Hi Girls! It’s 24°, sun’s just up, blue sky, no wind, but we are on a Blizzard Watch! They are talking 1-2 feet of snow for Martha’s Vineyard, probable power outages! “Crippling Blizzard!” Yikes! But we have MUSICA
I just love this photograph. I took it at the Emma Bridgewater factory, in a very old building in Stoke-on-Trent in England. The factory was so organized (everyone knows where they keep the rubber bands) and no matter where you looked, tea was at hand. It’s an interesting juxtaposition between the hearts and the walls, a little romance can brighten up the darkest spot!
My theme today is Romance. Has to be, because yesterday Joe and I celebrated our twenty-sixth anniversary! This is one of the wonderful postcards in his collection.
Last year at this time we celebrated our 25th by having an anniversary breakfast and inviting all of our friends.
I used champagne corks for place cards, old books, birds and flowers for the table, my Johnson Brothers Rose Chintz dishes, and a little bowl of chocolate kisses, because who doesn’t love a little kiss at breakfast time. ♥ ♥ ♥
We cooked up a storm for this party and had a wonderful time doing it.
♥ ♥ ♥
Cooking is my idea of deep, dark, delicious romance. Romance is all about the five senses and cooking appeals to them all, smells good, tastes good, looks, feels, sounds so good, and cooking includes the 6th sense, the sense of imagination and creativity. These books are my idea of romance novels. I love to read them and be inspired; sometimes Joe and I read recipes out loud to each other, like storybooks. He will say something like, “Listen to this, they’re putting cinnamon in a taco!”
But you can see why — if this isn’t pure romance, I don’t know what it is. And luckily, Joe thinks so too. He is my victim, and I am his.
Making banana fritters is almost as romantic as eating them, especially when playing a little old-fashioned music.
Mmm, saw this picture of cheesecake as I was scrolling by, just had to put it in. Looks very romantic to me!
And then there’s tea . . . and all the romance around this sweet tradition. I designed this tea strainer and Lenox made it …. of course they’re long gone but I still have mine, so I thought I’d show you how cute it was.
Maybe you need some chocolate-chip and orange heart-shaped tea biscuits to go with your tea? So quick and easy, and such a nice way to say I love you. ♥ (I think we still have heart-shaped iron pans in our web store in case you need one.)
More romance, this lovely little embroidered beaded heart, was sent to me by my English Girlfriend Siobhan. It hangs in the kitchen. Love!
Someone wrote the other day, wanting to show my favorite piece of transferware. That’s a difficult choice, but I think this bowl is it! Not very big, but what a cutie. “WOOD” is deeply stamped on the bottom; a very fancy pair of numbers are painted next to the stamp, “24.” That’s all I know about this little pink bowl. I always wish these things had tiny little chip video cameras on them so we could pop it into our computers and see everywhere they’ve been during their lives. I’d love to see the women who bought these bowls, the very first tables they sat on, the cupboards they were kept in, who washed them, and what was in them. Look how lucky the people of the future will be, we have videos of EVERYTHING. But then again, maybe what makes it all so romantic is that it’s gone forever, and we just have to imagine.
So, yes, soon, it’s going to look like this around here! Even more — the weather man just said our storm will be HISTORIC! How exciting!
How romantic!
‘Specially when I look out my studio window and see my guy taking care of things.
Our anniversary was very low key this year, no parties, just us, the kitties, the fire. We’re planning to celebrate everything after the book is turned in and we return to our regularly scheduled life. It won’t be long now!
