o what do you do when you invite people to your house for a special occasion? Maybe you make them a little goodie bag so they know how happy you are to see them? That’s what I’d like to do for you, to say thank you for the wonderful welcome you just gave me! That was so nice! But it’s not easy to slip a goodie bag into someone’s computer. So, no homemade truffles in this goodie bag (unless you count this RECIPE!), but I had a couple of other ideas for things you might like, two things actually.
or instance, how about this Birthday Organizer? You can click HERE, and print it out. I keep mine in my kitchen; it’s so handy … a place to keep all my Birthdays and Anniversaries, the whole year at a glance. Like it?
r, maybe you’re having a summer dinner party and you need PLACE CARDS? OK, here you go! These are so easy and pretty, just print them on card stock, cut them out and fold them back at the dotted line, and there you go. Use a black marker to write the names of your guests; write big so people can see where to sit without their glasses on!
elcome and thank you for being your darling selves, come back often, stay for a long time……
It’s only Love and that is all. . .
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Oh thank you for all the goodies 🙂 I shall use them with pleasure. Even if it is to just set places for me, my husband and the kids 😉 (I know the kids would love it anyway ;))
Oh, how sweet you are!! Not one giftie from you, but two. Three if you include the recipe!! Thank you, thank you! Seeing that tomorrow is our anniversary, I will print out the ‘Year at a Glance’ and put it up in my little kitchen and write in our day…(Flag Day, at that). You are so thoughtful and share your talents in so many ways, sweetie!! xo
Thanks so much for “A Year At A Glance”! It has been awhile since I checked your website – so happy to find you are now bloging! Recipe reminds me to get out the “Summer” recipe book! A really fav of mine! It’s like seeing a dream come true in words and pictures!
Thank you so much for these wonderful gifts!! I can’t wait to use the birthday/anniversary print out! I always try to remember these special dates now this will make it so much easier!
And you know me..I love place cards!! Thank you so much dear friend!!
Hello Susan!
Thanks so much for your great birthday organiser. So much easier to have them all on the same page:) I love the place cards too. Thank you for sharing.
Oh, I’ll take these goodies…happily. Thanks 😉 🙂 These are cute and very useful, too. 🙂 🙂 I love it when both elements are co mbined 😉 🙂
If someone came over to visit me, I’d offer them some tea and Walker shortbread cookies. That’s my favorite cookie. Although it is starting to get really warm/hot here in Southern Oregon…so I’d have to make it iced tea 😉 🙂 🙂
Have a wonderful week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather 🙂
How utterly wonderful to have a blog by dear sweet you!! 🙂
This is going to be a morning coffee-meetin’ place! Love it!!
And I love the birthday/anniversary print out!! Perfect timing. For my Mother, her Christmas present, I will be creating a box of all occasion cards, note cards, pens, paper…all the goodness needed for correspondence.
So thank you, thank you!!
Susan, thankyou for the birthday and anniversary reminder–what a good idea to have the whole year on one page! Also for the placecards, which will be perfect for a tea party! The recipe is a teaser as when I clicked on it, I got a message that the page could not be found! 🙁 Is there something I’m doing wrong?
Great to see your blog up & running Sue! Lot’s of fun! (My kitty, Shadow, perks up when he hear your little birds chirping when your blog opens up…LOL!) XO
Dear Susan,
I have been a follower of yours since day one! You make so many people happy Go Bruins!with your cheerful art and little quotes. A BIG thank you for all that you do! Go Bruins!
How fun this is going to be, I’ve never really blogged or followed a blog before, but am so looking forward to this. Susan, love you sooooo much, have most of your books, always a new Susan Branch calendar each year, just love your whole outlook. Funny how you can feel you know someone so well that you’ve never met, but that just shows how well you express and share your self with us, how else can you explain thousands of women who feel they know you and consider you ‘friend’. Thank you too for your generosity in sharing the ‘goodies’, love them and your loyalty to all of us by working so hard to bring us the precious things in life, thru Willard, your books and beautiful artwork and going the extra mile to share with us, facebook, twitter,your videos, and now by working so hard to set up a blog, thank you thank you thank you.
What lovely gifts this morning! Another beautiful blog!
