The first seven pics here were as far as I got in ferry boat to martha's vineyardthe “saying goodbye” department before the ferry boat horn blew and we had to run out the door to make our 8:15 boat yesterday.  But my heart was in the right place. I really tried. Now, I’m in a hotel room, drinking tea and trying to make up for lost time. MUSICA

Backroads of New England

I wanted to show you some of the views we’re aiming for on this trip we’re taking up through Vermont . . . to Lake Champlain.


It’s a little early in the season still . . . most of the leaves here in Massachusetts are only tinged with color . . . nothing like these.  But maybe when we get further north.

New England fence

These pictures were from another trip Joe and I took a couple of years ago . . . Nice fence eh?


West chop lighthouse

Here we were yesterday morning.  I took this picture of the West Chop Lighthouse, not so steadily, through the ferry boat window as we were sailing past, with my iPhone.

Falmouth sky

And this one of the sky over Falmouth, MA through the windshield of the van . . . as you can see, not much color on the trees yet, but oh what a sky! Perfect day to be a travelin’ man and girl.

The Fine Romance Van

The van’s loaded up with Fairy Tale books we’re taking to my book signing at Innisfree Bookshop up in Meredith, New Hampshire on October 3rd.  If you pass this van on the road, honk if you’re happy! Jack and Girl Kitty

Had to leave the kittens behind of course.  My worst thing ever.  Why can’t they stay cats but act just a tiny bit more like dogs, in the coming-with department?  But nooo, they gotta have everything their own way… white blankets and white sofas and all. They have a wonderful kitty sitter living with them, so I know they’re doing just fine! (I already miss them and it’s been one day!!!) 

Kitty Love

Yellow moon

Tonight, the super moon will go incognito with an eclipse that hasn’t happened in this exact way since 1982 — which is the year I moved to Martha’s Vineyard, so I’m HOPING we get to see it.  I don’t know what the sky above us might be up to tonight. We’re meeting up with Lowely and John this evening and spending the night in a B & B that used to be the home of Lowely’s grandparents.  I’ll take pictures!

earth spring from a distance

Hasn’t the Pope been wonderful?  Isn’t it refreshing to hear words of hope and goodness?  Wob him.  

The Fairy Tale Girl

The Fairy Tale Girl books are still going out so if you haven’t gotten yours, it really won’t be long now.  The whole crew worked Saturday and as it looks now, I think every book that’s been ordered should be out by Tuesday afternoon.  Fingers crossed.

Studio Crew

I did allow them time to eat lunch, because I’m just a really great boss that way! 🙂  Aren’t they cute, all around the breakfast bar in the kitchen in the Studio.  Best, nicest, hardest workers in the world! My favorite part is how much they all like each other and get along. They make the Studio a very nice place to be.

I've got my love to keep me warm

The Fairy Tale Girl

All in a day’s work . . .cake love how to be happy

Mailing the Fairy Tale Girl

Bye-bye books.  Spread sunshine please!

fortune cookie

This was my fortune cookie fortune this week.  Good timing!

clockLinda and Kathy in Ohio

You should remember some of these next photos . . . This one is of our Girlfriends in Ohio, Linda and Kathy having an elegant champagne and tea party with A Fine Romance.  When that book first came out, our Girlfriends sent me the most wonderful photos . . .Falling in love

Gilmanton Library

. . . of our traveling book . . . as it went all over the world really . . . to kitchen tables, to libraries (like this one with our Girlfriend Pamela), out camping, to the top of a mountain, in front of Highclere (home of Downton Abbey) . . .

A Fine Romance at Hilltop

Painting BeatrixAnd here she is, with Beatrix Potter’s Hilltop behind her, looking up at Castle Cottage in New Sawrey, in the Lake District in England, soaking up the sun and the magnificent ambience. Our English Girlfriend Eli took her there and sent the photo!

