There’s something new in the saga of Lambie-Pie Cuddle-Bunch, the lamb I painted in England which I’ve been wanting to show you and finally, today’s the day! (Here’s MUSICA, in honor of 1920’s Downton Abbey. ♥)
So here we go . . . You know I’ve loved lambs for a long time . . . here’s one from my artwork that probably looks familiar to you . . .
They’ve been in my calendars and a few years ago I added them to my BABY LOVE Fabric Line (there’s a teeny bit of this left in case you like it).
But the real and true falling-in-love-forever took place while we were in England. Can you see why? Bubble gum pink ears. How could you not?
Look at the smile on that mama . . .
Of course it was spring . . .
When a young girl’s fancy (and mine too) turns to . . .
Lambs . . . baaaaa!
Sheep dotted the landscape everywhere in England, baby lambs were jumping and leaping and playing in every meadow ~ across the Dales, up in the Peak District, in a field in front of beautiful Chatsworth. Even next to freeways; they kept everything looking like a manicured park.
They had them in the buttercups at Hill Top Farm (with a bunny, of course) . . .
And in front of Castle Cottage . . .
Artists have been painting lambs since the beginning of time . . .
. . . representing a peaceful bucolic lifestyle . . .
. . . in pastoral country settings . . .
And of course I included lambs in A FINE ROMANCE . . .
What would a book about England be without them?
You all remember the bookmark I made from one of the lambs I painted in the book? (If someone’s new to our blog and didn’t get one yet, HERE it is)
Then we put him on our Fine Romance Van for our cross-country tour — now back home in our driveway outside this frosty morning . . .
And then this arrived at my door last year ~ a little felted lamb made for me by twelve-year-old Maddie, the daughter of Sheri who works at our studio in California! Isn’t it adorable? Such a sweet thoughtful surprise!
While we were immersed in thoughts and baaing of sheep in England I noticed that although Beatrix Potter was very proud of the prize-winning sheep she raised on her farm in the Lake District, heroically saving the rare breed called Herdwick from extinction. . .
. . . She never made one of her darling characters a sheep. A sheep with an apron and some children, a straw hat or a basket. She’s got everyone else, but no lambs. I can’t help but wonder why! Seems like a no-brainer for her, her cup of tea, and mine too. I think she probably got too busy with the real thing and just forgot!
So with time on my hands, painting and writing in my diary one early morning in England, I imagined Lambie Pie for myself and put her in our book. (More MUSICA? Same Vintage? Okaaaay…♥)
When I got home, I painted her for the second time . . . this one was for . . .
. . .this limited edition of the Peter Rabbit book I bought at the Hill Top gift shop . . .
. . . and when I got home we had a giveaway for it here on the Blog . . . Betsy Flannery won the drawing and the book, and that little piece of Lambie Pie art . . .
And here’s Lambie for the third time (which they always say is the charm) ~ she’s coming alive to me, I gave her some gloves and put her to work to do some spring cleaning in our 2015 calendar. I’ve already named her children even though I haven’t painted them yet. They are penciled in.
Now look: Here’s the point of this post, it’s what I wanted to show you . . . my Christmas present from Maddie this year! A complete surprise! Just before Christmas, Maddie read A FINE ROMANCE . . .
. . . and then she made Lambie Pie from clay, matching my drawing and putting her next to Lake Windermere just like I did . . . because that’s where Lambie Pie was born. I couldn’t believe it! This is how it is, from Beatrix Potter, to me, to Maddie, and then, where else will it go?
Maddie knew I wished I had a Lamb to go with my other Beatrix Potter people, so she made it happen. Isn’t she brilliant? I’m still not over it. Proof that there’s nothing you can’t have if you just make it yourself. ♥ And look how she fits in!
Three dimensional! With curly back of the head, apron and flowers on the lawn! How did she DO that?
Signed and dated! Precious to me. ♥ Thank you Maddie, and Happy Birthday!
That’s Maddie in the green and she is turning thirteen-years-old tomorrow! She’s with some of my favorite people: her mom, Sheri, Bonnie, and Kellee in front of the picket-fence garden at our California Studio. ♥ They’re the ones that wrap all your orders from our webstore so cutely!
I knew you’d want to see Lambie Pie! Isn’t our world full of wonderful things? And wonderful people!
I hope you had fun dipping your toes back into England today. I thought we deserved a little shot of fairytale springtime. It made me think to tell you, if you remember places in England you’d like to see more pictures of, let me know, because I do have lots of photos!
I love this Blog! It’s playtime! How did I ever go through life without it? I don’t know! But I’ve got it now! Thank you all for coming! Have a wonderful day! One more photo of lovely English Spring for you:
Wild orchids in Stourhead in Wiltshire, the place I hope we can all meet for a picnic when Joe and I go to England again. It’s a wonderful place. There are lambs there. Byeee! (oops, forgot to say, when Kellee gets in to work today she’s going to put up some Lambie Pie Wallpaper for your computer. Just click HERE. ♥)
Susan, thanks so much for the bit of English spring. It was very welcome, as it is minus 1 as I write this. What wonderful, sweet lambs-especially the one made by your friend Maddie! You can tell it was a gift straight from her heart to yours! If you have any, and have time to post them, I would love to see some English violets. I’m sure we will have some here in Indiana in a few months, but I’m not sure I can wait! Also, has Maddie made other pieces? If so, would be interesting to see them. Young artistic talent is so very precious. Also just noticed there is another Joy here-I’m posting right after you. Hi Joy and everyone else!
Maddie is making things all the time, but so far I don’t think she’s put them on the Internet for all to see.
Hi Joy — where are you in Indiana? I’m up in South Bend (Granger) and have a daughter in Carmel. I hope you’re staying toasty and keeping busy during this Arctic blast — which I hear could be our last REAL COLD spell. Did you get to meet Susan this summer on her tour?
Hi Joy & Cathie, I’m in Indiana too! North of New Castle a bit. Hope you’re staying warm… it’s soooo bitter cold here!
I’m missing flowers too, especially roses.
Whenever I buy produce, I try to get flowers too. They nourish the soul. This last weekend it was Iris, Tulips, & Paperwhites. They smell so good!
Hi Holly — I’m trying to picture New Castle — I think my daughters swam there YEARS AGO in age group swimming (they are now 41 & 38). Southern Indiana? We have bright sunshine again today, but below zero temps and schools are still closed. Flowers are such a treat and a great pick me up — your choices are perfect! And soon we’ll be having daffodil days up here — fund raiser for cancer research. Do you do that in New Castle? Let’s sit back today and count our blessings
Nice to meet you, FOSB.
Hi Cathy, We are also close to Muncie, where Ball State Univ. is. We are a few miles from I69, and about 113 miles south of the Michigan border. No, I’ve never seen a daffodil festival, but I might have to come up for yours! It was absolutely clear here, but soooo cold! Nice to meet you too!
Hello all you IN girlfriends, Cathy my brother and his family also live in Carmel. I live in New Whiteland (between Greenwood and Franklin) since 2011 and I’m still trying to adjust to the “city life” and all the noises. Just wanted to say hello and I also do not think this will be the last breath of Winter for IN?? We can hope and as long as those minus temps leave we are one day closer to SPRING!!!!
Well, hello to all my Indiana buddies! I’m in Beech Grove, probably closest to Deborah, but I’m also familiar with Carmel. I’m sooo ready for old man winter to ease up a bit, ready for daffodils, violets and hyacinths. Holly, my husband surprised me with a beautiful coral-colored rose last week, beautiful, but with no scent. I have a Zepherine Droughn (sp?) rose outside my front door, and I can hardly wait for that first scent. Hope everyone, everywhere is staying warm!
I so wish I had been able to meet Susan on her tour, but I’ve been really slow at keeping up with things. One New Years resolution I’d like to keep is to make more time for all the people and experiences that I enjoy, and Susan and her beautiful work and spirit certainly are important to me. She has inspired me for years!
Every one seems to be echoing my thoughts about sharing the wonderful , springtime pictures, especially to those of us house bound by freezing temps and snow (whew that was one heck of a sentence). Also love the way your blogs all wrap around England than go to Dowton Abby. I did notice that Edith went to the doctors, and than loved that she dressed for dinner , chin up and carry on. I fear we are heading for some difficult times! I adore the costumes and have noticed a great deal of purple is being worn – does anyone know if this is significant? Wondered if it had to do with Mary’s mourning?
PS. I love Lamb pie – very adorable!
Lee, will you be anywhere near Delaware after March 1st? Winterthur Museum will be exhibiting costumes from the show:
Love your Lambie Pie! Saw this picture on Pinterest tonight:
Too adorable!
Love that Lambie Pie, and the one Maddie made is adorable! She is very talented. I also love lambs, they are so sweet.
My Dad went to England in the early eighties at the peak of Princess Diana’s popularity. Remember her red sweater with the white lambs and one black sheep on it that she wore many times in photos? It was hand made in a shop two girls owned called “Warm and Wonderful”. I told my Dad that I would really love to have a sweater from that shop and my dear sweet Dad walked all over that area of London looking for their shop. He returned with the exact sweater that Princess Diana had with the white and black sheep in red!! I still have it and think of my wonderful Dad and the love he showed by finding it for me.
Too bad I live in California and it’s too hot to wear it!!
What a great story!!
Oh my stars and garters, Lisa!!!!!!! That is such a great sweater and you have one just like Diana’s ?!?! What an incredibly loving gift from your father. You’ve got to go to Lake Tahoe or head up to the Sierras so you can wear it and take a picture of yourself in it – maybe you’ve already got a picture, I sure hope so. Great, great, great story!
Diana gave me England. When I learned a young lady nearly my exact age was going to be the future Queen of England, well, that was it for me, hook, line and sinker – I needed to know more and I’ve been a goner ever since. Not only did I love Diana but I developed love for her country, their culture, traditions, celebrations; the idiosyncrasies, and eccentricities of the most wonderful people. I have hundreds of books on England, many are about Diana, the Royal Jewels, Cathedrals of England, History books, Gardening books and on it goes.
