Hello Girlfriends!  How’s everyone this morning?  We are good here, it’s not snowing and we have MUSICA!  I’ve been thinking about booksignings . . .

. . . and where we might go in the fall when A Fine Romance gets here!   With the way time is flying, it will be September before we know it — so I’m trying to get ready.  I thought I’d show you few of my past book signings. I’m the one behind the camera in this first photo, just before giving a talk to the wonderful people at the Flying Geese Quilt Guild; there’s my mom in the front row sitting next to Joe.  This was so fun, I got to meet and talk to everyone here. I wonder if any of you are in this audience?!

This is a signing at the Yankee Book Store in Plymouth, MA — all my Vineyard girlfriends came with me, we piled in the car, got on the ferry and made a day out of it — when I got to the bookstore I found the room, as usual, was full of kindred spirits!

There’s two of them now!  While I’m signing, I can always hear the laughing and talking between the people waiting their turn to get their books signed … I can’t help but think what I’m missing!  I enjoy one-on-one time with each person who comes up, but I do think the real fun is in the line!

This is the Remnants of the Past Show in San Luis Obispo, California, a couple of years ago.  How can you not love an event in a beautiful location that’s all about antiques!   BTW, the woman wearing brown on the left is one of our girlfriends who I was just about to meet in person for the first time, Joann, who came to the event all the way from Colorado (she’s at @myheartsathome on Twitter — go say hi if you can!).

And here is one of the most delightful things I love about signings and what makes them such a privilege, people bring their families, husbands, sisters, best friends, moms, and their darling little girls and I get to meet them.  It’s always a family affair.

So I’ve been thinking and trying to figure out where we should go on our book tour — we will probably be on the road in the western states from the middle of September through November 9-10 (when I will be at the Remnants of the Past show again).  Then we’ll be going home, where we can do more events in the Midwest and on the East Coast.

I happened on that magical photograph of our ship, fresh from the wild Atlantic ocean, sliding back into America at dawn (on the Queen Mary 2) last July, I can still hear the whoosh of the water and the boat horn  — it gave me what I thought was a . . .

. . . perfectly brilliant idea (if I do say so myself).  The original Queen Mary, that wonderful old ship, Cunard White Star’s RMS Queen Mary (that’s her above), launched in 1936, is now a permanently-docked hotel in Long Beach, California.  I was thinking this would be the perfect place to “launch” A Fine Romance!  I could plan it now, far in advance so maybe lots of people could arrange to go . . . it wouldn’t be the only place I’d go, just the first.   I was envisioning an English Tea Party on board in the Queen’s Ballroom, with cups and cakes; Fred Astaire could be singing (he sailed on this very ship), and we’d have a Book Talk and Signing! You could bring your books, your mom, your sister, your daughter, and your best friend; we could wear Downton Abbey hats . . . on a September day in California on a beautiful old ship with the Pacific Ocean out our portholes?  Could it get any better?   A girl can dream and I’m good at that.  Because when I called to talk to the nice people at the Queen Mary about my brilliant idea, I found out that although they do have an afternoon tea on board (which I’ll take my mom to when I get out there),  they don’t have enough equipment, cake stands, teapots, etc. to do a tea party for more than a hundred.  “No tea” was a setback, but the price was the problem.  For the ballroom alone (beautiful, old, restored to original), not counting any food or drink or waitstaff, just the room (which can hold 200 to 300 people) and chairs lined up in “theater style,” is $7000 to start, for a Sunday from noon to 4pm.  And no, they wouldn’t let me just “set up” on the deck … 🙂  So. This is what I call the proverbial arm and a leg. Unless one of you knows the owner of the ship … your dad maybe? I realized, I need to get more creative.

So I thought I’d start with you.  We’re planning in advance because it takes time to organize and the months go by so quickly, it will be here before we know it. We’ll be contacting lots of bookstores — I’ll be sure to put a schedule here so you can see what we’ve arranged.  But I thought I’d also ask, in case any of you are planning a large event out west durning September or October of this year, (or November and December in the East) — events such as a quilt guild gathering, perhaps something at the Quilt Festival in Houston, or a vintage antique show like Remnants, maybe a charity or church event, a women’s club that needs a speaker, or perhaps you know a teashop that would want to host a booksigning and have lots of people descend on them all at once!  Somewhere I could go and meet lots of you at the same time.  Those kinds of occassions are always the most fun, but they do require a little space.  I could give a talk but it could also just be a signing like at Remnants; the best part is, because of the nice people I meet, these get-togethers always feel like a tea party whether there’s tea or not. 

Don’t worry one little bit if you can’t think of anything, and there’s no real hurry, I just thought I’d try.

My darling Dad turns an extremely YOUNG 90-years-old this August!  So we’re going to his house in Arizona — and from there, out to California — we’ll start our tour after the book arrives in September.  Our main problem is we can’t take Jack or Girl Kitty with us! We will have to get our kitty sitter to come back!

Now, just in case you think I do nothing but worry about the book  . . .

Hello.  Peek-a-boo.

Yes, I’m still in my chair working away, as spring meanders in on the back roads in the most unnoticeable way possible — here is the view from my desk at my frozen little garden.  Our book isn’t quite done, although it’s all written and laid out, I still have handwriting and watercolors to paint, but I am ecstatic every day, doing it.  I wake up excited.  It’s a pleasure to put the final touches on it.  I wrote a book!  OMG!

  I have three windows in my studio, here’s another view from my chair.

 This window is behind me.  Yesterday, just at dawn, it was blue outside, the snow was blue, the shadows were blue.  The white was ice blue, the coldest looking blue you ever saw.  But by yesterday afternoon . .

. . . . we could hear the ice sliding off the roof and watch clumps of it fall past the windows and out of the trees, almost like it was snowing again, so much coming down,  We had a major thaw!

That got me out of my chair…

. . . and outside with the camera.  This is the kind of thing that makes the newspapers on Martha’s Vineyard, the first sightings of snowdrops!  For me it’s knowing that in plenty of time for the daffodils, I’ll be finished with the book, and can start playing house again, making Coconut Cake for Easter, reading a new book, eating lunch in a restaurant with my new British Country Living, all the things I love to do.

When the snow was coming off the roof, it was loud, cracking, breaking up and sliding. Jack kept looking up wanting to know if I needed him to go upstairs and check on what was going on.

This boy gets smarter every day.  For instance.  The pony tail bands be loves me to shoot for him?  We have them in all colors and what’s good about them is they don’t roll.  So we have to do a lot less crawling around trying to find them like we had to do with the balls.  But, for some reason we could not figure out, the rubber bands began to disappear.  Joe couldn’t find any, and I couldn’t either.  We asked Jack.  This was the expression on his face.  Hmmm.

We have a scale like a doctor’s scale, only half size.  There’s maybe an eighth of an inch between the bottom of the scale and the floor.  One day I noticed that Jack was zeroed in on this scale, staring at it, his eyes big and round and focused with his nose right to the edge of it.  Was he trying to tell me something?  I picked it up, it’s heavy, and moved it.  There were five rubber bands under it.  He had to work to put them there, one at a time, and he remembers where they are!  Just another day in paradise . . .

OK, Girlfriends, must go work on book!  Talk to you soon, have a wonderful day.  Love your comments, as you know, you are brilliant and we are the normal ones! 

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  1. Carole Beth Rhodes says:

    Please, please, please come to Nashville or as close as you can get to it. Book already pre-ordered and I cannot wait for it. Take care.

    • judy says:

      Hi, Carole Beth! Glad to see you here! I’ve been promoting Cheekwood as a possible venue in Nashville but, without Amtrack, we may be too inconvenient to get to.
      Judy Anderson

  2. Treese says:

    I was getting really excited about a possible soiree on that grand old ship the Queen Mary. I have visited her several times and she is a beauty. Some friends and I did a haunted Halloween visit on her a few years back in full costume.
    I have a friend who loves everything 1930’s and six years ago had her wedding there in a small ballroom. She did mention she almost had to boycott the event because of the cost, but it all worked out. I am sure you will find another venue to have a let’s get together book signing. I Hope so!
    Treese/Colorado Cowgirl.

    • Janet [in Rochester] says:

      Halloween on the Queen Mary – that must have been fun!! I’ve heard there are numerous ghosts roaming its decks… Did you have any interesting “experiences” Treese? :>)

  3. Gloria Dotzler says:

    Susan, have you ever come to Minnesota on a signing tour? It is very beautiful in the fall.

