Morning Musica  . . .  I’ve been busy … making things!

Hello my dear patient friends! I thought I’d show you what I’ve been doing this morning!  I’ve been playing! Remember I mentioned I wanted to have lots of banners, swags, festooning and bunting to decorate my house this year?

Well, as you know, I went hunting for them and found lots of fun ideas, but couldn’t find the word banner I wanted for the kitchen . . . I’m sure they must be out there somewhere, but I decided I should just make one. How hard can it be, was my question.

Not hard at all as it turns out; really easy! And not even messy! So I thought I would show you what I did, in case you want to drape a mirror, a window, the footboard of your bed, the fireplace mantle, anywhere really.

I am sure there’s more than one way to do this!  But here’s what I did.  You need some card stock … a pair of scissors that makes curvy patterns when you cut with them, (pinking shears would work), and a hole punch that makes tiny holes. Also some narrow ribbon, yarn, or festive string. Baker’s string would look cute too. You can get all this in any craft store.  Or, knowing you, you probably have most of it in your closet already!

You need to decide what you want it to say, so you can know how many little cards to cut out, one for each letter — I just wanted a simple “Merry Christmas,” but other ideas would be “Home for Christmas,” “Let it Snow,” “BELIEVE,” “Joy to the World,” “Peace and Good Cheer,” “Blessings” — I bet you can think of lots more; “The Grinch Lives Here,” might even work, for certain occasions!  Or, “Welcome Home!” Or your child’s name! 

I didn’t measure anything, because it doesn’t need to be perfect … I just cut out little squares to the size I thought they should be, and punched holes in the top corners of each. (Cut one square until you get it the size you like, then just eyeball that as you cut the others. Trust me, you can do this!)

If you wanted, you could put a little glue on the edges and dip each edge into glitter.  I thought of this, but since I didn’t get glitter, and since it was 5 am at the time, I thought, OK, maybe next time!  I threaded narrow grosgrain ribbon through the holes, keeping the ribbon flat so that, in the end, when you hang them, the cards will all lay correctly — and I spaced them a bit apart.

They had tons of letter stickers at Michael’s … I bought these puffy letters, and considered using them, but changed my mind, wished I’d bought simpler ones … I was afraid these would make it too fancy for what I wanted.  I thought it would look more homemade if . . .

I just printed letters on the cards with a fat black marking pen.

So that’s what I did, and then, with watercolors, I put a little gray shadow behind each letter to make them “pop” a bit.

And so there it is!  Not Picasso.  But that’s OK, it does exactly what I hoped … a little something homemade in my kitchen. And you could go wild with this, you could mark the letters in glue and make them totally glitter!  I’ve already hung a few little colored pom poms on this banner … if you need a little gift of the heart, this would be perfect, tucked inside a stocking, or in a holiday card.

And then, the sun came up!  I love my banner/swag department!  It has a bit of magic in it, don’t you think?

I also thought you might like a photo of sundown last night, on the street where I live ….

The Frost Moon was so beautiful!

Back to my decorating now!  I finished my new WILLARD yesterday! (Click there, just in case you don’t know why we call my Newsletter “Willard.”)  It will start going out next Tuesday — it takes a couple of days … will be all sent late Wednesday.  If you want to sign up your mom, sister, aunt, grandma, sugar daddy, daughter, or best friend, you can do it anytime over the weekend and still be in time for Christmas Willard to arrive in their boxes sometime Tuesday or Wednesday.♥ Very inexpensive little gift.  Cookie Jar is included!  Also, I have a little surprise giveaway in honor of the giving season, from me to you with LOVE; check the blog next Tuesday for the surprise!

Peep Peep girlfriends, Have a wonderful day!! xoxo You are adorable♥  Thank you for everything!

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809 Responses to MAKING THINGS

  1. LindaH says:

    Hi Susan,

    What a great idea that you’ve shared with us! Its something that even those of us that aren’t especially creative can do! Loved the picture of your kitchen with the sun coming up, how pretty! Take care, Linda

  2. Miriam says:

    Everything you make is simply lovely! ALWAYS love to see what you are doing, where you are going and what you are thinking!!!! Just had knee surgery since arriving in Austin, so am totally enjoying reading today’s blog….with “a leg up”!!!! 😉
    xoxox Miriam

  3. Melissa Leathley says:

    I am going to make your “Merry Christmas” swag right now!! I can’t wait for it to be done. I love your “swag Department”. Super cute. I want to do that too! Off to creative land I go.
    Happy Christmas season to you and yours.

  4. Terry says:

    Susan, I love your homemade banner. You make me smile at the thought of you already crafting at 5:00 a.m. I too am awake, but I am curled up in my big comfy green chair with a cup of hot coffee and my journal. Oh, yes, and usually a cat on my lap. The other morning it was glorious, as I sat there looking out the window as the sun came up, it was snowing! What a treat! Anyway, I am definitely going to make a banner. Just to give myself some extra time, I think mine will say “Happy New Year.”

    Thank you for your wonderful blog! I look forward to receiving, and my heart skips a little happy step when I see it in my in-box.


  5. Cyndi in NC says:

    Love swag, the windows look wonderful, very festive. You are right the simple approach was best. Love all the little things on the windows too. I’ve been baking for two days to send to my daughter and son in law in Okinawa. Got to get it out earlier than my other packages. Then the Biscotti making starts in earnest. But next will come the cranberry conserve and a new citrus spread recipe. Not really in the Christmas spirit this year but maybe this will jump start me. Anyway love the windows Susan. Can’t wait for Willard.

    • sbranch says:

      Maybe make one less thing, and take yourself out for lunch, with your favorite magazine, instead? xoxo

      • Cyndi in NC says:

        Thanks for you sweet words but I’m not overwhelmed, I lost my sweet little dog just after Christmas last year and it’s hard this year. We only had her a short time, and she had so many health problems. She was the sweetest most loving animal I ever had. I miss her terribly. I always make my Mom and Dad Biscotti for Christmas and I really do enjoy doing it. Only made a couple of things for the kids as they asked me not to go overboard with the baking, as if any of us need to eat too much. *L* I am ok, just missing my girl. Thanks again, I really am ok.

  6. Giovanna says:

    Hi Susan,
    Another great post!! Thanks tons for the wonderful ideas. I think I’ll make a Christmas banner that says “Zoey’s First Christmas”. I have my first step-great granddaughter and I am having a wonderful time making little surprises for her. I eagerly await your next “Willard”. I have a few of your old Willards, when you used to send them by snail mail. I keep them tucked inside your books 🙂
    Have a wonderful evening…until next time,

    • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

      What a neat idea! Perfect for a baby’s or child’s bedroom! Maybe you could even incorporate an advent calendar with it!

  7. Amy says:

    Your banner turned out so cute and I love the cardinal! We have a cardinal “couple” that hangs out in our backyard every winter. Such beautiful birds. Can’t wait for my Willard! Happy decorating!

  8. Joanie B from San Diego says:

    YESSSS! I have had a banner in my brain for about a week, I have been musing over its design and the words, just seeing yours made me happy and I’ll be making mine next week. What I love is easy achievable crafts, its sooooo satisfying to have fun and make something cute, then every time I look at something I’ve made there’s the happy feeling all over again! We get the happiness of creating, then satisfaction over finishing a project, YEA, then happiness again as we see it decorating a corner or window. Have fun girlfriends!!!

  9. Judy Dow says:

    Thanks for the sneak peek of your decorating. I’m already thinking how and where I could hang some banners. Spent today at home wrapping advent gifts and doing a bit of baking. All of a sudden Ethel calls to tell me that you wrote to us. Made my day. Can’t wait to see more of your ideas. Looking forward to Willard. Enjoy the season. Thanks for your gifts to us…your messages!

