My kitchen update is done!!!  We need some celebratory MUSICA!  I haven’t put everything back yet; it’s SO clean; I almost don’t want to overwhelm it with my stuff!

So far, my new magnet is the only one that’s made it back onto the fridge.

We had a wonderful weekend, the weather’s been beautiful, definitely sweater weather, chilly in the morning, but sunny, fresh island air — this is how it looks in our living room right now . . . my book is waiting for me!  Kate Morton is folding me into her world!

I’ve been getting so much done, I’m on page 71 of our book!

But I did get a start on putting things back in the kitchen, beginning with some of my cookbooks!

When I was about twenty-two I decided I wanted something cute to get me to the high shelves in my kitchen, so I went to an unfinished-furniture store and bought this little child’s chair.  I put it on newspaper in my driveway and spray-painted it red, and it’s gone everywhere I have since then.

First thing’s first for a new kitchen, get some flowers from the garden.

Time to hang up some pictures — these two have been in my kitchen forever . . . the bottom one I found at a yard sale years ago; the apples, I painted in 1978, one year after painting my first painting; the glass is all shined up.

Jack’s helping, as usual.  Guiding me.

Jack follows the ladder wherever it goes.

He may be moving to the barn when we are done.

This leg from our kitchen table is indicative of the distress the whole kitchen was in at the time we decided to update . . .

Joe took them off, sanded the wood top of the table; I oiled it, and he repainted the legs.  It looks like new!

One reason I’m so glad we have our kitchen back is because all this stuff came off the floor.  That’s not a bug, it’s just some sort of thing on the cardboard, but every day when I would come around the corner I would catch a glimpse of it and jump three feet!  I’m so glad it’s gone!

Joe sanded and repainted all the doors.  There are six doors going in and out of this room!

The old brass doorknobs are so beautiful, they are like jewelry.

But they seriously needed a good polish!

Aren’t they gorgeous?  They don’t make ’em like they used to!

Joe washed and put the glass knobs back on the cupboards.

He painted the set of shelves that fits next to the stove.  The previous owner of this house, Mr. Bowditch (he and his family bought it in 1949), was a wonderful woodworker; he made so many things for the house, almost all the charm around here came from him.  He made the arbors, the pergola, the adirondack chairs, we think he made the kitchen cupboards and counter, and he made this shelf.

It fits next to the stove and is the perfect place for the phone book and all the little office things you need in the kitchen.

We did not work all the time.  We’ve been taking advantage of the lovely weather and having lunch in the garden.

I’m getting my cup shelf back!  We’re almost there!

While Joe is doing that, I was hanging sheets on the line . . . it’s so fall around here, and sheets dried in autumn wind smell like heaven!

 Jack and I washed the kitchen windows, might as well do a little fall cleaning and eek out as much sparkle as possible.  (See my handy little chair?)

Then it was time, it was done, and all we needed to do was figure out where everything goes.  Here are the pictures I took to remind me!

I almost don’t want to put anything back, it’s so perfect and clean.

But it’s time . . .

I started slowly, cleaning everything as I go . . . back go the cookbooks . . .

 Jack is wondering what is going on . . .  “Are you saying this in NOT my throne?”

I washed the platters, and shined the glass on the pictures before they went back up.  I love the color of the walls! (Benjamin Moore Woodlawn Blue, and the white is Swiss Coffee OC-45, also Benj. Moore.)

 I got enough done to make it feel like home again, it was about time for dinner, so I went to the garden to get the last cabbage and made fresh coleslaw with honeycrisp apples — if you can find these delicious, organic apples in a store near you, snap them up!  So good!

 By the way, this coleslaw is made with thin-sliced cabbage, apples (any good, crisp, sweet apple),

golden raisins, and a dressing made with mayonnaise thinned with lime juice, salt and pepper, and that’s it.  SO good!

And while I did that, Joe made lobsters!  And that was the end of our red letter day!  Happy we did this big job, now it’s all ready for the holidays!  I have to say, what would I do without Joe! 

And FYI, I’m sure someone will ask where that little magnet came from, and I think, from this photo, you can see!  This is a new recipe scrapbook that just came in . . .  it’s the only place this magnet can be had . . . it has the same cover of another of our scrapbooks, but it’s different on the inside and is an inch or so smaller . . .

