The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

We’ve been decking the halls, girlfriends, in the Most wonderful time of year!

You know I love my bird trees . . . this is the white feather tree I did for the guest room. (We have the larger 24″ tree in our store now, in case you’re looking for one! Ignore the photo of it in the web store, that was the 12″ one — double it in your mind!  So darling!)

And, in case you missed it, here’s Jack helping me decorate the bird tree for the kitchen table.  Without knowing it, slowly, over the years, I bought little paper and feather birds whenever I saw them, and they ended up being a collection that was perfect for a small table tree.  My absolutely favorite holiday decoration! I put it out usually before Thanksgiving, because it represents my favorite thing no matter what time of year, nature. 

And speaking of trees, we brought in the big one last night!  Had turkey soup for dinner, turned on the Christmas music and brought in the tree.  When we first saw our house, we knew this corner of the living room was the spot for the tree, in front of those windows!  Figuring out where the Christmas tree will go is just a natural part of home buying! Out to the barn goes the dining table and chairs that are usually in this space — in comes the little box Joe made to stand the tree on.

Beautiful Christmasy night — under a cold moon shining through thin clouds we went past the barn to where the tree has been soaking and drying . . . don’t have photos of the next part, couldn’t handle the camera while carrying my end of the tree (the top) in the dark, singing Oh Come All Ye Faithful down the driveway, out to the front of the house, following Joe up the steps, through the front door, squishing past the piano in the front hall, into the living room, lifting it over the sofa, “fit it in the hole, back, back, no, too far, lift higher, there!” and viola!  Like buttah.

She’s in!  The first thing we did is tie her to the wall!  Taking no chances with you-know-who.

Then Joe unleashes the ropes and Pop goes the Magnificence! O Christmas Tree! We turned it to get the best side, “Is it straight? How about now?” . . . Girl Kitty came in to help.

 The tree was cold from being outside, you could feel little clouds of coldness when you were close to it . . . and it filled the room with that wonderful woodsy piney smell.  Heaven.  This morning I came downstairs and now the whole house smells of it.

And then Nightmare on Elm Street, all wrapped up in fuzzy cute ball of adorableness, shows up.  Asks Joe “Could you please explain this to me?  Please?  What is it what is it what is it.  Can I have it?  Please?  can i can i can i?”

 We had to pull him out of it twice, although the tree was still standing this morning, so I think we’re doing pretty good.  Today we’ll put the lights on, drape it with garlands, and make a true kitty toy out of it. 

Before I wrote any books, I used to have a list I kept in my recipe box.  My mom wrote it for me; it was a list of all the traditional foods we made for holiday dinners. I didn’t want to forget anything.  Which gave me the idea when I wrote my Christmas Book, to put together a list of every single thing I could think of about decorating for Christmas so that all I had to do is read it every year.  I still just pull out that book, run my eyes down the list for inspiration!  Lots of ideas for decking the halls!  Another handy perk of book writing . . . permanent lists!  For the most wonderful time of the year! In case you don’t have a list of your own, here’s mine:

I hope you found that helpful!!  My girlfriend Sarah wrote last night and gave me a link to a website that has lots of ideas for decorating I thought you’d like to look at.  I also love decorating with books.  Old books bring old Christmases into the house.  This year our house will celebrate its 162nd Christmas!  Since back before these books were brand new.

 See the little one on the top of the stack above? Here it is close up. Published in 1938, a charming story of Christmas-gone-by, complete with line-drawings by Lois Lenski.

In case you like to decorate with books too, I thought this would be a wonderful one to add to your collection, or maybe you’d like to start a collection! They’re darling on guest-room dresser tops; look wonderful in guest bathrooms; nice on the coffee table, and sweet to read to children. 

If you’d like to have this book, just leave a comment, share your Christmas doings with the Girlfriends or just say Hello, and you’ll be entered in our drawing!  In a few days, I’ll ask the magic random chooser to do its thing and draw one of your names and this little book will zip off, in fairy manner, with love from me to you.  Here’s one of the darling little line drawings in the book . . .

And I haven’t forgotten, not all the girlfriends celebrate Christmas!  We are lucky enough to welcome friends here from all over the country, all over the world — there will be more drawings this month, that don’t have Christmas written all over them — but this little book called my name . . . if you don’t celebrate Christmas, you may know someone who does, this would be a wonderful little gift!  Happy Holidays to everyone!  I wob you.

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884 Responses to The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

  1. Ana says:

    Susan: I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I literally stumbled on your site. It’s so wonderful to be apart of your everyday life and knowing that you think of us. Thank you for including us in your life and sharing all you are and have with us. Love, Ana

  2. Pat Beckman says:

    Christmas has always been my favorite time of year.about the last 10years I have had a family Christmas Tea.Tomorrow is the day! I have hung the Tea Time flag out the tables are set,the girls have all bought new dresses(that’s a must ) I’m picking up the hand made cookies today and then it’s home to finish the baking. Cucumber sandwiches and all. Wish you could come.. Your Christmas book is on the table. And they all sign their name in the Christmas memories book .Its my gift to the family. Hope you get the rest of the decorating done so we can see.I better get busy……Pat

  3. joan says:

    I do hope the tree survives Jack! We had a sweet kitty a long time ago who made a bed in the branches about half way up the tree. He was ever so careful so we let him nap there!

  4. Jeanette says:

    Good morning, Susan!!!
    Thanks for starting my day by spreading such good cheer and a-dorable photos of Jack!! It looks to me that he got in line twice when personality and a spunk were handed out, oh yes, and cuteness too. He’s certainly adding his own dose of joy to this Christmas. Lucky you and Joe. Our youngest pup, 2 1/2 does the same for us. Here’s to a delightful, ho,ho,ho kind of weekend. Sending an abundance of glad tidings to you. xoxo, Jeanette

  5. Susan says:

    Morning! A Merry Christmas to all. Have fun with Jack!

  6. nicole says:

    Oh I would love to have this book to celebrate christmas in our french house. I discovered that some decorations had escapted being put away the hole year! I must say I was so sick, I didn’t take care of all this… This year I am much better and I could turn the pages of the book all by myself!
    I love this season! It is cold and rainie out there, I don’t have a fire blazzing but a chocolate melling candle burning and a cupe of tea!
    Must go and open the door to our cat!
    Love from afar

    • sbranch says:

      So happy you are better Nicole! I hear joy in your voice!