  10. Chrissy Thrower says:

    YOU are adorable! I think I’ll have to make a MERRY CHRISTMAS banner on some red ribbon, too! I love the festooning….so quaint and homey and FUN!
    My daughter, Jamie, just presented me with your CHRISTMAS from the HEART OF THE HOME book! I was beyond delighted that she found it for me! Every little detail really is…adorable! Thank you for being so darn cute! I truly enjoy ‘my’ Susan Branch! TA TA for now!

  11. Stacey says:

    Your banner is adorable. Love that you are using the curly scissors – I have some of those so I must get them out! Thank you for the upcoming Willard…I do love them. 🙂

  12. Linda says:

    Love your banners….very simple but sometimes that is best. Wish I could see a cardinal but your photo will have to do…wonderful photo. This is really fun seeing step by step what you are conjuring up for the magazine and your own enjoyment! I just received some fabric stuffed stars made from old quilts done in red and blue and primitive tinted and placed them on my real evergreen wreath on my front door…….lots of fun….simple but elegant! We had heavy frost here this morning but warmed up to the mid fifties to make for a semi-sunny day in beautiful Idaho!!! Keep crafting and decorating…they will be there before you know it!!!

  13. I have almost every Christmas item I own out and displayed this year but for a rather unique purpose.

    My new daughter-in-law is coming over soon to see if there are any items she can use in their small apartment on campus. She also knows she gets to pick and choose for a later house, even if I have to store “her” stuff with mine.

    I love this time of year, when Heaven kisses the earth and it is just fine to decorate with sparkle. LOVED this post!

  14. ReNae says:

    Love your banner idea!!! I love all your ideas!! Thanks for sharing the cardinal…that seems to be my winter decorating theme this year. We don’t have them in Utah but I grew up with them in the midwest.
    Just got your 600 piece scrapbooking kit at Costco today…I couldn’t resist…I could just sit and look at it for days. So excited to have it!!!
    Thanks again for your blog…for Willard..etc…You are a shear delight to follow.
    Blessings to you!!!

  15. Sandy from Chihuahua Flats says:

    When in the fifth grade, I had this marvelous art teacher who allowed our imaginations to run wild. She was one of the teachers who inspired me to become a teacher. The others were my favorite aunt, & my mother-in-law. I taught for twenty years, during the latter part of my life. Anyway, back to my fifth grade art teacher………she let us draw birds. From then on out, I became a bird lover. I grew up in PA where there are so many gorgeous birds. One of my favorites was always the Cardinal. Joe got the bird feeders up in time to greet the beautiful Cardinal that visited your feeder for his (the Cardinal’s) portrait. Now that I live in So. CA, I love Bluebirds. We had a couple of them visiting our feeders last summer. I was thrilled. I watched them all summer. Seems like they must have gone south for the winter, because I haven’t seen them for awhile. Our Mockingbirds have been sitting out in a light shower today, up in one of our trees with the other birds, just sitting there taking a shower, waiting for the sun to appear. All the birds sitting there in the tree, made the tree look like a bird Christmas tree. They were all so quiet. I think they were just enjoying the quiet that the shower was providing, much like when it snows back east. I used to go out at midnight some nights, walking with the snow falling all around me. That was in PA when I was a teenager. I now walk in the snow late at night, in Tahoe, where it often snows late at night, just like in PA. Such quiet abounds. So much quiet that you can actually hear the snow falling. A nature lover I’ll always be. I know you’d rather be playing than having to keep us updated on your blog. Go ahead & admit it Susan. We’re all the same, we people who love to work with our hands & imaginations. You won’t hurt our feelings. We honor the light within you, as we say in my Yoga class. I love that part of Yoga. When I hear that, I actually envision a light within each of us. Enjoy the season. I know you all will girlfriends.

    • sbranch says:

      I actually feel like the blog is play! The colors in the photographs, the connections, the comments from the girlfriends . . . I know what you mean about the light . . . ♥

      • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

        Susan, Oh, how happy I am to know that you feel like your blog is P*L*A*Y*!! It sure is a party whenever the comment section is full and we all get to chat with YOU and everyone else!
        Love you and, as always!!! thanks so much for–being–YOU!!!

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        I feel like housekeeping is play. LOL It is my BIG doll house.

    • Barbara T, Wolverine Lake MI says:

      I love it when it’s all snowy, deep and thick, and you get that cozy feeling and yes, you CAN hear the snow falling! Can’t wait for the first big snow, however last night we had a thunderstorm in the night and it woke me up and the dog and he started barking! He was startled too! Loved hearing about your birds 🙂

  16. Awwwwww Susan! I love your banner! And what could be better than something homemade in your kitchen – with love, too!!!! Your photos are beautiful – the sunrise and moon – ahhhhhh! Love them all. Thanks!

  17. Michele says:

    Susan ~ LOVE your little banners!
    After I saw all the cute little things you bought to decorate with…I got inspired, too, and ‘picked up’ a few little surprises to make it Christmas-y around here


  18. Margi Duffy says:

    Thank you for the heads up on the Frost Moon. I live in the Eastern Sierra in California…and it was gorgeous as it came up over our Whites Mountains.
    It had been cloudy throughout the day so there was a glow around the moon. Gorgeous!!!

  19. Betty from Virginia says:

    Your *Merry Christmas* banner and your swags are so *whimsical*!! Thanks for the inspiration Susan. Your posts are always such a treat. I’m definately going to make a banner for my kitchen window! Love the little apples and trees on your window sills too. Your picture of *Frost Moon* at sundown was lovely! And Mr. Cardinal looks very pleased with his sunflower seeds. Our beloved Cardinals have returned to winter over and we adore them.

  20. Noelle says:

    Just the thing, I was looking for a How to for a Welcome Home banner and lo and behold there it was. Love your blog, you are amazing and the moon was just gorgeous and love the red bird he was looking right at us.. loved that. Noelle

  21. Mary Cunningham says:

    Merry Christmas Susan! Such a wonderful kitchen you have…I’d get up really early too just to spend time there waiting for the sun to come up! So homey and full of love…you have sparked my imagination with your sweet banner…must get busy making some for gifts…can’t wait for Willard….continue to “gift” us with your wonderfulness! Mary from Nashville, Indiana

  22. Amy Sheffield-Gonzalez says:

    Isn’t the moon beautiful?! Just gorgeous. I feel especially favored when the moon gives it’s luminous glow 🙂 And speaking of….I don’t know if you go to movies often, but my kids and I just saw “The Rise of the Guardians”. LOVED it!! The moon has a very important part in it. Thought you might enjoy it too!

    • sbranch says:

      Good to know! I love movies, but we have the most erratic movie schedule on the island — some theaters only open on weekends, it’s crazy trying to keep up with it!

  23. Wendy Louise says:

    Ohhhhh My Goodness this is wonderful ! I will make this adorable little banner. How cozy of you up early making the banner before the sun comes up. What a cozy thought of you all snug as a bug in your home doing this thoughtful little creative project. My wonderful Gramma did art projects like this and they are so special. I have some that she made and I put them out every Christmas. She was born in 1895 and passed in 1995, and I’ll love her forever and ever! We need to Thank-you for being so wonderful to us and sharing so much of yourself, you are such an inspiration to us all. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart, I will love you forever and ever. 🙂 Wendy

  24. Sue says:

    Hi Susan,
    Lovely post again! Your window looks so cozy & cheerful with your banner and decorations. I love the little fence and the trees sitting on the top of the window frame. The tree reminded me of a project I’m about to try. I just got back from Michael’s, where I bought a bag of the various sizes of trees like the ones you have. I’m going to put them in water with bleach — when they are all done they should all be very cream colored and “vintage-y” (is that a word? :)) looking. I saw the idea on a blog recently and am so excited to try it. I love that vintage look but to buy the real vintage ones can be pricey unless one happens upon a good deal. The good thing is that this bag of trees happened to be on sale this week at Michael’s — 50% off!!! Yay!
    I feel like I’m getting some things accomplished on my Christmas “to do” list this week. Yesterday I ordered two of the bird tea cups (with lids) that just got re-stocked in your store, one for me and one for a friend. Love them! I couldn’t believe it when I got an e-mail tonight saying they have shipped already!!! Wow! Thanks for the speedy service your “elves” provide! 🙂 That’s fantabulous! 🙂 Can’t wait to see the tea cups!
    Looking forward to Christmas Willard and also to seeing more of your decorating. And also more of Jack and Girl Kitty. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I do have the best elves in my studio, Kellee and Sheri do everything, work their little fingers to the bone, and I can totally DEPEND on them even though we are so far away. Just like me, they want to connect in a good way, no matter what we are doing! Good luck with those trees!