This is what it looks like . . .  I think we have ten of them in stock … and more coming in about ten days . . . here is a LINK so you can see it!  OK, back to our England book I go!  Have a wonderful day girlfriends! xoxo

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Good Morning Girlfriends . . . the first thing I do at 4 am when I get up is turn on a light and get the tea-water boiling… it’s my favorite time of day, the house is quiet, no cars are on the roads, the world is all my own for a little while. Just the scuff of slippers on the floor. (And perhaps a little MUSICA . . .)

After the water’s on, I go from room to room, from the kitchen to my studio, clicking on lamps as I go . . . and this morning, when I did, I was reminded of how much I love lighting; how cozy it can be.  How it instantly warms everything up and brings a sense of home and safety.  And I thought, what a perfect time of year it is to talk about it.

Because lighting can add to the ambience of your house, and with these shorter, colder, and darker days ahead, making a house warm and bright is part of

I’ve never been one for overhead lighting.  I know it’s modern, and can come in quite handy when you really want to see, but I’m a lamp person from way back! I love the shadows they cast. Not that it’s my way or the highway, not at all, I think if you LOVE something, it becomes imbued with that, and can be wonderful even if it’s overhead lighting; just depends on how you use it.

But here’s my other side of the coin, light like this . . . Plus, btw, I have always thought that dressing rooms in clothing stores do not understand the importance of lighting!  Nothing like trying on a bathing suit, or anything really, under flourescent lighting (tinged pale blue).  Very unkind.

I mentioned this before . . .  in my Girlfriend’s Book . . . but they still don’t listen! 🙂

 But since I’m in charge at this house, I get to have it the way I like . . .  I know you understand that I had to have this lamp for my Peter Rabbit room!

I’ve collected lamps for years, I have no idea where any of them came from; sometimes I find them as is, but most often I find a base, then, a shade, and do a little  mix and match.

Glass shades can sometimes be a little too bright, so I starched and ironed monogrammed (got lucky with the initial!) vintage luncheon napkins and popped them over two matching guest room lamps to diffuse the lamplight on either side of the bed.

There’s a woman on the island named Ayn Chase …. she makes the most beautiful lampshades, this is one of them.  Lowely and I took a lesson from her a few years ago, so I know, these are truly handmade shades.  Sometimes you can find an Ayn Chase shade at Rainy Day, a darling shop here on the island.

Dining room lighting is important while setting the table, but candles take over from there!  Because I’m in love with . . .

Speaking of which, here we are back in blissland at my darling friend Rachel’s house in England.  I’m still in love with this lamp, with the glass balls, and the color of the shade with the wallpaper.

This is the lampshade I made in my class with Ayn.  I only did one, because I have not discovered how to clone myself yet (this took ten hours to do, even with Ayn right there — but it was worth it)!  It used to be really hard to find cute lamps and especially shades.

I’ve found them mostly in flea markets, or at Brimfield, or in antique stores, wherever I come upon one that I like.  It’s been a long time collecting, something that I always have my eyes open for . . . fun to find when I can!

But they are making more interesting new ones all the time, like this one, also from Rachel’s house.  She did the same thing, found the base in one place, and the shade in another.

Lamps in guest bathrooms make a beautiful soft light, and keep the ambience going at a dinner party, instead of your guests going in and flipping on a strong overhead light, they find this.

This is the lamp in our front hall.  Since all we do is welcome guests here, never try to read anything, it’s nice that it’s softly lit.

This one’s in the guest bedroom, welcoming guests with a cozy reading lamp next to a comfy chair.

Another kind of fall and winter lighting that I LOVE on cold rainy days is candlelight.  I have candles all over the house at this time of year.  I light one wherever I am, cooking in the kitchen, or knitting in my chair.  Like little mini fireplaces.

And there’s nothing like a candlelight dinner to make everything prettier and more dreamlike.

This is our morning today . . . outside the front window . . .

Here, the view from the dining room . . . it’s a dark rainy day here, at least so far . . .

But, no worries, turn on the lamps, and the house is cozy again . . . even at my house, where the kitchen is still totally destroyed!

Jack tries to point out to Joe that time is marching on.  Three sides of the room are done, these windows are next, he’s doing them today!  As soon as it’s done I’ll show you!  We can cook in here though, that’s the good news, and it’s coming out beautifully!  I am still happy we are doing it, the part that’s done is so CLEAN and PRETTY!

And I saved the best for last. 

I know now, the only way to end a post that will make everyone happy is with this little person.  Huggy wuggy.  Bo-Bo-Boy.  Bye girls (and boys!), have a wonderful day, thank you for your wonderful comments, I do love us!  

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