Hello darlings, wow, how the world has changed since we last met! Go make a cup of tea, something that soothes, come back, cuddle up in front of the fire ~ tomorrow is the luv-lee first day of Spring 🌸 . . . Let’s celebrate! Take a deep breath, turn on the MUSICA and let’s talk!In honor of Spring, I was going to give you YELLOW today, the color of sunshine and hope . . . but then I Googled: What is the color of calm, and found out it’s BLUE. So we’ll save Yellow for next time and go for Calm. Which goes so well with a crackling fire, and slippers stuffing across the carpet.💙 Are you ready? Let’s Go!

Look at our sky! Lambs tails!No leaves on the trees yet, but coming soon: sun on our faces, leaves and blossoms and flowers and warm dirt to play in.We haven’t been out of the house for a week, except for our walk, thank God, so lucky, we have a walk to go on. But we’re doing our part to flatten the curve! 

Even putting these blue photos up makes me insta-happy, I can feel the relaxation setting in. You know, we’re going to come out of this better than ever!💙 We’ve been going so fast. Hardly any time for the little things. Guardian angels having trouble keeping up.

This old blue quilt was handmade, tiny little stitches. by someone who stayed home for a very long time. Most things worth having are done that way.💙

Blue and white hand towels, so pretty in the bathroom, but they require ironing! Which is an easy and rather calming thing to do if you’re home, and there’s a good movie on TV.

This is a photo I found a long time ago, but have never had a reason to put up until now . . . see what being calm brings us? A doll house! Look at that little bed! And the rug!

A drive around New England (back in the good old days) brought us this beautiful blue house!🚙

A blue book! And a good project while waiting for the daffodils to bloom! We just got a new shipment of them!

A sweet blue dishtowel, for cleaning out the glass cupboard . . . such a perfect time for all the at-home projects we’ve been promising ourselves to do but never take the time.💙

Unexpected, unwanted, unplanned for change, very much like what happened to me all those years ago, can be painful (as I know you know) ~ you think you might not survive, but after a while, a new sort of creativity takes over. When we get small and our hearts turn to home.💙 We’re scared, like everyone else, that we won’t be able to stay in business. Most of what we do is on-line, but people are saving their money right now and we forgot to sell Susan Branch Hand Sanitizer! For us, like for everyone, it’s going to be one day at a time. One thing good about Martha’s Vineyard being seasonal is that every year when the tourist season ends and everyone goes home, the island has a chance to heal from the summer onslaught. The beaches are quiet, no footprints, no more beer cans in the woods, the roads are empty. It’s a breath of fresh air. But our earth never gets a rest in this fast and crazy world. She’s been rode hard and put away wet. Money matters more than our girl, our God-given gift. She’s resting now, cars and planes and many factories, the world over, have stopped emitting. We have a time-out. Maybe we can rethink what matters to us.💞We pass one house every day on the dirt road where we walk. Very industrious young people live there, from what we can see, they have a home business selling firewood, and sometimes, it seems, they sell trees. There’s a baby that lives there, and a dog. (They are part of our Morning Science, as we divine from what we see, what they do.) We know their dog is going to run toward us and bark his face off, but he won’t bite. He’s part chicken.🐶

And they always holler a hello, and we always do too. Well, yesterday the man was driving out in his truck, stopped, rolled down his window and said, “How are you two doing? Do you need anything? Because I have seven deer in my freezer and 23 tuna fish!!!” (Exclamation points are mine.) “And you are welcome to anything you’d like. I have a huge garden in the summer, and all the seeds you might want and I’d love to give you some if you like!” It was the longest conversation we’d ever had with him. So kind.💞The kindness of strangers is everywhere these days. People are serenading each other from high rise buildings! It’s going to be hard for every one, and much harder for some than for others, but we’re linking arms with each other and the rest of the world and we’re going to come out of this better than we went in, more connected for our shared hardships, and shared prayers, our shared GRATITUDE. Works of art and beauty will come from this.💙And we can start small, because as far as I’m concerned this delicious-smelling cake is a work of art and a thing of beauty. It also says love. In the old days when our society was totally home-centric, you wanted peanut butter cookies, you made them. It’s a good way to be. You want a Milk Cake? You can make it (Click there or go to p. 90 of A Fine Romance). And you deserve it! In these times of trouble we must all watch our diet.💙

And it’s time to decorate for spring! Perfect! #StayHome, nurk, and flatten the curve.💙So, a few “normal” things going on here . . . We did a new printing of A Fine Romance . . . the 7th! It shipped last week, the little engine that could . . .

. . . working its way around the world via word of mouth, sister to sister, friend to friend, wife to husband . . . little joy-book of the English Countryside makes me so proud.💙 I have to say thank YOU for liking it! All my life I’d done cookbooks, this was such a departure my publisher would not take a chance on it. So we had to do it ourselves. I was so scared!💘  And because we were asked, and because we do listen, we have two new friendship notecards in our web store.❤️

What else? Well, I’m ALMOST done with the 2021 calendars! Only the blotter left to go. I’ve had so much fun designing them this year. It was the hardest thing choosing the photos for the new photo calendar. I want to surprise you so I won’t show you what I chose, but I’ll show you a few that got away!

