Hello Lucky Girls . . . from your other lucky girlfriend!  MUSICA?  Something old and delicious?  OUI!  Let’s celebrate SEPTEMBER!


September calendar

Hi Girls!  It’s the month of the changing light (as you can see), and one big wonderful moon coming on the 27th. Are we lucky or what?

free advice

Mark your calendars for this moon.  Try to plan a picnic and go somewhere to watch it rise.  It’s going to be a big one!  A “Super Blood Moon Eclipse!”

The twins

Also, it’s the month of my sister Shelly’s birthday . . . this is the photo she found on her phone on the 15th.  Her twins made the hat for their dog Lucy. Aren’t they adorable? Imagine finding this on your phone!  My sister is one lucky woman! 



birthday party

dappled walls

And me?  I’m one very lucky woman too . . . because I have diamonds on my walls and I didn’t have to do a thing to get them!

sun splotched walls

Shimmering away . . . sparkling up my kitchen!


And this too!!!!  Not quite as sparkly, but just as exciting to me!  It came last week.  I showed our Girlfriends on Twitter, but thought I better put it here too, just in case you didn’t get to see it.  A “BOX” arrived!!! I grabbed the camera thinking . . .


Opening the box!

Because I just “knew” what was in it.
Opening The Fairy Tale Girl for the first time

The printer had promised me she was going to overnight a copy of THE FAIRY TALE GIRL to me the moment it was off the printing press.  And so she did! I went real slow.  Savoring the moment.  In a ripping and tearing sort of way.

unwrapping The Fairy Tale Girl

My first peek.  Thar she blows!  EEEEEK!

New Book is here!

Oh my, oh my.  Words fail me.  It’s the best and the scariest and the funnest feeling I have.  Pure butterflies in my stomach. My baby is born!  Ribbons and curls, oh what a girl . . . ooooh, she’s heavy!

fairy tale girl

I could never get used to this.Fairy1

An open book


I thumbed through it really fast, just to see.  The paper is perfect, just what I hoped it would susan branch fairybe.  The color? I could not ask for more.  The ribbon?  Oh yes, just where it should be.  “Printed in the USA” is prominently displayed. (Because, as you know, we’re worth it. )  Thank you R.R. Donnelly in Crawfordsville Indiana, for doing an excellent job for me and my Girlfriends!


The Fairy Tale Girl

Here’s a little peek inside . . . you should smell it!   And very soon, you will! !t won’t be long now!

The Fairy Tale Girl

Because today (Monday) it arrives by the truckload to our Studio in California and Sheri, Kellee and The Fairy Tale Girl New Book by Susan BranchAlfredo are all ready!  They’ll begin packing them up and sending them out to YOU!  They are so good and so fast, I believe they will have them ALL out to everyone by the end of this week, or very close.  The first books will go to the winners of the give-away we had a couple of months ago, and after that, it’s first-come first-serve.  I’m SO excited that it’s finally happening!




That’s my Summer Book, and that thought is as good now as it was then.  Those little girls are two of my sisters, I painted it from a photo of them figuring out their outfit for Halloween, wearing the same pair of pink pants and same jacket.  Mary is on the left and Shelly is on the right. They are very enthusiastic!


fun is good

Vineyard Haven Harbor

We’ve had a busy week!  We took a day and went off-Island to go shopping (and out to lunch to delicious BLEU in Mashpee on Cape Cod, so good, so FRENCH!  I had escargot!  Oui! I vill eet zee snails eef zay come in zee gahlic buttair!) . . . this is the way the harbor looked from the front of the boat as we were pulling out of Vineyard Haven.


And these are my favorite thing I bought while we were off . . . fuzzy new slippers.  Because we’re going to the far north next week, and we think it might be cold up there! We HOPE! Leaves are beginning to blow across our yard, so we think the time is just right.


sunset martha's vineyard

And here was the sky as we came back into the harbor later that evening. . . . Hello. Welcome home. Thank you very much.

art gallery

We also went to Lowely’s gallery opening to see her beautiful new art . . . it was a group show and several of the artists gave away cards with their art on them ~ I brought them home and made a little kitchen gallery of my own.

fall light

If you look at the card in the center window on the lower right side, you will see what a little splotch of sunlight, in just the right place, can do.


And Him.  Mr. Precious. Jack. These days he LIVES to go outside.  I’m out, taking pictures of the turkeys in our yard, and he’s inside and not happy about it.

