I can’t believe it, here we are, at the end of August already and all I can say is, tick-tock, how did we get here so soon, and OH GOODIE!MUSICA! I have been suffering from this hot and sticky August that seemingly will not end . . . I’m ready to move on! Love the quote, “There are only two seasons, Autumn, and waiting for Autumn!” Fits me to a T, especially right this moment. And then, a couple of days ago, at the top of my suffering, I accidentally did a happy thing . . . I opened up my Autumn Book, just to take a look. As I turned the pages a thrill went through my heart, and I realized, it’s almost here! My favorite time of year!

So I went and got some sunflowers . . . and cut marigolds from the garden for little vases . . . because 

It perked me right up! Changed everything! Sweaters are coming! Leaves! Crisp air! Corn Pudding! Makes me almost want to go on a diet. That’s how perky I feel! (“Almost” being the operative word, I am not done with toast and peanut butter yet!)
I know, not everyone looks forward to cold weather, but I love having a reason to heat up the oven and bake something! And in my glee, I planned the rest of the year: first a long breezy, colorful autumn (and can we have a normal Halloween? Why not? Everyone wears masks anyway!👺 That will cheer everyone up! The kids will be thrilled!), leaves blowing through the woods on our walk, crisp salt air off the water, quilts airing in the breeze, more cozy covers on the bed, church bells ringing and boat whistles blowing, and then a short, cozy, snow-white winter around the fireplace, with a new Christmas book and a new puzzle to do during the winter, which will be SO short I’ll have to hurry! And then, an early burst of the most flowery spring ever ~ in a brand new world filled with fresh beginnings! Covid gone, children going to school, everyone back to work, Easter egg hunts! Kitchen table Tea with girlfriends, with new remembrance, respect, and deep gratitude …

While all these nice thoughts were brewing in my head … My cups arrived on the kitchen porch!!! I’ve been waiting! I hope you got yours too … if not, you should soon. We had a little slow-down at the PO, so if you ordered one, and don’t have it yet, it’s definitely on the way!❤️

And then there’s this happy thing. Joe is outside building us a 12′ picnic table, in two pieces, one 8′ and one 4′ … so we can have a party of six for dinner, a couple at each end, and one in the middle for starry September evenings! Just planned our first one for this Friday Night!👏 I’m cooking! Joe’s grilling! Keeping our sunny-sides up.💖

Now what’s this you may be asking. It’s a surprise! Another unexpected book! It will be called Distilled Genius, Wisdom of the World, Words to Live By, (or something like that) and contain my forty-year collection of brilliant quotes from the ages, gathered into categories as I have them here in my Studio, such as Courage, Tea, Gratitude, Gardens, Happiness, all onto pages like these . . .. . . whole genius sections about Love, Dreams, Time, Girlfriends, Cooking, Creativity, Earth, Fairy Tales, Beauty . . . so on and so on… Look how cute it’s going to be! I have about 40 pages done so far. I’ve been asked to do this for years, and I do think it needs to be here for the future! Everything that has ever mattered has been beautifully said by someone whose attestment has teeth,from Marcus Aurelius, to Mark Twain, Black Elk, Rumi, Langston Hughes, C.S. Eliot, Churchill, and the Bible, to Louisa May Alcott, Toni Morrison, Shakespeare, Dickens, Anne Frank, Lincoln, and so many more … plus, plenty from that prolific genius, Anon… and lots from people with less familiar names, whose smart, funny, wise, and touching words inspire curiosity, and open whole new worlds that lie beyond them. I’ve always read quote books like novels! I hope this book will be finished for that wonderful spring I’ve been thinking about. More hope in a time of need. May have to be two books, might even be three, still waiting to see! I know, I have next year’s calendars to do, and my wonderful book, Enchanted to work on, and lots of blog posts and Zoom events and dinners to cook, and Joe and Jack, and the House of Creativity, and all those other ideas, but here I am, Girls, 73, and there is still so very much I want to do!Some of you will remember that I did my very first Zoom Webinar last week. First I had to learn how to do a Power Point slide show. That about killed me. But at the last moment, it sunk in, and I found out just how easy it is to do. All about pushing the right buttons. Then I had to write about the photos, ⬆️ that’s me reading over old diaries to make sure I had the details right ~ it was a Calgon Zoom Party, took us far, far away, back to the English Countryside!And THEN, there was a week of daily Zoom practice with the encouragement of Andrea, the wonderful person who had extended the invitation for me to speak. We got to know each other pretty well! She was very patient!

We ended up doing the same program two days in a row, because the Zoom Room had gotten so full. I knew lots of you were there, because I got pictures! This one above is from our Girlfriend Mary Brehm! She has sweet peas!

This one came from Karen England and her Kitty . . . so fun to be in everyone’s houses!

