My To-Do-List . . .

Write Book. Check!  Provide MUSICA. Check!

Not going to check celebrate off my list ever — but my cup runneth over this week.


This is how I feel inside.  Giddy.  Grateful, relieved, joyous, and I have to say, I feel proud.  And you know what else?

It’s my birthday on Friday!  And it’s Gladys Taber’s birthday too!  Makes me so happy to share my birthday with her!

I can’t believe, only a year ago today, we were plotting our course across the sea . . .

Here we were, off to England! Remember?  Looking through the photos this morning gave me that same little quiver of thrill I felt when we were doing this!  I had to look at all the little videos again too.  Here we were, on our way, with lots of blank diary pages to fill in, and no real idea what was going to happen.

And now, all the pages are filled in with stories and watercolors and I just finished writing the flaps for the dust jacket for our book, the diary of our journey!  And that’s it.  A Fine Romance is done girlfriends!  Eleven months later, our book is done!  And the truth is, as you know (this book is proof positive) that nothing happens unless first we dream.  And if we do, we can do anything.  And now I have an all new To Do List.  The first thing on it:  Show the girlfriends what Jack has been up to!  So let’s put a big mark next to that one too.

Hi Jackieboy . . .

Here’s the little darling.  Yesterday.  Such a beautiful day, springtime on Martha’s Vineyard, I thought I would give him a front row seat to the great outdoors.

I opened the door in the pantry and moved the ironing board in front of it, which he loved and spent almost all day lounging there.

He didn’t lounge the entire time.  He started looking around seemed interested in this new viewpoint.  What’s up THERE?  It looks interesting up there. I’m going up!

One leap and there he was.  No, I’m fine — I don’t care that the door is only two inches thick,  I was born to do this.  It’s my special talent.  Calm down little mama.  Mmmmm, smells wonderful on the top of the door.  Purrrrrrrr.

Here too … this plate!  Marvelous!  And my sense of balance is outstanding!  Look Ma, no hands!

Up up and away!  Ha-ha, you can’t reach me!  I wish you would quit calling and making those kissing noises to try to get me to come down, I like it here, leave me alone.  You are not the boss of me. (that’s what he thinks!)

OK, happy now?  This is where I, the human, took back over —  I put my camera down and reached up on my tip toes and got his legs and mooshed him off the door.  I didn’t want him to jump — if the ironing board collapsed he’d scare us both!   I have to say, he  lets me hold him and he wiggles and I pet him all over and roll him around, he’s so soft, and he lets me hug him and sometimes he even cuddles back and we are cheek to cheek and he gets kissed about a thousand times.  There’s a window he loves to look out that he can’t reach, he knows I will hold him up to look out, he jumps into my arms in front of that window.  I adore this kitty with all the fiber of my being.  I’m a goner.  He’s never getting outside!  It would be like sending my heart outside to play! 

 We still throw and play with his ponytail bands every day, which could never be enough for him.  He just loves it.  So there you go, show the girls what Jack’s been up to.   Check!  (It’s a red letter day, getting so much done! 🙂 )

Jack can’t go out, but I sure can.  Yesterday was an amazing sunny cool spring day, and suddenly, I had no book to write!  I hung our forsythia wreath on the front door, then Joe and I went over and got Martha and we all walked past the picket fences and the old white New England houses, under the budding trees down to Main Street where went out to lunch to Moxie for the first time in months!  Yum, pulled-pork tacos and we didn’t even have to make them or do the dishes!   Afterward, we wandered through Bunch of Grapes, our bookstore, and then across the street to Nochi (you would love it there); we bought soap for Joe and earrings for me and Martha bought cute new glasses (round!).  Doesn’t that sound like the perfect day?  It was.  So, Play.  Badda Boom. Check!

When we got home I worked on the Peter Rabbit Room, put clean sheets on the bed and made perfect hospital corners, fluffed the pillows, opened the windows and let fresh air blow through whistling “good bye winter,” because tomorrow my darling friend Elizabeth is coming from California.  Today I fill her room with cuttings of forsythia from the garden.  Get Peter Rabbit Room ready. Check!  Tra la!

Before we went to lunch yesterday, I went and had the yearly check of my birthday suit by my dermatologist … making sure all my freckles are still behaving themselves.  Got a clean bill of health, for which Lunch was my reward, and another mark on the list: Freckle Check.  Done!

I hope you all put this on your To-Do-List — it’s so easy. I am queen of the human chickens when it comes to medical stuff, and this is really one of the easiest things to do to make sure your bikini years aren’t catching up with you.

Ahhh girlfriends, those were the days!

 ♥  ♥  ♥

 It’s my party and I can cry if I want to!

 No, I am definitely not crying.  Happy is what I am.  And lucky.  There’s so much more on my list of to-do’s which I will be happy to share with you soon.  House stuff, book stuff, diet stuff, cooking stuff, garden stuff, and at the top of the list is write a new WILLARD.  I love my to do list, there’re so many good things on it!  Until then, I will leave you with something that makes absolutely no sense . . .

I had to do it, because this girl is just so cute, so adorable and was such a nice part of my childhood … my mother loved her, so she introduced her to me when I was little.  I’ve given you this one before, but some songs deserve airings in each season and this is one of them . . . You go Shirley (in Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.  If you haven’t seen it, you should, and show it to all the little people in your life — it might work for them as it has for me and give them a lifetime of happiness — I know not every day is sunshine and roses . . . but even in the worst of times, when the world seems out of control, I slip in this DVD and everything feels better).

And so dearest darlings, time for us to head out on our walk.  Lovely to see you here!  And Blog  Check!  Bye for now! xoxoxo

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900 Responses to My To-Do-List . . .

  1. Tina Mandeville says:

    Congratulations, Susan! What a wonderful week it is for you! What a wonderful way to end and begin again…your personal “New Year” on Friday, the bursting of Spring (finally!), meeting this special time of year with great accomplishment and spawning new dreams. Thanks for always taking us along for the ride, for keeping us grounded and reminding us always about what is truly beautiful and important in life. You are loved!

  2. Cathy McC. says:

    Well, Susan, you have given yourself a FINE birthday gift in finishing your book — and it soon will be a gift to all of us. Busy week for this gal — heading to Kansas City to celebrate grandson’s first birthday — you should see my list today!!!! So, this is short but full of love and good wishes to YOU and ALL the girlfriends. Life is good — let us all enjoy the gifts of spring! Ethel:)

  3. Candice says:


    Wishing you a very, very happy birthday — may there be many more! Your blog makes me extremely happy!!


  4. Sylvia Johnson says:

    Happy Birthday! It is very special to share your birthday with Gladys. You two are definitely kindred spirits. Both inspirations to me.

  5. mary spring says:

    …what a joyful post !!.. and congratulations on finishing “our” book… and may you have the happiest, most joyful birthday ever, Susan !..I can just imagine you doing happy dances, and rightfully so …enjoy, with love..

  6. Diane R says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Susan! You deserve it after such a formidable to-do list. Now you can enjoy the Spring and your Kitties.