I ‘m painting like crazy (I keep bits of scrap paper next to the page I’m working on, where I test the paint on my brush, or do quick squiggles — that’s what this is — don’t worry, it’s not going into the book!). Joe is scanning the finished pages and sending them in as they are finished. So yesterday, our anniversary was just a regular day, no special plans,
we wished each other happy anniversary and that was about it, a special day, like any other. Then he went to the supermarket for groceries and came home with roses. He surprised me with them, I didn’t expect it, so I was very touched. He is such a doll. It was kind of like that heart cup in the picture at Emma Bridgewater’s — just the littlest bit of romance brightens everything. He also hid a coconut cake in the back freezer. So after dinner, which was ribs and sweet potatoes, he pulled out his surprise cake. ♥
He is taking good care of me as I finish writing our book, and paint titles for the front cover. It was the perfect Anniversary. I could not have asked for any more. ♥ ♥ ♥ So back to work I go. I wrote a new WILLARD yesterday! It’s being prepared now so it can be emailed to everyone. I love writing Willards . . . it’s hard to believe this is my first one for 2013! The Valentine Willard will start going out February 12. You should know, it has little surprises in it just for you. Because Valentine’s Day was invented for women! We need those little surprises! Like roses.♥
I laid out the back cover of the book … then I took it to Joe to ask him what he thinks. We feel so lucky because last year we had a celebration to last a lifetime and since then, we’ve been reliving it almost every day!
Twenty-six years together . . .
Isn’t it romantic?
I love to take these little journeys with you. Your writing brings me right into the moment you’re sharing with us – thank you!
Please include me in the drawing for your new book.
Thank you….
Thank you Susan… for reminding me of the tranquil majesty of a winter storm. Living in Tidewater Virginia, we do not often get to enjoy the cozy, out of time, curl -up on the sofa and just watch the flakes drift kind of day. I miss it and for just a few minutes you brought it all back to me. I am refreshed and as ever grateful for your love and sharing of the simple things that make life special. I too am an over- the- top Anglophile ( can’t believe another season of Downton is almost over. What will we do!!) and can’t wait for the new book!!! Brightest Blessings, Bernie
Please enter me for book drawing would love to add it to my growing collections, love downtonn Abby with a big mug of peppermint tea, but iam in Florida and it is close to 90 degrees today, so don’t need any quilt.
Susan, Good Morning! I’m glad to hear that you weathered the blizzard. Love the
Anniversary and Valentine post. What a great photo of you and Joe…love old-er
photos. And, yes, I’d be thrilled to get one of the first copies of A Fine Romance!
That would make my week, month….year! If not, then I’ll have to settle for a pre-
ordered, signed copy…ha! You are such a sweetie to offer this to us…makes me
feel very special. Rachel
can’t wait to add “the book” to my SB collection ! Love the winter Vineyard pics
We in the frosty Rockies can certainly identify with the snow! Brrrrr! We generally get at least four feet with banks all the way to the roof awnings on the north side of the house. Locals have a saying: “We have two seasons here – winter and the 4th of July!” All too true some years. 😉 Ah, but ain’t winter grand? Time for curling up and enjoying the quiet.
Thanks for the lovely photo of you and Joe! Happy anniversary, happy Valentine’s Day, and happy always! You, dear Susan, are a wonderful zephyr in an often stormy world. Thanks for your loving heart and your good cheer.
I just ordered your book – can’t WAIT – and thank you for the opportunity to enter the drawing. You are a gem.
Great big Valentine hugs!! <3
Hi Susan , I just popped over from my email to say how much I loved the Willard and that I am over joyed that the book will have a presale! It looks wonderful, and they say there is no such thing as fate, your calendar page proves its well and alive, how could it not be, or was it the fairies? Anyhoo, you do not have to publish this comment if you don’t want to, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the willard, thts all, best wishes from Canada! Oh and I love the sheep, I hope to buy one of the iron ones when they are back!
waiting to add “the book” to my SB collection !!!
Your new book looks amazing! I am an Anglophile at heart and would love to be entered in the book drawing! Thanks for all of your inspirational work Susan!
Willard just arrived this morning – I do love finding a cozy spot and taking my time to peruse. Like a friendly chat with a life long girlfriend 🙂
This month has found me far away from home and everything that is familiar to me. After 34 years in the same little house, hubby and I have embarked on a new adventure – he is opening a western store in Las Vegas, of all places.
