WAKE UP SINGING . . . with a Mind on Fire . . .💖

HI ALL! HAPPY JUNE!🌸🌸🌸 I’ll tell you what I’ve been up to, and then you tell me what’s been going on with YOU! I’ll start with MUSICA! We watched a great special on the Bee Gees the other night, and now I wake up singing this!

If you came to celebrate the little things in life, and for All Good News, you came to the right place!

Jack’s busy right now, but I know if it wasn’t for the excitement from the garden he’d be saying hello to you too! He smells bee feet and bunny whiskers. You can’t blame him for being distracted!

Our first rose is in bloom!

So is the Mock Orange . . .🧡

the Wisteria is dripping with fragrance . . . not trying to be a poet, acting strictly as garden reporter. Dripping. With. Fragrance. Wafting all over the place!

And our strawberries are ripe!


We’re making our favorites . . . crunchy cold slaw made with apples, raisins, cabbage, walnuts. . .❤️

And a dressing made of mayo thinned with any fruit juice: grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime . . .

Out to Sunday lunch in Edgartown (at Rockfish) for Caesar salad with lobster salad on top!Joe made us breakfast this morning… frittata with broccoli and bacon . . . Yum! Yup. Still trying to get weight off me. Fighting for every ounce! My new watch is so helpful. Gives me thumbs up when I exercise. Like gold stars!⭐️ Reminds me to get out of my chair, says “time to stand up!” Gets excited when I work in the garden and records every step and mile I walk! I believe now that the trick to losing weight (and being more healthy) is intermittent fasting. Like only eat two meals a day . . . both within an 8 hour time period. I am just telling you like a scientist. I don’t particularly LOVE this, since I am a born eater, like Pac-Man, I never thought I would be able to do this . . . but I’ve gotten used to it. Irritatingly, it seems to work ~ which nothing else did! I’m down 15 pounds so far …

Here’s my newest really easy new summer (diet-ish) recipe! You cut lots of cherry tomatoes in half, drizzle over like 3 TB of olive oil, lots of salt and pepper to taste, then stir it up until tomatoes begin to exude juice. Add about a quarter cup of creamy goat cheese, and stir well, until cheese melts into the olive oil to make a dressing. That’s it! Good on salad, good on fish or meat. And good alone.😋

I had to show you this little dog that was in the car next to us at the nursery the other day! Isn’t he adorable? Look how his little body is pressed against the glass! I almost had to become a dog-napper!😎

My niece Holly texted me from California with this photo . . . her message: “Revel with me for I have grown this zucchini from scratch!”🤣 I reveled the HECK out of it with her! She’s a builder, a producer! I know just how she feels! No zucchini will EVER taste as good as this one!🥰

We are out in the garden almost every day  . . . planting and weeding . . . when we bought this house I didn’t really understand everything we were getting . . . these lovely late evening hours in the garden for instance, and added bargain of the birdsong,  the smell of clover grass, the wind, the sea, the sound of the ferry boat horns, and the clanging of the church bell across the street. I don’t even think they charged for the wisteria! 💖 

My Happy Place . . .

Some roots from a large tree in the yard are trying to take over our little raised beds. . . that’s Joe back there digging them out.🌸

So it’s all greened up on our walk now! No more icy puddles or leafless trees. It’s all wild honeysuckle and beach roses lining the roadside, deer bounding through the woods, squirrels chasing each other up the trees.🐿️

My watch is very proud of me because we haven’t missed a day of walking in 22 days.🏆 That puts us somewhere between 27 and 33 miles of walking each week!! While listening to books on Audible! It’s a win-win!👏

Bumper crop of beach roses filling the air with fragrance…you would never imagine how ancient this landscape is with the way it looks right now! Younger than springtime . . .🌸

You can see why we haven’t missed a day . . . it’s heaven out there. Twirling weather. These are rhodies and nepeta in front of one of the old fishing shacks in the woods.

And of course this, the reward at the end of our walk . . .

At the end of walk, here in small town USA, we met these two girls all dressed in easter egg colors who asked us if we wanted to buy a bracelet . . .

They made them …they spread them out on the ground so we could make a choice . . .

And they let me take their pictures. Little entrepreneurs making their way in this big wild world . . .I predict they’ll be having a very fun summer!💃🏼

There’s the one I got!