  25. Rosanne (Oregon) says:

    Oh I do love your banners, and what looks like tiny lights, but mostly I love that you inspire us to play. My 5-year-old granddaughter will visit soon and I have a craft planned for each day of her visit, for me as much as for her. One of our projects will be making paper chains. I am doing it the lazy woman’s way, which was finding a kit on Amazon with pre-cut strips with Christmas motifs on them. I envision my house with paper chains hanging everywhere. Fun! Love you, Susan, for your bright spirit in every season, and for the joy and inspiration you share.

  26. Jo in Western Springs says:

    Your banner sparked an idea in my mind! This year our oldest daughter and her husband, who live in Maryland, will be spending Christmas with us for the first time in 12 years. I’m going to make a banner saying “Welcome home, Julie and Cliff” and include pictures of them on additional blocks. Won’t that be fun?
    Also, I made placecards for the table but instead of writing names on them, I used very small picture frames and put pictures of each person from when they were 6 years old. Everyone gets a kick out of seeing Aunt Mary or Uncle Danny at that age – even the placecards for Gramma and Grampa have their pictures but in black and white.
    Thanks again for the inspiration. You’re a peach of a gal!

    • sbranch says:

      Another idea, even though it looks like your cup runneth over with ideas — one year I took really old photos of everyone coming to Christmas dinner, had them enlarged on a copier and made placemats out of them — instant placecards! And everyone had an old photo, or cute photo, or baby photo, or them on Santa’s lap, something fun, to look at.

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        THAT is a really cute idea! I can just hear all the conversation those provoked around the table! :>) The photos could go in little frames as placecards too – AND be party favors to keep.

  27. Gini says:

    Susan, I just LOVE this post! I went nuts at Thanksgiving & made placecards by writing each guest’s name with a glue pen ( my new favorite tool) & then sprinkling it with glitter & I glued each name tag to a mini pumpkin. I made felt “sleeves” for 6″ pillar candles – 10 of them, that spelled out “GIVE THANKS.” I photocopied & enlarged a font for my letters & cut them out of gold & used pellon iron on to iron the letters to the brown sleeves. I can use the same candles to do Merry Christmas now. My husband was worried that the creative juices wouldn’t give me enough time to make dinner for 18 but I managed to brine & roast 2 20 lb. turkeys! So glad I’m not alone in my “craft heaven”! Gini in No. Calif.

  28. Ginny Sargent - New England says:

    What a fun idea! If you had kiddo’s that would be something to do too…each child could help out.

    Fun, fun, fun

  29. Lisa R (northern Az) says:

    Susan, I adore your mini banners! I made your spring one, and can’t wait to make this first thing tomorrow morning. It may be 5am for me too! I’m thinking of making 2, as I need a white elephant gift for a family party this weekend. How cute would that be with a few homemade gift tags. I was wondering what I was going to take. You’ve saved the day! Thanks girlfriend. ♥

  30. Ivy Z. (Upland, CA) says:

    Hi Susan, Your banner is so cute yet so simple! That cardinal is so beautiful. It reminds me of a cardinal I painted back in 6th grade. I was so proud of it and I guess my teacher was too, he put it up on the wall for everyone to see but as the school year ended he forgot to give it to me to take home. I was so sad. I have never forgotten my cardinal from 6th grade. Thanks for sharing your wonderful daily blog with us! God Bless, Happy Holidays!

  31. Judy from Oregon says:

    Your banner is charming I love that it is so simple to make and you are right I have everything to make one already even lots of glitter if I decide to go in that direction. I would love to have a cardinal in my yard. I looked to see where their habitat is and unfortunately not Oregon although their habitat has expanded in the last 50 years. They do live in parts of California so maybe with that expanding habitat we will see some up here one day. Now I need to go get busy making things.

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t think I want their habitat to expand, because I’m afraid it means climate change, and I bet you have birds we don’t have, and that’s what gives flavor to each part of the country. Wild pheasants in England were amazing, I would hate to have them on the island (really I would love it) but it would be so wrong.:-)

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        We have pheasants here in Minnesota–they are so beautiful to see in the park or fields that I almost hate when hunting season opens! 🙂

      • Rhonda D. says:

        We live in a beautiful old growth country subdivision outside the city limits here in the maritimes. There are a ton of wild pheasants here everywhere. They run around like they own the place. It would be a rare occasion for me to look outside my window and not see one dashing around. One day I watched about 20 of them cross the road in front of my house. We’re so close, I’m surprised you don’t have them on the island. (Unless I have my birds mixed up?).

        • sbranch says:

          No, we don’t … and not where I grew up in California either, my first ones were in England! Big Bird! Beautiful!

          • Rhonda D. says:

            I love to be able to see all the wildlife running around our properties here. In a world where the environment can be so harsh for the birds and animals, it’s nice to see them content where they live and roam. We are all one with nature in this little subdivision, and you can just tell by the way they make themselves at home around here that they are happy. Interesting, all the little critters just kind of glance at my dog when she’s out and walk right past her, happily on their way. Sounds like a Disney movie in here. Happy December 1st everyone! First thing that came to mind when I got up this morning. See how happy you’re making us Susan! xo

  32. Mary S. says:

    The little Christmas banner is wonderful! I love the little shadows you put on each letter!
    I love the little tiny string of lights strung on your window! I don’t think I have ever seen any like that?!
    And the cardinal!! Oh, I just LOVE Cardinals, and we don’t have them in California. At least, I have never seen one 🙁
    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

  33. Vicki in Cincy says:

    Good morning Susan! I am reading your blog before getting ready for work. Gosh, you just have the CUTEST ideas! We haven’t started decorating since we’ve been down with colds since last Saturday, but I am revved up for the weekend! Thank you for keeping my creative juices flowing! You are such a dear, love you Girlfriend!

  34. Sue Rideout says:

    Love your banner ideas! Have a kitchen window waiting for a new idea. I also decorated this week but not putting up our tree until our son gets home from college. He loves doing it with us. Been busy in my shop sewing and creating 16-18″ doll outfits for the holidays! Moms are already shopping for daughters and granddaughters! I even have ladies who buy for their own doll collections. So happy that my “hobby” brings joy to other doll lovers.

  35. Pam Bengier says:

    You are so creative. You make me happy and definitely add to my life. Thank you!

  36. Sherry Palla says:

    Tweet tweet…looks sweet sweet! Thank you for the tips Susan! Love the cardinal….tweet tweet!

  37. Trisha K, Missouri says:

    I’m inspired! 🙂

  38. Betsy in Pennsylvania says:

    Dear Susan….I LOVE THE WINDOW DISPLAY!!! Please remove the windows and all the goodies on it and ship it to my house ASAP! xoxox

  39. Jackie P says:

    “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas . . . ” (smile)

  40. Marianne from Peoria IL says:

    Thanks for sharing your banner crafting! I think I may try making a few and send them to my children! Two have apts. in Chicago and this will be the first year they won’t be around “home” until I see their faces a few days before xmas! So, wouldn’t it be fun to see each trying to hang a merry christmas banner from mom in their little apt.? I think so! But first, I need to dig up those funky scissors. Might be easier just to buy a new pair! HA! Thanks for the sneek peek of the holidays on the island!

