Happy Earth Day!

If this was all there was, the full magic of nature here on earth, I would still be amazed and over-the-moon grateful for the gift.

But it isn’t, it’s only the barest beginning, because we are lucky enough to share the planet with a million other miracles besides ourselves and daffodils.

Earth Day is my second favorite holiday after Valentine’s Day.  (Not counting Christmas and Thanksgiving!)  What makes more sense for us to celebrate than this blessed ground we walk on that gives us all we need to survive? 

The sky takes my breath away almost every day . . . when it’s clear, I feel like I can see depths to the ends of eternity.

The sound of the seagulls, the lapping of water at the shore turns my eyes to heaven and fills them with tears of gratitude, because I am truly, deeply, madly

Does this not just touch your heart?  There is no other pink like this.  This is why the word “delicate” had to be invented, for cherry blossoms.  Did you know that Japan gave America 3,000 cherry trees and they are all planted together in Washington, DC?  They are, click HERE to see them.  Did I hear someone say, “road trip?”

Which is what we took yesterday, a mini road trip when Joe came to me, smooshed into the couch, smothered in blankets and kitty fur and said, “Don’t you think you need an airing?”  (I love it that he calls it an airing.)  It’s been a long time since I’ve been out of the house, still getting better from this cold, but I couldn’t quite get up fast enough, get my jacket and scarf and camera and run to the door panting with joy while he got into his hat and coat.  We stopped for coffee at the Scottish Bakehouse, we looked at fruit trees in bloom at Vineyard Gardens nursery and then we went to Squibnocket Beach, where we sat for a while to watch the seagulls and the waves.

We drove under the leafless trees, past the greening meadows along roadsides clustered with bunches of daffodils, puttering along, enjoying the way the curving land brought us close to small harbors, little boats, and water views, heading up-island to Menemsha, a tiny fishing village you might recognize if you saw the movie Jaws.

This is it . . . a sleepy little fishing village.

We wandered around, walked out to the end of the pier, watched boats come and go, checked out the deserted beach, taking pictures of little things … like this boat full of lobster traps.

And this fishing-shack window where someone keeps his lures.  (Lots of reflections in the window.)

And this pile of scallop shells outside another old shack with the Menemsha fishing fleet in the background.

Thoughts of lobster and scallops made us hungry.  We stopped in the miniature half-block-long village to choose something for dinner at the fish market (the one that used to be Poole’s, for you island regulars), the freshest fish in the world I would guess, since the boats pull right up at the pier outside that back door.

Here’s their menu … you can buy the fish raw, take it home and cook it yourself, or they will cook it for you.  The reason they call their lobster dinners the “Sunset Special” ….

… is because of this.  Menemsha Fish Markets are popular in the summer because they’re within walking distance of the beach where you can take your steamed lobsters and clams, raw oysters and cold slaw (bring your own salad, strawberries and wine) and have dinner on the beach, watch the kids skip rocks into the water, swim to remove lobster juices, and watch one of the prettiest sunsets anywhere.

It’s a regular summer pastime here, this gift from God.  For my dad’s 65th birthday, we came here for sunset, brought a table and chairs, and had a feast.

A little too chilly for us on the beach last night so we brought our lobsters home and ate them here.  I’m sure you all are beginning to think that the only things I eat are lobsters and Chicken Soup!  It isn’t true (which is too bad), but those are two of my favorites which I could eat every day.  Especially because, since the minute I got sick, I vowed to take advantage of the fact and change the way I was eating.  I mean, if you’re going to be sick, you might as well get something out of it!  Like the chance of setting a new routine and saying goodbye to a couple of pounds.  (Not from starvation, don’t you ever worry that would happen with me! 🙂 but just from not drinking half and half anymore.)  I only want healthy things now, no more cream in my tea (for now), no more wine (the easy part); I cut out most of the cookies (only one for afternoon tea, a delicious gluten-free ginger cookie we buy at the store called “Mi-Dell” with 24 calories each — I really look forward to that, in case you can’t tell :-)); ice cream Drumsticks, another afternoon “snack” I love, are out, and I guess I don’t even have to tell you about french fries, garlic bread, and potato pancakes.  I doubled my blueberry and pink grapefruit intake and halved the size of my dinner plate.  I’m not going to say what I weigh, but I will tell you that I gained TEN POUNDS during the writing of our book over the winter.  Oh yeah.  Did you do that too?  Joe came close!  So, for example, at breakfast this morning I had three eggs, but only one yolk (watching calories) with minced green onions on top.  And you know what, YUM!  I loved it, and it was enough.  The lobster last night was with lemon juice (from the California trees that the girls sent me for my birthday) and steamed broccoli.  It was delicious and healthy, the kind of food that (as the old commercial used to go) “makes strong bones twelve ways”.  I removed all the animal fat from the stock in the Chicken soup so it’s pure vegetables and protein that just happens to taste like heaven.  I’m going to keep food really simple for now, and combine it with a springtime emphasis on fresh air, movement, and exercise to shrink my appetite a bit, reduce calorie intake and inspire more sleeping time, because I am not going on the road with these pounds on me.  No girls, I need to wear the cute clothes in order to be happy.  Some pounds yes, these pounds NO.  And I’m feeling better every day.  So excited to get to the garden, to walk our walk, to go pick up the mail on foot and watch the roses bloom on picket fences, to enjoy the greatest gift of all, nature, and it’s all starting to happen now.  Pretty soon we’ll have fresh healthy homegrown vegetables, herbs, and strawberries, crisp and juicy from the garden and wild blueberries from the woods.  Ahhhh, girlfriends, here come the glory days. Happy, Happy Earth Day to you all!  xoxo

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600 Responses to THE GIFT

  1. Ann says:

    Funny thing, I gained 10 pounds too over the winter! The pants that used to be falling off are now getting snug. But like you I know how to eat the right way and that I just need to stop giving myself so many “treats” throughout the day. (Treats for dogs only!) I’ve had a lot of family stress lately, but I won’t let them get me down and gain all the weight I’ve lost back. Your lovely beach pics reminded me that our annual Nantucket vacation is in two months and I need every one of those days to get back in shape. We can do this!

  2. Vicki in Cincy says:

    Happy Earth Day to you too! It is a beautiful day here, with sunny skies, temps near 60. You will lose your weight quickly by just eliminating those few things from your diet. I stopped using creamer with my coffee and eating a mid-morning snack at work and I am down 5 lbs! I’m glad you’re feeling better and bravo to you on your new eating habits! Have a happy day!

  3. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    good morning susan, hello girlfriends and Happy Earth day everyone. been busy putting up a pen in the backyard for the peeps so they can get out in the sunshine and have some running room to play and flap around. this being Earth Day, I figure mother earth is happy as we have the ultimate recycling machines in the barnyard….ducks, chickens and turkeys. feed them greens like veggie scraps, pasta and noodles, leftover peels, leftover salad fixings and leftover salad, steamed veggies, cooked veggies, roasted veggies, steamed rice, eggshells and they put it all into egg production along with regular feed and grains and corn. pretty amazing if you ask me. and the poop is good for the earth and the garden, best fertilizer around so more recycling. that has to be good, as we grow good veggies and start the whole recycle business all over again.. 🙂 have a wonderful Earth Day today everyone. loved all the photos of the fishing village and the sky and the trees in bloom. life doesn’t get much better than this. enjoy the sunshine!!! hugs…… 🙂

    • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

      we also feed them lawn clippings, weeds from the garden and have neighbors giving us their lawn clippings for the birds…do we have happy birds or what??? 🙂

      • sbranch says:

        You feed the birds lawn clippings? Do they like that?

        • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

          yes they do, they love fresh grass clipping. they go bonkers over them. we had a enclosed pen in the barnyard that we shut for the winter because it gets very muddy and mucky and hard to walk in, but a ton of green things.. weeds, plants, grass grew up in there. we opened it up yesterday and the chickens went nuts in there, they had it all mowed down in under an hour.

          • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

            best little lawnmowers we could ever have, pity they don’t work that well on the front lawn or back lawn…eat and fertilize at the same time.

        • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

          oops …….. forgot to mention we don’t use pesticides on our lawn and we always ask the neighbors if they have, if so we don’t want the clippings.

        • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

          yes they love the grass clipping, but we do not use pesticides on the lawns and we ask if they were used before we allow others to give them those clippings to be safe.

          • sbranch says:

            Interesting, would never have guessed that.

          • mary spring says:

            Pat, how I always love to read your comments..btw I remember Cave Junction..’lived in Crecent City and Gasquet,CA. for many , many years…’love that area…wonderful memories…’love how you care for your critters..

  4. nancy jo says:

    hI Susan,
    Happy Earth Day. Like you I love watching the shy, the clouds are amazing, sometimes they are so big and close to the ground, I get all excited. When I mention this to those around me, well usually don’t find it as exciting. Whats the matter with them? Anywaaay, good luck with your new eating plan, sounds good to me. You will look cute no matter how it turns out.
    Nancy Jo

    • sbranch says:

      LOL, thank you Nancy jo — and I have to say, I think I was in my 30’s before I became fully aware of the birds singing, so maybe it just takes time for some of us!

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        So true! Except for the weather [thunderstorms, blizzards, whitecaps on Lake Ontario] I never noticed Nature when I was a kid. I don’t think many kids do – you just take it for granted when you’re young. An awareness and appreciation for nature is something God gives us as we age to make up for the physical changes we undergo.

        • sbranch says:

          I agree, I’m so much more sensitive too it, you really begin to see the gorgeousness of the world, what a gift it is. I bet the young ones see it more now than we did because they have us to tell them about it and help them notice!

          • Janet [in Rochester] says:

            Because we lived right along the lake we had guests EVERY weekend in the Summer – “whether we wanted to or not” – I heard my mom say wryly more than once – & I remember dozens of times when the adults would be sitting around after supper in their lawn chairs saying “Oh gosh, just LOOK at that sunset, will you?” And pointing all kinds of things in the sky, on the lake, along the shore etc. And of course all of us kids just thought they were old-fogey grownups. How I wish I could tell them NOW – how right they were THEN! But I guess it’s all part of the Big Circle.

          • sbranch says:

            I know, total disinterest, when there was running, screaming and splashing to be done!

        • Holly says:

          I think the reason most young people do not appreciate things like birds singing is because they’re not taught to appreciate it. When I was teaching elementary music, I did a unit with my second graders where we actually notated the songs of several common birds (they were learning about how melodies moved at the time – step, skip, leap, repeat – that sort of thing) and the culminating activity was a walk behind the school in the woods to see and identify the birds. They LOVED it! Many days afterwards they would share with me how they saw a cardinal at their house, or a tufted titmouse at grandma’s and so on. They are very interested, if only we take the time to share with them and teach them.

          And I agree with both of you in that our awareness of the beautiful world around us is much more heightened as we age. I think this comes with wisdom.

          • sbranch says:

            How great those children had you! I would have loved noticing all that earlier, but we sailed more by the seat of our pants in those days!

  5. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Hi Susan and Joe, nothing better than a road trip unless its a road trip and lobster! It must have really lifted your spirits. Good luck with your goal to eat healthier and lose a few pounds but know that we girlfriends love you just the way you are. Lets all celebrate Earth Day.

    • Victoria Miller says:

      “Nothing better than a road trip unless it’s a road trip with lobster!” is certainly one of the wisest things I’ve ever heard anyone say! I heartily agree!

