

40 Responses to Winter

  1. Terry Padelio says:

    It’s snowing in northern Colorado!!

  2. Laura DeGraw says:

    It’s a balmy 46 today but overcast.

  3. Sandy says:

    My wonderful friend advertised your blog on Facebook, and I love all things Susan Branch. I am bookmarking this page.

  4. We were iced in for a day or two last week here in southern Louisiana, and the weather man is predicting a repeat for tomorrow and Wednesday. I’ve been working this morning to get the stalls in the barn all ready to keep our three equine friends in for the ice and possible snow event. Now I’m going to have a cup of tea and read my favorite new book – “A Fine Romance” by Susan, of course.

  5. Bobbi says:

    Thanks for the Winter encouragement here when we are winter weary in the Cleveland area. Sunny briefly…grateful for that…but temp is on the way down to somewhere below zero again tonight.

    I finished reading A Fine Romance yesterday. A delightful way to get thru the last couple of wintry weeks!

  6. Jeanne Farmer says:

    In Minnesota need I say more its warmer inAlaska then here

  7. sue lamke says:

    Great weather to paint a piece of art!

  8. Shirley Graham says:

    I love my new calendar (my husband always gets me one!) and we are very cold here in Ohio & will drop again tonight to minus whatever. Right now the sun is out & my cat thinks it must be warm out there – then wants right back in – can’t understand that! Must think spring, right?

  9. Nancy says:

    Northern Minnesota– minus 20 degrees with a wind chill of minus 35 degrees! The sun and blue skies are beautiful right now!!

  10. Theresa Libby says:

    Overcast and cloudy about 30 degrees here in Southern Maine!

  11. Bea Tapparo says:

    I so love your winter picture and captions. Today in the beautiful wine country of Northern California it is foggy and damp. We actually might get some rain in the next few days. I love the 70 degree flip-flop weather but after all it is the end of January, soon to be February. It’s time for boots, not flip-flops! After a brisk morning walk, I am enjoying my cup of warm hot cinnamon tea and reading your blog! Thank you, Susan, for all the joy you spread through your life!

  12. Sara says:

    By 8pm today in central Indiana our temp will be 4 below with a wind chill of 23 below. We are having some sunshine today so at least it’s not dreary looking outside. We are having an unusually cold winter this year, but we’re tough ‘ol birds. Winter can’t get us down. It’ll be Spring before you know it.

  13. Deanna Burke says:

    It’s cold and snowy here in southeast Michigan. No school again today, below zero temps again tonight. Bitter cold again tomorrow. Wind chill is ridiculously low. I’ve bought your wall calendar for over 10 years and save them. I love your art. I’ve been enjoying your books this winter. I’ve ordered every one now, and another just came today. What a delight to wrap in my quilt and enjoy reading them by the fire! They’ve made this winter cold feel much cozier. Thanks! You are wonderful:-)

  14. Kate McLaury says:

    Oh Brrrrrrr. After a sunny and beautiful 50* plus yesterday, today we have 10* and lower with winds! Oh my! But we stocked in the firewood, have scones to enjoy with tea and we’ll make it through. Thanks for asking 🙂
    Hello from Kansas

  15. Beth Moss says:

    So cold here in Fort Wayne, IN, we had no school again today. Real temperature tomorrow -18, wind chill could reach -30. No school again I imagine. Just more time to read Susan’s books.

  16. Marge says:

    It’s sunny but VERY cold today. Single digits. Really strong winds last night. Our temperatures fluctuate from very low (normal for winter) to medium lows (30s-50s) in days. Like winter can’t decide what’s what. Ugh!

  17. cheryl says:

    freezing cold here in Illinois. blizzard and white out conditions last nite and into today. had to call in to work and lots of snow days this year for local kids! it has been a long winter but spring will be so incredibly welcome just can hardly wait. better than christmas! for me and my dalmation..

  18. Jeani says:

    We are getting ready for the 2nd snow in a week in of all places, Houston and the surrounding areas! Now, we’re not talking deep, deep snow….1-3″, but if you live in this area, it IS deep, deep snow! We have no equipment to get rid of hazardous conditions on roads and bridges. The whole area will shut down! Then, by Saturday, we’ll be basking in 70 degree weather! Only in Texas can you get down in the 20’s and 3 days later be in the 70’s!

  19. Carol Lichwala says:

    I live in Western Massachusetts…it was 30 degrees today with a brisk wind.
    I lent my “A Fine Romance” to my dear friend who hasn’t been feeling well. She called me tonight to tell me that she spent all day with the book and loved every page and it made her feel better. Now instead of chicken soup….it’s sit down with “A Fine Romance” and you will feel better in now time.

  20. Sara says:

    Yes, we have cabin fever. Counties are completely shut down, and a $500 fine if the police catch you out and about! But I refuse to hate winter, because it’s bleakness (Is that even a word?) makes the green of spring like nothing we’ve ever seen. (I have mixed feelings, though, about my surgery being rescheduled. Doctors/surgeons’ offices closed bec/of the weather? That is NOT good.)

    So thankful, though, for a warm house and lots of time to do some online shopping! This weather has to be a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, I’m thinking, so we shouldn’t have to deal with this ever again, right? Lol!


    • sbranch says:

      Wow, a fine if you leave the house. I’ve never heard of that before. You sound wonderful Sara, finding things to be happy about. I hope the siege is over soon!

  21. Debbie says:

    It’s so so cold, but we live in New England, so we expect it. But then it doesn’t stop us from complaining about it and needing an extra comfy afghan to cozy up under! Talk to us about the weather again in July when we are complaining about the heat! :::hee hee hee::: xo

  22. Penny says:

    It’s beautiful here in Paso Robles, CA. BUT we desperately need rain!!

  23. Tamara says:

    It is in the 80’s today, in sunny Southern California. (Palm Springs area)

  24. Gail says:

    No rain here yet in the San Francisco Bay Area but we are hopeful for rain the of the week! Hurray! Our son was married on Martha’s Vineyard! It was an West Chop Swim and Tennis Club Wedding last October. Magical! I thought of as we drove by your house every time we went to and fro. We enjoyed every minute celebrating in such a setting. I gave my daughter in law one of your cookbooks for a shower gift.

  25. Holly Ward says:

    It has been well below zero for quite sometime now. -17f this morning, looking forward to the return of the Robin!

  26. Holly Ward says:

    I am enjoying making the Cookbook, “For My Daughter,” that you published. Thank you as it will become a Family Heirloom.

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Holly, you are so nice to tell me — yes, I would expect it would be something very special — food, your handwriting, favorite recipes, memories… how could it fail!

  27. Lynn says:

    Here in Otsego, MI… It’s 3 degrees.
    We have about 3 feet of snow and expecting about 6-12″ more by Monday.
    Im ready for Spring!

  28. Lynn says:

    Hey Susan…Do you have any more of the Red Beaded heart pins for Valentines
    Day ?

  29. connie pletz says:

    Beautiful day here in Tucson, AZ. Sunny 72 degrees 🙂

  30. Lorna Schreck says:

    Having a delightful 67 degree day with high clouds and the hope of rain just isn’t what your “Winter” reflects. Alas, we are experiencing drought in California and are already 18 inches behind the normal rainfall. Saying that, I will tell you that I remember living in Cleveland for many years and loved the beauty of winter wonderlands (but not the cold). Stay warm!

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