First, MUSICA, and second… Hello All💞, and third, I thought I would talk about this thing that’s very popular in Europe (and probably all over) right now called Hygge ~ While we were traveling I would walk into a bookstore in Great (great and wonderful) Britain, and invariably, on the front table would be six different books, all with some cozy atmospheric picture of H💟ME on the cover and called some variation of “HYGGE,” which makes sense when you find out Hygge is Danish for “cozy.” So I checked it out and it’s pronounced “HYU-gah,” but I like to pronounce it “HUG,” since the word embraces (so to speak) the entire spirit of Hygge. We’ve had Hygge for a long time around here too, but we’ve called it other things … the way my mom said it was,
And sometimes it’s known as Living the Dream; or Having it All; or Living Large; or The Pursuit of Happiness; and let’s not forget . . .
Oh yeah. It’s all about making a world of Contentment in your own
Unfortunately, we can’t control what goes on in the outside world, which seems to get more ridiculously uncontrollable every day, but we CAN control what goes on in our own homes ~ whether it’s one room, an apartment, or a mansion. Hygge has nothing to do with money, it’s an equal opportunity bringer of joy.
Hygge is a state of mind and a recognizing that what you seek, you already have. I’ve perfected my Hygge in rented rooms and tiny apartments when I was younger. I make it every time we travel in a small train compartment when I bring along my feather pillow, my comfy slippers, a new wonderful book to read, my electric kettle, my favorite cup, my favorite tea, and some homemade cucumber sandwiches. That’s Traveling Hygge, there’s more to it, but today we’re talking bout Hygge In-House. In YOUR house to be exact!There are a thousand ways to Hygge yourself, and if you’ve been hanging around this Blog long enough, you know that’s mostly what we love to talk about. How to make a Homemade Happy Life . . .
Over the years, I’ve recognized that most of the little things that make life wonderful are found in the same basic framework I use when I give a party: They always seem to appeal to one of the five senses, plus that magical sixth sense, the highly personal one called “imagination.” Because the senses are kind of your everything. If they are constantly fed a diet of car exhaust, too many people at the mall, the dentist’s drill, fast food cheeseburgers, news of starving children, killer germs on the loose, and culture collapse, staring into your phone for hours on end, and perhaps a quick frisking at the airport, you are just not going to be happy! SO simple. You might have to go out and experience all of that, but then you can come home, where YOU are in charge. Whew. Look around your home. How does it feel? How does it sound? How does it look? How does it smell? How does it taste? Are there flowers, candles, a cozy throw for you, books, teacups? Is there toast and cheese? Are there pancakes? Is there pretty music that sends you to the moon? Now for number six: see any whimsy, anything that only says YOU in all caps? The question is, does your house FEED you from the well of sweetness?
When it’s all rainy and gray outside . . .
Make a fire or light a candle . . . light many candles!
Lots of you know how much I love houses ~ I have one room where there are only paintings of houses on the walls. Over the years, when I’m out and about, I might see a little candle house, the one with the green roof is my newest in this long slow-growing collection. I found it in Scotland where so many of the real houses are white stucco. What could be more Hygge than a candle IN a house? It’s the Hyggiest! And long, and slow-growing? That’s Hygge too.
Light the candles and then go make yourself a cup of tea, and cuddle up to watch an old movie . . .
This is Audrey Hepburn and Gregory adorable Peck in Roman Holiday. Five Stars! I have a wonderful list of old movies that could keep a person busy and in Hygge City for a whole winter if they wanted!This is the June page from my new 2017 wall-calendar and just a reminder, because the main thing about Hygge, as you can probably tell by just reading about it, it’s so HEALTHY! It doesn’t weigh you down, it makes you buoyant, up and ready to go! It’s priceless, and it’s a gift you can give yourself because it’s FREE!
Read a book that will light your soul, send your heart to the moon, make tears flow down your cheeks, and inspire you to greatness. Read biographies about your heroes. I love reading about the life of Beatrix Potter because she makes me want to be a better person.💞
I think it’s very Hygge to put dried flowers in her books . . .
Even housekeeping and doing laundry can be Hygge, if you wait a moment and let yourself SEE the before and afters . . . and just how pretty wrinkles and patterns can be, smell the cleanness, feel how organized you must be as you are hanging things to dry, there in the Village of Hygge, where you are in charge of your environment, and your environment is not in charge of you.