A Fine Romance

And remember her here, lounging in the most adorable bedroom belonging to our Girlfriend, Paula.  (I’d like to see the rest of her house!  The wallpaper sends me to the moon! The blue vase, with the peony?  Killer!)

aint life grandpaul McCartney and A Fine Romance

And who can forget our Girlfriend Cathy Shultz’s contribution, getting Paul to hold up the book!  LoveSo the point is, if you take The Fairy Tale Girl somewhere on vacation, or to a tea party, or to a book club, or to the bus stop, anywhere at all, you can send me pics at [email protected] ~  Kellee and Sheri and I will choose our favorites and I’ll include them in the next WILLARD which will be coming out the middle of October. Won’t that be fun? 


photo 1-6

I thought I’d show you where Smallville met Plainville yesterday afternoon ~ We stopped especially to visit a wonderful new bookstore we heard about in a town called Plainville here in Massachusetts.

photo 2-5

The store had the perfect name, it’s called An Unlikely Story and books flew overhead ~ see them? I really hope this brand new independent bookstore can survive, because it is very wonderful. Here’s the story of how it came to be . . .Just a guy with a dream! 

photo 3-8

See? Flying books . . . 

They don’t know me in that store, and I’m always too shy to say oh me, here I am, so I didn’t say anything and they don’t have my book yet . . . but you should go LIKE them on Facebook if you feel like it, because they do deserve it for making something so special for humanity.

photo 3-9

The store has deep leather chairs for reading, and a wonderful coffee shop and beautiful everything. If you are ever in the area, be sure to stop in!


Also, Joe and I dropped off a box of books at Titcombs Bookshop yesterday in Sandwich, MA (that picture is from a couple of years ago, nothing has changed in this lovely old bookshop except that sign wasn’t there yesterday), in case you live nearby and want a book (I signed them too).  Not too many bookstores have The Fairy Tale Girl yet . . . Only Titcombs Bookshop and Bunch of Grapes, our wonderful independent bookstore on the Island, have them so far. The rest are being shipped probably by the end of this week. We’re going back to Titcombs on October 17 to meet and greet and to sign books . . . If you can join me, go HERE to read more and print out a Girlfriends name tag which looks like this . . . ♥ FTGNameTagSpeaking of printing out, I hope you’ve seen all the wonderful fall FREE STUFF Kellee has put in our webstore?  If not go HERE and check it out! We have some great stationery, bookmarks and gift tags . . . write your girlfriends a letter and send a bookmark and say Happy Fall!

A Fine Romance Book Mobile! Well, that’s all she wrote . . . I have to say, Later Gaters, talk to you soon, time to pack up and keep moving! Have a WONDERFUL day! XOXO

Traveling book

Okay, just one more . . . 🙂 Love the red roof of this historic inn in New Hampshire . . .♥ I’ll be on the road today, probably won’t get to “moderate” comments until later tonight or tomorrow, but never fear, I love reading what you write!  Byeeee, XOXO

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  1. Evie Tong says:

    Dear Susan …. the biggest smile on my face when I saw your package waiting by the front door porch …. pitter patter pitter patter …. am devoting my whole Saturday to read until finish …if I can hold out that long….
    Tomorrow …Rabbit Rabbit …
    Hope you and Joe are making many more sweet memories …and we girlfriends will
    be anxiously waiting to hear about your autumn journey to Vermont!
    With Love and Aloha, Evie in San Diego
    P.S. I have 3 Girlfriends books to give as Christmas gifts this year!!

    • sbranch says:

      Rabbit Rabbit Evie! We’re doing a good job with the memories, it’s been a wonderful trip so far, and more to come! xoxo

  2. Irene Talaasen says:

    Dear, Dear Susan,
    Your book came today!!!!!!!!!!!Oh, my , what a treasure; I just paged through it and am going to savor reading it!! It is beautiful!! Please come to a signing in Colorado Springs, Co!!!!! We have Barnes and Noble but no sweet independent book stores like where you are going! But people would come!!!!
    Blessings on your travels now,

    • sbranch says:

      We’ll try . . . we’ll be going on tour next spring and we really want to get to Colorado. We had it all set to go there with A Fine Romance, but we ran out of books before we got there! Thank you for the invitation Irene!