This one didn’t make it!!! I know, shocking. But, a secret, I put a little photo of Jack on every single month.👏 He insisted. Me-me-me! BTW he, for one, is thrilled with the coronavirus, loves that we are staying home at his total beck and call, says things like, “THIS is more like it!”😻

This one didn’t make it either . . . I was afraid the shadows were too strong and it wouldn’t print well. But I do love my billowing man-shirts!Normally I don’t actually care (as you’ve probably noticed) if a photo is a little out of focus if it’s pretty ~ but I sort of do when it comes to a wall-calendar.

And this . . . I love it, tried to squish it in, but no.

And this one didn’t make it. If this one didn’t make it, imagine the ones that did!🌸


And believe it or not, not this one either!

Or, this one . . .

And this is my very favorite out-of-focus, but . . . no. I promise I chose some good ones ~ here’s a preview of the cover!

And because my calendar publisher is worried what kind of year he is going to have, I thought I should put up the two wall calendars for presale right now. He’s placing his order soon, and I want to make sure we have at least enough for our Blog Girlfriends. We should have them in by July! I hate to suggest you think Christmas right now . . . but it’s a strange world we’re in.And here’s ⬆️ a sneak peak of the April page! See Jack? I snuck him in everywhere!And now, the cover of the 2021 Wall Calendar:
And a sneak peek . . .of the November page~which reminds me of this photo:

which hangs on our fridge right now . . .

Days are getting longer now . . . shadows are coming earlier! The world is hunkering down. Sharing their favorite series to watch, favorite books, favorite movies . . .There’s a wonderful website with virtual tours of the most amazing museums in the world. We might as well come out of this thing a little smarter. Remember when Martha Stewart went to prison and came out wearing a cute poncho she knit herself? Making lemonade out of lemons! Let’s do it!🍋Back to work I go darling Girlfriends. Happy Spring! Remember the secret of having it all is believing that you do.🌸 Best of luck, take care, God bless you.💞

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733 Responses to FIRESIDE CHAT

  1. Christine Anderson says:

    Thank you for such a positive post. We need to develope our positive can do attitude! Yes we can! We are AmeriCANs. Blue is one of my favorites and I have much blue around me but I am not “blue” or sad in any way. Thanks for again for being positive!

  2. Shirley says:

    Who else sang the words ” Slow down you move too fast…..”
    I’ve got that song on a vinyl single . That’s how old I am.
    Lovely blog. Just what we need. X

  3. Susan P says:

    Was happy to see a new blog. My husband and I are still walking our 2 or 3 miles a day. Depends on the weather here in California lots of rain and also ache knees!! We walk in the morning and the evening… we need to stay active. Also I was quilting in bed and lost my needle between the mattress and the side board. So in the morning, thought I could just reach down ad get IT OH NO I had to move the mattress off the bed. I got my special needle….and….well.. I went this far might as well do a VERY GOOD SPRING CLEANING. From wall to wall ceiling to floor. AAAHHHHHH I had nothing else to do. But we are doing all those little inside projects we always say we are going to do. It seems when the sun is out we want to be out in the garden or bike riding etc etc and those little tiny projects do not get done.
    Another thing is we can not get things from our stores. People are really panicking and when we were able to go in very little is on the shelf’s. So we did not panic we order take out and we are having fun with it. Now all the restaurant are closed but most of them are taking orders to go How great is that!! They are helping us and we are helping them!!!
    We take each day one day at a Camillas and geraniums Easter Lilies have bloomed and I pick flowers every day and they are all over the house to bring nature and life and beauty inside. We are the oldest on our block and we are the only ones that go outside and work in the yard. Every one is off and we IF we see them we give a wave and hi. We need to be together here…for each other and to help when needed. Thanks for a calming and beautiful blog.
    Take care and God bless us all, Love, Susan P.

  4. Jeanne of Iowa, Jeanne Jorgensen says:

    Thank you so much. How we all need you right now. It would seem you were created just to help us all through a challenging time. We are in our 70s and have self quarantined for several weeks already. We get out for rides around the countryside: to see the trumpeter swans on a nearby pond; the large, random glacial stones in one area’s front yards; the sunshine on the Maquoketa River. And we take walks about the back yard to see lovely snowdrops and emerging crocus. We read your Twitter several times a day and cherish a new post. By the way, we also watched ‘The Quiet Man’ last night even though we know it by heart.
    Thank you, kindred spirit– good reading, walking, painting and drinking of tea.
    PS Hi to Joe and Jack, love you both, too.

    • sbranch says:

      I recorded it and I’m watching it again right this moment. I’ve learned the song they sing in the bar and can sing along about that wild colonial boy, Jack Duggan was his name.😁 Stay safe Jeanne.

  5. Mary Brehm says:

    Such a welcome post today. I am so distracted, worried and sad that I don’t know what to do with myself. If I didn’t have OCD before now, I will when this terrible time is over. I have been scrubbing and washing everything and my poor hands are raw. My daughter, Sarah, drove home from Michigan yesterday and arrived last evening with her Kitty in tow. She is a ph.d candidate at The University of Michigan and they are pretty much shut down for the foreseeable future. She didn’t want to be alone there with everything that’s happening so home she came and Bill and I are happy to have her here.
    It’s a very pretty sunshiny day today, but still cold. I’m gonna head out in my yard anyway and try to rake or putter, pick up sticks to try and calm myself down a bit. I pray that you and Joe stay healthy and safe. Thank you so much for everything you do to make this word a happier place. We’ve never met, but I consider you a dear friend and I’m grateful for you. Love to you, Joe and Jack

    • Peggy Willoughby says:

      One of the best things about all of this self isolation is that we grow closer to those we love with and our grown children want to come home to us. And our houses are cleaner than ever. A blessing in disguise. Know you are not alone. We are all puttering and enjoying the spring weather at home. Stay healthy.