      • nicole says:

        How strange you guessed so well!
        This year, the theme I choosed to make advent calendars for friends and family (quotes on decorated cards , folded and closed) is… Joy !
        Because, yes, I am full of joy! Joy to be alive, joy to be able to appreciate this season, simply joy !

  7. Anne says:

    You’re tree is bee-u-tiful! I’m cracking up at the kitties – Jack’s first Xmas tree! He was probably dreaming about it last night. My dog thinks the tree skirt is an extra blanket for her pleasure. I have pictures of her sleeping on it (too cute for words) and she also hides her treats on it. I love the way animals think. Thanks for all the great decorating ideas 🙂

  8. Nanc says:

    Love books scattered all over the house whether a holiday or just because. Loved the first picture with the yellow bird I’ll call a goldfinch because I have a collection of them. I also have a bird tree but the birds are white and silver. Enjoy every day looking to see if you have written on your blog. Thank you!

  9. Jeanie Hans says:

    I love the little drawings. They remind me of a Lois Lenski book. Christmas Eve is my birthday so I’ve always felt that special. I love Christmas and we are spending our holiday this year at home. My sweet 20 year old Girl-baby is changing colleges. She is moving from a college 3 hours from home to one that is just 20 minutes from door to door. I can’t wait! She will move in on January 2nd so we decided to keep our holiday low-key. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas surrounded with your kittens and your sweetheart. You’ve been such a part of my life through your books. I’ve given “Girlfriends Forever” to many special friends over the years.

  10. I love your list. I realized recently that your Christmas book is one that I do NOT have (how did that happen?). I’ll have to make certain I have it by next year. Autumn goes on display in my kitchen starting September 1-ish.

    One of my favorite parts of Christmas is lighting the Christmas tree early in the morning and enjoying my first cup of coffee in the quiet. It is magical (Narnia magic). 🙂

  11. Kim S says:

    Good morning Susan. Enjoyed reading your post about the Christmas ideas. Last week I read your post about displaying your vintage children books all over the
    house and I pulled mine off the shelves in my upstairs closet and now Heidi and company are displayed all over the house! Thanks for the great ideas!! I don’t have any Christmas books yet but have some red and green ones that would bring Christmas in. My husband will be out of town until Christmas and after so I am having a hard time getting in the mood to decorate this year :(. I will definitely downsize the decorations this year but will use some of your ideas so I will feel merry!

    • sbranch says:

      Yes, and make yourself a tiny baked dish of apple crisp with cranberries, and go for a walk — really for me, that would be enough!

  12. Jackie McMahan says:

    Hi, Susan! I have become completely addicted to your books and blog! I have been eagerly waiting to see your Christmas decorating start, so I did a little happy dance this morning when I saw your new blog post! I have “borrowed” so many ideas from you — my daughter and I decorated our fridge with pictures from past Christmases last weekend, and I have a stack of our favorite Christmas books on a side table — including “someone’s” Christmas Joy right on top. 😉 Thanks for bringing such fun ideas into our lives! 🙂

  13. Hi Susan! Baking has always been a big tradition at my house. We all look forward to “Cookie Sunday!” This year I am really excited about getting with my 81 year old Mother and making Cherry Nut Cookies. They are frig cookies, so we will just make the logs, then slice and bake when we want. One bite of one of these cookies takes me back…far back!…to being a little girl. Such nice memories! Enjoy decorating your tree! I put mine up yesterday—listening to Bing and company entertaining the troops! 🙂
    Linda (from Dallas)

  14. Cindy Garner says:

    Mmmm…. there’s nothing like the scent of a “Real Christmas Tree”….I tell myself each year-‘next year we’ll get a real one’….LOL…. I like to put my tree up in November so a real one just wont last…. :0(
    I love to hear that someone else plans where a tree goes before boxes are moved in….everyone thinks I’m nuts…. but it’s one of the first things I think about when moving or helping someone move… “Where’s the Christmas Tree going to go”.
    Glad to see that Jack behaved himself overnight…..
    ~*~Happy Decorating~*~


    • sbranch says:

      Yes, and that quote,”it’s Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air” — that way, any tree, or no tree at all is good too! As Thomas Edison said, “There ain’t no rules around here!” (Full of quotes this morning! :-))

  15. Mary M says:

    I, too, collect Christmas books and this one is darling!

  16. Carlie says:

    Good morning! I love your beautiful tree and can’t wait to see what it looks like all dressed up. This year I bought the cutest little glittery houses and placed them under glass with tiny trees and lots of glittery snow – so cute and happy! I’ll be decorating your tree with you today, and probably lots of other – in my mind and in my heart!

  17. Hi Susan,
    I am going to put my tree up tomorrow. I just pulled out my Christmas Book this week. I just love all the wonderful tips in there. I am so looking forward to your next book. It is 70 here today.
    Have a wonderful week end.
    Elizabeth Q

  18. Dorian says:

    I’m a home schooler, and love books. Especially old ones! My kids love reading old books too. This book would find a wonderful home here 🙂 thank you.

  19. Lorraine says:

    Good Morning, Susan and Friends,
    I love to see your holiday decorations and preparations. My husband and I moved from our old 1848 house in CT to a new house in Florida about three years ago. I am finding it somewhat difficult, being an old New Englander all my life, to get in the Holiday spirit while wearing shorts and tank tops and looking at palm trees! So, tomorrow, I am giving a “Getting in the Mood” party for my girlfriends here in Cape Coral, FL. I decorated my tree and the house last week, baked some cookies and on Sunday about noon they are coming for brunch. I have my ipod all set up with the old favorites Bing and Nat and Dean and Frank, not to mention Julie Andrews and the Boston Pops. We will be eating a breakfast casserole, homemade cinnamon rolls, and spinach salad with goat cheese. Then, we are going to watch old Christmas movies, starting with ‘Christmas in Connecticut’ with Barbara Stanwyck, then perhaps moving on to ‘The Bishop’s Wife’, because you can’t beat Cary Grant for putting you in the mood! For snacks, chocolate covered pretzels and popcorn. We are all from Northern states and can enjoy and reminisce while still wearing flip-flops. Oh, I almost forgot the hot chocolate spiked with Godiva liqueur. This will be our little slice of Christmas and spreading good cheer. Merry Christms to All! Love you all and love being with you vicariously. Lorraine

    • sbranch says:

      Sounds pretty darn good to me!!! Beautiful in fact! Those movies will make you think you’re up north!

