So much news, and all-all-ALL of it is good! Isn’t that wonderful? Do you find yourself smiling more these days? I do! Everything seems more beautiful than ever before. I am almost giddy sometimes! I think it’s pure unadulterated appreciation for this start-over time we are having, being with friends again, making wonderful plans! Let me share some of that with you! 🚢🥂🚂 MUSICA!🎵🎶 Tweet, tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet! 🎵

Such a springtime it’s been! Has it ever been prettier? I don’t think so. Each bloom has been like a marker, part of a seasonal parade, I’ll catch you up ~ the wisteria and the clematis has come and gone . . . . . . the sun rises with an exclamation point and the garden sings out “Yes!” And I go get the camera. The peonies were gorgeous this year! Utterly utterly…

And this one, given to me by my girlfriends last spring when my mom died ~ just the perfect thing ~ a living tribute that will come up every year with a surprise of beauty and sweet reminder of my mother. Just like her, clean, sweet, and simple on the outside, complicated, and one of nature’s wonders inside! Never stops with the giving. Joe and I just made reservations for the TRAIN … we’re going to California in September, in our room with a view, to hug and kiss my family (squeal), and have a family reunion and celebrate our mom/grandma’s life and all she was and is to us. 💞

The rhododendrons and the dogwoods bloomed beautifully ~ and as usual, I thank Mrs. Bowditch, the woman who moved into this house with her husband and four children in 1949 and planted so much of our romantic garden (we’re the caretakers now) .. they’ve come and gone ~ as all things do, and so has the mock orange, the wedding bouquet of our garden! I am in the garden often these tender spring mornings…🌱

Now it’s time for the foxgloves . . .

The roses are blooming too . . . . . . best roses I’ve had in years! Even the beautiful, fragrant, peach-colored “Just Joey’s” which bloom like mad in California, but until this year, not so much here! They’re doing great! 

And the parade marches inside, into my little vases that line…

…the little shelf above my kitchen sink. Joe laughed the other day when I told him this shelf is the very best thing they put in this house! Pure genius! My wand, my Beatrix Potter people, little vases and flowers! Birdfeeders on the other side of the windows with view of the garden! Everything I need!

I’ve been drying laundry outside and airing the quilts on breezy days ~ with wide blue skies, sunshine, sea breezes, and birdsong! It’s truly the best musica anywhere . . . 🎵   🎶🎵  🎶

I go out with my scissors to cut flowers and look back through the screen door to see Jack on his ironing board perch, watching me like a hawk! He stops me in my tracks. Everything is Him!

When he sees me looking at him, he starts flirting immediately, rolling over and squirming and almost falling off the ironing board!

He can’t help it if he’s adorable!

We pulled the tiny fountain out of the barn, filled it with water, and surrounded it with porch flowers . . .

And Joe planted our new Dahlia garden. It’s our first one ~ it’s SO exciting… the tubers arrived, we got 23 different varieties . . . and I went out and made a schematic on paper to “decorate” with the different colors, so Joe would know where to plant them. 

He did a gorgeous job … Everywhere you see a green stake is a different dahlia, all sizes, shapes, and colors ~ can’t wait until they bloom. Like a little gift under the tree that we can’t unwrap for weeks!

Doesn’t it look organized? And you know what else we did in this brand new world where we’re allowed to leave the house sometimes? We bought a new car! There it is! It’s actually a 2020, but new to us, we have joined the Subaru Forester club … isn’t it cute? I love it but, it looks like every other car on the road! We’re never going to find it in the Costco parking lot! I’m still not quite used to the push-button start. We’ve only had one car ever since my old 1982 Volvo finally said bye-bye (after 40 years of perfect service ~ I’m of the “if it ain’t broke” school of thought)! All we’ve had is the van for the last year … we’ve been joined at the hip. Now I can go somewhere, and Joe can go somewhere else, and all at the same time! How novel! Note: Rhododendrons and the wisteria . . . see how fluffy?

But I digress, we’re talking dahlias . . . and LOOK! Our first milestone, they ARE coming up! (One worries. Actually, two worries.)

Every morning, after checking on the dahlias, out to the woods we go . . . to walk the sun-dappled dirt road through the shady green to where the pond opens to the sea . . .

The wonderful thing about walking on dirt instead of asphalt, is how kind it is to your knees! Also, less breathing of car fumes… years and years of doing this adds up! 

These days (except when we get to the sea where we take them out), we walk with AirPods in our ears … Joe has one, I have the other, and we listen to the same book (from my iPhone) … it’s Hamnet now, a not-THAT fictional story of Shakespeare’s son … who’s name was actually Hamnet … it’s finely woven and beautifully written with the few Shakespeare facts we do know. . . so it’s fact-based . . . we’re only a few pages into it, but so far, I’m loving it. We love historical novels. If any of you, hint-hint, think you might be visiting Shakespeare’s home in the future, this would be a fun read!

This is the actual house of Shakespeare’s wife, Anne (Agnes) Hathaway. Joe has to watch his head! Look how crooked it is! And still standing! It’s wonderful! Can you imagine how she would feel if she knew? But again, I digress . . . we’re supposed to be walking now! Here we go… MUSICA

These days there’s lots of action around the water’s edge . . . and when you’re on foot, you don’t miss seeing the little things . . .Me, too . . .

Lots of new babies amid the sparkles, guarded by their watchful parents  . . .

Festive, happy, grateful people out digging for clams and canoeing, communing with nature! It smells wonderful out there!