  6. Sandy in KY says:

    Sitting at work (a bank) on lunch. Thought I might find an update on your blog, did do and so grateful for it. I knew you would bring some sunshine to this uncertain world. I have my SB desk calendar in front of me with all its happy colors and other happy things. I appreciate you doing your part to make this world a better place. You’re a precious soul Susan. You and Joe take care of yourselves and Jack.

  7. Melina says:

    Clicked on your site earlier today, and nothing new. When I clicked this time, my heart sang! Then, for the first time during this difficult phase, I wept. So good to see something lovely, graceful, and thoughtful. God Bless You, Susan.

  8. Mary Rice says:

    What a season we are in! But in the midst of change (Spring really is here tomorrow). Sheltering in place (time to be creative). Your post is timely, how fun two new wall calendars to look forward to. I have placed the order! Yep! I am happier. And I know God is still in Control, I hope for protection for you and Joe and for all of us.

  9. Christine Anderson says:

    Ps to my former comment, a great new book: The Boy, theMole, the Fox and the horse by Charlie Macessy, very inspirational and positive. All hand written and illustrated much like yours Susan! I can’t say enough good about it! Have a piece of cake and a hug!!

  10. Beth Wilson says:

    Peaceful and calming words and photos. Perfect!

  11. Linda Bailey says:

    Your message was just what we needed at this time. I have faith in America and our President and his team. Things will get better, maybe not next week, but soon. And we as a nation will be stronger for it. I couldn’t resist your “This Old House” calendar and just placed my order. Best of everything to you and all the girlfriends.

  12. Sue Lamke says:

    Once again you’ve given us hope and comfort. Keep up the good words and we will get through this.

  13. Peggy Willoughby says:

    My blood pressure went right down reading your blog this afternoon. Ahhhh. Thank you.
    I had just come in from a sunny walk in our neighborhood. Sounds relaxing. Not today. The Live Oaks are shedding old leaves pushed off by new green budding ones, as they do this time of year. The breeze catches them and they twitter about. Awww, sweet. No! Daisy, our 11 month old pup loves to jump and chase them then eat them…on the end of her leash, behind me, in the air, under my feet. She is exhausting and still a puppy in so many ways. Not a care in the world. Enviable these days.
    So thank you, Susan, for this relaxing blog.
    And blue! I love blue. Our bedroom is always a robin’s egg blue. So restful.
    Stay safe. Stay home. Be healthy. Love you.❤

    • sbranch says:

      You must have been a picture out there! 😂 xoxo

      • Peggy Willoughby says:

        Always! It is like having a kite, but it is a white, 6 lb poodle on the end of the leash. Lol!
        We walked just now 10:30 am, less breezy, so it was less crazy today. She walked beautifully.
        Plan for today is to finish the Home Sweet Home cross stitch and make it into a pillow and sit in the sunshine in the deck..
        Have a super day. Stay healthy. Love to you and Joe.

  14. Lynn Fogwill says:

    Thankyou Susan x

  15. M says:

    Thanks! I desperately needed this today.

  16. Cheryl says:

    Thank you for a lovely, very welcome break!
    Beautiful pictures. Thanks again.

  17. julie ann hatch says:

    So good to hear from you! Just this morning I was thinking of you and sending good health and wishes your way. You have gotten me through so many tough times-we will get through this one together as well. xo

  18. susan Piddington says:

    Dear Sue and Joe
    Just saw your blog, don’t have time to read it as I have to go to work… in a nursing home… I’m in my seventies and a bit nervous, but they need workers. Thank you so much for posting this to help keep us sane and having something positive to read in this trying times. Say healthy. I’ll comment again after I have time to read this.
    Love Sue

    Do you know if Sharon made it home from England

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Susan, for what you do. Please be so careful. My Uncle lives in a nursing home and it’s pretty hard for them. No one is allowed to visit. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. Not sure which Sharon you are speaking of? xoxo

  19. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    Of course I loved every bit of your blog post today* I always do. Its still pretty chilly out but oh so pretty right
    please stay safe and healthy*

    love deezie

  20. Barb Johnson says:

    Thank you, Susan! This is just what we needed today! Sending love, blessings, and best wishes for continued good health for you and your family!

  21. Lorraine from White Plains,NY says:

    Another unexpected bonus from all the “home quarantines?” All the babies that will be born nine months from now — they’ll have the unfortunate moniker of “Corona Babies!”

  22. Jo says:

    Thank you for all the lovely and soothing pictures. I am one of the “lucky” ones who still has to go to work everyday-at the local hospital but none the less am decidedly concerned that I am not waiting this out at home. Beach, blue, flowers, sand, kitty-all calming and perhaps present a light at the end of this indeterminate tunnel. Plus I love the Milk cake, have made it many times.

    • sbranch says:

      Our hospital workers are the most amazing people, deserving of all our thanks, and the moniker of “Hero.” Thank you for what you do Jo. Please stay well. Give my love to your co-workers and tell them THANK YOU. 🙏

  23. Helen S says:

    Thank you, dear Susan… I feel so much better now…and not a bit blue, in spite of all your beautiful blue photos! Hang in there, far-away friend… I will do the same ❤️

  24. Phyllis says:

    Your post cheered me up so much today! Thank you Susan! I had to cancel my planned April trip to England and I am so disappointed, so any way I can be cheered up is helpful 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      The cancelations! We have a friend who’s son just canceled his wedding! Eeeek! But there it is, nothing to do but use the time to plan an even BETTER trip for next April!