  20. Mary Cunningham says:

    Good morning Susan! Love your bird trees…I have little Christmas books that I sit out this time of year…nostalgia at it’s best…one house we lived in had a staircase and I cut out stocking shapes in red and green and stuck them on the wall going up or…in alternate red/green fashion…looked cute…used construction paper…laminated would be great to keep them forever ! I also decorate my bathroom with a tiny lighted white ceramic Christmas tree and a Santa wearing a mint green robe on the back of the “library tank” makes a nice nightlight….

  21. Snap says:

    Lovely post and I’m going to make a list! The older I get, the more I forget! 😀 😀 I promise to give that beautiful little book a really good home! Happy, Happy and a Merry, Merry to You!

  22. Ann Y. says:

    What a beautiful tree…I can almost smell it ! And while most of my decorations are out the number one thing on my list today is to get out all my “Christmas Books”…novels, cookbooks ( though Christmas from the Heart of the Home has been on the counter since Thanksgiving), and inspirational books. I love to decorate with books, too – and love the old ones. Guess it is no wonder my career choice is a librarian, huh? Last year we were able to visit Charles Dicken’s house in London and I have a little light up “Old Curiosity Shop” that I pile on a bunch of old books, surround with greens, and it is just perfect. The Lois Lenski woudl be perfect to set near by – whoever wins is a lucky girl…..just as all of us are lucky to have this wonderful blog to turn to, get ideas from, and dream with….thanks. Enjoy your decorating !

    • sbranch says:

      Oh what a treat, to visit Charles Dickens house at Christmas!!! Such a great memory!

      • Ann Y. says:

        Oh, no – we were there in the summer, but I would LOVE to go back from Christmas some day. We try to read A Christmas Carol or watch a version on tv, or go see a play version each year. It really is the BEST. My husband does not know it, but this year his St. Nicholas Day treat (we celebrate on December 6th ) is the Mister Magoo Christmas Carol. When we were in London and touring the house he mentioned that was the first time he heard the story as a child, and we laughed about how much we loved Mister Magoo….so I can’t wait to give it to him, and to watch it together. Have a great day, Susan !

  23. Amy from Wisconsin says:

    Good Morning Susan-
    This year I am making sure I have “fun” time with my girlfriends (thank-you)!
    The plan is to have a day today, even though it is raining, with my friend Catherine and on Tuesday I am taking a day off of work and going Christmas “hunting” all day with my friend Diane.
    We also have 2 black and white kitties, along with a very tolerant golden retiriever, all in our home of course! I hope all of our Christmas trees survive!!! Thank-you again for all of your FUN!

  24. Colleen says:

    I’m a thrift shopper and I love, love, love the old books. I think I may have been from a different time! Thanks for sharing your home!

  25. Deborah Winter says:

    Hi Susan!

    Thank you for sharing your Christmas decorating with us–love the “bird” tree and the antics of Jack especially! I am looking for a house at the moment as I find living in a patio home is not light and bright enough for me and your blog somehow picks me up whenever I’m feeling frustrated about the search. Truer words have never been written than “Home Sweet Home.” Best wishes for a blessed holiday and everything you are dreaming of in the New Year.

  26. mari1017 says:

    Hi, Susan 🙂 I can’t stop laughing at Jack and your description! ho-ho-ho is right!!! Yesterday I shared your blog with a friend who has 6 cats, and she said her b-a-a-a-a d-d-e-s-t kitty, Meco, which stands for Main Engine Cut Off 🙂 , approves! She posted a pix of him sitting on kitchen counter on top of book with title on spine “No Cats Allowed” – 🙂 We all concur that he could have his own baaaaad kitty calendar 🙂 but he’s also such a sweetheart that we always forgive him 🙂 Plus, they adopted him in the first place because of me by way of my neighbor.
    Love that you shared your books – one of my favorite pleasures is taking up my Christmas books and magazines collection! Just had gingerbread coffee and your little Christmas Joy book this morning at 4:55 AM – knew it was going to be a big day here with cleaning, decorating, dinner out… getting ready for friends and neighbors – and it’s sunny and cool here today – who could ask for more???
    My second thought after coffee was – I wonder if they got the tree up, and what happened? LOL always a joy to come to your blog and see something new – thank you, thank you, thank you ♥♥♥ Have a wonderful day!!! That kitty goes so fast that it’s a wonder that you can keep up with him here! And give Girl Kitty a giant hug for me!

  27. Carol Lichwala (gramz) says:

    Your kitty kat is so cute….you can just see what he is thinking by the look on his face…LOL!
    What a gorgeous tree! Please show us a photo of it all decorated.
    My sister had twin kitties a few years ago and they would climb in her Christmas tree and knock all the decorations on the floor. She lost a lot of them that year, but of course it was well worth it.
    Have fun decorating that gorgeous tree.

  28. Now that’s a tree! I can’t wait to see it decorated! I love your Christmas list and now I want to make one of my own. I’ve been enjoying your blog so much since finding it lately.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  29. Judy Mattson says:

    My friend Lorraine and I always have tea through out the year, here or there, but at Christmas she always wants to come here. She is single and doesn’t decorate her home, so loves to come to my house, so I am sure to decorate it especially for her. She remembered me saying I wished I had a Christmasy teapot, so guess what she gave me this year? A christmasy teapot that we’ll use in a few weeks when she comes for tea and scones. Merry Christmas Susan!

  30. Sharon Calvert says:

    Merry Christmas, Susan; love Jack’s naive curiosity! I’ve pulled out my little collection of Christmas books as well: cookbooks, decorating/gift ideas, stories. The dollhouse is decked out, and a copy of Tasha Tudor’s book, The Dolls’ Christmas, is nearby. I don’t decorate as much now that the kids live out of state, and we go there for the holidays; but I simply must have a few nooks and crannies to enjoy during the wait. So, I’ll be busy this weekend gathering greenery and novelties to delight the senses. Thank you for your generous and creative spirit!

  31. marcella says:

    You’re getting me in the Christmas spirit with these wonderful posts! Decorating in our house will start in earnest next week. We have a wonderful stack of holiday books that we bring out every year and read our way through – and another of movies that we love to curl up and watch together during the month. It’s always fun to read about all the different traditions people have – gives me great new ideas!