The waves roll in toward “Stonehenge” of Martha’s Vineyard ~ but this stone circle is much more transient, like the seasons on the island ~ it goes away every winter, but it’s back, a little changed, every summer. But just like Stonehenge, you see it, you like it, you take pictures of it, and you wonder, “why?”  . . . People being people, because we can.💞

And one more celebratory thing before I get down to business . . . this:⬆️  Speaking of yes we can: Girlfriends, off-island, TOGETHER, having LUNCH in a FRENCH restaurant, WITH wine, in the middle of the day, AND shopping. Okay? See what I mean? It’s because we’re free, and so happy to celebrate! We’ve only done this once, but once is so many more times than we’ve done it in the last year and a half!

Soft spring nights having dinner next to the water with dear old friends . . . I turned back to look as we were leaving our table … and had to take this photo for you . . . isn’t it insane? How can this BE? Just a little moment in time. Our beautiful earth. These vaccines have set us free! I pray everyone gets them so we can live like this forever!

Speaking of beautiful … wasn’t it wonderful to see the Queen, all dressed in flowers, out and about, so chipper, joking, and full of smiles? She truly set the tone with that smile ~ an inspiration for everyone . . . she seemed as overjoyed as I’ve been feeling . . .🌸

…despite the losses. But like her, we won’t forget. We are still honoring what happened to us all… our common grief . . . I saw this memorial, each flag representing a lost soul during the pandemic, while driving through Falmouth ~ every small town and big city in America has one… But despite it all, Queen Elizabeth showed us, with her action, despite profound loss, life is for the living. At age 95, she gave hope. A profound gift to everyone.🇬🇧

spring cleaningSo, off to work we go! What have I been doing, you may ask? 

This. Spring cleaning to the nth degree! I’ve been getting ready for our neighborhood yard sale ~ happening next Saturday the 26th! And I have to say, instead of bemoaning the never-ending work that goes into doing this after twenty years🤪, I feel lucky to be lightening our load in a recycling kind of way! For all the joy I found in finding and using these charming old treasures all these years, it makes me happy to think soon it will be someone else’s turn!

Even a yard sale has it’s pretty moments! I can’t help myself. I tie things in ribbons.

I washed, and dried the linens on the line, thanking them for the memories as I say goodbye. I chose to believe that red embroidered monogram said S B … but I do believe it will be just as easy for a G B to think it was made for them!

I love these old things, I’m amazed at the kind of work that went into making them and wonder about the world they were born into … wishing they could talk! I think the initials here are D C, but it’s very hard to tell ….there might be an I in there. I never cared to know for sure, it was the beauty of the work I could not say no to!

Love all the little embroidery and lace trim . . . the heaviness of the old cottons, the sheerness of some of the fine linens…the colors in the old quilts. 

This tablecloth has tiny appliqués of flowers and butterflies all over it, sewn with the tiniest of stitches. As I fold these linens, I remember the parties where I used them, and think about the good ju-ju they will bring to the lucky person who gets them next. Letting go, while reveling in the memories.♥️ Joe brings in a box from the barn marked “Yard Sale” ~ I open it and say, “OMG, I forgot all about this!!”

These wonderful old books have decorated our tables at lots of dinner parties!

Vintage tea pots, pin cushions, sewing baskets with their strange vintage contents from a bygone era (irresistible, I have four, three for the yard sale, one for me!), books, dishes, throw pillows, cups, rugs, baskets, kitchenware, dish towels, furniture, garden things ~ Joe’s in charge of tools and man stuff  . . .  Like native Americans I believe everything has a soul and a destiny and that these things deserve to escape the cardboard box, the dark cupboard, the messy barn, to run free and be useful. My girlfriend Margot likes to anthropomorphize her things, she says it makes it easier to say goodbye ~ I laughed so hard with her on the phone when she said, “Run little pie plate, run!” And FYI: I did try to do a yard sale in my webstore, but it takes so long to measure everything (laying tablecloths and linen towels out on the dining room floor to measure them ~ Jack positions himself in the middle!), take pictures, front, back, sides, and bottom, write a description for each item, upload and send pics to Kellee so she can put them up on the website ~ and time is the one thing I’m running out of … although we did get a few things up, and I am saving others, things that are so good, they should go to you . . . which I’ll get to after this imminent looming event is over!

Yard sales . . . we have everything for PLM, People Like Me, people with . . .  

But the world does not stop for a Yard Sale! Yes, I’m telling you the truth! It does not!

New things have come in! A new dream charm! Filled with blue skies, fluffy white clouds and rainbows! Perfect timing for our world right now.

It has “Go. Be. Love.” engraved on it . . . Kellee put it up in the webstore a couple of weeks ago!

This too, Janie made us a new Courage banner . . . with the most darling gift envelope.

Can there ever be too much of this? Never! Even the good things require it! Janie also made us beach banners! A Secret Notes are back! All Here.

And LOOK, the samples arrived!!! One of each of the new cups was sent from England, so I can approve the final color! I’ve been drinking out of them! I love them! Here’s “Blessed” (the other two items in this photo are not part of the arrivals!).

And here’s “Rabbit-Rabbit” … I am thrilled with them ~ the only change I requested was to make the dark lines around the bunnies slightly lighter … I also asked them to lighten up a bit around their “toes” … I want them to look pink!

But look how cute “Rabbit-Rabbit” is with the rest of the “collection!” We needed a cup with a pink background!