So what else has been going on . . . Oh yes! This! More jewelry! I think I told you I found an old dime when I went to visit my dad’s grave a few years ago? It was right NEXT to my dad’s grave. I picked it up; I could see it was old, so I looked close to see the date. 1923. Yes! The year my dad was born! A sign. I finally took it to get this rim around it so I could wear it as a necklace. Isn’t it wonderful? And it came back just in time for Father’s Day!💞I wish I could ask him why I have that pencil!!

(Hmmm, maybe that pencil had something to do with this!) Something else I’d been meaning to do that I finally got done! This diary was by far my longest one, it went from 1996 to 2007 ~ a lot of good things happened in those years. I didn’t want to lose it. But I’d taken it with me to too many places and it was falling apart ~ the binding was done-for and the pages were beginning to come loose.

So I found an actual bookbinder on Martha’s Vineyard … we don’t have a McDonalds or a JCrew, but we have a bookbinder! So lucky!

I was excited when I got a call to go pick it up. I love to see people’s work spaces even if I don’t understand what everything is for! Mitzi Pratt ( M.E. Pratt) has had her studio here, up-island in Aquinnah where she started her bindery, since 1984.

Isn’t it beautiful and interesting? She made her own life . . .💞 and takes her skill with her wherever she goes ~ I found these words of what seem like a vision statement on her website: “In veneration of the transmission of knowledge, thought, and beauty through the object of the book . . .”🌸

See that that Eloise book? Mitzi told me it was sent to her for rebinding by one of our Girlfriends after I wrote about her in another blog post! Small world gets smaller every day.

Here it is, all clean and beautiful.

Perfectly done, she kept as much of it as she could . . . the two fringy black ribbon bookmarks, the color, she even put the dates in gold leaf on the spine. I left everything up to her ~ I figured she knew better than me!

Mitzi even kept the original cover . . . I don’t know how, but she did! I didn’t even know I wanted it until I saw it! My old friend was still recognizable!❤️ There are still a few blank pages in the back . . . I haven’t written in this since 2007, so it might be fun to do a little catch-up! I’ve been writing in other diaries, but this would be fun.🥰 

And of course the inside was all there, including the very first page . . .

We’ve been very busy at the studio lately! The cups finally came! Have you gotten yours yet? I’m hearing wonderful things from some of you, so I know you’re getting them! If not, it should be any minute now! We sold all our Queen Elizabeth cups, but we still have Birthday and Santa cups!

There they go!

Because of these wonderful people . . . Alfredo and Kellee!👏

Sheri brought her darling daughter, Maddie to help out,💞 and that’s another friend, back there in the boxes, Sharon!❤️

But that’s not all! We are keeping them busy! In case you’re new here  . . . look what just came in! YUP!

The reprints have just arrived! I have to celebrate this printing of A Fine Romance . . .💃🏼 It’s our 10 year Anniversary, hers and mine! Ten years since I decided to write something I’d never tried before… which meant I would have to go it alone, and publish this on my own. It was scary, Little Brown & Company had always published my books, but they thought this was too big of a change for me to make under their supervision ~ and I didn’t know how to publish a book! But it was either that, or stop writing books forever.🙀 The lemons lemonade thing. Rock in the road, step up, step over. And, needless to say, I’m so glad I did ~ it changed my life, and opened doors and doors of possibilities ~ I mean imagination is the only limit which is like saying there is no limit!! Yes, it’s a LOT more work when you do everything on your own, and much harder to tell the world about it 🗣️ ~ that part is almost as hard as actually writing a book! But the Independent Bookstores across this country have been so good to me not to mention your wonderful word of mouth, the most powerful thing I know 💋 . . . and there are other benefits . . . all mistakes are mine too which is actually a good thing! No one to blame. All the power too. Ribbon bookmarks! A must-have! As Jane Austen said,

And also because of you, we have over a thousand reviews on Amazon and still, after all these years, 5 stars!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I can’t help it, I have sort of the same proud “Mommy” feeling about A Fine Romance, as I do about my very first book, Heart of the Home. My children. My children been berry-berry good to me.💞

I’m a diary kind of girl. Combining written words with watercolors and photographs is what I was born to do.✏️ I started adding a photo or two back in the 90s, and the idea slowly grew on me. And if a photo is worth a thousand words, and you add in the ACTUAL written words, PLUS the watercolor decoration in word form ~ these books are way much longer than they look! And as close to handmade as I could get! I love every kind of communication that leads to people-connections! I always made gifts for my family and friends when I was little, I wanted my books to feel just like that, a gift.💝