  6. Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

    Happiest of Earth Days to all! I loved your outing details!
    The birds have been fed here this morning! Walking later when the sun should be shining here on the SoCal coast!
    Hoping for your continued healing as well as those injured in Boston & in Texas!
    Thank you for sharing your calming pictures of nature at it’s best! 😉

  7. Pat Stansel says:

    Happy Earth Day!!! When we stop to look at nature there’s a since of comfort
    Knowing something beyond ourselves is there for sure!

  8. Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

    Sounds like a good plan (the healthy eating, more exercise, and more sleep)–you will be an inspiration to me except I don’t want more sleep. This winter I have felt like a bear hibernating and it has been hard to avoid carbohydrates. And I hate to tell you this after your response to my last comment about our weather here, BUT, we are under another “Winter Weather Warning” tonight through tomorrow with the prediction of 6-9 MORE INCHES OF SNOW!!! But then it is over–temperatures are predicted to 70’s by the weekend–and we Minnesotans are declaring it officially Spring here! Norm clipped a bouquet of pussywillows for me down by the pond which is on the fireplace mantel and yesterday we bought several pots of almost-blooming miniature daffodils which are sitting bravely next to the patio door (inside for a couple of days). This just HAS to be the last of the snow this year! 🙂 Question: In the beach picture, that looks like a deer hoof print in the sand. Do you have deer on Martha’s Vineyard?

    • sbranch says:

      OH Dear Pat! It sounds like you are making spring yourself now, very smart. Yes, we do have deer, miniature deer that I’m told swam over from the mainland.

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        oooohhhh I would to see a picture of those deer, they must be beautiful. we have deer that come around in the spring and summer and sort of “vacation” on our back acres, and sometimes they come around to the backyard to visit and check out the chickens, ducks and turkeys there.

        • sbranch says:

          We had one leaving our back driveway last year, I put it on the blog — I’ll pull it up and show it again. It was nice having him here (but I wasn’t sorry to see him go either!).

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        Every time the radio weather report comes on, they are upping the amounts. Yes, one just has to decide to make it Spring, I’ve decided. This is the second year of “weird weather” here. Last year by now we had 80’s degrees which was an abnormally early Spring. So guess this year we are making up for it though it makes us even more impatient for Winter to end. We have 4 large pots of pale white/green/yellowish hostas about 6″ high in the garage that are longing for Spring. LOL! So I hope the weatherman is right about warmer temperatures for the coming weekend as the hostas need to get out in the sun…My BFF Sandy in Attleboro and I are encouraging each other in a daily walking program but the rain and snow are setting me back! Not fair! LOL! 🙂

      • Cathy from Golden, CO says:

        Dearest Pat, I’m right there with ya as we are getting snow right now as I type, 2 – 8 inches predicted from now till tomorrow!!! UGH! Supposed to be near 70’s by the weekend and that will make me sooooo very happy and maybe even inspire our crabapple tree to bloom!

        • sbranch says:

          With you girls, you are going to deserve spring when it finally arrives. Get all your work done now!

          • Cathy from Golden, CO says:

            Work? Work? What? 🙂

          • sbranch says:

            You know, clean the bathrooms, get the laundry done. 🙂

          • Gert~Iowa says:

            Pat…we are getting snow here this afternoon and evening…2-4″! However…it’s to be in the 70’s Saturday…I pray this is the END of winter too!

          • sbranch says:

            Like a light switch! I like to oooooze into summer!

          • judi says:

            Yes, my three daughters in MN are going stircrazy with more snow. I told them to start switching out their winter clothes for summer ones (easy for me to say since it has been in the high 80’s here). Spring will arrive like a clap of thunder very soon.

            Nature keeps me breathing. Love the pics of your outing:)

          • sbranch says:

            I understand stir craziness, I have been there! Won’t be long now!

    • Joey says:

      My brother lives in MN. He thinks this year they will have 2 seasons…THIS winter, and NEXT winter! hahahaha! poor folks up there are really getting snowed on, and they will be soooo happy to have 70!!! well, except for the quick run-off… loved the “airing” !! It was fun to get out and about the island!

      • sbranch says:

        hahaha! Good description!

      • Lynn McMahon says:

        We get 2 seasons here in Wisconsin as I’ve said before~ Winter and Construction!~ I cannot believe the amount of potholes we have more than ever!

        • sbranch says:


          • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

            We did get 7″ of heavy wet snow but the roads, once plowed, are now dry with the sun. The weatherman said yesterday that the sun is now at the same strength it is in July! We have a cloudless bright blue sky with sun and it is beautiful outside!!!

  9. I’ve gained weight just thinking about that food!! Your photos are gorgeous and I LOVE the sunset. Misty, grey sky and rain here in deepest darkest Devon UK today 🙂

  10. Barbara says:

    I visited Menemsha 2 years ago and I took that very same photo of the lures hanging in the window of that shack. It was so beautiful to look at. What a quaint fishing town. I think alot of us put on a few pounds this winter. It was soo cold out that no one wanted to go out, never mind exercise. Springs a good time to lose those extra pounds. Good Luck with this. Also, there is fat free 1/2 & 1/2 that tastes wonderful and its low in calories.

  11. Hi Susan! Happy Earth Day !!! I am so happy you are feeling better! I am sure the lobster and chicken soup were instrumental in your recovery 🙂 The “Sunset Special” is my idea of heaven!! Good luck with the 10 pounds….where do they come from anyway???? xoxo

  12. Pam says:

    Happy Earth Day. It’s Dave’s birthday today. We went to the National Trust house at Canons Ashby and in spite of all my resolutions to be healthy (which had lasted a whole week) I had a fruit scone, clotted cream and jam! We are going out for a meal tonight so I MUST get back to healthy eating tomorrow!! So glad you are feeling better and those sunsets are gorgeous.

  13. Mary says:

    Happy to hear you’re feeling better. Such beautiful pics. Nothing makes me appreciate my everyday life and the beauty that is all around, like a little sick time on the couch. If I only felt better, I would happily shovel that manure, I tell myself. I love this time before it is too warm, the anticipation of summer, before the steamy hot reality arrives. Thank you for sharing, now I’m craving lobster.

  14. Rae Ann R. from western Minnesota...soon to be back in Michigan... says:

    Happy Earth Day rightbackatcha…such a beautiful post…lovely words and pictures…we had “snain” here yesterday…snow + rain…and then magically two beautiful robins appeared on the snow…the first sign of spring here in western Minnesota…YEA!!!…rest and feel better…xoxo…

  15. Sara D NW Georgia says:

    What a beautiful post! You are absolutely right! there is so much surrounding us in our everyday lives, that is beautiful and we should give thanks for! I was just on my lunch walk and was thinking the very same thing!

    Happy Earth Day back at ya and all the girlfriends! So glad that you are feeling better!

  16. jeannine leonard says:

    Happy Earth Day! Saw a robin this morning taking some fallen twigs in his beak, I am sure he or she is making a nest close by. Little cool today, and windy but it is a wonderful day for hanging out the laundry. Sun is shining!
    I am now very hungry for Lobster!

  17. Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

    My goodness…. I’m the first to leave a comment! Wonder how far down the line I’ll be, haha 🙂
    Good morning Susan and to all girlfriends. Reading about all that good food makes me want to quit eating cookies, etc for my snacks and get out there for a daily walk. Very inspiring Susan. I’m very glad that you are feeling better from you cold. Sounds like you are getting your energy back to normal and that’s a good thing.

    The sun is trying to pop it’s sunny head out from the clouds. We’re to get 3 days of pure sun this week and be in the low to mid 60s. So, what’s with all the fog?! It will clear up though, but getting into the 60s?….. I’ll believe it IF it happens 🙂

    I have a question for you that has nothing to do with this blog. When you clean your wooden spoons, etc with mineral oil, how long in between cleanings do you do? Make sense?

    Have a great week and keep on feeling better with each new day.

    Carol M

    • sbranch says:

      I usually judge by how they look. If they are pale and dry looking, I do it. Happy day Carol!

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        I have a question along the same line for you as well, do you just oil the spoons or do you do the cutting boards, bread boards and bowls or just the spoons??? thank you. hugs… 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          I do everything that’s wood, including our unfinished kitchen table top. Yes, cutting boards and bread boards. Big wooden salad bowls too — easy to do with a pastry brush. Even knife handles if they need it.

      • Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

        Thanks, Susan. I really appreciate it. A couple of mine are beginning to look pale. I’ve been a good girl and I don’t put them in the dishwasher any longer. But, the pale color doesn’t totally go away due to that.

        • sbranch says:

          Yes, then brush them with the oil and see if that makes a difference. Rarely, but sometimes it does happen, does a wooden object NOT get darker when I do this.

  18. Angie(Tink!) says:

    `*.¸.*✻✿✿¸.*✻ Happy Earth Day Sweetest Sue & Joe & Girl~Kitty & Jack! This Blog has Brightened My Monday! Joe is Funny “An Airing Out” 😉 We all Have Needed this… it’s Been a Long Long Winter & Seems Like Springtime has Taken so Long to Get Here for Most! Yikes! We Have Had a Few Rainy Days Which I Love & We Need…so I’ve watched The Birdies Play & Chirp for More Birdseed it turns into Porridge in The Rain 🙂 I Try to Keep it Dry for Them! I Love This Earth & All God’s Gifts….There is Magic Everywhere! sending Hugzzz & Love & Joy & Laughter to All…Go Out & Play! I Love Ya! xoxo Poof! & a Splash! (in The Puddles) Yay! Twirling into a Delightful Week! Stay Safe & Breathe in All The Magic! ✻ღϠ₡ღ✻
    (¯`✻´¯) 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Good job on the AngieTink sparkle dust! 🙂

      • mary spring says:

        Tink…we are sooo glad that you have come back !!!’ve been gone for awhile and we have missed your twirling and magic !!…’love your sparkling !!!!!!

      • Angie(Tink!) says:

        (¯`✻´¯) 🙂
        `*.¸.*✻✿✿¸.*✻Thanks Sweet Sue! 😉 xoxo Poof! (¯`✻´¯) 🙂

  19. Gin in New Hampshire says:

    Hi Susan!

    Here are a few healthy~eating staples that help with the blahs:

    * chopped sweet apples with balsamic vinegar sprinkled on top
    * coleslaw made with plain yogurt, vinegar, lemon and a little honey
    * tuna salad with lemon, capers and olive oil on top of sauteed vegetables
    * dark chocolate chips for when you’re dying for sweet. Have a few and it keeps you from giving in to a cookie or muffin.


    • sbranch says:

      Thank you! I like cooked beets too. And half a sweet potato with nothing on it but pepper, very sweet and healthy.

      • Nancy says:

        roasted beets are so good!

      • Dorothy Ann says:

        * Hi Susan”

        With your beautiful book finished (congrats!), spring in your step and recovering from a horrible flu-like cold (I’m happy-happy you are feeling better each day) and a diet plan to be healthier…well you are a girl to be reckoned with and you can do it all.

        Oh, by the way, I shuddered when you wrote…”half a sweet potato with nothing on it but pepper, very sweet and healthy”. Healthy, perhaps…but ohmy! Who can just eat 1/2 a sweet potato and with no butter? It’s positively like a scene from ” the TCM “Gone with the Wind”, where Scarlett ate one…of course she didn’e cook it, she ate it raw, but isn’t that almost like your sweet potato with only pepper? Positively a “no-no fiddley dee” thought!

        * Luv from Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *

        • sbranch says:

          Maybe because I roast them, oiling the skin (organic) first to make it sort of caramelize while it bakes. Yum! Really, not a raw root vegetable in a battlefield!