  4. Lynn says:

    I think Martha’s Vineyard anytime from September 8th – 15th would be a great way to start your tour and you wouldn’t even have to take the ferry! We went to your “Autumn” signing several years ago and that was the highlight of our trip. I met Margot last year at Tivoli Day seated outside The Secret Garden – just saying! I’d bring you a cup of tea and I’d even wear a fancy hat! I am in Downton withdrawal at the moment. Our snow is still pretty deep but slowly melting. The robins are hopping around so that is a sure sign of spring.

  5. judy says:

    Nashville has “Cheekwood Botanical Gardens” & Cheekwood Mansion Museum/Art Gallery, with The Pineapple Room (tearoom/restaurant) on site. Perhaps they could do it as a fundraiser for the museum, etc. Space wouldn’t be a problem–the “Swan Ball” is an annual event at this site. Read all about it on the net!

  6. Terry says:


    Would January in NYC work? I know that’s not November or December, but Vogue Knitting Live comes to NYC every January. No matter where you end up on the east coast I will be there.

    The photo of Jack is adorable!


  7. Kate says:

    Susan, it would be so wonderful if you could come to a bookstore in Greenwood or Indianapolis Indiana or even to one in Cincinnati, Ohio because I could probably get to one of those. I would love to meet you and would love it if the bookstore could have a tea for you. The Queen Mary was a wonderful idea and if I had an extra $7000 lying around I would gladly pay it if I could be there with you and all our girlfriends. Maybe you could ask for donations. With all the people who buy your books and come to your blog, we could maybe come up with the money. Just dreaming, but as you have said, you have to dream.

  8. Di Word says:

    Loved today’s entry. I am having the interior of my house repainted, and your lovely “letter” took me out of the chaos for a few minutes. It will all be worth it when I get it put back together, but right now it has moments of sheer madness. Thanks for brightening my day.

  9. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    What shall I do to meet YOU?!? I was just informed the other day by my Hunny that we may be in Boston in August or September, but I won’t have my book then. I will take the ferry to MV, as I never had when I lived in NH. 🙁 Then I will wander all around the island.
    Coconut cake for Easter sounds wonderful!!!
    I see you do Lutheran churches. We always have the coffee pot on! LOL You girlfriends in the upper Mid-West know what I mean!!!

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      Now that I am dried off, cleaned up, fed and warmer I have reread the blog. Laughing at Jack. I KNOW that look. I have seen it on the faces of boys and some men when they say…wait for it…”What? What did I do?” LOL

    • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

      Ya, sure ya’betcha…(said with a Scandinavian accent) 🙂

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        Guess what I found at “The Beach”??? Ekelund linens!!! Did you ever get over to Ingebretsen’s in Minneapolis for the angel chimes?

        • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

          Lucky you!!! Oh yes, Ingebretsen’s is the place to go for anything Scandinavian! I have a set of angel chimes but they are the smaller set. I had a larger set years ago but they got rusty and I got rid of them. Now have looked and looked and not been able to find the larger set which took regular 6″ candles…

  10. Ruth from Pennsylvania says:

    Echoing Pat Wyrick’s plea…..we would LOVE to have you come to Southwestern Pennsylvania for a book signing at the Barnes & Noble store. I will round up all the local girlfriends and we can stand in line and chat to everyone. By the way, I watched and recorded the 3-part CHATSWORTH HOUSE documentary on Public TV Saturday evening. Probably a re-run because it was filmed in 2011, but I had never seen it. And talk about being dense (duh!), I didn’t realize at the time that I had just viewed your recent blog in which you posted pictures from your visit there. Just watching the program was so enjoyable…..I can’t imagine being there in person. Needless to say, I just scrolled through your blog again to view it through your eyes.
    Thinking of you, Rhonda, and sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

  11. Isabel says:

    Hi Susan,

    Am so excited about your book. I won’t be able to pre-order until 3/20, hoping there will still be one for me.

    I am from the Northeast (hoping to move back some day) but right now, I am in Orlando, Florida. Would you ever consider a book signing in that area?

    P.S. Every time I see pictures of Jack, I love him even more.


    Isabel in Orlando

  12. Lori says:

    Oh, my daughters and I would love it if you came to the Dallas area! There is a darling store in Grapevine called the British Emporium…wouldn’t that be a perfect place to be signing this book? We went to the Queen’s Jubilee event that this store hosted. It was amazing! You have tons of fans here…please visit!
    Hugs to you!

  13. Maureen MacKenzie says:

    We would love to see you at the Book Review in Huntington on Long Island!

  14. Betsy says:

    I never received the February Willard so I had no idea about the pre-order of your new book. I am glad I logged onto the blog and saw the notice in the upper right hand corner. I almost gave my fingers whiplash I ordered so fast. Then I sent an alert out to all the friends in case they didn’t receive the Willard either. Sometimes we get it, sometimes we don’t! We sure don’t want to miss one. I agree with Kathleen from Philly. I wish you could come to our area sometime. In the meantime we will be your fans from afar!

    • sbranch says:

      “gave my fingers whiplash” LOL! I’m trying to find out why Willard has been so spotty this time… so sorry!

  15. Amy Woods says:

    Those book signing lines are filled with the kindest people, that’s for sure. In 2005 (I think) I drove one Sunday from LA to San Luis Obispo to have you sign a couple of my books, I left my Heart of the Home at home because it looked so bad and worn. Anyway, it was a particularly hard time in my life and I was just sad… for many reasons. I didn’t know anyone, but the ladies in the line in front of me were so kind and they took pictures while you signed my books. I was so excited and relieved that you were as kind and wonderful as I had imagined and you gave me a bit of advice that I’ve always held on to. I needed some cheer and not only did I get it from you, but from your lovely fans as well!!!1

    • sbranch says:

      So sweet to hear that Amy, I know it’s like that, but it’s really nice to hear it from you. I’m so glad you came!

  16. Kelly J. says:

    Hi Susan!
    You may want to consider The Moravian Book Shop in Bethlehem, PA for a book signing. It’s old shop with lots of history, and it has an adjoining Cook Shop! Right across the street is the Hotel Bethlehem which has a gorgeous ballroom and restaurant. Downtown Bethlehem is beautiful, and it really shines at Christmas time, with old fashioned street lights and horse drawn carriage rides. Many people from surrounding areas come there just to shop in Nov. & Dec. I think it would be a perfect venue for your book, and you and Joe could enjoy the area too 🙂 Kelly from eastern PA

    • sbranch says:

      That sounds lovely, we will try to come there!

      • Tracee Stewart says:

        We have Old Salem in Winston-Salem,NC!! Wonderful history and would be great for a book signing!…

    • Holly says:

      Oh, PLEASE come to Bethlehem!! I can vouch for its quaint charm since we live nearby. It definitely shines in December but is lovely anytime of the year. Thanks for thinking of this, Kelly – I don’t know why I didn’t think of it!

  17. Julia L. says:

    Susan, my mom and I would love for you to visit NC! We are big fans! She bought me Heart of the Home for my birthday back in 1992 and I have requested one of your books for my birthday this year. I would be happy with any of them! Love your blogs and Willards. They make my day! So peaceful and fun. I love to make some tea and sit down to read them after my kids settle down. What a treat!

  18. I can’t wait to see your schedule for book signings. It will be a first for me. My husband and I have started to plan some mini-trips now I’ve retired from teaching full time. Wouldn’t it be great if one of your book signing locations could be the inspiration of a trip for us. Your idea for a signing aboard the original Queen Mary was brilliant. They should pay you not charge you for space. Just think of all the great free advertising they would get. Sigh! All of your followers should tweet that they ought to host you. Is their establishment on Twitter. Anyway, it’s wonderful anticipating your book tour. By the way, have you ever read ” The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society”? If not, I highly recommend it. The main character is on a tour for her book about WWII in England- collection of her newspaper articles- as the story begins. I loved it, and so has everyone I recommended it to.
    As for your snowdrops – oh, I must go check the hill in my backyard right now, before it gets dark and rainy!! Then I’ll catch up on the posts I’ve missed.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I’ve read that … so good! I also tried to talk the Queen Mary person into believing in me. 🙂 I like your idea! Did you find snowdrops?

      • Yes, a small patch of snowdrops are glowing on the hill. Hopefully, they didn’t drown in the deluge we’ve had over the past 16 hours or so. Watch your twitter feed for a picture later. I took it with my new 50x zoom Canon out the kitchen window and have to download it to laptop and size it before adding to Twitter.
        Oh, I read back through many comments, and wanted to add my prayers for Rhonda to the throng. I have not experienced cancer personally, but my husband is doing well after a bout with Hodgkin’s lymphoma about 3 years ago. Ditto – “fist pump ” If I hadn’t watched the Korean comedy/drama-Boys Over Flowers- I wouldn’t have known that means “fight and be victorious.” I pray that all the network of woman praying for her will strengthen and comfort her.
        What a wonderful multi-purpose blog yours is!