  32. Ranch Wife says:

    Your posts always bring such charm and joy to the end of my dirt road and now Christmas can officially be heralded into every nook and cranny of our little crooked house in the desert. Our little furbabies have always loved to climb gingerly into the branches of our Christmas tree. I can’t say as I blame them because it looks like kitty heavan. All of our trees have survived although the occasional batting of an ornament has taken place.
    The favorite tradition in our home is the Cranberry Sour Cream Poundcake we bake for Jesus’ Birthday cake and the children sleeping under the tree the first night it is up and decorated in all it’s glory. Alas the children grew up, but we’re thankful they will both be home for the Holidays. Our daughter is in college and we’re over the moon excited that our Marine son will be home as well! Thank you ever so much for the opportunity to win such a darling book. We are all voracious readers and books are truly treasured here. Christmas blessings to you and yours dear lady.

    • sbranch says:

      I watched the soldiers returning from Iraq this morning while I was doing that post, and crying my eyes out. The last of them, from Iraq, are home… so happy! And grateful!

  33. Christine from Lafayette, CO says:

    **S**N**O**W** 🙂 What a Christmasy day and its only December 3rd! I’m going to follow your lead and write down ALL the traditions I can remember! 40 years ago I made a Santa’s Mail Bag for my son’s 1st Christmas. Santa was thoughtful enough to leave those precious letters in the bag throughout the years and now the grandchildren are leaving their letters in the bag, “just in case Santa comes to your house first, Nana!” Won’t they be surprise to one day find Nana’s tradition list?! 😉 Have fun decorating!! *****

  34. Holly says:

    Good morning Susan and Friends,

    Every year, just before Thanksgiving, I reach for ‘Christmas From the Heart of the Home’; it is the perfect window into so many of the things that make Christmas time special. Each year it speaks to me in a new and different way, and I love it so much I never put it away- it stays with me in the kitchen on my little bookshelf all the year through :))

    I’m so grateful to you for sharing your inspiring gifts and your heart! And, I’m off right now to run downstairs to dig out our old, old Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘The Camel Who Came For Christmas’ and plop them down on the coffee table. 20 days, 13 hours and 5 minutes until Christmas!

  35. Carol says:

    Love the trees! Something I am doing this year is to invite my closest girlfriends over for a morning of tea, cookies, and conversation. They have been lights in the darkness and encouragement beyond belief. I want them to know how grateful I a for them.

  36. Mary in Phoenix says:

    Two things I love … Christmas and vintage books 🙂 Just starting to get the decorations out and heard there’s snow in the “high country” this morning (that’s northern AZ about an hour away, so we Phoenicians can get our winter fix). When I moved to Phoenix I was stunned at the number of people who have artificial trees. They’re a staple around here. I still LOVE the sight and smell of a real Christmas tree… and am the only one of all my family and friends who insists on one each year. My kids love that I love them ♥ Off to get those boxes out and recollect with each ornament we unpack. Thanks for the inspiration … from your Christmas book and you! God rest ye merry everyone …

  37. Lori says:

    I wob you, too, Susan. Love that little Christmas book with the Lois Lenski illustrations. I have loved Lois Lenski and her books and illustrations since my mother introduced me to her when I was little. She read “The Little Family” to me many times and I loved that book so much that I thought it would be nice to color in the pictures that were black and white. My mom didn’t think that was so nice, though. When I was older she gave me a copy of “Strawberry Girl”, one of my favorites! Now I read and collect anything I can find by her and I now display that copy of “The Little Family” that I (innocently?) colored in all those years ago in my own home.

  38. Kathy Lorenzini says:

    Good Morning Susan, from snowy Colorado! I am hoping some of it burns off the roads because it’s Bazaar Day in Durango! I get to see how creative my friends and neighbors are! ( and maybe “borrow” a few ideas!) Hope you have a great day today…those kitties of yours are just cute!!! xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Lots of creative people in Durango! I was there once and went trick or treating and the houses were wonderful!!!

  39. Wendy says:

    Those birdie trees make me swoon. So charming and adorable, especially to those of us who LOOOOOVE birds! Have you ever had one as a pet? I haven’t, but might really like to someday. I imagine it would be rather foolish to have a bird with two kitties in the house, but I digress…..
    Really love your plump tree. Can almost smell it through my iPad screen! Looking forward to your pics of the fully decorated version!
    Btw, I am BlooSkyMoon on twitter…just to make sure ya make the right connection b/w here and there. 🙂
    Enjoy your day of magical merry-making, sweet Susan!!

    • sbranch says:

      Ohh, Hi Wendy! No I’ve never had a bird as a pet, but my sister had a Love Bird and my girlfriend had a Cockatiel, which we babysat. Both were wonderful pets. They were only here a short time, so they stayed in their cages . . . but they like to get out in real life, which means we never got one, because of the cats.

  40. Ellen says:

    I do so love your blog and all the ideas and warmth you share! I live in the Northwest where we have lots of those yummy smelling trees, but there is nothing like bringing that smell indoors at this time of year. Have a lovely Christmas, Susan!

  41. Catherine says:

    I love this time of year so much! Your blog post has really set the mood for me. My girlfriends from high school (many moons ago) and I are going to the holiday homes tour today and chatting about the good ole days. Hopefully I will come home with lots of new decorating ideas to spread cheer throughout our home. I will now have to start collecting old Christmas books!

  42. Jolene says:

    Bittersweet Christmas this year. Having moved in with family I am surrounded by all of my sister’s Christmas decorations , while all mine are in storage. Including my Susan Branch “Christmas” book. Don’t get me wrong…I am VERY thankful to be given a warm & cozy home to live in (temporarily)but oh how I miss my “things”…Christmas is one of my most favorite times of year, and I have so many decorations to put out…some kept from childhood and some newly purchased before I had to give up my own home. So for now, I’ll just put up a few things I’ve recently purchased here & there, in the guest bedroom which has now become “Jo’s Room”… One thing about living here at this time of year, I have someone to make cookies with and watch the Christmas TV specials with and yes, decorate with, even if it isn’t with my “things”. Afterall, Christmas isn’t about the “things” we have , it is about who we share it with and being here with my sister,who is my best friend, it’s like the Christmas when we were little & on Christmas Eve we’d all sleep in the same bedroom, push our beds together and all 3 of my sisters and myself would talk & laugh & carry on until Dad would open the bedroom door & tell us to get to sleep or Santa wouldn’t come… but that didn’t stop us, we were right back at it when he shut the door behind him…hee hee. Then we’d wake up Christmas morning to piles and piles of gifts. Except now we are in our 40’s and we’ll sleep in seperate rooms & there won’t be piles of gifts, but more than we need, I am sure 🙂 Then next Christmas I will have my own place again with all my decorations and cookies and TV specials and I’ll probably wish I were back here, with her. So, Merry Christmas to you, Susan all and the Girlfriends! May all of our wishes come true~~ XXOO~~

  43. Susan Simon says:

    What a wonderful treat to see this morning… I really hope Jack behaves himself! We have had our share of cat vs. tree incidents over the years… but Maggie, our current cat, is a well behaved lady… she’s a rescue cat and loves having a home. She always “supervises” when we put up the tree in the living room, but has never bothered it.

