
Hi Girls & Boys . . . Just a couple more days . . .  I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to sign up for our giveaway!  Isn’t anticipation fun!?  Sometimes better than the real thing ~ right now, everyone’s a winner!  I thought you’d enjoy some of my “Glory of the Snow” flowers while you are waiting . . .

Home sweet home

If you haven’t already  . . . scroll down and make sure to leave a comment!  Listen to that delicious MUSICA one more time, and have a wonderful weekend! (Close eyes, deep breath, count blessings, ahhhhh) Love you, your comments are beyond anything ever . . . XOXO


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571 Responses to ANTICIPATION

  1. Jody Rhode says:

    Hi Susan,
    I enjoy visiting with you so much~
    Your “Spring” is beautiful.
    Spring is slowly bursting out here in middle
    Michigan. Lots of rain is making everything
    so green. Beautiful after all the winter snow.
    Live Happy, jody (*J*)

  2. Carolyn says:

    Just checking in, Susan, to say “Happy Spring!” The wild violets are starting to populate all around our small pond in the backyard. The miniature pear tree will soon be in blossom. Hubby and I sat outside by the pond for a spell yesterday. The wind was a bit chill off The Sound, but the sun was bright and warm. It reminded me of a stanza from Robert Frost’s poem, “Two Tramps in Mudtime.”
    “The sun was warm, but the wind was chill.
    You know how it is with an April day
    When the sun is out and the wind is still,
    You’re one month ahead in the middle of May.
    But if you so much as dare to speak,

    A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
    A wind comes off a frozen peak,
    And you’re two months back in the middle of March. ”
    Isn’t that the truth? He captured moments so well.
    Anyway, thanks for that great lemon roll recipe. I’ve never make a jelly roll cake, but the lemony lusciousness of your masterpiece is encouraging me to try something new.
    Thanks, also, for Willard and for providing links to the archives as I requested some time ago. 🙂 Fondly – Carolyn

  3. Mary Pederson says:

    Susan Love everything you do – always fun and beautiful and makes me very
    happy. Thank you so much.

  4. Barbara Kuzdzal says:

    Roses are Red Violets are Blue, it sure would be sweet to win your treat!

  5. mary spring says:

    ..’been wanting to holler to Vanna “wake up you sleeping lady” !!..then’ got to thinking ‘hope all is well with you…sincerely…

    • mary spring says:

      …the little tweety bird said you are just fine !!..please forgive me for being so anxious for updates…please eliminate the above and this comment and SOOO GLAD that you are so immersed in your writing !!..thank you so much for all that you do !!.. take care and with love….all you do is worth waiting for !!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, all is well. But the comments are coming in still over a hundred a day, so I’ve been reading them and sort of letting everyone get signed up for the drawing — while working like crazy on the new book, not because I HAVE to, but because this may be the funnest one of all and it’s very hard to stop! But, today’s the day Mary. I’m going to get Vanna in gear (and me too!).

  6. Nanette says:

    Hello from Northern California – Thank you so much for your wonderful art work, inspiring words, great stories and your uplifting posts. I truly enjoy reading your blog. Cheers to a wonderful day!

  7. Michelle Karabinas says:

    I absolutely loved A Fine Romance!! I finished it in two days, I couldn’t help myself! Thank you so much for sharing so many details and for your beautiful drawings! You have made the journal that I hope to make myself someday! Hoping for a sequel! 🙂

  8. Hi Susan,
    I Love anything Susan Branch. Can’t wait to I go to your web-site, it always cheers me up. Thank you for being such a special person.

  9. Pat says:

    Your blog is a bright spot on a dreary, chilly day here in CT. It doesn’t feel like spring, but your posts make up for the weather. I look forward to these visits; checking in on what is new with the cats, the gardens, recipes, treasures and your lovely watercolors!!! Thank you a whole bunch!

  10. Linda Hurst says:

    Thanks for reminding me and giving me one more chance to be in the running for the drawing! Loved the Willard, and the blogs, and everything Susan Branch! I am such a fan!

  11. Cheryl says:

    I always love it when the little bird sings when I open up your site. A little breath of spring all year around!

  12. Laurie says:

    Hi Susan,
    Looks like spring has finally arrived on the East Coast. I live on the West coast and I have not seen those gorgeous shells here, and it’s in my favorite color, yellow! Thanks for all the inspiration. I am planning to get your latest book as a birthday gift for a girlfriend and for myself, of course.

