You might want to get a cup of tea or coffee, because here we go! Celebrate Home ~ and of course, it wouldn’t be a Willard without MUSICA!
This is a little homemade house I rescued from a yard sale many years ago ~ I remember seeing it, sitting on a picnic bench across the driveway… just there, lonely and vulnerable in all it’s cuteness, and I RAN toward it before anyone else could get it! And I still love it . . . it goes up on the shelf on my stove on Thanksgiving day… because tis the season to celebrate Home and all the little things that make life sweet!
So. Wasn’t Thanksgiving wonderful??? Yes! I know!
Us, too.
Our kitchen WAS a poem, it smelled like our childhoods and sounded like them too, with Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm playing in the background as we stuffed the turkey.
Turner Classic Movies does so well this time of year! Everything about our menu was traditional including a butter-basted 17-pound turkey stuffed with my Grandma’s famous sage dressing and roasted in the oven with a piece of buttered brown-paper bag tented over the top just the way my mom always did it, Joe’s mom’s gravy “with a thimble-full of brandy,” whole berry cranberry
sauce ala Lowely’s mother, Bob’s creamed onions, Joe’s roasted carrots, mashed potatoes vis-à-vis Elaine, Martha’s homemade sourdough rolls, and my Pumpkin Cheesecake. Yes, it took a village! And if you were by chance flying over our house at the time, you would see our friends, in scarves and hats, swirled by falling leaves, arrive carrying hot dishes covered in linen cloths . . . and come in to eggnogs with bourbon in front of the fire, hot apple cider, and cranberry gins . . .
Do this
, they are DELICIOUS!
(Recipe of the season!
PS are you loving your new cups? I hope so! So blessed!
T U R K E Y T I M E ~ the inevitable dinner table discussion when I was growing up when one of my brothers or sisters said …
. . . which always sparked arguments about WHO ate it! “YOU ate it!” “No, YOU ate it . . .” “Moooom, Jim says I ate it…” Then whoever thought they had eaten it would start crying.
Just a little reminder before you eat all the left-over cranberry sauce:
I call it Christmas Jam . . . it makes a very sweet holiday gift! Worth making MORE cranberry sauce if you already ate all yours!
Put the jam in little jars, use a rubber band to secure a doily or a vintage linen coaster to the top, tie with ribbon and voila!
Mr. Thanksgiving!
Watching over all . . .
Our table . . . And then, for obvious reasons
(holding hands for blessing, drowning plate in gravy, pouring wine, stuffing face), I forgot to take pictures!
The sun through the trees outside flickered on the walls and doors . . . but this room looks even better in firelight and candlelight ~ with after-dinner, L-Tryptophan-overloaded friends sprawling with feet on the coffee table. Because this is a house of love. And BECAUSE it’s a house of love, no one took any pictures of the sprawling!
The leaf shadows mimic the leaf bouquet! Are we lucky or are we lucky?
And we loved “Black Friday” just as much! Although we call it Green Friday and go for a long walk in the pine and wild-apple-scented woods and listen to the trees …
Trees have long been trying to reach us. But they speak on frequencies too low for people to hear.
The Overstory
The Overstory is the book we’re listening to while we walk.
Trees are now mystical to me.
Our earth is SOOOO beautiful!
Look at the good job our maple tree is doing! Guardian angel of our house. Big gulps of fresh ocean air and cold wind, and then . . . a nap, under the blanket my grandma knit for me a long time ago! A Red Letter Day. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! MAS MUSICA!
And all of a sudden, it’s already Hanukkah and we are counting down to Christmas! Happy December to one and all! First thing ~ one of our Blog traditions . . . it’s time for your 2022 Full Moon Bookmark … Click there, you can print it out on card stock and make little gifts … they make very good stocking stuffers so no one misses making wishes on the full moons of 2022!
Another nice gift for your mom, sister, aunt, grandma, or best friend . . . would be a FREE subscription to Willard! Not exactly hand-written, but definitely personal . . . Go HERE to sign them up, tell them about it in a card, or as a little gift under the tree.
Scroll down that page if you’d like to know why I call this Willard . . . and there you will see all the older Willards waiting for rainy days and Mondays when you feel like reading something full of . . .
We ran out of time to make Corn Pudding before Thanksgiving!!! And it’s really kind of a once-a-year specialty of the house. SO delicious and easy. In case you forgot too … I wanted to give you the recipe and remind you . . . Yum yum yum, corn pudding, gotta have it! Perfect for pot lucks too. Be sure to try it with maple syrup! It’s in my Autumn Book if you have it!
This is what a Zoom Party looks like in my kitchen! Do you like my professional computer platform? It’s the Layering type. Do I know what I’m doing? No, I do not. Which is why I’m on the phone. But I do have fun doing these!
And this was another one . . . reading from my book, Home for Christmas looking a lot like Mrs. Claus! (Hip and happening’ Mrs. Claus is the old-age look I’m going for!). . .
And here’s what a Zoom looks like from Karen Kowtowski’s house ~ she’s one of our Girlfriends who came to another Zoom last year and sent me a picture! I love being in her kitchen!
And now it’s time to make a new memory, because this Saturday, December 4th, at 3pm EST (noon in CA, 2pm in Chicago, and 8pm in England) is our Zoom Party with the Enchanted Book Club! I’m so excited to see everyone! It sold out fast (even though it’s free) with 1000 of us registered! If you signed up, you’ll be receiving an email to join in the Zoom. But if you didn’t get in, our Zoom Party is going to be posted on Youtube afterward ~ you can watch later ~ a win-win! I’ll give you the link for it in my NEXT Willard!♥️
What else… Two WONDERFUL documentaries to watch on TV… things we’ve loved and I think you will love too. First off, an enlightening documentary called “Who Do We Think We Are?” … by Rachel Boynton. It’s a succession of interesting interviews from people in all parts of the country, of all ages and races about the Civil War. Looks like it’s entire purpose is to make us think ~ and it worked! We loved it! It all comes down to one thing: empathy. Like our moms told us, gotta put ourselves in the other fella’s shoes…understanding is everything.