So both A Fine Romance AND A Fairy Tale Girl have been MIA ~ we’ve been sold out since just after Christmas! But they’re BACK! Both signed and at the Studio now ~ backorders on the way!📬

I asked myself in my diary years ago . . . how does a writer write? I’d been doing it for years, but didn’t know that what I was doing was writing!🤪 I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true. You think OTHER people are “writing,” but YOU are just fooling around in your diary. Totally different thing. Until you grow up and read lots of quotes that tell you differently. Reading back over these diaries I learned a lot about myself. And that’s kind of the message I wanted to give with everything I do. Like this:

Fairy Tale Girl brings back memories of all these post-it notes in my old diaries, reminding me where to go look for stories to include when I was writing Fairy Tale Girl and Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams. Research! I always did want to write a fairy tale . . . just never realized I’d be writing them for grownups! Life is such a good surprise! But of course. Who needs them more? Being a grown-up is hard!💖

And Fairy Tale Girl has been out on her own in the world now since 2015. Less people know about this book than the others, even though it actually came first in the trilogy, because I never got to go on a book tour with it. I had to finish Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams before I started traveling to the bookstores. But despite that, Fairy Tale Girl also has 5 stars on Amazon! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ And that’s ALL you, because I only announced it here on the blog! Thank you 10,000 times. Means the world. You encouraged me to find my dreams. Both of the books on Amazon have comments on them that make me cry . . . they are so nice.💞 Little gifts left for me to find.💝 More thank yous.🌸 Lately there have been a couple of not-so-nice ones for Fairy Tale Girl😞. Someone REALLY hates Cliff 🤣… but it’s bound to happen in this crazy world ~ don’t worry, you know I’m fine . . . but if you go there, jump right over them, the rest of them are wonderful!💕❤️💕 And don’t forget . . . there are no rules around here . . . Guess what else came in? Kellee says a lot of you have been waiting for these!

The Giclees are finally here … I’m signing and numbering them today, and off to Kellee they’ll go! Then to you! As you know, the world still isn’t back to normal for shipping . . . it’s all been taking twice as long and costing twice as much to get it here! I thank you for your patience . . . Just like Abraham Lincoln, I know you know we’re doing the best we can and will do so until the end!❤️

I hope you Love them! The color came out just like it should!🎨Now for Must Watch TV: For years I have avoided the TV streaming of the Broadway stage production of Hamilton, which is the story of Alexander Hamilton inspired by Ron Chernow’s book. I was saving it, patiently waiting, thinking some day I would see it in person. EVERYONE says it’s wonderful, so I was holding out till we finally made it to a real theater. But last week, I realized we hadn’t managed to do it yet in the EIGHT years since its debut, and probably, knowing us, it’s never going to happen. Time to face it. I was tired of waiting, so I gave up, and we watched it on Disney+. I had very low expectations because we weren’t at the theater in person.


Me to Joe: I heard Hamilton is on Disney+. 

