Why I Love Love Love my job . . . ♥

This is a big example of the reason I love my job. 

People bring me presents when I sign books!  This one will be on my fridge the minute I get home!  I think you see why!  

I work alone so much of the time, kind of face-down over my watercolors . . . in the quiet of my studio with just old creaking-house noises and kitty snores to break up the silence . . .

And then (it seems so sudden!), it’s time to get out of the jammie-outfits, iron real clothes, put on real shoes, and GO OUT into the real world and see actual people.  It’s a bit of a shock and takes a little getting used to . . . this trip has had a lot of that in it.  And yesterday, I signed my books and calendars at Judy’s show and met the most wonderful people!  They wait in line, because I like to visit with everybody . . . to find out a little bit about them; but they are laughing and having so much fun; they make it seem like they don’t mind the wait!

You know how much I love the connection between moms, daughters and grandmas!  These three generations came all the way from Arizona (in a Mini Cooper!); aren’t they darling? 

And here are three-generations-to-be!  There’s a baby girl waiting to be born, and a grandma-in-waiting!  This photo does not do the new mom justice, she was so darling.  I loved the little belt! 

Then of course, all the sisters and best friends!!!  I love my people!  (I hope you don’t mind if I call you my people?  I’m your people too, so I think it’s probably OK.)

And I know lots of Twitter Girls (Tweetettes) will love seeing Joann (@Myheartsathome) and her husband Rod from Colorado — here with Joe.  It was wonderful to see her . . . but with so much going on, I didn’t get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked.  I felt like I knew her, like we’d been friends forever! 

And then there were the sisters-of-the-heart — these girlfriends travel together all the time!

And, the littlest generations coming up . . .  if you remember the story I had on my old website at one time called Pancakes, about a woman named Vickie?  This is Vickie and her precious little daughter.  So cute! They are both wearing silvery flip flops with bling, and each of Vickie’s toes are painted a different color!

In the left corner of this photo you can see a bright orange spot?  It’s the pumpkin watercolor at the top of this page, tucked into my bag, and these two are the authors . . . Sydney and Jessie, age 5, best friends.  This and all these photos that came before, are why I love my job!

I signed Girlfriends Forever for these little dolls and then they each signed their names in “cursive” — their idea, and my delight.  (The hair; please.)

Just off to the right of where I’m sitting and signing are Bonnie and Kellee — I could not have done this (or lots of other things btw) without them, or Joe who was handling the camera most of the time!


And here’s Judy, keeping everyone entertained with her “Junque Queen Crown.”  Lots of good photos were taken with this crown Stephani made using costume jewelry from Judy’s Mom’s collection.

It was my honor to be a part of this wonderful event . . . everyone had such a good time; we all learned new things, and made new connections. Romantic Homes Magazine came to check out the action, and I found out my blog has been honored in their November issue, which is just out!!!  I haven’t seen it yet, but today, between packing to go home, and saying goodbye to Judy and Kellee, I have to go get my hands on one of them!  And YOU?  You would have fit right in at this show!  It wouldn’t have been half as much fun without you coming along!  We are the world girlfriends!  xoxo

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147 Responses to Why I Love Love Love my job . . . ♥

  1. Cindy says:

    Really wish I could have been there! I was showing my husband your pictures and even he wished we were there. (He loves antiques and flea markets as much as I do!)

  2. Joy Hall says:

    What a wonderful experience both for you and for “your people”. I would have LOVED to have been sharing the day. The love you have for people (animals, insects, flowers, trees, kitchen towels……..) shows in all of your art. What a warm soul you are.

    From one of “your people”. 🙂

  3. missholly says:

    Well..I think we all think you are pretty wonderful too!! I think this new world of blog has the power to change the direction of the world….it is an undercurrent of goodness and it is getting bigger and bigger everyday..

  4. Terri says:

    We are your world….
    We are your people…
    You are the one who makes our day brighter..
    So thanks for giving…
    and blogging so much fun and laughter and pictures
    making our day more positive
    It’s true you make our day brighter
    For your people…

    Hum to the tune of we are the world! LOL!!

    • sbranch says:

      Love it! Thank you!!!

      • Terri says:

        Sent something your way on Friday… should be waiting for you when you get home and it is HEAVY!! LOL!! Hope you like it and yes, you are supposed to share it (all) with Joe! LOL!!

