oes it look normal around here to you? ummm, yes?–no? Wait a minute . . . .
did I not tell (warn) you we would be doing this? Were you losing faith? I know it’s taken forever, but if you saw what’s holding this thing together (duct tape and kite string) you would understand why.
efore we go further, I want to thank everyone who worked so hard to make this blog happen, Kellee Raser, Gary Gatel and Judy Watkins, and who else — all you patient people with your emails of encouragement! Hello FOSB! Hi Diane, Gayle, Elaine, Sharon, Terrie, Sarah, Rachel, Siobhan, Elizabeth (I can do this now ’cause I have a blog!), Hi Dad, Shell, Lowely, Martha, Margot, Annie, Carol, Jaime. Hi Tweetettes! Hi all my friends and family. So 21st century! We have to keep meeting like this!
espite the fact that this is a blog now, nothing has really changed, there are new free screen savers, stationery, and bookmarks you can print out; they’re in the same place they’ve always been (in Shopping, under From Me to You with Love). You are safe here, click on everything and take a tour . . . it won’t blow up on you (I always think if I click wrong, the computer could explode) … and tell me what you think.
ou can visit Martha’s Vineyard and go across the pond to England; plus, there are all new recipes for Summer. And lots of fun menus (just click on the words in the menus, and you get the recipe). We even have FAQ’s. We’re very professional! Pretty soon there will be more pictures of the Peter Rabbit room; more short videos, Stories of Home, Kitchen ideas, and a lot more. So stay. Take off your shoes, I’ll go make tea!
Hi Laura, Gert, Pam, Sandy, Dawn, Nancy, Sherrie, Joann, Angie, Erika, Joan, Rosinda, Erin, Jan, Morwenna….
or a few days, there may be a glitches in the shopping part of the blog…we had to unhook all the shopping wires from the website and rehook them to the blog, and maybe we missed a few. Would love your help, if you go shopping, and something’s not right, please click on Comments and let me know.
hat’s the best part….now you can leave your Comments and I won’t be the only one who can read them! You will finally get to see how wonderful you all are, how much we have in common…from your letters, I already know we love all the same things — home, family, beauty, nature, creativity, tradition, inspiration, best friends, gardens, food, and fun. (Books, tea, quilts, and old movies. Autumn. Decorating. Travel. Just for starters.) We are multi-faceted women of the world. Yes, that is us.
o if you feel like testing out our Comments, please be my guest; you know I can’t wait. Tell me what you’d like to see most on this blog. You’ll still be getting your WILLARDS; there will still be art and quotes, recipes and photos, all the
I can possibly stuff into one space.
Love it and thank you for your inspiration in so many ways.
Oh dear, I’m late to the party….
This is so fantastic, Sue!! It’s finally up and running!
I just know it will be so much fun to follow and be able to leave hellos and thoughts. What a swell group of pals you have meeting up here to enjoy the good things in life which you so generously share.
I love your books, art, and your blog. Printed out the birthday calendar and name cards, love, love and love. Thank you,
Dear Susan! I think this blog is so wonderfully done! I love the idea that your followers can “talk” to you! I have your books stacked on a table near my “perch” where I can look at them for inspiration any time the urge strikes, which I find is very often. You’re like the best next-door neighbor! Can’t wait to see what delights you have for us next!
Hi Susan,
I hope you don’t mind me dropping in… you mention your “girlfriends”, but I bet a lot of men love your work, too! I’ve been loving your Willards for months and I’ve admired your style and work for so long. My wife’s been a fan for even longer and recently I’ve been able to see that your blog and interests hit just about everything I love! California and Martha’s Vineyard, old movies, England! The list goes on. Thanks for your inspiration and the wonderful, warm feelings you create through your art, your Willards and, now, your blog!
I do hear from men from time to time, and it’s always nice to have a man around the house! So happy you dropped in!
Susan Branch,
Thank you for this blog. I have been following you for years and years and once you were kind enough to write back and made my day (thanks again!) I just looked into my kitchen cupboard because I’m trying to figure out which year I received your first cookbook as a present. I think it was in the late 80’s. Does that seem possible? Anyway you have saved me on so darn many occasions when I needed that ‘special something’ to serve. (trying to impress the new in-laws, b aby showers, bad times, good times, in-between times) Gosh I think I’ve made your pineapple upside-down cake about a dozen times. I’ve sort-of stolen some of your holiday menus because I had none of my own. Now they are family favorites. It is absolutely not my birthday without the coconut; so funny to see it highlighted – must wait until my birthday – patience Thankyou, thankyou,thankyou.