This one is from Trahlyta! I got so many wonderful photos from you guys! Thank you! The program lasted about an hour and 15 minutes. I know some of you wanted to join in, but could not ~ so, as promised, here’s a link so you can see it yourself on Youtube. In the beginning, it’s just me staring at the screen, watching the names of attendees scrolling by really fast … such a fun thing to see, so many I recognized. I wish that part showed so you could read them too … but instead you just have to watch me staring at them and saying them out loud. Might want to skip that part!IN THE MEANTIME. Guess what? There are going to be more Zoom parties. In the column on the right of this Blog
you’ll see EVENTS. Here is the Link for it, but you can get there yourself when you need to check back for new event dates. I’m about to add more, so watch for them so you can register and receive an invitation to join. 

The next one will be a Sunday Afternoon Christmas Tea Party presented by the wonderful people at Titcombs Bookshop, just over the water on the Cape, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm EST on September 20 ~ BYO Tea because you’re all invited to my first virtual book event for my new Home for Christmas book! Here’s where you can sign up! If you don’t know how to do Zoom, you can Google “Youtube how to use Zoom” and they will show you. It’s just a matter of which buttons to push ~ it’s easy. When you sign up, they will send you an invitation to our zoom party … which will have a link for you to click on the day of the event. Put it on your calendar!One flower stands out on Martha’s Vineyard, it’s the hydrangea… they are everywhere! Drive up and down the streets and that’s what you see. We moved these from another part of the garden last year, and I’m so glad we did. Aren’t they romantic? They’re just starting to turn pale pink, something they do in the fall . . . and now we can see them from the kitchen windows from this dear old house I have loved for so long.💞

We’re still going on our walk everyday … joy of life. 

It’s been very warm . . . sometimes we have to cut our way through the air, it’s so thick . . . but it’s nothing like what our California Girlfriends are suffering. We pray for them every day. You too, Girlfriends in Iowa, we know about that crazy storm that shot through your state. And now, 11′ storm surges in Louisiana.😢 🙏 2020 is some kind of year!⚡️ We were spared the other night, we were told to hunker down and expect one-inch hail ~ it got very dark out there, but it never came! Thank God. Deep breath, ahhhhhh. Remembering how much we have to be grateful for. 

The woods are still green as Sherwood Forest, but every so often there are tell-tale signs that change is on the way with bright spots like this one!

And now, look, I had to show you this sweet letter I got from someone writing about our DamPanic, Go. Be. Love. postcards! Made my day!

Dear Susan, Several weeks ago I purchased a package of your “Go. Be. Love” postcards and sent them to a number of friends. Oh, my gosh! I send lots of cards and notes and have never received so many oohs and ahhs over a card I sent. My dear friends loved the postcard and just showered me with compliments and thanks. You deserve all of the credit. You created the perfect greeting to send during this pandemic and I am so grateful to be a longtime fan and follower and saw them in your online shop. Stay safe and well. Sincerely, Marge

 Just in cases YOU might need to be “showered with compliments and thanks” I thought I would share this!And the New Pumpkin Go. Be. Love. postcards came in too …


I had this pumpkin postcard printed in honor of what our Great Grandmothers did for us only a hundred years ago this August 18th!💖 Joe carved that Halloween pumpkin a few years back for our front window  ~ I thought it would be a good way to celebrate those brave and determined women, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, and best friends (and men too), who put themselves out there in a very big way for US! We should never take it for granted … they went through some very difficult and dangerous years, to make it happen!👏 Yes, Jack . . . And one more thing . . .In case YOU too need something sweet and homey to inspire you with my wind-in-the-trees formula for cozy, Kellee just put my Autumn book up at 25% off until midnight on Labor Day! You probably already have it, but maybe not, and maybe you need a gift for a friend!🍂 

And for you?

Time for a good Giveaway, don’t you agree? I think this is the perfect place to thank all of you for sticking with us through thick and thin and dampanic too, for me and for Kellee and Sheri, your kindness has meant the world to us over the years, going to work is a gift because of you, but especially these last months, you have no idea what a positive force you are. All you have to do is read the comments to know what lovely kindred spirits visit here. No matter where in the world you are, we have so much in common, I’m very proud of us.💖 Thank you.

So we’ll start here . . . 3 cups, 3 winners! As you know, these cups are mostly sold out now, but we saved these to surprise someone(s) ~ I hope one of them is YOU! Just leave a comment right at the bottom of this post, click on the teeny grey letters that say “comments,” leave a few words, and you will be automatically entered for the drawing . . . I’ll let you know who won in the next post, then I’ll send an email to the winners, who can write back with their mailing address, and voila, your cups will be on the way, either for you to keep, or perhaps to give away as a Christmas gift! And more . . .

Shipping from the printer is still on schedule for August 26th, which means we will probably have to wait until the day after Labor Day, September 8 to get HOME FOR CHRISTMAS delivered to the Studio! So, 3 more winners in this next drawing ~ and for each, a signed copy of my new book, hot off the press! If you’ve already ordered it, then Boom! You’ll have another one to giveaway! A little bit of “pay it forward.”💞
Leave a comment as suggested above … and now we will have six winners! Makes my day!
Okay dear ones, that’s all she wrote for today! I hope you’re giving yourself those hugs I talked about at the Zoom Party. They do help, and you do deserve them.❤️ Petty-pet hugs are good too! XOXOXO

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2,670 Responses to TICK-TOCK . . .