        • sbranch says:

          You are LOL, and I’m thinking, what could it be? Chocolate? There’s no sharing in chocolate! 🙂 Thank you . . . it will be wild when we get home, with all the kitty kissing and unpacking, so I’m thanking you now!!! xoxo

          • Terri says:

            You HAVE to share the chocolate! LOL!!! That way I can hear what you both have to say about it! I know it will be nuts when you get home and was going to surprise you but figured I had better give you a heads up with a heavy box with an APO address and customs form! It is safe! I promise! THANKS for all you do every time you blog to make my life smile! So on your part girlfriend, no thank you required.

          • sbranch says:

            Oh no, I guessed it! I mean, Oh goodie, I guessed it! 🙂 So thoughtful! xo

  5. Judy Currie says:

    I am now a member – WGF = World GirlFriends – Love this show and understand why so many others love it also.

    Oh, I am just so happy – I am a member of the WGF (World GirlFriends) and I love that you share your outings with us. We appreciate you, Susan, for sharing your life with us. Judy C

  6. Gert says:

    Oh….I love this picture your “little” girlfriends drew for you! How darling! I know I would have it hanging only fridge…smile… Tell Joe he did a great job capturing you & your wonderful girlfriends! What wonderful photos! Makes us feel like we were right there with you!

    Blessings & smiles….

  7. Debbie Johnson says:

    Oh Susan-You look so pretty in the pictures! You have the sweetest smile. Thank you for sharing with us/your peeps. I live in Torrance, CA and will plan on going to the next show as it looks like soooo much fun!!!

  8. Patty Page says:

    I would have loved to have been there! It looks like you had a marvelous time! Will you be coming to Kansas City anytime soon?

  9. deezie says:

    Hi Susan
    Loved all the pictures!!! You really do make us feel like we are there with you. You give us such great pictures and details of it all.
    How I wish I was there. Oh well, maybe next time. They don’t seem to have things like that around where I live. Those little girls are just darling, you must have eaten them up.
    happy day Susan

  10. Angie(Tink!) says:

    ♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥ Good Afternoon Sweet Sue…Twirling with Delight! Every Photo…Perfection! It makes Me Feel Like I was There(One Day) 🙂 Oh How I Love The Pic with Joann & Rod & Joe! Sweet to see a Fellow Tweetette! & Vickie & Her Cute Daughter…:-) & Sydney & Jessie….all Your Friends & Fans…Devine! & I Must Say Sweet Sue You Look Gorgeous & so Happy! & Congratz on Your Beautiful Blog Being Honored By Romantic Homes Magazine! & Oh How I Loved The Pumpkin~Painting Ready for your Fridge! Bravo to Judy & Kellee & Bonnie & Photographer~Joe! 🙂 & Yessssssssss Sweet Sue We are Your People & You My Dear are Truly….Ours!….Thank~You for all the Joy! xoxo Poof!♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥

  11. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Thanks for the photo of Vicki and her daughter! I loved the Pancakes story and now I can actually picture the wonderful person IN the story. What a blessing all around!

    • sbranch says:

      Isn’t she gorgeous!? In more ways than one!

      • Karen P says:

        Is the story of Vicki and “Pancakes” someplace online still or is that what your new book will include? Now that I’ve seen the adorable Vicki and her sweet little girl, I MUST know the story!

        • sbranch says:

          Yes, it will be in the new book and it’s worth waiting for! (I hope!)

          • Karen P says:

            I, along with every other one of “your people,” am waiting with bated breath for Pancakes to come out! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to. I know it will be just beautiful! xoxo…kp

  12. Sue Miller says:

    Thank you so much for taking us along! You have provided a nice vacation with lots of new friends.

  13. pat addison says:

    what wonderful pictures of all the people and the booths, i miss being in that part of California, i loved the Madonna Inn, used to stop there on the way home to Arroyo grande from shopping in Cambria for a cup of fabulous hot chocolate or tea. used to go up to Cambria for the pewter ornaments from the pewter shoppe there, have quite a collection of pewter gnomes and dragons from there. loved that area, and i do miss it so very much at this time of year. thanks for all the pictures and happy memories. 🙂

  14. JudyCinNC says:

    Forgot to say – Sydney and Jesse did such a wonderful job on your picture – they sure are little sweethearts. Joe did a really good job as cameraman, he is a sweetheart also. Judy C

  15. Dolores says:

    Thank you so much for carrying us along! I am only a tiny bit sad I couldn’t be there in person because you took me along right by your side in cyberspace! As always I so enjoy your love of people and life and the many wonderful things you share with us! A lot of these things I may never have even heard about much less go to if it hasn’t been for you!
    Thank you for the trip!

