GOOD MOOD . . . ♥

Hello Girlfriends!!!   I am in such a good mood! Except I miss you!  Musica?  Of course!

It was 60° here yesterday!  Which is ridiculous because it just never happens in January, but we took advantage of it and opened all the doors and filled the house with fresh air.  We hear it will go down to 20° today which makes me happy (in a strange way) because I really hope the first buds of spring, and the finishing of our book, happen at exactly the same time!  I definitely wouldn’t want spring to come first!  I do not trust myself with something like that . . . I might never get the book done if flowers start to bloom!

 This is one reason I’m in such a good mood.  We are getting the book ready for the printer — the scanning of the pages has commenced!  Kellee put together this two-page spread — the first I’ve seen where all the photos I’ve chosen are in with the art (not just xeroxed and pasted on).  I can finally see what it will really look like!  Hope it makes sense to you . . .  it’ll be much bigger in real life!  That doesn’t mean I’m finished writing it . . . I think I still have about forty pages to go, but we are getting so close!

These little guys always make me happy — their colors are spring personified, even in the deepest darkest winter.  They are my muse.  Another thing that makes me happy is the new WILLARD I’m planning.  As you might have noticed, I haven’t sent one in a while . . . this one is going to be really special — it’s exciting to have secrets and surprises for people I love!  Makes me happy!  I’ve decided that it should be your Valentine Present, so look for it around then . . . and be sure to sign up everyone you think would like one too . . . then it can be YOUR Valentine Present too. 

Speaking of Valentines . . . no one could be sad when they have something like this to cheer their day  . . .

Reminds me of me!  I can see this post is going to be all over the place!  I didn’t know what it would be when I started, and now look where we are . . . let’s get out of here!   Let’s see, where was I?  Oh yes.  Happiness.

This is on a page of one of my old diaries and tells the reason I feel so happy right now.  Because I’m getting to be creative!  Each page of  A Fine Romance  is its own little world.  It requires words, sketching and watercolors, maybe a photograph, it needs to be put together, hand-written, with a quote, or maybe with some other little surprising thing.  And that’s what’s so fun for me, figuring it out.  I did a cute page this morning, about tea, with a cute teapot, a cup and a story, with the perfect quote no one has seen before, like the whole book …. all new art and everything . . .  and that alone is enough for me to smile the rest of the day!   Now let’s see if I can find something that will make you smile . . .

Hello birdie!  How about a cupcake?  Or, perhaps a walk out back on a spring day?

. . . to be mesmerized by windblown quilts . . . this always makes me happy!  Love that ocean air . . . the harbor is just two blocks away. 

snow drops . . . right?  Happy?

mmmmmm, a blooming plum tree and soft sunshine . . . can you hear the bees? zzzzzz

 Weather news is reporting that some places in the country are experiencing really low temperatures!  Was it South Dakota where it was something like 40° below?  crazy . . .  I’m thinking . . .

Not that I’m any hurry to move the season forward; I am happy here with my cozy shawl and my crackling fire, truly I am, but sometimes the eyeballs require a little relief, and the nose needs to  i m a g i n e the smell of flowers.  Just for fun.  A little break.  Here we are again in the Sissinghurst White Garden in Kent.  What a day that was, all those wonderful white delphiniums swaying in the breeze, looking a lot like the tower behind them. Lovely to send you Sissinghurst in January — because we have the internet!  Yay!  Makes a person wish she was a bee, just for one day!

Love that this creamy rose isn’t perfect — definitely not from the florist.  Can you smell it?  Doesn’t it look like it’s part gardenia?

Forsythia, I cut from our bushes last spring and forced  . . . still a little bit early for that, but what a wonderful thing to bring into the house at the end of winter!  And to look at, eye candy, free of charge, no work at all, in January.

When the book is done, Joe and I will get on a train and go west to California . . . here is my garden there, on a foggy California morning.  Every time I look at this photo I’m in a little bit of shock.  Must have been a REALLY good day!  Aren’t those yellow-topped golden cypress bushes the cat’s meow?  Their shapes make a good contrast to the flowers.

We can just bring springtime, or a reasonable facsimile, indoors!  If you need more little vases filled with flowers, here they are!

What’s more wonderful than daffodils in the house on a snowy day!?

OH yes, this is more wonderful!  I had to do it . . . Time out from flowers, I just saw this photo!  Remember when Jack saw a bug?  I love this picture!

Is this working, is it making you happy?

Remember eating outside?  Remember lightening bugs?  Remember cricket noises?

. . . remember dinner under the arbor . . . ?

I feel like he does.  So lucky.

Just went to the kitchen to start some water for tea, held Jackie up to the window to watch some robins on the lawn and saw a robin eat a holly berry.  The robin picked the berry up in his beak, flipped his head, and popped it down his throat.

Tea water is boiling girlfriends, back to the drawing table for me.  Love you all, hope life is being good to you.  Bye for now! ♥ XOXO

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684 Responses to GOOD MOOD . . . ♥

  1. Lisa from CT says:

    Thanks for wanting to make us happy Susan!!! I just had my surgery and I am recuperating at home now. Your blog definitely makes me happy and I am getting so excited for our book!!! Thanks for this post!!!

  2. Candice says:

    Thanks, Susan. I was sitting here at my desk feeling sorry for myself and decided to look at your blog. That made me look out the window of my office — and low and behold: it’s beautiful day here with crisp blue skies and puffy white clouds. Amazing what can make your day better — all you have to do is look at the world around you. Thanks for the reminder!!

  3. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~Good Afternoon~
    Missed you too! ~ ” Our” book looks great! ~ Happy Thursday too! ~

  4. mary spring says:

    …wow..dear Susan..we’ve missed you too..but know quite well what you’ve been up to…. painting “our book” !!…SO EXCITED !!…yes, hasn’t this weather been like a roller coaster…first we get spring-like weather and then a tornado warning and then snowflakes…oh,Mother Nature is keeping us so excited….the little one I take care of every day and I went to our local botanical garden and LOVED seeing bulbs sprouting all over their place ..also seeing forsythia trying to bloom…no wonder we have spring fever already !!good to hear about the book’s up-coming arrival as well as seeing Willard again…love imagination..didn’t Einstein say that “imagination is more important than knowledge ? “…love you all..and thanks for the newest letter Susan !!!!…take care…

  5. Debbie Johnson says:

    What a happy surprise to see a new post. How I love them! Just left a question for you on the Emma mugs…Ill ask here….do you think you will be bringing in the Pug Mug?…so cute!

    • sbranch says:

      I asked Kellee to order them for you!

      • Debbie Johnson says:

        OH HAPPY DAY!!
        I have a sweet little Pug named Monkee and am so EXCITED!! Thank You Susan!!!!
        How will I know when they arrive? They are so cute I know they will go FAST.
        Thank You!
        I <3 you!!

        • sbranch says:

          It’ll take a couple of weeks, but when they come in, Kellee will put them in the Emma part of our web store and you’ll be able to see them there! You are so welcome!

  6. Donna Hamilton (Jefferson, Arkansas) says:

    Life is grand. I was tootling in to work this morning (at 6 AM), in the dark, watching the sun peak on the horizon and thought WOW–life is good and just being in my office today and seeing all of the people I work with everyday has made it a special occasion. Yes, life has it’s occasional ups and downs, but all-in-all, life is good and everyday that we can experience life makes it a special occasion. Susan, thank you for reminding everyone that life is grand. And, we can all chose to see the grandness in each day if we just look for it……-Donna

  7. Robin C says:

    Yes, you made my morning…it is 70 degrees here in sunny California!!
    I am opening up my house also–just checked my winter vegetable garden and my cauliflower is almost ready to pick!! Yum.
    BTW, Susan another wonderful set of DVD’s to watch (being an Anglophile myself) is LARK RISE TO CANDLEFORD.. Like Cranford, it is a delightful series (4 seasons, I believe) about life in mid 1800’s England-a female postmaster in rural England. I know you would LOVE it..
    Take care and get some snow back there!!

    • Joanie B from San Diego says:

      Visting Larkrise “is my one weakness.” (This is a quote from the main character) LOL My husband and I bought the whole series and we revisiting it and currently in season two. We ask each other, Do you want to go to Larkrise tonight? The Brits can really create terrific drama.