  1. Lynn Ayers says:

    Autumn! Such a lovely word! We also have had the sweltering heat in California! We are so looking forward to the change in seasons. We lovingly welcomed our daughter-in-law to our family this month (just a small wedding) and with our first grandchild coming in November, autumn will be a time of renewed blessings!

  2. Tracie Huskamp says:

    Oh the JOY to win a cup with your Wondrous Bird! I sadly missed purchasing this lovely cup as I am such a GREAT ADMIRER of our winged feathered friends, so full of song, so full of Hope!

  3. Jessica Mayette says:

    Dear Susan,
    I was given a first edition Autumn book waaaaaayy back when it was first published for my birthday in October by one of my life long girlfriends. Every year I pull it out and I always send her a message when I do. Reminding her how much I still treasure that gift. We both have daughters now (Scarlett and Hazel). Scarlett loves all of your books as much as I do. We have spent days together flipping through a tall pile of them on the front porch. Her favorite is Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of dreams. Thank you so much for the creative gifts you have given the world. It has certainly meant the world to me. (Divorced at 35) lol
    With so much admiration,
    Jessica Mayette

  4. Dawn M. Pinnataro says:

    Yippee! Every post brings a smile to my face down here in Albany, Georgia (where we were one of the first and worst hot spots of covid – slowed down and we are ticking back up again but not like other areas). I work in a mall and don’t even ask about how bad that is – retail has crashed BIG time and the days are numbered for malls, which is a shame. You and Joe please continuing keeping safe and I am with you – AUTUMN IS ALMOST HERE. My #1 FAV time of year. I love the ‘holidays’ (Thanksgiving to New Years, right through to Epithany) and love decorating for all of them but AUTUMN makes my heart sing (maybe ’cause I’m an autumn October babe). Happy days are a coming… Anyways, your posts always make me so happy and then you surprise us all with giveaways…yes, please! Oh how I would love one of those pretty pretty cups! That little blue bird is singing to me!

  5. I love quotes! Looking forward to your newest book!

  6. Kay says:

    This morning when I left for my 7am neighborhood walk it was a breezy 57 degrees! That put a spring in my step. Autumn has not always been my favorite season because once upon a hundred years ago, it meant “back to school”. But now, I love it and celebrate my October birthday for the entire month! Always so happy to find your newsletters in my email box. Take care!

  7. Lorraine Macholz says:

    Morning Susan and everyone!! It is always a pleasure to read your blog! Can’t wait for Fall myself. Favorite time of year and that is always when we would go to the Vineyard. Hoping next year we can!!! This year for a lot of reasons needs to just be gone and done with!! Stay safe and sound!!! <3 Lorraine

  8. charlotte m. says:

    Hi Susan. So good to see you. I am one of those California girlfriends. I am in San Diego and it has been uncomfortably hot here, but our girlfriends up north are even hotter…110 in Fresno! And the fires…awful. We are hoping and praying for fall and a change in the weather. A girlfriend in Arizona tells us she hasn’t even had any of the monsoons they typically get in the summer. No rain! I long for crisp leaves and cool breezes. Thanks so much for sharing all with us. Hello to Jack and Joe too.

  9. Christine says:

    Your posts always make me smile! Thank you so much for sharing your joy and wisdom with us – can’t wait for the quotation book!!

  10. Pam Mauch says:

    Good morning, Susan🌼
    Your blog popped up in my email after I had closed my current “quotes book” upon adding
    three quotes from my reading…..I have also been collecting quotes since my college days (graduated in 1970) and my friend Marta & I share recently discovered quotes in our frequent letters (yes, actual letters with beautiful postage stamps….I am a lifelong fan of the U.S.P.S.).
    I have piles of quotes books that I’ve created, so to say that I’m excited about a SB illustrated quotes book is a vast understatement!💙💌
    I am a psychologist who has been working from home since late March. Your blogs are full of kind and uplifting energy which is definitely needed during this time (my husband Patrick calls it the “damndemic”).
    Thank you, Susan


  11. Katheryn Osborne says:

    Love, love , love your blogs..just like a friend dropping by for a chat and a cuppa !!! Just like you I am longing for the cool, crisp days of fall…and hopefully some nice gentle rains to green up our parched fields here in Arkansas !!!

  12. Nanci says:

    This was a breath of fresh air to my inbox! I didn’t know you did a Zoom party! Thank you!

  13. Marisa from sunny Florida says:

    I just love your little vases filled with the sweetest “sweet pea” blossoms! 🙂

  14. Jill Nelson says:

    I’m over the moon 🌒 that you’re compiling your quotes in a book (or 2, or 3)! You alone are responsible for my love of copying other’s words of wisdom! 🎉 Woohoo!

  15. Patricia Masche says:

    I look forward to receiving your blog in my inbox! Today I ordered a bunch of the VOTE postcards, which I will send out to remind my girlfriends to plan to vote early. Thank you for this opportunity, I was feeling that I needed to do something and what a wonderful, sweet way to say make your vote a priority.

