Cranberry Apple Crisp


And speaking of apples . . . my absolute favorite dessert this time of year has a festive wreath of fresh cranberries and crunchy top — the recipe’s in my Autumn Book; I know many of you have made it, but I can’t rest in life until everyone has!   So here we go, this recipe serves six (it’s easy to cut it down and make it for two or even for one, especially for one).  The smells of apples and cinnamon fill your house (an invisible but very wonderful Christmas decoration), when you open your oven to pull out this bowl of Christmas cheer, you fall in love with yourself; in love with the whole world.

Cranberry Apple Crisp

  • 4 lg. green apples, peeled, cored, and sliced 1/2″
  • 1 c. fresh cranberries
  • 3/4 c. brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 1/2 c. flour
  • 1/2 c. old-fashioned slow-cooking oats
  • 3/4 tsp. cinnamon
  • 3/4 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1/3 c. softened butter

Preheat the oven to 375°.  Butter a baking dish, approx 9 x 9.  Place apple slices and 3/4 of the cranberries in the dish.  Mix remaining ingredients well (use fingers to get butter into other ingredients) and sprinkle over the apples.  Use the rest of the cranberries to decorate the top.  Bake 30 minutes.  Serve hot with ice cream, or cold with whipped cream.   xoxo

27 Responses to Cranberry Apple Crisp

  1. A must try this one this weekend. Except apples in this area do not taste anything like the ones in your area. I know because I use to live in your area.
    Thank you Susan

  2. Joan Lesmeister says:

    This is a great recipe! I’ve (well, actually, you’ve) had many compliments on this delicious dessert. If there were to ever be any leftovers, it’s yummy for breakfast too!!! The wonderful aroma should be bottled as a perfume! Love the Autumn book! xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Agree in every way Joanie, I am a fiend for apple crisp! I have tasted it in many restaurants, and I have to ever-so-modestly say, I still love this recipe the best!

  3. Pam from Cicero says:

    I am having two dear friends over on Monday after school, and I am going to try your Cranberry Apple Crisp recipe for them! We love cranberries so this should be good! Also, in regards to ironing . . . .my husband and I have been married for over 40 years, and last week as I was ironing, he told me he has always loved the smell of ironing, ever since he was a little boy. He said there is something about that smell that makes him think of home. I never knew this, but will always remember it now. Simple pleasures!

  4. Lisa Muncy says:

    Susan, this is on my list for my Halloween party. I’m sure I’ll be making it again for Thanksgiving, it will get a thumbs up from my family, I just know it! Looks so delicious!!! I didn’t need to print out the recipe, I have the Autumn book, and I LOVE it. . .plan to make many more recipes in it for these wonderful fall and winter holidays. Thank you!!!

  5. Marion Powell from Southern California says:

    My dad would have loved this Cranberry Crisp. He always said he only liked two kinds of pie–hot and cold! Your Cranberry Crisp is my favorite!

  6. Jackie P says:

    Perfect! I was trying to decide on a dessert for tomorrow’s company and this will fit the bill nicely. I just bought a package of fresh Cape Cod cranberries today, so now to the farmstand in the morning and I am all set. Thanks for the idea!

  7. patty hewitt says:

    I miss “seasons” so much this time of year. Living in southern California for the last 10 years has been wonderful, but I do miss a real autumn —so you can see why I greatly love and appreciate your autumn tips, hints, suggestions, photos, music, recipes and your Autumn book. Thank you again for “sharing” all things wonderful.

  8. Karen Gavel, from North Grafton, MA says:

    I am going to make your Cranberry Apple Crisp tomorrow and share it with my daughter’s family, who live next door. They have 6 kids, and will devour this yummy- sounding goodie. I will increase all the ingredients and put it in a 13 x 9 pan. Speaking of Vintage Linens, I have and use many of my grandmother’s (and mother’s and maybe great-grandmother’s) linen dish towels, bureau scarfs, aprons, anti-macassars, doilies, etc, and I hang them all outdoors. I feel sorry for people who can’t use a clothes line because they are not allowed in certain places. I enjoy reading all your newsy blogs… I feel like I know you because I share a love for so much that you write about.

  9. Susan A. says:

    Made your yummy dessert last night for company and scored big! Already had leftovers for breakfast. You are right, the smell from the kitchen while cooking is divine. Thanks so much Susan.

  10. CeciliaG says:

    Just found this site! It’s wonderful! Will be making Cranberry Apple Crisp soon!
    Thank you!

  11. Patti says:

    Susan…without a doubt the best dessert I’ve made in a very long time! I made two dishes of it and gave one to my neighbors who loved it too! I forgot to add the cinnamon & nutmeg but sprinkled it over the top and it was perfect! I’ll make this over and over! It’s not only tasty…it’s beautiful! The sweet/tart combination is lovely! Thank you so much for all you share!

  12. Katiebob says:

    Susan, we don’t have access to fresh cranberries where I live in New Zealand. Have you made it without them? If yes, did it turn out OK? Any suggestions for a cranberry substitute? It is summer here, so I am thinking any tart berry will have to do – none would hold shape as well as a cranberry, but might do. Thanks!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, it’s totally delicious without them. But never? You can never get fresh cranberries? How about frozen? Or is it just because it’s summer there? I would just go ahead and make it without any berries. I made it that way for Years before I tried it with the cranberries.

  13. Patricia Ruehle says:

    What a perfect desert on a cold winter day in Houston! The cranberries gave it just the tartness needed with the sweet apples and spices. My husband Henry said he enjoyed it more than the traditional apple pie. The next time I make it I may try adding walnuts to the topping, as we are crazy about nuts in anything.
    It was a perfect meal paired with our homemade squash soup. There is no snow on the ground, but be did have frost on the grass this morning.
    Henry and I just finished reading “A Fine Romance” and both agreed we did not want it to end. There were so many parallels to our story.Thank you for adding lots of ideas to our bucket lists.
    Have the most beautiful, blessed Christmas and the most awesome New Year ever.
    With fondest regard, Patricia Ruehle, Houston, Texas

    • sbranch says:

      Oh, we so wanted to get to Houston on our book tour, but a big ice storm came through and it just looked to scary to try. SO happy to hear you liked A Fine Romance! And that Henry enjoyed the apple crisp — I agree, the tartness is just right. I have tried walnuts too, and you should, but because of the crispy topping, I couldn’t find them when I was chewing, so I don’t bother anymore. Love to hear what you think.

  14. Lisa Nelson-Jones East Tn says:

    Love this- I made it this time with Honeycrisp apples- to die for!

  15. Patricia Ruehle says:

    When you are able to travel to Houston, I have the perfect side trip for you and Joe. Henry and I went antiquing in Katy Tx. today. There were lots of lambs and I found two Beatrix Potter figurines – Hunca Munca and Miss Moppet. Henry found two carved wooden fish to add to his ever growing collection. It was a delightful way to escape the maddening malls and traffic. So much for the fudge making – it will have to wait until tomorrow.

  16. Joanne Ramsay says:

    Have you ever published Willards letters in one book? Love all the books I have of yours.

    • sbranch says:

      For about 10 years in the 1990s I sent Willards to everyone via snail mail, and those have been put into one book, which we have in our webstore. But not the on line version. Thank you Joanne!

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