When Diana died, I had not been on a plane in 10 years, almost to the day. Without much thought I bought two tickets to London, got a passport in x1 day, told my boss at the time I was going to England, didn’t ask. My dear friend/neighbor flew with me to London where we arrived late Friday night before Saturday’s service. We walked down to the gates at BP and saw all the flowers and make-shift memorials. We later visited Kensington Palace and were overwhelmed that we were knee high in a sea of flowers that covered the gardens of the palace.
On the Saturday of her service, we got up at o’dark thirty and walked to Horse Guards Parade where we stood for a couple of hours. It was uncertain whether the boys were going to walk behind the gun cortege. Then a fellow next to me, pretty sure he was with MI-6/SIS, he had a wire in his ear and some kind of mini-screen tv and he said the boys had joined. Moments later I heard clopping horse hooves and no talking. Then moments later, gutteral shrieking, waling, sobbing. Then walking right by me, the saddest sight, two young boys walking behind their mother who laid on the gun cortege. Cannot begin to articulate the emotion that visual evoked.
After the gun cortege walked by with all the various charities and disabled who were part of this procession, we walked to Westminster Abbey and listened to her brother deliver the eulogy. We cheered so loud outside, just like it shows in the movie, “The Queen.” Particularly this bit:
“Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty. All over the world, she was a symbol of selfless humanity. All over the world, a standard bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden, a very British girl who transcended nationality. Someone with a NATURAL nobility who was classless and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic.” Earl Spencer could not have delivered a more poignant eulogy and the response by “the people” outside was deafening.
As a nurse, I appreciate that her interests/charities were primarily humanitarian based – HIV/AIDS, land mines, the homeless and lepers. Not that I don’t appreciate organic gardening, urban blight and alternative medicine, but we’re talking mid-80’s when both Diana and Charles chose their mantles to hang their hats, it was very telling. She completely broke down the HIV/AIDs myths by shaking the hand of a patient – sounds archaic now but it was groundbreaking. She visited the dying and homeless in the middle of the night, sometimes taking her sons with her so they would be better equipped to empathize with their people. She was fallible, which made her all the more relatable.
So all that said, I loved the story of your special Diana sweater and your very special father!
I cried all over again. What a loss! What a teacher! What a wonderful mother she was. “The essence of compassion, duty, style and beauty.” And Carrie, this is where Rachel and I bonded forever, over Diana. We had fax machines that also bonded, back and forth our letters flew, from the moment we found out, none of this waiting for the post office — and she took a rose to Kensington Palace for me. And you were there. Such an amazing memory of a truly historical time. You must feel like a grandmother since William had his baby!
Diana married 2 days before I did…we were the same age, so I felt linked to her. Of course I always say I got the real Prince Charming – 33 years later and still going! I loved following her fashion style and just, ‘her.’ My daughter, 24, experiences the same thing with Kate…such a happier story…Diana would be pleased! Thanks for sharing the lamb sweater story! How precious!
I think it’s a direct result of Diana … her son recognized realness and didn’t make the terrible mistake of letting her go.
So you and Rachel forever friends because, at least in part, due to Diana…such far reaching effects her death had on so many. I didn’t realize you, too, respected and thought so very much of Diana so when I read that you had Rachel bring a rose to Kensington Palace I was a bit emotional. Your rose and mine, out in that vast sea of flowers across K.P. gardens – well, isn’t that a coincidence – I think not. Like minds.
When Williams and Kate married, wasn’t it sheer bliss? Her dress, the avenue of field maple trees in the Abbey, her last look back under her veil to the crowds before walking into the Cathedral? Her lovely demeanor and absolute joy abundant. Yes, this is what fairytales are made. But this one is going the distance.
It was restorative to see Diana’s son marry and English Rose, much akin to her mother in-law.
I there staying with a friend in London because I wanted to feel the vibe of the people and it was, indeed, palpable. Even my friends who are not interested in the monarchy think very highly of William and the lady he chose to be the future Queen.
William appears so very happy and don’t we wish the same for Harry.
Thank you for sharing your special tie with Rachel over one of the saddest days. And here’s to the future King William IV!
P.S. Loooved that she and Prince Charles collaborated on the music for the wedding. What a special young lady. And wasn’t the music extraordinary on their wedding day? One of my favorites, “I was Glad” by Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry.
As mad as I was with Prince Charles, now that I understand, I think another true and wonderful love story is between him and Camilla. They were manipulated when they were young, but I am happy they are together and I have to say whenever she comes into a room, she makes everyone laugh.
Thank you Susan and Carrie! I am happy you enjoyed my story of that very special sweater. I still can’t believe I have it. It is hand made of English wool and still so gorgeous.
My Dad loved England so much (his mother was from Surrey), and he took many trips there. He really did walk down small streets looking for that shop. He bought my sister a sweater with all different animals on it. He would have loved your book Susan. That is the first thing I thought when I saw it.
I loved Diana, and that is an amazing story you have Carrie of going to her funeral service. I remember sitting in bed in the middle of the night and sobbing while Elton John sang that beautiful song for her. Such a tragic ending to a wonderful person. I bought my first Royal Wedding book right after Charles and Diana got married, and I was hooked. I have so many books, mostly on Diana and her great style.
Your father was from Surrey….awwww. You know what that means I’m sure, if you should ever so desire, you can secure British Citizenship when a parent was born in Britain!!!!! Of course you know this but what you don’t see is me turning every shade of green on this side of the monitor. You lucky duck!
Do you remember the Tim Graham books published annually? Love how he captured the entire Wales family in their early years.
Actually it was my grandmother (my Dad’s mother who was born in Surrey.) Talk about an English rose, my Grandmother was that to a tea! She reminded me of the Queen Mum in her looks and personality.
I have every one of those yearly royal books from back then, and about every book on Diana!
I remember how ground breaking that was about the HIV/AIDS. I was studying microbiology before that and even to this day I cannot believe how many old wives tales there are about ANY type of virus.
When we learn that we are all equal in God’s eyes and we treat each other as we treat ourselves, then the World will be a better place.
We are getting there, one generation at a time, thank God.
Make a pillow out of it! There are instructions all over about how to do that. Then you could enjoy it every day!
Even though it is 53 minutes into Tuesday and I am heading to bed, I was so pleased to check in and find your latest blog entry posted for Monday! What a treat (as it is every time I read and RE-READ your blog) and the best medicine I know to help me drift off to sleep on this very cold night in Missouri! Thank you for the peace and comfort of your words and pictures!
Sweet dreams Jerry!
What a wonderfully thoughtful gift from a wonderfully thoughtful and talented young lady! I love it! So pretty.
I can still remember how excited I was when I first moved over here to the UK from Canada and saw all the cotton ball sheep munching on the hillsides, fields, roadside verges, etc. They were amazing to me. We went up to the Horsehoe Pass in the Welsh Mountains and they were all around the car. I took oodles of pictures. I think my husband found me seriously “mad” as in insane, lol. They were just so lovely. I hope that they never become “everyday” to me and that I always see them as lovely, and exciting, and quaint, and adorably, quintessentially charming!
Oh, it is so much fun to put a face to the name Sheri! She is the one who has always taken care of my orders! She’s a really nice gal. But then, would you ever have anyone who wasn’t nice working for you? I think NOT!
Have a wonderful day! Whenever I see a post from your blog in my mailbox it gets mine off to a fab start! Blogging is the bestest bestest. My life has been made immeasurably better through this fabulous medium. Like you, I could not imagine a day passing by without blogging in one form or another. You meet the nicest people this way! xxoo
One reason we keep so small as a business is because everyone loves everyone ~ in big companies, I’m afraid it might not be like that!
You are a smart, intelligent woman Susan. Everyone knows that. I’d hate being followed around by Papparazi, wouldn’t you? I don’t think there’s much fun in being famous. Stay as sweet & fantastic as you are. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
There are lots of famous people around Martha’s Vineyard and no, I would not like to be Carly Simon for instance. You could never take your book and go to lunch and have a quiet time! People would be looking at you!
“everyone loves everyone”–oh, I love that phrase! I must put that on a sign in my first grade classroom!
Perfect spot for it!
I love Marie’s food blog and your pretty watercolor work too!
I love Lambie Pie!! And I thought I was the only person in the world who said “cutely”!!!! LOL
Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA xox
We know our English, Mary!
So sweet and charming. This post is just the touch of spring I needed this morning.
You are so right, the best gifts are tied with strings of love! Maddie is a genius to get this all planned and executed so perfectly just for you. Lately, I have been in a love affair with wools crafted from farms where they raise the sheep, spin and dye the wool right there. It all seems so picture perfect and the people who own these farms are very friendly and helpful. I think there might be a link between the realities of the animal husbandry involved and then an appreciation of people wanting to share in that experience through purchasing the wool. One friend I know lists the wool with the sheep’s name: Emma’s Grey. I can imagine Emma while I knit the wool into something. I am looking forward to seeing more of your Lambie Pie in upcoming artwork. She is quite fitting in her aproned self!
Maddie is one talented young lady!
Hello! I saw the new post yesterday while I was at work. I had a few minutes to read, but when I got to the comments, I thought I better stop. I had not seen this episode of Downton and I was afraid it would spoil it for me. So last night I caught up with everyone….oh that dear Mr. Bates….how he loves Anna. It made me teary eyed.
what a deep freeze!
What a talent young Maddie is and what a thoughtful gift. But how could she not be talented living in the midst of all that is creative! She is truly lovely. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MADDIE!
It is still winter, although our weather here bounces up and down..18 one morning, a few days later 80 and we are sitting on the porch! Just crazy. And my poor family in Ohio must feel like they are stuck in the middle of the movie Frozen.
Still very dry here, we so need rain. So pictures of green grass and sweet lambies are just the thing to bring peace to my soul!
Must get to work…..stay warm girlfriends!
