That’s how I feel, lighthearted, dancing down the stairs this morning, did my exercises, played with Jack, went outside to sniff the garden. And if a picture is worth a thousand words, then get ready for my version of War and Peace!  A nice cup of tea would go good right now, and then my dear girls, Musica!

I have lots of photos to cheer your heart this lovely morning . . .

Starting with these . . . during a spring rain . . .

the colors make me so happy . . .

. . . my kitchen smells like a flower shop!  And I’m all well.  My cold is finally gone, I get down on the floor every morning now and do stretches and leg lifts, lift my little weights and feel like I’m starting all over!

I couldn’t help taking a kazillion pictures of this vase full of tree cuttings . . .

But then my perpetual audience climbed on top of the fridge to survey his kingdom . . .

of which I am his people — is it the cat or the vase that is the real star of this photo?

It’s the cat.  So regal, such a star . . .

The pink cherry blossoms, heavenly!

Letting me loose with a camera can sometimes be a dangerous thing.  You should see the ones that got away!

And here’s where I go to gather the pink booty . . .

I could never do it justice with a mere paintbrush . . . never never never

Because looking into this sparkly pink pear tree is like a prayer.

The smell alone is enough to inspire the sweetest dreams . . .

And the breeze, the island breeze filled with the ocean, the blossoms, the green grass, the violets, the sky and all the good things of nature.

And Jack.  Well, my cup just runneth over. 

We had friends to tea the other day, and despite the diet  (I promise you, I am being very good!),  I made something mighty delicious —  a blueberry angel food cake with lemon glaze!  (Fat free, but filled with delicous sugar!).  I’ll give you the recipe for this the minute we reach our goal weight UNLESS there is strong request for it now, and then, of course I will give it to you!

We ate about half of it, heaven’s sugar cake, and took the other half, a quarter-cake each over to Lowely and then to Martha!  It’s so nice to have girlfriend neighbors with whom you can share the wealth and don’t get mad at you for doing it!

I used my pink dishes to match the flowers.  And then guess what I found out?  A year or so ago Joe and I made a little video called “How to Sift Flour.”  Truly one of the greats as the title implies!  But I just found out it is #1 on Google in the massive Sifting of Flour category!


Yes, if you Google How to Sift Flour, this is what you get, without even mentioning my name.  We, my girls, are number one!  In the world. On Google!  WHAT an accomplishment!  I’m kind of excited about it!  It’s the little things in life!

Remember a couple of years ago we got a new Dogwood tree for our backyard?  Well, we just placed an order for this year’s addition to the springtime floral extravaganza at this house.  We ordered a Magnolia x soulangeana, a weeping Higan Cherry Tree, and a Honey Crisp apple tree. Also seven new forsythia bushes to put behind the fence in front of our house. Not sure if they will be in stock, but it’s a good time to plant them, so we’re hoping our nursery can find them for us.  It’s so gorgeous out there, why not make more beauty if we can, so it’s almost silly crazy romantic over-the-top beautiful?  Nothing wrong with that.

Flowering trees are so special — something magical about them after a long cold grey winter.  Here’s the dogwood last year — it’s not in bloom yet this year, more to look forward to!  One of the reasons this is all especially beautiful to me this year is because . . .

I’ve had a sort of tunnel vision, like looking at the world through a straw, for a long time.

My concentration on our book, the single mindedness it takes, made the world look like this to me . . . here’s Girl Kitty.

Here I am making tea first thing in the morning. I had other things on my mind at all times:  What could I say, do, paint, dream up, remember, include, make happen, so that A FINE ROMANCE will be something you will love.♥  I wonder if other authors see the world like this when they are deep in the throes of a project?  If ever I was going to write something called “How to Write a Book” I would have to try and explain this.

This is what the kitchen looked like to me at around 4 am.

And here’s a snowy day — it registered because of its beauty but in “real life,” I was looking at the sea from the rail of the ship, or in England walking through wildflower meadows, looking at maps, touring castles, driving narrow backroads, and drinking ice cold peah ci-das in pubs!

I would look out and see Joe shoveling the snow out front and it was vaguely confusing.

He came in every day and made us a cozy fire, but my focus was always always always on something else . . . this was my background music, snap, crackle, and pop . . .

Believe it or not, even this guy never got all the way through . . . but he sure tried.

Ahhhh, here we are . . . this feels familiar . . .

Determined daily to make a movement toward the finish line . . .

One tiny brush stroke and pen mark at a time . . .

Every moment, the pure joy of creating . . . combined with the agony of wanting it to be done . . . but not too quickly, because there was enjoyment of the moment, as strange as that may seem.

Until I got to this, page 8 of A FINE ROMANCE . . .  The other 259 pages went to print as of last week, but I had to wait to do this last one.  I needed to get legal permission from several song writers in order to print excerpts from their songs in our book, because what would our book be without MUSICA? The last permission came through on Friday, and I was able to do this page.  The last one!  Oh MY!

And when I finished, the tunnel vision went totally and completely away, and the bright world came shining through . . . all new like I’d never seen it before.

Colors are brighter and prettier than ever . . .