  16. Sheila Schlotterbeck says:

    Loved reading your post today. The new book of quotes sounds wonderful and I want to get one when it comes out. I look forward to your blogs, keep them coming. Sheila

  17. Judi says:

    An Autumn fan here also…even in the Sunshine State, we see a change if not in the temperature, then in our seasonal decorations. To start the celebration, I brought out all of my pumpkins, Indian corn, faux fall leaves and Susan Branch Fall book (of course)…27 days until first day of Fall! Brewing pumpkin spiced tea as I type… perhaps a loaf of pumpkin bread is in order, too. Take care and thanks for the opportunity to be entered into the drawing!

  18. Charlene Brummitt says:

    Hi Susan.
    Just watched your zoom session and loved it. You brighten the day. I love all your books and look forward to your next one.

    Have a good day
    Charlene from Chapel Hill,N.C.

  19. Melody Heck says:

    What a treat to read your blog post this morning. It gave me many things to smile about. I am so excited to read that new books are coming out! Thank you, Susan!

  20. Lynette Strohbach says:

    I loved attending the Zoom presentation last week, it was so good to see you and hear your voice! What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, and yes I do give myself hugs as well as my two dogs. I live alone, and it’s even harder in this time. I pre-ordered your Christmas book and am eagerly awaiting it’s arrival, but I would definitely like to win another one, or any one of the other lovely mugs! I have several of your mugs, but I don’t have those particular ones. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!! Happy Fall to you and Joe!

  21. Melody Mahala says:

    Good morning! I enjoyed your Zoom call so much that although I meant to take a picture of it on my computer, I got so lost in your “story” that I forgot to! So glad you’re going to do another one!

  22. I open your blog every day expecting something new. Hope springs eternal. Love every word, picture, color, quotation, recipe, story . . . Keep it up, girl! We love you!

  23. Patricia Clifford says:

    I’m a autumn girl too, can’t wait ! It is especially nice right now, to have this gorgeous season to look forward to and relish when it arrives !

  24. Shelby Roy says:

    Hi Susan! I just love your blog! <3 Looking forward to Autumn here in AZ too!

  25. Alice Dennison says:

    Dear Susan …A wonderful blog as always. What a year I have had put my house on the market and it sold in 3 days !! Trying to down size a 3 bedroom home with basement and garage into a 2 bedroom apartment has Not been easy ! I am so very tired of the hot and humid weather 92 today and 93 tomorrow so ready for Autumn and I miss my library not being open… Keep the faith …Hugs to Jack !

  26. Can’t wait for your Christmas Book and your book of quotes! Thank you for sharing your enormous talent!

  27. JoLynn Holmwood says:

    Oh, the picture you conjured for fall! So looking forward to Autumn🍁🍂🍃 I will try to attend a Zoom event. Missed the boat last time – all filled up! Love your art, writing, and joyful spirit. God bless!

  28. Brenda Winberg says:

    I love that Joe calls this the dampanic. I have sent out 2 packs of your pandemic postcards and as mentioned above, EVERYONE loves them. Thanks.

  29. Sian Marshall says:

    Hello – i so enjoyed the Zoominar last week, hearing you talking about my home country with such enthusiasm really lifted my spirits. It is always so lovely to see your beautiful house and garden, but to feel like I was sitting in your kitchen with you having a chat was incredible! Looking forward to more kitchen table chats to come.

  30. Robin Bailey says:

    I have looked forward to every blog post for years, but especially during this dampanic time. Thank you! I can’t wait to see the Christmas book!

  31. Margaret says:

    I enjoyed this post and also the delightful postcards. Thank you.

  32. Stephanie says:

    Love Autumn and look forward to your posts.

  33. I love you blog. They give me the “boost” I need. I save them for that very reason. 🙂

  34. Luanne Dykens says:

    Hi Susan-looking forward to your new book on quotes! I often send them to my granddaughters in snail mail at college. Wow-weee-have always loved your watercolor paintings!!!

  35. Beverlee Moreno-Ring says:

    Hi Susan, Just loved your zoom chat about the English countryside.. It was so fun to win a prize at the end, your new Christmas book!!! Just signed up for the new zoom chat about it. Extra special since I won the book on your very first zoom! I can’t tell you how your zoom chat lifted my spirits.. So fun writing to you and seeing all the girlfriends posting to you.. Thank you for all you do Susan. Your are a bright light in this Dampendic. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  36. Debra Wagner says:

    Dear Kindred spirit, I can’t wait for the cool sweater weather, fresh apple cider, pumpkin everything and of course, those beautiful colorful leaves. Autumn is truly God’s masterpiece! It’s almost here!

  37. Karla Barry says:

    Everyday walks are what’s keeping us sane through all of this. Here in California even the beach air has been hot and heavy so we go out at 6:30am!
    Love all of your cups but that bluebird is especially lovely :))

  38. Mary Kaeli says:

    A taste of Autumn arrived this morning on the North wind! Only lasting one day, but we’ll gladly take it! Windows wide open, AC off!! Small moments, great pleasures! Be well!

  39. Karen Juergens says:

    Thanks for helping us look at a bright future next year!

