That’s how I feel, lighthearted, dancing down the stairs this morning, did my exercises, played with Jack, went outside to sniff the garden. And if a picture is worth a thousand words, then get ready for my version of War and Peace!  A nice cup of tea would go good right now, and then my dear girls, Musica!

I have lots of photos to cheer your heart this lovely morning . . .

Starting with these . . . during a spring rain . . .

the colors make me so happy . . .

. . . my kitchen smells like a flower shop!  And I’m all well.  My cold is finally gone, I get down on the floor every morning now and do stretches and leg lifts, lift my little weights and feel like I’m starting all over!

I couldn’t help taking a kazillion pictures of this vase full of tree cuttings . . .

But then my perpetual audience climbed on top of the fridge to survey his kingdom . . .

of which I am his people — is it the cat or the vase that is the real star of this photo?

It’s the cat.  So regal, such a star . . .

The pink cherry blossoms, heavenly!

Letting me loose with a camera can sometimes be a dangerous thing.  You should see the ones that got away!

And here’s where I go to gather the pink booty . . .

I could never do it justice with a mere paintbrush . . . never never never

Because looking into this sparkly pink pear tree is like a prayer.

The smell alone is enough to inspire the sweetest dreams . . .

And the breeze, the island breeze filled with the ocean, the blossoms, the green grass, the violets, the sky and all the good things of nature.

And Jack.  Well, my cup just runneth over. 

We had friends to tea the other day, and despite the diet  (I promise you, I am being very good!),  I made something mighty delicious —  a blueberry angel food cake with lemon glaze!  (Fat free, but filled with delicous sugar!).  I’ll give you the recipe for this the minute we reach our goal weight UNLESS there is strong request for it now, and then, of course I will give it to you!

We ate about half of it, heaven’s sugar cake, and took the other half, a quarter-cake each over to Lowely and then to Martha!  It’s so nice to have girlfriend neighbors with whom you can share the wealth and don’t get mad at you for doing it!

I used my pink dishes to match the flowers.  And then guess what I found out?  A year or so ago Joe and I made a little video called “How to Sift Flour.”  Truly one of the greats as the title implies!  But I just found out it is #1 on Google in the massive Sifting of Flour category!


Yes, if you Google How to Sift Flour, this is what you get, without even mentioning my name.  We, my girls, are number one!  In the world. On Google!  WHAT an accomplishment!  I’m kind of excited about it!  It’s the little things in life!

Remember a couple of years ago we got a new Dogwood tree for our backyard?  Well, we just placed an order for this year’s addition to the springtime floral extravaganza at this house.  We ordered a Magnolia x soulangeana, a weeping Higan Cherry Tree, and a Honey Crisp apple tree. Also seven new forsythia bushes to put behind the fence in front of our house. Not sure if they will be in stock, but it’s a good time to plant them, so we’re hoping our nursery can find them for us.  It’s so gorgeous out there, why not make more beauty if we can, so it’s almost silly crazy romantic over-the-top beautiful?  Nothing wrong with that.

Flowering trees are so special — something magical about them after a long cold grey winter.  Here’s the dogwood last year — it’s not in bloom yet this year, more to look forward to!  One of the reasons this is all especially beautiful to me this year is because . . .

I’ve had a sort of tunnel vision, like looking at the world through a straw, for a long time.

My concentration on our book, the single mindedness it takes, made the world look like this to me . . . here’s Girl Kitty.

Here I am making tea first thing in the morning. I had other things on my mind at all times:  What could I say, do, paint, dream up, remember, include, make happen, so that A FINE ROMANCE will be something you will love.♥  I wonder if other authors see the world like this when they are deep in the throes of a project?  If ever I was going to write something called “How to Write a Book” I would have to try and explain this.

This is what the kitchen looked like to me at around 4 am.

