I bought 240 minutes of computer time, I have 54 minutes left and all I have are photos … I haven’t even written the words yet! Yikes, so here we go! MUSICA
Sunrise on the MOST delicious boat ride of my life. It has been beyond gorgeous. We could even lie in the sun! Trying not to fall asleep. I’ve read one entire book and started on another. I cast on the stitches of my scarf/shawl. I had a massage. Joe got wrapped! Then I got wrapped. Seaweed. Most heavenly. Warm, sunny, like the best of spring days, or early summer mornings, just beautiful. Hard to believe we pack tomorrow, and leave the ship on Friday morning! I keep getting snow photos from my English girlfriends, it will be a whole new world!
Here’s our ship, coming in to the Azores, which I had to look up to see exactly where it was! It’s part of Portugal, as I understand it, hard to believe because these islands are miles from any other sort of land, but yes, they do speak Portuguese ~ and many speak English too, thank goodness!
So pretty, and very self-sufficient as you would have to be out here. This is Terceira … a patchwork Garden of Eden of emerald greens divided by stone walls, punctuated by active volcanos, where the houses are white stucco with terracotta tiled roofs. It’s warm, subtropical, average temp about 65 degrees ~ it was sunny AND it rained while we were there.
It’s a lot like California!
Until you see the rock walls. . .
They took us to town on buses, into this charming downtown area, with lots of local shops and little restaurants . . .
And darling houses and gardens . . .
. . . and streets all tiled in designs with tiny cobblestones . . .
in every kind of art expression,
Mixed together shapes and sizes, all handmade and very interesting …
My first job in town was to find an umbrella, and I was thrilled to do it BEFORE it started to rain!
When we first arrived the sky was blue . . . we didn’t even need jackets!
But, see me over there, in the nick of time, umbrella’s up! And you can see even more of the cobblestone tile decoration in the streets and on the sidewalk.
Here too . . . and these musicians showed up with guitars and began serenading us!
See that woman with her hands together? She said with her hands EXACTLY what I was thinking! It was wonderful.
Here we are, at O Pescador, where the umbrella lady said we “must go” for lunch!
She was so right! You each get your own bottle of wine! A very congenial country! I don’t think I’ve tasted Mateus since around 1974! It was Yummy!
We had fish . . . how could we not? Joe’s was Cod, and mine was Swordfish, both with locally-grown vegetables.
We sat there, drank their delicious coffees, wrote postcards, and got stamps and even got them posted with Azores post mark!!! (Sometimes we amaze ourselves!)
Beaches the world over say the same luv-lee things to passers-by.
Across from the beach was this very old wall. See the “holes” just past the “door?”
That is home to some very curious pigeons who came out to say, “Hey, strangers, what’s up?”.
This perfect little wildflower was growing between the plastic thing and the concrete! I took this photo . . .
And Joe took this one! Our ride, way out there, waiting for us. And it was time to go find our bus and head back . . .
It was a lovely day in the Azores, we need to come back soon and stay longer!
But right now, we have a pre-planned VIP destination in mind . . .
But, until we get there, for all practical purposes we are “in Rome,” so we do what the Romans do! Which has a LOT to do with eating!
And sitting around, taking pictures of each other!
This is our assigned dining room. And that is the purse Sheri and Kellee got me for Christmas! It was the belle of the ball! Tiny but plenty of joie de vivre!
Every morning we get one our Daily Programme, about six pages of what surprises await us each day. . . you have to decide if you are going to make it to the Vegetable Carving Demonstration, or to the Ball, or if you just might stay in bed all day with your book? All things are possible.
Our dining room again. They have very few actual candles on board for good reasons I’m sure, but they have managed to figure out the softest prettiest lighting in all the rooms so you don’t really miss them!
Here’s my new umbrella, result of shopping in Terceira. SO happy to have it. What was I thinking, going to England without an umbrella??? Cur-A-zee. And Joe got himself some glue!
Because my ladybug fell off my ring! (Ladybird as the Brits say so adorably.)
It’s not a very expensive ring. I paid a dollar for it, and now, Joe fixed it, so I am ready to visit garden after garden wearing the correct jewelry.
OK, I will try to come back later, but if I can’t, at least there will be something. It’s unfinished, and even worse, no MUSICA (fixed!). But I will return. I have a 4 pm facial! Must go! Life is so terrible here. Don’t ever make me do this again. Miss you, love you, thank you for coming along! XOXO
I sure enjoyed visiting Portugal (sort of!). And what memories – we used to drink Mateus too! I had forgotten all about it. I am enjoying this trip right along with you and Joe! Thank you so much!
