If I knew you were coming I would bake a cake. . .

If I knew you were coming I would bake a cake. . .

ere we go, creaming butter and sugar for the COCONUT CAKE I’m making…. with my new electric mixer I found in an antique store for a mere $13. My arm was very thankful for the "modern" convenience.

n goes the lemon zest for the cake filling — using my trusty and most favorite tool, the Microplane zester…a truly life-changing tool, if you don’t have one, you should get one! No more knuckle bits in your food!

t the same antique store I found these three different-sized, old, square cake pans…they were the inspiration for this cake (I was also inspired by the fact that my girlfriend Lowely was having a birthday!)

o you see my little shadow peeking over the top of the pans?

ere’s the cake, like a giant coconut marshmallow. I love making this old-fashioned boiled frosting, watching the egg whites get thick and shiny while beating in the sugar syrup. It’s like magic.

o it’s all ready…all that’s left to do is put on some candles! To go with the cake, one of the girls is picking up Lobster Rolls at the church on the way over. (We’re lucky, but not every church makes Lobster Rolls, so just click on those words and you’ll get a recipe!) I’ll be sure to give Girl some Birthday Lobster too.

Gotta go, chill the wine, get out the appetizers, cut some lilacs for the coffee table, make a fire…still nippy-ish here, but cozy for girl party in front of fire.
Bye for now…..

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23 Responses to If I knew you were coming I would bake a cake. . .

  1. Sandra Gillanders says:

    The blog is supercalafragalistic, wonderful, artsy, beautiful and fun ♥ It takes a village to build a blog and the villagers did a great job. Wishing you much success and sending a squeeze (hug). It was definitely worth the wait.
    Sandy (sweetpeas4me)

  2. Bonnie Crawford says:

    Hi Sue!!
    What a wonderful welcome to my morning, to see your new BLOG!
    I love it, love it, love it! ♥ It is like sitting down and having a REAL visit with YOU!
    Thank you for all your hard work, and for sharing your beautiful home, and creativity with the rest of us. You did an amazing job, and it will make all of us GIRLFRIENDS smile BIG!
    I love you, and miss you too……!! xoxo
    ‘BonBon’ =)

    • sbranch says:

      This is getting to be like the greatest birthday party in the world, and it’s not even my birthday! Thank you Bonnie!

  3. Sue says:

    I have been a fan for a long time and I love your new blog! Beside great content, it’s eye candy at its BEST! 🙂 Looking forward to following…

  4. Sue says:

    That should be BESIDES great content:)

  5. Erika Laing says:

    Love it!

  6. Wendy Schreiber says:

    I’m such a happy girl this morning…a blog! A real blog with lots of pages and recipes and news. Thank you Susan! It’s pretty, and cheerful, and informative, and just what I want to do today. I spent some time on the Island page and sent a quick note off to my hubby saying “See…THIS is why Martha’s Vineyard is on my bucket list…”! Will get there some day…

  7. Debbie Ferguson says:

    I love this, love this ….love it!!! me too on being a long time fan..going to find a sweet little sifter like yours…and search out the antique stores for a set of glass canisters too.

    Lots of love going out to you Susan and all who helped build this Wonderland Blog.. thats what i am going to call it.. because it is.

  8. Tricia B. says:

    Love it!! The cake looks delicious. I bet your friend was so excited. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday!! BTW, my birthday is May 3rd!! LOL!!
    You are the most creative and fun best friend I have never met!! XO, Tricia B.

  9. Sharon says:

    Aw…Love your blog Susan! You are so creative! I’m a wanna-be Susan Branch! How did you ever get your cutie pie kitty in that pic? so cute! What kind of camera do you have? I’m hoping to get a new one…gotta research I guess. Thanks again for your cute creativeness! FYI … I’m organizing my recipes in one of your cute recipe book holders 🙂 Thanks again! Happy Blogging!

  10. Charlene Kidd says:

    Help please! I am unable to find Susan Branch screensavers lately and want so badly to use one.
    Can you help?
    [email protected]

    • sbranch says:

      Sure … click on Shopping at the top of the page. Then look at menu on left, click on “From Me to You with Love” — scroll down, and voila! There they are!

  11. I like everything you do. The artwork is precious and fresh. I love to blog when things are going well and I blog when things are not just to let others know what I am going through and that they can get through stuff if I can. Your blog is long awaited and will be very popular! Especially with me!

  12. Lynn Hamilton says:

    I have been a fan of yours for years and am so happy to see your new blog~I love Willard and recently purchased the hard copy book~one for me and one for my daughter~your words and art brighten my day~

  13. Yvonne Shafer says:

    Too much fun! Love everything about the new blog! I feel that we’d be best friends, Susan, because we have so much in common! I’m the oldest of 7, called our mom Mrs. McGillicudy, had the house everyone wanted to visit, the mom who fed the neighborhood, made the costumes, baked the best cookies, etc. We girls (3) learned a lot from her; I think the boys did too, and although she’s been gone 20 years (62 was way to young to go), I miss her every day. We also have love of the Islands! Keep up the wonderful work and bringing your gifts to us!

  14. ruth faden says:

    HI Sue-
    So great to see your blog up- incredibly charming and engaging- just like you!
    your fan

  15. I love your blog….it is delicious!!!!!!!

  16. Darling Sue,
    Reading your lovely blog brings back so many happy memories of chats and meals with you. Hope you will come see us in New Orleans so we can sit around my kitchen table and solve the problems of the world.

    Hugs, Bethany

  17. Beautiful Cakes, Incredible garden, Gorgeous photos! Thank you for this lovely reminder of the good things in life!

  18. Angie says:

    Susan, I am so excited about your new blog. I have been a fan for years. I used to receive Willard by snail mail. My first Willard came in the mail when I needed a lift and I remember how happy it made me. Now I can look forward to your website and blog!! I have just downloaded one of your summer screen savers. I have downloaded the one with pansies, watermelon, flip flops, lady bugs, and chocolate chip ice cream cones(my favorite). Thank you for spreading joy and happiness.

  19. Janie O says:

    Sweetest Susan,

    I am reading your blogs backward from July22! I am usually quicker to these things but I was away from home for a month. Kitty in the Birthday Hat is one of my all time favorite paintings!! Now that I know Miss Kitty better I LOVE it even more! How long have you had that darling puss?

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