I’ve been decorating for a whimsical Christmas — lots of inspiration for it! Starting with MUSICA . . .


I thought you might like a “Life of Jack” update — and I know everyone thinks their cat is the smartest in the world, but this is actually the smartest kitty in the world. He just is.  You know how cats rub against your legs?  Now every time Jacks walks by me, he doesn’t just rub against my leg, he JUMPS up, his front paws leave the ground, so he can rub against me. He jumps up, then curls around me and comes back and jumps up from the other side.  Do I love it?  Yes!   Then he stretches out on the floor in front of me, full length, so I can rub his belly.

He’s also not as interested in ball-retrieval these days, now he likes rubber band retrieval . . . the thick elastic kind you use on a pony tail.  I shoot them, and he leaps into the air and catches them, or chases them, and brings them back to me.  I tell you he is brilliant! I will be reading a book, feel something come up into my lap, look down, there’s a rubber band.  He’s little too.  Not growing very big, so far, for a 16-month old. He’s a little, smart cat.

He adores the fire.  Curls up in front of it, stares at it, rolls around next to it, naps as close to it as possible . . . to the point where I have to stay there with him, he loves it so much that I’m not too sure yet that he is aware that it is HOT in there.

But, just so you know, Joe and I do leave the house sometimes … we’ve been getting the house ready for Yankee Magazine who, if you read Willard or have been hanging out on this blog, you know, is coming to take photographs of our house!   Here we are at one of our garden centers called Eden.  They always do the cutest things at their entry way!  Nice “roping,” don’t you think?

And we found our tree!  At Vineyard Garden Center.  Thar she blows.  Now to get her home!

I started my paper whites — I save the rocks from year to year; I also found a bag full of moss when we were shopping off-island …  thought it would be pretty to mix in a little bit of green.

Speaking of green, for a while there we could not see a speck of it outside, our lawn was wall-to-wall leaves . . . But Joe made compost out of them . . . and while he was out there raking, he, got an idea, inspired by the roping at Eden. . .

And made this with the bushes in our yard!  Isn’t that great?  I was very impressed!  Who knew that, #1, we had the stuff to make this — even though I should know, I see it every day …. or, #2, Joe would be able to do it! (Although I should know, he can do anything!)

While he was doing that in the yard, I was baking cookies — and, by the way, this recipe is SO Delicious, I’ll put in the next post (this one is already too long!) . . . It’s a chocolate chip cookie different from any other — Joe loved them and so did I!  Good Housekeeping is what we were doing . . . here on Christmas Island.

And then Joe, even more inspired now … came in and surprised me with this!  We usually buy wreaths and put our own bows on them . . . but he got the urge to try making one; went out there and cut more Chinese and English Boxwood, Holly, Ivy and Pine — and look how cute it turned out, all fresh and perky!  I hope he realizes what he has gotten himself into.  One is seriously not enough.

My job was to add the toys, the bow, bird, and pears!

So he went back out and brought in a whole box of greens for me to play with!  I love whimsy; a little decorating-sense-of-humor is a good thing at the holidays, but I also love tradition.  When you google Decorating Whimsical Christmas, there are lots of white trees, bright pink, turquoise, and silver ornaments.  I love looking at the pictures of this . . .

. . . because they are full of creativity and joy … BUT I’ve never quite gotten over the old-fashioned traditional things, and need to have them!  When I think of Christmas, I remember how I saw it as a child when I was at my most personally whimsical (believing with all my heart in the magic) . . .   sparkle, and lights, candles, color, stories, singing, cookies …  pure magic!  That’s still what I love.  I want whimsy, but now I’m grown up, I know about tradition, and I need my old things too. 

Like wreaths and roping made from traditional greens that are green, my little trees in the window sills, or my bird tree on the table . . .  I had fun playing with the leaves and branches over the windows — I just poked everything under the curtain rod!

And talk about whimsy, these were the “men” sitting in the “yard” of a gingerbread house on display in a coffee shop downtown!  Aren’t they adorable?  I think it’s marzipan … my favorite part is the tiny chocolate shots stuck in the top of the heads!  With whimsy, the sky is the limit!

But this probably as traditionally whimsical as I get . . . my bird tree.  I’ve had it for years and years, and guess what?  It’s been up for a week, and Jack hasn’t touched it yet!  It’s on the kitchen table, just over his food bowl, and he just isn’t interested. Knock on wood.

Rachel, my English girlfriend, gave me this tiny precious cup; I brought home leaves from our walk, another little bird and voila! Nature whimsy!

