Hi everyone! Well, it’s almost time! The Queen Victoria leaves tomorrow at around 6pm … we start boarding at 1 pm . . . shakey shakey, Happy, but always with a soupçon of fear thrown in. Why? I don’t know. I was born that way. Fear of what? Fear of never coming home again probably. Unwarranted and unjustified, but I think my dad gave it to me even though he was never afraid of anything. But he had it in there, I know he did. Doesn’t matter because what overcomes fear? Yearning. And love of life. So putting on my big girl shoes and here we go! MUSICA . . .

This is where we are right now, in this gorgeous hotel room Joe surprised me with! It’s pink! There is music downstairs in “The Leopard Room” every night and last night it was all Frank Sinatra and people were dancing… pure back-in-time charm. 🎵🎶

Our room has two rooms! And two bathrooms! And after spending the day in this beautiful town of Palm Beach, we are almost ready to move here! ‘Course we would have to sell a LOT more books before that could ever happen.

But it’s easy to pretend . . . this is the headboard of the bed! Nutty kind of a place, with a mirror mustache headboard.

Here we are arriving yesterday, driving into 72º weather.

Downtown West Palm Beach, hunting for a camera store to get an extra battery. Palm trees. Like we stepped out of the deep snow in a winter painting, and landed in the land of milk and honey.

We left home following a huge wind storm on the Island ~ I took this picture from the car while we were boarding the boat, you can see two grounded and crashed sailboats from the storm that was just beginning to subside . . . I thought we’d had enough drama during the kissing goodbye of Jack 😿 . . . then this!

And here’s Joe, looking at the boats, and you can see the wind is still howling over our wonderful little town . . .

 . . . Car was loaded to the gills, all-knowing Petey tucked in the back seat  ~ and all of you too . . . 💞

We were so busy packing at home, running away from storms, we forgot to remember that we would be driving into spring. When we saw the first leaves, when we stopped at a gas station and got out of the car into unexpected warm weather, it was a shock!

We slept in New Jersey the first night . . . and the next morning we got up at 4 am to get an early start . . . our GPS found our hotel at our next stop, which was in  Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, (and of course, turns out our hotel was on England Street!).  We stayed at the  Williamsburg Lodge (which we heartily endorse), walking distance to everything. We loved Williamsburg so much, got there in time for lunch and got to do lots of exploring … what a wonderful place it was!  We can’t wait to go back and stay longer. Time did not allow us to see any of nearby Historic Jamestown or Yorktown . . . We’re going to need a week next time!  It was so interesting!

This broad avenue is called the Duke of Gloucester Street. No cars allowed. A meandering sort of place with old houses, historic taverns, a few shops, houses you can (but we just walked around), peanut soup to taste, William and Mary College (second oldest college in America, where they once cancelled classes because “the British were coming”) at one end of the street ~ it’s actually a 301-acre village celebrating the patriots and early history of America.

All kinds of old carriages and the clip clop of horses pulling them down the streets. I love that we had so much of it to ourselves . . . it opened for the season just two weeks before we got there ~ but we heard that four million people visit each year!

For us it was a peaceful world of human-ness, of brick and clapboard houses, huge chimneys, and picket fences galore. Who would not fall in love with this?

Most of the gates stand open and welcoming ~ they say, come in and explore, see our green gardens blooming with spring flowers, see how we lived . . . yes and even baby lambs! You’re allowed to follow your nose, and any brick path, and make your own discoveries.

Green and lush and everything popping. See the fireplace on this darling little house? They’re all huge . . . because they were the only heat in the house!

Oh yes, up one path and down the next . . . it was the perfect place for exploring.

I have never seen so many picket fences, layer upon layer of them . . . it was picket-fence heaven!

And they were all shapes . . .

This one keeps the bunnies out! In those days, just like in England, every homesteader was an artist, everything made by hand, and all the same but all very different.

The street was lined in these wonderful flags . . . the perfect flag for the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ~ this flag doesn’t leave anyone out!

There are people dressed in very realistic colonial costumes who talk to you and tell you things and stay in character while they do it.

It’s a LOT like England!

And a LOT like New England!

And a LOT like Virginia!

This gate stood open to the entrance of the historic Kings Arms Tavern where we had a delicious lunch in lovely surroundings.

This guy was watching us come up the path . . .

And we watched him back . . .

It was still crisp outside . . . so it was lovely to find this crackling fire when we walked through the door.

And here comes their famous Peanut Soup ~ Had to try it! But Joe was right, it needed a piece of toast and jam to go with it. Cranberry Jam, if we could choose. (You know how good peanut butter and Jelly taste together!) Isn’t she cute? Our waitress.

Then I got serious . . . the BEST beef stew . . . it was truly delicious, especially the gravy.

And for dessert? This is Syllabub, which I’d never had, but have heard it mentioned in  every Benjamin Franklin, Abigail Adams book I’ve ever read. Had to try it. Got it for all of us! (Yours had no calories.) SO good! Lemon whipped cream and fruit, floating on white wine and sherry. Simple and not too sweet. There are four historic taverns in Williamsburg . . . next time, we try the other three!