          • Janet [in Rochester] says:

            I’ll admit – I prefer them dripping with ‘melty butter’ but they truly ARE delicious without it too! Like black coffee, you really taste how good the pure item is when you don’t add anything. I like the yellow, drier-flesh variety of sweet potato [similar to Russet bakers] – but my mother always used the moister, orange-flesh kind because that’s what my dad liked… :>)

          • sbranch says:

            I love the yellow one too — I think that’s the true sweet potato and the darker one is the yam. BUT, the more color, the more vitamins.

  20. Marie (Long Beach, CA) says:

    What a wonderful thing… Earth Day! Glad you were feeling well enough to get an airing yesterday. Love that Joe calls it an airing too! Looks like you had a wonderful time exploring and taking all those beautiful pictures. You’re a terrific photographer. I too have been doing my best to cut back on my portions of food. I try to “eat to live” instead of “live to eat”. But, to be honest, I still live to eat. What’s helped is I’m now counting calories and it works well for me. Weighing my food has opened my eyes to how many extra portions I was eating, my, my! Good luck to all us girlfriends who struggle with those extra pounds. Ever forward, but slowly. 🙂

  21. Chris Wells in Knickerbocker W.TX says:

    Oh Susan, If I see one more lobster, I think I am going to go through the computer screen! I am trying not to drool on the keyboard. That is cruel to keep showing lobster pictures to land-locked lobster lovers! What a marvelous way to lose weight…..eating lobster! I would have a hard time cutting out the wine!
    I enjoyed the little outing and I’m sure it was good for you to get out. We actually had a lovely day Sunday, no wind, so Jim and I took to our hammocks for a little reading and just quiet time out of doors, listening to bird song. It was so lovely.

  22. Anne says:

    The first time I went to MV I went directly to Menemsha to take pics for my Dad – one of his favorite movies of all time was JAWS. He used to try to hum the JAWS music – always cracked us up. I can just see Quint in the fishing shack window! Glad you got your “airing out” hehe – love that saying too! What a beautiful day on the island!
    P.S. just at the drs and the nurse said very loudly when I was on the scale – 146#’s – up five from last time! UGH! I’ve got work to do too 🙂

  23. Jack says:

    Well we are enjoying the best earth has to offer right now — grape vines all leafed out and full of new baby grapes , peach tree the same and full of immature peaches , artichoke plants big and leafy plus the view of the green,green golf coure –wild canaries thick at the feeder and cardinals visiting the seed block with an occasional Orieol showing up too . The quail are strutting all around and will soon be escorting their new hatchlings of about 1 inch overall and mixed in are sparrows finches and whatever . We have a 50 foot row of rosemary that defines our back bank top edge and it produces something that all these birds love, also they dive into it when the hawks and crows come hunting—there’s always a show going on outside with the birds .

    • sbranch says:

      Heaven! As long as those nasty little snorting warthogs stay away!

    • Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

      Very cool, Jack. BTW, I don’t know if you’ve ever mentioned it before, but where in (I’m taking it) in California do you live? Somewhere way down south. Up here in Eureka, we are just getting tulips and daffadills. The Rody parade (40 something year) is this Saturday. They are mostly in full bloom now. The red ones are first and then the pink ones next. We have a pink one, but am waiting for it to flower. It’s 70 years old now. Um…. I don’t know how long they live. The past couple years it hasn’t looked all that good. Not full at all anymore. How fun to have all those birds also. Don’t get most of them up here. Mainly the sparrows.

  24. Victoria Miller says:

    Happy Earth Day to all, and to all a Good Day! Yes, here in SoCal the marine layer and Sun are having quite a battle today; the marine layer is thick and the sun occasionally breaks through, only to have that layer of gray soup up there lock it in again! Early May Gray, which is followed by June Gloom, and sometimes July-WHY? We never know, along the coast, how often the Sun will win! Loved seeing your skies and shores and beautiful little island there today, Susan, and glad Joe managed to get you out for “…an airing…” (luv it!) and glad you were well enough to be up to it. Yes, it’s definitely that time of year to focus on shedding the “too much winter” weight which many of us have. I am giving myself a bicycle for my birthday. I rode bikes most of my life, and then my last bike, alas, was stolen, and what with working and school, I never got around to getting another. However, time to get back on the horse…er…bike… I’ve always loved that painting in your summer book of the girl with the bike. Oh, speaking of skies, the Lyrid meteor shower is happening. While this early am was considered the peak, there should still be some visible tomorrow morning, if anyone wants to get up very early and watch for falling stars. You might catch one and put it in your pocket (song hint). Wishing you, Joe, Jack, kitties and all the Girlfriends a lovely and joyous spring, and thanks for you latest post which certainly made my morning!

  25. Victoria Miller says:

    Oh, and where is today’s ‘musica’. You have really spoiled us, Susan. My choice for today would be What a Wonderful World, and I’m going to listen to it on Utube and look through the lovely blog and wonderful comments again!

  26. Holly says:

    Happy Earthday!! I think I remember way back to Jr. High days when the first Earthday happened. We had peace signs in the earth stickers, picked up trash from the road, and planted a tree. I was in California then, we were all very cool in our bell bottom pants, wooden platform shoes, and very long hair! haha! We should all plant a tree or bulbs… something that lasts!

    I too must admit to the 10 lb. gain of winter fluff (as I call it, because my kitties also gain some fluff in the winter!). The grapefruit have been so good for breakfast lately. I’ve been doing exercises with very tight bands, down on the floor. It’s amazing how it works, and is almost painless. The walks are great too. I do miss the cookies. I can do without wine, cream in coffee, french fries… all the good stuff, but really miss cookies!

    Susan, LOVED the cherry blossoms, just beautiful. Thanks for the great pics!

  27. Lorrie says:

    Oh Susan, these spring days and all the light and energy must be motivating a lot of us to clean up our diets and get moving. I have a few pounds to lose, and some jiggles I’d like to tighten up. We can do it! Little by little!

    What a glorious beach. We have beaches here, too, on Vancouver Island, but it’s still a little bit chilly for sitting on the sand. Soon, though.

  28. Glenda says:

    Thank you for sharing your “airings out” as my husband and I call them, close to what you do. It looks like you and Joe had such a nice time and isn’t it wonderful to come back all ready to “get back to it”. I so enjoyed you beautiful scenery and felt like I had gone with you. I made a few “earth day” cards, using your stickers (I love your stickers) but was so mad that I didn’t get them in the mail to my friends….guess I am ahead for next year uh? 🙂 Thank you for promoting healthy eating too. Now that you are finishing so many things, no doubt it will be easier to get rid of those ten pounds and enjoy being thinner. Wish mine was only ten, but thank you for the motivation! Have a great day – you always make mine a little brighter!

  29. I sure hope you have eaten all the sweets in the parcel from New Zealand before you start your healthy eating. I gained weight over summer – a first ever! Just as well we are going into wintr and nice hot vege soups to help the slimming begin. BUT I’ve just brought nice new clothes – can’t loose too much weight aye.
    Love Leanne

  30. Elaine says:

    Lovely post and photos ! I to am in love with nature I always have been ! Happy Earth day to you to ! Thanks for sharing . Laters

  31. Janet OC says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures of your trip to Menemsha. (Did I spell that right?) the picture of the cherry blossoms is lovely. They are truly a delicate pink.
    I love visiting Martha’s Vineyard through your pictures. It’s so close and yet, I have only been there twice. With luck, I’ll get to visit and stay at a bed and breakfast or inn some day :).
    It’s good to hear that your cold is better. I can identify with your weight struggle. Mine seems endless. I’m sure some good gardening work will banish most of the stuff.
    Happy Earth Day!
    Janet xoxo

  32. Vicki Panzarino says:

    We are certainly on the same wave-length….I’m doing the healthy eating routine to shed those winter pounds….but boy did I enjoy putting them on! But…cute clothes are cute clothes and need to be loose! Earth day does surely come at the best time of year when all of nature is beginning to celebrate. I’m been in the gardens digging, transplanting, pruning…it is so exhilerating to smell that good earth, don’t you agree?

  33. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Your words, “In love with nature”… Me, too, Susan. Me, too. I love it all and always have. I’m the crazy lady who when she found a snake in the house, captured it and took it to the creek side to turn it loose. When the momma bunny had a nest in the yard, I put easy to get out of fencing around it and signs posted on it for our mower man to be cautious. Then there’s the shade umbrella I put over the bluebird house when they decided to have a second batch in the heat of summer. LOL. My husband reminds me they survived before I came on the scene….

  34. Carolyn from Maryland says:

    Thanks Susan!
    You helped me remember how wonderful it is to celebrate Earth Day. You brought back all the beautiful wonders our Earth has to see. No matter where you live, or the weather you are having on Earth Day,the natural wonders of our planet continue. We had better observe, marvel and respect these wonders before we miss them or sadly before we forget to stop and be thankful and respectful for our planet.

  35. Joann says:

    I do agree that part of it can be blamed on the winter and just being more still….but I know those fun little snacks add up, too!! Unfortunately, age does a bit of a nasty little trick on people. We aren’t growing and changing so much, so less energy is needed—darn that age, so let’s forget about it and just go outside more and dance in the garden and do a little jig to the post box and all that fun stuff…

    You’re inspirational in every way, as usual!!

    Happy Earth Day—-it’s my sweetheart’s birthday, too…..he’s getting a laser room measuring thing as his toy and a new brighton belt (that’s really for me because I love to look at them on him). He already had one of those great special breakfasts you only get when you’re really being bad but they’re really good AND he’s getting some baseball tickets, too!! And he’s got me? Life is good.



  36. Joann says:

    I do agree that part of it can be blamed on the winter and just being more still….but I know those fun little snacks add up, too!! Unfortunately, age does a bit of a nasty little trick on people. We aren’t growing and changing so much, so less energy is needed—darn that age, so let’s forget about it and just go outside more and dance in the garden and do a little jig to the post box and all that fun stuff…

    You’re inspirational in every way, as usual!!

    Happy Earth Day—-it’s my sweetheart’s birthday, too…..he’s getting a laser room measuring thing as his toy and a new brighton belt (that’s really for me because I love to look at them on him). He already had one of those great special breakfasts you only get when you’re really being bad but they’re really good AND he’s getting some baseball tickets, too!! And he’s got me!! Life is good.



  37. Ritchie Saunders (Pacific Palisades, CA) says:

    So glad you are feeling better….lobster and scallops must have something to do with it. Were hoping to get to Maine next month after our Grand Daughter’s graduation from American U in DC so your pictures will have to do as it just isn’t working out this time. We’re having nice weather sunny days and fog rolling in at night. You know the drill from your summer house! Happy Travels and a Wonderful Summer!! Cheers!

  38. Mary S. says:

    Ahhhh…. nature!! I love it, too!! I love to look at the sky, listen to and observe the birds, and every little flower (pansies are my favorite – they have such cute faces)!!
    How heavenly, to live near the ocean!! Our holiday place of choice is the seaside. We almost always go to the Morro Bay/Cayucos/Cambria area, and there is a house in Cayucos that we rent. We’re going there for a week in August, and I can already hardly wait!!
    Your outing sounds incredibly wonderful!!

    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

    P.S. I am just finishing up a really cute book I got for my birthday – it’s called LET’S BRING BACK – “An encyclopedia of forgotten yet delightful, chic, useful, curious, and otherwise commendable things from times gone by”. I think you would enjoy it!

  39. Debbie says:

    The nurse in me wants to respond with some egg information. It seems no one wants to eat the yolks and they are the most nutritious part of the egg. The yolks are not fattening, they contain omega-3 fats (good fats) and lots of other nutrients…and they help you absorb vitamins. The whites alone do not have many nutrients. So, go ahead and enjoy your eggs!