  25. Patricia Salada says:

    You got some nice free advertising today at this blog:

    I think you will enjoy reading this cooking blog.

  26. What a well timed blog♡♡ The girls and I always look to this as our barometer of “it’s got to get better” cheerfulness. Thank you for taking the time to keep us sane.
    Sam and the gals

  27. Marsha Sega says:

    Pictures are marvelous! Just came back from a walk with a friend on out greenway trail by the lake. Saw two young friends leaving after walking. They were about 6 feet apart and with out stretched arms, gave each other a “virtual” hug. How quickly our lives went from normal to the new normal. I am retiring from teaching, after 34 years, at the end of this year. We are, of course, out of school. Right now it’s until 4/13 but from what I’m hearing, its doubtful we will go back this year. This is NOT how I envisioned my last year of teaching to end. Please keep posting love-lee pictures for us to enjoy. Stay safe and stay well.

  28. Neva says:

    I get excited whenever I see you in my email. I know I’ll be taking a mini vacation as I read your letter. And I always return refreshed and renewed. Thank you.

  29. Karen M Ruggiero says:

    Thanks so much Susan, I love all that you do!!

  30. Luanne Morgado says:

    You must be reading my mind….as I sit here coloring (my meditative stress reliever) I was thinking that the perfect thing RIGHT NOW would be a post by Susan Branch…. Then, my tablet when DING….new email….I look at IT.IS.FROM.YOU!!!!

    THANK YOU so much. I feel a little better now. My prayers are everyone PLEASE stay healthy & safe. Thank you Susan. 😊🥀🌱💕

  31. Regina Carretta says:

    so nice to hear from you this morning…..nice things are happening, you are correct….the goodness and the kindness is coming out in full force….my watercolor teacher is posting some of her work she is doing to those of us who went to Italy with her in September, and she is asking us to send her what we have been working on since we have been sheltering in place…..young neighbors are in touch with those of us who aren’t so young, checking in, offering grocery runs…..I am handing out daffodils….and making eggplant parmesan to share with a neighbor who is making taco soup! we are lucky we will eat well because we are sharing……my friend Nancy and I are still researching London and Sussex gardens as if our June 29th trip is still happening….we have a good attitude, knowing that we will keep on planning until someone tells us we can’t go! So thank you dear for checking in on us….we are checking in on you…..your “blue” happy photos are perfectly in sync with the forget me nots that JUST opened up outside!! love you love you… well….

  32. Donna Hamilton, Arkansas says:

    Thank you Susan for such a lovely blog post today. Yes, the world is changing around us, and like you, I think we will come out on the other side better. I am required to keep working through this, and wish I could be home, hunkered down, but I will keep on keeping on and pray for everyone around. I can only imagine how good your picture calendar will be since the pictures you posted today are lovely!

  33. Sue in Houston says:

    Perfect! Now that we’re all stuck at home, maybe we can look to you for more frequent posts…??? My fingers are crossed because you’re always such a bright spot. I chose to look at this whole thing as God’s way of telling me I need to be home, doing my spring cleaning!

    Stay well!

    • sbranch says:

      I would do this full time if I could afford to! It’s my favorite thing! Writing letters, like I’ve done all my life, but now, here! But I still need to work, books still need to be written, but I am going to do my best to keep up better. xo

      • Sue in Houston says:

        P.S. I hope all your California friends and family are well…they’ve been pretty hard hit by this thing out there.

        • sbranch says:

          I’m checking on them, so far, knock on wood, so good. We’re all more connected than ever. Fun to sit at night and text!

  34. Martha Littlejohn says:

    Thank you for spreading some light in our dark days. Always look for the positive – the gift of time…I’m hoping all out there come through this time with health and an appreciation of our blessings.

  35. Nancy says:

    A blessing! Your post is a blessing! Love, love the blue photos….my favorite color and indeed calming…..what we all need right now. I actually ironed this morning while watching The Price Is Right! Grandma instilled Bob Barker into my psyche! Stay safe and well everyone!
    Prayers for our world!

  36. Karen Holly says:

    Thank you for this uplifting post, Susan!

  37. Susan Derbacher says:

    Count me in for a calendar.
    Uniquely beautiful, personal and filled with warmth and love.
    Thank you for your lovely gift to us!

  38. Terri says:

    Susan, the outside of your home is so pretty and old looking. Have you ever written about it that I can catch up, or will you in the future? I mean even that lovely fireplace reminded me of our “friend” Beatrix and her kitchen. For all that you have given your readers, during this uneasy time, thank you……..

    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t had time yet to write a book about this house . . . the new calendar will be the next best thing.

  39. Joyce says:

    Thanks, good food for the spirit…just a FYI, think a fellow inmate crocheted the poncho for Martha…it was a huge sensation at the time. Be well.

  40. Margie Orr says:

    Thank you for your calming blue blog. The onion sets and pea seed are raring to go here with the trees spritzing white and pink! Beauty is all around, but your blog is the most calming with your beautiful comfy pictures.