Plus of course my little old house that I found at an island flea market, it goes on top of the stove, like every year …

I’ve also been setting out my old quilts, which Girl loves . . .

 I took this picture last year . . . it’s the ornament I got the year I move to the island.  Now that’s a tradition!

And of course I have to do my shelf-scape of Beatrix Potter People; they needed a few trees and pears. 

And there’s not too much more traditional than Christmas apples and old books . . .

Yesterday Joe and I carried the tree down the driveway and around to the front door, which is the best way to bring in a tree at our house, through the front hall, causing the least amount of damage, both to us, and to the house, and there she is!  She smells wonderful!!!  When we get her trimmed and ready for prime time, I’ll be sure to show you!

I am not done decorating by any stretch of the imagination, I have the fireplace to do, the Peter Rabbit room, and lots of other spots.  Which is where I’m going now.  But first off, I remember how much you liked the picture of the beautiful cardinal on the feeder outside my kitchen window, and was thinking, what would the girlfriends like for a Holiday Giveaway . . . ???  Something whimsical would be just right, I think!

And I thought, maybe this little notebook, of the boy bird feeding the girl bird, the way it should be in real life at all times!  And then, of course, because I love mine so much, you really must have one of these darling new mugs we just got in.  They are just like the bird cup . . .  four pieces, the cup, the lid, a mesh basket inside for loose tea, and a saucer for your cookie!  So cute …

So yours.  And the little pad opens up, is perfect purse-size for little winter notes . . .

And one more thing.  Joe says he will make you

One of these!  And I will decorate it!  And we will send it along with the mug and the cardinal notepad, so we can wish you a Merry Everything girlfriends, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Soltice, or as Jerry Seinfeld called it, “Festivus!”

 To be entered in the drawing, just leave me a little message in the comment section (if this blog is being emailed to you, you have to click here, www.; scroll to the bottom of this post, click on the tiny word “comments”); in a few days, our Winning Name will be pulled by the wonderful and beautiful Vanna . . . and I will announce it here.  Joe will make that wreath at the last moment so it will be fresh! 

We say Bye for now!  We would jump up and rub your legs if you were here!  xoxo

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3,031 Responses to WHIMSICAL CHRISTMAS

  1. Joyce Leamy says:

    Your beautiful home gives me so much inspiration to get started for the holiday season. Everything is so lovely. That Joe is one talented guy – beautiful wreath. An what a sweetheart Jack is – I have a little girl here he might be interested in!!

  2. Nancy says:

    I was so happy to find your blog; and look forward to each new post. Thank you for that lovely giveaway! I would love to have a cup of tea in that cute little covered mug, there is nothing better. I am enjoying some green tea in a boring plain white mug with a cover…not cute like that one you are offering. The notepad is adorable and I can’t say enough about the wreath. With hubby out of work this last year, I opted not to buy a real tree or a wreath so as to save for our money for more important things; so that wreath would really be treasured here.
    I do have to fess up though…..I dispise brown bread lol. We had baked beans and hot dogs every Saturday evening growing up and my Dad still insists on it. Most times the brown bread was there to be had, but I would always pass.
    Keep those great posts coming and hoping you share all your holiday decorations with us soon.

  3. Tamara Scire says:

    Merry Christmas, Susan! As usual, you are an inspiration!

  4. lynn says:

    Your blog is so welcoming and festive, Susan. So homey. Your Joe has quite a talent for working with greenery. That’s one of those things he might be sorry he made public 🙂 because now everyone he knows will want a wreath.

  5. Margie Terry says:

    My husband and I moved from California to Pennsylvania on July 29th so this Christmas is going to be extra special for me since I am from California where he is from Ohio!! Our daughters and granddaughters are here and that is why we have retired here. We are celebrating our 32nd Anniversary today and I was catching up on emails when I saw yours – I am so excited about decorating for Christmas and began to do a little bit today but had to stop to pack for the weekend trip to Ohio…………..I haven’t caught up on all your other blogs so I don’t know what the surprise is so it will be a surprise, right?? I just love your calendars and already have 3 for next year – myself and two daughters……..Thank you!!

  6. Theresa says:

    Love where you are going with your decor… Christmas brings out the child in me, so many cherished memories. Thank you for opening up your heart and home for us! Blessings from the Texas pastures.