  16. Sheryle Towle says:

    Some day, some how, I will meet you! That is my dream. I love that you love your job! Thank you for sharing & loving all of us out here in cyber space. Sending you a big hug from Southern Maine…82 degrees here today & still having cookouts on the deck!

  17. Leanne says:

    yea really NEED to come to New Zealand for a book signing.

    Love Leanne

  18. Nellie says:

    For some reason, reading this brought tears to my eyes! What a wonderful day you had on Sunday! Sydney and Jessie are absolutely darling, and what an outstanding addition to your “refrigerator art!” Such happiness and joy! I feel like I have experienced it as well. Thank you so much, Susan! Are there ever events such as this on the East Coast? I’m not sure that would ensure I could attend, but it would definitely be more likely. It is such fun for you to take us along on your trip. xoxo

  19. Kimi says:

    Hello to you Susan

    I think its just fine to call us your people and why not! I think of you this way too! I have to say this to you that you look very nice at the book and calendar signing I like your outfit very pretty. I want to say also and with an sincere heart I wish you continue success!!! Susan enjoy yourself soon you will be home in your own home and in that homey kitchen…. God Bless

  20. I wish I could meet you…I adore all of your talent and down to earth-ness! 😀

  21. Heartsdesire says:

    How happy you seem. It must have been a wonderful show. The photos certainly make it seem so. And what an honour for your blog. Romantic Homes is one of my favourite magazines. It usually takes a couple of weeks to get to Canada, but I’ll be watching for it.

  22. Dale Worness says:

    I just LOVE the pumpkin picture by Sydney and Jessie. Do they take orders? What adorable little girls! I can certainly see why you love your job! You make the world a much happier place.

  23. Sandra says:

    Susan, the absolute, sheer *fun* shines in this blog! How kind you are to people and, especially, to those little girls. You’ve given them a memory that will last forever; bless you!

  24. Darlene says:

    I love the great photos and the blog is wonderful such a nice crowd for you

  25. Lori says:

    Wish I could have been there – but thanks to your blog and the great pictures I feel like I was there. Proud to be one of *your people* Susan! Looking forward to “our” twain twip home …

  26. Karen says:

    Thanks to Joe for all of the wonderful photos! I feel like I have made this entire trip with both of you. I am looking forward to the train ride home and the wonderful pictures of Autumn in Martha’s Vineyard. All of this has comforted the heart of this Texas girl who has experienced a long, hot summer. I LOVE your blog….you put a smile on my face every single day!!

  27. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Looks and sounds like you had a fun day! The girls were darling! Oh yes, look at that hair! 🙂 The Remnants of the Past show looks like real fun!!! I wish when we saw you in St. Paul that we had gotten a picture of you and Joe together and one of Norm and Joe together. I will email you one of us together that Norm took… Your slacks and jacket outfit looks really nice–good outfit for a book signing! We are lucky that we have supportive guys in our lives (and they are both so handsome, too!) Also, you have good “staff” that work for you! 🙂

  28. Merry says:

    I love this post. Actually, I love every post you make. They make me smile and on days where there’s not much going on, I love coming to your site to look and read. 🙂


  29. I’m sitting here looking out at grey skies and rain so just looking at your photos gave me such a lift. All that California sunshine. All those pretty things. It looks like it was such a fun time.

  30. Country Gal says:

    Wonderful photos. It must be soo rewarding for you and your fans to have a day like this. Have a wonderful eve.

  31. Ann says:

    I sent the link from yesterday to a girlfriend and told her it’s “on our list”. Thanks for sharing the fun, Susan.

  32. Karen P says:

    Okay….one more comment from me and I’ll stop…sorry…I get carried away! But, I just wanted to say how absolutely precious it is of you to take the time to meet and greet and warmly welcome each and every person. I’m sure everyone soooooo greatly appreciates it. That is your gift (among so many others!)….to make people feel special! The pictures say it all. (Thank you, Joe, for doing such a stellar photography job!) xoxo…kp

  33. Betty says:

    Thank you so much for these wonderful photos, videos and your descriptions. I feel that I experienced the ‘vibe’ and friendliness of the event. Would love to attend sometime. Maybe one day:)
    Several posts back you asked “do possums bite?” – Well, in my experience they don’t, but they have little claws that could give you a nasty scratch.
    Greetings from ‘Down under’.

