Hello darling Girlfriends . . . I just wanted to do a quick update so you can see why you haven’t been hearing from me! Today is Joe’s 64th Birthday🎈 and we will be celebrating this afternoon with about a hundred of his nearest and dearest friends, we’re going to let him know that we will still need him, we will still feed him, even though, he’s 64 . . . So we’ve been keeping ourselves very busy getting ready!
Old friends have come from far and wide ~ we’ve been planning this party since last January ~ and even invited everyone before we went on our cross-country book tour, but with everything that’s happened in these last months, the actual organization part was put off until maybe these last two weeks, but even so, the tent showed up right on time . . . we have lots of tables ~ I’ve been cooking, and today we decorate! Party starts at 4:30 pm. The man bringing the music system comes at noon, the birthday cake (to serve 100, three tiers, coconut lemon cake) comes at 4pm … I spent all day yesterday with three of my dearest girlfriends making a playlist for the party!!! 🎵 🎶 It was SO MUCH FUN. We included my Dad and had Tennessee Waltz on the list, and for about 4 hours, we sang along
with the songs, decided whether they should make the cut, said yes or vetoed, and jumped for joy when we remembered the perfect song… like this one MUSICA … we chose a mixture of 70s and 40s musica from Dancing Queen to I Only Want to Be with You, plus La Vie en Rose, and Fly Me to the Moon ~ my niece Holly has already requested I send the list to her …. We hope singing and dancing will break out all over! It’s a once-in-every-15-years-type-party to celebrate Joe with all our good friends ~ actually, the last time we did a party like this was for his 40th birthday! But this boy deserved a party, and anyway . . .
⬆️ This was dinner last night . . . There’s Diana from California on the left (BFF from Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams), our dear old friend Peggy, then Paul, of “Rachel-from-England-fame,” then Elaine (BFF who hired me to work in the record department in Fairy Tale Girl in 1971), then Rachel herself, then darling Bob, Peggy’s husband, and then Siobhan, from England (from that adorable stone cottage in A Fine Romance). So this was a fairy tale dinner . . . 💞 with the freshest farm-stand corn that just jumped off the cob, and with people who love to sing over dessert!🎵
⬅️ Remember cute English Paul? He calls Vineyard Haven, “Haven,” and Cape Cod, “Cod.” We love him. This little portrait was HIS birthday surprise last year . . . . 🎁
Here’s Ray and I . . . pen pals is how we met, she in England🇬🇧, me in America🇺🇸 …. she’s 20 years younger than me ~ we’re going to England to celebrate her 50th 🎂 this fall ~ a few years ago, Ray and I discovered that we both wrote to Queen Elizabeth when we were children, AND we both got letters back from the same Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen (the longest serving Lady-in-Waiting in history) …. 20 years apart!!! Now this is a friendship that was meant to be.💕
So now I must go . . . so much to do, but I had to let you know what was going on so you wouldn’t think I was just ignoring you!!! Never! XOXOXO
Have a wonderful day! 💛
We celebrated together. My son turned 14 today. Happy birthday Joe
Happiest of birthdays to Joe! Enjoy the party all of you, hoping you dance ’til the sun comes up! Can’t wait to hear how the festivities turned out.
Happy Birthday to Joe from William and Julie Ann! We had a little party of our own here in the Great Pacific Northwest in our backyard under a canopy with 25 of our closest friends, neighbors and family on a perfect sunny summer afternoon!
Today we’re celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary and taking a ferry to visit one of my favorite places, the little Victorian seaside town of Port Townsend! You would love it too, Susan! Darling homes and Bed & Breakfast Inns. My dream is to retire there someday. And I KNOW that fairy tales and dreams DO come true…after all, I met you and Joe this summer, and that was a highlight of my life!
I am working on a little surprise for you and Joe…just to thank you for spreading so much sunshine and warmth in this world! I adore you both! ~Just one in a million of girlfriends 😊
Sorry I’m late Joe, but wanted to wish you many Happy Birthday wishes. Just from the ‘prep’ pictures, looks like your party is going to be a blast. Thanks Susan for showing us the party in progress, loved the happy bestest of friends pictures too, lovely…you will have to post some ‘day after’ pics too! lol Love to you both ♥ P.S. Just had an idea, maybe you could make a CD of the party musica and sell it on your website! Would LOVE it!
Happy birthday Joe…hope you had a great day
Kathie from Limerick
Wondrous + F a n t a s t i c o !