And here’s a snowy day — it registered because of its beauty but in “real life,” I was looking at the sea from the rail of the ship, or in England walking through wildflower meadows, looking at maps, touring castles, driving narrow backroads, and drinking ice cold peah ci-das in pubs!

I would look out and see Joe shoveling the snow out front and it was vaguely confusing.

He came in every day and made us a cozy fire, but my focus was always always always on something else . . . this was my background music, snap, crackle, and pop . . .

Believe it or not, even this guy never got all the way through . . . but he sure tried.

Ahhhh, here we are . . . this feels familiar . . .

Determined daily to make a movement toward the finish line . . .

One tiny brush stroke and pen mark at a time . . .

Every moment, the pure joy of creating . . . combined with the agony of wanting it to be done . . . but not too quickly, because there was enjoyment of the moment, as strange as that may seem.

Until I got to this, page 8 of A FINE ROMANCE . . .  The other 259 pages went to print as of last week, but I had to wait to do this last one.  I needed to get legal permission from several song writers in order to print excerpts from their songs in our book, because what would our book be without MUSICA? The last permission came through on Friday, and I was able to do this page.  The last one!  Oh MY!

And when I finished, the tunnel vision went totally and completely away, and the bright world came shining through . . . all new like I’d never seen it before.

Colors are brighter and prettier than ever . . .

The world is a lovely place!  Time for my fake tap dance!

Our walk to the water is more beautiful than ever — it’s 68 degrees on Martha’s Vineyard right this moment and as soon as I finish saying hello to you, we are on our way to our walk to this very spot to see the sparkle on the water.

But first, you have been so patient while I was looking at life with blinders on, you cheered me through and were with me the whole way — so, so wonderful . . .  isn’t it about time for a giveaway? YES!

It’s possible most of you have these two books . . . but maybe you have someone who you could give them to?  Or you could save them for birthday gifts.  Spanking new lighthearted copies of The Summer Book and Girlfriends Forever, and isn’t spring the perfect time?

The SUMMER BOOK is filled with delicious recipes for the season, barbecues and picnics, my picket fence garden, and stories such as “Library Days”, “How to Go to a Tea Party”, and “The Raft”.

GIRLFRIENDS FOREVER is a celebration of US — everything we love, Girl Parties, healthy recipes, decorating, clothes, beauty, exercise and a Spicy Mango Salad on page 82 that is to die for. This one also has the story of How I Met the Beatles (when I was “Just Seventeen”).

I would love to sign them, to whatever name the winner chooses: her own, her daughter’s, her sister’s, her mother’s, or her best friend’s!  Just leave a comment here to enter the drawing at the bottom of this post where you see the tiny word “comments” — (and if you don’t see it, click on www., scroll to the bottom of this post, squint because it’s tiny, and there it will be).  In a few days we’ll pull Vanna off the tennis court or out of her bubble bath (such a lady of leisure) and let her choose the winning name.  And I hope with every fiber of my being that this time, it’s you.  xoxo ♥  Hope this makes your heart take wings! Bye for now Girlfriends!

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1,887 Responses to LIGHTHEARTED ♥

  1. bobbie calgaro says:

    I would love to win the books. I don’t have the summer book so you could sign it to me. and the girlfriends book I would give to my cousin Nanci Noon so you could sign it to her. I am so glad that you can feel so light-hearted now that spring is here. I know that I am also feeling that way too. We have started planting here in NC and it felt good to dig in the dirt and feel apart of nature again. There is nothing like the riotous color that God puts on for us in the spring. Happy happy day!

    • Felicia says:

      I enjoy both books but would love to give them to a friend. I just leave the Summer book out all season because I use it and share it so much! Also Susan I just read the book The Guernsey Literary and Potato Pie Society about an the German occupation of one of the Channel Islands during WWII. It written in letters between this writer(Juliet), her publisher(Sidney) and the inhabitants of the island. I’ve read almost all your books on your list, and I think you will like this too!