And the last one is Winter! I did a reprint because so many of you asked . . . one of my prettiest cups, and smaller than the other two as you can see in the photo below.

Here are the “backs” of each cup … which I try to make as pretty as the “fronts” so no matter which hand you drink with, you are happy!💞

And here are the handles . . . the “Blessed” cup is a little hard to read in this photo, it says “My favorite prayer is Thank you.”

And the bottoms . . .

Ta-daaaa! Kellee just put them up for presale … go HERE! They should arrive from England the end of September or the first of October . . . you know they are special order and limited in number . . . I have to tell them soon how many to make … I think I know, but I just want to make sure you all get one if you want one!

But right now, for even more fun . . . how about a give-away?

I have three prizes for you today . . . one Fourth of July cup… (it’s out of stock, this is an extra I found in the cupboard!)

 And to celebrate this amazing spring, despite the fact that yesterday was the FIRST day of SUMMER! ~ two “Spring cups.” To be entered, just leave a message in “comments” down at the bottom of this post, you’ll see tiny letters and at the end of the words, click on “comments” and voila! We’ll have a drawing in a little while and announce the winner here, but for now, you are ALL winners, so enjoy!

I told you it was all good news! And now, what many of you have been waiting for ~ NEWS about the England trip!

Joe and I went out to lunch and did our favorite thing … brought our books and talked about our trip to England next year . . . I wanted to figure out really special tours for all of you who might wish to take one when you arrive, tours that would make you feel as if you were walking through my book A Fine Romance. And, I wanted you all to be able to come to the PICNIC we planned! You know we found a great travel agency, one that does tours for 15 or less people, and takes care of EVERYTHING, so you don’t have to worry about ANYTHING! Between us we worked out 3 different tours, each of them lasting 8 days, all wonderful places Joe and I have been to … your biggest problem is to choose just one! These tours are a win-win-win! They all end up in London, where you can either go home, stay for a few more days, or join another tour! And, on the last day, before you go to London, all the buses come back to the most beautiful park I’ve ever seen, called Stourhead, where, after our time on the ship together, and then time on each of the tours, we will meet back up with stories to share! Is that good or what?!

So here are the basics: but first, mas MUSICA!

The Queen Mary sails from New York harbor May 1, 2022. We will arrive in Southampton on May 8th. People who choose to go on a tour will be picked up at the ship ~ and off they will go for a week of fun in the English Countryside. I can’t wait until you see the itineraries! They’ve kept me in dreamland for the last few weeks! Different clothes, but nothing else has changed!

So far, 98 staterooms, filled with US! Kindred spirits! have been booked!👏 Isn’t that wild? The ship is almost sold out! If you try to make reservations and are thwarted in any way, ask to be put on the wait list. I’m told that many people will cancel at the end of the year (everyone has up until Dec. 31 to cancel for a full refund), so there’s a good chance you’ll get a reservation. 

To sign up for the ship crossing, contact Susan Gannon at 800-468-7752 x41663 or Cunard reservations 800-728-6273 ~ tell them you’re with  Group #TNM (USA) or, #TN3 (Canada), Voyage M211, with the “Susan Branch Girlfriend Group.” They handle the ship questions, but have nothing to do with the tours… fyi.

To see photos of the ship, go HERE.I have lots of on-board fun planned … but it’s a little early for full confirmations for some things, I’m waiting until closer to the time to make sure! I’ll be talking about this for the next year! The best part, is that we will all have each other, kindred spirits! 

Our Picnic will be in the world famous garden at Stourhead, Sunday, May 15, at approximately 12:30 pm… on a beautiful lawn in front of the grass bridge like you see below . . . it’s one of our favorite places in England, pure magic, where we had our very first picnic! You are all invited. And that includes EVERYONE, that means you, Brits, and you over there in Norway, and YOU, out there in Spain! ALL our Girlfriends, everywhere! We’ll be waiting there for you on May 15th, 2022, at 12:30 pm, join us if you can! If you’ve elected to take a tour, the buses will stop so you can get a picnic lunch, and they will bring everyone back that day! The rest of you are on your own, but England makes travel VERY easy, as I’m about to show you.

FYI on the tours, you are all welcome to join any of the tours ~ you don’t have to take the ship … you can fly over if you like, you just have to get to Southampton to meet the bus! Talk to Kelsey, as mentioned below. (FYI, speaking of below, that’s Sissinghurst White Garden!)

To see the different tours: Go to print them out and read through them, you can check out most of the places in my book if you like, … and then call Kelsey Matson and her coworker at Discover Europe LTD with your questions ~ they handle everything having to do with tours (but not the ship). Call Kelsey from 9 to 5 EST, M-F, at 866-563-7077. FYI, they have almost the exact same cancellation program as Cunard ~ for a full refund you must cancel by January 1. So that gives everyone time to try this all on for size! For any of you that may want a longer tour, maybe go to Scotland, or go up to the Lake District, just let Kelsey know. She can arrange pretty much anything as long as there are enough of you to warrant the trip. You can work it out between yourselves on my Facebook page! And remember, we are a large group. We have a year to get this done, so in case she doesn’t get back to you immediately, I promise, she is wonderful and she will!And, for you who you get off the ship but don’t wish to go on a tour? What to do, what to do? The options are basically endless. There are buses and trains to London, you can hire a private car, you can go with a group. Talk to others on my Facebook page, and perhaps put something together there. Everything you want to know is available in the Google machine.

