Royal Baby Tea Party ♥ or how we got the baby born . . .

 R O Y A L   B A B Y  

Let’s start with a baby gift to celebrate, because crikey, IT’S A BOY! MUSICA!

 Must have something to mark this lovely event happening our own Mother country!

Something for a Royal Baby’s first year, my Baby Love book for new moms and dads to write about their own little royal baby, and two 2014 wall calendars to record his every adorable achievement. If you leave a comment at the bottom of this post, this signed set of goodies could be yours.  Even if you aren’t welcoming a baby into your family right now, Baby Love is a jolly good thing for anyone’s “hope” chest.

Getting ready, washing cups . . .

It’s Sunday morning, the party is at 4:30 pm, we have no baby, but I’m happy because finally, the sun is just starting to come out.

I’ve been lining the little shelf over the sink with flowers . . . squeezing them in amongst the Beatrix Potter People.

 ‘Course Jack is helping me . . . vaguely eyeing Jemima, thinking, “Don’t jump!”

 Joe hung up our new Downton Abbey bunting (white), and the flag we brought home from England; I plumped the “God Save the Queen” pillow my girlfriend Elizabeth brought back for me on one of her visits to England . . .

The Twine experts of all time came from California to help ~ that’s Diana on the left, and Elizabeth on the right.  They have tea parties for their girlfriends every year, it’s a tradition they make new hats for each event.  They are their own kind of royalty and their names (and the sunglasses) prove it.  I loved having royalty at our party.

Other people see them as royalty too, here’s Paparazzi Cathy in her posh little ruffled gloves.

Here’s another photo of them and their hats!  too cute!  Just a tiny idea of how fun and creative a tea party can really be.

Diana and Elizabeth are cousins, their moms were sisters.  They’ve known each other all their lives.  You can see by the flags in the window that they love England too, and have also done the pilgrimage to Beatrix Potter’s house!  I met Elizabeth when she bought my first house from me in 1989.  The two of them left yesterday, but I had them here all week!

Making the perfect cucumber sandwiches was a snap for these two . . . along with egg salad sandwiches and smoked salmon with cream cheese on pumpernickel.

I baked an Orange Lavender Polenta cake . . . I’ll show you how to make it in the next post.

. . . I made cold slaw, carrot salad, stuffed eggs, watermelon balls with yogurt and brown sugar.  We bought butter cookies from the Scottish Bakehouse, and Chilmark Chocolates too.  Sixty guests, friends, neighbors, family, kids, and house guests.

Joe set up a bar, made a giant pitcher of Pimm’s Cup, with orange, lime and lemon slices and cucumber sticks . . .

Proof that it takes a village . . . More bunting drapes the arbor, there’s the cousins surveying the area . . .

 It’s all just busy-work, because all we can think about is when is that baby going to be born!  Someone runs to the TV every 15 minutes just to make sure nothing is still happening.  And it always is.

We brought the Union Jack bunting home from England . . . I’ve been saving it for just this very day.

Of course we needed a talented person to play A Fine Romance and It’s a Long Way to Tipperary during the party … John Alaimo brought his piano.

Getting it all together, teaspoons, sugar bowls, teapots and tea cozies . . .

We had little cloth covers for the creamers that keep any critters out of the cream!

I love the little details of tea . . .

Diana brought a cake topper she made for the Orange Lavender Polenta Cake ~ it looked darling.  You could get one too, and see some of the other wonderful things in Diana’s Etsy store.  While you’re at it, if you’d like to see what goes on in Elizabeth’s designing life, you can go to her website at

I forgot to take pictures of the food and tea table!  This is the closest I got to the table with the camera.  (Fear not, I got a lot closer without the camera!) The book about Diana (on the table) was a gift from our friend Linda . . . I’m sure Diana felt at home with all the other royalty ~ we loved having her here.♥  Just a little bittersweet without her.  How she would have loved this moment.

We know this baby is coming, it’s the talk of the town, but when, when, when?

The Lady Olympia is going from person to person to ask “Will it be a boy or a girl?”  What do you think the name will be?”  Turns out the consensus is, it’s a GIRL, and her name will be Elizabeth!  A few got a bit closer, saying it would be a boy, and they thought perhaps “Charles” or “William”.  I like James for a boy because isn’t Jimmy just the cutest for a little Prince?  King James would be nice for a king too.  We’ll know pretty soon.

Lady Olympia takes a time out for hugs with her dapper white-linen and boater-clad Dad, the Duke of Earl, and her big sister, Crown Princess Astoria.

The Duke’s braces were brilliant!

Princess Marjorie, Grand Duchess Robin, Lady Diana, Countess Jill, and Queen Elizabeth. 

Queen Elizabeth tells a funny story!

Princess Irenie lives in London and came to visit Princess Samantha who just graduated from St. Andrews in Scotland. I’ve known Princess Samantha since she was a little baby.  When she was two and in her mother’s arms, she leaned toward me touching my earlobes, and said in pure baby talk, “I lob youa eahwings.”  Cutest little thing in the world!