  2. Robin says:

    I would be absolutely delighted to win these books. What a bonus! I have admired your work for a long time. It makes me feel calm and cheerful.

  3. Mary says:

    Hi Susan,
    Love these blossoming trees pics – that pink is so beautiful! I think the Japanese have it right with their cherry blossom viewing parties.
    And the tunnel vision photos – too neat! How much discipline it takes to create and how much it is appreciated, truly.

  4. Jamie from Doty Island, WI says:

    Hi Susan!
    Yes, Jack is definitely the star in your flowers verses kitty picture even though the pink beauties are breath taking! Don’t our fur children always take center stage especially if they are a cat ? So glad that your up and skipping around, I had that same bug which lasted for weeks! Spring couldn’t have come soon enough!
    Cant wait for A Fine Romance to be ready to purchase, I’m looking forward to curling up on the sofa out on my sun porch and have a good read. It’s going to be a big hit I just know it!
    And a big giant YES PLEASE, to sharing that cake recipe, it looks waaaaaay to yummy to keep from us girlfriends 🙂

  5. Rebecca Clark says:

    Oh Happy Day it’s spring. I am on pins and needles waiting for your new book.

    Much Love,

  6. audrey Bell, LaBarque Creek. Missouri says:

    Angel food cake? With blueberries? AND lemon glaze?
    YUM! What could make that better? Whipped cream, of course!
    We can’t wait for the recipe, please share now, we promise just a small taste, truly, we promise!

  7. Carl Milner says:

    Not sure if I’m a valid person to comment as I’m a ‘UK’ MAN

    • sbranch says:

      UK is good. But the MAN part? Just kidding. We have MEN. But we call them girlfriends too! My dad is one! Welcome to the party Carl!

  8. Vickie in Olympia says:

    Sunshine and Spring! What could be better? Thank you for sharing your joy with me this morn…afternoon (how did that happen? 🙂 Your flowers are beautiful and I am so glad for you that you can enjoy them without the tunnel vision.

  9. Pam Baker says:

    I’m feeling lucky but I would give it to my very bestest friend in the world, June. I want her to feel the way you make me feel.
    Wishing me good luck.
    Thank you for sharing “you” with us.

    Pam from Vermont
    ( I live near Rudyard Kiplings Vermont home and Tasha Tudor’s home

  10. Beverly says:

    I enjoyed this post, especially the pictures of rain on the windows. Here in California we haven’t had too much rain this year. I kept hoping “April showers would bring May flowers” but we still have not had those showers. The flowers are blooming in my garden, especially the geraniums and the roses. They are a joy to see.

  11. Adriana Mazzini says:

    Hi, Susan! I´d love to win those books… and the recipe of that yummy cake!
    Have a great Spring! Love from Brazil, Adriana xoxo

  12. Jacquie says:

    Hello again,
    I meant to add this little tidbit (and I’m serious when I say tidbit – nothing deeply profound mind you) on my earlier comment; just a little observation that I’ve recently made. I noticed the other night, the Johnson Bros. “Rose Chintz” pattern dishes that you so often feature here, (so I know you must love) were featured in a favorite movie…I keep a small collection of light-weight movies in my room to watch; personal favorites, just in case I’m tossing and turning in the middle of the night:(Crossing Delancy, Little Women, Moon Struck, Green Card etc). I was watching On Golden Pond the other night, and I noticed “Rose Chintz” in a hutch of their cottage; and when Mr Thayer has angina at the end, and collapses on the porch and he drops a box? Those shattered dishes that come flying out? “Rose Chintz” again! Too bad those pretty dishes met their demise at the end of the movie; at least he recovered! That’s all; just a little piece of useless trivia to impress your friends at your next dinner party!

    • sbranch says:

      I like it! In one movie (Bringing up Baby) I saw Cary Grant drinking out of the exact same old wide bowl champagne glasses we have!

