Frightful Weather we’re Having . . .

Oh, the weather outside is frightful . . . but we are cozy because we have the perfect MUSICA.

Good morning Girlfriends . . . While you are heating up your ovens and baking your pies and making your houses smell like heaven, I thought you’d like another thing to be grateful for . . . that you aren’t here . . .

Because leaving Albuquerque, trying to get to Oklahoma City for our last book signing, was icy, freezing and slippery, and snow was blowing everywhere.  The only thing that was good about it is that we found a radio station that played only Christmas carols!  Joe went slow, he’s been driving in snow all his life and knows how to do it …  we sang with the radio and it started to look a lot like Christmas!

But we did not care for the fact that fog would descend and trucks would “disappear.”

So when we got to Amarillo, we stopped and stayed two nights waiting for the storm to pass.  Cozy and warm in our room.  Let it snow.

When we left, it was still pretty bad, but a little better and we had to go; I started singing the words to the song Oklahoma (where the wind comes whistling down the plain) but this way!

We cheered ourselves up immenesly when we stopped for hot chocolate with whipped cream and this little dog was in the car next to where we parked.  Mmmmm, hot chocolate!  Cures what ails you. Tastes like home.

Which was good timing because just before Oklahoma City, all traffic was diverted off the slick highway and onto a one-lane side road.  We inched along and finally got to the reason why I40 was closed … six tractor trailer trucks and everything in them was spread all over the highway.  Uh huh.  You don’t have to say a thing. I was happy not to see any ambulances there … hopefully everyone made it out of this alive and well and home for Thanksgiving!

We made it to the book signing on time and had the BEST time with everyone … and this was our day yesterday…. the storm had blown by, the roads were clear and dry, the weather went east where I see that it’s wreaking Thanksgiving havoc with the east coast.  We are behind it now, feeling so lucky and grateful, and that’s where we plan to stay for the rest of the way home.

Despite the fact that it was clear sailing, we got nowhere yesterday.  We slept in, then had lunch at WONDERFUL Cattleman’s Restaurant (in business since 1910), just the cutest place, all booths and counter, so old fashioned, the wait staff is elegantly dressed and the food is delicious… go there if you are near Oklahoma City!  Then we went antiquing at the BEST antique stores.  So much fun, we could barely leave.  And I found something for YOU!  I’ve been wanting to do a give-away present when we get home and I found the perfect thing. So excited, you are going to LOVE it.  We didn’t even get on the road until 4 pm yesterday, and only got as far as Tulsa, which is where we’re waking up this morning.  We should be home by Saturday or Sunday unless there are lots more antique stores on the road!   Peace in your hearts dear Girlfriends, for you and your families, I’m wishing you a very

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In Celebration of Home

We’re on our way hme darling Girls . . . and pour vous: MUSICA

In celebration of Home Sweet Home, I’m thinking of all of you cozy in your homes, playing your music, cooking with old movies on TV, planning your Thanksgiving menus, thinking about company, plotting secrets and gifts, counting our many blessings. Aren’t we lucky!

The very long approach . . .

We’re on our way!  We’re in Albuquerque now making our way home to Massachusetts the slow way across this beautiful country.  It’s good we have a light hand on the reins because there’s lots of this on our roads  . . . trucks going 63 mph passing trucks going 62.  La de da, la de da, :-).  My patient guardian angel is still asleep ~ I’m in a good mood this morning, so I thought I’d count my blessings out loud while giving you a few of our views.

The most we drive in a day is about five hours, the clouds and scenery fly by with MUSICA playing and at least two stops for walking around and eating something, so we are not worn out at all and we get lots of sleep in cozy hotels with comforters, refrigerators and microwaves (We love Hampton Inns and they are everywhere).

I’m reading this oddly interesting book called Snobs written by the same man (Julian Fellowes) who writes Downton Abbey. The book was hard to get into, a little bit boring in the beginning, about the British upper class (as he sees them) even inspiring a couple of eye rolls, because really, what is more boring than snobs and this book is loaded with them.  I keep thinking that these characters have too much time on their hands.  But Joe read it and liked it so I’ve kept on.  It has recently taken a turn for the more interesting so now I’m excited to go to the Fitness Room this morning and climb on the bike and read for forty-five minutes.  So blessed to get to do this!

There are hay trucks on the road, affording us lots of extra chances to make wishes. Do you make wishes on hay trucks?  I don’t know where I learned it, but I always have.  Every morning, in our cozy room, I make Earl Grey and Lavender Rose Petal tea in the tea kettle we brought along, and then I bite into a large organic Honeycrisp apple, so juicy there are drips wanting to fall on my chin but I am careful to grab them before they get loose.  Waste not, want not. 

Wherever you are, we’ve been sharing your moon.

Our GPS decided this was a good shortcut, and took us up this curvy road over the top of a rocky mountain in Arizona, but look, what is wrong with this picture?  If I lived in that house, every time I came home I would take notice of that top rock up there.  I’m sure it’s secure.  But still.  Boom!

We’ve had sunrises and sunsets, palm trees, oceans and deserts . . . last night we settled into our room, we didn’t want to go out, so we cooked in.  We made organic iceberg wedge salads with chunks of Swiss cheese, broccoli slaw, and creamy blue cheese dressing and mugs of hot tomato soup and ate it in bed (I brought my red flannel jammies) with our books.  Because outside it was like this . . . . Brrrrr . . .

But we didn’t care.  Coming into Albuquerque it was downpours and threats of snow and the wind howled all night.  The sky is still stormy this morning but not raining or snowing and we’re waking up eating apples, drinking tea with honey and half and half in sweaters and socks and counting our blessings.  Tonight we have a book signing here at Bookworks and I get to go meet some of our Southwestern Girlfriends!  Tomorrow we are off to Oklahoma City where we’ll be at Full Circle Books and after that, we hightail it HME!  We won’t be home for Thanksgiving, but you know how much we love serendipity so don’t worry about us.  We’re grateful for the opportunity.  Life is like a box of chocolates!  If you are an East Coast Girlfriend, we have two more signings coming up in December . . . check out our Itinerary HERE.  Now off to the gym!

I’ll leave you with this . . .

I found this good photo on Twitter this morning . . . .  Reminds me that it’s almost Small Business SaturdayBe an Elf  Girlfriends and make your little hmetowns sing with your attention (and you don’t have to wait until Saturday!).  Wear something cute, smile and bring sunshine into those little stores we wouldn’t want to live without.

Love you! Love having you with us!  XOXO Happy day!

P.S. When we stopped at my Mom’s on our way out of California, Mini Jack met my Mom’s “baby” Simon and they very nicely posed for this photo . . . ♥  

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