We have a hot, dry morning here. My husband has been watering the garden for quite awhile as we’ve had no rain in 3 weeks!
It sounds quite perfect on the Vineyard!
Enjoy your Tuesday! xoxo Nellie
I check my Facebook page and special blogs most mornings with a cup of coffee nearby. Today, I was overjoyed to find the blog I was longing for was finally here (and with wonderful goodies to boot). I have been a fan since my daughter introduced tme to SB cards many years ago and I was hooked from the start. I recently purchased the beeskeep for my daughter’s garden in the country and everytime I see it I think of you! You are like a family member with my all my girls, friends and me and we are thrilled that you share so much of yourself with soooo many people……continued success and may you be blessed always1
What a wonderful idea to give “Gift Bags”via your blogsite!! I absolutely love the “Year-at-a-Glance” Birthday Organizer. I have a calender that I use just for writing down the birthdays, but the problem with that is…. you don’t see the birthday until you turn the calender page, and if the birthday is on the first several days of the month…. it doesn’t give much time to prepare a gift and card. Your “Year-at-a-Glance” is the perfect solution for me….no more last minute gift purchases!! Plus it is made by you….showing your beautiful artwork and creativity!
Additionally, I love the PlaceCards and the Truffles Recipe. Thank You for all you do!! It is much appreciated!
All your beautiful art and books available at our fingertips, an interactive blog and gifts too, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is better than a midsummer party.
When a friend comes for a visit, I like to have a home made treat to offer and a cup of tea. Since that doesn’t happen too often, I’m almost never ready for a surprise visit. I’ll make do with the treat (like toast and homemade bruschetta) and always the tea.
I look forward to reading your beautiful blog over and over. It’s like having a visit with my best friend :).
xoxo Janet
Wow, Susan! This blog is soooo awesome! I am so terrible at responding to letters and emails, but I love both FB and blogs! I can pop-in at any time of the day and just say ‘Hi’ and see what’s new! You have so many new friends and old friends (like me!) that can now share the joy of your great ideas! I am giving a tea this summer and want to use your pansey name cards…may I? I’ll be popping in and out as you continue to blog…almost feels like I am near you on the Vinyard! We will be driving up to Morro Bay in August for a family reunion with my cousins (I suggested they put a sign in the window of their cute shop, ‘Summer Cottage,’ that reads “Susan Branch shops here!”). Bye for now…gotta get to work!
Thank you for the wonderful recipe, place cards, and calendar page…priceless..love them…especially the birthday/anniversary reminder…you are spoiling us!
Thank you, Susan, for the darling gifts this morning! Love them! I’ve printed out my Year at a Glance and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the “Pooh” quote at the bottom! You’re the best!
Thank you! I have quite a collection of goodies from you on my computer, starting with my MV screensaver. There’s always a little bit of SB in our Christmas letter.
Ah, thank you, dear Sue! Leave it to you to welcome us with gifts. I can’t wait to print mine out. It will be like having one of those old Star Trek Replicators. (A real Replicator could do the truffles, too, but we’ll probably have to wait a couple of years for that.) No, I’m not a Trekkie … it was just those years living with teenagers 🙂 xoxo
My friends and I always have girl parties …must have a little treat to take home!! I’m collecting paper towel tubes for an idea I saw on Susan’s website …covering them with pretty paper and stuffing them with treats..I believe she had them for Christmas!! I’m collecting all kinds of little stuffable treats right now… 🙂
Adam my 14 year old son still loves goodie bags and would still have them if it were not for peer pressure.. so glad I’m a girl 😉
Me too, soooo glad I’m a girl…like pink! I had more fun collecting little things for those Christmas Place cards/poppers. You’re starting at the right time too! It’s a fun hunt!
I Love the “Year-at-a Glance” calendar! What a great idea! Thank-You!! I love your blog! I know you have thousands of fans, but reading it is like visiting with a dear friend. Thanks so much for sharing your talents, your life and yourself with us all! Blessings to you!
Hi Susan,
Last night I discovered your blog and proceeded to read every entry and watch several of your YouTube videos. Delightful. I loved hearing your voice and getting to “visit” you in your cute home. One of my favorite things was the music in the background.
