I can’t believe it, here we are, at the end of August already and all I can say is, tick-tock, how did we get here so soon, and OH GOODIE!MUSICA! I have been suffering from this hot and sticky August that seemingly will not end . . . I’m ready to move on! Love the quote, “There are only two seasons, Autumn, and waiting for Autumn!” Fits me to a T, especially right this moment. And then, a couple of days ago, at the top of my suffering, I accidentally did a happy thing . . . I opened up my Autumn Book, just to take a look. As I turned the pages a thrill went through my heart, and I realized, it’s almost here! My favorite time of year!

So I went and got some sunflowers . . . and cut marigolds from the garden for little vases . . . because 

It perked me right up! Changed everything! Sweaters are coming! Leaves! Crisp air! Corn Pudding! Makes me almost want to go on a diet. That’s how perky I feel! (“Almost” being the operative word, I am not done with toast and peanut butter yet!)
I know, not everyone looks forward to cold weather, but I love having a reason to heat up the oven and bake something! And in my glee, I planned the rest of the year: first a long breezy, colorful autumn (and can we have a normal Halloween? Why not? Everyone wears masks anyway!👺 That will cheer everyone up! The kids will be thrilled!), leaves blowing through the woods on our walk, crisp salt air off the water, quilts airing in the breeze, more cozy covers on the bed, church bells ringing and boat whistles blowing, and then a short, cozy, snow-white winter around the fireplace, with a new Christmas book and a new puzzle to do during the winter, which will be SO short I’ll have to hurry! And then, an early burst of the most flowery spring ever ~ in a brand new world filled with fresh beginnings! Covid gone, children going to school, everyone back to work, Easter egg hunts! Kitchen table Tea with girlfriends, with new remembrance, respect, and deep gratitude …

While all these nice thoughts were brewing in my head … My cups arrived on the kitchen porch!!! I’ve been waiting! I hope you got yours too … if not, you should soon. We had a little slow-down at the PO, so if you ordered one, and don’t have it yet, it’s definitely on the way!❤️

And then there’s this happy thing. Joe is outside building us a 12′ picnic table, in two pieces, one 8′ and one 4′ … so we can have a party of six for dinner, a couple at each end, and one in the middle for starry September evenings! Just planned our first one for this Friday Night!👏 I’m cooking! Joe’s grilling! Keeping our sunny-sides up.💖

Now what’s this you may be asking. It’s a surprise! Another unexpected book! It will be called Distilled Genius, Wisdom of the World, Words to Live By, (or something like that) and contain my forty-year collection of brilliant quotes from the ages, gathered into categories as I have them here in my Studio, such as Courage, Tea, Gratitude, Gardens, Happiness, all onto pages like these . . .. . . whole genius sections about Love, Dreams, Time, Girlfriends, Cooking, Creativity, Earth, Fairy Tales, Beauty . . . so on and so on… Look how cute it’s going to be! I have about 40 pages done so far. I’ve been asked to do this for years, and I do think it needs to be here for the future! Everything that has ever mattered has been beautifully said by someone whose attestment has teeth,from Marcus Aurelius, to Mark Twain, Black Elk, Rumi, Langston Hughes, C.S. Eliot, Churchill, and the Bible, to Louisa May Alcott, Toni Morrison, Shakespeare, Dickens, Anne Frank, Lincoln, and so many more … plus, plenty from that prolific genius, Anon… and lots from people with less familiar names, whose smart, funny, wise, and touching words inspire curiosity, and open whole new worlds that lie beyond them. I’ve always read quote books like novels! I hope this book will be finished for that wonderful spring I’ve been thinking about. More hope in a time of need. May have to be two books, might even be three, still waiting to see! I know, I have next year’s calendars to do, and my wonderful book, Enchanted to work on, and lots of blog posts and Zoom events and dinners to cook, and Joe and Jack, and the House of Creativity, and all those other ideas, but here I am, Girls, 73, and there is still so very much I want to do!Some of you will remember that I did my very first Zoom Webinar last week. First I had to learn how to do a Power Point slide show. That about killed me. But at the last moment, it sunk in, and I found out just how easy it is to do. All about pushing the right buttons. Then I had to write about the photos, ⬆️ that’s me reading over old diaries to make sure I had the details right ~ it was a Calgon Zoom Party, took us far, far away, back to the English Countryside!And THEN, there was a week of daily Zoom practice with the encouragement of Andrea, the wonderful person who had extended the invitation for me to speak. We got to know each other pretty well! She was very patient!

