this post, just wonderful. And Frances Langford singing So Easy To Love! Sigh. I keep playing it and singing along! You are sure easy to love, Susan, you and Joe and Girl Kitty and Jack and your wonderful home where you are so kind to invite us all to share in so many delights! This post just made my day! Fall really has come to SoCal. The sky is nearly solid clouds; however, this morning I really did get up, literally, at the crack of dawn. The sky was all clouds except for a faint break running parallel to the horizon, and that was filled with wonderful first light of dawn that grew brighter and brighter and became peach and then crimson, truly magnificent! The sunrises this time of year are spectacular! Everyone have a most wonderful day and days!
You too Victoria, thank you for your cheery message!
Congratulations, and I’m not surprised! Looking forward to upcoming posts about getting ready, the photo shoot, the aftermath. BTW, I found one of those Merry Christmas plates on ebay last year (and paid a bit too much for it, lol).
Oh good, you found one . . . someone else was just asking about that plate, and I suggested Ebay!
Hi Susan….ahhhhhh congratulations on being in the magazine….wow wouldn’t i love to be there that day…lucky people!!!!!!
So enjoyed the post today…i always get butterflies and of course alot of inspiration…..made your cranberry sauce last year and the Christmas jam…..simply delicious…..we will never have cranberry sauce in the can again!!!!!
Have fun getting everything done!!!!! Oh if you need any help let me know…tee hee
I will remember that!
Hi Susan,
How exciting that you’ll be in Yankee!! I remember reading that back in the 70’s; it was a little bigger than a Reader’s Digest. Are they still the same size?
I purchased a ton of old magazine covers from an estate sale a few yrs. ago. The woman just saved the covers (like the one’s you posted.) Old, from the 20’s – 30’s. Wondering if I should frame them? They’re all so lovely.
Your head must be spinning with decorating ideas for the photo shoot! Eeek!
It’s going to be gorgeous, of course.
Jack cracks me up! That face….I have a 7 toed (all 4’s), his name is “Stash” because he appears to have a milk mustasche. He’s an outdoor cat & is only friendly towards me. (The tender one who FEEDS him!) I don’t know where he came from, but he sure is a beautiful cat (about 8 mos. old.)
Have a wonderful weekend!
The tree outside your BR window is so pretty.
Hi Mardell! 7 Toes! He must be beautiful! Yankee has grown up now, and is about the same size as most other magazines.
Hi Mardell,
We also have a seven toed cat (all fours, too) named Contessa (Tessa for short) because she sits so regally. But we also have a tuxedo cat with a milk mustache and we call her Tasha, our shorthand version of milk mustache!
Hi, Susan…thanks for introducing me to Gladys Taber! I had never heard of her before. I was directed to your blog based on new fabrics, ended up spending over an hour reading through all your topics. I kept skipping over the “Gladys Taber” link, but curiosity got the best of me. I just joined FOGT and have ordered about 10 of her books. Just started Harvest At Stillmeadow. Her writing is so pure, simple almost, but she makes you feel as though you’re right there in her kitchen, or her garden…all the places she’s writing about. I think I was even petting Amber :o)
And by the way, I’ve always loved your artwork!
~Maria(Long Beach, CA)
SO happy you have discovered Gladys!
Susan — I’m happy to hear that you’ll be in Yankee Magazine — one of my favorites. I live in NJ (also very nice in the rural NW corner) but I’ve always felt like a New England girl living in exile. I wish we didn’t have to wait until next year to see the article! Reading your blog has gotten me in the mood for Christmas. One of my own traditions is to listen to Dylan Thomas’s A Child’s Christmas in Wales. Years ago I purchased a book/cassette combo — book illustrated by one of my favorite children’s illustrators, Trina Shart Hyman.
The story is read by Denholm Elliott, who play’s the old man in the movie.
It always puts a smile on my face and puts me smack in a merry-old-English Christmas!