But the good ship Queen Victoria waits for no one . . . time was passing, and we had to move on. Here’s the Williamsburg-Scotland (yes, Scotland) Ferry . . . Joe took it as a child with his parents and was looking forward to doing it again.

This is how it looks on the GPS in the car . . . It’s only a five minute trip.

And here we go, crossing the James River . . . to the small town of Scotland and beyond . . .

Traveling across America . . . you see everything . . . old and new, big and little, gorgeous and not so much, but sometimes you get lucky and see a true showplace . . .

Which you might not recognize for what it is without the sign . . . I wonder if it’s an old movie theater? I don’t know. It was across the street from Wendy’s!

But here we are, in the land of 50 shades of blue . . .

Where the flowers on the restaurant tables look like this (and cast interesting shadows!). Also, they played wonderful Brazilian musica in the bathroom!

Where behind high hedges and baby boxwood forests there are pink castles and white mansions with gold roofs and some very rarefied air . . . but when you can see the houses from the car, the normal ones are wonderful too and look like this . . .

Or this . . .

We had a wonderful time with Joe’s big brother, Steve, and his wife Betsey  . . .

And I have to show you this thing Steve does at his house . . . See the spidery root system crawling on the trunk of this palm tree on the left? That, my dear girls, is the root system from that orchid blooming up there. Huh? you say? I understand completely, but it gets even stranger:

Here’s another one! These palm trees are in Steve’s backyard.  He buys orchids for their coffee table or dining table, and when the flowers die, he takes the plant out of the pot and TIES it, with string, to the palm trees in his yard, then leaves it alone. And after a while the orchid gloms onto the tree, the roots spread, perfectly comfortable with Florida light and humidity . . . and the plant flowers again and again!

See them all? Pretty wild eh? He has something like eight trees gussied up in this way! Know what else blooms outside here?

Gardenias! Shall we move here?

And here we are, right back where we started, this is what it looks like from the bed in our room, looking up at the canopy over our heads . . . which is where I’m going right now! Although we shall see whether sleep will occur or not! All these months, time marches on, and we are about to go!

SO excited girlfriends.  I’ve written everything down in my diary so far! It’s funny, we know what’s happening tomorrow, but it hasn’t yet, no photos have been taken, no writing has been done, we have to wait for the slow unfolding of everything. Are you all packed and ready? This is the dangerous part, smuggling you guys aboard. But we always manage, and tomorrow will be no different. Have a big breakfast, plan to be very quiet . . . And p.s., FYI, here’s the web cam from Port Everglades, from which the Queen Victoria will depart tomorrow around 5 or 6 pm . . . be sure to wave if you see us going! We’ll be outside waving back! Our first stop, on Saturday morning, will be in Cape Canaveral. (Web Cam links are courtesy of our Girlfriend, Georgie, better known on Twitter as @FarmGirlGeorgie).

One more of these before I go, love the wall with the scalloped edge . . . Good night all you sweetie pies, sleep well, see you in the morning! 😘 xoxo

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295 Responses to GOING GOING almost GONE

  1. Sandra in Santa Barbara says:

    Sweetest, Susan, thrilled for you and Joe. Your life together just gets better and better! Yea!

    Bummed Joe’s handsome brother, Steve, is married. No one is as great as Joe though.

    Love your moment (almost) to moment travel log….Yes, I’m thinking small and ready to be tucked into your bag.

    Sleep well …..It isn’t a dream and if you’re pinched, it’s still happening.

    Love and kisses, Grasshopper & Sandra

  2. Dixie says:

    Oh, looks wonderful. So nice to see flowers blooming and I love those orchids blooming on the trees.
    Have a lovely trip!

  3. Nicole Dube says:

    I have been checking my Instagram every 15 mins all day in case you posted!!! Have wonderful journey, be safe and know that we feel so much gratitude for the joy you bring to our lives!!

  4. Sherry says:

    Good night, sleep tight, see you in the morning!

  5. Debby says:

    Looking forward to seeing you on board. My husband grows orchids, he would love to have Florida weather! He grows them in an orchid house, a bit like Lord M’s.🌺

  6. Becky Maxwell says:

    Bon voyage! Thanks for taking us along for this wonderful ride.

  7. Esther in the Missouri Ozarks says:

    I am packed and ready to go, literally and figuratively. I am heading off to spend some time on the family farm with my 92 year old daddy and seeing the rest of my family. In the evenings, with my trusty iPad I will be cruising to England! Like you, I am always happy and a tad edgy. Ok maybe a little more than a tad, but once I get on my way I forget that and just enjoy myself. 🍾 Cheers to exciting adventures ahead! Bon Voyage

  8. Following along on Twitter and Instagram and here, of course. It has been nearly 20 years since we have been to Williamsburg, and I am happy to see that not much has changed. We are wanting to get back with our children now that they are grown (they were 2, 5 and 7 last time.) The boys still remember doffing their tiny tricorne hats to the gentlemen who wore them around the village. They also remember their dad getting recruited to be in the militia (for the day). It really is a wondrous place. We ate at Shields Tavern, and I think our meal was largely unmemorable. We did get to go to Jamestown, and it was marvelous. Your FL travels got me to pondering… I know you grew up not far from Disneyland and am guessing you went there as a young person. I know you had a Disney mug on your desk for a long time as your paint water cup (do you still use it?), so I couldn’t help wondering if you’d been to Disney World? It is a favorite with our family of 5. I am so looking forward to the tales of your journeys…wherever they lead. Bon voyage!