Because they are five hours ahead of us here on the East Coast, by this time it was dark in England and looked like this, and the brightest light was London.  I think Princess Catherine was probably feeling a little bit queasy by now, probably walking around the living room, or cleaning out the kitchen cupboards.  But we didn’t know that for sure.  We thought she might need some help to get this baby going.

So just before the party was over, as twilight set in, we made a big circle and held hands.  We said a prayer for Catherine, for William, and for the baby.  We prayed that the birth would be easy for everyone, the baby would be healthy and most of all, that it would come soon. Then we raised our eyes to heaven, lifted our hands into the air, and all together, we dropped our hands and said, Pushhhhhhh, and again, still holding hands, arms up and then down (like we were the white flag at a Nascar race), Pusssshhhhhh, and one more time: up, down, pushhhhhh.  Like a mantra and a prayer.  And guess what?  Must have been moments later, the royal couple checked into the hospital!  Well, I guess SO!  And THAT is how we got the baby born.

Oh, just now as I’m writing, the new parents with the new Prince just came out the hospital doors. So exciting! It seems to have gone swimmingly and all our prayers were answered. Everyone looked beautiful, I saw tiny fingers in their first royal wave.  Now, for the name . . . what do you think????  Be sure to leave a comment, and soon Vanna will choose the name of the lucky winner of the Royal Baby Gift!  Did you hear that the royal mint will be giving a lucky 2013 silver coin to every British baby sharing a birthday with the new royal baby?  The coin comes in either a pink or a blue pouch as a gift to new mommies and daddies.  Just one of the cute things they do over there.

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1,110 Responses to Royal Baby Tea Party ♥ or how we got the baby born . . .

  1. Debby Suovanen says:

    What a lovely party you put together! Makes me want to make some cucumber sandwiches and egg salad. It was wonderful to welcome a healthy baby boy for the royal couple, although I was hoping he would wait to be born on my son’s birthday – July 25th. I always felt somewhat of a kinship with Princess Diana – we were pregnant together both times. My son was born one month after Prince William and my daughter was born one month before Prince Harry. Our children kind of grew up together! Thank you for sharing your talents with us. They are always appreciated!!

  2. Mary Peterson says:

    Loved your royal baby post, and now Baby George is finally here! We lived in Marlow, England for a year, and my husband and I love all things BRITISH! Can’t wait to go back again…

  3. Diana Lucas says:

    That looks like it was an amazing tea party….I so wish I was there to share in the fun. So glad she had a boy, I think James would be a nice name as there hasn’t been one in awhile. Can’t wait to find out his name and see more pictures of him and the royal parents.

  4. Tamara Scire says:

    Oh how wonderful your party looked! What fun! They could name him Theodore (Teddy for short, it means “gift of God”! 🙂

  5. Tasha says:

    Thoroughly enjoyed your party, Susan, and thank you for letting us all share. I’m sure all that “pushing” helped the baby to be born.
    And now we know he’s to be called George Alexander Louis….

    Tasha in hot & sunny Warwickshire

  6. Sue says:

    Just a quick note — I’m in a hurry — but I have to say, What a lovely and fun party to “get little George Alexander Louis born”. 🙂 Looks like everyone had a wonderful time! And now he is here — his name already announced! 🙂

    I was waiting until you posted again to say that I didn’t receive the last “Willard”. This is the second time it has happened — is there something I need to do to be sure to get it again? I usually had no problems with it before, don’t know what is up with it.

    Anyway, thanks so much for the chance to win the awesome prizes!
    Gotta run for now.
    Have a wonderful evening, Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m sorry about Willard! There seems to be a glitch somewhere, but here’s a link for you!

      • Lynn says:

        Thanks for the link, Susan, I have also missed the last couple of Willards. You and your pals did a great job getting that baby born! My dad is also a George so I just ordered him the Emma Bridgewater “Hooray for George” mug. Long live the King.

        • sbranch says:

          We are working on Willard … and finding out that perhaps AOL is blocking him, because so many of the missing Willards belonged to AOL customers. Yikes. If you have another email address like gmail or something, re-sign up using that, and let’s see what happens. In the meantime, did you get the link? Here you GO!

  7. Jen Y says:

    I’d love to win the baby gift. I think the best name is Charles – I married my own Prince Charlies & we have a little Prince Charles all grown up now & getting ready to marry his princess. So maybe we’ll have a little grandprince someday too.

  8. Nel E from Michigan says:

    I had guessed George!!! Yes! Tis true, (as I bent over for a DEEEP bow!). Maybe I shall play the lottery today; I’m feeling lucky! 😉
    LOVED the tea party!! Gives me some ideas!

  9. Theresa says:

    Susan – Your tea party was delightful and so very timely. Even my husband has enjoyed all of the royal baby press!! Aren’t we all happy to welcome little Prince George into the world. I hope he feels all the love and good karma being sent his way.

  10. Dee says:

    Do you EVER hire out for parties!?!?!?!!? LOVE LOVE LOVE your wonderful celebrations! You are just TOOOOOOOO CLEVER and that’s why we all love you!

  11. mary says:

    What fun! I love seeing your ideas for entertaining! We welcomed our own little grandson prince 6 weeks ago. Babies are special for any family!

