Joe is Giving Me the Eye . . .

Under the watchful eye of Joe, I write . . .

Hi Girls!  I wanted to put up some new adventures this morning, but we have company — darling Rachel went home yesterday morning, and now we have darling Siobhan (pronounced Sha-von) come to visit last night.  We are off to Monk’s House this morning, the home of Virginia Wolff, in the village of Rodmell, near Lewes. No one will wait for me!!!  I have to go or they will leave me!!!!  If they leave me, they leave you and I can’t have that!!!  So not fair!  So we are going, then we will blog about it later!  It rained all day yesterday, I stayed in, drank tea, read my book, painted and worked on our English diary.  But today is sunny and bright and off we go!

I put this photo on Twitter yesterday, but for those of you who didn’t see it, we had the most delicious lunch with Rachel at a pub called Three Chimneys that was established circa 1420.

Every room had a little going fireplace for the chilly day!  The tables were old and rubbed, pillows were on benches, books lined the walls, and the food was wonderful.  More to come, I promise, but Joe is giving me the eye . . . XOXO

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112 Responses to Joe is Giving Me the Eye . . .

  1. Janey from NW England says:

    Rain and England go hand in hand. We don’t get suntans we get rusty from the rain. Hey it’s all the rain that makes our countryside so beautiful. Sometimes we get a light fine rain that we locally call Billinge rain. It’s a fine low cloud type rain but it sure wets you. Billinge is a local town.

    Enjoy your day and have fun on all the adventures you have planned for the day. I wait in anticipation every morning to hear of your latest episodes of your English trip. You make everything feel alive as if I was actually with you in person.

    Hugs Janey 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      But you have Beautiful skin!! Skin and gardens! Just for starters! And we discovered “Rachel’s Coconut Greek Yogurt!!!” Loving every moment, thank you Janey!

      • I agree about the rain and gardens! I give up on mine here in Maryland by the time July rolls around because of too much sun and not enough rain….

        I love the cow painting. Do you know the name of the artist?

      • Patricia H. says:

        When I first met my husband I could never understand why he was always talking about going on vacation to Spain in June or July. Or why my soon to be sister in law would want to go to Florida in July? Who goes to sunny and hot places in June or July? Because I’m from New York and in June and July it’s hot and sunny here! I quickly learned!! 🙂 xx
        ps- My SIL told me yesterday they are still in boots and coats up in Lancashire….

      • Barbara says:

        Is Joe giving you the “evil eye”?

        • Janey from NW England says:

          It’s freezing here and would love a bit of warmth. Patricia I know how your family in Lancashire feel but we did have a sunny but cold day today. 🙂

  2. Mary S. says:

    How wonderful to hear from you!!
    I agree with Janey – “You make everything feel alive as if I was actually with you in person”!!!
    The pictures you are posting are wonderful!! You know all our thoughts and excitement are following along with you!!!
    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

  3. Sandy Richmond says:

    Enjoy the sunny day!

  4. Ann says:

    Uh oh! Once you have tasted Rachel’s Coconut you are done for! You’ll never want any other yogurt….. comes from WALES you know! But the greek with honey is addictive too. Can’t do without two pots a week in my house. ;o)

    Hope it stays dry for Monk’s House. Looking forward to the photos already. And that pub looks so cosy – nothing like a naked flame when its raining outside… so comforting.

    • Kathy from Brevard, NC says:

      Hi Ann,

      Is this Ann of Ruthin? When I mentioned our comments about Ruthin to my sister she reminded me that we had supper in a pub that had been expanded over time to incorporate the barn area where they kept the animals. As I recall it was still a small pub but so cozy and pleasant. Do you happen to know which pub that would be?