Yes, I feel in a deep freeze, too even though it is up to 21 today! Snow is still around. Yesterday we had sun! That was energy boosting! How is Jim doing, Chris? I’ve been praying for him and hoping that he is recuperating now. As far as “stay warm” goes–right now I am sitting at the computer with a warm and fuzzy throw wrapped around me! (also with a cup of coffee!) I do hope you get some rain soon! Loved to read your comment! Love you! Linda
Hi Linda,
I keep your weather plugged in on my IPad…and Ohio’s! Burrrrrrr. Not sure this old girl is up to winter any more. I truly enjoy the cold snaps we have, they are invigorating, but after 3 days, I am done…DUN!
Thank you for asking about Jim and keeping him in prayer. He got an injection in his back last week, and it is keeping him much more comfortable. He is sleeping better at night, but he still needs his cane to steady himself, especially outside. And then we have the ungoing memory issues, that we cope with daily, the best way we can. It is what it is and we deal with it! Keep Calm and Carry On….as the Brits would say!
And so how is that precious granddaughter, Raylene? I bet we have pictures. You know Linda, we really need to exchange emails….we are missing so much. I would love pictures.
Love to you and take care….maybe winter will loosen it’s grip soon.
By the way San Angelo, TX (I am right next door and work in San Angelo) had the record high Friday for the nation!! Today it is freezing rain! Like I said our weather is like a yo yo, up down, up down!
here is mine, Chris! (the first letter is a lower case L.) Send me an email and we’ll get started!
What a sweet and precious gift! Since we are expecting 2″ of snow here in the deep South (I know, laughable to you guys) I did so appreciate the photos of the beautiful English countryside. I love getting up early and getting my coffee and turning on my computer to find your blog pop up…….sheer joy. Thanks for sharing Susan…..:)
Wonder how you are doing Lisa? Did you get the snow?
I am not sure where Lisa lives, but we did get the snow here in the Atlanta area…what a mess. It has been a true delight to come to Susan’s blog tonight and see the beautiful signs of spring in England (we are planning our second trip back this summer) and to see the serenity of the sheep. Atlanta has been a huge mess, BUT see the FB page entitled SnowedOutAtlanta to get a feel for the larger community pulling together. I am having a cup of English tea and some left-over peppermint candies to celebrate the melting of the snow. Everyone stay warm and safe. I hear another storm is on the way.
Maddie, What a wonderful creation you did, Lambie Pie goes so well with the other Beatrix Potter people ! Mmmmmm, I am a collector and I know lots of other collectors Mmmmmm, you might have yourself a little business there ! She is just perfectly adorable ! Happy, Happy, Happy creating such a sweet thing, by such a sweet girl.
My daughter and I took care of our friends’ farms when they would go on vacation. We had horses and loved the care of all farm animals. I raised my daughter to be very responsible so we would do this job together until she got old enough to do it on her own. We had one particular friend that would go away right before lambing time and she told Sara that the babies weren’t ready to be born yet but just in case she explained what to do if it does happen. Well, one early March day Sara was extra long doing her job so I went over and what a beautiful surprise ! Baby lambs every where ! I got to help and we brought the Moms and babes in the barn to their individual stalls with heat lamps. There were twins too, oh my the adorableness was too much ! My husband got worried that we were gone so long that he showed up and it was just heaven ! We couldn’t take the smiles off our faces. Madlyn came home a few days later and was so happy and not the least bit worried. She was so happy at the job Sara had done, she named one of the lambs Sara ! Susan you are so adorable creating Lambie- Pie Cuddle-Bunch and no matter what your blog is about it is always such a treat ! Oh, my granddaughter just loves the Lambie from your store. When she take her naps here she is always hugging Lambie-Pie ! Thank-you for all you do,………..You Lambie Pie You !
Such a darling stuffed toy, I had to have it! Love your lamb story Wendy-Lou!
Oh Susan………..after seeing this post I am “THINKING SPRING” even more than ever now. How delightfully uplifting even as we watch the next incoming snow storm heading our way. Thank you for showing the green pastures and the lambikins……… it all so much!
How lovely — dreaming of Spring on this frigid Winter morning in New England. Keep the Spring pictures coming!
Martha from CT
O’ Susan…you dear sweet soul…what a wonderful woolly post. I love every bit of it and now enjoying all the comments. So many wonderful people out there and life can be wonderful in the little things… green grass, sheep, spring! We really love lambs/sheep at our house as they have helped put 2 of our 5 children through college and will help with the 3 others to come. Our children are the head shepherds on our farm. We are just starting our lambing season in this very cold PA weather. Any minute now we could have lambs in the barn and my girls can’t wait. They always hope for a bottle baby to bring into the house! One year we had one named Maria, and she was my daughter Emma’s first ‘child’…she followed Emma everywhere in the house and ‘cried’ when she went up the stairs. She stayed in the warm house (with a diaper on) for 2 weeks and then we realized she thought she was a human and started loosing her little baby wool cause she was too warm – napping by the radiator in between play times and eating times. So we slowly got her used to the cold barn where she needed her wool to keep her warm. Maria is now a soon to be mother for the second time and happily lives in the barn and fields! Thanks for all the wonderful pictures of sheep and spring and green grass….just what I needed to lift my spirits. I will share this post with my girls…they will love Maddie and Lambie!
How wonderful for Emma to have this experience!
What a wonderful life style for children to grow up in. No need to tell me what the blue mark on the lambs wool is for. That’s the part of the story I can do without. The facts of life are often difficult to deal with. I’m going to think the blue marking is so that you can identify a lamb that needs shearing. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
The colors aren’t what we think, unless someone is keeping something for me. I think you are exactly right — I understand they are to keep track of the sheep, dates of births and things like that. Benign things. I kind of wish they wouldn’t do it, because they are so pretty without it.
I feel better now that you agree with me on what the blue is on the lamb for. I’m so sensitive! Sometimes I wish I weren’t so sensitive. Every dog I see on the street, I think needs my help & doesn’t have a home. I worry about every homeless person I see. I don’t like watching the news anymore because there are so many abused children on the news. On & on I go, with so many things I see that I can’t do anything about. (Sandy from Chihuahua Flats)
The worst are those commercials with the song “arms of an angel” about animals ~ That one has me scrambling for the clicker before I hear or see anything.
When we were in Ireland, our tour guide explained the blue marking to us. Then he called them “happy sheep”. We got a kick out of that!
When we were in England and stayed at Yew Tree Farm where they raise Herdwick sheep like Beatrix Potter did, they said it was because sheep wander into other properties and it’s to identify whose sheep belong to whom. So, as you said, Susan. Sure does “spoil” their pretty look, though, if you ask me!
Yes, wouldn’t ribbons work better?
They should paint them with blue
Hi Susan,
Love Lambie Pie! She is the perfect addition to your collection and what a treat that she was custom made for you. You own the world’s only Lambie Pie, wow!
Maddie is very talented and has a bright, artistic future. I was happily reading your post yesterday while babysitting our 18 month grandson, Lucas. He wandered over and saw the sheep and let out a loud “baaaa”! He can’t say all the names yet but he knows every animal and the sounds they make. He made me smile…
Warm hugs!
How cute!
My son and DIL find animal pictures on pinterest (Ithink that’s spelled wrong!) and my darling 1 1/2 year old grandson will look at them endlessly and say the animal sounds. Oh, don’t you love this age?
Loved your post today about the lamb. It made me think of spring and a happy time of year, after this hard winter. Thank you, for sharing.
Lambs, lambs, lambs… so precious! I love your choice of the color “bubble gum” for the inside of their ears, perfect. I just want to hug them all! And what a heart warming and thoughtful Christmas gift you received from Maddie. Lambie Pie looks like she has always been a part of all your other Beatrix Potter people! I love it when wishes come true! ♥ Wishing you a beautiful Tuesday Susan!
I would never have imagined this wish to come true!
I was fortunate enough to have raised sheep when I was a young girl and show them in 4-H. I enjoyed it immensely. The lambing season was the best with the little ones all wobbly legs and big ears! Best years of my life.
I have a Lambie Pie of my own……..a teenager named Andrew (that would be my son) who we used to call Lambie when he was a baby.
How talented is Maddie!! I just got my Lavender & Roses Earl Grey tea (which, BTW, my Andrew Lambie enjoys with me- (imagine a teenage tea drinker!!). I wonder who packed up my tea – so beautifully!!- was it Sheri, Bonnie or Kellee? I love to think that one of those lovely ladies put my care package together.
Thanks for always brightening my day, Susan!
It had to be one of them, Mary! Please say hello to your Lambie for me!
Thank you Susan for the bookmark; I missed it the first go around!! Darling. Maddie…what an artist and a sweet friend…and your help, they are all so gracious! The few items I have purchased have always arrived so beautifully packaged…love the special touch!
You mentioned more pics or things from England — I am fascinated with the Hedge Rows…I believe you said Joe had purchased a book on hedges…did he like it?? Do you have any recommendations? We live in Zone 5 — I would LOVE to have some hedges in my garden scheme. I am not sure they use bushes, I think they might use trees, and plant them closely, but not sure!
Hope you are warm…it’s cold here today…but I have heard some bird chatter and the days are getting longer…Spring is sure to come soon!
Hedges are really a fascinating subject … the most interesting thing I learned is how some hedges are formed by bending and snapping saplings so that they grow into a thick hedge — you can read about that HERE . . . But you can also Google “best hedge bushes for zone 5” and see what they have to say. There are lots of choices for a wonderful “bird motel” — whether all one kind of bush or a mixed hedge. You can box in a bit of lawn, cut in an arched doorway and make a little private garden room to have your tea in!
Wow! What a wonderful artist Maddie is! Love love love Lambie Pie!
Oh, and Happy Happy Birthday Maddie!
Love both of Maddie’s lambs! I can tell that they are gifts from her heart…the best kind!
Wanted you to know that I just finished your book. It was every bit as enchanting as I had hoped it would be. I truly felt like I was there right along with you, experiencing all the things that you and Joe experienced. Thank you for sharing your journey! It was a wonderful and much needed diversion from this frigid weather that we are experiencing in Chicagoland!
Thank you for telling me Jamee! xoxo Stay warm!
