Good Morning! This is the like the post between posts; this is the intermediate post. Like a freeway offramp, leading to another freeway, which will come later. The Drawing and Giveaway are still ON, if you don’t know about it, read the next post down to see what it’s all about. I wanted to make sure everyone has time to sign up before I let Vanna pull our winner out of her Santa hat! Just leave a comment to get yourself entered. In the meantime, pour vous, zee French MUSICA . . .
While we wait, some reading entertainment: We ran out of calendars last year, not everyone got one — so I thought I’d put up this year’s December calendar page here . . . something to read, ideas for December decorating and fun . . . and then I thought, since you’re being so patient, that I would make you tea . . . Just a quick one . . .
Everyone take a cup! ♥ Get comfy, I have snacks coming . . .
This delicious, molasses-y, bendy, chewy, crunchy-edged thing. O treat of treats.
It gets that special crunchiness if you toast it, maybe even twice, so the edge sort of caramelizes and crisps up, making the insides even more chewy, so you have to pull on it a little bit with your teeth, and then, you butter it, drippingly, with savorment.
. . . and then you bite it. And make it your own. Eyes to heaven. Thank you so much. What is it you ask? A little miracle, in a can. For when you are too stinkin’ busy to live, but you need coddling and love … and you decide:
This is your answer for treats on the run. And truly vintage . . . I have at least one of these in my cupboard at all times, would not think of being without it:
You probably guessed it! It’s been around for a long time . . . you probably have it in your cupboard too! But just in case! My mom would toast and butter a slice of this “B
& M Brown Bread” (available in most grocery stores, btw); she would put it on a little plate, bring it around behind my back and slide it under my nose, as a little surprise when I was doing homework. A person doesn’t get over such things very easily. Niceness is a wonderful thing from a mom. ♥ Now I do it for myself. And I thought, if you never heard of it, you might want to put it on your shopping list. For those “one-ingredient cooking days.” (I just looked it up, if your store doesn’t have it, you can get it HERE . . .♥)
Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten, that chocolate chip cookie recipe is coming soon, I’m saving it so you will still love me when I have to announce that only one person won the drawing (scroll down to the next post for the details)! It will be our consolation prize! But remember, if it makes you feel any better . . . you have a lot better chance of winning THIS drawing than winning the lottery! Much better! Until then, Boum, darlings, enjoy the day! ♥
I love how food draws people from across the country together! I hadn’t thought about canned brown bread for ages and cannot even remember when I first tasted it. I will give it a try again! Hopefully it will be a better experience than our recent trip down memory lane with Spam! ha!
Yes, no, that would be not as good! LOL
Ahem, spam can be good made the right way. Take it out of the can. Slice it widthwise about 1/4″. Lay slices out in a glass rect. loaf pan. In a glass jar mix – 1/2 c. brown sugar, 1/2 tsp. cider vinegar, 1 tsp mustard & 1 tsp water together. Pour over the spam slices and microwave 5 – 6 min. turning slices over halfway thru coating with mixture. IF you have any leftovers, it is delish in a toasted bread sandwich the next day.
I like all the things that are on top of it! 🙂
….me too!
Hi Susan! I remember that bread from my childhood, too!! You have such a wonderful way of bringing back awesome memories!!! Thanks!!!
I’d never seen or heard of bread in a can – very interesting! It’s 90º F here today. My boys had their Christmas musical at school. The kids did an amazing job. My oldest son was one of the actors in the play. He will be in middle school next year, so this was his last Christmas program. It was so great to see them sharing the joy that Jesus brings. I’m happy… I thought I’d share some of the happiness with you.
I love children’s school plays – one of my favorite things. Such good memories for all of you.
I find those pictures of Jack so amusing! Thanks for sharing all those pics. I cannot wait to try some of the recipes on your site. I know we will all be thinking of you on the 12th – I think that is the day Yankee Magazine is coming? Cannot wait to hear about it and see the magazine next year! Love your blog, website, and appreciate all that you share!
The 11th … Tuesday!
Susan, I haven’t seen brown bread for so many years. My Mom saved it for huricane season when I was little, we lived in Florida at that time. Thanks for sharing, I’ve missed it.