Honestly, I have enjoyed a winter with no snow, but I did enjoy looking at your photos and videos – from a distance – here, in my chair, where I am safe and WARM.
Thank you for sharing your many gifts and talents, from one who truly appreciates them! <3
Please add my name for the drawing of your new book. Thank you!
Hi Susan,
I have pre ordered my book and decided to try to leave a comment for the drawing, which is something I have never done! I can’t wait for the book to come out…there’s nothing like curling up with one of my Susan books and enjoying every watercolor, note, recipe etc. Just love “your way” of saying things, and doing things…such an inspiration to us……here’s hoping, Sincerely, Sandy
Very nice to meet you Sandy!
Happy Anniversary to you and Joe. What a wonderful time of the year to celebrate. I am so excited. Yesterday I ordered your new book. Can’t wait. And now, I just printed the bookmark for when I receive A Fine Romance. Hopefully I will win, if not I’ll wait til August or September. It’s not going to be easy .
Have pre-ordered your book, would be interesting to know how many have by the cut off date. Would love to be the lucky winner. Can’t wait for the iron sheep to come back, so cute. Have to get a bird house too!
I thoroughly enjoy your travels, your blogs, you name it…I’m right there with ya …..please enter me in your pre-publication book drawing…..
Hi Susan, Can’t wait to see your fabulous new book! I have been a fan for a long time. I hope you will consider Kansas City as a “book signing venue”! We would be honored to have you~Happy Anniversary and Valentine’s Day♥
I will definitely try to go to Kansas City, do you still have an independent bookstore there?
I am a longtime fan, Anglophile and a transplant from Massachusetts to Minnesota. I love your snowstorm photos and am glad that the power came back for you! I can’t wait to see your gorgeous new book and would love to be entered into the drawing! You are such an inspiration!
i love your books
…off to paint some valentines … thanks to inspiration from the latest willard!
can’t wait for the england book!!!!
Hope to win a copy of your book for my daughter. She and her boyfriend (now husband) hiked around the foothills of southern England and I know she would love this book. She’s such an anglophile (as am I) : )
Just returned home to Chicago and catching up on your posts and your new Willard. I weathered the blizzard in Hingham, MA with my grandkids. Never knew what hurricane force winds were before. But we survived with only 6 hours w/o power.
Yes, please put my name in the mix for Vanna to pull out for the advance copy of your new book. Can’t wait to see it.
Oh dear, so happy you are home! Yes, how frightening that must have been!
I would love your pages. And I am so thrilled to see that you are coming to San Luis Obispo to sign books. I’m penciling it onto my calendar right now!
Hello, Susan ♥
I am so glad you had such a wonderful time in England. Imagine how I feel…I moved here ten years ago and never looked back. I am completely besotted with my gorgeous England and fall in love with her a little more each and everyday! It is so beautiful here, I sometimes feel I am in heaven on earth ♥
You are Marie!
Can’t wait to go to your site and pre-order your new book. Would love a pre-publication copy that you were mentioning!! I won’t get to the UK but I plan to view it through your eyes!
Please sign me up for the pre-sale of your new book. I have all the other books you’ve written, and cook from them all the time!
So excited to see the newest edition showing the cover of A Fine Romance. Awaiting anxiously the final product. Would love to win it in the drawing. Good luck to all………..
Hi Susan, so happy to find a Willard in my mailbox today. Happy Anniversary. Happy Valentine. Happy nice life that you and Joe are having! I too am blessed with a great life and you and your posts, art, books are all just more icing on the cake! xo Valli
I am anxiously awaiting your book about my favorite place! Please enter me in the drawing.
Wonderful pic of you and Joe! Can’t wait to read the new book. Your right a trip of a lifetime. I have many quilting friends in England and Australia.. would love to visit either place someday. They tell such wonderful stories.