  34. Francine says:

    You look so tiny sitting in that chair!!! I just found out today that my new “baby in waiting” (1/6) is a girl! Can’t wait. Loved your little girls….the pumpkin picture, the hair! Darling!!!

    • sbranch says:

      You have a girl!! So happy for you!!! Thank you for letting us know Francine!!! (I’m not that tiny :-))

  35. Deborah says:

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful West Coast experience with us! The happiness, fun, and enthusiasam comes through loud and clear! Great pictures!

  36. Barbara (WA) says:

    I love being one of “your people” !! Smiling from this post and I adore those little girls. Hi Sydney! Hi Jessie! You don’t know me but I love that you thoughtfully made a beautiful painting for Susan. It made ME happy, too. Thank you!

  37. I realized that while I was reading today’s blog edition I started humming a church song (based on a verse from ? [be right back—Ok, I’m back. Verse is from 2 Chronicles 7:14]) Song is entitled “If My People”. I think the Lord will forgive me for adapting a very deep verse to this lighthearted purpose (Actually, I’m sure the Lord will forgive me, but my Pop, the Pastor-Poo, as my Mum calls him, may not…Oh well.) So, your version goes something like this:
    “If my people, who are called by my name, will read my blog and comment and follow my twitter and tweet, then I will hear from Martha’s Vineyard, and I will paint them more pictures and write for them more books.”
    I know it’s a stretch, but this is what I thought of when I found out you call me “my people”. You and the Lord call me the same thing! I like it!

  38. Martha Ellen says:

    Susan you look so lovely at the show! I love the picture of you with your little girlfriends! My fridge is decorated with artwork that my two grandsons regularly draw for me! I absolutely love being around those two —7 and 8 year olds. They just spent the weekend with us and now need to recover! I know for sure why God gives children to us when we are young! Have safe travels home to New England. xoxo ♥

  39. Madeline says:

    Sydney and Jessie both have a remarkable touch with the paints. The pumpkins are impressive. I hope they’ll always enjoy painting!

  40. Joan Lesmeister says:

    Dear My People: Wonderful pictures, great displays, & such a treat to see all your beautiful people! Many thanks, & hugs! Love from one of your people, Joanie

  41. CindyK says:

    Oh my goodness, what wonderful photos, and wonderful stories! That pumpkin watercolor is adorable! Even great shading!! And you looked adorable too Susan! I wish I could have been there, with all my squirrels too! My recent release, a flying squirrel, comes and sees us quite often! He’s so sweet! Thanks for sharing this awesome event!

  42. Susan, I love the term “my people”… It’s somehow more comforting to me, personally, than “girlfriends” 🙂

    Your trip has been so much fun for so many people. What a great way to travel! I just wrote a blog post about travelling and never leaving home, but only now did I think that I should have included your blog in this context. I’ve mentioned you so many times already, people probably think I am running a Susan Branch fan club!

    Looking forward to the trip back. Take care,


  43. Sandra Gillanders says:

    Gee, it was wonderful to see all your pictures and all those happy faces. And, the picture of Joanne, Rod and Joe was so nice. Glad you got to meet even if only briefly. Looks like a wonderful show. Have a safe and enjoyable trip home, the view from your room should be grand. You can leaf peep while you tweet from the twian.

    • sbranch says:

      We got to look at each other a lot, we were actually together for hours, but there was just not a lot of quiet time! Today is the day Sandy, home we go, can’t believe it. Always hard to leave, no matter where I’m leaving from! xoxo

  44. Lisa says:

    Dear Susan,
    You are such a warm and wonderful person! I can not thank you enough for absolutely making my little girls day by taking time with her and her best friend Sydney.
    Tomorrow when she wakes up and sees her pumpkin picture on YOUR blog, she is going to go WILD!!!! You are truly magic Susan, thank you for all the wonderful things you do! My “girls weekend” (which totally has new meaning) was so much fun for 2 mommies and 2 little girls. Thanks for getting us out and about.
    Warmest Regards,
    better known as Jessie’s Mom 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Oh thank you Lisa! Jessie’s Mom! You guys were one of the big highlights of the event for me . . . how darling your girls are, and how patient they were, putting up with the crowd and all. Everyone loved them, but I was the lucky one because I have the pumpkin picture! Thank you so much for coming!

  45. Joann says:

    Hello Susan,
    What a whirlwind weekend….from getting up at 3 a.m. on Saturday and flying into LAX, driving up the coast to SLO and then doing it again (but in reverse) this morning—we’re back home to CO only to find our mountains covered in snow….what a difference a couple of states away can make!! You are SUCH a dear and the LONG line of women waiting just to say hello is but a small testament to the love we all feel for you…..you are the HEART of all of our homes!!