    For the first time ever, we have two artificial trees. Our little granddaughter, who is 15 months old, has so many allergies, and of course pine trees are on the list. So, we bought a very pretty one (took a long time to find one that met my “standards” and our budget!) and it is in our family room. I think I may have to find some pine scented potpourri to put out because I so miss that woodsy, piney smell… loved the way your tree unpoufed and your description of how it scents the whole house!

    I could go on and on, but once again, thank you for sharing your home and Christmas decorating and experiences with all of us. I have your “Christmas from the Heart of the Home” on my kitchen counter… and your keepsake “Christmas Joy” book on the end table behind me… I also put Christmas books out in our guest rooms, and December issues of magazines, too.

    When I looked at your little book that you are giving away, I recognized the artist immediately… I remember reading so many books by Lois Lenski as a girl… her artistic style was so distinctive and unforgettable. One of my favorites was “Strawberry Girl”; the other was a story about Mary Jemison. Did you read her books, too?

    Have fun decorating your tree, and your house, and thanks again for sharing with us… it would be fun if there was a way we could all share one or two pictures of our houses at Christmas, too… but seeing yours is just wonderful. Merry Christmas to you and Joe!

  44. Jamie Willow says:

    Well I had my baby! He was 5 days late, 11#1oz 22inches long born on 11-22-11 around 11 at night 🙂 my tiny turkey 🙂 little Lucas Wylde 🙂
    So because of this, my sister decorated my house for Christmas while I pointed and watched her work 🙂 we have lots of family coming to town over the holidays to meet our little man. It really is the most wonderful time of the year!

  45. LindaSonia says:

    Hi there… count me in for a chance at the book – looks charming!!

  46. Nellie says:

    What wonderful inspiration to set us all to trimming the house! I love reading your Christmas book every year. It is time to set out the Christmas Memories book, too.

    I chose this time of year, the first day of December, to begin my very own blog. Still very much a work in progress, I am enjoying coming up with ideas for posting. Everyone is invited to check it out if you have some time to while away. Also, one of our daughters has begun one of her own. Hers is related mainly to food. So, we’re turning into a “blogging family.”:-)

    Off today to work on some shopping, then back home for some of that “trimming.”


  47. ANITA says:

    Good Morning, I love books too! I think I have read most of your “preferred” reading suggestions over the years so I’m sure thia little book is wonderful as well. Thank you for the opportunity to win it!

    Anita Taylor

  48. Marilyn says:

    I am so enjoying your Christmas preparation pictures. Your blog never fails to put a smile on my face and, as an animal lover, the pics of Jack experiencing his first Christmas are just too cute! “Jack’s First Christmas”, would make such a wonderful children’s book (hint, hint). 🙂

    I love the list from your Christmas book. Every idea there is warm and wonderful!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  49. mary says:

    This will be my granddaughter’s first Christmas. I am so thrilled that she will be spending it here where the house is decorated with old paper ornaments that my grandmother collected in the early 1900s along with egg carton material Santa boots dating from the 1940s from my parents home, and the decoupage ornaments i made as a bride in the 70s. Mickey Mouse and Big Bird hang on the tree from my childrens’ childhood. I wonder what our little Sophie will be adding to our Christmas heritage collection.

  50. Theresa says:

    Susan, I really enjoy your site and your books – thank you! Started a new tradition last year of watching A Christmas Memory (with Geraldine Page)…thanks again!

  51. jeanne murray says:

    Your home & your books are absolutely charming. The wee Christmas book would be a welcomed addition to my Christmas collection. Best wishes to you and yours for a season of Glad Tidings & Joy….

    J. Murray

  52. Laura says:

    Oh, I love to decorate with books, too! I have all our favorite Christmas books propped up all around the house. The book you have reminds me of the Betsy, Tacy books that I still have in hardcover from when I was little. I read them over and over…they were also illustrated by Lois Lenski…treasures. We are going to get our tree today…so excited! The tree lot is set up in the middle of our historic downtown and is run for charity by the Optomists Club….it looks like the tree lot in Charlie Brown…love it! We always have a special dinner the night we decorate our tree….in our dining room with a view of the tree, with only candlelight and the tree lights and beautiful Christmas music playing.
    P.s…I just finished reading “conversations with Amber” by Gladys taber and anyone who loves cats would love it…Amber was her kitten…beautiful gift idea. I seem to have a book giving Christmas going….books make the BEST gifts…especially ones that are special treasures like Gladys Taber’s!
    P.s…love hearing about your kitties…girl is the most beautiful girl ever…she looks soooooo soft…and jack, well….what can we say about him…little rascal! We have a beautiful corgi whom we adore…your dec. Calendar page is perfection….so cute that Tasha said her corgis resembled sausages:). Holiday love to all xoxoxoxoxo

  53. Linda R. says:

    We’re on the road so no Christmas tree this year … but one of our daughters will have her own tree and will take out her box of decorations from growing up – hoping to see the final effect. And I stopped yesterday at my favorite bookstore – Powell’s in Portland, Oregon – and scoured the shelves for some must-have Christmas books. And of course I found some!

  54. Dolores says:

    What a delight it is to turn on my computer and see you there again this morning!
    Christmas is such a wonderfully magic time, every tiny little light, trees, big and small, real or feathered, old and new! I love Christmas decorations! You have made it even more fun! I love the birds! What a beautiful idea! I cannot wait to see the rest of your decorations, and it sure has inspired me to do even more!
    And the delight Jack will have will top it all off! Who needs TV when you have a kitten at Christmastime!

  55. Barb says:

    I love your blog and seeing your holiday preparations. You certainly have the perfect spot for your tree! As a retired teacher, I love books and have a collection of Christmas books that I always display – including your Christmas from the Heart of the Home and Christmas Joy. I display many children’s books as well, including favorites by Tasha Tudor, but have none by Lois Lenski. That sweet little book would be a perfect addition to my collection!