  3. Sandy Kipple says:

    Susan, I got my book on Tuesday…..started reading it yesterday (Weds.), and only put it down when I had to do meals and dishes!!! Thank you so much for another enjoyable read. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. Elaine Erhart says:

    Hi Susan,
    Got Fairy Tale Girl on Monday!! Hooray!!! I wanted to sit and read it cover to cover immediately, but I also want to make it last as long as I can, so I make myself go slow, put it down, do some fall decorating, pick it up and read a little, etc. Can hardly wait for Part II. You are so-o-o talented. Thank you for everything you put out there! I just found 2 Beatrix Potter figurines the other day in a consignment shop in Jefferson City, MO and I saw one of them on the first few pages of Fairy Tale Girl. Love it! Thnx,Elaine

    • sbranch says:

      Lucky you Elaine! They don’t show up everywhere, so it’s lucky you should find them. Thank you so much for your kind words xoxo.

  5. Tawni Urrutia says:

    Sweet Susan,
    I have always wondered if the man crazy enough to let you get away, would often times find himself facing the East, bent over at the waist, taking in a big breath and crying,”WHHHHHHYYYYYY!!!!!” Then gasping for air, ala Tom Hanks, before falling to the ground clutching your latest book, or calendar. And now, after reading your hilarious and chaming book, I know the answer!
    Happy October and all the magic it brings to you!
    Tawni Urrutia in Lodi, Ca

  6. Teresa G., Lafayette, CA. says:

    I’ve already told you, The Fairy Tale Girl is a masterpiece, but what I didn’t tell you is that I would not let myself read it in one sitting like I did A Fine Romance – wanted to savor it slowly (why do I torture myself?) It was something to look forward to each night or a few stolen moments in the afternoon. When I got to page 204 last night, I just have to ask, did you hear me laughing hysterically all the way from California? LOVED every minute of the downhill slope of your book. It had every emotion! I was sighing, I was crying, I was laughing (a lot!) and then my heart yearned for more. All the components of a memorable book. Awesome!

    • sbranch says:

      YAY!!!!! That’s everything I hoped for! Downhill has to be as interesting as uphill! Thank you Teresa!!

  7. Susan Markle says:

    My book arrived in yesterday’s mail!!! (Go back and read that again with a sing-song lilt in your voice.) I’m not even opening the package until Friday evening when I can sit down and savor it without work needs competing for my attention. It makes me happy just seeing it on the dining room table waiting for me 🙂
    Anticipation is part of the fun–like waiting for your sister to come visit, or your children to come home from college, or picking an old friend up at the airport–counting the days…
    Anyway, your latest book has made it to its new home in Georgia. Thank you!!

    • sbranch says:

      I did what you said, read it with the lilt, and voila, got your meaning exactly! I’m glad it’s there!

  8. Nancy fron Iowa says:

    Just finished “Fairy Tale Girl.” WOW! Thank you for writing such a beautiful such a wonderful book, and thank you for sharing your personal story with us. Your book has given me so much to think about. I found it interesting when you mentioned dates to think back to what I was doing then…and the memories started popping up like hail hitting the sidewalk!…in a good way. I think I will be “digesting” this book for quite awhile and probably reread it several times to come. I hated when you were so sad. I gave a few tears for the cause. I love your girlfriends….classy ladies every one. To go through all the blasted pain you did, and now look at your life. You painted it beautiful!

  9. Merci Schon says:

    You don’t even want to know! My b-day is April 20th -Aries/Taurus and that doesn’t help! BTW Jack, we live in Payson, AZ, it’s absolutely beautiful up here. Come visit some day, my husband and I would love to show you and your beautiful wife the wonderful sights!

  10. Judy F. - Orange County, CA says:

    Hi Susan, just received my copy of your “Fairy Tale Girl”!! What a work of art, it’s so beautiful and I can’t wait to dig in and go along on the “ride” with you. I will treasure it, just as I have with “A Fine Romance”. I had to laugh when I opened the book and saw the pics from your “baby book” it’s almost identical to the one MY Mom kept for me. I posted a picture on the FOSB website. Our Mom’s were busy keeping up with our progress. Best Wishes for continued success in everything you do! <3

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Judy! I’ve heard from others that we had the same baby book — back then there wasn’t as much decorative folderol as there is now . . . so that’s really another wonderful connection!

