We’re Doing It!

Check this out! We’re doing it!!! I’m so proud of us! As you know, packing up a house to move is not easy! But we plod along, one foot in front of the other ~ and it’s working! Even with breaks to have fun! This is my studio window … from where I’m sitting right now! The view has changed! Scary, or what? Need Musica! 

I SO love old music!!! I hope you do! New music too, but there’s just something especially touching about this old WWII stuff. So what’s new? Basically Joe and I have been flitting around in two worlds. The wonderful world of our friends, and our “normal” springtime Island life, the garden,🪴 walks, books📚, parties, and making lots of wonderful new memories 📸 (because it ain’t over till it’s over, and even then, I promise you, it ain’t over) ~ and the other world, slow-moving, dust-eating🧹, boot-kicking, forced-march, teary-eyed, earth-based, packing🧳, barn-emptying, decision making, deep-cleaning ~ discovering lost things, wonderful things, and remembering💌. Put it all together, and we have Real Life. Something we are learning to rise above!🥳

I probably don’t need to explain much with these pics! I think you get it… This is the packing room. Formerly known as the dining room.

Do this long enough and you begin to look around the house for new creative ways to pack things! We’ve hired a wonderful old friend to help us, and this is totally HER!👏 A true packing genius! First time I realized, that space thing, it’s an art!💞

From the dining room to the living room, she has marked all the boxes, listing everything that’s in the boxes on the boxes, they are numbered and the numbers correspond with a list of everything on paper, plus she photographed them. All bases covered, this should work! 🤞

It’s not pretty! Probably more like making sausage.

But you know what is pretty? All the clean and empty rooms, with clean and empty closets! It’s been one room at a time. Packing up what we’re taking. We took the four poster in this room. We have three, having four-poster beds is based on my childhood books and old movies, and I HAD to take one of them with us. For Louisa May Alcott. For Beatrix Potter. For the memories.💞 Do people even have them anymore?

We took this one. Bought all our four-posters 30 years ago at Leonard’s Beds in Rhode Island.💝 

I’m kind of proud of how pretty the rooms look even with nothing in them! This is the “baby room.” These walls used to have all my oldest family photos on them, my grandparents as children, and our kids (my siblings) as babies.

You’ll recognize this one . . . it’s my Peter Rabbit Room  (click here if you never saw my Peter Rabbit Room💝). You can still feel the coziness in this lovely room tucked under the eves, so much like a tree house (easy to feel it lying in bed, looking at the tops of trees outside the windows) . . . and I left behind two tiny bits of Peter-Rabbit-Room: a cloth purse in the cupboard lined in blue and white check, Peter Rabbit on it, with his cotton-ball tail, and there’s a door hanger as you go in, with Peter Rabbit on it, that I got at Hilltop. But those two things up there ⬆️, they go with us.

Our bedroom, see any tiny ears?

There he is! This is his “rubber-band room” … We play every morning and every night before bed … and whenever he can trap me up there during the day. I stand at the door and shoot rubber bands (thick hair-ties) over the bed to where he is standing on an exercise bench! He catches them… see his eyes? He is waiting!

My studio . . . kind of my last pack-job, not done yet. For any of you involved in this same kind of nightmare ~ all this just proves that if we can do it, you can too!

Yeah, we tried that. Doesn’t work. It’s actually a lot like writing a book, or any big project ~ at first it’s so disorganized it feels overwhelming, but then, you just put one foot in front of the other, and one day progress becomes visible, and you are surprised to say “I’m DOING it!” Deadlines are helpful for me, but we have changed ours 3 times, however…

The kitchen . . . Not done, because we still live here, but getting close! We took everything off the fridge, and now it’s all working its way back on!

The truck got here yesterday and they started loading . . .😳I’m not thinking about it. 

Not even trying to hide this truck! It’s like having Godzilla in your driveway.

Joe and a helper worked until about 10 last night when it was cool and moonlit ~ they got a lot done!

The whole trick in loading a truck is balance. Is what they say. (Carrie in England and I have been texting back and forth ~ she wrote this funny thing: “Is there anything worse than moving? No. Nothing. By the end you’re chucking hammers and screwdrivers in with the China.” 😂🤣 And that’s exactly where we are right now, and exactly what we’re doing. Soon we’ll likely be throwing last-minute loose papers, shoes, tea balls into the back of the truck!)

They finish loading today . . . and supposedly that truck full of stuff will be on the ferry this Saturday! We’ll see. Then we clean up the house, and make it look beautiful. That’s when we officially put it on the market, and in about three weeks, we pack the van … an ice chest full of goodies goes between our seats, Jack’s carrier sits on top of the ice chest, and we fill the van with my original art and other stuff that goes with us! And off to see the wizard we will go!

And in the MEANTIME … the other side of our lives, the beauty side . . . because that’s there more than ever!

We walked over to Lowely’s the other night, walked home under this moon, amazing how pretty pictures of night sky can be with just a regular iPhone.  

Daily I take my scissors and go out to visit Joe’s little wildflower garden, our first, to pick a flower or two, and to see what new thing is coming. We have no idea, we just got a big bag of mixed seed on the internet and threw it out there. First up was poppies! Something coming now I have no name for . . .


Here it is!

We went out to Menemsha for dinner aboard our friend’s sailboat   . . . to hang out, eat, drink pink wine, and watch the sun go down ~ Jaime brought these gorgeous flowers, we brought potato salad from John’s, the fish market I told you about in the last post … they make it JUST like I do, except they don’t use onion, relish, or celery. But they do the hard part, so we just gussie it up and voila! Tis the season, and if you can’t get to John’s, look here! It’s the best recipe! (From my Summer Book if you have it.)

Be sure to add the mayo to the eggs and potatoes while the potatoes are still hot or warm! It’s the trick to the deliciousness!

So there they were, waiting for us . . . that’s Jaime in the hat with the blue dress. She’s my friend who had TRIPLETS (a total surprise), all boys, and then a year later, ANOTHER boy! No one could have done it better. But, I’m still not over it. I probably would have given up on life that very moment, even before the actual BIRTH!😳 But the boys are wonderful and in their 30s now. Back then I saw an article about Jaime in our local paper … then I saw her for the first time shopping in Edgartown. I knew it was her because she had a stroller for THREE, and those 4 babies were all in there! What a gal! In so many ways. Besides making life for all her friends so much more festive, she’s a famous caterer here on the Island.💖 

There’s George, the Captain of the ship (called appropriately LOL, because that’s what you do when you’re on board), working the bar.

Such a gorgeous night . . .