  9. Amy Lee from Salem says:

    Been thinking of you and glad you got out of town before bad weather set in. So you are on your way, I am very excited and ready to follow all the adventures. You are a sweetie for letting us all hitch a ride. Safe travels and have a brilliant time.

  10. Kerri Fabry says:

    Thank you for taking us on the adventure – loved the pictures today! We are thrilled to share your travels… Bon Voyage!

  11. Jackie says:

    I’m so excited for you and Joe, Have a wonderful time! I am reading “a fine romance” again, because I’m so excited about going with you this time. Thanks for taking us the readers along, you are so fun!

    • sbranch says:

      Love having you ALL ~ running out of time now, reading everyone’s comments, but no time to answer . . . and want to get the 87 that are still “waiting for moderation” UP before we have to close up shop and GO!!!

  12. Vicki South of Arroyo says:

    Thank you for taking the time for the last two posts. So interesting to see the changing landscape from MV to Colonial Williamsburg to Florida. Our United States is SO interesting; a lot to see and do. Have a wonderful time overseas – – wishing you and Joe a happy trip!

  13. Lillian Olmstead says:

    Dear Sue and Joe,
    It’s been such a great trip so far.Thanks again for taking all of us along. I can’t wait to see the boat. See you tomorrow so exciting!
    Happy travels to all of us.

  14. Lorrie says:

    Bon Voyage, Susan and Joe! We’ll be following along and enjoying the sights along with you!

  15. dewena says:

    Dear Susan, Love your first blog on your new adventure. Thank you for taking us along. Looking forward to all of the rest. You are right about Colonial Williamsburg. I was there about 20 years ago and it was fun and very interesting. Your hotel is beautiful, tell Joe he did good! I can t wait to see all the pics from the ship and all the places you discover. We are all so lucky for you to share your exciting trip. Thank you again and really looking forward to the next book !!! Have loads of fun eating, shopping, painting, picture taking, meeting wonderful new people. Best wishes to you and Joe. xoxo

  16. Lana Bressler says:

    Your blogs are magical..I am so with you. We too enjoyed Williamsburg some years ago. Tomorrow is a new adventure on a ship that will take you to our beloved England. Once again Susan and Joe..enjoy all that is new and old. We will be with you, all us Girlfriends. Praying again for calm seas…and by the way you look terrific! Hugs xo

  17. sue says:

    Dear Sue and Joe,
    Bon Voyage! I’m so excited for you. What a sweetie Joe was to take you to that unbelievably gorgeous Hotel as a surprise. I hope you got some sleep, as it would be understandable that you would be to excited to get to sleep with such a wonderful adventure ahead of you.
    Especially now that you have found out that you have Welsh roots in your DNA, you must either google, or have Carrie find the best welsh men’s choir in the areas you will be visiting and try to attend one of there rehearsals. Most of them are open to the public. It is best to call ahead as when it is lambing season they may not meet for a couple of weeks, No one in the world can match their sound. You will never forget it…I think that is what heaven sounds like. Have a safe journey, and I can’t wait to follow your posts, and read your next book. Hopefully I will get to visit some of the places that you describe.
    Bye for now,

    Love Sue

  18. Zona Wilson says:

    I’m excited for you and Joe, and love that traveling is still thrilling for you! Have a safe and marvelous trip. Looking forward to vicariously experiencing your adventure!

  19. Stephanie says:

    So exciting to see your travels unfolding! Ah…sunny Florida looks heavenly. Looking forward to many more stories from your travels! Enjoy! =^..^=

  20. Judith says:

    Bless your great big heart for keep all the GFs updated, even on the eve of the big departure! (BTW you look fabulous in that first photo!) Kudos to you for conquering your fears, no small thing. And look where you are going and where you have been! You have inspired this fraidy cat to step out of her comfort zone a bit…baby steps! Bon Voyage! ♥

  21. Elizabeth says:

    OH my so excited for your trip and all you will share!! We are in a very dark time in our lives right now…so your trip will definitely be a bright spot…thank you!! We used to live not far from Williamsburg…got a season plan so we could just go any ole time we pleased…and you know, we did not see it all either in the 5 months we lived nearby…hope to one day go there again!! Safe travels!!