  13. Anne Hegg says:

    Snowing again here, but your blog gives me hope! Thanks for all the happiness you share.

  14. Cynthia says:

    Thank you for the shot of happiness and sunshine you bring to my day whenever I receive a Willard or there is a new blog post. Cheers to you!

  15. Peggy says:

    Hi to you and FOSB &JBH

    Treasure each day, every flower, bird and each other. It’s wonderful that you see the beauty in all the small natural things around us.

    After 12 years of taking care of my wonderful husband he now has to be in a
    skilled nursing home. Talk about the heart of the home -he was it. He is just 2.5 miles away and I get to see him every day. In two weeks we are getting over the shock of it a little. today I put a computer in his room and we can communicate and he is more in touch with the world. We all have come to rely on each other through the computer so much -it seems like family. So glad you and Joe are still a part of our “family”- sharing blue flowers with yellow pears. Thanks for everything happy. Peggy John and girl dog Sparky

    • sbranch says:

      Thank God for the computer . . . it’s made moments such as yours, and such as this blog possible. We get to stay connected. Prayers and blessings for you and yours, Peggy.

  16. Colleen says:

    Love your posts and musica! Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  17. Kathy in California says:

    Oh Vanna, let it be me this time, puhleeze!

  18. Noel Milligan says:

    Thank you for your amazing blog. Every post you open a window to your life on Martha’s Vineyard. Thank you for sharing the nature and beauty of such a lovely place!!

  19. marcia rauch says:

    Dear Susan
    Am new to your blog…soo happy to find you.
    Recently moved to NH and all of my Susan Branch books are in storage. (Except “A Fine Romance”) so finding your blog and Willard has delighted me. They make me smile.

  20. Sherry Palla says:

    Oops! It’s probably too late to enter, but thanks for all your”Spring” inspiration Susan! It is surely taking it’s time coming to MN! Happy May!!!

  21. Kristen Price says:

    Dear Susan – I love your blog. I live in Arizona and it’s been a while since I’ve been to the beach for shell hunting. The lemon cake looks fabulous.
    Happy day 🙂

  22. Anita in Colorado says:

    Just finished reading the latest Willard; my current work schedule keeps me from doing fun things as often as I’d like! Thanks for another wonderful missive and for continuing to bring joy into the world along with hope and friendship and longing for a slower, more humane, peaceful time. Please enter me in the drawing for whatever the give-away is you mentioned! Thanks and Happy, Happy Spring!

  23. viv says:

    Lovely photo. Always cheers me to see….wish I could share our beautiful TN spring with you. It’s lovely here as well.

  24. Kay - North Central Texas says:

    Yum, the lemon “Mother’s Day Cake” sounds devine. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  25. Janet says:

    Hey Susan,
    I just want to wish you and Joe and the cats a very Happy Spring and a Wonderful Summer! Take Care, Janet

  26. Linda says:

    Thank you for showing us your spring flowers and beautiful fruit! I sing your praises to all my girlfriends and gave A Fine Romance as girlfriend birthday presents last year. Everyone loved it! My dream is to go to England also! It’s spring here in Idaho, our first hummingbird arrived this week, the nut hatches are nesting in our birdhouses, little goldfinches have arrived to nest and the grosbeaks are stopping by to eat sunflower seeds for a few days! Love watching and listening to them! Thank you for bringing so much sunshine into my little home sweet home!

  27. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    hello girlfriends, wow April is almost over and May is just about here, almost time for Mother’s Day and for Memorial Day, just a few more weeks until that comes around. it will also be time for the Grants Pass Boatnik festival, for more info just google Grants Pass Boatnik 2014 and you will see what its all about, its loads of fun and plenty of boat races on the river to enjoy, as well as a big Memorial Day parade in town, and the big boat races on Memorial Day with a flyby from the Air Force, its really fun to watch from all the bridges in town or along the river banks, and its fun to go to the carnival all weekend and eat a lot of the goodies, like fried dill pickles, or fried blooming onions. wish you all could come and see that, I think you would enjoy it. the entire main drag in Grants Pass is decorated with flags and patriotic bunting and here in Cave Junction there will be a smaller carnival in the park and the whole town decorates with flags and bunting for the holiday. well off to go check on the peeps, we have outside today enjoying the sunshine and I swear it makes them grow bigger every day. have a great day everyone….stay cool. hugs….. 😉