We ended up doing the same program two days in a row, because the Zoom Room had gotten so full. I knew lots of you were there, because I got pictures! This one above is from our Girlfriend Mary Brehm! She has sweet peas!

This one came from Karen England and her Kitty . . . so fun to be in everyone’s houses!

This one is from Trahlyta! I got so many wonderful photos from you guys! Thank you! The program lasted about an hour and 15 minutes. I know some of you wanted to join in, but could not ~ so, as promised, here’s a link so you can see it yourself on Youtube. In the beginning, it’s just me staring at the screen, watching the names of attendees scrolling by really fast … such a fun thing to see, so many I recognized. I wish that part showed so you could read them too … but instead you just have to watch me staring at them and saying them out loud. Might want to skip that part!IN THE MEANTIME. Guess what? There are going to be more Zoom parties. In the column on the right of this Blog
you’ll see EVENTS. Here is the Link for it, but you can get there yourself when you need to check back for new event dates. I’m about to add more, so watch for them so you can register and receive an invitation to join. 

The next one will be a Sunday Afternoon Christmas Tea Party presented by the wonderful people at Titcombs Bookshop, just over the water on the Cape, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm EST on September 20 ~ BYO Tea because you’re all invited to my first virtual book event for my new Home for Christmas book! Here’s where you can sign up! If you don’t know how to do Zoom, you can Google “Youtube how to use Zoom” and they will show you. It’s just a matter of which buttons to push ~ it’s easy. When you sign up, they will send you an invitation to our zoom party … which will have a link for you to click on the day of the event. Put it on your calendar!One flower stands out on Martha’s Vineyard, it’s the hydrangea… they are everywhere! Drive up and down the streets and that’s what you see. We moved these from another part of the garden last year, and I’m so glad we did. Aren’t they romantic? They’re just starting to turn pale pink, something they do in the fall . . . and now we can see them from the kitchen windows from this dear old house I have loved for so long.💞

We’re still going on our walk everyday … joy of life. 

It’s been very warm . . . sometimes we have to cut our way through the air, it’s so thick . . . but it’s nothing like what our California Girlfriends are suffering. We pray for them every day. You too, Girlfriends in Iowa, we know about that crazy storm that shot through your state. And now, 11′ storm surges in Louisiana.😢 🙏 2020 is some kind of year!⚡️ We were spared the other night, we were told to hunker down and expect one-inch hail ~ it got very dark out there, but it never came! Thank God. Deep breath, ahhhhhh. Remembering how much we have to be grateful for. 

The woods are still green as Sherwood Forest, but every so often there are tell-tale signs that change is on the way with bright spots like this one!

And now, look, I had to show you this sweet letter I got from someone writing about our DamPanic, Go. Be. Love. postcards! Made my day!

Dear Susan, Several weeks ago I purchased a package of your “Go. Be. Love” postcards and sent them to a number of friends. Oh, my gosh! I send lots of cards and notes and have never received so many oohs and ahhs over a card I sent. My dear friends loved the postcard and just showered me with compliments and thanks. You deserve all of the credit. You created the perfect greeting to send during this pandemic and I am so grateful to be a longtime fan and follower and saw them in your online shop. Stay safe and well. Sincerely, Marge

 Just in cases YOU might need to be “showered with compliments and thanks” I thought I would share this!And the New Pumpkin Go. Be. Love. postcards came in too …


I had this pumpkin postcard printed in honor of what our Great Grandmothers did for us only a hundred years ago this August 18th!💖 Joe carved that Halloween pumpkin a few years back for our front window  ~ I thought it would be a good way to celebrate those brave and determined women, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, and best friends (and men too), who put themselves out there in a very big way for US! We should never take it for granted … they went through some very difficult and dangerous years, to make it happen!👏 Yes, Jack . . . And one more thing . . .In case YOU too need something sweet and homey to inspire you with my wind-in-the-trees formula for cozy, Kellee just put my Autumn book up at 25% off until midnight on Labor Day! You probably already have it, but maybe not, and maybe you need a gift for a friend!🍂 

And for you?