  41. zinnia patch says:

    Good Morning Susan! what a sweet post and YOU are the adorable one!
    So happy you shared your beautiful window with us and i will be making a banner too – because of you!!!!!! -xoxo

  42. zinnia patch says:

    Oh Susan… I forgot….what did you do with the cut straws and pom pom garland?
    that was a cute idea!!!!!

  43. First of all ~ hello to Linda in Idaho! I am in Idaho too. And Susan, your banner is so cute and I want to start playing and make one too! I just love the way you make everyday a fun and happy one!!

    Big Hugs from Idaho,
    Susan and Bentley

  44. Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

    Dearest Susan and Girlfriends,
    I didn’t get a chance to “count my blessings” b/c Thanksgiving was a very busy time for me. But just a tidbit–after we all were finished with our meal, my youngest son said, “Let’s go around the table and say one thing we are thankful for.” So we all did and when we finally came to him, he said, “I’m thankful that by this time next year, Owen (our 5 mo. old grandson) won’t be the only cousin!” EEK! We all shouted with glee! Another baby in the family! And what a clever way of telling us that he and his wife are having their first!

    And now it’s Christmas time! I love your garlands! The more the merrier! I like how you strung several together. I might try that at my kitchen window over the sink.

    Our Douglas fir is decorated and glimmering in our sun room. I love lots of shiny brite ornaments–the old kind. I have several other little trees that I decorate and put in spots in other rooms. Any spot is fair game at Christmas time!

    And, I’ve been thinking of DOROTHY ANN from Cougar Mt. Hey, girlfriend, I haven’t heard from you in awhile. I hope you are okay! I’m saying a prayer just in case. Let us know how you are doing. I miss you!

    Susan, thanks for all your inspiration! Just think December 11 and 12 are–what?? next week?! Wow! I’m sure you are busy, but happy, doing what you do best–being artistic!

    • sbranch says:

      I heard from Dorothy Ann this morning … she seems very good up there on Cougar Mountain! 🙂

    • Chris Wells from West Texas says:

      Congratulations!!!!!! How exciting. Had my third grandchild last year. So I have a 4 year old, a 1 year old and a 15 year old who now has her driving permit!!!!Yikes….scares me to death. If it was up to me she wouldn’t drive until she’s 25 and ready to date boys! 🙂 Any way glad you shared your joy and we look forward to finding out girl/boy. Have a great weekend. Chris

  45. Julie Bersano says:

    I love your banner…simple is usually the sweetest. I am going to make one have inspired me. Guess what I am making? A gumdrop tree! All I did was gather several small tree stems, (mostly from my cherry tree)…painted them white leaving some color of the bark to peek through..and now today, I’ll stick a gumdrop onto the tips of the stems. Fun & whimsical, don’t you think?
    Thank you for your inspiration!!
    Julie in MO

  46. Julie Bersano says:

    P.S. I was reading some of the previous posts and have reminded myself not to tke Cardinals for granted! (I think I’ll add that “thankful” comment on this last day of November to my calendar. I have been writing something I am thankful for every day this past month.)..Anyway…they are here everywhere in MO where I have lived my whole life…just yesterday my daughter was watching a female one outside our dining room window…they are unique with their orange-red beak and a little orange-red marking on their beige body, rather than being “Cardianl red.” Some say the female is not as pretty but I think it’s beauty is striking.

    • sbranch says:

      More subtle color, but very beautiful! Have you ever seen the males feed the females? They take seeds from our feeders to the female waiting on a nearby branch and feed her! So sweet!

    • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

      You know, Julie, I was thinking the same thing. I see cardinals almost every day and I have never thought that they don’t live all over the U.S. I am thankful that they are not migrating birds and we get to enjoy them all year long.

      I love the males and the females and I especially love their song! Sometimes I know there is a cardinal around just by hearing his cheerio!

      I love too that you were thinking of things to be thankful for. I do that also–I keep a Thankfulness Journal and record in it anything that I am thankful for.

      And I am thankful for your reminder of the beauty of cardinals!

    • Dawn (Elmhurst, IL) says:

      Julie, I love your idea of keeping a Thankful calendar!! It seems even better than a journal, since all of your gratitude is always in view. Such a nice reminder of all of our blessings! December 1st is a perfect day to begin listing my gratitude each day on a calendar. Thanks for sharing!
      Wishing everyone a whole month filled with love and joy!

  47. Deborah Thomas says:

    Yes, the moon was spectacular!!! Love your early escapades into the crafting world, and that you share your creativity! And Mr. Cardinal!!! Wow, what a great shot…looking forward to Willard…it makes my day…heck, my week.

  48. Dolores says:

    Dear Susan,
    What a lovely and cheerful idea! I cannot wait to make to send to my children in their cards! What a sweet surprise it will be! Plus I plan to make one for myself too of course!
    Thank you again for such sweet inspiration!

  49. Sheryl from Chico CA says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for this lovely, creative, pure fun project. I am actually going to try to do this. I used to be creative and then I don’t know what happened. I got busy and time got away from me. However, this is the perfect craft to make with my two granddaughters. I can’t wait to get my craft boxes out today.
    Love you, Girlfriend,

  50. Jan says:

    Loved your little Christmas banner. Am still recovering from Thanksgiving. We were all together – 3 children with spouses and 7 grandchildren at our cabin for 4 days. So thankful we could all be together! Lots of work but lots of fun. The grandchildren had a great time playing together since they live in different states and don’t get to see each other very often. Must get some energy together though and get my Christmas decorations out. I have red and green wooden bead swags I hang every year across my buffet and sliding glass door. On each end of the swag hangs a tiny pair of old fashioned wooden skates. Look forward to putting this up every year. You are always such an inspiration! I really enjoy what you give to us through your words, pictures, and art work. Thanks so much!

  51. Angie(Tink!) says:

    Good Afternoon Sweet Sue…Love The Musica Today! Baby it’s Cold Outside…I’m Twirling 😉 Well After 5 Days of Decking The Halls This Elf is a Bit Pooped! 🙂 But Not for Long…I Love Your Christmas Banners!!! & I Have Tons of Glitter! (Pixie~Dust) 😉 Great Ideas…. I Might just have to Make a Few…Thank~You! & did You say a New “Willard”??? Oh What Joy! 🙂 ¸.♥*¨`*¨♥*¨`¨*.¸¸.♥” Yay! The Frost Moon Has Been Pure Magic…it Calls Me Each Night Then again Early Morning…We actually watch it Rise Over The Canal….Very Magical Indeed! Well…The Last Day of November…it Flew! & Now The Merriest Most Joyful Month December! Ho~Ho~Ho! Jingle~Jangle… Tis The Season Tomorrow Our Downtown is having a Weekend Christmas Festival Called “Carols on The Park”…It is The Perfect Way to Start The Christmas Season…Vendors & Santa & Reindeer & Christmas Carols Everywhere! Then at Night a Boat Parade on The Chain of Lakes… Folks Deck Their Boats with tons of Christmas Lights & Decorations & Go along All The Lakes that are Connected…for All to see It’s Pretty Magical & so Much Fun! & We Get Our Christmas Tree…Yay! so I Guess We Shall Twirl into The Joyful Month of December Sweet Sue Wishing You & Joe & Girl~Kitty & Jack a Merry & Bright December! Love & Lots of Christmas Pixie~Dust! xoxo Poof! 🙂 ¸.♥*¨`*¨♥*¨`¨*.¸¸.♥”

    • sbranch says:

      We used to go to a boat parade in Morro Bay in California — so fun, all the lights reflecting on the water! Happy December Angie!