    • sbranch says:

      I know fat is good — thank goodness, but I don’t need extra cholesterol so I get it from things like olive oil — save my egg yolk fat and calories for my olive oil fat and calories! 🙂

  40. Mona in Riverbank CA says:

    Your photographs are just as beautiful as your artwork! I have to say that, for me, every day is Earth Day. I have always loved the landscapes – lakes, trees, mountains, everything. Road trips for me I spend all my time looking out the windows. I still have a tendency to be in the middle of talking to my husband and then yell “Look! A hawk! (or cat, squirrel, deer, clouds, etc.)” and then go right back to the conversation. Makes him laugh!

    We’re having nearly summer days here. It’s supposed to be 90 degrees today and mid to high 80’s the rest of the week. Everything is in full green. The road to our house (still not moved in yet) was so brown over the winter and early spring. The trees didn’t look like they were even alive. But now it’s a bower of leaves. Makes going over to work on the house worth the trip. And we have strawberries in all the roadside fruit stands already! Woo-hoo!! It’s my favorite part of spring.

    I’m glad you’re feeling better. I love that first day you can go outside or go somewhere after being cooped up. And my daughter and I are also in the midst of taking off the winter weight – better food and exercise is what it’s going to take. Good luck to all of us!

    California is waiting for you. Sunshine, fresh air, and the beauty of your west coast will make you feel good, good, good! Take care and love to you and yours! =^..^=

  41. patti says:

    Well Happy Earth Day to you Miss Susan. My robin over the front door has laid 3 eggs now. I’m sure she is from last year’s hatching I guess you call it. And omg, I went and made a simply beautiful Strawberry Shortcake w/Angel food cake, strawberries & vanilla sugar, vanilla pudding and real whipped cream. I put it all in my lovely glass pedestal cake bowl. It is sitting in my refrigerator right now chilling for tonight. I don’t know I just felt like doing something pretty, and wow is that pretty. It’s going to look fabulous sitting there next to my tea pot. I think I’m even going to have a piece, in honor of course for all of the women who skipped dessert on the Titanic that fateful night. Tomorrow I’ll start a heathier routine, because as Scarlet said, “Tomorrow is another day!” Happy Monday <3

  42. Teresa G., Lafayette, CA. says:

    Your post has such great pictures, and perfect timing, too. My sister is planning a trip to Martha’s Vineyard in a couple months (I’m only the slightest shade of green right now) and she wasn’t sure where to stay. I wondered if you could suggest any places in town.

  43. Barbara F. says:

    Susan, I loved this post, so heartfelt, filled with excellent advice, I felt as if I was sitting at your kitchen table sipping tea, munching on a gf ginger cookie (have to look for those, for sure!) and chatting away. I think you can have a new book in the making, healthy eating and wellness (I hate the word ‘diet’, it is really a bad 4-letter word). xo

    • sbranch says:

      I know, it’s all about health and being the best you can be.

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        I agree. I need to lose some weight and if I think “diet”, it is so disheartening and discouraging. But if instead I think “healthy eating”, it is so much more encouraging. And I am trying to tell myself that it is a matter of making good choices. And I’m trying to evaluate and think, if I want something I probably shouldn’t be eating, is it worth the calories? 🙂 Here’s a good dessert that isn’t too high in calories but tastes wonderful: One round scoop of lemon sherbet with fresh blueberries. Really good!!! 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          mmmm lemon and blueberries go so well together!

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            I have a recipe for Blueberry Chicken Salad~ healthy & delicious!

          • sbranch says:

            Sounds yummy if you would like to share that, I’m sure we would love to hear it Lynn!

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            Hi~ here is the recipe for the salad~ SO good!
            The great thing about this salad is that is adjustable! You can make it more tangy with more lemon juice and add more veggies if you want it really chunky~ more mayo and or yogurt if you like more creaminess~ ENJOY it~ it’s really pretty healthy! I have adjusted myself a few times too.

            My Favorite Blueberry Chicken Salad
            1 Cup cooked chicken breast, cubed~ I buy Tyson all ready cooked, grilled chicken breast strips and defrost and cube myself~leftovers work great too

            1 bunch green onions, sliced, include some or all of the tops

            1/3 Cup celery, diced

            1/4 Cup diced sweet peppers ~ I like to use the mini ones that come in red, orange and yellow~ some of each
            You can also use green peppers if you prefer

            1 small container of blueberries

            1small ( 5.3 ) container of plain Greek yogurt

            1 Tablespoon mayonnaise or Miracle Whip made with olive oil

            Approximately 1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice

            Mix mayo, yogurt and lemon juice in medium to large bowl
            Add veggies and chicken
            Gently stir in blueberries

            I like to serve it on a bed of fresh baby greens. Season with salt and pepper if desired. You can also serve it on croissants.
            I guarantee you will make this more than once!

          • sbranch says:

            That looks like pure health! Thank you Lynn!

          • Janet [in Rochester] says:

            Oh, they do, don’t they? They’re the chocolate-and-peanut-butter of the Fruit World! Yum. :>)

  44. Veronica 'Sumerduck Va.' says:

    Good afternoon ‘Sweet Susan’. So glad you are out and about and feeling better.
    What better elixir is there than nature ! Loved the mini road trip. Tell Joe I said thanks so much,cause I needed it ! Doin’ a body good is grand ! I’m also doing the the same. Cleanse,detoxify,refresh,I say ! We are just making renew ; Happy Earth Day back to you and Joe. Continued healing… God is Good !

  45. Laura says:

    Your blog just makes me happy!


  46. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    We had a mini road trip on Saturday. My hubby said it turned out to be a perfect day, even though it started out with him having to run into work. We picked the right day too. It got windy yesterday and the winds are positively fierce today! (Sunday he had fun taking his sailboat engine apart.)
    On our mini road trip we stopped at a winery on the way to the northern part of the OBX, saw the Corolla Lighthouse and the Whalehead Club, then topped it off with a dinner of crab cakes at the Black Pelican. My husband thinks I am the best trip planner ever! LOL

    I am glad that you aired yourself out and are feeling better! I must confess that I like drumsticks too! Love our American beaches!!! East coast, west coast, and inland! We saw a sign on the way home that said, “Why is it called Mother Earth, if most of the Earth is covered in water?” To Mother Ocean!!!

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      Is my e-mail not visible to anyone?

      • Hi Margot
        Sorry for diving in here, but I can’t see any email information. I can’t ‘see’ anything on your name to link to, so I assume you don’t have a blog? If you want people to contact you (assuming this is why you want people to see your email) I think you have to have a blog (why some names are purple or blue) and then contact them via that. Unless someone knows differently. Hope this helps. Deborah C♥ xo

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        Margot – OBX? I’m stumped, but I’m hoping when I hear what it is, I’ll be smacking my forehead – duh!… :>)

        • Hi Janet . . I’m guessing Outer Banks? L♥ve L♥Ve L♥VE the Outer Banks . . many happy days and buckets full of memories . . and some pretty pottery too . . my most favourite is a honey pot (I love honey) and a candy jar . . oh oh oh . . off to spend this dreich day dreaming about warmer, balmier NC summer days now 😀

          • Janet [in Rochester] says:

            Deborah – I bet you’re right! Margot will let us know soon – but that really does make sense. I don’t think I EVER would have thought of it – and I LOVE to pore over maps. I have a big hardcover National Geographic World Atlas that I can lost in for an hour or so every time I pick it up – even if I’m just dusting. Thanks! :>)

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        Hi girls,
        I hope you re-read Susan’s blogs and see this. OBX is the Outer Banks of NC. I went north from Kitty Hawk to Corolla last weekend.
        Deb, I meant what I wrote on this blog (not my e-mail address), as it wasn’t checked over by Susan for a couple of days. I wasn’t sure that some one else besides me could see MY comment.

  47. Jan Wells says:

    Oh, how I love your part of the world. Someday…….

  48. Jack says:

    I just remembered the time I saw a hawk in persuit of a small bird that ducked into the Rosemary. In full flight, wide open wings it thought it could do the same trick, going about 40 mph! Well, Rosemary has tough unyielding branches and that hawk hit like it was a brick wall and just laid there on top, totally dazed, wings spread out on both side. I could have walked over and picked him up, but who wants a hawk anyway, ‘specially a dumb one. After a few minutes he started to move and soon took flight. He must have spread the word ’cause I haven’t seen any others trying to get into our Rosemary.

    • sbranch says:

      Maybe not as dumb as he looked!

    • Chris Wells in Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      Wow Jack what an amazing thing to witness! I love those once in a lifetime nature experiences, that probably only you ever get to see! How very cool. So glad you shared it with us….and on Earth Day!
      Thanks, Chris

  49. jan says:

    Happy Earth Day to you too! Glad you are feeling better.

    jan. from Princeton, Ky.

  50. I’ve heard of Earth Day, I didn’t know it was a holiday! I’ve been reading up and Earth Day is every day in my house. Love the planet . . she is so beautiful and I want to do what I can to help take good care of her.

    I recently started trying to be more careful over my eating choices too, and I’m trying to get out for a walk as many days as I can but as a full time carer this is not always possible . . also leads to comfort eating . . please just don’t wave cheese, chocolate, or wine under my nose! I do feel better already but not lighter yet.

    Our goldfinches, poor mites, are struggling to begin their migration. The noise they are making is incredible, from dawn to dusk they are skittering from tree to tree in flocks that witter and twitter so noisily . . I tried to film them, more for the sound, and put it on YouTube (recently dipped my toe in the YT pond) and until this seafog lifts and the wind subsides they are going to remain confused and unable to migrate . . so sad for them.

    That beach scene looks so invitingly warm . . ah, longing for those balmy, *warm* summer evenings on the beach . . but until then the heating is still on in my little corner of heaven on earth . . and it is still cold enough for filling, warming food which is not good news with those pounds to lose . . especially as I found a very pretty cotton jersey dress today that was a whole size too small . . it was a green and orange ditsy print, so soft and summery . . ah, well . . lesson learned I guess 🙁

    You keep feeling better, okay? You listening? Good. I know you worked so hard to finish The New Book 😉 and I guess this was Nature’s way of saying “take a break” Look after yourself, put them feet up and have another bowl of your Chicken Soup!

    Deborah C♥ xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Deborah, and yes, today is the true day, our book goes to the printer this very day. I’ve been doing a little work during the getting well part of my cold, I had to make the corrections suggested by my darling editor. They are done, everything is done, and off it goes! NOW, that’s a deep breath of happiness! Where are your goldfinches going? Ours are at the feeders more often lately.

      • You know, Susan, I’m still trying to find the answer to that. I didn’t know they migrated until I was told last week. Their behaviour pattern right now makes perfect sense for this, though I have goldfinch all year ’round on my feeders, but not as many as winter time. I am now wondering if there are two sorts, just like the pretty, delicate (and much maligned) Starlings . . a native and a non~native sort. Will get to the bottom of this and get back to you!

        Hope you are continuing to improve from that dratted cold!

    • Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

      Hi Deborah~~~ We, also, have our heat still on, as it still gets very chilly in here. Our house is a Victorian with 12 foot ceilings. The heat goes up there and stays put. Meanwhile it’s cold on the floor level. We will be getting more fog as the spring progresses and the summer gets here. When it gets hot inland, we get the fog here on the Pacific coast. Today, I’m enjoying getting out and weeding. The sun is out and the temp is to get up to the mid 60s. When the temp gets up that high, the humidity makes it feel lots warmer than it really is. I’m wearing shorts and a short sleeved top. Don’t laugh as I sound as though the mid 60s is hot. The summer temps are usually around 65-68 tops around here. Always breezy and most days are foggy.