  7. Julia says:

    Happy Birthday, all week long. I love the gift you have of making an
    ordinary day a special day. Me, too, I think. I’ve got the sheets on
    the line and a carrot cake on the “to do” list. Just now moving to an island
    in the southland all by myself. I’ll give it a year and if I have to
    move back to the mainland, I will. We are the same age, will I be
    able to do what you did once upon a time? I love that little monkey
    Jack. No wonder you named him for your dad !!!!!! The two Jacks
    crack me up !!!!!!! I said a birthday prayer for you !!!!! You really know
    how to celebrate !!!!!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      If you get to where you’re going, and the little voice in your head says you can’t go home, you have to listen to it. Because there were some really important life changing lessons waiting for me when I moved, and if I would have done what I really wanted to do and run home, I might never have learned them. What island are you going to?

    • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

      Fresh sheets and carrot cake…sounds like a grand day!!!

  8. Lynn McMahon says:

    ~ Good Morning~
    So glad that you are back! ~ I missed you!~ and so glad you have checked so much off your list~ I got a few things off mine too~
    !~Happy Birthday Week~!

  9. Barb says:

    To just say “Thank you” to you just never seems like enough, but if you could see into our hearts how muh we all love you and how lucky we are that you share so much with us, then you will truly understand the depth of our “Thank You!” Your are definitely one very special, amazing lady!

    p.s. I think we love Jack as much as you, too. Thank you for sharing him with us – he is definitely one very special, sweet boy!

    • sbranch says:

      Kindred spirits Barb.

    • Angela W in Oklahoma says:

      Oh Barb…you have such a sweet way with words. You just said everything that was in my heart too…but I don’t think I could have said it nearly as well. I think you are a very special, amazing lady also!!!

  10. Cyndee Randall says:

    I know it is a little early, But: HaPpY BiRtHdAy! Love Jack, he and my Mr. Darcy (Also a tuxedo kitty) would be such good friends. I hung my forsythia wreath this week, too, although we are still getting snow up here in the Northern Maine Tundra. I guess it just makes it all the sweeter and more appreciated when it does come. My to do list? Must get back to Martha’s Vineyard. Loved my stay there many years ago. Enjoy every moment of Your Day on Friday!

  11. Sara D NW Georgia says:

    Congrats!!!!! What a wonderful week! AND what a wondeful start to the morning! I have always loved Shirley Temple. I saw something the other day it made me laugh and sad all at the same time. It had a picture of Shirley Temple and then a picture of Honey Boo Boo. It said underneath, “America, what happened?!” I don’t know how anyone watches that show.

    It is such a beautiful time out isn’t it? My mom and I were talking yesterday how if you walk outside in the morning and then in the afternoon, so much has changed already in just a few hours!

    Our hummingbirds are back and buzzing around!! Sooooo happy to see them! The other day I had the biggest woodpecker I have ever seen! He was the size of a chicken!

    Hope you are all enjoying the spring!

  12. Mary in Phoenix says:

    **H*A*P*P*Y*B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*S*U*S*A*N** From one April birthday person to another, isn’t it just the best month to be born in? … Sweet Peas and Diamonds 🙂 You share your birthday with Gladys Taber and I share mine with Queen Elizabeth … aren’t we just the luckiest?!!! Congratulations on the book … what an accomplishment. You didn’t just write a book … your created a masterpiece! EnJOY life and checking off all those fun things on your to do list. I can almost hear those checks from here 🙂 “The only thing better than singing is more singing” ~Ella Fitzgerald

    • sbranch says:

      Sweet Peas and Diamonds! And the word is “Innocence” !

      • Julia says:

        You girls get Gladys Taber and Queen Elizabeth –
        I get Minnie Pearl !!!!!!!!!!! But I know she was a
        real sweet lady and made us all laugh !!!!!!!!!

      • Mary in Phoenix says:

        Some other reasons April is a great month:
        ~April Fool’s Day, MLB Opening Day, World Health Day, Daffodil Day (on your calendar!), Patriot’s Day, Earth Day, Arbor Day, Nat’l Poetry Month, Autism Awareness Month, Boston Marathon, London Marathon … just to name a few 🙂

        And did you know these people share our birth month?
        ~Shirley Temple(!), Washington Irving, William Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson (on your calendar!), Hans Christian Anderson, Beverly Cleary, Bette Davis & Spencer Tracy (shared their birthday) … just to name a few more 🙂

  13. jeannine leonard says:

    Happy Birthday wishes from all of us here at the Leonard household!
    Emily will be thrilled to see Jack and what he has been doing. What a great balancing act he has going on. Making me a little nervous, glad you got him down.
    Just heard the geese honking overhead, they have a lot to say today. Spring is starting in Pa also, it is wonderful to open up the windows and feel the nice warm air.
    We cannot wait for the Williard to reach us soon, and also the new book.

    • sbranch says:

      Just got back from our walk, geese, ducks, crows, seagulls, gaggles of everything out there honking! Happy spring Jeannine!

  14. 〪〭〫〬YAY!!〪〫 〪〫I think Spring waited for you to finish so you could have a glorious celebration outside. This is a WONDERFUL post. I love checking things off my To Do List and am living vicariously through you. 🙂

    I wonder what Jack will do when the ironing board isn’t near the door now that he has found a new exploring spot?! Watch out! Have your camera ready to capture it for us.

    And a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!

  15. Wendy Louise says:

    Hip Hip Hurray !!!!!!! The feelings you must have ! I can feel them through your writing and it is a thrill ! I am so happy for you and for all us girlfriends. I just can’t wait to read “A Fine Romance”. I will find a perfect cozy sitting place in my wonderful cottage and read ’til my hearts content and it will be something to cherish forever. And Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Wonderful Susie, Happy Birthday to you !!!!!!!!! And many More !!!!!!!!!!!! I now text this to all my sweethearts first thing on there birthday morning. You know everyone texts, but, I do call and sing it too ! Give Jack and Girl Kitty a squeeze and kiss from me, nothing like the smell of kitty fur, I just love it. And OXOX to you and Joe. Have a wonderful week and weekend, there is so much to celebrate ! I will celebrate with you too! I am having so much fun raking and digging in my garden. Just opened the pond and my fishies are very happy ! Love you lots, Wendy Louise 🙂

  16. Kathie says:

    Congratulations! You are sooooooo goooooooood. We are really proud of you. Now you will really enjoy the spring, I am certain. We are enjoying it here and the cats (who are ONLY inside cats because the coyotes lurk outside) are shedding and the trees are budding (the willows are first out) and blooming and pollening (is THAT a word?)…… The skies out here in the West are fantastic, lately. Yours too? On a clear day….. Thanks so much, Susan. We all feel liberated with you.

  17. Carrie says:

    Chin Chin Susan! Smashing good news 🙂

    So tickled that you are out playing and joining the land of the living once again! Hip Hip!

    Loooooooooved seeing what appears to be the first page of the best book I’m going to own! So glad I ordered x20 copies because I’m going to be giving most of the copies to all my family and a few select friends but a few copies I’ll hold onto. One will go with me on my next trip to England in about 7 months. Another will be on my nightstand so it will be the last thing I see before drifting off to sleep, encouraging dreams of my true love that is England. And one copy will be in my purse, ALWAYS!

    This post was su-bliiiiii-mmmmmme! Smiled inside and out with the tres lovely music, don’t you just dig a ukulele? That fellow you linked us to has some really fun ditties on you tube. Particularly, “Don’t put a tax on the beautiful girls” – what a hoot!

    It was great hearing from your part of the world again and I continue to look forward to the book tour and hopefully seeing you somewhere near Sacramento!