        • Oops – small patch of snowdrops is glowing – not “are” – verb agrees with the subject – patch! Once an English teacher, always an English teacher. It’s really not a big deal, but I wanted to correct myself.

  19. Marsha MacLean says:

    Hi Susan,
    I visited the Queen Mary last year during an art deco festival. The setting was lovely, and seeing the huge photos of famous visitors was indeed, terrific… I felt like I was dancing on the deck next to Fred Astaire! It was fabulous! I am wondering if maybe your book signing couldn’t be a part of something like that. ..there were various seminars going on about the time period, etc.
    (This year the Art Deco Festival weekend is August 31-September 1.)

    It seems to me that there are so many of us that would LOVE to see you at the Queen Mary and take part in an event like that, you could charge us each $$$ and have it work out.
    (Just saying….)
    What do you think, girlfriends?
    An alternative might be the ships in San Diego or the Mission Inn in Riverside, (which also played host to a number of celebrities …President Taft, Ron and Nancy Reagan among many others)
    But I digress, I don’t think you need to give us tea, the setting would be lovely and if we do the math, I think it could work. MY humble opinion. HA! 🙂
    Rethink it please. What a perfect launch!
    Love all you do to lift our spirits, Susan! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I thought about that, but for instance, in the tea room, a high tea is 35.00 per person — plus getting there, plus the book, it all adds up. SO many gorgeous places in Southern California — in my heart I haven’t given up on the Queen Mary. We have time …

      • Christy from Orange County, CA says:


        I agree with Marsha…we would be more than happy to pay for a lovely book signing/tea event! You are so thoughtful to consider how the book, travel and tea all add up…BUT, there is quite a bit of time between now and then to save our pennies! I am sure most of the girlfriends would agree. 🙂 The Queen Mary would be really fun and memorable! Good luck!!

  20. Nancy West says:

    Texas is such a big state! I hope you will consider more than one book signing event for your list. Like maybe one for the north, and one for the south? LOL I do hope to be able to attend. We love all kinds of festivals, fairs, etc. in Texas. And of course we love the things you write and draw about: antiques, gardening, cooking, and of course friendship. I hope you can find just the right location to fit your needs!

  21. Cathy says:

    Hmmm, I wonder if there is somewhere very close to the Queen Mary where a book signing could be held? Maybe with the sight of the ship and smell of the ocean the ambience would wash over us if we are close enough.
    Or, how about holding it during a garden tour or in a nature conservancy? Living in Southern California there must be some around here that I can investigate!

    • Charlene H. (S.F.Valley) SoCal says:

      Cathy…I was thinking the same thing. I’ve thought of Descanso Gardens in La Canada. I’ve attended free lectures at the historic Huntington Library in Pasadena. I’m sure FOSB’s Peg is scouting around, too!

    • Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

      How about the LA Arboretum? The gardens are truly gorgeous and I believe they have a cafe there, too, that might be able to cater a tea outdoors. It’s also the home of that beautiful Qeen Ann Victorian used in the old TV show, Paradise Island (“dah plane, dah plane!!!”) with Ricardo Montalban.

  22. Linda Pintarell says:

    The Queen Mary was such a perfect idea…darn. Like I said, back on with the thinking caps. I think there are quite a few “girlfriends” here in San Diego. Let’s see what we can do to get Susan here. Sadly…very sadly – a lot of our independent bookstores have gone out of business. I’m assuming, Susan, your book will be available at bookstores like Barnes and Noble (we have a big one right down the road from me I can check with). I can check with them. I’m going to be thinking about other venues. Come on San Diegans…let’s see what we can do. Am I allowed to put my email address in here to communicate with others in San Diego? Please let me know.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, you can do that Linda…I’ve seen other people do it and it shows up!

    • Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

      Linda — I proposed La Jolla Cove (perhaps with help from Warwick’s independent bookstore in La Jolla), and the Hotel Del Coronado. The more I think about the Del, the more I like it. What do you think? I’d love to brainstorm with you for a good San Diego area venue.


      • Rinde Campbell-Maes says:

        Hello fellow San Diegans Linda & Marianne! Linda’s comment containing her email was the very first one I saw when I looked at comments today! I’ve already emailed you Linda & also copied you earlier in a reply regarding San Diegan Penney’s Quilt Show idea too. So now there are 4 of us San Diegan’s that I’ve found so far… but I’m not done looking at comments yet either. The Del would be exquisite! Great idea! Certainly be enough room at the convention center but not nearly the atmosphere. Now that you’ve got my email Linda, please let me know when & how we can all brain storm together or what I can do to help us find a place for Susan. This is SO exciting!!!

        • Marianne in Hidden Meadows, SoCal says:

          Hello Rinde — I’m so looking forward to meeting you and all the other San Diego area Girlfriends when the booksigning is here! I’ve Emailed Linda, but have not heard back as of yet — I’m thinking her Email is probably overloaded with all the San Diego Girlfriends responding! It would be nice if maybe those interested in scouting out a venue could all meet at the Del and check it out — venues and prices, etc.. Then maybe all have lunch together either at the Del or somewhere on Coronado (the ferry landing?) and brainstorm some more. If you think you’d like to do that, please let me know here and we’ll see if we can arrange it. Hope to hear from you Rinde!


  23. Elizabeth in Montana says:

    We would LOVE for you to come to Billings on your book tour…it’s the biggest city in Montana and a hub for Montana and Wyoming and the Dakotas, so I’m sure you’d draw a LOT of people! And my husband woke me with great news a couple of days ago…the first crocuses (yellow ones) are popping up beside our front door…yay!

    • Elizabeth in Montana says:

      Oh, and we have a Barnes and Noble here…and I will try and see what other venues would be nearby,

    • sbranch says:

      Crocuses, that means you’re ahead of us … is that normal?

      • Elizabeth in Montana says:

        The crocuses usually start popping up around this time. It can get really cold here, but then a warm wind comes through and blows the snow away and melts it. Much milder winters than I experienced growing up in Rochester, NY on the shores of Lake Ontario…110 inches of wet, heavy snow every winter…don’t miss that at all. Last frost date is around May 15th. One year it snowed into June and started again in September, though! 🙂

  24. Carol Ann Britt says:

    The Alzafar Shrine in San Antonio, Texas, is a good venue!!! Don’t think Houston is the only city in Texas that loves your work.

  25. Holly says:

    Jack is soooo adorable! If MV wasn’t so far away from my home, I would be the first to volunteer to kitty sit! My Pippa decided it’s much more fun to play fetch with paper balls, so she could teach Jack! It’s just the most fun in the entire world to play fetch with kitties. Pippa doesn’t just go get the paper ball and bring it back, oh no….. there is an acrobatic act on the way there, and all the way back she does a dance with the ball! Just amazing fun… for the cost of kitty litter and kibble.

    How about the Rose Garden at the Griffith Park in Pasadena? Can you imagine all the ladies dressed in Edwardian outfits, with the garden in bloom? There has to be a building there for events? It’s been 27 years since I’ve lived in LA, we took our baby girl there for photos with the roses –I hope they are still there.

    It was so good to see the snow drops, as Spring is coming surely! I join the group of ladies that are ready to put winter behind us. For a California girl, this Midwest winter has become a bit much this year.

    Rhonda, you will be wrapped in prayers by the girlfriends. My sister has one of the worse kinds of cancer, that started 18 years ago. It’s been kept mostly in remission by some great doctors. She even had a “miracle baby” who just turned 15– despite being told it was impossible. Remember, nothing is impossible for God.

    Okay, I will stop, before this is a book! Susan, thanks for the inspiration to keep on working on my dream….. you are quite inspirational!

  26. Beverly Brewer says:

    Oh, Susan, how fun to see the smiling faces at your book-signings! Please remember the English Rose Tea Room where I work in Carefree, AZ , NE of Phoenix ( Here’s some great reasons to “have a think about it”: It is an authentic English Tea Room owned by Joanne Gemmill from Hampshire, England and she has created such a pretty place for all the world to enjoy. It is a natural choice for your highly-anticipated book about the English countryside with all the sweet notations, illustrations, embellishments and delights of your heart and would be the perfect, feminine, British backdrop. We serve our exquisite meals beautifully presented on fine English bone china that is charmingly mis-matched. We have hosted book signings before and usually do a Cream Tea event where each attendee pays a small amount for tea and scones (served with imported clotted cream from Devonshire) while the author chats and signs and answers questions. Recent booksignings have been for an international book about tea and a “might-have-been sequel” to “Pride and Prejudice” from a Jane Austen scholar. A dazzling bonus is the adjacent shop, “Jo London”, which is thoroughly British-themed and full of delights from “merrie-olde-England”! We are limited on space, so that might be a huge drawback from your standpoint of trying to see a maximum amount of devotees in your timeframe. Anyway, I will continue to dream and hope for your presence! P.S.—I love the book already! Thank you!