Would like to add my name to the book drawing too thanks.
I’m so excited about the book on England and really excited that I’ll be winning one before it’s even published!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for all you do.
another wonderful Willard! i’m “officially” putting my name in the Pat…haaa…I mean HAT for the new book!!!
I am looking forward to perusing “A Fine Romance” with a proper cup of tea. I would love an advance copy! Happily dreaming of English cottages, fragrant English gardens and cozy tea rooms.
Hi Susan! Your new book means a great deal to me as my family was vacationing in England when you and Joe were there (I was staying home taking care of our sick kitty). I was fortunate to receive their emails and pictures AND your blog entries telling everyone about your and Joe’s adventures. I truly felt like I was in England, too! Kindly add my name to the mix for a pre-publication copy of your new book. I am going to keep my fingers crossed for good luck!
Girlfriend you had me at Downton Abbey ! I so much love your artwork. For eight years I was a picture framer, and water color is my favorite because it is so alive. I just love, love everything you do. And sheep ! I have pictures and little knick knack sheeps all about me. I live in the country and just love the sheep and birds. I also am a quilter and anxiously wait for the pictures you post of your “airing out your quilts” on the clothesline. And what a beautiful home you have. What can I say…..Anything you paint, post, all your artwork, Willard ( I could read a Willard every day!) and Joe….what a wonderful supportive husband you have…let me not forget your furry friends that live with you. I sure would like Vanna to choose my name for your new book but didn’t want to take any chances…I’m not very lucky…so I did order mine…..So if you ever get to the Midwest…stop in somewhere close to Dexter, Michigan…would love to meet you. As my 101 yr young grandma who only just passed last week would say “enjoy your life and be happy”. You certainly are the testimonial to that! Best of luck and Take care. Regards, Pam
I hear a kindred spirit Pam, so sorry about your Grandma but I am sure you are happy she running free again. xoxo
I just preordered A Fine Romance. Soooooooo happy. Thank you for sharing this wonderful journey with all of us. I eagerly await my copy. Happy Valentines Day to you and Joe. Love and Hugs, Joyce aka ChiChi
Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you’re all warm and cozy in the midst of the big storm. This time we managed to dodge the storm here in Montreal. That’s a first! So looking forward to your new book. I pre-ordered my copy, whoo hoo!
Dear Susan,
Your personality and style of writing with your drawings/paintings make me so happy – I literally get tears of happiness that roll down my cheeks when I read them (especially with the MUSICA playing)! Thank you for bringing joy to me and so many others with your books, recipes, Willard, blogs, etc, etc. You make the world a better place!
I would absolutely love to be entered into your drawing to win your new book, A Fine Romance. Thank you! Happy Anniversary to you and your honey Joe!
Dear Susan,
Just want to thank you for my Willard. I’m so excited about your new book and have placed an order. Don’t know how I’m going to wait til it comes out but at least I know I won’t have to wait a minute longer than necessary.
You have no idea what your friendship means to me and how you brighten my days. You are truly one of the many blessings I am grateful for.
Hi Susan! This is my first time posting, but I have been a LONG TIME fan of yours. I remember finding my first SB book in a little shop in Anaconda Montana back in the early 90s and have been enthralled ever since. My bestie Shannon and I have every one of your BEAUTIFUL tomes and I am beyond thrilled at the sneak peak of your newest release. Have personally never been to England, but no doubt I’ll feel like I’ve been there after enjoying the watercolor journey you’ll take us on. I’d like to put my name in for the drawing too, because hey, SOMEONE has to win it, right? Why not me? (She pondered with fingers and toes crossed.) Anyway, I hope you are keeping warm and pray you will find your way to Fort Worth, Texas for your book tour. (Heck, I’d even drive to Dallas!!) Happy Valentine’s Day!! Lyn
I can’t wait to read your new book, each and every page, with a perfect cup of English Tea!!
I’m going to preorder your new book. I can’t wait to read your new book, each and every page, with a perfect cup of English Tea!!