I really enjoyed visiting Portugal (sort of!). We used to drink Mateus too. I had forgotten all about it. I’m so happy to get to stow away with you and Joe on this trip. Thank you so much!
What fun it is to see your adventures. Can hardly wait till you get to England. Rereading “A Fine Romance”‘.
Oh my gosh! We are following you exact route, departing on April 15th in Miami and sailing to Ireland. I loved reading this update, and especially the reminder about an umbrella. Being a 20 year resident of the Pacific Northwest, we never use them any more at all – doing so out here is a sure sign you’re not a resident! But it I’ve added “pack umbrella” to my list – it will be good to have them to go along with our hooded jackets and hats! Bon Voyage!
So much fun being a stowaway! Resting up for traveling around in England. Looks like your having a wonderful time and the best is yet to come! Love it! Thanks for taking us all along.
So glad the storms aren’t spoiling your trip. Crazy weather all over the world. Thank You for sharing your trips. I look forward to each and every one. Plus your Musica is always lovely . AND it has links to so many other super fun artists and songs from the past. Susan you brighten everyone’s day.
As I sit and watch yet another nor’easter snow storm in Pennsylvania, it is such a lovely escape to read about your adventures. Thank you so much. Someday…
Oh that purse!!!!!! Where in the world did find something so absolutely Perfect for you!!!!
My thoughts exactly!
Oh that purse!!!!!! Where in the world did they find something so absolutely Perfect for you!!!!
Hi Susan–I am so glad to hear (see) what a wonderful trip you and Joe are having so far.
I love the pictures of Terceira, and I particularly love the fish cobblestones. How cute are they?! Wouldn’t that be fun to see in the streets every day?
Is the QV a British-registered ship? I’m wondering because the flag in the second photo you have posted is red with the Union Jack in the upper quadrant, rather than just being the full U/J alone.
Thank you so much for taking us all with you. The joys of sailing, without the perils of sea-sickness–or having to figure out how to drive on the wrong side of the road! Perfect!
I think it’s registered to Hamilton, Bermuda, but don’t quote me! Wrong side of the road driving is our next challenge!
It looks absolutely, positively MAAVELOUS… I’m so glad for you. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!!!
This has been so much fun reading your posts. Thanks!
It’s all so lovely
I can’t wait for you to get here in uk xx
Me either. Just saw some of your escaped seagulls flying around the ship! We are so close!
Oooh so exciting
I am visiting the Lake District in a couple
will you still be there ? We are staying in the
Of weeks time
Tower bank arms x
I’m afraid we will just miss you … our picnic is May 11. xoxo Have a WONDERFUL time, you’ll be in the very lap of it all!
Oh such a shame we will miss you
have a wonderful safe journey xx
Marvelous, Darling!!!! Every single minute~
Dear Susan,
Awwwww…thanks for buying the 240 minutes for your computer, and posting such a neat blog!! I am having so much fun with you and Joe!! Thanks for everything that you do…you are the BEST hosts! I LOVE the little embroidered heart shaped pillow that Petey is holding!! Did you make it or buy it? Where?! I would love to make or buy one..it is just too cute!! I am so happy that you are having such a wonderful time!! Oh…and I LOVE your new umbrella!!! I hope that this is your BEST trip EVER!!!
It was an adorable gift from one of the Girlfriends at the Booksigning in Charleston! I got all the cards mixed up and unfortunately, I don’t know which one, but that’s where I got it. Petey loves it to! It is the best trip ever Kathiellen. And my favorite part is that it’s the best trip ever and it’s RIGHT NOW! EEEEK!
It was me Susan! I was so nervous to give it to you, my embroidery skills were a bit rusty , but i couldn’t get the idea out of my head, you know how that goes! Glad you like it.
Its quite amazing to think that it is on the Queen Victoria keeping Petey company. Hugs to you both.
KIM! I love it so much … so darling, it’s the perfect memory. Now it’s here with us in England, keeping us all company! Thank you for that sweet thought. You know how much I love homemade things! xoxo
You’re the best! And omg gotta go the Azores now! What a score that cute little umbrella, the perfect kind of souvenir, useful and adorable! living vicariously thru you and loving every minute <3
My favorite kind too!