  27. Jo Hannan says:

    Was so with you on the Queen Mary for Book-signing and Tea, too bad that it didn’t work out.
    Maybe you could come to Powell’s in Portland (Oregon) and we could overwhelm their coffee shop with requests for tea!
    Hope that you get up to the Northwest, have friend, will travel.

  28. Sharon from Alberta Canada says:

    Hi Susan,
    Do you think you will be coming to Canada? or close to the border? Would love to be at a booksigning!

  29. I would love to host an event for you in the 296-seat historical theater (built in 1929) that I manage in a Sacramento, CA community and arts center! We have available dates in October and also a darling room adjacent to the theater, called the Garden Room and Courtyard, where we could serve an afternoon high tea in conjunction with your visit and the book release!! We’re located in a beautiful historical neighborhood that’s centrally located with easy access near major freeways. A great location for you to visit…oh please 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Valerie, this sounds wonderful. I will ask Joe to email you and see what you think might work.

      • Oh yeah!! I’ll look forward to hearing from Joe.

      • Joan Lesmeister says:

        OMG, I’m bouncing in my chair now!!! What a great idea for you to come to Sacramento (I’m 20 minutes away!) on your book tour! And, the train station is right downtown! Valerie, my new best friend, you’re brilliant to think of inviting Susan here! And Susan, yes, it’s a wonderful old theater in a charming neighborhood! Whoopee!!!! Xing fingers & toes! ♥ Joanie

      • Jan from Northern CA says:

        Thanks Valerie! Sacramento would be a great choice for us in Northern CA!. I was searching my brain for possibly something in Chico, but Sacramento has lots of history and would be a wonderful venue. All of us FOSB could get there easily! Hope you and Joe can work something out in the tour schedule!! Keep us posted!!

      • Teryl W says:

        Yahoo, that’s a perfect idea because I live in the area too!! I have many well used Susan books that need an autograph to make them juuuust perfect! Valerie, let me know if I can help in any way.

  30. judy dow says:

    Hi Susan! I am soooo looking forward to getting the book. I don’t think it would be possible for you to visit Granger, Indiana, but Ethel and I will definitely come to the closest signing. It is one of the things on my retirement to do list. The big snow is just starting here. I am wondering and hoping for a school snow day tomorrow. It is such fun to wake up in the morning to the schools closed. I wonder if I will still enjoy it next year when I am retired. I think we had so many more storms when I was young. And many more snow days. The memories are still a thrill. Hot chocolate and cookies fresh out of the oven. Hope that can happen here tomorrow. I think Jack is amazing! How did he ever get his bands under there?? What a clever kittie he is– and so darn cute too!! Well I am rattling. Thanks for all of your hard work for us.

  31. judi says:

    Love your pics from the windows. Oh, heart melting snowdrops….just beautiful. Isn’t nature grand! Smart gal to get your book tour organized before dirt digging time:))

    Feeling a little sniffy as we are sooooo far south. Not a whistle stop area – just a U turn. If you make Orlando there’s the possibility of seeing you:))))) Nov. & Dec. weather down here is lovely whilst most of the rest of the country, not so good !!! TTFN (ta ta for now:)

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, 🙂 all must be done before those flowers pop up and I go stark staring freedom-loving mad with happiness! One thing you have going for you down there, Joe’s brother, who he adores, lives in Palm Beach.

  32. Dawn from Minnesota says:

    Susan? Question. Do you have any reason why you would Not want to be on television? 🙂 We have a local show,Twin Cities Live, and I think a proper English Downton Abbey Susan Branch themed show would be wonderful! My Mom loves this show and I know many others do too….I can see it now….a live studio audience full of hats and tea cups! I may need to get my facts together and see what they think! You could cook a recipe from your book or teach us how to have a proper tea or just look darling! OR…..PBS is always doing a pledge drive in the fall….your book could be a pledge inducer! AND… could be the new Laura Linney….walking into view across the screen ….A Fine Romance casually in your hand….and you begin …..speaking with your head ever-so-slightly sideways…..”tonight we come back to the spellbinding magic……….. of…………….. Downton Abbey!” I really think we could make this happen! 😉 xox

    • sbranch says:

      I’m only a nervous wreck when I do it, other than that, all is well:-) I wish that show was on here!

      • Dawn from Minnesota says:

        You would be adorable! And…I think everytime you saw us girlfriends in the audience….you would get the giggles! Joe could be with you! Besides…’s Minnesota….. 🙂 ! I am going to see what I can do, okay?

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        In the Mid-West we always got some of the NH and MA shows on our PBS stations. You could do a show from MA. 🙂

  33. Carol says:

    Hi Susan,
    I’m hoping you will hold a book signing in my area- Omaha,NE, Sioux Falls,SD or
    Sioux City, Iowa?!
    Your mom looks great and She’s sweet I know, because of all your stories.
    Your dad turns 90! My mom hit that # in January. God bless them!
    Thank you Susan for sharing your life with us.

    • sbranch says:

      God Bless them is right, my mom turns 83 tomorrow!♥

      • Becky Farnsworth says:

        So the balloon on Feb 27 on your calendar every year is for your mom! I’m so glad to know. I always wonder who the special people are who get the balloons. I’ll think of your mom tomorrow when I see it!

        An my prayers go out for you Rhonda! I hope you have many little joyful moments over the coming months to overwhelm the the bad moments!

        • sbranch says:

          Yes it is, and my dad has one, and so does Joe. I started to do the whole family, but the calendar page was getting blotted out! 🙂

      • Julie Marie says:

        Happy Birthday to your mama tomorrow!… she is so pretty and I have loved reading so much about her in all of your books… I lost my mama 30 years ago, much too young… so, since I already adopted your daddy (I lost mine 5 years ago) I am going to adopt your mama… so many of the things she taught you, my mama taught me as well… thank you Susan’s mama for being such a beautiful influence in your daughters life, who is now a beautiful influence in MY life… xoxo… Julie Marie

      • Joan Lesmeister says:

        Happy Birthday to your dear Mom tomorrow! xo

  34. joan d. says:

    book signings sound so much fun! Great photographs, and I LOVE snowdrops – my favorite flower ever, but sadly they don’t want to grow in sunny southern California

  35. Jane B says:

    Oh, I love the photo of your book signing! How about Madison, WI? Lots of lovely “Susan-type” people on the west side………………..great Barnes and Noble there. Or, in early September, at the huge Wisconsin Quilt Expo at the Alliant Center………..very easy access from the interstate…………….Lots of “friends”, customers and others in attendance.

  36. Joann says:

    Dearest Susan,

    Oh my goodness….over the MOON???? Over the UNIVERSE maybe!!!! I can’t tell you how excited I was to meet you—you don’t even know. I felt like I know you so well that you probably know ME so well, too….like you’d recognize in line and ask how Rod is doing!! LOL

    Do you remember how I asked you to sign those ‘when you marry her/him’ lovely pictures you painted? It took another year past that point and then some, but I gave bought of them to my daughter just after Christmas when she got engaged. I know I already told you this, but you’re just a part of the family!! My daughters ask—“How’s Susan doing?” “How’s her book coming along?”

    Yes, you’re the sister I never had but now I do!! Congratulations on all the finishing touches to the book and the excitement of it all coming together….

    What a lovely project…. such excitement. Joe and Girl Kitty and Jack must all be so proud!!!!

    Love from Colorado…………. and yes, we need to get you out here for a book signing….working on it!


    • sbranch says:

      xoxo Joann, it’s been wonderful getting to know you — and through you, the rest of your family! And your dreams, love those too.

  37. Sharon says:

    Oh, Susan, we need you to come down South! I live in Columbia,South Carolina, the capital of our fine state. You might also consider Charlotte, NC or Atlanta, Georgia where you would probably get larger crowds. Please come, please!