  12. Carol from Connecticut says:

    THE PIM’S CUP………

  13. Gill says:

    Well of course, we now know his names – good choices, I think, though I would have liked James, which just happens to be one of the names of my husband, my elder son & my oldest grandson!
    Lovely tea party. Thank you for including us. Tea parties are my favourite parties with delicious food, plenty of opportunity to meet people & chat, & still have some feet-up time in the evening!

    • sbranch says:

      Right, that last part is just one more reason to love Tea Parties. They don’t take place at 10 pm! 🙂

  14. Martha Noon says:

    Princess Susan,
    Your tea looked lovely … A perfect nod to this very special Royal couple and new baby!

  15. Susan Kellam says:

    What a fun tea party and your friends look like they’d be a blast to party with!My daughter Kate (isn’t that a coincidence?) is having her first baby in January and it would be thrilling for this “Grammy” to win the baby goodies!

  16. wilhelmina margalis says:

    Happy baby to you! What a lovely idea for a royal baby tea! I may just have to honor you and steal the idea. I work in a Residential Home (retirement) and think the residents would love it! Thanks for the inspiration! xxxxoooo

  17. Terry says:

    Hi, Susan!

    What a wonderful thing to do – pray at the end of your party! You never cease to amaze me! Such a caring, kind, thoughtful gesture.

    I too was watching for the birth of the royal baby. I was hoping for a girl. My oldest sister lives in England. I have not spoke to her since the birth of the baby. I must give her a call tomorrow.

    I am so hoping that you are going to sign your new book somewhere in the NY, NJ area. I will be there if you do – even if I have to take the day off work.

    Happy baby watching!

    • sbranch says:

      Any excuse for everyone to form a circle and raise their thoughts and eyes to heaven for good things, I love. We will likely be coming through the NY NJ area around Labor Day weekend. Just trying to firm up those plans now. Watch for updates to our schedule.

  18. Cleta says:

    Your blog is adorable! What neat ideas. I just received a new great-grandbaby so the book would be lovely. Thank you.

  19. Debbie '51 says:

    Oh, Susan – thank you for sharing your Royal Tea Party with we serfs. It looks like such a wonderful gathering. I love the tea pots, the little cover for the creamer, every little detail! Sondra is right – you are so clever.

    I’m a little jealous of the English for having such wonderful long-standing traditions. It’s so fun that you take part anyway! Well, why not – you’re practically a Brit yourself 🙂

    Thanks for the joy you spread!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I’m adopting them!

      • sondra fox says:

        Hi Ann, I wish I were you right now. We (husband & I) spent a lot of summers on Good Old Lake Erie, waterskiing & enjoying the lake. Love all that fresh water. Don’t recall being bothered with seaweed, but that certainly would eliminate a good swim. My husband’s family had a cottage at Conneaut. We also had lots of fun at Geneva on the Lake. We were there last summer. Lots of memories sprung up when we visited.
        (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)

  20. Ann says:

    I’m on vacation at my little cottage near the seaweed water of Lake Erie.
    I’m trying to post a comment on my phone. I’m hoping I win this time!! I keep trying!!
    I adored your tea party!! I can’t wait to get home so I can see the tea party blog on my home
    Computer. I brought Gladys Taber’s cookbook and the Queen Victoria’s sketchbook to read.
    I’ll post my new updates on Goodreads when I get home too.

  21. Krista says:

    Hi Susan: I hesitate to leave a comment because I already won a giveway, but I can’t help it. I’m so impressed that you got the baby born and had such a good time doing it. When Susan Branch Blog pops up in my inbox, I know it’s a GOOD day! Krista

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Yes Krista, you won the teacups! That’s OK, you can still enter the drawings, you never know … you do seem to have the lucky gene!

      • Deborah T. Norling says:

        Krista !! Did you win the tea in the Minton china dessert set ??! I have to know the name of that pattern….I have always loved those….I tried to enhance the photo from an earlier blog of Susan’s but no luck….is it printed on the bottom of the cups ? I’d love to know ! !

  22. Ann says:

    So it was YOU who got things to finally move along with this little Prince!

    I was thinking the name could be George, or maybe James (but not sure how that Scottish connection would go over). My husband, who happens to be named George, thought his name would be a good choice. He was surprised and delighted when I told him this afternoon that the Duke and Duchess like it, too!

    Your tea party was a lovely idea! Thanks for sharing the details with us!

    Ann (from Virginia)

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, Ann, it was us. I cannot tell a lie. Tell George congratulations on his new namesake!

  23. Hmmm…I’m guessing…George! Okay, I peeked. 🙂 Such a wonderful, delightful party you had! I was drinking my tea out of my bird mug while waiting for the Lindo Wing doors to open, having my own little party. I’m celebrating a new little princess that was born to my niece on the 19th, just 3 days begore Prince George. Her name is Ruby Rose Toet. Isn’t “Princess Ruby” the sweetest name? ♥ Ooo…hope I win the book and calendars! Glad to see Jemima is mended and back with her friends, too. 🙂

  24. Glenda says:


    Such a wonderful party! Everyone looked as if they were enjoying it too. I love parties too where there are all ages included. You have definitely made some wonderful memories for all. Wish I could have been there too! 🙂

    Thank you for sharing.