  40. JANET RETZKE says:

    I am going to try to learn to zoom so I can join your next one. I am NOT ever going to be to old to learn new tricks. I make greeting cards for my family and friends. Right now I am working on the Halloween ones. I love sending cards. When I find that I have made too many, I donate them to the senior center.

  41. Karen Juergens says:

    You are such an inspiration Susan!

  42. Mary Lou Unangst says:

    The cups are so nice!!!! I very much enjoyed the zoom meeting and am looking forward to more!

  43. Debby Rickett says:

    Darling Susan~
    I love the “coin” quote…. it’s so true!!
    We are suffering in Southern California. Fires….Heatwave…. Virus. I am almost afraid to ask what next? Flying Monkeys??
    Looking very forward to your quote book! I am always inspired by your life, books and blog.

    Thank you! You make things feel normal, no matter what else is happening around me.

    Debby 😘

  44. Nancy from Iowa says:

    Hi Susan! I was somewhat depressed today with this unrelenting heat, but after reading your blog, I’m feeling signs of hopefulness. Thank you! Yes, the derecho hit us hard here in Iowa, but after it blew through, people emerged from their houses slowly with anxiety to see what damage was done. And then all of the sudden, everyone started helping everyone! People I’ve never met before, going from door to door asking if help is needed. I got to work picking up wheel barrows of branches from our yard and we decided my husband would go next door to help a fellow whose tree was lying in the street. Before long several fine gents pitched in and the tree was all cut up and in neat piles along the curb. While I was working, Nick, another neighbor who has a sweet Dalmatian named Stanley, came to my aid and while we worked we had the nicest conversation. He’s to be an uncle for the first time! So what was a terrible storm causing lots of damage, drew our neighborhood together and we got to know each other so much better. Good can come out of bad, and that’s great!

  45. Claudia says:

    Good morning! Beautiful fall like day today. AUTUMN on display anticipating more days like today. Admire your bravery in conquering Zoom!

  46. Always look forward to your blog. You give me cheer and hope during this dampendic. Can’t wait to get your new book.

  47. Margaret Ladd says:

    I love reading your blogs and especially looking at all the art work. I wish I had that talent. Autumn is my favorite time of year except Christmas but I love all the fall colors and the many different kinds of pumpkins out there now to decorate with. Also love your mugs. I have one and it is great quality. I want to use it but Im afraid I’ll break it so it is on my shelf to admire. Also I noticed Queen Elizabeth’s picture on your windowsill. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to meet her and have a conversation about her gardens or dogs.

  48. Brenda Kaatman says:

    Thank you, Susan, for your give aways! And for all your uplifting words!! I, too, am an Autumn Lover! I was born in Autumn! I married in Autumn! I love to celebrate Thanksgiving….so very much to be thankful for!!!!!

  49. Jenn Khurshid says:

    I’m looking forward to Autumn, too!

  50. Pat Hoffarth says:

    Susan, Thank you so much for once again bringing joy into my day. I love when your blog posts arrive. I am upset that I missed the Zoom party. By the time I signed on, you were saying good-bye. Hopefully, I can catch it on YouTube. Thank you for spreading kindness and cheer. Love you.

  51. Christine Morgan says:

    Dear Susan
    It was so nice to see the blog post this morning. So looking forward to your new books. It is really warm and humid here in St. Louis and it seems like all I do is water plants. Just trying to keep them alive. I got my Autumn book off the shelf net to my desk and will be paging through it (my son keeps asking when I will make pumpkin pies). It is his favorite but right now the fresh fruit is so wonderful it is hard not to make fruit pies. Thank you for being you and sharing your experiences with us. Your zoom chat was wonderful. I watched after the fact but loved every minute. I hope to sign up for future ones. Thank you for some great giveaways. Looking forward to see who the lucky winners are. The picnic tables look wonderful—enjoy your dinner party. So much fun to surround yourself with friends. Until next time!
    Chris Morgan
    St. Louis Missouri

  52. Nancy Guarino says:

    Dear Susan – thank you for the gift of light and love in your newsletters.

    I copy your quotes down and will look forward to your book. Wanting to give you something, here’s a poem I taped into my 2020 calendar:

    “When despair for the world grows in me
    And I wake in the night at the least sound
    In fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
    I go and lie down where the wood drake
    Rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
    I come into the peace of wild things
    who do not tax their lives with forethought
    of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
    And I feel above me the day-blind stars
    waiting with their light. For a time
    I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”
    — Wendell Berry

    Thank you for all! Nancy in Hudson

    • sbranch says:

      Beautiful, and the pure answer to what ails humanity. Must hold on to the beauty of the earth, because we are going to need it! “Where the wood drake rests . . .” ahhhhhh. 💖

    • Debbie Boerger says:

      Nancy, I just adore Wendell Berry and have his writings all over the place. When I need solace, I read them all once more.
      Or….I read some of Susan’s old posts.
      Debbie in Maine

  53. Sheron Fitch says:

    Thank you Susan for for cheerful and hopeful posts! You are sunshine!