  13. nora cavic says:

    It’s me! It’s me! I’m the winner! Oh, but I am hoping! Thank you, again, for your uplifting reminder to “just be”. 🙂

  14. Chris H says:

    Hi Susan, we’re on our anniversary trip of a lifetime……just about to fly back to beautiful England after a few days checking out my husband’s old homes in Northern Ireland. I don’t have any of your books yet (they’re just not available in Australia as far as I can find out) even though I’ve been a fan of your work since I saw my first recipe page done by you in an American country magazine many, many years ago.
    I got in quick to order your new book and have even been lazy in taking my own photos here in the U.K. knowing that you travelled in the exact same areas and have done a wonderful journal of my journey as well!!!!!! 🙂
    So glad you’re feeling better. Blessings to you and Joe

  15. Cheryl says:

    I so love your blog . . . and your books !! . . . I can’t wait for the new one !!

    There’s always something in your blog that makes me go running for one of your books to re-visit something !!

    My grand-daughters will inherit my SB books someday . . . so I would love to have another copy of these 2 . . . then they would each have at least 2 the same as each other . . . thank you for the opportunity . . .

  16. Susan Havey says:

    Thanks for the beauty of spring in your pictures, Susan. I’m so happy you have finished your book and can hardly wait to read it. Spring is such a glorious time and gives us all a new beginning. Would love an autographed book, but love much more your gorgeous and loving pictures of your home, your love and your precious kitties!

  17. Suellen Dehnke says:

    I’m a committed anglophile and I can’t wait until the new book comes out.


  18. Rosinda says:

    Hello Susan,
    I’m so glad you’re feeling better. The blueberry angel food cake looks absolutely scrumptious! Your posts are a feast for the eyes and the soul. I am thankful for you and the inspiration you provide.
    Rosinda xoxo

  19. Diane Harris says:

    Susan, I’m so sorry I’ve been absent but I have two good excuses, the first was that on Earth Day I was glued to my computer screen watching two tiny baby red-tailed hatchlings! So precious and now there is another so I’ve been MIA in hawkland. And then on a women’s retreat from my church. So I’m back and like you, soaking in the presence of COLOR in the world beyond brown, gray or white! I could eat it, it is so delicious to my eyes and soul! Flowers sustain me and I’ve bought more bouquets than usual this winter as it’s been such a long one. Now the daffs and early tulips are delighting my ♥!

    I got a chuckle at Joe’s “Cut” in the video that I’d forgotten from last year, but I do the same, just like my mom did, but with a 3 screen/layer sifter with a squeeze handle! I love the light, fluffy flour that is produced after the second sifting. I can imagine a huge pile of it and falling into it like a soft pillow! Ah, the simple things.

    Did you actually write to Bruce Springsteen? Cool!

    May I post the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s camera site for viewing the hawk’s nest?

    Enjoy Spring!

    Diane Marie your Pinterest Princess!

  20. Ann says:

    I have been sifting the wrong way all these years! Your way makes so much sense. I want the angel food cake recipe, please. Have both books and love the summer book. It stays on the counter all summer.

  21. GenanKirby says:

    I loooove those books. I have made several of the recipes. Yummmmyyyyyy!

  22. Bonnie says:

    I LOVE your website. One of my favorite parts of the day is coming home, making a cup of tea and checking your website for new postings. Thank you for the fun and relaxation!!

  23. becky allen says:

    So thankful for all your posts! So excited about the new book, ordered 2 copies for my daughters!
    Thanks for your grateful heart & all the beauty you share with us!

  24. Saundra Nelson says:

    Hi Susan Ann…Would love to give the Girlfriends Forever to my girlfriend, Wanda, who lives in Maine and the Summer Book to her husband, Ken, who does all of the cooking!!!

  25. Tana Griffith says:

    What a lovely posting! And if I win, sign the book “to Tana” because I will give my other copies away for gifts. I could never give a signed copy away!

  26. Eileen says:

    Thanks for brightening my day!