Time for a good Giveaway, don’t you agree? I think this is the perfect place to thank all of you for sticking with us through thick and thin and dampanic too, for me and for Kellee and Sheri, your kindness has meant the world to us over the years, going to work is a gift because of you, but especially these last months, you have no idea what a positive force you are. All you have to do is read the comments to know what lovely kindred spirits visit here. No matter where in the world you are, we have so much in common, I’m very proud of us.💖 Thank you.

So we’ll start here . . . 3 cups, 3 winners! As you know, these cups are mostly sold out now, but we saved these to surprise someone(s) ~ I hope one of them is YOU! Just leave a comment right at the bottom of this post, click on the teeny grey letters that say “comments,” leave a few words, and you will be automatically entered for the drawing . . . I’ll let you know who won in the next post, then I’ll send an email to the winners, who can write back with their mailing address, and voila, your cups will be on the way, either for you to keep, or perhaps to give away as a Christmas gift! And more . . .

Shipping from the printer is still on schedule for August 26th, which means we will probably have to wait until the day after Labor Day, September 8 to get HOME FOR CHRISTMAS delivered to the Studio! So, 3 more winners in this next drawing ~ and for each, a signed copy of my new book, hot off the press! If you’ve already ordered it, then Boom! You’ll have another one to giveaway! A little bit of “pay it forward.”💞
Leave a comment as suggested above … and now we will have six winners! Makes my day!
Okay dear ones, that’s all she wrote for today! I hope you’re giving yourself those hugs I talked about at the Zoom Party. They do help, and you do deserve them.❤️ Petty-pet hugs are good too! XOXOXO

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2,670 Responses to TICK-TOCK . . .

  1. Barbara Lowdermilk says:

    I love all your things and artwork. I have been buying your calendars for years and save alot of them to do scrapbook with later.

  2. Amy Smith says:

    Your blog makes my ordinary day here in Warwick, NY just a bit more cheery! If I could, I would have one of each of your items, books, tea cups, and decorations! Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with all of us! ❤️

  3. Jeannette from the Central Coast says:

    My two mugs came in the last few days – Santa and The Little Things. I’d still love another if I’m a lucky winner. I signed up for the Zoom tea-yeah! I so enjoyed the first Zoom meeting – what a delightful time that was. You did a great job with the Power Point and narration. See you in September!

  4. Kathy Blue says:

    Love the post – – so needed. Looking forward is so much better than being stuck where we are sometimes – – will start thinking “Fall”. We truly love staying home so the “safer at home” theme is ok with us. A new Border Collie pup joined us in June, she is a daily delight and we are smitten. Her name is Bonny Blue.

  5. elissa Lindsay says:

    love, love your blog. we have beautiful falls here in southern west virginia. just tried to order your autumn book, but order would not go through.

  6. SHERRY HOWARD says:

    I so loved the Zoom party! it was so much fun and the day before my birthday so a pretreat at that! It really blessed my heart and to be able to travel to England during this DamnPanic was such a blessing. I want to go so bad and have so enjoyed reading A Fine Romance and traveling through your pics and words. I can’t wait for your next England book!

  7. Carrie Hilling says:

    I always get so excited like a little kid when I see your blog email in my inbox! I love to listen to the Musica, get comfy and dive in. My birthday is in October and I have a wish list for my family already of your goodies- puzzle, lavender soap, Christmas book and more. I am grateful that you share your creativity and art with the world, thank you!
    Best, Carrie

  8. Patti Fitzgerald from Skippack, PA says:

    I was registered for your Zoom party, but then we were surprised (delighted!) by an out-of-town guest, and I had to miss it! So, I’m glad that you’re making it available for us to view after the fact . . . I surely don’t want to feel left out! You’ve been a busy bee this year, delighting us with new books and calendars, cups we thought we would never see again, and the promise of more goodies to come! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Love to you and Joe and Jack (three of my favorite beings whom I’ve never met!). xoxoxoxo

  9. Arden Shelton says:

    Just ordered your xmas book/tea party zoom event. Can’t wait to see you all….way out here in Portland.


