I can’t believe it, here we are, at the end of August already and all I can say is, tick-tock, how did we get here so soon, and OH GOODIE!MUSICA! I have been suffering from this hot and sticky August that seemingly will not end . . . I’m ready to move on! Love the quote, “There are only two seasons, Autumn, and waiting for Autumn!” Fits me to a T, especially right this moment. And then, a couple of days ago, at the top of my suffering, I accidentally did a happy thing . . . I opened up my Autumn Book, just to take a look. As I turned the pages a thrill went through my heart, and I realized, it’s almost here! My favorite time of year!

So I went and got some sunflowers . . . and cut marigolds from the garden for little vases . . . because 

It perked me right up! Changed everything! Sweaters are coming! Leaves! Crisp air! Corn Pudding! Makes me almost want to go on a diet. That’s how perky I feel! (“Almost” being the operative word, I am not done with toast and peanut butter yet!)
I know, not everyone looks forward to cold weather, but I love having a reason to heat up the oven and bake something! And in my glee, I planned the rest of the year: first a long breezy, colorful autumn (and can we have a normal Halloween? Why not? Everyone wears masks anyway!👺 That will cheer everyone up! The kids will be thrilled!), leaves blowing through the woods on our walk, crisp salt air off the water, quilts airing in the breeze, more cozy covers on the bed, church bells ringing and boat whistles blowing, and then a short, cozy, snow-white winter around the fireplace, with a new Christmas book and a new puzzle to do during the winter, which will be SO short I’ll have to hurry! And then, an early burst of the most flowery spring ever ~ in a brand new world filled with fresh beginnings! Covid gone, children going to school, everyone back to work, Easter egg hunts! Kitchen table Tea with girlfriends, with new remembrance, respect, and deep gratitude …

While all these nice thoughts were brewing in my head … My cups arrived on the kitchen porch!!! I’ve been waiting! I hope you got yours too … if not, you should soon. We had a little slow-down at the PO, so if you ordered one, and don’t have it yet, it’s definitely on the way!❤️

And then there’s this happy thing. Joe is outside building us a 12′ picnic table, in two pieces, one 8′ and one 4′ … so we can have a party of six for dinner, a couple at each end, and one in the middle for starry September evenings! Just planned our first one for this Friday Night!👏 I’m cooking! Joe’s grilling! Keeping our sunny-sides up.💖

Now what’s this you may be asking. It’s a surprise! Another unexpected book! It will be called Distilled Genius, Wisdom of the World, Words to Live By, (or something like that) and contain my forty-year collection of brilliant quotes from the ages, gathered into categories as I have them here in my Studio, such as Courage, Tea, Gratitude, Gardens, Happiness, all onto pages like these . . .. . . whole genius sections about Love, Dreams, Time, Girlfriends, Cooking, Creativity, Earth, Fairy Tales, Beauty . . . so on and so on… Look how cute it’s going to be! I have about 40 pages done so far. I’ve been asked to do this for years, and I do think it needs to be here for the future! Everything that has ever mattered has been beautifully said by someone whose attestment has teeth,from Marcus Aurelius, to Mark Twain, Black Elk, Rumi, Langston Hughes, C.S. Eliot, Churchill, and the Bible, to Louisa May Alcott, Toni Morrison, Shakespeare, Dickens, Anne Frank, Lincoln, and so many more … plus, plenty from that prolific genius, Anon… and lots from people with less familiar names, whose smart, funny, wise, and touching words inspire curiosity, and open whole new worlds that lie beyond them. I’ve always read quote books like novels! I hope this book will be finished for that wonderful spring I’ve been thinking about. More hope in a time of need. May have to be two books, might even be three, still waiting to see! I know, I have next year’s calendars to do, and my wonderful book, Enchanted to work on, and lots of blog posts and Zoom events and dinners to cook, and Joe and Jack, and the House of Creativity, and all those other ideas, but here I am, Girls, 73, and there is still so very much I want to do!Some of you will remember that I did my very first Zoom Webinar last week. First I had to learn how to do a Power Point slide show. That about killed me. But at the last moment, it sunk in, and I found out just how easy it is to do. All about pushing the right buttons. Then I had to write about the photos, ⬆️ that’s me reading over old diaries to make sure I had the details right ~ it was a Calgon Zoom Party, took us far, far away, back to the English Countryside!And THEN, there was a week of daily Zoom practice with the encouragement of Andrea, the wonderful person who had extended the invitation for me to speak. We got to know each other pretty well! She was very patient!