      • Ann says:

        Hi Kathy, hmm I’ll have to think about that. Was it somewhere in Ruthin or outside in the countryside? Google Ye Olde Cross Keys or Ye Olde Anchor for images – you might recognise one. There’s an olde tale that every other house was a pub at one time in Ruthin. My sister’s house was at one time. You can mail me if you like – [email protected]

        Ann x

  5. Martha Ellen says:

    Don’t worry Susan, we are right there with you! You are so sweet to share your time with us. I adore the Three Chimneys Pub–so English!! Enjoy the great sunshiny day–Tell Joe not to walk too fast–his long legs move much further than my short ones! xoxo ♥

  6. Irina Wistoff says:

    Your “english country delights” made my rainy day brighter! You and Emmas “Happiness-Mug” filled with my morning tea…Thanks for sharing 🙂 Can´t wait for tomorrow morning to see Monk´s House…

  7. Christie Ray says:

    Oh, that pub…on a rainy day, with a fireplace and books…in England! We are having such a wonderful time sharing all of this with you. Can’t wait to hear of your adventures today! And the photo of your paints and paper and gluesticks…love a table full! ….And the felted kitty…that Kellee is a sweetheart!

  8. Karen D says:

    Wonderful! A sunny day – enjoy it ! Can’t wait to hear about our adventures!

  9. Lynn McMahon says:

    Good morning~
    When I saw the first picture of the woman with the cows I had tondona double take!
    I have almost the exact picture hanging in my kitchen~ I bought it because it reminds me of my grandma who grew up on a dairy farm here in Wisconsin! Where is it from/hanging?
    Enjoy your sunny day today and thanks for the update~Greek coconut yogurt~ to eat or for the beautiful skin…..Or both….

  10. It’s a deal, Sue…

    We’ll stay by the fire, relaxing on the pillows and drinking our P G Tips Tea, enjoying the visual splender of this circa 1420 room, while you explore!

    Tally Ho!
    Bunny ;>)

  11. Cindy says:

    I love living vicariously through your wonderful website and blog! I’ve been to England twice in my life, but never long enough to really explore. How I love reading about your adventures. I see myself there one day…I can feel it!

  12. Jackie P says:

    Your luncheon at Three Chimneys of fresh haddock and creamy parmesan crusted potatoes with leeks had my mouth watering even at 7:00 a.m. est! Yum!

  13. Colleen says:

    Monk’s House, I can’t imagine! How fun.

    The lunch you had at the pub yesterday looked divine.

    The rain, the tea, English friends~ all of it sounds so lovely.

  14. Susan from Orwigsburg, PA says:

    Good for Joe! He knows your love and loyalty to your girlfriends, but he also doesn’t want you to miss a thing. We’ll all be here, waiting patiently and quietly for you to come back and share your adventures with us. And now, because of you and Joe, I’ve added England to my bucket list! Thank you for sharing!


  15. Lorie Hartsig says:

    What a sweet restaurant that has pillows for coziness and comfort…thanks for taking me on a rainy day!

  16. Gert~Iowa says:

    So glad to hear the sun is shining today so you must take advantage and enjoy the day! Joe reminds me so much of my Tom with that evil eye…sweet… Your visit with Racheal had to be amazing…always nice to see old friends. And the Pub..well now wouldn’t LOVE having lunch there??

    Enjoy ‘our’ day and look forward to hearing all about it!

    Wishing you ‘sunhine’!

  17. Patricia H. says:

    Enjoy first, blog second! 🙂 Enjoy your time there- I appreciate any post or pic you put up but you are there to fill your inspiration cup so fill away! I’ll certainly enjoy the diary after you get back. xx

  18. Joan Lesmeister says:

    We’re so happy to see your English friends! Looking forward to the touring today, it’ll be great fun! xoxo

  19. PAULIE says:

    oh oh – sounds like the Quiet Man was giving you that “rare” evil eye? Is that right? lol……..must be – because you didn’t hesitate ………lol……..all in good fun I am sure. We eagerly await the forthcoming pictures, travel and commentary…… is always such a joy to open this blog ……..have a super day!

  20. Lisa G. says:

    Oh boy, pillows on benches! Ahhh….

    Imagine living in a country which has buildings from 1420 (and before!)