So lovely to see so many faces from A Fine Romance, present and accounted for from across the pond. hApPy bIrtHdAy to Joe ! enJOY.
Happy Birthday to Joe!
How about burning so CDs of that playlist and selling them to us your loyal followers?
Happy Birthday, Joe! You’re quite the guy! Every girl should have one like you!
You people really know how to throw a party!! One for the ages! Happy Birthday to your soul mate! Can’t wait to hear all about it – or at least the parts you can tell. 😊
Happy Birthday to Joe!!! And Happy Party Day to the Queen of Happy!!! 🤗
It all looks and sounds like a most fabulous celebration!
I’m wondering about the hugeness of this celebration for the unusual number of 64–so I’m thinking, it must have to do with the Bealtes'”When I’m 64″ ? anyway, whatever age, it’s always wonderful to celebrate someone special’s life and all he means to you. Blessings to you both! what a fabulous event you made it for Joe 🙂 xox
Happy Birthday to Joe! My sister and best friend both share his birthday – Aug 14! Great people are born on this day!
This is all so lovely and wonderful. Happiest Birthday to your Joe!
Happy Birthday Joe!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉! HAPPY 64th BIRTHDAY TO YOU!🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JOE!🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰……(🙀Wheeeeee), HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU……..AND MANY MORE!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻😀
🎉Happy Birthday, dear Joe!🎉 You share a birthday with my grand daughter Sophie who turned 8 years old yesterday!
Happy Belated Birthday, Joe! May you be blessed with many more celebrations!
Happy Birthday to Joe, who obviously doesn’t mind being surrounded by women.
Thank you for sharing Susan. Happy birthday Joe! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Trish from Cape Cod
Happy Birthday, Joe! I was 64 once! It was a wonderful year!!!
Happiest of Birthday’s Joe – so glad you are Susan’s guardian angel!
It was such a treat to meet you – and you are a celebrated writer (cookbook) in your own rights!!!
Susan, I know ALL of us girlfriends would love you to post the play list – and of course, can’t wait to see photos!
Hello Susan, Good morning girlfriends. just popping to wish Joe a very Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Joe and many, many more. hope the party was a success, off and running.. laundry day and baby chicks to fuss over, have to check their water and feed. if we get a rooster out this batch of peeps, woul;d Joe object if named it Joe after him??? hugs everyone…. 🙂
Pat, in May one of our little bantum hens hatched out a single little fuzzy-footed chick. I was certain it was a hen, so I named it Susan! Well, as you might guess, Susan was actually a rooster and our resident rooster was not happy with him at all! We gave our boy named Sue to a friend who has a big flock of chickens and he settled right in! Here’s hoping one of your peeps is a Joe 🙂
LOL!!! now that is cute, a rooster named Sue!! we won’t for awhile if our lil peep is a rooster or a hen, but its not lonely as it has 3 other peeps to keep it company, if it is a rooster that will make 3 for us with Reuben, our senior rooster, Jake our rooster -in-training and if its a rooster, Joe!!! we will have to wait awhile until they grow quite a bit more and get fully feathered. for now they are all in the nursery with mama looking after them.
Hello Susan, Good morning girlfriends. just popping to wish Joe a very Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Joe and many, many more. hope the party was a success, off and running.. laundry day and baby chicks to fuss over, have to check their water and feed. if we get a rooster out this batch of peeps, would Joe object if named it Joe after him??? hugs everyone…. 🙂
Happy birthday to you🎉Have a great party!
Happy birthday to Joe! I hope “oh what a night” sums up the party!
Hi, Susan,
By the time you read this, surely a deservingly wonderful celebration for your beloved was had! Please do give our continuing best wishes to dearest, Joe…he is sweetheart to all of us, too, ya know! Thanks for sharing all the party preparation activities….so joyous and exciting! So happy you were able to be joined by such love from all over the planet! It just doesn’t get any better than that!
Happy birthday to Joe! Have a wonderful party! I hope it’s not too hot there.
Happy birthday Joe!! It looks like it will be a spectacular party. Thanks for sharing!!
Happy Birthday to Joe! Thanks for sharing the celebration!
Happy birthday dearest Joe. I have a strong feeling that you will never go hungry! Bunny blessings to you on this your red letter day.
And the Fab Five
You should share your playlist!! Enjoy the party and happy birthday to Joe!
P.S. Just finished your books. I didn’t want them to end! I am living through you with your career and Martha’s Vineyard!! Thank you for sharing your story.