  25. Cynthia A. Harp says:

    I loved the tea party. Something I thought was really inspired was the cover on the creamer! That was smashing!! There were so many wonderful things going on there. Getting out the teacups, hanging the buntings and banners, that cutie Lady Olympia (how sweet was she!), a giant pitcher of Pimm’s Cup and all your lovely friends. What a great time you must have had. *S* Sweet baby George Alexander Louis and his proud parents outside the hospital was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes. I thought of how it felt when I brought both of my girls home. I know they will be the best of parents and their sweet George will be a wonderful young man like his father. Smashing party, well done dear Susan!! Hugs to all.

  26. Gail from California says:

    Hi Susan,

    Oh boy! what a fun party you all had. Good food, good spirits, and great friends
    That’s sounds like a winner to me. Thanks for letting us be a part of all the festivities.

  27. Tiina says:

    What a great tea party wish I could have been there! I loved all of the decorations. Its looks soo fun. Prince George is the name. Georgie Porgie I think he will be called. What do you think??
    Cate and Will are going to be great parents you should send them this blog of how you got her to birth that baby. I bet she would get a chuckle.
    xo Tiina

  28. Marilyn Holeman says:

    Dear Susan,

    Thank you for sharing your Royal Baby Tea Party with us. I thought it was so thoughtful that the British government is giving a coin to the babies who share the new Prince’s birthday. I think a new King James would be nice, too. We’ll see!

  29. Susan Kellam says:

    Oh, I forgot to mention in my comment that my grandfather’s first and middle name was George Alexander!

  30. audrey Bell, LaBarque Creek, MO says:

    Princess Diana and I had our first babies the same year and I had always thought one day our children would meet, fall in love and marry. Well, things did not work out quite that way. My daughter chose to marry her high school sweetheart.
    Fast forward all these years and now my lovely daughter and my amazing son-in-law have their third child, a first daughter this same year that Prince William has his first born child, a boy. Hum? Perhaps… (a grandmomma can always dream, right?)
    Thank you for the peek at your Royal Tea Party!

  31. Sue Miller says:

    What a fun post…and party! Thanks for allowing us to attend. I am sure that without your help we would still be waiting for that Royal Baby. You add such fun to our lives.

  32. Lisa Jorgensen says:

    What a great tea party! It looks like everyone had a jolly good time.
    As for the royal baby name thing, my pick was George Charles Michael Spencer. That would have included all the royal Dads and Grandpas and great Grandpas. I think everyone was pulling for the Spencer name to honor Diana’s family.
    I just heard the news of the name. I was right with the George, but the Alexander Louis, wow, that was a surprise. Very disappointed (but not surprised), that the Spencer name was not included. I don’t think the Queen would have approved that, such a shame.
    Can’t wait for your book, hurry up Fall we are waiting!!

    • sbranch says:

      I imagine the naming of this first baby, the future King, is really important in the world of protocol. Maybe the third baby could be a Spencer!

  33. Kathryn says:

    I agree, James would have been the perfect name for the little prince. Too bad they went with George.
    I’m glad to see that Jemima is all healed!

  34. marcia baptist says:

    First of all, I just loved your tea party. Everything was just sooo perfect. Cute photos. I wish I was there in person.
    I had been watching alll the news to hear about the pending arrival of the royal baby. Prayed for Catherine that she would have an easy labor and birth. My heart sang when W & K brought the little prince out of the hospital. I know Diana’s spirit is with her son, his wife and her dear grandchild. We all wish that she could have been a part of all the excitement. She would have loved it!

  35. Sara says:

    How absolutely lovely! Looks like a fabulous and fun tea (twine) party!

  36. Gwen Barath says:

    What a lovely tea party! The Bells of Westminster Abbey are so beautiful. Thank you for giving us the bells sound bite as it made me feel I was right there amid the celebration.

  37. Teena says:

    What a wonderful event! So perfect to celebrate this royal birth. You continue to make us feel like we are experiencing what you experienced, in sharing it! Very enjoyable to read. Thank you, Susan!

  38. Frances Fowler says:

    Susan, what fun! I admit, being out of school (at least until teachers go back next Friday), at least three days of my life were commandeered by waiting for a) the birth; b) leaving the hospital; and c) the name! Constantly zipping to the computer waiting for news, tv going ALL DAY waiting for them to leave the hospital and all worth it! Could it be over three decades since Charles and Diana presented William to the world, a squashed newborn in his white blanket? It was different then — no internet to run to every fifteen minutes. Perhaps it was y’alls little “push” that finally brought on Kate’s labor (maybe with a bit of help from the very full moon). Beautiful party, looks as if everyone had a blast, and thanks for the link to Decorating with Lace — I love their site! I know you’re enjoying the height of summer on your beautiful island, but in north Georgia, I’m waiting for the first signs of fall to tiptoe in around 4 weeks from now. I’ll be reeaaally ready to be gone with the heat and humidity, ready for beautiful warm fall days and cooler evenings. As for now, welcome the new royal baby George Alexander Louis!

  39. Renee S says:

    The baby book is just as delightful as your tea! I have it for both of my princes, Joseph and Jacob:) Our next family member needs one too.

