You might want to get a cup of tea or coffee, because here we go! Celebrate Home ~ and of course, it wouldn’t be a Willard without MUSICA!
This is a little homemade house I rescued from a yard sale many years ago ~ I remember seeing it, sitting on a picnic bench across the driveway… just there, lonely and vulnerable in all it’s cuteness, and I RAN toward it before anyone else could get it! And I still love it . . . it goes up on the shelf on my stove on Thanksgiving day… because tis the season to celebrate Home and all the little things that make life sweet!
So. Wasn’t Thanksgiving wonderful??? Yes! I know!
Us, too.
Our kitchen WAS a poem, it smelled like our childhoods and sounded like them too, with Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm playing in the background as we stuffed the turkey.
Turner Classic Movies does so well this time of year! Everything about our menu was traditional including a butter-basted 17-pound turkey stuffed with my Grandma’s famous sage dressing and roasted in the oven with a piece of buttered brown-paper bag tented over the top just the way my mom always did it, Joe’s mom’s gravy “with a thimble-full of brandy,” whole berry cranberry
sauce ala Lowely’s mother, Bob’s creamed onions, Joe’s roasted carrots, mashed potatoes vis-à-vis Elaine, Martha’s homemade sourdough rolls, and my Pumpkin Cheesecake. Yes, it took a village! And if you were by chance flying over our house at the time, you would see our friends, in scarves and hats, swirled by falling leaves, arrive carrying hot dishes covered in linen cloths . . . and come in to eggnogs with bourbon in front of the fire, hot apple cider, and cranberry gins . . .
Do this
, they are DELICIOUS!
(Recipe of the season!
PS are you loving your new cups? I hope so! So blessed!
T U R K E Y T I M E ~ the inevitable dinner table discussion when I was growing up when one of my brothers or sisters said …
. . . which always sparked arguments about WHO ate it! “YOU ate it!” “No, YOU ate it . . .” “Moooom, Jim says I ate it…” Then whoever thought they had eaten it would start crying.
Just a little reminder before you eat all the left-over cranberry sauce:
I call it Christmas Jam . . . it makes a very sweet holiday gift! Worth making MORE cranberry sauce if you already ate all yours!
Put the jam in little jars, use a rubber band to secure a doily or a vintage linen coaster to the top, tie with ribbon and voila!
Mr. Thanksgiving!
Watching over all . . .
Our table . . . And then, for obvious reasons
(holding hands for blessing, drowning plate in gravy, pouring wine, stuffing face), I forgot to take pictures!
The sun through the trees outside flickered on the walls and doors . . . but this room looks even better in firelight and candlelight ~ with after-dinner, L-Tryptophan-overloaded friends sprawling with feet on the coffee table. Because this is a house of love. And BECAUSE it’s a house of love, no one took any pictures of the sprawling!
The leaf shadows mimic the leaf bouquet! Are we lucky or are we lucky?
And we loved “Black Friday” just as much! Although we call it Green Friday and go for a long walk in the pine and wild-apple-scented woods and listen to the trees …
Trees have long been trying to reach us. But they speak on frequencies too low for people to hear.
The Overstory
The Overstory is the book we’re listening to while we walk.
Trees are now mystical to me.
Our earth is SOOOO beautiful!
Look at the good job our maple tree is doing! Guardian angel of our house. Big gulps of fresh ocean air and cold wind, and then . . . a nap, under the blanket my grandma knit for me a long time ago! A Red Letter Day. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! MAS MUSICA!
And all of a sudden, it’s already Hanukkah and we are counting down to Christmas! Happy December to one and all! First thing ~ one of our Blog traditions . . . it’s time for your 2022 Full Moon Bookmark … Click there, you can print it out on card stock and make little gifts … they make very good stocking stuffers so no one misses making wishes on the full moons of 2022!
Another nice gift for your mom, sister, aunt, grandma, or best friend . . . would be a FREE subscription to Willard! Not exactly hand-written, but definitely personal . . . Go HERE to sign them up, tell them about it in a card, or as a little gift under the tree.
Scroll down that page if you’d like to know why I call this Willard . . . and there you will see all the older Willards waiting for rainy days and Mondays when you feel like reading something full of . . .
We ran out of time to make Corn Pudding before Thanksgiving!!! And it’s really kind of a once-a-year specialty of the house. SO delicious and easy. In case you forgot too … I wanted to give you the recipe and remind you . . . Yum yum yum, corn pudding, gotta have it! Perfect for pot lucks too. Be sure to try it with maple syrup! It’s in my Autumn Book if you have it!
This is what a Zoom Party looks like in my kitchen! Do you like my professional computer platform? It’s the Layering type. Do I know what I’m doing? No, I do not. Which is why I’m on the phone. But I do have fun doing these!
And this was another one . . . reading from my book, Home for Christmas looking a lot like Mrs. Claus! (Hip and happening’ Mrs. Claus is the old-age look I’m going for!). . .
And here’s what a Zoom looks like from Karen Kowtowski’s house ~ she’s one of our Girlfriends who came to another Zoom last year and sent me a picture! I love being in her kitchen!
And now it’s time to make a new memory, because this Saturday, December 4th, at 3pm EST (noon in CA, 2pm in Chicago, and 8pm in England) is our Zoom Party with the Enchanted Book Club! I’m so excited to see everyone! It sold out fast (even though it’s free) with 1000 of us registered! If you signed up, you’ll be receiving an email to join in the Zoom. But if you didn’t get in, our Zoom Party is going to be posted on Youtube afterward ~ you can watch later ~ a win-win! I’ll give you the link for it in my NEXT Willard!♥️
What else… Two WONDERFUL documentaries to watch on TV… things we’ve loved and I think you will love too. First off, an enlightening documentary called “Who Do We Think We Are?” … by Rachel Boynton. It’s a succession of interesting interviews from people in all parts of the country, of all ages and races about the Civil War. Looks like it’s entire purpose is to make us think ~ and it worked! We loved it! It all comes down to one thing: empathy. Like our moms told us, gotta put ourselves in the other fella’s shoes…understanding is everything.
And the other one is a three-part (six-hour) Documentary called “Get Back.” I’m a pretty attentive follower of anything new from the Beatles, and I haven’t seen ANY of this before except for maybe a few still photos. We watched it with friends and we were RIVETED for the entire time. We got to see what REALLY happened! They are young, Paul is only 26, they’re all adorable, wait till you see how NICE they are, how much they love each other, and they are working so hard . . . We get to SEE them create, how difficult it is, pulling words out of the air to write songs! We get to WATCH genius. I could cry!
It will change everything you think! And when they are humming because they don’t have the words yet, we want to help because we DO know the words! We want to call to Paul as he is reaching for words for Get Back, “How about Tucson, Arizona!” They’re showing this on Disney+ … which we don’t have, so we went to my girlfriend Lowely’s, one house over, and watched it with friends, which I think is the perfect thing to do ~ it’s a sharing thing ~ once we all spontaneously burst into song at the same time! And talking to the screen is better if done in a group! Take food to share! It’s a step back in time! We’ve only seen the first two hours! Wednesday night is our part 2. I’ve heard it just gets better. DO what must be done to see this! Pure wonderfulness.
Some of you have asked about the Queen Mary 2 trip we’re taking together next May 1 ~ We’re going to England!!! Yes we are! Eeeek! … and some of you have been wondering if the sailing is sold out … which it is ~ at the moment ~ there are about 200 of us signed up to go! But Cunard’s policy was (and is) to allow us to
make our reservations this year, which we did . . . and then everyone had until December 31 to cancel for a full refund. Which means I’m sure, that some people will cancel … which means, if you would like to go, there may be room for you!
Get ready for pure magic with kindred spirits because that’s what it’s going to be! I’m so excited . . . time is getting closer! Anyway, if you’re interested, check with Cunard cruise planner Susan Gannon after the first of the year. Call her at 1-800-468-7752 – extension 41663 … mention our Group #TNM/USA, Voyage M211 … she can answer all your questions. There’s a full refund if the ship somehow (Pray not) does not sail because of Covid… check with her about their cancellation policies to make sure they fit your bill! And don’t forget to get your passport!
Speaking of calendars! Here’s a sneak peek of the October page of the 2023 calendar! It’s all about what we’re all about, coziness! 2023 sounds like a long time from now, but this calendar will be in our studio in less than a year! In the meantime, we’re still dealing with our 2022 calendar! And here, in a nutshell, is the reason I never know what year it is!
And now I get to go back to work on my new Quote Book . . . I have so much of it done! It may even go to the printer in January if I keep going the way I am! There will have to be more than one
volume, there is just too much! Subjects covered in this first volume go from Inspiration, to Love, Happiness, Work, Friendship, Dreams, Fairy Tales, Creativity, Diaries, and so much more! A collection of almost 50 years! It’s like a textbook for life! Shouldn’t I be retired by now? I don’t think so! Work still makes me happy! I still get up every day and think, “What would they like, what would make them happy?” “They” are YOU! And YOU will LOVE this book! You know how I know? Because I am loving it! And YOU are what makes it fun! So thank you for the years of inspiration and connection! It’s been a true gift. Organic, word of mouth, mom to daughter, sister to sister, best friend to best friend . . . shared lives … celebrating all the wonderful things we have in common. I couldn’t love it more.
And here are two little drops of water . . . humble though they be . . .
It’s time for our Giveaway! One of our darling Girlfriends is going to win this luv-lee pair of pilgrims and all we can do is be HAPPY for her! I almost hate to hear the winner’s name,
because right this minute, it can still be all of you! We need the secret of the loaves and fishes! Over 2,000 entries, a LOT, but still better odds than the lottery! So, fingers-crossed it’s YOU that wins
. . . Here we GO! The barrel is turning and churning, bits of paper with names are flittering around my studio like confetti ~ The long arm of the law (Vanna’s of course) has reached deep deep deep into the melee . . . and there it is! She’s pulled out a name!
The lucky winner is MAUREEN (from SoCal) ~ a hint from her email address includes “Irish Eyes” … just so you know which Maureen you are!We are so happy for you! I will email you and then you can send me your address and your pilgrims will go right into the mail! You will have them for …
So Girlfriends, last but not least, your reward for sitting through all this, and very likely NOT taking the pilgrims home, is a little visit to Christmas past . . . lots of decorating ideas for the season from the Heart of the Home!♥️
My bird tree . . . birds as pretty and colorful as bulbs … perfect for our kitchen table!
Homey old books evoke other times . . .
Little vintage books, tied with a velvet ribbon, look good on the dinner table, as do place cards made with champagne corks, bundles of herbs and greens, fleur-de-lis wine glasses from a dear old friend who has passed . . . anything to make a memory, because . . .
Quilts on beds, sofas, chairs and in the kitchen too!
Cranberry Orange Bread hot from the oven . . . Here’s the recipe!
Little of this, little of that . . .
Little of this!
Houses! Celebrating home! Lit from the inside!
Lampshades tied with heart ribbon and a little boxwood . . .
Making things . . .
. . . To hang in the windows . . .
Bedspreads make wonderful tablecloths! Plus, no ironing!
Must have sparkly ~ shine up mirrors and windows so reflections of lights bounce off everything!
Candlelight is magical . . .
Star croutons definitely deck the dinner plates!
Animal-control officer with mustache makes sure nothing on this table is REAL!
Snowflakes are so cheery!
I tie snowflakes to the lace on the dresser scarf on the sideboard… This is where I put our Angel Chimes too . . . dreaming of a white Christmas . . .
Everyone wearing their special necklaces at Christmas dinner . . .
Make sweet smells . . . here . . .
. . . And here . . .
Because it’s not what’s on the table that counts, it’s what’s on the chairs, for a lifetime of dinner-party memories! After all these years, I now get to reuse them! So blessed.Blessings to you Girlfriends.
Make your minutes count. Feed your life from the well of sweetness. However you celebrate, don’t forget to breathe, hug a tree, nap, and feel loved. Listen to something, someone, that tells you how magnificent you are every day! Sending all my love . . .
The world needs you.
Byeeeee! I SHALL return!
A stellar post!!! Thank you!
Thank you back Diana!
Hi Susan. I sure love all your photos. You noted that your zoom party is this Saturday but you noted that it’s November 4… I think you meant December 4
So right! Thank you, I fixed it!
Oh my Willard! This was my happy bright spot this morning. So lovely, homey, wonderful and joyous! The turkey so brown and gorgeous and all the lovely memories of years of celebration. Susan and Willard have done it again! Wishing you blessing after blessing, Susan.
Dear Susan,
I enjoyed reading your Willard so much! Seeing your beautiful house and decorations and your kind words warmed my heart which is broken now because my husband of 35 years died on November 19. I am glad we made a lot of memories together.
Love from another,
I’m so sorry Susan…