You are the dearest, Susan! Bonnie Crawford and I are happily and vicariously along for the ride. Sending envy and love.
Sandy Olsson
Happy you’re here, hi to Bon-Bon for me!
Absolutely wonderful! Thank you for everything!
awww Thanks so much for remembering your girlfriends! I so look forward to your blog. I live vicariously through you and your adventures.
Enjoy your trip! and safe travels home again.
I’ve been watching my email for an update – it was a treat to read it today !
God bless ya’ll , cathy
You are SO generous, Susan, to share your journey with us!! I love seeing the Mateus bottle-brought back good memories. Carry on now and be a good girl~Julia in Cincy(but born/raised in VA.)
Your trip looks fantastic! I have never even been on a cruise so love all of your photos and fun descriptions of everything you are seeing and doing! I am always thrilled to see that you have posted a new blog for all of us to be part of! You make it so interesting and fun!
Thanks so much!
How lovely! So romantic! Enjoy Susan and Joe. You are missing another Nor’Easter!
G’day me hearties!!
Having the most wonderful trip aboard with you and Joe!! Thanks for having us along with you in your cabin!!
Your pictures are fabulous and the Azores look beautiful – love the patterns and pictures in their cobbled streets. Your large glass of delishousness looks extremely interesting…what was in it?? Yum!
Thank you for gong through all of this on our behalf…you are troopers – can’t believe what you are having to put up with on this journey: drinks, massages, wraps, visits to beautiful islands….you must be having a ball!!
I know it’s been awful! And that was my first professional facial in LIFE!!! Which, now that I know what it is, is about 40 years too late, at least!
Hubby was TDY in the Azores many years ago and his side trip was London as I remember the pictures of it. I also remember him saying what it was like flying into the place.
When you get home, you can still enjoy the Azores. Very near you in Massachusetts–New Bedford, the Cape, Gloucester etc.–there is a large population of Azoreans and descendants. Restaurants, churches, cultural festivals and more. It’s said there are more Azoreans in Massachusetts than in the Azores!
Lots of descendants on the Island too . . . and also, San Luis Obispo was very much settled by folks from there! Made it extra interesting for us!
Who knew?! Another amazing connection for you! And now we all know where the Azores are
Thank you so much for taking us along on your cruise to England! Otherwise, I would never experience such a lovely trip. Don’t fly, don’t do water…….but there is so, so much to see in the U. S. of A.!!
So enjoy your little updates! Sounds like you are having a wonderful time.
It sounds just such a fab time! We leave on an NCL cruise out of NYC this coming Sunday! There’s nothing like ship travel – getting there is half the fun! But today we are experiencing yet another Nor’easter. Oh Spring, Spring, come out, come out, wherever you are!
So glad that you and Joe are relaxing and enjoying the lovely Queen Victoria. You are lucky to have gotten to the Azores; our friends’ cruise cancelled the stop. It truly is a lovely place with the gorgeous Emerald Lake. Safe, happy journey; Merry Olde England awaits!
I had no idea the Azores were so pretty. Glad that was one of your stops! Thanks for bringing us along.
Aren’t you thrilled you are missing MORE snow in the Northeast? We had a lovely first day of Spring yesterday here in the Pacific Northwest. Today…not so much, the rain is back.
I get so excited when I check my e mail and find something from Susan Branch!
Wish I was in your luggage!!!!
Thank you for the dreamy trip report!
Love traveling with you, as always, enjoying the details
you write about, photographs too. The Victoria looks
so much bigger than your QEII…maybe an illusion.
Do you like it more, or less?
Looking forward to all the upcoming adventures!
Loved learning a little something about the Azores. Had no idea where they were or that Portuguese is the language. Also love that cute polka dot umbrella
What a great souvenir. Thank you so much for sharing it all with us. Such a treat.
Thank you for checking in
Loving our amazing trip!
Thank you for taking us with you by purchasing the internet time! Your girlfriends appreciate it and being able to vicariously travel along with you! You and Joe are darling! Please have people take more pictures of you both as a couple! God bless your trip, dear Susan and Joe!
I should be thanking you Susan! I feel incredibly lucky to be sharing this trip with you – and the way you write and caption your photos, I REALLY do feel as though I’m sharing in your travels. Blow a kiss to Blighty from me when you get there!
Thank you Susan! I’m having so much fun!
