Home Cooking


About My Recipes
(and scroll down for some good ones!)

hen I was trying to figure out how to write a cookbook all those years ago, I knew I wanted to decorate the pages with my watercolors and put in my favorite quotes — I knew I would handwrite it; I wanted it to be “real,” like the recipes in an old family recipe box. But that meant my recipes had to be the best in the world (I was reaching for the moon) — they had to be delicious and dependable, many times tried and true — because no one cares about a pretty cookbook if the recipes don’t work, right? A cookbook should be something a person depend on kind of like a dictionary. The dishes should be so good they might go all the way, to the highest of all accolades: “family favorite,” and therefore passed down to sons and daughters, sisters and best friends, creating generations of wonderful dinner parties, homey kitchens and successful cooks, providing a great big heart of the home for the whole world! That was what I wanted. Good cooking carries magic in it; a house, big or little, that smells good from cooking, is the place everyone wants to be.


Easy, quick, elegant, and delicious” — I said it to myself over and over. I only ignored that phrase a couple of times and it was always with “quick” — because there are a couple of cakes in my books, some with three-layers, with delicious filling and amazing frosting, that had to be included no matter how long they took — my Orange Cake for example; people love it; always worth it for the bonus “kissing of the cook” that goes on after they taste it. Here is the recipe for that, and a few other favorites you’ll find in my books. They’re guaranteed to please, and make your kitchen the heart of your home.

Remember, Life is short, eat dessert first.

p. 105 Autumn Book
Soft, bendy, old-fashioned, gingery, frosted cookie my Grandma was famous for.
p. 98 Christmas from the Heart of the Home
Really, after the title, need I say more?  OK, yes, there are also cranberries in this!
p. 82 Christmas from the Heart of the Home
Perfect butter cookie, useful for so many kinds of cookies, including cookie cutter cookies and candy canes. Plus suggestions for nice ways to give them away.
p. 103 The Autumn Book
This frosting hardens as it dries making it perfect for decorated cookies and as “glue” to hold gingerbread houses together.
Sweet Potato Pie (best said out loud with a southern accent)
p. 141 Vineyard Seasons
Smooth and spicy with a crunchy pecan topping.
p. 123 Heart of the Home
p. 124 Heart of the Home
The crust is a combination of crushed chocolate wafer cookies, fresh coffee granules and butter. The mousse has bittersweet chocolate and creme de cacao in it. 
p. 114 Christmas from the Heart of the Home
Everyone’s go-to for Christmas morning (Valentine’s Day too!), walnuts, spices, cranberries, apple. Powdered-sugar-dusted. Yum.
p. 132 Vineyard Seasons
Chocolate covered almond brittle you can mail.
p. 61 Autumn Book
Crusty on the outside, tender on the inside, serve it hot with Bee Butter, delicious with ribs, pork chops, or chili. Or for chilly-day tea.
p. 35 Heart of the Home
Long-time simmering makes your house smell wonderful on blustery days. Delicious soup, good all winter.
p. 44 Autumn Book
Gorgeous, buttery crisp potatoes, covered with “fall leaves” made from colored potatoes..
p. 77 Heart of the Home
For any special dinner.
p. 103 Girlfriend’s Forever
To make this faster, get all your veggies at the salad bar, already chopped. Wonderful meat loaf, good for sandwiches too.
p. 75 Autumn Book
One of my favorite things to make, everyone loves them, baked with apples and sweet potatoes, all in one pan.
p. 47 Autumn
With pomegranate seeds, blue cheese, red onion, and a balsamic dressing.
p. 27 Autumn
Make some and give some away.
p. 45 Heart of the Home
This is something you could serve in shot glasses as an appetizer at a dinner party…beautiful color, light and creamy.
p. 43 Autumn Book
Serve with roasts, chops, whole roasted chickens with the Caramelized Onion Sauce.
p. 59 Heart of the Home
Hot baked fruit with walnuts, butter and brown sugar, to serve as side dish for turkey, pork chops, ham… not too sweet but if you pour over some cream, you could serve it for dessert.
p. 60 Vineyard Seasons
p. 84 Autumn
How can something so classic be this easy?!
p. 94 Heart of the Home
This turns into a fun party when you add the Margaritas!
p. 82 Autumn
Twice-baked potatoes with shrimp, green onion, cheese, and parsley.
p. 11 Heart of the Home
Stuffed red potatoes, Artichoke Dip, and Bubbly Cheese Bites.
P. 29
Killer Football Game Food
p. 92 Heart of the Home
Lightly floured boneless chicken breasts (or thighs), served with lemon-butter parsley sauce.
p. 24 Heart of the Home
(Can look like a Christmas present!)
You can make this without the bread and serve with chips, it’s good either way!