      Love Snowdrops, I picked some and brought them into the house. We are experiencing some warm days but very cold nights for SD. Looking forward to spring makes me happy too.

    • Deb Surman from Illinois says:

      I too am another Lark Rise fan. I watched the entire 4 seasons last spring which my husband referred to as “Little House on the Prairie in England”.

  8. Pink Rose Cottage says:

    Oh my goodness. You spread such happiness with your BLOG! We were in the 60’s yesterday (windows open, lace curtains billowing in the breeze) Today 20 degrees, 30-50 mph winds, snow, and i ran into white out conditions driving out to the stable this morning. But what a joy to step into that lovely barn with the smell of horses, their quiet munching sounds and gentle nickers as they greeted me. Always fills me with joy. Speaking of joy, the two pages from A Fine Romance are incredible!! We are all waiting with baited breath for it’s publishing (as I’m sure you are as well). Thank you in advance for the lovely book. I have a feeling it will be my favorite. No wait, The Autumn Book is my favorite, no The Summer Book, or maybe Vineyard Seasons……….oh well. They’re all my favorite.
    Now I must go put extra quilts on the beds.
    Have a blessed day~

  9. Diane S. says:

    Glad you are so happy & getting so close on THE BOOK. I have your “Love” book sitting on my trunk/coffee table. Earlier at my house in mid Missouri the sun was shining & it was snowing. Then it stopped, now the sun is gone & it is really snowing about 1/2″ on ground I am ready for a big snow, ready to be snugged in at home & watch a movie, read a book, maybe bake something warm & cozy. Excited for the Willard to come. Thanks

  10. Susan says:

    So lovely and upbeat! Thanks for the joy you give so freely!

    We are enjoying a beautiful day in DFW – it’s 63
    degrees right now. Waiting for a phone call from my son that my third grandson is on his way! My suitcase is packed and I’m ready to fly to the East coast to take care of the other two boys.

  11. Barbara F. says:

    I am ready to experience all these wonderful things in your post! I remember learning that happy song in kindergarten many many moons ago. Good luck with your book. xo

  12. Nancy says:

    Yes, yes, YES!!!! I do feel so much better – thanks Susan….

  13. Suzanne says:

    Lovely post. Thank you. We have cold and sunshine here in Georgia today. Very damaging winds and rain yesterday, lives lost, homes gone and yet today we have the sun and I know there must have been a rainbow somewhere. Girlfriends, please remember those who lost so much in your prayers. Thank you again, Susan, for the smiles you gave me and the roses I could actually smell!!!

    • sbranch says:

      This strange weather has me worried, much more than ever before. It’s all so different. So sorry about your losses in Georgia!

      • Rhonda D. says:

        It’s been freezing cold here in the maritimes, and today it was 14 degrees celsius (too warm for January), rain and very damaging winds. Our power has been off for 7 hours. And now a flash freeze is predicted for tonight. Most of our snow is now gone. Back to -12 degrees celsius tomorrow. This is crazy weather. I saw some of the highest wind warnings on our weather channel today that I have ever seen. This is just a little too scary for my liking…very worrisome. I’ll keep those who have lost so much in my prayers. Nice pick-me-up to see all your flowers today Susan. Takes the sting out of all this bad weather. Hope everyone is keeping safe and warm.

  14. Sheila says:

    Thank you, thank you! So happy to see such lovely spring pictures. Today in Minnesota it is 5 above with a nasty wind and I am so very tired of winter. I could just see myself lying in the green grass underneath the quilts on the line, soaking up the sun and the good smells of summer. I want to stick my nose in the flowers and breathe deep and kiss Jack on top of his little kitty head, because he just needs kisses!

  15. Pat R says:

    I am always excited to see spring, you gave us a happy glimpse. Your book sounds lovely and I am looking forward to seeing it as you are finishing. It will make alot of people happy too. Thank you for letting us share the good mood. Not too bad as far as weather goes here in Kentucky.

  16. Teresa G., Lafayette, CA. says:

    “Is it working?” you ask. YES! It’s working. I always feel happy after reading one of your entries, but today’s was so perfect! Ohhhh, I’m excited for spring! Congratulations on being on the home stretch of “our” book!

  17. Jeanette says:

    Susan, A lovely post, indeed! Thanks for the winter respite! It’s bitterly cold here in Central IL after a high of 68 on Tuesday! Go figure. Tomorrow morning the air temps are supposed to be -18, I shudder to think what the windchill will be. So perfect timing for flowers and warm breezes and color!!!
    I can hardly wait for the book, thanks for the snippet – it’s beyond fabulous!
    Sending balmy, breezy hugs and oodles of cozy love!!!

  18. says:

    Just so pretty! Thanks!

  19. Annelies says:

    WOO HOO….a trip back to California. Any chance there will be any meet and greet opportunities. Oma and I would HAPPILY line up for that (G)!!! XXX

  20. Patty from California says:

    What a shot in the arm to see a new post from you! It’s like a real letter waiting for me in the mailbox, all newsy and cheerful and friendly. Thank you, Susan! Your spring-like pictures match the beautiful day here in southern California. I’d still like some more winter but the sunshine feels very good! Congratulations on accomplishing so much on A Fine Romance! We are all soooo excited and proud! And can I give a shout out to Debby, a loyal Susan Branch fan, who is recovering from surgery in Dallas? I hope she sees this blog. It will certainly cheer her up.

  21. tricia neron says:

    This is just too funny, I was singing “if your happy and you know it, clap your hands” today in the car with my 3 year old. I was online at Burpee’s earlier today looking at roses and flowers to order for my garden this year. And I have water boiling on the stove right now for a cup of tea, while I read your blog. Wonderful minds think alike. Can you believe Ground Hog Day is Saturday?

  22. Lisa @ My Ordinary Country Life says:

    SQUEEEEEEEEEEELLLL! I’m so happy, happy that your book will be coming out soon…:))))) and yes your post made me happy also. After terrible storms yesterday the sun came out and it has washed my whole being in happiness…:) Thanks again for a wonderful post!

  23. Diane Byrum says:

    Susan, so excited for a Fine Romance! Will it be available for pre-order? What an exquisite testimony to your exceptional expression of art and labor of love! The picture of you clapping your hands is absolutely precious~were you about 6? Such joy. Thank you for giving us a peek of the book. Can’t wait for it to come out. This is a stellar year isn’t it? Well, cozy up, Miss Susan. Stay warm and enjoy the beauty around you. Speaking of beauty did you finish the scarf you were knitting for England? curious 🙂 xoxo

    • sbranch says:

      Haven’t yet, because Jack was waiting for me when I got home, and his relationship to yarn is close to what it is with a rubber band. Playtime! But I will! The book will be available for pre-order, we’re trying to work out the details on how to do it. It won’t be back from the printer until next fall! So we have time!

      • Diane Byrum says:

        Oh, thank you, I’m anxious for fall now 🙂 And, I’ve peeked at my Susan Branch wall calendar and guess what??? It’s a Fine Romance for February. Go figure! It’s a wonderful, Susan. Thank you again for all the joy you bring to all your girlfriends

        • sbranch says:

          I noticed that today, and thought, that is so strangely prophetic because I didn’t know I would be writing this book when I designed that calendar!

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        It is always fun to knit when you are on the train… 🙂 So if you don’t get the scarf done sooner, you can finish it for NEXT winter on your train trip. 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          I know . . . the train is perfect for knitting and no wild kitties to steal the yarn and twist it into a thousand knots!

          • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

            Are you familiar with a “yarn bowl”? I think if you google it, you will see what it looks like. The yarn feeds out through a hole in the side of the bowl and the ball rolls around in the ball, instead of flying out across the floor. I bought a pottery one to put the ball of yarn in when I am knitting. This prevents Betti from helping herself to it out of my canvas knitting bag and unravelling it all over the floor. Not sure if it would help with Jack or not… 🙂

          • sbranch says:

            Good idea! Jack’s pretty tricky though.

          • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

            whoops, meant to say the ball rolls around in the BOWL. 🙂

          • dottie (in the OC in SoCal) says:

            Easy, inexpensive and very sweet substitute for a yarn bowl is a nice thrift store teapot — ball of yarn in pot, yarn out through spout and lid on to keep dust out or off if it is missing — but I would make certain the opening to the spout is not one with the ceramic lattice/filter as some pots have to prevent tea leaves flowing into the cup. There are so many cute and pretty pots out there in the thrift shops.

          • sbranch says:

            Cute idea!

  24. Susan, I feel spring has already sprung by reading your precious post. So much beauty and inspiration. I laughed out very loudly at the expression on Jack’s face while watching the bug! I think I am repeating myself but Jack is such a blessing!

    Thank you, dear Susan!

  25. Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

    Hate to write and give you one more distraction (having to moderate my note) but wanted to say how enjoyable it was to look at the lovely flowers and hear about your 60 degrees! No opening windows here today–it is cold and windy! The sun is out but our windows are frosted up. Temperatures are going to -16 tonight with a wind chill factor of -25 to -30! Highs of 5 above tomorrow! I’m not ready for spring yet, either, but I AM ready for temperatures above zero! 🙂 (For Deborah Heater–I am NOT complaining about winter, just saying it would be more enjoyable if it was not quite so cold! LOL! 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      Yikes honey, get those dogs around you! xoxo

    • Lynn McMahon says:

      I hear you Pat!~ 61 on Monday then 16 today!
      P.S. ~I LOVE Deborah Heater’s last name!~ just saying it makes me feel warmer!!!

    • Deb from Dixie says:

      Hi Pat!
      Oh my gosh ….. That is cold. I lived in St . Cloud for a few years….and almost turned into a Popsicle ! I loved Minnesota… especially the two glorious months of summer!!! LOL. Hearty Stock those Minnesotans, so friendly and warm ..and my friends that moved to Fargo….. Well, that is brave!!!!!!!
      I have to tell you a funny story….I moved to MN in the dead of winter. The first time I went to the grocery store, I paid for my groceries, watched them being bagged and then poof … they disappeared. The bagger had taken the groceries, put them into a tub and pushed them through the wall in the grocery .. Outside……what? Into the cold? I was mystified ????. And so…. I learned that, do to the frigid temps and depth of snow in the parking lot… Groceries were pushed through the grocery wall onto a conveyor belt..and I was to get my car, drive to the side of the grocery, open the car door, and there one of the store employees, dressed like the abominable snowman ( to keep warm) loaded the groceries into the car, smiled and thanked you. … and reminded you to stay warm!
      An experience I will never forget!
      Stay warm and cozy Pat!

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        Oh Deb, sounds like you shopped at Byerly’s. Would you believe that Norm and I watched our groceries get packed up and sent out that conveyor belt one night, went out to our car, drove all the way home and into the driveway, and looked each other and said, “Oh no, we forgot to pick up the groceries!!!” Duh… Susan, re getting the dogs around us: They DO sleep on the bed with us, note that word”on”–NOT “in”. I put a flat sheet over our quilt and they are on top of that. They are like little living hot water bottles! If they have a fresh haircut, they get covered with their little fleece blankets, too. They love snuggling. One night, after we had turned out the lights, the two dogs had snuggled close and both had sighed out loud, Norm said, “Here we are, just one big happy litter.” LOL! A historical fact: Apparently the eskimos gauged how cold it was in these terms: “A 2-dog night or a 3-dog night”–well tonight is a 2-dog night for us. And Norm says it had better not getting any colder because we are not getting a third! 🙂 LOL!

        • Deb from Dixie says:

          Pat………………………..LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          “A 2-dog night or a 3-dog night”– that is so good.
          And it really does sound warm………

          “A 2-kitty night” just dosen’t sound the same….
          (and I know how you love kitties…not)…..for me though, a purring, happy, furry Maine Coon…..curled up next to you, now that is some extra warmth!
          Furry High fives….
          Happy Weekend!

          • pat addison ( cave junction,OR ) says:

            i love it, too cute when its really cold here in oregon, all 4 cats pile up on top of the quilt and settle in for nice warm snooze. keeps us warm, who needs electric blankets when you have warm furry pets like cats or dogs.

          • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

            Oh, I would imagine those little kitty bodies put off a lot of heat, too. Your Maine Coon Cat is probably the size of one of our mini schnauzers! LOL! 🙂

    • Pat, it is ok to complain about your Winter my friend anything in the minus gives you the right!!! I want you to remember the frigid blowing winds in July when it is 100!!!! Stay Warm.

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        It would be okay with me if we had no days with temps of 100 degrees next summer. Re the cold, you can always put on more clothes, HOWEVER, … 🙂

  26. Bess says:

    Just what I needed on this brrr day here on the Great Plains! I’m positively salivating over your book … well, not directly over it, that would ruin it. :o) Those dishes are lovely! Hope your weekend will be as delightful as you are! Bess

  27. Jackie Bienemann says:

    Thank you for your good mood post, it is wonderful! It is about 16 degrees here in Illinois so definitely appreciated your flower pictures. Of course always love the Jack pictures and cannot wait for your book! I will be looking forward to Willard. Thank you Susan for who you are and the joy you bring to others:)

  28. Laura Ann in Vermont says:

    It’s working here, too! (Although the chocolate chocolate chip cookie is probably helping some, too.) Can’t wait until your new book is ready!!

  29. Linda in tx says:

    Last night my perfectly crafty cat ran under the bed with a forbidden treasure. As I dove under to shoo her out I was almost frightened to death by the mess of cobwebs and dust bunnies living under there! So an unplanned bit of early spring cleaning has been going on. One dusty box held a stack of calendars I have not been able to part with. Most of them are yours! In the effort to rid myself of clutter?, I have been laying the pages flat and one by one taking a nice photo before shutting my eyes and putting them in the discard stack. I will still have their beautifulness stored away on a cd for a rainy day! Love all your art and yes I am cheered up!
    Linda L. In springlike Texas

    • sbranch says:

      Good girl for doing that spring cleaning!!

    • Linda in Texas says:

      I did a double-take when I saw your post–did I post and not know it?? No, I’m Linda N. You’re Linda L, but we’re both in springlike Texas. Our daffodils are sticking their green shoots up. Poor babies they’re confused.

      Susan, always enjoy your happy posts. Give Jack a smooch from me. Love that bug photo. And I am so looking forward to your/our book.

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      I can’t give up my old SB calendars either! I tried to lighten my load when I moved down here from NH, but I dug them out of the trash pile before I moved. It is hard to give up cookbooks and fine art!!!

  30. Donna Kohler says:

    Oh, Susan! You do lighten a day, wonderful to see all the flowers and anticipation of spring to come. Thank you for the sneak peak into your book, we anglophiles are looking forward to it. This evening I’ll be treadling on my Downton Abbey era English Jones sewing machine and remembering the Cotswolds.

  31. Sara D NW Georgia says:

    While I too, love winter, I have to admit I have been a little dreamy about spring lately too 🙂 And speaking of -40 degrees… if you go onto there is a video of a lady throwing boiling water into the air, in -20 degrees and it instantly evaporates and turns into fog. Pretty neat! 🙂

    Thanks for all the flowers! The night time picture of the roses, is like pure heaven!

    Knowing the book is starting at the printers, makes my heart swoon 🙂

  32. Deb from Dixie says:

    Yeah… happy about the book, you must be “twirling in your chair” ( remember that post?),
    while looking at the book ready pages! Joyful!
    Thanks for a walk down a sun shiny lane filled with beautiful flowers and thoughts of cheer …..and of course Jack on the chair, looking for the adventures that lay beyond the screen door….to cute!
    Happy almost weekend Susan and girlfriends!

  33. Cyndee Randall says:

    Oh, this made me smile. I have a little pot of Tete-a-tete daffodils on my kitchen table right now. This noon I met a friend for lunch and took a pretty bouquet from the florist. (we had way below zero temps last week and were both longing for spring. When I arrived at the table she had a lovely bouquet for me! (Her name is Cindy, too~ kindred spirits!) When I was teaching every March I would plant grass seed in a container for the kiddos to watch grow. We would trim the grass with scissors. Spring comes late in Maine. My white garden is waiting patiently under its white blanket. Thank you for all of your uplifting posts. Happy (almost) Groundhog’s Day!