Wonderful to see! I love lambs too! We have a farm not far from my home and I just love watching them and am looking forward to all the babies this Spring. Thanks Again for a lovely blog post. I can use anything to forget the bone chilling cold we are in the grips of right now.
Thanks Again♥
Keep warm Sandy … I know the feeling. I WEAR blankets now. (Not really, just my big cozy shawl and then a smaller wool one under it!)
Those English sheep are so beautiful! When I was a little girl in the 1950’s, my family lived in Bakersfield in a little post-war 2-bedroom house on a commercial acre , which meant we lived on a street with other houses (and lots of kids to play with!) but with an acre behind it with a barn and all. Among the “livestock” was a pet lamb named Woolly. When she was a baby, we got to feed her with a bottle, and I loved running my hands through her soft fleece and feel the lanolin. My Dad later said he needed to butcher her for meat for the family, but my sister and I wouldn’t stand for it! We were like the children in the movie Giant, when they brought in the turkey for Thanksgiving and they all started crying and carrying on. Thanks for bringing up that sweet memory of our little lambie pie cuddle bunch. Love your new little lamb. She has such a sweet expression on her face. How clever of Maddie!
Nope, you’re right, there would be no butchering of little adorable lambie no matter how big it got!
The only, most appropriate, word that comes to mind is brilliant…said in a British accent that flatters anything named before or after…brilllll-yant…you know what I mean;)
Miss Maddie is one of us! She gets to be a junior member of our girlfriends club…Hoorah for Maddie!
Christie Ray
Torch bearer extraordinaire!
And she’s such a beauty…my goodness…Looks AND Talent!
Christie Ray
And she’s only just begun!
One day, we’ll say “we knew her when”…
Hi Susan:
Last week I bought a Benjamin Bunny figurine. He’s my first. He looks just like the one in your photo above. It’s all your fault that I bought him. You’ve re-ignited my wonderment with Beatrix Potter. Many years ago I bought a boxed set of her books at a yard sale. I couldn’t resist the adorable little books in the adorable little box. I think my Benjamin Bunny does need some company. I’ll have to keep my eyes open. My husband, of course, groaned when he saw the figurine. I don’t understand why because his name is also Benjamin. So really, how could I resist Benjamin Bunny?
You could not. Just as I could not resist the beautiful rose bush called “Just Joey!” Plus, of course, Benjamin Bunny is one of the best ones!
And I have a “Just Joey” and have had it for years…For my middle son..who now has 2 little girls of his own…Just Joey is a gorgeous rose….and the other one I have is “Josephs Coat” and it is so colorful all warm colors that blend….(coat of many colors!) ……..Just Joey smells so wonderful! I love to smell it when the sun is shining on is delicious!!!!! Aren’t we lucky!! must know by now..I love e v e r ything you do..but today I must give Maddie special attention for the beauutiful creations she has made for you…she is so talented…such a great the darling lambs she has made for you !!
Thank you Deborah!
Hello, Susan. I’m so glad you love doing your blog, because your posts regularly make my day. It was -9 in Michigan this morning, wind chill -25. My husband and I are fortunately retired, so we’re in for the day. This post was so full of spring that I shared it on my Facebook page. Thanks for all the detail and effort you put into your posts! Also loved A Fine Romance, which got me through a head cold last fall. I bought it blind after seeing an ad in Tea Time Magazine. I hadn’t finished it yet when I bought it for my daughters and son’s girlfriend. Then I bought more for Christmas gifts. And more for a couple of friends who needed a lift. I’m keeping a spare for the next friend who might appreciate it. Wishing you and Joe many more happy travels!
You doll. Thank you, Linda!
Lambie Pie looks so perfect with your BP collection. What a treasured gift from Maddie’s heart! Way to go Maddie! That is interesting about how Beatrix never used her lambs in her stories or artwork. Seeing Spring in England warmed me up. Thanks Susan! Your blog always warms us up.
Thank you for such a lovely posting it was full of the promise of spring and heart of the home warmth that I love from ewe !! Thanks for sharing your Maddie Lamb that is truly a Treasure ! that young lady is very talented !
Looking forward for some of that Rose Lavender tea and your book.
We are at -40 today need all those cheery lambswool hugs we can get !!
xo Denise
OH my, minus 40. Wow! We’re on the ferry to the island now … it’s around 20 degrees, I thought my face was cold walking into wind toward the boat!
Hi Denise: You are sharing your -40 temps with us down here in St. Paul, MN. Whenever I feel like complaining about this winter, I do think about you people in Canada and know you must have it worse as it comes directly to us in the Alberta Clippers!
Good Morning Susan from “it’s not raining yet but we are hoping for it soon” Northern CA. I’ve been avoiding my desk all morning and the piles of “stuff” to do. So I finally sit down and see your link on my desktop….and think, just a few more minutes…..and now I’m sending you a huge “thank you” for your cheerfull blog. You always have something to cheer me up and help me to start the day….albit a little late. The photos of the UK trip were devine, and the lovely surprise of the lambie that Maddie made you, so thoughtful….just made my day. I think of you starting your day very early, as I do, and the quietness of the house that you enjoy, as I do also. I love my cup of tea and my kitties too. Well, now I’m lollygagging…, again, thanks for the positive attitude, count my blessings “kick in the behind”, and I’ll get to my desk now.
Jan from Northern CA
The other thing we have in common, fabulous procrastinators …
Lambs and Spring – just what we all needed to brighten the day – even if we love the snow. Adorable addition to your Beatrix Potter collection. She looks so cute snuggled in there amongst the others. Maddie is talented for sure. Happy Birthday, Maddie!
…Dear Maddie, Happy Birthday to You !!.. ‘turning 13 yrs. old today !!.. I’m so happy Susan shared your art work/ gifts with us !.. such a thoughtful dear heart you are !.. keep creating; you obviously have quite a gift yourself !!
Look out world; we have another teenager aboard! And a very talented one I must say. Happy, happy birthday, Maddie! I’m so glad Susan posted your picture. You are a beautiful girl. Such a thoughtful gift you made.
Susan, you are so lucky to have received this beautiful gift of love and to personally know the artist! Thanks for the lovely post.
We were watching TCM the other day (“The Thin Man Goes Home”) and I’m sure I spotted your teapot. Nick Charles had just arrived home and his mother was making tea. Even in black and white, it looked like the one I see on your table so often. The movie was made in 1944. Is yours about that vintage? Anyway, it was a fun thought.
Keep warm,
Nancy (from Bakersfield)
I was watching that, but which teapot Nancy? The funny shaped old one with the flowers?
I went back a couple of posts to get another look at your teapot, and have decided that maybe they aren’t the same, just similar. The one in the movie is more round. I guess it was the flowers that made me think of yours. Both are charming.
Maddie is a love!
Lambs make my heart go pitter patter! Loved today’s post & your new baby lamb. She looks perfect with the rest of your collection.
I absolutely love this post! (I love all of them, though). Someday I am hoping to be a grandma, so I have re-ignited my interest in Beatrix Potter. I love collections, and I just wonder how did you fall upon collecting lambs? Where have you gotten most of yours, and what suggestions do you have on starting a collection? It is intriguing to me, and I may just start my own for my future grandchildren!
Like all of my collections, it was an accident. Suddenly I found I had about six of them and realized, Hey I must be collecting these. Then I watched for them. I think the best spot for unique critters is antique stores, but there is this guy that makes the MOST gorgeous sheep … look HERE. Your only problem, like mine, is which one of these glorious creatures does a person get first??? Almost impossible to choose. Beyond adorable.
I love those! I am going to tell my sister. She sends me poo papers scented with daffodils! Yes…paper made from sheep poo.
That’s very creative!
She buys them in England. You know the old t-shirt saying, “They went to (name of place) and all I got was this t-shirt.” Well…They went to England and all I got was poo papers. LOL
Maddie is one talented girl Lambie Pie is adorable.
Welcome to our world ‘Lambie Pies’ and from what I have read, we all love you both, as well as Susan and now Maddie too.
What a nice gift for Maddie to have her Lambie Pie art featured on your blog on her birthday for all of us to see.
Happy 13th Birthday Maddie from British Columbia, Canada.
What joy your blog brings to my life. You always make the simple things, simply wonderful and important to all our lives. Love your bunnies and Miss Maddie and so thankful you’re willing to share with us through your blog. I just received my order from your shop – I needed your Calendar, the brown bird tea cup, tea and canister with the tea towel to match. So special! Everything arrived safely and wrapped with love. I’m all set for this cold evening at home. Stay warm and cozy wherever you are. Happy Happy Birthday, Maddie!
A lovely walk down Memory Lane. My goodness, Maddie is talented…and she is so young. Look out world!
What a surprise to see photos of spring on your blog tonight. As I look out the porch windows tonight, it is SNOWING in Georgia! I am sure many of the girlfriends are ready to be done with snow for this year, but for those of us in southwest Ga., this is a TREAT! It is sticking & I have been playing in the kitchen while admiring the sights. My little petty-pet,Bobby, who is the world’s most adorable Cavalier King Charles, has discovered snow is quite a treat! He has been out “grazing” in it, as the sheep graze the fields in England!
I remember once in a blue moon, or even less often, we would get snow in California when I was growing up. It’s thrilling! I’m so happy for you…. enjoy!
Yes, it’s snowing in Georgia. My son had a 9 and a half hour
commute to get home last night. At one point he was stuck
at the bottom of a hill but he drove in at 10:00 last night.
But he will have a great and rare snow day with the children
today. We have ice here on the coast. Not even the
“decency” of snow as one of the girlfriends said!
I heard that GA got hit pretty hard with the storm… Yikes! Hope you are in a good spot and having fun with it Julia!
Susan, Wow what an enjoyable evening I had reading your post. To all the Downton Abbey Girlfriends The Magazine Tea Time for Jan and Feb has a story for you…and the recipes and pictures are great….you will all enjoy it!