My heart goes out to you Susan.
Thinking of you.
Susan…I’m so very sorry for your loss. I hope that your broken heart heals a little bit each day
Love seeing your Christmas decorations!
Dear Susan, You always make my heart happy. You are truly a blessing!
What a wonderful blog full of fun. But I do think Jack steals the show.
Your Thanksgiving looked wonderful.
Have a happy day! And a wave from Europe.
He steals all the shows. Mr. Majesty!
Thank you, Susan, what a lovely Willard. Really wonder-full! I had a special Thanksgiving, too, at the house of my daughter’s new boyfriend and his teenage sons, who are all delightful (and make eye-contact). I’m so happy for all of them, although I miss them, no longer living in my little village.
I love all your Christmas decorating and although there is a LOT of it, it’s so tasteful and unique, it doesn’t look like “clutter”. Well done! The ideas you’ve put in your photos are great and just right… clever to make champagne corks into place card holders.
When there is so much distress in the world, I enjoy thinking of you, good people like you, and that makes me feel included. I must rememer, when I can’t sleep and my mind is churning, to read some of your Willard’s and other posts.
Thank you, good health and happiness to you and Joe!
Read some of the comments here Sally, it’s a good reminder that there is SO MUCH GOODNESS … just doesn’t make the news as much! Sending love!
Dear Susan, Thankyou for this wonderful post. Your decorating ideas are so comforting! Thanks also for your full moon bookmark, a must in our stockings every year!! Fondly, Kim from Cape Cod <3
Congratulations to Maureen!
I possess my first ever passport! Looking forward to the Queen Mary 2!
I believe I may miss this Saturday’s event; procrastinated about registering.
Thank you for adding to our enjoyment of this special season!
Many hugs!
I am so glad you’re going!!!