Before we went to the boat, I saw this set-up on the beach … had to go take a picture … I think it was a wedding shower! What a party! When I first moved here, my sister and I took a table & chairs, champagne, cake, salad, paper cups and plates, tablecloth, and brought my Dad here for his 60th birthday in my little old VW convertible. We bought cooked lobsters at the fish market up the street, and celebrated his birthday right in that same spot on the beach. Swam to get the butter off, and drove home under the trees with James Taylor singing to the stars. Now that’s a memory!


On the boat, same thing, we ate, we drank, we talked, we laughed, we breathed this rarified air and watched the sun go down. More wonderful memories.

The sunset turned Joe pink, and made his hot pink shirt even hotter!

Well, I have a hundred more things to tell you, but this is already long enough and I still have more! For one thing . . .

Remember this? Recognize it? Yup! Downty!

Better known as Highclere Castle (as in Downton Abbey). I did a whole post about this wonderful day… you can read it HERE!  

Well, guess what? Highclere Castle is having a contest that anyone can enter! I got an email from Laura who reads my Willards and is also their media person ~ she told me about the contest and said I should tell you! The winner will receive a three-day, two-night trip for two to Highclere Castle this September complete with airfare, accommodations, ground transportation, a behind-the-scenes tour of the Castle and estate, and tickets to an invitation-only VIP cocktail party hosted by Lord and Lady Caravan! AND she sent us a bottle of the Highclere Castle Gin! It came in a velvet bag, tied with gold cord, and even a little recipe book! It’s good to have friends in high places! Made with botanicals from the estate and from the orangery and with the lavender planted in the 9th century by the Bishop of Winchester. We got it, but we haven’t tasted it yet. Saving it for when that truck goes away! Or tonight, whichever comes first.😁

You can enter the contest HERE. They say if you buy a bottle of Downty gin (I renamed it) they’ll give you 20 chances to win the trip ~ it’s a promotion … but you don’t have to in order to enter, Laura stressed to me that it’s free! Nothing to lose! And it’s all inspired by the coming release of the third Downton Abbey movie! Big-time Red Letter Day!💞


So what else … in my last post, at the bottom, I listed a whole bunch of books and movies to read, listen to, and watch … I need to add Band of Brothers to it, which streams on Netflix . . . as suggested by one of our Girlfriends. We watched the first episode last night, so GOOD. Killer good. Scared to see the next one as we are talking D-Day, but ready to sqwinch my eyes closed just in cases. Just finished Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book, so good. We both cried at the end. No wonder so many baby boomers ended up on drugs in the 70s and 80s … everyone had PTSD after the terrible violence of the 60s, I was only in the 11th grade when John Kennedy was killed, it was one after another, John, Martin, and then Bobby … and I have brand new respect for President Johnson. Little tug of my heart for him.💖 Books are such wonderful things.

Something else, if you go to the top of this Willard you will see “Home Cooking” . . . put your cursor there for a drop-down … Take your time, look at “Summer Recipes,” and “How to Cook” … for lots of summer deliciousness and cooking demonstration blog posts. Kellee did a wonderful job putting it together! Happy cooking!

Look Here . . .

We got the Secret Notes back in! They’re hand-made so it takes a while, but so special. . .

This is our first year without shrink wrap on our calendars .. NO plastic. I’m happy! I can’t believe all the tags and plastic and stuffing there is with everything we buy . . . I hope it works well. Be sure to let me know if you have problems. Fingers-crossed it works.💞

So, time to go and start throwing things into the truck! But I had to show you . . .THIS was the very first night in our house way back when. JUST the beginning of 35 years of wonderful friends, food, and FUN! (But I think what I’m hearing here is “We need more beer!”🤣)

Here’s to us Girlfriends! Happy summer! Thanks for all the wonderful sweet comments! Love you! 😘

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249 Responses to We’re Doing It!

  1. Magdalena Mikulska says:

    So beautiful. Everything from you is beautiful

  2. Stacey Louis says:

    Love this post! I admire how you strike a balance and find the good in all of it. Feeling the feels right along with you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us for so many years. California awaits your arrival!
    Best wishes ✨

  3. Lori Metschan says:

    Thank you for the updates amongst the chaos! Looking forward to the cross country adventures to come! Wob you!!! Lori from Washington State xoxo!

  4. Judy L Covell says:

    So, here you go off to new everything! How exciting for you. We moved in the blizzard of “66” in Maryland. Roads had to be opened with bulldozers. We have said we weren’t packing any more houses EVER. But, 7 years later we did and now it has been 50 years at this home on “model street” of new development. We weren’t sure about that house payment of $106 a month!!! That was on a $40,000 home that we put 50% down on. But we made it somehow. You are taking every-thing you love with you. See you when you get settled.

  5. Rosemary from Texas says:

    Well, Susan…so glad you can maintain your positive attitude about the events in your life right now. It seems you are definitely doing the right thing, it is just such a sentimental bursting time to leave that wonderful house. On the other hand, won’t it be grand to be back in California and to be able to set up shop all over again? It is great that you are keeping us updated on your progress during this challenge. I, for one, am thinking about you and wishing you peace and love during it all.

  6. Terri Brewster says:

    Oh Susan, what a huge job, but wow, you guys are getting it done. Wishing you, Joe and Jack safe travels to California. Also wishing safe travels for the moving truck filled with all of your treasures a safe journey as well.
    I can’t imagine saying see you later to your life on the island. But my husband and I just spent a glorious week in Arroyo Grande and on the coast, it was beautiful. Cheers to new memories and a new chapter.
    Stay safe and travel well.

  7. ReNae Stewart says:

    So excited to read this!! You have been on my mind!!! Oh gosh it is so much work but you do kind of find a rhythm! We have made 3 long distance moves and hopefully no more but one never knows. Our first long distance move was to California and it was wonderful! We were then transferred north to snow country! Now we are in the desert and happy as can be! Wishing you the Best! I so enjoy your blogs and have many of your books!! This came out on a perfect day as I am going thru Covid and needed a lift!! XOXO ReNae

  8. Margaret says:

    Good morning.. Packing, sorting, and moving is such a chore!! The last time we moved I ended up with Bells Palsey. That put me out of commission for a while. Have a fun adventure traveling cross country! Looking forward to running into you at Traders!

  9. Charlene says:

    I will miss reading about your adventures in Martha’s Vineyard, but I look forward to reading about beautiful sunny days in California. Best wishes for a wonderful future.

  10. Ann Y. says:

    YES – You are doing it, and in style ! Thought of you today as I put my Summer Book out on the counter with a star cookie cutter and a little flag tucked in it! Band Of Brothers….if you ever get to PA there is a park and monument to Dick Winters who grew up and lived here. The park is in Ephrata and it is very moving. After your list of movies we watched The White Cliffs of Dover…TWO wars and another tear jerker. But…GOOD LUCK AND SAFE TRAVELS to you and Joe. So excited for you !