  51. Mary Ann says:

    So today’s snack is a lovely apple! I have had several people ask me lately if I have lost weight. The scale says no but I am being inspired by the question. 10lbs is a reasonable start I think. Happy Earth Day Susan!

  52. Mary says:

    Happy Earth Day! Your enthusiasm and appreciation for the beauty of nature is wonderful and inspiring. Enjoyed this post – well, I love all of them – so much.
    Always a good feeling comes out of your writing.
    This month I “did” my wooden spoons too. Had a bit of a time finding the mineral oil- finally located it in the health and beauty -specifically the laxative section – in
    WalMart. Ha,ha! The sales staff was as puzzled as I was, but we found it!

    • sbranch says:

      Our market carries it now, but I used to get it at the drug store! Didn’t your spoons come out pretty?

      • You can usually find mineral oil at a hardware store. We have soapstone counters and sink. I oil the soapstone once a year to bring out the green…
        Ummm, maybe my jeans didn’t shrink in the dryer???
        I am going to San Clemente this afternoon and take the Yorkie girls for a walk! ….I need a lot of walks!
        Loved your beautiful post today!
        Happy Earth Day Susan and Girlfriends!

      • Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

        what can we use if we’re (or family members) are allergic to mineral oil??

        • Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

          Too many “ares” – sorry! 😉

        • sbranch says:

          Hmmm. That is a good question. As far as I know, mineral oil is the only one that doesn’t go rancid which is why it’s good for cooking utensils. Maybe you would have to skip the oiling?

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      Unscented plain old mineral oil was (and may still be) used as a laxative. As it doesn’t contain perfume it may be used around food. ie. kitchen cutting boards and wooden spoons! LOL

  53. melissa quarles says:

    Oh Susan, Happy Earth Day to you and Joe! Bright blue sky brilliant yellow forsythia…who could ask for anything more! I too have some pounds to loose;;;when your fat girl pants don’t fit it is time for drastic measures! Lets all get moving and enjoy this magical time of year!!!! Love the blog, always makes my day!

    • sbranch says:

      Thanks for saying fat girl pants … it always makes me laugh.

      • Elaine in Toronto says:

        My cousin who weighs herself every day marvels that I do not have a working scale (mine has needed batteries for years). When she asked me how do I know when I need to lose some weight, I answered, I look in the mirror and if I need more confirmation of what I see in the mirror, I look at my underwear label – it says XLG, lol, so I always know when its time to lose weight.

  54. Jamie from Doty Island, WI says:

    Oh Susan! I can smell the salt air and sink into the open sky from just looking at your beautiful pictures! How I miss working at the aquarium in Monterey,CA. and getting my ocean fix each day at lunch break.
    Earth Day is special in my heart too and it is also my first grandchild’s birthday…..he is 9 today, and has been the biggest blessing yet!
    I’ve put a lobster roll on my list of foods to eat before I die, I hope they are all that and then some… because I am salivating just looking at those lobster dinners!
    Lovely post today as always…Jamie

    • sbranch says:

      Our churches sell lobster rolls on Wednesdays and Fridays and people line up for them. They don’t spare the lobster, so delicious, one of the treats of summer. We usually get an extra, and make lobster on lettuce salad the next day.

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        OH Yummy!!!

        • Janet [in Rochester] says:

          Lobster rolls!! Lobster rolls! I feel about lobster rolls the way Benjamin Franklin felt about beer – “…they’re proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy” Now… beer AND lobster rolls – well that’s just plain heaven! :>)

  55. Joy Pence from Ohio says:

    Happy Earth Day Susan! 10 lbs? me too 🙁
    I remember you saying that Joe was putting chocolate syrup and cream in your coffee and that it would catch up with you. I think the orange cranberry scones did it to me this winter. You have inspired me. The garden will soon be calling (our tomato seeds are already little plants with true leaves) so it won’t be long, and I need to be ready to dig in the warm earth and not get winded pulling weeds (which I love because it is such a mindless task). Thank you for the pleasant, dreamy post. I get lost in your pictures and your words…..ahhhh. That is how it makes me feel. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I needed that chocolate coffee when I was working so hard, little happiness makers, but no more. Now I have the outdoors to make me happy! Thank you Joy!

  56. Hi Sue!
    Loved the photos & your quotes, especially “Every Day is Earth Day”! It’s amazing how much God gives us; being grateful is all He asks in return!

    When our children were small, I would tell them how we’re all blessed with little miracles each and every day; all they would have to do is watch for one to happen! I still smile at the ones that catch me off guard; God is always up to something! Just when I think I’ve seen the prettiest sunset or the most beautiful moonrise, I’ll see a new one that takes my breath away!

    Thank you for blessing my day!
    Hoppy Trails to you! Bunny XO

  57. Laurie Q says:

    Boy, can I relate to the 10 pound weight gain. I am very fortunate to be able to travel with my husband on business and we spend a month in Europe (4 countries) three times a year. I have gained and lost that same 10 pounds countless times. (Who can resists all those pastries?) We just got back so…here we go again! Good thing that I like fruits & veggies! Even before we traveled so much, I tried to keep myself warm during the winter with “comfort food”. That and a lack of exercise does not make for a happy waistline. Good thing the weather is getting nicer so we can hit the pavement. I wish you great success in your efforts. Happy Spring!

    • sbranch says:

      When we were in England, most of our time was in the countryside and we ate pretty much whatever we wanted at the local pubs, but we also walked miles almost every day, so that was a big help. Traveling to cities, unless you stayed in hotels with a gym and made it your focus, would be so hard — all that fabulous food, and so many taxis to make it so easy to get to! Happy spring Laurie — good luck!

  58. Lucy says:

    Hello Susan,
    I just added “Sunset dinner on the beach on Martha’s vineyard with family” to our bucket list. Thank you so much for such a beautiful post today. (Your posts are all so heartfelt and full of gratitude – which is one of the many reasons we all love you so!) You brighten everything and make the world a better place!
    XO, Lucy

  59. Tracy Jones says:

    Dear Sue,
    I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! I too, have changed my eating habits after reading a blog called 100daysofrealfood. It is about a woman who has removed virtually all processed foods from her house and buys organic for everything possible. It has wonderful tips and information and I took off eight pounds in two weeks!

    I have been to Martha’s Vineyard twice and would love to go back before the summer crowds arrive. When do the shoppes open for the season?

    Take good care and thank you for being you!
    xo Tracy

    • sbranch says:

      Usually around the week before Memorial Day. But it gets earlier every year and many never close now.

  60. Kristen says:

    Happy Earth Day Susan! I’m in the icky weather too (SE Minnesota), and I decided today I can take no more dreary days. I turned the heat up, shut all the blinds and turned every light on I can…kind of my own Spring explosion in my house. I’m going through all my magazines (decorating, quilting, etc) and I’m celebrating spring inside! Thank you for the beautiful pictures…I can’t wait to see the sun again and feel the warm weather. I do have to admit I hung the bedding out on Saturday in our few hours of sunshine and warmth and it was wonderful (I slept like a baby!)

  61. patti says:

    Well Happy Earth Day to you Miss Susan. My robin over the front door has laid 3 eggs now. I’m sure she is from last year’s hatching I guess you call it. And omg, I went and made a simply beautiful Strawberry Shortcake w/Angel food cake, strawberries & vanilla sugar, vanilla pudding and real whipped cream. I put it all in my lovely glass pedestal cake bowl. It is sitting in my refrigerator right now chilling for tonight. I don’t know I just felt like doing something pretty, and wow is that pretty. It’s going to look fabulous sitting there next to my tea pot. I think I’m even going to have a piece, in honor of course for all of the women who skipped dessert on the Titanic that fateful night. Tomorrow I’ll start a heathier routine, because as Scarlet said, “Tomorrow is another day!” Happy Monday. <3

    • Chris Wells in Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      Oh Patti, that sounds SO good! A beautiful strawberry trifle! Dessert……sweets… downfall. I eat sooooooooooo healthy…..and then……dessert! But tomorrow is another day. LOL

  62. Linda Pintarell says:

    Beautiful blog, Susan. I’m so happy you were out and about on such a lovely day! Talking about health, a 91 year-young lady in the wellness field talks about the “smidgen” effect on our eating habits…having to take into account the amounts of what we put in our body – just as you talked about. Her new blog/website is Perhaps the GIRLFRIENDS would want to check it out. Also talks about the chemicals within those “smidgens” that we eat. Interesting info.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh I know about those smidgens, how little bits of chemicals add up, until we’ve reached our limit. I don’t know if it’s true, but I try to live as if it is! Better safe than sorry! One thing, along that line to stay away from, generally speaking is anything with corn in it. Including, I hate to say it, corn on the cob. They have injected it with things, and nothing can bring it back to truly organic ever again.

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        Unfortunately I think you are right. I’ve been reading a book titled “Wheat Belly” and it talks about the same thing–how wheat has been genetically changed and how bad it is for us. And wheat is in everything! As my husband Norm says, “Moderation in everything”…

        • Janet [in Rochester] says:

          One book that really opened my eyes was “In Defense of Food” by journalist Michael Pollan. He did a lot of research – talked with nutritionists, chemists, food scientists, doctors, farmers etc and in the end to be healthy he boiled it down to 7 words: Eat food – Not too much – Mostly plants.” Fascinating reading – and a little heart-breaking. No one likes a hot steamy buttery ear of summer corn more than me – but apparently all the science types agree – the human body cannot synthesize it and we really shouldn’t eat it – we get no nutritional value from it. Better we should use the land for things that benefit us much more. Twas a bummer!

          • sbranch says:

            Michael Pollan is something else. Brilliant.

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            He has a new book out called “Cooked” ~ can’t wait to get it! I love all his books because they make sense!

          • Diane from Poulsbo, WA says:

            I am heartbroken now….no more corn on the cob?!! I had no idea…and it has been such a family favorite all of our lives. (dripping in butter, of course!) I am going to look into this even more than I have. Just this last year I discovered the horrors of GMO’s, and now try to only buy organic….but I am told that even organic has pesticides in smaller amounts. It is time to buy my own seeds and plant and can my own veggies?? Thank you for the info…It is confusing for me to figure out FOOD of all things.

          • sbranch says:

            I still eat it once a summer, but yes, it has terrible things in it. Did you read this morning, they are finding Roundup in our American food chain? More of the “good life” from Monsanto. They call themselves a “sustainable agriculture company” but I’m afraid all they sustain is their profit margin. I wish we had much more of this particular government oversight committee!! The only thing that will change this is when good people get mad enough to send more emails to their elected officials. Do you remember when we could eat raw eggs and lick a raw chicken (if we were so inclined)? I do! Seems like just yesterday!

  63. Nancy B says:

    Wow! This is the earliest I’ve been in line. #29 so far. We had our A/C serviced this morning. It’s supposed to be 90 degrees today; too warm for April, I think. I wish Colorado and Minnesota had some of our warmth. So glad you had that beautiful outing with Joe and got aired out. So cute. Your pictures are wonderful. How I would love to see D.C. when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Thanks for the link.

    Happy Spring, Earth Day, and all the good things you enjoy!
    Nancy (from Bakersfield)

  64. Debbie S., IL says:

    Happy Earth Day to you, too, Susan! Thanks for all the inspiration and the beautiful pictures. Glad that you’re on the mend, hopefully you’ll be back feeling great soon so you can truly enjoy Springtime on the island! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who put on a little weight over the winter – maybe we can all motivate each other to get back in shape. My daughter is getting married in six months and I need to look good!