  21. Christine from Lafayette, CO says:

    But of course you must leave! We’re right behind you, umbrella in hand! As much as we are enjoying this trip, I must tell you I’m eagerly awaiting the Diary so I can relive it over and over. That Pub is calling me!
    PS Isn’t it funny that all husbands can give the same “look” for the same “come on already” reason!! Give him a big hug and tell him the girlfriends just love him to pieces! He really does have the patience of a Saint! xoxox

  22. Peggy Cooper from Pueblo, CO says:

    My Dear Susan, I understand. When my husband is waiting for me to get ready to go somewhere, he paces. Your day of reading, rain, and that lovely old pub sounds wonderful. I love the picture with the cows. What book are you reading now? So far, I’ve enjoyed your suggestions for reading material. Have a wonderful adventure today. Ta ta!

  23. jennifer says:

    Can’t wait to read all about it!!! Enjoy it all.

  24. Carilyn Wolski says:

    Good Morning Susan! The Three Chimney Pub looks so quaint and with so much history!!! Your travels are like a daily history lesson….so beautiful!!! (My son and I enjoyed learning more about the pub’s long history, very interesting.) Wishing you a wonderful day and can’t wait to come along on your next adventure!!!! (This is so much fun!!!!!!! Love, love, love the scenery!!!!!

  25. Terri from Swansboro, NC says:

    I noticed you said Joe was giving you the eye meaning he didn’t have to say a word! LOL! that is just too funny! I enjoyed some writing and painting time on Tuesday too! So it is time to get out today and enjoy so you can write, blog, and update us and so you can work in your English journal and paint. Oh the fun… so little time right?? LOL!!

  26. Candice says:

    Oh, this all sounds and looks so wonderful — thanks for “taking us along” with you. A virtual tour is better than no tour, but I really wish we could all be there with you.


  27. Patricia from Philly says:

    Susan and Joe:
    We Girlfriends eagerly await each and every word, image and art!

    Have FUN!

  28. Val says:

    That pub looks like my dream house. Add some jugs of wildflowers and Roses, and I’ll move right in. Scoot over, Susan and company. 🙂

    ‘So glad you’re having such a great time. I love seeing peoples’ dreams come true. *♥~ENJOY!~♥*

  29. msri1017 says:

    Loving your (our) adventure ~ been keeping up, even at work ~ don’t get left behind today, and thanks for the note! Enjoy!!! ♥

  30. Wendy Louise says:

    I know that Eye very well, but it doesn’t bother me I just know that I’m being a little unreasonable and can finish what I’m doing later. We here are very patient and can wait, especially for something great !!!!! Have fun we know you will share. OOXX

  31. Nellie says:

    My! Aren’t we going to have a glorious day together! We have sunshine here today as well! Enjoy – and we await those wonderful pictures showing us where we have been.:)

    xoxo Nellie

  32. Joy Pence says:

    I, and I am sure most of us give you permission, in fact encourage, you to not get on here and share every day. I do look forward to hearing what you are doing, but this is a once in a lifetime experience with you and your sweetheart, so don’t you fret about us. We will be here waiting, and we won’t give you the eye!!!

  33. Cindy Maulin says:

    hi susan… i’ve got one of those eyes over here too!!!!!! have fun…love, cindy

  34. Bernadette Gibson says:

    Hurry back! Can’t wait to hear about your new adventure!

  35. Go, GO! We’ll be waiting!

  36. Barb from Ohio says:

    Hi, Susan
    I love the pictures of the old pub; you can just feel the history that’s in those walls. Boy if they could talk! Love the painting of the milk girl with the cows too. I guess you have to take the rainy days with the sunny ones, good thing you have your painting and reading, and I think it gives you a chance to rest up a bit after a busy sight seeing day. Enjoy today and we’ll all be waiting patiently for more lovely pics and words from Jolly Old England!

  37. Millie Ray says:

    Love, love your adventures, and reading about them. The closest I came to England, was landing in London, enroute to Northern Ireland. My Mother was born in Liverpool, and raised there, but I never had the opportunity to make a visit. The Ireland trip was for a family reunion, which was a very nice, and an exciting time. We are in our later years now, and we have to resign ourselves to enjoying our many videos of our travels, and latching on to others, such as yourself, that make wonderful reading. Millie

  38. How cozy that pub looks! I could just lose myself in all those pillows, reading the day away, drinking hot bishops!

    Hope your having fun on your sunny day out! Can’t wait to see the pics!