  56. Chris Z says:

    My kids say it wouldn’t be Christmas without re-reading the kids Christmas books … except my kids are 26-28-30! They look for them every year. Each season I put out my “coffee table” books that I have collected to reflect on the change of season…one of your books makes it to that pile everytime..thanks Susan

  57. Lydia says:

    Good morning Susan! What a beautiful blog post! Thank you. I am decorating my tree today too. Each ornanment is a memory. There are some from my Aunt, who gave me an ornament each year that commemorated something that happened in my life that year. The year I bought my house she gave me a house shaped ornament. The year I sang in a special high school musical group (many years ago!), she gave me a music note ornament. It’s like reliving years as I decorate! There are some ornaments from my Grandmother’s tree. She is in heaven now, so these are extra special. And they’re vintage, some with the original boxes. **Sigh** There are ornaments from my parents, friends, etc…each as special as the giver. I feel hugged when I look at my decorated tree. Of course “the boys” (Frank, Dean, Bing, and Nat) will be my musical accompaniment. Such a wonderful time of the year! Merriest of Christmases to you, Joe, GK and Jack. 🙂

  58. Lin says:

    Oh, Susan, how sweet of you! I love stacks of Christmas books for decorating, too, though mine aren’t as old as yours……..hmmmmm, something to start looking for in antique shops!
    Our tree is up, with cranberry and popcorn garlands. Now it’s my turn to add all the millions of ornaments we’ve collected in 40 years of marriage, about half handmade and half collected when we’ve travelled. I do so wish our tree was real, but the 2 of us can’t physically manhandle a real 9 footer anymore! I do miss that magical smell of pine……

  59. Lori says:

    Oh, we love Lois Lenski. We have all of the”Small” books, like Fireman Small and Farmer Small. I’ve never seen that book before, but it looks really cute.

  60. Claudia says:

    Hello Susan, just wanted to say that I’ve recently bought 2 of your books. Right now, I’m in the middle of Girlfriends. I feel as if we were separated at birth! So many of the things you say echo my feelings and experiences. Thank you!


  61. Jan says:

    Back from my trip to see my daughter and grandaughter. What a memorable time together! My daughter took me to Miss Molly’s Tea Room. Everything is decorated victorian style. Old chairs, lace tableclothes, real teapots and cups. They even gave my grandaughter her own little china teapot and cup with milk in it.(She preferred drinking out of her sippy cup though.) What a great lunch we had together! Thanks so much for the cookbook to Meghan and the warm wonderful note written inside. A really neat book! We have snow here in Michigan that started falling on our way back home. Everything was covered in a blanket of snow the next day–beautiful!! Your Christmas tree spot reminds me of my Aunt Kate’s parlor I used to visit as a child. Plan on driving to the west side of the state to get our Christmas tree this weekend; and as a plus, see my other 4 grandchildren! Happy decorating! Appreciate you!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Jan . . . so glad Meghan got the book and what a good time you had together! Now, snow! Perfect!

  62. Awww . . . . we wob you too! I have always loved Christmas -my favorite part is giving gifts! Jack looks wayyyyy too curious about the tree. My Moodie is pretty good to leave it alone – if not, I just park the vacuum cleaner nearby – he hates that. We will be pulling out our decorations today – looking them over and putting them up. Venison chili and cornbread on the menu.
    Much love – Raquel XO

  63. Yvonne Shafer says:

    Hi, Susan! Two favorite Christmas memories: every year we would gather at my grandparents’ very small house on Christmas Eve for dinner and gifts. Big family with lots of cousins- so where to put them? Picture this – older cousins sit on the sofa with three or four younger cousins piled on top! Adults had to stand in the hallway or kitchen! But what fun we had! Second favorite involves our chihuahua, Tinker Bell. One morning we couldn’t find her until we looked under the Christmas tree and found her lying in the manger! She was part of the manger scene! Hope your Christmas is wonderful!

  64. Rosie says:

    Wonderful tree, just perfect! 🙂

    We have a bay window, but it’s in the bedroom, so the tree rarely goes there – long-term plans to move the bedroom to a new added-on room in the back of the house are moving soooo slowly… one of these days I’ll have the living room of my dreams!

    In the meantime, our tree will have its usual skirt, a beautiful old quilt I found many years ago while scavenging with friends in an old farmhouse – it’s white with huge red appliqued flowers and green leaves, and has a few little mouse holes from living in a closet in the old house for years before I found and liberated it. What a thrill that was, to pry open a stuck old closet door and find a stack of old quilts, one of the happiest finds of my short career as a “deconstructionist” with an old boyfriend and his brothers.

    Easily folded/draped to conceal the slight damage – I find the Christmas cheer just takes me over once I get that quilt out every year. Big holiday (((hugs))) to you and yours, and to all the girlfriends as well! <3

  65. M J Smith says:

    Thank you so much, Susan, for allowing us into your home. Your bird tree is my absolute favorite. I love birds!! And I also love to decorate with books. My Mom is a book nut (my Dad was too) and my son is as well. I hate to see people reading books on their Kindles or Nooks. I am afraid there may come a day where the written word is no longer wanted. So I do my part and buy books all the time .. used and new! Merry Christmas!

    • sbranch says:

      Let’s not think about it!! (So far that’s all I’ve come up with for when I think there may be no more books!) Time marches on.

  66. Anna says:

    Hi Susan,

    Your blog always brings a smile to me. Thank you for all the great ideas…you can never have too many Christmassy things. We’re stirring up the Christmas pudding here today in Merry Olde England.

  67. Rae Ann Roche says:

    Happy Christmas decorating weekend!!!…I had to chuckle when I read that you tie your tree to the wall…we do the very same thing after the first Christmas in our first house…some 38 years ago…we got the HUGE-est tree, set it up in front of our living room bay window, decorated it to the nines, came down in the morning and the tree had crashed to the floor!!!…no pets or children were part of our family at that time!!!…just inexperience in getting the tree in the stand…I can hear the music and smell the wonderful Christmas aromas coming from your house on Martha’s Vineyard all the way to the western edge of Minnesota…I am hoping we both have a white Christmas…

  68. Dee Storie says:

    Haven’t visited “our” blog in a week or so…so glad I checked in for a little Christmas spirit today! Thank you Susan!

  69. JudyCnNC says:

    What joy it is to read about your life – comings and goings. Each year I buy the Donna VanLiere books, just for me, and this year is The Christmas Note. I will stack them up on the antique secretary in the kitchen eating area and probably re-read a couple of them along the way.