Loved all of it! We’ve had our own adventures here, but won’t bore you with that. It’s been such fun to jump in and see what’s happening! You both look so good and rested and happy! Can’t wait to see what’s next!!! Eager to dock with you tomorrow!! Jane xoxo
I mean on Friday! That shows my state of mind!
Happy sailing tomorrow!
I think I must finally have adjusted to life in Oregon–no umbrellas are ever used up here. When we moved from California I thought they would be our most vital accessories, and was thrilled I had one with a wooden duck’s head, imagining how snazzy I would be, walking around the streets of my new state with my fancy umbrella. Alas, that charming thing and all the others languish in the basement or the trunk or the mudroom, where a few guests occasionally grab them, to our surprise.
I love that cute little cruise ship purse! They are sold out on the Kate Spade site, but I just found one on Ebay. Thanks for the inspiration, and I hope you continue to have a wonderful adventure!
Hi Susan…thanks for sharing your time in the Azores! We are Portuguese and some of our family is from the Azores Islands. So glad you are enjoying your trip!
What a blessing! I could picture myself there, by your photos.
Lovely to hear you are having such a good time. British Mint are producing Peter Rabbit 50p pieces for your visit. …..sorry…to celebrate Beatrix Potters centenary!!! Something else to collect….
Loved seeing the Azores and all the charm that went with it. It looks like you have gone back to short hair or is it just rolled up in back? Happy packing for England and beyond!
Had not been to the Azores before – luvalee countryside and town!! Thank you so very much for the tour
soooo glad you are having fair weather and following seas! And that blue polka dot umbrella with a polka dot ruffle on the rim will also be most charming in the English gardens!
Oh, Susan, it all sounds wonderful. So many interesting places to explore and yet more to come. Hope it warms up in England and stops snowing soon. I’m sure that you are looking forward to seeing those spring lambs and the lovely flowers.
Love it Susan! Thanks for sharing.
Love your wonderful photos! Beautiful sights. So exciting, elegant, deliteful.

Thanks for inspiring me to take a “cruise” on a nice day. Teehee, I took the ferry from Kingston to Edmonds across Puget Sound this morning before the rain starts again this evening. So pleased to hear you have been able to unplug and enjoy warm seas.
Oh, what fun you are having! I enjoy the small details of life also. I really liked your pics of the cobblestones. And your purse?!?! Perfection for your trip. Have a wonderful time in England and soak up the countryside for me…and a scone…and some tea…and the British accents…
As everyone has said, we are so grateful to see the world through your amazingly detailed eyes. Love that you share it with us. Thank you and can’t wait until our next stop.
Smiles and hugs,
Happy to see that you are having a great time! You & Joe look so relaxed! Enjoy every minute!
Hugs. ~Charl
~~Thank you for sharing the fabulous photos! (We’ll all be shoveling snow on the east coast!
Susan, that’s a prince you have sailing with you (no, not little Petey) and he is sailing with the Queen of Vibrant Living and joie de’vivre!
Love, love, love this post and so glad you were able to share whilst on the high seas. Oh, this is SUCH fun, isn’t it girlfriends?!
We both love traveling but this has got to be the “next best thing”! ENJOY!
So fun to hear about your trip. An armchair traveler by necessity, I love all the details and photos, especially when you are going to my dream destination. Thanks for taking so much time out of your trip to share with us!
Hello you!
This trip is so wonderful, so far! I just read about the cups and the terrible job they did on the paint. No worries though, I feel it’s worth waiting for.
I cannot wait to get to England again with you and all the other Girlfriends!
Enjoy your time! Wish we were there with you
It looks lovely…..
So much fun!!!!!
So happy you were able to visit the Azores. One of the most beautiful places in the world. Wild hydrangeas grow along the windy roads, the freshest fish and vegetables, and the kindest people! xo
Madame Branch, I just love all your post, pictures and comments! I just couldn’t find what exactly it was but now I know! Your soul sees everything and your brain knows exactly how to share it with us! Maybe my English doesn’t help me to say it how I feel it but it’s when I saw your picture of the musicians doing the serenade and you mention the lady holding her hands was showing how you feel! That’s it! You induce emotions through your words! Thank you so much for sharing and I hope you will do many more adventure we get to hear and see and feel about
What a yummy surprise…a new blog. If you and Joe dance tonight, we hope you will have a shipmate take a snap. You both look so happy and rested. That makes me feel awfully good. Tomorrow, (1 AM in Southhampton right now) you will be stepping off Victoria and onto my favorite bit of Earth.