    • sbranch says:

      Dick Winters … the name gives me chills. Those GUYS, I could cry right now. We have two more episodes of one the most touching things I’ve ever seen. I’ve had to force myself through it at times, but it’s the LEAST I can do since they had to actually LIVE this nightmare. I’ve learned so much. 🥲

  11. Carla Ludwig says:

    How exciting and sad at the same time. I know the feeling, we moved to NH from MI (where I had lived my whole life) 5 yrs ago. As hard as it was, we have no regrets and absolutely love our new (old 1796) home here in New England. Try not to over do it….it’s so much work, and enjoy every last minute you have in your beautiful home. Safe travels!!

  12. VirginiaB says:

    You are very brave. You have met some extraordinary challenges and have always come out on top. And you will this time too. Good luck and Godspeed!

  13. Dee says:

    I LOVE moving…….husband is a US Army veteran……moved lots before and after his service. So far we’ve done 27 moves in 55 years of wedded bliss!!! I’m ready to move again but husband says NOOOOOOOOO. Your memories go along with you so ENJOY this time……it’s forever embedded in your hearts!!!

  14. Peggy says:

    We have a four poster bed!! We moved 25 years ago from a small, friendly, close knit town n Kansas to Dallas for my husband’s work. I was moved kicking and screaming and cried the first three months here. But, of course, it all worked out and we’ve had a wonderful stretch of life here that I treasure!

    My daughters took me to a James Taylor concert last week for my 70th birthday! He’s still amazing!

    Wishing you all good things. Peggy

  15. Michaelene Hanrahan says:

    Ooooooo!!!! The Summer Book. That was my first Susan Branch Book. And still my favorite. I have had it for almost 30 years I realize. I saw it at Sam’s Club and looked at it every time I went in. I was reluctant to buy it because my financial situation was SOOOOO precarious at the time but finally I knew I HAD to have it because of the way it made me feel. Still one of my all time favorite books. I grew up as an Ohio girl but your descriptions of your California girlhood struck home with me. One of my favorite summer memories is of swimming in our backyard above ground pool at night. All our neighborhood friends would swim with us. Swimming and lightning bugs. Heaven on earth. Thank you Susan! I will miss Martha’s Vineyard but am looking forward to California!!! Always Girlfriends, Michaelene Hanrahan

  16. Karen Longo says:

    Oh Sue, thank you again for taking us all along on your crazy journey! I raise a glass of gin to you and Joe (unfortunately not the schmancy Downty kind)!

  17. Gail Nightingale says:

    Hi Susan, just wanted to thank you for squeezing the June 19 Willard in along with everything else going on out there. Good luck with the move, hope there will be lots of posts from the road.😍

  18. JoAnne Daniels says:

    I don’t know why — it’s so silly— but I will miss the fact that you will no longer be on Martha’s Vineyard! I live in NJ and have never been to MV myself, but lived vicariously through your blog. My husband and I have vacationed many times on Cape Ann, our own heart place! I would enjoy a little of that place in New England when you posted your daily walks to the beach and your photos of New England architecture. I can’t imagine what it must be like for you to leave there. Of course, “home” is where Joe and Jack are!! Being originally from the west coast, maybe the move is more like moving from one home to another. For me, it’s a whole world away! 😢 I’ve only visited southern CA., but know it’s very different.
    This move will take you even further from merry ol’ England! I’m 72, so I know there comes a time when hard decisions must be made. I’m assuming this move will bring you closer to your family. In spite of my own sadness that you are leaving the northeast — best wishes!!

  19. Oh, dearest Susan! You even made time to stop and write to us!!💕 So many precious memories here… and exciting new memories awaiting you and Joe in sunny California!! You continue to inspire us all, while teaching us so many important life lessons, as we watch you make this BIG cross-country move. Five years ago, I helped my parents make the BIG move from Arizona back home to Illinois. We are ever so grateful that we made that very wise decision when we did. New family memories have been our treasured gifts ever since!
    ❤️ ❤️ “Life takes us to unexpected places. Love brings us home.” ❤️❤️
    Sending love and huge hugs,
    Dawn (in IL)

  20. Debbie Boerger says:

    You are just Awesome, Dear Sue. That’s one of the highest compliments a Maine person can hand out…along with “hard worker”.
    To think that you and Joe have accomplished all that you have in such a short time, and yet you made sure to let us in on the process and the party. Your potato salad is exactly like my father’s, which many people over the years have pronounced The Best. Yes, putting the ingredients together while the ‘taters are warm is one of the secrets, along with sweet pickle relish.
    You know, I think your house is excited, too. She will miss you and Joe, but she knows you kept her safe and made her even better. Now for the Next Chapter. That’s kind of the way Tom and I feel about our wonderful “camp” here in Maine. Just seeing how happy others are to keep this place in “the family”. The family we all chose.
    We’re finding that we enjoy letting Nature have her way on our property, as age and various creaky joints are yelping if we try to do “too much”. This year has been a banner one for growth. Lots of rain last year, and the native wildflowers are stunning. Every day one of us will bring in a bowl full. Hawks’ bills, both orange and yellow are favorites. The butter cups. They close at night, but open again in the early morning. Wild daisies, which the original settlers brought from Ireland and England. The native ground covers even have little flowers. Good thing I have an entire cabinet for just vases of many sizes, most from Church sales, but some from what was an old outhouse on the property up the road. We’d scavenged there before it was bought, and another great family arrived. When they finished building their home, I gave them all the bits and pieces, some verified to be 1600’s. I’m sure some were family treasures brought here on some ship. When they broke at some point, down the outhouse hole they went, and washed out with the high tide for us to find. There really were ships built on our road, thus, Shipyard Point Road. Some built for the lumber trade, and some to sail to Europe. The people next door have an old photograph of one of the last to be built in the 1800’s. Don’t you love living history?
    Now you and Joe can explore more of the California Story and make your own. And the train runs East.
    Time for cold shrimp tonight peel ’em and eat ’em. It’s bloody hot, as I’m sure it is where you are. cooked them this morning. No AC on the main floor, so we are doing the Fan Dance, moving from one to the other, until this heat wave breaks, as it will. AC in our loft/bedroom.