  22. Debbie Noyola says:

    Beautiful, everything was simply beautiful. I was about to tuck in for the night. It’s almost midnight, then I just had to check my favorite blog & see if there was a new post. There was, & I was going to save it for tomorrow but decided to just read a few words. Then I read a few more words & scrolled down to see a few pics & I couldn’t stop myself. I read it all. I devoured every word, every picture. The picket fences were my absolute favorites. All were lovely, though. Thanks Susan. Now I really want to go to Virginia. Doesn’t hurt that a best friend from Nevada moved to Gloucester. If you read this comment Susan, please go back one post when you can & read my other comment. Bon Voyage charming friend. 🛳 Safe travels.

  23. Barbara Irvine (Connecticut) says:

    Bon Voyage, Sue and Joe !! We’ll all be with you in spirit and Twitter and maybe a Blog or two as you travel. What an adventure — I can’t wait !!

  24. Debbie Noyola says:

    FYI, previous comment still says awaiting moderation. Hope you can read it.

  25. Andi Geary says:

    Safe trip guys see you in England in May for a picnic! loved seeing all the sights thanks for sharing them with us.

    A xx

  26. Nancy B says:

    Bon voyage, Susan and Joe! Petey, too. Have a wonderful time. I hope I remember to watch the web cam tomorrow. It would be so much fun if I actually saw you. I enjoyed our last trip and I’m sure I’ll love this one as well. 🚢🚢😊😊
    Happy sailing,
    Nancy (from Bakersfield)

  27. Georgia Larson says:

    Oh how excited I am to board the Queen Victoria (incognito) tomorrow. My bags are packed & since I have to get up Super Early here in the pacific I better get to bed. I think I’ll be boarding around 8:00 am. It was great seeing all your pictures so far Susan. Tell Steve I grow my orchids everywhere here. Even on drift wood. Well Petee, move over. See you in the morning. 💤 🚢 ☂ 🎉

  28. Jacqui Davey says:

    ooooo…I’m excited too….It feels like we are with you both.xxx

  29. Gill Smith says:

    What a super trip down Susan! Loved the look of Colonial Williamsburg, yes it did look awfully English!!! How super for Joe to meet up with his brother, two very dashing young men., and wow what a fabulous idea for the orchids.
    Almost on board now……Bon voyage to you both. Can’t wait for the next episode.
    Gill N Devon UK

  30. Northwoods Catie says:

    You’re on your way…and so are we! Thank you for taking us with you!

  31. Deb in Wales says:

    Oh, such a delightful start to the day, sitting here sipping my hot turmeric tea and dreaming of Eggy Bread soon to be made.

    Of all the places we stopped along the way, my heart is in Colonial Williamsburg, for I know and love it so well.

    I’ll be doing my best to keep up on Twitter and Instagram, but at the moment my days are tied up travelling to and from hospital to visit Mum, and I just cannot figure out how to hook up my technology so I can catch up while travelling along on the bus. Not that travelling on a bus in Wales is ever boring! Goodness no, rolling along the roads that cut through the lush, green fields full of sheep and cows, as we go trundling along the bay. I guess it’s something I have a fear of, not getting it quite right and letting the meanie hackers in somehow.

    Waiting patiently for casting off ~~~
    ~~~Waving~~~from Across the Pond~~~Deb in Wales xoxo

  32. What a wonderful start to a fabulous trip! Love the orchids…just saw the Orchid Extravaganza at Longwood Gardens and it reminded me of that. Like Willamsburg, if you have never been to the gardens, put it on your list. And thanks for sharing that excited, happy, yet a little bit scared feeling. I have that each time we travel far from home, too. I think you hit the nail on the head with the fear – love my home and life so much…WHY am I leaving? Because there is a big world out there and so much to experience. Bon Voyage on your amazing journey!

    • Betsy Brunette says:

      Hi Ann….the “fear” of leaving home for a trip is always present for me. I used to think it was because we were leaving our children and now I hate that we are leaving our dogs, but when they are also gone, I’ll probably still feel that tug of not wanting to really leave. Glad to know that my “girlfriends” experience the same kind of doubt about going on trips. : )

      Betsy from Fishers, IN

  33. Yvonne Harvey in North Carolina says:

    I am thoroughly enjoying our road trip with you and Joe via Twitter. First thing I do every morning in open Twitter to see what you’ve posted and then I continuously check it throughout the day. And of course, it’s the last thing I check before going to bed. So excited about starting the Queen Victoria part of our trip. Thanks again for taking us along with you.
    Hugs and prayers, Susan & Joe.

  34. Judy from Maine says:

    I’m tucked in tight, so I’ve left room for our other girlfriends, we’re all waiting. I think I heard the ship blast it’s horn, how exciting, do I feel the engines shuttering? Thank you for quick peek of Williamsburg, (I hadn’t hopped into the suitcase at that point). My husband and I just celebrated 45 years on the 3rd. Guess where we spent our honeymoon ? You guessed it Williamsburg, so sharing that visit was very timely. Well, I think I have to be quiet, we seem to moving and I wouldn’t want a porter to hear me and throw me off the ship. Bon Voyage to us all!

  35. Karen Holly says:

    Your trip down to Florida sounds wonderful, especially your stop in Colonial Williamsburg which is one of my favorite places in the world. Enjoy the excitement of boarding the Queen Victoria, the fun of your book signing, and then off to England you go! Thank you for bringing us along!