I also like to cut greens and Winterberry to decorate outside and inside the house. I’ve been inspired by you to create “words” — I’ve gotten out my old Scrabble game and I spell out whatever is on my mind. I love to take a day off from work, after Thanksgiving, put on Christmas carols, and bake Christmas cookies. I have a rolled butter cookie recipe reminiscent of the cookies my grandmother Martha used to bake. She had an old blue cookbook which got lost in the shuffle when she passed away. I was only 10 at the time, so I didn’t think to ask for it. I’m always trying to recreate some of her recipes.
A valuable family heirloom lost….
We have a tradition, here at the library where I’m the graphic artist. Each December, we put on a Holiday Tea. This year, because of Hurricane Sandy,
we missed our Harvest Luncheon in November. So, we plan to have a Holiday Luncheon & Tea — twice as much fun and twice as yummy! Last year I made your Christmas Coffee Cake for the Holiday Tea and it was a big hit!
I think I’ll try my hand at homemade cranberry sauce….
Thanks for the inspiration and photos of Jack are always welcome!!
Thanks for the nice comment JoAnne … your Holiday Tea sounds wonderful!
Dear Mrs. Branch… er… Susan… er… Susan Branch… er… Suzy-Q…
What do we call you? =P
Doesn’t matter…. =]
Your cheery enthusiasm is like a warm blanket. Reading the post and listening to the music felt like it was actually Christmas-time already! (It just had that magic, happy feeling… =D) Infectious! Thank you! =]
Off I go, again (breaks over), with a spring in my step and… thank you ever so much for the cranberry shtuff recipe!!!
All of those work just fine! 🙂 Nice to hear from you Katy!
WE HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE YEAR?!?! So hard to wait. Good thing time flies : )
Don’t have to wait to make cranberry sauce though! I love the little dish with the Christmas tree cookie on it. Where can I get one???
I designed those Christmas cookie plates about ten years ago; they are long gone I’m afraid, Teresa; you can keep an eye on ebay, otherwise it will be something you might just happen upon.
I have to tell you, Sue, that video of your kitchen is my favorite, too. It never fails to put me into a lovely domestic Christmasy mood. I’m sure seeing your home all dressed up for Christmas in Yankee Magazine will have the same effect. I already can’t wait for next December!
Those magazine covers are wonderful. I’d love to see covers like that again.
Wishing you a wonderful “getting ready for Thanksgiving” week! xoxo
I just wanted to share a sweet connection..for me anyway,..with your “Autumn” book and my Mom. Today, November 16th would have been my Mom’s 81st Birthday. Like your Mom, she was born and raised in Iowa…….( Eagle Grove, Iowa and came to California, and had “only” 5 children…I am the oldest, so I always relate to your big sister tales…)…Autumn was my Mom’s most beloved time of year, as well as the colors and hues of the season, so our home was always decorated in those comforting tones no matter what the season. In November of 2007, I was so fortunate to have discovered…YOU….Susan Branch…while shopping for a birthday gift for my Mom in Barnes and Noble…I found your Autumn book…sitting out of place in an area for computer books…of which I had no interest, but there was your book with the beautiful cover !..I picked it up and could not believe my good fortune to have discovered you and your wonderful talents. I knew I needed a copy for myself…as well as my Mom. She was indeed very pleased with her Birthday gift, in fact she kept it on her table where she always sat and I found little bookmarks through out. Sadly, we didn’t realize my Mom had Cancer, and by May she was gone…of course I retrieved “her” copy of “Autumn” and I keep it close to my heart while reading through it every single year at this time, and love knowing she looked through those very pages, and not only that, it was one of the last books she felt up to reading… So that is one of the many reasons I am so fond of you and all you do and love reading about your wonderful family, and now I too especially love this amazing season of Thankfullness and Beauty.