  7. Terry says:

    So much fun to see your decorations and get some new ideas. I am going to start collecting birds, so that next year I can make my husband a bird tree. He loves them. I have to admit that I have fallen in love with Jack, he is such a character, that face. Hope that you and Joe have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  8. Kimberlee says:

    We, too, have a “Jack” cat, that we named Black Jack! Say that ten times fast!!! 🙂 My three children named him after MUCH debate. He has brought so much love and laughter to our lives…don’t how we survived before him. He looks like a longer “furred” version of your sweet guy. I love peaking in on the parallel life of another sweet kitty like ours!

    Wishing you and yours a very Warm and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for giving so much of “you” day by day, year by year. Susan and Friends make my spirits and my days **Bright**…

    P.S. My eight year old daughter (Nakayla), so inspired by your darling pictures of your kitty folk, wants to add a little something to our message: our cat is rare. he is a ragdoll kitty. they are usually not black! your cats are adorelble. arnt we lucky? my brothers love jack too. mary christmas!

  9. Julie Bersano says:


    Your bird tree is my favorite; I used it for my screensaver last year for months!
    Wow! 2,458 is a lot of comments so far but I’ll take my chances because I think winning this would be even better than the lottery….maybe more of a peaceful feeling would be the result b/c the lottery might cause more stress than a person would think…money isn’t always what brings contentment, right? aahhh…tea with honey in a beautiful mug and a wreath handcrafted of beautiful nature and comforting scents…

    Merry Christmas & everything else,
    Julie (a mere baby in MO)

    • sbranch says:

      People who’ve won the lottery don’t seem to get any happier! You are so right, money definitely does not bring contentment.

  10. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you for helping us all to remember to count our blessings everyday…enjoying the truly important things in life…

  11. Such a nice giveaway–so generous! Today it’s raining here–our usual in winter but snow would be so much nicer especially to look out down the street at the house that put blue lights on a tree near the road. Reminds me of our Christmas lights in Alaska when we were kids. My dad alway had blue lights on our trailer and on a spruce tree in the small yard. I guess checking the Snoqualmie Pass webcams in the mountains and enjoying the snowfall is the only way I can enjoy the white stuff until and if some falls here.

  12. Jacklyn Entwistle says:

    Oh my gosh, brown bread. I ate this one snowy fall day on one of the Adirondack lakes with a steaming hot cup of tea. It was snowing so hard I thought myself in a snowglobe! England, tea, coziness, pretty china- Susan you are truly a kindred spirit. It is wonderful to be able to appreciate these favorite things. Have a blessed Christmas and New Year. Jackie E.

  13. Kimberlee Wallace says:

    I am not sure if our note posted or not, as I don’t see it. I came back to correct my spelling! LOL… I put “peaking instead of peeking”! My hands could not keep up with my brain. 🙂 I guess if it didn’t post, I look a little c-r-a-z-y! Either way…Merry Christmas! Haha!

  14. Kristie says:

    Can’t say enough what a pleasure it is to read your thoughts and see your beautiful home. Thanks for the great giveaway! I would LOVE to win 🙂

  15. Bonnie says:

    Susan…thank you! I so enjoy your blog and Willard..and your gift items, the decorating, the recipes…just everything!! Hats off to Joe (hubby of the year), Jack and Girl! Merry Christmas!!

  16. Anne says:

    I just love the pic of Jackie boy staring into the fire….so cute! My dog Joey loves to sit by the fire too. I’m eating my dinner right now reading your posts and I’d really like some brown bread for dessert 🙂 I get the Vermont Country Store catalog and I see it in there every now and then. I’m gonna get me some! Yummy! Love all your decorations and crafty things and Joe’s wreaths! Your house looks so nice and cozy. Making Annie Hall’s cookies this weekend – can’t wait 🙂

  17. Berkshire Kate says:

    ….Simply wishing you a memorable Christmas….filled with laughter, love and family. Merry, merry Christmas!…….

  18. Beth in California says:

    I love the Jack updates. Boy, he sure does get close to the fire. It would scare me too.
    My cats bicker over the choice fireplace spot. Thomas, our old man at sixteen, usually takes over the spot or refuses to surrender it to the younguns.

    Have a wonderful, Merry Christmas.

  19. Theresa says:

    Dear Susan,

    Greetings from Washington, DC – where we lit the national Christmas tree tonight!
    Your beautiful books and creations are another national treasure!

  20. Teresa M. Young says:

    Love, love, love cardinals!!!! Matter of fact, last year I made two bird trees like yours with my then 8 year old son! He loved it… we are looking forward to adding more birds this year! You are such an inspiration!!!!! Keep the blogs going! I look so forward to coming in from a long day and looking at all your great ideas! Merry Christmas to you and to Joe…( I have a son named Joseph, I think all Joes are sweet.) God bless, Teresa

  21. Lori H from WA State says:

    Love your window-scape!! Got my fingers crossed! (pick me, pick me!) Most merriest of Christmas’ to you and Joe.