  40. Robin in New Jersey says:

    I love this! I feel like I was there with you. Thank you for sharing all the loveliness that surrounds you. 🙂

  41. Julie Marie says:

    Oh my goodness Susan, this is the most fabulous tea party I have ever attended!… I loved mingling with all of the “royalty”… I am a self~appointed princess (Princess Julie Marie) so I felt quite at home… you outdid yourself with all of your buntings, flags, pillows, food and tea… loved seeing Jack peeking out the window (Jemima Puddleduck looked no worse for the wear after Joe fixed her for you!)… and yay for you, getting the Royal Baby to be born!… I always get teary~eyed thinking of Princess Diana at times like this… but I am sure she was smiling down at all of you and saying to everyone in Heaven “don’t you just LOVE Susan Branch!”… I do!… xoxo Julie Marie

  42. Freddie says:

    Welcome to the world Prince George Alexander.!!! I love the way William put the baby seat in their car, like any other parents. I admire that they try to keep their lives simple as can be under circumstances. Shades of Diana. Love your tea party. Its nice you had great weather too.

  43. Lucia says:

    Congratulations, Susan! Your Tea Party was wonderful! I loved seeing all the photos and reading about how you put it all together. You are so remarkable and creative!
    Thank you for the fun of it all!

  44. Sherri Fabbri says:

    You have the best parties! I always love your pics and drawings! I hope to see you soon at the SLO show! The Royal Baby’s birth is special as the Queen is a distant cousin on my dad’s side of the family (Dill), in SLO. So I love all the hoopla! Thanks for sharing your party! I would love to win the Royal Baby Gift!

  45. Edwina McKee says:

    What a great Tea Party. Babies are a happy and joyful time in our lives. It is amazing how so many people around the world were waiting for the Royal arrival. Avery happy family.

  46. Lydia Alejandro says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for sharing your tea party with us.
    It was lovely. Our family just welcomed our new
    Baby, Princess Ana’Leigh. She weighed 7 pounds
    And a few ounces. She is adorable. She is now
    2 months old and is my great granddaughter. Imagine
    me at 59 being a great grandmother.
    Your blog is delightful and thank you for bringing
    joy and love to all of us sisters out here in the USA!
    Lydia Alejandro
    Fremont, Ohio

  47. Tracy P, Memphis TN says:

    Love the tea party idea. Your party was beautiful. What a grand time you must have had.

  48. Martha says:

    What a wonderful party – looks like you had such fun!! Welcome Baby George!!!
    Martha from CT

  49. Linda in Texas says:

    You had a lovely party for the new future king. Thanks for letting us peek in, too. I’m very intrigued by the polenta cake. May have to try that soon.

    Happy summer, Susan. It’s passing quickly.

    From Linda in Texas

  50. Carla B says:

    What fun! I love tea parties,and just attended a delightful one hosted by my friend, Vicky. My 2 month old granddaughter, Elly Kate, and her mama also attended. It was Elly’s first party, and how nice that it was a tea party! We plan to have many more as she grows up. Tea parties must be mandatory for princesses-in-training! Perhaps Princess Eleanor Kathryn and Prince George Alexander Louis will meet some day…highly unlikely, but her mama thought it fun to contemplate!

  51. Karen says:

    Welcome Prince George Alexander Louis!

  52. Debbie McL says:

    I so enjoyed your Royal Baby Tea Party!!! What a delightful idea and I just know that each of your prayers for the mother and father and baby -to- be were felt all the way in England from you and your sweet Tea Party guests… Such a thoughtful and meaningful gesture on your part Susan…It has been exciting to see the photos of William and Kate and their most precious tiny Prince George. Such a special new little family! May God Bless each of them with a lifetime of happiness~Sincerely, Debbie

  53. Carolyn says:

    What a fun party! Loved the decorations, the dishes, the food and drinks. So many nice friends! The baby is here safe and sound and with an historic name!

  54. Tracy Jones says:

    Dear Susan,
    I just loved your party and all it’s fun and creativity! Born in England, I can truly appreciate your efforts! Tracy

  55. Jan from Northern CA says:

    Ahhh, the tea party! I was thrilled to hear that William and Kate had a lovely baby boy! I had just finished a Birthday Tea Party/Dress up/sleep over for my 10 year old God-daughter on Saturday the 20th, her 10th Birthday! We went down to the Goodwill af few days earlier….and being the best time of year to find size 1 and sizw 4 post-prom/bridesmaid dresses for the event….also bought a bag of covered clips to help them fit their little skinny bodies….and each girl brought her own dress up shoes. It was fabulous! We had pink, vanilla, and chocolate waffers….those little rectangular ones with the cream inside…..they decorated their cupcakes before dressing up and we put them on their table as the centerpiece on a three layerd cupcake rack we also found at goodwill. We made peanut butter sandwiches and used a flower cookie cutter on them for their luncheon. They all had tea in a cute little set we found…and “Shirley Temples” as well. And to top it off they even put their pinkie fingers out when drinking it as well. What a time they had! Later after dinner, we were given a fashion show with each girl in numerous combinations of dressup. What a time. I’m pooped! Took lots of photos…..would love to send you one. You’d get a kick out of it. Well, thank you sooo much for all the lovely Tea memories, all the Baby celebrations and just for being such a wonderful place to go for a bit of cheer. Can’t wait to see the “book”…….my pre order is in. Stay cool out there.
    Jan from Northern CA

  56. Faith rose says:

    Thats so funny Susan I wanted it to be James too!!I thought it sounded so nice, but George is nice too.I would love a baby book that I could save for when I have a child! Thanks for the tour through your party ! I love your decorating ideas!