Your blog is a delight! I really enjoyed looking at all the beautiful photos and artwork. And I’m especially envious of the dollhouse!
I love it all! I went for a forest/lake walk with one of my daughters for Green Friday and loved getting outdoors! xoxo!!
What a delightful surprise to wake up to news of this new Williard in my inbox. Of course, I stopped and read it all right then with my coffee! Susan, you made me cry…..the good kind of crying… was so beautiful to read. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.
It is, as you must know, my very great pleasure.

Willard’s here
. Joy and blessings right back to you all. Thanks Susan. Always grateful to hear and see from you.
I absolutely love, love this Willard. It got me in the Christmas mood.
Goodness, you are so adorable! I can’t believe I only discovered you now. You are my hero and everything I want to be and more. Oh, how I could pour my heart out to you, my kindred spirit in so many ways…including California to Island transplant! Please keep doing what you are doing because it is truly delightful and a gift to the world.
Very happy to meet you Carolina … you will LOVE everyone here . . . it’s a land of kindred spirits! Thank you for the very kind words!

Loved it all! Thank you Susan!
Looking forward to the notice when Enchantment will be released. Can’t wait! Bought the little preview that you offered. So looking forward to completed book!
I hope I get time to go back to it, it would be SUCH a wonderful book!♥️
OH MY GOSH!!! There are so many lovely and amazing photos and words in this blog post, but the one that caught my eye was the winner of the candlesticks! I am elated, truly over the moon! I have loved them for so long-thank you Susan and many thanks to the lovely girlfriend who donated them-what a kind and darlin person. Blessings and love to all.
YOU WON!!! Maureen, isn’t that amazing!?! It had to be SOMEONE, and turns out, against all odds, it was YOU! I just wrote you … look for your email in both your addresses!

Happy day!
PS…I have two email address. My irisheyes address is below
Love that animal control officer!
. Love your sideboard and dining table… fortunate for you they were left……a word of caution about using brown paper bags in baking….they are made with chemicals these days…not thick nor safe as before. Totally agree with Wallace Irwin!
Beautiful Christmas post.
What a fabulous post, Susan! I cannot wait to decorate, but I must wait because my new hardwood floors are not finished (the 80 year old ones were not worth refinishing). We had to move the dining room table and chairs into the living room for Thanksgiving dinner, which worked out well as most of the living room furniture was in our contractor’s trailer! It was a lovely Thanksgiving…Rebel Picture Taking Son was home for the first time in two years, with his delightful girlfriend, and our dear widowed friend was able to join us for dinner as well. The coolest? I have LOVED your colonial candle holders since the first time I saw them but assumed (silly me) that they were one of a kind. Your last post sent me to ebay, where I found a set, which my husband immediately purchased for me. I had totally forgotten about them when they arrived yesterday so I had a HUGE post birthday surprise! I was over the moon excited. So, thanks to the person who sent the set to you for a give-away, as I know have my own!
SO lucky!!
Right time, right place! Yay! Happy new floors, bet it will be beautiful!
Sigh. It’s like coming home. All joy to you during this entire holiday season! And thank you for the smiles as I’ve read through and savored each photo.
Love seeing you here Jeanie!
Loved it! Feeling very Christmas-ie now.

. Thank-you very much.
SUSAN! A lovely post as usual…. we have such similar thoughts, likes, emotions, memories…. and we have our IOWA roots, so who knows… if we were on the PBS “Who Do You Think You Are”, I betcha it would turn out that we’re cousins – with not a lot of removes!
I recently started watching that series from its inception and I just love it. There is just something so wonderful about learning personal history…. even if it belongs to someone else…. it continuously proves ALL people on this earth are infinitely related… connected… we’re all the same under the color of our outward selves! I hold on to hope that our world will someday realize that. We are constantly challenged with rising above whatever! Be safe, stay healthy, wear your mask… this RN is concerned regarding the Omicron variant. We may need another booster, but that’s all good! Enjoy your Christmas and may 2022 bring all of us joy, hope, and good health.
Its so obvious that we all want the same things, peace, love, safety, happy children, work we’re proud of, a little plot of land to call home… accidents of birth put so many out in the cold in this world. Lifting up is everyones job. So many good quotes about that, Dickens said “the whole world is my business…”

Blessings on you and yours and THANK YOU for the work you do.
Thank you again for another Willard. It is so full of love.
All of your pictures are so cozy looking.
Trees! I live in a neighborhood full of woods with deer, fox, coyotes, bunnies, tons of birds, and tall, tall