Happy Birthday Joe,
hope its’…the time of your life’…that people will still..’meet you, and greet you, when youre 64′! that you will enjoy yourself so much it will be…..’fly me to the moon’and you wont say ‘at last’ until the night is over,
best wishes from the Evergreen State.
“Oh, What a Night” by the Four Seasons is one of my all time favs! Your taste in music is spot on. Joe is very lucky to have such wonderful friends that would come from far and near to celebrate his birthday. Happiest 64th birthday to you, Joe. Party till you just can’t party no more!
Happy Birthday Joe! You are a lucky man, and Susan is a lucky woman.
Happy Birthday to Joe! I’ll bet the party was fantastic. Such fun you make for everyone even just peaking in to your world!
Where can I purchase those lovely embroidered napkins?????:)
I bought them so long ago, so sorry I’m not even sure where. Maybe Pottery Barn.
Happy birthday Joe❤️😊🎈🎂🎉🎁🍰🎩
Dear Susan,
Reading your blog and observing others, I’d often think to myself, “how’d they get so lucky, they have all the fun, they have so many friends…they have a great life…..blah, blah…blah.” On reading about the party preparations for Joe, a light shone into a prevalent dark corner of my mind. I’ll give you one word. One that almost rhymes with the names Susan & Joe. It’s the word CREATE. (I said almost rhymes.) Make it happen.
I could go on and on and end up sounding like an idiot, but really, THANK YOU! Sparing you the details of my life, I have lost something along the way. Lately (like 10 years) I’ve been living small. Very small. I had concluded it was safer that way and ended up in the rut of life. Ugh. I’ve got to be brave again, have girlfriends, re-connect with family, have a few people over to my house and chat up a storm. Laugh. Really laugh out loud with them. I’ve got to make that happen, soon.
So Joe, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Thank you for co-creating with Susan and for sharing the all beautiful and light you two create. It helped me today….
Erica XO
Yes, I read something once that asked, “How do you make a good life? ~ and I turned the page and it said, YOU MAKE IT UP. It’s just baby steps but the littlest choices can change everything. XOXOXO sending love …
Yes…..Thank you Susan. xo
You go girl. Enjoy the little things each day. Have lunch with some friends. Happy you saw some light in your life and wish good things for you.
Best wishes to you Erica! ❤️
So sweet, thank you Joan!
Erica, Sending you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!
This is why my mantra is, “What would Susan Branch do?”
Dearest Erica, you are not alone! Ten years ago my world was turned upside down, too. There are broken things that can never be put back together, but we are still here … we are still alive. I think reading Sue’s blog is a good first step towards living a happier life, don’t you? She finds happiness in music; I find that I do, too. Sue cooks a little recipe, decides life needs a pet or two, and pretty sheets; well, whaddya know! I’m out of bed and letting the sunlight in. It doesn’t happen every day, but I can’t think of a better role model for a happy life than Sue Branch. She is my angel and my hero. XoXo
Terrie, 😢, that was so sweet . . . We all just have to keep on keepin’ on and making things the way we like them to the best of our ability . . . xoxoxoxoxoox thousands of kisses . . .
Happy Birthday, Joe! The cake sounds delish and I’m sure the food was too with Susan cooking!
Cedar Rapids, IA
Hi , thank you for sharing!! and Happy Happy Birthday Joe!!
Happy Birthday, happy birthday,
We love you!
Happy birthday and may all your dreams come true!
When you blow out the candles one light stays aglow,
It’s the love light in your eyes
Where ere you go!
You can find the melody at Sharon Lois and Bram’s Birthday song on You Tube😉
Happy 64th Joe!
I’m really surprised how many people I know who were born on August 14th….And they are all very exceptional and wonderful people. It must be quite an auspicious date! Happy Birthday to your Joe!
Happy Birthday Joe! I enjoyed meeting you in Morro Bay this past May. Have a wonderful day.
Atascadero, CA
What a lovely gathering of friends and lovely surroundings. Hope Joe’s birthday was wonderful! Thank you for sharing with your face book friends!
Happy Birthday Joe! May you continue to have many, many more with the love of your life Susan!
Happy Birthday, Joe! Have a wonderful day!
We were so sorry not to make and celebrate with you. Happy Birthday to Joey and love to you Susan. You are always welcome in Napoli! Patty Kelly and Aldo Patruno
Happy Birthday, Joe! Looks like you will be having a wonderful party! Can’t wait to read about.
Happy Birthday to Joe, such a nice man! Thank you for sharing Susan and enjoy the party!