  28. Martha from Louisiana says:

    I enjoyed Willard and your appreciation of all the joys of Spring. I cannot pass a nursery without getting another touch of color for my yard. The South has really been gorgeous this Spring; all of the Southern burst of color and the dogwood trees make all colors pop. In between planting and the torrential rains we have had, the grass is growing faster than I can mow. Please, please add the Deep South to your next book tour. We would love to have you! Keep your comments coming””

  29. Mollie Corcoran says:

    Keep posting Martha Vineyard’s photos of Springtime. Enjoy the North East in the Summer.

  30. Kathy G says:

    Oh my, I must make that lemon cake (we call it jelly roll) with my Florida sunshine lemons I brought home. I’d love the be the prize winner of one of the gifts you are gifting.

    Love Willard; a two-cup tea break.

  31. Iantha Pittman says:

    Love reading Willard and everything about your blog!

  32. Clare says:

    Hi Susan, I so hope I’m not too late to enter for your lovely drawing of goodies! Reading and visiting here gives me such a lift. Lately I’m needing that. Thank you again for writing and sharing- I like you

  33. Lydia Alejandro says:

    Happy Spring to You Susan!
    I did not see my posted comment and I do want to be in the Vanna drawing. I hope its not too late. Thank you for sharing so much of your talent, book ideas, recipes, travels (especially England), wow you are an amazing woman!
    I am glad to be one of your blog “girlfriends” (by the way I love your Girlfriends Book!) I felt like someone had written my young life.
    Until next time, I wish you and your honey a healthy and lovely day!

  34. yvonne b from cali says:

    wonderful flowers so happy !

  35. Kay B says:

    I love your blogs, books, etc. Just a nice break from the chaos of what I call life. I notice we share a lot of the same things – the same stove, black and white kitties (but I also have a mini schnauzer who is begging me to adopt one of the b/w kitties next door – and it will happen when they’re old enough to leave Mama Kitty). I love the ideas I get from what I see and read here and cannot wait for the blogs and Willard. Life is good with a cup of tea and Susan Branch.

  36. Terri Smith says:

    I love your artwork and your blog! Welcome Spring!

  37. JC in VA says:

    Aloha Susan,

    Happy Spring and belated Easter blessings to you & yours! I love how you include us in your life through your photos, art, writings, even videos (!) and inspired home making. Thank you so much! I’m in awe…maybe some time you can do a post on time/life management! You make it look so effortless. By the way, what kind of camera do you use?

    Thanks for the cheery photo with the snow glory flowers. It’s funny, last year on a whim I picked up some of the same bulbs (they’re very tiny), at the grocery store and my husband & I planted them just before Thanksgiving. While the other bulbs (from the same shopping trip) came up early like they’re supposed to, there were no signs of these little blue beauties. I was hopeful, but it wasn’t looking good. Finally, weeks later, I saw the tiniest little green shoots poking out of the pine needles & dirt! Then came the flowering buds. I was overjoyed! Such a simple thing, but a blessing nonetheless and reminder to me of God’s timing (rarely similar to my schedule, which is a GOOD thing), His attention to the smallest of details and His faithfulness. I’m a novice gardener (can you tell?), but I think I will always be amazed that I can actually grow something…with a little help from above!!

    Well, hope all of you are safe in this awful weather we’ve been experiencing. We’ve had inches and inches of rain with thunderstorms & high winds, but no tornadoes here thankfully. God bless & God speed!

    • sbranch says:

      Congratulations on your Snow Glories! Yes, I will be happy when the rain stops here too! My camera is about four years old, it’s a Canon T2i. Thank you JC!

  38. judi says:

    Rabbit, Rabbit to you all:) xoxoxo judi

    • sbranch says:

      Hey, that’s what I was going to say! 🙂

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        Okay then I get to say Happy May Day everyone!! time for may baskets and maypoles and may bonnets. enjoy the day and hope you got a may basket on your door this morning. hugs……. 🙂

  39. Susanb says:

    Happy May Day. ✨✨

  40. Francine Werlinger says:

    Love the flowers in the cute little vase!