I have never heard of B&M brown bread in a can It seems so…. English! I may have to track some down…
I found it ! Eureka..and all that ..the search is over.. bread in a can …took it to my Dad’s and we enjoyed 2 slices each…double toasted with butter…his with honey…we loved it…if anyone has a “Nob Hill ” store near them….I think sister company to “Raley’s”…..they have it ! ! It is very satisfying and..seems to be rather a good source of iron which is a good thing for all the “girlfriends”.
Lovely, lovely, lovely drawings. I’d never heard of brown bread and am going to be on a search next time I’m in town. Love your site and can’t wait to try some of the recipes.
Hope I am not to late the for the drawing! Merry Christmas to you both on the Vineyard….I so appreciate the time and effort you put into your website …. I love it and it brightens my day so.
Unfortunately, none in our small town, but next time I hit Grand Rapids, I’ll try a larger market. It’s been so many years, and I don’t really remember the taste, though I do remember having it several times–though not a basic item in my mother’s pantry. Thanks for mentioning it. Have fun with the photo and interview crew on Tuesday–how exciting!!!
Merry christmas Susan!
Greetings from Fremont, Ohio, which is way over
Yonder. I so love your website and blogging.
I get my cup of tea and relax by reading your
Blig. Its like relaxing with a dear friend.
Yes! Enter me in your current drawing!
God bless you and Joe and have a great holiday!
Lydia Alejandro
Hi Susan! We just got home from a Christmas Party and I was counting my blessings on the drive home……and I must “thank YoU” for being one of them!
Your many acts of kindness are so appreciated here!!! You, myself, and all the wonderful women of this blog have become friends of the heart!!! We may not see each other…..but we see each other! We may not hear each other…..but we hear each other! We feel each other’s joy, pain, hopes, and dreams! You share your “secret” recipes with us……and they always seem to taste….delish! I feel like, we have all become, friends of the heart! Hearts can be friends without ever meeting face-to-face…… heart friends…..xoxoxo Well, it is now official….50 years ago today I was born and I don’t think Bret remembers about the two 25 year olds……whew! What was I thinking! 😉 It always amazes me….Our BIRTHday!….such an important event…..being Born!….celebrating our coming into this world…..our BIRTH…and for the Life of me…..I just can’t remember a single thing about that Day!!! You have been a part of my life, for so many days and how lucky……. that I can say…….heart to heart……. “thank YoU thank YoU Susan!” xoxoxox Have a Happy Happy DAY!!!!
HAPPY 50TH DAWN, I sent you an Ecard yesterday and hope you could open it?? Enjoy your Special Day and the Year ahead. Angela’s 1st Professional Audition went as well as she could do and she said it was very much like what you see on the tv show SMASH!!! The 4 judges were from N.Y. (scarves around their necks and all). She said she did the best she could do and hopefully that will be enough. I think she said there were 4 days of auditions and people were coming from all across the U.S. for this role. I told her to look at it as an experience and if she doesn’t get the role maybe a better opportunity is just around the bend!!! This will be her life and the roller coaster ride would make me dizzy; but, she has a dream and that will keep her positive and diligent!!! Again, Happy, Happy and eat a big piece of cake for me!!! Blessings
thank you Deborah! And the year ahead……will be all the years from 1 to 50 combined….I know it must be true….for this morning I have a wrinkle(s) and a pimple!
I have many candle wishes this year and will definitely share some with Angela! She is living her dream….not just dreaming about it!!! So exciting!!!!
Thank you so much Dawn!
: .} thank you Susan! It is snowing the most romantic old movie snow at the moment….and if we work it out right… could be on your doorstep on December 11th!!! I will candle-wish it for you!!!
Thank you Dawn!
HAPPY 50TH DAWN!!! My daughter Jill, turns 50 on Jan. 6th. The snow is a beautiful present for you:)
Happy Birthday, Dawn!!! Does this make it “official’, putting it on SB’s blog comment site? I sent you a birthday email–check your email! If you weren’t on the opposite end of the Twin Cities and we weren’t in the middle of terrible roads due to the beautiful snowstorm we got, I’d take you to lunch for your birthday!!! How about a “snow check” (instead of rain check!)?!! Enjoy your special day! 🙂
♪♫♬ Happiest birthday wishes, from one Birthday Dawn (IL) to another Birthday Dawn (MN)!! I celebrated my birthday on the 8th by giving a party for my aunt’s 90th birthday. Cousins came from several states to celebrate with our special aunt. I’ve always felt so happy to share a birthday with her! Everything turned out lovely, with lots of handmade touches. John and I had a movie date today to celebrate again. We saw “Lincoln.” Such an amazing film!! It was a birthday weekend I’ll always remember!