  54. Anita Marble says:

    Good morning, Susan!
    Your mugs are creations of beauty and I would love to own one!
    And the Christmas book looks delightful ❤️

  55. vicki says:

    AUTUMN! One of my favorite words in the English language!!!! Loved your post… starting to feel cozy just reading it. LOVED the table for 6 idea. Thanks for your always uplifting words. Hugs>>>> virtual of course!

  56. Wanda McCay says:

    Susan, how I love and look forward to your blog!!! I draw in a breath of excitement every time I scroll through my emails and see one listed😁! I live in Ames, IA, and was grateful to read your kind words about praying for us in Iowa due to the recent derecho (a word new to me that I could have done without ever learning!). Our family were all comparatively lucky with damage and only lost power for 24 hours. Now we are praying for those in danger in the rest of the country as we simultaneously look for all the joy, beauty and wonder that can also be seen around us. Thank you for helping with that again as you always unfailingly do!
    Wanda McCay

    • sbranch says:

      Possible 20′ water surge in poor Louisiana. 😢 That’s unbelievable… and me too, had to learn your new weather word “derecho” ~ I wonder how many more words for weather there are that we’ve never heard before.😳I hope we never find out! Stay safe Wanda!

  57. Judy A Brown says:

    This pandemic has been so depressing. Your email blog is always such a bright spot in my day when it appears. Your new cups make a cup of coffee twice as enjoyable. I am so anxious and excited anticipating the arrival the of your new Christmas book. And…..a book of quotes and sayings sounds wonderful!!!

  58. Debbie Boerger says:

    HoooRah! A new post! Have read about half of the Comments, but the crisp Fallish weather is calling!!! I’ll read the rest this afternoon.
    The goldfinches are going through several tubes of seeds every day now. They breed this time of year, and need lots of nourishment. Humming birds going through cups and cups of sugar water, as they’ll be heading South in a few weeks. We’re happy to serve it up. Nice hard rain yesterday. Awoke in the night shivering, closed the windows, looked at Mars in the SW sky, Venus in the East, hugged myself in the pure joy of being alive!
    Fall is my favorite season as well, but this year that tinge of sadness will be absent. We’ll be here in Maine until it’s safe to go back to Florida, and who knows when that will be. Christmas in Maine, walks in the snow, crunch, crunch, twinkling lights, our fresh wreath on the door……
    Looking forward to getting a professional hair cut tomorrow in Ellsworth. Tomorrow evening, Thursday, has become a regular meal with our good friend. This time she’s bringing the meal….and a Blueberry cake. She brought over another 5 pound box of luscious berries this week. I have enough, maybe for lots of pancakes all winter, and the occasional muffins and Blueberry Buckle. The crows and the bears eat up our blackberries, wild ones, and they are welcome. Apple trees just loaded. So much to be thankful about, even in this Time if Damnpanic.

    Thank you so very much, Dear Sue, for all these wonderful treats!! I really is the Little Things that keep us going and add spice to our lives, she said, realizing that each one takes many hours on your part.
    Mucho Love,
    Debbie in Gawjus Maine

  59. Judy Mapston says:

    I cannot wait until I receive the Christmas book. Also thanks for the give a way!

  60. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    Terrible air quality here in Colorado! FIRES! Lifted me up to here from you. HAPPINESS!!!

  61. Helen Edwards says:

    Fall is my favorite season as well. I think the anticipation of the holidays has been a big part of this special affinity for the season and the leaves 🍁 are part of it too. Zoom call was amazing. I have wanted for so long to attend one of your events and I was finally able to do it through the magic of technology! 💕 I am looking for to your quote book. It was my mother, who loved quotes who passed along this enjoyment of the wisdom of words. Quotes help us realize that no one is alone. Others share the same hopes, dreams and even sorrow. Thank you for everything,

  62. Ann says:

    Such a pleasure to read this cheery post this morning. My Inbox is decidedly short on “Cheery” these days/months. I’m looking forward to your quote book now, such a brilliant idea!

  63. Marilyn S says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for a lovely, fun, uplifting post! I love the quote that there are only two seasons in the year – Autumn and waiting for Autumn! I do feel that way. After an especially hot dry summer here in Utah I am looking forward to cooler days and nights, colorful leaves, walks in the crisp air, hot chocolate, and sweaters. I am so excited you are creating a quote book. So many times, I have written down some of your quotes that have been especially inspiring and it will be so nice to have them all together in one beautiful book.
    Thanks for all that you do for us girlfriends!

  64. Kathy Bunge says:

    Always LOVE reading your blog posts! Also can’t wait to receive the darling Christmas book. One thing I know I will miss having next year is my “England” calendar! My husband & I visited Martha’s Vineyard on a New England tour for our 25th anniversary many years ago & we have fond memories of seeing your beautiful home, as well as other sites on the Island. Reading your blog always brings back wonderful memories of that trip, especially because it was during Autumn! xxoo

  65. Cheryl McBride says:

    Just ordered your puzzle, the first I will have ever bought. My husband and I plan to put it at the end of the dining table, next to the fireplace. Ready for winter!
    Cheryl McBride
    Salida, Colorado

  66. Bonnie Brown says:

    Looking forward to autumn also. This has been the hottest, most humid rainiest summer! I also love hydrangeas and your pee gee is beautiful. I love to dry them to decorate for fall, or spray with a little gold for Christmas.
    Thanks again for lifting our spirits! Who lifts yours? Dear Joe and Jack, most probably. ❤️

  67. Maureen from So. Cal says:

    Wow, lots of comments since last night!