    I just want to tell you thank you for your blog. My mother’s best friend of 80 plus years sent her one of your books several years ago. My mom and her friend will be 90 next year and they are both still the best of friends even though they live miles apart. My Mom reads your blog and sends it to me as soon as she sees it. Thank you for bringing such joy to all! (p.s. I collect Peter Rabbit so we are kindred spirits too!)

  11. Janet says:

    I am so excited for your book of quotes to come out! I collect quotes and have written down so many of yours from your books, calendars, newsletters, etc. – it will be so lovely to have them in your unique artistic format! Your newsletter always brightens my day!

  12. shara says:

    thanks for the surprize visit today. My daughter will be 50 on Labor Day the bluebird of happiness mug would for great for her. She is a nurse at Bay State in Springfield MA. This year has been hell for her. and all essential workers. Thanks for your cheerful messages and your beautiful artwork. You are a blessing. Thanks to Joe for sharing you.

  13. Amy Smith says:

    Your blog makes my ordinary day here in Warwick, NY just a bit more cheery! Thank you for sharing a small part of your life with all of us. Welcome Autumn 🍂🍁🥧

  14. Ashley Thompson says:

    My mom who lives in Ohio, and myself (I live in Mass!) both joined your zoom party last week, and we had a great time watching you present your slideshow. Thank you for always being such a positive spirit and being uplifting in these crazy times 🙂

  15. Carolyn says:

    Susan, the Zoom with the Duxbury Senior Center was so much fun—so great to revisit England with you, Joe and the girlfriends—and the piece de resistance—Jack’s appearance! The book of your special collection of quotations is GENIUS! Can’t wait for it! Enjoy the last humid gasps of summer and have a wonderful fall!

  16. Rose Wood says:

    I love it when there is a new blog post from you. I enjoy hearing about your art and the things you do. I have several of your books and love them. Rose Wood

  17. Kathy says:

    You are amazing! Lifts my spirits to read your blog and see your wonderful photos. With the forest fires, hurricanes and the dampanic its a wonderful treat to steal away and spend time reading your blog!💕🌺❤️

  18. Dee B says:

    The Autumn book is awesome!
    Many thanks, Susan

  19. Donna Maurer says:

    I look forward to your email every month! Thank you, Susan!

  20. Susan this post was like a breath of fresh air and given that I’m under very smokey skies in No. California that’s really saying something.
    Thank you so much for sending out such good vibes. Soooo very appreciated in these crazy, and yes, intense times.
    Sending love and light,

  21. Mary Slinko says:

    Thank you for such a wonderful zoom trip to the Lakes District! I am so very glad I found your website and your books. Thank you for sharing your lovely world, words and art with all of us!

  22. Sue G says:

    Susan so very excited to hear about the book of quotes. I have always loved to read how you seemed to find the right quote for every occasion! Looking forward to purchasing that book soon. I bought a few packs of Go Be Love postcards to send to my former teacher colleagues to bring them some encouragement during the difficult days ahead. I am some what newly retired from teaching kindergarten and I can’t imagine how hard it must be for families and educators alike during these trying times. Thanks for a dose of cheer!

  23. Debbi Holden says:

    Your hydrangeas look beauteous 💐 What loveliness to enjoy from your kitchen window!

  24. Carol on the Farm in Iowa says:

    Thank you for thinking of us here in Iowa. We did not experience that storm at our place, but it was very hard on many south and east of us. Iowans are strong and resilient.
    I’m waiting with baited breath for my little things mug, and going to ask for your puzzle for Christmas.
    Blessings to you!

  25. Mary Ellen Tang says:

    Thank you,Susan, your posts always bring such joy especially this one as I await the arrival of my new mug. Do take care and be safe.

  26. Mary Keating says:

    Thank you for your uplifting words Susan! It’s nice to have a girlfriend who keeps encouraging you especially during these difficult times. Blessings to you from Maine!

  27. mary says:

    thank you for your generosity!

  28. Susan Cardot Lance says:

    A little while ago People magazine had an issue that talked about 50 things that were getting people through this difficult time. I found some encouraging websites and Instagram links. Well, your Zoom session last week shoots up to number one on the list of things that have helped me get through this. I recommend it to EVERYONE! My face was glued to my ipad as I looked at the beautiful English countryside and smiled and laughed as you made wonderful comments during the slideshow. In fact it reminded me of when I was little and someone who just got back from a trip would bring their slides over and we would have a wonderful travel show.
    Thank you, thank you. Looking forward to more Zoom parties with you!