Warm hugs,
Happy Birthday Dawn, from another December birthday! You’re right we don’t remember that important day, so I always try to call my mother on my birthday, before she gets a chance to call me! SHE WAS THERE! And likewise at 11:01 AM on Janurary 12th, I call my son to tell him Happy Birthday! I remember it like yesterday….he will be 40 this January! So Happy Birthday Dawn, and like you, I am SO Glad we are here. XXO Chris
I haven’t seen the canned brown bread since I was a girl! Definately not in our markets here. I do have a pretty good recipe for brown molasses date bread baked in a can. I love it toasted with cream cheese and pineapple! I almost forgot about that. You manage to bring back so many good memories!
I have never actually responded to a blog before but I guess there is a first time for everything! I just wanted to share a little bit of a Christmas tradition of my own. My mother gave me your Christmas cookbook about 18 years ago when I was a very young newlywed and living in New England. I pull it out and read it from cover to cover at the beginning of December (when the house is quiet and the kids aren’t out of bed yet and I am not rushing around to get to work) and it always puts me in the right frame of mind. I have been very busy for the last few weeks and I didn’t feel much in the “spirit” of the season. However, I made it a point to read the book this weekend, decorate the house, and get much of my shopping done. I even broke out the family eggnog recipe! Thanks so much for being one of my traditions for almost 20 years now.
Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me Halley! Merry Christmas!
I’ve seen that can o’bread, never tried it. Now i will!! Thanks
I’d forgotten about the brown bread as well. Found it yesterday and bought it. Really, my reason for contacting you is to get help finding the moon bookmark again. I printed it last year for my walking friends and wanted to do it again this year. And I did but not enough. I would like to print some more but can’t locate them.
The link for it was in the Willard . . . did you get that?
Yes. I’ll go back and find it. I think I was looking in the wrong place. Silly me!
It is also at the bottom of the page in the “Shopping” section under “Free …”… (and thankyou for the fun Christmas bookmarks found there, too!)
When you get to the bottom page in the shopping section (free) of blog, you will see the picture of the “horns” explaining the full moon. Click on that and then…..the monthly moons show too:)
I did but I think it evaporated. :0( All that comes up is the blog.
I bought my first can of B&M Brown Bread and had a slice with my tea yesterday afternoon. What a great comfort food! Called my daughter, who lives in Chicago, and told her about it. Great food for the grands, especially on cold days. Thank you, Susan.
Glad you liked it Pam!
Thinking of you and your mad scramble (although you & Joe are probably not mad scramblers at all…..?.) for the Yankee’s visit on Tuesday. The Yankee’s will be thrilled with the Branch Hall’s, and so will we come next December (actually, we already are all the time)! Bless you for sharing your Domesticity City, and your darling selves with us! Love & Hugs!!
We’re kind of doing a little every day … and how bad can it be, we’re decorating for Christmas! Not exactly ditch digging! 🙂
:)! And, isn’t it fun to visit with our old ornament friends & decorations! xoxo
Yes it is — all the little stories!
Ha!–I love it! “Not exactly ditch digging!” That really brought a smile to my face… 🙂
Just wanted to pop in on this snowy Colorado morning and let you know how excited I am for your next book! I just pulled out your Christmas book and it makes my heart sing with inspiration every year!
Oh my goodness…this bread will always have a special place in my heart!! Before I got married, 19 years ago, My Mom put on a Tea Party for me and my bridesmaids, my new mother in law and my sweet grandma! She used my Great Grandmas beautiful tea set and it was a beatiful table!!! She served this “bread in a can” on the pretty plates, made yummy sandwiches!!! We had tea, sandwiches, waldorf salad, and little cookies…….and yes, we even sang…”I ‘m a little teapot….” Thank you for sharing, and bringing back some wonderful memories!!!
P.S. I will have to try this bread toasted, it looks fantastic!!
I just rreplaced my can in the cupboard so I wouldn’t be without. I’m so glad I did because now I’m in the mood for some this morning.
…goodness !!….anticipating your newest post is like waiting for Christmas morning to arrive !!!!…no kidding !!!……..thanks, Susan….I know you are enjoying your days (and having magical dreams at night…rightfully so !!! )….