The world is a lovely place!  Time for my fake tap dance!

Our walk to the water is more beautiful than ever — it’s 68 degrees on Martha’s Vineyard right this moment and as soon as I finish saying hello to you, we are on our way to our walk to this very spot to see the sparkle on the water.

But first, you have been so patient while I was looking at life with blinders on, you cheered me through and were with me the whole way — so, so wonderful . . .  isn’t it about time for a giveaway? YES!

It’s possible most of you have these two books . . . but maybe you have someone who you could give them to?  Or you could save them for birthday gifts.  Spanking new lighthearted copies of The Summer Book and Girlfriends Forever, and isn’t spring the perfect time?

The SUMMER BOOK is filled with delicious recipes for the season, barbecues and picnics, my picket fence garden, and stories such as “Library Days”, “How to Go to a Tea Party”, and “The Raft”.

GIRLFRIENDS FOREVER is a celebration of US — everything we love, Girl Parties, healthy recipes, decorating, clothes, beauty, exercise and a Spicy Mango Salad on page 82 that is to die for. This one also has the story of How I Met the Beatles (when I was “Just Seventeen”).

I would love to sign them, to whatever name the winner chooses: her own, her daughter’s, her sister’s, her mother’s, or her best friend’s!  Just leave a comment here to enter the drawing at the bottom of this post where you see the tiny word “comments” — (and if you don’t see it, click on www., scroll to the bottom of this post, squint because it’s tiny, and there it will be).  In a few days we’ll pull Vanna off the tennis court or out of her bubble bath (such a lady of leisure) and let her choose the winning name.  And I hope with every fiber of my being that this time, it’s you.  xoxo ♥  Hope this makes your heart take wings! Bye for now Girlfriends!

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1,887 Responses to LIGHTHEARTED ♥

  1. Cheri Tuthill says:

    Love all your pictures of a fabulous springtime. Here in California spring seems to have come and gone and it feels like summer already with it being in the 90’s today. So I am really enjoying spending time in your spring!!! Thanks!! Hope I win your books- they are always so much fun and with wonderful ideas and recipes and just tidbits of this and that which makes for an enjoyable read!!

  2. Linda Lee Miller says:

    Love all your beautiful illustrations and photos of Spring! I would love to
    win a copy of your book….you could sign it to my dear sister who is a fan as well.
    So anxious to receive your new book!

    Happy Spring, Susan!

  3. Danielle says:

    Welcome to Spring in New England! Your flowers are so beautiful! I love this time of year! Congratulations on finishing A Fine Romance! I can’t wait till it comes out! : ) I would love to win a signed copy of one of your books! They are so inspiring and make me Happy! ♥

    Danielle xo

  4. Cathy says:

    I’ve loved your cheerful art for many years and always look forward to getting your newest calendar. I would love to win the books giveaway and add
    them to my library.

  5. Becky D'Arrigo says:

    I so enjoy reading your delightful posts. I especially enjoy your beautiful photographs. I would love to be selected to receive one of your books…Becky

  6. Yvonne from NC says:

    I simply adore all of your books, calendars, pens, pencils, note pads, cards…the list goes on and on! I would love to win both of these darling books to add to my ever growing collection of Susan Branch! It just makes me happy!!!

  7. Sherry Svoboda from Maryland says:

    Happy Spring Susan, I have all of your books and they are my treasures. I recently introduced you and your blog to my high school best friend of 46 years who is new to computers and she is in love with your blog and website and I would love to win one of your books for her and you signing it would make it even more special. She loves Christmas like you and I do and I recently gave her a copy of “Christmas Joy” and she was thrilled. Thank you for adding that
    sprinkle of spice to our lives by sharing yourself with all of us . I am pre-ordered for “A Fine Romance” and my anticipation for it is off the charts. Please post the recipe for the Blueberry Angel Food Cake it looks absolutely devine.

  8. Julie Cardenas in Murrieta, Ca says:

    oh Vannah, it’s time to stop messin’ around – I think you need to pick me!!

  9. Gladys Marie says:

    Such a delightful! post! Always a precious mini vacation while reading your “blog”. Thanks so much for your generous heart. Would cherish your books autographed to “Gladys Marie”. ♥ GM

  10. Sreekala says:

    Hi Susan!
    I loved the tunnel vision pictures. How did you manage to take them? You should make your next book one on the creative process itself, it’ll be a wonderful book, I’m sure!

    Ooh, I would love to have either of the books, thanks! I hope you will be bringing out more copies of Girl Friends at least. You promised you’d think about it!!!!

    • sbranch says:

      We are still planning to do that, hopefully sooner rather than later! Nice to hear from you Sreekala!

  11. Jennifer Behen says:

    Oh, my gosh, how I’ll envy you your Honey Crisp apple tree! Aren’t they just simply THE BEST apple there is? Would be heaven to pop out the back door and grab one whenever. YUUUUUUUM. So glad you’re finally feeling yourself again…you had a doozy of a cold. All your wonderful blooms have healing power! 😀 Really enjoyed reading the 2012 blog re: making a garden. Spring fever is rampant here in Kansas. This was such a long winter. My girlfriend, Suzanne (who introduced me to you, bless her) and I make a yearly trip to a terrific nursery to buy all our new flowers. Such fun! Would love to share the books from your latest drawing with her.