  57. carol brisco says:

    Love the tea party, you are the best!!! So happy the mum & babe are doing well.

  58. Arlinda says:

    You are a marvel. Thank you for inviting me and my girls to the party. After we saw the picture of “The Twine experts from California” the girls and I decided to dress up before we continued to read. It was so much fun.

    Thank so much Susan. My two little girls and I share sweet moments and create memories because of you. You have become a sweet part of our lives. Thank you. XOXO

    • sbranch says:

      You have no idea how sweet those words are for me. xoxo Thank you! Give them little hugs for me.

  59. Meg Cooper says:

    You sure know how to party!

  60. Jacqueline Meindersee says:

    I loved this post Susan, and your tea party was darling! I especially loved the bunting! What a fun time 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

  61. Josephine says:

    My baby granddaughter is due in a few weeks, so of course I’m daydreaming that she’ll marry the Prince and live happily ever after!! I vote for “Arthur” — King Arthur sounds splendid.

  62. Tamar Time says:

    So nice that you had a picture of Diana on the table.

  63. Jan says:

    What a wonderful party.

  64. Kathy says:

    Lovely party…thank you for the beautiful post. Such exciting time for England.

  65. Deb says:

    What a delightful tea party and post! Well, by now, we know the name, and I think it’s very fitting. It was a week of baby excitement for sure!

  66. Laurie says:

    My daughter had a semester abroad at St. Andrews when Kate & William were there and caught a few glimpses. Just so sweet to see them with the new Prince George. (Personally, I like to see the “old-fashioned” names coming back.)

  67. Chris k in Wisconsin says:

    “Make Tea Not War” has to be about the best sign EVER!! I love it.
    So glad that baby, Mom & Dad all seem to be doing so well. Loved when William came out carrying the little one in the baby seat and then got in and drove his little family home. Just made me smile. And a nice tribute to the Queen’s father in naming him George. I hope that the little family is allowed some privacy. Perhaps in Buckleberry….. (not sure if that is spelled correctly, but I find myself just saying “Buckleberry” out loud because it sounds so wonderful), they will have a chance to catch their breath and Kate will have some help from her family instead of employing a Nanny from Day 1. I am certain that Diana is looking down and smiling.

  68. meppybn says:

    So looking forward to having a baby in this family – and this has been so much fun sharing your tea party – those pushes did the trick, all right!

  69. Martha Kormondy says:

    I loved your tea party Susan. We have a hospital here in Denver that has many new moms starting out with nothing for their new babies. They try to provide a basket with some basics to these new moms. There is a charity called “newborns in need” and they ask individuals or groups to hold a baby shower and donate basic necessities to their cause. I am going to host a newborns in need baby shower in honor of the royal baby! Will be fun to use some of your ideas to compliment my party! Thanks for sharing!

  70. Gail says:

    Dear Susan……..You are so darling!!! The tea party was delightful!!! I am so enjoying my new book….your paintings, pictures and writings are so delightful!!! I honestly have never seen, much less…..owned (and signed by the author) such an adorable book. I treasure it and I must say again how honored I feel to have it in my possession!!!

    Blessings From a Grateful Chick in California……Gail

    • sbranch says:

      So happy to hear it Gail! So far, other than Joe, the editor, and me, you are the only one to have read it. Lovely to hear from you! xo (In fact, honestly, little leaps of joy! 🙂 )

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        Oh, I’ve always wondered at what point does Joe get to read one of your books? Ongoing throughout the writing? Before the editors get it? After? :>)

        • Janet [in Rochester] says:

          PS – one of my friends is a writer and he never lets his wife see a book until the third draft! Until then, MUM is The Word! :>)

        • sbranch says:

          Every single day. Then he says, don’t write that. And we go back and forth, and then I do it anyway. OR, I don’t!

    • Marsha MacLean says:

      Dear Gail,
      We are all so happy to hear you have received the book and that you are so thrilled with it! How wonderful to be the first to receive it and enjoy it!
      Susan, You must feel like the proud mama, having ” birthed ” this book!

  71. Jean W says:

    Your party worked!! What a lovely Royal family. They all looked so happy.
    Thank you for a view of your island life.
    Ps. I love love love the beach and ocean !(too)

  72. Autumn says:

    What a great idea for a party! Looks like you all had tons of fun! And so glad the baby made it here safely!

  73. Melissa R (UT) says:

    Thanks for sharing the tea party! I keep planning to have one soon- a great excuse now that HRH Prince GEORGE is here! So exciting! THANKS for yet another blog of inspiration! XO Melissa

  74. Mary Cunningham says:

    Such an exciting time to get to live in a time to be able to watch William’s mom and dad get married, then see him and Harry grow up and now the future King George….so happy for them all and that they will be “hands on” parents! Hurrah for change! Wonderful tea party festivities you are sharing with us!