123 Responses to Home Cooking

  1. Annie Gruber says:

    I can’t wait for your next cookbook! They are such treasures! Are you going to do spring? Your friend in all adventures, Annie

  2. Janet says:

    Just finished viewing your videos on YouTube and wondering if we might get the recipe sometime for the chickens Joe was roasting in one of them. They were on their way INTO the oven – flattened [more or less] with a brick and covered with lemon thyme and garlic. I think. I can almost smell them now. A very appealing recipe as I am a bit of a chicken freak. Please, Joe? Thanks!

  3. Liz says:

    Susan,Your words and work of art makes me smile. I truly enjoy Willard. Have a happy spring and tell the kitties that Bella,Barney say Hello!!!

  4. Having a hard time finding your books in my area now that Borders book stores are gone in Maine Mall So. Portland ,Maine. Have tryed to order from your web site and it won’t go through. Help me order things I want from your sight. Thank you.

  5. Linda Johnston says:

    O.M.G. I think you could be the “deep-down-inside” me thats been trying to get out for YEARS. I was just intruduced to you by a new neighbor…..I don’t know how you’ve escaped my attention for so long……..I even LOVE glass jars!!
    I’m glad I’ve found you and I’m planning on filling my cookbook shelves with some of your books……..I just finished reading “summer”…..and I really don’t want to take it back to the library…..but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!
    A new fan,

  6. Dawn says:

    I just bought my college age daughter one of your cook books. We plan on putting all of her favorite recipes so when she goes to graduate school she will have them to cook. I was wondering how I can get more of the blank three ring pages to put in her book? I would appreciate if you could help me. Thanks, Dawn

    • sbranch says:

      Get in touch with Kellee at [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ . . . we do have those, you can find them in our store, just click on shopping and look at the list on the left for scrapbooking things.

  7. Randi Bault says:

    Dear Susan,
    Just had to say I have made your “Chicken Enchiladas” many times. They are the best! So yummy with a side salad and Spanish rice. Everybody loves this dinner.
    Muchas Gracias! —-<–@

  8. Peggy Kuhlman says:

    I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your books and blogs. I have all of them. We are very much the kindred spirit as “Anne” of Green Gables would say. Frequently at every season change I go thru the books and look for old favorites recipes, try new ones, or just to look at the beautiful artistry. Please keep living and sharing your good life and inspiring us all.

  9. maryann howell says:

    love love love your “a fine romance” please do another! love all of your books and after my collection was completed I have started buying them for my three adult daughters. They also have made wonderful girlfriend gifts.
    thank you for the many wonderful joyful inspired hours you have given me.

    • Margie Orr says:

      Me too..I laughed too. Bought Susan Branch’s Birthday stickers. Years ago I bought them and I was getting low. I love to put the stickers in my snail mail….especially hearts.

  10. Shelia mcguckin. says:

    Are you going to sell your lavender tea soon ?

  11. PAULA says:

    What a wonderful trip you are taking, going from bookstore to bookstore. I hope to see you when you get to California. You are such a delight. Love, Polly.

  12. Jacqueline Coppola says:

    Dear Susan,
    I first started reading your books when I received The Heart of The Home as a wedding gift (26th anniversary on Sept. 5th). I cannot wait to read your new book about your adventures in England. All of your books through the years are masterpieces & cherished gifts, they have especially brought much happiness & joy during my 2 and a half year struggle with breast cancer. Thank you Susan!

    • sbranch says:

      Jacqueline, how kind of you to tell me. I’m humbled and happy you feel that way. Here’s to surviving cancer and going on to a wonderful joy filled life. Happy Anniversary!!