  29. Karen Slepp says:

    I love my new cups. Looking forward to the delivery of my Home for Christmas book. I have my Susan Branch wish list ready to let my family know what I would love for my September birthday. Just thank you for bringing joy to share with everyone on your blog. We need more Susan Branch every day!

  30. Catherine Beach says:

    SO looking forward to autumn. The other day I was dripping sweat and thinking about what I would give for a good nor’easter. Hope you enjoy these last weeks of summer!

  31. Heather Ebb says:

    As always dear Susan, your blog is such a mood lifter and inspirer! I have sprouted wings and can now fly through the rest of this Dampanic, even the stage 4 lockdown and curfew we are enduring here in Melbourne.
    “Late winter is listening for the word of spring” in Australia and now I have a Sep. 20 date with you to look forward to!

  32. Debbie Sisk says:

    I’m so excited about ALL of your new books!

  33. Kathy Raiano says:

    I would love these three beauties!

  34. Susan Zimmerman says:

    Your posts are so full of encouragement. Thanks for sharing your happy self with us.

    Although I’m glad you savor autumn, I must say that endless summer would be just fine with me.

    Thanks for another fine contest. Fingers crossed– you just might pick me. 🙂

  35. Mary Z says:

    I was at your Zoom webinar, and I really enjoyed it. Thank you. Fall is my favorite season. I love the beautiful Autumn leaves, and the crisp weather.

  36. Lynne Wesenberg says:

    Oh Susan, your posts always leave me smiling! My favorite season is fall, too. I cannot wait for it to arrive!

  37. Karen C says:

    So fun to read your post! I always enjoy them but this one was special for some reason. I too await the fall, its my favorite time of the year. Just thinks, pumpkins, fall leaves, seaters, walks in the cool air! Thanks

    Karen Carpenter

  38. JoAn Holdorf says:

    So looking forward to Fall and cooler weather and planting a Fall garden so I have food to keep from having to go to the store so often during this time!

  39. I would love to be one of the winners! I’m a watercolor artist too so I feel we’re kindred spirits. I love your artwork—it’s always positive and happy—I think we need more of that in our lives. I’m a marine artist since I live at the coast. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have tea together and talk about art?

  40. Charlene says:

    I would love a mug! I have always wanted to order one but never have. They are all so pretty.
    Thanks for the chance!

  41. Peggy Willoughby says:

    Hooray! Another Zoom webinar from your kitchen, Susan. I signed up even before I finished reading your blog. Lol. 🤸
    So much going on in our country these days. We are filled with anxiety over weather, election, mail, Covid, back to school. It is always a respite reading your blog. It’s always cheerful to learn about your sweet life. You always have good things planned. Thank you for sharing this with us. All us Girlfriends enjoy many of the same homey things.
    Yes, I also am looking forward to 🍎September 🍎 too, my birthday month. I turn 70 this year. How can that be? In my head I am still about 25.
    I am looking forward to turning the calendar page and for Fall to start even though here in No. Carolina we won’t see cooler weather until the end of September.
    Thank you, Susan. Prayers for the Gulf Coast, California, and all of us. Stay well. 😷 ❤
    And…handy guys are good to have around! 🔨🛠🔧

  42. Shaton says:

    Thanks for all the chances to win
    Thanks for all of your news; always fun and relaxing to read
    Definitely will be checking out the YouTube of your Zoom meeting

    I really like the Susan Branch mug the best!
    Happy Fall Y’All

  43. Carolyn Collins-Hunt says:

    Loved your Zoom webinar! I sat and smiled the whole time!! I thought you did a fine job!! I remember you said something about knitting so I wanted to tell you how I have crocheted dishclothes for all my girls club friends. Right after we were asked to stay safe at home I started them. I am not the best crocheter but they were made with love. 💓💓💓 Thank you Susan for being such a kind and sweet person. Love ya!!