I have several of your books and currently have your Summer book on display in my kitchen. Last night I felt like you came to life in my kitchen for awhile. So fun. 😀
Thanks for the goodies. They are adorable.
Thank you very much! I love everything that you do! I appreciate your kindness and generous spirit. You always make my day! Thank you for the beautiful whimsy you add to my life! Blessings to you!
Thank you Susan! I have a large family with lots of nieces and nephews and grand nieces and nephews, so your pretty birthday chart will be a big help when it is time to remember to send out a card!
🙂 Sweet Joy… Sweetest Sue…a Birthday Organizer & Oh So Cute Place~Cards….I am so Excited to Print these Scrumptious~Gifts…. From You…Thank~You so Much! Enjoy The Full~Moon the next few Nights! Sending Hugzzz & Love As I Twirl under The Summer Night Sky! xoxo Poof! 🙂
Love the goodie bag with the goodies! Thank you! All your wonderful girlfriends used up my words, so just a big giant DITTO to all their comments! In my granddaughter’s words, I say to you – “You’re Awesome!”♥
Love the new blog….have my Summer book sitting out in my kitchen ! Today is first day of summer vacation – looking forward to cooking some great recipes from that book and this blog, and enjoying all the tips and treats you share. Thanks for helping us to focus on good things !
Hi Susan! Just found you have a blog now through Where Women Create’s blog. I’m loving what I’m seeing so far! 🙂 I love the birthday and anniversary date organizer. I found a card organizer at Goodwill, prettied it up and pick up cards when I see them. This would be a great thing to keep in the front so that I actually remember to use those cards I’m buying!
I am going to post your blog on the sidebar of my blog because I do not want to miss any of your posts! I am going to enjoy it so much and want to share.
Thank you so much! How thoughtful! I have enjoyed your work for years and now I feel as if I get a peek into your beautiful life on this wonderful blog! Thank you for sharing! <3
YAHOO!! What a precious blog!! I love it – thanks so much for the printable goodies too – I love the Birthday & Anniversary sheet…will be hanging it on my fridge today! Looking forward to following you!!
I am SOOOO happy! I’ll be visiting your blog daily as I can’t get enough of your beautiful artwork and lovely photos. Thank you for sharing your talents and making our days brighter!
O.k……so this is so cool..! Now you have a blog! Yea!!! Firstly….I totally love your work and. …….I love love love the vineyard! Just there last week for fun…but October is my favorite…… looking forward to reading your site ..I am a hand embroiderer I design my own work and you are a major inspiration for me …….I love clothes lines….one of my favorite subjects… You have a feel to your work that I love and I try to create that same sort of feel with mine..home , comfort , peaceful pastimes…happy things… The blog world is a really incredible place for creative people…I have met so many wonderful soul mates and learned so much….it is a happy and caring place indeed….and now you….well….welcome and enjoy !
Lovely blog…and always a lovely website. So nice to have you here! Thank you for your lovely “gifts” to print out! Will the “Wills and Kate” cups ever be available on your site?
Thank you ever so much, Ms. Branch, for all the goodies from your heart. I feel the ‘aloha’ in all that you create. I am thrilled that I can now visit you more often on your blog.
You are a good woman, Susan. The Blog is a joy. Thank you for the pdfs – I have a treasure trove of groovy Branch items from over the years. I always come back to it and find just the right thing for many occasions. The pansies on the placecards are so special – reminds me of my Grandmother, Big Katie. Her front porch had a flower bed box and she always had pansies. Thank you for making me smile with the memory. All the best with the blog and the enhanced site. Very cool!
I am so excited that you started a blog. I get Willard, but will feel more in touch and able to check in more often to see what you are up to. Thanks for the free goodies and your idea of a goodie bag for guests is wonderful. I have always loved your paper goods, books, and fabric. Having a new blog to go to is really a bonus.
Susan, thank you so much for the beautiful printables! I found your new blog through Judy @ Cutest Little Things Blog. What a gorgeous blog!! I’ll be back to visit again!
I’m back to say thank you sooo much for the goodies. I just love it all.