  65. HAPPY EARTH DAY…MOTHER NATURE!!! and Everyone!!! Love her, Protect her, show her Respect and Enjoy what the Earth has to offer all of us. Susan, I have to admit that I am happy you are cutting back on your “treats” especially my absolute favorite treat DRUMSTICKS is there any better icecream treat than a delicious drumstick?? I had to give them up last year and I think that hurt me more than all the other ‘fatty’ foods. It was hard to read about all the great foods/desserts all of you share here on the blog while I am on this fatfree gallstone diet….now, I feel like I am part of things once again…and even when you get to where you want to be and wearing your “cute clothes” I will keep reading all the recipes and cheering on everyone that can enjoy the great foods. Good luck with your 10# it won’t take you long to get that off and then you can fit back the goodies in moderation of course!! I loved this blog and so happy you went outside and “aired” yourself (how adorable is that request)…..I worked outside for just a little while today and man it takes awhile to get back in the routine it literally made me dizzy?? I enjoyed feeling the sun and just touching the earth. Will you do me a favor…next time you enjoy a drumstick will you think of me and enjoy it that much more?? I saw an ad in the Sunday paper they now have them in peanut butter my favorite was the chocolate….sigh…..oh well, chocolate frozen yogurt and angelfood cake with strawberries and fatfree coolwhip when I crave a treat isn’t to bad…..Pat/Dawn may have the snow….I have the rain…..eventually all of the girlfriends will be in sunshine and warmth and we can get out and get moving all the while looking to the sky and giving our thanks for this Beautiful Earth.

    • sbranch says:

      I adore angel food cake, with tea! Did you know that hershey’s chocolate syrup is fat free? Just sayin”. It has sugar though. But so does the cake, so I’m thinking that sugar isn’t your problem?

      • Jack says:

        Has anyone ever heard of thoe fruit juice popsicles?

        • Hi Jack, oh my dear I live on Edy’s Fruit Bars (All Natural) Pineapple…there is actual pieces of pineapple in them and only 80 calories and fatfree. I am also a popsicle gal too it is just the Drumstick is so delish…..

          • Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

            Jack, Jack, Jack~~~ fruit popsicles are the best! Banana is my favorite. I was just thinking about buying some earlier this morning. I can snack on them and not feel guilty. I, too, am trying to be good and lose weight.

        • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

          Yes, but fruit juice is full of sugar/calories. Maybe ice cubes made of water??? LOL! 🙂

          • pat addison ( cave junction,OR) says:

            my grandma used to make us popsicles out of watermelon juice, she cut the rind away, and put the watermelon through a juicer and then into the popsicle molds. they were great especially on hot days. and fresh juices are fine to use for popsicles, no need for sugar with fresh oranges or berries, just taste the juice beforehand and if needed add very little sugar to them. then freeze them. delicious. also remember frozen bananas??? grams used to freeze them with fresh orange juice on them, we loved them.

      • Susan, you are right about hershey’s syrup being fat free (not really a chocolate lover…gasp…I know and chocolate is on the no no list anyway)….I watch carbs, sugar, actually all of the “bad guys” I have always done that so to my family it just isn’t fair that now it includes fats….but, angel food cake is even suggested for diabetics so it is a wonderful base for berries, chocolate syrup, etc. and gives me some options when I just have to have a sweet. I love berries especially blueberries so I’m just a happy camper with that and you do know that when foods are taken away that is when we start craving them even if we normally do not eat them?? Human nature at it’s worst….I appreciate your “just sayin…I’m on it and pretty much have a radar for fat free foods and I just sent your Dad one of my favorites if you love pineapple you must try them. Yum…..

        • sbranch says:

          I do love pineapple. I see what you sent my dad, Edy’s — will look for them. But, the Drumsticks! Hard to beat!

          • Janet [in Rochester] says:

            When I want a frozen treat I buy or make up a bunch of small fruit or coffee smoothies & freeze them overnight! Then when I want one I take it out of the freezer and set it on the counter for 15-20 minutes – it’ll be the perfect consistency. Eat it with an iced teaspoon – in front of the fan on a hot summer night – after you’ve had a shower and are all clean and fresh and baby-powdered and jammied! Absolutely sublime! And healthy too. One of my all-time favorite treats to myself right now.

          • sbranch says:

            Great idea!

  66. Rita Baker says:

    Love your photos, Susan. Only 24 more days until my hubby and my dog Andy and I arrive on your beautiful island for an overnight visit in Oak bluffs. Can hardly wait!!!

  67. Charlene H. from So. Calif. (S.F.Valley) says:

    Happy Earth Day to you, too, Susan! 🙂 You sound like you are your chipper self again! And…you achiever you…you have set another goal for yourself! As I was reading your most sensible plan to shed those extra few, I was smiling to myself. I’ve just started physical therapy for my knee and was told I will have to eliminate my twice weekly aerobics class for a few months. Oh oh! I can keep walking though and am looking forward to strenghtening myself and playing Ring-around-the-Rosie with my grand kids again! Those “We all fall down!” parts were really getting to me. :). So good to hear your energy and your determination for such a good cause…HEALTH! Here’s to reaching our goals!

  68. Julia says:

    Oh, you make me want to be a tourist. I want to go and stay long
    enough to eat lobster more than once. Can’t wait until the first
    opportunity comes along. I’m doing a little yard work to celebrate
    this beautiful world of ours.

  69. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~ Happy Earth Day!~
    I’m proud to be from Wisconsin where our ~Senator Gaylord Nelson~ came up with the idea for the first Earth Day ~The EPA was also born out of Earth Day as well~!
    He wanted to harness all the energy from youth protesting the Vietnam war into a grassroots conservation organization ~ he wasn’t getting very far with fellow politicians~ ah yes~ the power of youth!!
    As for the giving up wine…….so sorry Susan I have to disagree~ I can’t give it up!~ maybe I’ll drink more red than white…..after all it DOES have health benefits!
    I don’t own a scale and won’t weigh myself ~ I have my best ~ just right ~ size for my body
    jeans~ the ones where I feel and look healthy~if they start getting snug~ I start tapering off the things that I eat ~maybe a little too much of~ in moderation!
    Sometimes I just think I am vertically challenged for my weight??
    ~Happy Monday~

    • sbranch says:

      The smart Jean Awareness diet! The closest I’m getting to that is by refusing to buy a larger size, so my fat girl jeans are IT — I go no further, and must go back! Just eliminating the calories in the wine for now. Love Senator Gaylord Nelson, Brilliant Idea. There used to be Arbor Day — I thought it was in April when I was a kid, all about planting trees (in 1872, the first Arbor Day, one million trees were planted in America!), it’s still around, but not as popular — maybe the tree people turned over the day to the earth people. It all works!

    • Chris Wells in Knickerbocker, W TX says:

      Oh Lynn, I had to laugh at your wine comment! I gave up all alcohol for Lent….which included my wine…………it was the longest 46 days of my life! And I don’t think I will do it again:)
      We could do a lot worse than wine…so I’m sticking with it and believing in it’s healthful benefits. Glad to know I have sisters out there!

    • Janet [in Rochester] says:

      Lynn – I have a friend who uses the term “horizontally-enhanced!” :>)

      • Lynn McMahon says:

        Ha ha! Too funny!

        • Janet [in Rochester] says:

          Thanks for tipping us off to Michael Pollan’s new book by the way – I hadn’t heard it about it but wouldn’t want to miss anything he writes. You summed it up perfectly – he just makes sense!! :>)

  70. Sue G says:

    Happy Earth Day Susan! We finally had a beautiful sunny, warm spring day here in Wisconsin. My kindergartners and I celebrated the day by drawing what we love about the earth, making blue and green handprint earths and singing “we’ve got the whole world in our hands” as we talked about ways to help our environment. Your pictures are beautiful and increase my longing for more spring buds for us here….my daffodils are almost ready and the grass is greening up from all that rain we have had. I appreciate your thoughts about health and diet too, something I too need to become more diligent about. Thanks for the earth day cheer!

    • sbranch says:

      Hello to those darling kindergartners Sue! Sounds like your daffodils are about 2 weeks behind ours — spring is coming!

  71. Marilyn (Ohio) says:

    I just love how you can make even the simple, essentially free things of life sound so appealing & “enough” (well, maybe the lobster isn’t one of the free things!) I don’t have an ocean at my front door, but I can walk around the neighborhood, enjoy the trees & shrubs coming to life,listening to the birds (as long as I wear my hearing aids!). Now – encourage me to get out to do that tomorrow!
    Weight & poundage, I’d rather not discuss 😉

    • sbranch says:

      I know, we all live in different places, and have different options, and prettiness is everywhere, and so is appreciation. For me, just noticing these little things makes my life happy. Waiting for something big to happen, like winning the lottery, can be a long wait, but the little things are everywhere everyday and better than the lottery!

  72. Asha says:

    Happy Earth Day, Susan! Thank you for the wonderful blog! So happy to hear you got an “airing.” My mom used to say that when she needed one too! I LOVE the pictures, especially the Menemsha sunset! My sweetie and I experienced our first Menemsha sunset last summer when we visited the Vineyard! Unforgettable! Our family reunion is on the Cape in July so a day trip to the Vineyard awaits and perhaps another Menemsha sunset. I loved the picture of the menu! Made us both yearn for lobster. Thank you, Susan, for bringing a little bit of the earth to your girlfriends on Earth Day! Hugs & kisses.

  73. CarolK (NJ) says:

    Hi there, just received the March issue of “The Friends of Gladys Taber” and spent the better part of the afternoon reading it. You’re right, it’s very interesting. Hubby did some sleuthing for me and found Still Cove on the Cape. The present owner has it on the market and asking $1.65mill for it!! It sounds like it’s in very sad shape and the town doubts it will every be designated a historical landmark because it was only built in the 50s and been renovated (changed) a bit since Taber’s time there. So I guess everyone will have to be happy with reading her books about the way things used to be at her little Cape on the Cape. So sad……

    • sbranch says:

      We still have Stillmeadow. Lucky someone who gets the Still Cove house, maybe they will be Friends of Gladys Taber and fix it up.

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        I just got Gladys’ “Country Chronicles” from the vintage section of your store, Sue [I especially LOVE that section & visit it almost every day to see what’s “not new”]. :>) It arrived yesterday & I’ve been reading it every spare moment [like in my car at red lights]. Gladys is the best! :>)

        • sbranch says:

          I shop for that section, when Joe and I travel, I get as much “back up” as possible. Does my heart good to see people able to find some of these things…so glad you got Country Chronicles Janet! My sister was complaining yesterday about how long some of the traffic lights take where she lives — one street she calls “get out your knitting boulevard.”

          • Janet [in Rochester] says:

            And when I looked there today I think I saw two MORE Gladys books – I hope I don’t miss them but I have to pace myself [financially]. I LOVE that I’m getting vintage versions – somehow it makes the reading of them even better than a crisp brand-new copy would do. :>)

          • sbranch says:

            Kellee is putting up a signed copy of Gladys Taber very soon! For anyone who would like that, fair warning!

  74. Balisha says:

    Hi Susan,
    I’ve been sick for over a month…the cough just wouldn’t leave. Then today I started feeling really good. While I was sick…I had the same thoughts as you…start eating healthier. I pledged to get healthier this summer with all the fresh things that are available to eat. Maybe good eating habits in the summer,will spill over into the winter when pounds are usually put on.
    Happy Earth Day!