Speaking of the Big Day, when “Yankee” arrives at Joe and Susan’s…as a long time subscriber to the magazine, I’m definately going to send a note to the powers that be and let them know how thrilled I am to know that they’ve discovered what a gem Susan is, a true Yankee spirit, who means so much to so many… I’m thinking if they heard from ALL the girlfriends, who knows.. ..maybe they will make Susan a regular contributor…or at the very least…a special guest perhaps, every Season.. that would definately cause me to keep my subscription up to date !
Dear heart! Nice thing for you to do Deborah!
Love hearing about the canned brown bread…will have to try it! The towel in the picture with all the cute words is it available anywhere? Do you sell it on your site? it is precious! Will be thinking of you this week with the magazine story!
We’re looking to get it screen printed.
OMG! Brown bread. We used to have that every Saturday night – right along with Hot Dogs and beans. Good Irish Friday night meal. Thank you for the memory. I still love it!
Cardinals are my very favorites, too… Will have to look for that little notepad, on the off-chance that I don’t win this one!
I do think we have some left in the web store.
Susan – I am now so intrigued about B&M Browned bread. I’ve never heard of bread in a can, but I’m most anxious to give it a try. I’ll have to go the Amazon route (if still available) as I checked my local store and it doesn’t appear to have it. Thank you so much.
Big hugs,
Hi Susan!
I thought I’d share a tip and perhaps you’ll include it in your next post so other people can find it. 🙂
My ‘plan ahead cookie making’ tip. Saves you a bit of time/steps later. Especially if you go on a cookie-making marathon. 😀
Measure out and mix together all your dry ingredients. Usually, these go in the recipe together (flour, salt, spices, leavening agent). Put in a quart size bag and label with name of cookie. Sugar(s) are usually creamed with the butter. Measure it into a sandwich baggie and label. You could put both baggies together in a gallon size ziplock and label also. But be sure to label all your baggies so you don’t have a mixup. Just in case.
Now when it comes to cookie-making time you’ve already got your dry ingredients ready and your sugar(s) measured out for mixing!
Thank you Tam! Very handy!
My tip is on the order of this with a twist. I recently had a Cookie Making Event, as I called it. I spent the day before making 5 different kinds of cookie dough. I had only one clean-up at the end of the day (which my lovely husband did for me). After gathering all the ingredients in one place, it was a snap to put it all together. I refrigerated the dough in bags along with the recipe and cookie cutters if appropriate. The next day my 3 grown sons and wives came and did the rolling out, cutting, cookie gun, etc. and decorating. I was in charge of the oven. We had a cookie eating party at the end and they took home their share.
I’ve never heard of B&M Brown Bread but I’ll definitely go looking for it. My hubby has a real love of anything with molasses in it. Bet this will make him smile. 🙂
Wishing for snow for the 11th on the Vineyard. But even without it your home will glow with holiday beauty from all you do to make it so very special. Good luck with the magazine shoot, we all can’t wait to hear about it next week. By then I may have a 4th grandchild – due Dec. 11th. It may be a special day for both of us. Enjoy your day.
Alright, new baby day coming tomorrow — good luck Fabienne!
Went to the grocery store today…alas no B&M brown bread in a can…however was shocked to see B&M Baked Beans in a glass jar on the shelf! I don’t think I ever noticed that before. One of the girlfriends in South Texas said she got some at Central Market. My grocery store, HEB, owns Central Market, but no brown bread in a can. So next weekend I am headed to FT Worth where there is a Central Market. Here’s hoping! I am on a mission!
The hunt is almost as good as finding the treasure!
Hi Susan,
What a fun snack. A bread in a tin can? I will definitely have to try B&M brown bread. That looks really tasty. I was wondering if one can make french toast with that.
Thank you for offering such a nice giveaway. It would be fun to win such a special giveaway at Christmas. I think I would probably keep that wreath on my door until next Christmas or preserve it somehow so I can keep it forever. And I would look at it often as I sipped hot chocolate out of that cute mug. And as I remembered my errands I needed to do I’d quickly jot them down on that cute memo pad. See, it would for sure be put to good use in this little abode of ours.