  22. Ann says:

    So cute! My friend sent me your blog. She has a cat named “Leo” who looks so much like yours. She thinks Leo loves her, but I see his eyes. He definitely is plotting…. For instance, he will distract her so that she knocks over the container of organized beads. She actually blames herself! Then….he will twirl his water bowl around and round so that the water pours all over the floor. Of course, after a courteous lick, Leo will walk away.This happens at least once a day. When will Cindy learn? She thinks he likes the noise. I know he’s waiting….
    Beautiful cat, of course, and my comments are intended to be humorous. Hopefully those reading this also see them that way.
    The wreath is gorgeous. Now I’m going to buy some of those Holly bushes that are 70% off at the garden shop and plant them in my yard. I love natural arrangements!

  23. Kate says:

    Hello Susan,
    Thank you for adding to the coziness of my Christmas. Homemade and handmade are such wonderful words. I’m excited to try something new – Brown Bread. I’m sure it will be right there at the grocery store waiting for me to enjoy with my cup
    of tea and hopefully our first snow of the season this Sunday!

  24. Susan Joyce says:

    Hi, my Marthas Vineyard Grandma made brown bread in a coffee can to go with her baked beans. We kids were not impressesed, but oh how I would like to have a slice today.

    Susan Joyce

  25. Kathy from Virginia says:

    Merry Christmas, Susan, Joe, Girl Kitty and Jack! Love the wreaths!

  26. Karen Schnutenhaus says:

    I am so impressed with Joe making such wonderful wreaths. I’ve been a fan of yours for a long time! Love your creativity!


  27. Tracey W says:

    I love the entire blog. Thank you, Susan and Joe. I would love to win the wreath

  28. salve says:

    Hello Susan, just read the blog, got busy working for donations for hurricane Sandy victims here at work, in church and at home. Even though we were affected too by Sandy, we still have a roof on our heads – thank God! I’m still busy knitting/crocheting baby blankets or scarves to donate here at home and also at work with the group that I ‘accidentally’ organized last winter of 2007! Need to say bye for now, hubby is calling ‘dinner is ready!’

  29. Marie Jones says:

    Thank you so much for your inspiration. I am an artist at heart (without much time) but so much enjoy all of your ideas and creations. Marthas Vineyard was one of our very favorite vacations. And have enjoyed it in the fall too. Thanks for all you do for all of us “delayed” artists.

    May the Joy of Christmas be with you during every season!

  30. Jill says:

    Oh I love brown bread in a can! (I read the other post first). But I had actually forgotten about it, so thanks for the reminder! Joe’s wreaths are just beautiful ~ I’d love to win one!
    xo Jill

  31. Linda K Foster says:

    I so much have enjoyed your writings this week! Never better! Love the blogs and Willard! Thank you so much for all your time! I always print Willard and give it to my best friend Sally across the road from me! She loves it too! She told me she was punching them and putting them in a notebook!

  32. Tarin says:

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from
    South Texas. Thank you for your inspiration and
    for the way you share the gifts God has given
    you. I have been a fan of yours since I was a
    newly married gal 15 years ago. You are a joy!
    Take care, Tarin

  33. Beki Sanchez says:

    I love reading your blog it brings your charm in to my life., thank you so much and Merry Christmas!

  34. Lynnette Lemon says:

    Susan, I just LOVE your blog. Thank you for sharing your home and kitties with us!

  35. Regina says:

    Just love your Christmas posts. Here we’ve had unseasonable warm weather, (Kansas) so a little hard to get in the Christmas spirit. Plus I’ve been sick for 3 days which has put Christmas activities and preparations on hold. So behind, but hopefully I will get a lot done this weekend. Your blogs have made the days more bearable. Thanks so much for all you do for all of us.

  36. kim olson says:

    How lovely! It’s all wonderful!