  13. I just bought your 2014 calendar and how cute and the little saying are so sweet. I plan to get my daughter one. I have been on your web-sight for about an hour now a new favorite.

  14. Carolyn Weinert says:

    I have all of your books and have used your wall calendars for many years. Thank you for all that you do. Will you have a new cookbook out in the near future? I just love your recipes and art work.

    • sbranch says:

      My new book about the English Countryside just came out…there are a few recipes in there. I have a breakfast book half finished at home (I’m in CA now for a few weeks), maybe if I get myself in gear I can get it done later this winter.

  15. Emily says:

    I just love your books. A friend in book club introduced me to you. I am hosting A tea party and so wish you could join us. I have searched your books for ideas for my tea. I purchased a Fine Romance and my daughter gave me three of your books for Christmas. I have always loved beautiful China and all Victorian things. Keep your lovely books coming and adding those bright spots to our days. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  16. Cassandra says:

    There’s one word that describes your work the best, Susan; cozy. Happy New Year!!!


  17. Shirley Graham says:

    Have “ordered” your new book A Fine Romance from the library & am waiting for it to come in. Can’t purchase right now but as soon as I can I will buy it for my daughter. Your blog is such a lift in January (or any time) but especially in the cold weather. My husband ordered my calendar and waiting for that too! Love S

  18. Jeanne says:

    It is a sad day when I log onto your site, Susan, and there is not a new entry. I know you can’t write to us EVERY day, but I want you to know how much I look forward to them. What is there not to love about everything you write- your life and adventures, Joe and the kitties, those wonderful recipes that you share, and the musica and quotes. I LOVE that I discovered you and am a better person and cook for it! Thank you, Susan, for being you!

    • sbranch says:

      I wish I could write every day Jeanne! I enjoy it so much. But I have these calendars due soon so they are taking all my time right now! Love you being here … thank you!!

  19. Dede Bazirgan says:

    Susan, I hadn’t received a Willard newsletter in quite awhile (turns out I think because I changed my e-mail!) But as I was thinking about it I walked past the Best of British store in Newburyport, MA and saw your English romance book in the window!!! I am an anglophile and I haven’t put it down! Our 45th anniversary is coming up and I want to do exactly what you and Joe did! I have been to England twice but never really explored the countryside. What a memorable trip you had. I am jealous, but I am going to put the “bug” in my husband’s ear!
    Best wishes to you and Joe!
    PS: I also have all your books! Love you!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I need to get up to the Best of British . . . I’m dying to go there. I haven’t sent out a Willard in way too long. But I have a plan!

  20. Kathy Patera says:

    I must say I have made your sweet potato pie on several occasions an it has always been a hit. Loved by all. It is one of my favorite recipes.
    I absolutely love your cook books. I was introduced to them many years ago on one of first trips to Martha’s Vineyard. I have several of your books and enjoy them tremendously. Whenever I long for a trip to the Vineyard I just take out one of your books and start reminiscing.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s not the right time of year (or maybe there is no right time) but you just made me really hungry for Sweet Potato Pie! 🙂 Thank you Kathy! Very nice to hear from you.

  21. Linda P says:

    Oh you are the sweetest….. I asked about a CHAMOMILE TEA and here it is “FAIRYTALE TEA”. I just ordered it and Im excited to get it….. Ive tried all your teas and love them, they are a wonderful addition to your store and I hope you keep them coming…… Thanks again so much

  22. Julie M. says:

    Thanks for brightening my day! I can smell the tea brewing… 😉

  23. Ruth thomas says:

    The only cookbook I do not have is the Autumn one. Thought I had it but do not.

  24. Marty Etten says:

    Hi Susan,
    I just love your work! I feel so happy when I read your blogs or your books. I just found your blog this year and am so happy to see when you have written something. I just got the Fairytale Girl and started reading it the same day! I am just a couple years younger then you, so I can really relate to your diary’s. I never kept a diary but you bring back so many memories in our generation. Growing up in the 60’s was fun. I even enjoy all the music you liked as well. Thanks so much for writing the book, it is so much fun to read.
    I also, have a few of your cookbooks. I loved them before I even knew you had a blog. Now, they seem to be even more special to me now, that I feel a part of your of your life when I read your blogs. I look forward to anything you write, it makes me feel happy.
    Thanks for all your hard work. Can’t wait to read more of your work.

