I wasn’t going to post until after we got home, but I just couldn’t wait to show you how pretty it is out here … a gorgeous fall they are having in New England . . .

We got off the boat, and drove across Connecticut, following all the dotted roads on the map that indicate “Scenic.”  When we got to the far west side of the state, we made a right, went north and now we are in a darling town called Great Barrington in MA.

Following the scenic routes was a good idea, because we have passed wonderful farms, with colorful farm stands full of pumpkins and apples . . . barns, fields, cows, little towns …

I just love picket fences with spiders and dew weaving their interconnected sparkle-magic . . .

We’ve stopped at many antique stores, and one of them had this amazing doll house!  I’ll give you a full tour of it when we get home!  But I couldn’t wait to show you . . . . isn’t it wonderful?  Wait until you see the little fireplace . . . You would need an entire room devoted just to this doll house, it’s so big . . . but I’ll show you soon!

The trees aren’t in full color, they still have lots of green, which makes them even prettier!  When we drive, the leaves whip up and swirl around us . . .

Took this from the window of the car as we’re speeding along . . . the houses are so charming, this one looks a lot like the doll house!

We pulled in here to turn around to go back and look for our hotel last night … just your basic lake scene!

 So much more to show you!  There was a turkey attack (caught on video)!   We went through a covered bridge (also took a video of it so we can take you with us)!   And Joe found the perfect thing for me to wear to booksignings when our book is done, have to show you that too . . . but I can’t do it now, because the sun is up, and all the leaves are calling me!  (Or is that Joe?)  XOXO

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A Lot (two words ☺) of Charm (s)!

Did I not promise you some Charm?  In the form of Bracelet?  Yes, I think I did!  So here you go!  With MUSICA!  You didn’t think I would go away and leave you with no charm did you????  No way.

Charm bracelets have gone in and out of fashion about seven times in my lifetime.  I’ve never thought of them that way, because I just always needed to have one.

I think they’ll always be around because women?  We love to collect little memories when we travel through life and make a scrapbook for our wrists!

This is the one sparked my imagination, and made me start collecting. My dad gave it to my mom, the little gate opens, it was on her charm bracelet when I was growing up . . . I don’t know where the rest of her bracelet went (eight children are hard on the personal belongings of moms!), but I don’t think I EVER let this out of my sight from the first day I laid eyes on it.

It has a cowboy and a cowgirl on it, my parents were married in Texas.  As I was growing up,  I started noticing all the little bits of things I had around, like dice, and heart necklaces, that I thought could be turned into charms.

I have several things on my bracelet that were never meant to be charms . . . the little boat started out as a pair of cuff links and was the very first gift I ever received . . .

. . . from Joe.  I turned the cufflinks into earrings, then I lost one, and now, here we are, where it was always meant to be . . . the perfect place for this memory!

There’s my darling mommy, in the big locket — I love sitting next to someone wearing a charm bracelet because I get to hear all her stories! I always wanted an Eiffel Tower, waited forever for it, because I refused to get it anywhere but Paris!!!

This cross with the heart we bought at Santuario de Chimayo in New Mexico . . . at the time we were driving to Durango to spend the millinium New Year’s Eve in a cabin in the snow in the big mountains with my whole family.  Needed the charm of celebration, hope, prayer, and remembrance.

I had it engraved later on . . . it also has JH and SB engraved on it, if you look close.  I use gold and silver together, that way I’m not limited … if I see a charm I like in either metal, I can get it! See the little hammer?  That’s so you can “break glass in case of emergency” and get that dollar out of there!  Above it is the gold baby bracelet given to me by my Great Aunt Jose when I was born.

Charm bracelets are wonderful at tea parties, baby showers, girls lunch, quilting bee, anywhere the girls gather.

1.  Large locket, was Joe’s, now mine.  2.  Eiffel Tower, from Paris.  3. Nantucket basket, from my girlfriend Elaine, in Nantucket.  4. Pismo Beach palm tree, from Pismo Beach.  5. Lobster trap, from Joe.  6. Dice, for luck.  7. Two initials, a “J” and an “S” — I found somewhere.  8. My Queen Elizabeth cufflink from Joe.  9. Pair of champagne glasses, from Joe; he surprised me on one of our train trips.  10. Joe ran the Black Dog Restaurant here on the island for 23 years, this is the Dog he put on the T-shirt! 11. The Arc de Triomphe, Paris.  12. A little vintage bell that says “wedding bell” on it — found in antique store (you always have to ask, do you have any charms?  They bring out a tray sometimes!) 13. A diamond heart my generous ex-husband gave me when I said I loved the one that Elizabeth Montgomery wore on Bewitched. 14. A dollar in a box … has the little hammer to break glass in case of emergency.  I bet that’s a silver certificate in there, it’s old enough…found it in antique store.  15. The cross from the church in New Mexico.  16. My baby bracelet.  17. “SLO,” made for me by my girlfriend Bev, in San Luis Obispo, a place I love.  18. A BABY ring, found in antique store, says Baby on it.  19. “Fence me In” charm from my dad to my mom.  20. Tennis racquet with pearl, from my mom, who loves tennis (and me).  21. The big gold heart was from an old boy friend; he put it in a sandwich for me to find.  He was a creature, but the heart was good!  22. An artist’s palette, from Joe.  23. A pendant in the shape of Martha’s Vineyard.  24. The WORLD, from an antique store.  And 26, is the rose gold watch fob Joe gave me to put everything on — very easy, with that bar and ring, to get it on and off!  That’s it!  Whew!

Naaah . . .  let’s just go with it . . .

Bye girlfriends, Joe and I are hitting the road.  Leaf Peeping!  We have the van, we have the cucumber sandwiches, and we have NO PLAN (must say tra-la!).  Just going!  Hill and Dale: Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, The Berkshires, White Mountains; a covered bridge, an apple farm, leafy woods, an antique store . . . somewhere around there!  Kitties are well cared for; Kitty-Lover friends are staying here at the house with them, sleeping with them; throwing the ball for Jack, hugging Girl!  If you get bored while we’re gone, go up to the top of the blog, there are lots of fall recipes up there; there are lots of other things too, like a really good list of Old Movies to watch, for you who are new, especially . . . it’s getting chilly in many parts of the country, so go play, as will I, and see you soon!  We’ll have lots to catch up with when I get home.  Be good, I’ll bring you a surprise! XOXO

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