    Hope you take a pic of your hot lookin’ self with the new rags your BFF bought you – they look stellar and scream HAPPY!

    Cheers to you and wishing you a fantastic birthday!


    • sbranch says:

      You ordered twenty! Wow! Now those who forget to order will know who’s got the secret stash! 🙂 Yes, I do love the ukelele, it’s so simple. Makes old songs sound so nice. You’re going to England Carrie, how wonderful!

  18. Karen L. from Memphis says:

    Thanks for Sharing it all. I can Hardly Wait to get my copy of your book.
    Enjoy your new list and all the wonderful coming your way.

    • sbranch says:

      It was great to share it with everyone, it made it so much easier to stay on course, all the good encouragement. Thank you Karen.

  19. KarenP (Wisconsin) says:

    How wonderful to see things checked off a to-do list! So excited to see yet another teeny peek at A Fine Romance…love that darling lamb!!! How on earth does Jack climb up there and not knock everything down!? He’s a smart one for sure! Oh my!! Shirley Temple!! Love her!! We used to watch her movies on Sunday when I was a child. I recently have been downloading all her songs to make a Shirley Temple cd for in the car….hubby is NOT too keen on that idea as he said “You’re not going to make me listen to that, are you?” I think he could do well with a little Good Ship Lollipop! Thanks for this bit of sunshine in my snowy cold day today! xo….Karen P. OH!!!! And Happy Birthday to you and Gladys!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      I watched Jack with my eyes popping, How he jumped from the top of the door to that narrow ledge and didn’t knock everything off, I don’t know. Yes, I agree, a little animal crackers would be good for him! 🙂

  20. Joan Lesmeister says:

    I am thrilled for you my dear, the new book completed (check), and your birthday suit passed inspection (check), and you had a play day, too (check)! It is a glorious life, most days! I always liked the lyrics “some days are diamonds, some days are stones” (or something like that!)! Yesterday was a diamond day for you, well deserved darling Sue! I can hardly wait for “our” book! Nice to see cutie pie Jack (the cat, not the Dad, although he definitely is a cutie pie too) is up to his usual antics! And, you get to end the week of your birthday celebrating with your friend Elizabeth! Lovely to hear from you again & see your fabulous pictures! It’s a wonderful life! Happy fabulous birthday on Friday! xoxoxo

  21. Sharon Calvert says:

    Hip-Hip-Hooray! So many wonderful reasons to celebrate today and every day! Congratulations on a job well done, Susan; now we can all join you in doing the ‘Happy Dance!’

    Love and hugs,
    Sharon in Alabama

  22. Elaine says:

    A wonderful happy post and lovely photos ! Happy Birthday for Friday ! Our oldest sons B-day is Thursday ! Congrats on all your list accomplishments . Jack your a cutie ! Thanks for sharing hope you have a wonderful visit with your friend ! Until next time , have a happy spring day !

  23. Sara D NW Georgia says:

    OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Happy Birthday!!!! I took Friday off from work just to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Heidi Haas says:

    Yippee – for you, the book being finished, (so excited to read it), your birthday, spring, darling Jack (Girl too) and Joe! We are so lucky you share your adventures and dreams with us.

    Have the Happiest of Birthdays!


  25. Jacquelyn Wirthlin - Las Vegas, NV says:

    A wonderful post! Happy, happy birthday to you, Sue. Friday is my brother’s 64th birthday as well. He is a 5 year cancer survivor so know it will be a happy one for him too.
    Cannot wait for “our” book. My copy is ordered. Thank you for all that you do for us.

  26. Margot in Virginia Beach says:

    Isn’t Spring grand!?! Things are shaping up around here. Jack is so curious, which I think is a wonderful trait. So many of us out grow it. NOT me! And I hope not my sons. I miss my kitty. I wish I would have made him an indoor cat, instead of an indoor/outdoor cat. I didn’t want him to be shut up in the house and he was already used to the outdoors when he came to us, but you know what curiosity can do to cats. I like the ironing board idea!

    • Janet [in Rochester] says:

      Margot, you are so right! Curiousity about the world and everything in it is a gift! Those that don’t have it – and as you know they do exist – are just the dullest creatures in the world – I feel bad for them. They miss so much! :>)

  27. Sarah Maldonado says:

    So glad you are getting some free spirit time for yourself after all the work you’ve done! I know the writing and painting must be fun in some aspects but it still has discipline to it…we all need some of that…but it’s nice to have that sense of accomplishment and now freedom, too! Loved the Jack review and could imagine the small panic in your voice when he started taking things a bit too far! They love to test us, don’t they? Enjoy your spring days, your BIRTHDAY, your pink moon night, ( would have been my mom’s 85th birthday so I’ll be wishing her a happy heavenly birthday!), and thank you for all your gifts of time, art, and self you give to us! We love you and our girlfriends!

  28. Julia says:

    P/S: Congrats on finishing the book in time for your
    birthday. Can’t wait and I am going to plan a trip around
    your book.

  29. Mary Eva Ross says:

    Happy Birthday WEEK Susan. When I see Jack’s sweet face it makes me want to go home to my kitties and give them a kiss. I’m guessing they sleep all day while I’m at work, but who knows – they may be having a party, I probably don’t want to know! Thanks so much for sharing your days with us, it just makes me so happy when you write that you found Joe the love of your life, what a great way to feel about your soul mate! Have a good week and enjoy your company.

  30. Jeanette says:

    Susan, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Happy Birthday week!!!!! How fabulous is all this wonderful news?!?!? Pretty fabulous in my book and estimation!

    We’re so thrilled about the book and thankful you’ve taken the time to share your love and happy story of Joe and the magnificent trip across the vast pond! I simply cannot wait, I know I must, but it will be difficult, but the reward, ah, the reward – this sumptious feast for the eyes will await….

    Have a splendid spring day, enjoy your girlfriend time, kick up those heels and CeLeBrAtE you in all your wonderfulness! You deserve it! You Go oh, girlfriend of ours!!!!!!!!
    Happy, Happy Birthday!

  31. Rhonda D. says:

    Susan, you certainly do have reason to celebrate…congratulations! Your book is finished, spring is bursting forth, life is more normal, cleaning house, playing with Joe, Jack and friends. Life doesn’t get any better than that. I’m looking forward to the “fine romance” finding its way from your house to my house in so many ways.

    Just a quick update about myself. I start radiation and chemo treatments on April 15th. Not particularly looking forward to that, but as a friend of mine says, it’s the next step in my healing. And she is right. God has seen me through everything wonderfully that I’ve had to do so far, and He will guide me through the rest of this journey. I’m so thankful for each and every person, prayer and blessing that has graced my journey. I’m so thankful for your postings and this blog. As time goes on, I’m finding them a very special blessing to me right now. Sending love to all…from a very thankful heart.

    • sbranch says:

      It’s the next step toward freedom too, and that’s just where you’re going. My girlfriend’s mom was a big inspiration to me — she said, “the only way to it is through it.” I know that’s probably easier said than done. But my good wishes and prayers go right along with you.

      • Joan Lesmeister says:

        Rhonda I’ve been thinking of you & praying for you & will continue! I love your positive attitude & Sue’s friend’s mother’s (that was hard) quote! xoxo

        • Kathy, Orange CA says:

          Rhonda, My husband is having chemo now also. He said that all of our friends prayers uplift him. Praying for you and that you get well quickly. That God will be at your side every step of the way. I’ve put you on my prayer list.