    • Kathy from Brevard, NC says:

      Hot bishops sound very interesting!!! I better have more info. on those please. xoxo, Kathy

  39. Marilyn says:

    Love that cozy little pub! I think I could easily sit there all day next to that fireplace, snuggle down into the cushions and read.

    What a charming, welcoming place!

    Enjoy the sunny, bright day and be sure to take plenty of pictures.

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  40. Fran Sigdestad says:

    I am so excited that we are going exploring today. So much to see and so little time. I have a small collection of David Winter Cottages and Fraiser Cottages as well. Perhaps you will see some of them in the shops. My daughter stood in the rain for two hours to get a David Winter autogragh. That was a few years ago. What a treasure. Yum, the cod dish looked delicious and the plum pudding was just the perfect dessert. I love those old pubs.

  41. Dawn says:

    Hehe, I know about blogging and getting ‘the eye’ from your honey. 🙂
    This has been so fun thus far! That pub looks amazing. I love restaurants with cushions and fireplaces.

  42. Linda Pintarell says:

    Three Chimneys great website. Loved that they post “hours open” and “hours they serve food” – definitely not like an American restaurant! Also noted that they try to “source food locally” which is soooo important – I would like to see more of that done everywhere – so good for the healthy reasons and also so good for economy in soooo many ways.

  43. Marianne in Hidden Meadows says:

    Sounds like you had the perfect relaxing day after all your traveling and hiking. Susan, do you collect cookbooks when you travel? If so and you find some there in England to add to your collection, would you share the titles and authors with us? Maybe we’ll find recipes for dishes similar to the lunch you had at Three Chimneys — it looked devinely delicious!!! Have another beautiful day and thank you for taking us all along with you and for being such a powerful source of inspiration. You inspire others not just to pursue their artistic dreams, but also to find happiness in the little details of everyday life. Thank you for showing us the way!!!


  44. Karen P - Wisconsin says:

    And off you go on another fun adventure in merry ol’ England! Can’t keep Joe waiting. Don’t worry, we’ll tag along….can’t get rid of us! And you have Siobhan, too! How fun! Love the cow painting….is that from one of The Cotswolds books? Gorgeous!!!! Have a fab day!

  45. Karen P - Wisconsin says:

    It gets me so excited to hear you talking about working on your English diary! Cannot WAIT to see it! Please…..paint lambs frolicking and sheep in the stone walls pastures!!! <3 xoxo…kp

  46. Miss Pat in Indiana says:

    Don’t you love the hoop holding the milk buckets away from the maids’ legs. What a good idea! Enjoy.

  47. Sally says:

    Missed you yesterday. I wake up thinking Susan will have something special for me today. I dont twitter so I miss out on some things. Enjoy jolly ole England!

  48. Sharon H says:

    Go out and enjoy your day Susan, none of us want to miss a thing and if you don’t go, then we don’t get to ‘go’ either! We’ll enjoy all the details when you get back. Have a fun day!! Hugs from Sharon in Maine

  49. Pat Mofjeld says:

    Well, love finding new postings from you about the trip but this IS your vacation, afterall, so understand completely…and you can’t drag us along everywhere every day! (don’t want you OR Joe to get sick of us and wish you’d left us at home!) LOL! 🙂 Besides that, we can get more daily details reading your published journal when you get back. The pub pictured would be the perfect place to be, sitting by the fire, on a dark rainy day. Have fun today on wherever you are jaunting!

  50. viv says:

    Loving the pictures and commentary. The yellow flowers on Twitter look like what we call evening primrose. Did you notice if the flower petals close at night?

  51. cj says:

    I was lucky enough to visit Virginia and Leonard’s house in the village of Rodmell a few years back. Very touching to see how humble it is, if you can you should try to visit Charleston also.

  52. Kim says:

    So snug and cozy … So lovely and inviting!