If you feel comfortable driving and wish to do so, you’re fine, you can rent a car in Southampton. And for those of you who’d rather have a driver, there are many choices. There are cabs at the ship in Southampton, they can take you to a bus, or train, or you can arrange for a car to pick you up and take you to London (it’s only 1 hr. 42 min) where you won’t need a car, because they have cabs and the Underground! Totally civilized. They even speak a language that’s very much like English! Extremely handy! You can get a city map and do the MUST SEE things like Westminster Abbey. You can get on a red double decker bus and see the city. There are airport transfers from your hotel to the airport for your flight home. And London is where many day-trips originate, which take you everywhere, from Bath, to Sissinghurst, to Oxford! Just Google!    

Google: “London Walks”
*For other tours from London: Check out THIS
*For best things to do in London, look HERE
*For Day Trips: London by coach . . . 
*Go here to see day trips with locals who will take you to Hever (heaven place) or Chartwell (Churchill’s home), or Sissinghurst (amazing garden). 
For even more far-flung adventure, remember that some Viking cruises depart from London! Also, Paris is only a 2 1/2 hour train ride from London! They have cabs in Paris too! There are boat taxies on the Seine . . . car, shmar! We don’t need no stinking car!
Don’t forget to leave a comment for the drawing!! I have to go, have a lot more pie plates to set free! Hope you are all well, and keeping well, and getting stronger, and being hugged! Sending all my love XOXO!
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1,941 Responses to ALL GOOD NEWS

  1. Karen Armenta says:

    Beautiful spring and garden.
    Thank you for the lovely photos.🥰

  2. Kathy says:

    O my so many posts, do I have a chance? I sure hope so!!😊

  3. Love to read your Blogs Susan. Your new Rabit cup is darling and I plan to order one for my sister since we turn our calendars and say the Rabit Rabit thing each month together .We send a picture of our Calendar . Just a fun thing that I learned from you.Also Hamnet is one of my favorite books having read it for my cousins bookclub and then my Library bookclub..

  4. Barb says:

    Thanks so much, Susan, for always giving us a message of hope. Peace

  5. Joan Fore says:

    Thank you for your wonderful writings. I enjoy them so much.

  6. DeeAnn Cross says:

    I always love your letters and look forward to each one. I’m on my second round of reading the Fairy Tale Girl trilogy. All the watercolor artwork, quotes and calligraphy make your work so special. Good luck to all hoping to win a teacup!

  7. Sue Jensen says:

    I can not believe what I have just read. I finished The Fairy Tale Girl tonight and am totally blown away by your childhood memories. I am 4 years younger than you, but I lived on Encino Ave in Van Nuys in the 1950s and 1960s. I spent as much time as possible at the West Valley Regional Library reading whatever I could get my mom to check out for me. We went to the library every week and brought home many books. I have been to the night clubs on Sunset Strip you mentioned in your book; I lived on Parthenia in the late 1970s near Canoga Ave; and my Dad worked for Western Electric (supply arm of Pacific Telephone) for 30 years in City of Commerce. I can’t believe that we are so connected through our geography! I went to Pierce College and finally got my AA degree and spent a week at CSUN before dropping out and becoming a hippie in Santa Cruz. I now am an artist and I LOVE your books, and all that you do, you are my inspiration. Thank you for writing these books. Now, I must go because I want to read the continuation of your story “Martha’s Vineyard: Isle of Dreams”.

  8. Jo'l says:

    Wonderful way to end a too hot day, leading to more of them. Cool breezes on the ocean would be a delight, need to head to the beach. . .
    Always good to hear the news from the “other” coast especially when it’s filled with joy and flowers.

  9. Julie says:

    Hi Susan,
    This email reminds me of the time my wife brought home one of your books as a gift from a trip to Boston. It was the Summer Cookbook and I read it from cover to cover and I still do every Summer! It introduced me to you and your world which included all the things I always loved; flowers, nature, books, travel, food, art, sentimental moments, memories, cozy homes, kitties, etc. All of your artful creations reminds us of the joy in life. Thank you so much.
    I would like to revisit MV, I haven’t been since I was 17, forty plus years ago with a friend.

  10. MJ Smith says:

    Love your newsletters. And love riding the train too!

  11. Linda Badurek says:

    What wonderful fun you are planning! Oh, to be there with you! In person! Or in spirit! Time will tell!

  12. Kim Hartsoch says:

    Have had your cookbooks and many of your other books for years! Recieved Willard posts and when you post now I’m never disappointed❤ Even visited your store in Grover Beach, it was a treasure. I don’t have any mugs but the 4th of July one is adorable and I love the “Blessed” one💕

  13. Barb Kirk says:

    Susan looking at your garden and all the different variety of flowers. The Dahlias will be so beautiful when they bloom. My dad always planted prize dahlias in our garden and they were as big as a dinner plate! (I was a kid so maybe they just looked that big!) Can’t wait to see pictures of how they all turnout!,

  14. Linda Freymark says:

    Hi Susan, Joe, Jack, Loved the blog—I always do! Oh, the cups, flowers, garden, the trips!!! Most of all, I think EVERY kitchen should have a double sink under a large window with a great view, AND a shelf under the window and above the sink!!! A perfect place to display so many lovely things as you work at the sink! And I so love the 4th of July cup! You always have such great give-aways! Until your next blog, Linda

  15. Michelle says:

    Loved the joyful energy of your message… made my day!