  37. Maria says:

    Ohhh Susan – I was reading through your post and wishing I could be at your house to watch Joe make the wreath and see your adorable banners, have a cup of tea in that darling mug with maybe one of those yummy looking cookies – or two or three- while I watched you paint because I do love to watercolor – and then there you were offering the recipe for the cookies AND the wreath AND the mug. Amazing!
    Now if you would just offer a watercolor workshop my wish list would be complete.
    Merry Christmas and thank you for making all of our days merry and bright

  38. Suzanne says:

    I cannot wait to try the B&M Brown Bread in a can! I have never heard of it which makes it all the more delicious! I would love to eat it toasted with my cup of hot tea staring at a beautiful evergreen wreath from Martha’s Vineyard hanging on my door. 🙂

  39. joan says:

    getting my tree tonight and decorating tomorrow – yipee !! Thanks for such great ideas. My shy little black cat and I wish you a Purry Christmas

  40. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you for a window in the lovely warmth of your home. I must say I dearly love best your updates on your cats. They are as smart and charming as our two kitties in our house. I’ll have to look for brown bread in a can, that is something totally new to me!

  41. Mary says:

    Just read your blog while sipping a little eggnog !
    You always make me smile!

  42. Jacqueline Onions says:

    Dear Susan,
    A Blessed Christmas to both you and Joe.Thank you so much for sharing your Beautiful New England Christmas with all of us. How I miss the smell of that first crisp winter snowfall or that wonderful crunching sound when you go for a walk.Cherry wood burning in the fireplace and of course my all time favorite Christmas movie “The Bishops Wife”. Thank you again Susan you truly are a Christmas angel!.
    With Grace, Peace & Love

  43. Nancy says:

    I really appreciate all of the time and effort you and your husband put into creating the beautiful images (and text) for your blog and website. Wishing you a healthy, safe and very Happy Holiday season, and All the Best in 2013!

  44. All the Christmas Decorations are lovely, especially that wreath! It makes me feel like walking in the woods and collecting some nature of my own!

  45. Linda G. says:

    Oh the joy of a New England Christmas! For those of us transplanted to other parts of the country, thanks so much for the abundance of photos you share with us each season. And, of course, most importantly, Jack and Girl Kitty. What an exciting 12 months they’ve had. I love watching Jack lay right in front of the fireplace!

  46. Karen says:

    Dear Susan,
    I love cardinals because they were my Gramma’s favorite bird. She decorated her home with them every Christmas and a cardinal was always somewhere on every Christmas card she sent. Last year, I purchased cardinals and placed them all over my tree in her honor.
    Thank you for your wonderful holiday giveaway. One of your girlfriends is going to be very happy!
    Hope you and Joe enjoy a wonderful Christmas!

  47. Janet G says:

    Well, bread in a can. What will they think of next? I just added it to my shopping list. Your home is so cute and cozy looking. I always look forward to reading your blog to see what everyone is up to. I would love to see that beautiful wreath on my front door!

  48. JOY KORDOS says:

    susan: you encouraged me to do a whimsal Christmas this year. The cats, the wreath, the cups, the small tree, you make it all seem so homey. The idea of the B@M brown bread, can’t wait to try it with a cup of tea. I love your blogs and your home, and your books and things. Merry Christmas to you ,Joe and your Kitty Cats.

  49. Leslie reeves says:

    I just LOVE this blog. In this day of negativity you are a ray of sunshine 🙂 I love your home and the warmth of it and you radiates to your readers. Thank you, Leslie

  50. Tammy says:

    Love the wreaths. Tell Joe he did wonderful and I love when your posts pop in the mailbox…they make me smile.

  51. Kay Bennett says:

    Merry Christmas Susan!!

    I am so happy my daughter led me to your blog. It is the bright spot of my day. Feels like coming home. I just returned from Kansas helping move my daughter and her family from California to a small town, Chanute, Kansas. Like you, she grew up in Southern California and is so excited about experiencing her first real winter. She told me she wants to feel the seasons change and observe the miracles they bring. We love to share your blog and all that you bring to us with your talents. May the NewYear bring you happiness and good health!

    Thank you, Susan……

    Kay Bennett
    Huntington Beach, CA

  52. grandma glenda says:

    Merry Christmas!!! Thanks you for the wonderful inspiration and of course our beloved Jack and Girl too. Yor hubby did a fantastic job with the greenery and to be from your own yard 0, all the better to enjoy. Have a blessed Christmas!

  53. Leslie says:

    Love seeing your home and how you decorate – I love to turn the lights off and just have my tree lit. Enjoy this blog and cant wait for a new book. Merry Christmas!!

  54. Annie says:

    I love every nook and cranny of your blog! Thank you for making these pages so beautiful and down to earth. You are truly inspiring Susan!