  53. Cindy Tuning says:

    If you want to treat yourself to the best cookie ever,next time you go to the grocery store, look for Stem Ginger cookies covered with dark chocolate . I know they have them at Tesco and even wrote to them asking if I could buy a case but they don’t ship to the U.S. so, I have to get them when we visit or when my cousins come over. Whom by the way live about 15 miles from where you are. Have fun and trust me on those cookies!

  54. Janice B says:

    I traveled in the Kent area 2 years ago with my Mom. It was so awsome! We stayed in Dorking Kent at the White Horse Hotel. We visited Hever Castle, Chartwell-Winston Churchill’s home, Ightham Mote (you’d love that home….gardens, so many windows and the inside was to die for!) and many more places. I couldn’t get enough tea and scones with “Clotted Cream” to satisfy me. Once I thought I could ship some cream home, no deal….sigh. Thank you so much for reminding me of so many places we went. I could go back for a month or two and be happy just wondering around as you are.
    Thanks for taking us with you and for so many photos!! I check in with you every day. See you tomorrow! Have a great day!

  55. judi says:

    How charming the restaurants are there. Books and pillows – delightful! Have a fun day.

  56. Ann says:

    Well, get going! We don’t want to miss anything. Love that pub where you ate lunch yesterday. So English.

  57. Honey, I’ve been a BAD friend. Meant to write to say good-bye and faretheewell, but life got in the way. Also wanted you to hug sweet Rachel for me.

    Now I am back-in-service and will check up on you two every day.

    Susie and Ellis came for a mostly-grown-in-my-garden dinner last night. We toasted you and Joe and MISS you so much. California calls.

    Sending love, love,


  58. Karen Saunders says:

    oh how i loved that picture of the fair maiden with her cows. who did that? it’s beautiful!!

  59. John says:

    It’s a real shame you came to England during the coldest and wettest Mays i can ever remember, we still have our woodburner going. its usually much warmer than this by now. My strawberries are a month late already. Hope the weather picks up for you and you enjoy the rest of your trip.

  60. Doreen Strain - Florida says:

    Glad you decided to make it “short and sweet” that eye of Joe’s I’m sure can be haunting!!! LOL ! We wouldn’t want to miss any of the adventures…so run fast and catch up with them. Let us know how your day went when you get back and get a few minutes to sit and chat. Happy to hear you are having fun….so are we!
    FOSB 4~Ever! ~ Doreen ~

  61. Marie says:

    Rachel’s Greek yogurt is the best! We love it here and coconut is the cream of the crop! We finally had a sunny day up here in Chester today, but it’s cold. brrrrrr. I’m still waiting for the beautiful skin! Hasn’t happened yet! Can’t wait to hear about your day. xx

  62. Dale Worness says:

    PLEASE DO NOT GET LEFT BEHIND !!! We would miss too much! Love the pictures of the Three Chimneys Pub. Even the address is enchanting. When I was in Great Britian & Ireland in ’89 I enjoyed reading the addresses in the phone book. So lyrical! I always wondered how to pronounce Siobhan.Thank you for enlightening me! Hope you don’t get “rained in” too often. We finally had rain today in FL. 🙂 We really need it. Can’t wait for your next adventure!

  63. Barb says:

    Hi Sue, What a beautiful farm picture. Read all about three chimneys and also
    clicked on the link to the attractions. Had a great time reading everything.
    Thank you and enjoy your day today with your new guest and exploring. Looking forward to much more. Hugs & Smiles Barb, Ludlow MA

    • Sharon Calvert says:

      I, too, enjoyed the Three Chimneys site information. Especially found the Biddenden Maids interesting – reminded me of Susan’s post about Nancy Luce …

  64. Tara says:

    I’m really enjoying our trip to England! You pull off the “come with me” idea so well that I actually had a dream last night that I was setting up all my paints and sketchbooks in your living room. You and Joe were wandering around doing your thing and all of the “girlfriends” were over hanging out, chit chatting, cooking in your kitchen, etc… You didn’t seem to mind at all! There were a lot of us. And I think I made a total mess of your living room. Hee!! Had to share that with you.