Happy Birthday Maddie…I hope you are reading all the comments about you..for you deserve them…for you have a very special soul…you are talented and very giving from your heart and you have one of the most beautiful smiles I have every seen. There are many young people out there with amazing talents…I met one young lady at the San Luis Obispo book signing in NOV. We talked for 3 hours in line and took pictures and I regret I did not get her email …but I know one day Leal from Washington, I will see your paintings!!!! We need to encourage all of our artist…young and elder ones…for too many things are being done by using the internet to paint to draw to make music etc etc …and we are losing a very special thing in our Scools…THE ARTS. There is nothing more fulfilling than to work on a special project and know that it was “YOU” that you did all of that hard work…with your hands and your spirit and your imagination… and it turned out GREAT. Well once again I will step down from the soap box. Thanks Susan for letting me use your blog to “soap box” LOL Love, Susan P.
ooopppps we are also losing spelling and English Sorry that should be SCHOOLS Susan P.
Isn’t that a wonderful magazine? One of my favorites. You’re good on that soap box Susan!
Such cute lambs!I would love to meet Maddie!I think we would get along well!Its usually hard to find girls my age who have the same interests as me.Maddie sounds like a gem,along with all of the other beautiful gems (like you) that I have met! Goodness, so many people to meet in this world and so little time!
She was at our California book signing at Remnants at the Past, working alongside her mom, but very quiet, the pretty girl with the twinkly eyes.
Wow, great job Maddie! What a great little artwork.
Susan: loved seeing those lovely pictures of spring in England! Though we have all recently blogged about how much we love winter and the coziness of it all, after days of temps below 20 degrees, and white everywhere, seeing those pictures of green grass, flowers, and lovely lambs grazing in the warmth of the sun has made me long for spring, or at least temperatures in the 30’s! I love Maddie’s lovely creations. I am always amazed at such talent, and especially from someone so young. She has a wonderful future ahead of her. Thank you for sharing with us.
Hello Susan,
Really enjoyed your lambie pie visit to England in your latest blog! You are very correct about there being lambs everywhere and during the Springtime there are even an overabundance with the babies!! I remember driving along a country road with my cousin when I last visited and we stopped to take photos of them and I got a video of two young lambs and their Mama and they were hopping and skipping and baaing along, so adorable and silly too! I was enjoying the photos in your blog when you spoke of artists painting sheep for years and I remembered that I have a picture that is quite elderly that belonged to my Mom and she bought it at an auction of one of our elderly neighbors when I was still in grade school, it is of a small herd of sheep with the shepherdess (as it is a girl) going down a country lane, a stream on one side of the road with a rock wall and a hedgerow on the other, I like to think that it is England. It is such a charming picture.
I love your lambie pie and Maddie is very creative and thoughtful to make you your very own lambie pie and it looks swell with all of your other BP treasures! Cannot wait to see what lambie gets up to and where she will show up!!
Wonderful seeing all the lovely “green” photos, I surely needed that today as we are buried in snow!!
Warmest regards,
What a sweet gift from Maddie. Thank you for sharing, and reminding us of your magical journey around England.
My dear, sweet grandmother always called me her “little lamb”. The earliest picture we have together is of her standing and looking into my baby carriage holding the most adorable white lamb in her oh so loving hands. That was sixty five years ago but I can still feel that unconditional love that was always present between us. Thank you sweet Susan for reigniting that most precious memory. I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Have a wonderful day!
Susan, Just wanted to send you an email and let you know that I was just on ebay and saw a 22 piece collection of Royal Albert Beatrix Potter figurines for sale. The bid now is $71.00 and the bidding ends on 1/30/14 at 06:56:27 PST.
Just thought there might be one or two in the collection that you didn’t have and you might be interested. Have a great day, lovely lady! Anita
Thank you Anita!
Oh Susan,
Seeing all of these wonderful Lambie pictures, and having the memories flooding back from our trip to England, I’m in love all over again
It makes me want to reach out through the screen like Alice in the looking glass and say… Here I am! I’m here! I’d run through the meadows and cuddle the lambs all day long.
Thank-you for awakening the Spring which I know is just waiting a little longer before she shows forth her flowers. I believe she’s just taking a few more days of beauty sleep!
Georgie, NJ
Just want to say Maddie has a gift and she shares it so sweetly.
I forgot. Which one is her mother? I know she is very proud of her.
We all are!
Also, I never get tired of the England pix. Especially houses.
Thank you for all of the great blogs.
More houses!
Yes, Susan….anything you want to show us–we’ll love it! Just add a memory with each and we’ll be right there with you.
She’s the blonde on the left of Maddie who is wearing green.
Oh, I talked to Sherri when I ordered my fabric.
Wish I had mentioned how sweetly you wrote
of Maddie and her art great artwork.
Next time Julia!
Charming, lovely blog! Happy belated birthday Maddie, you wonderfully talented dear teenager! Sheep lived behind us, when I was 13, & I loved to walk out in the pasture with them & bury my fingers in their wooly coats. They were always so sweet to me, but I stayed away from the field with the bucks (after the owner warned me)! Yikes! I recall the lambs born way into spring, now they’re born in the East in January? Ccccold, good thing they wear wool coats! Thank you Susan for this blog, & GFs you have such great comments…now I can get to my daily chores!!! xoxoxo
Dear Susan, I love your Lambie Pie’s and Maddie’s is just adorable! I love reading your blog and it was just what I needed this morning! It is truly like a mini vacation every time! I feel like I’m just where you are and that always seems perfect! Thanks for warming my heart and always sharing so much of yourself with us all! xo-Sherry p.s. Really loving “A Fine Romance”!
Oh so happy to hear that Sherry, thank you for being here!
Good Morning, Susan!
All this talk about lambs reminded me of a place I used to take my children to visit: The Woolamby Sheep Farm…only a few miles from my home, on a winding country road, complete with rolling hills and white split rail fences. Although it was a working farm, the owner’s wife came up with a brilliant idea to open it up to the local children. She would “become” Mother Goose and give tours of the barn, holding storytime on haybales right next to the lambs! A visitor in Springtime would find pastel, Kool-Aid dyed lambies to pet and baby kittens to cuddle. A lesson on spinning wool was given in the corner of the barn and skeins of yarn and handmade woolen items were for sale in a gift shop. We would observe the resident Border Collie perform amazing round-up exercises out in the pasture. We would always bring a picnic lunch and spend several hours on the farm; enjoying a wagon ride and climbing through a giant wooden shoe-shaped house….just like the nursery rhyme. It was a magical place! After several visits, I came to know “Mother Goose” quite well and asked her if she would be willing to bring one of the lambs to my house as a surprise for my son’s 4th birthday and she did! It was the end of February. I placed a plastic sheet over my living room floor and welcomed lamby in to the delight of 6 young children…What a happy memory!
I have enjoyed this post for 3 days now; going back to click on the “extras” and soak in the beauty of your Springtime photos. You sure know how to pack a lot in a little space! My very favorite was revisiting Chatsworth and that fellow….what’s his name?….John? I wasn’t able to get to Boston this past summer to see his artwork but it remains on my wish list of places to go THIS summer. I remain completely in awe of his work….and grateful to you for continuing to open up our world to so much beauty.
Who knows? Maybe someday, I’ll be reading about a remarkable artist, Maddie and I’ll be able to say “I knew of her very first work!” Happy belated B’day to Maddie!
What a fun thing to do for a child’s 4th birthday, a baby lamb! Too sweet. Yes, that guy, John!
You will love the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston …
Years and years ago I cut our the sugar cookie recipe in Country Living. It has been our ‘go to’ recipe for years. I bought your first books and loved them. My life became complicated after that and I lost track of you. Somehow I found out about “A Fine Romance” and because I love England, my friend and I met up with you and Joe in Wilmington, OH on the book tour. We had such fun and I’ve given your book to a number of friends. She and I don’t loan out the book anymore, in case someone forgets to return it! I absolutely love the book. It is so charming and it captures all the things I love about England.
One day I wish you would just do a tutorial on how you paint. Have you ever told us about how you just picking up a brush and some watercolors and started making this magic? So that is one idea for all of out here in the frozen Midwest. Next, I wish you would give us a hint about how you collect and store the quotes you use. I write down things I see and then don’t know what to do with all the pieces of paper.
Thank you again for all the fun you bring to our lives. It is a gift to remind people in such a charming way to pay attention to the now and feed our souls with the common things that surround our lives.
Thank you Rose, I’m so glad we caught back up with each other! I think I’ll be writing about those things in a future book … As for your quotes, get a little book and just be sure to transfer your little scraps of paper into it. Then you’ll have them!
Hi Susan – Love your blog.
I live on a sheep farm in western Mass. We are in the midst of lambing. If you want to see lambs, hop on over to my blog.
I’m thinking Beatrix perhaps didn’t include lambs because lambs and sheep are raised as farm products for meat. Although I think she did feature pigs and chickens and ducks and they are farm products too. I’ve read all the biographies about her and never a mention. Odd – I guess we will never know.
Congrats on the new book’s success. Paint on!
Adorable babies… loved them Kristin!
THANKS SO MUCH for Lambie Pie Cuddle Bunch computer wallpaper!!! It is absolutely adorable.
Oh goodie, you got it! Glad you like it!
Hi Susan, I found your lovely blog a few weeks ago ( via a commenter over at my blog ). There is so much to read here and it’s all so delightful…I’ve been very inspired and moved to tears on occasion.
I bought your book and that was wonderful too. So I’m just writing to say thank you for sharing so many lovely words and pictures here and on paper.
Jacquie x
Aren’t you sweet Jacquie, thank you so much. It’s so nice to have you here!
Welcome to the “girlfriends club” — all the readers of Susan’s blog. I just discovered your blog! I think most of us here are sheep lovers, some probably more than others. Your photos are amazing, and you can add me to your regular readers.
Nice to hear that Holly!
Hi Susan ~ you were wondering why Beatrix Potter never made a sheep character…..well I have been reading her biography (at your recommendation!) and I think I found the answer: she writes that she could only “describe little rubbish, like mice and rabbits – dogs, sheep, and horses are on a higher level”. So there you have it, but I think Maddie’s creation is a perfect addition! Now I’m thinking of stopping by the antique shop tonight and see if there are any B.P. figurines there for me to start a collection too…..