  55. Debbie L. says:

    What a treat to sit with a cup of tea, the kids (and their dad) asleep, and read your blogs. I had to get up and put the Christmas music on-and although I really should head to bed, I want to open the Christmas boxes and continue (okay, start) decorating. Thanks for putting a smile in my heart after a long day. Now if I just had some of those chocolate chip cookies you were talking about. 🙂

  56. Susan Elliott says:

    I am a LONG time fan,,I love how you decorate and draw and
    more..everything on the BLOG is wonderful..thanks for
    inspiring us for this Christmas/Holiday time,,
    would love to win,,

  57. Lady Dorothy says:

    I’m having a bird Christmas this year, too! Our tree is covered with bird ornaments, feathers, and the like. I’m loving it. Our kitty, Beauty, has been much better with it than I thought. The first day or two, she did try to attack a few, 🙂 but the last couple days, she’s been so good.

    What a lovely giveaway. I’m not sure which is my favorite piece!

  58. Vickie says:

    What a wonderful giveaway! And how exciting to see all your decorations and the great looking cookies, too. Thanks. . .

  59. Eloise (Dallas, TX) says:

    I enjoy your blog posts. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us. Wishing you and your family a Happy Holiday Season.

  60. Mary says:

    The kitchen garlands and greens are so pretty! The freshness and warmth are so inviting. Thanks, once again, for sharing both your home and creativity!

  61. Kathy says:

    I love to read your blog. It is so inspiring to me. I want to go do some decorating everytime I read a new post!

  62. Jenette says:

    I saved your blog to read before going to sleep. My husband had surgery today and thankfully all went well. He will be coming home in a few days. He got our Christmas tree before he went to the hospital because I just love Christmas and he won’t be able to cut down a fresh tree after he comes home. My friends joke that I don’t decorate for Christmas. They say I renovate! I watched Christmas in Connecticut and looked at the pretty Christmas tree and thought how very lucky I am. Thank you for being such a positive inspiration to us all!

  63. Elaine says:

    Jack gets cuter and cuter every day. He’s one lucky kitty to have a fireplace to sleep by and enjoy. He reminds me so much of my Oscar. Oscar’s favorite toy is ponytail elastics and we play hockey under the doors of my condo with the ponytail ties. He stands on one side of the door and I stand on the other side and we shoot it back and forth under the door to each other. So cute!

    I think Joe has a new career. He certainly has a way with greenery!

    Great post and of course I would love to win the wonderful giveaway goodies!

  64. cris says:

    Joe just might need to open a florist shop! Be-u-tiful!

  65. VIVIAN says:


  66. kim says:

    Theodor Geisel”DR.Seuss” said “I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells. I would change it to I like Susan and Joe’s whimsical christmas ideas. They not only wake up my brain cells, but my joy cells , merry cells, and I want to do whimsical too cells!!! Also thankyou for sharing Jack. What a fun cat!

  67. Carol Adams says:

    Oh Susan, Jack is just the best!
    My British grandma has passed on but is always in my heart when I drink tea – a “proper” cup of tea, in one of the tea cups she collected and I inherited – my most prized possessions to be sure!
    Luv –

  68. Eugenia says:

    Christmas is still all about magic. It’s recalling childhood memories, the sparkle, twinkle of lights, and the smell of cooking. My most favorite tradition, though, is to remember all my loved ones who have gone before through ornaments, a favorite recipes, a quilt or through photos. Merry merry Christmas.

  69. Lisa Rogers says:

    Seasons Greetings Susan,
    Thank you for the holiday inspiration as well as the Jack updates. Our family is a three cat, two dog house and we love to see how your sweet fur babies are such a big part of your blog.
    Happy Holiday Season-

  70. Judy says:

    Really love reading your blog its like a gift in my mailbox every time they come. Thanks for the good reads and pictures too!!!

  71. Lori Montgomery says:

    I love decorating for Christmas and using nature in my decorating. The Christmas wreath Joe made is beautiful. It would look beautiful hanging on my door. Merry Christmas!

  72. Margie Basile says:

    Tea and toasted brown bread – yum. Sounds like wonderful comfort food for the rainy days we’ve been having in Northern California. Thank you for sharing your warm spirit, Susan Branch!

  73. Barb Joyce says:

    Hello Suzanne,
    I’m new to your blog and enjoying it very much. We live way over on the other coast on a small Island (Camano). We were in the military for 26 years and had the wonderful fortune of being stationed in New Port Rhode Island. There is something magical about the North East at Christmas time. I had almost forgotten about Boston Brown Bread. My husbands Mom always had it on hand ,it is a nice memory to bring back the many dinners we shared.:)
    Thank you for sharing all your (and hubby’s) creativity with us.

  74. Sheron Fitch says:

    Love your blog and admire your sweet creativity! It is always a “feel good and happy” time when I take a few minutes to browse through your blog post. Thank you for sharing!