          • Elizabeth from Pasadena, CA says:

            Rhonda, I’ve been through it twice and you CAN do it. And you are absolutely correct, you have the very best CHAMPION in your Lord. You will learn so many amazing things about yourself and at the end be so very blessed by mercy, grace and love. Mark 4:35 — you’re on your way through the storm with the best companion and you will make it. Peace. I’m praying for you too.

          • sbranch says:

            Thank you dear Elizabeth, love the kindness and caring here. xoxo to you all!

    • Sandy Richmond says:

      Rhonda D. Our prayers will carry you thru it!

      • Janet [in Rochester] says:

        Hey Rhonda – before you know it, it’ll just be a memory. Thinking of you and praying all goes quickly, easily and well. Keep us posted [if you’re up to it] and just rest like crazy [if you’re not]. xoxox from your friend – Janet :>)

        • sbranch says:

          Good advice, truly, it will just be a memory.

          • Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

            Rhonda, one of my favorite verses of scripture is Isaiah 41:13….”I am holding you by your right hand – I, the Lord your God – and I say to you, don’t be afraid; I am here to help you.” Love and prayers, sweet friend.

    • Kathleen Forde says:

      Rhonda, you are never outside of God’s outstretched arms…. And from a favorite hymn.. “He KNOWS the angels that you need and sends them to your side to comfort, guard, and guide.”

    • Wendy Louise says:

      Hi there Rhonda, You will be blessed in so many ways when you are through. I finished my radiation and chemo 2 years ago and just had a check up and everything looks great! When one of my Dr.’s asked how long since treatment I had to think for a minute and she said that was a great thing. Know there is a wonderful life after treatment, it will be slow so be really kind to yourself, your strength will return and then some. Our Lord will be holding your hand through the whole thing. Let those around you help you and feel the love and prayers from us all. oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    • Cindy Tuning says:

      Hi Rhonda! About a month ago you kept popping into my thoughts as I didn’t remember seeing you comment in a while. I hadn’t been keeping up on comments as I was in the middle of a full house redo but was thinking of you and didn’t know why. I felt a connection with you because you remembered that we took a trip through your beautiful Nova Scotia and PEI and that touched my heart. So…I went looking through past posts to see if you had any comments. I was very sad to learn of your diagnosis . I know that God will take care of you and you will get through it. We’ll help you through your treatment whenever you need us. Positive attitude and Faith is everything and you have both. Take care.

      • Rhonda D. says:

        Thank you for all the special thoughts and prayers. I will print these off and have them beside me to read at any given moment while I am receiving treatment. You are all such an inspiration to me. God bless!

        Happy Birthday Susan!! Hope you enjoy your weekend with Elizabeth.

  32. Julie Marie says:

    Good morning Susan!… oooh, I was so excited to see your post today!… I have a big “to do” list too… 1. check with girlfriend Susan Branch for new post… CHECK!… 3. look for photos of Jack Kitty and Girl Kitty… CHECK!… where are you Girl Kitty???… 3. hang new Spring banner from Susan Branch’s shop… CHECK!… 4. stand back and admire new Spring banner from Susan Branch’s shop… CHECK!… 5. sit and sip tea and daydream… CHECK!… 6. wish Susan a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!… CHECK!… 7. tell her she is my BBFF… CHECK!… (Dear Susan… BBFF is “best blogger friend forever”… I just made that up!)… tee hee hee… 8. never stop being 10 years old in my heart… CHECK!… I love you wonderful lady, and I hope ALL your birthday wishes come true!!!… I drew a PINK balloon on the 12th for YOU and wrote “Susan’s Birthday” on my calendar by Gladys Tabers and her yellow balloon!… 9. take a long, long walk with Tessy (my English Pointer girl)… not checked off yet, still to come!… 10. Enjoy Life like Susan does!!… CHECK CHECK CHECK!… xoxo Julie Marie

  33. Lynn says:

    Happy Spring and an early Happy Birthday to you. It was heavenly opening the windows yesterday and my 2 fur babies were on the screened porch most of the day and especially when the sun landed there. I love Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm and especially Shirley. I caught that one a while back and it was wonderful. I can’t wait for your book to arrive – congratulations. I hope you have a terrific birthday and the greatest year ever.

  34. JoAnne Daniels says:

    Happy Birthday to You! What a wonderful past year you’ve had (and shared with us along the way) and now that “our” book is finished (and I’m quietly saying “yea” because it will be heading to the publishers) you have another year
    to plan and enjoy. Your good mood is catching…my workload at the Library has
    been heavy but your blog has put me in a good mood too — who wouldn’t be in a
    good mood with Jack around! Such antics! He’s probably taken another year off your life but what fun for Jack, high up there, balancing precariously on the door edge…
    The weather has turned from winter to summer in a day here in NW N.J.
    The peepers were deafening last night. A few early daffodils are blooming but the forsythia has yet to bloom. Anticipation…………..
    Have a wonderful birthday!

  35. Carla says:

    First and foremost an early “Happy Birthday to you” wish. I hope you have a wonderful, sweets filled day. I loved seeing Jack with all his mischief today. He is a beauty. We have two beauties that run this house and keep my husband and I in line.

    Enjoy your walk, I think I will be out soon doing the same. The sun is just coming up here in So. CA.


  36. Elizabeth from Pasadena, CA says:

    What a glorious accomplishment: book done! WELL done! Thankyou for taking us on the journey with you. Enjoy Elizabeth’s visit and your BIRTHDAY!! Happy!

  37. Kathy Phenix says:

    Happy, happy, happy Birthday on Friday!!! I feel like I just celebrated a birthday—all those wonderful pictures of Jack and his wild and crazy adventures! What a darling.
    Susan, you are so ambitious and hardworking! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments. All the more fun for us! And soon another Williard. Be still my heart. I’m about to burst! Thanks for all you do. Kathy

  38. Kerry S. from San Pedro, CA says:

    Oh Susan! Happy Birthday week! What a wonderful gift to yourself (and us) that the book is done!! Time for Joe & Jack & Girl Kitty & girlfriends (in person & virtually)!! Time is the best gift of all I think! I can just picture (& hear) the scene with you trying to coax Jack from his new perch!! Who among us cat owners hasn’t had one of those experiences??
    Have a wonderful birthday week! You certainly have worked all year to earn it!!
    Best wishes for only good things! 😉

  39. Elaine in Toronto says:

    That must be why you and Gladys are kindred spirits – you share a birthday. Although I like to think you are kindred spirits with all of us, lol. Hope your day is brim full of everything you love. Your book is finished and you have sent it out on a voyage of its own. Just imagine the places it will go all over the world and you and Joe and Girl Kitty and Jack and Petey will go too, straight into the eager hands and hearts of all your readers. Congratulations Susan and Joe and a great big thank you. Enjoy your birthday. Do let us know what your Dad sent you.

  40. Janice says:

    It was such fun to read this post! It is nice to hear that your spring has finally arrived and that you are enjoying it. I, too, got to open all the windows yesterday for the first time this spring. Even though I am in CA, it has been too cold and rainy to do that. And I loved the pictures of sweet Jack, so busy and so cute. You are wise to keep him indoors. I do the same with my pair, Ruby and Zorro. Finally…Happy Birthday!!!