  36. I’m right with you girl! But won’t actually get there until May 9th ✈️….bleary with jet lag, but hopefully well-adjusted by the 11th. Bon Voyage! 🚢 P.S. No surprise that your headboard would be a mustache–just like Jack’s!

  37. Gill says:

    We slipped across from Norway and are hiding in Stuart, just north of Palm Beach, enjoying the sunshine state! We’ll be in Miami this weekend to visit our daughter on board the three masted sailing school ship ms Sørlandet! Wave if you see us and we will too! Bon Voyage😊

  38. Karen C. says:

    Lovely pictures! I felt like I was on the trip down with you, thanks for sharing. I need to get back to Williamsburg. I went in high school, but that was a loooong time ago and it’s so beautiful! Bon Voyage!

  39. Jane Kuesel says:

    Love the photos and excitement. One question (for now) – what camera do you use? It’s time for me to get a new one and I am curious what you find helpful to carry along but takes such great shots – like the telephoto one of the squirrel.


  40. Renee says:


  41. Shawnee in Naples says:

    Hae a guid journey!

  42. Lorraine from White Plains, NY says:

    I have such butterflies in my stomach! And I forgot my seasick band! Hopefully it will be smooth sailing for all of us! Bon Voyage!

  43. Cindy Maulin says:

    Good Morning Susan and Joe ( aka Happy Travelers😊)
    Following you all the way Girlfriend! Loved our tour of Williamsburg…just our cup of tea…
    Isn’t Palm Beach just gorgeous…glad you enjoyed my adopted state which I am slowly growing fonder of. Florida is rather a strange place… lots of beauty and warmth and beaches.. but swampy barren wasteland too. I believe that pink is our states signature color!! Beautiful Hotel…West Palm though is delightful. We play golf there and go to St.Louis Cardinal Spring Training in Jupiter. It’s about 4 hours from us in The Villages. Loved meeting Joe’s big brother … fun to meet people who love you guys too❤️
    Well…off you ( we) go! I am totally onboard ( pun intended😊) with the whole soupçon of fear thing too. There is always that trepidation when traveling….. but it wears off fast as it’s always much better when you are in the middle of said travel than anticipating…. although the planning of a trip is half the fun!! Got Georgie’s webcan link so I will try to watch and wave. I am off for my ladies golf league this morning and lunch….if I miss you sailing by..👋And Bon Voyage🛳🍾….. Hi to the MapMan
    PS…gonna have to try the orchid thing.. have never seen that before!!!🌺

    • sbranch says:

      Pink goes so well with blue skies, white clouds, and all the blues of your Atlantic seas . . .

  44. Mary May says:

    We stayed at the Chesterfield in Palm Beach a few years ago. Reading your post brought back memories of the two delightful days. Thank you!

  45. Nancy Deda says:

    Safest of travels…enjoy and can’t wait to hear all about it! Hope all those girls are ready for this wonderful adventure!

  46. Regina Carretta says:

    To you, our dear Ambassador of Friendship, Art, Color, and Peace! Enjoy, enjoy!
    You probably already told us, but what is your itinerary in England and Ireland?
    Are you returning to Scotland as well? We love your photo’s, of corners of buildings, pub signs, gardens, what is around that little fence?, dogs, shop windows, old churches, we shall
    Enjoy, enjoy!!!!! along with you…..thank you for hiding us in your carry-on bag.

    • sbranch says:

      Cornwall, Wales, Ireland (Dublin, Galway Bay), Lakes, Peaks, Cotswolds, Wiltshire . . . and home. No Scotland this time!

      • Linda Pintarell says:

        WALES…my heritage. Grandmother born in Llandudno…wave HI to everyone if you get to that part of the country. So lovely.

      • Memarge says:

        Susan and Joe,
        don’t forget to have a pasty (pass-tee) each in Cornwall! Also, not many folks are aware that the Bronte children’s mother, Maria Branwell was from Penzance.

        • Rhonda D. says:

          This is so exciting Susan. Glad you’re taking us all along with you again. This trip is special to me because I was almost born in Bangor, Ireland which is in the north. I was conceived there, but my Mom came back to Canada to be with her family just before I was born. I was named after the Rhondda Valley in Wales which is in the south. She didn’t think I needed two d’s in my name so she took one of them out. It is my dream to see these places some day. So it will be great to see parts of Wales and Ireland this time. I’m starting to get very excited for you. Have fun!

  47. Bernie says:

    Are you staying at The Chesterfield? Love The Leopard Lounge! You’re in my neck of the woods. I would have suggested you go to tea at The Flagler museum. Next time.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes! It’s wonderful, such nice people here! Never enough time, but lucky we had what we did!

  48. Linda Becker says:

    Wowie! You and Joe are living the dream, thank you so very much for all the beautiful photos and details of your adventures!!!! You ROCK! Have the best time ever.

  49. Anne Anderson says:

    I love being able to follow along with you.