    Lots of love,


  25. Dorothy says:

    I’m so glad my best friend introduced me to your blog several years ago. I always feel like I’ve been on vacation after watching and listening to the beautiful music. Now I’m sharing with my friend from Sunday School.
    Hope to enjoy your talent for many years.

  26. Connie says:

    A friend had your book when I was her roommate years ago and every recipe I tried in it was so good I think you achieved your wish to have them all be the best in the world. I never found even a less than perfect recipe. The friend hardly ever cooked much and eventually she gave me your book!

    But now I can’t find it. It will turn up but I so wanted to make the shrimp recipe in it, with the eggy winey creamy sauce. And I can’t find it on your blog either. Is it here somewhere?

    Even if it isn’t I’ll find the book eventually. And thank you for having such a nice website too.

    • sbranch says:

      That is from Heart of the Home . . . thank you Connie! We are going to republish Heart, WITH 16 new pages, next year. I don’t think that recipe is anywhere but inside those pages. . . makes me happy to hear you liked the recipes, that’s what it was all about. xoxo

  27. Margot at the Beach says:

    I decided to make your cranberry added version of apple crisp for company a week ago. They couldn’t come over for a whole dinner so we had dessert and coffee. They were so tickled that I got out the silver and china, but they really deserved it. He loves good cooking and loved the crisp. And to think they wanted to meet us at Panera!
    I really love your Autumn book. I found Summer first, then Autumn. Since your blog started I searched everywhere for your cookbooks, and I have all the full sized ones now. In some cases I found duplicates to be given as future gifts.

    BTW we sold the house almost two weeks ago. We didn’t make the family Thanksgiving, because Arnie is on stand-by to catch a ship in Spain and mean while he had to fix some outlets according to our home inspection. We found out the original owners created a problem that we need an electrician for!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Well congratulations on selling the house! As Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say “It’s always something.” 🙂 Your dessert and coffee sounds lovely!

  28. Shannon says:

    I was trying to get Annie Hall’s Sugar Cookie recipe, and the link doesn’t work for me… Sad face! Can you help?

  29. Jess says:

    I have loved your work for so many years and always get a fresh new calendar for my farmhouse kitchen each year! I am new to the blog and just adore reading all about you! Your cats cracks me up! Cats are the best!
    From an artist to and artist-keep. It up, we love your work! God Bless!
    Jess in WI

  30. My address has changed. My new address is the second address on the order. I could not get the old address to delete no matter how many times I tried.
    Thank you. I am so excited to get the new book. Loved The Fairy Tale girl.

  31. Patty Beck says:

    Sending you wishes for a lovely autumn. Your work reminds me of what is truly important in life: family and friends, passion for interests in daily life, appreciation for nature and the beauty that is within our reach each and everyday. Most important to share with each other. You inspire.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Patty, that’s so sweet. Sending those same wonderful wishes back to you. It’s true, it’s the little things that make for happy lives. xoxoxo

  32. nancy s says:

    i have a platter from 2003 with the identical saying you have pictured above: “Jams puddings, teacakes tarts roast beef in wine sauce…………” I have chipped it and was wondering if there is anywhere i could find another like it:?

  33. Larkin says:

    I was having a very rough morning today. Late for work, 2 year old crying, making the kids eat breakfast while I made the grocery list. I could not for the life of me decide what we should be eating the next few days because I just felt draggy. Then I had the idea to look here and several of these peppy recipes lifted my heart up. That sounds melodramatic but it’s true! The cheer you share with us brightens our days. And my 4 year old daughter loves looking at the photos! Thank you for being you and sharing it with us.

  34. Barbara says:

    Charming Site. Came across it because I had a recipe for pull-apart cinnamon sugar pumpkin bread with buttered rum glaze. Yum. I love all things pumpkin. I just have to try it this week for my party but I’m missing the instructions past the part where the butter is browned. Luckily the name Grandma’s Recipes 10/19/13 was at the top. I hope this is where it originated. Thanks.