We ended up doing the same program two days in a row, because the Zoom Room had gotten so full. I knew lots of you were there, because I got pictures! This one above is from our Girlfriend Mary Brehm! She has sweet peas!

This one came from Karen England and her Kitty . . . so fun to be in everyone’s houses!

This one is from Trahlyta! I got so many wonderful photos from you guys! Thank you! The program lasted about an hour and 15 minutes. I know some of you wanted to join in, but could not ~ so, as promised, here’s a link so you can see it yourself on Youtube. In the beginning, it’s just me staring at the screen, watching the names of attendees scrolling by really fast … such a fun thing to see, so many I recognized. I wish that part showed so you could read them too … but instead you just have to watch me staring at them and saying them out loud. Might want to skip that part!IN THE MEANTIME. Guess what? There are going to be more Zoom parties. In the column on the right of this Blog
you’ll see EVENTS. Here is the Link for it, but you can get there yourself when you need to check back for new event dates. I’m about to add more, so watch for them so you can register and receive an invitation to join. 

The next one will be a Sunday Afternoon Christmas Tea Party presented by the wonderful people at Titcombs Bookshop, just over the water on the Cape, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm EST on September 20 ~ BYO Tea because you’re all invited to my first virtual book event for my new Home for Christmas book! Here’s where you can sign up! If you don’t know how to do Zoom, you can Google “Youtube how to use Zoom” and they will show you. It’s just a matter of which buttons to push ~ it’s easy. When you sign up, they will send you an invitation to our zoom party … which will have a link for you to click on the day of the event. Put it on your calendar!One flower stands out on Martha’s Vineyard, it’s the hydrangea… they are everywhere! Drive up and down the streets and that’s what you see. We moved these from another part of the garden last year, and I’m so glad we did. Aren’t they romantic? They’re just starting to turn pale pink, something they do in the fall . . . and now we can see them from the kitchen windows from this dear old house I have loved for so long.💞

We’re still going on our walk everyday … joy of life. 

It’s been very warm . . . sometimes we have to cut our way through the air, it’s so thick . . . but it’s nothing like what our California Girlfriends are suffering. We pray for them every day. You too, Girlfriends in Iowa, we know about that crazy storm that shot through your state. And now, 11′ storm surges in Louisiana.😢 🙏 2020 is some kind of year!⚡️ We were spared the other night, we were told to hunker down and expect one-inch hail ~ it got very dark out there, but it never came! Thank God. Deep breath, ahhhhhh. Remembering how much we have to be grateful for. 

The woods are still green as Sherwood Forest, but every so often there are tell-tale signs that change is on the way with bright spots like this one!

And now, look, I had to show you this sweet letter I got from someone writing about our DamPanic, Go. Be. Love. postcards! Made my day!

Dear Susan, Several weeks ago I purchased a package of your “Go. Be. Love” postcards and sent them to a number of friends. Oh, my gosh! I send lots of cards and notes and have never received so many oohs and ahhs over a card I sent. My dear friends loved the postcard and just showered me with compliments and thanks. You deserve all of the credit. You created the perfect greeting to send during this pandemic and I am so grateful to be a longtime fan and follower and saw them in your online shop. Stay safe and well. Sincerely, Marge

 Just in cases YOU might need to be “showered with compliments and thanks” I thought I would share this!And the New Pumpkin Go. Be. Love. postcards came in too …


I had this pumpkin postcard printed in honor of what our Great Grandmothers did for us only a hundred years ago this August 18th!💖 Joe carved that Halloween pumpkin a few years back for our front window  ~ I thought it would be a good way to celebrate those brave and determined women, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, and best friends (and men too), who put themselves out there in a very big way for US! We should never take it for granted … they went through some very difficult and dangerous years, to make it happen!👏 Yes, Jack . . . And one more thing . . .In case YOU too need something sweet and homey to inspire you with my wind-in-the-trees formula for cozy, Kellee just put my Autumn book up at 25% off until midnight on Labor Day! You probably already have it, but maybe not, and maybe you need a gift for a friend!🍂 

And for you?