And the other one is a three-part (six-hour) Documentary called “Get Back.” I’m a pretty attentive follower of anything new from the Beatles, and I haven’t seen ANY of this before except for maybe a few still photos. We watched it with friends and we were RIVETED for the entire time. We got to see what REALLY happened! They are young, Paul is only 26, they’re all adorable, wait till you see how NICE they are, how much they love each other, and they are working so hard . . . We get to SEE them create, how difficult it is, pulling words out of the air to write songs! We get to WATCH genius. I could cry!
It will change everything you think! And when they are humming because they don’t have the words yet, we want to help because we DO know the words! We want to call to Paul as he is reaching for words for Get Back, “How about Tucson, Arizona!” They’re showing this on Disney+ … which we don’t have, so we went to my girlfriend Lowely’s, one house over, and watched it with friends, which I think is the perfect thing to do ~ it’s a sharing thing ~ once we all spontaneously burst into song at the same time! And talking to the screen is better if done in a group! Take food to share! It’s a step back in time! We’ve only seen the first two hours! Wednesday night is our part 2. I’ve heard it just gets better. DO what must be done to see this! Pure wonderfulness.
Some of you have asked about the Queen Mary 2 trip we’re taking together next May 1 ~ We’re going to England!!! Yes we are! Eeeek! … and some of you have been wondering if the sailing is sold out … which it is ~ at the moment ~ there are about 200 of us signed up to go! But Cunard’s policy was (and is) to allow us to
make our reservations this year, which we did . . . and then everyone had until December 31 to cancel for a full refund. Which means I’m sure, that some people will cancel … which means, if you would like to go, there may be room for you!
Get ready for pure magic with kindred spirits because that’s what it’s going to be! I’m so excited . . . time is getting closer! Anyway, if you’re interested, check with Cunard cruise planner Susan Gannon after the first of the year. Call her at 1-800-468-7752 – extension 41663 … mention our Group #TNM/USA, Voyage M211 … she can answer all your questions. There’s a full refund if the ship somehow (Pray not) does not sail because of Covid… check with her about their cancellation policies to make sure they fit your bill! And don’t forget to get your passport!
Speaking of calendars! Here’s a sneak peek of the October page of the 2023 calendar! It’s all about what we’re all about, coziness! 2023 sounds like a long time from now, but this calendar will be in our studio in less than a year! In the meantime, we’re still dealing with our 2022 calendar! And here, in a nutshell, is the reason I never know what year it is!
And now I get to go back to work on my new Quote Book . . . I have so much of it done! It may even go to the printer in January if I keep going the way I am! There will have to be more than one
volume, there is just too much! Subjects covered in this first volume go from Inspiration, to Love, Happiness, Work, Friendship, Dreams, Fairy Tales, Creativity, Diaries, and so much more! A collection of almost 50 years! It’s like a textbook for life! Shouldn’t I be retired by now? I don’t think so! Work still makes me happy! I still get up every day and think, “What would they like, what would make them happy?” “They” are YOU! And YOU will LOVE this book! You know how I know? Because I am loving it! And YOU are what makes it fun! So thank you for the years of inspiration and connection! It’s been a true gift. Organic, word of mouth, mom to daughter, sister to sister, best friend to best friend . . . shared lives … celebrating all the wonderful things we have in common. I couldn’t love it more.
And here are two little drops of water . . . humble though they be . . .
It’s time for our Giveaway! One of our darling Girlfriends is going to win this luv-lee pair of pilgrims and all we can do is be HAPPY for her! I almost hate to hear the winner’s name,
because right this minute, it can still be all of you! We need the secret of the loaves and fishes! Over 2,000 entries, a LOT, but still better odds than the lottery! So, fingers-crossed it’s YOU that wins
. . . Here we GO! The barrel is turning and churning, bits of paper with names are flittering around my studio like confetti ~ The long arm of the law (Vanna’s of course) has reached deep deep deep into the melee . . . and there it is! She’s pulled out a name!
The lucky winner is MAUREEN (from SoCal) ~ a hint from her email address includes “Irish Eyes” … just so you know which Maureen you are!We are so happy for you! I will email you and then you can send me your address and your pilgrims will go right into the mail! You will have them for …
So Girlfriends, last but not least, your reward for sitting through all this, and very likely NOT taking the pilgrims home, is a little visit to Christmas past . . . lots of decorating ideas for the season from the Heart of the Home!♥️
My bird tree . . . birds as pretty and colorful as bulbs … perfect for our kitchen table!
Homey old books evoke other times . . .
Little vintage books, tied with a velvet ribbon, look good on the dinner table, as do place cards made with champagne corks, bundles of herbs and greens, fleur-de-lis wine glasses from a dear old friend who has passed . . . anything to make a memory, because . . .
Quilts on beds, sofas, chairs and in the kitchen too!
Cranberry Orange Bread hot from the oven . . . Here’s the recipe!
Little of this, little of that . . .
Little of this!
Houses! Celebrating home! Lit from the inside!
Lampshades tied with heart ribbon and a little boxwood . . .
Making things . . .
. . . To hang in the windows . . .
Bedspreads make wonderful tablecloths! Plus, no ironing!
Must have sparkly ~ shine up mirrors and windows so reflections of lights bounce off everything!
Candlelight is magical . . .
Star croutons definitely deck the dinner plates!
Animal-control officer with mustache makes sure nothing on this table is REAL!
Snowflakes are so cheery!
I tie snowflakes to the lace on the dresser scarf on the sideboard… This is where I put our Angel Chimes too . . . dreaming of a white Christmas . . .
Everyone wearing their special necklaces at Christmas dinner . . .
Make sweet smells . . . here . . .
. . . And here . . .
Because it’s not what’s on the table that counts, it’s what’s on the chairs, for a lifetime of dinner-party memories! After all these years, I now get to reuse them! So blessed.Blessings to you Girlfriends.
Make your minutes count. Feed your life from the well of sweetness. However you celebrate, don’t forget to breathe, hug a tree, nap, and feel loved. Listen to something, someone, that tells you how magnificent you are every day! Sending all my love . . .
The world needs you.
Byeeeee! I SHALL return!
Susan—-You have no idea how special you are….My day is always better with Willard——-My life is always better with you..
So how did I get so lucky???