    Husband and I will have a quiet two-some of a Christmas this year with our favorite things to eat and lots of Christmas music – we will do our Christmas cards between Christmas and New Year’s when we have the time to add personal notes and hand address the envelopes. Maybe I need you to design my card … “Hope your Christmas was wonderful and your New Year is happy.” Or just maybe I could go into business and start making cards and call it the “Was and Is” cards. LoL

    Thank you for brightening up my unusually ordinary day, Susan. I really do think Jack is going to win. Judy C

  70. Deb Surman says:

    Hi Susan,

    I’d love to add that charming book to my large collection of Christmas books. Like you, I put them everywhere, the bathrooms, coffee table and end tables, the kitchen and I always include yours of course – Christmas Joy is one of my favorite books of yours, so sweet. Made turkey soup this week with the left over bird and decorated the inside and outside of the house. I live in a suburb of Chicago, so we’re decorated and ready for whatever weather is thrown our way. Can’t wait to see your finished tree. Hope Jack behaves while navigating the tree, but we who love cats know just how kitties can be sometimes. Your blog makes my day – when the bird starts chirping, my husband always says “you must be reading Susan Branch again”.

  71. Terri says:

    Such fun to read about your holiday preparations! And that little book is so sweet.

    Tomorrow I’ll be going to a holiday home tour with three friends, crafting next Saturday with another group of ladies, and have a few other girl get togethers planned. Plus my hubby will be having a big birthday on the 11th, so more celebrating then. It’s going to be a joyous season!

  72. Susan Markle says:

    The cover illustration on that old Christmas book speaks to me! So dear! I am a December girl–my birthday is on the 24th! Would love to win the book to add to my collection. I have books all over the house and use them as risers for picture frames and lamps and other goodies. Change them seasonally so I have ‘just right’ colors for my theme…I know you are a detail girl too. Love when you share pictures of your decorating. Such fun to see inside your yummy home! Happy Holidays!

  73. Janet says:

    Love the cats and love love love the books… Have a Great day decorating the tree and getting ready for Christmas . It is a magical time of the year !!!

  74. Christine Anderson says:

    Pets are so interested in Christmas. We began tying the tree to the wall when one year we came home Christmas night to find our dog wrapped in Christmas garland and the tree laying on the floor! He was soooo glad to see us!

    Ready to decorate!!

    I so love your blog, as always it makes me smile 🙂

  75. Tina says:

    First year we had our George (all black love-kitty) and we set up the tree, nothing happened for the first day, next day I came in the living room to see George all curled up in the branches at the top of the tree. He’d found a great place to nap! Nowadays, we just have to keep putting ornaments back on the tree each day as George bats them off! Good luck with Jack!

    LOVE the idea of the Christmas theme books to decorate with. Drawings in “Once on Christmas” look to be the same illustrator at the wonderful Betsy-Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace. Absolute favorite childhood books, which I still read – at age 63.

  76. Sharon Sieppert says:

    Happy Holidays!

    Thank you for the Deck the Halls list. I review it every year.
    Over the last few years, I have tried to have all the decorating, buying and wrapping presents completed by the end of November. This has allowed me to relax in December and enjoy family and friends, the music, the movies,the tree and all else that goes with the season.
    Looking forward to see how Jack plays with Christmas. Should be fun.

  77. Linda Pintarell says:

    Getting my house decorated in California for my annual party with friends on the 10th – it’s been a tradition for 25-30 years. Very casual – wine and appetizers plus a few other goodies. In Costco yesterday and spotted new CD – A Classic Christmas – 2 discs/26 songs – Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, Dean Martin, Johnny Mathis, Elvis, etc., etc. So thrilled. It’s on now and so perfect. May the holidays of all “girlfriends” be filled with joy and good health.

  78. Robin in SC says:

    I love your blog! Now I am all ready to go up in the attic and pull down the Christmas decorations. I would love to have that book to start a Christmas book collection with. Thanks for all your sharing! I hope you, Joe and the kittens have a very Merry Christmas!!

  79. Lori says:

    Susan – what a charming book! I love to decorate with old books, as well. Thanks for sharing such great ideas with us.

    ps You have a barn?!?! How incredibly wonderful…….

    xo Lori in Portland

    • sbranch says:

      We do, we have a barn. Isn’t that amazing, right in town. It’s got a deep “basement” too — more like an underground room with a dirt floor lined with old granite, that if we grew a couple more hands, would make a wonderful wine cellar and Halloween scary place!

  80. Debbie says:

    Love Christmas, all of it! Now with 4 grandchildren it’s back to Believing in Christmas Magic!

  81. Sue Weeldreyer says:

    Loved reading about your bringing-the-tree-in-the house routine! We have no kitties at our house – but we have eight children and now twenty-one grandchildren. So we almost always have a toddler around our Christmas tree. You are so right – It only takes one toppling tree to get our attention! My dear husband ALWAYS ties ours to the wall, too.

    Thanks so much for sharing your life with us, Susan. You warm my heart and brighten my day!

    • sbranch says:

      Since I’m the oldest of eight children, I have a very good picture of what your house is like! Fun! Merry Christmas Sue!

  82. Rachel Scott says:

    Good Morning, Susan. Lois Lenski rang a bell with me and I checked a website with a list of her books. One of my elementary teachers read Cotton in My Sack, about an Arkansas tenant family, to our class. I grew up in Alabama and picked cotton as a child, so I could identify with the young girl, the main character. Thanks for sweet memories. Love, love, love your blog….I check everyday to see what is happening in your life. I’m baking cookies today…..lots of good smells in the kitchen. The Christmas tree goes up later today.

  83. Kelly J. says:

    Hi Susan,

    I’m spending the day puttering about, really enjoying the decorating as I go instead of trying to beat the clock 🙂 We’ve got the tree up with the lights on, but we always prefer to put the ornaments on after dark when the tree looks it’s best! Thanks for sharing some of your Christmas book titles! I really enjoy collecting them too, and look forward to re-reading many of them each December. As a matter of fact, I just received my Scholastic book order the other day (one of the many perks of teaching young children—remember those little book order papers we used to get in school?) and was thrilled to see a couple of new children’s Christmas picture books in the box.
    Well happy decorating! I must say that Jack looks positively tiny next to the tree; you may never even know he is in there, until an ornament goes flying that is 🙂

  84. Ooops, tried to leave a comment and something strange occurred with it so am trying again (please forgive it there ends up being a duplicate!).
    Beautiful tree, purr-fect spot for it too!
    I soon will be retrieving our decorations and begin decking the halls here. Looking forward to sitting by the fireside and seeing the tree lights at night.

    • sbranch says:

      Strange things happen all the time with the comments, and I’m just getting used to it! 🙂 So far, I only see this once, but what I see and what goes up are two different things!! Thanks Connie!

