Do you like hot cereal? I love it. Especially McCann’s Steel-Cut Oats, my favorite kind of oatmeal — I top it with walnuts, blueberries and cinnamon (my dad will probably leap out of his seat to comment on this, he thinks he is the only person in the world who knows the correct way to make oatmeal :-)). But I have a “new” favorite right now . . . . I’ve fallen back in love with Cream of Rice. Have you tasted it? It’s been around forever. It’s faster to make than oatmeal, creamy and tummy warming on a cold morning like today, and it also works if you’re on a gluten free diet! I get it at our supermarket next to all the other hot cereals — sprinkle it with a little granola, and start off the day HAP-HAP-HAPPY. ♥ Seriously, it really works like that!
Sing out Louise!
That’s all for today, just wanted to say hello! Off I go! Cozy Saturday wishes to you all! XOXO
♥ ♥ ♥