  75. Ann Y. Adamstown, PA says:

    Hello Susan – Happy Earth Day to you and so glad you are feeling better ! I also will not tell anyone how much I weigh, but gained 10 over the winter, too. Too many scones with my tea ! But like you, got a good airing today as we went for a walk before supper and got some great whole wheat rolls to go with our fish and tomato dinner. AND we split the roll instead of having an entire one…that is progress. Going to try to be healthy, too….as you said – need to wear cute clothes and summer is coming. Thanks for always inspiring us…feel better fast !

  76. Sandy Richmond says:

    Hi Susan, I’m glad you are feeling better! I had a cold the first week of spring, and it took two weeks to feel like myself again. I didn’t really gain weight over the winter (I had enough extra already! 🙂 ). I just joined a little weight loss group at the end of March, and I am focusing on the same things as you; healthy foods, smaller portions, an occasional treat, and I have already lost some weight! But the best thing is I have started walking almost every day. I walk on my breaks at work, in an industrial park, but there are trees, and a stream, and little wild flowers starting to bloom along the way… I hate to admit it, but I hadn’t done much exercising since last fall, and the walking feels so good! Just starting out with small eating changes and 15 minute walks, and I feel better already….. Baby steps .. 🙂

  77. Susie (NY) says:

    Happy Earth Day! Ooh, fresh seafood on the beach is one of my favorite favorites.

  78. mary spring says:

    ah, jeez…I was writing a heartfelt letter and my computer literally ate it up !!..hmmmm…’just wanted to say thank you for your new post !!…happy Earth Day to you too !!.. (so much to comment on)…’love how you say that the sky can take your breathe away with so much beauty and you can see eternity…’love your photography.!!!!..the wee one that I care for every day and I started planting a small garden today after our newborn friend had gone home…’love this time of year….dear Susan, ‘hope you are feeling so much better than before..soooo glad that you were able to get up and out for a road trip with your truly beloved !!!

    • sbranch says:

      What a great thing to do … gardening will be imprinted on the wee one!

      • mary spring says:

        “gardening Will be imprinted” on that little four year old boy !!!!…first thing this morning when he arrived was to run out to our little kitchen garden to show his mommy what he did…and all day long he kept an eye out for the small starts that he planted…love this time of year..thanks, Susan…’got my inspiration for a kitchen garden from you ..

        • sbranch says:

          Has he seen a lady bug yet? I love a lady bug in baby hands!

          • mary spring says:

            …’not sure about a lady bug…but we will be on the look out…these early mornings we’ve also been busy feeding the birds !!..we’ve got a big cardinal family, spotted a mommy robin in her nest out back, and a blue bird mommy in her nest as well…and soooo many other birds !!..’never seen so many !!!!…. thanks for writing back and have a great day !!… P.S. I’ve found walking and moderation of eating to be good for losing a few unwanted pounds…just go out and play !!…with love and take care…

  79. Randi Bault says:

    Happy Day. I love your blog and I love your photos. Especially the fishing lures in the window. I wanna be on your island! Surely Martha’s Vineyard is a bit of heaven on earth….Your friend, Randi —<—@

    • sbranch says:

      It is … if you close your eyes you are transported to another time — even with your eyes open!

  80. Mary in Phoenix says:

    Love that you can watch a beautiful sunset over the water from the East Coast … where you’d think you’d be watching sun rises! Now that’s cool for a California girl to do 🙂 You really are quite the photographer … one of the many hats you wear so well. Our Phoenix mercury hit 93 degrees today … a bit on the warm side but a beautiful day none-the-less to celebrate this great earth of ours. “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children” ~Native American Proverb

    • sbranch says:

      You just have to get on the other side of the island for the sunrise! I see it everyday from my back garden, it comes up over Vineyard Haven Harbor … then over the trees to me. Thank you Mary … I just love some of the sayings and quotes from Native Americans. They are so peacefully perfect.

  81. Peggy Cooper says:

    Aaaahhh that Joe, a good man to get you out when he knew you needed it. Our good husbands are the biggest blessing we have I think. They seem to know what we need before we do. My sweetheart of 40 plus years planted a climging rose for me today that came bare root right in the middle of our kitchen remodeling (which we are doing all by ourselves). Several other plants were delivered, but that was the one that had to be planted now. We are expecting some snow tonight here in Southern Colorado. I’d rather have rain, but we will take moisture any way we can get it because we are still in a severe drought. I love “Mother Earth” and try to show her respect any way I can. BTW, I now have a kitchen sink after 3 days without. Makes you really grateful for the little things. You probably don’t remember, but I was the one who had to use a porta potty in my driveway last summer while we were redoing our one and only bathroom. I love this old house, but it does have it’s challenges.

    • sbranch says:

      I know how you feel Peggy. We emptied our kitchen last year, redid the wood floors, sanded and put on a sealer, couldn’t get in there at all for a week, then Joe covered everything in drop clothes and painted the whole thing. But it was so worth it. Kitchen is beautiful! It sounds like you are making your house wonderful!

  82. MaryAnn says:

    Susan, way to go! You are making some great choices. I admire your resolve and dedication. Isn’t it wonderful when things “click” and we get going towards a goal, or a process! I wrote you last month and mentioned that I had lost a lot amount of weightover the past year. You were so sweet to respond with congratulations and encouragement. I am continuing the weight loss, and have lost 125 pounds now. Eating healthy things are second nature now, and some good habits are in place. I have been using smaller plates, too, and making sure they are pretty ones. Keep up the good work!

    • sbranch says:

      That is just stunning MaryAnn — SO proud of you. That is what I call consistency and determination. Would you want to share one of your best healthy recipes? Something that gets you through the rough times?

  83. Thanks for the lovely post and yes, I am trying to take 10 lbs off too.
    🙂 Best to all us girlfriends! We can do it, Yes, we can! 🙂

  84. Barbara I. - Washington State says:

    Happy Earth Day girlfriends! Susan, the way you describe your feelings about nature mirror mine exactly. Here in the Pacific N.W., we are blessed in the month of April with the sight of gray whales as they migrate south. My hubby and I were on Whidbey Island last weekend, where they celebrate the whales all month. We had just been walking on the beach and returned to town, when suddenly a bell began ringing loudly. Whenever someone sees a whale, the bell gets rung, and you can hear it wherever you are. So we ran to a view point, and sure enough, we were graced with the presence of 3 gray whales. We could see their backs and could clearly hear as they loudly blew air through their blowholes. And a few times we were granted the sight of their magnificent tails! I was in heaven! I don’t care how many special effects the guys in Hollywood can come up with. NOTHING compares with the shiver you get when seeing Mother Nature at her finest, from a massive whale in the sound to the sweet pink inside of a seashell. Never do I feel more spiritual than when I’m in the presence of all these miracles!

    • sbranch says:

      Isn’t that wonderful Barbara! Lucky you!

    • Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

      I’ve always wanted to go where you could see the whales!! I guess around Mindocino you can see them in April. Haven’t gone, but would like to. Only thing is you may or may not see any.

  85. Rosemary says:

    I think you are on the road to recovery and healthiness! Airing is always a good thing. Good for you. Great memories of Menemsha. The objective when I was there with the girls was that we would have clam chowder every day. We did! From one end of the island to the other. Would love to be there.
    Nature. This was the cutest thing out my kitchen window this a.m. A lady cardinal had about a 6″ fine little stick in her mouth and I thought…nesting. In a minute, she had dropped that tiny little stick and was in a shrub/bush right there and was trying to get a better stick…shaking the branch like I have never seen a bird do. I am not sure if she got what she wanted but it was precious.
    So beautiful this time of year…mowing again tonight and yet, it will be in the 30’s tomorrow night…here in North Texas. So far, the garden is surviving and we are eating greens, radishes, etc. So good.
    OK…take it easy and good health to you!

    • sbranch says:

      Feeling pretty darn good today. And today is the actual day that our book finally leaves here and goes to print — between being sick I’ve been making corrections suggested by the darling editor. They’re done, so off it goes! Thank you Rosemary! Cute cardinal story!

      • Sharon Calvert says:

        Happy Day-After-Earth Day! Just had to add a comment about the cardinal since I just enjoyed a similar scene this morning, but with a different twist. We moved to southern Alabama from Kentucky eight months ago, and are thrilled to have palm trees in our yard. So it was just the cutest sight to see Momma Cardinal gathering nesting material – not from twigs – but from fibers on the trunk of the palm tree outside our dining room window. She would ‘hang’ onto the side of the tree and tug at the fibers, fly over to a nearby lawn chair for a brief rest with a beak-full of material, return to the tree to add a few more (like a little chipmunk), fly over to her nesting site, then repeat the process … an ancient ritual played out before my very eyes. Precious!

        Love from Alabama,

  86. MarySue says:

    Dear Blogfriend Susan: Thanks for making me smile again. We are toasty here in Phoenix and my Oregon sister is in the pool. I think my annuals, that I planted in October, are in full splendor now and I am enjoying every moment of “dead heading” while listening to the doves cooing. Feeling blessed. Wishing you continued strength and recovery. MarySue

  87. Jo says:

    Susan, Happy Earth Day to you! It was a beautiful, but chilly day! Here is to a new week, of healing and renewal in my beloved home of Boston!

  88. Nancy says:

    You go girl! I’m working on my winter spread also. It actually feels great to workout and eat well!
    We had a beautiful earth day here with abundant sunshine. Daisy Dog and I had a great walk to the park to throw ball and run. I am watching eagerly for spring forth.(the sooner the better!) I marvel at God’s handiwork. I often imagine the joy and even laughter He had as He created!
    Enjoy your day!

    • sbranch says:

      When I do a good page for a book or a calendar, I feel over the moon, make squealing noises! I can only vaguely slightly imagine how God must have felt! Can you just picture it — a waterfall? Penguins? Sneezes? Too much.

  89. What a wonderful jaunt Joe took you on! That would definelty perk anyone up! So glad you’re getting better Susan. I am so jealous of the fresh lobster! Yum! Blueberries are so good for you!
    You sent us some good smells of lobsters and sand, smells great!
    Tweet tweet

  90. Faith rose says:

    Susan , You are making a wonderful choice to eat healthy and get on track again! I know how it feels , to just be drained from all that sugar!The first couple of days are hard but you will have so much energy! For breakfast I like to have salsa scrambled eggs. I just put my eggs in a bowl with milk , salt n pepper and a spoonful of salsa and whisk it up and into the frying pan it goes! Its really good as an omlet or with cheese on top!I am greatful to God for this beautiful world that we live in!!I just can’t get enough of it!! Thanks Susan , wonderful and inspiring post!

    • sbranch says:

      The first couple of days are hard, but I missed them because I was sick and how much worse could it have been! I will never know! Love the sound of those eggs, I’ll give it a try! Joe makes me eggs with a spoonful of salsa on the side sometimes, will have to try it mixed in. Thank you!

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        Also great on top of hot scrambled eggs: a spoonful of that rich sundried tomato spread you usually find [jarred] in the produce department [must be bad because it tastes SO SO good]. But right now I am refusing to look at the label & get my suspicions confirmed! :>)

        • sbranch says:

          Probably carbs, but lots of flavor! A little bit goes a long way.

          • Janet [in Rochester] says:

            Absolutely – it’s so intensely-tomatoey that more than a generous teaspoon is too much. Just a bit is perfect. :>)

  91. Nettie says:

    What a great blog, you inspire me to start my own. Love that you share the real you with real struggles we all face. I am proud of you for making some positive changes… are stronger than me….I just can’t seem to give up the half and half !
    Happy wonderful earth day….it is a love just like you and my amazing girlfriends who get me through the tough times.

    • sbranch says:

      What would we do without our Girlfriends? Never want to know!