  41. Happy Birthday, Susan! Your happiness is infectious! It’s always so uplifting to read your posts. Spring is finally here in Kentucky after a very slow start and it does make it feel as though almost anything is possible in the days ahead.
    Congratulations on finishing “A Fine Romance”. I can hardly wait for it to be released. (I’ve pre-ordered – just wish it were coming out a little earlier, as we are planning our trip to England and Scotland in September.) Enjoy your Vineyard springtime!

  42. Jack says:

    The Peter Rabbit Room has green curtains ,pillows , a quilt and a straw hat plus a nice looking bed — but no rabbits –how unfortunate!

    • sbranch says:

      There are rabbits in there, there’s a bunny in the chair, and a conglomeration of bunnies on the dresser, there’s a package from you on the table. Is there something green in there?

      • judi says:

        Knew we’d hear from you – haven’t you ever slept in the Peter Rabbit room Jack??? Can’t wait to hear what you sent!

        • sbranch says:

          The last time my dad was here it was just “the maid’s quarters” — as it was called by the previous owners, and hadn’t become Peter Rabbit yet. But did you stay in that room over the kitchen Dad? I think you did!

  43. Woke up to your new post on my birthday : ) thank you…..
    Wishing you a Happy Birthday…….

  44. "Auntie" says:

    Over-the-top Congratulations on finishing your book!

    And how delightful, that you share your Birthday with Gladys Taber. Early Happy Birthday to you.


  45. Sharon Byars says:

    What lovely photos to start the day. Happiest of Birthdays to you!!! AND…..Congratulations on your book!!!!
    You feel about your Jack like I do about my Bailey (my labradoodle dog). Yesterday on the walk to Avila Beach my friend had on the cutest T shirt. It said “My therapist has a wagging tail”. How true!!

  46. Vicki in Cincy says:

    Hi Susan! Thank you for taking us along while you finished your “to do list”. I’m glad you’ve been able to get out and about I know that feels good. Have a wonderful time with your dear friend Elizabeth!

  47. Vicki in Cincy says:


  48. Georgia Gal says:

    I love when my to do list gets smaller and smaller. Accomplishment is such a wonderful feeling!

    Love your beautiful pictures! It’s looking so beautiful here in the South. As I look outside this morning to warm rays of sunshine, glistening green leaves, and flowered bushes, Spring is truly like a dream…… Hope your Wednesday is wonderful!

  49. Linda Pennington says:

    That Jack is so sweet couldn’t you just eat him with a spoon?! YAYAY for you (and for us, our book is finished). So glad you had a much deserved perfect day. I love the picture of Shirley Temple, my mother and my aunt named their baby sister after her (as did many others) back in the late 30’s. Thanks for bringing us such joy. LindaGram

  50. phyllis mullins says:

    You must feel like a new woman after the winter you’ve had working on THE BOOK….so happy it’s finished in time for your Happy Birthday On another note, I ordered and have hung the SPRING BANNER your friend Janie made for a few of us. Do you think you could persuade her to make some of the OTHER SEASONAL ONES for those lucky enough to be able to buy them? My SPRING one I’ve strung on the glass looking out from my kitchen door window to the courtyard in this apt. complex. I’d love to have the other 3……………………Happy Birthday, be sure to Celebrate, you’ve earned it!

  51. Lisa @ My Ordinary Country Life says:

    You forgot one……..making your girlfriends so very happy with your writing and sharing your life with us……..CHECK! Happy Birthday week! Loved catching up with Jack! Can’t wait for the book! There are a lot of exclamations today! It must mean we are all so happy!….:) Love and Hugs from Alabama!

  52. Joan S says:

    Congratulations on finishing the book! Also wishing you a happy Birthday and New Year filled with wonderfullness. In honor of your birthday and completion of your book I am placing my order. Welcome back!

  53. Brenda says:

    Congratulations on finishing your book! We will be a lot of happy readers.

  54. Heartsdesire says:

    Doesn’t it feel wonderful to look back at that “to do” list and see so many things checked off? I usually make a list every day, and although not everything gets checked off, it does give me a feeling of accomplishment to see a line through even one thing. Can’t wait for the book, I’ve pre-ordered it just to make sure I get a copy. Lovely to see some new pictures of Jack, he’s a very adventurous kitty. Spring is in full bloom here on the west coast of Vancouver Island, but very wet and grey today, so no gardening for me. I’ll just get cosy in my sewing room and finish up a few little doll quilts that I’ve been working on. Happy upcoming birthday, hope you have a wonderful time with your California girlfriend.

  55. Anne says:

    Happy Happy Birthday To You – all week long! You are so lucky to have a spring birthday and to feel renewed to be coming out of the cocoon of winter and book writing and back into a New Year of Life. You deserve to have Gladys Taber’s birthday since you share so much of what she held dear and remind us all that blessings are often small and FREE. Enjoyed watching Jack way up by the ceiling of the pantry. (What a nice area to hang baskets!) He’s a special kind of cat for perching on top of a door. He must have been feeling spring fever! Can’t wait for the new book and armchair traveleing with you again! XOX

  56. Susan in SC says:

    Happy Birthday Week and Congratulations! What fun you will have emerging back into the wonderful, ordinary days . . . with no deadlines. But I do thank you for all your sacrifices in order to give all of the girlfriends a year of your life, so that we can continue to enjoy both England, you, and your giftedness for many years to come. This new book will certainly come to rest on the “England Shelf” in my library and be a lifelong treasure!

  57. Jan says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday to you!! Happy, Happy Birthday Month!! Congrats on finishing the book!! So happy you got to celebrate with lunch and shopping (with the people you love). That’s always a good thing. Enjoyed the peek into the cafe, library, and gift shop. Would love to visit some day. Looks like violets at the base of that tree. Beautiful! Am hoping to see some of our spring flowers soon – if it ever warms up enough, and I know it well – the sooner the better. And the cupcake banner – so cute! Happy Birthday week to you! Celebrate and enjoy!

  58. Lisa V. from Flower Mound, TX says:

    Congratulations on finishing your book! I loved how you have all your baskets hanging from the ceiling in your pantry. Cute! What a lovely day you had! All you need is the April British Country Living. Have you seen it? It’s got more pink! I seem to be finding pink everywhere since your pink post. The newest Romantic Homes is even all about pink. Happy Birthday week! Hope your birthday wish comes true!

  59. Fran says:

    Let’s see – where to start? Happy Happy Birthday – Congratulations on finishing the book – good job getting lots of things “checked off” your list – and thanks for a great blog this morning! I was so excited to see it and all the lovely pictures of Jack. He’s so much like my tuxedo cat, Tut. (King Tut as he likes to be called – definintely king of the house).
    I can hardly wait for September and the arrival of my 4 copies of THE BOOK! I have to share them with my friends as I know they’ll love ready the book as much as I will.
    Have a WONDERFUL birthday week!!!!!

  60. Melissa Olson says:

    I knew it! Whenever I come across someone who I seem to have so much in common with, we ALWAYS turn out to have birthdays in this same week of April (you are now the THIRD person this has occurred with!) Happy Birthday Susan ~ mine was yesterday April 9th……it’s the best when spring weather comes just in time for your birthday, right? 🙂

    • sbranch says:

      I love having my birthday in April just for that reason — happy birthday Melissa!

      • I always thought April would be the best month to have a baby because you’d spend the last months in cooler weather and by the time you could take the baby out it would be warmer but not too hot. Just think….you birthed your Book in April….Just perfect in my book! 🙂

        • sbranch says:

          I like your thinking!