You are the “hostess with the mostest” and always have been!!! Thank you for the goodies. This blog is a big deal and it looks like it will be a HUGE hit! Congrats!! Cheers to your success, V
Have loved your artwork and recipes for a long time. So happy to find this website !
How absolutely delightful! love the new blog, recipe, divine cuteness of it all; well done, Miss Susan!
Now to see if I can put it on my blog sidebar…
Hurray! Now I have more than Willard and your cookbooks to sustain me. I will definitely be adding a link to you on my blog, now I no longer need to forward your monthly emails to my dearest friends. Congratulations on a lovely site and I look forward to daily visits.
Congratulations on getting your blog up and running! Congratulations on having all the help and support from those you count among the helpful 🙂 Thank you ever so much for sharing all you do and thank you for your fun, friendly and inspiring art and work!
Saw your link on Where Women Create. Have used your calendars for years. Have one right now above my desk at the computer. Thank you for years of lovely art and inspiring messages. Excited about the blog.
Your blog is lovely! I can’t wait to see more photos of your home. Your garden gave me wonderful inspiration!
I just love the new look to the blog. Yourf inspiration has always been a wonderful way to start the day, or end it.
Singing “I’m so happy” to the tune of “I’m so pretty” – why happy? – found your terrific site.
I must congratulate you on such an exquisite blog…there is one little surprise and treat after another! I would like to share with you this; going through my busy days I will forget that your blog is being posted on my facebook page or that my Willard is coming in my email. This is only because my life is very busy with an ailing mother, four grown children and 2 grandchildren, and a husband. So, as I’m checking my facebook page or my email and I see them, I am struck with amusement and delight!! However, I always have plenty of time to admire and read what you post. I know much work goes into what you do…you make it look so easy. Thank YOU!!
Carrying around my 2011 ‘Susan’ pocket calendar and enjoying the little verses and the pictures brighten my hectic days..I was already concerned about facing the year ending without my ‘Susan’ calendar and having to search for a new ‘Susan’ calendar so I decided to go on line to look around at what you had posted and “Euerka!”…I have enjoyed so many of your cards and books and notes and fabrics and so much more…Thank you so much..you touch my heart and my day
Your blog is lovely Susan, congratulations. I have enjoyed reading your site for a long time and have told many friends to look in as well. I have many of your books on display on my kitchen dresser and love to pour over them. Love your recipes, artwork, sewing and garden and – well just everything. Thank you for a lovely place to visit and for your generous sharing.
Sent this lovely picture of the three girls to my dear Aunt Helen in a nursing home in Port St Lucie FL. Of course she had to share it with her friends. Now I’m sending 10 more to share with them. DARING ladies come in all shapes, sizes and ages! Loved the story from the 8 and 10 year old girls and in my mind and heart, I take great pleasure in thinking the 80 and 90 year olds have their own DARING woman club too!
I was recently given 3 Susan Branch books and wondered if someone could tell me if these books ever had dustjackets or were the keepsake boxes in lieu of? Silly question I know, I have randomly collected Susan Branch books for many years, and they all have dustjackets. These were gifts and I have never seen them before so I am at a loss for the information. Please help if you can…feel free to email me directly.
Thank you so very much!
[email protected]
I guess I could help you! All of my books that were published by Little Brown came with dust jackets. Some of the others, the scrapbooks, etc. didn’t have them. Hope this helps!
susan….thank you for the reply, The books are called ‘Chocolate’…’Little Dinners’….and ‘Cocktails’. I am not sure if they fall into the category of scrapbooks etc. as they are very small and came with a magnet etc. Did these three have dust jackets? Do you remember? Ha Ha! Thank you for your time and thoughtfulness in answering me.
Those three little books didn’t have dust jackets, they came in boxes that opened like books, inside was the little book you have, and the refrigerator magnet.
Thank you !! so much…Susan,
I so appreciate your time. These are so adorable and after your first response, I did look at the publisher and it wasn’t Little Brown so I thought maybe they never had dust covers. I just love them and I am so grateful for these gifts. They have been well loved and will continue to be so.
All of your talent through the years as been so uplifting and happy. I am thrilled to have a little part of you in my library of very loved books.
Thanks again!
Thank you back Lisa!