  35. Mandizzle says:

    I own all your cookbooks and love each and every one of them❣️They’re like old friends. Your 30th ANNIVERSARY edition of “Heart of the Home” is my latest acquisition. I can’t wait to see all the extras that have been added. Every year at this time I so enjoy making batches and batches of those incredibly delicious butter cookies from “Christmas from the Heart of the Home”. Yum❣️ They also look so amazing❣️
    Do you have any plans for another cookbook? I heard a breakfast book was in the works. Can never have enough of those Susan Branch recipes and drawings. Waiting in anticipation,

    • sbranch says:

      I put lots of new recipes in the new edition of Heart! Good ones too, hope you LOVE it! I do have a breakfast cookbook in the works, and a Tea Book too . . . Filled with excitement about painting new things now that I’m home!

  36. Csmart says:

    My girlfriend turned me on to your beautiful cookbooks. I love them! In one of your past books there is a recipe for “Pork chops and scalloped potatoes” and I was wondering where I could possibly find it. My husband loves this dish!

    • sbranch says:

      Scalloped Potatoes and Sausages? That’s what I make for family Christmas Eve. I love it too, just yummy soul-satisfying comfort food. It’s page 97 of Vineyard Seasons.

  37. Sandra Del Aguila says:

    Help Susan! My cookbook with your Macaroni and cheese recipe was torn and I can’t read it. Can you please send it to me? I promised it for Christmas 🎄

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so sorry Sandra, I don’t have all of the pages scanned (and the original art is at my Studio, 3000 miles from here) …it’s page 76 of my Autumn book, also pg. 96 of Vineyard Seasons, and also I put it into the new Heart of the Home, page 104. Hopefully you have one of those books?

  38. Yvonne Sullivan says:

    Dear susan could really use chicken soup receipe husband and I been home sick for days😷

  39. Karol Sullivan says:

    Have you shared your recipe for cucumber tea sandwiches. Think I have all your books. Wld I find it in one?

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, in Vineyard Seasons. But I will tell you, it’s so easy. You need Pepperidge Farm thin-sliced white bread, or something like it, thin and dense. Spread two slices, open faced, as thinly as possible with Mayonnaise, don’t slather it on. Then grind over fresh pepper — but NO salt because salt will make the cucumbers release their juice which will make the bread soggy. Slice the cucumbers rather thinly, and overlap them on one side of the bread, balancing cucumber to bread (not too much of either). Put the top on the sandwich. Now, big decision: Crusts or no crusts? It’s up to you ~ now would be the time to slice them off if this is what you choose. Cut sandwiches into quarters, either triangles or squares. Enjoy!

  40. Mary noel says:

    I was recently asked by a friend, “Name one thing that is getting you down right now and one thing that is saving your life right now.” Easy: the first is the yearly exhaustion of trying to teach children who have not come from loving, trusting backgrounds. And yet, every year, I and millions of other teachers, go at it again! What’s saving my life right now? Your blog and getting a Willard posting! Truly a life saver (or is that savor?). Love you and your posts.

    • sbranch says:

      You are probably the biggest thing that stands between these children and the downward spiral. You instill hope where there is none, and belief in oneself where there is only criticism, you are IT Girl, a light in the dark, thank you for what you do. Teachers are, like mothers, and nurses, the unsung heroes of the world.

  41. Mary Jane says:

    Such fun. First checked one of your books out of our county library. Have since ohurchased. Love the Newsletters.

  42. Have everyone of your cookbooks and your books. Met you years ago in Hyannis, MA at a book signing at Chart House books. I was the first one there and you said “Oh good. Somebody came.” We had a nice chat. Was hooked with that very first book and have never been disappointed with anything Susan Branch. Waiting to see what comes next.

    • sbranch says:

      That was a very long time ago Helen! But I still feel the same way, never know for sure, and truly happy when I see that “somebody came!” Thank you for being there! xoxo

  43. Patty Warren says:

    Hi – Love your recipes and books! Noticed that the molasses cookie recipe link doesn’t work.