  11. Margaret Naluai, Honolulu, HI says:

    Just in the nick of time! Thank you Sharon, Kellee, & Robin for mailing out The Fairy Tale Girl that I received Monday Sept. 28. Five members of our family were hospitalized in September (at separate times). Between your Fall Post, Susan, on Sept 27 and the new, beautiful, personal and heart-felt book arriving on Sept 28, the scales were balanced in my favor! Just what the doctor ordered for me to immerse myself in a “Good Book”!! Happily, everyone is doing well now! Susan, please know that your writing, art, & kind spirit inspires and heals! Thank you!

  12. Linda Tondola says:

    After a long hectic frantic day at work yesterday, I arrived home to see a package waiting for me, and I knew just what it was! Your book, of course, but more than that, an antidote for my nerves which were soon calmed as I began to read your story. aaahhhhh…….

  13. Amy Warren says:

    Hello, Susan…hope you are enjoying your trip! I found the 2016 calendar at Stop and Shop last night and I couldn’t help myself–I bought 2!! I don’t need 2, but I had to have 2!! I have to say, it is the best calendar you’ve ever done….I especially love the borders on several of the pages…the bicyclist was my favorite. Enjoy your fall journeys, looking forward to the new book. Happy October!!

  14. Joanne Yeager says:


    I stayed up all night and read Fairy Tale Girl! Can’t wait for the next book.
    Loved it!

  15. Susan on Bainbridge Island, Washington state says:

    Oh Susan! I got your book yesterday in the mail and couldn’t wait to start reading….I love everything about it…the size is perfect, the feel of the paper is exquisite, I love the ribbon marker…..But the best is what all those pages contain….YOUR STORY! and YOUR ILLUSTRATIONS! Fabulous, again! I started reading last night and just couldn’t put it until 2 in the morning….and finally I just had to go to bed!!!! I was supposed to paint with a friend today (watercolor) but it turned out she couldn’t come….so it left my day open…TO READ!!!

    • Susan on Bainbridge Island, Washington state says:

      oops! I pushed the enter key too soon! anyway…I finished your book and it was beyond delightful. You see, we are only 2 years apart, me being in the class of 63 and you 65!!! But the memories that you have, brought back so many many of my own. And how similar so many things that you did and had in your life are the same in mine…..Backyard fireplace, Beatles, a divorce, living on an island….the list just goes on. How strong we do become as we get older….and the things we no longer put up with and now just say “no more”……We do find our passion and it brings us more happiness that we could ever have imagined when we were in our 20’s……. congratulations on your “Fairy Tale Girl”….It is fantastic and now can’t wait for part # 2………..When will it be ready for pre-order? Much love to you and yours.. From my island to yours.

    • sbranch says:

      Perfect, love those accidental days of freedom!

  16. Susanb says:

    I also got my book this week, and one for a gift. It is beautiful and I love it! I am reading it slow to savory the story. I have been packing it in my school bag and taking it to work with me each day, it just feels nice having it along for the day. Of course no time to read, but I can gaze at the cover and it gives me an excited feeling knowing I will spend time that evening reading the story. It is so fun having grown up books with eye candy. Thank you for making adult books as beautiful as children’s book! Your trip sounds just wonderful. I am crossing fingers there will be a book signing in Illinois next spring when you and Joe travel with the new books. It makes me excited just thinking about it.

    • sbranch says:

      That’s funny, I’ve always thought I wrote children’s books for big people! Who doesn’t like pictures!? Hope to see you in Illinois! xo

  17. Diane Aakre says:

    Oh my gosh!!! We weren’t home when My Book came,postal had left a form to pick it up on Monday. I didn’t get too excited because my husband had ordered something & I though whatever it was would be his. Happy,Happy,Happy I
    was when he got home & said I think it is for you,it is Susan Branch on the label!!! It just made my day when I got it & I am,like other SB Friends, am savoring it. You are the most appreciated person in my life(besides family & friends) as you are such an optimist & love the little things in live!! I believe you make all of us look at the little things in Life…….Diane

  18. Sharon Maier says:

    I almost hate to start reading this book because I don’t want it to end…looking forward is always the most fun. But after reading everyone else’s comments, I’m starting it today anyway. After all, there’s more to come! Thank you in advance for all you do…and especially for the gorgeous kitty photos that are always present in your blogs…