Your blog is JUST what I want mine to be except I can’t draw so must rely on YOU. :))
I do thank you.
xo bj
I just love your blog. I plan my day on your every word! Just kidding! I do love all the “goodie bags”, recipes, comments, just everything you do to make my life that much better. You even make me feel good about myself. Thank you for that. I hope my next life, that I get to be you for one year!!!! this would be awesome. I really had better just be happy with who I am and you do make me feel happy. Love all you work, blogs, recipes, books, etc. Just everything you do.
The art work is wonderful. This is where I am working on my talent to do. Art like you do it. Thanks for sharing everything!!!!
I’ve been following your site for about a year now, but this is my first time contacting you to say how much I enjoy your work and your whole perspective on happiness/friendship/cooking/home/the seasons…everything really! Thank you for all the goodies and inspiration you share with us! I hope all the joy you send out into the world comes back to you doubled. <3
I just LOVE your blog! Thank you for the printables – I have all of them in my hopper now, just waiting for the right occasion! Except for the birthday list – that’s hanging on my refrigerator! =)
Thanks so much for the wonderful birthday list. Any chance to get a copy that can be filled in on the computer? I have hand injuries, can type but my printing is horendous. Ill mess is up so much…
Thanks again!
Oh thank you for all the goodies 🙂 I shall use them with pleasure. Even if it is to just set places for me, my husband and the kids 😉 (I know the kids would love it anyway ;))
Your blog is like a note from my much loved sister. What a way to lift my spirits and give me great ideas. Thank you so much!
well, thats just,, LOVEly,,
Oh, how sweet you are!! Not one giftie from you, but two. Three if you include the recipe!! Thank you, thank you! Seeing that tomorrow is our anniversary, I will print out the ‘Year at a Glance’ and put it up in my little kitchen and write in our day…(Flag Day, at that). You are so thoughtful and share your talents in so many ways, sweetie!! xo
Oh Susan, Thank you for the goody bag goodies. I loved your website & I know I’m gonna love your blog!
Thanks so much for “A Year At A Glance”! It has been awhile since I checked your website – so happy to find you are now bloging! Recipe reminds me to get out the “Summer” recipe book! A really fav of mine! It’s like seeing a dream come true in words and pictures!
Oh Susan,
Thank you so much for these wonderful gifts!! I can’t wait to use the birthday/anniversary print out! I always try to remember these special dates now this will make it so much easier!
And you know me..I love place cards!! Thank you so much dear friend!!
xoxo Gert
Hello Susan!
Thanks so much for your great birthday organiser. So much easier to have them all on the same page:) I love the place cards too. Thank you for sharing.
I love the Irish Rhyme! I love the recipe and goodies! I love your blog! Thanks for making my day…
Oh, I’ll take these goodies…happily. Thanks 😉 🙂 These are cute and very useful, too. 🙂 🙂 I love it when both elements are co mbined 😉 🙂
If someone came over to visit me, I’d offer them some tea and Walker shortbread cookies. That’s my favorite cookie. Although it is starting to get really warm/hot here in Southern Oregon…so I’d have to make it iced tea 😉 🙂 🙂
Have a wonderful week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather 🙂
I love the Birthday organizer! Thank you so much.
How utterly wonderful to have a blog by dear sweet you!! 🙂
This is going to be a morning coffee-meetin’ place! Love it!!
And I love the birthday/anniversary print out!! Perfect timing. For my Mother, her Christmas present, I will be creating a box of all occasion cards, note cards, pens, paper…all the goodness needed for correspondence.
So thank you, thank you!!
Susan, thankyou for the birthday and anniversary reminder–what a good idea to have the whole year on one page! Also for the placecards, which will be perfect for a tea party! The recipe is a teaser as when I clicked on it, I got a message that the page could not be found! 🙁 Is there something I’m doing wrong?
It worked today! Thanks for the recipe–looks good! 🙂
Great to see your blog up & running Sue! Lot’s of fun! (My kitty, Shadow, perks up when he hear your little birds chirping when your blog opens up…LOL!) XO
Dear Susan,
I have been a follower of yours since day one! You make so many people happy Go Bruins!with your cheerful art and little quotes. A BIG thank you for all that you do! Go Bruins!