She has a pig … but you’re right, most of them are those little rubbish things!
Funny way to say that!
Too funny! I had the idea to make you a Lambie-Pie out of sculpy clay but Maddie beat me to it! She did a GREAT job!!! So thoughtful. Your lambs are so sweet. My favorite are the ones on the front page of A.F.R.
17 more days till Costco! (I have never been to excited to go to Costco in my entire life!!)
Me either! I’m so glad to know I will have at least one friend there!
Have fun! I checked our Costco today, no AFR, but luckily, I already have mine! I wanted to stand in the aisle telling people about the wonderful Susan Branch book!!!! I’ll keep checking back!
So far it’ll only be in Costco’s in MA, CT and NH … But you’re a doll to be my advocate!
It was so “warming” to see Lambie Pie and the reminders of your English Spring. I live near Atlanta and if you have seen the news today, you know we had a miserable 2 inches of snow and ice that really closed our city. Sadly, many children were stranded in school for the night or on school buses on the highways. Commuters had dreadful stories to tell. Your blog was a delightful reminder that Spring will come. I wish your blog could be broadcast for all those who never got to enjoy the snow or a cozy hearth. Thank you again for your cheery blog.
Thank you Suzanne … I’ve been listening to news about Atlanta, terrible. One woman in her car for something like 20 hours!
Hello Susan! Since we are on the subject of these precious little sheep, I wanted to share with you what my daughter gave to me for my recent birthday this month. My gift was one skein of 100% Merino Wool yarn from the merino sheep nurtured at Firestone Farm, right at The Greenfield Village (The Henry Ford) in Dearborn, Michigan. On the label, it explains it is produced with the same methods that the farmers /craftsmen of the 19th century America used, where “handword and function were the standards of the day”. I’m happy to say I started knitting slipper socks for myself, hopefully they will keep my feet warm during this very cold winter. It’s so neat to know the wool yarn came from the same sheep we saw at the Village, last summer during the warm summer months!!!! God Bless all those “working” sheep!!!! (P.S. Your Lambie Pie would make a perfect model for a future “Susan Branch” line of wool yarns I am sure!!!!…….hint……hint……..hint….) Keep cozy, keep warm!
The perfect gift Carilyn!!
You could also do a story book for children with Lambie Pie Cuddle Bunch as the subject and the “adventures” she would have. With your wonderful illustrations, it would be darling! Thank you for this most beautiful post!
Great idea!!!
All I can say is Lambie Pie is adorable, and your blog posts are pure pleasure; Always! ….oh, and can you please send some of your snow to Arizona. We need it so bad.
Lambie Pie you are a pet,
The sweetest sheep that I’ve seen yet,
Now that Maddie has made you for real,
Susan can have you on her window sill..? x
Too cute Terry xoxo
if you like lamby pictures heres a blog where they just birthed 75 so far… not quite as picturesque as the English fields but pretty cute! This blog raises sheep for wool, its still pretty there and her sheep seem to all have names and personalities and she tells stories about them all every day. and shes a folk artist too, not on your scale but cute stuff. Enjoy!
Hi, Susan: have enjoyed this post more than once … posted a birthday greeting to the talented Maddie on the FOSB page … LOVE your drawing and Maddie’s version of Lambie Pie. Just watched ‘Good Ol’ Freda’ on Netflix last night, and wondered if you’d seen it and whether you remember her from the Beatlemania days? I was never caught up in all the frenzy, but found her recollection interesting. We’re ‘digging out’ here in the deep south
… sunshine and warm temps taking us out of the winter doldrums.
Sharon in Alabama
The top pictures explain perfectly why lamb is quite literally off the menu for me! Lambie Pie graces the screen on both laptop and desktop — thank-you! Although many have spring fever, I’m happy that north Georgia finally did get some snow! Of course the world is guffawing, but they don’t realize it was packed ice, and if any asphalt peeked through a tread it was quickly and completely frozen over in no time and ready to add another layer of ice. Highways full of Northern transplants and seasoned truckers managed no better at navigating the roads than Southerners; my rural county was awful! But I’ve enjoyed the snow days from school and am truly happy that, once the transition to spring begins sometime around the second or third week in February, with the days growing longer, and the jonquils and Carolina jessamine beginning to bloom, I will have had my wished-for winter snow! Now I don’t feel so deprived of winter while looking at pictures of an absolutely beautiful English spring
Hello Susan! Really enjoying all of the discussions on your Lambie Pie blog these past several days! Remembering my childhood, my grandmother had a lamb cake mold and would bake a lamb cake for each grandchild and great-grandchild’s First birthday! After frosting it, she would use raisens, colored mini marshmellows, and sprinkles to decorate the lamb cake. Turning it into a very memorable celebration cake that all of us considered HER traditional gift for the party! (The lamb cake for my daughter Marie’s lst birthday, actually took a tumble in the car while being transported, but Grandma just patched her up, and the presentation was delightful!) I so wish I could have had her lamb mold, after she passed away in l997 (90 yrs. old). Do you have any suggestions of where I might look for one? (I’m far from becoming a grandma, but how fun it would be to practice baking one every Spring!)
See if THIS is what you have in mind . . .
Yes! Thank you Susan! It’s perfect! Should be good quality to last….I better get busy!
It would really be great to find an old one at a yard sale! Fun to look for!
My mother had a cast iron lamb mold and when she baked the cake ,added cocanut to the top of the frosting to resemble the wool. My oldest daughter now has the mold,but she doesn’t do much baking, just collects antiques.
I loved the lambs in May when I was in England many years ago, finally understood what was meant by “gamboling in the fields” and loved their tails going a mile-a-minute when they were nursing. Your wonderful book helped me relive many wonderful memories.
I know, those darling words “gamboling in the fields!”
I just love lambie pie, what a wonderful post
HAPPY SUPER BOWL WEEKEND GIRLFRIENDS, I must say that since Indianapolis has an EX QB playing my allegiance will probably lean toward him winning his 2nd trophy. I do enjoy watching young gun Russell Wilson playing so all I can say is good luck to both teams/fans. I’m thinking Ole Man Winter is going to spoil my Birthday weekend plans as far as my sweet Angela wanting to travel for the festivities (It’s Feb. and I have told her I can count on 1 hand the nice weather I’ve had and last year was one it was almost 50 and SUNNY.) I truly am thankful to be up and coping with my back issues, and if that means spending the weekend with Jim and our kitties without any fanfare (believe me Angela enjoys fanfare) I’m totally ok with that. I’ve decided to choose a day in Summer let’s say June 01 and celebrate when it is warm and beautiful I think all Winter Babies deserve that don’t you?? Have a great weekend Everyone. Blessings
Happy Birthday Deborah……whenever you decide to celebrate!
And go Broncos!
Thank You for your lamb drawings and memories of England. What a nice way to start the day… Love your blog…
Lambie pie makes me smile! It is curious why Beatrix never put a lamb in her books – maybe she couldn’t bear the thought of putting them in danger like her other little critters get into at times:-) Maddie’s lamb is adorable! I’m picturing it on your stove:-) Thanks for the spring pictures – been dreaming about my garden lately – can’t wait for Spring! Xoxo
Such a sweet blog. When I was young I gave up on Easter Bunnies, and I fell in love with chicks. I used to go to look in a giant Easter egg at the mall full of hatching chicks and I got a chickie instead of a bunny. A couple of years later I got a lambie. I really liked that lambie, until I had to babysit for the local veterinarian’s children while the sheep went nuts and one of the dogs broke out of the run!! When I had my sons I called them my bunny boys.
I love the material you designed. And… I do like my wool pleated skirts and wool sweaters.
It is good to be back to normal. I beat the storm on Tuesday coming home from AZ. I have been stuck inside with a cold, no mail and too much snow…until today, but I didn’t mind it one bit! Today is starting to feel back to normal. Sorting my mail and cleaning the house. Domesticity!
Happy to hear it Margot xoxo
OXOX for you too!!!
Loved this post–but then I love all your posts–and I love Lambie Pie. And Maddie’s clay figurine of Lambie Pie is WONDERFUL. It ‘fits’ so perfectly with your Beatrix Potter figurines too.
Thank you for the gift of a bookmark! Also, I just started your book tonight and can’t put it down!
Makes me happy to hear! xo
Am I the only one that is tired of the same old artwork on your calendars? Plant earth has been run in the ground, the same artwork from you previous books….and on and on, can we PLEASE get some new pictures on your calendars???? I should save my money and just leave 2011 or 2012 or 2010 up it’s the same old same old. do you even post negative comments, how about you run a poll and see if anyone agrees with me, thank you for your consideration. I truly believe the talent is there, you’re just getting lazy I guess.
Hi Patricia — I’m lucky, I don’t get many negative comments, but I don’t mind publishing them and I’m with you …a poll would be good — then I will know what everyone really wants! Maybe my style of art just looks repetitive to you but there really are lots of new watercolors and words in the 2014 calendar. I can’t help paying attention to Earth Day — it happens every year, it’s spring, and I love to paint it! Thank you for believing that there is talent!
Honestly, I’d truly love to be writing another book right now instead of spending these last months painting for the 2015 calendars but I’m pretty sure people would be sad if there weren’t new calendars for next year. Here’s our Poll: Girlfriends, is the art on the calendars getting old for you? You can be honest. If so, maybe it’s time to hang up the calendars and spend those months writing books? What would you like? Do you agree with Patricia? Have I gotten lazy?
Really? Susan, we love your work just as it is! I have had your calendars for 3 years now and I don’t see any repitition. This is your artwork, this is your style! I’m with Cathy!
I hope Patricia was just having a bad day and it spilled into the blog. I think she forgot that very basic rule our mothers taught us so long ago.
“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” It is still appropriate today.
You can’t please EVERYONE Susan, nor should you try.
Thankyou for all you do, I don’t know how you get it all done. You are a better woman than I!