  19. Mary Gough says:

    So many comments to make: first of all, how can I hold until Christmas the copy I ordered for my friend?! It is just too good to keep it from her until then! Secondly, you mention Brother Juniper. He is the one just made a saint. How timely that you should mention him. Thirdly, I, too, have been to Grovesnor Square Hotel in London. And finally, the only way I will do any more trips to the British Isles is if you and Joe lead a tour and I am on it! Finally (again), just think: if you had not been a stay-at-home wife, you might not have discovered your talent for water coloring and writing. So…Cliff has to be given credit for giving you the time to let that happen. Keep up the great work!

    • sbranch says:

      You should probably give it to her for Columbus Day 🙂 ~ Yes, Junipero Sera left beautiful missions all up and down the California coast that we can still visit. Cliff was definitely one of the stepping stones to the life I have, no doubt about that! He’s all through the second book too, we are not quite done with Cliffy yet!

  20. Rebecca says:

    Dear Susan,
    At this very moment I am in my own fairy tale in the Lake District. It is early morning,misty by Coniston Lake. We are staying in a farm house bed and breakfast surrounded by breathtaking scenery on every side. Sheep and cows are in the field surrounding us and boats beackon to us on the lake. Yesterday was Dove Cottage and gingerbread at Grasmere and walks in the field amongst the sheep. Today is Hilltop! I can hardly wait. Yes, A Fine Romance is with us. Dreams come true!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Dove Cottage, how I loved that place! The kitchen was my favorite, with those thick walls that just cried out for me to hang my calendar in there! 🙂 HAPPY for you Rebecca and I know just what you mean about “breathtaking” views — they truly are. I LOVE living vicariously through you. Have a wonderful time today. Missing it all . . .

  21. Karen Lotito says:

    Good Morning, Susan! We are headin up the St. Lawrence Seaway to beautiful Quebec City! Finally a gorgeous Fall day here. Makes me think of George C. Cooper’s poem, “October’s Party”. It looks like you’re having a lovely time. Enjoy!

  22. Margy says:

    Dear Susan, your book is delightful. You certainly have had an enchanted life. Can’t wait for the sequel. Enjoy your trip, and the beautiful weather!

  23. Evie Tong says:

    Dear Dear Susan …. today I devoted my time to completely start and finish The Fairy Tale Girl … LOVE LOVE LOVE your story … felt your footsteps through the Central Coast of CA as I am a CA girl but beginning in SF; my favorite traces always lead me back to Carmel and Cambria (first teaching job interview in 1973)..
    I now totally understand why you “had to” begin new surroundings .. such an inspiration you are … for many need to hear your story and not be afraid to “go forward” … I am looking forward to your next book but I will re-read The Fairy Tale Girl to capture more details! Sending Much Love and Aloha, Evie in San Diego

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Evie, wonderful to hear from you, I’m glad you like it!!

      • Evie Tong says:

        PS: I think you are very brave to expose/share your past … you must be in that part of your life that you are able to … yesterday’s experiences make today’s happiness such a blessing ….. forgiveness is BIG!!!
        Does wisdom come along with age? You are a remarkable person and how you share your gifts bring us such delight and joy… thank you for being you … With Aloha nui loa, Evie

  24. Kedra says:

    It is the strangest thing – I’ve even e-mailed Kellee(sp.?). I can and do print your wonderful “free stuff” (such fun!) on my desktop but cannot print the “grow-up” bookmark for my niece. It comes out as a black bar. Has anyone else had this problem?
    One of your biggest fans,

    • sbranch says:

      I asked Kellee to check and get back to you . . . she’s been so busy lately, but I’m sure she’ll write you soon!

  25. Debbie Murray says:

    Dear Susan,
    I’ve been reading your book and trying very hard to read slow! The first part I read super fast and then realized if I continued at that pace I would read way too fast and then it would be over. So I’ve slowed down. So exciting to read your whole story. You wouldn’t believe how many women have experienced almost the same thing! Of course it is different but, I can relate to a lot of it! I’m now reading about your family and how you grew up with all those children! Life is grand when there are kids around! I can hardly wait for the second book! Thank you “Fairy Tale Girl” for reminding me how life was in the 60’s and 70’s, and helping me to realize our family was pretty normal after all!