    Thank you a Ton for keeping us along for the Adventure.
    Mucho love,

    • sbranch says:

      Bloody Hot is right Debbie! There’s no history like New England history … how fun that you have your very own corner of it. Stay cool sweetheart! xoxoxo

  21. Angela Bell says:

    This is love. I’ve always checked in on you when I need to feel better about the world. Thank you for taking me on many journeys with you and this one is emotionally good.
    I just attended an auction for my aunt & uncle’s property. They too made a change. My aunt was moved into an assisted living facility last fall and my uncle (90 years old) didn’t want to live in their house without her. He sold almost everything and moved into a facility next door to her. Love. The auction brought family and friends together who hadn’t seen each other for years. We all bought family heirlooms that have wonderful memories attached to them. For me it was my aunt’s aprons, my grandfather’s rocking chair (that he built and painted), my grandmother’s cookie jar and a few other things. It was emotional but so great to share it all together. When I read Willard, it evokes the same feelings of wonderful memories, sharing this time of change with people you love and pressing on to new chapters of life. It’s what love in action looks like. ♥️

  22. Mary says:

    Hugs to you both for the hards. So excited to see you on your journey of new adventure’s! Thank you so much for sharing and taking us all along.

  23. Dee+Ann says:

    Life is grand indeed. So proud of you and Joe…making the decision and following through with life. So excited for whoever gets to move into your home on Martha’s Vineyard. It will be fun to see your postings as you cross country to California. What an adventure that will be…fun times!

  24. Becky in Toluca Lake says:

    Oh, I have been wondering how it was all going, so thanks for the post in the midst of it all! Wishing you a peaceful wrapping-up of this oh-so-challenging time, and safe travels for both you and your cherished household goods! We all love you!

  25. Mary Lawrence says:

    Beautiful Susan,so brave to start a new chapter in California!You will have gone full circle.How exciting.Yes,we still sleep in our four poster bed.The one new piece of furniture,I purchased for my husband and I when we were married.I didn’t want to sleep in their bed and I didn’t want him to sleep in our bed.So,I purchased a new cherry four poster bed.It’s now 40 years old.It’s as lovely today as it was then,from Colonial Williamsburg and you know they do beautiful so well. My darling husband has been diagnosed with blood cancer and it’s new to us,but together we are facing it head on.God only puts on us what we can handle.So for now it’s not good bye it’s hello to another way of live ,I plan on making everyday count as I know you and Joe will as well.So,happy life to you Joe and Jack. Mary Elizabeth Marshall Lawrence

    • sbranch says:

      I have full faith in you Mary, but I’m so sorry that you are having this ordeal in your life. Sending all my love and blessings. You can DO this! xoxoxo

  26. Diana from Ancaster says:

    I’m sending you and Joe my best wishes on your move.
    Truth be told I’m very sad you are leaving Martha’s Vineyard. You see, I felt we were ‘neighbours’ as Ancaster is within driving distance…. and California is not. Silly I know and very selfish on my part. I totally understand why you came to this decision
    . Glad to be part of the girlfriend’s group albeit from a bit of a further physical distance. All the best.

  27. Peggy Willoughby says:

    That’s how I packed boxes when we moved from Ft Myers, Florida to Holly Ridge, North Carolina. I staged boxes in my spare bedroom, a few books in the bottom of each box, listed contents on the box and on paper. Numbered the boxes to coincide with my list. When the movers came I was all packed and after they packed the house we loaded our cars and traveled north. The mover complemented me on my packing and being all ready. Nothing was broken when the truck arrived in NC.
    I had just retired and my daughter called and asked me for help with her special needs little girl for before and after school care. So here we have been and last Friday that little girl graduated high school with honors. She’s off to college in the fall.
    Sad to leave Florida, but it’s been good to be near family.
    So I feel you pain and excitement.
    CARRIE!! How is she? I miss her.
    I adore 4 poster beds. They all look so cozy and hygge.
    Good luck with the move. I am excited about your posts on your trip. Sending you & Joe lots of love.

    • sbranch says:

      A good packer is a thing of beauty!!! I know, Carrie, it was so fun to be texting with her. I think she’s better . . . I miss her!!! Love back to you Peggy!!❌⭕️❌⭕️

  28. Mary Ann Dickson (back in Southbury via Mexico) says:

    My heart is breaking a little. I know this will all turn out fine for you and Joe, it is a wise decision. But I will miss Martha’s Vineyard. However, soon we’ll learn about a lovely place in California. I look forward to learning more about the central coast and what it offers. Dear Susan, all the very best wishes to you and Joe on your incredible new journey.

  29. Ann E says:

    Oh my gosh that move is a lot of work. It gives me anxiety just to think about putting over 3000 sq feet into 1500. It’s utterly wonderful though. I covet moving to a smaller abode for sure!!! I’m glad you’re giving yourself time and rest and fun! I ordered those little notes and absolutely, 100% love them from the stickers on the package to all the little details to the notes themselves. Just charming!!! Yes on the plastic! I’m slowly ridding my house of plastic. It’s crazy! I hope you create a new pic like the old one for the first day in your home in CA. How fun would that be? LOL. Hang in there, the road to it is part of the fun – even in hindsight. LOL!

  30. Kathi says:

    Will you be able to get to England anymore from the west coast? I hope so!

  31. Nancy says:

    A bittersweet post.😥🩷

  32. Pat Harmon says:

    So lovely a post. You are gently bringing us into this change which was alarming at first!I wish you the best as you move and travel there. I’m so happy you will keep sending out letters. They are one of the delights of my life. Much love to you and Joe❤️

  33. Davi Mondt Lowman says:

    Susan! I know the bittersweet emotions of leaving a well-loved, long-lived wonderful old house.
    But, yes, it’s another chapter in that old book of life!
    Have a safe and enjoyable trip to the west coast!
    I am looking forward to reading about life in your old stomping grounds!
    Buon viaggio!

  34. Margot Birkett says:

    That’s the way to do it! Keep plodding along.
    After three weeks on the boat I headed north through the Virginia mountains with my boat garden, well we had to eat! I saw a girlfriend, then my cousin in Erie, and today I powered through the Chicago area to Brookfield, Wisconsin. WARNING ⚠️. Do not go past mid-Indiana on 80/90…
    My next duty is to pick up the kitty 🐈‍⬛
    Enjoy the end process…and the road-trip!!
    OXOX ox
    Margot B

  35. Mary Webb says:

    Yep, we’re going through this too! 22 years in this house, 51 years married and in this town 50 years. Sooooo much stuf with 4 kids, 4 grandkids and us! We feel as if we are not making headway but every day we accomplish something. We are getting older and wiser and more “stoved” up and tired daily lol. We are trying to look at our newest adventure and new season of life with anticipation but it is definitely bitter sweet. Also, we don’t know where our new home will be 😮 We did know but it has changed – so now what? One step, one day at a time… At least we are making the decision for ourselves before someone else has to!!! We have each other and that is how all of this started. Ha ha!
    Blessings on you Susan and Joe and thanks for he encouragement.