  34. queenmum says:

    Thank you for the breath of Spring! We had high temps for two days, and then, during the night, Jack Frost came back with high winds and beautiful snow flurries. We should have MUCH more snow by tomorrow morning here in Southwestern New York State. I want winter to stay for at least another two months, but how I loved the photos of the roses at night; I could SMELL them! And the fairy light behind…too wonderful.
    I cannot wait to be able to buy your new book. It looks like a delightful read. Thank you for sharing your Engalnd time with all of us.

  35. Sharon Calvert says:

    The excerpt from your book is just so alluring … can scarcely contain my excitement for the finished treasure!

    Sharon in Alabama

  36. Darci says:

    Susan, after the weather we had yesterday here in NC, this good mood blog was just what I needed. I hate to rush the seasons but there are some winter days when you just need a shot of spring to perk you up. Or a steamy summer day when the reminder that autumn is coming helps you to feel less wilted. Your posts always bring joy but today’s was especially cheery and uplifting. Thank you!

  37. Rosemary says:

    Oh, Susan, thank you for your post today. Because of you, I now have two new favorite songs…Come and Get Your Happiness and Marshmallow World. I have been singing Marshmallow World (along with Bing) to my granddaughter since hearing it in one of your previous posts. Your “Musica” selections transport me away to another world where joy, beauty, and innocence abound. Thank you for introducing these wonderful old songs to a new generation.

    • sbranch says:

      Isn’t it nice to know that magic actually does exist!

      • Rhonda D. says:

        Rosemary, I too love to be transported back to a place where joy, innocence and beauty abound. Doesn’t it just do your heart good to be able to go there? One of my favorites is also Marshmallow World. I actually got that for Christmas this year and I think I’ve played the living daylights out of it.

  38. viv says:

    Yes, you succeeded in making me happy(ier). We had our first daffodil yesterday here in middle TN, and I made a picture. We also had 80 mph straight line winds that took down 2 apple trees. DH made pictures of the trees, but it was the daffodil for me. Usually they don’t make an appearance before Valentines Day at the earliest.
    The pages from your new book are so exciting and the waiting is almost too much to bear. Happy finishing.

  39. sandy says:

    oh Susan you make me SO happy my heart is bursting!! Thank You God, for Susan……you bless me so, xox sandy 🙂

  40. Gabi says:

    So happy to have gotten your newsletter! Feeling a little blue lately (the recent deaths of two very dear people) and your upbeat letter and pictures restored my soul a bit. Thanks for the joy you bring to this gal’s home!

  41. Elaine McCallum says:

    I was tickled pink to see you had time to leave us a new post ! What a surprise to hear it is already so much warmer since yours st post ! Crazy weather . Only 40 or so more pages and then we can start really looking forward to your next book. I can hardly wait !’
    Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for the treats !

  42. Connie B says:

    AAAAAHHHHHHHHH! That sums it up perfectly…thanks, Girlfriend! 😉

  43. Georgie says:

    ohmygoodness OhMyGoodness! OH MY GOODNESS!!! Wheeeee!

    Your excitement is bouncing right off the pages of the blog!!!

    Just the very thought of Spring being right around the corner is JOYFUL! Just the very thought of A Fine Romance being just around the corner is…
    Amazing… Over the TOP… Fourth of July!!!

    The double spread is Amazing! The thought of a Valentine Willard is Awesome.

    Remember to take good care of yourself (I know Joe, Jackie, and Girl have their hands full as you bubble over with excitement… and they’re all are doing a great job)

    Love and {{{HUGS}}} to MV and YOU!
    Happy Happy Out of the Cave and into the Light for A Fine Romance!
    Yardville, NJ

  44. Sherry Winchester says:

    I absolutely love your blog entries! They(and you) allow me to feel like a faerie-child each time I read them…I was thinking of Summer today, too, as I was awakened by the plow and looked outside at the white-out conditions….so I posted some Summer pics on Twitter….I will send a couple through to you….Thank you once again for transporting me to another time, another place, another feeling…I will absolutely take flight when I have your new book in my hands!

  45. Joann says:

    OK, first the weather: Weather has been so crazy here as well. Colorado is supposed to be snowy white, but instead it’s dry and brown. Last summer was a horrible one, with fires everywhere, including ones we could see from a home windows. The air was awful. The particulate matter was so high, that it’s been recorded that the air was more unhealthy than in Los Angeles has ever been. That’s pretty darn bad. So, we need snow badly!!

    This past week, we got two inches. I loved it; I shall never complain about snow ever again. I’m always stocked full of food anyway—just stay home and enjoy it.

    Next topic: projects. I’ve been working on so many ‘winter’ projects, but I do agree with you, it needs to LOOK LIKE WINTER….hey flowers and trees, stay asleep. Stay cold; stay dark; I have indoor work to do!

    Next topic: the book: I can’t wait Susan…. I can’t wait. What a treasure! What a wonderful treasure it will be!! All of your hard work and you get to see it all come together; how amazing that is!

    Topic #4: Back to work for me—I’ve got a wedding to plan, among other things!! That romance book is perfect!! Good timing Susan!


  46. Rosetta says:

    Cara Susan,da quando ho scoperto il tuo blog aspettavo con ansia un nuovo post!mi piace cio che racconti e fai vedere,esprimi i tuoi pensieri e poi anche la musica bella!Mi a figlia quando era piccola aveva tanti riccioli biondi e una faccia paffutella assomigliava a Shirley Temple!Baci,come mi piace il tuo blog!Rosetta!

    • sbranch says:

      Here’s what “Google Translate” says she is saying (in Italian):
      Dear Susan, since I discovered your blog looked forward to a new post! I like what you tell and show, express your thoughts and then also the beautiful music! I had a daughter when she was little so many blond curls and a face plump looked like Shirley Temple! Kisses, how I love your blog! Rosetta!

      And I say to Rosetta . . .
      Cara Rosetta, grazie mille, piacere di sentire da voi! Shirley Temple è amato in tutto il mondo! Avere un giorno felice!

      which means:
      Dear Rosetta, thank you so much, nice to hear from you! Shirley Temple is loved all over the world! Have a happy day!

    • Giovanna says:

      Ciao Rosetta, Che piacere sapere il blog di Susan è seguito anche in Italia!!! Fantastico 🙂

  47. Christine Anderson says:

    Oh I am so excited to the time when “A Fine Romance” will be shared by all of us!!
    I love the pictures of the flowers and going briefly going back to England with you, Friend. California will welcome you!!!
    I just picked the last of my roses, now I really have to prune! I just can’t seem to prune off flowers, after all they are giving me their best. 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I had the same problem in California, but the good part is they come back immediately, better than ever!

  48. Diane Harris says:

    Oh Susan, I am in love with Jack’s eyes! He conveys so much expression and he cracks me up, that photo from a week or two ago where his eyes bugged out when Girl Kitty and he were on the same level. Such a treasure! He makes me Laugh Out Loud, which is good for the soul! I love when you include him and David Austin roses in the same blog; the Best!

    And a pat on the back for being so disciplined at getting this book on the road to completion! Atta Girl!

    Much love,

    Diane Marie

  49. Vicki in Cincy says:

    Hi! We have had the same weather you have had, 60’s yesterday and 20’s today…yah rah! Snow flurries and that’s ok. You DID make me happy. I can’t wait to get the book, especially after ‘being with you’ as you wrote it! I sent my daughter your small Christmas book and she should get it today. It’s a surprise and I can’t wait til she gets it! Thank you for the flowers and ‘warm’ 🙂 thoughts! xoxo

  50. Linda Pintarell says:

    You definitely know the way to a gal’s heart…such beautiful, happy pictures and post give us enthusiasm for the day ahead! I love colors! Just finished reading “Dreaming in Color” – an autobiography of Kaffe Fasset – his family owns Nepenthe. He is an artist, knitting fanatic, textile designer, quilter, author of many books on the aforementioned subjects. Lives and works in ENGLAND – guess where he gets a lot of his ideas? It’s a coffee table type book that just abounds in colors – you would love it, I am sure.

    • sbranch says:

      Nepenthe. What a place. What a view. What history. Sounds like a fun book Linda!