  26. Barbara says:

    I left a post on October 1 about how much I enjoyed the book but I cannot find it and was hoping to see it, and even perhaps a response.
    I have done CTRL-F on multiple pages and only find others’ posts.
    Is there another way to search?

    Thank you. I hope one of your assistants can help out.

    • sbranch says:

      Hmmmm, I’m not sure what might have happened, except that very rarely, sometimes, comments do disappear, mine too! We think we have a gremlin in here. Some of the Girlfriends have figured out a way to find their comments later — maybe they can help you for the next time. I’m so sorry if the gremlin got your comment!

  27. Ann Keehner says:

    Susan, your book was delightful! You brought back lots of memories! Had to laugh when you mentioned the turquoise Corvair. I had one back in the 60’s in high school! So much fun riding around with my friends! Can’ wait for the next book! Love you!

  28. kathleen Roberts says:

    The fairy tale girl arrived with great excitment! two books-one for me and one for my daughter for christmas. I couldnt let her see me reading mine or her suprise would be foiled. soooo , there I was with my book under the covers secretly reading and flipping the cover up if she walked in the room. Being it was a diary, that made it all the more secret like!
    I have kept my diarys since I was 12 and recently had to make the decision that some needed to be shredded. but it is nice to know that there is someone like me that journals and writes and enjoys all the little miracles of every day.

    Thanks for the stories and friendship!

  29. Rhonda from Missouri says:

    Hi Susan,
    What a pleasure to meet you in Meredith, New Hampshire at Ennisfree Books. You may remember I was new to your work and so I bought three books that day!
    I am simply enchanted by your stories, your memories, your art, your recipes and your voice. I absolutely love the little quotes through all! What a treasure my sweet husband gave me when he texted, “Get to Innisfree right away book signing Susan Branch writes books cooks paints and more you will love it!” Bless his heart, he was right!
    Best to you and your companions on your book tour travels and I will be reading and rereading and watching the blog. 🙂 Rhonda from Missouri

    • sbranch says:

      I already love your husband. He knows what you would like and points you there, that’s so sweet and thoughtful of him. Was so nice to meet you Rhonda! Thank you for saying hello! xoxo

  30. brandie y says:

    I so loved the book. It was different than I expected (not sure why I thought it was your love story with your Joe?) but I enjoyed every page, drawing, doodle, and memory. Mostly I loved your honesty with your self and with us. In a period of rebuilding my own life and self, I relate to many aspects of your story. I surprised my bestie with one delivered to her door and we are looking forward to discussing it on our next visit. My oldest loves the Beatles so I had to read that section to her and we both hooted out loud! She mentioned a famous video interview with them in which they mention staying in a mansion in Bel Air – it made her feel connected to that piece of Americana in a different way. Also, I was supposed to be studying for an exam but your book was way more fun!! You know, first things first, and all 🙂 I got an “A” anyways, so it worked out fine. Thanks for sharing your life and beautiful view of it with us!

    • sbranch says:

      Congratulations on the A! I do understand “first things first” for sure! I told lots of the love story with Joe in A Fine Romance, although of course there’s a bit of it in the next book too . . . but really the FT Girl and then the next one are both prequels to A Fine Romance. Love that your daughter liked the Beatles story! xoxo

  31. Annie says:

    Hi Susan,
    I received my book two days ago and have been reading since! Love it! Since we are of the same generation, so much of what you wrote seems almost exactly like stuff I went through also. I can easily recall the “women’s movement”, and wondering why I didn’t feel like I fit in, loving to cook, make a home (I’m real nesty too), etc. Oh well.
    Surely you have read Mrs. Rumphius – she planted lupines everywhere she went to make her world a little bit better. Since you mentioned those gorgeous flowers, I assume you have probably read that book. Annie

  32. Martha Crabbe says:

    Love, love the new book. I’m reading it so fast that as soon as I finish, I’ll have to start over and savor every word and picture. Thank you for such lovely books.
    Martha in NC

Comments are closed.