Jack wants out

“Please Mommy!”  He rubs himself on the screen, “Please please please!  Please take me out!” He doesn’t get to go alone. I have to carry the little lord.

Jack in the window

“Grrrrr,” he says, trying to stare me into submission. Never fear, I do his biding, I carry him out so he can get his greens.  Lawn munching is his favorite thing.

second star

handwritten letter


And this one of MY favorite things.  Letters.  When we got home from our little trip off-Island, letterI found this letter waiting for me.  I knew you would love it.  Who doesn’t love a handwritten letter!? Anyone who thinks the world has changed too much for their liking should read this and know there are kindred spirits in every generation. Many, many more than we might ever suspect. Look how wise 15-year-old Emily Pulver is already!  My kinda girl! 

what a wonderful world

Bye Bye Girlfriends . . . watch your mail, XOXO gift

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 I don’t mean to gloat, but I have to say how grateful I am that in my very own lifetime, I had the extreme pleasure of slow-dancing to this silly young crazy yearning musicsong:  MUSICA   And I know lots of you did too! How LUCKY are we???? Timing is everything!!! Don’t be jealous of us all you loveyoung whippersnappers ~ just put it on, and go to it. But it won’t be the same unless you can think of some way to make your hands clammy and your heart race. Be sure to close your eyes and only move your feet about an inch at a time. Ohhh, Earth Angel, earth angel, will you me mine . . .



Menemsha sunset

That song still makes my heart race, and so does this!  Here we are the other night having dinner at Home Port, a delicious fish restaurant up Full-Moons-Bookmark-2014-166x5001Island in Menemsha, and that, dearest ones, is the sun setting right outside our windows. This time of year we get amazing sunsets. And it all happens to this very special one-of-a-kind MUSICA  . . . (you can play both MUSICA’S at once ~ and you can turn this off if you want, but we can’t ~ it’s a good thing we LOVE it).

Moon over Menemsha

As we left the restaurant to go to our car, voila, down drops the sun and up pops the moon! You know we have gorgeous moon rises on the Island too . . . those and sunsets are just two of the kazillion reasons I love it here . . . Here are a few Island sunsets just for you . . .


Vineyard Sunset

Hello. This is the beach at the end of the walk we take everyday. It’s the nature’s address where I find my best happiness.

island view

East Chop Lighthouse sunset

Here we are at East Chop Lighthouse built in 1869 . . . Look at that sky, one hundred percent real color, no faking anything here!
Bend in the road beach

This is the pond across from Bend-in-the-Road Beach . . . Just driving along and there is your basic sky. Pull Over!

sense of beauty; susan branch art

sunset on Martha's Vineyard

Here we are on the deck of the Aquinnah Shop . . .  overlooking Gay Head at the far end of the Island.

love nature

Sunset on Spring Street

We look out our kitchen door, see a sky like this, and jump in the car to look for the source, like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

sunset on Martha's Vineyard

And here it is, glimmering gold and worth every penny!

Harbor at sunset Martha's Vineyard

So what are your favorite things about fall?  I mean besides the sound of the crickets?

Fall, dishtowels

It makes me happy to listen to them while putting  up my fall dishtowels . . .

Scalloped Potatoes and Sausages

and making the house smell good with one of my favorite fall dinners . . . Scalloped Potatoes and Sausages.  (Page 97 of Vineyard Seasons)

Getting ready to come home

And while putting a little bit of the season on the kitchen door . . .

fall breeze clothes on line

I LOVE the chilly wind, perfect for washing tablecloths and skirts and drying them on the line.

A Fine Romance Lacock England

It’s also a wonderful time for re-reading old books and putting yourself in a happy mood.  I read this one over and over again, reliving one of the best times of my life.  Diaries are a very good thing! Thank you for inspiring me to keep this one!

fall decor

I love my easy decorations like the leaf garland I drape over the sideboard in the dining room . . . 


And my owls, out they come to take their place over the fireplace in the living room.

owl family

and on the kitchen windowsill . . .

fall color

And of course, flowers! I’m really just getting started!