Thanks Susan! What lovely gifts. Thanks for sharing with us.
So sweet! LOVE the goodie bag treats! Thank you!
What a dream blog THIS IS!
How fun this is going to be, I’ve never really blogged or followed a blog before, but am so looking forward to this. Susan, love you sooooo much, have most of your books, always a new Susan Branch calendar each year, just love your whole outlook. Funny how you can feel you know someone so well that you’ve never met, but that just shows how well you express and share your self with us, how else can you explain thousands of women who feel they know you and consider you ‘friend’. Thank you too for your generosity in sharing the ‘goodies’, love them and your loyalty to all of us by working so hard to bring us the precious things in life, thru Willard, your books and beautiful artwork and going the extra mile to share with us, facebook, twitter,your videos, and now by working so hard to set up a blog, thank you thank you thank you.
My pleasure, because that “knowing someone so well that you’ve never met” — it goes both ways. I feel like I know you too! ♥
What lovely gifts this morning! Another beautiful blog!
We have a hot, dry morning here. My husband has been watering the garden for quite awhile as we’ve had no rain in 3 weeks!
It sounds quite perfect on the Vineyard!
Enjoy your Tuesday! xoxo Nellie
I check my Facebook page and special blogs most mornings with a cup of coffee nearby. Today, I was overjoyed to find the blog I was longing for was finally here (and with wonderful goodies to boot). I have been a fan since my daughter introduced tme to SB cards many years ago and I was hooked from the start. I recently purchased the beeskeep for my daughter’s garden in the country and everytime I see it I think of you! You are like a family member with my all my girls, friends and me and we are thrilled that you share so much of yourself with soooo many people……continued success and may you be blessed always1
What a wonderful idea to give “Gift Bags”via your blogsite!! I absolutely love the “Year-at-a-Glance” Birthday Organizer. I have a calender that I use just for writing down the birthdays, but the problem with that is…. you don’t see the birthday until you turn the calender page, and if the birthday is on the first several days of the month…. it doesn’t give much time to prepare a gift and card. Your “Year-at-a-Glance” is the perfect solution for me….no more last minute gift purchases!! Plus it is made by you….showing your beautiful artwork and creativity!
Additionally, I love the PlaceCards and the Truffles Recipe. Thank You for all you do!! It is much appreciated!
Your new Blog is FABULOUS!! xoxo
All your beautiful art and books available at our fingertips, an interactive blog and gifts too, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is better than a midsummer party.
When a friend comes for a visit, I like to have a home made treat to offer and a cup of tea. Since that doesn’t happen too often, I’m almost never ready for a surprise visit. I’ll make do with the treat (like toast and homemade bruschetta) and always the tea.
I look forward to reading your beautiful blog over and over. It’s like having a visit with my best friend :).
xoxo Janet
Wow, Susan! This blog is soooo awesome! I am so terrible at responding to letters and emails, but I love both FB and blogs! I can pop-in at any time of the day and just say ‘Hi’ and see what’s new! You have so many new friends and old friends (like me!) that can now share the joy of your great ideas! I am giving a tea this summer and want to use your pansey name cards…may I? I’ll be popping in and out as you continue to blog…almost feels like I am near you on the Vinyard! We will be driving up to Morro Bay in August for a family reunion with my cousins (I suggested they put a sign in the window of their cute shop, ‘Summer Cottage,’ that reads “Susan Branch shops here!”). Bye for now…gotta get to work!
Thank you for the wonderful recipe, place cards, and calendar page…priceless..love them…especially the birthday/anniversary reminder…you are spoiling us!
Thank you, Susan, for the darling gifts this morning! Love them! I’ve printed out my Year at a Glance and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the “Pooh” quote at the bottom! You’re the best!
The blog is a joy, and the goodies are a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much!
Thank you! I have quite a collection of goodies from you on my computer, starting with my MV screensaver. There’s always a little bit of SB in our Christmas letter.
I just found your adorable blog and FELL. IN. LOVE.