        • Margot in Virginia Beach says:

          That’s what I did Cathy! LOL I was trying for May Day, but my little bunnie was due on April 27th. It snowed the night before!!

          • Well, Margot, so much for our plans, right? Mine ended up being born May 20, July 3, and February 3 and everything worked out anyway. 🙂 The last one was due January 24, however, and ended up being a c-section, something I certainly did not plan for.

  61. Teresa G., Lafayette, CA. says:

    Confessions of a list maker: Have you ever written something on your to-do list after you’ve done it, just so you can cross it out? Oh, the pleasure of a to-do list! Susan, I am so with you on that! You must be floating on a cloud today. So many happy things, but the book being done…, I think it must feel like just giving birth. The waiting is over, but the journey is just beginning. CONGRATULATIONS! And Happy Birthday! XXO

    • sbranch says:

      I have! I do feel like my books have been very good children. They are all healthy and rather quiet and expect not too much from me!

  62. Rae Ann R. from western Minnesota...soon to be back in Michigan... says:

    HurrayHurrayHurray!!!…I can feel your joy all the way from your warm shores west to Minnesota where we are suppose to get 6″ of snow today!!!!!!!!!!!…EEEEEKKKKKK!!!…so happy you are checking things off your to do list…what a good feeling…so excited that you have finished your book…can’t wait to get it…so glad your beauty marks are behaving themselves…waiting for my hubby to get back from Japan where he has been on business…it has been a loooong week…I can almost smell the fresh air in the pictures with your screen door open…17* here this morning…thank you for sharing your spring, your joy, your kitty/s…xoxo

  63. Rae Ann R. from western Minnesota...soon to be back in Michigan... says:


  64. Lori says:

    Hello Susan! Your post was worth waiting for … it made me smile. And in the words of Shirley “You have to S-M-I-L-E to be H-A-double P-Y!” Have a wonderful birthday and I am looking forward to the new Willard and the new book and …

  65. viv says:

    Wishing you a happy birthday. Having your friend arrive will be a delight, I’m sure.
    Loved Jack’s pictures. The anticipation for your book just keeps rising and rising.
    I’m glad it’s on pre-order and I have a copy in queue. I know it will exceed all our expectations. Enjoy your week.

  66. Cathy from Golden, CO says:

    Soooo glad to hear from you and CONGRATULATIONS on finishing your book and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I thought of you last week while antiquing with a friend. I finally found Gladys Taber’s Cookbook!!!! – and in great condition with little penciled comments! I am so happy – like Christmas from the Spirit World in April!!!! AND – I Love Shirley too. I have a couple of cobalt blue Shirley Temple glasses that belonged to my Iowa grandmother who never had a little girl but loved her Shirley. I always drank out of them during the holidays and new I was her special little Shirley Temple 🙂 I’ve missed you a bushel and a peck!

  67. Martha Ellen of VA says:

    Congratulations!!!!! I’m so happy for the happiest girl I know! You are a dose of medicine to me dear Susan! Enjoy yourself and your wonderful accomplishment of A Fine Romance!!! xoxo ♥

  68. Vickie in Cleveland says:

    Oh how lovely to see your happy post on this gloomy Ohio morning! Really brightens up my day. I’m looking at those cute pictures of sweet Jack as I’m snuggling my tuxedo cat, Spike. He likes to jump up on my tall bookcase, but he ‘s never tried on top of a door! I hope you have a very Happy Birthday, as I’m sure you will!
    I have to tell you, I recently was lucky to win a copy of “Heart of the Home” on Ebay! I was so happy! Now I can’t wait till my copy of “Fine Romance” comes!
    Thanks for all you do to bring such joy to all of your reader girlfriends!

    • sbranch says:

      Oh, how good. Thank goodness for Ebay and places like that, in fact, for the whole computer and Internet!

  69. Susie (NY) says:

    Good day Susan! What a lovely treat it was to go along your ‘to do’ list with you. Seeing Jack and his high wire act was so enjoyable and nerve wrecking. Yikes! You must have been nervous but you manged to take the best photos. I especially likes seeing your ironing board cover (a quilt). Nice. Big sigh. You really corner the word “cozy” in your home.

    Happiest of birthday wishes coming your way for a day of celebration and memory making. Partaaay girlfriend!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Susie! It’s the photos of Jack that get away that I miss! He doesn’t hold still very well!

  70. Susan M says:

    You sound so carefree and joyful! And that little boy of yours-what a daredevil.
    I am amazed that he didn’t bump things off the shelves.
    Enjoy your birthday week. My daughters gave me an early birthday gift-we are going to see Oprah on Sunday.
    Susan M.

    • sbranch says:

      That should be fun!

      • Elaine in Toronto says:

        Susan, you and Oprah are so much alike. You both champion the individual and you know that one person’s success does not take away from another person’s success. You always encourage and inspire. Susan M., hope you and your daughters have a wonderful experience seeing Oprah. I still miss her daily TV show.

  71. Christine Anderson says:

    I am so excited for you and congratulations for such a great accomplishment! Don’t you love crossing things off “the list”. Happy Birthday to you Friday! Such a nice birthday present to you to finish the book. I always so look forward to your blog, and love Willard! Thanks for all your sharing!

  72. Marie (Long Beach, CA) says:

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! Wow, what a HUGE accomplishment!!! I’m so happy “A Fine Romance” is off your list. You should be very proud and we girlfriends are too! Jack, Jack, Jack, what an acrobat. It made me a bit nervous just looking at the pictures of him high up on the door. He also made me smile, a lot! Enjoy your well deserved time off from writing Susan. I’d love to see you spend the rest of the year doing everything you love like gardening, walking, spending quality time with Joe, the kitties, and your girfriends. And last, but not least, a very happy birthday to you on April 12th!!! Hope it’s your best birthday yet!!! ♥

  73. Mardell Lamb says:

    Hi Susan!
    Happy Birthday! What a beautiful time of year to be born. Congrats on finishing your book ~ wow, 11 months. Did it seem longer than that? To me, time flew (but I wasn’t the one doing it! LOL) I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Thank you! So glad your checkup went well. Jack is definitely a nut! We have to be really careful with our cat ~ she keeps trying to sneek outside when the door opens. (Esp. since the weather is getting somewhat nicer.) I’ve thought about getting her a harness/leash & hooking it up to the porch. I don’t know though…probably will be ok? I’d make sure I kept a good eye on her…

    Have a wonderful birthday & visit with your GF from Cali!

    • sbranch says:

      Jack seems to be a little afraid of the outdoors, he has had a couple of accidental opportunities but stood back with eyes wide open. Probably because he’s never been loose out there. I’m hoping that stays true. I would love for him to go out and explore, but I weigh it with my need to keep him alive, and the alive thing wins!

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        susan, we had the same thing with our cats, we keep them indoors, but they want to go out on occasion, but never do. they hear the cars go by and know those are dangerous. after awhile they just look out the door and that’s it. and if one does get out they don’t go far, and we can catch them within seconds and bring them back in where its safe.

      • My cat, Poetry, is a rescued cat. The Animal Rescue League found her in the animal shelter with a broken leg and tooth from being hit by a car. They fixed her up and now she’s mine. The most loving cat I’ve ever had. I had to agree to not let her outside in order to adopt her so we screened in our front porch so she could go out there and watch the world go by a little bit closer. She still hangs around the door when we let Gabriel, our dog, out so we have to be careful. This must be why cats have 9 lives–they don’t learn from past experience!