  27. Mary S. says:

    Thank you for telling us what it was like when you were writing your book!! How interesting!! And how thrilling that everything is open and more alive to you now!!
    Love all the beautiful Springtime photos!! And, of course, cute Jack!!
    That blueberry angelfood cake looks amazing!! I would love to have the recipe!!

    Love from Mary S. in Fresno, CA

  28. Janet Hundley - Grafton, WI says:

    Hi Susan,
    My vote is that you share the recipe for the blueberry angelfood cake. I especially like the idea of lemon glaze. It looks yummy!
    The blog today was so uplifting and the photos are just lovely. Please give those kitties some scritches from me now that you have a little more time. It looks like Spring on Martha’s Vineyard is no time to be stuck in tunnel vision.

  29. Kathy Knight says:

    Beautiful Spring pictures!

  30. JoAnne Daniels says:

    Susan — I’m so happy that you’re feeling better and that you’re back in living color! The pin-hole view of your days of early rising was very funny!
    Jack would be the center of any photograph your took, if he was anywhere in it.
    He’s so photogenic and willing to sit still. As soon as I put my camera to my
    face, my dogs always get up from whatever cute position they were in and walk toward me… I think it has to do with cats just knowing that they are the center of the universe!
    I love spring flowers and wish they could stay around longer. We just purchased two dwarf crabapple trees and a Serviceberry multi-stem tree.
    I like to keep my feathered friends happy as well as myself. Both trees grow fruit that the birds like.
    Blueberry angelfood cake recipe? Yes, please. It looks yummy and not too fattening. Winning a signed book by Susan Branch? Yes, please. I won’t hold my breath but you never know!
    Has anyone seen hummingbirds yet? They usually arrive in NJ the end of April. I’d better hand a feeder out.

  31. Susan ( an Ohio gal in SoCal ) says:

    How nice of you to give us flowers to look at to brighten our day! As always, love the photographs. And along with everyone else, I, too, would love signed copies of your book.We’ll all be glad for the lucky one chosen.

  32. carol oliver says:

    Hello Susan,
    so Loverly…..The beautiful flowers….the colors…the Angel Food Cake…Is it in one of the books? I don’t remember seeing it. Remnants…I thought you told us that you were going, but when I got the email from Judy, I saw that you were not one of the guests. And that’s ok…hope you can go though.
    Everything looks so pretty at home, looking forward to A Fine Romance.
    ok, I am going to go exercise now, your blog first and your back on track.
    I loved the blog, thank you.
    Carol O. in San Pedro, So. Cal. the one with the Red Toile Gravy Bowl that was once yours…..xo

  33. Kim Laird says:

    Congratulations on finishing the last page! I’m ready to read your beautiful book.

  34. Gail from California says:

    Hi Susan,

    What a lovely blog you wrote us. So glad your feeling good again. I would love, love, love, to have a signed copy of your books. Love them both!!!

    xxoo- Gail

  35. Linda S. says:

    You live in “Beautiful Garden” year round, and make the most of it! I have many of your books and these are lovely! Happy Day!

  36. Tracy Byers says:

    Thank you for the lovely vision of spring you shared with us today! Please pick me!

  37. Carol Millhollan says:

    I so enjoy your blog and all your goodies. You are a bright spot in my day!

  38. Buzz'n Bea, MI says:

    Oh, Spring! We are not to far behind. 75° today!! Love this season and your blog and photos.

    It would be a delight to win the books as I don’t have either one. Of course I have best friend who would love them too! Oh the dilemma of who gets them…. we could share. : 0) ♥

  39. Betsy Goertzen says:

    THANK YOU Susan for the beautiful pictures of spring flowers!! We are still waiting in Kansas for the first leaves to peek out from their winter hiding!! I can hardly wait to have spring here!! I have friends who I know would love 1 of your wonderful cookbooks! Although, I would have you sign them to me and give them my unsigned copies :-)!! Enjoy that lovely northeastern spring! Betsy

  40. Nicki says:

    I have truly had so much fun following along your “book making” So much talent you have. Thanks for sharing with us.