Hello from Nags Head on OBX Susan & Joe

rise when I saw that Willard was waiting for me to open & read. I was terribly excited to just be alone all bundled enjoying the good life. I love your little saved treasure Christmas house… for me it’s beginning to look a lot like the beginning of the holiday season. You are simply put…MARVELOUS in every way! You truly are a beautiful soul & kindred friend.

xo Andrea J.
I was sitting in the Gazebo of our beach house watching the
I too forgot to make your delish corn pudding but it will definitely be only Christmas day table. Thank you soooo very much for bringing joy, glad tidings & wonder to begin this wonderful special Holiday season. ♥️felt Hugs to you and yours. If I could sit in my rocker across the deck to the vast ocean I’m viewing I’d thank God for lending me YOU to brighteny days/nights
Thank you sweet Andrea!

Hello, Andrea! I’m not far from you, in Elizabeth City! I agree with everything you said about our dear Susan and her heart-lifting Willard! XO, Nicki
Ah, now I can get back to decorating, writing Christmas cards and thank-yous for a lovely girlfriends’ party yesterday, etc. etc. etc. What a wonderful respite.
Wishing you and your Joe many blessings in 2022! Alice
Also, I always love seeing Jack. He is so handsome and adorable! Very unique-looking kitty! <3
Thank you for another delightful Willard! And thanks for the heads up about the Beatles documentary. I found the three episodes online and downloaded them. I was 11 or 12 when they were first on the Ed Sullivan show. I’m looking forward to watching it. You inspired me to make a bird tree so I’m going to start looking for some pretty birds. Did you find yours in craft stores? My heart stopped for a sec when I read that the winner was Maureen! Then I kept reading and dang, it was a different Maureen. Happy Christmas season to you and yours!
I found my birds everywhere ~ yes, craft stores, plus antique stores, gift shops, stationary stores (the old fashioned kind). I sort of had them all over the house … on bookshelves and mixed in with things… and then I had the tree and that gave me the idea, so I started gathering them, and they looked so cute in the tree that over the years, if I saw a cute bird, I added to them. Have fun Maureen!
Your Willards make me so happy! I look forward to them and when they arrive in my mailbox, a huge grin fills my face!
I loved watching Get Back but wonder what you think now that you’ve seen part 2. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
I feel warm and fuzzy all over!
Enjoyed your wonderful post as usual. Always make me smile. I was most happy to read your review of the Get Back series. I knew it would be fabulous- they are the Fab 4 after all. I have not seen it yet but will renew my subscription to Disney+ ASAP. Was wondering if you have seen Paul’s new book The Lyrics? Another must for every Beatle fan. Two big volumes of the lyrics and stories of the songs Paul wrote with tons of pictures. Maybe Santa will put the set under your tree if you don’t have it already. Merry Christmas to you and Joe (and Jack) and many blessings for the New Year! Thank you for the joy and love you send.
Peace and Love,
I bought it for Joe yesterday … my friend Elaine and I were in a bookstore off-island and there it was… HUGE! I had no idea it was this extensive! Amazing he did this for everyone!♥️
What a delightful wonderful cozy Willard. Congratulations to Maureen! And healing thoughts for Debbie Boerger. Yes beware those plastic trash bags, they are very unforgiving.
I love the “ber” months. They are my happy place. I always feel renewed and full of energy. These past 2 years have been so hard for everyone and I think we have all struggled. I have to remind myself every day to be grateful. I can’t get outside as much anymore, but I walk around the yard and hug a tree or two! It helps.
I think what makes Christmas so special is digging into the boxes and finding all the old ornaments from when you were first married, or the ornaments my dad brought back from Germany after the war, the beeswax naivety set my parents made when they kept bees. All the wonderful Christmas books and movies! Baking cookies! My time of Hygge.
Thank you again for the wonderful post and today I am going to make the cranberry orange bread, I had forgotten all about it!
Love to you and Joe and Miss Tiggy Wig would love to chase Jack around, she is such a wild child. I will be glad when she settles down!
Most important things . . . loved what you wrote Chris! Take good care of yourself … ♥️♥️♥️
And now I’m truly in the Christmas spirit! Though we decorated (mostly) the week of Thanksgiving. Why not? Turkey leftovers with our tiny RV Christmas tree shining and rocking gently when we walk. I love seeing Jack supervise for you. What a helper kitty! Merry Christmas!
For some reason, I am now unable to get the Willard on a full screen on my iPad. Once I “click”where indicated, the Willard appears only on one-third of the screen. Has anyone else had this problem; and, if so, how did you solve it?
Haven’t heard of it … I don’t have an iPad, but can you refresh?
I think I know what you are saying. I’ve had that happen to me. I turned off my iPad and restarted it and it fixed itself. Good luck.
Oh how I love your blog posts Susan, always so entertaining and inspiring, it looks like you had a fabulous Thanksgiving. Bring on Christmas now!
! Take care, Seona xx
I’m so looking forward to the QM2 crossing booked – flying out in April and heading back to England on the QM2 is the plan. Pesky Covid had jolly well better not scupper it

Thank you for another enchanting Willard.Such a lot of creativity and delight inside it. Lately I have been thinking how important it is that whenever possible we work to uplift the ‘vibration’ and raise spirits all around us. Seems an important task right now- your work does that for me and I seek to pass that on.
Thank you for another enchanting Willard.Such a lot of creativity and delight inside it. Lately I have been thinking how important it is that whenever possible we work to uplift the ‘vibration’ and raise spirits all around us. Seems an important task right now- your work does that for me and I seek to pass that on.
That’s what we do for each other

Thank you for the lovely Willard. I have the Little Drops of Water quote in my bathroom. It has always been a favorite quote. I am so looking forward to Saturday’s Zoom. I made the Cranberry Jam— a tradition now for years thanks to you. I have given so many of your books as gifts to spread the joy. My sister’s 2020 trip to England was cut short by the pandemic so I gave her a copy of A Fine Romance to help her live the countryside through your book. Have a blessed Holidays and thank you for your spirit you share in your beautiful letters. I have already printed the 2022 Moon bookmarks. Bon Voyage
in 2022 to you and the traveling girlfriends.
I hope it helped, Karen! We have to get rid of this pandemic, it’s clipping our wings!
A lovely post shuffling me sweetly into my favorite holiday. I really enjoyed your blog, as I always do. Makes me feel all warm and toasty…and loved! Thank you for what you do. You’re one of those angels on Earth we hear about! A lovely holiday season to you and Joe and Jack!
Thank you so much Susan for another fabulous Willard. Reading your posts are like opening a treasure chest and finding so many joyful delights inside. I would have loved to sign up for your Zoom meeting on the 4th (how much fun is that going to be?!) but we already have a date with our family to celebrate our Golden wedding anniversary. Yikes! How did that happen and where have 50 years gone? So looking forward to seeing you and Joe again next Spring. In the meantime, stay well and stay safe. With much love and blessings from Ann and Alan in Chester xxxx
Happy Anniversary to you and Alan! Have a wonderful celebration!
what a lovely way to start my morning, seeing your blog… your home – so cozy and inviting; the memories you’ve made once again; your love and appreciation of nature; I’ve scribbled the egg nog and cranberry sauce jam and am going to run upstairs and make them! Thanks so much. Received your winter cup and love it.
and… the turkey was delicious! Just a few hours late!
P.S. Had a glitch at my Thanksgiving – used the wrong pan to heat a strudel and let’s just say nothing went too right for awhile – but the loveliest part of the day was a “Greasy Turkey Zoom” with many friends. Just goes to show – friends and family are the most important part of life
This will be a funny lifelong Thanksgiving memory and story! How boring it would be if everything always went right!
Thank you, thank you for this post, Susan. I was feeling very frazzled with so much to do and you calmed me right down. I decided to take this first week of December, cancel everything, and just put up my Christmas decorations, many of which I made years ago. I’m also sending my grown children a photo-a-day of Christmases past, with a few lines of memories. I’m enjoying that so much
And thank you for the Beatles tip! I still can’t get over that you met them. I don’t get Disney either but will find a way somehow. There has been nothing else like them.
Never. Yes, do what has to be done!
Now I’ve seen part 2. Still riveting. Next time is the big finale… I almost don’t want to see it because the anticipation is EXQUISITE!!!
Congratulations to Maureen! I love that name; definitely Irish.
What a wonderful post, as always. I’m having health issues this year that are making it harder to get in the Christmas spirit but reading this post has done more to cheer me up than anything else I’ve seen lately. Have a Merry Christmas and a truly wonderful 2022!
Hope you are feeling better Mary Ann! Merry Christmas!
Susan….. I feel you have become a dear friend with each of your lovely letters full of magic. You brought back memories and given me new ideas as well…!!! Everything so warm and inviting and reading Willard so magical.
The glowing lights of Christmas time will be shining bright and clear reaching into the New Year! Merry Christmas and a Wonderful Happy New Year!
Dee-light-full! Wow. Exhale. What a joy to visit here with you, Joe, Jack, and all the girlfriends. Heart is full.
Having trouble with my tablet so will try this again. Thanksgiving was wonderful with family after so long, even a couple new baby cousins.
Your post came at the perfect time. Your words and images helped me with anxiety prior to knee surgery 12/1 and with getting my heart rate down in preop. I have been an OT for 30 years and at my hospital for 28, used to being on the other side. Should have been a nurse since more options as you age. Too young to retire. Think Covid and being on my feet more and more led to both knee probleMs over a year ago. I no longer feel valued
Your last line makes me feel really sad dear Stacey. I know you ARE valued, but it doesn’t help unless you feel it. Sending all my love. Watch a Wonderful Life and remember all the differences you’ve made to people who’ve walked into your life. Get better soon!