  75. Rosemary from Oregon says:

    Looking forward to seeing the article in Yankee magazine and all your homey decorations. We were lucky to visit MV this fall, as well as Vt and Mass. Beautiful country!Thanks for putting so much color and inspiration into our lives! I’ve been putting out bits of decorations slowly and savoring all the memories.

  76. marilyn holley-stupka says:

    I love your decorations. They remind me of the decorating I used to do with my children. My mother bought brown bread in a can a few times when I was a kid growing up in Iowa but I haven’t seen it in years. Thanks for the wonderful memories and a very Merry Christmas.

  77. Cathy Tuttle says:

    Your Christmas decorations and the ropes of greenery are beautiful! Puts me in the mood (almost) to start decorating for Christmas out here in Southern California I will sleep on that thought and hopefully begin tomorrow! Merry Merry Christmas to you & Joe.
    Cathy Tuttle

    PS: I will put the brown bread on my shopping list & give it a try.

  78. Marge says:

    The photos of Kitty Girl and Jack always make me smile. Meowy Christmas and Happy Mew Year.

  79. Donna says:

    Your calendars have been in my kitchen for at least 12 years. I love painting, but watercolor has never been easy for me so I just enjoy yours throughout the calendar. Also, thank you for reposting the photo of that gorgeous cardinal, something we don’t see in Southern California. The new polka dot mug is just darling. The winner will have to be delighted!

    • sbranch says:

      Some pictures deserve to be seen more than once, and that was definitely one of them! Glad you liked it Donna!

  80. Pam Dansie says:

    I am inspired by your christmas decorations and your kitties 🙂

  81. phyllis huseby says:

    I love reading your blog—-it always brings a smile to my face.Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and all of your readers. You have many special gifts, but the greatest of these is the way both your words and your illustrations make others feel. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  82. Tammy in Colorado says:

    Oh! You are so good to us! First you give us this wonderful blog, then you take us sailing to England with you, then you come back and start painting a book all about it FOR US (can’t wait), AND you give us gifts! Not to mention, you share the JOYS of Jack with us, all your wonderful books and calendars, and all your other creations! We are blessed even if we don’t win the giveaways! Thank you!

    PS – I just “flipped” my small and large Susan Branch calendars to December with my sister (yes, we are a little late, but we always wait until we can do it together on the phone), and oh how we love the December pages! We would like to know how you painted the white dots on “December” on the big calendar? Do you paint red around the white dots? or paint white dots onto the red letters? or remove the red paint somehow? You can tell we don’t watercolor and we always wonder about things like this as we are fulling enjoying the beauty that you create for each month. It’s somewhat like your “Morning Science”, which I think would make a delightful book!

    Wishing a Blessed Christmas to you all!

    • sbranch says:

      I do it both ways, with the bigger dots I go around, but with that one, I painted the letters all red first and let it dry before I put in the dots. Truly a Morning Science question if I ever heard one! 🙂 I’m afraid by the 4th page of OUR Morning Science questions, and the non answers Joe and I provide for ourselves, people would say, why am I reading a book by an idiot!

  83. Linda Wattier says:

    Love the mug. It is so cute. Sounds like your having fun decorating. The cookies also look yummy.

  84. Theresa (So Lake Tahoe, CA) says:

    Dear Susan,

    Loved this post – it was worth waiting for! And the giveaway couldn’t be nicer. What a beautiful wreath; you and Joe did a fabulous job on it. Oh no, one is not enough, poor Joe

  85. Daralyn Ruchalski says:

    I just love stopping by for a cup of tea and a little chat. Thank you so much for your warmth, and for the inspiration!

  86. Debbie Rensing says:

    Oh, how I love the inspiration! How beautiful is your little slice of heaven! Wishing you
    a glorious Christmas!!!

  87. Suzanne Talbot says:

    Hi Sue,
    At first, I thought you were going to somehow give away a bird feeder and Cardinal!
    I so wish we had Cardinals in California, at least on the central coast.
    These are the most wonderful gifts – the darling cup, the birds notepaper, and a handmade wreath from Joe!
    First we find out he is an artist (the Emma cup), now a wreath maker, and such a gorgeous wreath. And we already knew he could cook, plus being as nice a person as you.
    My mom always gave us that same brown bread when we were growing up, with baked beans. Haven’t had it in years. Now I want to get some!
    So glad Jack isn’t growing too fast! LOVE the first photo of him in your blog, but I love all of his photos! And Girl is as beautiful as ever.
    You take the best pictures.
    I keep saying, over and over, your home is so warm and cozy and is so love filled.
    A very Merry Christmas to you and Joe, Jack and Girl Kitty.
    Carmel, CA

  88. Beth T. says:

    I loved reading about your boy and his rubber band antics. It reminds me of our girl Roby, who used to be bold in leaping for the big rubber bands my sweetheart would zing at her, until the sad day when he accidentally thwacked her in the face with one. She walked away and never played Rubber Band again. She was a funny girl, stubborn and with a sense of her own dignity.