    • sbranch says:

      Was SO happy to see you Joann, and Rod too, what a doll he is! I’ve had what you had, today be begin the whirlwinding, in reverse, home to MA! Lots of wonderful memories! Thank you so much for coming out to see me, sorry it wasn’t a little quieter for our first meeting! But, what it lacked for intimacy, it made up for in festivity! xoxo

  46. Sharon from Maine says:

    Susan this post shows us all why we love you so much! You are a gift to us all! Jessie and Sydney are going to remember meeting you for the rest of their life, I’m sure. And then when they see you put their pumpkin picture on your blog will absolutely thrill them. What a difference yorr caring made in the lives of 2 little girls! You looked beautiful at the book signing and I could see how excited everyone was to meet you in person (wish I had been there!). I subscribe to Romantic Homes and it came the other day but I hadn’t looked at yet. As soon as I read that your blog spot was in there I ran in to check it out. Sure enough, it’s on page 15 and the whole half of the page is about your blog. I think you are going to have a lot more FOSB once this hits the newstands! xxxxoooo Sharon

    • sbranch says:

      The more the merrier Sharon! Thank you! I hear it’s really hot in Maine, is that true?

      • Sharon from Maine says:

        Actually on Saturday and Sunday it was 84! Unbelievable for this time of year. They said Portland broke a record for that kind of temperature in October. The poor plants, though, they don’t know whether to wake up or go to sleep! Today it’s only in the 60’s so going back down to normal. I think when you get back home, it should be back to the fall weather that we’re supposed to have in October.
        P.S. Have you had any responses about finding a new kitty baby?

  47. Margie from Lavender Cottage says:

    Thanks so much, Susan, for sharing this time with us. I too, enjoy my job very much but my situation is the total opposite of yours. I spend each day with many, many people and when I go home in the evenings and on the weekends I make a point of culitvating silence, peace and creativity. Finding Lavender Cottage made all the difference in the world. I’m very fortunate to have a wonderful group of friends but I also enjoy my own company. Sounds like your trip west was a success so far. Have a great Tuesday, everyone!!!

  48. Betsy says:

    Never has one woman traveled with so many people along for the ride! Thank you Susan for taking us with you. I wish we had show’s like this in Eastern Pennsylvania.

  49. Susan, Love.love, love your blog entry today(and everyday) about your beautiful time at the show. Pictures are great. Safe trip home. One of your people, Angel

  50. Sharon Sieppert says:

    I am so happy and proud to be one of “your people”. Safe trip back to Kitty

  51. Marilyn says:

    What a beautiful post! I love the fact that you take the time to connect with people on such a personal level. You touch the lives of so many people with your creativity. I hope you realize that! 🙂

    Because of meeting you, Sydney and Jessie (and many others) may be encouraged to pursue their own creative dreams.

    Oh….I wish I could have been there, too!!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  52. Rosanne says:

    This is an excerpt from my 2000 Heart of the Home Book of Days: “Today my darling drove me to Beaverton, OR (50 miles from home) for a Susan Branch book signing!!! Waited in line for an hour and a half, not because the line was soooo long but because Susan spent time with each person, and anyway, it was fun just being in line chatting with everyone else. Susan was so gracious, really nice, and even prettier in person . . . .” See why we are your people?! You spread sunshine wherever you go (like that picture in one of your books of the girl with little hearts trailing behind her.).

  53. Nina says:

    O Susan this trip of yours (ours) has been sooo lovely! I loved all the piccies especially these!
    Judy did a great job ask her when she’s coming to England to do one! lol! Thanks once again for sharing it really is almost as much fun as being there looking at it through your eyes. I am really glad to be one of your people and really really glad you are one of mine! Have a safe jouney back to the Vineyard! xxxx

  54. Lee Ann G. says:

    I love it when you show us pictures of yourself out there spreading your sweetness around and telling us all about it. Wish I had been one of those in that crowd waiting in line to see and talk to you and to give you a girlfriend hug. I would have waited as long as it took to meet you in person Susan, along with all of these wonderful ladies. You and your cookbooks and other creations have warmed my heart for years. You have a special way of making us all feel like we have met you in person through your special way with words and the joy and welcoming that comes through them. Thank Y♥U!!!!