  36. Shirley Hubbs says:

    Loved your post! I’m so excited for your move. I’ve been following you for so long I feel like a part of it! LOL. So tell me, what is the secretto a wildflower garden? Do you have to till the ground up or just sprinkle on the ground? I’d like to try one this fall for next spring. I just ordered your 4th of July banner set. I can’t wait to get it. Wishing you a safe trip across country! Your friend, Shirley

  37. Penny Carpenter says:

    Blessing to you and Joe on your big move!! 🥰

  38. Evie Tong says:

    Dearest Susan … pls allow me to WELCOME you Home to CA w/open arms and ((HUGS))
    and A-lo-ha-ha … Xoxoxox Evie ❤️💐❤️😎❤️💐❤️

  39. Kathy W says:

    Oh Susan! you are awesome! This makes me teary-eyed. What a beautiful home you’ve lived in and now you have the opportunity to build on something new. I can’t wait to see your next chapter! Safe travels!
    And thanks for the chance to win tickets to Highclere.
    Can’t wait to here about your trip across country too!

  40. Debbie R says:

    Oh sweet Susan, yep I so get all your feels. It’s crazy how many emotions you can have
    in just one day with all that goes along with this move. You and Joe are amazing on how you are handling all this with positivity, sense of humor, hope and your organization skills. You guys are rocking it! And oh the memories you will hold dear with two steps forward to more exciting adventures ahead. As my mama always use to say when things were stressful…”Everything’s going to be Alright” 👍🏻 Blessings to you and Joe. ❤️

    Debbie R
    Godfrey, IL

  41. ❤️Karen Saunders❤️ says:

    Many many heartfelt congratulations on the start of your new life……how exciting!! Sad and exciting all at once. We all wish you well and wherever you go……we go. I’m already packed!!🤣🤣🤣 Have a great, fun, safe trip. 🩷🩷🩷

  42. Li says:

    It’s gonna be great – new home, new memories, all the feels 🙂

  43. Ruth Elder says:

    Thank you so much for updating us on your move. I’m packing here in Florida (after living here since 1987) and moving to New England this summer so I feel we are living parallel lives, in a way. You are putting into words with your posts what I feel in my own heart and my own life. And it helps me understand why some days I am excited and smiling and then wistful and crying, one right after the other.

  44. Karen Dorsey-Jennings says:

    California, here you come! Back to your roots.
    I hope your siblings are still in CA. Will your beautiful CA home be all set up for you? It has been quite a roller coaster of emotions to have gone through both homes in the process of deciding where it would be best to live. Were Joe’s roots on the island? My guess is you two find home in each other.
    Best wishes for a blessed transition,
    Karen from Thousand Oaks, CA

  45. Judith says:

    What a wonderful surprise and fabulous post. Reading your memories feel like they are also my memories. But I have to say you are handling this far better than I am! ♥♥♥

  46. Barbara Vlcek-Vinikow says:

    Hi Susan!

    I almost had tears wanting to well up in my eyes as I read your Willard and looked at the pictures, old & current, of your beautiful house. It’s really sad, and yet exciting at the same time!

    It reminded me of my move from my “Blue Willow Cottage” house (c. 1903) where I had a B&B business. I had such fun fixing it up, decorating it, making it so cute & cozy! But after awhile ( nearly a decade) I just realized that it was time to move on to a new chapter in my life. And, wow! Once I made up my mind to do it, things began happening so quickly, so it just seemed that the universe was agreeing with my decision! I hope that’s how you are feeling…that the positive powers of the universe are with you!

    Wishing you so much good luck in your next adventure! And looking forward to you being out here on the West Coast! ….

    Speaking of which…my husband & I are just leaving tomorrow for a week up on the Oregon Coast. Cannot wait to smell that fresh Pacific ocean air, wiggle my toes in the sand, eat lots of wonderful fresh seafood, and fall asleep listening to the sounds of the surf! We are meeting with friends & family, too, so it will be a very special time!

    Sending you & Joe & Jack lots of love & hopes for a smooth finish to the packing & then Happy Trails westward!!!

  47. Sue Graham says:

    Moving sucks, but once that year is finally over, and it takes at least that long, you’re happy you did it.

  48. Judy H. says:

    My husband and I moved house last summer, so I know exactly what you are going thru! We had lived in a medium sized home in the country for over 40 years. Let me say, I am not a minimalist! Lots of sorting and purging doesn’t even cover it. We bought a lovely townhouse and the months of chaos and uncertainty are over. You will come out the other side of this and be content again. I am not a person that likes change, but resiliency is necessary in my 70’s. The actual moving in day will most likely be chaotic, but you do move thru it. My best wishes to you and Joe for a smooth as possible move.

  49. Peg Filling says:

    Wow! You & Joe have come far! A new journey in life coming very soon. Cheers to a brand new book of life. You will be just fine ❤️as you are best friends & positive, beautiful kindred spirits. With love & blessings dearest Susan, Joe & bestest kitty Jack🥰 xxx safe beautiful travels across this gorgeous country☀️🌻🌾🌎🌸

  50. Antonia Lutz says:

    I love this post I wish you all the happiness on the west coast also make sure to shut all the interior doors in the home your leaving and say thank you for all the wonderful memories my mom always told me to do this! Anyway we are packing up daughter number 3 who is moving to Philadelphia I’m happy and sad …. I’m finally getting a proper craft room but I will miss our weekly excursions of our girl errands!

  51. Lisa M says:

    Oh my, I’ll be LOL all day about the hammers and screwdrivers comment. Off you go into the Wild. Best wishes for a book worthy journey! Lucky us!

  52. Ann Collins says:

    Have a safe drive across country and maybe I’ll run into you at TJ’s in Arroyo Grande!

  53. Glenda+Slanina says:

    Such lovely memories!🩷. I must say that you appear to be holding up so well. But me..I’m so sad. For years I have enjoyed the island, your home, your kitties and the changing of the seasons and so much more. I’m just too sentimental. California can be beautiful but it can also be hot, dry and way too subtle when our seasons change. However, I know that you and Joe will make a beautiful home and that your Willards will be filled with exciting new adventures and gorgeous photos. So, welcome back (soon) to California, my home state. 💜🌸🌞🌮

  54. Kathy Madigan says:

    Moving is so stressful! Looks like you’re making the most of it! All good wishes for you and Joe and your trip back here to California. New memories to make!

  55. Kim says:

    Cheers to you, Joe and Jack, Susan! Thinking of you all and wishing you a beautiful last three weeks (or so) on MV before you head out on your cross-country move. It’s so exciting and so sad, all at the same time ~ Bittersweet, to say the least. Having just done the same four years ago, I can relate to all the mixed emotions. It’s a wild adventure! xxooxx

  56. Cindy Algier says:

    Good luck in you move.. I have enjoyed seeing your lovely home in your posts for many years now. Thank you for sharing.

  57. shanna+masters says:

    Hang in there, girl. Keep making those memories!