  12. nicola probert says:

    With over 1000 other girlfriends vying for these books, i think i am unlikely to win! But it is a good opportunity to drop by and say how much i love this blog. Martha’s Vineyard is one of my favorite places on Earth and the beautiful countryside of the UK is another. So i am in raptures with every photo, drawing and observation. It reminds me of happy times in the past and the promise of more in the future. Thank you for that gift.

  13. KATHY says:

    Just got out of the hospital, and would love to spend my forced quiet days reading both books!

  14. Maggie Bensuaski says:

    I just discovered your blog this year when googling for your 2013 calendar (none left at the store) and it cheers my heart no end. Summer here in Nevada is more like Simmer, and not much fun, so I would love more of your special art and heart in the Summer Book, to remember the good o’ summertime. Have the Girlfriends book and love it like an old friend. Thank you for your generosity with blog recipes, bookmarks, and heart-sharing!

  15. Sandra Hand says:

    Loved seeing the photos of flowers and green grass, as we are still “enjoying” snow here today in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I’d love to win a book and I sure hope you share the recipe for the cake – it looks delicious!

  16. becki says:

    oh, i hope its me this time too! i love my summer book but i don’t have the girlfriends book yet.
    i love the glimpses of your island in this post…i can just smell those daffodils, and see the prayer in that blooming apple tree, and feel the warm ocean breezes….

  17. Pamela Jewett says:

    Hi Susan,
    Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to finish a project. I loved your photos (especially the ones of Jack) of Springtime flowers and the peeks of “the” book. I am looking forward to reading it with a cup of tea. Glad the tunnel vision has left you!
    xoxo Pam

  18. Shauna Woodall says:

    Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I always want books, and I don’t have these yet, but I AM pre-ordered for A Fine Romance! Come on, Vanna!

  19. I just loved looking through all your pictures of spring on the island. Our fruit trees just finished blooming so now the long wait until the fruit is ready to pick begins. While I wait, I will be slogging through all my recipes and organizing them. I bought a copy of your book, “Homemade Recipes” to help me along, so see, you will be right there beside me while I do this! 🙂

  20. Janet Tentler says:

    So glad to hear you are feeling better! Thanks for making us feel better with each posting! And yes please… We would love that recipe!

  21. Dorothy Ann says:

    * Hello Susan…Google’s # 1. New Star! *

    Your new post is so lovely. I just tuned in to your musica and happily read your Sunday happenings and gazed at those beautiful photos of the flowers and adorable Jack and oh yes…that glorious blueberry angel food cake. I do want the recipe asap…please…please…please.

    Oh…now someone pinch me! Can it be true? Your new giveaway will be not one…but two fabulous books? You are spoiling us. “The Summer Book”…I don’t have that one and how perfect to add it to my collection of your books.
    “Girlfriends Forever”…well, that one I will give as a gift. See, I have it all planned out, if I am the lucky winner, so do add my name to the drawing list.

    Thank you Susan. Thank you.
    Hi to all the sweet Girlfriends.
    * Luv from Dorothy Ann on Cougar Mountain, Washington *

  22. donna sutton says:

    I just got back from Europe and wished I was able to share with everyone the wonderful experience I had . Unfortunately I am not as talented as you . But I will carry my trip with me always. I was very Happy to share the trip with my daughter. I know she enjoyed herself if not more than I did.
    I took her as a treat for her 50th. Birthday.
    Could not pull up your blog on the Danube. But I am home and able to do so again, and find you are giving oway one of your wonderful books. I hope I am a winner. Wouldn’t that be grand! Fingers and Toes are crossed.

    • sbranch says:

      Welcome home Donna — what a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of your daughter! Together as girlfriends on the Danube!

  23. Rosarito says:

    God Bless Your Home

  24. Sherri Fabbri says:

    I would LOVE those books as I don’t have them! Your pictures are beautiful! Thank you so much for your blog and everything else you do! I can’t wait for your England book ! I ordered 2, as my mom will love it too!

  25. Danella Farrell says:

    Dear Susan,
    Another delightful and very happy message to all of us. Thank you for cheering us up with wonderful pictures and your inspiring thoughts. Glad you’re feeling well now. Have a wonderful day with Joe and your kitties.

  26. Veronica Sumerduck. VA says:

    ‘Sweet Susan’,congrats to you. The task of love now complete,bask in its glory.
    Rest,relax and refuel. Enjoy nature’s bounty; you and the love of your life(meaning Joe) ? I wish this for him as well,for he was your sustainer,your supporter,your shoulder…’ Sweet Spring Blessings’ I send with love,to two very lovely people. Veronica

    • sbranch says:

      You are so sweet Veronica, I could not have done this book without Joe, in more ways than I can count. I’ll give him your message!