Joe to me: Do you want to watch it? 
Me: I don’t know. Yeah, maybe, what do you think? 
Him: I’ll watch anything. 
Me: Okay, let me get my tea.
So, you can see, we were very blasé. And as the play began, the first moments took getting used to. I haven’t listened to much rap music … and since the whole thing is sung in rap, understanding was my first challenge, which I got totally over in about 5 minutes, discovering later that it was just one part of the pure original genius of this play. We wanted to understand every word so we turned on captioning. The actual filming of the play was MUCH better than I expected! I felt the excitement of being there. The lights, the story, the singing and dancing, the costumes, the joy, the music, the orchestra, the originality, the appreciation of the audience.👏👏👏👏 And that’s all I’ll tell you except, OMG, go watch it. It is genius. After it was over I RAN to Google to learn more . . . and found out Hamilton won the Pulitzer Prize for the writer and star, Lin-Manuel Miranda!⬅️💘 My new discovery, I now adore him (always the last to know)! And 11 Tony Awards! Totally deserved!!! 🎯 Even this movie of it won tons of awards! 🏆 Who knew? I bet all of you did! But if not, it’s a must see! The creativity and brilliance will fly your heart to the moon. You will LOVE it! Now I guess we have to read the book that inspired the play…  which will be even more interesting now! One thing always leads to another!
Two other shows we have loved . . . First, A  Small Light, the true story of Miep Gies and the other brave and selfless folks who hid Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis. If you read Anne’s Diary you know the basic story . . . but this is another look from Miep’s point of view . . . we see the actual places where things happened. It’s very special. Explains everything. Actually it was TODAY, June 12, 1943 that Anne got a diary for her 13th birthday.🕯️ So now I have Miep’s highly recommended book “Anne Frank Remembered” all ready, waiting on my phone for walking!❤️
The other is ANOTHER show I’m late on. Been hearing forever how good Ted Lasso is. I watched it once, I thought it seemed dumb. But then I thought, all these Lasso-lovers can’t be wrong, it must be me, and decided to give it another look. It took me a while to GET it. There is quite a lot of swearing, but it’s not just any old sitcom, although it’s easy to think it is. There’s an important message which becomes apparent slowly, during all 3 seasons.  And in fact, it is NOW, our second time through, that I am truly getting it.😳 Every life depicted by the characters is changed due to their relationship with Ted. Turns out there is method to his madness. Ted would have forgiven Cliff too! 👏 The writers for this are wonderful ~ I’d love to hear a round-table talk with them telling how it all came about.🥇 We cried at the end. That’s all I’m saying. You don’t want to miss it. It even made me watch my first British soccer game without being forced.⚽️ This isn’t like me. And when Rachel and I speak on the phone today, I can’t wait to ask her what she thinks of Man City winning the FA Cup or whatever it’s called! 🤣 See how impressionable I am? It’s scary. It’s why I can’t watch horror movies. I’d never be able to sleep!👀
 As for books . . . This is the one . . . My guy.
After our trip to Lexington and Concord (as I wrote about in the last post), I was reminded how much I have always loved Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), have loved  his uplifting quotes forever, and have been promising myself practically all my life to read his life story . . . which I am finally doing . . .  Emerson,  A Mind on Fire,  by Robert D. Richardson. I have to tell the truth, I would not recommend this book to anyone who wasn’t already madly interested in Emerson. First off, it’s 27 hours long. Poor Joe. And written by a serious scholar. Poor me. In a nutshell, it’s hard to “read” …  in fact, if we weren’t listening to it I would have thrown it far, far, away a long time ago. But I began to look at it as a college course and something good for me, like eating spinach, or doing planks, something I could be proud of when I finished. Walking through the woods while listening was what made it bearable.🌳 I’ll just say, It covers the subject from soup to nuts, no stone left unturned. Till you would maybe like to kill Robert D. Richardson, softly, the way he is killing you. Which I’m glad about NOW that we only have one hour left, but definitely, 75% of this book is (looking for the right word) hideous, and the other 25%? Is PURE DIAMONDS. It’s diamonds and rust! Emerson is one of the Genius’s in Distilled Genius, of course.
And this biography is all about his search for a life he could build that he would consider worth living, and the people who inspired him, his connections with other geniuses, Lincoln, Whitman, Carlyle, Thoreau, and hundreds of thousands, almost millions, you have never heard of but will in this book because of this author. Emerson’s speeches, his children, his wife, his trees, his house, his town. You will feel like you personally know him. Another good thing, when I finally go visit his house, I will feel his magic there and my connection to it, and to everything, and it will make me happy. It’s a win-lose-win. Mainly win.

Between all this, I’ve been working hard on the new 2025 Calendar collection. I’ve been painting tons of new art, like this one above, and that one below , and writing stories I hope you like . . . and I will tell you right now so you don’t miss out, I think this will be one of my best collections of calendars EVER. Mozart says we have zero chance of being a genius without love. So that will be my chief ingredient.💖 Just in cases. A little preview of art, or playtime as I call it:

And the man who can cook is making my lunch right now! Time for me to go!💖 I hope you enjoyed your Willard for today, at least half as much as I enjoyed writing it!💞 Thank you for coming to say hello . . . and don’t forget to

Hearts on fire, from your pal for life! We’re in it together Girlfriends!💞

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256 Responses to WAKE UP SINGING . . . with a Mind on Fire . . .💖

  1. Cindy B. says:

    When I came across your little dime necklace, I thought, “What a great idea!” My dad has passed but he too was born in 1923. What a neat way to keep him close. Then I stopped and thought, “Wait a minute. I think I have an old dime from way back. Found my old penny bag and out it tumbled…..what is the date? Oh my goodness….1923!!! What are the chances???? So like any good copycat I’m going to have mine put in a little silver frame to hang about my neck. Thank you, thank you for this marvelous idea! And when I wear it I will not only be reminded of a lovely father but also of a faraway friend who wears a dime necklace too.