And how lovely it is to have your hands slippery in warm water caring for your things, washing them, loving them, making them last forever. You can sing while you do it, and that will make the other people in the house happy too. Really, it will.🎵
Luv-lee bubble baths, where all tensions rooooolllll away in the water . . . play the MUSICA! Because guess who’s in charge? You are!
It’s hard to find words for how wonderful a little petty-pet can be, but I tried.
Put something fun on the calendar, something to look forward to! Hygge is having a dream, and making it come true, even if it takes ten years!
Make a picture wall in your bathroom. It’s zen. No one wants to come out of my bathroom now! See HERE.
Have a Jane Austen tea party and Celebrate her birthday on December 16th, use her books as centerpieces, tell everyone to wear a hat … I have lots of recipes for delicious tea party food! (Just click on which recipe you’d like to have.)
There is also Doing Nothing that is totally Hygge, especially if you find you are doing too much: sleep in! Do it in the coziest flannel jammies you can find. Keep the room cold so you are cuddled under the covers. Moosh the pillow around your ears to keep them warm. Don’t laugh. This can be done! As my mother said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way!” Put it on your calendar if you have to!
This is Joe (look close to see him), enjoying the Hygginess of it all!
This was the sky over our house this morning, after a few grey days and even some rain. How heavenly is that?
When I was little I used to go outside at night before bed, to look at the stars, and fill my lungs with a big breath of fresh night air to take back to my cozy (Hyggie like crazy) bed with me. I still do it sometimes. The stars, they have secrets, and if you put your ear down close, and listen hard, they will tell you.❤️
My dad used to say, “Be an Elf,” and to me, that’s the same exact same thing as Hygge. It’s a hug. Kind of virtual, but you definitely still feel it. Christmas can be a lonely time for some of us, especially if we’ve dreamed of a certain kind of magical Christmas but have never quite gotten it. I say, this year, think about how you can give it to yourself … a nice big Hygge box of jammies and candles just cannot hurt, with a card signed, “Te Adoro, with all my heart, 💞 your darling Santa, who loves you.” You can wake up, find it all wrapped up under the tree along with the cashmere sweater he left for you, smell the roast chicken he put in the oven, drink the hot chocolate he made for you, count your blessings and be very surprised and thrilled.💝
And another thing this season: Be sure to Shop Small and Buy Local. Because most of the money you spend when you do that, STAYS in your community. That’s a very good thing. Very Hygge. Wear a cute hat when you do it, spread some sunshine. Send love to Tennessee, if you have a little extra, to help the families affected by the terrible wildfires. Send them a little Hygge. And that’s it, oh no, it’s not, I forgot, one other surprise I have left for you! Pretty Hygge too.
This is the Giveaway we have from the new Willard (which just started going out today, it takes about four days for it all to go, so be patient, and if you’re not on our mailing list, you can still sign up) . . . Anyway the prize is a signed copy of the new Heart of the Home, a bird in a gilded cage for your tree, and two dream charms, one is Christmas Joy, and the other (the red one) is Heart of the Home…and all you have to do is leave a comment and you’ll be entered for the drawing! BUT, there’s something else, because Hey, it’s Christmas, and Hey, we’re Hygging today!
Oh yeah, It’s Heart of the Home AGAIN, signed, like the first one, and also, the now out-of-print A Fine Romance, also signed ~ and there’s a little dream charm too, “Girlfriends,” plus, yes, it’s the teapot that we bought in an antique store in the Peak District in England that I wrote about in A Fine Romance … I thought, because I have enough teapots, that I would get quadruple the pleasure from this one. First I got to use it, then write about it, then I got to paint it, and now I get to share it. How much more Hygge can you get? Te Adoro, with all my heart, 💞 your darling Santa, who loves you.
So there will be two drawings! Two winners! Just leave a comment, and I’ll announce the winners here on the blog in a week or so, when everyone’s had a chance to enter, and I’ll email them too.
I’m home.🏡 Feeling so lucky! Happy to be here. Sending love to you all.💝
As my Great-Grandmother, Laura Ingalls Wilder once said, “It is the sweet simple things in life which are the real ones after all.” She would have loved you and your wonderful words of creativity, inspiration and the Hygge way of life!