Carols in my car as we traveled to meet my son for lunch today. 
Such a jolly time! We are vaxxed and boosted and still masked. Stay healthy. Thank you for everything. Love you.
pines. I love to touch the pine trees in my back yard just on the other side of the fence. Shhh…There are pixies, gnomes, and elves back there!
Christmas magic time is here. Neighborhood homes are outlined in white and colorful holiday lights.
And Congrats to Maureen, the lucky winner!
Hi Susan,
This blog post brightened my day! I love how cute your house look’s in all the pictures and Jack is so handsome! Thank you for sharing! Happy Holidays!
Thank you Susan!!! So uplifting!
Congratulations to Maureen!!! You are a very lucky girl Maureen!
Love your post as always and did enjoy your photo’s of your lovely house.
Will move house within a week and have to think about how to decorate our new home.
Take care ,stay save and see you next time in our new home!
Let the fun stuff begin!
Thank you Susan!
As always, you bring a smile and a reminder of how so very lucky we are! On the Central Coast in CA, it’s an unusually warm (mid-80’s!) last day of November as I look out my window to see a flotilla of white pelicans glide across Morro Bay. I know you know this area quite well. So, whether it’s the coast of CA or beautiful New England, we share so many blessings. Thank you, Susan, for sharing yours with all of us.
Cindee in Los Osos
Beauty all around us!
Thanks for the cheery post. Love looking at the delicious decor. Was watching earlier Stephen Colbert’s interview of Peter Jackson & his documentary on the Beatles and down the rabbit hole I went from the Beatles, then J, P, G, R, then Yoko. In between turkey leftovers and black Friday I wound up with The Hollies, Graham Nash, listening to Look Through Any Window on repeat. Ah the wonder of our internet age in revisiting our past over this Turkey infused weekend! Alohaaa!
The soundtrack of our lives!

Well, this was a gift and a half! Oh my goodness, such lovely things to look at, listen to, watch for….
Congrats to the winner Maureen with the Irish eyes. Jack, Jack, that look on your animal control face is priceless! Loved it all. I am so ready for Christmas. Thanks, Susan!
Bren xoxox
Each picture of Jackl elicits a long aaah!!
Oh, my Dear, Sweet Susan!! How I Needed, Needed this joyous Willard. Tom heard me squeeking and laughing upstairs and wondered if I was OK. Wayyy better, I said, Susan has sent me medicine that beats the pain meds All To Pieces. Excuse the caps, I’m a bit high.
Didn’t think I could out-do myself for tripping, but I did! Exactly 12 hours ago, I was walking to my car to drive up Bayshore to Davis Islands to see my wonderful dentist. I did make it to Davis Islands, but not to the dentist. Tom drove me to the Emergency Room a few blocks from the dentist…..Tampa General….after doing a face plant right in my driveway. Knocked myself out for a few seconds, bled buckets of blood, smashed my new glasses and re-arranged my Po’ nose!! It’s a level I Trauma Center, and I was in, x-rayed, Cat Scanned, cleaned up and on the way back home in 2 hours. The Christmas-Hannukah lights in all the old homes were gawjus.
All is well, got the fastest and best of care. Nothing else broken, although it certainly feels like the knee and hand could have been. CT scan of head and neck, no brain damage. When I crawled back up the steps and called for Help, I though Tom was going to faint. Then I looked in the mirror…my nose had taken a right turn and was literally way over to that side. I grabbed the bridge and pushed it back. Tom turned totally white.
Our new neighbors came over while we were at the ER, she saw all the blood and thought horrible thoughts. I had tangled my foot in one of the leaf bags from cleaning out the little entrance atrium.
Will need surgery to fix the nose, but am extremely lucky nothing much worse happened.
They gave me something for pain, and that made everything hilarious. I said that Tom could take a piece of chalk and draw a body outline around all the blood, and wrap yellow tape around the area!!! That went over like a lead balloon with the ER docs and nurses.
But…when I read this new post, I cried for the first time in years…tears of pure joy. I keep thinking you can not possibly top the last few Posts, then you do. Thank You just seems inadequate. This Willard is just like being at your TG table with all the friends we know you and Joe love. We Girlfriends keep telling you how much Joy you bring, and, Oh, you are Hannukah and Christmas all rolled up into one. My heart is just bursting with the Happiness we all feel coming from you. We are stunned with gratitude, my Dear Lady.
Sigh………..(Forgive the oxycontin gushing!!!)
Mucho Love and Gratitude to you, sweet Susan,
Debbie in Tampa
Oh good grief poor Debbie! Just what you needed. I’m so sorry! You remember when I broke my wrist a couple of years ago? I did the same thing, tangled one silly foot in the very flimsy top of a large plastic bag I was filling with stuff for the thrift store. Tried to step over the bundle, but it reached up, grabbed my foot, down I went. Not even hurt. Just a YEAR of waiting for my wrist to heal!!! My right wrist. Busy people don’t have TIME for these kinds of shenanigans!
I’m glad you’re okay and feeling better. Steer clear of all plastic bags! Love you, stay your own darling self. xoxoxo
I didn’t know you, too, had been attacked by a plastic bag!!
Talk about busy people! I’d rather have my nose out of kilter any day than be an artist with a broken wrist!!
Tom is taking good care of me until my knee is better. We had a contractor here this morning. Decided to go ahead with all the dampness mitigation, but even that work is “backed up”. Maybe 2 months. Yikes. But at least we can have the windows open. When all this is complete, we will “Love It” and not “List It”. Mr. T is happy to stay in this beautiful neighborhood. Still a few brick streets and all those lovely, Spanish moss draped live oaks. Counting Blessings more than ever.
No more bag attacks, Please!
Mucho Love,
Debbie on Ballast Point in Tampa
Mine was that flimsy, airy kind of plastic, that kind of floated, and then grabbed my foot! You should see me now… I SEE one of those bags and give it a wide berth and a dirty look. DO NoT trust them! Ha ha ha! Love it not list it. My daily lunch partners!
I too was mangled by a flimsy plastic bag a few years ago. I hurt a joint on the second toe of my left foot. Long story…My advice. Never leave those store bags on the floor!
juju to Deb!
MANGLED! I’m still mad it. Give those things a wide berth!
Debbie, your sense of humor in your hardship is admirable. I went through a strange illness this year, possibly because we are more prone for illness when our hearts are low. You and Susan are wonderful examples of how to stay positive in the worst of times. Susan’s posts help me to go on, but then the girlfriend’s comments are like another helping of dessert. I would love to meet girlfriends face to face someday. Someday when all the world is free from this “dam-panic”. Lovzies-dezi
Ahhhh….Debbie, I’m sorry this happened!! But you have a beautiful attitude about it all and continue to relish the positive. Susan’s Blog is always uplifting and I’m so happy she sent her “gift” just in time for you!
Happy Holidays and heal quickly!
Dear Debbie, So sorry to hear of your accident. I love reading your posts, and I’m sending get well wishes your way for a speedy recovery. I fell and fractured a finger a few years ago (unfortunately not the simple fracture requiring just a splint. I was in a cast for 6 weeks and required hand therapy to regain the use of my hand. ) I wish I could say that I was attacked by a plastic bag, but I think it was pure clumsiness and a cracked sidewalk. Or maybe it was participating in a Shamrock Run (I walk) without eating first and with very little sleep. I was fortunate. Despite my age, I healed well. Wishing the same for you
Amazing what some little part of your body can do!
How is it I am reading this so early!!! Taking a break from putting out Christmas! love doing all the organizing but it is makes me tired. My husband loves Christmas decorations and loves to put his villages up! My Mom always made corn pudding. It has been a staple at our family dinners. I also like to take it to pot luck dinners, where it is a big hit. I throw a couple of hand fulls of grated cheese in the mix before baking! Enjoy your beautiful walks in the brisk fall. It is 75 in Arroyo Grande this week!
I CAN’T wait for the Quote Book to be completed!!! WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas!!! Love it! Love it! Love it, all!
Me either! Feel the same way as you do! Merry Merry!