I am sending you big hugs, dear Stacey!
I know exactly how you feel.
My dark days and nights can be all encompassing too.
Not feeling valued gets us in our soul, and sends us on a downward spiral.
Others saying to, “snap out of it,” makes it worse, as nothing is “snapping” when feeling low.
We must be good to ourselves; even just to make a hot cup of tea and sit at a window, looking out, or curl up in bed with the covers up to our noses, relishing in being warm.
It is very okay to hibernate, you are worthy, you deserve to take life at the speed that you feel comfortable with.
For me, not comparing my life to others who seem to have it all going for them, was a big hurdle to overcome.
But, now, I Let it Go.
Let go of the oars of life, stop paddling furiously to go upstream, and just drift downstream.
The good things are downstream and life is more peaceful once we “let go.”
I am thinking of you and holding you in the best light.
I wish you peace and comfort, and whatever you do or don’t do, is very okay.
So beautiful! Just perfect!
Thank you so much for you!
Thank you for cheering up my day Susan.
Love every bit of this blog! But my very favorite are your saved nametags… always a joyous and sad time for me when I pull open the little drawer of the secretary and find the names of dear ones no longer with us and the ones who will be back to put their feet under my table.
Thank you, Susan! You lifted my spirits today and once again put me in the Christmas Spirit. I have been a loyal, faraway friend of yours since the 1980’s when I first began buying your books. Thank you for reminding us all about the beauty and goodness in our lives. And also for the tip about the Beatles documentary. Lots of love and Merry Christmas! Jane
Cranberry sauce and marmalade mixed? Brilliant! Thanks for another inspiring post.
As always your blog was a joy to read but what really topped it off was listening to Gene Autry ! immediately back to my childhood and a wonderful way to feel Christmas again.
I’m a photo attic so LOVED all the beautiful photographs. Ideas are blooming for decor during the holidays. Thank you. AND a Happy Holidays to all the girlfriends around the U.S. and the world. Enjoy life!
Thank you for that holiday cheer
As always, Thank You Susan and our “gift” from you is always so welcomed!! You are such an inspiration for so many and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Christmas blessings to you all! I was just looking at one of your Christmas books I have and have several recipes marked for the holidays! You remind us there is so much in life to be thankful for.
Just LOVED this entire post

Thank you, much appreciated!
Susan, you are on your “A” game, as usual!! Heart warming letter, filled with love. It was OK that the Thanksgiving table did not have guests seated yet. Could easily picture Thanksgivings past and even toddling into the scene myself with all the other lovely humans past or yet to come. Glad Jack was pictured. His outfit is timeless, his mustache perfectly groomed, always looking celebration ready!
Your celebration letter/notes makes me appreciate this fall/winter season so much! I loved Gladys Tabernacle books when I was growing up and now I live in Michigan where I can have Holly berries at Christmas , snow drops in March , daffodils and jonquils and tulips and roses – whole seasons of changes and I so appreciate the surrounding beauty with the seasons ! Your notes remind me to be grateful for all seasons! I treasure your thoughts!!
Oh, what a wonderful post! Congratulations to the winner of the candlesticks. They looked great on your wonderful Thanksgiving table. Small Thanksgiving here, cozy…and then leftovers and grilled sandwiches with turkey/stuffing/cheese/spinach/and your wonderful cranberry sauce! Covid spread rate is VERY high in our county so we are hunkering down…again. Vaccinated, Boosted, and READY for life to get back to normal, but staying home and enjoying a cozy life is good, too. Cannot wait for your quote book…I love quotes and always had a “quote of the week” white board in my school library – the kids loved it, and loved to suggest quotes, too. And…a BIG THANK YOU for the Full Moon Bookmark. I printed them out on card stock last year for my best friend’s ( met in the library in 1971!!!) four grandchildren. They LOVE them, and they often call me to remind me that the full moon is coming up. So cute. Thanks for everything, Susan…and yes, my Christmas Pin is on my coat, I am saying Merry Christmas to everyone I meet, and doing my best to “Be An Elf”!!!
Goodness personified Ann!

Thank you, dear Susan, for this lovely post which I just got to read today. So many warm moments that you have inspired and reminded me of. I adopted your decorating idea of old books and even found a copy of Home for Christmas by Lloyd Douglas that I put out somewhere every year. Just trying to hold on to the good old memories – and hoping to create new ones – in stressful and uncertain times.
Bring a little bit of childhood home.