Thank you, Susan for this beautiful post!
THIS is your great grandmother, Ms. Wilder???? Woweeee! That is saying something and a half. How we have all loved what she left for us! Thank you for your kind words. 💖 xoxoxo
I read the little House books over and over as a child. Loved them. 💖
For the TV show, my sister and I would look at the clock, then at each other, cry out “Little House,” run and jump in the bed together and turn on the TV. You’ve probably heard every story there is but of course, we all want to feel close to something that taught us a little bit of how to feel. xoxo
I took the Little House books out so often from the library that the librarian very gently reminded me that there might be other books I would enjoy. Nope. I continued to take them out, one a time, in order, lol. Now I have a complete set and yes, I do still enjoy them.
Love is love!
I agree Donna😊 I adore Susan and what she brings to us😊
I always buy a new Christmas movie each year to add to our collection. This year, I came across A Merry Ingalls Christmas and I am so very excited. I loved Little House on the Prairie.
Hi Susan, Wish you could come to dinner at our house, now that I’ve gotten my Christmas decs up! I wait all year to see all of my decorations. I miss them. We keep them in storage, so sometimes when we are at our storage unit I open a box or two of Christmas and tell Michael that I need to “visit” my decorations, even if it’s the middle of summer! So happy to have them all back in the house where they belong! Actually I still need to get the trees up. We put a large one in the living room and since my mom died 20 years ago, I’ve had a second, smaller one that I called “Grandma’s tree”, in honor of my dear sainted mother. Over the years though, since my father and Michael’s parents are no longer with us, we call it the “Angel Tree”. The decorations are all silver, gold, angels and bells with white tivoli lights. Our other tree is more traditional with colored lights and ornaments that I’ve collected since I was a child. My favorite time of year has finally arrived! Even with all of the stress of the season I just love it. I didn’t think it was going to cool down out here, but it finally happened. Yea, sweater weather! Merry Christmas to you and Joe. Enjoy every bit of the love and good cheer of this beautiful time of year!! xoxo
Love hearing about your decorations Carol, always thinking, this girl has the happy gene! Love you xoxo
Welcome home!! I thoroughly enjoyed Willard which put me in the Christmas Spirit while I am doing Disaster Response Work in North Carolina following Hurricane Matthew.
Thank you for doing that! xoxo
Susan, your blog just makes me happy.
Welcome home….I love you. You bring light into my heart and mind and home on dreary days. On days when I am unable to find my get-up-and-go you motivate me to find the special in all that is around me. Thank you.
Thank you back Julie, xoxoxo
Reading your blog and Willard is my Hygge <3
Oh my Susan! How very gracious of you! I’m speechless! This giveaway is off the charts!!!!thank you so much.
You are so welcome, hope you win!
Merry Christmas to you Susan!
I’m so glad you had such a wonderful trip. I’m even gladder (is that a word? it should be.) that you have such a lovely home to come back to. Thanks, as always, for spreading joy. Enjoy the happiest of holidays!
You too Megan! And yes, happiness is Home sweet Home. xoxo
I cannot tell you how blessed I am with your Blog, and your Willards, and your many works, dear Susan! Every single life carries its own set of struggles, sorrows, regrets and challenges, but God’s grace is abundant and FREE! And one of the graces God has brought into my life is YOU – your online community and your work as an artist-author. Thank you for blessing all our lives with joy, wisdom, and whimsy – with beauty, grace, and with purity as well. It is such a joy to have a place to go to, on a dark day, that is everything Philippians 4:8 instructs God’s children to “think on.” Thank you, a million times, Thank You!
Oh you doll. That was just lovely. xoxoxo Philippians 4:8: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Beautiful words xoxoxo
Deborah, My feelings exactly! Thank you for voicing the thought and verse that has occurred to me many times about Susan and her writings and art ~ we often “rejoice because of her encouragement” xo
I just love Willard and your blog. I have one charm the kitty one . I need to get your books . Happy you are home, I will wait to hear If I won
Merry Christmas Pat
thank you for all of the inspiration and happiness you share with us! Te Adore!