Hi Susan: Weather report from St. Paul, MN: We got 12″ of snow from about midnight last night through most of the day today! It really looks like Christmas now!!! The roads are terrible, a lot of schools are closed tomorrow, and the temps are dropping and wind coming up tonight but the evergreens look gorgeous!!! 🙂
Pouring rain here . . .
Sniffy. Part of my wish for you came true. I tried to blow some of that snow from MN to MV. Unfortunately, it musta got mixed in with my FL heat:( You got the moisture….but not cold enough. It will come….eventually.
We’ve had rainy, foggy weather here too. The fog really gives it the same kind of feeling of snow for me–the quiet, caressed feeling.
How beatiful!
The snow or the rain. Right now West Texas would take either:)
not heard of this bread in a can but you sure did make me want to try it!
I love B&M Brown Bread and have not thought about purchasing some in a long time. When I worked in the city, I would go to a small luncheon diner and they would serve brown bread, cream cheese and jello. Yes, I paid for jello at the diner. Oh, but it was so good to have that memory. I am definitely adding a can to my grocery list and maybe some jello too.
Bread in a can? I have seen it for many years in the Vermont Country Store catalog and I have thought….’bread in a can? hmmmm, how good could THAT be?’….and I have passed it up. So when I read your post, Susan, I thought to trust your good judgement, checked in with my bff who lives in western MA as to where on earth one would find this bread in a can and my fiance and I set off to the market. Of course being the nay-sayer man, bless his heart, he could not and would not have faith that bread in a can could possibly be even remotely tastey. In the market he asked everyone…..and I mean EVERYONE he saw….’do you know where I can find bread in a can???’. Let it be known that no one in north western VA knows what bread in a can is!! The funny looks he got was worth it even if we didn’t find this mysterious bread in a can! Finally though, we found it, right next to the baked beans. All this time? Huh. Off to the check out we go to be waited on by an adorable young woman. My fiance, not wanting to leave one person in the store without the thought of ‘bread in a can?’ as they lay their heads on their pillows that night asks her….’where would we find bread in a can?’. Bread in a can? They really make that stuff? Sponge Bob’s friend used to eat bread in a can? Who is Sponge Bob, I ask?……..Once home, we found delights of delights. Who would think bread in a can could be so delicious??? The rich chewy molasses taste with hot melting butter…..Oh my…..thank you Susan for spurring us to find it!
I also thank you for tweeting the photo of your gorgeous Christmas tree! There is an art to decorating a tree, yours is beautiful. It looks perfect! Tell me, do you use big or miniature colored lights?
Have great fun tomorrow with Yankee magazine,
We use three sizes of lights! tiny, bigger, and biggest . . .
What a special “treat” for me to take a few minutes during this merry, crazy, happy time of year to sit down and enjoy your blog. With all the Christmas preparations and daily tasks demanding my attention, it is so nice to sit down and collect my thoughts and just reflect for a few minutes. The pictures, ancedotes and recipes you post are so refreshing. It is like the best conversation with a dear friend. I am rejuvenated and ready to continue on with all that I need to do. Thank you for always reminding me to slow down, enjoy the moment and celebrate the important things in each day.
Merry Christmas to you and Joe!
Hope I’m still able to enter a post for the contest! I’ve sent in two and neither one is listed so I must try again. My first mentioned how I display my Christmas from Heart of the HOme each year as part of my decorations.
Enjoying Christmas season which is also Nutcracker season for us-my 3 beauties are budding ballet dancers and my older two have roles in the Nutcracker(5th time for my oldest, 2nd for my middle daughter). My job this time of year increases: staying on top of school work(priority! i want my girls to know they can do ANYTHING), dance schedule, keeping bed-times for plenty of sleep, and something special each day for “the most wonderful time of the year”.
Thinking of you whilst i check the calendar(SB, of course!) each day and smiling as i see the 11th. Have fun playing with your house. Thank you, again, for the generous ways you share your home.
Question: could Joe please start a training camp for husbands? The world would be a much better place! Please tell him that his garlands & wreaths are just lovely!
Wishing you all a Marshmellow World!
Happy Birthday Dawn!!! The fifties are fabulous. Thanks for the weather update Pat. I will call my sis today. I need snow! Well at least the Viks and the Pack had a good day!! Susan you have done more for brown bread sales than B&M itself! I have a bone to pick with the Michael’s down here. No lettered tags, and no red and green straws!!! The clerks were of no help either. I told the gal that the straws looked like they did in the 60s and she said she wouldn’t know as she is a child of the 70s. Wrong answer as the younger ones always try to copy what they think is retro! Therefore they do study the other decades. For crying out loud someone brought back the colored tinsel trees!!!