Wonderful post Susan! I can’t wait to watch the Beatles documentary. I have Disney Plus! They remind me of my childhood. I was six when they were on Ed Sullivan, and I still remember it vividly to this day! You are right, they are genius’! Happy Holidays!
Hello Susan,
Lovely post. Congrats to “Irish eyes” .
Have you ever shown a picture of the blanket your grandmother knitted for you?
I’m in the process of crocheting blankets for each of my grandchildren, so far I have 9 of them. I’ve finished 3. They are picking out the pattern and the colors. And I’m a beginner. The first and third turned out rather nice. The second one had an 8 inch difference from one end to the other. EIGHT INCHES!!!! I told my grandson who received that one, that he’d think of me each time he tried to fold it neatly. haha.
blessings to you,
p.s. have you ever put your stuffing in cheese cloth? – fold a generous piece of cheese cloth, put it in turkey cavity, with excess spilling out, fill with stuffing. When it comes time to remove stuffing, pull on cheese cloth and all comes out in one nice lump. No leaving any of that precious stuff in cavity.
LOL, eight inches! My first knitting project, I was in the 5th grade and tried to knit my mother a shawl for Christmas. Since she was the person who helped me pick up dropped stitches, I couldn’t get help or I would have ruined this nightmare “surprise!” It started out as white! I took it to school to work on during lunch and recess, so by the time I wrapped it to give to her, it was a. filthy, and b. full of holes. My poor mom. But she acted like it was wonderful… I did know she was just being nice
and never asked to see it on her. Your eight inches will be a story some day, making it all worth it! I’ll put a picture of my Grandma’s nap blanket in my next post! Cheesecloth idea is a good one! Have you done it yet? Did you like it?
I love your knitting calamity. Mom’s are wonderful !! You sure were ambitious to take it to school and work on it.
Yes, i have used the cheesecloth in the turkey and i love it. The first time i did it was years ago and my parents were having Thanksgiving with us. My dad snuck in the kitchen to check on the progress and he watched as i pulled out the cheesecloth. We were both amazed at how it all came out so neatly. And i dumped it into a serving bowl and pulled off the cloth. My dad began using the same “trick”. Hope you give it a try.
Your side board looks so nice. Do you treat it with the mineral oil? I try to treat my wood items right before i go on vacation, that way I’m not tempted to wipe them down too soon.
I’ll remember it Valerie! Thank you! The sideboard has a high finish on it … oil would just stand on the top I’m afraid … I use mineral oil on our kitchen table and wooden spoons though, and it’s wonderful!
I love your words and your pictures Susan. It makes me feel the holidays, which I am longing for. I have to get through a cross country move this week first, but by Sunday night I will be in North Carolina for good. Moving from Southern California, and I can’t wait to be back on the right coast! Then, I can get ready for the holidays. Thanks again for the lovely pictures!
Happy Move Charlotte!
I’m loving my “Blessed” cup. What a empty world it would be without trees!
I can’t help but to be filled with holiday spirit after this blog post! And, I can’t wait until Saturday for the zoom tea party. It might be “billed” as a tea party, but I have been planning some special tea party snacks and a very special tea pot, cup and saucer for this special occasion! It will truly be my December Celebration!
Can’t wait!!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!! Love and hugs!!!
Ohhhh, that was a lovely post. I’m excited about the TV program ideas and, as always, thank you for giving us inspiration to do the simplest things (eg: light candles, paper snowflakes, books tied with ribbons, etc.) that bring such joy! Thanks, Susan. Tie a ribbon around yourself because you are the gift that keeps on giving!
What a wonderful, fun and very delightful blog!
I absolutely love your birdie holiday tree!
Thanks for the cranberry bread recipe – I’ll add this to my recipe collection!
Glad tidings of the season to you and yours.
Hi Susan, Love you posts, always so happy to see a new Willard from you. And I love the 2022 FULL MOON bookmark. Thank you. Charlotte

It was so wonderful…. Great blog/ letter thanks so very much Linda d
Dear Sue,
What a great surprise! You summed up the most beautiful season of the year to perfection and it’s a great motivator to remember to enjoy every minute of it. I’m waiting to enjoy the Saturday zoom.
Wishing you and Joe and Jack a joy filled December and a Happy Christmas.
Lillian XOXOXO
Wonderful post! The Cranberry Orange Bread looks yummy! Going to bake that for sure!
Oh I’m in love with Christmas. Thanks for bringing it to us already. Here the dishes are out and Fall is put away but that is as far as we have gotten but we will get there soon! We had 22 for Thanksgiving, family from 3 states and lovely little children, I was in heaven. Resting from that wonderful time and now to Christmas! Thank you again as always for the wonderful sharing of your home and thoughts!
Love, love, love!!!! ALWAYS amazing posts. Thank you for taking the time to write. Always a highlight of my day!! Happy Holidays!
What a lovely post. Merry Christmas !
A beautiful post! It makes me really anxious and excited to get to the Christmas decorating in the next couple days. I’ve been buying a few new things – the guest room bed is covered with them! I printed out the bookmark and one for a gift to a reader friend. Thank you for always thinking of your girlfriends with recipes, photos, and your personal ideas. Can’t wait to see the Get Back documentaries!
Christmas blessings to you, Joe, and Jack of course!
Yes Susan, I am loving my new cups! Using my “Blessed” cup each and every day as I, especially in this season of Thanksgiving, feel so very blessed! And I am also excited to read your Quote Book. Wishing You and Joe a very Merry Christmas!
It amazes me, every time I miss getting a Willard…There you ARE! And this one is so fully packed
. I loved it all, but so you know I can’t wait for your Quotes book…been waiting ever since you mentioned it last year? And thank you for sharing the recipe for your friend’s cranberry/orange bread. I look forward to making it asap. But that cute plate, Merry Christmas it is lying on….is it an item you sell? It kept catching my eye, wink-wink 

I did design that, many years ago… none left except perhaps on eBay or etsy or something.♥️ Working on that quotes book today, just as soon as I read all the lovely comments!
A wonderful post full of inspiration.
This post was like being wrapped in a warm blanket by the fireplace with my kitty next to me and a good book in my lap, waiting to be read! In fact, I read this post three times in a row to soak up all the goodness. It gave me all the home-y feels and makes me want to fluff my nest even more because I’m inspired by you.
PS – Next year, I’m coming to YOUR house for Thanksgiving!
Ha ha ha! We must keep meeting like this!