  27. Stephanie D says:

    Good morning! Today I will check into the hospital to have a c-section to have my daughter! I normally am not up at such an ungodly hour (4:45am), but I was directed to have no food or fluids after 5:15am. So, I dragged up at 4:45, made myself some toast with butter & strawberry jam, and munched on it while I read this post. Thanks for always being a ray of sunshine in the mornings! Now, back to bed!

    • sbranch says:

      OH MY STEPHANIE!! Today your daughter will be born, you’ll hear her little voice for the first time. I am so thrilled to have you here this morning. This is so fantastic. You’ll be giving birth to your new best friend for life! Happy Day, for everyone. ♥ ♥ ♥

      • Joan Lesmeister says:

        So exciting Stephanie! Prayers & best wishes! xoxo

        • Jan from Northern CA says:

          Best Wishes Stephanie!,… and we FOSB all wish you a wonderful “Birthday” of your new daughter. Please come back in and introduce her to us. You’re in our prayers!

      • Stephanie D says:

        Thanks everyone for your prayers and well wishes! All went well and we are home and loving life! Here’s a picture of little miss Alice – (I think that will display a picture, anyway! 😛 )

        Congratulations to you, too, Mary!

        • sbranch says:

          Oh Stephanie, look at that adorable thing!!! Congratulations!! Our newest girlfriend! Thank you for sharing her with us. She is perfect! I love her name, Alice. ♥

    • mary spring says:

      how wonderful, Stephanie, to share this news with all of us…congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your baby daughter !!.. dear Susan, I wasn’t going to comment on this posting being that you have so many comments to moderate and I already am fortunate to have Summer and Girlfriends Forever but I just couldn’t help myself to share that last night I found out that my second son and daughter in law are having a baby boy in early September !!!…I am literally over the moon with joy !!!..and I love your newest post…all the pinks and I love the tunnel vision focus…you are amazing grace, dear Susan…and I never tire of saying thank you for all you do !!!!!…with love and take care !!!

      • sbranch says:

        How great for you Mary, a new baby boy! Congratulations!! Has to be the most exciting thing ever!

      • Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

        Oh, Mary, congratulations and hugs to you and your family! I have two grandsons, ages 22 and 5, and they are are parts of my heart. Will this be your first grand baby?

        • mary spring says:

          dear Shannon, thank you so much for your congratulatory note…I really appreciate it…I love how you said that your grandchildren are a part of your heart…how so true !!…have a wonderful day in Pennsylvania !!

    • Shannon (Pennsylvania) says:

      Good thoughts and lots of blessings are being sent your way today, Stephanie! I have an April daughter, too. Her 43rd birthday was April 6, and she truly is my best friend 🙂

      • sbranch says:

        It often seems to work out that way. When my best friend’s daughter was 2 years old, she told me the baby was her best friend. I know it’s true because of my mom.♥

        • Karen P - Wisconsin says:

          Oh Susan! That is so sweet….to have a mom who is your best friend. Wonderful!

          • sbranch says:

            Very very lucky! Just spoke to her yesterday, we were talking all about this, being best friends.

    • Karen P - Wisconsin says:

      How exciting, Stephanie! You will have to give an update when your little sweetie is born!

  28. Vida Howard says:

    You are just giddy with health, accomplishment and spring aren’t you!? I think it is Gorgeous how happy you are. This is a wonderful Earth God has given us and a lovely talent he has given you. You are one of my happy thoughts, along with my beautiful Grandkids and my sweet Hubby. Bless you in your life!

  29. Angela says:

    I would love a signed copy of this lovely book! Angela

  30. willemien says:

    Hi Susan!

    I’m very happy today: We have a new King! Our Queen Beatrix has abdicated. It’s a very festive day here in the Netherlands, flags everywhere and we and our children ofcourse are wearing Orange and red-white-blue( the colors of our flag), and I just had a slice of cake with orange glaze,and had a cup of coffee. The day is full of festivities here. Loved your pictures of the blossom in the trees! Our plum tree is also packed with blossom, wonderfull!
    Love to get a copy of your books!

    Lots of love from Holland
    xoxo Willemien

    • sbranch says:

      Must be beautiful! Went online to see what I could see, found this very quiet webcam — fun to see it, and all the orange! Has the boat parade started yet? Will you be there to see it? It reminds me a bit of last year in England for the Jubilee. So festive, and everyone so happy!

      • Marianne says:

        This is so interesting – thank you for finding this webcam. I’ve never seen one move around and zoom in and out like this one and it’s fascinating to watch even though I wasn’t on your blog early enough to see the festivities of the day. Though it’s night there now (I think) the area is well lit for viewing.

        • Marianne says:

          Yes – almost 3 AM in the morning and lots of activity still going on – cars, street sweepers, and other vehicles, as well as people walking.

        • sbranch says:

          I thought so too Marianne, really interesting — sometimes it’s easy to forget that there are people running around doing things everywhere in the world!