Thank you for buying the minutes to share your Azores trip. Tom and I are thinking of flying over. Our good buddy highly recommends it. Looking forward to tweets of your first week in Old Blighty.
Debbie in Tampa
Oh, what a grand time! Yes, we will all force you to do it again! Continue to enjoy!
It’s probably somewhere with all my other “jewels”, but 45 years ago I bought the tiniest little ladybug pin. It was on a long pin that you just pinned on, like you would pin down a pattern on fabric. Looked real if you looked fast enough. Enjoy your trip, I know I am!
Fun, fun, fun, just tagging along. Thanks so much.
We have close to 14 inches of snow in Virginia today….guess you came and went from Williamsburg at just the right time! Actually, we’re over in the Shenandoah Valley and the snow was lovely. But your view is quite lovely, too. Glad you’re having a grand time.
I have never traveled by ship, only a barge through France for a watercolor trip, but I just may try it after reading your wonderful journal entry. It is really so kind of you to take us along! I am enjoying every minute!
Hi Sue:What a surprise to hear from you from the Azores. Incredible love the mosaics just gorgeous and your own bottle of wine sounds divine. Oh enjoy the relaxation- reading-massages it’s all just too too. Can’t wait for the next stop. Hope you and Joe enjoy everything! Noelle
Thanks so very much! Would not be able to see or do what you all are doing, but then again, you are making it happen for me, for us. Great job and have a fabulous time ! Linda
This cruise seems way different than the last one —lots of new experiences !
What a lovely trip so far, and you haven’t even arrived at your final destination! It seems like this voyage has been very relaxing (and no seasickness?) and more like a vacation for you. Enjoying every step of the way with you! LOVED the Azores!
Was hoping to see a post about Bermuda! How was it? Glad you are having fun….
Thanks for sharing the mundane things such as buying an umbrella and glue as adventurous and exciting. It shows all of us tagging along that the world is not so different and filled with kindness such as a retailer sharing a good place for a bite to eat, and that music and musicians make everyday brighter. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing your lovely photos throughout your journey.
So happy to hear from you & hear about all the fun. Absolutely wonderful! I almost feel like I’m right there with you both. So looking forward to the English countryside
..enjoy every single minute
I love that you talk about the foods (and show us pictures), because that is one of my favorite things about traveling. Its wonderful to try different cultural foods, it takes me out of my everyday rut. Thank you for taking the time and energy to help us explore the world with you!! You will never know how much we appreciate it Susan! I know I am living vicariously through you! How fun!
You both look so content and happy, I imagine I can hear you purring.
And Joe dressed for dinner! Susan what did you wear and is this a frequent
occurrence? Thank you, dear Susan. I am so enjoying escaping to the Queen Victoria as the fourth nor’easter of the month comes our way. love to you!
So much fun, Susan! I haven’t seen Mateus in ages either. You and I are about the same age and I grew up outside of Phoenix but my family is from SF. I think it was one of the first wines I drank in college – along with Almaden. I was just wondering if those wines were still available. Thank you for taking me along!
Lovely Azores
My grandmother & grandfather immigrated from Feol . It’s supposed to be very safe & beautiful islands
. I hope to visit someday with grandchildren in toe
! Thanks for taking me virtually there . Enjoy that lovely ship
& thank you for sharing your adventure . Penny
Hard to believe you’re almost to your destination….such a LUV-LEE description of what you’ve been up to, I feel like I got wet in Portugal and drank some wine for dinner
Bon voyage mes amies!
I’m feeling like I am right along side you and we are sharing this trip together. My grandparents are from the Azores. So fun to see you stopping on by there. Great pics. Just finished reading your Isle of Dreams book. So lovely. I live nearby your old stomping grounds.
Oh my…I am really enjoying this trip! Mateus wine – I think the last time I had it was 1974 also. Must find some…memories in a bottle! It’s raining cats & dogs on the Central Coast – we sure need it, but worried about more mess in S.B. The good part, the hills are turning green! Carry on until next post.
Soon I will be doing one check off my bucket list. I’m going to be a traveler just like you! I’m going to Italy!!! It’s so very exciting! I follow your blog and take notes, because my next destination (that I have to save up for; after Italy, will be England- Ireland-Scotland. You are helping me plan that trip via your fun blogs. So I thank you. It’s so much fun being free to travel. Being a senior citizen has it’s perks.