Another wonderful and inspiring blog. I want to live in a New England house. Grew up in Newport, RI and loved living by the ocean. Big old houses where many people have lived full lives. Left there when I was 12 and still want to go home.
Love you!
Homesick for life. I was homesick for this place before I ever saw it!
Just watched episode 1 of Get Back as well! So great! Looking forward to the rest of the episodes! Enjoy your viewing of the rest. We are heading to the Grand Illumination in Williamsburg so episode 3 may need to wait until we return. As always thank you for your lovely post
We go for part two tonight! I can’t wait! Enjoy amazing beautiful wonderful historical Williamsburg!
Its’ SO Much Fun to read a new post from you. We celebrated Thanksgiving in our Maple Sugar Shack this year with 18 crammed in. We didn’t mind a bit it was so lovely to be all together. Thanks for the smiles
I know the feeling… togetherness has never felt better. We’ve had a very difficult lesson about recognizing how blessed we are and everything that really matters!
I am ever so thankful for you. You and all you have created are woven into the fabric of my life. A friend, a counselor, a joy spreader, sprinkling goodness into my life everywhere, calling me to truth, love, happiness and home. Back to myself when I am lost. And connecting me to others and good friends. Giving me a place to b understood by other kindred spirits and making my life so much better by just being you. THANK YOU
XOXO. Loved this post so very much everything sprinkled w ur fairy dust. I hv been trying to find a fabric to recover a chair and i had what i wanted in my mind and couldnt remember where i had seen it. I hv been searching my mind to try to remember. And then i saw your chair. That’s it. It got stuck in my memory I guess. thank u. I reminds me of my very first set of ralph lauren (Blaine) sheets that I bought for myself with my first big/small paycheck from horchow. I should have never spent that much, but when they came i felt like I was in an ad for Ralph in Victoria magazine. I hadn’t owned patterened sheets before and he did such gorgeous florals. Good for granny chic now! Thinking of you and joe and Jack and (ghostie) Girl kitty if she is still there and sending a heart hug.
We’re all in it together Charissa! Thank you for your kind words… I love seeing you here.
Hi Charissa, good to see you in here again, hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. have missed seeing you in here, hope you come around more often so we can chat some more. stay well and stay happy. hugs…..
Wonderful post…Christmas anticipation! Warm and cozy.
Dear Susan,
Holiday greetings and blessings to you and yours! The spirit of the season is with us and I couldn’t wait to read your wonderful message. Also thinking about the ‘crossing’ this coming May, I think the time will fly now that we’re at the end of this year. Thank you for all you do, you have certainly fulfilled your soul’s purpose with all the love you give to us your girlfriends! I love the pictures of Jack he is just adorable and must have a great personality! Christmas love and stay well! See you in May!!!!!
It will fly! It’s almost time! PRAY we get rid of this new variant….!!!!!!!!!!!

Beautiful pictures, thrilled you had such a fantastic Thanksgiving!
Thanks for the post, loved it. I’m busy stitching sequins and glass beads and vintage bits onto felt ornaments. Very reminiscent of childhood Christmases.
. Merry Christmas
Rabbit, Rabbit…its Decemer 1st…I finally remembered to say that! So many great ideas, recipes to make – I look so forward to joining a moment of your life each time there’s a post! Appreciate you sharing so much.
What a pleasant surprise when I opened my email this morning and there sat Willard!! Blessings on your Christmas Holiday!

Was that last picture a preview from your quotes book? You, book reading in a lovely wing chair? Wonderful of Jack to keep things real, or “unreal” in this case! Haha. Thanks for a lovely Willard, again! Happy December! We have a comet Leonard too this month, if it doesn’t melt away! Decorating as soon as I finish painting the bricks on our huge living room wall! Can’t wait! Lovzies to all gfs!! -dezi in AZ.
PS, I am not painting over bricks, to me that is a sin, haha, I am arting bricks on a huge boring white wall that needs some warmth. I am up on a ladder reaching up to ten foot ceiling and scared half to death, but we should do what scares us, right? My son will be so proud, if I live to finish it! My hubby holds the ladder when I am doing the highest bits. I can’t wait to decorate! I sewed a Christmas banner thus summer, working on it evenings while hubby and I watch our shows. Finished it in August. This was Susan Branch inspired! Can’t wait to hang it in the large doorway from kitchen to family room. Merry Christmas to SB, J H, Jack, & all gf’s!

WOW Dezi!!! It’s going to be gorgeous, if you live!
Be careful! 

Dear Susan,
So lovely and cheering. May the season of joy begin, where sparkly dreams fill us all with comfort, good company and jolly times!
You make the world a sweeter place for us all!
This happy blog goes so so perfectly with Christmas music! And now I MUST bring out my 50-year-old holly tablecloth to start December ~ always the first Christmas decoration to appear here. Not until that’s done can I start addressing Christmas card envelopes
. The first Christmas card has arrived (from over the pond) and it is the next decoration to go up as I always hang them on the coat closet door so that the first sight to greet you when coming into the house are the lovely greetings from friends. Your words and pictures and quotes and paintings in this blog are SUCH a delightful Christmas Greeting, and I’m so so happy to read it as we start this joyous season together. I can see little bits of Thanksgivings and Christmases past in this blog, something of Thanksgiving dinners at my Nana’s house, another something from Christmas mornings in front of the fireplace in my parents’ house, and still more of Christmas Days at my Grandma’s house perched on a hill above the river. All this wrapped in the love and dreams of our years (the 1950s have their own distinct special aura). Happy Holidays dear Susan.

Beautiful, Christie… Merry Christmas!