  38. Diane from Poulsbo, WA says:

    What an exciting blog….to be able to chat about where you might be able to visit for a booksigning! I know we are very much out of the way in the Pacific Northwest….Poulsbo, to be exact….but I would be willing to travel for the day to some other area in WA….I didnt know if you would be able to visit somewhere over in Seattle or on that side of the water? Barnes and Noble bookstore in Lynnwood, WA would be insanely busy, so if you ended up there, take some aspirin! I wish I knew of other places, but I dont. However, I was wishing I could meet you some day in person, and omgosh….that would be amazing if you ended up somewhere around here for a booksigning…with our other honorary “g-friend”, Joe! I would have to even bring my camera! The good thing about a Barnes and Noble is that they always have coffee, tea and cakes….! 🙂 If it doesnt work out, at the very least, I am still going to receive my wonderful book in the mail…and I have this special blog and way of connecting with you and everyone who loves you too!
    I hope your mother has a wonderful # 83 tomorrow! xoxoxo Diane

  39. Frances Fowler says:

    How lovely it would be to board the Queen Mary for tea and a book signing — but alas, I will be in Georgia (where I will still be having tea!). I need to get my book ordered and am so excited about its future arrival! Your mom looks adorable by your husband, who happens to look like one of the sweetest guys in the world. My daughter’s cat carries the same fascination for elastic hairbands. They can turn up anywhere, except she often looks at the stove, hoping they’ll come out from under there by themselves. Happy birthday to your dad — all ninety wonderful years!

  40. Pamela Jewett says:

    Ahoy, Susan! Lake Tahoe has the Tahoe Queen! It’s a paddle wheel and they do serve beverages and meals. Can you imagine the scenery as we are all toodling around this gorgeous alpine lake? The only drawback is that if more than 200 girlfriends show up, you would have to sign in shifts. Oh well. Not practical. Have to keep our thinking caps on. Love the expression on Jack’s face. It is priceless.
    Blessings to Rhonda.
    xoxo Pam

  41. Susie (NY) says:

    I’ll keep my thinking cap on Susan. I am on Long Island, in New York so I’ll be watching for signs of SB in my neck of the woods. My birthday is 10/7 right in time for the book’s arrival. What a gift it would be to meet you!

  42. Pam says:

    It’s all so exciting. I won’t be able to come to any book signings unless you come back to England 🙂 but I can still share in the excitement.
    I love that photo of Jack, looks like he’s saying “What, ME?” and also love that first photo at the book signing. All those ladies and Joe. He’s a very brave man!

  43. Nancy says:

    I do so enjoy your blog, and all your photos…and of course stories of Jack..such a fun addition to your family! Don’t forget that Pacific International Quilt show happens in Oct in the SF bay area. The Mancuso brothers whom organize and produce the show seem open to lots of possibilities. You might inquire with them. I would love to see you in No Calif!

  44. Jennie says:

    Hi Susan- If only my home was big enough, I’d just have a huge tea party/signing party for all the girlfriends here!
    I’ve hosted teas in my home, but sadly I only have enough teacups for around sixty . . . I keep trying to remedy that problem, but for some odd reason the Husband is not supportive . . . now, why would that be? 😉
    I’m picturing my ‘tween’ and teen sons and their friends all dressed up in tuxes, waiting on all the women while you sign away- And the boys are all very polite and charming and willing to clean up . . . yes, I think my book signing fantasy may be even more implausible then the Queen Mary! 😉
    Well, whatever you come up with, it would be a dream come true to make it somewhere to meet you in person! If only Jack and Girl could come do paw print signings, too!

  45. Mary in Phoenix says:

    Tea on the Queen Mary sounds absolutely splendid … but have you ever thought of having tea in Carefree, AZ … just a hop, skip and a jump (and about 90 miles down the freeway) from your dad’s? I have taken tea in many tea shops throughout the country and think the English Rose Tea Room is the closest thing to an English tea here in the states! The proprietor is from England and makes the whole experience thoroughly enjoyable and memorable. Just think how a Fine Romance book signing would be perfect in an authentically English tea shop! Check it out at: Excited you will be in AZ and think you should stop on your way to AND from CA … as fall in our state is breathtaking. Perhaps a stop at the well-known Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe along with tea in Carefree! How sweet you plan to celebrate with your dad … and happy birthday to your mom tomorrow! My lovely mother (who was the recipient of your special Emma mug) turned 95 on Saturday 🙂

    • Beverly Brewer says:

      Thank you, Mary, for your kind words about the English Rose Tea Room! I work there, so perhaps I’ve helped you on one of your visits. I mentioned to Susan, also, the possibility of coming to Carefree. BTW, the Tea Room is open seven days a week, Susan, if that helps when you do your scheduling. Years ago, on an old “I Love Lucy” episode, Lucy was trying to map out an itinerary for a cross -country trip and the map ended up having giant zigging and zagging lines all over it as she tried to accommodate all the places to visit!

  46. Mary in Phoenix says:

    Now I’m back-peddling and see that Beverly from the English Rose Tea already wrote! If there’s a will there’s a way 🙂

  47. Carol C says:

    I love the Queen Mary idea but live in Tn so would love someplace near here. Several years ago I went to a tea/talk/booksigning with Jan Karon (Have you read her Mitford books?) It was sponsored by Victoria Mag and was held at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta. We paid admission and I think it was pricy, maybe $50 or more, but the place was packed. I’m sure you’ll pull just as big or bigger crowd! Also thought of The Heart of the Country Antique Show in Nashville– the name kinda goes with The Heart of the Home! Please come to the Southeast!!

    • judy says:

      Let’s not forget that Nashville has “Cheekwood” Museum/Mansion and Botanical gardens–a large, stately mansion that hosts the annual “Swan Ball” for over 800 attendees. It could surely house this event and it could be done as a fundraiser. The “Pineapple Tea Room” is on site and is accustomed to serving crowds an afternoon tea! The gardens are beautiful all year. Judy

      • sbranch says:

        This morning I got an email from a nice bookstore in Danville, CA — two of our girlfriends called them (apparently) and asked him to invite me, and he did! It’s working! Good job girls!

  48. Kristen says:

    Susan, maybe you should do a new book on the 50 states while doing book signings, then there should be no excuse for us all to see you! Although it might take a while, I’m just sure you could fine tons of yummy recipes and enchanted places to see in each state…I know, it would be a huge project, but just by asking you could probably find all kinds of neat places to visit. 🙂

  49. Susan Ericksen of Bainbridge Island, Washington says:

    If you did get up to the Pacific Northwest and did a book signing here, maybe the next step would be a trip up to Victoria, B.C.- That is the MOST English city in all of Canada….There are many places there that would be proud to have you signing your new book….What an honor for them, and for you! Just a thought! Victoria is such an AWESOME city. Everything is English and you and Joe, of all people would adore it! Check it out on the net!!!!! xoxo

  50. Susan Ericksen of Bainbridge Island, Washington says:

    If you did get up to the Pacific Northwest and did a book signing here, maybe the next step would be a trip up to Victoria, B.C.- That is the MOST English city in all of Canada….There are many places there that would be proud to have you signing your new book….What an honor for them, and for you! Just a thought! Victoria is such an AWESOME city. Everything is English and you and Joe, of all people would adore it! Check it out on the net!!!!! xoxo They even have high tea at the Empress Hotel…and it is a must!!!!

    • Elizabeth in Montana says:

      I LOVE Victoria! We’ve been there twice on cruises…my husband proposed to me in front of the Empress Hotel! ::)

      • sbranch says:

        I’ve only seen beautiful pictures, have always wanted to go!

        • Susan Ericksen of Bainbridge Island, Washington says:

          Isn’t it LOVELY! I have been there so many times and I never tire of it….So many memories of Victoria…from the first time, my cousin and I went alone…I was 16 and she was 13 on the Princess Margurite that sailed from Seattle to Victoria…We went up for the day…back in those carefree and safe days…could never do it today at that age! So fun and we would rent a state room coming home on the ship…so we could read movie magazines and eat chocolates from Rogers Chocolates…..FAB times! and that was just the beginning !!!!! So many English Shops….English China shops, Tartan shops, Pubs, Tea shops, English clothing shops, Museums, Toussad Wax Museum, Buchart Gardens and so much more!!!!! Oh, so LOVERLY!

  51. Holly says:

    oh– just had another idea for the book signings! There are thousands of beautiful Universities around the country that all have writing programs. Pick a city/town, find a school, contact the department head, and they may even host it for free. My daughter is a department head at Univ of Seattle, but in bioengineering… wouldn’t help you, but she hosts events for outside speakers sometimes. I think it would work!

  52. Maureen says:

    I hope you have a book signing somewhere in New Jersey. My girlfriends and I would love to go. And I just want you to know that I have been thinking about the coconut cake I will be making for Easter. Can’t wait!

  53. Charlene H. (S.F.Valley) SoCal says:

    Dear Susan…you are so smart to post your book-signing wishes here! I love, love, love reading the suggestions! Valerie Burrows’ invitation to an historic venue in Sacramento, California sounds wonderful! Becky Maggio with “four acres and a bayou breeze” in Louisiana. WOW. Well, dear Susan, you are loved and appreciated. Thank you for maintaining this blog while busily writing your book. What wonderful gatherings these book signings will be! ♡♡♡

    • sbranch says:

      We’ve gone this far together on this book, no reason to stop now! It’s going to be so fun to go to these book talks and finally meet everyone!