Oh Deborah, what a beautiful story and memory of your mom. I’m very touched. I love the ties and memories that keep us close to loved ones. It always seems to be the little moments that get imprinted on our hearts. xoxo
No, I wasn’t around this beautiful blog last Christmas but I sure am glad to be part of the kindred spirit girlfriends this year! and first off, I am going to make these yummy cranberries and then Christmas Jam!! Congratulations on Yankee magazine coming to your home, how exciting. You sure seem calm for such an undertaking, but I know you will make your home just magical. Placed a request for all your Christmas books from the library; cannot wait to become inspired!! xoxo Joy
xoxo Joy . . . our first Christmas!
You make me smile! 🙂
Oh, my! What an honor! I have enjoyed Yankee Magazine whenever I have had a chance to read a copy. I will certainly be on the lookout for next year’s December issue!
Oh, yes! Pumpkin Cheesecake is definitely on the “to make” list, along with cranberry sauce (also relish).
Jack will really be excited when all the decorating begins in earnest!
Everytime I read your blog, I think of another reason I NEED to be on Martha’s Vineyard.:-) It is so easy to see why you enjoy living there!
Sending wishes for a marvelous week-end ahead!
xo Nellie
Congrats on the Yankee magazine shoot! I’m lookingforward too seeing some peeks around your home this holiday season. I love that little bottle brush pup on your stove, it’s adorable! I too, appreciate the vintage magazine covers (and articles). Life always seems to have an appearance of being more simplistic when looking at them, especially when compared to todays world. And before I leave, I want to thank you for a recipe. I made your grandma’s molasses cookies- they were delicious and my family (and I) gobbled them up! I am definitely making them again. I might give that cranberry sauce a whirl, but I know my kids will still want the canned ocean spray. Gotta at least try and expand their palette a bit. Cheers!
You’re a good mom! 🙂
Congratulations on the Yankee Magazine gig. I love that magazine. I will be making your Cranberry jam again this year. It was a big hit last year. I was eating it by the spoonfuls. Love the picture of you and your Grandma. Brought back so many memories of mine. I lost her so many years ago. Sh taught me how to make little apple turnovers while she was making the big pie. Miss her everyday..Going to try your grandmas stuffing this year, with a little of our own recipe in it, which is the giblets that have been cooked and ground up with a meat grinder. May have to try that pumpkin cheesecake recipe also. Ready to get the bread on the ironing board, just hope my dogs don’t get at it..Ha!
Hi Sue, I feel like we are sisters although this is the very first time I have posted a comment. I read your blog every day and to say I love it just doesn’t do it (or you) justice. I grew up in Reseda, Ca too, and was in the girl scouts too. I have many of the same badges that you have. Also it is very strange to see things in your beautiful home that I also have. I have collected old dishtowels and stripey bowls and animal shaped wood cutting boards and old china and tea cups forever! I also have a love of England and I have (sadly) only 3 Gladys Tabor books, I also have 2 cats, so you can see why I truly feel connected to you in a surreal way. Anyway, I just want to thank you for being the wonderful person you are, and giving us so much. Your cookbooks, your artwork, your blog/website, your pictures, EVERYTHING, you are truly a blessing to us all. Sorry for such a long first post. Bye and Happy Thanksgiving. P.S. Would like to see more pictures of Girl Kitty, she is so pretty and her brother has kind of taken all the limelight.
Hi Sharon, so nice to hear from you! Jack only takes the limelight in photos, because Girl doesn’t do very much except stare at him, snarl at him every so often, and sleep. She’s my baby though, and never takes 2nd place in this house, she cuddles right up to me every single night. With so much in common, we probably crossed paths somewhere along the way!
I subscribe by email, so when I clicked today to show pictures, you know what came up. I thought, “There’s got to be oatmeal somewhere in there.” Sure enough, scrolled down & Confetti Oatmeal came up! I love the old magazine covers too, and the ads in them are wonderful. So happy to hear about the magazine spread; of course we’ll all get to see your decorations through your blog just a wee bit before the whole country gets to see in the magazine-lucky us. And yes, we do visit for pictures of Jack-but not just him-we love you too, and Girl kitty.