      • Angie(Tink!) says:

        Good Morning Sweet Sue I see You have a New Post Today so I Must Fly & Savor…also I’m so Excited about The New “Willard”….so Cool about Your Boat Parade in Morro Bay! We Went to Ours so Magical there were 50 Boats! all decked Out Lots of Twinkling Lights & Christmas carols Blasting The Cool Enchanted Evening… We Had The Grand Opening of This New Bistro on The Lake…Called The Harborside…so That’s Where Most of Us Gathered to watch The Boat Parade! Fun & Festive & Lots of Jolly Folks Everywhere! 😉 Merry December Sweet Elf~Sue! xoxo Poof! Elf~Angie(Tink!) 🙂 ♫♥♫♫♥♫♫♥♫

  52. mary spring says:

    …dear Susan…’ absolutely loving this post !!… you sure know how to light up our lives….somethin’ about creating …feeds our souls…so early this morning the wee one I take care of and I got out our “tub o’ scissors” that has an assortment of cutting edges, the hole puncher, markers for lettering, and Mardi Gra (sp.?!?) beads cut to string our garland together… ( I’m anxiously awaiting the Christmas twine from you to try that as well ..will let you know how that goes..)..I was so happy with our treasures that I took soooo many photos of them….wish you could see them !!!…woo- hoo !!…Christmas is coming !!…are you getting flurries tonight ???….P.S.. we used good ol’ watercolor paper…works well also !!…with love…and take care…did I tell you thank you ?!?

  53. Rosanna says:

    I absolutely LOVED your banner ideas! So much so that I went out and purchased some materials to make my own “Merry Christmas” banner – and I actually used those same ‘puffy letters’ you show – and I love how it came out!

    One of your cookbook binders will be going under the tree this year for my new daughter-in-law and son. They are very ‘into’ sharing recipes from each side of the family – and I can’t think of a better place to put these than on those wonderfully illustrated pages – with all the sticker ’embellishments’, etc.
    Can’t tell you how glad I am that I discovered your products and website, etc – visiting your website/blog is like visiting with family and friends – and so peaceful and calming – not to mention inspiring! 🙂 Thank you!

  54. shortie says:

    No pic of Jack? Humbug…

    • sbranch says:

      I got a good one today — he loves the fire in the fireplace! Who knew. He lays in front of it, rolls around, stays there, sleeps there, just loves it!

  55. Jenny L. says:

    That post and the picture of your swagged out window gave me the best, warmest feeling. I could almost feel the coolness behind the windows and it looked so warm and cozy inside (especially for this Florida girl). I love banners. I stopped at 3 rooms with banners so as to not get carried away. That post was just what I needed today. There is not one thing you put up there that I do not like – it is all dreamy! I am debating putting up a tree. Teddy the crazy wonderful cat I tell you about all the time loves to climb trees when I take him outside. I thought he was staying in the front yard (silly me) and now he can’t go out without me. Anyway, did Jack climb up the tree at about 1 year old? That is Teddy’s age and I just think it is going to be chaos. Maybe I will just put up a very small one!

    • sbranch says:

      Jack is one year old too. He was fine last year at about 4 months, but this year, he is bigger, stronger, much more “in charge” — I have fears, but I have to have a tree. We’ll soon see! I put up my bird tree yesterday, it’s little, sits on the kitchen table and is covered in birds. So far, I have no idea why, he hasn’t touched it. I think he hasn’t noticed it. Because he is going to want those birds. But one thing, I’ve found that I just NEVER know with him!

  56. Jan from Northern CA says:

    Hello Susan and Girlfriends,
    Well, all these ideas are so contagious!! I’m looking forward to the striped straws and marshmellows for a tree garland. Our godchildren are coming out the Wed before Christmas and we are going to wait to decorate the tree with them. Thought that would be fun. We could do a “Christmas Craft” project….make some banners for our front windows. I admit I’m trying to think of fun things to do….they are going to be here for 10 days! So, thanks Susan and girlfriends for all the fun ideas. I have lots of old Christmas movies to watch with them as well……we may even go down to Old Town in Sacramento to the Railroad Museum and shopping one day. Happy Holidays everyone.
    Jan from Northern CA

  57. Betty says:

    This is a lovely idea, Susan! I think I will use it for my granddaughters to make when school finishes a few days before Christmas. It’s great to have some new ideas, thank you!

  58. Chrissy says:

    Oh Susan!!! I couldn’t wait to get home to tell you. I just found a copy of your Autumn book at a used bookstore for $8.00!!!!! I have been coveting it for ages. I’m so excited!!!!

  59. Sandy Richmond says:

    Susan, I love this post. My favorite part is you showing how someone can make their house festive without spending a lot of money!

  60. Kirsten Wichert says:

    I love the garlands!!! If I wasn’t preparing to move very soon, I’d make them too. They look like they are so fun to make. I won’t even be baking this year and I always do! But maybe I’ll make some for Valentines Day after I’m settled!

    What are those cute itty bitty lights you have in your window? I’ve never seen them so small. I’d love to get some for next year.

    By the way, Thanks for finding time for us girls during the busy holidays!!!

    • sbranch says:

      Hi Kirsten, good luck with your move! Where are you going? I got the lights in a little store here on the island, but I think you can find them in any of the craft stores too.

  61. Gail from Hingham says:

    Dear Susan,
    LOVE your idea for making a banner. So simple and yet so meaningful. I’m going to make one for my daughter and son-in-law who are in the military and coming home for Christmas this year. My banner will say “Welcome Home” . I can’t wait to see them both. They are stationed at Fort Wainwwright, Alaska – very far away. So we are looking forward to being together this holiday season. I’ll hang the” welcome home” across the fireplace!
    Wishing you and all of the girlfriends Christmas blessings as we decorate our homes for the holidays. xo Gail

    • sbranch says:

      Perfect, they will feel right at home! xo

    • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

      What a neat idea! I bet you can’t wait to see your daughter and son-in law. It’s always fun to get ready for the holidays and you have a Big reason! Oh, Gail, I hope you enjoy making all the preparations for this special time! Keep up informed when they come!

      Is Fort Wainwright near Fairbanks? I was in AK two times long ago during the summer and just loved it. I remember there was a military base near Fairbanks.
      Lots of love,

  62. Anne says:

    Susan, I just love the banner — it looks great with the dawn breaking (I think) behind it! I put little trees & lots of putz houses and vintage snowmen, elves & santas on my windows, too. Where did you get (or how did you make) the sweet little fence behind yours? It adds the perfect touch!

    • sbranch says:

      That was a present from my girlfriend Elizabeth last year. She probably found it in some little shop … I just wove a little bit of greenery into it!

  63. Dorothy Ann says:

    Happy Saturday…Susan * December has arrived!

    Well, thank you for a delightful “Banner” post! You are so creative; your talent just shines through and lights our lives.

    I’m delighted to tell you I followed your “easy-breezy” demo and made 2 banners yesterday. I’ll be “festooning” (your word, love it!) them today!
    One says: Merry Christmas (just like yours)…so cute!
    The other says: “Happy Holly Days”.

    Oh, Susan, I know you and many of the girlfriends just love Honeycrisp apples. So, to all you “Honeycrispers” out there, I just want to remind you that the season, for those delightful crisp, juicy and sweet apples, goes from September through May. Plenty of time to enjoy them. And, do you know that Honeycrisp apples are excellent in fresh salads, pie (of course), and home-made apple sauce? (I sound like I am from our Washington State Apple Commission).
    Holiday hugs…
    * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve been completely addicted since the first bite! I understand your enthusiasm!!

    • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

      Yay! It’s Dorothy Ann! Hey, Girlfriend!