Have a remarkable holiday season Susan. I always look forward to Willard showing up in my inbox!
LOVE all the Christmasy pictures and ideas! AND, we’re still going also! Can’t watch the news anymore. Puts me in a place of fear instead of hope! So looking forward to our Atlantic crossing, English adventures and meeting you and Joe… xoxo
I know. It used to be just the media that scared us, now it’s kind of everything!
Feed your soul Cathy! See you in May!
Big sigh of contentment after reading this lovely post. Wonderful sights and sounds, and now it’s December! Hooray for Christmas! All of your decorations are beautiful and homey. I haven’t done much decorating yet, because there’s a minor construction project going on in the front hall that is causing dust everywhere. It should be finished soon and then I’ll add twinkle lights, crocheted snowflakes, paper cut trees and more all over the house. Thank you for this most delightful Willard!
Thank you for the love you give us!
My daughter, her husband and my very 1st grandchild
(Wolfgang who is 9 mos. old) hosted their first
Thanksgiving and it was Fabulous. Great food!
Wolfgang crawled for the first time! We went out and
got a real tree. Just a magical weekend all around!
I shared your blog with her and she loves it.
Wishing you much joy and happiness and love this holiday season!!
My girlfriend Margot has a son she calls Wolfie! Always loved it!
Congratulations to the Irish eyes!! and thank you Susan for a lovely cozy Christmas post. In our family, we are all extremely thankful for every moment we get to spend with our sweetest Dad( aka Bubba) who was in rehab for Thanksgiving. So blessed that my husband and I left my sister’s wonderful Thanksgiving a wee bit early, to sneak my Dad in some dessert and a glass of wine. His smile was priceless:) He is back in the hospital now and we are BEYOND thankful that we can visit him. Blessings to all
I hope he’s home soon and feeling better, Care!
Makes me soooo happy you are using my place cards!!!

I have one thing to say…..I LOVE your dining room curtains…..they are MY cup of tea!!! …….and if I EVER travel from Oregon to Martha’s Vineyard and break into your house and they are missing……well I’ll send you my address!!!!

Most charming place cards EVER … I hoarded them for the first few years after you gave them to me, playing with them, but not writing on them, and then came a Christmas of supreme importance, and there they were, the perfect spot of magic I was looking for! Got my eye on those curtains!

Dear Karen, My heart leaped with joy when I discovered Susan’s house on my recent visit to the Vineyard. I first noticed the lintel over the door, thinking that it looked familiar (although the pumpkins were missing!). Then I noticed a string of hearts in the window. This must be it, I thought. A few steps further I noticed a black Forester with the “A Fine Romance” parked behind. (I recognized the van from book signings I’ve attended). I continued to “sneak” by, as I didn’t want to be intrusive or be seen as a “peeping Tom”, but I felt so warm inside as I continued on my walk. It was as if all the love inside reached out and embraced me. P.S. I left the dining room curtains behind.
Ohhh Dianne, how sweet, I’m glad you felt that way! Something happened to the smallish pumpkins on Martha’s Vineyard this year, because we couldn’t find any! Only big ones that wouldn’t fit on the lintel! Happy December to both you and Karen!
Dear Susan, Thank you. I am back home after my short visit to the Vineyard. It was so magical. Although this is my favorite time of year, commercialism has put a damper on it of late. The decorations in Vineyard Haven were absolutely perfect- greenery and little white lights. My heart was bursting with joy. (We were so happy where we were; we didn’t even explore further. We were also on foot. Next time, I’ll bring a car). Happy December and Merry Christmas to you, Joe, and Jack. Hoping that Covid is behind us when the new book is ready so that in-person signings are again possible.
We drove down Main Street the other night and it looked like the 1950s! Decorated, but understated. I’m with you and commercialism… I guess it’s always been there but these days it feels like someone has you by the arm dragging you to the store! Yes, how I would LOVE to see everyone in person! Let’s hope!
It’s gray and rainy in southeast Ohio and I’m missing my family terribly. Your Willard, as always, brightened my day! Thank you!
Thanksgiving, Christmas, candles and trees……….so many delights!! Sigh. It makes one happy just thinking on these things. (Whatever is pure, whatever is noble, etc.)
It made me smile to think of us being in the kitchen cooking and watching “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” “together.” Shirley Temple movies are another happy thing to think on.
Thanks for taking time to post this and Merry December! As it’s December first, “Rabbit, rabbit!” although I’m sure I’m not the first to say it!
Dear Lori, I love Shirley Temple movies- especially Heidi. When I was in Switzerland, the highlight of my trip was seeing the little cheese making huts up in the mountains. Heidi was a favorite book of mine as a child (it still is), and I felt as if I were seeing the hut of Heidi’s grandfather. I wanted to get out of the bus and climb the hill!!! Have a wonderful holiday season
Everything looks cozy and delicious! We had a nice simple and traditional Thanksgiving too! A small amount of snow
and deer
in the backyard. Did they smell dinner?
here! “ It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!”
Lol. All red hearts ♥️ and stars
to you, Joe and the kitty 
PS Liked the Thanksgiving necktie!
Oh my! Your house looks beautiful.
I loved this wonderful post.
Happy December, Susan!
dearest susan….thank you for the warmth and spirit in your words and pictures….I could literally smell the goodies and feel the firelight! the people in our lives, and the critters are what is important…and ‘green friday’ walks…..celebrating on zoom or in person….just zoomed with a friend in Ireland…it was like sitting in her kitchen….zoom is a technology I am 100 per cent behind….it has helped us watch children grow through these almost 2 years, it has helped us cry , laugh and chatter together….thank you thank you , our susan for all your spirit and energy… Regina, Seattle
Zoom, the right thing at the PERFECT time!
Dearest Susan,
This post made me cry tears of joy! I wish you could know how much joy you bring to so many of us. You are so special! Thank you so much for all you do to bless each of us. Have a wonderful Christmas! Good Tidings from Texas, Dawnie Jones
Thank you Dawn! Wonderful to hear from you!
What a warm, cozy, and holiday inspired post! Your home looks so warm and lovely… I think my favorite though was the “Animal Control Officer”, and the look on his face! Hilarious! Looking forward to seeing your Xmas tree, as it’s always so beautifully decorated!
Just pure happiness…. I can’t wait for your Christmas post!
So happy to read the latest Willard! I always save them for the end of the day when I can sit down with a hot cup of coffee or tea and absolutely absorb all the loveliness you have to share. <3 Ahhh…beautiful bliss. <3
Hi, Susan
. Thank you for all your inspiration and for all the time you spend making these wonderful blogs. Hoping you, Joe, and Jack have a delightful Christmas and a blesssed new year! Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!
I’ve been so busy today that I forgot to turn the calendar page and I’m always eager to see what part of your home will be featured next. Loved your post. It reminded me of the hilarious story in your Girlfriends book about the time you and and a friend went to find where the Beatles were staying in Beverly Hills. I’ve wondered if you ever got to meet them again when you grew up? I love your home especially at Christmastime. I remember when Yankee magazine featured your home in their Christmas issue and you signed my copy. Oh my. I’m really starting to ramble!
Nancy (from Bakersfield)
You can ramble here anytime you want Nancy! And no, never did see those boys again in person anyway. But I had my moment, and all that I really needed! It would have been too much to wish for more! Besides, you know how dreams are, you have to guard them so that they don’t accidentally get ruined! I’ll stick with the magic! Happy New Year to you and yours … see you tomorrow!
Just finished watching the Zoom Tea Party. Enjoyed hearing more of the Beatles adventure. You looked beautiful and the hostess is a darling girl.
Thanks so much for making it happen. Must start my baking. First up is
your Cream Scones!
Nancy B
THANK YOU Nancy! I loved seeing all your names there, so much fun! xoxo
Well once again I’m up in middle of night unable to sleep. The culprit this time is our 4 month old puppy – had to go outside. He quickly fell back to sleep. I, on the other hand, am wide awake. “They” always say don’t go to your phone and start reading email, watching videos etc because it’ll just stimulate your brain and keep you awake. “They” need to find out about you Susan and your wonderful, peaceful, “cozyful”, calming blog. Your words, artwork, pictures and poetry provide manna for my soul. Instead of laying here conjuring up all sorts of things to worry about ( I’m very good at it ) I know I can always count on you and all these beautiful girlfriends to ease my mind. I’m so very grateful for you creating this wonderful community. Lol the puppy is now snoring! If I had cranberries I’d be tempted to go out in the kitchen and make that cranberry orange loaf.