  50. Hope says:

    Dear Susan and Joe:
    Wishing you a marvelous time! I have several limiting chronic illnesses that mean I am often housebound for months at a time. I LOVE it when you travel! You stop and look at things I would love to see or experience without the (for me) challenging travel bits in between. I have been collecting lambs since I started reading your blog. For Easter my mismatched flock will be put out on the buffet. AND you’re not going to believe it but last fall when I was well enough for a wild and crazy stop at the thrift store a few blocks from my house after a medical appointment there was a Wilton 3D Lamb Cake PAN! I almost hyperventilated! So my daughter is indulging me this Easter and baking a lamb cake for us to share with my son’s family and my little grand baby! Have a wonderful trip and when you edit the vast number of pictures you are going to take just remember: Hope will LOVE this!

    • sbranch says:

      I know you will Hope, and I will love bringing it home to you!!! Happy Easter to you and yours!

  51. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    So far, I’m loving our trip!!! Taking notes as we go …

  52. Toni from Sylvania OH says:

    Thank you dear Susan…just THANK YOU!!! So good to hear from you. The pictures, of course are LOVELY:-))) Can hardly wait to see the QV tomorrow…and then off we go! love and prayers, Toni xoxoxo

  53. Jill says:

    I love the way you travel! When we go somewhere it’s always point A to point B. You and Joe meander your way and see such wonderful things as you go. It’s been two years since our last trip to England and I’ve got the travel itch. I hope hearing about your trip helps although I believe it will just make it worse!
    Bon Voyage!

  54. Donna C says:

    I’m ready! Thank you for taking us along. I love this plan. xo

  55. Marianne says:

    Bon voyage!! LOVE Williamsburg, and now seeing you there I am so wishing to go again. I was married in Wren Chapel 37 years ago!!

    thanks for the fun photos of Florida as well.

  56. Betsy says:

    Florida is beautiful but New England was made just for you! Safe journey.

  57. Love, love, love it all, Susan and Joe. Bon Voyage and will be watching for your departure at 4pm today our time. We will be quiet all afternoon, for the boarding.
    Waiting for more.
    Jeanne of Iowa, and her best pal and husband of 51 and a half years, Charles.

  58. Northwoods Catie says:

    Have a perfect holiday with your darling hubby! And thanks for taking us along!! Can’t wait for the book…! Hugs. Cat

  59. Debbie Boerger says:

    My sweetie, Mr. Tom, noticed that I am excited this morning. I explained that it is due to “our” voyage on the Queen Victoria. He just rolls his eyes. I’m going this morning to have an oooooo-so-good pedicure, to celebrate being able to ditch the huge boot I’ve been wearing for 7 weeks. It’s not so much the toe nails. It’s the marvelous message of feet and lower legs, getting rid of all the dead stuff, wonderful, wonderful. I’ll be able to show off my tootsies while sitting at the G and T bar on the ship! We won’t embarrass you, promise.

    Thank you for those 2 fabulous posts. It’s a bit chilly over here on the West Coast of Fl. 52 at 9:30. So, pull on one of your nifty sweaters, and wave to all as you set sail.

    Debbie in Tampa

  60. Susie (Rocky Point, NY) says:

    Bon Voyage! Thanks for taking lil ole me along. I’m so excited!

  61. Susan K. says:

    Safe travels, enjoy the journey to where your hearts live. Susan K.

  62. Tami says:

    Next time you go to CW (Colonial Williamsburg) make sure you get a sandwich from the Cheese Shop, shop for books at Mermaid Books, and most definitely visit The Governor’s mansion. I studied philosophy in the Wren Building, all W&M students have to take philosophy. By the time my son studied there only grad students actually had classes in the Wren Building. There’s nothing more moving then hearing the W& M choir sing Oh Shenandoah in the Wren Chapel. On your last day of classes as a senior you get to ring the bell in the Wren building, believe me, everyone enthusiastically rings that bell. I’m so excited about your trip. Bon voyage and happy adventures!

    • sbranch says:

      We did go to Mermaid books! Gorgeous Bookstore . . . but missed way too much. Something wonderful to look forward to!

  63. charlotte m. says:

    Bon Voyage Susan. I will be looking for any posts you are able to make on this trip. Have a lovely time.

  64. Christie Levin says:

    Love the photo of you framed by the gorgeous mirror!! How sweet of Joe to surprise you with that gorgeous suite of pink rooms!! And he even picked one that had a Jack moustache mirror over the bed! 😻 He thinks of everything!! This blog post is the best! I hope you told Joe’s brother hello for all of us GFs🙋
    Having so much fun every day of ‘our’ trip ~ can’t thank you enough for taking us along!! Almost time to meet the ship…yes, I think I can hear the first mate calling “ALL ABOARD!”

  65. Bridget Bandy says:

    So excited to find the new blog this morning!!!! I have so enjoyed following your trip so far this week. This will be almost as much fun as actually going with you, and I did not have to pack!! Be safe, have fun and keep us posted. Love, BB

  66. SallyD says:

    Bon Voyage!! See you in England in the merry merry month of May! Safe travels, Godspeed, all the best!!