  41. Hello Susan, Thank you for the uplifting blog, not that all your blogs aren’t inspirational. This one is special! We are on a journey that we have never traveled before and sadly I feel it might get worst before we see the light. I know that we will survive this crisis and my sincere belief is we will emerge, a stronger, wiser, more caring, and less divided nation. Stay safe!

  42. Kathie Ferko says:

    Glad you all are doing well… was out in my herb garden on a few of the warmer days.
    Picked some mini daffodils for a blue vase yesterday… so lovely!
    You mentioned you were completing your 2021 calendars… hope you remembered Louisa
    May Alcott birthday on 11/29 this time… she is important and deserves a shout out!
    Keep safe… Happy Spring🌸🌺🌹

    Kathie from Limerick

  43. Annie in CA says:

    All I could think of today was that we really need a post from Susan, and wheeeeee there it was!!!! I love living in Martha’s Vineyard for a few minutes and feeling a world away from all problems. Thanks so much for helping us through these dark times. Surely hope that all goes well for you and Joe, and of course Jack! I’ll be preordering the house calendar…luvlee! (Can’t believe that garden photo didn’t make the cut 😉)

  44. Mar Or says:

    Thank you for your beautiful blue blog. Comfy.

  45. Susan from Little Norway says:

    Happy Springtime Susan! I love this posting…The world is turning inward and for me and many like me, it is such a good thing. Time to be home, time for family, time for cooking, dinners around the table instead of on the go….So many things right now, remind me of my growing up years in the 50’s. That was such a good time for kids and families. Maybe when this virus issue is over, we will take a deeper look into what is really important in our lives. I am so happy to see places with great pollution, now have blue skies, and places where waters were impacted with exhaust and grime, are now clear and sparkling again….Mother Nature had had enough. Maybe when all of this is over, we will take steps back and adjust to a new way of living…. Compassionately…. Susan, you spurred me on and I am sure you will inspire others as well. Thanks again for your posting…Be safe, and be happy! Hugs to you and Joe and a big pat for Jack!!!! xo

  46. Carolyn from Pittsburgh says:

    Thanks for such a lovely visit. Just what we needed. A reminder of the joys of home.

  47. Cape Cod/Charl says:

    Hello Susan! So glad you posted! Happy to hear that all is good on MV. All is fine over here on the Cape, too…let’s keep it that way! 😉
    PS Anyone who hasn’t baked Milk Cake yet… you must!

  48. Karen Tunnicliffe says:

    I want to thank you for telling us about the Acorn’s The Detectorist’s series. We are so enjoying it, only watching 2 episodes at a time because we don’t want it to end. Thanks again. Karen

  49. Linda Pintarell says:

    LOVED hearing from you. Indeed, life has changed…very fast. However, your blog and words lift my spirit. It’s overcast and rainy in normally sunny Southern California…I know we need the rain…but I do love blue skies. May all the girlfriends stay well; do what needs to be done. Sending love and hugs to all.

  50. Teresa Vaz Goodfellow says:

    I just sent my sister a reminder, with photo, of the two of us flanking you 3 years ago today, at Apple Farm where we got to listen to you, talk to you, and soak in a beautiful afternoon for which you were the star. The photo is hilarious – I’m so over-the-top excited that I’m practically in your lap! Ha! Gave us both a laugh and a smile and now here you are with a beautiful blog. You are so loved and I’m so grateful that SB is part of my world. You bring sunshine where this is darkness. Thank you! XXO

  51. Gayle Casias says:

    Thank you for such an uplifting
    Blog! I enjoy them so much.

  52. Alice says:

    We’ve never had to live this kind of life previously, but as my Joe always says, “We do the best we can!” Thanks for your kind word of encouragement, Susan!!

  53. Thanks, Susan. Though I’ve subscribed to your emails for several years, I rarely have time to read them. I always have good intentions, but they end up at the very bottom of the inbox. Now I am grasping for human companionship, and this after only six days! I’m not saying friends or family, because I have that, and we are all staying in touch as best we can. There is a shorthand between us that helps bridge the distances. What I mean is the impromptu, magnetic connection to strangers—the thank you or the the passing smile, the meaningless but connective remark, “Do you know where they stock the applesauce?”. I am missing the very ordinariness of life. Thank you for showing us its very beauty as well.

    • sbranch says:

      Well, I am glad to hear from you!!! Yes, there is a wonderful quote about the glory of an ordinary day!

  54. Vicki B says:

    Ok! You could design adorable seed packets and get together with your generous neighbor and sell his precious seeds, coming up with some equitable split! My hand is raised while you discuss amongst yourselves!!

  55. Rachel Anna says:

    As always, but especially now, your posts are a balm to my soul. I’m immune-compromised, and it’s a daily battle right now to focus on the good things that I know still exist rather than the negative. Thank you, Susan, for making it a little easier for me to do that today.

  56. Lynn C Maust says:

    All things lovely to look and think upon….thanks Susan.

  57. Rex Richards says:

    Wonderful as always, I had thought a similar thing, maybe the world is trying to purge so it can heal. Of course you’ll always find the silver lining and it makes me so grateful. The earth will surly be glad of the break from pollution. Thank you always for your relentless, realism flavored optimism. I was just wondering what to get a friend for her birthday, and voila! Isle of Dreams will be perfect. Might re-read it myself. Best wishes to you and Joe. Stay safe.