      I’ve been missing you and hoping you are okay! It’s sooo good to hear from you. Yes, I do love honeycrisp apples, too. I bet your banners look so cute. It would be fun if we all could tour each other’s homes to see all of the Christmas magic we are creating.

      Do you get snow up there on Cougar Mt? We had our first coating of snow here in Lancaster Co. but it turned to rain and that was that. Actually, the farther north you live in Lancaster Co., the more chance of snow. So I actually did get more snow than some others, but now it is gone and Sunday is to be in the 50’s! which is good because I still have some bulbs to plant!

      Have a wonderful December, Dorothy Ann!
      Lots of love,

      • Lori from Maine says:

        *Hi Dorothy Ann*
        Big, warm December Christmasy hugs to you!!
        *xoxoxo from Lori!*

        • Dorothy Ann says:

          * Hi Lori from Maine * 12:58 AM…Monday…12/3/12

          Oh Lori…I happily saw and read your 12/1 note to me on Susan’s “Banners Post”. Love those “Christmasy Hugs” that you sent me in your post too.

          Hi Girlfriend! Well, here we all are in a brand new month… December and the countdown begins…to magical holidays …to beautiful Christmas.
          Twenty-two days and counting…

          I read your post to Susan today too. Good for you, Lori, you are getting into that Christmas spirit with your little scissors, ribbons, and glitter and getting very “crafty”. And…I promise you…you will feel that happy holiday feeling right away!

          I want to hear more of what you have designed, but
          first, I’ll write, tomorrow, with a long e-mail to reply to your recent one.

          Take care. Have fun making your banners & garlands!
          Hugs from…
          * Dorothy Ann (from you know where) *

      • Dorothy Ann says:

        * Hi Linda * 12:30 AM…Monday…December 3…2012

        Well, well missing you too…Been reading all of yours and the gitlfriends recent posts to Susan…and waiting for just the right time to reply to you. Along came your 12/1 post to me, I am reading it now, and so here I am. It’s the right time!

        Ah…I see you are a fan of Honeycrisp apples too, Linda… another “honeycrisper” amongst us. Yes, they are without a doubt, the tastiest apples this side of Cougar Mountain and beyond.

        No snow here yet, but…Oh yes, indeedy, we’ll have snow soon enough, especially here on the higher elevations. At least you got a glimpse of snow flurries in picturesque Lancaster County, a sort of preview of what’s to come over the holidays.

        Speaking of Lancaster, did you see the brand new, special issue-commemorative Lancaster County stamp yet? So beautiful and it highlights the beauty and charm of your Pennsylvania Dutch countryside. As soon as I saw it in the collector’s newsletter, that I subscribe to, I thought of you.

        You’re right. reading many of the girlfriends’ comments, about loving Susan’s banners. I see they are making them too. O.K. it would be soooo much fun if we could peek at all those festive banners, hanging in the girlfriends homes! I think Susan would be very proud of us all…with our Christmas creations!

        Linda, talk to you @ Susan’s next post?
        Take care, and have a Happy Monday!
        * Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *

  64. Patti says:

    Your window is the cutest!

  65. judi says:

    Rabbit, rabbit! You have inspired me. Went to JoAnn’s and found a cute swag similar to yours – the one with the tiny white/red/etc. circles dotties on it. Put up some lights under the length of the top of the hutch above my “cocoa bar”* and held the swag up – uff da 🙂 I need MORE. So back we went (dare not to wait till morn, could be all gone). Got 2 more – very pleased now.

    *I have a built in hutch with a mirrored wall strip area between top and bottom. On this I have a large milk glass pedestal dish with a clear jar of cocoa mix packets, (also have some hot cider packets in a jar too) clear jar of candy canes for stirring (ah, peppermint cocoa), airtight clear latching jar of mini marshmallows. Next to it a round tray with 4 large snowman mugs (Dollar store:) and something new, a jar of jet-puffed mallow bits (Kraft) that you can just shake out into your cocoa – tinyer?? than the mini ones , a large tin of Nyakers Swedish gingersnaps (I find them at World Market down here) – thin and crisp, yum, wonderful. I have another empty snap tin from last year that i will fill with spritz cookies as soon as I make them – maybe today:) I will be making a banner to go above this that spells out …..:) ya, …cocoa bar. Even tho it is FL is gets chilly enough at night to have a nice warm cup of cocoa:) Have a GREAT, FUN, CREATIVE SMILEY DAY.

  66. Pam Fortune says:

    Hi Susan
    I love the Red Cardinal bird, I wish we had them in England, they are a splash of colour on grey days! I loved looking through your magical window as the sun was just coming up to start another day. It reminded me that last Christmas I made a twelve days of Christmas tree by painting a twisted hazelnut branch white and putting it into pollyfilla in a plant pot and cut out the twelve day characters on my cutting machine and hand painted each one so that my granddaughter could hang a piece each day on the twig. She enjoyed that because each day she had looked forward to opening the Advent calendar and then Christmas Day came with all its thrills and then the fun continued because there was something else to do each day with the tree for twelve days. I am looking forward to the Willard and thank you so much for doing that as it will be my second Willard. Enjoy the rest of your Christmas decorating.

  67. Chris Wells says:

    Rabbit! Rabbit! Everyone.

  68. Donna Ray from Hamlin, NY says:

    Me, too! I’m going to make a banner also! What fun ideas the Girlfriends have generated from Susan’s terrific jumpstart. My first banner is going to read “Be an Elf”…just loved that from a previous post. Going to hang it on the window by the wrapping, card writing, crafting table I set up this time of year. One of the best parts of Christmas is planning how to get that “ooooohhhh” when the gift is presented. I go for little, homemade, simple, and as personal as possible gifts. Your banner fits the bill! Thanks from this Upstate NY Elf to the Master Elf there on MV and all you other Elfies……HoHo Hugs and Candycane Kisses to you all.
    As always, DonnaRay

  69. Donna Ray from Hamlin, NY says:

    P.S. What happened in 1905? Luv, again, DonnaRay

    • sbranch says:

      It’s just a little cutout from a newspaper, I found it framed in an antique store and I just liked it … it has father time on it, so I think it was for the new year.

  70. Kristie says:

    I love the swag! I will have to try and make one for the mantel in my kitchen. I have a new shape for my sizzix machine that would be great for the letters…

    Don’t know if you remember talking with me about guinea pigs a couple of months ago, but a funny update: turns out that Mindy and Rosie are ACTUALLY Mindy and Kevin! We’re getting GP babies for Christmas. How exciting 🙂

    I really love your blog, Susan. It always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel “homey.”. Thanks for all you share with us.

  71. Susan says:

    Thank you Thank you Thank YOU! I’m busy printing off the new MOON CALENDER and am so grateful to you for it. I love giving them out to my friends & family.You’ve started a new group of “moon watchers” as we often refer to your moon bookmark. Espically when we go out kayaking/camping on a river island; the conversations go on & on! The banner gracing your windows are such a delight to the eyes. I’ll be using up my bookmark scraps for a copycat banner to hang in our big window of the sunroom. So much fun! I’ve been making a fabric Christmas wreath using up scraps that I’ve gleaned while being a longarm quilter for others. I had a big bag of scraps and selvages tucked away in the garage so I dug it out. I’m disappointed as I can’t find wire wreath forms in our area to tie the scraps on to. I’ve checked all over. They are either too big or too small. Sigh. I may just give up. Rural living does have it’s benefits but finding things in stores locally is not one of them. Gota go! (off to work on bookmarks)

  72. Lynn D says:

    I have a cubicle and a house to decorate, and this little swag is easy and fast and nearly perfect for both. You have such great ideas. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your gifts with us.
    Merry Christmas!