  75. How fun your tea party looked! Such joyous news the baby Prince being born! It is so good to see everyone so excited as well , good news in the news is rare these days and calls for celebration. Brought back memories of Lady Diana when she had William as my first son William was born a few weeks after the Prince. I too thought how proud she would have been not only of her new grandson but also of William. It appears he has learned well from his parents and chosen well in his wife. God bless the little family.

  76. Susan LP says:

    What a splendid party. Thank you so much for inviting us. Did that sound royal enough? And I’m sure William and Catherine appreciated your help with the delivery of little George.
    Wherever did you find the teaspoon? My absolute favorite thing! Would love to find one for my friend who loves tea. And also one for me.

    • sbranch says:

      I found it in a store here on the island a long time ago, but they have no more I’m sorry to say. I wonder if you could maybe find it on Etsy.

  77. What a lovely tea party. Friends, food, fellowship, and fun!

  78. Karen C from NC says:

    What a nice way to end a tea party! We all had splendid time. Thank you so much for sharing. XOXO

  79. Nicole Pivec says:

    Wonderful! Would have loved to have been there. Thank you for having me virtually, at any rate. The “Puush” chant had me in stitches; thanks for helping out. 🙂

    And for a name? Well, I was thinking “James” too, since they haven’t had one for a while. They seem to like to recycle the royal names. Someone mentioned “Arthur.” Would they actually do that, do you think? Actually have, some day, a REAL King Arthur of England. Now wouldn’t that be quite brilliant?

  80. Diane S. says:

    Great party! I think James would be a Grand name

  81. Annette McD says:

    I was so happy that you and your friends were also infected with “royal fever”. I was also so very excited; my family is from Somerset, England and I was so emotional about the whole thing, teary-eyed and the like. Nobody seemed to understand what I was going through. But God bless you, it seems you and your pals were immersed in it as was I. Long live Little Prince George!

  82. susan says:

    love the tea party. looks like all had a very royal time.

  83. Karen M says:

    Oh, what a lovely party. I have been a fan of yours for years. I look forward to everything you share with us.

  84. mel cunningham says:

    A smashing time was had by all! thank you for sharing the fun!

  85. LauraAnn says:

    Well, the new prince’s name has already been announced…George! It seems a bit stuffy for such a small one, but steeped in history, I suppose. He’s going to be the cutest little George around!
    Your party looked lovely; what a fun idea for a celebration.

    • sbranch says:

      So now, I wonder what they will call him? Will there be a nickname or is that not allowed?

  86. Michele Stuart says:

    Welcome George Alexander Louis!

  87. Cathy R says:

    LOL! You are the best at celebrating each moment! Thanks for sharing your wonderful life with us! And sweet gifts! Cathy in Idaho

  88. Linda says:

    A million,gazillion male names out there and they came up with George for pete’s sake!? I can hear the chanting now of Georgie Porgie Puddin’ and Pie! Ah, well it could have been a boy named “Sue”!! HA! HA!
    Loved your friends website and etsy shop……..very interesting!
    I was in charge of hat making at a party celebrating the life of a long time friend of the family…..she was a “hat” person and alot of the hats we had people purchase and then decorate (money went to charity—she was an artist and had decorated a children’s mental hospital with large murals so the money went there) and fun was had by all.
    Thank you again for inviting us to your clever party! It has been 100’s here in smokey (forest fires) Idaho.

  89. Candice OHIO says:

    Absolutely loved your tea party!! Thank you for sharing with all of us Girlfriends! All the trimmings, bunting, flags and crowns and all the yummy food! You certainly did a bang up job with everything!! I was glued to the TV waiting for the grand announcement! Such a historic event! I wondered if it was a holiday on Monday for everyone in the UK? Looking forward to the give-away!! You are such a creative and generous soul!! Have a great Week!
    Warmest regards,

  90. Nancy Ravisé-Noel says:

    What a lovely post and how inventive everyone is! Who needs Lamaze when now we have the PUSH PRAYER! We are also awaiting the birth of a little boy, my first grandson, so I would love to be entered in the drawing! Good luck to all.


  91. Jan Johnson says:

    Oh I just loved reading about your party! Such fun! (Oh those two words remind me of the most hilarious British comedy I just watched on – Miranda, created by and starring Miranda Hart who plays Chummy on Call the Midwife! You might enjoy it and it’s free!) I really want that Union Jack bunting for my very own, but I could make do just as well with the baby package if I won it! I preordered a Fine Romance today – SO SO SO excited! I had not had much work for ages and was quite morose that I couldn’t afford it – after all the kids need to be cared for first, but then my work picked up, and that is what I chose for my reward for all the hours I’ve been putting in! Just. Can’t. Wait!

  92. Heidi says:

    What a wonderful idea for a party!!! It looks like you all had a fabulous time! 🙂

    I am expecting my own little prince or princess in January and would e THRILLED to win your sweet prize! Please enter me in the drawing!

    Thank you! God bless, Heidi 🙂

    PS: your PUSH prayer is awesome! I’ll be sure to gather my friends round for one of those when I get closer to the due date 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I think it would be a big help — the shhhhhhh part is what I think did the trick! Congratulations Heidi!