      • willemien says:

        Hi Susan,

        Yes it was beautiful! We’ve watched the boat parade on tv, (all day long you could watch everything on tv). I loved to look at the dresses of all the royals.
        And in the evening, it looked a bit chilly outside, and our kids (5year old, 3year old, and 11mnths) had to go to bed. they were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows.
        We can look back on a very special day!
        Lovely those tulips in your garden! Mine, (yes orange ones!) are blooming just at the right moment on Queens/and now in future:Kings-day!
        Enjoy your day! We have a nice sunny one today.
        Love from Willemien

        • sbranch says:

          They were wearing some amazing jewels too! Thank you for telling me about it. Otherwise, with our rather self-centered news cycle here, I would never have known!

          • Marianne says:

            I found a website with many photos. Everyone looked so happy. So glad I had a chance to see them.

  31. Marsha Robins says:

    Your blogs are always a breath of fresh air in my day, Susan! You are inspiring me to do some landscaping in my yard during the coming year, too. Would love to have your blueberry angel food cake recipe with lemon glaze — sounds so yummy. I would also love to win your two books in the drawing — what a nice surprise that would be! I’m so glad you are feeling better!

  32. Andrea Geary says:

    Lovely pictures, fingers crossed I am a winner! Good Luck Everyone 🙂

  33. Susan says:

    Good morning Susan!
    I just enjoyed looking at all your beautiful Spring flowers. We have thunder, lightning and pouring rain here this morning. Unusual for the
    sunshine State!
    Can’t wait till tomorrow morning to turn my calendar to see what you made for us girls in the month of May! I’d be so happy to enjoy your books to add to my collection!
    Love from another,

  34. Idelsy says:

    Love the flowers! I hope I win! I have a friend who has been under the weather and she would love the Girlfriends Books – I received my copy a couple of years ago also from a friend.

  35. N. Jean says:

    I love your spring pictures…they really gave me a boost today. Thank you.

  36. Sara says:

    You have a way, Susan, of keeping my mind ‘in the pink’–and I need that right now, with knee replacement surgery looming (Monday) plus replacement of a failed knee replacement on the horizon (July 10). No, I am not a glutton for punishment but a believer in health of body and wholeness of spirit, overseen by a loving God. Blessings on your day, my new kindred-spirit friend. If I do not win your books, I will certainly purchase them!

    • sbranch says:

      YOU are brave, and doing the right thing because you know it’s going to be better soon. Brave though. xoxo Blessings and good luck!

  37. Anne From Wisconsin says:

    How wonderful to see spring in bloom! We are a bit behind here, I just can’t wait for our beautiful spring color! We just had our very first warm weekend that told us that yes, spring really is on its way! We are going to be getting a new small tree or shrub for a spot in our yard that needs spring color! Not sure what yet. A few weeks away yet. Your choices were all ones in the running! Have a wonderful spring!

  38. Patricia says:

    I hope being 1250 is magical since I would LOVE to get these two books.

    Thank you for the generous giveaway, for whoever wins will deserve it!

  39. Lucy says:

    Good Morning, Susan,

    The Blueberry Angel food cake looks just stupendous and I feel that because it is blueberry season is here we should have the recipe now. Why wait? No time like the present to enjoy life.
    Thanks for sharing with us! Lucy

  40. Tammy Bennett says:

    I love the spring pictures…great on this rainy day in PA! Thanks Susan for sharing the beauty…
    p.s. I would love to win! <3

  41. elizabeth says:

    Very inspiring! Love the pics. I’m happy you’re back with us in time to enjoy the sights & sounds of springtime! Enjoy!

  42. Lisa Ruvola says:

    I have “The Summer Book,” so you could dedicate that one to my sister, Brenda, who is also a big fan of yours. I would love a copy of “Girlfriends Forever” for myself. I’m so glad that you are feeling better and have your “sight” back…just in time for spring, what could be better?

  43. sgood says:

    Would so love to add these titles to the Susan Branch books that already live on my bookshelves. Thanks for all the beautiful photos of spring.

  44. Patricia from Philly says:

    Hello Susan, and thank you for this way-beyond-beautiful post!
    I have both books, and was in the Summer one this past weekend making a double batch of Sarah’s Granola! (Please, please think about making an index; I don’t want to bother you since you just finished A Fine Romance, but we Girlfriends could use an index of your cookbooks and their recipes!).
    The granola is such a great recipe, perfect for making lots of bagged-up and be-ribboned gifts, and this time I made it a little sweeter: I added a handful of the teeniest, tiniest dark chocolate chips! Yum Yum.
    If I were to win the books, they would go to my daughter who just started her new married life in North Carolina. I never thought it would happen, but she is asking me to keep sending her our favorite recipes, and she knows alot of them come from your books!
    Have a wonderful day with Joe, Girl and Jack on the Vin-Yahd!

  45. Kathy Kelly says:

    Oh Susan! I’ve adored you and your art for years. I’ve made many wonderful dinners with your cookbooks. I feel like you’re a treasured friend even though we never met. Enjoy your beautiful weather!

  46. Jack says:

    Aha! There’s a new Oriole at the trough …….

  47. maddie says:

    i have yet me meet this “vanna”…maybe this time will be different!!

  48. Aggie says:

    Spring finally here……..thanks for the beautiful photos! I can’t decide if flowering trees surpass the beauty of the flowers – it is all gorgeous!!