    • sbranch says:

      How wonderful and as much of a miracle as mine … it deserves to be a necklace. You’ll love it, I can’t quit looking at it! Old coins are so beautiful! I don’t think you even need a miracle to do that to an old coin!

  2. Debbie Boerger says:

    Just reading a piece in the Wa Po (Washington Post) about Rose Styron and a new memoir she has coming out. I had No idea of how amazing her life has been, and of the fact that she was and is friends with just about all the literati in 20th century. Even now! Being the wife of William Styron introduced her, but it seems after she raised her kids, she was revered for who She was.
    The reason I mention this is because it says she has a home on Martha’s Vineyard and often has some of those friends visit. Wondering if you and Joe had ever “bumped” into any on your rambles. I think the book is coming out this week.
    I’m ready for a few days of sun now, Weather People!! My po’ plants have stopped blooming….all but the rugosa roses, like the beach roses, they love the cool misty says.
    We’re going over to Surry Gardens to get some new hostas and ferns to help with the transition to shade gardening. I can’t see cutting oaks, ashes maples and hemlocks that live into their hundreds, so we’ll adapt to their world. I still have places for some flowers. We also have annuals in big pots by the doors and as hanging baskets for color.
    As someone said, we should enjoy the cool days and nights now, because we know what’s coming in just a bit, and air conditioning is a rarity in these parts.
    Mucho Grande Love and Gratitude to you, Dear Lady,
    Debbie in Misty Maine…looking a bit like Ireland lately.

  3. Maureen Graham says:

    Bee feet and bunny whiskers! I love that, Susan you are delightful! I loved that dog at the nursery, what a face! He was giving you his wolf smile. Our dog Charlie, Sir Charles the Barkley is losing his mind here from all the smells. He’s a Beagle and can smell rabbits five miles away!
    Well done on losing 15! My husband and I are doing the same, intermittent fasting seems to be the key.
    Ahhh summer! I have plans to see my sister, Patti in July. Then in August a family reunion with my mom’s siblings. September my husband’s family, big family party to celebrate our neice’s recent marriage.

    Happy summer! Thank you for spreading joy!
    Maureen in Michigan

  4. Patricia Ann Cahoon says:

    I love how you remind me to give myself permission to play.

  5. Carolyn Rector says:

    I always love your good news! Look so forward to the ne Willard. Yesterday I had a tea party for my friend. All on my mother’s china and 1950’s tablecloth. So much fun. Then we went to see a collection of over 100 teapots! And they were selling them at $10.00 each. A real steal for some antiques. Wow! Have a good summer, dear friend.

  6. Debbie Boerger says:

    Yea Clover!! Yesterday I ordered a pound of red clover. I have used white blooming for years to add nitrogen to stuff, but discovered a red bloom in the “yard” yesterday. It looks so pretty in my tiny glass bottles my neighbor makes. We’re still recovering from the digging up of the so called yard by crows and skunks searching for the grubs we had in early Spring, before we got up here. Years ago we abandoned grass. What ever is green is considered a “lawn”.
    Went to Surry Gardens yesterday and threw a chunk of change at them. 3 new Rhodies, some hostas, several pallets of sweet little creeping ground cover, I think called Veronica? looks like thyme and has blue flowers. Spent a few hours outside, and now need a Tylenol. But it’s a “good ache”. Got red salvia and humming birds are gaga over it. We actually had a few days of sun, but that will end tomorrow, with 7 days of more rain forecast. Boy are the trees and shrubs Happy.
    Mucho Love, Dear Clover Lady,
    Debbie in Maine

  7. Cathy+from+Golden,+CO says:

    You’ve made my morning special with your cheery and lovely newsiness. Wonderfulness! HAPPY summer my dear Susan.