  67. Diane Byrum says:

    Hi Susan, so excited to go with you and Joe, I won’t be a burden, you’ll never know I’m there 🤗. I would love to see you when you arrive at Port Canaveral. How long are you in port? Joe would probably like to go to the space center, I would love to show you the most charming and friendly knit shop on the planet, Knit and Stitch Boutique. It’s in historic quaint Cocoa Village with lots of shops and amazing eateries. (It’s not far from the port.) You and Joe would love it! I would love to see you while you’re in this area, unfortunately I won’t be able to see you at your book signing in Charleston. Hope to see you tomorrow. Smooth sailing! 💓🚢 love, diane

  68. mary spring says:

    …oh, happy day !!..I’m so excited for this journey !!!..thank you for taking us all along !!

    • mary spring says:

      ..oh, dear Susan. I needed to tell you also that my daughter (who also follows you now) woke me up with a phone call, so excited, saying “today is the day we start our trip to England !!! ” … thanks again… xoxo

  69. Laurie A says:

    Those blues! And the scalloped wall. Gorgeous! I took a one day trip to Williamsburg many moons ago, and have been wanting to take my husband, who has never been. Seeing it again here gives me more inspiration to go. Wishing you the most excellent of adventures! Thank you for taking us along!

  70. vicki says:

    So excited we will soon be on our way! I’ve been dieting so I won’t take up as much space. Want to be sure there is room for us all! You are so very sweet to let us all sneak on with you!

  71. Sue says:

    Have you ever used the app called ship finder? It shows boats and ships all over the world, where they are docked or even as they move. I’ve watched the boats in Amsterdam and on rivers as we have cruised along. I mostly use it when we are in Astoria Oregon and I am watching the boats and ships cross the bar. It will be fun to watch the Queen Victoria as you make all your stops this crossing. Have a spectacular adventure!

  72. Shirley J. Hudgins says:

    Bon Voyage Dear Hearts! So lovely of you to take us along!! I am as excited as you and looking so forward to this adventure! Be safe and I know Jack will look forward to hearing all about it when you return! (Purrrrrr)

  73. Diane from New Hampshire says:

    My husband and I have been to wonderful, historic Williamsburg. Great place to explore. Can’t wait to see my favorite town Charleston, SC. So looking forward to our journey.Thank you for taking us along.

  74. Dee Ann says:

    So excited for the voyage to begin…getting there has been a great time…thanks for including us all in the journey!!!

  75. Melissa says:

    OH, beautiful Williamsurg! Like many of your readers, we’ve been there also. First, on our honeymoon, then 40 years later this past May for a week! Lots of photo opportunities that I took advantage of and put my photos onto note cards to send to loved ones.We took the boat cruise on the James River as our water tour.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  76. Kelly B. says:

    Susan and Joe, I’m very excited for your trip, loved Williamsburg and Palm Beach but they aren’t Martha’s Vineyard! Have a lovely time, as always, you are so good at it!

  77. robin from the vineyard says:

    Susan and Joe ~ have a super fabulous trip! these photos in this blog make me feel like we are along for the journey…….. something you do so well. Can’t wait to see more of this magical journey! xoxoxoxo Robin

  78. Nora says:

    Travel safe my dears!!! xoxo

  79. Kim from Johannesburg. South Africa says:

    Oh my! How amazing is this – wishing you a wonder filled trip.
    So thrilled we get to come along..

  80. Judith DiFrancesco says:

    I can’t wait to see where you take me next!
    My Dramamine is ready!

  81. shanna says:

    Thanks for the beautiful post. I love the palm tree orchids! Maybe someday, when we live in Florida year round. (Ever the worry wort, I wonder if the trees are alright with it?) Wave to us as you sail past Daytona Beach!

  82. Darlene Westmoreland says:

    Anne in Maine – The orchids in Joe’s brother’s yard are fabulous! I’m going to tell everyone I know in Florida about them!! Loved your pictures of Colonial Williamsburg. We have been talking about visiting there.

    Ready to cross the pond with you. I promise to TRY to be very quiet. Very hard when I’m sooo excited!!

    Hi Darlene!

  83. Diane Jeffries says:

    So excited for “our journey”. I love the pit stop in Williamsburg. It’s one of my favorite places. Hope you have a chance to revisit some day. Looking forward to the voyage. Wishing you peaceful seas and much relaxation

  84. Deb says:

    Enjoyed your new blog! Very excited about the next part of the journey! Have fun! Keep in touch!

  85. Jane Franks says:

    Hi Susan: Can’t believe you could settle down long enough to write this blog! I’m the same as you. . . a bundle of nervous energy before a big trip, and this one is BIGGG!! I hope you got some sleep! Thank you so much for all the photos. . .I especially enjoyed the ramble around Williamsburg! Brought back a lot of good memories. We’ll be watching as you take off (set sail, I should say!) this afternoon. Bon Voyage!! xoxo

  86. Louise says:

    You always paint such a beautiful picture of wherever you are. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Your trips are a dream! Safe travels for you and Joe and can’t wait to her more❤️

  87. Arlene says:

    Bon voyage Susan and Joe! Thanks for letting me tag along ! I will enjoy every and savor every mile !