  74. Dawn (Elmhurst, IL) says:

    Oh Susan, happy dance… happy tears… and the biggest group hug!! I jumped up and cheered when I read the wonderful news! You should feel so proud, happy, and free! We are all just thrilled that our book is off to the publishers. Life is a collection of happy moments. Heartfelt thanks for sharing your moments with us.
    ♪♫♬ Happiest Birthday, dear Susan! ♪♫♬ It’s time for all the things that make you happiest!

  75. Pamela Jewett says:

    Hi Susan,

    As I was checking my emails I thought I would cruise over to your blog to see if there was anything new. Well! There certainly was. What a joyful feeling to read what you had to say. Happy Birthday to you and congrats on finishing the book. A real accomplishment. I had a good yuk over the photos of Jack. Such an entertainer. Your check list had a valuable message. Freckle check is something that can be life saving. I hope the girlfriends take it to heart. I’m off to finish my tea.
    xoxo Pam

  76. Karen Saunders says:

    You go girl!!! I had a feeling you were finishing your book from the absence of your activity on your blog. I thought, “I bet she’s trying to finish her book before her birthday!” HOORAY!!!!! I just have to say for the zillianth time, after reading your blog this morning how much I LOOOOOVE your pictures and your choice of colors, (which you have quite a knack for, if I might add.) You say all this praise makes you blush???? YOU DESERVE IT AFTER ALLYOUR HARD WORK!!! SOOOOO…sit back and enjoy your success!!! Congrats Susan.

  77. Karen Saunders says:

    ps, Susan, I have to tell you that because of your encouragement I have finished a book and now I’m starting the second one in a series of three. And YOU my friend are the one that gave me the courage to do it. (It’s only an e-book for young adults but what the heck…..I FINISHED something instead of always talking about doing it.) Thank you for that my dear friend.

    • sbranch says:

      So important Karen, we really only go around once, as far as we know, so grab that brass ring. Some don’t want that ring, and they should not feel like they should! Lots of pressure on us these days. Happy for you, I know how it feels!

  78. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday for the big day 🙂 Loved this blog post 🙂

  79. Noël Holly says:

    Toss the confetti!
    Blow the horns!
    Throw the streamers!
    Beat the drums!
    Congratulations on accomplishing all those To Do’s…
    And Happy Happy Birthday!!
    P.S. Can’t wait for the book!! OK…I have to wait….but am sooooo excited that you have finished it!

  80. Christine says:

    Happy Birthday (on Friday)!
    “Just find Nature’s address and Come and get your happiness.”

  81. Priscilla from So. Ca. in SD says:

    Congratulations and have a very Happy Birthday!

  82. pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

    good morning susan, hello girlfriends, good morning everyone!!! just droped in to wish you Happy Birthday susan, hope you have a wonderful day. I suppose by now we have all heard about Annette Funicello passing away this Monday, a very gracious, classy and dignified lady. she was a very sweet person, we met her at our local grocery store in the San Fernando Valley, Gelson’s Market, and she even talked to me ( a little kid at the time). my mom had clued her in to the best butcher in the valley, his name was Lyle and he was great on giving you the best cuts of meat and he worked at Gelson’s . mom also clued her in on a great ballet school for her daughter, Gina and we were delighted to know she went to our local parish for sunday services…ST. Cyril’s. everytime we saw her shopping at the store she would stop and say hello and ask me how my ballet classes were and how I was doing, I was so pleased to be able to tell her that I had gone up in class and was now wearing the pink tights and pink shoes and no longer in the black tights and shoes. she even came to our ballet school to watch the classes with my mom. I will miss her, and I think you all will too. a very nice and sweet lady. my mouse ears are out and on my computer in her memory. ” now its time to say goddbye to all our company, M.I.C. see you real soon… K.E.Y. why? because we like you, M.O.U.S.E. forever let us hold our banner high. Have a wonderful birthday susan, and have a great day, lets all remember Annette. aww the simpler days of childhood. hugs… 🙂 🙁

    • sbranch says:

      I felt so bad for all those years of illness she faced. Didn’t seem fair.

      • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

        it wasn’t. but she never complained and she was one classy lady, never read or heard a story about her doing something bad in the magazines or tabloids. I think all the guys then were in love with her, she was my hubby’s first crush…LOL!!!

        • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

          oops I forgot…CONGRATULATIONS on finishing the book. enjoy the sunshine!! 🙂

          • Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

            I, too, was saddened to hear about Annette. I’m glad that she is out of pain and I’m sure that she is running around up in Heaven right now and singing her heart out. Back in the day, Mickey Mouse was my favorite tv show.

          • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

            carol I think she is dancing on her toes up in heaven, she loved ballet so much. we had quite a lil parish where I lived, we some stars that attended sunday services quite regularly, like Robert Conrad from the Wild Wild West tv series, and Michael Whalen who played Lt. Brandes “Coppy” from Wee Willie Winkie. both Robert Conrad and Michael Whalen would serve as ushers in church and served on the dad’s club and helped get funds for repaving the play yard and the parking area at our church. they such nice people!! 🙂

    • Priscilla from So. Ca. in SD says:

      Annette shopped at my Dad’s market and one summer when I was a teenager she noticed me working in the meat department and asked to be introduced to me! She was so very genuine and so sweet. I still remember being so impressed with her authenticity.

      • sbranch says:

        That was nice!

        • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

          she was a very sweet and caring lady, she always asked about my ballet classes and I was always happy she talked to me. we became friends, and I know I will miss her very much. I look back on all the fun times and memories I had with her and never once did I think she was a star, she was the nice lady who talked to me.

  83. Jack says:

    Huzzah! We had our first Oriole today– brilliant orangish yellow….

    • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

      send one my way and i’ll send you a robin!!

      • Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

        Robins start coming into town in November for about 3 months out of the year. Looking forward to seeing them in spring up in the south eastern part of Washington. They are the first sign of spring up there.

        • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

          hi Carol, the robins star showing up here around February, by march they are here.

          • Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

            Pat, I just think that it’s too cool here for the Robins to stay. We are just a lay over for them while they wait for warmer weather up north.

  84. My Maine Coon, Victoria, makes it her life’s goal to slip outside into the “real world”.

    We keep telling her that she wouldn’t want to be an outdoor kitty, that they are not spoiled rotten and made to be the Queen of the Domain as is she… but she still looks through the windows for hours at a time when there is a nice breeze and warm temps and the neighbor’s kitty is roaming the front yard.

    I told my husband this morning that cats do not like being told they have boundaries anymore than humans. 🙂

  85. Happy Birthday Susan!! What a wonderful to-do list!!! I saw my first daffodil this morning and cannot wait for the hint of warmth that comes along with them!! xoxo

  86. S A L U T E…dear Susan on finishing your (our) book just as Spring has Sprung….even our temperatures here in IN are gradually warming up finally. I wished you a Happy Birthday earlier in the week on the other blog now so I will state it once again…..HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I also put my 2 cents in on what gift I thought your Dad sent to you and it is still moderating so I will try it again….to give you comfort on your tour…my vote is either a sweater or a nice comfy shawl/throw?? Let us all know once you open it. I’m sure all of your “girlfriends” are planning a special party for you and my wish is that you sing songs, chatter, and just enjoy your lives. Jack is such a special kitty and loves adventure “inside” and that is also a blessing to you. Enjoy your special day and Blessings to you and your friends/family.