  8. Debbie Boerger says:

    Finally got to read all the comments. So many beautiful family stories. So much to think about. Remember that “History” is subjective. It was my subject, but the more I read and learn about our Founding Fathers from recent visits to their homes, the more I see how we have been “protected” from their flaws. History is not a fairie tale where everyone lives happily ever after, but we are doing our best, and hopefully willing to make needed changes.
    My new shoes have been a game changer for me. Over the years I’ve spent many hundreds on the search for ones that allow me to stand/walk for extended periods. I was born with badly deformed feet, and the docs in the 1940’s did the best they knew. I’m having a bit more surgery in the next week, but Wow! These Hoka Shoes are fabulous. They allow you to wear them for 30 days and return them if they don’t work out…free of charge.
    They made it possible for me to tromp around the nursery for a couple of hours with Tom, and come home with a load of plants for our landscape transformation. So excited. We’re going back into the rainy pattern, but I won’t melt!! Just potted some Red Salvia and placed them under the humming bird feeders. House full of Peony blooms. Making banana bread. So very lucky.
    I had to come to this Sweet Place for the calming effect. Oh, the scary news.
    Thank you, Dear Lady, for providing it!!!
    Debbie in nice cool Maine

  9. Rasa says:

    Susan, your books, art, and your blog is like chicken soup to my soul. I keep going back to your books and savor them each time. They truly feel like a wonderful present each time I open them. And when I read Willard I feel like I’m talking to a good old friend. Lots of love to you 💕

  10. So much to love in this post – the sweet photos of the gardens, the little girls selling bracelets, the tomatoes and cole slaw recipes and of course, the book binder and reminisces. And the coin … a little message from heaven. Hope you have a lovely summer. x K

  11. Abigail says:

    Your blog and your books really inspire me! I was just up north visiting my parents and my mom gave me two of your cookbooks! The summer one and the fall one! I am so excited because flipping through them has always made me feel so happy and inspired and I can’t wait to actually MAKE some of these recipes now!! I can’t wait to try to make the lemon cake <3

  12. Marybeth Rogers says:

    Very enjoyable, thank you Susan. Marybeth

  13. jeanie says:

    Somehow I missed this. I was hunting down, desperately looking for the link to Scala (which when you go online they say you can’t listed to out of the country). Haven’t found it yet (I am intrepid) but loved A Fine Romance and have often given it as a gift and plan to again! Isn’t bookbinding/saving fascinating? Can’t beat it. So much to love here, but mostly, just being here.

  14. Nancy in Ridgefield, WA says:

    Hi Susan, just had to mention, since you brought up Ted Lasso, I am not a soccer enthusiast but I tuned in to “Welcome to Wrexham” a reality series from small town England. I was charmed by the locals and their stories and how much pride they had in their (losing) team. Season 2 will be starting this fall (I think) and positive things have happened for the team. The people of Wreham are lovely.

    Thanks, Susan. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!

  15. Lynn says:

    Hello Susan,
    I love your little garden. It is just the right size and seems to be easy to care for. I have a double lot, and just turning 58 years of age…Im feeling my age every day I go out there. But it is a true labor of love. As I am sure all of your readers are aware. Thank you for sharing so much of your everyday life. It is just a breath of fresh air to be able to dodge the bad news of the world and come to this site for peace.

    You answered a letter of mine once when I was a younger mother, working full time, raising 3 boys. My mother in law, gifted me the Baby Love Baby book for my last son. I have been hooked ever since. I have all your books. And now can complete my collection of your reprinted books. Thank you.

    One question. Do you have an official Facebook. I am on one but I think it is just a fan page? Maybe not. But not much action on it. Also, are you doing any Youtube channel? I would love to see them.
    My mother and I took a girls trip to the Cape. I actually did see your home, and sat on your front porch! My mom took a picture. I wish I could add it here. I was starstruck. So giddy. We ate at the Black Dog Restaurant. In hopes that I could see you and get a picture with you as well. But to no avail. You have very good friends there as they were not giving up any information! lol.
    Well all for now.
    Pease and love.
    Lynn H.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, I think my Facebook page is a fan page. I check in there often to read what’s happening, but Kellee is the person who posts everything! I do have little short videos on Youtube, but they aren’t really instructive or anything like that. They’re more about the seasons. I’m on Instagram!❌⭕️❌⭕️

      • Lynn says:

        Instagram it is. I will check in there.

        Keep on doing what you do!

        Love checking in on you now and then.

        Your friend,

  16. Lynn says:

    Trying to correct the last line. Peace not Pease!