Margot, did you check at Target? I happened upon red & white paper straws there this year quite by accident in the Christmas decorations department.
I am surprise they still sell Brown Bread.. I remembered my grandmother had it in her cupboard. Umm, I barely remembered the taste. Wondering what it is likes.
Oooooooo. I looove brown bread! We used to have with hot dogs in the fall. I have a hard time finding it in Ohio, though. Will have to look again.
I had forgotten brown bread, my mother served it with baked beans, I remember it being one of my favorite foods in childhood. I’ll have to look for it.
I miss your store in Arroyo Grande, such a sweet store. We live in Santa Cruz, California and take an annual anniversary trip (this year #28) south to Santa Barbara/Solvang. We stopped at your store a few times and bought wonderful things.
I certainly remember “B & M” Bread. I love your cat –
I love love love you Susan Branch …….I,m gonna try this bread in a can too ! Thanks!
You are welcome Debbie! Thank YOU!
Boston brown bread! Now you have included all the major food groups in this wonderfully delicious post, Susan! I have memories of Bbb. My mother used to serve it with Sunday night supper along with oyster stew. Oh, I can still taste it. I don’t know if I can even buy it down here in North Carolina, but you can be sure that I will be on the lookout for it! Happy cooking/eating/celebrating, Susan!
What a wonderful surprise for Kathy, you’re right, she probably could use some cheer, and you do it so well. I still haven’t thanked you for the Autumn book, the one that got me through chemo several years ago. Though born in April, I’m an Autumn girl, and every leaf, pumpkin and animal you drew warmed me to my toes. Such a blessing to be amongst your sisterhood. Now it’s Christmas time, and you’re working your usual magic, the magazine is coming to the right place. It’s going to be lovely to see…….and, oh yes, only you would think of the old fashioned brown bread in a can, I ordered some. That will be perfect with morning tea. ….. Before I forget, my gift to my daughter this year is the Susan Branch “to my daughter” notebook filled with every family recipe, from Mother, Mother-in-law, brothers, close family friends, Susan Branch, starting from Jr. Hi to present day. It’s sprinkled with anecdotes about the people and events of our history. You see, your love is catching. Thank you for being you. Paula
Gasp, what a gift Paula, she is going to LOVE that so much. Not every mom would take the time to do that! Really! Just reading about it makes my heart go pitter patter!
I LOVE brown bread! Always have it on hand, too! One of the great New England treats. I like them all – Bell’s stuffing and awesome subs, frappes and cabinets, NE clam chowder and steamed quahogs.
Indian Pudding!
Lobster rolls! Apple pie with cheese! :>)
Congratulations, Kathy O, possibly from Iowa! I’m so happy that you won the coveted prize. It seems like it was meant to be!
Jack is an awfully good kitty cat – we had to take down our tree because our kitty cat, Zorro, kept climbing in it and getting stuck. I couldn’t bear to think what would happen to my ornament collection, so we decorated in other ways. Hoping by next year he’ll be a more mature, calmer kitty. (wish wish hope hope!) Zorro loves hair bands too!
Try putting lights on it, Zorro may not like it as much!
It’s funny, Susan, how we’re all talking about that brown bread. Actually, I had been looking for it for a tea party. Long ago, we used to put cream cheese be-tween two untoasted slices and cut the sandwiches into thirds. They were delicious that way. I’m so glad that you sent us to Amazon to obtain them. I forgot that Amazon has everything!
Also, oh how I enjoyed reading in today’s blog how you love eating by yourself and reading a book. Ever since my husband died many years ago, I’ve gotten to really love doing this. I thought that surely no one would ever get so much pleasure as I do about it. Susan, you’re one of life’s joys for all os us!
It is one of life’s little pleasures. Something about it makes you happy for the rest of the day. xoxo
Bread in a can! I use to bake it like this, saving all my larger cans….How very, very convenient!..Someone was thinking of us hurried and harried(at times) ladies, weren’t they?…Terrific! Please enter me in the drawing….would be ever so grateful…Now I have to show my hubby this little bread in a can….