  58. Carol Nickle says:

    Susan, thank you for your encouraging message! I have enjoyed reading your three books. In fact, I have read A Fine Romance twice. I love England! I am also enjoying your Heart of the Home cookbook. Please stay safe and well!

  59. Joanne Richardson says:

    JUST what I needed….a touch of Susan!!!! Thank you….xo

  60. Nancy says:

    Thank you for this lovely message. Blue is my favorite color and I wear it every day (always in my nightgowns). Stay in your safe lane. Smiles.

  61. Kristen says:

    Thank you for such a lovely post and the beautiful sneak-peaks of the calendar! We can always count on you to make us feel a bit better when we are down 🙂

  62. vicki says:

    Thanks Susan, little ray of sunshine to lift our spirits!

  63. Sue Roby says:

    Ah,, Susan, I KNEW you would have the right words to write that would make all of us feel better instantly, AND you certainly did! Thank you, thank you for the fireside chat……everyone needs your comforting words in this difficult time. I particularly enjoyed the Susan Branch quote and plan to send it on to friends…..”create something, put a flower in a vase, etc.” We will get through this! What a good time to tackle projects we have been putting off at home…..Keep up the great work, Susan!

  64. We are thinking along the time line, Susan. I tweeted this morning that the world has been so naughty God has had to put us in TimeOut! The Earth is finally getting some much needed rest. Also, I think many people will be affected for the better by having to hunker down, spend more time with their family, and contributing to the welfare of all by doing their part in flattening the curve so that our vulnerable will stay alive and well. Thank you for your part in reminding us that we are a CAN DO people! ❤️

  65. Sharrie says:

    I looooooove the Blue Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt! It makes me so happy every time I see it on your posts. I hope its maker realized what a lovely masterpiece they created! It is inspiring and I “think” about making one … some day!

    The Milk Cake you make is similar to a cake we made in our household growing up. My mom calls it “Wash Day Cake” because on wash day, when she was a little girl, it was quick and easy to make. I think it bakes up very quickly because the milk is heated first. The sauce we make is poured over the top and is made with butter, brown sugar, coconut, and cream. It is a sauce-type of thin icing that is poured on top of the hot cake. Very buttery and delicious. Thank you SO much for sharing all of the blue-color inspirations with us.

    It is allergy season in Texas and we are mostly inside anyway but it is a different world right now. Thank you for your words of cheer and very lovely pictures.

    • sbranch says:

      It is a masterpiece, unsigned, as these old beautiful quilts so often are.

    • Laurie Nico’s mom says:

      My mom made a very similar cake that she called “Lazy Daisy”. Sometimes we had it with peanut butter icing or sometimes with the buttery coconut topping you describe. I haven’t had it in years. So yummy. Must make some. Thanks for jogging my memory.


  66. Nancy Kilner says:

    As always, your post is a joy to read! I’m in Florida on vacation, and even though it’s warm and sunny, somehow I want to be home now under the circumstances – no place like home!

  67. Genie Blatecky says:

    Spring is in the air in central North Carolina. The yard’s daffodils, forsythia and white blossomed pear trees have finished their show. The mauve hellebores (‘Lenten rose’) are in full bloom, and there are hundreds of them. They self-seed, and occasionally we will find a new plant in the gravel driveway, alongside the trash collection bins on wheels, and other unplanned places. It always brings a smile. Azaleas started waking up last week, and now the beautiful blossoms can be seen in yards all over town.
    I made a kettle of beef barley soup this afternoon to say Good-Bye to winter — sauteed some finely chopped onion, added leftover beef from a pot roast (diced) and the pan drippings, a carton of Swanson’s beef broth, chopped crimini (baby bella) mushrooms, quick-cook barley, celery flakes, and finely diced carrots. Not including the prep time for dicing, the cook time was only 20 minutes after coming to the boil. (I zapped the finely diced carrots in the MW for 3 1/2 minutes before adding them to the pot.) What a wonderful aroma filled the house! We enjoyed bowls of soup with rye bread on the side. Oh yum : )
    I wondered what your Blog friends are coming up with for stay-at-home activities? It might be nice to collect ideas over the next week and print a list. Creativity is contagious.
    Stay well –

    • sbranch says:

      Love that idea and I’m sure we’ll be hearing all the homey goings-on. xoxo

    • Peggy Willoughby says:

      Hi, Genie! I live on the coast in our beautiful North Carolina. When I walked my pups through our neighborhood this morning. I too saw daffodils, flowering pear trees, grass popping up, spring lawn flags and lawn ornaments, and beautiful blue sky. I have been walking, sitting on our deck in the sun, doing some cross stitch, reading, baking, and most of all, just staying home. We have been on the phone with all of our children and grandchildren or texting them, even with my daughter and her family who live 5 minutes away. This is inconvenient, but better than post hurricane life when we had no power. Take care. You are not alone. We are all here.

  68. Ruth Butters says:

    As I breathe a sigh of relief, you are so calming Susan, everything Is exactly where it is supposed to be. A virus induced reset is not what we wanted but I think in looking back it will be what we needed..
    God bless and take care!