Wonderful Blog post, Susan! I always LOVE LOVE LOVE it when your blog hits my mailbox! Your Thanksgiving feast looks so delicious and cozy…I am wondering…the dinner plates on the table are beautiful…any chance to find out who made them and what the pattern is? I have been looking for beautiful Thanksgiving plates and haven’t found any yet. I would LOVE some just like yours! In any case, I’m looking forward to cracking the seal on my 2022 desk calendar…I’ve SO enjoyed my 2021 desk calendar, and see something new every day on every page! Thank you for the inspiration, the joy, and YOU! Hugs!
I had a couple of different table settings in this post …. I gave my niece the red and white set, so if it’s them, I’m sorry I didn’t keep the name. But if it’s the cream colored plates with the brownish floral in a circle, they are Vernon Kilns, and I mix two patterns: Mayflower and Delores. Hope this helps!
Thank you SO much, Susan for checking on that! Yes, those are the ones!
I will see if I can find them online…they really are lovely for Thanksgiving. Enjoy this holiday season! I know you love everything about it…I shall enjoy re-reading your Christmas book this year…Merry Christmas!
Hi Susan…I loved these blogs SO much ! Love hearing about your walk through the woods to the sea, and always look forward to seeing very handsome Jack !! I was looking at the photo of your Thanksgiving table and also the photo of candlelight, and wondered if you still have the glass candlesticks with the star shaped charms to purchase ? I think you did at one time if I’m not mistaken ? I would love those ! Thank you, and thank you for brightening the holiday season !
I think we’re out of them… when we can find the parts, we have them made… some years it’s easier than others. Watch… we will likely have them again one day. They’re my favorites too!
Thank you…I’ll keep checking !
My! But you have a handsome husband! Thanks for sharing!
He is a cutie!xoxo
Here’s my favorite new quotation that I put on quilt labels when I’m giving them to friends and family:
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
~Pablo Picasso
Thanks for sharing your gift with us, Susan!
So nice to catch a Willard again! I truly missed you. LOVE all the pics of your beautiful home, and esp Jack! How funny watching over the table, the look on his face is precious. Love your Thanksgiving table display, I love Thanksgiving food, next to Christmas it’s my favorite time of year. Will look up that corn pudding in your Autumn cookbook, I display it in my kitchen during the holidays. Have a safe and healthy December.
Oh my gosh, reading this post and description of your Thanksgiving reminded me of Barbara Stanwick’s character, Elizabeth Lane in “Christmas in Connecticut” but your life is real! I needed to be reminded that I can create the kind of peaceful home I want after a very tough year. Thank you so much for the inspiration.
If I could steal one scene from that movie, it would be that heavenly horse and carriage ride through the snow … my heart just sings when I look at it! Thank you Cindy!
Enjoyed every speck of it..and this was a speck-packed Willard. I honestly do not know how you fit all your wonderful ideas into each day! Joy to have read this one. Brightened my day, as always. Thank you..continue with your approach to all things.
As always, seeing Willard in my inbox was a delightful surprise. I savor it and then return for more. I convinced my husband, who knows how much enjoyment it gives me, to scroll through it himself just for a “feel-good” experience. Thank you for giving yourself so freely to all of us!
Thank you Diane, for your kind words. You know I love our connection!
Lovely post. I’ve just re-read Home For Christmas, and it has really got all those Christmas feelings going!
Susan, your blog is really a recipe for a happy home! Embracing all the elements in celebrating seasonal joys and remembering past ones honor those passed and present. A very Merry Christmas to you and Joe and thank you for your enthusiastic spirit!
I just received my Willard and that means a quiet time with my Santa mug and beautiful quotes , writings and pictures. I will spend some time this month going through all the December posts from past years. I so love looking back at past stories like the visit with the nuns and their home. Thank you Susan for the special goodies you bring to us.
Thank you Susan for such a wonderful blog! So cozy and homey! It really gets me in the Holiday spirit. We are getting our tree
today and I be am really looking forward to the zoom book club tomorrow! Thanks for not retiring and for thinking of ways to make us girlfriends happy! 

What a beautiful post, Susan! Thank you so much!
Your sweet magical touch on everything that I share a love of too has helped keep me going through some very dark times,. I reread these Willards often along, with passsges from your books, while waiting for the light that eventually comes on again like sun or slivered moonlight.

I’ve lost most of my family and all of my friends, but to see the reminders of how it used to be through these beautiful and touching photos brings me such bittersweet joy.
Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Ps I still and will forever believe there really is a Santa Claus.
And that’s the reason I love you Patti. Forever and ever.

Oh, Patti, I have always believed in Santa too, and always will. Nice to know you’re out there with me. I’m so sorry for all your loss, but please know you are not alone. I’m adding you to my morning “wishing you a loving day” list, that I send out to the universe to cover my friends, known and unknown. Susan is already on this list, as she is a spark of magic and joy for all.
Susan Joe and Jack wishing you a wonderful christmas and holiday season. God Bless.
When I’m scrolling though my email and see one that announces a new Susan Branch blog, I know its going to be a great day. Love all the pictures you post. I can’t wait to get the quotations book. I started collecting quotations when I was in college, 5+ decades ago! Looking forward to Zoom session this Saturday. Thanks for all you do for all of us.
I just love cranberry sauce and this is my new idea: Swirl a little bit of leftover cranberry sauce in your oatmeal! I discovered this last year when I was cleaning out the fridge after the holidays, and there was just a smidge of sauce left. It was soooo delicious, sweet/tart and creamy. This year, I purposely saved some sauce specifically for our oatmeal.
Dear Sue,
Thank you for another lovely letter. Enjoyed all the beautiful photos and your encouraging thoughts and words. I’m sorry I’ll miss your gathering tomorrow, I’d signed up before plans were made to visit my son and fiancee in DC this weekend while my daughter takes a Japanese language proficiency test at Georgetown Univ. I hope my “seat” will be given to another girlfriend, and I’ll be at the next get together. In the meantime, I’ll continue to read your letters, and the Willards, and will send wishes and blessings to you and yours for a Merry Christmas, and a Happy, SAFE New Year! xoxo’s, Rosemary from North of Boston
Happy Holidays Susan, Girlfriends… quite a Thanksgiving we had, had dinner with 2 dear friends, but next time i am cooking the turkey… she needs to learn how to cook turkeys as she undercooked that bird by a couple of hours. been busy securing our hen house since we had a few visits from a fisher and he developed a taste for our chickens. lost about 11 chickens and i only have 10 left. got to get busy with the Christmas decorations and finish up some shopping, love this time of year so cold and frosty. oh in case you are wondering what a fisher is, it is a close member of the weasel family, has thick dark fur and can weigh between 7-12 pounds and has a thick long tail about 12-15 inches and has a taste for small game and poultry. hopefully that beast has moved on, but to be safe we keep a light going in the hen house all day and all night from now on, the fisher does not like bright lights. other than that it has been cloudy, cold, damp and very foggy on some days around here. i can’t wait for the snow to come around, love snowmen. got to get busy on the decorating, and then check the water containers and feed containers for the birds. enjoy the holidays everyone, also have tons of baking to do…YUM!!! hugs….
Raw turkey?
Take care of you and your peaceable kingdom!
Hello Susan, i plan to take care of my little flock, my guess is thar beast of a fisher has moved on, but we still leave the lights on for safety’s sake. have most of the holiday decor up, just have to get the tree up and of my furry little helpers will be lending their paws to that cause. they love getting into the boxes and especially love the ribbon box when i have to get busy and wrap gifts. the turkey was a bit raw, but very undercooked, next time i cook the bird!!! i’ll be adding to the flock come spring and i may get lucky and the hens will be adding to the flock as well. now i have to get hubby busy with replacing the oven, until then no cooking. that should motivate him as he loves his hot meals when he gets home…. boy if it is not one thing, it is another.
Hi Pat, Since you love snowmen, are you familiar with the book Snowmen at Night? It is delightful, especially if you have young children to share it with. Have a very Merry Christmas. Hopefully yours will be white.
I’ve seen the entire Beatles documentary and Part Three is the best! I’ve watched it several times and just love it. They were amazing!
Dear Susan,
After a very difficult week at the skilled nursing facility where I work, this post brightened my spirits. Our house is filled with Christmas cheer and it is my sanctuary. I so enjoyed seeing your decor for the holidays, and Jack always puts a smile on my face. Thank you.
I really enjoy the photos of your walks, showing us the beauty of each of the seasons. I especially liked your tree photos in this Willard. I agree with you that candlelight is magical. Thank you for sharing your delicious-looking Thanksgiving dinner, AND your various Christmas decorations and displays.
I always come to visit to feel happy! Love all the sweet decorations and lovely sentiments. Wishing you a lovely Christmas season. xx K
So much to love in this Willard-as always. It is a trip through nostalgia, great recipes, interesting things-books, shows, and so on to look up, tables capes to study, tea towels on the line to envy and to wish I could be one of your lucky friends. Thank you for entertaining and teaching us always. Also, love that Joe puts on a tie for Thanksgiving dinner. He is the consummate gentleman!
It’s another thing I love about him, that he dresses up for holidays or to go out to dinner. He honors everyone when he does that! Makes me proud!
Susan, I look forward EVERY year to the full moon bookmark! In my profession (teacher of tiny humans) moon phases matter! I always give all my colleagues a bookmark every year so we can be prepared for the tiny humans to turn into tiny monsters when the moon is full.
They have become a school-wide tradition that everyone looks forward to. So, thank you for sharing! On a different note – my mother and I just signed up to take our first trip with just the two of us. We are going with the Mayflower Society to Boston and Plymouth. And because we are both big fans, and have been falling in love from afar with your beautiful island. . . we are taking an extra day at the end to come see Martha’s Vineyard! We can’t wait! Thanks for all the inspiration.
LOL! Tiny monsters! Best to be prepared! You are going to LOVE your trip… and I can’t imagine anyone better to show you around than the Mayflower Society! Have a wonderful time!