  54. Sandy Malsberger says:

    Hi Susan, hope that Orlando is on your list of sites to visit!

    Just minutes ago I received a box of your wonderful books that my mother-in-law Charlotte Malsberger (she sent you a letter when her husband passed away and you saved it and kept it in your office) is giving to my daughter Susan. She has included all of your previous newsletters from years ago as well as a letter you wrote to her in response to her letter to you. Susan does not know that her grandmother is passing the books and newsletters to her, and she will be beyond excited! Charlotte also gave me ALL of your books, but I will not pass mine onto my grandaughters until they can appreciate them since one is six years old and the other will be born in May (she will also be named Charlotte Malsberger). So… wonderful is it that your books are now being passed to a third generation family member!

    • Janet [in Rochester] says:

      Sandy, your family has very exciting [future] episode of “Antiques Roadshow” in the works here! I love it when things are passed on down too – I have some of my grandmothers’ cookbooks from WWII, the Depression and even earlier that I treasure… :>)

      • Sandy Malsberger says:

        Hi Janet, we do not know of family members in the antiques business. However, it is always a possibility. It would be very interesting to find new family members. Thanks so much for letting me know, and I agree that books and cookbooks passed down from one generation to the next is wonderful.

  55. Karen Z Victoria, Australia says:

    Dear Sue, what a lovely lot of chatter and suggestions you got from the “Girlfriends” today! Wish I had an idea for you. I don’t read all the comments but I did see the one from Rhonda D. and wanted her to know that I wish her all good thoughts as she fights her cancer. Humour is often an important ingredient in much of what happens in life, it seems to lighten the load a little, and of course a dose of the Susan Branch blog. OXO

  56. Arlinda says:

    I am excited about A Fine Romance!

  57. sooooooooooooooo exciting, Susan 🙂 Havnig your book signing there is absolutely perfect. I’m sure you knew you had the perfect idea when you thought of it. like that missing piece of the puzzle fitting into place 🙂

    Happy Birthday to your day 🙂 Have a nice time visiting him <3

  58. Since the ship is out, perhaps you should consider High Tea at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, B.C. Canada. If you’ve never been, I’m sure you’d love Victoria. It’s almost as English as England and autumn is especially lovely. Do come.

  59. Jacquelyn Wirthlin Las Vegas, NV says:

    Would love to have seen you at the Queen Mary … but believe I heard that it was haunted during one of the times we toured it in Long Beach! Who knew … lol. A venue in the Seattle area would be wonderful and SoCal too. Being “reverse snowbirds” we summer in the northwest and winter in the southwest but will eagerly travel to see you. Happy Birthday to your mama and also thinking of Jack and his upcoming birthday in August.

  60. nancy says:

    Hey Susan, so excited to hear that you will be visiting western states. I hope that includes Oregon, specifically Portland. One of my daughters is taking me to visit New England, including Martha’s Vineyard, in late September. I’m hoping that you won’t be in the Northwest at that time. It would be just awful if you were in my neck of the woods while I am visiting yours. I do not want to miss an opportunity to meet you. The inspiration and comfort I get from your blog means so much to me, and the pictures you post are always so beautiful!! Thank You!

    • sbranch says:

      I know we will be on the road in September, not sure exactly where yet, but you are choosing the most perfect time to come to New England. Watch out, you are about to make yourself homesick for the rest of your life! xoxo

  61. Emily says:

    If you head out to the Midwest, stop in Pittsburgh on your way!

  62. Jennifer Waltzer says:

    Hi Susan, I’m thrilled you are going to be coming to Southern California. Too bad about the Queen Mary – that was a great idea! Hopefully some connection will make it work. But there is an English tea shop in Santa Monica – Tudor House. Not sure if it’s quite big enough, but it’s a thought. There are also several English pubs in Santa Monica – Ye Olde Kings Head, Cock n Bull, Britannia, etc. They may not have much going on & be willing to host on a Sunday afternoon – unless of course there might be a football game or something… Looking forward to getting my book and seeing you this fall!

  63. Jennifer Waltzer says:

    There is also a tea room at the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena. And you might want to call the Queen Mary back and ask what events they have booked in the September/October time frame. If any of them sound like a good match you could then contact the organizers about including you in their event.

  64. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~ Good Evening~
    It was so spring ~like looking at your snowdrops~ ours won’t be visible for awhile as we here in SE Wisconsin are having yet another winter storm ~ up to 8+ this time!
    You would love Autumn here or in Door County~The Cape Cod of the Midwest~ which would almost be like being home~ lots of really charming places here and there! ~Just my 2 cents!~ XO~ Lynn

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      Hi again~
      I know of a place in Door county ~Ellison Bay, Wisconsin~ called The Clearing Folk School.
      I know they offer many different classes there but I am not sure if they rent out any of the buildings to the general public. ……. Just a thought….. AND if you every happen to be around Door County in the future maybe you be an instuctor and teach a writing or watercolor class or both?? Here is their website address~ THECLEARING.ORG
      ~Happy Wednesday!~

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      You got that right Lynn. It truly is beautiful! I have often said we have everything the New England states have except Mountains (If you don’t count Rib Mtn.) and Lobsters. In WI we have maple syrup and cheese (VT), covered bridges and a big lake (NH), a rocky bluffs (MN) and sand dunes (Cape Cod, MA), Cranberries (MA), fishing and nautical and Naval history (CN and RI). I am homesick. I never felt homesick the five years I lived in NE, except when folks said I had a funny accent! Excuse me, I have Rs!! LOL

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        Next to Rocky Bluffs it should be ME. It did try to edit it, but my blog went away.

        • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

          Well, MN has rocky bluffs, too, Margot so you weren’t too far wrong! 🙂

          • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

            Ah yes, good old Lake Superior! It is the only sailing water that keeps my Welsh brother-in-law happy up there. LOL He told me HELL is not hot, it is freezing!!!

      • Lynn McMahon says:

        I have heard that I ” talk funny” too! ~ We are pretty lucky here in Wisconsin! ~ Don’t forget Kringle & Ligonberry jam!~
        ~Nice to hear from you Margot!~

        • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

          If I only had a Kringle from Racine! Yum!!! I was hoping to get home the end of March, but due to the Sequestering “Hunny” will not be getting off the ship when it pulls into port next week. That is better than the alternative!

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            I was at O&H today and they had Irish Creme Kringle.
            My friend bought one~ I bought Irish soda bread instead~Trying to be good! ~I know you can have them shipped but $$$! Sorry about you & your hubby’s situation~ so mant people are in the same boat~ no pun intended.
            Take care!

          • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

            Oh, you are “punny”, Lynn! We love the cherry kringle from Racine–our “Door County fix” every once in a while here in St. Paul! 🙂 Margot–check and see what it would cost to have them ship it to you… 🙂 (and no pun intended with “ship”!) 🙂

  65. Tracy Jones says:

    Hi Sue,
    So nice to see a picture of the Plymouth Book Store signing! I drove 2 1/2 hours to see you speak and it was fantastic. I have a lovely picture of the two of us that I treasure. I also treasure having met Margot there, too. A very special day for me!
    xo Tracy

  66. Janet from Pgh, Pennsylvania says:

    Let me start by saying….”I cannot wait for the book!!!!” : ) Also, there is the most lovely (locally-owned) book store, called the Penguin Book Shop in Sewickley, PA (a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). It is located about 20 minutes Southwest of the city. Ree Drummond of Pioneer Woman had a very nice signing there last spring. We were out the door and the down the block. It was wonderful and we met so many nice people from near and far. I have always felt this bookstore would be the most perfect setting for you to have a booksigning. It oozes charm. I will keep my fingers crossed and bring absolutely everyone I know if my dream comes true. : ) Take Care!

  67. Jody says:

    How about a book signing at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota? I would be there with bells on!

    • sbranch says:

      Wow, that would be amazing. I love Mount Rushmore! Who doesn’t! SO beautiful up there, I can just smell it now!

  68. Chrissy Thrower says:

    I love just knowing how excited you are to get up each day and continue to work on The
    (‘OUR’ )book! It makes it even more wonderful to wait for because it is such a work of HEART!
    My Birthday was last week and my darling husband ordered it up for my Birthday present! However, he had his name in the ‘shipped to’. I told him if the books get signed that HE is NOT one of the girlfriends! LOL I guess he will be now.
    I do wish you would consider coming to Fort Wayne,Indiana! We do not have any ships here. We are quite landlocked, but, I am sure you have many girlfriends in the area! I even met one in a local book store a few months ago! I’ll have to check into area events for the fall. California’s tea is just too far away for me!
    Love Jack’s hiding place..he is the smartest cat ever! XXOOXO

  69. Sharon Henson says:

    OH YES — the Queen Mary please! I live in Bakersfield and it would be wonderful to meet you there and have my book signed! Love your blog posts & Willard so much. Thanks!