Another lovely blog … We enjoyed news from ‘across the pond’ especially on Twitter. Such a great trip. But, I must say I have that feeling that all’s truly right with the world now you’re back home in your beautiful house where Jack lives. We’re glad you’re safely back. And we wish you a beautiful month as we all get ready for our favourite time of year.
With love,
Bren xox
I think the same thing Bren, it’s just wonderful to be home. Today, for no reason, I got dressed and meandered through town. I have been too busy to do that for a long time, and it was just wonderful. Town, all dressed for Christmas!
Love all your things as always.
Well 🐀🐀🐀rats 😉
I thought I entered my comment correctly 🤔 earlier but I don’t see it so my apologies if this is a dup!! 😔
Dearest Susan….. thank you, thank you, thank you❣️…….for all you do for your girlfriends to make us feel good, happy,loved and bring us joy!
Welcome back to home sweet home and thank you for taking us with you!!
I was at a Winter Fest last weekend and met another 🙂 darling artist (from Santa Fe and I think new girlfriend 😉) I was telling her about another artist/author that I love 💜 love ❤️ love❣️ She says is it Susan? My face beamed 😊! She said she’d met you a number of years ago and even visited you & Joe on the Vineyard :)) I told her how fortunate I was to met you and Joe at your book signing here in Denver in May 😍
When I got home that day the new Willard was in my email as well as the recent blog 🙂
So I sent them both off to her as well as a pic of me with Joe and then you 😊
Her name is Jone Hallmark 🙂
I just learned of hygge a few months ago and now I’m seeing it a lot 🙂
Also……my dear husband gifted me the new I’m guessing because he kept saying…..’but it won’t ship til….’The Art of Beatrix Potter’ for my bday 🙂
Happy hygging and a very merry Christmas to you, Joe and Jack 😍 and all of yours!
Oh how fun, Juli, I remember Jone, she came here to visit me a few years ago! Funny, small world. Thank you for your sweet words, and Happy Birthday! xoxo
What great ideas, thank you Susan! That bath looks wonderful! So far, we’ve baked cookies, decorated the house with Christmas lights, had a fire, and took my Mother- in- Law and 9 year old granddaughter to Tea at the Huntington Library and Gardens. The roses were all in full bloom still, as we’ve had warm weather in So. Cal. Looks like I’ve got some more Hyggeness to try and have fun spreading around. Thanks for the motivation! Love and Hygge’s to you, Joe and kitties! Merry Christmas!
Oh I love the Huntington Library! You are full-on Hygge-City! xoxo
Welcome home! I’ll be reading this lovely post many more times. Now off to get cozy under a warm blanket since winter has arrived here in MN. Happy holidays!
We’re still waiting!
Dear Susan, welcome home. It was wonderful to follow along your trip on Twitter. Have a wonderful holiday season.
Sweet Sue, you are too much! Have you by chance seen the magazine called Holiday? It features an article, “In praise of Jane Austin,”that mentions her wit, sensibility, and the importance of her daily tea. My favorite take- a -way is that she vowed to “let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.” That might well be my mantra for 2017. Welcome home, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you and your Joe. We are blessed people.
I wrote that (in feather pen, no less) in my Fine Romance book, after visiting her home in Chawton in England.💞 Haven’t seen the magazine, but I’ll look for it! Merry Christmas Becky!
Susan, you are so thoughtful! I know you had a wonderful trip, but I know how nice it is to get back home. So, welcome home!
Feel better every time I visit here!
Still miss your store in AG. 🙁
I so enjoy your blog!! And calendars💕… Merry Christmas!
How lovely!!
Susan, as always your words warm my heart. Hearing about Hygge was fun and your examples painted a perfect picture. Wishing you many star-filled nights in the holiday weeks ahead. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a fun 2017 with many adventures!
A picture is worth a thousand words!
Always happy to hear from you.
Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
A new email from Willard and I am back, enjoying another visit to your blog. All of your inspiration, stories, illustrations and beautiful pictures of your home. . . It’s a virtual vacation!
Now I’m truly motivated to create my own hygge here at home.
Bless you, Susan!!
Thank you Carol! We’ll be going on a *real* virtual vacation soon ~ to England and Scotland! Stay tuned!