Time for a good Giveaway, don’t you agree? I think this is the perfect place to thank all of you for sticking with us through thick and thin and dampanic too, for me and for Kellee and Sheri, your kindness has meant the world to us over the years, going to work is a gift because of you, but especially these last months, you have no idea what a positive force you are. All you have to do is read the comments to know what lovely kindred spirits visit here. No matter where in the world you are, we have so much in common, I’m very proud of us.💖 Thank you.

So we’ll start here . . . 3 cups, 3 winners! As you know, these cups are mostly sold out now, but we saved these to surprise someone(s) ~ I hope one of them is YOU! Just leave a comment right at the bottom of this post, click on the teeny grey letters that say “comments,” leave a few words, and you will be automatically entered for the drawing . . . I’ll let you know who won in the next post, then I’ll send an email to the winners, who can write back with their mailing address, and voila, your cups will be on the way, either for you to keep, or perhaps to give away as a Christmas gift! And more . . .

Shipping from the printer is still on schedule for August 26th, which means we will probably have to wait until the day after Labor Day, September 8 to get HOME FOR CHRISTMAS delivered to the Studio! So, 3 more winners in this next drawing ~ and for each, a signed copy of my new book, hot off the press! If you’ve already ordered it, then Boom! You’ll have another one to giveaway! A little bit of “pay it forward.”💞
Leave a comment as suggested above … and now we will have six winners! Makes my day!
Okay dear ones, that’s all she wrote for today! I hope you’re giving yourself those hugs I talked about at the Zoom Party. They do help, and you do deserve them.❤️ Petty-pet hugs are good too! XOXOXO

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2,670 Responses to TICK-TOCK . . .

  1. Brittany Gillman says:

    I look forward to september 1st every year — the day I allow myself to crack open and get lost in your autumn book, susan! ❤ it’s our family guidepost for the season and gives me inspiration and warm and cozy feelings all the way to halloween. Then november 1st, its christmas time! 😂 glad to hear you are enjoying the pink tipped hydrangeas and the promise of cooler temps happening on the island.;

  2. Connie Rose Woehler says:

    I am so excited about your book of quotes! Now I really do have something to look forward to after this “dampanic”! Also loved your Zoom party and look forward to attending more events with you! You are amazing and talented and bring so much joy to all of us! Thank You!

  3. Kathy Cinquino says:

    Thank you so much for the Zoom last week. I don’t need to tell you how having a little escapism to Beatrix Potter country made a difference on a hot summer day!
    Stay cool & safe! Autumn is just around the corner! Hugs! Kathy

  4. Di W Word says:

    So good to hear from you.
    Love from Happy, the Corgi and Di

  5. Denise Carlson says:

    Oh my, I’m late for the party! I was on a little holiday and didn’t have access to the Internet. I finally have the chance to read and watch the zoom presentation, so fun, so lovely, technology curse or blessing? ! I say blessing to be able to participate in such a event. Please enter me into the drawing.
    Thanks, Denise

  6. Sue Graham says:

    Love you too! Although I love crisp autumn days and cold temps and snow, I’m truly a spring girl. For me there are two seasons: spring and waiting for spring. LOL. However, this crazy, 2020 year (I’m using “2020” as my new swear word) has me wanting to rush to autumn, rush through Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and give 2021 a try. I pray it will be better.

  7. Virginie says:

    Another positive post ! Thank you !!
    I love quotes and can’t wait for your next book.

  8. Joy Erekson says:

    You had me at “There are 2 seasons- Autumn and waiting for autumn!” You are the most kindred spirit of any kindred spirit I’ve ever found! We CELEBRATE my FAVORITE 90 Days starting Oct 1st every year (we call them GramE’s Favorite 90 days as we have 17 -almost 18 WONDERFUL Grandchildren to CELEBRATE with!!!) I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything you’ve ever made and every book of yours I have! So GRATEFUL I SOMEHOW stumbled onto your blog! You are a GIFT to this crazy world and you draw and describe so beautifully the world we all dream of living in! THANKS for being YOU and using YOUR many talents for BLESSING all of US!!
    Hugs and Prayers! JOY

  9. Pat Furtaw says:

    Thanks for brightening my day! I’m anxiously awaiting our favorite season too! Happy fall right around the corner 🍁🌻🍁

  10. Crystal R Schultz says:

    Thank you for your sweet and calming post. Just what I need as I am getting ready to head back to teaching.

  11. Looking forward to another Zoom gathering. Susan, that really made my day last week. My sister, who is far away, was on, and I was on, and she and I were texting back and forth – it was like she and I were there together, with YOU!