  41. I was fortunate. The tornado did not touch my life. Please pray for those it did. 

  42. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Hello Susan! So glad you are fine!!!!!!!! (Thinking this morning, oh my, maybe Susan has the flu, or maybe she is ill…..concerned…..worried…..) Sending you a Spring bouquet filled with cute little blue grape hyacinths, yellowy daffodils, and purple violets from my yard through the computer to you, this first day of May!!!!! (April showers sure did bring may flowers to Dearborn, MI.) Enjoy the day!

  43. Judy LeClair says:

    Thank you for being “real”…and I hope we all give you enough LOVE to rub your fur off.

  44. anita grace gaddis says:

    Hello Susan,
    I saved my Willard for today because it is the 1st day of my vacation! What a great way to start it!! We are at Panama city beach and it is raining but I’m snuggled up on the sofa with my kindle- and your musica and Willard are the best!!
    Thank you!!!

  45. anita grace gaddis says:

    Hello Susan
    I saved Willard for today because its the 1st day of my vacation.what a great way to kick it off!

  46. Stephanie says:

    Hi Susan! I have admired your artwork from afar several years now. In 2013 I had your beautiful calendar in my home and began following you on your blog. Maybe I will get my husband to do some mulching for me! : ) You are always an inspiration and adorable.

  47. Vickie Getty (Little Rock, AR) says:

    Glory of the Snow is just beautiful. Wish we had those in the South! Happy Spring!!

  48. Laura Lindsay says:

    Dear Susan. I’ve really enjoyed your cheery colorful pics of spring ! Its interesting how you all in the northeast are going through the spring flower show and out here in Ca we feel like we are in the middle of summer. Have a great day!

  49. Debra in So CA says:

    I think I may have left comments on the wrong blog date to be entered in to win those sea shells & books. Of course I’d like to win these…but more importantly I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy visiting your blog/website for much needed inspiration. Love the post and love the recipe you shared. Reading Willard will be my reward this afternoon/evening when I finish cleaning & cluttering my guestroom. Thanks for the inspiration and I wanted to know if you wore a cape , don’t know how you do it all!

  50. erica says:

    Hi Susan!

    So I thought I’d fill up the bird feeder for my little feathered friends yesterday. I was pouring out last years seed from one bag into another to combine them – when I felt something odd in the bottom of the bag. I grabbed hold of it, and pulled it out. I couldn’t believe it! I had in my hands a lovely photograph of a red breasted grosbeak! Wow. Is that amazing or what? (I haven’t seen those up here) This is another tweet reminder of YOU and I kinda’ love it! Birdie picture is on the fridge.

    Enjoy your day, Susan!

    Erica xo

  51. Monique Asselin-Whitehead says:

    Hello Susan,

    Grey skies, a lot of rain, not a leaf or a flower in sight. Just spent as much time as I could reading Willard, including every link, and enjoying every word. Thank you for your good cheer and your sunshine. You’ve managed to make me smile!

  52. Joan H. says:

    Susan , I laughed out loud when you wrote that the flowering shrubs outside your window, gave you terrible cases of ….. Spring Fever ! I was anticipating something awful ! But you got me on that one ! Very funny !! 😀 ……… the pretty flower photos & music link …..such pretty colors only Mother Nature can paint …. a balm for our tired Winter eyes . Here in R.I. only daffodils so far …..still awaiting the Forsythia and flowering trees . Leafy trees are unfolding their first tiny baby leaflets ( unscientific name ) ……..but it’s a promise of more to come . I’m writing notes on the past Winter & delayed Spring , in my Gardener’s notebook that I’ve kept for 20 years . Fun to look back & read about past seasons . Oh ! Rabbit-Rabbit ! 🙂

  53. I get so motivated after reading your blogs. . .spring cleaning is so needed in this house, especially with a white cat, one little black dog and one very large, constantly shedding, black dog. The tumble weeds are forever collecting under the furniture!! Love all of your pictures as we are not as far along as you are with things blooming. It is also grey and cold here as well. I wonder if this means we will have a scorching, hot summer?? Time will tell. In the mean time, please keep posting Vineyard pictures!

  54. Jan Jasper says:

    Happy May Day, Susan! I had never heard about Rabbit, Rabbit until I saw your adorable illustration! This really helped brighten up my cold, cloudy day! The only down side of rabbits to me is them hopping all aver my yard and finding anything nibbleable…is that even a word? I guess it is now that I made it up!