    ♥Lee Ann

  55. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Oh Susan, you truly are my daily little blessing! Peeking into your world teaches me soooooooooo much. Have a safe and cheery trip back East!

  56. Why can’t I have an instant teleportation device? Would love to have been there. Looks like a fantastic day and someday I want your autograph in one of my beloved Susan Branch books. So there. 🙂
    Loving your blog, Susan. I check it every day. <3

  57. Linda P. says:

    I was there and had a great time. Bought some great pieces that I love. I didn’t mind at all waiting in line to meet you. Susan, you were so gracious in your time talking to each one of us and taking pictures – (I was the one who told you about the brownies) – thank you very much. I even met Judy – my husband and I were taking a break at the lunch area and she asked if she and her daughter could sit down at our table – she was a delight. I was so glad that I read about this show in your blog – it was a wonderful day.

  58. Julie C says:

    Thanks for taking us along on your trip. I look forward to your blog everyday. If I had a little girl, I would be doing her hair up with those pretty little flowers. I can’t wait for you to get a new “baby kitten”. My Ranger is about 8 months and runs the house. Nothing like a kitten!

  59. Jacqui G says:

    Lucky Duckies getting your autograph on their Autumn Books…

  60. Sarah Powell says:

    Such a bummer to miss this event! I think your gorgeous green pant suit assemble and matching desk to sign your books must haven taken the “Best in Show” prize! Nice planning, my fine-detailed-stylish-friend.
    I leave for Mexico on Monday…….xoxoxSarah

  61. I was just enjoying another beautiful 78 degree sunny Fall day in Indiana and reading all of your blogs and just feeling so blessed to be well and alive. I also think it is a very small World we all live in; with all of our differences and social backgrounds we are really only one large group of “friends” and we all share one thing in common…YOU…SUSAN….it is so wonderful to share all of our views and feelings and we all seem to enjoy antiques and your zest for travelling and taking all of us along on your journeys!! Thank You.

  62. Susan, I love visiting your blog..I finally ordered a copy of Autumn for myself and Girlfriends Forever for my girl friend for Christmas.
    Mama Bear

  63. Claudia says:

    Your blog is like sitting down with an old friend, even thought we’ve never met. Thank you for taking us along on your adventures and for sharing your warmth and talent with all of us.

  64. Carmel says:

    Yesterday after a doctor’s appointment (finding out I have to be out for the remainder of the week-ugh- for a teacher, that’s especially hard even if I caught this bug from school!) I picked up a prescription and a copy of Romantic Homes (I was feeling sorry for myself and needed a comfort magazine). Then a surprise! Under the section entitled:” Creative Ideas from the Blogosphere” was listed (as you discovered yesterday too). As you would say: “Big Excitement!” For those who don’t have a copy, it says: ” A blog about what Susan Branch is famous for-the “Home Arts” of cooking, sewing, family, friends and entertaining. A reflection of Susan’s watercolor art and handmade style, this blog is created from Susan’s studio in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, and promises to deliver the same heartfelt feel as her books.” I will add: “Amen!”

  65. {oc cottage} says:

    With every post, that fact that you lead a very blessed life, is illustrated to me. And also, the fact that you not only deserve it, revel in it and share
    your blessings with all of us in such a way that no one would feel envious, but that everyone would want to aspire to your joy in living. I am never left feeling jealous of your artistic gift, but wanting to strive for your gift of taking delight in the smallest details of life…and make them wondrous. I always leave your blog with a grateful heart.


    m ^..^

  66. Elizabeth says:

    Susan, you have so much more than a “job.” You have found the “sweet spot”, as Max Lucado says. The convergence of how you were knit, your personality, your life experiences, your talents, skills and gifts all culminating into your loves, passions, friendships and art. Few people find it, keep it, nurture it but all your girlfriends are thankful you have it and include us in your journey.

    • sbranch says:

      Until I was 42 years old I didn’t know what I would do “when I grew up” — I wandered, looking and looking, and then a miracle happened. The convergence of all the loves of my life solidified and you are right, I am so grateful.

  67. Jeannie M from NC says:

    Thanks Susan for sharing your day with us!

  68. Lori C. says:

    Susan Dearest!

    My lucky friend and her sister had such a wonderful time chatting with you – and THANK YOU SO MUCH for autographing the calendars (for me – since I couldn’t go this time – and one for a friend – whose husband is soon to be leaving us, due to brain cancer – I know this calendar will be a blessing to her)!