  12. Janet in NC says:

    Such a breath of fresh air during such heavy times, sending love to our neighbors in the Gulf coast and those in the storm’s path. Be well all, Janet

  13. Thelma says:

    Your emails always make me smile and bring JOY! Thank you!

  14. phyllis jolly says:

    thank you so much for your letters of encouragement and words of wisdom. I look forward to each and every one!

  15. Sonya Webb says:

    Thank you for the encouragement, the cozy thoughts and the look ahead to a better tomorrow!

  16. Brenda J Winkle says:

    Love your blogs – so fun to read! I think you are a ” Lady after my own Heart” by loving leaves blowing in the wind, old-fashioned things, old fashioned ways, all thing cozy and beautiful. afternoon tea and lovely cups from which to drink it and I could go on and on. You are a bright happy person in this world and I appreciate you. Thank you, Susan.

  17. janine haley says:

    Love all your “art” and have several books….hoping for a gorgeous cup now!

  18. Loretta Kennedy says:

    Dear Susan, Thanks again for your wonderful blog! I always look forward to it! I love your Autumn book which I have had for years. I always keep it on my counter in the fall. Take care. Loretta Kennedy

  19. Stacey says:

    I love spending time reading your blog posts with a cup of tea early in the morning. I look forward to your book of quotes! Thank you so much for the giveaway.

  20. Leslie Naugle says:

    …..and a hug back to you! Can’t wait until the Christmas book comes out! ❤️

  21. Marlana Sendra says:

    Hi Susan!
    So excited for all of your upcoming projects. You are a busy lady. Always enjoy your photos and cozy posts. You and Joe and Jack stay well.

  22. Sue Earnest says:

    Love the cups!

  23. Michele says:

    Sending you smiles, giggles, lovely hugs and appreciation for happiness you give.

  24. I can never have too many of your books because, every year…without fail..a new friend peruses my bookshelves and ogles over them so I always end up having new people to gift them to. <3

  25. Looking forward to your new book. Thank you for the sweet and inspiring sentiments.

  26. Kim says:

    I’m ready for fall too! Time to get out my Autumn book and be inspired! 😊🍁

  27. Judy Ransom says:

    I, too, am a lover of Autumn! It brings a freshness of life after a sweltering, mosquito filled summer.
    I would love to have one of your bluebird cups. My husband built and erected several bluebird houses around our property that we tend diligently. Usually we get to watch 3 nestings a year for each pair of bluebirds. It is lovely!

  28. Patti Moran says:

    This is a delight to read. And balm for the soul. Thank you, Susan.

  29. Cheryl says:

    Hello Susan – I love your blog and this month’s comments. It is so refreshing. I can’t wait to read your new books!

  30. Linda L Chase says:

    It is always exciting when a see a new blog pop up from you. I have been reading and cooking from all your books since you wrote your 1st cookbook. It is funny how one can feel such a happy, happy connection. l look forward to your new Christmas book and the puzzle….how darling looking is that. Stay well and safe and I am sending you a hug…..can you feel it?

  31. Marsha D says:

    An email from you never fails to make my day! A breath of fresh air in the murk. What a treat! I am celebrating 81 years on this earth the 30th of this month. Birthdays seem to get better each year. Thankful that I discovered you years ago. I’m not on social media so thanks for putting your gems on You Tube also. I still get to enjoy them.

  32. Angie Quantrell says:

    Oh, I can’t wait for fall! My favorite season. My pumpkins have mostly turned orange, and we have a few surprise pumpkins (we think) that are turning on one end. Our own decorations! And then, Christmas! Can’t wait to read the newest Christmas book. Yay! My first Susan Branch book was your first Christmas book, given to me by my aunt on my honey’s side. A smart woman, was she! Hurry up, fall! Love the post. Sipping my tea, enjoying. Thank you!

  33. Anne Hebden says:

    Wonderful uplifting post Susan. You just made my day. Thank you x

  34. Kristin L Kalk says:

    Your endless creativity is inspiring!

  35. Martha says:

    Can’t wait for fall and your new book of quotations!

  36. Jean says:

    My favourite quote from your letter (which is today’s small, calorie-free treat!):
    “One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.” Iris Murdoch

  37. Rebecca says:

    I’m with you! I’m looking forward to all the wonders to be enjoyed in fall. We’re supposed to be having a heatwave here, but it is really pleasant in the mornings, there are less fireflies in the evenings, I’ve seen more dragonflies and there is a certain golden light in the afternoon sun filtering through the trees — all welcome signs that autumn is on the way!