  65. Jane says:

    Oh, Susan! Your trip is off to a great start…even with the rain! The restaurants are wonderful and it looks like you have made yourself at home in your rental! I’m looking forward to each and every post!

    Jane From Chicago

  66. Nancy B says:

    You’re a doll for squeezing in that post. I missed you yesterday! (Thanks, Joe)

  67. Lynn L., LaFargeville, NY says:

    Please, Joe, we are waiting so patiently to hear of each day’s adventures! Please give Susan more time to blog! Well, then again, we want you out and about having adventures for us to enjoy when you have time to post them. So I guess you should get out there and have some fun and adventures for us!

  68. Georgie says:

    Loving this journey…

    “Rachel’s Coconut Greek Yogurt!!!” This sounds totally scrumptious. Point me in the right direction. I have my spoon ready.

    There’s something special about a cozy fireplace, and a cup of tea on a rainy day. Don’t laugh, but I brought my shiny pink hooded rain coat (old as the hills) into work and hung it by the corner of my desk so I can grab it in a moments notice and run out the door to join you in your discoveries.

    After all, I’m right there too 😉

    Keep ENJOYING everything!!!
    Georgie fron NJ

  69. Trish K says:

    I’m imagining you sneaking to use the computer while no one is looking…posting in hiding. I’m so glad you did, I decided to wait until I had my desk cleared so that I could really sink in to the posts, I only managed to hold off until now. I’m imagining all the different people who have sat at that table in the Three Chimneys! If only that 592 year old fireplace could talk!

  70. Patricia says:

    Hello ! I just wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying reading your blog, and seeing the wonderful photos. I found it just the other day, and I have subscribed by email, and am now enjoying going over all your older posts too. You have a lovely way of writing – I almost feel like I’m talking with you. The photos are great, and I’m looking forward to seeing lots more of my beloved England ! I’m living in Cleveland, Ohio now, but was born and raised in England until my teen years (I’m in my 50’s now) so I’ve been here in the US longer than there – but as you know – I have many sentimental feelings about England….thanks for a great blog !

  71. Kathy Phenix says:

    Wow, good to hear that Joe has “the eye”. I thought my husband had cornered the market! LOL I know mothers have “eyes in the back of their heads” but husbands
    definitely have a way to look at you and you “KNOW” I’d better get moving! Hope you all had a fun day in the sunshine. Really enjoying our trip and all of the treasures you are sharing. Thanks. Kathy from Florida

  72. Cyndi in NC says:

    I had a computer meltdown but caught up on your (our) adventures. I must have English blood (I really do *L*) because the rain has never bothered me. *L* Have fun, will look for the next bits.

  73. Jennifer says:

    You need to go to Yorkshire for us. Check out

  74. jeanne hedin says:

    Go! See! Do! We don’t want you to miss anything! If we girlfriends stay home for the day, we promise not to touch your paints. 🙂

    • #mischiefmaker says:

      I will make no such promise.
      Signed, The Elf on the Shelf
      Stowaway…MWAH! HAH! HAH!

  75. Dinahsoar says:

    Would that be the ‘evil’ eye”? 🙂 Well, you are on vacation with your honey, so go and have a good time…we’ll tag along in the background and you can fill us in when you get some down time…..from the suitcase via the hills of TN.

  76. Jacquelyn Wirthlin - Las Vegas, NV says:

    Enjoying everything so much. Enjoy your surroundings, friends, sites, etc., first! That is a priority. We Girlfriends will enjoy everything in due time… :<) The rainy day, greenery, gardens etc. reminds me of my home town of Seattle … Enjoy Sue. XOXO

  77. Hello All: Jack, I just saw on the ABC Nightly News that AZ is having wildfires (4) and 2,000 acres have burned so far….so sorry for everyone touched by these fires and I hope it isn’t close to you Jack?? Please stay safe and let us know how things are. Blessings

  78. karen says:

    oh, I just love this.. what a charming place…. and to think ofhow long it’s been in operation!….

  79. Joann says:

    That Joe—doesn’t he know that it takes a LONG time to get all of us women ready to go out the door?