Hi Susan,
Wonderful post and Willard…I enjoyed reading both. Is your snow melting? We’re on the north shore of Long Island and had 30 inches on the ground and a snow day (I’m a teacher). Luckily mother nature has been kind to us with her warm(er) weather and some of the snow has melted.
Your book….30 pages to go….how exciting! I can’t wait to read it. You put so much love into your books. You must jump up and down when you finish a book. I’ll be jumping up and down when I receive it….inside of course…my feet will never actually leave the ground. lol …but I’ll have a big smile on my face. Enjoy writing and painting the remaining pages!
Just read the Willard Newsletter. There’s so much fate involved you could slice it with a knife. I love it! From the music, and title of the book and song (sent shivers down my spine) to the calendar page, your love story and even with King Richard III and his recent howdy do, everything combines to such a perfect story and a perfect day for me. Thanks for brightening it up oodles. Got your new book on order and I can’t wait to put myself in all of those pictures. For years I have dreamed of England and seeing it for myself. Now I will be able to through your romantic book. Oh, and I’m a mapaholic so thank you for including those and so much more info on where you went for me to sink my teeth into. Yeeea!!
It’s all fate, somehow everything is just connected.
What a nice and cheerful blog post and Willard…just what I needed after a day at the vet with my poor little doxie…thank you!
Please add my name to the drawing…look forward to the book…sound wonderful!
I hope he is better Janette!
Susan your book is all that I hoped it would be and my heart would be filled to overflowing if my name were to be the ‘lucky one’. I think your cover picture conveys so much of what one can expect to find between the pages of your much treasured book. ‘A Fine Romance’ is what my dear one and I have had for 60 years.
Since I have told myself; ‘self’ you must have this book of Susan’s trip that we girlfriends took along with her and Joe. It is already a treasure in my memories and my question is if we wish to pre-order now…do we also have to pay now? Please would you let me know asap.
I loved the new Willard and put on water for tea and got lost in the memories of your trip and all the new items in your store that it is only now that I remembered. The water has boiled so off I go to refresh my pallet, n’est-ce pas?
Thank you, thank you Susan and Joe. Love also all those scenes by the fire and it is amazing how dark the house if when the electricity goes off.
Sylvia Faye
Yes, the publisher has allowed me to do this pre-order, but because they are basing what they order on making sure everyone on the blog gets theircopy first, the pre-order does include payment. Hope that’s OK Sylvia … we are going to do our best NOT to run out next fall, at least not until after Christmas … so this is the way we thought to handle it.
I love Willard! I could just sit in my office and get lost in your adventures., Thank you!
Thanks for making my day, Susan. (Bad day, don’t ask!!!) I will definitely be pre- ordering your book this week, but would’nt mind winning another one, maybe for one of my FOSB pen pals. I have two, but actually one of my pen pals has 8 ladies that she writes to!! She started a Facebook page for us so we all could meet. It’s been so much fun getting to know them all and making life-long friends. All thanks to you!!
Oh, I love that! You might know I have a pen pal who’s also become a lifelong friend, it’s such a wonderful thing getting to know someone in that way…growing it over the years. Facebook makes it so easy too!
Hi Susan,
Thanks for the sneak peek of the book, I already ordered my copies! So excited, I’m just trying to put it out of my mind since we have to wait until the fall, but I know that it will be well worth it. My daughter and I are planning a trip to England after she graduates next year, so this will be a very helpful guide, since we want to visit both Jane Austen’s and Beatrix Potter’s homes, and so many other “must-visits” on our list! My sister in law is going with us, and she is English, so with her along and your book to inspire us, it will be a trip of a lifetime.
Thank you also for the wonderful pictures of your birds in the snow, I was also worried about the poor birds out in this crazy weather, so I made sure they had lots to eat. Its always a win/win, they are so much fun to watch!
Have fun finishing that book!