    Thank you again for a delightful, cheering, “sunny side up” post. My husband and I are really restricting our media these days as the headlines seem to have gotten even more horrid, but we know we need to try to encourage others and it most certainly helps to draw inspiration from your blog. I feel as if your posts are a lovely glowing oil to put into our lamps and then after we have washed our globes, we can go out and be a bright light to spread comfort, solace, and maybe even joy to those whose lives we touch. Thank you dear Susan for being such a blessing!

  38. Kim says:

    Ahhhhhhhhtumn! Can’t wait! In the meantime, there’s your Autumn Book to set the stage. What a welcome escape from the hot air (both weather wise and from this week’s political stage). Thanks, as ever … ❤️

  39. Jenny Claypool says:

    Hello Susan! I am so excited to see your new Christmas book. I am hoping I can make it to your Zoom tea! Thank you for all of the Peace and Love that come through in your pictures and words. 🙂

  40. Anna S says:

    With over 1700 comments as I write this, my odds of being picked are still better than the PowerBall!!💪🏼
    As much as I look forward to Autumn (because it’s literally the bestest season in the history of ever) I’m still here in Kentucky cutting flowers from the gardens! But I’m secretly inside the house reading the your Autumn Book🍁🍂!! Again… and Again and seriously can’t wait for the Christmas Book!🎅🏼🤶🏼

  41. Anita OBrien says:

    Thank you for the great blog posts they are uplifting at this time!

  42. randi winters says:

    Thanks so much Susan, I have read all your books but my most favorite is Isle of Dreams, I have read it so many times and always love going on that vicarious journey with you. I am such a fan and love your calendars too. Thanks for always brightening my day with your blog, inspiring me with your art and being true to yourself.
    ever a fan from California,

  43. Debbie Boerger says:

    Aaaahhhhh! Heaving a big sigh of relief. Wonderful, beautiful weather. The half moon making a silver path on the water…right to our porch! Actually had to turn on the heat for a bit when I came down this morning.
    And with the heat and humidity went the 3 months of excess hair on my head!!

    I’ll be all prettied up for Sean Evans tonight. He is Enveavour, which we record and watch with our good friend on Thursday evenings. She has no TV out at her camp, and we’re happy to share….plus she’d bringing supper.

    Hoping not too many people in the way of storm Laura have lost their lives. Being 75, I remember all too well Hurricane Camile. It was a cat 5, with a 22 ft storm surge. Several hundred ignored warnings and stayed, and died. I had been in Long Beach, Mississippi, the weekend before, but left to go back to Jackson, where I had an apartment. Horrible, horrible, as though a everything had been just swept away, and huge ships lifted and carried half mile inland. As much as I love my home and my things, I love my life more. Sort of like not wearing a mask, not evacuating in the face of almost certain disaster is empty Bravado.

    Thank you Dear Lady for being here for all of us, and know that those of us who could do so, would rush to your side if you needed us. One comment from Iowa was so comforting….after that horrible storm, everyone came out to help each other….and Poof, her bit of depression was lightened.
    Big virtual hug,
    Debbie in Maine

    • sbranch says:

      Wasn’t that wonderful. We come together so well, wish we did that every single day. Wouldn’t the world be a heavenly place? We can’t do everything, but we can do a little 💞xoxoxo

  44. Lori says:

    Hello Susan! I think your idea for a lovely crisp fall with crunching leaves, sweaters, etc. sounds amazing. Then the short winter with just enough cold and snow to make it feel like Christmas and on to an amazing spring. Sounds like a plan! I am a teacher and school is mighty strange right now … some kids are virtual, some are in person with a hybrid schedule. Technology is a bit overwhelming as I try to find safe and engaging ways to reach out to my kids. I pray that this will all be a memory soon. Thanks for being a bright spot for so many of us girlfriends!

  45. Lisa Hay says:

    I am over the moon excited about the quote book! It’s going to be super! Thanks for your shining light! xoxo

  46. Christy Palmer says:

    I’ve never “won” anything in my life (truly), but still feel compelled to comment because I so adore anything Susan Branch. Heading to the online shopping now to order some post cards.

  47. Bee Stevens says:

    I am waiting for your Christmas book and am excited about your book of quotes with your beautiful artwork. Thank you.