  44. DeLores E Johnson says:

    I have all your books and I have your Cook Book that I am planning on writing all my recipes in. I have handwritten one cookbook already. I have had computer problems so now I hope I haven’t been deleted from your system. I got your 3 cups and they are so nice. I gave the one with the bird on to my daughter. She loved it. If I ever get to you Island I am going to take her with me. She is my BFF!
    DeLores E Johnson Minnesota

  45. Gwenette says:

    The link to the molasses cookies is broken, and I really want to make them!

  46. Laura Parrish says:

    Hi Susan! I feel like you’re an old friend. I first encountered your drawings and recipes in Country Living Magazine, and your books and calendars are entwined in our family’s history! Years ago, I lent my Dad one of my torn out pages of Country Living Magazine with your recipe for Vegetable Lasagne. It became lost. 🙁 That was my husband’s favorite dish! I can’t find the recipe anywhere in your cookbooks. Do you remember the one I’m referring to?

  47. Linda Lander says:

    trying to find the recipe for Marmalade Bread…the link is not working..

  48. Vicki says:

    Wilk you ever create an adult coloring book?

  49. Dorothy Person says:

    Susan – knowing how the Instant Pot (pressure cooker plus other features) is all the rage now – do you have plans for any recipes for “Instant Cooking” with a pressure cooker (AKA InstaPot)?


    • sbranch says:

      I do everything the slow way … why? Because I just can’t have a kitchen full of equipment! Silly, I know, but I’ve always been that way. Love something that cooks all day and makes my kitchen smell wonderful. Dry my noodles on a broomstick. Don’t whisk egg whites in prescribed copper pan. Etc! I have cupcake pans, and I have a slow cooker, AND I have a heart-shaped stove-top waffle maker! that’s about it! BUT, my sister just got an Insta Pot and LOVES it! So there you go!

  50. Peggy McPhilimy says:

    Be sure to go to Waterford! . Utterly charming. Fascinating Viking history….must see museums! Crazy characters in the pubs, beautiful castles. Oh, I want to go back!

  51. anne says:

    I always look forward to your blog !
    These latest ones you have posted on your recent trip to England are so beautiful with the pics of the English countryside.
    I have many of your cookbooks and use a lot of the recipes Your books are beautiful with your artistry talent Thank you so much for making me happy
    when I read them and see your lovely artwork. Looking forward with much anticipation to your next book

    Thank you for being you. You are much admired !

  52. Nora Mae Smith says:

    You know those days when you jot things down to check out but really were very busy. ! Yea I hate those kind of days. Its not that I cant slow down its that I have so many others asking mom for moms time or I am having to move again. Like we had to 4 years ago.
    Well today is a day I am making some time to do as I wish to do even though I have two little grandchildren I am to watch keep entertained feed and change as their mom is having her day helping a friend and her new born .
    What brings this up is yheaaaaa I found my journal yesterday in a bunch of stuff I went through that had been in storage for the last 4 years. like most of my journals half way filled… but yet still more pages to to add to…a bad habit yes but yet no since I have 8 kids and 30 grand kids 2 great grand kids so far and I am sure that’s not the last count yet. Each of them may get a journal to read and trade off with another family member. Kind of a sneaky way to keep em thinking of grandma …but thoughtful.
    Why now am I able to pull out of storage is cause my son got a house that
    we can empty the storage out to. Course it would be faster had not the truck transmission gave out or that he was not out on the road since he is a long haul refer driver… Semi Driver …18 wheels… Truck Driver the one whom hauls all the meats fruit vegetables etc from the factories to the store warehouses. Mostly in the mid~west is where he runs and its not the same route over and over its a different one every day… He will be coming home on the 30th… and fixing the transmission so we can get more moved in the coming weeks.
    But hey so happy to of found this journal and now happy to of gotten to get back to doing what I was doing 4 years ago. Reading and jotting down information to check out on line in between making good foods crafting searching for other Leaves Branches Barks and all of my family tree in Family Search… to helping friends move get organized or the same ol things I normally do at where ever I hang my heart and lay my head…
    now to get a small Storage Crafting cabin to be able to do more crafting….

    But for now today I am checking up on all the good things I have found.
    one is right here at SusanBranch.com 4 years of things to get caught up on.