I will, hope you managed to dig out of all that snow!
Great pic of you and your boyfriend. So much in those faces.
Hi Susan,
Another Wonderful Willard! Recipes, bookmarks, photos of England! What could be better?
Please enter my name in your book drawing, and thank you for making the world a better, more enjoyable place.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Oh, how I love your blogs that my dear daughter forwards on to me. I feel like home when I see the pictures from your windows with the birds, snow, the houses, and in the summer, the flowers that bloom in your yard and the seascapes of the Vineyard. Your book will be put on my list to purchase as my husband, daughter and I traveled along the same paths that you took and it will be a refresher course for me and Ican’t wait to have a copy to cherish. “Grow old along with me” – always remember and know that growing old with your love is heaven itself, for the days when alone are lonely at times, but the memories of that love are there forever!
Your book looks even better than I imagined! I still have a scrapbooking set of yours I bought through QVC or HSN many, many years ago. I hope your book tour brings you and Joe to NC…..we have a wonderful independent bookstore in Raleigh (Quail Ridge Books) with a yarn shop just a few doors down. Happy Valentine’s Day!
DearHeart, You inspired me and “My Love” of 47 years SOOO much to take the Queen Mary II to England; we’re going in the merry month of May. AND, you were right!! Cunard sent some excellent prices!! So, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We’d give just about anything if your book was ready for us to take with us. This is going to be a VERY special trip because “My Love” will have completed eight rounds of chemo therapy for an incurable cancer we found out about the day before Thanksgiving, but in spite of it all he still looks like the picture of health— most of the time. Family and friends every where are praying for him, so we are relying on the Great Physician for the final say-so. We plan to have a great time in England. PLEASE tell us your MOST FAVORITE spots in England if you can. We only have two weeks.
By the way, I’m bidding on some of pieces of Susan Branch Lenox china on eBay. Cross your fingers for me that I’ll win the pieces I’m bidding on!. Am so excited about your new book; bought one today. LOVE the title and know I’ll love every single page!!
How exciting! My prayers are with you too Karen, See if you can get the cottage at 89 Church Lawn in Stourhead. Stay there the whole time, and drive to all the wonderful nearby sights. It’s expensive, it’s probably more than you need, but it is Pure unadulterated Heaven. That’s all I can say.
I am sooo looking forward to your new book. England is my favorite place that I have visited in my life. I followed your trip in your blog with great attention and “god I wish I was there” I so hope to travel back to England sometime in my near future, but in the mean time I can dream of that future trip thru your book.
Your website, ‘Willard’, books, etc. are my escape no matter the time of year. In an increasingly scary world, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your exquisite sense of what is truly important.
Hi Susan,
I’ve been a fan of yours ever since I bought your first cookbook, “Heart of the Home” many years ago. I love your watercolours, writing, and everything you create for us all to enjoy. Winning your new book would be wonderful and I hope I’m lucky but if not, will be sure to order it from your e-store. I’ve been to London and have seen a tiny bit of the Cotswolds and Essex while visiting with two of my penpals and would love to have my memories rekindled. Sitting at my computer, especially on a winter’s day, reading my Willard Newsletters is just like food for the soul. Thank you for being a wonderful part of my life!
All the best to you and Joe,
You KNOW you touch a spot in many people’s hearts–there is a need to celebrate the simple things that all see and experience, to find the beauty in the “unremarkable”, and satisfaction in the simple things . We have a shrub in front of our living room window, here in snowy- blowy- lake effect-weather Cleveland Ohio, that I would have asked my wonderful hubby to remove EXCEPT all the lovely little birdies take refuge and roost there after eating at our feeder. It is their shelter from the storm. Your photos remind me of them. And nothing beats baking on a cold day. Looking forward to your book, like always!
Oh, how I love the snow. Now we live where we don’t get so much of it! It was so fun seeing your birdies in the snow! I love your English Johnson Bros china so much, I ordered two cups and saucers for my sweetie and me! Can’t wait for your book, A Fine Romance.