    *Blinker* On a different note – if you’re looking for a wonderful read on your Twain Twip home – have you read Kate Morton’s “The Forgotten Garden”? It starts out with a little 4 year old girl abandoned on a ships dock in Australia with only a suitcase containing fairy tales in it. It will take you from Australia to Cornwall, England.

    • sbranch says:

      Will look for it when we get to Chicago! Thank you…sorry you couldn’t make it, but you sent some good emissaries!

  69. Susan, I know you’re a mighty busy lady, but if you have a moment would you do me the honor of taking a peek at my blog (the link is in my name up there)?? I visited my little town’s bog/nature preserve this morning and so many of the photos I took made me think of you. <3

  70. Sheryle Towle says:

    Hi Susan, I just tried to comment on today’s blog, but could not…it said “comments off”. You must be in another dead zone of some sort. Loved your trip out west….travel home safely! xo

  71. Bonnie Crawford says:

    Hi Sue!~~
    It was so wonderful to see you here in Arroyo Grande! It was fun showing you my new kitty, and he loved his ride to your house and back! =)
    I want to thank you for letting me work your book table with Kellee on Sunday! Joe didn’t get a good glimpse of me, LOL!… (Aren’t we vain??) 😉 But I was really smiling the whole day, and loved seeing all the people lined up to see you! I told Kellee, it was kind of like being at Disneyland because they all were so happy to be there, and many made the trip just to see you! I loved meeting them all, and had the best time selling your beautiful books and calendars. What a very special treat for me!
    I hope you have a wonderful trip back to MV, and we will all miss you here in California. Good-Bye for now…..give Joe a hug from me too!!
    I love you Susan Branch!~~ xo

    • sbranch says:

      Love you back Bon Bon. Thank you so much for all your help. I thought exactly the same thing — Disneyland. Such a happy day with such nice people! I’m glad everyone got to meet you and vice versa! xoxo

  72. Lorrie Rockwell says:

    Hello Susan (and Joe!)-

    We just got back from SLO, CA to Cave Creek, AZ! We were SOO pleasantly surprised to see ourselves on your 10.10 blog! What an extraordinary trip we had traveling 1300 mi in my lil’ convertible Mini! Mom, Daughter and Me…JUST to meet WONDERFUL YOU!!! I would do it ALL OVER AGAIN and wouldn’t change a thing!

    As I was standing across from you taking a quick photo, how fun was it to turn around and look up at who else…?! JOE!!! He was just as gracious as you were with his warm and welcoming smile to greet me! It was such a pleasure to be able to meet the gentleman who makes YOU the lovely lady you are!

    As I had mentioned to you about my craft room/office, it is finally complete, with a photo of us (and Joe) together, right in the center of ‘my inspiring people’ wall! The frame was ‘in waiting’ for OUR photo together! I just treasure our photo more than you realize!!! Thank you SO very much for the opportunity and time you gave to me, my mother and daughter. Those few moments of time in my life-(ahhh-sigh…) what a special, special treat it was meeting you…WONDERFUL and INSPIRING, BEAUTIFUL YOU!!!
    I would love to share a photo of my wall with you so you can see it, but not sure where to send it to…If you would like to see it, just let me know!

    Please let Joe know that I also appreicate him taking time to sign my Autumn book. It was a fun trade off-I let him photograph mom/dtr/me for him to sign my book! He was happy to! Thanks Joe!

    Safe travels to you two!

    Much admiration and a big hug to you for ALL you do-

    Lorrie Rockwell
    (A ‘Mini’ Big Fan!)

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Lorrie! I love the three-generation photo Joe took of you! You, your daughter and your mom are official blog beautifiers! What a trip! Welcome home! I’m so glad you had a chance to get to know Joe, I was very lucky the day he decided to come into my life! Send your photo to [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ — I’ll definitely get it there and would love to see it! Thank you again for coming all that way! Arizona was beautiful yesterday morning as we cho-chooed across it, hope it’s the same for you today! xoxo

  73. I”m so glad you and Joann met! How exciting 🙂 Hopefully some day you’ll get up here to PEI 🙂 we’d LOVE to have you *hint* *hint* lol
    Love the painting! Why can’t I just do go for it, like those little artists? 😀

    Thanks again!
    Denise of Ingleside, PEI

  74. Becky says:

    I was tickled to see the ADORABLE retro trailer all dolled up at the show just behind where you were signing. We have a 12 ft. trailer, no joke; it really is 12 ft. that we have almost donated away on a few “cleaning/let’s get organized” days. Luckily that didn’t happen, and now I have a new project. I am in love with that little gem of a heap! Namaste, blessings, and as always…Thank you for the spirit feeding!