  70. Daralyn Ruchalski says:

    I love your grand ideas for book signings! What fun. I am going to contact book stores here in Sonoma county and near by Marin county. Perhaps they can come up with a venue for you. I would love to see you here, I just know you would love Sonoma county!

    I just received my “faith can move a mountain” pendant. I can’t wait to wear it, I am not sure why I waited so long to order it!

    Have a great day, thank you for sharing another bit of your life, I find myself telling people about the things I read here and tell them, “my friend ….”

  71. JoAnn from SoCal says:

    So love your phrase, “we are the normal ones.” Indeed, we are! By hook or by crook I will be at one of your book signings. Can’t wait!

  72. Linda Thomson says:

    Hi Susan, I just drove past the Queen Mary in Long Beach yesterday! I was down there taking my daughter to lunch who is going to college in the area. It was sunny, warm and beautiful! Well I am thinking of a beautiful place in Corona California for a book signing. It is conveniently located right off the 91 and 15 freeways. It is called the Lemonia Grove. The grooves had been established over 110 years ago, much of the grooves have disappeared over the years but there is a beautiful home with a wrap around porch (where you could do your signing) is surrounded by lush grounds, lemon trees, a rose garden and an original carriage house. It is a stunning setting. It is sometimes used for a wedding venue but I took a small mother/daughter mentoring group there for a “Prairie picnic!” We brought old quilts to sit on and packed our lunches in baskets. Perhaps you could have a book signing there and it could be something along the lines of a boxed lunch event… You would love it (since my Dad doesn’t own the Queen Mary!!!) We could look into that 🙂

  73. Pat Johnson of Paso Robles says:

    Another AMAZING entry, Ms. Susan! I don’t know if you realize that you are my hero. When I get down in the dumps (& we all know what that is like), I just think about my BFF in Martha’s Vineyard and how talented she is and how she reaches out to all of us BFF’s and makes our day a lot brighter. Thinking about the book and the blog you did a few days ago on the castle, makes me close my eyes and take that trip all over again. My, my, how I loved that trip!! Keep up the FANTASTIC work – sending love your way, & Joe’s way, & Kitties way – love the Snow Drops!!! Right now Paso Robles is getting the flowers back on the trees – white & pink and wonderful – Spring is coming – please no frost!!

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Pat, thank you so much. On my calendar, always right around March 17 if I remember correctly, I used to make a special trip up to Templeton, then go east a bit where there are hillsides of flowering trees, I think they might be pears, but they go on and on. This is the place for YOU! I was looking at trees at this place when I found the orchards….then lunch at McPhees and my favorite, crispy tempura shrimp, spicy peanut sauce and asian slaw!! YUM! Say Hi to Ian for me!

  74. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi susan!!! love this very exciting and joyful post today!! I know I live in a “fly-over” state.. ( St. Louis, Missouri) but since you don’t fly much (at all?)….I want you to know that we have a great train station and terrific roads that could bring you right here!!!! We have a huge Barnes and Noble in West County Center that would serve quite nicely. Centrally located and easy to get to. We also have several lovely smaller communites that host fall festivals. Kimmswick, Missouri is about 40 miles south of St. Louis and they have a wonderful Apple Butter Festival in October…(Oct 26-27, 2013) and St. Charles, Missouri has a delightful historic district right on the Missouri riverfront that’s filled with speciality shops and restaurants. They have a lovely tea room..Miss Aimee B’s and one of the shops specializes in English goods. It’s called The English Shop…. There is an Octoberfest in the fall and they are famous for their Christmas Festival over the holiday season. I would be more than happy to help you find a spot in the St. Louis area….you have many a fan here…In a pinch, you are always welcome in my livingroom…… xo love, cindy

  75. Nellie says:

    How I would love it if I could be at a book signing, Susan! A tea party sounds lovely! Is there a place in Massachusetts that might be a good site for that event? Wouldn’t the Publick House in Sturbridge be a great setting? I might even make plans for a trip there.:-)

    We have had lots of rain and now have cooler temperatures. Not much in the way of snow this season, and time is quickly passing for our chance.

    I send along good wishes to you as you finalize that book.

    xo Nellie

  76. Cynthia Pfledderer says:

    I do hope you can come to the Dallas area. I know our Barnes and Noble in Southlake hosts many top author signings, such a Rick Riordan, Jewel, Jeff Kinney, and others. The Dallas Museum of Art also hosts authors as part of their BooksmArt program, which may be a very nice tie-in for your art. As a partnering Library with them I’ve promoted many of their programs such as Anthony Horowitz, Corneila Funke, Sarah Dessen and others. I would love to have the chance to promote one of your events so I hope you’ll think about it. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I will Cynthia … we’ll be trying to contact the different venues in the next months . . . a lot will depend on how accessible they are. Thank you for that wonderful idea!

  77. Jennifer P says:

    I sat next to your mom and Joe at the talk you gave for your Autumn book in Pasadena. Joe got up and took pictures for most of the time. Your mom was really sweet and funny 🙂 Can’t wait for the next time!!

  78. MICHELLE says:

    HI SUSAN ,

  79. Marion Rose says:

    Good evening Susan, You had my imagination going strong hearing about a “Tea’ and Book signing on the Queen Mary! Wish that could happen for so many of our girlfriends!!!. I only wish we had a ship on the east coast like the Queen. I sent you my idea for a speaking and book signing here on the Cape, hope it will come true. Susan, isn’t wonderful so many of your girlfriends
    praying for Rhonda D! Rhonda, we all hold you in our hearts and pray you will be well soon. Our snow is melting, hope I can see our snowdrops tomorrow . It is a wonder that they can live under the snow. They had grown to about 2 inches before the Blizzard. Good night my friend

  80. Suzanne says:

    I have been meaning to email you about hosting a signing here at my quilt shop in Bakersfield, CA and here you are asking for ideas…it’s a sign, it must be a sign! Seriously we’d love to have you here this fall. So many of your girlfriends are my girlfriends. It would be great fun!
    Strawberry Patches

  81. Julie (Omaha) says:

    Hi Susan,
    Would you prefer a small independent bookstore or larger such as Barnes and Noble?
    I’m here in Omaha and would love to be the first to welcome you! If there is anything I can do, ie talking to the bookstore manager, please let me know! In the meantime I’ll keep thinking of ideas of a venue that would be a bit more “cozier” than bookstore, ie Joslyn Castle here in town is a beautiful old mansion – that would be perfect!
    Ready to help,
    (My husband says hi, per your comment in previous blog 🙂 )

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, as long as it’s comfortable for people to go to, that’s all I care about. Thank you Julie, Omaha!

  82. Michele Stuart says:

    Hi Susan!
    What a kick it was to open your blog today and see the picture of the Flying Geese Quilt Guild. I was there, I’m sitting all the way in the back with two of my dear friends. We had such a wonderful time that evening and it was a thrill to speak with you and have my book signed. And it was extra special because your Mom and Joe were there, too. Here’s hoping we meet again in the Fall.

  83. Tracee Stewart says:

    I think you need to hit North Carolina on your tour! Somewhere in the Piedmont Triad region!(Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point….) Charlotte,Raleigh and Wilmington are some other bigger cities, but far away from me! lol… I vote for NC!!……… I just love your Jack! His expressions are so cute! (and my cat, Baby, has an obsession with hair bands too!) Loved the snow drops pictures!

  84. Kirsten Wichert says:

    Oh, Susan!!!! The Queen Mary would have been perfect! It’s about 10 minutes from me! Who knew it would be so expensive? Wow. I hope another place close by will work out. The weather here should be gorgeous (still summery). My friends and I are so excited that you are coming to sign the books. You are right, of course, it will be time before you know it so we’ll be looking and trying to help. Meanwhile, now you know where Jack keeps his favorite things! Cats are so funny that way. When my cat stares for too long, I have to look for a spider or something because she always has a reason for staring. It’s going to be 80 degrees here this week!

  85. Janet Tentler says:

    Brillant Idea! I love the Queen Mary idea! Oh Well… We’ll be in SLO (just like we were at the Flying Geese Quilt Guild and I can see us in the audience). Speaking of the Queen Mary … did you know there is a Princess Diana exhibit there?? and will be there for a little while, hopefully til you and your mom get a chance to go!