Love you…..and your art,
Repetition! I knew that didn’t look right! Grrrrrr. And My IPad didn’t auto correct!
OMG … You don’t have a lazy bone in your body! I don’t know how you do it all! Please never, EVER stop creating your calendars!!! I know what the poll with tell you … that we LOVE them. I have looked forward to them every year for a very, very long time. Not only do the calendars take so much of your time to create, but so does this blog which you are completely dedicated to. Do you realize how many lives you have touched? … how many people you have encouraged? … how much JOY you have spread to the world through your art and your words??? Yes, it’s a good thing there’s not much negativity like this on your blog. I’m sorry Patricia feels this way and I’m really proud you are asking the girlfriend’s opinion. It won’t take a crystal ball to know the answer … XOXO
I totally disagree with Patricia; I don’t know how you get everything done that you do!! I love my calendars. I get one every year and keep the old ones. I am also eagerly looking forward to the 2015 blotter calendar as I miss having it on my desk. Don’t let the negative comments from one person get you down! We love what you do and share with us!! You make us see the beauty in our world and work to create more beauty for those we care about. You help us stop and smell the roses. Please don’t change anything that you do!
Susan-Although I do find some repetition from year to year, there are still many new quotes and pictures on each page. Your borders have gotten more and more creative with each year! I love them! And I do not mind the repetitions because at the end of each year, I cut out your pictures and quotes and paste them into notebooks, journals, etc.–so actually I love that I am finding some duplicates! Some of your pictures I use in my classroom!
And here’s something I’ve wanted to tell you for awhile–I am noticing that (just like Beatrix Potter) some of your artwork is inspired from your home or belongings! Like the fireplace and kitty in January’s big calendar. And the heart teapot in February’s calendar. I recognize them!
So Susan, hope this gives you an idea of what I love about your calendars! I find that your skill and creativity as an artist is growing from year to year. (PS This is not meant to “brown nose” you. It’s how I truly feel.) I would be lost without your calendars! You put so much heart and love into each page. Keep up the great work!
I’m just the perfect example of how important practice is!
Oh my gosh, Susan. First of all, you are not lazy, never have been, never will be. What would we do without your calendars? The seasons are predictable but your artwork isn’t! If something seems a little familiar, that is a good thing – friendly, homey, reminiscent. Please don’t stop making calendars. Here in Canada they are not always available so I am so lucky to be able to order them from your store. I never throw away your old calendars. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but we must remember to be kind to one another. I wonder how many calendars Patricia has illustrated? Just asking.
LAZY? LAZY?! I nearly choked on my coffee!!

Even if you “only” went on your fabulous trip to England…blogging and keeping us in know all the way along, and came home and HAND wrote and painted all those remarkable paintings expressly for the book, that would have been incredible.
Let’s throw in all of the travel and book signings across the country. Oh let’s not forget the mulitple calendar sizes you create, cards, bookmarks, on line store to keep stocked.
And aaaall of that is just frosting on your cake of being a wonderful, engaged wife, friend, daughter, sister, and mama to Jack and Girl.
PLUS you LIVE a lovely creative life, sprinkeling magic through out your home and day, and sharing it through pictures and information with us on your much beloved blog. I have learned about so many things from you, and I know I’m not alone! Then our families get the bennifits of our new knowledge, wether it’s from delicious recipes or movie or music tips, book reviews, or new places to visit and dream about.
I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but they are not entitled to their own facts. And the fact is, I need a nap just LISTING the things you do. I hope you get to have a relaxing day, full of all the things you love. You give all of us so much, don’t think for a minute we don’t know it and appreciate it!
Tawni Urrutia from Lodi, Ca
Oh my dear Tawni, thank you! I did sort of want to go through my screen on the word lazy. But it is such a teeny tiny drop in the bucket compared to the magnums of wonderful support I receive from all of you every day! I just wanted to make sure everyone is happy.
Hope this doesn’t post twice, but I think I lost my first comment…beautifully said Tawni. Only thing I can add is a line written by Rodgers and Hart..”Don’t change a hair for me, not if you care for me”. Susan, I think the vast majority of your fans feel exactly the same way
…Tawni, I totally agree with everything you said; I couldn’t have said it any better !!.. dear Susan, you give us soooo much..and you amaze us all…’don’t know what we would do if you weren’t in our lives !!.. sincerely…and with love, as always…
OH MY GOODNESS….The absurdity of this really doesn’t even warrant a response. God Bless You, Susan! You are a class act ~ tactful and respectful always. Please don’t change a thing.
I probably shouldn’t have put it up. Next time I won’t. I get so few negative comments, pretty much none … and I’m still new enough at this that it’s hard to know what to do. To keep or not to keep. But I do want the blog to be real, yet, why as you say, waste time.
Wow, I’m still in awe of how quickly AFR was in my hands after enjoying those wonderful blogs as the trip was happening! To write and illustrate an entire book in that length of time was amazing. Just turned over February on the 2014 calendar and love the mug illustrations which I have not seen before. My dream is for you to include a desert rose plate or teacup somewhere. You are a California girl originally so it’s appropriate! Can I send you one for inspiration, lol?
Arline in So Cal.
Kind of amazing that I haven’t already … such a pretty pattern!
Hello Susan, I completely disagree with Patricia. Your calenders are a work of art and I hang them in my kitchen and I enjoy them every single day of the year and have since you printed the very first one. I don’t find them repetitive at all. I have all of your books, which I love, too. I love the beautiful art, the inspiring and funny quotes, the great recipes, the well-planned layout,etc. Hey, I just love everything. Okay? LOL !!!
OK! Thank you! I figure, how sick of art can someone get if they only have it for a month a year! Think of a book, they only get one of those to last a lifetime. The art never changes!
I haven’t done a side-by-side comparison, but I for one have not grown tired of Susan’s artwork or feel that its repetitive. Perhaps, Patricia, you are tired of her style and are looking to change that?
I am astonished. You know how we feel Susan. Lazy is not a word I use to describe you or your work.
I, for one, love the fact you address Earth Day and all of the other little reminders on your calendars–how else would I remember them?!!! I have a degree in Design and can draw but I absolutely LOVE looking at your artwork–it is cheery, colorful, and the whimsical drawings are a joy to look at. And, as an artist, you would be stupid not to re-use some of the drawings–but you don’t “over-use” them, most certainly! The good news for Patricia above is that there are so many calendars available from different artists that, if she has a problem with yours, she can easily find a different one!
That is so true Pat . . . there’s something for everyone out there!
Tawny said all I felt. Thank you Tawni. As a PS. I wanted to thank you Susan for the soup reminders. We have been enjoying the split pea and bean soups lately. My hubby thanks you too he loves them. One tends to forget theses gems until you remind us. Boggles my mind some one would call you lazy. Too funny.
You’re more than welcome Cris. We’re loving them too.
LOL! I don’t mean to laugh, but when I got to it being official that I’m not lazy, it came out! You are a dear Susan! xoxoxo
Yowser, woke me up with a start, getting my coffee before I comment! 2 swallows, now I’m ready! Hmmm, trying to be open and honest – I do love your new artwork, such a beautiful world to be painted through your eyes, dear sweet Susan, and I also love your old artwork! But then I also love new and old books, recipes, people…..I guess I’m not a good one to poll because I love it all! And, while we’re at it, I sent a comment one time years ago saying I love it that you don’t change your artwork style and colors every year or two to be trendy! Sure, new subjects are fun, but it’s ok with me if you don’t paint every thing lime green or maybe orange and then florescent pink! And, Patricia I’m thankful that I wasn’t awake at 2:21 am, golly, that must be hard to be up that early, 3:30 was early enough for me! Oh, and I’ve noticed Earth Day does roll around every year, very comforting to me, kinda like Christmas, Easter, etc.! xoxo
xoxo thank you Joanie! xo
Dearest Susan,
One of the first things I believe about an artist’s work is that when you create work from a place of joy, people connect with that work. You have a large body of work that is instantly recognizable because of your style and palette. This is how the art world is supposed to work! This is what makes the art world go ’round. Consider other successful commercial artist’s work, look at Mary Engelbreit for example. A successful portfolio of art is cohesive in style, palette, subject, etc. Your calendars are joyful and happy, a bright spot on the wall and in the day. That is ALL GOOD!!
Your books are lovely, charming and joyful. Breaking away from your normal style of book to write “A Fine Romance” was brave and wildly successful! So much joy came through in AFR. I think all artists grow over their careers and you expanded your “style” with AFR. As a working artist, you also must consider how much time certain pieces take to create and how much do you “get back” both tangible and intangible from those pieces. We only have so many hours in our days and so many days in our lives.
Bottom line for me… what you create with JOY is great work that I enjoy.
I will add that the lovely thing about your blog is the LACK OF NEGATIVITY. It is a NON-TOXIC environment where everyone treats everyone kindly and supportively with love. That is a great thing and something for you to be extremely proud of.
I ask YOU a question to think about Susan…..what art do YOU want to create with all your heart??? That is where your joy is and that art will be every bit as successful as your past portfolio….because “people will buy your joy”.
~ Jamie
I have a book I wish to write. I am secretly writing it all the time. But first I have some projects that need to be done. So, it’s one day at a time for the person here with only two hands instead of the eight that she dreams of every night!
I agree, I’ll never publish anything negative again. There’s no reason for it as I can see now. I was just trying for the honesty thing, but I guess I’m over it!
I love our sweetness and light too. And it’s real. We really get none of that.
Thank you Jamie! All good advice. xoxo
Susan, I’ve done the laundry, gone to the grocery, welcomed my new great granddaughter this morning and fed Charles my tuxedo cat. I read your new blog and I am confessing I am still astonished and just a little bit seething. It’s really not ok for someone to be unkind to our dearest girlfriend. guess I better have some tea.
Hugs. xoxo
We all have to deal with Negative Nellies in our lives, especially creative people because EveRyyyOne has an opinion. I like to think that those “Nellies” simply need to improve their taste to rise to MY level of exquisite taste!!
~ Jamie
Well said Jamie!