  16. Marcia B. says:

    I would just LOVE to be at your yard sale. I’m going to enjoy reading all about your trip next year. Take care.

  17. Amy says:

    Welcome to the Subaru family! I love my Cross trek. It’s fun to drive! Wish I lived closer to shop the yard sale! So many treasures for some lucky shoppers. Happy Summer!

  18. Terri Farwell says:

    What a fun way to start the day…..Makes me want to get my kitchen sparkling this morning:) Thank You.

  19. Paula says:

    Your website ALWAYS makes me smile! I adore quotes myself and love seeing the ones you feature! Your artwork is just gorgeous!

  20. Tawni Urrutia says:

    Happy Summer to you and Joe and Jack!
    Tawni Urrutia in Lodi, Ca

  21. Mary Tarquinio says:

    Each posting is a wonderful read in and of itself.

  22. Mary Martinez says:

    Your words are so uplifting and beautiful!

  23. Stacy O says:

    Summer is a beautiful time. To be enjoying it in ways that we couldn’t last year is such a blessing. I absolutely love the mugs. They are beautiful!

  24. Susan Nieradka says:

    Happy Summer!

    Some of my favorite things. Flowers, beautiful old linens, wine with lunch, and lovely new cups!

  25. Odette Bragg says:

    I’m so jealous of your yard sale, your garden and your upcoming trip to England!

    • sbranch says:

      That was a very loooooongggggg (long) year and a half! If we didn’t get something going around here soon, hysteria was about to set in! Probably biting off more than we can chew, but that was a very looooooonggggggg year and a half!😂

  26. Colette Ellis says:

    I love my Subi too! They are the best cars! The Fourth of July mug is everything…we cherish this great country and hold her dear!

  27. Melissa says:

    I wish I could join you on the Queen Mary! Thank you for sharing your perfect slice of Martha’s Vineyard spring time with me!

  28. Kathleen Rollins says:

    Thank you once again Susan for sharing your home and dreams. I am so exited about your planned trip to England. I have planned a “if I could join them” daydream. I have worked on making it happen but don’t believe my funds are sufficient. Still there is magic in dreaming and so I continue to plan. Katy Rollins

  29. Melissa Spencer says:

    I love the tone of this! And the pictures are lovely, as usual. Thank you for the sweetness you share. 🙂

  30. Carol Nicolucci says:

    Hi Susan!
    What is the name ( and town) of the water view French restaurant?
    Merci beaucoup.
    Carol from CT … tra la

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Carol… the French restaurant is on the Cape but had no water view ~ it’s delicious and called Bleu. The place with the water view is on the Island and called Garde East.

  31. Debra Eastridge says:

    Thanks for a breath of fresh air today! Just what I needed on this gorgeous day!!

  32. Sue in Houston says:

    Susan…congrats on the new wheels! It looks a lot like my ’18 Chevy Equinox (like you said…), which I love.

    I just got back from a long weekend in San Antonio with friends/adopted family I haven’t been able to see for a year and a half thanks to Covid, and what a grand time it was. Yes, wine; yes, shopping; yes, friendship with HUGS! Life is becoming good again!

    Wish I could be there for the garage sale. I envy the locals. Good luck and have fun with it all.

  33. Evelyn Hill says:

    What a lovely post!! The trip sounds absolutely magical; how I wish I could be on board! Thank you for always cheering us on!❤️

  34. Carolyn says:

    Susan, I enjoy every whimsical newsletter you write. Your artwork and your pictures whisk me for awhile to a dreamy place where everything is good. I especially enjoy the pictures of Jack, definitely the Feline Extraordinaire!

  35. Tina Parks says:

    This is one of my favorite of your blogs. So cheerful and colorful, and the inspirational quotes were wonderful!

  36. Madison Johnson says:

    Thank you again for writing another magical post! It’s such a great way to start my morning. Sending love from Canada!

  37. Joy says:

    Dearest Susan, Joe, Jack, and Girlfriends,

    “All good news” has brought such happiness into my heart today. I feel like I could write a response just as long filled with gratitude for every word and picture you blessed me with.

    Sending you all baskets of love to fill yours!

    All my love,


  38. Linda Rodman says:

    I am ordering your rabbit rabbit mug right away. When I was growing up my parents used to play rabbit rabbit on the first of every month. Who ever said it first would become the “boss of the month”. There were rules for winning. You had to have slept the night (to prevent saying it at shortly after midnight) and your feet could not have it the floor in the morning. My Mom passed away 3 years ago this past May and my Dad is going to be 90 this year. It will be the perfect gift to remember so many fun times they had over the years. I am hoping to win the 4th of July mug because we have created a new tradition of gathering together at my Dad’s home every July 4th for a cookout and then we all walk over to a spot where we can watch the fireworks together. Every year it seems like there is one star brighter than all the rest in the sky and Dad commented he is sure it must be Mom looking down on us.
    Thanks for your newsletters – they lift my spirits and bring me joy. God bless you.

  39. Pauline from Wisconsin says:

    I’m so excited to read about all the day trips you’ll be taking during your upcoming trip to England!! Although, I won’t be able to physically join everyone, I will be reading about your trip on Twitter and the blog and reading ” A Fine Romance”….following your itinerary daily. Half the fun of going on a trip is the planning and I’m enjoying hearing about all you have prepared!
    Best wishes for a wonderful time!!

  40. Linda Ditch says:

    Your blog posts always bring such joy to my inbox!