  48. melissa q says:

    Oh Susan, Thank y ou so much for this blog…your light always brightens up our world and reminds us all to shine our own little lights! Looking forward to the future with blogs, mugs, zooms etc….

  49. Linda Wagner says:

    Thank you so, so much for these chatty delightful messages! I am reading the latest one today August 27th my birthday and having tea in my SB Happy Birthday mug. I, too was perusing my Autumn book and thinking, ‘pretty soon….’ but enjoying the anticipation. We’re in a new (to us) home this year so inspite of all the pandemic worries and others, we’re looking forward to autumn and the colors and scents of the season! Best to you & many, many thanks!

  50. Carolyn says:

    Always am inspired by your upbeat comments. I’m impatiently-patiently waiting for the arrival of your bookish puzzle. Two are earmarked for my address so I can gift one away. The cutest bluebird teacup is on my wishlist! Oh I would love it to join with my other SB goodies.

  51. Esther says:

    Lovely post, thanks!

  52. Susan,I have enjoyed your work for many years. When each of my daughters became engaged, I gave them the Love book. We have all of your cookbooks and your other books. A Fine Romance is the favorite. I, too, love Great Britain. I have traveled with my daughters, by myself, and last summer I took my granddaughter. She has wanted to go since she was 6. I told her she had to be 13. We had a wonderful time, and I was excited to get to share my love of Great Britain with her. She now is a fan! In 2 years my grandson will be 13, and it will be his time to go. He loves trains, so our trip will be a bit different from when I took his sister. We will do “boylie” things rather than some of the “girlie” things I did with her. Looking forward to the next book you still have in the works about Great Britain. I have been keeping busy during this difficult time in our world sewing masks. I am in a sewing group at my church, and our masks are given to those who are in need of them. Now we are sewing masks for children to wear at school. I have sewn over 1,000 masks myself. It is a way that I can help. Thank you for your books, the paper Willards (I still have them), and your blog posts. I like that you encourage enjoying the little things that God has given us. Thank you for helping us remember that there is good in this world in spite of all that is going on.

  53. Sharon Watson says:

    Happy Day Susan

    Speaking of quotes here is one of my favorites
    If you meet a person who is not envious, who loves and believes in other than himself, then to this rare person offer a lifetime of friendship.

    S.P. Schutz

  54. Cynthia says:

    Was so happy to click on and see your post. Sipping morning coffee and reading your post is the best way to start my morning.

  55. Dawne Cook says:

    Happy Autumn Susan:

    I purchased the Autumn book years ago and absolutely Love It!!!! Definitely the best Season, it makes me feel so at home and cozy. take care

  56. Sue says:

    You are a wonderful break in our quarantine!

  57. Gail Gail Rose says:

    Please, I have a question ! What book has a picture of you and Joe where you have a white scarf over your head. It is shown above where you are talking about the Christmas book. I thought I knew every page in all your books but I can’t seem to remember that picture.
    I’m happy your wrist is better and looking forward to ” Enchanted. ”
    Thank you. Gail

    • sbranch says:

      Not sure what photo you’re talking about … I looked at this post, where the new Christmas book is and I don’t see a picture of us… and I can’t remember wearing a white scarf! Sorry! I’m no good here!🤣

  58. Susan, your blogs are always fantastic, but this one is so marvelous! I love how your are always growing and learning. Being a lifelong learner is the greatest! I have followed you for many years, but now I have fun also following you on
    goodreads! Thank you for all your hard work, joy, and enthusiasm! You make life marvelous!
    Love, Marion

  59. Betty Murry says:

    Dear Susan, thank you for your magic! Loved the zoom, it was so charming💕🍵🌸

  60. Nora Cavic says:

    It was SUCH a great surprise to see your post today. I’m at work, at a small private college in MA. And each day we follow the rules……socially distance and wear masks………….and remind the students to do the same so we can STAY HERE and STAY OPEN and enjoy this beautiful campus we are blessed to have. And then I read this blog and it reminds me that, YES, each day IS a gift and there’s lots to be thankful for. Bless you, friend! xoxo Nora

    • sbranch says:

      I hope they do it! The thing for the young ones, the “judgement and long-term consequences” part of the brain isn’t developed until they are 25 … makes it really hard to explain why that big happy fun party might not be the best idea! Stay safe! xoxo