    • sbranch says:

      Ohh,that’s so sad!

      • Beth T. says:

        John was heartbroken after it happened. He tried to entice her, to cajole her, you name it, but she just gave him a steely look and refused. We now have four kittens–we adopted their pregnant mom and kept all of her babies as well–and John is careful when he plays with them so as not to wreck a good thing.

  89. Sherry Wilson says:

    I look forward to your emails in my in box. Your house is so beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  90. Patricia says:

    Thanks for inviting us into your home. I ‘m not sure what scent I like better, chocolate chip cookies hot out of the oven, fresh cut pine, or wood burning in the fireplace on a cold crisp day.
    What a wonderful giveaway…don’t you just love playing Santa?!!!
    Merry Christmas to All!

  91. Jenn Martin says:

    Hello Susan!

    Love the decorations! What a talented husband you have! This tea mug is absolutely darling. I may have to order a few for xmas gifts (and one for me 🙂 ) Happy holidays!

  92. Kim says:

    Oh wow. I hope I win! But just in case I on’t, I am going out in my yard today to gather up some greenery and make an attempt of my own. Any chance of Joe sharing his DIY instructions?

    • sbranch says:

      I just asked him, he said we could try and do a little movie of it … but it won’t be for a couple of days … Maybe next Wednesday or so. Cooking for Yankee this weekend! Christmas Party too, so we are happily busy.

  93. Linda R. says:

    Susan, it is a blessing to come into your beautiful, whimsical world. What is it that Auntie Mame said? “We need a little Christmas, right this very minute,” or words to that effect. You bring it to us so beautifully. Thank you.

  94. Somehow I missed this beautiful post! Been rather busy, cookie baking and candy making! Our beautiful Callie Sue, who is just a little younger than Jack (and about the same size) plays fetch as well. But with gum wrappers or Tootsie Roll wrappers (the vanilla ones). Only thing is, she wants to play ALL the time. Starts early in the morning after the bed is made and doesn’t quit until we go to bed. LOL Love your Christmas decorations – the wreath is GORGEOUS!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Jack too, wants to play all the time, except for his afternoon nap. I find myself saving certain things, like crafting things, to do while he sleeps!

  95. Laurie Kubiak says:

    I love the way that you and your husband decorate for the holidays! I love all things from nature – they are the most beautiful things with which to decorate! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and for bringing so much inspiration into our lives. Wishing you and your family a very blessed holiday!

  96. willemien says:

    Hi susan!
    Lots of love from Holland where it is snowing, so beautiful! The kids are having fun with throwing snowballs. meanwhile my husband lies in bed, he’s got the flu, my poor love. I’m just recovering from it myself. Hope you and your Joe have a wonderful day! So much inspriration from your blog everytime, I’m enjoying it. And ofcourse I’d like to win!!! Better chance than winning the lottery you say! hihi.
    Lots of love, I’ll better go up and see if my sweet poor husband needs anything.
    xoxo Willemien

  97. Barb says:

    If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times – “I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE your blog.” (Which really means I LOVE all things Susan Branch!!!). I can’t begin to thank you enough for sharing your art, your home, decorating, recipes, kitties, etc, etc, etc (even Joe!!). Your talent, creativity and generosity are incredible – Thank You at least a million times!

  98. tina says:

    Susan you are a large part of Christmas for us, the treasured suggestions for decorating, eating and… old movies…..we love the blog and you, here at our house!!

  99. barb k says:

    I just love your blog. I am making the little Christmas banner for my beading buddies as part of their present-I know they will love them.
    Living in Maine I appreciate all the ideas you have to decorate your home. I have to drive an hour to get to a craft store (not as far as you have to go). However it is worth it. I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

  100. Judy Pallett says:

    Susan, you inspire me everyday. I’ve made several of your Merry Christmas banners and mailed them to my friends. They love them.
    Jack is a November cat for sure with his smart mustache
    If you choose my name I would donate the wreath to someone else as it can’t be mailed to Canada. However it would be a thrill. Merry Christmas to all. Judy

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