    I’m going to sign up for the September book event now-hopefully I will do better with that than I did trying to order the Go.Be.Love. cards. It shows out of stock again, that’s at least my third try and I keep missing them in stock. 🙁 Maybe it’s not meant to be, three strikes and you’re out they say. But you know me, I’ll keep checking. 🙂 Just thought I would share they are apparently gone already.

    Looking forward to fall. The temps have been well over 100 in my area of California along with humidity, although yesterday was a bit better. Be joyful in all things, right?

    Wish me luck on my sign up. Have a glorious day. Be well.


  68. Colleen Dippold says:

    Thank you Susan for always knowing what your girlfriends need. This was like the best conversation with an old friend. I can’t wait to zoom with you next time!

  69. Lynette M. says:

    My mom and I have been waiting for your new post, we check every. single. day. When there’s a new one I shout out, there’s a new blog today!!! We giggle with glee!! I ordered your new cups and have one put up for her birthday. Hopefully she won’t ready this. Thank you for everything you do to spread love and light!! We are so thankful for you and Joe and Jack! Praying for our country in so many ways and everyone all over the world!

  70. Rhonda Williams says:

    Going right now to get my Autumn book out to read. It’s my favorite time of year and to prove it’s coming I saw a tree half red while doing errands today! 🍂🍁🍂 Have a wonderful day!

  71. Jill Crews says:

    love your blog and everything SB

  72. Jane Ames says:

    Love the Autumn book…my favorite apple crisp recipe. Thank you Susan for being a ray of sunshine during this stressful time❤️

  73. Della Bone says:

    I certainly would enjoy winning one of your lovely cups or the new Christmas Book!🥰 pick me!

  74. Karen says:

    Thank you for all you do to brighten my day!

  75. Cindy Figgatt says:

    I’ve been waiting for a new blog post and this one is great. I plan to find your zoom meeting and sign up for the next one. You are always remarking on the importance of small treats and your blog posts always provide some, thanks so much! Cindy

  76. Karen D Martin says:

    It’s always a joy to open an email from you. I haven’t had an opportunity to do Zoom yet, but I’m going to give it a go!

  77. Maureen O’Keefe says:

    My favorite newsletter yet. Looking forward to Fall!

  78. Lori W Hamilton says:

    DEAR Susan!
    Thank you for the blog ~ I’m having the loveliest morning with actual sunshine coming in the sun room and tea and about to do some art of my own. I open up the computer and there YOU are! It’s a red-letter morning and day.

    I’m so excited about the quote book and that my “Little Things” cup will be arriving any day. Life (and God) are so good! I’m feeling great and am a little over 6 months out from my bone marrow transplant ~ so blessed. Stay safe and even though we’re all glad you’re busy and bursting with ideas that we’ll benefit from, take time for yourself and Joe and Jack. (I say this knowing you’re already a pro at time management!) Hugs!!

  79. Sandra Sarlinga says:

    Dear Susan, I have been following you since I found your calendar when we just arrived from Argentina to the States back in 2000, 20 years already and I have every one of them from that time! So I received your Willards and now I wait with the same excitement the announcement of your blog post in my inbox. I have your last 3 books and have given A fine Romance as a gift of friends of mine who like me, love you so much! Although my love for Italy, my grandparents were Italians, has a big place in my heart, you made me love the English countryside like I have never imagined. I am a farmer, we have raised sheep, we cook and grow things and dream a lot in our farmhouse with a mountain view in Virginia and those travels you took us with through the English countryside are a gift and a lift to our hearts. Love you Susan, big hugs to Joe and sweet Jack.

  80. Pam Kadluboski says:

    Just registered for the September virtual tea! So excited to see you again! The first one last week was a pleasure. I can’t wait for the book of quotes to come out too. Thanks for always having something new for us to look forward to….you add joy to all of our lives🙂

  81. Cheryl says:

    I always feel so encouraged to face the day after reading your wonderful, uplifting posts, Susan. Here in the Pacific Northwest we are enjoying the last weeks of summer with beautiful days and cool nights. Stay healthy!

  82. Jill Cooper says:

    As always, thank you for all this goodness to enjoy!❤️

  83. Sally Moren says:

    Susan, congratulations on your upcoming book of quotations. It is going to be a shining star for all of us. … Like you are;)

  84. Claudia Lening says:

    “There are only two seasons, Autumn, and waiting for Autumn!” Oh how I love this saying. I hope you don’t mind if I share it. This year Autumn brings us a special joy with the arrival of our first grandchild in October. After the year we’ve had, it will be so wonderful to welcome this sweet baby into our family.

    As always Susan, I appreciate your special outlook on life. I look forward each month to your words of joy, hope and wisdom. Thank you.

    I thought I posted this yesterday, but I can’t seem to locate the original post.