Susan, I love this post! Particularly the magazine covers. Right now, I am working on a book about my childhood that was very influenced by a woman who was my summer neighbor. When we met, I was 5 and she was “going-on” 50. She made a career of illustrative art buying and selling. Much of her work was in collecting the art of these wonderful illustrators and one of her favorites was Jessie Willcox Smith. I would sit in her work room watching her make catalogs of these illustrations for sale from her NYC bookshop. I’ve just visited the house where she lived and was hosted by the wonderful people who have owned it since the 70’s. Their business office is her work room and looks out over the same scene that I grew up gazing at while I was begging her to let me use the “big cutter” she used to trim those old magazine covers. Of course, she never did but my younger self and she are still there in that room. Thanks for this wonderful display of those paintings. Many of them were thrown away, can you imagine! The illustrators presented them to ad companies and if they weren’t bought, they cast them away not realizing their creative value. The person I’m writing about saved many and preserved their history and their life stories. As always, my best. June Fisher
What a wonderful inspiration for you to have when you were so young. She made a difference!
Susan and all the wonderful friends on this blog…
Just wanted to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers for my precious kitty, Molly. Very sadly, I had to have her put down this afternoon. She did not rally and the medication did not help her. I took her back to the Vet today and the latest test results showed a nasal tumor. There was nothing to do for her without causing more suffering, so I held her in my arms during her last moments and she slipped away very peacefully. I will miss her terribly, but I did not want her to go on with pain. She was a blessing to me and I am thankful that I had the years I shared with her. I am thankful, too, for all of the precious people here on this blog. Your kindness means more than you know. Thank you, again.
Pamela Jo
Tears, Pamela Jo. I’m so sorry. Heartbreaking. A big hug to you. xoxo
so sorry to hear that pamela, sending lots of love and hugs your way. tyr the pet loss site..petloss.com, they can help you with the grief, it worked for me when i lost my Inky cat. hugs girlfriend, i’ll be thinking of you. 🙂
Most of us have been there. Putting your pets comfort above your broken heart is a hard but wonderful thing. Warm hugs.
That is so true; we are lucky to be able to deal with such a difficult thing as the death of our beloved pets with such loving care.
So sad, Pamela, and any of us who have had to do the same (twice for me) really do feel your sadness with you. Letting her go was hard, but your kindness in not letting her suffer will be your blessing.
I am so sorry, Pamela Jo. It is never easy, they are so much a part of us. You did the right thing. And Molly will be with you in spirit forever. I know mine are. I think of them at the oddest times sometimes. I just know they are there. Big Hug from me too! Chris
Pamela Jo,
My heart aches for you…..I know the sadness you are feeling. I am so sorry about Molly Kitty. Pat is right about petloss.com, I also found help there, when I was so sad I could not stop crying. They have a candle ceremony every Monday night, people from all over the world join it, to honor their furry friends.
Sending prayers for comfort, thinking of you.
What a wonderful thing … I went there, made me immediately get tears in my eyes for all my kitties.
Oh, so very sorry Pamela Jo.. hearts break, but love endures. Thoughts are with you!
Pamela Jo, so sorry to hear about Molly Kitty. I have been wondering about her. You are in my thoughts at this difficult, heart-breaking time. Sending prayers and hugs along to you.
So very sorry too, Pamela. Been away a few days – just saw your sad news. Chris [West Texas] is so right – Molly kitty will always be with you. Sob your heart out – it’s good for you. Then put out lots of pictures & remember all the wonderful memories you have – you may be smiling again sooner than you think. Big virtual squeeze headed your way… xoxo. :>)
I’ll put Christmas photos here on the blog, as we go along … we’re going off-island on Monday to wander around and see what’s new for the season on Cape Cod. The weather has changed, there was a time when it seemed it always started snowing about a week before Christmas, now we never know. We’re just hoping! Snow just makes it all seem so magical!