And the crow collection, meeter and greeter at the back kitchen door.

black bird looking back



woods walk to the sea

This morning it was pure nirvana on our walk. I had to wear a warm sweater and a scarf and keep them on the whole time.  A chilly wind was blowing, the sun was shining in the clear blue sky, and bright yellow leaves spotted the woods. It was just as wonderful as you could hope for, filled with singing birds and cawing crows. Like usual, Joe and I played Out of the woods into the open skyMorning Science the whole way out to the water. We noticed a trail of tiny broken pieces of styrofoam on the dirt road, and of course, being naturally scientific, we thought, what’s this? We hashed it over. What could it be?  How could it get there? Conclusion: Possibly bits from insulation that fell off a truck on its bumpy way to the building site for a new house out there. Then we noticed another problem, more alarming: Look at that tree! What happened? It’s hanging by a thread! path in the woodsScientific conclusion: due to little pile of styrofoam at the base of the tree, we concluded the truck with the insulation caught on corner of the tree and cracked it down the middle. The only thing keeping it from crashing to the ground was the tree next to it which the cracked tree had glommed onto on its way down. Additional conclusion: Somebody better do something about that tree before it kills us. Profound perceptions from the two Morning Scientists.  For any of you who’ve never heard of our game of Morning Science, here’s what I wrote about it in my AUTUMN Book.

morning science morningscience2


BOOK NEWS:  TODAY, Tuesday, the printers in Indiana have told us they are shipping the books! It’s so odd how if the clock ticks long enough, we really do finally get there!  How long till The Fairy Tale Girl gets to us via truck?  The scientists are just not sure.  Four days?  A week?Time heals

The fairy Tale Girl color proofs

But you can be assured, when those books come in, first thing, for those of you who ordered it sight The Fairy Tale Girlunseen (except for the occasional pages like those above), based on Faith and the Adorable Inner Girlfriend Support System Mentality, the very first thing we will do is pop your book into the mail. Makes my stomach quiver to say that.  There is something very scary about a new book.  Always has been, always will be. I can’t tell you how excited I am to see it, see how it all looks together,the paper, the ribbon, how it smells, all that book stuff!

yay!road less traveled

And then, later this month, we’ll be hitting the road, driving the highways and bi-ways of old New England, taking the back roads to Western MA, where we’re spending the night at a B & B that used to belong to my friend Lowely’s grandmother, where Lowely spent summers as a child.  Did I tell you we’re going with another couple?  Our neighbors, two doors, up, Lowely, and her equally adorable man, John. Yes, so we get to see some of Lowely’s roots. After Lowely’s Grandmother’s house, we’ll head up through Vermont almost to the top, to an island in the middle of Lake Champlain for a few days. Then we drive across Vermont to New Hampshire for our book signing at Innisfree Bookshop in Meredith, NH, at 11 a.m.  

Birdhouse at the lake

I took a picture of this bird house the last time we were in Meredith. Gorgeous spot on Lake Winnipesaukee

We get back to the Island in October and then I’m going to write you big fat WILLARD and tell you all about the trip with lots of photos of leaves ~ I’ll do my best to make you feel like you were there.  It’ll be a mini FINE ROMANCE. 

The snug

You probably remember my girlfriend Elizabeth, the one who was redoing an old house down the street from me?  Well, it’s all done and she invited Lowely and me for tea the other day. I only took a few pictures but I thought you’d like to see them.  This is her “snug” the cozy room with the TV in it … see the pillow?  She made that with my Martha’s Vineyard fabric, so I feel right at home here…

Elizabeth and Jack

Just so you can put the face with the person, this is Elizabeth and Jack in one of my favorite pictures of Jack.  The eyes!

Jack and Elizabeth

This one isn’t as good of Jack, but it’s much better of Elizabeth!

kitchen fireplace

Here we are in her brand new kitchen with the beautiful working fireplace! She rents this cozystarry pumpkin place out, believe it or not, so if any of you are looking for a Fall or Holiday getaway in New England, you can go HERE and get more info. (Mention FOSB (Friends of Susan Branch) if you call. Elizabeth told them to offer a special off-season price for my Girlfriends!) It’s got three downstairs fireplaces!  And it’s insulated!!!  This is an important thing if you want to come in the winter! It was written about in a local magazine, you can see more photos here.



She had the table decked out California style ~ California is where Elizabeth spends half her time . . . And, in case you can’t tell, she’s an interior designer!  Here’s her web site!

Tea party

Tea Party which cup?

This is Elizabeth contemplating the big question of any tea party, WHICH CUP????  Sooooo exciting!

my cup of tea

tea time

I love her kitchen chairs. And that little thin china cup, she reminded me, is what I brought her to celebrate when the house was finished. It couldn’t be in better hands. After this moment we were much too busy talking to take pictures!


tea spoon



And now this last photo, back in my dining room, just showing you how fading hydrangeas STILL look pretty! Trying to take my mind off the shipping of the books! SOON! XOXO Bye for now earth angels, Keep in touch!


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