  73. Deb from Dixie says:

    Rabbit, Rabbit and Happy December girlfriends!
    I think the banner and the garlands are just too cute! The perfect homey touch that warms the heart.
    I too, love that photo of the Cardinal. I have two pair that always come to my bird feeder…..sometimes I think they are having a party together. So beautiful, every time I see them is a little treat.

    I used the banner idea and made Birthday Banners for my Mom’s Birthday, Every room had a banner with a different birthday wish….( even one banner on the bathroom mirror). You have to have some fun when turning 92, and so I planned a lot of little surprises for her.

    Today I started decorating her home for Christmas….trying to use my best Elf, to make it warm and cozy. Though I must admit it is harder in Florida, where she lives…….80+ degrees and Christmas…….hard to get use to.

    Susan, thanks for all the inspiration…..I know your home will look like a winter wonderland for the Yankee Magazine shoot.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    • sbranch says:

      Have fun with your mom!

    • Linda from Lancaster, Co PA says:

      Dear Deb from Dixie,
      Please tell your mom “Happy Birthday” from your Yankee friend Linda from Lancaster! From everything you have said, she sounds like a lively, wonderful mom who will truly enjoy those banners. I can also picture her getting up and helping you decorate (or clean before you decorate!)

      Things don’t look very Christmasy in Pa right now–grass is still green and temps are supposed to get to the 50’s today. It’s overcast right now–just the kind of day to turn on the Christmas lights and get cozy inside. I hope you and your mom get to do that today.

      It must be hard to be away from your home, Deb, but enjoy the time you have with your mom. Savor the “now” and count your blessings, as I’m sure you already do!
      Love ya!

  74. Lori from Maine says:

    ~Hi Susan~ (and everyone else! 🙂 ) I love your banners – I’m going to get crafty tomorrow. My Christmas spirit is kind of low this year – for a few different reasons – but I think playing with scissors, ribbon and glitter will get me happy, happy. Last year I made a garland with gold embroidery floss and spruce cones (little cones). It was – and still is – pretty. I still have part of it in one of my living room windows.
    I’m lucky enough to have a pair of cardinals that visit my feeders. They are just so beautiful! Cedar waxwings are fun to watch – they often feed each other and sit almost snuggled on a branch. Love watching the wildlife, we have all kinds of birds and deer too.
    Thank you for your wonderful post…it put me in the Christmas spirit!
    xoxo from SW Hbr., Maine

  75. I can’t wait for January! Just received my Susan Branch blotter calendar~

  76. Barbara T, Wolverine Lake MI says:

    Alright, I’m just wondering how many Branchies watched “Sabrina” on TV last night (it was on one of the channels with no commercials 🙂 and I watched for your cameo role, Susan, and there you were! My daughter was downstairs and I yelled, Quick come up, I think this might be the part where you can see Susan Branch! My husband said, Who? and my daughter said, Oh gosh Dad, you know….Mom’s friend Susan Branch! ha! How fun! There you were running across the road in front of Harrison Ford! a girlfriend of mine has a cameo like that in Ferris Buehler’s Day Off (where he’s dancing in the parade) and same thing – she was shopping in Chicago and got to watch them film. Ended up being in the movie 🙂 Well it was fun to watch for you and see you dart across the street…movie star 🙂

  77. Carla says:

    I adore the Merry Christmas banner (heart) It’s perfect. I so wish I could pay to have one made. I’m usually crafty too, been a fan of yours ever since your very special first book. However, my beloved father just died after a strong battle to live. Such sorrow I have not known, for now crafting and gathering supplies just seems beyond reach.

    I love your home Susan~ so warm and alive. An oasis of splendid home artistry. Merry Christmas ~

    • sbranch says:

      My heart goes out to you Carla, I am so very sorry. Sending love . . .

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      ~ So sorry for your loss Carla~ the first year ( especially holiday) is extremely difficult~
      I lost both my parents almost 5 years ago 2 weeks apart~ the hurt never really goes away~ hopefully you have a lot of fond memories~ they will help you get through it~
      I still have “my moments”~ especially during the holidays~ my parents always made each one special~ I am trying to do the same for my kids and grandkids~make happy, special memories~
      Don’t be afraid to ” get back to normal”~ you are not disrespecting them~ it just takes baby steps~
      ~You are in my prayers~

    • Sandy Richmond says:

      Carla, I am so sorry…

  78. Patty says:

    Susan, It is hard to feel in the Christmas spirit when it is 70 degrees in Indiana on December 2. So this morning I looked on my shelf for a Christmas book to read. I chose a collection of short stories that I have not opened in years. Inside I found a wonderful surprise, a bookmark that you had sent years ago in a Willard! It has a caroler on the front with the words Be an Elf! All of the original Willards got lost in one of our moves, but at least I still have one reminder of them! My first gift of Christmas 2012!

    • sbranch says:

      I remember that one! I’m glad you found it! Hope it begins to feel a lot like Christmas for you very soon!

  79. Claudia in Huntsville, Al says:

    Susan: I sure wish I could be a fly on the wall, or better yet, your personal ‘helper elf’ as you ready your “Christmas in Connecticut Cottage”:) for the photo shoot! My happy thoughts are with you at this busy, creative and inspiring time – can’t wait to see pictures!!

  80. Nancy B says:

    Help, Susan!… Willard didn’t arrive. What should I do? If I didn’t already comment, this is a lovely post. Love all the photographs!

    Happy Crafting!

    • sbranch says:

      It starts going out tomorrow, and finishes Wednesday evening — let me know if you haven’t gotten it by then!

  81. Carrie says:

    Hi Susan,

    Wanted to let you know I have a custom Susan Branch necklace…I ordered your Christmas ornament and used it as a large pendant on a large link silver chain – I love it! Bought the silver link chain at Michael’s and I already had the wire/metal snippers/pliers from jewelry making long ago, and voila, I’ve got you around my neck:).

    The girlfriends book is my all time favorite of your books I have to date. May I say you ROCKED the bikini as one of the “two wahines on vacation?” And the pic of Joe dipping you. . . JOIE DE VIVRE in spades!

    It’s been a dream of mine to live in England, at least six consecutive months (all a tourist’s passport will allow), for well over 20 years. Came close a couple of times with a job offer and possible romance but alas, not in the cards. That is until I read the bit about TRUE POWER in your Girlfriend’s book about the voice inside, “… seldom leads us wrong & never into folly. We are encouraged to listen to it, we call it intuition or the voice of our better selves – our conscience.” This has renewed my life’s dream. In the meantime, I am very thankful for family, friends and the people I get to work with – life’s good.

    All the very best this next week as you prepare for Yankee magazine to come to your lovely home. Thank you for the lovely posts on your blog, they are such a special treat! I’m very excited to receive Willard this week. May the force be with you and yours!

    Gratefully, Carrie in California

    • sbranch says:

      I have always thought about making that ornament into a necklace! I love your dream, and I really truly want you to do it. Six months, how dreamy, so glad to hear you are not giving up on it! Thank you so much Carrie, lovely to hear from you!

  82. Minette says:

    Hi Susan!
    Your blogs over the last few weeks have really been so inspiring and motivating!
    I love your garlands and the whole process that you described of making them. They really make your window so very festive and knowing that you made them must bring great satisfaction. Years ago, longing to use my watercolors sitting wistfully collecting dust on my “art” desk, I began tracing holiday cookie cutters of on heavy watercolor paper and paintng each one with watercolors just how I wanted them. I then cut them out and strung them with a ribbon and hung them on the brick mantle of the fireplace. I began this with Thanksgiving using turkey cookie cutters and then prgressed to Christmas using mitten and Christmas tree cutters. Now I have garlands for every holiday that I have painted and my family seems to really enjoy them when we put them up. This year I am woking on a penguin and polar bear garland
    as my son’s girlfriend loves both so much. Surprisingly, the watercolors have remained vibrant and if packed carefully, seem to last from year to year. I would love to see some of your watercolor images for the holidays strung in a garland–they would be magnificent! Thanks for the really great ideas! By the way, I have already been requested to bake your chocolate bundt cake in the Christmas tree pan for a gthering next weekend. It is a big hit everytime I make it so really thank you for that inspiration!