      • Pam G says:

        I didn’t know Kaffe Fassett’s family owned Nepenthe! I have been there once a few yrs. back on the way up the CA, coast-it was by chance and what fun!

  51. Thank you for all the HAPPY! It worked -smile-. Yesterday it was 60 + degrees and sunny; today it’s 20 above with snow, sleet and freezing rain falling from the skies. I’m sure the sun is shining but the gray clouds prevent me from seeing it.
    I still choose happy.

  52. Daena in NJ says:

    What a jolly blog entry this is – I read it twice! The snowdrops are breathtaking – I’ve never seen one before. It’s magical. So glad the book is coming along. Everyone is waiting patiently. Today at the library I saw a large puffy book called “Beatrix Potter A Journal.” Well, it is probably for kids but I logged it out anyway and plan to enjoy it with tea. It has all kinds of things tipped in – photos, envelopes with letters, etc. Enjoy the warmth; I sure am. It’s warm and windy here in NJ and will be getting colder tomorrow. Bright blessings to you.

  53. Ann says:

    Spring flowers are the best! I look forward to seeing them soon.
    Called into a nearby garden centre for more bird seed supplies – inside I could hear a Robin singing, looking upwards I spotted him on a sign above the wild bird food, someone had kindly placed food for him on the “for sale” bird tables etc. We have had some cold, snowy weather of late so he wisely chose to move indoors.
    Everyone who heard his song was enchanted by it. Ann in the UK

  54. Pam G says:

    all the flowers made me happy-yesterday was 58 and today in the 20’s which I wouldn’t mind except the pressure change may make me achy or give me a headache-ugh! I didn’t know you had a house in California-do you go there very often? does someone watch it for you? just curious! I am looking forward to Williard for V. Day

  55. Mia Sophia says:

    Oh Susan! Your photo blog is what makes me sooooo HAPPY! Just full of beauty and joy! A glorious day outside, the birds are “tweeting” on the fence, a squirrel is jumping from limb to limb in our backyard tree and my sweet little dog is basking in the sun. What could be better? Maybe some nice peppermint tea and a new Susan Branch book? No pressure but can hardly wait! I would love to see you at a signing when you come again to California. (Go 49ers!)
    PS…My favorite quote (and I just LOVE quotes) from today’s blog is: “Reality is something you rise above.” Oh my, isn’t that the truth especially when watching the news channel…that is why I would much rather gaze upon your blogs again and again! Enjoy!

  56. judi says:

    Yesterday my sister & husband started out from WI to FL. Within less than 2 hours it was a whiteout and they were lucky to find their way off the freeway. They happened upon a delightful resort and booked a room even with a hot tub in it for the night. Fortunately we scandinavians always travel with snacks as there were no restaurants open in the area. The owners thought the local pizza place might deliver (I figured they would by snowmobile:) but – no go. We skyped with them and enjoyed seeing the snow pile up. Nice to be older and not fight Mother Nature by calling it quits only 2 hours into your trip:) and being safe and snug.

    LOVED your happy, springtime, smiley post. Your book is YUMMY!!! What a project you have “hatched”! That pic of you with those curls and saddle shoes – a twin to Shirley. Jack ALWAYS makes me close-to-falling-off-the-chair:))) laughing. Sounds like you may be having some interesting weather today. Cheers! judi

  57. pat addison ( cave junction, OR ) says:

    hello susan, hello girlfriends, good afternoon. well i love seeing all the pretty spring things and flowers, makes me want spring to come around that much quicker. right now i have 4 cats on a mouse hunt, yep a mouse hunt. my bathroom cabinet under the sink has been invaded by a mouse. this mouse ate a big hole in my make-up bag, chewed and pooped on my make-up brushes and ate my toilet paper, it has holes with teeth marks around them. time for mr or mrs mouse to leave, so the cats are hunting for the mouse. just celebrated my 12th wedding anniversary…jan 29th and it does not seem possible that we have been married for 12 years, it feels like we just got married yesterday…not 12 years ago. time sure flies when you are in love and having fun. yes life is grand, despite rude lil mouses and all sorts of things, life is good here in the country. have a grand day everyone. hugs…… 🙂

    • pat addison ( cave junction, OR ) says:

      good morning everyone, still having the mouse hunt here, and now 2 female turkeys who are battling it out to the tom’s lady. have go out every once and while and break it up to prevent them from injuring themselves too seriously. keep an old straw broom handy for that. we still have the fog here, it won’t leave and i miss the sunshine…. 🙁 !!!! this was just what i needed, sunshine, flowers and jack. now if i can get my cats to get the mouse out of my house there will be peace around here againb…until the next turkey fight. life in the country, its quiet and slow, but never boring. hugs everyone…… 🙂

  58. Pat Salada says:


    Your little painting of the tea biscuits makes my mouth water. Do you
    have a recipe for them?
    Thanks for the wonderful blog!

    Pat S.

  59. Jacquie says:

    We’ve been in such a deep freeze lately I was shocked (and happy) to see the thermometer read 50 degrees this am – this post coincides with my mood today. Question: Do you prefer train travel over air?

    • sbranch says:

      I decided a long time ago that flying is not my cup of tea. I did it a lot, I never liked it, it was too stressful, and then I realized Mark Twain never flew, so I just decided to live like he did in that regard! I love the train, it’s slow, and I get to have that wonderful “down” time to read and just be.

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        I think that I shall try it next time. That is how my mother traveled when she was young and going across the country.

        • sbranch says:

          It’s such a gentle way to travel, especially when you are going a long distance, and not having to deal with too many train stations.

      • Paulie says:

        I’m with you especially after the flight from a place in Florida to another place there – I was put on a puddle jumper for 8 – and I swear it was driven by two hamsters turning a rubber band on a running mill – the pilot had a compass he slapped onto the windshield and we couldn’t land due to fog and he tried several different airports and nearly killed us on the last one trying and failed about four feet off the ground and back up we went. When we finally landed, we asked how much gas he had left and the answer was fumes…….and that was my last flight ever. No thanks. Never again at no price. Just to let you know you are not alone! Enjoy the train Susan and the ships crossing and as a plus we get to enjoy the book of it all. So anxious to see this work of art! Take time to breath as am sure these last 40 pages must be longer than that last mile walk home. Blessins. Paulie

        • sbranch says:

          LOL, what torture! I have to laugh, because I know exactly how you feel — I had a similar air adventure, and that was it for me too. Said “I’m all grown up and I don’t have to put up with this any more.” I have never regretted it, and the first night I met Joe, we talked, and he didn’t like flying either, so we are train buddies from the very beginning. So funny with book writing, you think you will never be done, then one day the big hand clicks on the clock, and you’re done, and the next day, there is no book to do and you feel funny about it! 🙂

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        I wholeheartedly agree, Sue. I wish train travel would return – the way it was in its heyday with Pullman sleeping cars & compartments & berths & the club car & the dining car. The movies make it look so inviting and almost romantic, if you know what I mean. My mother was always telling stories about train travel when she was young. When she became an empty nester, she & her GFs would take the train every December to see New York in its all sparkling holiday bustle, shop and see the big Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall etc. She even stayed at the Plaza once! I know I’d much rather ride along on the ground and really get to see the country than fly over it. You don’t even know what you’re missing when you fly! Long trips that take several days must be like little vacations. I envy you. I’m hoping you’ll be able to blog even a little while traveling…

        Thanks for the lovely respite from Winter with all the flowers and quilts on the clothesline and Peter Rabbit figurines and that beautiful summer table and Jack and his bug! There’s usually something really great on TV for those of us who “aren’t into” football so whatever you’re doing, have great weekends everyone! :>)

        PS – today is “Brandy Alexander Day.” And yesterday was “National Croissant Day!” :>)

        • sbranch says:

          I had to tell Joe, “Guess what? Today is Brandy Alexander Day!” That is our once-every-five-years romantic midnight-in-some-big-city-hotel-bar drink! The train is still romantic if you have a room with a view, btw, we just love it. Not the luxury of days gone by … we always hoped Disney would buy Amtrak!