  49. Jonna Green says:

    Hi Susan,

    Would love to win copies of these books! Also, would love the recipe for the blueberry angel food cake!


  50. Laura Lindsay says:

    I have enjoyed your springtime photos, especially the ones of daffodills.. Its hard to believe its still early spring in other parts of our great country since daffodills have come and gone here in Ca. I just love them. When my husband and I got married in March, (ages ago) my father suggested we use seasonal flowers ( who knew he was so romantic) and so we used daffodills. So, they are my favorite flower!!

  51. Lynn S says:

    Oh to win one of your books would be the highlight of my day. I am always on the look out for the out of print one.


  52. Debbie Ann Toth says:

    That Blueberry Angel Food Cake looks “heavenly”. (excuse the pun!) Hope you post the recipe. Throw my name into the hat too. Love your books, blog, facebook–all of it.


  53. Safetydog says:

    I’ve enjoyed your charming blog for some time now. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, photos, recipes, and illustrations. I have some of your stickers from several years ago – hoarding them, they’re so lovely. I would love to win these books, one for me and one for my daughter. Our gardens are going gangbusters, with all the rain we’ve had in our region. What a difference from last year’s drought.

  54. Teri Jordan says:

    Looking forward to seeing your new book…..I already prepaid for it…..can’t wait…I would love the chance to win one of your other books……plus I’m looking for the Heart of the Home autumn book…..I would love to buy one, but I can’t find any…..and yes I would love to have that cake recipe it looks too delicious…..

  55. Fran says:

    What a wonderful post. The description of your creative process is so illuminating. And I can almost feel you breathe in the spring now that you have finished, finished, finished your project. Congratulations!

  56. phyllis huseby says:

    I would love to win the two books to add to my Susan Branch collection. Thanks for the cheerful post and the beautiful Spring pictures!

  57. Lucy says:

    Hello Susan,
    This post is one delight and surprise after another. Thank you a thousand times over for your constant awe of nature and life!! It means so much!
    XO, Lucy

  58. LindaB says:

    I do already own those books, but if I won, I would keep the signed ones for myself (selfish, I know!!) and gift the other ones to friends who don’t know about you yet!! Although, I’m pretty sure all of MY friends know about you!!! They just might not have those books!!

  59. Peggy Cooper says:

    Aaaahhhh!!! Just beautiful as always.

  60. Anne Hegg says:

    Spring is very slow coming to our part of the country on the North Shore of Lake
    Superior, so today’s blog gave me hope of things to come! I would love to be the lucky winner of your books. Thank you for the smile you always put in my heart. Anne

  61. Regina Brown says:

    The trees are blooming in Il. We’ve had a lot of rain and cold!! Everthing is turning pretty and green. But sooo ready for warmer weather!!! Have good day!!!

  62. Jill A. says:

    Rejoice! This is a beautiful time of year! Looking forward to possibly winning, just in time for my birthday 🙂

  63. Debbie Hampton says:

    You little stinker!! You knew how to bring us out of the woodwork! Just like all the little spring-time critters that emerge as the weather starts warming up…we all came out looking for that special treat. Thankyou for the chance to win your lovely books. They certainly are like a visit with you and your wonderful world of your Island. If we can’t live there….we can Dream there! Blessings! Deb hampton

  64. Munya says:

    While spring still seems a bit unsure to stay (on the west coast), those pictures keep me going! I can’t WAIT until the book tour. (I’ve already pre-ordered my book!!)

  65. I hope I still have time to leave a comment for that wonderful prize, Susan! Thanks so much for always cheering all of us up, including me!!! You ROCK!!!!

  66. Barbara B says:

    Your books are the best. I read them over and over depending on the season. There is just something about them that you never get tired of. It’s like revisiting an old friend. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful thoughts and pictures! I’m in Michigan and spring is late for us so I live vicariously through your beautiful pictures.

  67. Susan (College Station, Texas) (Whoop!) says:

    Love that’s it’s spring up there…we have been lolling around in bluebonnets here for a month. If you have never seen Texas bluebonnets in full bloom it’s a MUST!
    Would love to share Girlfriends with a most special friend of mine…we love experiencing life together!

  68. Judy moore says:

    I LOVE reading your blog, its like getting letters from a girlfriend , i strt my day with you and a cup of coffee.
    I would soooooo LOVE to win those books…as I don't yet have ANY of your books….
    But Im waiting for my first one A FINE ROMANCE to arrive…how lovely it would be to have those to savor as well.
    Please keep doing what you do…sharing your live with us…it is so special to hear from you!!
    your friend,


  69. Elaine in Toronto says:

    Susan, I just got an email from Sheri telling me what the international shipping fees are for my order of “A Fine Romance” (4 copies). Never been so eager to pull out my credit card before, almost got whiplash, lol. Everything’s done and dusted as they say in England. Now all I have to do is wait with eager anticipation for your books to arrive. So excited. Thanks so much.