  58. Julie W says:

    Amazing Susan! You do it all with aplomb! Looking forward to your next chapter. You are such an inspiration in so many ways!

  59. Susie J says:

    I cannot even imagine trying to do what you are now doing, but my turn is soon coming. I wish you well, Susan. Hope that life in California is as sunny and sweet as your life has been in your big, white house on the island. Thank you for all the lovely memories you have shared, beautiful books and so many decorating ideas, lovely stationery and decorative items. We will continue to enjoy – it’s all coming from another place – and that will be an adventure you can share with us, too. Be well and happy, Susan; travel safely and blessings in your new home always.

  60. Nancy Newsom says:

    Endings and beginnings, such a bittersweet time in your lives. I enjoyed reading your Highclere post; we were there in March 2017, only a few months ahead of you. I can’t wait for the new Downton movie! Safe travels!

  61. Kathy from Philly says:

    My thoughts are with you as the big move happens! Rich & I are coming up on 9 months since we downsized from a 5BR Craftsman to 3 BR rancher. I’d been purging, selling, donating for 2+ years but still not enough! Anyway we are settled, still maybe a dozen boxes to unpack but no rush, right? Now it is garden time and leaving my garden after 23 years was probably harder than the house because I can basically re-create the interior in a fashion. The garden I have literally cried over. I dug up some perennials (not enough sadly) in December when we closed on the sale. Hadn’t paid much attention to what was here when we bought the house, but discovered mostly non-flowering shrubs, UGH! No bulbs! My solution is to give away the shrubs but the receiver needs to dig them out. I’m then left with a big hole to fill with whatever my
    heart desires. 6 holes so far! Though my greatest joy came recently when a Kousa dogwood twiggy volunteer I dug up finally decided to come into leaf. Truly a twig that I’ve been nursing like an infant since December! More tears, but now of joy! So sentimental about the garden. The move is the hardest and yet best thing we’ve done. Totally necessary at our stage of life. At least you have a beautiful garden and home that you & Joe created waiting for you. And knowing that you can make a “nest” anywhere & the fun you will have doing so! Best of luck in your latest adventure. Hugs & love, Kathy (now in Willow Grove)

    • sbranch says:

      Good job Kathy, you’ll have it in shape again soon! Free holes! What a dream! We can’t bring any plant matter into CA — their agricultural economy is too important ~ totally understandable. And the things I would take from here, like the Peony planted in honor of my mom, won’t grow in CA… so we will have to dedicate something else to her! Thank you! Keep on keepin’on!❌⭕️

  62. Betsy says:

    I’m certainly not trying to be a downer but for some reason my heart was sad reading this. It’s funny how I just always picture you in this grand old house. Your soul belonged there. Downsizing comes to all of us, it’s a part of the life cycle but to the end of time I will always picture you and Joe in this house. Safe journey!

    • sbranch says:

      A part of us will never leave . . . and someday when that time comes, we have bought a tiny bit of real estate up our street, just past the school in the old town graveyard. This really is where we belong.💖

      • Anon says:

        The dirt nap resting place!?!? I first thought actual property in case you wanted to return to M.V. So, here’s the deal – no dirt nap for you until I have taken mine. Can’t imagine being in this world without your wonderful and infectious enthusiasm for life.

  63. Diannew Carrol says:

    What house are you moving from and where are you moving to?!

  64. Patricia from NC says:

    Oh Susan,
    Due to health reasons, I’ve been out of touch for the last few months and just caught up on your posts since your trip to Cali. Oh my goodness, what a big move. Congratulations!!! I can only imagine how difficult a decision it must have been. Good luck to you, Joe and Jack on your new adventure! The best part is knowing you have a home to go to and a whole bunch of beautiful friends to welcome you back. Can’t wait to read about your new life. You have such a young spirit and will carry on with gusto.

  65. Mimi Houston says:

    SO. Much. LOVE to you, Susan as you navigate this journey!!! You are brave and beautiful, and an inspiration to us all. EVERY time I read your Willard I feel renewed. Thank 💜 you for your gifts. What an ADVENTURE you are all about to have!!! Can’t wait to see it unfold… especially with that kitty in tow!!!💜💜💜

  66. Joanna+Peterson says:

    This post made my eyes misty. So many memories of pictures you’ve shared of your beautiful home over the years! But I know beauty and art and flowers and Beatrix Potter will be wherever you go

  67. Jana Jopson says:

    You are so lovely to put together this bittersweet Willard in the midst of packing up a lifetime. Whenever you come to mind, I send vitality and steadiness to you and Joe (and Jack, too). Thank you. And thank you again.

    • sbranch says:

      I’m reading it with every message, feeling it and doing my best to steady Joe with it🤗. Thank you!!!💖

  68. Jody Wallem says:

    California here you come! Wishing you and Joe happy, safe and fun travels! A new chapter ahead for you!

  69. Marigold says:

    Dearest Susan, I can only imagine how hard it must be to leave your island home (good thing memories never get left behind), but there is great joy waiting for you out on the west coast! Best of everything to you, Joe, and Jack as you move and settle into your new season of life.

    (I am no longer on Twitter/X, as my stalker continued to harass me, but I do visit your blog and always look forward to reading about all your adventures, both old and new.)

    • sbranch says:

      Marigold! Stalker! I didn’t know. Awful. So happy to hear from you! Hope all is well . . . thank you for the kind words!❌⭕️

      • Marigold says:

        I hung in as long as I could because I loved the Twitter/X platform, but it got to be unbearable. I truly miss you and the other wonderful folks there, but life goes on. I will always read your blog — your adventures are so inspiring. And now, a limerick, for old times sake:

        There once was a girl from the west coast
        Who moved miles away to the east coast;
        She met a great guy,
        They fell in love by and by,
        Now we bid them farewell with a toast!

        (Not my best — maybe I’m just rusty, LOL. But hopefully you catch the heartfelt sentiment as we all wish you the very best!)

        • sbranch says:

          I think it’s darling!!! Thank you Marigold. I’m inspired!➡️ There was a guy from the east coast, he met a girl from the west coast … they fell in love on the wings of a dove, made a good life in their house of delight, had lots of fun, races lost and won, adventures galore, all that and more, and now to sum, they’re gone!😳❌⭕️

          • Marigold says:

            Oh so lovely! You and Joe have had a blessed life, and I am sure that the blessings will continue. We change addresses along the way, but God always knows exactly where we are!

          • sbranch says:

            That’s for sure Marigold. God is watching us!👏💞

  70. Linda says:

    Dear Susan,
    Both You & Joe have every reason to be very proud of yourselves !