  85. Barbara (WA) says:

    I love Lois Lenski illustrations. Before I read far enough to see that the book was a give~away my mind was thinking “I need to look for one of those.” For many years I have had a hard time getting into Christmas, for some reason I can’t figure out yet. I love Autumn and get a thrill to pull out my dishes and decorations but not Christmas. So I ordered, and received, your Christmas from the Heart of the Home book! I hope to find and use the “magic” of Christmas this year. Your blog is a treasure.

    • sbranch says:

      Make it just the way you’d like it to be, your own way, and you will love it! xoxo

      • Barbara (WA) says:

        Guess what?! My hubby just brought home a surprise for me: the perfect size Christmas tree that is just beautiful. And he hung the outside lights so things are looking up (and illuminated)! After I wrote earlier I began thinking about things I look forward to this season, one of which is the actual day of Christmas with my extended family including two little ones. Then my niece wrote asking if I’d make a stocking for her baby like I did for her first child (the two little ones in the family). Finding some excitement in my heart today.

  86. OH I can’t wait to hear how kitty enjoys his giant toy that you put in the house just for him. LOL!
    I love your Christmas books. I have one sitting on my coffee table as we speak! So much love put into them.
    Have a beautiful day today.

  87. Nancy says:

    I can almost smell your tree……it is beautiful! Can’t wait to see it when you’re finished……would love to have the little book to share with my granddaughters!

  88. Debbie Johnson says:

    Love the Christmas ideas and can’t wait to read more of Jack’s Christmas adventures! I’m getting over stomach flu and have fallen so behind, wish we could slow the clock down a wee bit. Your blog has helped me get back in the Spirit. Also my friend Trace’s blog, very sweet.
    She loves you too and thought you might like a peek at hers.
    Merry Christmas Susan!

  89. K. Ross says:

    The vintage books are beautiful. I collect children’s books, and the ones for the holidays are wonderful. The illustrator of your book, Lois Lenski, did the great artwork in the Betsy-Tacy-Tib series. Great transition from our high-tech 21st century. Keep us posted as your home transforms into a Christmas wonderland. Hubby and son are stringing our tree lights as I type. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” So thankful for God’s blessings!

  90. Melissa Brock says:

    Christmas books are a treasure, thanks for sharing your wonderful finds with us.

  91. Jill says:

    Hi Susan, just found your blog through Mockingbirdhill Cottage and I love it 🙂 Thank you for all your lovely photos and jolly holiday tips. Merry Christmas – Jill

  92. nanette lyon says:

    Oh! Susan! I am LOVING your blog! i have to check it several times a day to see if there is anything new and I keep all my family “posted” with what you are doing there at Martha’s Vineyard! My husband very sweetly listens while I share everything new with him. He is not a “pet person” but he will listen with a smile while I tell him about Jack and Girl Cat. We had a “Girl Kitty” years ago and a “Mama Kitty.” We have two canaries named “Boy Bird” and “Girl Bird” so I am taking a big interest in your bird trees! I love the little birds in your drawings and I like the little bird chirrping past as I open your blog. THANK YOU for the blog. I open it and read it immediately after I read the internet news. It takes away all that sadness and ugliness in the world for a little while. It gives me COMFORT and light heartedness. Oh! Thank you, Susan! We love you! (and Joe………and Girl Cat and Jack!) Merry Christmas!

  93. Heartsdesire says:

    What a beautiful tree you and Joe have chosen. Tying it to the wall is very sensible with a new kitty in the house. I could never figure out why our tree always looked a little lop sided when I got up in the morning. Turns out, our Daisy kitty was climbing her way to the top and then shimmying her way back down during the night. I learned not to put the valuable or breakable ornaments near the bottom of the tree. We have a small table-top tree now, and since Daisy is almost 18 years old, she has no interest in the tree. So there is hope for Jack.
    Every December 1, I pull out your Christmas from the Heart of the Home and decide what decorating tips I’ll use this year, and what recipes I’ll try. Your vintage Christmas book is so sweet. Also lovely to pass on to the next generation. There are a number of used book shops where I live, and it’s always a treat to go into town and check them out. Especially since I, too, like to decorate with old books.

  94. Joan says:

    Love the looks of the lil book – juuuuuust maybe I will win?????

  95. Pattie says:

    Hello, the fotos of kitties so cute under the tree. Reminds us of when our Nollie was little.
    Thanks for your webpage. Love your wallpaper. Reminds me of Laura Ashley. Happy Christmas to you. Enjoy!

  96. That Christmas tree is beautiful. It’s going to look even better when you have it decorated just the way you like it 🙂 🙂 I do have to admit that your cute little puddy tat cat stole the show for me. I love cats. Your cat clearly loves that tree, too 🙂 🙂 Wait till you put the decorations on it 🙂 Have a great time decorating the tree 🙂 Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather 🙂

  97. Karen K. says:

    I’m having a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit to get decorating, but reading your blog and “hearing” your enthusiasm has sparked my spirit and I’m going to get started today! Thank you for that – I love reading your blog and books and look forward to opening your blog each time they arrive!

  98. I am so happy that I just recently found your blog. I have had your calendar right above my desk all year long, and just yesterday flipped to the back page to realize that you had a web site and a facebook; score. I have enjoyed your calendar and love following all the little tips each month. My husband even gets excited every time I flip the page, hoping there will be a new and delicious recipe. My mom has had your book ‘Christmas Joy’ since I can remember and I just love it. I flip through and read it over and over again all through December. Thank you for your inspiration and for taking the time and care to let us into your life!

  99. Judy Tracy says:

    You struck a chord again:>) I always decorate with Christmas books. I remember many books by Lois Lenski from my childhood. My newer favorites are Jan Brett’s books. We have a stack of Christmas books on the coffee table. We have a very large needlepoint Advent calendar that is up and running. Love to start switching to Christmas dishes all this month from mugs to salad plates and dinner plates. Last Christmas I made twenty Christmas pillowcases for all the grandchildren and grandnieces and grandnephews to use yearly. Just finished last night the Christmas quilt for my December 3rd birthday grandson for his 7th birthday. A wonderful and busy, busy time of the year. Merry Christmas to you and yours:>) God bless!

  100. Sara says:

    In our family we make pomander balls, LOTS of Christmas cookies, bring out all of the Santas, the kids go through the toys to get rid of the old and make room for the new, and we simmer potpouri on the stove. We love to watch Christmas specials too!

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