  44. susan leary says:

    Hi Susan. Loved seeing you on the Duxbury site. I felt that we were sitting in Mandy’s yard enjoying the delicious shortbread. I would like to suggest a quick read by Bess Kalb a memoir about her grandmother called, Nobody Will Tell You This But Me. Touching and also very funny. Susan from Falmouth

  45. Kirsten M. says:

    I am a fall lover as well! I cant wait for the leaves to turn and the days to get a little cooler! But not too cold. Your words, photos and pictures are a bright spot in these crazy times and even in good times. I look forward in anticipation for your next post!!!!

  46. Karen says:

    I would love to win that Christmas book! Love all of your books!

  47. jeanie says:

    I know I’ll never find a reply to my question (if you do!) with all the others before me I’m not sure I’ll even find my comment! But I’ve been thinking of you as I know it is around the time of the illumination. Do you know if it happened this year, even without the singalong? Attending that was one of the most remarkable experiences of my life.Yes, Life.

    You’ve been one busy woman and now you have us almost in spring. I so wonder what we’ll all do when we can’t be outside for long gatherings anymore. Your picnic table is divine. Well done, Joe!

    I loved the webinar, which I actually watched the other night. (Thank you, Twitter feed!) It took me back to England and to spots I hadn’t been and oh, how I would have loved to be at the tea party in person. Your first one? Well done! Happy week!

  48. Patti Hand says:

    I ❤️ Fall! My favorite time of the year!

  49. Nancy K says:

    Love your new mugs. Your book looks wonderful

  50. Donna Hrehor says:

    Thank you again for another lovely post!!! We are in the process of moving from Idaho to Oregon to live by the ocean. Now that we are all packed, I’m getting excited about our new home to come. Fall is my favorite season too. I’m looking forward to it!!! Hugs, Donna

  51. Tiah Ann Foster says:

    Hi, Susan,

    Could you do cups with GOLDFINCHES on them, please? Perhaps do the State Bird of each State???

  52. Melinda Parkman says:

    If I close my eyes I can imagine Fall. I will be so thankful to be done with the heat. As I age, I no longer have the patience for summer. (I think my love of summer was tied into being out of school.)

  53. Monica Rathbun says:

    Autumn is my favorite time of year. Thank you for making it even better. ❤️

  54. Pamala Dunbar says:

    I have been such a fan of you and your work for so many years!!!!

  55. Mary Julienne says:

    Your Tik Tok was perfect as always! It’s been so hot and muggy in HB California and today I had enough summer and decorated for fall. My favorite season too! I’m looking forward to getting your new Christmas book and my calendar as always and now the quotation book(s)! thank you

  56. Pat says:

    Yes I have seen those little change is on the way colorful leaves here too. I do love summer and fall is beautiful—but winter must be endured to witness the magnificent spring.
    So exciting with all of your book news and zoom events.

  57. Melissa says:

    Greetings from Maine! All my friends here are saying, “Don’t wish the summer away!” And I don’t – it’s brief and over all too soon, and I love it while it’s here. But it’s so hard not to get excited when you find that first acorn and see the light start to change, and feel that underlying coolness in the air. Pretty soon all the summer people will start to leave, and we’ll miss them, but we will also get that quiet back – aren’t we just the luckiest people in the world? How did we get so lucky? I am so grateful! Every day.

  58. Marcia says:

    Have enjoyed your missives for years. Fall is my favorite time of year as well.

  59. Kathy F says:

    So excited ! I ordered home for Christmas and will join the virtual tea! I’ll be watching the zoom party next ! Happy end of summer and hello to fall!

  60. Marsha says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you so much for continuing to be a ray of sunshine in this dreary virus atmosphere. Your beautiful writing and photos send uplifting messages to us who are in need of hearing and seeing something good at work too. Bless you. I pray you will continue to spread your cheer! We need you! You are a smile maker!!

  61. Sandra says:

    Autumn. BRING IT!
    I’m with you regarding Autumn; I love cold weather and do not love hot weather. After all, when it’s cold I can always put on another sweater but when it’s hot HOT, I can only get so nekkid before people start to complain! lol
    Thanks for the reminder to put your Autumn book front and center; it’s my favorite!

  62. Liz O'Connell says:

    Hi Susan,
    As always, I am so inspired by you. I look so forward to your blog every month.

  63. Priscilla says:

    Looking forward to your quote book(s)! Already have a couple of people in mind for whom they would be the perfect gift.