Ah, thank you, dear Sue! Leave it to you to welcome us with gifts. I can’t wait to print mine out. It will be like having one of those old Star Trek Replicators. (A real Replicator could do the truffles, too, but we’ll probably have to wait a couple of years for that.) No, I’m not a Trekkie … it was just those years living with teenagers 🙂 xoxo
My friends and I always have girl parties …must have a little treat to take home!! I’m collecting paper towel tubes for an idea I saw on Susan’s website …covering them with pretty paper and stuffing them with treats..I believe she had them for Christmas!! I’m collecting all kinds of little stuffable treats right now… 🙂
Adam my 14 year old son still loves goodie bags and would still have them if it were not for peer pressure.. so glad I’m a girl 😉
Me too, soooo glad I’m a girl…like pink! I had more fun collecting little things for those Christmas Place cards/poppers. You’re starting at the right time too! It’s a fun hunt!
Love, love, LOVE the place cards. Thank you for all the pretty little gifts today!
FSOB 4-Ever
I am so excited to be able to leave a comment even when I can’t think of a single interesting thing to say except THANKS! xo
Thank-you Susan Branch!! I love all these wonderful downloads and I’m printing them out now. Happy Summer to you!
I love your blog! What a joy it is to sign on and start reading. It’s like receiving a warm, loving hug first thing in the morning!
The downloads are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Marilyn (in Dallas)
I Love the “Year-at-a Glance” calendar! What a great idea! Thank-You!! I love your blog! I know you have thousands of fans, but reading it is like visiting with a dear friend. Thanks so much for sharing your talents, your life and yourself with us all! Blessings to you!
Hi Susan,
Last night I discovered your blog and proceeded to read every entry and watch several of your YouTube videos. Delightful. I loved hearing your voice and getting to “visit” you in your cute home. One of my favorite things was the music in the background.
I have several of your books and currently have your Summer book on display in my kitchen. Last night I felt like you came to life in my kitchen for awhile. So fun. 😀
Thanks for the goodies. They are adorable.
Thank you very much! I love everything that you do! I appreciate your kindness and generous spirit. You always make my day! Thank you for the beautiful whimsy you add to my life! Blessings to you!
Thank you Susan! I have a large family with lots of nieces and nephews and grand nieces and nephews, so your pretty birthday chart will be a big help when it is time to remember to send out a card!
Oh… love this blog!! Love your gorgeous designs!! Thank you for such a cute, cute birthday calendar!!!!! Hugs to you!!!!
I just love your blog ~~ it’s so very sweet!
Just love all your surprises Susan. Thank you so much!
🙂 Sweet Joy… Sweetest Sue…a Birthday Organizer & Oh So Cute Place~Cards….I am so Excited to Print these Scrumptious~Gifts…. From You…Thank~You so Much! Enjoy The Full~Moon the next few Nights! Sending Hugzzz & Love As I Twirl under The Summer Night Sky! xoxo Poof! 🙂
Love the goodie bag with the goodies! Thank you! All your wonderful girlfriends used up my words, so just a big giant DITTO to all their comments! In my granddaughter’s words, I say to you – “You’re Awesome!”♥
Love the new blog….have my Summer book sitting out in my kitchen ! Today is first day of summer vacation – looking forward to cooking some great recipes from that book and this blog, and enjoying all the tips and treats you share. Thanks for helping us to focus on good things !
I’m so happy to have found your blog! I’ve loved your art for years, and your blog is absolutely beautiful. I’m looking forward to spending time here.
Okay, that’s it – I have to install that color printer!!! Thank you thank you thank you 🙂
Thank you so much Susan for these “treats” you send our way! We all need a little “cheering up” in our busy lives and acts of kindness are priceless!
Welcome to blogland! I came over from WWC. Your goodie bags are so sweet. Just the thing to brighten an ordinary day. Thank you.
Hi Susan! Just found you have a blog now through Where Women Create’s blog. I’m loving what I’m seeing so far! 🙂 I love the birthday and anniversary date organizer. I found a card organizer at Goodwill, prettied it up and pick up cards when I see them. This would be a great thing to keep in the front so that I actually remember to use those cards I’m buying!
I am going to post your blog on the sidebar of my blog because I do not want to miss any of your posts! I am going to enjoy it so much and want to share.
So completely cute! Thank you!