  85. JoAnn says:

    Your posts are always so uplifting, especially now during these uncertain times in our country.

  86. Lori says:

    Reading your newsletter puts a smile on my face! Many blessings to you!

  87. Alison Evans says:

    Just signed up for the Christmas Tea event! Cannot wait to “see” you!

  88. JUDITH RONGE says:

    Thank you for your most recent entry – I wait impatiently for new entries and sometimes re-ready yours several times as they are so uplifting and I just love studying your photos – Have a nice day because you make mine ! ! ? J 🙂

  89. CindyLou K says:

    Thank you, Susan, for another wonderful blog post. Seeing the notification come up in my email always makes me smile! 2020 has been a difficult year but, this year marks the arrival of my first grandchild (August Ross) born in May, my best friend’s grandson born in March, and a very tiny wedding for a niece coming up in October. These celebrations are at times bittersweet as we ache to kiss those babies to bits and dance with friends at the wedding but still in the middle of this mess we did get some blessings!🌟💗🌟💗. Your blog really helps to remind us to look for those good things. Thank you!!

  90. Michele L Meacham says:

    Susan …
    I will try again ~ I didn’t see my comment yesterday, so I looked for it this morning … & still no comment!!
    Anyway ~ I am so thrilled with all of your upcoming & beautiful things for us to purchase & then a giveaway or 2 thrown in to boot … how wonderful!! I am looking forward to your “Home for Christmas” book & of course a new calendar (or 2), but now the idea of a quote book has me looking forward to the new year (besides the fact that 2020 has pretty much STUNK!!)!! Thank you for all of this!!
    Wishing you a truly blessed day & thank you for making my day with your new blog post ~ Michele
    PS ~ Got out my “Autumn” book last evening & I am sooo ready for FALL!!

  91. Maureen from So. Cal says:

    YAY! Success in signing up for the September tea event. I’m so happy and looking forward to it. I have my book on pre-order and the event is just a few days before my birthday. This will probably be my birthday event as we are still not venturing out due to my husband’s many underlying health issues. So yay again!

    I’m very much looking forward to the quotes book; quotes are one of my favorite things as I’ve shared before. One of my favorite quotes is from Oscar Wilde (he has so many), who hails from the land of my parents: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” It always brings a smile to my face. This is what I think your blog, art, books and events portray for me. I have found a place I can be myself and with kindred spirits. We all love the same things.

    Stay well,


  92. Maria Schneider says:

    I look forward to reading your blog…brings so much happiness to my day. I too love autumn. It’s definitely my favorite time of the year.

  93. Lori says:

    So good to see you pop up in my feed this morning. A glimpse into your lovely life was a pick-me-up for sure. I appreciate your cheerfulness in these heavy laden times. Thank you! A book full of your quotes will be a delightful balm for the soul. And I would love to share a cup with my dearest kindred spirit who is suffering more than I….

  94. Joyce Dupont says:

    Guess I have to try and learn about zoom.
    Fall days coming and I so enjoy it as well.
    Looking forward to the plandemic ending and getting together with family and friends doing all the fun things fall brings.

  95. Marla says:

    Would love your mugs!

  96. Kay Kay says:

    Susan, So looking forward to the new Christmas book.
    And now, the Quotes book(s).
    I love quotes, too, and it’s also my favorite part of your calendars.
    So many wonderful quotes and you will save me the task of transferring them to my own quote book. Can hardly wait.

    I’m looking forward to Autumn as well — love sweater weather and falling leaves.
    All the best to you, Joe, and Jack!

  97. Shelley Palmer says:

    Thank you. You have lifted the spirit of one living most days like a character in the movie “Ground Hog Day”. I sure hope our leaders decide to follow the science, and get us on a better path to getting through this pandemic. My daughter is an ER nurse, and my daughter-in-law is an RT, so they are in the middle of it here in FL. That being said, your post was just what I needed, and a pleasure to read. You are so generous, and we are so grateful. ♥️♥️♥️

    • sbranch says:

      Please, wrap my love around your “girls” with the biggest virtual hugs you can muster. So grateful for THEM! 💖💖💖

  98. susan says:

    Dear Sue and Joe
    We all look forward to having you brighten our very long days of partial isolation. I’m so glad that you are going to be able to get together with friends again, and even serving meals together. I think as long as the food is hot there is nothing to worry about. And if all your friends have been following the rules, even cold food is ok. I meet one of my friends for dinner occasionally at a park and sit on either end of a six foot table eating hot takeout meals. I ordered your Christmas book and can’t wait to get it.
    For anyone mailing in a ballet in the election they should check the amount of postage necessary, some may need more than one stamp, every state is different.
    I so enjoy reading all your posts and the comments. I hope everyone stays safe, keep socially distanced and wear a mask. With these simple acts done by everyone we can get rid of this virus.
    Already decorating for fall and will be making your corn pudding.
    By for now, Love Sue

  99. Becky Mosebey says:

    I love your new post cards!! And I love you!

  100. Shelley says:

    Enjoying a cup of tea & your post! Looking forward to rocking the VOTE! and HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!

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