  64. Luanne Morgado says:

    Perfect thing for today….a new Susan Branch blog post! I have a suggestion/idea: have you ever thought of creating an adult coloring book? Coloring is one of my forms of meditation and I think a coloring book of your creations would be perfect! Please think about it.
    Stay safe, Luanne

  65. Teresa says:

    Susan, I have followed for many years and became a fan when I came across one of your calendar in a store one day. ( I still have the calendar today) It was the first time I have ever heard of you. I fell in love with your art and quotes. This is my first time leaving a message on your blog. Thank you for sharing your life with us. You are such a blessing!

  66. Priscilla says:

    Looking forward to your quote book(s)! Already have
    a couple of people in mind for whom they would be the perfect gift.

  67. Crystal Hildreth says:

    I saved reading your blog post for my delicious reading treat at the end of a very long, but good day. This is the cherry on top! Your Autumn cookbook will be displayed in my kitchen soon… always the first thing I put out to signal the beginning of my favorite season. Through your cookbooks and love for all things “home” you have helped me create an environment that my children (grown now) loves to come home to. God bless you dear Susan.

  68. Janelle says:

    Yay! Another blog post and just what I needed! Such wonderful words and happy photos! Thank you sweet Susan for a very uplifting post!

  69. Kathleen R. Helland says:

    Wonderful to hear from you. Always make my day. Can’t wait to see you on Zoom!

  70. Dana Melvin says:

    I am always so pleased to see your email in my inbox, and enjoy the moments I spend reading every last drop! And I’m just too excited about the book o’ quotes! I also read them just like a novel. I’m disappointed I missed the Zoom party, but I’m looking forward to the next one! Take care!

  71. Laurie Lacey says:

    The Autumn book is my very favorite! Homemade marshmallows! Spiced cider! Fun Halloween ideas and, the quote I love, “The heart of autumn must have broken here, and poured its treasure out upon the leaves.” Charlotte Fiske Bates

  72. Martha’s Vinyard is my favorite place to vacation. I did not come up from Georgia this summer because of the damdemic. I enjoy reading your post and always wish that I was there enjoying the season that you are writing about.
    There is a Ray Ellis painting of a house that looks like your home. I used to love visiting his gallery. There is also a painting of a man walking down a dirt road that reminds of the pictures that you post of your walks.

  73. Sue says:

    Susan, thank you for the gentle rest stop. Our world needs rest stops. I read the “ not done with toast and peanut butter” to my husband and we had a good chuckle. Keep writing to us girlfriends. We love you back more than you could know!

  74. Arlene says:

    I always look forward to your newsletters! I live in California (not near the fires, but my nephew and his family live close to fire country), so I appreciate your prayers so much! Thank you!

  75. Priscilla says:

    Trying to comment but it keeps rejecting it. Will try this one more time…
    Looking forward to your quote book(s). Already have a couple of people in mind for whom they would br the perfect gift.

  76. Gail.K.Yard says:

    Dear Susan,
    Once again you have brightened my day. I so enjoyed reading your most recent blog. Today was a very hot and humid day here in Pennsylvania. The humidity rivaling the temperature. Even weeding in the shade, it was too sticky to stay out long. So I came in to cool down…and found your latest blog.
    Your reference to the afternoon of the zoom “talk”, reminded me of what fun it was. It felt as though I was on the tour in person. England is on my bucket list for sure.
    Fall is not yet in the air here, but the afternoon light is changing.
    It is just around the corner.
    Thank you for sharing not only your trips to England, but life on the Cape. It too is on my bucket list. [The older I get, the longer my bucket list grows! I thought it was supposed to get shorter.]
    Thank you for sharing your home, life and talents with us.

  77. Paula Snider says:

    I don’t know what to say, except I would be ecstatic to win your cups. I tell my friends about the magic of Susan Branch. Thank you for brightening our lives, especially in this dampanic, or what was it you called it?

  78. Marilyn Rogers says:

    Oh it was so wonderful to see you on the Zoom program! You are adorable and I can’t wait for you to do more Zoom video chats!
    God bless, Marilyn Rogers

  79. Kathy says:

    Thank you so much for the blog post I’ve been looking forward to it! I’m also looking forward to fall, just wish it would last longer!