Happy Monday Morning! I’m sure you are getting ready to post another post but I thought I needed to let you know 3 things first:
Maybe another idea for a calendar page?
1. I love, love, loved turning the page on the calendar to February and seeing the tea art … my favorite of all … and am hoping maybe you will paint another tea page for 2015. It doesn’t have to be February … just think of all those teapots you could paint! Think simplici-tea. Think Beatrix
2. I love, love, loved the lambs … always have, always will. Mary had a little lamb you know
3. I love, love, love your Earl Grey Lavender and Roses tea … probably the best I’ve EVER had … and I am an Earl Grey girl! It’s my go-to afternoon tea now and makes everything right with the world. Just opening the tin and smelling the leaves takes me to my happy place
Have fun painting. Heard its warming up a bit out there. I love the snow and cold and love that we can get to it in an hour or so. For now, however, I’m savoring every breath of clear, warm desert air. It fuels us to be able to get through the summer months when we are stuck inside like you have been. Stay warm world ♥ xoxo
I’ve already painted Mary and her lamb! Just haven’t used it yet, but maybe someday ~ two great minds! SO glad you like the tea Mary. I’m sure it’s not for everyone, but it’s my go-to for sure.
Haha … smiling at the thought of you wishing you had 8 hands instead of 2
… and so happy the negativity was at the end of a post that already had over 400 replies. Hopefully not many of the girlfriends will even read it. I just knew a new post was coming this morning … Good timing!!!
Agreed! I love our happy selves!
“Being happy never goes out of style” ~Lilly Pulitzer
Ain’t it the truth!
I will never get tired of your calendars!!! I would feel cheated not having one on my wall. I save all of them when the year is done too. That’s just plain RUDE of Patricia to be so nasty. If she is so unsatisfied go buy something else and let the rest of us keep enjoying your wonderful work as is. As an artist, I know how much work goes into any art work. I am amazed how you can do the yearly calendars and all the other art work you do and blog…AND have a life. No don’t change a thing!!!
I am totally enchanted! I adore Lambie. And may I say, that anyone who loves lambie should never enjoy another lamb stew. Sorry carnivores, I had to say IT!
With 458 comments I doubt you will have time but “if” you did – you would love my Beatrix Potter Cottage garden photos on my post today while reading your book!
Oh Bernideen … how wonderful! Thank you so much! xoxo
I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t post my early morning comment correctly and it erased itself! So, I’ll just say thank you Tawnie & others, your words were much better said than mine! Susan dear, you make me very HAPPY with ALL that you do & I count you as one of my daily blessings! Love, Joanie P.S. I LOVE your style, colors, paintings, words & I LOVE that you don’t change with the trends!
Hi Susan check out “Bernideen’s Tea Time” blog at:
Today she is talking about “A Fine Romance” and she loves it.
So nice! thank you Elaine!
as I least usually..say: “thank you! oh! thank you”…for everything you do….and, mostly, for everything you ARE to all of us who dearly love, love, love you!!! I am awaiting my first order from you rwonderful store, and I’ve enjoyed “meeting” both Kellee and Sheri while ordering. and, I must say that once again…just amazed at how you and everyone just fit into my life and my heart. today we had some snow here in VA….then it stopped, sun came out, I asked for a “sign”…which to me always means a “rainbow”…for whatever situation needs a sign that all will be well. then…along came your posting of today….and, the MOST GORGEOUS pic of that wonderful PAIR of cardinals…so, I clicked onto the “mas musica”…and there was the song”taking a chance on love…”…in it is the word “rainbow”…..well, that surely counts…the way I count, anyway!!! wow!!!!!!!!!!!! so, all I can say is…thank you!!! your art-work, your sharing and your “your-ness” mean the world to all of us. take care & keep warm.
Sweet as pie Chris, thank you so much xoxo
I love all of your artwork, whether its books or calendars, or this blog. In response to the negative comment, I just want to say that I think you should do whatever makes you happy as an artist. Just please do not stop creating!
That wouldn’t happen. xoxo
Susan, I just want to say this to you….you are an established artist and at this point in your career with all your successes to have any doubts of your talent is just a big waste of your peace of mind and confidence. I always think when negativity touches our lives from time to time it mainly comes from others for whatever reason and it always causes us hurt feelings and doubt. So, to quote a statement from a show called Dharma and Greg (years ago), and I have always remembered it and still use it when something happens like it did to you today….Dharma’s Mother told her to do this with a problem she had “Put it in a Bubble and Blow it Away”!!! So, please do this and only think of the love and support you received on your journey across America from all your Girlfriends. An Artist has copyright of their works and therefore whenever you choose to reprint anything that is your absolute right to do so. I received a surprise gift this past weekend from Angela and as soon as I tore the wrapping I knew it was a Susan Branch item and was truly surprised. It is your Home Cooking Recipes From The Heart Binder. Bless her heart she saw it at Barnes and Noble and just knew I would love it and she was right. Angela told me that I have so many recipes written on cards/paper and tucked away in envelopes so she is going to type them out and print them on the pretty recipe sheets of paper included. I also agree about keeping your blog a “From the Heart” format (which doesn’t mean you are hiding criticism) to allow those of us who need happiness and light to be able to come here and read about it. I have to say if you are “lazy” honey we won’t even try to come up with a word that would describe my lack of activity for the past 2 months!!!! [Sigh] Keep your chin up and your paintbrush to paper and make yourself Happy first which will spillover to everyone that appreciates your talent and kindness. Blessings
As usual Deborah, you are a doll. xoxo Thank you. It’s in a bubble and it’s gone.
I lived for eight years as a vegan, while writing several books. That’s why there are so many veggie recipes in them — and I’m still a very light meat eater, hardly at all, all those hormones and things do not interest me. I’m unhappy about the treatment of animals also. But I wanted to have the choice — not to have my friends cooking special meals for me, so now there aren’t any rules for me. Most of my girlfriends are like that too.
Maddie’s creations absolutely rock! Wouldn’t it be fun if she grows up to be a famous designer one day?
Dear Sue,
I was gobsmacked when I read that negative post! I had to read it twice to see if it was real, or maybe, April Fool’s Day had arrived early? Anyway, I can’t get enough of you artwork in whatever form it is; blogs, books, stickers, stationery, fabric, calendars, etc. You have a loyal following and legions of fans who love you and everything you create. Enough said, let’s not waste our energy on negativity.
The vegan post caught my eye as I recently converted to being a vegan for health reasons after reading “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell. I’ have broken an ankle and both wrists over the past 7 years. It seems animal-based protein, among other not halthy things, can leech calcium from our bones putting one at higher risk for fractures. Although I exercised and ate healthy food (I thought), dairy products are animal-based protein. I have decided to try this life style for a year and then repeat blood and bone density tests to see if there is an improvement. I have been adapting meals to vegan specs and have discovered some wonderful new recipes. Sauteed kale with garlic, salt & pepper and lemon juice over quinoa is my new favorite. Sweet potatoes with just about anything is heaven. And roasted purple and orange cauliflower (yes purple & orange) with yellow and purple carrots (yup) along with onions and orange carrots are so pretty and delicous to eat! I’m working up to tofu and tempheh, not quite there yet. I have had baked tofu which is excellent. With this cold and snowy winter, all kinds of vegetable and bean soups have been on my stove. Hope I can find cold soups for the summer.
Love all your posts, stay creative, repeat whatever makes you feel good and stay warm everyone!
Oooo, that all sounds so delicious! All those bright colored veggies are so good for us. What’s not to love?
48 hours later I’m just now regaining consciousness from the ‘fit’ (British definition) I had from reading the unsavory aforementioned comment. The proof is in the pudding and all the comments from the girlfriends; the comment is not representative of the girlfriends.
The time you take to painstakingly hand write and water color each and every bit of art work that is in your calendars, books, blog postings and interact with us online, etc.; gratitude just reverberates out there from your generosity of spirit. You’re always thinking of what the girlfriends will enjoy. I KNOW you feel the appreciation, love, admiration and respect because you send it right back out to us – all of this, it is organic from A to Zed.
The very antonym for Susan Branch is lazy. This past year you have given and given and when it seemed humanly impossible after 5 hours of signing in the dark cold air in SLO, you happily gave some more and made not just this ole girl’s day but so many many others.
You are engaged in the world; current events at home and globally. We all remember the atrocity of Sandy Hook. You posted voluminous comments for days afterwards and navigated your way compassionately, patiently and kindly, providing succor through the darkest days of that unspeakable tragedy, providing a safe haven/forum to all of those who didn’t know where else to go and express their sense of grief, disbelief and horror. You embody the VERY best of humanity, the ambassador of goodwill, have the demeanor of a saint and demonstrate the very essence of grace personified (i.e., your response to said comment) and to use the word lazy in the same sentence is antithetical to the very core of who Susan Branch is.
If you don’t post this I understand as it seems this wee bit of nonsense has been “put to bed” so to speak. I just couldn’t refrain myself and I didn’t want to be a “hanging chad” similar to that from the 2000 vintage; wanted to make sure my ballot was accounted for
Regaining consciousness! That’s so funny Carrie! You are a true girlfriend in the most important sense of the word. Thank you for your support! It does feel bad to hear things like that, but Look at What I Have. Please. If I took that to heart, it would be discounting all of the wonderful connections I’ve made and the loyalty and love I’ve been shown, and I would never do that.
Wish I could have just bit the inside of my cheek a bit longer but I would have still given in to the compelling need to respond, particularly when a poll was mentioned. I wanted to be a responsible voter you know.
Imagine similar cirumstances with Beatrix Potter, Mark Twain and Eleanor Roosevelt, all who had their critics but my guess is you might have chosen to respond? Please don’t think ill of me that I gave into my sassy side?
No you can be as sassy as you like!
So when we were in England, I can’t remember where, but it was in the Lake District. We were driving and came across 2 sheep, sitting the same way, but more butt to butt! lol!. They! I have a photo somewhere. I am so glad you wrote this book. It brings back such wonderful memories of my time in England and Windermere. XOXO