I’ve been a Susan Branch admirer for a lot of years! Love your art work! 💞💞💞
Hello Susan! Such a joy to have you back! Loved, loved, loved this blog. Now on to reading Willard. Christmas blessings to you and Joe.
Susan, how I so enjoy your letters and publications. Merry Christmas
You bring me great joy and big smiles.
I just love the warmth you spread. Reading what you write and your quotes, brings me joy💕
Welcome back, Susan. Thanks for the lovely reminders of how special home should be. As I decorate for Christmas, I will be adding as much HYGGE as I can.
Feeling so warm and cozy after reading your blog…….thank you!
Hi Susan, I love this blog on Hygge. All day long I have been adding little “finishing touch” Christmas decorations here and there. I didn’t even realize I was Hygging all day. I completely love making my house cozy and comfortable and “me.” Thank you for all the beautiful photos and all the inspiration! Merry, merry Christmas! Enjoy the holidays!
I have almost always (unknowingly) called Hygging “piddling” 😀 ~ I piddle around, moving a stack of books 3 inches to the right, plumping pillows, finding the best quilt to throw over the back of the couch, going to the garden to see what I can find growing there. Life is good!
Thank you for all of the great nesting ideas. Tell Vannah hi and to please pick my name for the tea pot ( I already have everything else😊)
How wonderful to visit your site. You see, you’ve been part of my Christmas tradition for about 15 years now. I just pulled out my copy of your Heart of the Home. I read that every December along with Christmas Joy to help me savor the Christmas spirit and to be inspired for one more spirit-filled moment in our season. Thank you for sharing your gifts. The beauty and wisdom I find in your books are memories I will always treasure.
Thank you Michaele!
Home for the holidays, always the best.
Enjoyed the travels through the UK, thank you.
You always hit the nail on the head! I start reading your blog and it is like I want to tell people, see I told you, one needs to enjoy the little things in life. We need to block out the real world from time to time. And we have to take care of ourselves. Thanks, for putting it so wonderfully. Hugs, Kit
Love this site and everything Susan Branch!!
Over the Atlantic and through the woods to Joe and Sue’s house we go. The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifted snow……Hurray for the blog, hurray for the books, is the cranberry crumble done?:)….Have a very Merry Merry Christmas!!!!
Love all your cozy, home pictures, Susan! Thank you for sharing them with us and inspiring us!
Your books are like a big hug for me. Thank you for all your beautiful creativity. Merry Christmas!
I absolutely ❤️ U and your absolutely mesmerizing story telling style‼️ Is there NOTHING you cannot do⁉️ No, you are amazing, inspiring and completely adorable ‼️
Plenty I can’t do. I can’t find my way out of a hotel room. If I walk out the door and go left, for sure, I should go right. Joe grabs me, saves me from wandering off to la-la land. There’s more but I won’t bore you. I try not to display my shortcomings too often. But thank you Karen! ❌⭕️
Your blog has lifted my spirit! I am currently taking my first year off from teaching elementary school. I am so grateful to have this time to rejuvenate myself! I am looking for a new career that embraces my heart and soul. I’m actually feeling a little scared and lost right now. Your loving, creative words have inspired me to continue “hearting” myself. Thank you for being my distant mentor.
It’s the miserable “Foundation for the Creation” you are in the process of building. I’ve been there, and it seems like it will never end. But you keep moving forward toward the things that matter to you, and you’ll get there. Sending love xoxoxo
Just finisheddecorating my house for Christmas tonight! It simple this year due to illness but it screams love and home…So glad your back Susan and Joe we did miss you so…..Merry Christmas….love.
I am a big one for simple, I would love it every year, but Joe on the other hand, needs to have the biggest tree on the Island, and maybe a hundred wreaths (kidding, but it feels like that). A little string of lights, pine smell, a few candles, and I am in heaven. Blessings on you and yours Suzanne! xoxo
Welcome home Susan – I had been in California visiting with my 96 year old father last week. I was blessed to be able to divide my time with my daughter and her three precious children (5, 3 and almost 2) while I was there. When I arrived back in Washington state I was thrilled to see the December Willard and a new Blog posting waiting for me to read and savor. You bring such Hygge into my life. Reminds me a bit of Alexandra Stoddard’s “Living a Beautiful Life”. Thank you.