  80. Debra Maniar says:

    I love your posts – please keep bringing joy to our very complicated lives!!!

  81. Linda from Minnesota says:

    I always love reading your blogs and am happy to discover that you are creating a book of sayings. Can’t wait to see it!

  82. Louise Bugeni says:

    Thank you for all your uplifting posts. I love everything you create.

  83. Anita Kavanaugh says:

    Lovely post!

  84. I attended your luncheon last week on my birthday. It was truly the nicest gift that I have received in a long time. Thank you for your time and efforts to bring such beauty to the world. My heart smiles a little bigger with each word you write!

  85. Jennifer LeBlanc says:

    Love everything you do! Would love to win a beautiful mug.

  86. Linda Voci says:

    Susan..I get a kick out of your blogs! I really enjoy reading them and now I found out your favorite season is Autumn…I wish we could have just 3 seasons…Spring, Summer, and Autumn… wouldn’t that be delightful???!!! I would really LOVE to win your Autumn Cookbook…only time will tell….

  87. Lisa Blasdale says:

    I’m looking forward to Autumn too! Congratulations on your Zoom Program.

  88. Cathy Westerhold says:

    Thank you Susan for your positive thoughts. You have no idea how much they mean to so many!!

  89. Lena Boyd says:

    Susan I so love your Blog. You always have something exciting and new to tell us, this time how the Zoom meeting went and what fun it all was. I knew you could do it.
    Our weather will be really changing in a couple of weeks, I am tired of sticky too and I do love Fall. Stay well and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  90. Denny Holmquist says:

    I am always thrilled when I see your newest email. Even if I am in the middle of something, I have to open it quickly to skim through it and then come back later to read and to reread and to savor. I am so looking forward to your new books coming soon. Thank you for spreading joy, Susan, with each project. Hugs to Jack from my kitties!

  91. Tracey Ascenzi says:

    I just love the season of Autumn and your Autumn book too. My father and mother inlaw already gave us a huge pumpkin from their pumpkin patch. What a nice surprise when I stepped onto my front porch. Thank you for sharing your positive outlook and reminding us of all the wonderful things we have to look forward to.

  92. Liz Grundvig says:

    Ooooohhhhh baby!!!! A Christmas book from You!!! I love all your books, so yippee that here’s another!!! I have many of your mugs, but not two of those. Yay—pick me, pick me! (Can you see my arm extended toward the sun, wiggling like crazy… like back in grammar school? Well, I never won anything back then, so maybe let’s not remember then. Still, contests are fun no matter who wins, cuz I always know that/those winner(s) are pretty dang excited!! Thank you, Susan, for cheering our life with fun hoopla and sparkle! After reading things you write/have written, it’s like the worlds lamp got turned up a few clicks to the brightest setting. How needed!

  93. Pam says:

    Thank you, Susan, for another calming, delightful post to read and listen to…I so do enjoy the musical selections you choose and I listen along as I read your words. Thank you so much for sharing a link to the zoom you did. I signed up but I don’t think I got a link and was disappointed to not be able to connect for it but now no worries thanks to your sharing. Take care and be well. 🙂

  94. MaryAnne S says:

    I love your plan for next year and especially love that you are putting together a book of quotes. I also have a little notebook of quotes, I find many to be very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your life with us through the blog and the books.

  95. Ivy says:

    Hi Susan, Thank you for bringing joy to us today .💕

  96. Louise B says:

    I can’t believe Christmas is so close. I look forward to your quote books being published. You have provided a wonderful place for so many to escape to this year. Thank you.

  97. Donna says:

    Thank you, Susan, for always adding so much joy to life. Your posts are a breath of fresh air and always leave me inspired to be grateful for all the little blessings of life. I totally enjoyed your Zoom Webinar…looking forward to more!

  98. Victoria Kanski says:

    Love to read you are as excited as I am about Fall and the wonderful things that come with it. My family think I am nuts because I would rather skip summer altogether and jump into fall. They never complain about all the yummy things created in the kitchen though. 🙂

  99. Susan Martin says:

    Seeing a post from you adds such a bright spot to my day. Thank you!

  100. Lynn Quinn says:

    Ahh just browsing your Autumn book and longing for the first crisp days of fall. I loved your Zoom meeting. I can’t wait to see more of them!

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