  87. Marie (Williamsburg, Virginia) says:

    Hi everyone~forsythia abound, daffy’s and friends welcoming us, 80 degree spring-like weather, sweet birdies giving us our early morning wake-up calls, “our” finished book, pic’s of cutie-pie Jack, a sweet reminder of Rebecca of Sunnbrook Farm, and a “post” from our favorite gal pal…life is good!

    Susan if you don’t post on Friday…Happy, Happy, Birthday! I have your birthday entered (with a tulip next to it) right above Gladys Taber’s printed entry on the calendar.

    Happy EVERYTHING Girlfriend’s!

    Marie xo

  88. Pam Fortune says:

    Hi Susan
    Just come out of hospital in time to wish you a very heartfelt Happy Birthday from myself and Fleur my daughter who is looking after me at the moment. We are both looking forward to September as her birthday is in September too. Have a very happy and enjoyable day.

  89. Terri (Richmond, VA) says:

    Hi Susan! Congrats on finishing the book! What a project! But I’m sure a labor of love. And a very happy birthday to you on Friday! My birthday is on Sunday. It seems to me that when I was little, my birthday fell on Easter several times, but not so much when I grew up. How wonderful to share a bday with Gladys Tabor! She was so much a part of my childhood! Enjoy your freedom and keep checking those items off your list! Summer is on its way!!!

  90. Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

    Good spring day to you Susan ~~~

    So happy that your blog was filled with spring and happiness! It’s cloudy here today in Eureka and your blog filled me with joy! I needed that.

    Have been very busy packing up the house and inbetween, making Thank You cards for a friend of mine to give out to the judges at our local Rose Society show coming up in June. We won’t be here then, so wanted to get them out of the way before moving. I will continue making them even though I will be in Washington. I have been clipping out pictures from magazines of craft room setups and looking forward to making my craft room really great after moving.

    I want to wish you a very happy birthday! I love birthdays! You can’t be too old to have fun celebrating them with family and friends. LOL…. I’ll have to plan my own birthday party next year, as my tea group and church group won’t be doing it anylonger. My husband is such a sweetheart, but planning parties is NOT his thing, haha.

    Well back to packing. It was such a pleasure to read your new blog today. So happy that you are finally finished with our book. Looking forward to reading it

    Carol M

    • pat addison (cave junction,OR) says:

      have a good move Carol, and welcome to my neck of the woods. you will love it up here in the Pacific Northwest. we get so many critter that come and visit us each day, wild turkeys, the mountain bluejays, deer, foxes, raccoons, and sometimes a bear or a lynx. we enjoy seeing some of them and some we could live very well without their coming around but its nice to see them pass on through the yard and go elsewhere.

      • Carol Maurer from Eureka, CA says:

        Thanks Pat~~~ I was born and raised in Richland, WA. South eastern part of Washington. Lived in Kennewick several years before moving to Wenatchee and then to Eureka, Ca. Yes, I’m really looking forward to the warmer and sunnier weather than here in fogsville, haha.

  91. April says:

    I am sending wishes for a blessed birthday on Friday and sending you much love from this little “bit of earth”. You are truly a blessing to all of us who read your blog. Congratulations on the completion of “A Fine Romance”. I can hardly wait to savor every page. Thank you for just being such a lovely YOU, Susan!

  92. jane townsend says:

    Well done!! It must be a great feeling and sense of achievement on finishing your book. Its coincidental that you showed us your Peter Rabbit room again as I have just returned from the Lakes and been for another visit to Hill Top ( it was a must after reading your blogs last year!! ) Happy birthday for Friday.

    • sbranch says:

      Isn’t it pure charm? Must be a nice time of year to be there, not too many other people?

      • jane townsend says:

        Weather was beautiful – warm and sunny. Got straight into the house, no queuing at all. Just watched the Peter Rabbit DVD with my grandchildren.

  93. Carol Ann says:

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday! You inspire me all the time for many reasons and now I know one more reason — you share a birthday with my mom! She will be 88 and lives 2 blocks from me. She also loved Shirley Temple and I recently found a scrapbook she made of Shirley in the 30’s. It is awesome! Blessings and have a wonderful birthday.

  94. Barb from Ohio says:

    Hi Susan, Congratulations on all accounts: Book done, good checkup and birthday all in the same week! My own b-day was last Saturday and yes, April is a wonderful month for a birthday. You deserve some free time for long walks and shopping and eating out at your favorite places. Just in time for nice spring weather, too! Jack is a riot; I kept thinking he was going to knock something off the top of the shelves, but no, he must be very sure footed. Have a Happy Birthday on Friday!

  95. Gill says:

    Just this morning a lovely package arrived at my house containing a copy of Beatrix Potter at home in the Lake District. I made a pot of tea and enjoyed a lovely tour around her house and farm, thinking of you all the time. Happy Birthday and Congratulations on finishing your book.

  96. Chris Wells from West Texas says:

    Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are done with the book! Check! It’s hard to believe it’s been a year almost since we took our trip of a lifetime! Man time flies. My weekend is about to get hectic, so I will say HAPPY BIRTHDAY right now, in case I don’t get to write again for a while. I hope you have the most wonderful birthday week! You and Gladys….it was fate! Love you both! I nabbed 6 Gladys Taber books at the last library sale I went to, but nary a Susan Branch was to be found. They are tough to find….no one is parting with them!
    And thanks for our Jack the Cat fix. I have loved all my animals over my lifetime, but one comes along and is what I call, “a once in a lifetime cat (or dog)” I think Jack is your “once in lifetime cat”
    Off to Ft Worth to celebrate my mom’s 90th birthday! She is still gardening, canning, cooking and baking!! And Happy 5th Birthday to my grandson Will. Like I said….lots of birthdays, I’m going to be busy!
    Again Happy Birthday Susan, you are much loved by many!

  97. Pat Mofjeld from St. Paul, Minnesota says:

    I had to smile reading your blog as you sound like you are “floating” to be done with the book but I can understand why. Freedom! We’re in the literal “lull before the storm” with a huge Spring snowstorm headed for us. Radio is predicting 9-10″, at least, with 13-14″ in some areas of Minnesota! I know it will melt fast so it actually makes me happy–one last time to “batten down the hatches” and be cozy before the heat/humidity of summer…Have a Happy Birthday!!! 🙂

  98. Loes Bloem, the Netherlands says:

    Happy birthday Susan!

  99. Anna Marie says:

    Happiest of Birthdays, Susan. Now that you are free, free, free to have fun. Go for it! Thank you for everything and keeping us up to date on the life and adventures of Jack. Those pictures had me holding my breath. Whew. Can’t wait to get your book in my hands. Any chance you coming to Ashland, OR? we would welcome you with open arms, I just know it!

  100. Ann says:

    Isn’t it so nice to see the forysthia in bloom? You reminded me to go pick some to enjoy indoors. Thanks for the Jack Show. What a cute devil he is. (And I’m not a big cat person!). Yesterday sounded like a lovely day for you; just the day I would like too. And I agree about the medical checkups. It’s all maintenance for us now and very easy to keep up with. Early Happy Birthday!

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