Thank you again for the wonderful blog – I get so excited when I see you in my list of new emails! I almost expected to see snowflakes as I scrolled down reading your stories. I made cranberry orange bread last night. We had some for our dinner dessert and again for breakfast – scrumptious! This morning I began unpacking my collection of children’s Christmas-winter books to place around the house. The grandchildren like to search for their favorite ones. For the first time I am using (battery) tea lights to “set the mood” here and there and everywhere. They look lovely with strings of fairy lights.
This is a magical time of year and sharing cooking and movies and books with loved ones are the most enjoyable ways to pass the cold wintry months.
May you and Joe (and Jack, of course) have a very Merry Christmas!
Making magic for the grandchildren!

Hello Susan. Thank you for another uplifting & inspiring blog post. Congratulations to Maureen, but we’re all winners here, aren’t we?
I have to tell you that your corn pudding recipe is a big hit here & has been since the Autumn book came out. With warmed maple syrup & Cholula, of course. Delish!
I wanted to ask about the photo of your dining room just above the “Little drops” quote. I remember you were getting new curtains made & were inspired by the ones you saw in England, but then you weren’t sure of the result. Are the ones in the photo what you settled on? I don’t recall how that turned out. These in the photo are lovely. The fabric is gorgeous! I always like seeing how you decorate your home. Thanks for sharing.
Big Christmas hugs to you, Joe & the adorable Jack. (Joe is adorable too, but don’t tell him that)
Yes, those are the ones I had made! I love them too! Kind of formal for me, but the room likes them! I’ll keep the Joe compliments under my hat, but he knows, because I tell him all the time!

Oh Susan! I am sitting her with tears in my eyes. I signed up for the zoom and in this crazy mind of mine I had it in my head that it was tomorrow, Sunday 5th
Last weekend I had a decorating disaster. I fell off my hearth and rolled my ankle. I was upset because I wasn’t quiet finished. But then as I was sitting with my foot elevated and iced and not being mobile, I remembered the zoom! I had my husband get my Santa cup ready and you Christmas books. I pulled up the Willard to read in excited anticipation of the zoom and that is when I saw ALL the info about what a wonderful I had missed. Please share the you tube link as soon as you can. I mean, it won’t be the same, I know! Last year I watched SEVERAL recorded zooms! But maybe at least I can feel kinda there. Thanks for all the love you send every time you write a blog. I hope this Christmas season is absolutely as WONDERFUL as YOU are. Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Oh noooo Bambi! Okay, I will for sure share the link to the Zoom the minute I get it! xoxoxo
Happy Holidays to you, Joe and Jack,
There is nothing better than sitting with a cup of tea looking at my tree lights and reading a new Willard. You make life so happy and I love every word written on the post. On December 1st, I changed over my beautiful desk blotter to December, put the December notepad next to it and looked up at when the next full moon is on the bookmark and smiled. Was wondering when the 2022 full moon bookmark would arrive and lo and behold here it is in the Willard. Your home is warm, cozy and the photos you post bring joy. Wishing you all a special, joy-filled holiday season.
So beautiful and restful!
Susan, Loved your zoom yesterday with the Enchanted Book Club, especially the recap of your Beatles story. If you haven’t already, look for a film called “Good Ol’ Freda,” chronicling the career of the secretary who worked for the Beatles as they were starting out. She was younger than they were and ran a tight ship! Merry Christmas everyone!
I’ve seen that. THERE’S the job we all wished we had!

I love your posts. They are always so nice and cozy.
Thank you Susan for all that you do to bring happiness to so many people. During these last couple of years I have found myself asking what would Susan Branch do? And then I start to look at the ordinary things in life as though they are miracles. Thank you for helping to make the world a better place. We all need our “happy place” and your website and all of it’s content are one of mine!
Now that put tears in my eyes! Thank you Lesley!
I’m currently reading your new Home For Christmas book, it’s bringing tears to my eyes and I’m only halfway through! This is a must read for Susan Branch fans…HAPPY PLACE! Reading this book is activating my happy gene
I LOVE to hear that Lesley!!! Thank you! ♥️
Merry Christmas to Susan and Joe! And Jack! I really enjoyed joining you yesterday for the Zoom meeting. It was so much fun. Thank you for sharing as much as you do. I love how you don’t mind if we steal some of your ideas and incorporate them into our own traditions! Every year at this time I get the tubs down from the attic full of Christmas goodies, but then I get the “blahs” and can’t get motivated to put it all up. Eventually I do, but this happens every year. This year is harder because my husband passed away last June and my dad in October. Dad was 98! It appears to be a short season so I better jolly well get on with it! Merry Christmas Everyone! Stay safe!
That definitely makes is more difficult. I’m so sorry Judy!!! But your “jolly-well” attitude is a beautiful thing to see. All my very best to you for a lovely Christmas filled with happy memories.