  41. Anne in Maine says:

    Would love, love, love to win of your cups!!! Such a beautiful blog (as always) filled with so much happiness!!!

  42. Vicki Harbick says:

    Your garden is precious. My Morning Glorys are finally making an appearance on my new trellis with tiny birds on it. They are ever so slowly curling around and around. Happy Summer!

  43. Rosemary says:

    Always a joy to hear from you…instant sunshine to my day!

  44. Janet J Hundley says:

    Wonderful post. Thanks as always.
    I’m sitting at my desk listening to the much needed rain here in SE Wisconsin. Actually it’s a midday thunderstorm and I think I can hear our grass and gardens singing.
    We’re meeting friends for dinner tonight AT a restaurant! Something we always took for granted seems like a festive occasion.

  45. Nancy Hager says:

    I would love to win a cup! You cups are so cute.

    What a wonderful trip you have planned. It will be especially wonderful after a year of no travel.

  46. Cheryl Roblyer says:

    Great big. Thanks so much!❤️

  47. Olivia Johnson says:

    Hooray! It’s a new blog post! These are so fun. Would love to be entered into the drawing for the darling cups. I have one of the Red Letter Day mugs. It’s my fav! Happy Summertime to you, Mr. Joe, and Jack. 🙂

  48. Suzy B. says:

    What a wonderful post! 🎀🌺 Absolutely made my day. ☺️ Thank you, Susan! So fun to read all the happy news. 🌤🌻

  49. Lynn Marie says:

    New mugs! I may need to order that BLESSED mug! So glad to hear excitement and happiness back in your writing Susan. You have weathered the storm and now in way of celebration you taking another trip of a lifetime to England. What fun!

    • sbranch says:

      You said it right, I think we all weathered a storm… more than we know. Everyday is a revelation of how very lucky we are.

  50. Darlene Brunetti says:

    Hi Susan,
    Your post this month was so positive and beautiful. I always feel so creative after reading your thoughts and looking at all your gorgeous pictures it makes me go out to the garden and cut some fresh flowers for the table.
    My son’s birthday is on July 4th and he’s turning 30. He is finishing up his PhD in Ontario, Canada in September this year and I will finally be able to see him after more than a year and a half. I would love to win one of your mugs. (The 4th of July one would really be great!)
    Take care and thank you for all you do!

  51. Shirley Fruchey says:

    Susan! You are such an inspiration! What a lovely post. AND…I ADORE the new cup designs!! Must haves for sure. When I see that you have a new cup design, it feels like Christmas!! Thank you for always bringing a sense of hope and home to us all. Personally, in the terrible year that we all just lived through…your art and wonderfulness kept me hopeful and restored my joy often.

  52. Karen Mac says:

    Susie Q…I saved reading your blog until I could sit and really enjoy it. It did not disappoint. What a delicious blog entry it was. Good luck with the yard sale. So many people will be lucky to get those wonderful treasures. Good luck with your new car and many happy and safe miles with it. Good luck with your beautiful garden 🌸, and thank you for always putting a smile on my face. Wish we were neighbors. 🏘

  53. Carolyn Wilson says:

    Your yard is a veritable blooming flower shop. So beautiful and I can just imagine the fragrant breezes you enjoy.
    The only way ecan think to go forward and onward is to learn from the past and honor its difficult lessons. For me I will enjoy the simple pleasures of home and family.
    Susan, you have a wonderful family reunion and an amazing England trip. Boy, getting there will be half (and more) the fun. Everyone stay safe and well. Life is good!

  54. Lauren Butler says:

    Bravo! Congratulations!
    Three cheers for the red, white, and blue!

  55. Tricia says:

    Beautiful pictures of the Island! I love the new cups.

  56. JeanneW says:

    I’m over the moon with the Winter mug. I always regretted not buying that one and now I can! Thank you for your giveaway and brightening our days

  57. Lena Verbena says:

    ~ My favorite prayer is “thank you “ too ~ And I do thank you!!~❤️

  58. pat addison ( cave junction, OR) says:

    Hello Susan, girlfriends. whew its a hot one today and getting hotter tomorrow…. 5-8 triple digits…. yuk!!!! so here is my other cool and refreshing drink for days and hot evenings. sparkling ginger lemonade serves 6-8. ingredients: 1 cup of sugar; 1 14 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and cut into coins; 1 1/3 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice, (about 6 lemons); plus lemon wedges for garnish; 1 large club soda or 7up. directions: heat the sugar and 1 cup water in a saucepan over med-high heat stirring ocassionally until sugar is dissolved. add ginger and remove from heat and let steep for 30 minutes. then strain into a pitcher, discarding the ginger. stir in lemon juice and chill at least 4 hours or until ready to serve. add club soda or 7up to the pitcher, stir to combine. pour into ice-filled glasses and garnish with a lemon wedge. enjoy. use the 7up if you cannot find club soda or use mineral water. enjoy and stay cool. hugs…. 😀

    • sbranch says:

      I LOVE ginger sugar syrup for drinks, this sounds WONDERFUL! Do you mean 1 14″ piece of ginger, or 1¼” piece? I don’t see a 14″ piece of ginger even being possible! LOL!

      • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

        i meant 1 (one) 14 inch piece of ginger, peeled and cut into coins.

        • sbranch says:

          14 INCHES? Like a foot plus two inches? That is SOME ginger!🤣 It must make the sugar syrup wonderfully spicy!

          • pat addison (cave junction, OR) says:

            a 14 inch piece of ginger is not that big and it tastes wonderful in the lemonade sort of like ginger ale. just remember to cut it into coins.