When I’m at work (I’m a therapist at a children’s psychiatric hospital) I get to check my e-mail on my phone. When I see a “Susan” it just brightens my day and inspires me to try and show these children what life can and should be like; gentle and kind and loving. Thank you so much for your posts, artwork, and stories. It helps to show the kids that they can have so much more in their lives just by showing them your world.
Just finished reading Willard and I am soooooo excited. I haven’t ordered yet because I haven’t finished counting how many I need. Definitely my sister-in-law who used to used to work for a British company and made many friends on the other side of the pond. And my friend who is first generation american and loves her Yorkshire roots (and has every kind of sheep object you can imagine). And one for me of course. It has been more than 10 years since my only trip to the UK and I have been feeling the need to go again. So I will definitely be using all of your advice! Anyway, I will not make the rest of the list here but thank you so much for the pre-order option. I’ll be able to sleep knowing I haven’t missed out!
Hi Susan,
I just pre-ordered your book and I can’t wait to read “Fine Romance.” I so enjoyed reading your blog about your voyage & trip to England. I have so many of your books, and every year I treat myself to your wall calendar. I enjoy your stories, your beautiful artwork & your delicious recipes. I would also like to add my name to the drawing of your book. Have fun completing it! I also enjoy reading each Willard Newsletter when it arrives.
Stay warm & thanks for sharing your stories with us!
Karen 🙂
“I LOVE WILLARD”, but this one is exceptionally fantastic!!! I have always had a love affair with England too and I can’t wait for your book to come out so I can sit and be swept away with your travels. I had a smile on my face every second that I read through this edition of Willard……and the music was fantastic!!!
I am married to a “Joe” too and we are going on 47 years together. We are taking a romantic day trip to Carmel, CA for our special Valentine’s Day.
Looking forward to the new book, and all the pictures. Quite the snowstorm the East had last weekend. And I thought we had lots of snow. Just think, daylight savings time starts on March 10th. The sky in the evening is already lighter around suppertime. Thank you for all your wonderful art!!
Thanks so much for just being you! You make me smile. Thanks.
I cannot even choose what I LOVE the most that you create. It all is so gorgeous! The new book I think may go to the top of my list!! But love it all. Love your blog also! Please come to Chicago suburbs for book signings!!
I’ve loved following your travels around England just as much as I did my own several years ago. I’m hoping to go back some day soon to take in more English countryside, gardens, stately homes, and curious laneways that twist and turn and serendipitously lead to lovely little villages and peaceful natural settings. I remember with fondness my first sight of meadows full of red poppies. What a thrill it was. I’m looking forward to the new “English” book with much anticipation. I enjoy reading Willard as much as your books. Thank you for your special talents and the joy you give to others by using them.
Happy Anniversary Dear Ones!!
Thank you for making it possible for us to pre-order … always looking out for your girlfriends!! 🙂
P.S. Any chance your book tour will include a stop in or around Michigan??
Your new book is INCREDIBLE! I can’t wait to order my copy or copies. I have 8 pen pals that I met through FOSB and thanks to you we have become great friends. I’m sure all of them will be purchasing your book but would love to win an advance copy. I can’t wait for November so that I can meet you and have my book signed in San Luis Obispo. We all live vicariously through you.
Happy Anniversary Susan and Joe! Twenty-six years looks very good on the two of You! Love how you celebrated. I just had my “Garden Club” girlfriends (there are 7 of us that share seeds and plants and go on garden tours together) last Saturday for a Valentine brunch. They each found one of your bookmarks, “We should count time by heartthrobs” waiting at their places (we are also a book club in Winter) and they all loved them. I look forward to each of your posts and I love the music that sets the tone for reading them and I love, love, love that your new book is almost ready. Cannot wait to get my hands on it.