Merry Christmas Dear One! What a treat this Willard is
. Thank you for always thinking of us and sharing such happiness. Here in Rhode Island we have decked our halls, We are excited this year to entertain and be entertained. Our hearts are beyond full to have 5 little grandchildren to share all the magic with. We are baking, wrapping, sending Christmas cards, watching favorite Christmas movies, listening to carols, and counting our blessings. It really is the most wonderful time of the year.
Sounds WONDERFUL Andrea!
I’m very much enjoying reading all the comments to the Willard, but my heart did a clutch when I read Judy Young’s. I can not imagine losing my dear Tom and my father in the same year!!! Judy’s “jolly well get on with it” is strength personified. Hoping she has friends and family to hold her close.
We’re all thankful for the joy to give to this world, through good times and bad.
Mucho Love and Joy to you and your Handsome men,
Debbie in Sunny Tampa
Dear friend, Thank you for your wonderful Williards. They are so happy, homey, and uplifting. They abound with great ideas to keep Christmas as well as every season and celebration honest, real and full of homemade delights. Your ideas come from the heart
! They can’t be found ready made. Love makes even this covid take a back seat with its power to transform our lives and hearts to realize what is really important. Family and home means everything! Your zoom meeting yesterday was awesome! What a blessing you are to Bonnie and me. Your recipes and decorating ideas exactly suit us to a T! Your quote books will have pride of place in our home library – right along with all your books. Love and light to you, Joe, and Jack!
Good Afternoon Susan,
Thank you for your lovely Willard! You make my day-my week with your happy notes. I especially love Thanksgiving so this was special! I love your Christmas past photos so now after your inspiration I’m off to decorate. Merry Christmas!
Hope to hear from you before the New Year. Enjoy this special season with Joe and dear friends and most of all stay healthy!
All the best,
Thank you for Zooming with us. I was teary eyed the whole time.
Your talent and especially your kindness always inspires me. Wishing you
the best of everything, always.
Thank you so much Jeanie…