  70. Candi S. (Long Beach, CA) says:

    Thank you so much for always bringing all of us a ray of sunshine, love and hope with your wonderful blog. I always think of you when I drive down Park Avenue here in Long Beach – was your house by Recreation Park or was it closer to the beach? I’d love to be the lucky winner of your books, but the competition is tough. 🙂

  71. Mary says:

    It was a pleasure to read your post and enjoy your beautiful photos. I would LOVE to be able to make that blueberry cake. Please share, thank you,

  72. Terri (in Richmond, VA) says:

    Susan, so glad you are back to 200%! I had a bad pollen related cold last week, but am back at full speed! Richmond is gorgeous in spring, but brings pollen allergies, too. Thanks for your lovely pictures! And I agree, Jack is the star centerpiece!

  73. Jean Lederer says:

    Dear Susan,
    I just recently rediscovered YOU after sifting through my books and found the one you wrote and illustrated for St. Valentine’s Day so long ago! I had ONE son then; I have FOUR sons now! It was ( and still is) a cherished gift given to me by my girlfriend from college days! She has THREE sons!! We TRULY did and still do, need our “girly fix” of all things bright and beautiful!

    Your blog oozes joy and is such a day brightener! I am enthralled by the artistic skill you demonstrate, your keen eye for color, and the playful characters you bring to life in this tricky and difficult -to -master medium.

    Thank you for your sunshine– no matter the weather!


  74. kare says:

    It’s 96 on my portch before noon … but my tomato’s are producing and the squash will soon bee blooming .. Shade must be applied for the remainder of the year.

    Funny, i get that tunnel vision when my Fibro flares up… perhaps i should find something creative to focus on at those times… am learning to hook rugs.. does that count? i have focused alot on your wonderful blog here, beeing inspired to do more, dream more… create… live & breathe deep. Ahhhh!

    Thanks for the beauty shared… it means more than you know.
    Dusty buster says meowzers to your sweet kitties! He really lives up to his name:)

    Blessings & Buzz’z

  75. Deb Rode says:

    Susan you are such a breath of fresh air. My sister and I read your blog together. She lives in TN and I live in ND so we always have lots to compare in the beauty of the earth. We’ve yet to have spring and she is in the start of summer. Our snow is just now leaving us. It would be a great honor to win these books.

  76. Nina says:

    Hi Susan Love this fun update to your blog! And I love the pictures! My fave time of year is Autumn but my Mothers was Spring and I’m beginning to see why! I have always loved the magnolias & cherry blossoms. I have moved home 5 times since I married and have planted trees in every garden! I guess I could start my own Blossom trail in our town!
    Anyway this weekend I am off to Stratford upon Avon with my daughter to stay with a dear girlfriend of mine and im hoping we may get chance to visit the Evesham Blossom trail (you’ll have to google it!) I have been wanting to do it for years but your visit to England has inspired me to do the things Ive wanted to and not put them off a moment longer!! O and please let us have the Blueberry cake recipe it looks yummy!! xxxx

  77. Sara D NW Georgia says:

    I am glad that you are up and about again, enjoying the beauty of Spring!

    I would really like that blueberry angel food cake recipe, now 🙂

  78. marisa grindstaff says:

    dear Susan
    Wonderful post loved the pictures of spring. What a great sight to behold after a long winter. I am looking forward to making and sharing the angle food cake, sharing because I too have put on pounds this winter avoiding all exercise that calls for getting on the floor however, I have this fear of not being able to get back to a standing position. I do go walking with my best doggie max and thats my exercise for now. Have a great May Day!!!!

  79. marisa grindstaff says:

    It seems I renamed your cake I will love the angel food cake also!!!!!! marisa

  80. cynthia says:

    AHHHH Spring Time! Is there any more glorious season to embrace? I love the smell of the wet earth , even the birds are forming choruses, how I missed that music . Beautiful pictures Susan, is there no end to your talents?The good thing is all us girls get to enjoy them. Thankyou.

  81. Mary L Baldwin says:

    The sheer gift of reading your blogs and seeing your artwork…and JACK…are the greatest gifts!

  82. Joy B says:

    Oh, I’d love to win these two books. I’ve only recently discovered your blog and I always enjoy reading it! Can’t wait to see the new book, too.

  83. Shelley Palmer says:

    Susan, thank you so much for your amazing blog. I look forward to it each week. I love the photos, musica, stories and peeks into you wonderful home. Happy Spring to you!


  84. Karen says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you for the beautiful photos…..they made my heart sing this morning as I reflected on the “awesomeness” of all of God’s creation!! I am so thankful for your open-hearted willingness to share so much of your life with your girlfriends.
    Thank you!
    Kisses ~ Karen

  85. Jan says:

    What great news to learn your book is finally finished. Your happy post made me happy just to read it! Loved your beautiful photos of spring in New England.

  86. Lisa from CT says:

    oooh, ooooh, i hope i’m not too late Susan! Please include me in the drawing of your wonderful books!!! Thank you!! it is beautiful here today in CT and i know it must be beautiful on Martha’s Vineyard!!! Enjoy!!!

  87. Sandra says:

    Susan, I love your garden, I have your design in one of your calendars from some years ago and as I moved to an old lovely house, a garden with a picket fence will be on the making! Thank you for your words and the flowers, the trees, the air and the sunshine!