Please enter me in the drawing for your new book. I pre-ordered two copies yesterday as soon as I heard we could, but I would still love another. 🙂
Can’t wait to add your book to my collection. I have been a fan for years. I moved away from Massachusetts nearly 44 years ago after getting married. When I read about your experiences on Martha’s Vinyard it fills a void in my heart. Thank you for sharing your talent.
You have a way of making even the coldest, wettest, deepest snowstorm look cozy and romantic. Makes me wish we had snow in the SF Bay area – at least for a day. Warmest wishes to you and yours for a wonderful Valentine’s Day.
So happy to hear that you weathered the storm! Would love to have more snow in Wisconsin! Snuggling in with your books during a snowfall is such a treat. I would love to be added to your drawing for your newest book! Thank you for the sneak peek! 🙂
Thank you for sharing your amazing talents. I am a huge fan of your work and have been for many years. I love when you write about Martha’s Vinyard. Having left my home in Massachusetts nearly 44 years ago your stories and pictures fill a void in my heart. Can’t wait to add your new book to my collection.
Only love let’s us see normal things in an extraordinary way.
~ by Anonymous ~ Thank you for sharing your special love. Happy Valentine’s Day♥♥
Received Williard today. Went right to your webstore to sign up for 2 of the up and coming “A Fine Romance” . Can’t wait to see it and read cover to cover! Meanwhile, I noticed the chance to be lucky and get a first run copy . So here is my chance. I loved seeing and almost feeling the snow via your videos. I was born and raised in snow country but now enjoy winter vicariously from your blog and newsletters. I have lived 44 years here in lovely Hawaii and see snow on the mountain tops on the big island of Hawaii now and then. You made it real enough to remember the smells,sounds, sights and even feel a cold chill as I viewed the video. Thanks for the memories!! Aloha, Connie
Thank you for keeping our spirits up while you’re under the Blizzard blankets of white in your cozy neck-of-the-woods. I’m happy that your spirit hasn’t been dampened. And, I’d love to be gifted with your new book, A Fine Romance. That’s the way I’ve looked at my adventures across the pond, my last trip being in August of 2006. Have many English pen-pals, and have met a few in my travels. Oh, how your descriptions bring back such pleasant memories. Luv your pic with hubby, so sweet and your kittens are darlin’. Happy Valentine’s Day, Susan!
Hi Sue!
I left a comment this morning but I’m not seeing it so wanted to make sure I’m included in the drawing for the fantastic book! I loved the Willard this morning- I am so excited I don’t know how I’ll wait until September or October for my book to come!!! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Joe.
Susan, your art work and writings add warmth to a winter day. I am sooooo looking forward to reading your newest book. Thank you.
Happy Valentine’s Day To you and Joe!! and Happy Anniversary too! I am enjoying your blog and all your pictures. Love seeing all the snow you got in Martha’s Vineyard….we didn’t get as much here in West Chester, PA.
Today is Valentine’s Day and I still didn’t get your Valentine Williard and I signed up for it three times! I had this problem before and I think Kelley from CA had to send me a link to it. I am pretty sure it went out already. I am looking forward to it so much! My email is [email protected] Can you help? Hope you have a day filled with much love and happiness and joy in all the simple things. XO
I just love reading your emails, Susan! I feel we are kindred spirits. I am so looking forward to A Fine Romance!
I’ve been reading your books and following you since my best friend bought me “Christmas from the Heart of the Home” probably 20 years ago! I still refer to it every year…Annie Hall’s Cookies are an important part of my family’s Christmas tradition every year…they are still my kid’s favorite ( they are adults now)! Would love to be entered into the drawing…but ill wait till September if I have to! Love ya!
Planning a trip with my childhood friend to England thanks to your encouragement! Dreaming and planning the trip ’til my sons are finished with college! You were right when you said that the planning is part of the fun. Your book will help our dreams take shape! Can’t wait to see it!
Thank you for all you do, from the Heart. It speaks for itself. WOW!!!!!