          • sbranch says:

            Not to argue but it’s a foot and two inches!🤣 I’m not totally surprised though, I imagine it makes the syrup very spicy and you only use a little bit of it!

  59. Deanne Ross says:

    Setting treasures free for others to love is a wonderful way to spread joy. Happy sale day.
    Can’t wait to see pictures of your dahlias. Good job Joe.
    Love your blog.

  60. Joanie B says:

    Another out of my world post that just ministers JOY! Thanks Sue! Of course I would love a mug too!

  61. Another ray of sunshine! Your posts never fail to deliver a smile!
    I also planted dahlias for the first time this year- though I “cheated” a bit and planted them in big pots to save creating another garden bed. They are already up from 2-6 inches, way up North in the U.P.!

    Thank you Miss Sunshine.
    Yours Truly, Susan

  62. Miranda says:

    Thank you for sharing your lovely garden!

  63. Melody Heck says:

    I love your cups, they’re beautiful. I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Your blog is a ray of sunshine. Thanks for sharing all the news!

  64. jenni says:

    Wish I had a magic wand that worked…I’d be on that ship in no time. Wishing you all the bonnest bon voyage ever! I can hardly wait to hear all about it when you arrive back home. Sending love and best wishes.

  65. Care Woodard says:

    Well! How wonderful! I thought you would love this quote I read yesterday…
    “Getting lost in books is how we are found.” ~Joseph Campbell

    So excited you are re-releasing the winter cup!!! One of my favorites:) I am going to order another so I have a spare; you know how I can break them!! I live in a little red Cape that gets covered with snow just like the one on the cup:) xo

  66. Shannon(Pennsylvania) says:

    So much joy in one post! Flower gardens and yard sales and train trips and ocean voyages and England in the spring…love, love it all❤️ I won’t be one of the lucky girlfriends who’ll be joining you in person for the trip next May, but you can bet I’ll be among the hundreds and hundreds who’ll be along on the trip virtually☺️What fun! I ordered your new charm. I just counted the ones on my bracelet…this will be my 12th, I’ve collected them all since 2013❤️

  67. Bridget B. in Tennessee says:

    Thanks for another beautiful blog! I had promised myself no more SB mugs…..and now there are bunnies on a pink mug !!
    Congrats on your new vehicle. I got a new SUV 2 years ago and the push button start was an adjustment. I may even try to get out sometimes without turning it off. And I feel your pain in the parking lots. I’m forever walking up to the wrong white car. They do all look alike to me. We won’t even discuss the time I sat down in the wrong car several years ago. I never knew if it was left unlocked or my fob unlocked it….

    Take care. Bridget ( Love to Jack )

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve already tried to get out without turning it off… who, if I may ask, was the person who was UNHAPPY with the key and requested the push button? I would like to meet this person!

  68. Susie (Long Island NY) says:

    Oh my goodness Susan that was such an exciting post to read. Wowza! And you have give-aways to boot! I loved the picture of Queen Elizabeth. She looked so happy and that makes me happy. Your trip is breathtaking to read about. Oh my goodness is all I can say. Sure wish I could do it with a pal and good book. If I don’t I’ll be with you in spirit as we always do. Keep us in the loop. Have fun at the yard sale. I would buy everything. xo

  69. Lauri in Virginia says:

    I wish I lived in Martha’s Vineyard so I could go to your yard sale!

  70. Diana says:

    Love the flowers and the mugs!

    • Greenrabbit says:

      Just got back on line, after a month without any internet. It really is wonderful to read your enthusiasm for your future trip to London. I live in England and it helps me to recognise the beauty of where I live.

      • sbranch says:

        I can always help you with that. Where you live is AMAZING. Around every corner there is something to make a person go oooo and aaaah! Turn on the radio and you hear The Gadfly by Shostakovich, or anything sung by Vera Lynn, and you come around the corner and there is Gravetye sitting there like it’s perfectly normal…everything preserved, saved for posterity… amazing gift to the world. Lucky you! Come to our picnic! xoxo

  71. Betty Harney says:

    Hey Susan and Joe,

    Love the mugs. Your mugs always get noticed at ZOOM meetings.

    Happy July 4th!

    Betty Harney

  72. Lydia Alejandro says:

    Dear Susan,
    Bless your heart for thinking of us girlfriends for the Give Away of 3 lov lee cups.
    I am admiring the 4th of July cup. But would be blessed to win any one of the cups.
    Your garage sale items look so homey and cared for.
    Thank you for sharing lovely, inspiring, and romantic things to dream about. What the world
    needs now is love sweet love. I immensely appreciate your blog.
    “You’re the Cats”

  73. Lisa Kartawich says:

    Thank you for sharing all of the beauty in your part of the country. Your blog all brings such a feeling of joy.

  74. Stephanie L. Bond says:

    I love the pink! Especially next to the “Blessed” brown. Reminds me of an antique quilt I saw with calico double pinks, neutrals, copper madders, and chocolate browns. So pretty together! Remember to wish on the Strawberry Moon tonight! 🍓

  75. Mary Ann in Mid-Missouri says:

    It is Thursday evening and I am just now getting around to reading your blog post. That’s the longest I’ve ever had to wait to read it after finding out you’d posted one. Life is busy these days, and I definitely wanted to wait until I could really relax and enjoy it. It was worth waiting for. I would love to be able to come shop your rummage sale. I just drooled over all the beautiful things I saw in the pictures. I’m jealous of all the women who will be scooping up those treasures. I hope you are being extra careful, so you don’t have another accident like the last time you were preparing for a rummage sale. Take care.