  83. Cate says:

    Susan, where did you find those tiny little lights in the window?

    • Cate says:

      Sorry…just read where you got them in a store near you. Will check out the local craft store (an hour away – ugh!) and see if they have them there. They are adorable for sure!

  84. Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

    This weekend we watched one of the films recommended by one of the girlfriends, “Funny Farm” with Chevy Chase and it was hilarious!!! and, may I add, very timely with the Christmas season! We highly recommend it, too!!! 🙂

  85. Connie Michael says:

    Love your early morning photos! Your Christmas banner woke my creative side up (has been a while since I’ve taken or had time to do crafty anything)… the card stock, ribbon, a string of pepperberries, marker to do the lettering (used to love doing calligraphy)…measured and cut my little paper blocks, punched the holes with a paper punch that makes 1/4″ rectangular holes vs circular (how clever of these companies!!!)….started practicing my lettering….to discover that my hand is not as steady as it was (carpal tunnel surgeries)….so I practiced, and practiced….still not where I wanted to be. Woke up this morning with the PERFECT solution for lettering challenged girlfriends like me……came to work & made the computer do the work for me! AHA! Made a table with the blocks 2″ wide and 3″ long (gives me room to cut crooked!!!), set it up for each letter to be centered horizontally and vertically (awesome!), then started playing around with different fonts (all in font size 72, “bold”, and “shadowed”) – I tried fonts I have never even dreamed of using before! So I made up “MERRY CHRISTMAS” in each of the favorite fonts because there are several places I want to use this beauty…. What I plan to do is use adhesive spray – glue each sheet of lettering to a sheet of card stock, and proceed to cut, punch, etc. Another thing I did was insert a little Christmas design border from the clip art selection above and below each letter…..cute as a bug! Tonite I shall be happily putting my creation together on ribbon and hanging…..Susan thank you for the “jump start”…..I have needed it!!! (Sorry this is so lengthy!)…Connie

  86. patti says:

    hi susan,

    i was wondering what you are referring to when you mentioned siginng up a friend for the christmas willard and a prize connected?? we have been out of town so i must have missed something.

    as always your projects inspire me. i have to get the tree up first though. looking forward to decorating!


    • sbranch says:

      I was just saying that a new WILLARD is going out starting tomorrow . . . and to be sure to sign anyone up you might like to have one. And then, separately, in addition, I have a surprise giveaway on the blog tomorrow!

  87. mary spring says:

    …dear Susan…thank you for your ideas for stress relief through “twitter”…P.S. have you heard..Prince William and Katherine are expecting !?!

  88. Deborah says:

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! {at your home anyway.} It’s a balmy 68 in NJ today. I am taking advantage of it and have been outside all day finishing my fall planting.

    Your Friend,

  89. Charlene says:

    Just love your banner! Had to have one of my own so I took some time this past weekend to make one and hung it on the end of the bed of my “little girl”. She won’t see it until she comes home from college for Christmas but I know she will love it just like I do. Thanks for all your wonderful ideas. Your blog is a joy to read!

  90. Theresa says:

    Thank you… Such a wonderful busy time of year, making fun crafts relaxes me and cuts down my stress! I’m making little bitty garlands for my best buds hutch… She’s going to lOve it… Blessings from the Texas pastures where we do not have snow and today the temp is in the 70’s… beautiful!

  91. mary gottlieb says:

    Susan kindred ~ Thank you for the wonderful inspiration for a Sunday School,
    no-mess “Christmas Blessings” garland….So little time for the young’uns projects,
    so satisfying an achievement for them. I continue to marvel at your creativity.
    Bless you and thank you, dear one.

    • sbranch says:

      I can just see yarn, colored construction paper … how easy … and don’t forget, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day!

  92. Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

    Thank you, sweet Susan! I just clicked on your shopping link and saw that you’ve made us a full moon bookmark for 2013–I was hoping you would! Love the “wintry” ones as well. I’ve printed out all the bookmarks you’ve made for us. I tuck them into my collection of your books and into my cherished ones by Gladys Taber 🙂

  93. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    I forgot my hole punch this weekend. Office supply or Michaels?? Where did you get the paper straws?? I still cannot find the wooden tags you made a garland out of for Valentines Day I think. I checked Michaels and AC Moore. HELP!!
    PS We use your birthday flag with the cake picture for everyone’s birthday here.

    • sbranch says:

      I think things change there all the time, I just go wandering and find what I can … the paper straws, I think were at the Christmas Tree shop, but those big stores all sort of run together after you’ve been in 3 or 4 of them!

  94. Sharon says:

    My husband and I just moved over the weekend Susan and everything is kind of upside down right now in the house until we get everything organized. I probably won’t be able to decorate a lot this year, but the little banner would be something I could make in a short time and I think I spotted my scissors/papers and ribbon (hopefully!). For quite a few years each Christmas I’d make a banner out of a reindeer (whole body about 6 inches) template with red wrapping paper. Just fold the paper accordian style like you would do for paper dolls, the more you fold it, the more reindeer you’ll have. Using an Xacto knife is the easiest rather than scissors because you can get more of the detail. Some of the reindeer were nose-to-nose and some tail-to-tail depending on the fold, but they really did look nice and festive wherever I put them. I do have the template “somewhere” haha! but this year I think the Christmas banner will work just fine. Love your blog Susan, it’s always a relaxing breather in my day! hugs from Sharon in Florida.

    • sbranch says:

      I have dolls like that, holding hands, that my ex-mother in law, who was a doll herself, made for me, ready to go on the tree, like every year! Happy Move Sharon!!

  95. Carol (Daisy) says:

    Guess what. . . . I do have a scissors with curvy cuts, ribbon and ‘grinchly’ green card stock on hand to make a ‘No Grinches Allowed’ banner. Your ideas are ‘simply’ wonderful!

  96. Mary Kwiatkowski says:

    Hi from Florida. Sunshine and palm trees, but the northern Christmas is what I yearn for. You dear Susan make it happen! Thank you for sharing.
    Blessed Christmas Greetings, Mary

  97. Karen Kingsbury says:

    Good morning, Susan. First, I’d like to thank you for sharing your talents with all of us for so many years. I have enjoyed your posts, photos, cookbooks for many, many years. Every time I see your email & read/enjoy it, it makes me reminisce about my happy, childhood memories, which I hold close to my heart, too, along with new memories I’ve made with my husband & daughters, over the past 35 years. When I saw Joe’s wreath & the contest for winning one, I thought I’d write to tell you about my father-in-law. His name is Ted Kingsbury. His 100th birthday is on December 16th. He grew up in Chester, VT. He would certainly enjoy having this handmade wreath hanging on his front door. (By the way, please tell Joe it’s absolutely beautiful!) I wish you, Joe & your friends a very happy holiday season. Keep those creative, wonderful, and enjoyable posts/emails/blogs/calendars/products coming! Thanks again.
    Karen Kingsbury
    175 Hickory Hill Rd.
    Thomaston, CT 06787

  98. Kathy Gipson says:

    Love the polka dot cup! Your ideas are so inspiring. I also grew up in Southern California & now live where we have 4 seasons. I prefer the 4 seasons!

    • sbranch says:

      I know what you mean, it’s lovely in California, but there’s something about those seasonal changes!

  99. Pat Williams says:

    Truly enjoyed your post today! and REALLY needed it! Life IS about the simple pleasures! thank you!

  100. debbue says:

    I love the decorations especially the greenery.

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