Loved the quick and easy cranberry sauce recipe. I mixed it with Maple Syrup from our trees . . .yummy yummy yummy!! Cran-Maple sauce just the right balance of sweet to tart.
How lovely – congratulations on the Yankee special! I’ve taken Yankee since right after marriage (1957). And the cover you show from December 1937 – my first Christmas – what fun to see! I too love old mags. My maiden aunt did articles, tablescapes and linens, for House Beautiful in the 20s and 30s – and designed scenes, photographed by Hi Williams – four are framed in my kitchen. Again, exciting news about Yankee – will watch for it.
I was without heat/electric for 15 days because of the hurricane (we’re all alive and have a home so we’re grateful!) – but reading through the posts I’ve missed these last weeks has restored my soul! It’s brought me back to myself – so thanks as always for sharing all that you do.
Congrats on Yankee Magazine. I’m getting a subscription starting NOW – I love all things New England so I’m sure it will make me so happy when it shows up in my mailbox! I know your home will be lovely in the Christmas issue next year (got the kitchen done in time, right? 🙂 )
I think there needs to be special decoration of the beautiful double stairway that Joe built this year. That is such a distinctive (and I guess New England) type of steps that it must have a special decoration this year!
I can’t tell you how revived I feel just reading through your posts!
OH my, 15 days. That is just too long. Welcome back Stephanie, it’s so good to hear that you and yours made it through, we missed you! xo
Your house will be just right for the magazine Christmas photo shoot. It always looks so warm and inviting. Please remind all of us girlfriends about it next November so we can watch for the magazine although I have not seen it in this neck of the woods for a long time. I actually forgot about it. I’ll have to start looking now to make sure I’ll be able to pick up a copy or just subscribe which would be even better, right! You should make a batch of your “Grandmas Molasses Cookies” before the photo shoot. I made a batch of my “Nieces Molasses Cookies” which doesn’t call for cloves but I put some in and the house smelled wonderful (as good as the cookies tasted).
I’m definitely going to cook something special for it, still trying to decide what!
you always perk me up! you make everything so cheery. bless you with a Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo, sandy 🙂
Hello Susan! Congratulations on the upcoming Yankee Magazine article about your beautiful home!!!!! How exciting!!!! Hoping that Girl Kitty and Jack will find their way in atleast one photograph……for all the world to see them!!! What celebrities they will be!!! Thank you for the yummy looking cranberry sauce recipe! I am positive that my hubby will love it, so I am promising myself to make it for Thanksgiving! Also, thank you for showing another great picture of Jack, my college-age son loves to see his cute little face……..it makes him smile and laugh each and every time!!! (Last week we introduced Jack to my son’s good friend and she adores Jack, too! !!!! ) Take care and hope you have a wonderful weekend Susan!!!
To know him is to love him! I wish I had a little mustache symbol like the heart! ♥
I found this under Punctuation in the Character Viewer (12th row down): 〰 I would suspect your computer person would know how to let you add your own drawing of a mustache as a font.
I wonder where the character viewer is?
Hold down the option (alt) and command keys and the T.
Oh, from there, OK, I do know where that wonderful thing is … didn’t see the mustache before, thank you!
We are on the same page! So much fun to think about!
Jan, you are full of creative ideas! If you live in Maryland, you could come do MY house for me! I love “theme” Christmas trees and if I had the room I’d have a different one for each room, but you’ve given me the idea to do up the 3 little (different sized) artificial ones I put on the front porch at least.
“And it’s a gorgeous day here, well kinda, not really…” – ROTFL!!!!!
OMGoodness!! I ADORE old magazine covers like these!! Thank you for posting them for us to see!!
How exciting that your home is going to be featured in Yankee Magazine!! It’s going to be difficult to wait a year!!
I love your old Christmas books! I do the same thing – get out all my old books that have anything to do with Christmas. And a few years ago, I got out all my Little Golden Books that are Christmasy – I couldn’t believe how many I had!! They look so cute, sitting around at Christmas!