          • Janet [in Rochester] says:

            Disney buying Amtrak! Now that would be a dream-come-true for sure. Wouldn’t you just love to take a trip on the train in “The Women” or “Leave Her to Heaven” ?? I guess I’ve just always loved things the way they used to be – my dad once told me that I’d been born 30 years too late because I’ve always loved Big Band music & if I’d come along in the 20s instead of the 50s, I’d have been right on time!

            PS – Sue, if this business of announcing “it’s National Bicarbonate-of-Soda Day” or whatever is getting obnoxious, please be sure to let me know… thanks and have a great [cozy] weekend. Make yourselves some spontaneous Brandy Alexanders [I’m a brandy-and-soda girl myself]. xxoo :>)

          • sbranch says:

            For some reason I love the things of my parent’s time … their music and movies. I wonder if that’s true for others?

      • judi says:

        I wondered about that since most of your family appears to be on the west coast so far away from you. Flying is so much faster but the train must be wonderful.

        • sbranch says:

          I have family in lots of places, Colorado, Arizona, and all over CA … we get off the train on our way out for visiting.

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        You and me, BOTH! The last time we flew back from visiting relatives on the West Coast, I said that was it, I would never set foot on a plane again. Claustrophobia, warm germy air, too close proximity to strange people, no solid ground under my feet, etc., etc. I LOVE riding the train–it is such a more civilized, old-fashioned, comfortable way to travel. I could do a commercial for Amtrak!!! LOL! 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          I think it’s claustrophobia for me, or something like it … I’m not that thrilled about cities or huge music concerts either!

        • sbranch says:

          I think it’s claustrophobia for me, or something like it … I’m not that thrilled about cities or huge music concerts either!

  60. Heidi says:

    Flowers – joy and beauty – can almost smell the roses – Thank you! Daffodil stems showing and snowdrops and lenten roses in bloom in sw OH. Saw a Peter Rabbit/Beatrix Potter garland in an old-fashioned toy store – my mom and I wanted to send it to you, but remembered what you said about packages – so didn’t … So excited for the book!

  61. Giovanna says:

    Good Afternoon Susan,
    Your timing is perfect! Your blog always makes me smile, but this one let me feel the sunshine and smell the flowers. It was exactly what I needed. Thank you gestation and final a new ‘baby’ we can all enjoy. So exciting. LOL
    Have a great day,

  62. Giovanna says:

    Good Afternoon Susan,
    Your timing is perfect! Your blog always makes me smile, but this one let me feel the sunshine and smell the flowers. It was exactly what I needed. Thank you.
    The pages of our book are wonderful! I just CAN’T wait! This is the first book I’ve known from inception -> gestation and final a new ‘baby’ we can all enjoy. So exciting. LOL
    Have a great day,

  63. Cyndi in NC says:

    Needed a little sunshine and there you were. Thanks. I too have used many things to tuck flowers in. I really love the little bird, I’m sure he is a hit with the Potter people as he is with me. I have several things that were my grandmothers, little planters and vases, and I love them dearly. *S* It was my birthday a week ago today and I received two beautiful flower arrangements. It was cold and we were gone running errands and having lunch out. They were tucked under the eve of the roof in a corner that was somewhat protected from the cold and wind with bright sunshine on them. I was afraid that some of the flowers might not have been happy about the cold. Thank goodness they perked back up with a little warmer water and for the most part are still with us. We have had two days of above 70 and are going into the cellar with the rest of the Mid-Atlantic and rest of the country. Oh well it is January, well almost February!. I’ll keep the tea water on and enjoy what ever else the winter has to give us. I guess we’ll just bundle up when it’s cold and throw the windows open when it warms up. Happy Thursday all. *S*

  64. Ann says:

    I can’t wait to get my hands on “the book”. When I saw the word happiness in your post I almost didn’t go to read it because my heart is incredibly sad right now. A family argument that has turned me on my head and I am most certainly not happy right now. But when I read your post, I actually for the first time since Sunday forgot about my troubles and smiled. You always stress the joy in little things and that is one of the things I love most about you. Thank you for the gift of forgetting, if just for a few minutes.

  65. Laura Anne says:

    Susan, it was so nice to see a new post from you today! How long will you and Joe be in California?

    P.S. I told my parents they ought to do what you and Joe have done.. Have a place in California and a place in the Northeast! Where in California would you recommend?

    • sbranch says:

      There are many pretty places, but I’m partial to the central coast, around San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay, Cambria, Pismo . . .

      • pat addison ( cave junction, OR ) says:

        Cambria, i just love it around there, and the pewter store….is that still there, used to go there and get the most wonderful pewter ornaments for my tree.

        • sbranch says:

          I think it was there the last time we went through.

          • pat addison ( cave junction, OR ) says:

            oh thats sooo good to know, i may go back some day and visit the central coast and that would be one of my first stops. i love that pewter shop.

          • sbranch says:

            Did you go to the antique stores there? Also, they have a wonderful tea room.

          • pat addison ( cave junction,OR ) says:

            yes i was visiting my mom in Arroyo Grande before she passed on, and stopped off to see some friends and we met at the tea room for hot tea on a blustery cold day. it was so nice and comforting.

          • sbranch says:

            That place is very good for comfort!

  66. I came looking for a new blog post from you this morning and alas there was none and I was disappointed, but then when not expecting it a wonderful happy uplifting post pops in. Not that I wasn’t happy mind you but this bla weather does wear on one after awhile so its nice to see something cheery from you. Everything here makes me want to clap my hands but mostly the page you’ve shown of your/ really makes me want to stand up and clap hands. You are outdoing your self I can tell. Its going to be wonderful. How exciting that its getting close to being done. I hope you don’t have writers let down when its off to the printers. Good thing you have another book in the works and lots to do for this book. 🙂 But it will be nice to get off to that wonderful Garden you have waiting for you in CA. Now that is eye candy!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m sure I won’t know what to do with myself when I send the book away! It always happens, I end up learning how to live a normal life again!

      • Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

        Oh, you will start spending some time in your nice sewing room, giving us wonderful ideas of things to sew. You will go shopping, meet friends for lunch and tea, sit and read or knit, do spring housecleaning, play with kitties without feeling you need to be on the book, etc. And when you get tired of doing things like that, you can go back to work on the Pancakes book! 🙂

  67. wendy says:

    Oh boy, your post just popped up in my inbox and the flowers are a welcome treat! I am infused and amused! I have a thing for pitchers which have been known to hold flowers but my vases are not as divine as yours! The snowdrops are dear, I love the saddle shoes and I have to say our weather has been so crazy, in the teens last week, 70 over the weekend, fierce winds and rain last night. Each time the temp goes up the ants find their way into my kitchen ( drat) and of course we can’t get rid of ladybugs and stink bugs inside. My cat amuses himself with the creatures. I cannot wait for your book and I thank you for it’s creation. I must go back to your “We Have Snow’ post and comment. It was wonderful. Thank you!

  68. Peggy Cooper says:

    THANKS! I needed that :o)

  69. Karen P. - Green Bay, WI says:

    Beautiful, happy, cheery blog! So excited for a Valentine Willard! You have the BEST roses…seriously! I love that frog…it captures EXACTLY how you’ve expressed you feel about life. I feel the same! And your robin painting is adorable there! Cannot WAIT to see what I call “Beatrix Potter robins” in your book (although I may have to change that to “Susan Branch robins” now!). Love seeing the page preview! It’s getting EXCITING!!!! Soon we’ll have it here in our hands! Happy Day! xoxo

  70. barbara miller says:

    do you believe in magic? your blog is magic, Susan. sometimes it brings me home to New England and missing the snow or it takes me to England on a dream trip then it makes me taste the spring to come! thank you ! I look forward to Willard! my bestie bought me the Willard collection and it is a pleasure to read. wish I had all your blogs in a book form [think about it ,Susan] . I could cozy up in my chair with a cup of cocoa and drift along the years with you. I think it would be ,well, magical!

  71. Sue says:

    Excited that the book is coming along so well and can’t wait to get it. Loved all your little bits of spring time. Can you tell me the pattern name of the dishes you used in “dinner under the arbor”? I love that pattern. Enjoy your bit of warm weather. My husband was just asking me this morning “what’s Susan Branch been up to and does she blog everyday”? I talk about you and your blog so much everyone knows I love you. So I was happy to see your post today. Can’t wait for my Willard.
    Sue in Fl.