Thank you so much! How thoughtful! I have enjoyed your work for years and now I feel as if I get a peek into your beautiful life on this wonderful blog! Thank you for sharing! <3
YAHOO!! What a precious blog!! I love it – thanks so much for the printable goodies too – I love the Birthday & Anniversary sheet…will be hanging it on my fridge today! Looking forward to following you!!
I am SOOOO happy! I’ll be visiting your blog daily as I can’t get enough of your beautiful artwork and lovely photos. Thank you for sharing your talents and making our days brighter!
O.k……so this is so cool..! Now you have a blog! Yea!!! Firstly….I totally love your work and. …….I love love love the vineyard! Just there last week for fun…but October is my favorite…… looking forward to reading your site ..I am a hand embroiderer I design my own work and you are a major inspiration for me …….I love clothes lines….one of my favorite subjects… You have a feel to your work that I love and I try to create that same sort of feel with mine..home , comfort , peaceful pastimes…happy things… The blog world is a really incredible place for creative people…I have met so many wonderful soul mates and learned so much….it is a happy and caring place indeed….and now you….well….welcome and enjoy !
Lovely blog…and always a lovely website. So nice to have you here! Thank you for your lovely “gifts” to print out! Will the “Wills and Kate” cups ever be available on your site?
We’re working on that right now…hope so! Will let you know in next WILLARD (starts going out 28th of June), if not sooner.
Thank you ever so much, Ms. Branch, for all the goodies from your heart. I feel the ‘aloha’ in all that you create. I am thrilled that I can now visit you more often on your blog.
WWC sent me over here and boy am I glad they did.
You are a good woman, Susan. The Blog is a joy. Thank you for the pdfs – I have a treasure trove of groovy Branch items from over the years. I always come back to it and find just the right thing for many occasions. The pansies on the placecards are so special – reminds me of my Grandmother, Big Katie. Her front porch had a flower bed box and she always had pansies. Thank you for making me smile with the memory. All the best with the blog and the enhanced site. Very cool!
Thank you for sharing your fun and pretty ideas!
You’re so nice.
I am so excited that you started a blog. I get Willard, but will feel more in touch and able to check in more often to see what you are up to. Thanks for the free goodies and your idea of a goodie bag for guests is wonderful. I have always loved your paper goods, books, and fabric. Having a new blog to go to is really a bonus.
Susan, thank you so much for the beautiful printables! I found your new blog through Judy @ Cutest Little Things Blog. What a gorgeous blog!! I’ll be back to visit again!
I have found you today and have spent hours looking at all your work and posts.
Thanks you for this little bit of wonder on my laptop. x x x
I’m back to say thank you sooo much for the goodies. I just love it all.
Your blog is JUST what I want mine to be except I can’t draw so must rely on YOU. :))
I do thank you.
xo bj
I just love your blog. I plan my day on your every word! Just kidding! I do love all the “goodie bags”, recipes, comments, just everything you do to make my life that much better. You even make me feel good about myself. Thank you for that. I hope my next life, that I get to be you for one year!!!! this would be awesome. I really had better just be happy with who I am and you do make me feel happy. Love all you work, blogs, recipes, books, etc. Just everything you do.
The art work is wonderful. This is where I am working on my talent to do. Art like you do it. Thanks for sharing everything!!!!
LOL at your second sentence, was going to tell you you’re in trouble, but you saved yourself. Thank you for such a sweet note. xoxo
Hi Susan,
I’ve been following your site for about a year now, but this is my first time contacting you to say how much I enjoy your work and your whole perspective on happiness/friendship/cooking/home/the seasons…everything really! Thank you for all the goodies and inspiration you share with us! I hope all the joy you send out into the world comes back to you doubled. <3
I just LOVE your blog! Thank you for the printables – I have all of them in my hopper now, just waiting for the right occasion! Except for the birthday list – that’s hanging on my refrigerator! =)
Thanks so much for the wonderful birthday list. Any chance to get a copy that can be filled in on the computer? I have hand injuries, can type but my printing is horendous. Ill mess is up so much…
Thanks again!
Appreciate all the “goodies” you make for your fans. Thank You very much!!
Thank you so much Susan!! I adore the placecards and can’t wait to use them!!
Love the goodies! They will make me smile always!