  41. Kathryn from CA says:

    Would love a signed copy of your book! Thank you for always brightening my day. 🙂

  42. Marianne in Mo. says:

    How wonderful it would be to get these two books! I don’t have any, as I just discovered you works about a year ago. Follow the blog in earnest, and struggled when you were so intent at putting the new book together. I checked in daily, and poured when there was no new post!

  43. Francine Werlinger says:

    Love all the floral pictures in today’s blog
    Susan! And that Jack! He sure is a silly one! I think spring has finally arrived in Wisconsin! We have had some beautiful weather the last few days.

  44. Nicky says:

    Oh, Susan. I can somewhat relate to your book writing journey, although my experience has not been as sweet as yours. I am nearing the end of writing and compiling my portfolio for national teaching boards. It has been a grueling nine months. A final click on the “submit” button will be like the final push in labor and delivery. Of course, your end product is much more beautiful and satisfying. I congratulate you on a job well done.


  45. Colleen says:

    Your blogs cheer me up so much, Susan. It looks so beautiful in your neck of the woods right now. We, in the Midwest, are somewhat behind getting our spring-time beauty started, so it is joyous to visit your world every so often. Thank you for sharing. I would also love to receive your books, but will be happy for who ever actually does win. I lost my best friend, Mavis, this past October and loved seeing her name scrawled across today’s musica! Sweet memories flooded me with happiness. Again many thanks.

  46. MARTHA says:

    What fun to think about actually winning this prize! The last thing I won was in college- a stuffed bunny rabbit, poor bunny is now yellowed with age.

  47. Cathy McC. says:

    Oh my, did my heart take wings? I am soaring!!! Loved seeing all the blossoms — you are ahead of us here in northern Indiana, but it won’t be long. There is a promise out there.
    And I really enjoyed your tunnel vision pictures — it made all rest more enjoyable. (Especially those of Jack!) And, you must have given a HUGE sigh of relief when your final permission came through on Friday. Hip, hip, hooray.
    Now, tell me, do you think your angel food cake could be made with raspberries? I try so hard to be a blueberry person, but just haven’t been able to get there. It’s so, so pretty, though.
    How exciting that you are getting MORE flowering trees/shrubs. YOU are inspiring us all. Enjoy springtime! Ethel

  48. Stephanie McGrath says:

    I absolutely love your blog, and look forward to it every day. It is so much like me. I would love copies of your books, and if I do not win them, I will have to find them on Amazon and purchase them. Please keep writing. You are so inspiring!

  49. Kate says:

    Such a pretty and interesting post. I understand tunnel vision because I get it when I am working on a quilt. Can’t wait for your book. If I win, I am introducing my daughter to you.

  50. Linda says:

    I would love, love, love to win your books if you I am not too late to enter.
    Linda R.

  51. Linda says:

    I hope I am not too late to enter…..would love, love, love to win!

  52. Mary Anne spradlin says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your home with us on your blog. I love the flowers in the house and the way they move us thru the seasons. I think I have both of the give away books as have been a big fan for years but would love to win them to share with my daughter.

  53. Sandy from New Vineyard says:

    Thanks so much once again. Happy, happy spring to you!

  54. Sharon Avinger says:

    Oh, Susan, I love all your work and would love to win a signed copy!

  55. Kate Faragher Houghton says:

    I’m a new fan – loving your books, blog, and outlook on life! I’d love to receive another copy of these special books!

    • sbranch says:

      Welcome Kate!

      • Jan from Northern CA says:

        Kate! You said it! Susan’s “Outlook on Life” is what makes here sooooo special to all of us FOSB!! Right on the mark girl. Just hit me and I had to respond.