I neeeed the Merry Christmas plate to display your Orange Cranberry Bread. Any chance you will commission soon?
Hello Susan! As always, thanks for a peek into your magical home! I rarely have time to comment, although I read your blog religiously! But now, to the point… perhaps someone has already suggested this, but your next book should be a book about your home and all the fun and memory-making ways you celebrate home. What do you think!! XOXO, Jackie
Dear Susan
Thank you for this lovely post. Loved all your Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations.
Thank you for tip to watch the Beatle’s documentary on Disney Plus and for the book mark.
Love to read your blog!
Wishing you and Joe a wonderful week.
Got the “booster” shot and looking forward to a festive winter season!
Best wishes to everyone for a safe and happy holiday!
Oh my goodness, I am full of joy, holiday joy, girlfriend joy, coziness joy…all from reading this post. Thank you Susan! Delightful from start to finish. I have been enjoying watching all the Christmas movies. Loved seeing Jack checking out the other animals on the table. He is sharp! Blessings to all.
Dear Susan, Such a lovely post. I love the photos- especially the one depicting the magic of candlelight. And the one of Jack with the reindeer. I just realized that I’ve turned to the last page of my This Old House calendar. I’m going to miss the photo calendars in 2022 (I had the England one also). I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there might be a photo calendar again in 2023 or possibly 2024. Your photos capture the essence of the simple things in life so well and open our eyes to their beauty- a cat lying atop a pile of books, laundry blowing in the wind, sparkling dishes…
I just washed the Zoom meeting with the Enchanted book club and look forward to the publication of your book of quotes. I was hoping that Enchanted would be finished in time for the crossing in May, but Life does have a way of getting in the way sometimes. I’ll just take my copy of A fine Romance along instead. It now has some flowers pressed between the pages. I followed your “example” and collected a few specimens, as I wandered around the English countryside. (I wasn’t brave enough to collect a flower from Hill Top; maybe next time).
I am getting so excited about the crossing on the Queen Mary. Oh my gosh, it’s in four and a half months! I’d better get busy finalizing my plans!! Wishing you and Joe (and Jack, of course) a very Merry Christmas
Dear Susan,
Thank you for Willard. It’s such a lovely way to start the day. And then return for at least another read.
Merry Christmas!
Susan, are you still planning on writing your book from your last England trip? I always check on Amazon to see if it is there.
I’ll definitely let you know on the blog if I start getting close. It’s on hold now. So many interruptions!
Oh Susan, while wrapping presents with my corgi at my feet I knocked over my cup of hot cocoa and cracked my very favorite and most comforting mug– my British corgi mug!! Is there one hiding somewhere??? It meant so much to me!
I used to have that screen saver of the Queens corgi with a crown in my kindergarten and a bright talented student used to draw me and her at tea parties with my corgi wearing a crown in her journal! So darling!!! I am now retired after 33 years as a kindergarten teacher and now am home with my husband/best friend as he goes through chemo for terminal cancer. If you have no cups available I understand. Thank you for all the beauty and cuteness you add to the world!
I think Kellee has some that have slight blemishes … I’ll send your comment to her and she’ll get in touch to see if you want it!
Happy Holidays Susan!! Happy Holidays girlfriends. well things are getting interesting around here… my oven died so no holiday baking yet. boy am i ever going to be burning the midnight oil to catch up with that. so instead i am starting a snowball fight in here. we already had one with the neighbors across the road from us and the local fire station, also across the road from us and those fire fighters cheat… they use hoses!!! so to everyone in here SPLAT, SPLAT. GOTCHA!!!!! lets have a snowball fight in here, play nice and like my Grandma always said, be nice when you play so cups of hot cocoa to warm up afterwards….. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! and holiday hugs…. ooooo00000
Dear Susan, Loved your holiday celebration talk with the enchanted book club!!!! Could you please tell us about the red striped and black checked stockings hanging from the fireplace in your living room. Thank you very much.
Thank you Carolyn! As for the stockings, I’m sorry, I don’t remember where I found them! It was a long time ago. They are handmade, but I just looked and there are no labels inside.
Happy, happy Christmas, Dear Lady! Thank you for the beautiful pictures you posted on Twitter. Can’t do a tree this year, but Tom hung the huge Maine wreath. I’m slooowly, very slooowly doing the mantle below. I don’t look quite as scary now that the bruising and scabbing on my face are healing, knee still wonky.
We’ve decided to forego restaurants, unless outside, for the duration, or until we know more about Omicron. Have worked so hard to stay safe, it would be unbearable to get sick now!! Data out of UK doesn’t look good, but we’ll see.
Instead of going out to a restaurant last night, we went to our daughter’s. So cheerful, and she and her fella just showered us with gifts. His first language is French, so I get to practice. They are flying up to Maine soon to spend time with Kris’s wonderful mom. I gave them bottles of my homemade eggnog, with real eggs, lots of cream and enough Bourbon to kill any little salmonella. Also other homemade goodies. Can’t shop in person, but gift cards and good old money is always welcome. Made a donation to St. Jude’s in our daughter’s name. She was cured of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the 70′, out in California. She is a tribute to the pediatric oncologist that worked through Stanford to save many of those kids. At that time the survival rate was less than 5 years, so donating to places that do research and treat kids at no cost to parents is a win-win for everyone.
Grateful for all you do in this world, Dear Sue, as are all of your Girlfriends.
May you and Joe reap all the best of the Season,
Mucho love,
Debbie in sunny Florida
Love hearing from you glad all is well.Our hospitals are full with unvaccinated covid patients They called in National guard to help nurses and Drs.Your Thanksgiving looked
I just love your Jack so cute. I have a 10yr Callie catshe definitely picked us she’s a little diva and so
Have Merry
hi Joe stay safe
Beautiful post as always!! Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2022!! =(^.^)=
Happy for all who love a white Christmas!!! Thank you, Sue, for the posting your snow!! This Christmas we’ll have feet of sunshine!! And, the crew who are encapsulating our crawl space, with a sump pump and dehumidifier have almost finished. That’s a gift! They’ll return Monday to finish up. No more mold odor. After Christmas, we’ll tackle packing up our treasures downstairs in order to put in new flooring. Add a new, super efficient AC, and painters for the downstairs…..and we’ll be all set. I’ll have my sanctuary bedroom to go for tranquil reading while all this is happening….except for the part about sleeping upright in the downstairs recliner for awhile after surgery.
I’m making a batch of egg nog, and some more banana bread. Smoked salmon with cream cheese for our Christmas Eve.
We are focusing on the things we have, future travel may or may not happen. As The Lovely Tom says, “Ya’ never know”
Then, it will be nose surgery time. It really was badly fractured, so that will be done, and then my snout will be back in the middle. I tell people I broke it playing hockey!
Thankful for all the Beauty and Joy of the Season.
Enjoy your Christmas Eve, Dear Lady, Joe and Jack.
Mucho Love,
Debbie in Tampa
Merry Christmas Susan and Girl Friends!!!!!! It”s really here!! God bless us all with a very wonderful New Year too. My family lost our father on the 19th, he was 103, and wanting so to go home. He had a very blessed life, and no regrets I know of. Who could ask for more. Thankful Jesus came to us to save us all.
Nothing more Dezi. A long life and love at the end. Perfection. All my love to you. xoxoxo
Love you all!
Sitting in my cozy post-Christmas living room, sipping a delicious eggnog; my heart full of love, peace and joy and you just crossed my mind. I hope you and Joe had a wonderful, cozy holiday and are happy and healthy!
God bless you! Your cookbooks, your dishes, your artwork, your recipes, your books are all parts of my family’s treasured Christmastime.
Love you, Susan ~ Merry Christmas!
Susan – hello there ! It’s almost the new year – 2022 – and it has always been a tradition for me to give my two Granddaughters a new calendar for the new year, along with a copy of your “Full Moon Chart”. I see it the new moon chart for 2022 is mentioned in the “Comments” section, but when I click on the link it is blank. Help! Thank you for doing the moon chart each year. Wishing you happiness in “2022”. Take care, Helen
Susan ! Found 2022 Full Moon Chart “within” blog ! Thanks again for making this for us.
Happiness to you ! Helen
There is nothing better than being away from your blog, Susan. Let me explain. It is because, when I finally stop the hustle and bustle of my life and I navigate to your blog and start reading, it is like … coming home.
Thank you for being the endearing virtual girlfriend that you are to me and to so many others in this great big, beautiful world.
God’s Blessings from a Southwest Missouri Girlfriend
Welcome home Debbie! xoxo
Hi Susan, I’ve just reread your Home for Christmas book for the umpteenth time. I noticed that Creamed Onions were part of your Christmas feast. Ours, too. Everybody loved the creamed onions but nobody wanted to make them. Over the years I became responsible for bringing the casserole of creamed onions and the cranberry sauce – 2 kinds, raw and cooked, to the Christmas festivities. Those dinners, sadly, are but fond memories now but I still make creamed onions and cranberry sauce. It just wouldn’t be Christmas without them. Happy New Year to you, Joe and Jack and all the girlfriends. May 2022 bring good health, hope and peace to the world.
I finally was able to carve out time to make Susan’s Cranberry Orange Tea Cake…wow, with only 1/2 c. sugar its just mildly sweet. I wasn’t able to make the sauce…this time…but will make more tea cake this New Years weekend with the sauce. So to get some of the effect of the cold milk, I used the snack size vanilla ice cream cups, slightly softened in microwave, and placed cake slice on top. It was a good backup! Thanks Susan for sharing your soul with all of us…we love you and how joyful we feel being part of your circle!
Karen, what a lovely comment, thank you! Happy New Year!
Oh, Susan, I was so disappointed there wasn’t a Willard post for December. But I would totally understand if you are burning out a bit after these ten or more years! It must be a bit like a chore anymore. But I can go back in time on this Willard time machine and read lots of December posts, though I did miss you this month. Happy New Year dear dear family in MV! Lovzies forever!
I’m sorry Dezi! Not burning out quite yet, just a busy time! I hope this new one makes up for it! xoxoxo
OHYES!!! Very much. I found it about 4 pm your time! So glad your Christmas turned out lovely after all. Oh poor Joe, do you think it was a false reading? I would much like to sign up for your January ZOOM. I am quite good at it now. My dad passed on the 19, two days after our favorite adorable budgie Peanut went home to the heavenly nest. They zoomed the funeral and burial, and it is old hat to zoom now. I could see my family, but not talk to them. We are well and the plan to put away Christmas deco on “Twelfth” day, (6th January), or Epiphany in the U.S., as is tradition here in our house, only all alone for the second year in a row. So glad you had a bit of your tradition too with a few friends visiting. God bless you for 2022. Lovzies, –dezi
God bless you Dezi. I’m so sorry for your huge losses… very tough times these days.
But we have each other. xoxoxo