Thank you for showing us Jack!! Love, love, love him!!
OXOXOX from Mary S. in Fresno, CA
GoodMorning Sue,
Congratulations…..for being chosen for Yankee Magazine. I am so happy and excited for you! Oh my gosh you must be over the top with joy! You so deserve this. You live your life to the fullest each day…..giving so much joy and happiness to everyone on your blog, in all your artwork, all your stories you write and share, all your books. Like many others I just can’t wait either to see the big reveal in 2013. I too was a subscriber for many years to Yankee……one of the best magazines ever. I so thank you for sharing the old covers of magazines with all of us…….so refreshing and nostolgic to take a trip down memory lane and remind us of the good times we all once had growing up.
I actually woke up real early this moring in hopes of seeing some of the meteor showers…..and I did get to see at least three meteors..which I always say are falling stars. I love to go out each morning very early and enjoy the stars, from the big dipper, to the little dipper and so on.
I have been going to many church holiday fairs over the past few Saturdays and will do more of the same today. I love this time of year when you can go to these church fairs and find the nicest of homemade gifts made with such care. Plus the homemade goodies and food served is so great. It’s also a way to give back to all these churches by buying to help support them.
I am also starting to look for greenery for making wreaths for the upcoming Christmas Holiday. I remember picking Princess Pine years ago…..don’t know if it is even available anymore. It made the best wreath ever.
I am so excited about the recipe you shared with us…..I will make this for the first time. We are all going to my brothers for Thanksgiving, there will be 15 of us all together for family this year and I am so excited.
Congratulations…once again…….cannot wait for you to share all the details with us
and loved the picture of Jack kitty to! Happy Saturday Sue!
Hugs&Smiles ….Barb:):):)
Just wanted to say congratulations on Yankee coming for the photo lay-out in your home..’love this newest post..as always…and I love your photos…’looks like Christmas !!!!!….take care…
So sorry for being slow on the moderations! Do love hearing from you Mary!
Susan—simple is best when it comes to traditional food–you are right 🙂
I made your cranberry sauce last year on Thanksgiving and my sister said it was the best ever! Just cranberries and the sugar and the oven baking did make the difference! We take pictures of food in my family too….so I took a picture of the berries, like you did..all bubbly and popping and sugar-sweet! My mom has that exact same white dish with the blue flower design on the side that you show the cranberries in…corningware?? from the 70’s maybe?? Well..she was going through her old dishes and donated some and I am regretting I didn’t take the loaf pan with the blue design before it was donated…. ): Many things from the past are hard to replace, aren’t they?
Blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving….
P.S. As far as being young at heart, I think I stopped at age 10….that was the age that I didn’t have to feel like I was too old to still receive a doll for Christmas 🙂
Julie(a mere baby) in MO
Oh I always loved the loaf pan too. Those were the first “real” dishes my Grandma gave me…
WOW…that makes them even more special since they were from your Grandma…bake something yummy in the loaf pan this Winter, okay?
Hi Susan,
I’m actually writing this from a wonderful B&B in Chatham on Cape Cod called the Captain’s House Inn. My husband and I have never been here in the fall before and even though it’s a bit late in the season, there’s still a lot of beautiful foliage to see. Took a wonderful drive along beautiful Route 6A yesterday and drank in all the autumn beauty, which New England does better than anywhere in the world!
Such wonderful news about Yankee Magazine! Can’t wait to see it. Wouldn’t it be great if the magazine went back to its old tradition and let you illustrate the cover for the December 2013 issue!
e it. Like you I’m a big fan of old illustrated magazine covers. Wouldn’t it be great if Yankee. magazine went back to its old ways for its December issue and let you
What a day we are having in this part of the world, right Mary-Agnes? The sun is shining on all those orange and yellow leaves! So glad you are here to enjoy it! Route 6A is like a step back in time!