  69. Ann Woleben says:

    Your blog today was a welcome relief from the news that assails us. It can be overwhelming if we give in to the fear and anxiety. We are all vulnerable in some way during this unsettling time and charting new territory day by day. I am trying to focus on the beauty in our world and on those who are working to bring a little cheer and kindness to family, friends and neighbors far and near. Our son is an ER doctor and I pray for him and his colleagues daily, working tirelessly and sometimes having to make hard decisions. I look at my three young great-nieces and watch how their parents try to bring a sense of security to them. I pray for calm spirits and kindness and faith to carry us all through this time. Keep walking and keep blogging and writing and painting and sharing the joy that your posts bring to us. Blessings and peace and health and love to you and Joe~

  70. Sheryl Kirk from Magalia says:

    Dear Friend, It’s been a few moments since I was wishing for a warm and comforting message from you. Here it is . I haven’t even read it yet. But I wanted to say thank you as quick as I could.

  71. Kathleen Hinson says:

    Hello Susan! Boy, we needed this…my daffodils are already gone, but irises are on the way and our first tulip is blooming. Nature has a way of reminding us what is important. Stay safe!

  72. Pamela Linn Burkham says:

    Yes, your cheerful, love-filled blogs come at the exactly perfect (you would say purrfect) times.
    In this world of Covid 19 24/7, yesterday my husband fertilized our yard and just as he finished, we received over one inch of rain! Thank you Lord!
    Today, we are watching two Starlings (Solomon and Esther) going to and fro on our Screened Porch behind a framed floral picture building their nest – what a beautiful sight of our winged friends. This is such a delightful diversion and needs to become our focus – what we have that brings us joy.
    Thank you for your cheerful blog – blessings to you, Joe and your generous neighbors!

  73. Alice Dennison says:

    Thank you for your sweet blog. I was not too unhappy till they closed the library my home away from home. I will be glad when the world goes back to (normal?) Give Jack a hug from me… Happy Spring !

  74. Carolyn Collins-Hunt says:

    Hi Susan!! I looked at my email and saw you had written a blog post, so I hurried and made some fresh coffee, grabbed a few pieces of dark chocolate and settled down to read!! I love all the blue and it is so very calming. I loved the doll house picture and wish I could explore that gorgeous bedroom. 💕 Thank you for all the luverly pictures and for always knowing when all of us girlfriends could use a pick me up!! Hugs
    Carolyn Collins-Hunt

  75. Lynn says:

    ~Thank you for a breath of fresh air amid all of the troubles in the world~

  76. Barbara B Elliott says:

    Hi Susan,
    Thank you for your words of encouragement!. I just got out my blue pillows today!!! Your right, it is colming!

  77. Nicki Anderson says:

    I always enjoy your blog so much. Thanks for the little surprise this afternoon. Be healthy, and take care.

  78. Liz Lamontaylor says:

    Just what my soul needed today. Positivity is a hard thing right now especially since my daughter is an NP and on the front lines daily. Very hard but we have to try and stay away from her because we are up in years. Miss her like crazy. But seeing your post points out so much good …… so instead I now feel hopeful, and calm, and happy. Thank you……
    You always seem to have the right words at the right time. Blessings to you and everyone.
    HAPPY SPRING!! 🌷💐🌸

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you both for the amazing job I know she is doing, and for the sacrifices you are both making for the common good. xoxoxo

  79. Peggy Diehl says:

    Thank you, Susan. Beauty and serenity in your every word during these worrisome times. I live alone so it’s solitary confinement these days but lots to see outside. Yesterday, a lovely red cardinal visited outside my bedroom window. And AGB’s wonderful invention, the telephone, allowed me to wish happy birthday to my sister, Trish, today. I also signed up for on line daily Mass 🙏 to begin each day well. Happy Spring to all!

  80. JULIE EDEN says:

    I so needed this today. I have been in the hospital for over a week with the flu and pneumonia…and love the color blue..
    thank you so much…cannot wait for spring…
    I am doing well and should go home in a day or two..
    love to all New England, the home of my ancestors…

  81. Erin says:

    Thank you for this breath of fresh air in a very disappointing week 🙂 All your photos and cheerful words have brightened my mood this afternoon!

    Can’t wait to get next year’s calendar…they all look so pretty! You know, I never look at the months ahead of time…I wait until the 1st day of the month to look at the artwork so that I can have a fun surprise.

    By the way, I just finished reading James Herriot’s book All Things Wise and Wonderful. I was sad for it to end, I just love his stories.

  82. Amy says:

    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for your fireside chat today! Reading your blog always puts me in a cheerful mood and today it was really needed! I love the kindness of your island neighbor! Around here, everyone seems to be checking in on others and offering to help in whatever way they can. It is a scary time for many of us, not only due to the virus but financially. My husband is self employed and had to close his business down so we are going to have to be creative over the next few months to get by financially. We’ll be OK, but I worry so much for others that won’t be. We all need to step up and help others who are going through difficult times. The food shelves are going to be under tremendous strain over the next few months. We CAN get through this together and we will be stronger than ever.

    I also wanted to say that I love the link you included to the virtual museum tours! So fun! I have forwarded it on to several friends. The good thing about having to “nest at home” today is that we have the ability to check on others without seeing them face to face. And there are so many ways to stay informed and keep busy!

    Best of health to you and all of the Susan Branch family!

  83. Maureen L says:

    Hi Susan,

    I loved your post today. I think we needed that. I’m home from work right now and I’m putting my efforts into home. We just raked the yard and I can see the flowers poking up. I started a new quilt and made brownies. I think if we do these simple things, we can see some positive come out of such an uncertain time. Plus, when we have projects, it keeps your mind off your troubles. Thanks for your blog! Count me in for a calendar!