    Happy O’Hallows Month to all who is still popping in to the pages…

  53. Deb Kennefy says:

    Susan. I’ve been purchasing your books for many years and have shared them with so many others. After reading all the comments above, it’s quite evident that your recipes, artwork and writings are loved by all. Thank you from the bottom of hundreds and thousands of others for that warm fuzzy feeling you provide. Well done Susan.

  54. Cathy Corell says:

    I have all your books. I enjoy making the honey ham and Christmas coffee.i make it every year christmas for the last 20 years. my family loves it. thank you for all your yummy recipes.

  55. L. Boswell says:

    I am Registered Nurse Hospital Administrator in Southern California. I hve to have a very controlled and measured approach to all of the crisis that happen at the hospital. My staff is always surprised to see all the sweet things of yours that I bring into my office. It gives them a small view into my heart. During this COVID19 crisis I have been needing your soft thoughtful inspiration and sweet patterns more then usual to keep me grounded. Thank you for your work of love that you share with us.

    • sbranch says:

      I can say the same exact thing to you and your wonderful staff: Thank you for your work of love that you share with us. We are so blessed to have you. 💖

  56. Kathy Cox says:

    I have been using your recipe for Annie Halls Butter cookies for years now, to make cut out Christmas cookies. I roll it about 1/4″ thick and use large cookie cutters. They hold their shape when baked, and don’t spread a lot. It is the best recipe I have ever found for Christmas cookies, and I always look forward to making them with my grandchildren. Thanks for all the great recipes over the years Susan !

  57. Carol LaTorre says:

    So very grateful for all that you do. Your website warms my heart. My dear mother( 20 yrs passed now..) would have adored all your work since she discovered you in early 90’s. She gave me “Christmas From the Heart of the Home” because she knew I’d adore it and I hadn’t heard of you yet, back in 1990…your books and things get me through January-February each year in these cold Hoosier months. God bless you, Carol LaTorre

  58. Melinda Dunn says:

    Hi Susan, I am reading your trilogy and love those books so much. I am in the middle of the second book. I have poured over your recipe books for years. I have told my two sisters about your memoirs and just ordered all three for one of my sisters. I was going to loan her my copy, but I can’t bear to part with it. I am amazed at your talent and love of everything cozy, comfy, and tasty. I am a fan and will visit your website often.

  59. Alison says:

    My mom bought your Heart of the Home Cookbook when it was first published (and I was a teenager) back when she ran a bed & breakfast in the Adirondacks. She loved the homemade feel of the book and the beautiful illustrations. Your cheesecake was an instant family favorite. Today I went looking for my hand-written copy of the recipe and couldn’t find it. So, I searched on line and found your amazing website. I never realized you made your home on the Vineyard (teenagers aren’t the most observant lot). I’m a Cape Cod washashore and I plan to keep more current on your wonderful recipes and writings.

  60. Dolores Melendez says:

    Please, I need your best recipe of meat loaf
    Or which one of your books has it. When we moved it was lost in the boxes 😂, please reply t

  61. Carol Bernal says:

    Dear Susan,
    Your” Williard”, a welcome sight in my email, I love reading it
    and seeing your work, and learning about your life in England. I am drawn to the
    Queen Elizabeth mug and I’m sure you could sell thousands of them. I want
    to thank you for brightening my days and I’m making the coffee cake this
    Christmas morning.

  62. Cindy says:

    Hello talented lady ❤ I have all your “old” cookbooks and have had since they came
    Out yes I’m old 79 but young in heart 😁 every so often I haul out your books and just so enjoy the lift they give!! Plus I want to get in the kitchen and bake /cook something
    So my home smells wonderful ! I also love your watercolors they are soft and gentle
    feeling ! The whole ambiance of your books deliver a quiet calm in this fast paced world so thank you !!!!❤ well done my friend ❤

  63. Dr. Rebecca says:

    Susan, thank you for the molasses cookie recipe. My grandmother always had these cookies in her cookie jar when I visited but, when she passed, I did not find the recipe so the last time I tasted molasses cookies was before she died several years ago! I am going to make me some molasses cookies and forget my diet for the afternoon!

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