Exciting news about the Yankee Magazine spread. I’m sure that issue will be a best seller — and for good reason. I can only imagine that your home will be pure magic for the holidays!
Is there a way to search your website and I am overlooking it? I have a question regarding your sweet potato casserole recipe (autumn book). How many pounds of sweet potato are needed for 4 cups mashed, and how many servings does it make. Thank you.
Hi Linny . . . That recipe serves 8 (more at a holiday dinner when there’s so much more to eat) — I’m not sure about pounds of potatoes, I usually just eyeball them and figure what four cups looks like… I’d get maybe 4 medium potatoes. You’ll love it, this is one of my favorite recipes!
thanks for your quick reply!
♥ Good~Morning Sweetest Sue…First The Photo of Jack! Meow & Purrrrrrrrrr! What a Kute~Kitty! 😉 ok Then CONGRATZ!!!!! The Yankee Magazine! OMG! Your House will Be Transformed into a Magical Enchanting Christmas Cottage! You are a Genius with all Your Holiday~Magic Sweet Sue! I’ll Be There in “Spirit” Helping You My Dear! This is Beyond Exciting…Hugzzz & Applause! 🙂 Whew! I Love Your Choice of Musica! & I Remember & I Love that Video! ♥ I Love all The Vintage Magazine Covers…Pure Magical Art! I’m actually watching Shirley Temple in The Little Princess Now as I’m on Your Blog…”Oh My Word” 🙂 The Holidays are In Full Swing Sweet Sue I am Beyond Joyful…Herbster & I Get Our Turkey Today…I’ve got all the Stuff to make Your Corn~Pudding(Yummy! 😉 ) Wishing You & Joe & The Kitties & All Us “Girl~Friends…& Guys… A Blessed Thanksgiving~Feast! I Am Truly Thankful for You Sweet Sue! xoxo Poof!♥ P.S. Gobble~Gobble! 😉 ♥ Time to Eat Drink & Be Very Merry! Yay! Twirling! 🙂
Twirling Angie!
♥ 🙂 ♥
I think on December 11th, your house will be perfect, Yankee Magazine will be on their way to the photo shoot…….and Angie should blow really hard, sending some Pixie Dust up to you……and it can float down like twinkling glitter all over Branch Hall……with all the good wishes and magic it holds. And all the girl-friends…….will be sending virtual cheers of support…….for fantastic photos…….and hopes a sneaky Jack will become a “streaker” ………and be the furry mascot of the Christmas edition of Yankee Magazine.
Yankee magazine…that is so Dandy! It will be my first Yankee magazine, just because of YoU! Wouldn’t it be fun if it snowed?! Like a little snow-globe of Susan Branch for them to see and experience! Today my Dad would be 70 years young! I miss him more than my heart will allow…but I must be strong for my Mom. And, today my nephew will be getting married, at the Grooms dinner last night, my sister, wanted to give me a heads up…she wanted me to know that, at the dinner reception, every table will have a starfish next to the flowers and candles …starfish you wonder? We had starfish decorating his funeral party…. and this starfish poem in his tribute memorial….
“One day an old man was walking down the beach just before dawn. In the distance he saw a young man picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. As the old man approached the young man, he asked, “Why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time?” The young man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. The old man exclaimed, “But, there must be thousands of starfish. How can your efforts make any difference?” The young man looked down at the starfish in his hand and as he threw it to safety in the sea, he said, “It makes a difference to this one!”
My Dad, left earth, a loving, hopeful, joyful young man…and he saved many starfish! I hope I can save some starfish too, just like him! Oh, dear! My kids have been calling me “crabby” this week….could you just imagine a little crab next to my flowers and candles?!! Susan….thanks for giving us grateful hearts and a sea full, full, full of happy, happy starfish!!!
Happy Wedding Dawn! It sounds like it will be wonderful!