    Thank you for sharing your journey, looking forward to seeing more of your California Garden and Walks to the Pacific . : )

    Its a Win Win, though obviously a very tough decision !
    Sending Love & Prayers for safe travels and hope to run into you sometime up the coast .

    TTFN – Linda from So Cal

  71. Carolyn Louise Rains says:

    A Big step into the future and new Adventures.
    We retired to Thomas hometown and we have rekindled old friends❣️
    I’m ready to see you in the next chapter ❣️🙏🏻❣️

  72. Beverlee Moreno-Ring says:

    Hi Susan,
    Well that was a wonderfully beautiful, news filled Willard!! Your house does look so beautiful even all packed up! I looked for ears on the other side of the bed and then spotted Jack. He will need to have another rubber band room! What a process you and Joe are going through. You are doing it with wisdom, courage, determination and an openness and understanding of how things can change but still be wonderful. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Safe travels.We will be looking forward to your Instagram or Twitters from the Twuck!!! Love,

  73. Jo'L says:

    Taking down, so much more difficult than putting it up. Best of luck!

  74. Nettie says:

    Oh my I’m teary eyed and happy for you at the same time. Blessings to you and Joe….you are setting such a good example for all of us who love you and are kindred spirits💓

  75. Cynthia says:

    It is always such fun to read about what’s going on in your lives. I am surprised you’re leaving Martha’s Vineyard, but I kind of understand. Have you said where you are going to be living? I know it’s somewhere in California.

  76. Mary Ann in Mid-Missouri says:

    Eeeek! It’s really happening! Now, having just gone through this myself; we had a lot of tossing “screwdrivers in with the china” at the very end. Now, there are a lot of things we still can’t find. Pretty much the only boxes left are all the Christmas boxes. We are hoping we will get a few early Christmas gifts as we open the boxes and find things we’ve been looking for since we moved in May.
    I can’t wait to watch as you set up your new (old) home with all your special things. Oh, and I think I have come up with the perfect idea for your next book. You can write about the 35 years you’ve spent in your beautiful, old house on Spring Street, starting when you first moved in and ending as you drive away to your new adventure in California. It must have LOTS of pictures, just like Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams. That is my all time favorite book, and I love the pictures of the way you made it your own home.
    Thanks for all the updates, and best of luck to you all.

  77. Catherine Carpenter says:

    Moving is SO hard! Thank you for remembering and pointing out so many of the GOOD things in life, too. You have a gift for it.

  78. Cheryla says:

    I’m Soooo proud of you!!! You’re
    doing a great job! You go giiiirl!(…And guy!) See you on the flip side!
    *When I get to the I’m island, I’m going to head to Tisberry elementary and look for Spring st.! You’ll be a Cali girl again but I’ll keep an eye out for you! Btw,,,I wish I would’ve known you were in RI back in the day! 🤗
    Bestest Wishes for your venture west🤠😸

  79. Linda Talbott says:

    Susan, you are always so organized – and very brave! But I’m sure there are tears once in a while. That really was a perfect house! As true as that may be, keep your mind on the expense of upkeep and maintenance. I would NOT want those bills.

    I think you are still a California girl at heart and I think you are going to love being back “home.”

    Looking forward to your Willards from sunny CA!

    Safe travels!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, lots of tears. Tears of sadness and tiredness, for memories, with girlfriends ~ sad tears and happy tears. We are running the gamut. It’s a perfect house! We’ve been so lucky! Nope, don’t want the bills, and the stairs are scary too! Looking forward, and backward only with so much happiness! This house deserves it!

  80. Helen Edwards says:

    Hope you enjoy your cross country road adventure! I will be watching instagram for updates! We live in a beautiful country and I hope to embark on the same type of trip out to the Bay Area to visit our oldest!

  81. Fran from Michigan says:

    MV, What a lovely place to live, But as we grow older big houses are expensive and hard to keep up. I’m 71 and the dream retirement home we bought eleven years ago before my husband passed away is getting hard to take care of, l already had to hire a lawn maintenance man and a driveway snow plow guy and pretty soon l will have to hire a cleaning lady.Your doing the right thing and you can always visit your lovely Vineyard.

  82. FranfromMichigan says:

    One more thing how do you play Musica and watch the Willard at the same time?

  83. Lynn Marie says:

    What a lovely post–if moving can be lovely! You are very brave to be doing it during the Golden Years! I think it is lovely that you are able to go back to where it all began and have friends there waiting and a home that you know so well–such a gift. I love 4 poster beds too. I sleep on one every night. My parents went to an auction when I was 6 years old and purchased an antique bedroom set for me as an early wedding gift for me and my future husband. At 65, I still sleep in it every night. It is so calming to enter our bedroom and see it there. It has held me as I sleep every night as long as I can remember. Safe travels and homemaking as you unpack!

  84. Nancy B says:

    Happy and safe travels, Susan, Joe, and Jack! I have been admiring you from afar for many years. I look forward to perhaps seeing you at some point in the future. Please take your originals inside with you when you stop over for the night at hotels. (Wouldn’t want anything to go missing.) I so much enjoyed this Willard!
    Warmest wishes,
    Nancy (from Bakersfield)

  85. Dawn Marie says:

    Somehow it’s comforting to know you and Joe are going through a big move. I’m also in the end phase of a big move. I keep saying to myself “if Susan can do it so can I”. I’m exhausted and taking a break. My stuff just got delivered across the country to my new home. Only I went north to south. Lake Superior to Florida. Whew, I can barely move…boxes are crammed into every crevice. Since I can’t remember what’s in each box I figure it’s going to be like Christmas when I open them up. I’ll have to post all my Susan Branch treasures, I even have the pajamas. Remember when you could just toss your belongings into the back seat of your car and head to your next adventure. It’s been a fun ride on the roller coaster and I’m ready for more laps around the track. Thinking of you and your new adventures.

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, didn’t even wrap the dishes back then, just piled them on the car seat, wrapped a jacket around them, and off we went!

  86. Kim Young says:

    I just can’t!! You’re showing us all how to keep our sunny sides up, look life straight in the eye and smile and keep dreaming .Your heart must be torn in two, but you keep on truckin baby!
    Learning some really good lessons on change, impermanence, and later life chapters watching you grace through this huge adjustment . Like I’ve said your kind of our captain, oh captain! Going before us with your sword held high, or paint brush, rolling pin… whatever!
    When we each have our turn at “ what to do next” I know I will keep you in my minds eye!
    Have a very dear friend packing this week to move from a beautiful old stone house in NC to TX so they can be near to grands and family. They are both in their 80s. I know it’s the very best choice, but she’s been a kindred spirit and mentor. A former literature professor and brilliant, quirky friend. Thank God long distance calls don’t cost an arm and a leg anymore!
    Safe journey, wind at your back and adventure ahead!
    Hugs from NC

  87. Linda Wright says:

    Oh, I would have lots of tears leaving that house. I know (I’m 77) and concerned what future health issues will bring in our old 150 yr old house with no downstairs bedroom. Worrisome but still enjoying. Make new memories in sunny California!