I am hoping that at some future Blog you will tell us about the high seas on your trip home.
I’ll do lots of photos from the trip! Sounds like you had a wonderful time in CA ~ welcome home!
I have been following you for years and I love all of your books! I always display your seasonal books when I decorate. Thank you for sharing your love of cooking as well as your artistic abilities with all of us as well as your travels. Welcome home. 💜
Thank you Sheila!
Ahhhh…you are such a kindred spirit. I just love all of your books (though I don’t yet have them all) and calendars and cards and now your blog (how did I only just discover this??!)! Thank you for all of your wonderful ideas for bringing peace and stillness and hygge into our homes in this busy, busy time of the year. It’s important to take time to smell the Christmas tree! Merry Christmas from the Berkshires of Massachusetts!!
Merry Christmas back to you Jill…. ahhhh, the Berkshires!
Welcome home and back to blog land. I was able to follow your trip via Twitter even tho I don’t have an account but the blog tells a longer more personal story. :). But at least Twitter was good and better then nothing.
Yes, Twitter only allows 140 characters in each post, and we all know that, for the mouth that roars, will never do!
Dear Susan
Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity
You have to be the most generous person I know, sweet Susan. This is such a lovely post and one that is so needed. Glad you are home and will be settling in nicely this winter. They are much more extreme where you live than my home in Colorado. Cheers! ☕️🍰
I would just like to get Willard like I have in the past. That would be winning:)
I’m so sorry Beth. I hope it happens… I notice you have an AOL email address. AOL is famous for blocking Willard…I know because I have AOL, but I changed my blocking settings So Willard can get through. HERE’S the newest Willard, and fingers crossed that it gets to you next time. It all seems so hit or miss to me, no rhyme nor reason to why sometimes you get it and sometimes you don’t!
Oh my! I’ve been attempting to create more hygge in my life! What a fabulous give away. I’ve been a fan of yours since 1989 when I discovered your recipes/ art work in Country Living Magazine!
Love you, always making me smile! Best Girlfriend EVER!
Merry Christmas Susan! You always lift my spirit! Thank you!!!
Thank you for your wise and comforting words!
After such a stressful time this year, it’s good to come back to the simple pleasures in what we love. It just make more sense. As always, thanks, Susan!
We’re hygge-ing all around the house here! Makes the season bright… It’s great to have a holiday blog post from you!
Dearest Susan, we are soul sisters! Thank you for sharing your experiences and feelings and for expressing mine… with beauty and grace.
Your work and writing is my Hygge! XO
That’s so sweet, thank you Christine!
Susan what a wonderful trip you had! Thank you so so much for your magical books, I have cherished them for years and just look at them anytime they make me so happy! Merry Christmas and hygge from me!
All the best Susan
Thank you Mary! xoxo
Hi Susan, what a joy it was to meet you and Joe on your recent holiday and such a pleasure to have you with us in the UK but now you have safely returned home I feel all is right with the world again. Love, love, love your blog post on Hygge. I’ve asked Santa for a book on the subject so I can get to grips with what it is all about but I’m sure, in my heart I already know because it is there every time I go to your website and read your inspirational posts and see your heart warming pictures. Bless you both this joyful Christmas time.
With love from Ann in Chester xxxx
Ann, there is no DOUBT in my mind that you already know everything there is to know about Hyggeing. It’s your nature! Lovely to meet you too! Happy Christmas to you and yours!
Yes, I have entered. Thanks so much for the giveaway! BTW….your home is amazing. Love that tub!!
Happy Christmas!
thank you for sharing your life…enjoyed your trip…what a lovely time via your postings. I looked forward each morning to reading about your adventure.
Merry Christmas and a blessed Happy New Year.
Happy ((Hygging)) today!! 🙂
HYGGE ! Yes count me in toooo! Sending XOXO from Walt Disney World!
Georgie from NJ
Have fun down there Georgie!