  61. Margot in Sister Bay says:

    Hi Susan,
    Well this time the blog post came to my mailbox, but I always get it at least a day later than the rest of the country. Soaking in the last days of Summer here too. Unusually humid here too! Love the sunflowers 🌻 all around and something the local greenhouse calls a Colorado daisy, which looks like a Black-eyed Susan, but an annual. I have been entertaining one of my favorite people this week, my oldest son. Cooking for two is better than cooking for one!
    Always loved the Autumn🍁🍂🌾 book best! Like the new masked spreading love💞postcards.
    OXOX ox

  62. LoAnn Campbell says:

    What a delight to see the name of one of your friends–Mary Brehm. Her name took me back to the small town in Nebraska where I grew up. Three sisters, the Brehm sisters, lived a short block from my parents, and one of their names was Mary. Every June they would bring my mother a bouquet of sweet peas from their yard. On one side of their tombstone, it says, THE BREHM SISTERS. Since I live far away from NE now, I hope that someone places sweet peas on their tombstone each year.
    I’m looking forward to your new book of quotations.


  63. Kathryn Zitelli says:

    I love when I read your post and you announce a surprise give a way! Fun, fun, fun!
    I’m also looking forward to cooler weather. It’s been too hot to even sit outside and read!

  64. Tammie from North Carolina says:

    Hello Susan!
    I do love the Autumn season too! I can’t wait to fill my kitchen with warm spicy aromas wafting from the oven!

  65. JoAnn Dalziel says:

    Late start reading but love we share love of autumn. Here in southeast Michigan, a very hot August as well. I have your lovely Autumn book and loved the excuse to pull it out.
    Stay healthy, safe, creative and sane. ❤️👍😘JoAnn in Northville.

  66. Jo Ann McCready says:

    You have created the most charming life! I get so excited to see your name in my inbox!

  67. Sharon D. says:

    I always look forward to your posts Susan 🙂 I have been so tempted to pick up your Autumn book to read but am going to wait until I can decorate for Autumn (which is looking like it may be next week because I can’t wait!) to totally savor it along with Chai Latte. Please enter me in your contest. I would love to win 🙂

  68. Lilly says:

    I’m going through an extremely difficult and emotional time and I want you to know how much your email letters cheer me! A welcome respite, thank you!

  69. Patti says:

    Nice to see a post from you. I like autumn too. I like wearing heavy sweaters and walking through crunchy leaves. Thank you for your give a way. I hope I win!

  70. Sabrina van Ginkel says:

    I would love to be drinking tea out of any of those beautiful cups. Hope to see you on zoom.

  71. carolyn mason says:

    thanks for the motivation!

  72. Maryann Presson says:

    Hello Susan…
    I’m always anxious to see what you create next so I can pre-order cups & books! Thank you for being an inspiration to me all these years. Love your art and your style so much!

  73. Joans says:

    Thank you for the joy and love you bring into our lives.
    It is always a treat to see a
    Post from you!

  74. Patsy Gearheart says:

    I just got out your Autumn book after your post and put the Summer one away.
    We have very hot days here in Kansas, too, but it is getting dark earlier each evening and a cool snap is forecast for next week and hopefully much needed rain.

  75. A. Carr says:

    I always enjoy your blog posts. Thank you for continuing to spark inspiration after all these years. Love the photo of Jack’s sunlit ear 🙂

  76. Rene Painter says:

    I am looking forward to your newest book of quotes! Been with you since the beginning and SO glad you continue to write, paint and create for us!

  77. VirginiaB says:

    Always so glad to see a post, always so filled with good cheer and great ideas. This has really been a long, hot summer, day after day here and not a drop of rain. Cool weather predicted and I can’t wait. Your autumn anticipation came just when I needed it. And when I finish this, I’m going to watch your Zoom chat–what a treat!

    My pandemic project is almost done. When I got married in the late 60s, I bought a calendar towel. I have bought one every year since, all different, and now have over fifty of them. What to do with them all?! I have been photographing them to create a slideshow of memories for myself and have only nine more to go. What fun it has been!

  78. Janice hearns says:

    Hi. I bought your VOTE postcards and sent them to all the young people in my family in their 20’s to remind them to vote.

  79. Lou Lewis says:

    I’m always happy to see a new post on your blog. There’s always something there to make me smile and cause me to remember that even in the midst of these crazy times, we still have so much to be grateful for!