Happy Birthday Joe! Party tent up, cake and music on the way – have a fantastic time and wishing you many more.
Happy birthday Joe! May you have the best year coming up ever.. God bless you on your special day..
How nice of you to pop in on the “Big Day” and give us a sample of the party celebrations. You are too kind! It is most appreciated.
Happy birthday to the Birthday Boy! It sounds like it was a fabulous party.
Happy Birthday, Joe! Celebrate!!! Celebrate!!!
: )
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your handsome, charming, very tall, super nice Joe (saw him in Pasadena during your book tour.) Ain’t it grand to be lucky in love!
Happy, happy birthday to everyone’s favorite guy, Joe! Thanks for sharing this with all of us, dear Susan! Love from Mary S. In Fresno, California
Happiest of Birthdays Joe.
A good man is hard to find; a Great one takes even longer. Happy Birthday Joe. It was great meeting you in Woodstock while we shared travel stories as Susan signed her little hand away.
Love the Beetles reference! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOE!
Having trouble again with my messages not shown on your Blog. When I send it I get a message saying, “Your message is being checked for moderation”. I don’t understand why. It was 2 or 3 sentences.
DeLores Johnson
So sorry DeLores, it’s because I have to “moderate” and we’ve had so many guests I haven’t had time! I’ll get there soon, there are over 300 comments waiting to be “moderated.”
How lovely. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. Hope the party was dreamy. It’s raining in Texas. Windows open, corgi on the bed napping. Perfect afternoon!
Hi Joe. Happy birthday. I’m 64 too. It was a great year to be born.
Hope it was a wonderful party and a happy belated b-day to Joe!!
You are such a gentleman…i fall in 💘 love with you and Susan everytime I meet you. You are one special man. Happy Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Happy Year!!!
Oh, happy birthday to Joe — one day late, but I hope that you both breakfasted on birthday cake (Best. Ever). So nice to see your cherished friends come so far to celebrate such a great occasion. I hope everyone had a marvelous time and danced away to what sounds like a fabulous playlist 😀 Best wishes to Joe (may all the ones he made before blowing out the candles come true!), and hope you all enjoy your time together Vineyard summer-style (with birthday fixings).
Happy Birthday, Joe! Have a great celebration.
Many Happy Returns, Joe! Have a great celebration.
Peggy doesn’t look that old! Happy birthday to your sweet hubby!
Oh Happy Birthday to the Man that keeps Susan so Happy!
I hope your party is all the wonderful things you imagined it would be!! Full of Cupcakes and Champagne and Confetti!!
Hugs and Kisses from Oklahoma! <3<3<3<3<3
Susan, Happy Birthday to your Joe! wow! yes, joe’s a leo too like me! i’m 6 years older last week – lol!
Happy birthday, Joe! Seems like you had the best party ever! Nothing like celebrating your special day with those near and dear to your heart.
My dear Susan, I have been so busy with summer that I’ve not read your blogs for a long while. I was so saddened to read about your dad. You two had a very special bond. Thank you for sharing him with us. It was always fun to read his responses to you! My prayers are with you. Also, happiest of birthdays to Joe! Having friends from far and near will be such a happy occasion. I’m looking forward to ‘our’ trip to Scotland. I’ve only seen Scotland from the book that I shared with you! Enjoy the party. And remember that you have a special angel watching over you now. Love, Lucy
Happiest of birthdays to the Mister! Wishing you many more dances and years of fine romances. 🙂 What fun to have so many guests celebrating with you.
Happy Birthday, Joe! I’m sure Sue threw you a fabulous party!
Happy birthday Joe! Hope your party was wonderful.
Dearest Susan, there is so much
wonder-FULL here, I’m smiling
from ear to ear and sending the
most heartfelt hugs and wishes to
you and your love! What a beautiful
celebration of love and life and
friendship! Happiest of birthdays,
xo Suzanne
Happy Happy Birthday, Joe!!
Hugs from Barbara in Florida
Wishing Joe a most wonderful, happy birthday!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy, Joe! 🎈🎉🎂
Hope he had a WONDERFUL birthday! Please, share the music list! I bet you all had a blast!
Belated happy birthday to Joe! And many, many happy returns of the day.