  88. Janie Phillips says:

    Bon Voyage, Sue and Joe! ❤️🚢👋🏻

  89. Sherry A Winchester says:

    Exactly what this Michigan girl needs! A sojourn! And you’re making that most pleasantly possible. Thank you ever so much, Susan! A big thanks to Joe, too….and wonderful Jack, who will be waiting when you get home. ^..^ A magical time to you as you part the waves! :^)

  90. I am so excited for you, Susan. Bon voyage! I have cruised twice. When we mustered in our stations for emergency practice I cried each time. In a past life I was on the Titanic, I have always believed. Since childhood I have been fascinated with all things Titanic. I have seen every movie and read many,many books about her. I cry because I am absolutely terrified to cruise. I learn where the lifeboats are and how to get to them from anywhere in the ship. I never wanted to cruise, but I overcame my fear some years back and went. I had a wonderful time, but I cry at muster time and the day before we go. So I understand your fear. All will be well for you two. Please take lots of pics on board for us. Most of all…Have fun and keep smiling. Love you.💖 Glad you love Florida. 🌴 You should see the West coast of Florida. Just beautiful as well and quieter. 🌴

    • sbranch says:

      As Eddie Rickenbacher said, “You can’t be brave unless you’re afraid.” It’s all in the way you look at it!

  91. Linda says:

    Hi Susan! Off you go on another awesome adventure and it will be wonderful!! I am so looking froward to enjoying every bit of it with you!! I am reading “A Fine Romance” again, just because I love it and want to go there too. Loved your blog today and I see a wee bit of myself in you…maybe it’s that we love and enjoy the same things and we are the same age! Well, you are several months older!! So happy I was able to meet you when you were in Missouri in 2016!! Thanks for taking us along again, safe travels and enjoy every minute…I know you will!!!

  92. Teresa O says:

    Dear Susan,

    It’s funny that this lady who once lived on Cape Cod, but now in Ohio is traveling to England & will hopefully meet you at the Castle Cottage BYO picnic. It’s happy happenstance that our time in the Lake District is coinciding with the picnic. There was no way I could go to England & not visit Hill Top, so perhaps it was all meant to be. I can’t wait for May!

    Bon Voyage! Soon you’ll be heading for the high seas & I’ll check on your progression via Instagram! May you have a safe & wonderful journey!

  93. Deborah James says:

    My heart is dancing with excitement and I am oh-so-very grateful to be able to tag along and”share” this voyage with you two darling guides. Thank you, thank you for the time you spend in making sure that I can see the green hills and feel the spring breezes and (almost) taste the warm scones in the cozy tea shops you visit. This trip to England and Scotland is a dream come true for me! Please know that all of your efforts are a joy and a blessing!
    May you enjoy fair winds, safe travels and magical adventures all along your way!
    Love to you,

  94. Susan says:

    Hey Suz,
    I can’t believe you were so close to me. I live in Norfolk and have been down those very streets in Williamsburg many times; it looks so beautiful in your photos. I’m a little confused, weren’t you supposed to leave from Charleston, my birth city? You will love Cape Canaveral and ALL the cruise ships! I hope you have a great time. I’m really ready for this vacation, thanks for taking us alone.

  95. Laurie B. Willard says:

    Now I know why I couldn’t get to sleep last night. I was thinking ‘small’ and excited to be going on Victoria with you and Joe. I am so full of all the wonderful things we will see and do. I leave for Ireland in 105 days (not that I am counting.)

  96. Cecelia says:

    Hey Suz,
    I can’t believe you were so close to me. I live in Norfolk and have been down those very streets in Williamsburg many times; it looks so beautiful in your photos. I’m a little confused, weren’t you supposed to leave from Charleston, my birth city? You will love Cape Canaveral and ALL the cruise ships! I hope you have a great time. I’m really ready for this vacation, thanks for taking us alone.

  97. Janet in Pittsburgh says:

    I haven’t left my hometown, but feel I am on vacation. Thanks so much for sharing all this fun and beauty with us. You are truly a special person. Safe travels and bon voyage to you and Joe.

  98. Martha Ellen says:

    Bon Voyage, dear Susan and Joe! It’s fun traveling along with you, my friend. I’m so glad you enjoyed Colonial Williamsburg. I think it’s quite special. Have a glorious time on board the Queen Victoria! Thanks for taking all the girlfriends on another adventure to Britain. xoxo ♥

  99. Cris says:

    I promise I will stay very quiet. I’ll just sit beside Petey and no one will notice I’m sure.

  100. jeanie says:

    Oh Susan, it’s all “just right,” isn’t it? Like Mama Bear but with good surprise! Williamsburg is terrific and I can see why you would fall in love with the wonderful buildings, craft and fences too. And then to go from our cold up-north to that beautiful blue! I’m so glad I decided to follow you on Twitter so I could keep up. (I hardly do Twitter at all — too much social media! — but you inspired me!)

    Bon voyage!

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