  80. Susan Nieradka says:

    A lovely post. I too am so looking forward to cooler days. This spring and summer has been one for the books.

  81. Barb in Michigan says:

    Hot and muggy here in Michigan, too! I’m with you, Susan, looking forward to the crisp fall days! I’ve been collecting quotes for years, but I just write my favorite ones in a little book. I’m looking forward to your beautiful collection! Thank you for always being a bright spot in my day. Now I have to figure out how to do Zoom!

  82. Stephanie C says:

    Love the new mugs! I hope you make a mug with the mask girl on it!!! I work in the healthcare field and would love to have her on a mug!

  83. Marilyn Seals says:

    You are an inspiration when we need you most during this pandemic and lonliness while isolated at home.

  84. Patricia says:

    I am moving to a bigger house in 5 days and I am so excited to settle in and cozy up for the cooler months…with more space to do so!

    Always makes my day to see a blog post from you, Susan!

  85. Linda Stanley says:

    Also can’t wait for autumn my favorite season. Your newsletter is inspiring again this time.

  86. Maureen says:

    Thank you, just what I needed!

  87. Mary Lorenz says:

    Wow! So much is happening! Thank you thank you thank you! Love all the new stuff. So happy that so many good things are on their way! Thanks for all the inspiration, Susan! I know we can always count on you. ♥️

  88. Sharon R Anderson says:

    I watched your Zoom video and thoroughly enjoyed an escape to the English Countryside. Nice job. Something positive, beautiful, and uplifting when there’s so much else going on. Thank you for sharing the link and for all your experiences.

    Can’t wait for the Book of Quotes to come out – – – I’ve often thought I’d like to have a lot of the quotes on the blog in one place. What a great idea.

    As always – appreciate your blog posts.

  89. Lynne Barlow says:

    A book of quotes, brilliant! I’ll look forward to that!
    Thanks for the lovely blog, it brightened my day.
    Xoxo Lynne

  90. Janet from PA says:

    I have many of your cups and love them! Would love to win one for a friend whose birthday is coming up in September!

  91. Maura says:

    It’s always a good day when my InBox has an e-mail from Susan Branch!
    Susan, can you share more photos of your beautiful flowers / garden’s before Autumn arrives?
    Enjoy what remains of Summer! Sending warm, ok, cool, wishes your way. 🙂

  92. Susan Green says:

    As always and ever, the day is brighter after reading your blog ! Looking forward to the new books…Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!

  93. Linda Becker says:

    Hi Susan, As always Both my husband Walt and I love all your updates on our beloved Island , I especially enjoy your beach walks and close ups of the shore, it takes us back. We hope to visit next Spring and stay at Lake Tashmoo for a couple of months if God willing things improve. Stay safe and keep on being your beautiful positive self! Enjoy your party under the stars. xo

  94. Cassandra Wilkins says:

    Love this newsletter update Susan, I love the insight into New England, I would love to visit one day. It looks so different and poetic compared to the UK!

  95. Bern says:

    Thank you for another lovely newsletter. I bought your first book when I visited California thirty years ago, and have ‘followed’ you since, and now have many of your books
    Writing this on a rainy day in Bristol, England’s day and cheered by the lovely pictures.

  96. Melanie Horning says:

    Your email in my inbox makes me smile! Thank you for being “love” to all us girlfriends!

  97. Jill Huston says:

    Ahhhh, all calm and peaceful now – a new Susan Branch letter. Happy heart. xo

  98. Merry Wylie says:

    Thanks for the blog, such good thoughts, can’t wait for autumn either and gor your new Christmas book

  99. Kathleen Vigorito says:

    I had the great pleasure of getting to know your beautiful, wonderful, books, quotes, art, and lifestyle through my sister Doreen Kurz. I am a bibliophile, and she is not. She was so enthusiastic about your books, I knew I needed to see what your trilogy books were about. A way to bond with my sister! I fell in love with you too! We bought my Mom your cookbook, and my Dad fell in love with it!! 82, and 83 years old! I look forward to your Christmas book I preordered. I can’t remember if I ordered your Autumn book, but I will now, and if it’s a duplicate it will become a gift! I’m so glad to have met you through your books!

  100. MaryAnn Stock says:

    Your email in my inbox is like finding a chocolate in the cupboard you forgot was there!
    Such a treat as always. 🙂
    Cozy wishes and joyful dreams,

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