  88. Tora says:

    What a joy your blog is! So glad I found it when I did.

  89. Jan from Northern CA says:

    Oh Happy Spring! I’ve seen my tulips bloom and dry to be replaced by flowers for summer. The lady bugs have been doing their job rescuing my roses from the aphids. I did buy more and kept them cold in the fridge until it was time to sprinkle them out to do their jobs. Many new little lady bugs from those little aligator larva hatched and became new little ladies to help me as well. My roses have been beautiful and I need to feed them so that they continue to give me joy through the summer. Your photos again remind me that I would like to pursue my dream of photography. Birthday wish this year….a good digital camera. What do you use and do you have a recomendation? And, if I could be so lucky and Vanna choose my name for the book prize….I would be even happier. Glad to hear you are well again and I, as everyone else, cannot wait to get “A Fine Romance” into my hands. Please let us know ASAP when you are in sunny Calif.
    Jan from Northern CA

  90. Joy Pence from Ohio says:

    Thank you Susan for the lovely spring pictures. It is beautiful here in Ohio as well. I wanted to tell you, our neighbors have (2) sheep in their back field!!!! The field butts ups against our back field, so I get to see them every day when we walk our dog. One has a black face and the other white. The black faced one is the boss and he has a very deep baaaaaa. They came up to the fence and my pour golden retriever didn’t know what to think of them; he jumped back (scaredy cat!!). But I thought I had to come here and tell Susan! and here you were with a new post. I do hope Vanna pulls my name this time. My birthday is Thursday 🙂
    Have a great rest of the week!

    • sbranch says:

      Happy Birthday, Joy!! Lucky that you get to look at sheep, I will have to tell my neighbors this very good idea!

  91. Nicole from El Dorado Hills, CA says:

    So happy to hear you are on the mend and feeling much better! Thank you so much for spreading so much cheer and being such inspiration. I love all your pictures of nature and especially Jack and Girl Kitty! Happy almost May! I am so excited to turn the page to see what you have on your calendar for the month of May, I do not look until the 1st of every month!

  92. Paula K. from Arkansas says:

    That cake looks so yummy! Please post soon, I need a slice of that with my afternoon tea. Martha’s Vineyard is looking beautiful this time of year. Our daffodils bloomed the beginning of March and have already faded away. It is nice to see their beauty once again. Aufwiedersehen!

  93. YayYayYAY!! I am so happy it is SPRING!! ( felt like it was never going to get here…) Your flowering trees are gOrGeoUs! We need some of those here! We have LOTS of beautiful rhododendron that I am looking forward to – but not a single forsythia or lilac. Hmmph – put it right on the wish list!
    TOMORROW IS MAY!! Hurray!

  94. Mary Pyle says:

    Please share your recipe for the blueberry angel food cake with lemon glaze.
    It looks so delicious. I’m ready to eat! Love all of your pictures and comments.
    You are an inspiration to me each day.

  95. judi says:

    Ah, I see the Queen Mary 2 is on it’s way to New York. It is to arrive in the NY harbor in 2 days 12 hours. One year ago you were packing, (chuckle) and preparing for your amazing journey. It has been wonderful joining you in ALL of this. ttfn judi 🙂

  96. Dolly Mullowney says:

    Our tea time last week was such a delight. So happy you are friends with Paula. I look forward to seeing the ” blueberry angel food cake” recipe sometime soon. It was light and yummy! I’d love to be included in your drawing.

  97. diana navarre says:

    Lovely pictures – It’s time for spring! The world is coming alive again! Such joy!
    Thank you always for sharing so much of your life with us!
    blessings, dn

  98. Joanie B says:

    Just a little bit behind on your beautiful blogs as I went away for a few days. I own the Girlfriends book and love its celebration. I would love to give a copy away and own the Summer book. Please add me into your giveaway and I promise not to lose track of visiting again!

  99. I already have these two books of yours but would love to have extra copies to give away! They are happy-making in so many of the best ways.

    Love your tunnel vision views – that’s how great work gets done! Focus! I read somewhere that it is great to *paint* but it is even better to *have painted* – you’ve done your job and now get to lay around under flowering fruit trees. Heaven.

    Sometimes I wonder if the neighbors notice that I stand for a long time with my face in the lilacs (anticipating lilac time here in Maine even though we have weeks still to go).

    • sbranch says:

      I’ve been out there too, staring at them. May is their month here on the island, it shouldn’t be long.

  100. Dianne H. says:

    Thank you for sharing your lovely spring flower pictures. My tunnel vision started about a week ago. I’m making a Winding Ways quilt for my niece, Katy, who will be getting married on June 1st. I’m sure writing a book takes a lot more time and organization than making a quilt, but I completely understand the need for tunnel vision. Would love to win one of your books.

    • sbranch says:

      Only way to get a big project done! GO Dianne! xo

      • Barbie Prince says:

        Hi Susan! I am just learning how to ” reply.” I think and hope! Anyway, I have loved you for years and would like to get a chance to win a book. May Day is special to me with memories of my grandmother at her Cape Cod cottage and the “May Lady” would leave me a basket on the front porch. Happy Month of May!!!

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