  84. Loretta Brickell says:

    Love it Susan ! For sure these are a little uncertain times. I am so grateful for our home, and each other. We live in a rural area in NE WA State. 25 mi to town but we have so much fresh air and natural beauty. Thanks Be To God ! Look forward to your Blogs to enrich my Day further ! Thanks Be To You ! xoxo

  85. Thank You for your comfort of words and pictures, and your beautiful art! It is a time for even more creativity in all things! May the Lord Continue to Bless You and Yours, and Keep you Safe. I’m enjoying reading and re-reading your books!

  86. Ro at the Cottage in NJ says:

    Thank you Susan to remind us to stop and take a breath of fresh air. Staying home and deep cleaning my yard and house. You wouldn’t know where I found dust here! Looks like the lady of the house (me) never cleaned in the corners, Corners, I thought my rooms were round! Hope you and Joe stay safe.

  87. Alice says:

    Susan, how wonderful to hear from you. I have been rereading your trilogy and wondering how things are on Martha’s Vineyard. Thank you for your voice, reminding me that the little things count–and thank you, also, for your delicate artwork and inspiring quotes and photos. I love your grandmother’s Thanksgiving prayer! During this very challenging time, many people are committing to stop what they are doing each day at noon (time zones are irrelevant, the universe is way bigger than that) and for five minutes pray, meditate, or reflect in any way that seems appropriate. Mother Earth and her residents need all the powerful magic that can be summoned. Be well, and thank you for being so wise.

  88. Sandy Schmidt says:

    Hi, just what I needed while under self quarantine…Susan’s “blue” blog! Thanks!
    We are all in the same boat…trying to make lemonaide from lemons! The calendar will be smashing!!! Right now the calendar says we’re going to have Spring, but the cold weather and Covid-19 situation say “not yet”.
    Well even with the world up side down, we girls know that staying home will produce flowers of necessity, we will bloom again! Thanks Susan!

  89. Sally says:

    Ah, to feel the warmth of things that really matter. Thank you, Susan!

  90. Wendy Marvin says:

    So good to hear from you Susan💜 I am always inspired by your positive, kind and loving words. 🙏
    Blessings, Wendy 🌷🌻🌾

  91. Dawn says:

    You manage to bring sunshine and goodness into any situation. Thank you, Sue. Sending love from Austria…Raffi’s school shut down for the next weeks. We are making the best of this challenging time.

  92. Deborah Winter says:

    Thanks Susan. I just re-read your trilogy of books and have to say that Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams is my favorite. I honestly don’t think you could have made it any better; absolutely loved the ending even though the part about your three kitties was enough to make me cry. They have got to make a movie about you! I got a lot of inspiration too and have been cooking up a storm; I love home and everything that goes with it and enjoy putting out dishtowels, rugs and decorations with the change of seasons as you do. Will there be Winter & Spring books? Stay safe and take care. We will get through this and in the meantime your idea of taking time to slow down is on pointe.

  93. Becky Clark says:

    Thank you Susan. I got so excited when I saw your email, what a treat for this day. I am of the age that requires I stay in at the present time, funny, I’ve always loved staying home. I guess you could say I’m a home body. There are many wonderful things to do, sew, paint, read, cook, write and on and on. The trees are putting on there Spring outfits here in Tennessee and the birds have such happy songs, especially my favorite, the little wrens. I love enjoying my cup of tea and the beautiful world, right outside my sunroom windows. I wonder what it would be like to always have Spring out the window…..

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t think it would be as nice as it is when you haven’t had it for a while and it comes as a surprise and a gift!

  94. Elizabeth Lawton says:

    What is “nurk”?!

    I planted peas and lettuce today. Got out and got some vitamin D in the backyard. Self-quarantine Day 5.

    • sbranch says:

      a form of lurk, but less sinister, and for not as long. Family language … wrote about it in my Girlfriends book among others. Nice cool crops, fun in the garden! You were nurking there.

  95. Marjorie from PA says:

    Thank you for your words of encouragement and the beautiful pictures of your new calendars. Years ago my daughter Rachel gave me my first Susan Branch calendar. She has continued the tradition which makes me very happy!

  96. Karen Baron says:

    Wonderfully optimistic as usual!!❤️🌹

  97. Cindy says:

    Thank you, Susan, for always reminding us to find the calm and beauty in the midst of chaos. I’m very grateful.

  98. Joan says:

    What a happy, hopeful post in such rattling times! Spring is coming so we can enjoy outdoor activities….our gardens, a game of croquet, transplanting…open the windows & look out at the light.
    Thanks for the boost!

  99. Sheryl Ross says:

    Love your monthly letters. They are so inspiring. I left Texas 2 years ago. I ran away to Eugene,Oregon. I have read Martha’s Vineyard Isle of dreams a 1000 times. It is my coffee table book. It was such an inspiring book. My story too. Thanks for all you do

  100. I searched for a book today to send my son who has just become a father. It is Gary Sukav’s book, Seat of the Soul. My son feels like he has known this baby from some other place and time. The book addresses that and I thought he’d like to lean into the ideas in the book. It was an Oprah book years ago.
    While looking for Seat of the Soul, I rediscovered a book written by a friend for her nephew who wanted a letter each month for a year about what she knew. The book, Tell Me What You Know, was written in 2001, another turbulent time in recent history. She wrote honestly and like your blogpost she sent him comfort and joy while acknowledging the fear we all felt. Thanks to both of you.

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