    • Because I’ve been drinking skim milk for 34 years (my obstetrician recommended it because of my weight gain while pregnant), regular whole milk tastes rich to me. I use that in my tea and don’t even need sugar.

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        Cathy, there was study done in Sweden, though, that showed that women in particular should drink at least 1% milk instead of skim because of the advantage healthwise of getting a certain amount of dairy fat for cardiac reasons. Check it out. My husband works for the health dept. and there was a bulletin sent out about that…

        • Does the butter I eat make up for it?? 🙂 And the half & half that I do have in my morning coffee? Even 1% milk straight taste too rich to me. The only time I like whole milk is in my cereal and when I put chocolate in it. And then I never skimp on other dairy products (like cream cheese and sour cream)–never the fat free/low fat kind!!!

        • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

          The article actually just talked about drinking at least 1% milk, so I don’t know. Wonder if we googled it, we could come up with the article??? 🙂

  92. Gert~Iowa says:

    Susan..Happy Earth Day to you too! You’ve said it all…how blessed we are everyday..just living on this earth! I too have gained 10 pounds this winter…sad…. But due to my hospital and now rehab stay I’ve dropped about 15 lbs. Being home is dangerous….lol That’s where all those goodies are..ha..ha! I have this funny story…I have this sweet little CNA that helps me, and when she weighed me today she showed me what she weighed (as I really didn’t believe her…when she told me earlier her weight!) When she read my weight, she innocently said “Wow, you only weigh 30 more pounds then me…and you’re old.” Oh my gosh, I thought I’d split a gut!! She is just so sweet!


  93. Karen Saunders says:

    I know what you mean Susan….when I hear the music of the ice cream truck I practically vault our white picket fence, straight arm a few little kids to get to the drumsticks…..not pretty.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank GOD there is no ice cream truck on the island! 🙂

      • But you do have those ice cream shops within walking distance! The price, though, kept me from indulging when I was there. I went over to the Stop ‘n Shop to buy ice cream for my husband’s birthday–probably not as good, but still tasty and just as many calories!

        • sbranch says:

          If they had grilled cheese sandwich shops, or BLT shops, I would be in much more trouble than I am with ice cream! There is a fish market on the island that’s only open in the summer and they sell fish sandwiches that literally melt in your mouth. Extremely dangerous: soft warm sesame seed bun, deep fried freshest codfish in the world, a slice of cheese melted on top of the fish, and smothered in tartar sauce. Also huge greasy brown bags of the thinnest crispiest onion rings in the world. Yikes.

          • Laura says:

            Oh, Susan….all of those sound delicious!! Grilled cheese, BLTs, fish sandwiches, tartar sauce, onion rings…you’re speaking my love language:). Ok, time to get dressed and go to Zumba!!! Sun is Shining. Xoxoxo

          • sbranch says:

            If we played our cards right and did enough Zumba we could eat all those things!

          • SNAP OUT OF IT SUSAN… are thinking in a “Saboteur” fashion with the mention of the fish sandwich (lost me with the word greasy) eeww Think, fresh greens, tomatoes, berries…..aahhh now there we go back on track….phew almost lost Susan girls she had a mental relapse for a moment but you are back with us now right Susan?? Stay Strong……

          • sbranch says:

            I said, Yikes! 🙂 I’m strong, I promise! Just love to reminisce!

          • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

            I think I just gained a COUPLE of pounds reading about your fish sandwich, Susan!!! Sounds wonderful!

      • A*M*E*N….I would just instinctly start searching for money and run (yes I said run) toward the sound of the carnival music of the icecream truck…..Jim would think I had finally dropped off the deep end and had an emotional break….haha He would probably pay to see me running dear man and once I came to my senses would bless my heart and bring me a pineapple juice bar and never mention the episode with the ice cream truck again. :O

        • Lynn McMahon says:

          I have a ” daily struggle ” with living in walking distance~ if I was motivated enough ~ to a Danish bakery! ~ Google Kringle if you don’t know what it is ~or anything they in a Danish bakery~ and say a prayer for me!!!~ BTW I’m Danish!

        • Lynn McMahon says:

          I have a ” daily struggle ” with living in walking distance~ if I was motivated enough ~ to a Danish bakery! ~ Google Kringle if you don’t know what it is ~or anything theyname in a Danish bakery~ and say a prayer for me!!!~ BTW I’m Danish!

          • Lynn McMahon says:

            For the third time~ anything they make!~ see what you all are doing to me?~ I can’t even think straight !LOL!

  94. Jacquie says:

    It must be a New England phenomenon – I put on 10 lbs. too! Just like a Harbor Seal, we need that extra layer of blubber during the cold winter months! As I read this I was downing my morning water with lemon – that’s an indicator that I’m in the same mode as you; ready to come out of hibernation and lighten up. I load up of beans and slaws when I get serious. I’ll make WASA sandwiches instead of brioche ones and eat bowls of short grain, brown rice loaded sautéed veggies instead of pasta – either way; eating rich or light, it’s all so good! Can you get Stewart’s Shell Beans (packed in ME!) ?They are my secret weapon when I walk through my door, starving. Zero fat.and filling. Warmed with a dot of butter just the way I used to eat them at my grandmother’s house. Very satisfying.

    • sbranch says:

      Blubber! LOL. Quite right! WASA sandwiches, what’s that? I make lettuce rollups, so drippingly delicious with mustard, chopped red onion, pickles, chicken, a perfect sandwich without the sand. or the wich. I will look for those beans, my maiden name is Stewart so it should be easy for me to recognize them!

      • Jacquie says:

        I’m sure you know the product – like Finnish Crisp Bread. They’re found in that section. You’ll love the label of the Stewart’s can; very old fashioned. Oh, and one more thing; as my friend says, “no BLT’s”; bites, licks, and tastes!

        • sbranch says:

          But I do put tomatoes, a little mayo, lots of pepper, into lettuce rolls — it’s almost a BLT! They have to be garden tomatoes though, so they have lots of seeds and flavor!

  95. Laura says:

    Hi Susan! Hi Girls! Happy Spring everybody. Me too with the weight loss plan. No more grilled cheese….waaaah!! I have been using (free) online. It has helped me so much to stay on track and it is actually sort of fun to use. I started April 3 and have already lost 8 lbs:)….32 more to go!!! For me, I have noticed that I have to exercise….an hour a day of SWEATING….gym, zumba, walking…anything, but a half hour wasn’t working for me, so switched to an hour and…voila!! BIG, SPECIAL adventures at the end of June, so this extra fluff must GO!! Good luck everyone…we will do it…fist pumps all around!!! Xoxoxoxo

    • Laura says:

      P.s…also watching Bobby Flay fit on food He has common sense strategies and great recipes. Yes, you can still pasta 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I love those weight loss programs, I signed up for on my phone — although I haven’t really started it yet. I think the focus is really helpful. And the exercising!

  96. Holly says:

    So encouraged to read all these comments about good food!! The girlfriends here have much wisdom when it comes to eating real food, I can just tell! Moderation is key, you can never eat enough vegetables and don’t throw the good fats out the door! We all need good fats because they help you to feel satisfied and full – so don’t ditch the olive oil and butter. Sugar is the real enemy because it lowers your immunity and makes you feel sluggish and tired.

    And Susan, I know you will feel better and more beautiful after losing those 10 lbs. but remember, you are always beautiful to us all!!

    • sbranch says:

      Sugar and white flour. Oh, Holly, you are a doll. thank you!

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        Yes! SUGAR BAD. PROTEIN GOOD! We get our energy from protein, everyone – try to get a sizable quantity in the morning to start you off! I have had a bad Greek yogurt habit for a couple of years now – and no rehab for me. Fat-free, twice as much protein as “regular” yogurt and DEE-LISH-ISS to boot! My favorite addition = black raspberries. Oh my! :>)

        • sbranch says:

          Try it with watermelon and grapes and a sprinkle of good granola. To die for, my favorite summer breakfast.

          • Janet [in Rochester] says:

            I will. I LOVE watermelon. I’ve been known to eat one whole [bowling ball variety] watermelon [ice cold from the fridge] for supper on 90-degree evenings in August. Sweet, light, healthy, fat-free, low-calorie, almost all liquid basically. I tie a big terry kitchen towel under my chin, grab a soupspoon and have at it! :>)

          • sbranch says:

            I feel exactly the same. It’s food of the angels. For an amazing treat, burst of flavor, cut a slice, flick out the seeds (if you’re lucky enough to find one with seeds in it), spread a thin film of sour cream over it and sprinkle it lightly with brown sugar. O. My. Good. Golly. Gosh.

  97. Nadine says:

    Loved your Earth Day post; beautiful photos of your island home. Just wanted to say that I’m wading through Jane Austen’s works on my Kindle, and in those days, they called it an “airing” when they got out of the house for a bit. I know Joe doesn’t go back that far (! LOL) but think how accurate that seems, after being confined for so long!

    Congrats on having so much will power, to abstain from the treats and get healthy! I need to look to you for inspiration, and stop being so wimpy! Sounds as though your cold delivered a knock-out punch and I’m glad you’re feeling better.

    I feel for the girlfriends who are still having so much winter weather! Am trying to send Spring your way; March was so dreary here, but we are finally having a gorgeous Spring in Kentucky. Like you, I love just driving around the countryside, soaking in the beauty of the flowering trees amid all the GREEN at last! We currently have about 100 lambs, and they are a treat to watch, as they run and play on our hillsides. Their mothers are frantic and bleat after them, and it is “lamb-delirium.” Wish ALL of you were here to see!

    • sbranch says:

      OMG, you lucky thing. I have hardly seen anything cuter than the way lambs play! Oh, now that would be a road trip! Jane Austen and lambs. Very good Nadine!

  98. Bobbie Ann Picard says:

    Thank you for the encouragement with healthy eating. I have lost several pounds and for what ever reason, very difficult losing the last few. Maybe you will share some helpful, delicious ideas and maybe the girlfriends will too.
    I loved the pictures of the fishing village, how I would love to visit your part of the east coast. We have plans.
    I hope you are feeling better. Do all the things that make you feel good. Reading Gladys Taber always comforts my soul. When I read your blog and see the beautiful pictures, it does the same for me. Thank you!!!
    We are having a 70 degree day here in Somerset. Love it!!!! The other day, from the kitchen window we watched four rabbits play together in the back yard….they were adorable. A cardinal flew to the deck and then another, they kissed and flew off together. You have encouraged me to notice the beautiful creation around me more. Thanks. :))
    Wish you the best for today.
    Bobbie :))

    • sbranch says:

      Thanks Bobbie, I feel much better today. I agree with you about Gladys Taber, instant relaxation!

  99. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! Thank you for the mini road trip…didn’t even have to leave my kitchen table! My son Steven is familiar with Menemsha, from reading murder mysteries written by an author from Martha’s Vineyard. His fiction books took place on the island and even included seafood recipes…imagine that! Good luck watching your waistline!!! You’ve inspired me, too! So I will go take a whirl around the neighborhood on my old bicycle…my clothes feel like they have all “shrunk” and they need to have that “stretched out” feel! You are my “Springtime Angel” Susan!!! It’s sunny, breezy, with a high of 68 degrees today in Dearborn, MI. Amongst my border of daffodils and hyacinths my two little American flags are flying proud…God is good!!!

  100. Christine DeGraves says:

    I agree with you 100% nature is awesome those who spend no time within it beautiful magical arms miss so very much. I grew up with a forest behind our family as my beautiful playground. I know that helped shape my love for nature children today need to learn how wonderful it is.

    • sbranch says:

      Lucky you Christine … we went to the Rocky Mountains every summer and I will never forget the way it smelled.

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