Yes, hygges for all and right back at you girlfriend! I’m sitting here with tears after reading this much needed lovely blog! Just when it feels like the sky is falling… comes Hygges… the rescue, like the Calvary in the old Westerns! And, such lovely prizes to boot!! Love and thanks! xoxoxo
To the rescue, and who is the Superman? YOU are! 💝
Always look forward to your posts – they are always cheerful, with happy ideas. Thanks again for another beautiful post – hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Love your blog !! It’s like being wrapped up in a warm cozy shawl sitting in front of the fire with a cup of good tea 🙂 Hygge on !!
So glad you both had such a wonderful adventure this Fall. I had fun watching your travels on your twitter account. I was able to purchase the 30th edition Heart of the Home by surprise in a Christmas barn shop in Wilton Ct. I love to go there to buy an ornament that represents the part in the nutcracker performance that my granddaughters are dancing in each year. That shop has such a wonderful selection. The owner said you had stopped by and her husband so enjoyed your visit. Well must go. Peace to you both this holiday season.
Oh I love that place! Yes, we were there a while back and can’t wait to go again! Peace to you and yours. xoxo
HYGGE – you are a burr of hope ! A reminder to be beautiful, gracious, and kind.
You are such an inspiration to us all to try to make the world a better, kinder, more hyggeier 😊Place!
Love it, “more hyggeier!” Yes!
Love it, only wish I could’ve come along!
my darling Susan,
This may be off the page, but you + Joe must cozy up and watch “The Crown,” the new Netflix drama.
Ohmygoodness, you’ll love this show!!
Oh Oh Oh.
So glad you’re home sweet home.
We love you!!
All the way from Oregon—
We are doing it. One episode at a time. We finished #3 last night, but we don’t go on, we are savoring it! It’s so wonderful! Thank you Teri!
That makes my heart happy!
Love you, lady!
I’m so glad to be catching up with you through Willard and your blog. Missed you while you were away. I’m glad you and Joe are home safe again. Anxious to hear more about your wonderful trip. I was just reading a blog by an English woman who lives in rural France and first encountered the word Hygee. A new word for me, but definitely not a new idea. I agree we especially need it now with the way times are. Like you I’ve been doing it for years – just didn’t have a name for it! I think it’s a matter of self preservation. It makes me happy and it makes my family happy. My husband often comments how cozy our home is. So others do notice. I couldn’t or wouldn’t want to live any other way. Thanks for sharing. Love the delicate bird in the gilded cage. Hope you and Joe have a very Merry Christmas. I’m looking forward to my annual Christmas present of your calendar from my hubby.
Self preservation is perfect! xoxo
Dear Susan,
Thank you for the lovely Post, and ALL THAT YOU SAY AND DO FOR ME…
I hope that your Trip was as wonderful and you wanted it to be…Welcome
Home….God Bless and Merry Christmas….
Love, Carol So. Cal…with your Red Toile Gravy Boat…xo
Thank you dear Carol! (I need Emoji to come up with a Red Toile Gravy Boat!)
HYGGE!!! Hugs to you Susan. This blog is one of my favorites, it “touched” my Heart. Loved the picture of the STARS, over your home. As a child mother and I would find the perfect STAR in the sky and mother, who spoke various languages would at my request tell her tale of that STAR as I was tucked into bed. Oh the Creative Bliss as the eyelids closed.
Girlfriend, keeping shining your “light” of goodness and good cheer.
A Merry Holly Christmas to you, Joe, & kitty.
Your mom’s voice in the dark room, must have been heaven. Thank you Eileen!
Never heard of Hygge before, but both you and Susan of Our French Oasis wrote lovely posts about it. Hoping this wonderful idea flourishes!
Hygge seems to be part of the whole wellness movement that’s going on, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, enjoyment of nature and quiet. I think it will flourish! It’s a very powerful way of living, gives people control over their lives. xoxo
Your wonderful sense of home and hearth are so inspiring! 🏡 I always feel more peaceful after reading your blog posts!
I love this concept of hygge! I have never heard of it until today. I’m truly a believer in being happy with what you have. The simple things are usually the most meaningful. This time of year I think.we can all use a little more hygge in our.lives. Thank you for hosting a giveaway.
This concept of ‘hygge’ is kind of what I call feeding the soul I think. I do it by reading your posts, seriously, when I should be working (shhhhh), stopping in yarn stores and fabric stores and garden just to touch, and smell, and be dazzled by colors. I do it by buying a new box of crayons at the beginning of the school year and coloring, though my own children are now too old for this to be my excuse. I buy my favorite children’s books, and re-read them in the bath when the world gets too grim ( and even have made a penpal of my favorite author from childhood!)