  72. Pat Stansel says:

    Wow!! Your exuberance is jumping off my little iPad screen! It’s just what I needed
    Today .Grab joy whenever and wherever you can

  73. Sally says:

    Happy? Of course I am happy! Every time your blog pops up it makes me happy. Can’t wait to see your new book. We love so many of the same things and we do that the California connection!

  74. Sally says:

    Happy? Of course I am happy! Every time your blog pops up it makes me happy. Can’t wait to see your new book. We love so many of the same things and we do that California connection!

  75. judy c in nc says:

    Thanks so much for the small vase reminder – I have not been antique shopping lately. When we downsized and moved to a smaller home in October, I did NOT downsize any of my little vases – a girl just has to have her treasures. DWH just shook his head and said “whatever my sweetheart thinks are treasures” are alright with him. Lovely post and certainly does want me to hurry up Spring, especially to see all those wonderful birthday daffodil bulbs coming up and I check them often. Really looking forward to our England book!!! It was such a wonderful trip. Judy C in NC sends best wishes and hopefully some of her warm weather.

  76. Rosemary (No. California) says:

    Sunny and bright here in No.Cal…I love when the sun shines! I can see snow on the Sierra’s but miss having a snowbank of my own. Snow is so beautiful with blue skies, clear crisp mountain air and sunshine! Thanks so much for a peek into ‘our’ edition of A Fine Romance. I am anxious to have one winging it’s way to my address for me to treasure. Snuggle down, sip some tea, and enjoy the falling snow….Spring will come all too soon. BTW–Happy Groundhog Day on Saturday!

  77. CindyK says:

    How wonderful to see a finished page from our book! If this is any indication at all on what the rest of the book will be like, I can’t wait! It looks like the kind of book one must savor, a little at a time! Can you see me drooling?
    I loved all the “happy” photo’s. It’s really what I needed after a stressful Dr. appt. this morning. All the lovely photo’s put smiles on this worrisome face. Thank you for that!!

  78. janie says:

    I just wanted to keep looking at your garden in California and your summer picture with the fairy lights. a-h-h-h-h-h-h….

  79. Rosanna says:

    I had just put the kettle on and then clicked on your blog……And after seeing all the lovely flowers in your post, I decided to pour my tea into one of my grandmother’s floral tea cups instead of using a mug – it makes it seem as though it is spring – so thank you for the ‘floral display’ that keeps that thought in my mind’s eye.

  80. Maria M. says:

    Your blog posts are such a gift to find, AND THEY MAKE ME SO HAPPY! Love all the floral pics. I will be picking up a bunch for myself tomorrow… just to put in my little vases all around the house. Yesterday’s warm weather was such a pleasant respite and now we’re back in Winter again. Ugh! But I’m keeping busy too. I’ve been sewing up the most darling aprons (using your pattern). One is even done in your wonderful “tea” fabrics and I am so pleased with myself. I just want to drink and serve tea all the time now. And you are right–that apron looks great on everyone!
    Thank you for sharing the new pages from the book. Judging just by those two pages, this book will be amaaaaazing! Can’t wait. C’mon Spring! xoxox

  81. Laura Croyle says:

    Loverly Post! Just what I needed. Definitely made me happy! 🙂 We just had a week of fog, and now a week of rain in the Pacific Northwest. What a Sweet photo of you when you were little! How old we’re you? Sooo Cute!!
    Loved seeing the sample pages of your new book! A-n-t-i-c-p-a-t-i-o-n!! Can hardly wait!

  82. Willa says:

    Oh Susan……life is V*E*R*Y good for me right now! I left the politics of Washington DC and headed to Spokane WA to have a little visit with my family of four. The Fab Four, as I call them! Son Andy, D-i-l Lisa and 5 year old Grandtwins, Alyssa and Katy! There was snow on the ground when I arrived last Friday and it has snowed twice since then. My time is getting short (I go back home on Monday) but my, oh my, we are having fun. Lots of laughter, games, reading, tea parties AND sewing. Just before I left DC I ordered the sewing cards from you (much like the picture of the valentine in this blog – they loved it and have now asked for a valentine card to sew) and they arrived the same day I did. Perfect timing…thank you!! I told them this is how I learned to sew many, many years ago and after just a little practice they were really good at it. So while I sit and stitch my repro 19th century samplers on fine linen, they happily sit next to me sewing their duck, calf, elephant, billy goat, frog and lamb cards! Yup, we are all happy here! Thank you for your “more happy” post!! XOXO, Willa

  83. Shanon says:

    Susan, we had a very warm day this week too, so strange for northern IL. we also opened all the windows, did a little “spring,” cleaning. do you remember the cat I told you about, the stray we’ve been feeding? he’s taken to sitting on our front stoop! like he’s just waiting for us to open the door and let him in, which we would totally do but when we open the door he runs away 🙁 maybe one day he’ll trust us enough to just walk inside and become a part of our family!

    • sbranch says:

      I think it might happen! Especially when you can leave the door open a bit and the food on the inside . . .

  84. Heartsdesire says:

    Yes, I’m definitely happy now. Thank you for the lovely photos. Yesterday, at the grocery store, I picked up three stems of hyacinths. You can’t believe how wonderful the house smells now, their perfume is everywhere. Also, while on my deck, I spied a small pot with some greenery. Turns out it was full of mini daffodils, which I brought into the house and now they are blooming. Oh, I can’t wait for spring. As always, looking forward to the book, and now, a new Willard. Life is grand, is it not?

  85. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    Yes life is grand!!! I loved that white garden, and I found out last summer if you plant white flowers with your colored ones…you will see the colors during the day and the white at night. The white ones reflect the moon or the deck/yard lights! Isn’t that cool??? I really like your flowered plates under the arbor!

  86. Rachel says:

    The spring roller coaster is beginning- you know the one, where the weather is up and down like a yo-yo 🙂 I enjoy it this way, it gives me time to thaw out in between cold snaps 😉

  87. Julie Marie says:

    Hello Susan… yes, your post made me so happy!… they always do… love love love seeing a sneak peek into your book!… what a fabulous home Kipling lived in and I especially LOVE the quote by Mark Twain that Kipling knows all there is to know and HE knows the rest!… what I wouldn’t give to have met Mark Twain myself!!!… so excited for my next Willard!… that will be my best Valentine ever… the pic of Jack with the bug is soo cute, I have not seen it before!… all of your pics of Spring time are sooo dreamy… it has FINALLY stopped snowing, raining, hailing, icing and all here in Utah and the sun actually came out today (must be because you made it sunny!)… and our temps are in the 30’s which seems like a heatwave to us!… also my DARLING brown bird teacup and saucer arrived today… you ship sooo quickly, I was so happy to see it!… I have never brewed loose tea before, don’t even know how, but now I have the cup with the strainer I will learn to do so… I am also saving up for my next Emma cup!… I know I use the word “love” alot, but that is sometimes the only word that describes things for me… I LOVE your beautiful thoughts on lightning bugs, fireflies… and the sound of crickets chirping on a warm Spring’s eve with my bedroom window open is pure magic!… I also love to hear the whistle of the train from way west of us… when the winds blow gently in the Spring they carry the whistle clear up to our house… love that too!… oh, and I noticed in my books of yours or maybe it was on your blog, there is a photo of you going to Lake Tahoe I think, barefoot in the snow, and saying “don’t try this at home”… I think you said you were 16 at the time… well, I came across a photo of me the other day at age 16 (not barefoot in the snow though!)… and you and I looked so much alike we could be sisters!… I would love to email you the pic, it’s uncanny!… thanks for such a sunny happy post!… love you!… xoxo… Julie Marie PS Can we pre~order your book anywhere yet???

    • sbranch says:

      I would LOVE to know Mark Twain. Now that is a charming man! Don’t worry about loose tea, you just put about a teaspoon of tea in that little basket, pour water over it, let it steep, and that’s all there is to it! We’ll be able to preorder here on the blog, soon!