  76. Eileen Nieli says:

    Dear Susan, Your blog is wonderful, as always! So happy that you are feeling better. I was worried about you. We just got a 2020 Subaru at the end of last year. It is a lovely car, but the new technology can be a challenge. The backup camera and blind spot warning lights are terrific! I love your reference to having a Doily Mentality. That describes me perfectly. Take good care of yourself. Sincerely, Eileen Nieli

  77. Emily MB Wright says:

    I just love the 4th of July mug! I missed out on getting one for my mother. We live in a small town with The Best parade. Tradition is to line our main street with your chairs for the parade WEEKS in advance. We always put ours up on Fathers Day weekend. When you drive through town you see chairs lined up for about 4 miles, for weeks! It’s so joyful! “Life is Great in 21228”

  78. julia walker says:

    Dear Susan & Joe, As always I thank you for sharing your lives with me. Seeing your beautiful old home and flower gardens gives me a much-needed vacation every month! I also enjoy taking a walk along the dirt road to the ocean. AND I love Jack!!! It’s an odd thing, but every time your blog appears, I’ve already thought, it’s about time to hear from Susan. And, the next day, there you are! Take gentle care now.

    Lovingly, Julia

  79. Dawne Cook says:

    Susan: thanks so much for this huge adventure!!!!! I am really thinking about this and also feel quite excited about the tours and also the PICNIC!!!
    A great sense of freedom has now come upon all of us, thank goodness for the vaccine

  80. Angie Miller says:

    Hey Susan,
    Love your blogs, love keeping up with yours and Joes life in the Vineyard. We drink coffee out of your mugs every morning, such a cheerful way to start the day. Can’t wait to hear about what yall do for the 4th of July!!!
    Blessings to you,
    Angie Miller

  81. Stephanie C says:

    Love my Subaru Forester!!
    Love the cups! Wish I could go to your garage sale. 🥰

  82. GAIL HELGESON says:

    Your posts are so happy. Thank you for always making me smile.

  83. Gayle says:

    Thank you for such an uplifting words and photos! Always a treat to read your blog posts.

  84. Libby says:

    I LOVE the Independence Day mug!!!❤️ I love all of them actually. 😊

  85. Darlene says:

    The 4th of July mug is darling and would look great with my holiday decorations! God Bless America!!!!

  86. Rosemary from Oregon says:

    Greetings Susan,
    Thank you a beautiful and colorful post full of travel dreams! Love the 4th of July mug ! I am lucky to live near the Swan Island Dahlia fields. The summer dahlia blooms in late summer and Dahlia Festival there has been a favorite of mine for years..

  87. Terri Bartlett says:

    As always ,beautiful mugs. They just make tea taste better!😊

  88. Kathleen Williams says:

    My treat of the day reading your blog ❤️

  89. Patricia Harris says:

    Peonies and Just Joey roses are some of my favorites! Beautiful!

  90. Jennifer Peterson says:

    So very sorry about your mother. So very happy that life is looking up. Any details about the SB movie?! The mugs are beautiful! How is the Enchanted book coming along? Take care.

    • sbranch says:

      I just got a message about that the other day. Nothing specific, just interest here and there, that so far hasn’t turned into anything yet!

  91. Laurie Talbott says:

    This was a beautiful spring. The flowers outdid themselves! I Always look forward to your newsletter.

  92. Wilma Rutten says:

    Love the mugs! Enjoyed reading your blog as always. You make me smile every time I read them. A big hug from the Netherlands. Wilma Rutten

  93. Ginger yniguez says:

    Wow!! What fun it would be to go to your garage sale!!!

  94. Deborah Burket says:

    Your garden Is so beautiful! I’ve actually been considering planting dahlias also. But I’m so intimidated by them!😳 So I look forward to watching your progress!

  95. Janis McLaughlin says:

    susan, I love your blog and try not to miss a single one! I am going to make a decision about going with the Friends of Susan Branch on the Queen Mary 2 today! I’m just having difficulty getting a traveling partner. But, who needs a companion when there are 98 others going, right?
    I would dearly love to go! Also, I would love to add another cup to my collection!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, you will have built in traveling companions. And have dinner with them every night! xoxo

  96. Chris says:

    Thank you,Susan.
    I love when I check my email and yours is there. Its like receiving a random act of kindness. A burst of happy and kindness that reminds all of us of the good that’s out there.
    Wish I could be at your garage sale. Love the new mugs. I’m still hoping for one with your sweet shamrocks on it.
    Take care

  97. Deb Muccio says:

    I, too, love doilies. I can’t pass up a table at a yard sale or flea market without looking. Most times buying one. I change the one on my nightstand regularly, so I get to use a variety and see one everyday. I use lots in my dining room and change them seasonally. What a joy! The sewing and handwork is so amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  98. Bethany Jolley says:

    Hello Susan and Joe! The mugs are magical and delightful! Thanks for sharing your talent! Looking forward to May 2022 !💕 Bethany

  99. Patty Points says:

    Thank you, Susan, for another fresh post. The quotes you selected are reminders to take the slow lane!

  100. Cheryl says:

    Hello Susan – your garden and flowers are so beautiful – maybe even more so this spring. Love all your mugs. Have a great day!

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