    My goodness….

  80. stephanie says:

    Go! Go already! Have fun!

    I am so loving this trip – even those pics from twitter are fantastic. (which by the way – I’m not on twitter – but I can see them easily).

  81. Denise says:

    York is deeeelightful! If you make it to York, walk the walls . . . it is an interesting excursion. And go into a local department store and buy yourself tea spoons – yes, their flatware has coffee and tea spoons . . . those small perfect saucer resting size that is provided to you with every cup of tea. I bought a variety in a department store in York and use them every day. Its a perfect tiny, low cost remembrance of England. 😉

  82. Amy Lynn says:

    Shame on you Joe! for giving us the eye!! 🙂 it takes us all a while to get ready to go… ha ha! Hope we had fun today, can’t wait to hear about all the fun we had!!!
    Thanks for being patient with us Joe….

  83. I can’t wait to see your photos and hear your impressions of Monk House. I keep a bloomsbury book in my bedside bookcase ,(Charleston house, are you going there too?) . Who cares about the rain? You have tea and beer to keep you warm!

  84. Janet Reilly says:

    I’m living vicariously! Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventure. I am seriously envious!

  85. Enikö says:

    How divine it all sounds! My heart is with you…

  86. Susan says:

    Are you settled in? It’s soo much better to “live” there instead of being a tourist for a fast, quick trip. It must be more intense. Please tell Joe, that he’s got to wait for you. There are so many of us hanging on your every post and we don’t want to miss a thing. So tell Joe”Thanks for waiting!” from all of us here in blogland. Had any bangers and mash yet? (Did I get that right?)

    • sbranch says:

      He’s more of a banger eater than I am … sausages! Mash, I’m asking him … oh, it’s mashed potatoes! I would definitely go for the Mash!

  87. Patricia from Philly says:

    Hiya Susan!
    I wanted to mention that when you first posted photos of your new snug apartment, I noticed the comfy, cushiony, rose covered chair, covered in a pattern similar to the one at your home on the Vinyahd. I said to my husband, “oh, look! She has a chair just like the one at home”. And he (cheekily) replied, “well, maybe she brought it with her”. I gave him the “what are you talking about” look, and he then said “well, you did say she brought 12 bags with her, right”?
    Fresh boy!
    Looking forward to our next (shared) adventure! Will you, by any chance, be going to the Emma Bridgewater Pottery? If so, you are one lucky girl!
    Have fun!

    • sbranch says:

      We didn’t bring our chair, but everything else! Yes, we’re going to Emma’s factory!

  88. Cynthia Krynock says:

    I just have to say that I am having the time of my life, and I am so grateful that you and Joe asked me to come along on this wonderful journey! You are too kind and willing to make it affordable for all of us to come with you….just really enjoying the ride, and look forward to each and every entry on your blog!


  89. Angie(Tink!) says:

    You are a Funny 🙂 Girl Sweet Sue…”Joe is giving You The Eye” I am Laughing 🙂 Cause I Understand! Boyzzzzzz will Be Boyzzzzzz! 🙂 Tell Joe that We are so Grateful that We are Traveling with You Both! lol…so Far Every Blog has Taken Us Along….it’s Been Beyond Magical….I Must Say Thank~You Sweet Sue & Joe! ok…I’m ready for More! please pass me another Rose Lemonade….Delightful! Have Fun Darling Friends! Hello Siobhan! xoxo Poof!✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*.✫*¨*.

  90. Joan says:

    Oh yes! “The eye” – it is a guy thing I do believe!!!!! Except if THEY are in Home Depot.

  91. Georganne says:

    I love the look of that cosy pub — pillows, a fire, the best pub food in Kent — heavenly! I still fondly remember a pub I went to in Scotland that was so wee and perfect – I felt as if I’d stepped back a century or two.


  92. Nancy says:

    I am officially and unabashedly jealous. Note to self…ration your visits to Susan’s blog.

    • sbranch says:

      Stop that! Maybe I should talk about the dishwasher in the place we’re staying! It might cheer you up! 🙂

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