  55. Connie says:

    OOOOOOOOOO love, love the pictures!! jack and the paint brush is fabulous!!!!!

  56. Susan w says:

    Reading your blog is like eating my favorite piece of pie. Delightful. Without the heavy calories! Enjoy Willard and am happy to read the latest one. Spring has sprung here. Now to replace the plants that suffered from the past cold winter. Looking forward to summer and more pie!

  57. Dot Khan says:

    It is so lovely to sit down with a cup of tea and spend some time with you on your site. It is so lovely, comfortable, home, like re-uniting with a long cherished friend and the conversation delights the soul!

  58. Ann from NY says:

    Thank you for your pretty Spring photos. I love the colors of Spring, especially the bright greens (when they arrive)! Your blogs always bring great comfort and enjoyment. Thanks, Ann

  59. Pamela Santacroce says:

    Hi Susan,
    Happy spring, we have spring fever here in PA also!
    Tulips are in full bloom.
    I just saw the “selfie” of your beaded necklace, will the Martha’s Vineyard charm be available again? Also “A Fine Romance ” bead is sold out, will you be making any more?
    Love them, the kitty charm is adorable…I have an orange ginger tiger kitty but kitty love is universal!

    • sbranch says:

      Maybe we can get some more by Christmas if there are requests . . . the manufacturer won’t let us order “just a few” — so we want to make sure there’s enough demand. They’re a little bit expensive. But so cute! We might get one more order of both of those and then retire those designs and think of something new.

  60. Aletha Riter says:

    I just wanted to say that you find the most beautiful quotes… I use them in my art work.. I receive the most lovely comments and I tell them go to Susan Branch dot com… I have given several of your books away as gifts. The Girlfriends are Forever I made into an altered book for a friend I knew when was an early teen.. we lost touch after I went away to college and thru face book and 33 years later we re-connected. It was in my heart to give her a gift like no other… Thank you for the memories..xoxoxox

  61. Gail Steinmeyer says:

    Okay… I give up. My husband and I are conflicted. We must have missed the blog where you explained “Vanna”, and we would love to know who she is 🙂 She sounds delightful, even though she never picks my name 🙁

    • sbranch says:

      You can’t help but love her, she is such a drama queen. She’s also not exactly real. There is something called a “random number generator” that comes with this blog — and that’s what you employ to choose the winning name for drawings. But I really didn’t care much to say that every time, so I thought, who’s the best person to run a game (as in game show) and of course Vanna White came to mind. She was busy, so I got a namesake to run the show for her. And that’s our Vanna! She’s a very good dresser.

  62. Harriet of Oregon... says:

    Of course, I adore your cheer and whim you gift the world with! Here is a very funny story for you – you may have already heard! I have your calender hung in our kitchen and LOVE it, of course. However, my daughter and I were just trying to sort out summer plans when she asked me if July had only 30 days? No, I replied, it has 31. But, alas, the calender says 30. We even checked ourselves on an online calender…Then flipped the page to August and, indeed, it starts on the right day… only to realize July 31st was forgotten on your 2014 Heart of the Home Calender! 🙂 I am somewhat amused to own a calender – the first in all my years – that has forgotten a day! 🙂

  63. Vicki Jones Costello says:

    Happy Spring and Happy Mother’s Day Everyone !

  64. Carolyn Bradshaw says:

    Love Susan’s teacups!! Look forward to cheerful posts and updates on her beautiful cats. I also have cats. A Fine Romance was one of the most enjoyable books I have read in a long time!! Also enjoy the receipes.

  65. Sarah says:

    Thank you, Susan, for all your creativity and positivity! I loved your spring photos
    and wonder what color/brand paint is on the wall behind the teacup shelf? I am getting ready to paint my kitchen and love it! Thanks again. Sarah

  66. Cindy Garland says:

    thanks so much for your writings; you always inspire creativeness in me, using something in your thoughts for us!! Keep up the great work. When you are in Middle TN, let me know.

  67. Becky says:

    Oh, Susan, I’m new to your website and blog! I have been a fan for so many years. I have many of your full page works from magazines long ago. I believe they are from Woman’s world or maneb Country Living. I’d go check but they are downstairs and I’m upstairs! 😉

    I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to become active in Susan Branch, etc but I’ve just retired and I find your articles calming..which I need for my adjustment to retirement!

    Can’t wait for Autumn!

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