  93. jeanne murray says:

    Dear Susan,

    Such a lovely looking tea; you always do things just right.

    I would be thrilled to win your latest drawing – we have a newborn in our home & have been treasuring every minute of it.


    Jeanne M.

    • sbranch says:

      Congratulations! I had a new baby come into my home every two years for the whole time I was growing up, so I do know how that feels and it’s just so wonderful!!

  94. Carol Wakefield says:

    How delightful! And I am sure the royal couple were most appreciative of your help with the delivery. (You can never have too many helpers) My dear friend is a transplant nurse and in honor of the royal birth she and her fellow nurses wore pearls and fascinators to work on Monday. How fun is that! The patients loved it…..the administrators not so much. 🙂 You tea was beautiful and simply smacked of Susan Branch. You fill the world with happiness. Bless you!
    Pink Rose Cottage

    • sbranch says:

      Love nurses for so many reasons, this among them. The way they make light in the middle of difficult situations, and the way they nurture, just touches my heart.

    • Janet [in Rochester] says:

      Then it sounds like the administrators are right where they should be – administrating! And the patients have the kind of people they NEED nursing them… Bless their hearts – what a fun idea that was! Those nurses surely stirred a lot of smiles that day! :>)

  95. Rebecca in sunny Anthem AZ says:

    So excited about the new future king! Must be weird to be his mother, sitting there loving him as a 3 day old and thinking about what is in store for his future – rather overwhelming! But – he still needs his nappy changed, so for now – he’s just like every other little bundle of baby boy joy. Congrats to Lady & Prince! All the best – they look beautifully happy as they left the hospital the other day. Reminded me of how excited I was bringing home my 1st! just so excited for them.

    • sbranch says:

      I thought the same thing Rebecca, how his little life is so mapped out already. That these next 10 or so years are so important, because if joy is to be instilled, this will be the time to do it.

  96. Kelly J. says:

    Good morning, Susan! What a sweet & fun way to usher in such a special little baby 🙂 Welcome Baby Prince George!

    Kelly from eastern PA

  97. Julia says:

    I have a question this morning. Do you think you will be coming to
    the southeast on your tour? If not we will have to know in time to
    make it to another signing. Don’t know how you continue to come up
    with such wonderful blogs. I loved seeing all of the young ladies
    at your tea party.

    • sbranch says:

      I do, but it won’t be until after Christmas. We are going across 80 on our way out to CA via Chicago and points between — hopefully then up the WA, then down southern CA — On the way home to AZ and TX, through OK City, then toward home at the end of Nov, with lots of stops in between. If all goes as planned, after Christmas we will drive south for a month or so. That’s the plan we have right now, subject to change!

      • Lady Theresa Ann Elizabeth from Georgia (aka "Terrie from Atlanta" says:

        When we all get our SB 2014 calendars, let’s mark July 22 as the FIRST BIRTHDAY of Little Prince Prince George (G-Dawg to his mates). July 21 will from hereon be known as “Royal Push Day” and we shall all have tea parties ending in circles of wishes. Cheers, girlfriends! XoXo

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        Wow! Your next book could be “Something-Something [song title] – Falling in Love with the AMERICAN Countryside…” You are going to see SO much! Wonderful. :>)

        • sbranch says:

          I know, and there’s so MUCH to see. I’m afraid of the length of the book. Did you know (and I did NOT know this until we got home) than England is smaller than Louisiana???? Shocking. It’s stuffed to the gills with things to see.

  98. Susan Roubal says:

    What fun! A royal baby tea…fun and playful, too. Someday I’d like to conjur up something as fun. Meanwhile, please consider entering my name in the drawing. One can always hope for a grandchild off in the future!
    Susan in Michigan’s beautiful U. P. playground. (Its finally SUMMER!) yay!

  99. Cindy Richards says:

    What a beautiful, lovely, fun way to celebrate the new Royal…Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge. I shared your postings with all my friends that wished we could have gotten together for a Welcome Baby Party…so thanks to you we were able to in a cyber way. I am very sure Kate and Wills would extend a huge Thank You for your Push Mantra.

    • sbranch says:

      We will have to keep the Push Mantra in our tool box for all the babies that are coming soon!

  100. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Thank you so much, I loved being invited for twine, from the teacup balancing act (great picture!) to the Push Prayer, it was a beautiful, memorable day! And, rubbing shoulders with all the royalty was such a special treat! My Dad’s name was George, and his folks were from England (& his grandmother was a Cherokee Indian in Texas, that’s another story!) way, way back, so I almost feel related to the darling Prince! Just got a brand new “Girlfriends” book & have started reading & enjoying every single picture & story, it is so charming dear, sweet Sue, I don’t know how I’ve managed to not have one all these years! And, the beautiful calendars came last week. I tried really hard for about 30 seconds to not look at each month – but, had to, couldn’t stand it! We’re getting a beautiful (I already know, they all are!) great grandson in Nov., he’s sure to be a prince of a baby! So exciting! I wonder if they’ll name him George? Thank you for your generous giveaway, we qualify, getting a new baby and all!!!!! xoxo

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