    • sbranch says:

      Google “What are most important things to people who are downsizing” … it will get you started and there are lots of good ideas and suggestions out there!

  88. Debby Rickett says:

    Susan, I am so happy that you gave us an update! I have been thinking of you and wondering how things are going. I cannot even imagine. True definition of “bitter sweet”. BUT, deep down, I know you and Joe will thrive in California. You have always had good and happy things to say about California (except for running into Cliff and Kimmi…. lol). I believe the best is yet to come!
    Safe Travels my friend 🙂
    From one California girl to another!!

  89. Sharon Watson says:

    Hi Susan when I finished your Willard I thought of the song Memories, Elvis Presley.
    Memories , pressed between the pages of my mind. Your story fits that song perfectly. Enjoy your road trip and be safe.

  90. Becky Staples says:

    You’re so right. Moving from Florida to Texas felt daunting at first but once I got stuck in and began to see the progress it got easier in many ways and the excitement of getting to our new state and home got VERY exciting! Hubby and I were on Marthas Vineyard May ’23. It had been on my list of places to visit for YEARS! I’m so glad I got there before you moved. We walked past your home and I could just feel all the love, positivity and joy that you always share with us in your Willards. I wasn’t creepy about it but I did take a photo of your home. lol…Looking forward to your move across the country and the new adventure of getting settled in you new home. Thank you for always spreading love and light. <3

  91. Coco says:

    Oh Susan,

    Congratulations to you and Joe on deciding and then DOING! Astounded at your speed, even if you have changed the date three times. Thought you might have spent another, valedictory year in that gorgeous house, savoring every last thing about it and your friends and Martha’s Vineyard one more time. But so much wisdom in recognizing that the time was now! You’ve inspired me and so many girlfriends who are facing a huge job, to get in there, do it, get it done. Thank you!

    Forgive me, but I must ask if there will be an estate sale for things you are not taking, and do you know when? I don’t live close, so would need to plan my pilgrimage, for that’s what it would be… not so much about the stuff but really about the place where an author so important to me and so influential to my outlook on life has lived so happily. I’m not on any social media, so would very much appreciate it if you would give the particulars about any sale in your blog, thanks.

    Many blessings on your move. I’ll say a word to St. Christopher for your safe travels and St. Francis of Assisi to watch over Jack as he watches out the window from his perch atop the ice chest. Love that image!

    Good luck, Godspeed, and bunches of love! xoxox Coco

    • sbranch says:

      There will be something, but I don’t know what or where yet. That’s the next job! Will be sure to talk about it on the blog if it happens!

  92. Barbara Kuzdzal says:

    I’m so happy you sent a post of the moving progress. I wondered where you were with it and how you’re holding up. I wish you strength and luck to the end then joy! I’ll save this post because my turn is coming and I’ll want to remind myself that you made it and so will I. I’m sure it’s not easy but sometimes hard things are a good thing. Stay strong and enjoy the ride!

  93. Sally Jenks Roth says:

    Thank you, Susan. I don’t think I’d be able to leave the Island OR your house! You and Joe are brave, and sensible, and going home. Such poignant photos, all your friends must be crying and Jack must be wondering “what happens next?” Wishing you all the best in this bittersweet time. xo Moving is not for cissies and I’ve done far too much of it in my lifetime 🙂

  94. Karen Hefler says:

    Oh Susan! I know you don’t mean to, but you have me shedding a few tears looking at the empty rooms. No matter how marvelous a house is, it truly is all about who occupies it and the energy and spirit that goes into making it a home. You and Joe have made it happen on Spring Street. Bravo for all the amazing packing you have done. And Jack has been a HUGE help! I hope you and Joe enjoy a toast to new adventures with the Downty Gin tonight. Cheers, girlfriend!

  95. Suzette Shoulders says:

    You and Joe ( with Jack’s help, I’m sure!) are amazing at getting things done. Glad you found a friend with that natural organizing streak, sure helps at crunch packing time! Wanted to tell you that both large and small wall calendars arrived in PERFECT condition, and I was delighted with the ‘NO PLASTIC ‘ packaging! Also wanted to tell you that I re-watched ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’, and one week later, still can’t get some of the songs out of my head. Mostly it is ‘Mary’, but today while doing my exercises I was hearing lyrics for another of the ‘snappy’ tunes, LOL! I wish you three safe travels across the country, and many memories along the way . You are taking lots of memories with you, but there is always room for more! Hugs, Suzette in Oregon

  96. Linda Pintarell says:

    Fantastic blog. Not an easy task you have undertaken BUT you and done it with grace and, it looks like with tidyiness…is that even possible? Only from you. Can’t even imagine all that went into this decision…legal pad with all the pros and cons! Appreciated reading about your thought process; truly think it will help others. Looking forward to welcoming you back in California. I’m a California girl from birth and know how fortunate I am to live here…80 years. Your part of the world in central Cali is gorgeous. Anxious to see what you do with your wonderful property and house. Another adventure awaits you.

  97. Charlotte M. says:

    Safe travels to you and Joe and Jack. I am loving watching this process. I moved from NC to CA and then 5 years later back to NC as the pandemic was winding down. It’s a big job for sure. Staying put now in my forever house. I’m too old to do this again. See you when you get there. Drive safe!

  98. Sharon Byars says:

    Best of luck with your move. I am sad as I happily moved to North Carolina (loving it) 10 years ago from the very same area you are returning to!! It is wonderful to have 4 mild seasons. As a native and spent a huge portion of my life in CA, and have no desire to return. I am certain my CA friends will be happy to have you in “their neck of the woods”! Happy Trails.

  99. Chrissy Thrower says:

    Amazing excitement at every move. For what is to become the new daily and the loss of the cherished old daily. Leaving an amazing home and property, walks through to the shore, dear dear friends, island life.. But, in the end the best decision was made to return to another beloved home, friends, family and kind weather. May God bless you in these new days and years to come with a continuation of ‘this sweet life’. Safe journey home……………again. Joe and Sue Sue❤️❤️😎

  100. Naomi says:


    You’re heart, your spirit, your soul bravery inspires me. I love your home, it’s like a fairytale, and it’s hard to hear that you’re leaving. We, too, have to make this same decision ourselves, whether to stay in our 35-year home or move to something smaller, more manageable. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your move, your emotions, your determination, it’s helping me to to be brave too. :o)


    • sbranch says:

      As with everything, it’s all in the way you look at it, that with some determination can make it happen. Or not, whichever you decide!😘

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