    • sbranch says:

      How fun Janet! I just found out the Queen Mary charges $30 just to go on board, which, if you have tea or eat dinner, they take off your bill … plus they charge $18 for parking! Maybe if we sell a couple hundred thousand copies of A Fine Romance we can have a tea there sometime in the future! I’m still taking my mom, I know it will be special!

  86. Sue says:

    What a fun post!
    I don’t know if anyone suggested Lancaster County, PA for a book signing, but that would be neat! We have a Barnes & Noble here. Also we have a “boat” 🙂 called the Fulton Steamboat Inn. It is a lovely place! I’ve included a link to their website as well as a link to Trip Advisor where you can read more about it. The same people own the Steamboat as own the Eden Resort here in Lancaster. The Eden is a very popular wedding venue and a lovely place for other events as well.

    I love your snow pics — but Jack is even better! 🙂 Trying to look so innocent yet he can’t hide the mischief that shines from him!:)

    Oh and by the way, there are lots of old barns here in southeastern PA. I know you love them. If you come, I can tell you where they are…………:)

    Here are the links — I hope you can come.

  87. Dorothy Valcarcel says:

    There is a wonderful bookstore in Phoenix, Arizona called “Changing Hands” and that would be a terrific place to have a book signing. They really turn their signings into clever “events” and you might find they would do the same for you and all your pals in the desert southwest.

  88. Anna from Herefordshire (originally from Pennsylvania) says:

    Susan, How about a tea party with a Queen Mary theme? A wedding caterer may be able to help with that. Perhaps there is a venue close to the ship? Wish I could attend any of the signings you will be doing. It all sounds like so much fun.

  89. judi says:

    Having local TV interviews on afternoon talk shows along the way from east to west would, of course, reach the largest audience. Also, local public radio stations would be a real plus too.

    Happy Birthday to your wonderful Mom. Thank you for the amazing gift of your caring, talented, sweet daughter!

  90. Asha says:

    Hi Susan! So happy to get your blog! Jack, birdie peeking aroung the bird feeder and snow drops! Who could ask for more???? We are getting more snow here today in central Mass. Winter just won’t quit! Hope to meet you at one of your book signings in the Northeast. Take care!

  91. Cynthia says:

    Dear Susan,

    I’m so excited for your new book! We all would love if you came to the quaint North Shore of Long Island, NY. There’s a wonderful (very special) bookstore called The Book Review (In Huntington, NY). My town 🙂 I’m not sure if you’ve been there before ( I met you at Micheals craft store years ago) but I know you’d love it! It’s had so many famous authors through its doors, and even past Presidents and their wives. So of course, it HAS to have you too!! I sure hope you can add it to your list!! I’d love to see you in person again!

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead and happy creating 🙂

    Hugs and love, Cynthia xo

    • sbranch says:

      I did, I just added to my list, thank you so much Cynthia!

    • Phyl D. says:

      Yes, Susan, please come to Book Revue in Huntington, NY!!! Not only is this a charming bookstore in an equally charming town on the North Shore of L.I., but there’s also a wonderful English Pub/Restaurant directly across the street from the book store called “Canterbury Ales” that you and Joe might enjoy stopping in for a bite to eat. Actually, there are quite a few tasty restaurants and fun shops to check out in Huntington – please come our way and make a day of it. Thanks to Cynthia and Cheers!

  92. Anne Branco says:

    The Queen Mary was an absolutely brilliant idea! Oh well, I’m sure WHATEVER you do will be absolutely wonderful!! Please, please think about coming somewhere in Maine. We have LOTS of lovely places that would be spectacular for a tea party. I’ll put my thinking cap on. Of course you know I’m being TOTALLY selfish and I want you to come somewhere close to me so that my friends and I can meet you. It would be so much fun to have one of our “Girlfriends Field Trips”. The pictures of the snow drops were charming. It will be a while yet before we see them here. We’re expecting more snow today but that also brings lots of opportunities to go out and play in the white stuff. Have a great day! Anne

  93. Vicki Panzarino says:

    So looking forward to the book! Hope you can stop over somewhere in NJ for a book signing…..what fun it would be to meet you in person. All my girlfriends and I would be there cheering you on!

  94. Janet [in Rochester] says:

    Everyone is getting into the act! I love it! It’s been SO much fun reading all creative ideas everyone has for book events. It’s like there are little satellite “Branches” of your studio popping up all across the country! And you couldn’t have ORDERED more enthusiastic staffers! Although at the rate they’re being proposed, I don’t think your events itinerary will have you back home on the Island until sometime near the end of the Obama administration…

    I guess no matter what species, we are all just so darned proud of our babies. And that’s how it should be. Jack, the little dickens – those antics and that face! He is just too much – exactly the right amount!

    LOVED the photo of the little cardinal craning his neck around the bird feeder – my vote for SB Blog Photo of the Year [so far]. What a great shot for a captioning contest! Think I’ll print this one out and see what the Fives can come up with… Have a great day! Less than a month of “official” Winter left now… :>)

    [Sending this comment again since original sent Tues pm apparently eaten by ravenous digital gremlins].

  95. Mardell Lamb says:

    Hi Susan,
    I really enjoyed reading about your book signings & the pictures are great! No wonder you have so much fun.

    Cute story about Mr. Jack! My cat goes crazy over my earplugs. I wondered why they kept disappearing off my nightstand! Then I’d find them in my shoes. Thought I was going crazy. Yes, they’re her new thing now. And she loves to “lose” them under the washer. I get the help of my trusty ruler to fish them out. She gets as excited as a dog finding his ball!

    Good luck planning your signings. Love your ideas so far!
    Have a wonderful day.

  96. Sharon Byars says:

    Thinking about your idea of the Queen Mary and the expense, how about a location adjacent to the ship? Tonight, in San Luis Obispo, Cuesta College is hosting Vanessa Diffenbaugh, author of The Language of Flowers. It is going to be in the performing arts center, so plenty of room. Long Beach would certainly have several possibilities in the area considering the size of the city. After her signing, the college is also hosting a flower arranging class to keep in the theme. Just a thought if you could get a local school to donate space.

  97. Linda from Lancaster Co. PA says:

    Dear Susan and Girlfriends,
    I love the pictures of the snowdrops!! Mine are up also, but not with the snow on the ground–just rain, but somehow the magic is gone if you call them “raindrops”! Yours look beautiful.

    And I was just thinking–I need another “Jack Fix” and amazingly (because that’s what you are)you gave us an adorable Jack story and picture! You are so in tune with your Girlfriends! (Of course, when would a picture of Jack NOT be appreciated!!)

    I know I mentioned Lancaster, PA before (and I know another girlfriend suggested it earlier in the comments), but I am giving it another plug. Also, Lititz, PA (where I live!), just 15 minutes away is Charm Itself!! Just voted “America’s Coolest Small Town” through a Budget Travel contest. The warmth and coziness, history and friendliness of this town would envelop all who would come. There is a bookstore. I just need to get more information. What do you think?

    So proud of you Sue, for keeping focused on our lovely book and still being able to keep us happy with your postings!! The end is in sight!
    Love ya,

    • sbranch says:

      It sounds wonderful! Yes, thank you, the end is in sight!

    • Janet [in Rochester] says:

      Linda – you’re so right about Lititz! One of my brothers lives in Pottsville and we sometimes get over to Lititz when we visit him. :Love it! :>)

  98. Tammy W says:

    Just what I needed this morning! We’ve had several dark and dreary days here in NC, and the sun is finally peaking out this morning. But I was still feeling a little dreary myself-until I opened my homepage (your site) and found the newest blog post! Made my morning! Will keep my eye out for some events here in the south. Would love to finally meet you after years of being a fan!

  99. cynthia says:

    Susan, wherever you go all us girlfriends will follow. I have already put the bug in hubby’s ear about California. He is retiring after 39 years as a policeman in May!! Yay!!! So we thought Cali was duable. In the meantime one of his retired friends offered him a partime job at our soon to be completed stadium. Since most of the CFL(Cdn Football) games are between May to Nov., I casually remarked we wouldn’t be able to make the signing. Well, since you’re such an important person he is giving this much consideration. I’ll wait to see where you ‘ll be in the country and plan accordingly! The anticipation is worth every minute of waiting!!

  100. Janine McCluskey says:

    Good Morning Susan, Wow by the look of all your girlfriends responding to your new book I would say an afternoon tea and book signing on the Queen Mary in Long Beach will be very well received. All of us would be happy to pay whatever cost for tea to enjoy an afternoon with you. Maybe your wonderful publisher could spring for the room rental? Great idea!! I know you will have many more wanting to go then 200-300 of your girlfriends… excited for your visit to California and I really hope it works out for tea….all the best, Janine

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