I wash my special dishes, my pixies, iron my hankies and other linens, play domestic goddess, and thank my lucky starts you are in this world to remind me that yes, its okay!
I hope you have an absolutely LOVELY day todaydear Susan.
I think you feed your soul just fine Peggy!!! xoxo
Hi Susan! I just want to say thank you! This post was exactly what I needed to read today! I need to be reminded of these things sometimes, you definitely always make me feel cozy when I read your blogs. My honey and I recently bought a new home and we just moved in a couple of weeks ago and I’m in full force making our new home feel like home.
Thanks! Have a wonderful day
Lindsay from Benton Park STL
Have fun with your new house Lindsay! xoxo
Merry Christmas & WELCOME HOME!
We just got new golden retriever puppy, Stella, who has boundless energy! I am not sure how compatible she will be with a Christmas tree, and that is making me sad. Do I get a small artificial table top tree? Do I go for the floor model real tree and do dog patrol hourly ? (I work full-time, by the way!). Hard to find Hygge in my house currently. Gotta find that Christmas Spirit! I left it somewhere around here from 2015. Merry Christmas, Susan and Joe!
I think she won’t be so compatible (LOL) this year. Will you do that crate thing while you’re away? Because if you’re with her, you could probably keep her from ripping your tree to shreds. Otherwise, a tabletop version would be wonderful! Happy new puppy! xoxo
Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness! You are the Queen of the BEST giveaways around! What a gracious, kind and loving heart YOU have. Thank you!! xoxo
You are so creative and talented!
Thank you Elaine! xoxo
Hi Susan, thanks so much for these special giveaways! My 79 yo British mil, Jean, got me started with your books back in 2004 and there’s been no stopping us since♡ Over the past 10 years, we’ve grown very close ~ she is one of the true blessings in my life! She is my antiquing partner and one of our fondest memories is coming to see you at a book signing in Meredith NH😊 Anyway, if I win the the girlfriends charm, it goes to her! I’m so grateful for such a full and imperfect life! Thank you for all you do! We love you♡ Merry Christmas, Susan
Merry Christmas to you too, Sue, and hugs to Jean! xoxo
Hi Susan,
I was at someone’s home several years ago and your Heart of the Home was on her cocktail table and I was hooked.
I have given many of your books as gifts but there is one special to me.
My son-in-laws grandmother was not doing well and I sent her your Fine Romance.
I had never met her but she wrote me back that it was a wonderful way to travel when you can’t and how she felt a connection to the book. Unfortunately she past away this year but I was told that she kept your book at her bed side.
So keep them coming girlfriend!
That is so touching Carol, thank you for sharing that with me. xoxo
What a great idea, off to light a candle and have a cup of coffee (in a pretty cup)
Loved All the pictures in this blog, They were so Cozy!!! Have a Great Christmas! It also reminded me to get your calendar.
Hugs !
Hello Sweet Susan, welcome home you Wandering Elf! I was so pleased to find out your travels could be followed via your photos posted on Twitter. My husband and I ‘traveled’ vicariously along with you and Joe, such great fun, thank you for sharing and taking us along. May you have a most merry Christmas. Blessings, Karen
Merry Christmas Susan,
While it is the most wonderful time of the year, things get hectic. I could use a little Susan Branch right now. I love everything Susan Branch and this win would be wonderful. Thank you for your wonderful giveaways. I hope this one could be mine.
Hi Susan,
how i loved this blog! You are so right about the homey little touches that make our living space a home, and a comfort to us. Thank you for reminding us to cherish the little things. I loved reading this 🙂
Welcome back and Merry Christmas. Thanks for your uplifting posts about home and what makes life so good. Many blessings to you.
Happiness is a new Susan Branch calendar on my desk eac tear at work. It makes the crazy days more “Hygge!”
Such lovely reading before I crawl into bed!
Love your blog! Glad you and Joe are safe back from over the pond and hope you write another lovely book about your adventure. From one kindred spirit to another Happy Holidays!
Sharyn from Pennsylvania
Same to you Sharyn!