Ha ha ha, I know the feeling Julie!

What a lovely post! You brighten my world every month! Merry Christmas to you and Joe!
Oh, the Beatles “Get Back!” Wonderful! I teared up so many times just out of joy. Someone wrote that it was like watching Shakespeare write a play. A magical experience for sure.
Well said!
Thank you for this wonderful Willard about wonderful you!!
Enjoyed this post so much!! Thank you, Susan!!
Lovely post as usual, thanks for the recipe and the beautiful pics and all the great quotes. I have been keeping quote journals for years! Thankf for adding to mine. HAve a great Christmas and holiday season!
Thank you for this joyous blog! I am always so excited to see it in my inbox as I have my morning coffee. It is certainly the perfect way to start the day! Keep on keepin on! I simply love all of this!
Happy Holidays!
What a great gift/surprise to wake up to, a Willard in my inbox. Nothing could be better, I love the way you bring happiness, joy, and love to so many of us and afterall, we are only as happy as choose to be, aren’t we? Almost as good as your Willard are taking the time to read the Comments from the other girlfriends, we all seem to be happy-hearted people, despite what is going on in our own lives and all around us. I couldn’t help but laugh at poor Debbie who fell over a plastic bag as we have all done that type of fall at sometime and I’m so glad her quick-thinking Husband was near by to take her to the ER, hope she is felling better by now. Please Susan, don’t ever change, we need your kind of love in this world so much right now.
We are happy hearted … kind hearted too … shows there’s actually way more than that than of the other kind!
It’s early in the morning here in Houston and now just after 7 AM, reading your blog
There are no words to tell you how wonderful it is reading your Willard’s! You lift our hearts while “Making Spirits Bright’
Thank you so much Susan! What a blessing you are to the world
p.s. thanks for the bookmark too!
No, not lucky.
Greatly blessed!

?? Don’t scare us that way! What would we do without our sweet Susan? Thank you for the peek into your home, it’s so lovely and cozy. Enjoy this season of preparing!
I so look forward to Anything Susan Branch!!!! Thank you for being exactly who God made you to be- a bright spark in this world!!! Since I know you love old movies as much as I do I wondered if you have ever seen “An Apartment for Peggy”? If you haven’t I suggest with all my might that you give it a try and I guarantee you will NOT be disappointed !!!
I have and I ADORE that movie! You are so right, perfect charm! Edmund Gwenn! Adorable… and Jeanne Crain! Also adorable. The whole thing!
LOVE this. Now, where are your sofa and chair from in the living area? And, the green paint color? Just lovely.
Happiest of holidays to you.
WHAT A WONDERFUL WILLARD! You always bring magic and renewed meaning to celebrating the holidays. As I read it, I could not help tears of joy and gratitude that my family has another year to celebrate together. When you have sons in the military, having everyone around the table for the holidays makes them even more special. Every holiday that appears during each season has become so precious to me. Each year I look especially forward to your posts for November and December and am never disappointed. Your Autumn and Christmas cookbooks are ever present by my reading chair from late August through New Years with bookmarks and notes from previous years stuck between pages. And yes, your corn pudding recipe has indeed become a family favorite! I hope you, Joe, and Jack have a happy and glorious holiday season and the very best of New Years!
I can just imagine Minette… tell your sons how proud we all are of our military and their sacrifices. And yours too! I’m sure you worry. Blessings on you and your family . . . Merry Merry and Happy New Year!♥️
I was always an Elvis fan myself, and Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Second only to Fourth of July.
I think your antique dining table and sideboard are gorgeous!
Oops! I meant Fourth of July is my second favorite.
Ha ha! I get it!
Hi Susan!
I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen a reply from you to one of my comments! How exciting!
I wanted to add that I never tire of your lovely photos. Especially those that capture the morning sunlight. Mornings are my favorite time of day and you capture them so beautifully! At this moment I’m watching birds devour seeds at my 3 on-the-ground feeding stations. There are about 20 doves, along with some gold and red finches, white-crowned sparrows, juncos, towhees, chickadees, and a white-breasted nuthatch, along with a couple of hummers at the hanging feeder. The squirrels should be arriving shortly. Haha! However, I don’t mind feeding them as well. One of them has become quite tame. He allows me to pet him while he’s eating!
This morning it’s foggy, which I also enjoy. As we don’t have white winters where I live in California, I’m looking forward to your photos of snow covered loveliness. Not a fan of winter, but it is so pretty to look at! Thank you for all your homey, nature-loving inspirations! 
You are so lucky! I’ve never been able to pet a squirrel and I have WORKED at it! They get close, but so far, there’s no touching allowed! Yes, I’m starting to look for snowflakes too!