    • sbranch says:

      Luckily you kept it, how wonderful. Think what a great extra bedroom/craft or writing room it would make. What a great project! The one at the show is my friend Stephanie’s and it’s just adorable on the inside too!

  75. Katharine says:

    I wish I had lived closer cause I would have gone to the show too. Last weekend I went to a blog social for Southern California women bloggers and we met at Old Town Orange. One of the stores was so big I almost got lost in there. We walked around and “shopped”, ok I just window shopped and others did shop, for three hours. Then we had lunch and Mark Montano was the guest speaker. Have you met him? He is such a sweetheart!

    I’ll pay attention to when you are in So CA again.

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve never been to a blog social, what was it like? They sure know how to choose a fun town for it!

  76. Jacqueline Van Horn says:

    Helloooooo Susan!!!!
    I would just love, love, love to make a home for that lovely little recipe box!!!!

    PS: I love your blog!!!!!!

  77. Amy Swanson Haan says:

    I love your blog! That recipe box would look pretty neat in my kitchen and would become a treasure for me to pass down to my daughter. What a surprise when I saw a familiar sight on your blog. My grandmother used to live in Morro Bay and she took me to the Madonna Inn. My mom says I loved the little bunny faucet handles in the bathroom and all the pink, which by the way, is still my favorite color. Grandma said the food was too expensive, so we could only order something to drink, but that was good enough for me. Thanks for bringing back a special memory!
    P.S. Would you please make the 5X7 monthly calendars again that fit in the little easel?

  78. Kathy McKinstry says:

    Hi Susan!
    I just love your blog and it is the only one I take the time to read, I look forward to reading it with every post you make. When I read your letters I feel like I am reading an email that was written just to me from you. You are in your element when you do what comes natural which is sharing so much of yourself with your writing, painting, and best of all, just living every day to the fullest! Family, friends, and home are the dearest to you, they are the root of your life. Thank you Susan for all that you do for others, and for your appreciation of “the simple things in life. ”
    Kathy M.

    • sbranch says:

      Thanks so much Kathy, I’m glad you’re here!

      • Kathy McKinstry says:

        Thank you Susan! And I’m not far, my sister and I both live in CT, she has a dear friend who lives on the Vineyard and invites her and her husband to come visit every couple months. They go as much as possible and hate to leave!!!!

  79. Sharon Madzoeff says:

    Dear Susan,
    Just wanted to say how much I love your COOKBOOKS, WEBSITE, BLOG and all the wonderful WATERCOLOR ILLUSTRATIONS you add to everything!!!!
    You truly are an inspiration and I so look forward to seeing what you will come up with next. I would love to have your talent.
    I missed seeing you at the show in SLO this year but hope you return next time Remants of the Past is there as I will be waiting in line for sure! I hope you never stop doing what you do!
    Best wishes!
    Sharon Madzoeff

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Sharon! Makes me happy to do it!

      • Victoria says:

        What an extraordinary trip! Thank you so much for taking us all along! It was the next best thing to being there along side of you, among all those wonderful people, antiques and treasures and beautiful landscapes and places… and food of course.
        You have it right… a beautiful home place on each end of the US. what could be more perfect!
        …and I thought I was the only one that had unexpected adventure when traveling. What a perfect description of your turbulent home coming! So glad you made it home safe to your kitty .
        Losing Moe made me cry, so now I have my eyes out for a new kitty for you, even though I don’t live in MA. If I find one I think you would like, I will send you a picture and find a way to get him to you.
        It is so good to have you back home! I delight in all the things you share with us…. I love just the little touch you give to ordinary things. You are my Shero!
        Thank you! You are so special to me!

        • sbranch says:

          Shero . . . 🙂 took me a moment. Thank you!! Love your words. So glad you come visiting here! Am trying to make Girl Kitty secure again, then will get out on the hunt for a new friend for her.

  80. Rosemary says:

    My daughter Angela always used one of your calendars as a diary, right up until she lost her battle with breast cancer in 2007. I accidently stumbled across your website and wanted so much to pick up the phone and share it with her. Thank you for your beautiful artwork and recipes. I’ll keep coming back.

    Thank you.

    • sbranch says:

      Ohhh, Rosemary, that’s just not right is it . . . I’m so sorry …. thank you for being here, in memory of Angela we go on.

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