How We Spent Black Friday

Hi Girls, thought I’d show you how we spent Black Friday . . .

People keep asking, are we home yet?  No, we are much too easily destracted. We know that winter will be long, and have decided that we must make hay while the sun shines.  And yesterday, oh yes, the sun was shining.

So our Black Friday was not spent inside a Target or a Walmart, but wandering the back roads of Kentucky, stopping to breathe the fresh clean air at the Shaker Village in Pleasant Hill outside of Lexington where it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

We did shop in the gift shop, which I think counts.  And got some fun homemade little things.  While I was there I heard a little girl exclaim, “Mommy, this is the best day EVER.” Then we went for a wagon ride.  Clip-clopped under horse power around this beautiful little village.

It’s just gorgeous in this part of the country.  We’ve never been to Kentucky before!  It’s like a Sunday drive, the kind you dream about.  Red roofed barns, horse farms and white fences for miles.

Little houses and big ones.  Fields and fountain, moor and mountain . . .

And now for December Girlfriends, it’s rabbit-rabbit tomorrow.  How are you going to spend December?  The TV was so filled with Buy! Buy! Buy! ads last night; the news showed fighting amongst mobs of customers inside stores and some of them had their children with them!  It made me a little nervous for the actual spirit of Christmas.  It’s good, makes me know how much peace is my spirit of Christmas, and makes me think better how to spend ours. Like this.  You give me a book, I give you a tie, and Oh, zee crackling fires vee vill make!

I see it perfectly in these cozy little houses, even without a Christmas light in sight.  Looks like the valley people are all dug in for winter. I hope they have their Honeycrisp apple supply stored in their cellars.  As for us getting home, first we thought Saturday, then Sunday, now we’re looking at Monday as a possibility.  But I’m not putting any money on it.  On our way through Maryland this morning!  Byeee!  xoxo

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