Oh my….I confess…..!!!!! seeing that lovely table in your dining room makes me!!!!! ah!!!!! jealous!!!! OOPS! Such a lovely group of friends, forever. BUT, I go in 4 weeks to see my table of friends forever to the Northeast, Bucks and Mercer Counties in PA and NJ. SOooooooo, I let go of my jealousy! Whew! I have a friend in PA who has given me very special birthday parties. Especially for my 65th and my 70th. Much fun, and much love. Happy Birthday dear Joe. The cake sounds soooo delicious. Do I remember you said lemon coconut? YUM!!!
All you really need is candles! (and food of course!)
Happy birthday to Joe from one Leo to another, however I’ve got you beat by 11 years. I just celebrated my 75th birthday. 🎂🎉😊
Happy Birthday sweet Joe! Hugs to you from Bakersfield, California! !!!
A little late but Happy 64th birthday Joe! Hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to you, Joe! I hope your day is very, very special. I was 65 August 1st. It really is just a number, right? You probably still think and act like you’re in a mindset of 35. Ummm, maybe 39? That seems to be the most popular age when we are of a more “mature”. Sounds good to me. Have a wonderful party, you two!
PS-“Happy Birthday” is my little italian greyhound’s (China) most favorite song. So we sing that often!
I met Joe at 3 of your CA events over the years and he is so kind. Happy birthday Joe! I’m sure it was a good one. 🎂
Sure looks like you two know how to throw a party! Hope it was a wonderful time. Wishing you a great year Joe with our delightful Susan.
It was the MOST wonderful love fest I’ve been to in a long time. Joe is a loved guy around here, it was perfect. Our friends put new words to When I’m 64, sang with backup, and we laughed till we cried. Today, we’re taking everyone to the boat for their trips home…the house will feel so empty!
Oh, now THIS WE MUST HEAR!! My former teaching friends did this quite often for birthday parties ~ a comical, talented group they were. Costumes were usually required. And, yes, we were all laugh-crying until our noses ran and tears came! So IF the lyrics were not too personal, would you please share … at least a line or two?!
🎵🎶Sue will still need you, you will still feed Sue, way past sixty-four! 😀🎵🎶
Happy Birthday Joe! My daughters and I loved meeting you in Danville!
❤️Karen, Samantha and Lindsay
Happy Birthday Joe
Every looks soooo happy enjoy your time together , it always goes too fast.
Happy, Happy Extra Special Day Joe! Although I imagine every day for you two is an extra, extra special one so, … Happy, Happy Extra, Extra Special Day! Wishing you both all the best ❤️😄😄❤️🎪🎧🎂🍧🐱❤️
Oh my goodness, quite the celebration! Susan, you make me feel like such a slug with all that you do. Yes, Joe certainly deserves a special celebration! I know he’s such a big help with all those book signings, and everything else that goes on in your busy life. I’m glad you still feed him and still need him now that he’s 64!
Don’t worry, there are many happy days when we do NOTHING. 😊
Hope you had the happiest of all birthdays Joe, your the man to all of us. My birthday is Sunday, just me and my hubby for a nice beachy dinner in Newport Beach,Ca…awwww
Love the summer day we are having now.
Happy Birthday, Joe, from another Bakersfieldian! The one who baked Rachel’s Lemon Cookies for the Fine Romance book signing at S-Patches a few years ago. Your Sue really throws a party! Hope you had a grand time. Next year, YOU get to throw the big one! 😉
Warmest wishes,
Don’t quite understand why my comment was the third to be acknowledged and yet is still awaiting consideration…I truly love this site and all it stands for!
I guess my previous comment got lost—having major computer problems, so I will try one more time to say a Very Happy Birthday (a little late) to Joe. Hope his 64th birthday was everything he and you were hoping for! You and he are so special and I’ve loved all of your last 3 books and memoirs. A happy year ahead for both of you.
I just finished the last episode of Downton and I’ve been crying and crying! It was my fourth or fifth time (I’ve lost count!) through all of the seasons except 5 and 6. And it was it was my second time for 5 and 6. I just had to tell you, because I always think of you when I watch it! Love from Mary S. in Fresno, California
Happy Birthday to your dear Joe! I know you had the best time! You are a great party planner! You have inspired me to plan my husband’s party WITH him. I am not a party planner, but he deserves a great party!
Hugs & love from a Arroyo Grande transplant to Los Angeles, CA
“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Joe, Happy Birthday to you!!!”
Sung to Joe by the twins, Sharon and Karen,and the third twin, Cindy, who met him during your book signing tour! He (And YOU!!) are one of the nicest persons that we have ever met!!! Hugs to you and him!
Hi Sharon… thank the twins for me . . . Joe’s loving this!