Loved the post! It was candy for my eyes and really has my creative juices flowing! So Very excited about your Christmas project with Yankee magazine, and can’t wait to see it. ( next year ). Thank you as always, you are such an inspiration! With love from the pastures of Texas , and blessings to you . Please girlfriends pray for Israel, they really need our support and prayers.
i have a question for all of you. does anyone remember Jack and Jill magazine for children ??? my grandma had a vintage collection of them and when we went to visit she let us read them. i grew to love that magazine, so i was wondering if it is still being published or is it a thing of the past???
Yes Pat, I remember those magazines..they use to be in the doctor’s office … pediatrician’s office when I was a kid and even when my kids were kids..don’t know if it is still available.. could google it I suppose!! LOL…
Susan, thank you for this special post.
Reading all the comments, is so special…..it is like hearing from your girlfriends, what is going on in their lives, how they are getting ready for the holidays, what inspires them. Us girlfriends; sometimes we are having a good day, joyful, celebrating…….sharing……. sometimes we are sad, or struggling with life’s challenges. And either way, we seem to be here to share the fun, and support each other……..virtual girlfriends, connected, grateful and thankful.
Thanksgiving is about the blessings in our lives, and I just want to say again, what a blessing you are, how meaningful the gift of your spirit has been to me and so many of us. You share from your heart and give us a place to share with each other the simple joys of life.
Today I listened to Marshmallow World, and it made me smile, I thought to myself…….that no matter how circumstances sometimes alter your life…….that just a tune, can sometimes lift your spirits……..the blog is such a gift and I know you put so much thought and care into it, to give us a present every post……..thank you from a thankful heart for all you do for us girlfriends.
Wishing you and Joe, the kitties, Jack, Jake and all the girlfriends a Thanksgiving filled with special joys, friends and family, and many blessings.
And to you too Deb, thank you for the nice comment!
Deb, Your words are so “on target”! Susan has opened the door for so many of us to make kindred spirit Girlfriends that we never would have EVER known had it not been for our dear Susan and her inspiring blog.
Thanks for taking the time to put it into words!
Happy Thanksgiving Sue!
I am very thankful for your blog/website. You inspire with me every new post. I use to subscribe to Yankee…now I’ll have to renew it just for your article. Congratulations <3 !
I love always going on the hunt for your products. I was wondering if you will ever do another calendar planner again? I have all your calendars BTW. Also, when I saw those beautiful magazine covers…You should do your own magazine, you could have articles and quotes and recipes of you and all the people who have inspired you and touched your life. It would be a big hit with fellow kindred Susan Branch- lovers and probably spark more discoveries of you! But then, there is only so much time in a day, and it might be impossible to find the time with all the art, writing and wonderful homey things you do. Just a thought. If you ever did, I would subscribe for like a million years. I love you!
—<—-<-@ Randi
Made 1-2-3 Biscuits like gramma used to make (trying out my new toaster oven) came out lovely, all toasty tan on the top & just right in the middle.
Totally agree with you over the vintage magazines–I’ve been selling vintage magazine ads on eBay for going on 15 years & especially love the illustrations. I’m going through a ‘mother/daughter dress alike’ phase & making a collection of ads featuring them to present to my customers. I also like to do a vintage ‘apron wearing ladies’ lot once in awhile. Didn’t find your O’keefe oven in my stash though, it must’ve been a ‘higher end’ one than was featured in Ladies Home Journals or Better Homes & Gardens. One learns so much from studying these vintage magazine ads! It’s fun reading those old recipes too, especially during WWII rationing….remember Ritz Cracker pie? Jello molded salads? Oh yeah 🙂
Hi Susan!
Congratulations on having your home featured in Yankee! That is so exciting- what fun to be feathering your nest for such an event (and brilliant to have a party afterwards since the house will be ‘ready’)- I really loved all the old magazine covers you shared as they reminded me so much of my childhood. My mom would frame old covers of The New Yorker and change them out as the seasons came and went- cheap art!
A lovely weekend to you and Joe and sweet kitty loves-