  17. Patti Lanel says:

    Dear Susan,
    I just discovered you through your June, Willard’s Post that my cousin forwarded to me from Nashville. I have proceeded to order and read your three autobiographical books, and your first, revised cookbook. I can so relate to you as after a divorce, I fled to Israel for a discovery of me, but only for several weeks, as I had two teen age sons to return to in N.J. I am a registered nurse and worked at that for a # of years. I am an avid reader, sewer, gardener and animal lover. I did find “me” and had a wonderful life with a new husband who I lived with for many years and moved to Az. with. He passed about 5 years ago, but I still love my books, sewing, animals, etc. Thank you for your delightful and beautifully illustrated books. They are a joy.
    I have “shared” you with members of my sewing guild, who are becoming fast
    Wishing you the best and a continued happy life ,
    Patti Lane

    • sbranch says:

      Beautiful story Patti! Women are so brave! Thank you for the sharing, and please say hello for me!

  18. Valerie Blouch says:

    Please, please, pretty please, please with whipped cream and a cherry on top, please!!! Please finish Enchanted!! I love your books!! Love you too!!💞

  19. Valerie Blouch says:

    Please, please, pretty please, pretty please with cream and sugar on top, pretty, pretty please. Please finish Enchanted!! I love your handwritten books!! 🥰

  20. Judith DiFrancesco says:

    I always enjoy your Willard. Enjoy your Summer! Greetings from Lewes, DE
    “By the Sea….the Beautiful Sea!”

  21. Leigh Ann Puckett says:

    I do recall the sunsets out on Cape Cod. For several years we were lucky enough to get to stay in the keeper’s cottage at Nauset light, such a treat! I loved traveling over to Martha’s Vinyard, even though I had to get my land legs back once I got off the boat. So many little details in this post that connect with my life now. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful work, it’s so inspiring!

  22. Amber Messick says:

    Thank you, thank you for sharing your talent and sharing your life with us all of these years. I first came across your Autumn book when I was in college (2006) and became hooked. It was the artwork, quotes, stories and pictures that intrigued me and still do. I’ve loved being able to share these books with my mom, sisters and friends. Your friend, from Lincoln, NE.

  23. julia walker says:

    Dear Susan, Your “stuff” would be an honor to organize and document. IF only I were talented enough to help you I could think of no better job!!! As always, I thank you for sharing your wonderful life. Take gentle care. Julia in Cincy(but born & raised in Virginia)

  24. Sylvia in Seattle says:

    Just checked in to see what’s what with you these days. Now I think I want to reread all your books. I had a small stroke and fell (possibly vice versanearly a year ago. I’m OK but living in a group home for adults and mostly bored lots of the time. So I’ve been inspired reading this last posting and will go check out Ted Lasso and that Ralph Waldo Emerson book. I went to Emerson Grade School as a kid so I really would like to know more about him. Thanks for perking me up some.

  25. Fran from Michigan says:

    What a fun Willard! It’s been a busy summer for me at the lake house. Lots of children and grandchildren coming up and enjoying the water, boating and fishing and lots of hugs and eating. But, the 4th of July was the hottest ever, the kids said they had to stay in the water, to hot to even sit on the pontoon. What is going on? I know our country is really trying to fix global warming, but other countries need to do their part also.
    I had a baby fawn play in my front yard. Thought, she was so cute until she and her mama ate my hostas! Oh well.
    My daughter and granddaughter came over one day and we watched A small Light. cried through half of it. I ended up watching the entire series in two days. How sad. and how brave they all were.
    Congrats on releasing your trilogy series. I have them all plus most of your cookbooks. What a charmed life you have lead. and are still leading with your wonderful husband by your side. I lost mine ten years ago , after 40 years of marriage. Embrace what you have and never let a day go by without a hug and a kiss.
    Have a fun and not to warm summer! fall is right around the corner, will have to get that fall cookbook out.

  26. Sandra says:

    Sizzling hot in my part of Virginia as well and I also remember those days of fans, open windows and no air condition. Then again, the earth is supporting SO many MORE people…billions opposed to millions…and increased asphalt, concrete and support structures. A lot of things contribute to rising temps.

  27. Martha Martinez says:

    Hello Susan!

    I don’t know how else to get in touch with you so, I thought I would try here in your latest blog post comment section. I know it’s a long-shot, but… recently I purchased a Longaberger basket, rectangular-shaped with two handles, in near-perfect condition, handwoven in Dresden, Ohio, at my local Goodwill store. The initials and year “SB 1991” are written on the bottom. I am wondering if by any chance this could have been your basket at one time? If so, please email me at [email protected] and let me know!

    Thank you!

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