  88. Hello Susan and Girlfriends, what a lovely blog and I sure enjoyed all the pictures of flowers, trees, and I think I caught a glimpse of Gladiolus in your CA Garden which made me smile. I think your comment earlier about not enjoying flying resonates with me as I am about to embark on an excursion with my daughter on Feb. 05th. I was asked by Angela to go on a one week trip to FL to visit my parents (which I really need to do to check and see if all is well with them 92/85 so I am always worried), so I said yes and I’m excited except for the flying part. I do not enjoy putting my destiny into the hands of 2 pilots; but, I am going to take a deep breath and enjoy this time with my daughter and parents. I agree with the way you travel and all the landmarks you get to enjoy along your route. As we say goodbye to January and Feb. 01 is knocking on my door bringing another year of life to me I will open the door and welcome the mystery of living another year!!! Susan, your blog made me excited for life, enjoying what we have been blessed with, and the promise of beauty with everything that blooms. Happiness and Joy to you with finishing “our” book……Blessings

    • sbranch says:

      You will have a wonderful time Deborah … My mom is a very young 83 (this month, although she says seventy-thirteen) and my dad will be 90 going on 25! Have fun!

      • Thank you Susan I am so amazed how young people in their 80’s are today and my Mother (85) is the most progressive woman who just accepts everyone in the family and whom my Angela just adores and also is amazed how loving and “mod” she dresses and acts. They say that 80’s is the new 60’s and since I am knocking on 60 in afew years I am so happy to hear that!!! HAPPY GROUNDHOG’S DAY!!! Hope the little critter doesn’t see his shadow not that it really matters there is at least 6 weeks left of Winter!!!!

      • judi says:

        Whenever I fly I have a window seat. I do not like taking off or landing but once you are up in the air….why I feel like an eagle soaring. Watching the landscape the hills, valleys, rivers, patchwork farm fields from that height is so amazing to me. Once I did not have a window seat and I hated it – couldn’t wait to get off that plane.

        • sbranch says:

          It’s all the other breathers that sort of bothers me! 🙂

          • AMEN….and flying during FLU SEASON….UGH. I’m wondering if getting on the flight already wearing a mask would send off any “red flags”?? other than horrifying Angela that is!!! I will admit I am a germophob…and although I am heading South will probably wear a scarf and put that over my mouth “discreetly of course”!!!! haha

          • sbranch says:

            These days, it’s a smart thing to do … who has time to be sick!

  89. Shannon C says:

    Thanks for the spring inspiration Susan! Cold and snowy in Montana right now…I think I’ll start planning my garden! I can hardly wait for your book!!!!

  90. Marie -- Valencia, CA says:

    Thank you for all of today’s gifts — especially Little Susan clapping her hands and Shirley Temple singing!

    Another song you might like is “Aren’t You Glad You’re You,” by Bing Crosby from The Bells of St. Marys.

    Aren’t we lucky to have YouTube and the Internet? Your new posts are always so welcome at my house! Thank you, Sweet Sue!

  91. CarolK (NJ) says:

    I did the same thing yesterday, opened windows to let the fresh air in. I think we hit 67 degrees here but this morning, because of the high winds last night we lost power from 3 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. this afternoon. So it was cold cereal from breakfast but by a cracking warm fire. A cold splash of water from my sipper bottle to the face to wake up my eyes but a warm kitty to hug up close. And so it goes…..we’re just happy to be alive to enjoy another day and now your blog has made it just a bit better with all those wonderful flowers. I can smell them all the way over here! Now I can’t wait to start digging in the dirt and planting new flower beds too……Hugs from very windy NJ

  92. helen says:

    Hi Susan,
    You must know when your Branch Hall buddies need a winter lift! Do you happen to know the date of your SLO book signing? We have our trailer stored in Pismo Beach and can make reservations up to 6 months in advance to ensure that we get in. We have plans to go in August for our anniversary(will be on the phone first thing tomorrow to make reservations!). But what a special reason to go back in November to meet you! The closest I have come is when we had such a fun visit to your shop in AG when it was open.

  93. Exactly what I needed today! We were at 65 a few days ago and the wind chill tonight is to be -15. Brrrr…

    I have a friend who is an herb farmer, I’m preparing for spring vicariously through her e-mails. 🙂

  94. Elaine says:

    Your photos in this post are eye candy to me right now as it is windy ,snowing and biting cold . Robins arrive here in later March cant wait they are my fave bird ! Congrats on getting your book printed always wonderful art in all you do ! Have a good day !

  95. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    What did you use for an outer boarder (low outside the fence) around your CA flower bed???

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      Are my comments not showing up on your end???

    • sbranch says:

      Do you mean the piece of wood?

      • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

        Yes, the outer edge one or two feet outside of the picket fence. Was that used to build up the soil?

        • sbranch says:

          Very deep down in the soil, that garden is lined with hardware cloth, because there are a kajillion gophers in that neck of the woods. After Joe built the garden, he put in raised beds, they’re filled with more soil, so it’s nice and deep, but the gophers can’t get in, and that’s what that edging is around the outside of the fence.

  96. Maria in Long Beach, CA says:

    Susan, if it weren’t for your beautiful blog, I don’t know how my co-worker Yvonne and I would make it through each day. We work in a dreary courtroom listening to “yuck,” as we like to call it. When I’m not on the record(court reporter), I bring up pictures from your blog and call Yvonne(judicial assistant) over for our “therapy” session. We “ooh” and “ahh” over the pictures of your GORGEOUS home, ADORABLE cats and BREATHTAKING gardens. Your words and artwork inspire us to keep going. We want to especially thank you for the winter scenes…WOW! We never see that in CA. And today’s pictures…I just didn’t think it could get any better.

    After our “session” is over, Yvonne and I look at each other, sigh(yes, there’s a bit of the green monster in us saying, “I want to be Susan Branch”)and return to our work with a brighter outlook.

    • sbranch says:

      GOOD! I love being with you in the courtroom! Courtrooms all need a new coat of paint, happy paint! Right?

      • Maria in Long Beach, CA says:

        Great idea! Can you paint us a happy courtroom where people come in and are rewarded for good deeds ;o)

        • sbranch says:

          Hmmmmm. Wouldn’t that be nice for a change!!! You should sneak in at night with a Happy Face template and some colored paints and have some anonymous fun. But then, they might drag you into court!

  97. Dawn from Minnesota says:

    That Little Darlin’ with the saddle shoes and bow in her hair!!!! Can I steal a quote from, “When Harry Met Sally,” and say, “I’ll have what she’s having!” So Adorable!…so Happy!…so “What our World Needs Now!” I’ve had to borrow a lot of sugar to make my lemonade this week. It can feel like our world doesn’t “see the forest through the trees” sometimes….and how lucky for us that we can borrow from your Sugar Bowl 😉 …it is kinda, Willie Wonka style!!!! You are a Genuine Sweetheart Susan!!!! “Our book,” is looking……..really really COOL!!! We must all “Spread some Susan!” in our world! 🙂 Today, I got the idea to buy an extra one for the Chemo Clinic…..where I spent many days with my Dad….my knitting….and my bookbag with “YoU” in it! Can you just imagine…..someone might actually look forward to Chemo…not just to get better….but also, to take a trip to England with YoU!!!! Wishing you warm sunshine….and please, can you give that Little Darlin’ a hug from me and tell her to, “be happy for always!”
    “oh, and Susan, thankyouthankyou! for the sugar!! xox”

  98. Kathy Smith says:

    Thank you for the lovely reminders of Spring, Susan! I also loved the picture called “Eating Outdoors”, with the gorgeous china – would you mind sharing the pattern and name? Your website gives me a lot of joy, especially during the lengthy winter months.

  99. Bee Stevens says:

    Love the spring pictures of flowers – very cold and high winds here today.
    Most of all I am so excited about “A Fine Romance” – the two pages you
    showed are so enticing. Thinking of you every day as you are working so
    hard finishing up.

  100. Priscilla from So.Ca. in SD says:

    The new book on England looks terrific, but I have been meaning to ask you a question.
    Wasn’t a book to be released this past fall that you had been working on before your trip to England? Will that book be out soon?

    • sbranch says:

      When we decided to go to England we put that book on hold, and then the idea of the diary came, so I’ll have to get back to the other book after this one is done.

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