Safe travels dear Susan.
Randi —<—<—@
Love the pictures. You two are perfect travelers.
Love traveling with you and Joe. You point out so many things that I would have missed if I were to travel alone! LOL Enjoy because I sure am enjoying!!
What a magnificent ship! It’s huge! And now I know more about the Azores. It’s so curious to me that you’ve been in balmy weather when I would have thought the Atlantic at this time of year would be icy-cold.
And I had to laugh when you wrote, “I’ve (haven’t) tasted Mateus since around 1974!” OMG, I forgot about Mateus. Remember when everybody in their 20s was drinking it? (At least in SoCalif we were!)
Sounds like you and Joe are having a wonderful time! Love seeing all the pictures, especially of the Azores, of which I know very little. It won’t be long now until you are back on English soil. Hope they don’t have too much snow. We in the north east got dumped on again, on the first day of spring too! Happy sailing and I will look forward to more pictures and updates as they come. Thanks for sharing with us!
Oh, what JOY!
Oh what fun!
So happy to hear from you. Missed you!
Cute little ring. Glad Joe saved it. Love being one of your stowaways. Great trip so far. Looking forward to more adventures.
Thank you for taking us all along – this is an amazing trip! I can “hear” the joy in your writing. Continued safe travels for you and Joe!
You are on a ship getting a facial, and I am on a boat Spring cleaning and in bad need of a facial. Lol. Tell Joe that we will have to compare market veggie pictures. Lol. Mine was taken in Crete. I just adore the new brelly! Got to love polka dots!!
This is so much fun! I love your new umbrella! It’s so sweet how you take pictures of each other. The one that Joe took with you across the street with your umbrella is really cool. I love the way he fixes things for you and carries everything! You certainly found your prince charming!

Dear Susan,
Mateus!!! My first wine (18 years old). Someone else bought it for us. You know the old “have to be 21” bit. I still have the bottle somewhere. I believe that is about the cutest umbrella I have ever seen. And in closing I must say the old Queen Victoria looks great from behind!
Love and Fun,
Mary Parsons
Joe can fix anything!!! First your Jemima Puddleduck and now the Ladybird/bug ring. He’s a keeper. I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful vacation.
Oh, to receive a postcard from Susan! I love your blog and your beautiful photos. I feel like I’m along on the trip! If only! You and your husband enjoy every moment together on this wonderful adventure!

So glad you’re having such a fabulous time! Love all the pictures; I learn so much about places I’ve never been when I travel with you. I’m still enjoying the happy memory of meeting you and Joe in Charleston. Y’all were exactly as I expected— down-to-earth, friendly, chatty, funny, and you actually wrote a comment in every book in your beautiful handwriting. My books are lovelier than ever with your sweet comments. I haven’t sent an email yet with my ideas for Holly Oak, but you can’t be thinking about that right now anyway. Just enjoy this fantastic trip and all the places you’ve not been yet. Write great diary entries, and take a million pictures!
Sounds wonderful, Susan. Especially the sun part. Ah, Mateus. I haven’t had it since around 1974 either! I felt so grown up then!
Oh my gosh, Susan! A big smile on my face, reading your fabulous words and looking at your beautiful pictures (and faces). Thank you so much for sharing with us!
What a lovely sunrise! I felt as if I were on the boat with you. I can’t wait for the adventure to unfold. It seems as if this crossing will be very different from the ones on the Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. I believe that you are on a more southerly route this time around. If I close my eyes, I can just imagine the expanse of stars at night. The Azores look lovely. I’ve been to Lisbon where tile work abounds. And yes, I , too, was caught in the rain. Didn’t dampen my day one bit, even though I didn’t have an umbrella. Mateus- does that bring back memories!! I’m not even sure if it is still available here.
You will love knitting on circular needles! I have small hands, so I have difficulty with needles longer than 12″. I was advised to use circular needles, especially when traveling, by a local yarn shop years ago. They are now my “go to” needles for most projects (not socks though- I’m still mastering them on double points). You will find, I believe, that they are much easier to carry around.
I’m currently reading a wonderful book that you might want to get a copy of for your return journey- Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave. It’s about England and Malta during WWII and the Blitz. My mother was British and was in London during the Blitz. My father went over as a special weapons expert. Since you enjoyed The Darkest Hour, I thought that you (and Joe as well) might enjoy it.
Thank you once again for always brightening our day