        • Jan from Northern CA says:

          Oh darn… in my excitement….I spelled “Her” ….here….sorry but you got what I meant….she just always sees the bright side. Thanks Susan.

  56. Fran says:

    Keep thinking of the book and am excitedly trying to be patient. (Not easy by the way) September seems such a long time away, but I know it will go fast.
    I would love it if you would post the recipe for the delicious looking angelfood and blueberry cake – yummy I’m sure.
    Thanks for a wonderful blog – todays pictures are beautiful. Here in California, the roses are at their peak and so very beautiful.
    Can’t wait for your next blog!
    p.s. wouldn’t mind winning the books, either!

  57. Linda Joan says:

    Hello dear Susan,

    I so look forward to your posts!!

  58. Carin from Central California says:

    I saw your flour sifting video for the first time last year and it’s the same way I learned to sift flour. I love waxed paper. I even sift (dare I say it?) cake mixes. I’m so excited that you are giving away two of my favorite books. I have been making a Morning Thunder smoothie most mornings and made your Skip and Go Naked drinks last summer for my girlfriends. Both books are so much Fun!

  59. DENISE C. says:


  60. Nancy Mosley says:

    Congratulations on getting your book done! Love all the daffodils and beautiful flowers you sent our way. It always makes my day!!!

  61. Darlene in Indiana says:

    Thank you, Susan, for this blog. Every post makes me smile. I love your outlook on life. Your positive attitude and joy are contagious! And that cake sounds simply divine!

    • Carrie says:

      Perchance, is this the Darlene, formerly of Ripon, CA? If so, gotta say it’s flat out weird to see Darlene from “Indiana” . . . now if this isn’t Darlene, formerly of Ripon, apolgia and please disregard 🙂

  62. Jill says:

    Oh, what a wonderful happy sight to see today. I’ve been crying most of the morning over silly little things and seeing the color of those daffodils and the flowering trees….just the ticket. Thank you, sweet Susan. Thank you.

  63. Read your post this evening… tea…..had a martini…..
    Always LOVE the Musica….

  64. Kristin in San Diego says:

    I would love to add these to my Susan Branch collection…..
    Can’t wait for the new book!! I am hoping to see you at Treasures in San Luis Obispo….are you still planning to make the trip?

  65. Wendy McMonagle says:

    Love seeing all of these beautiful flowers! Thanks for making my day!

  66. Amy says:

    I love the beautiful Spring pictures! So glad you feel better, and have completed your book. I really missed you this winter.

  67. Chrissy Miles says:

    Congratulations on finishing your book. I’ll be asking for it as my Mother’s Day gift. PLEASE share with us your blueberry angel food cake recipe!!! Oh, dear Susan, I sent you a recipe a while back for banana cookies and I think I wrote the wrong thing down. You bake them on 350 for 15 to 20 minutes. Not sure if you ever received it. I know you are watching what you eat, but these are healthy since they contain bananas and oats. At least that is what I tell myself.

  68. Caroline C. says:

    I would love a copy of either of your books!!! I am so happy that you are done with writing your book and back blogging. I missed you! I would also love your blueberry angel food cake recipe! I am also jealous of your flowers. Can you believe ours have already come and gone. Spring is trying to hang on but summer is sneaking up on us!

  69. Linda in Scottsdale says:

    Beautiful spring flowers Susan! Glad you are enjoying the “rebirth”. If you get a big enough response, I’d like the Blueberry Angel food cake recipe. It might be a nice treat for Mother’s Day. Enjoy your rediscovery of your enchanted world.

  70. Jennifer says:

    Beautiful flowers, beautiful sprinkles, beautiful paintings, and, in the middle of them all, The Feline Ham!

  71. Jill Garofano says:

    oh please enter me in your drawing….I so need the Girlfriend book for a new girlfriend that I have that has been my angel….she helped me get through surgery (and her husband too) when I had nobody else. She is exactly like you and I am so blessed to have her in my life and would just love to share a little bit of you with her!!

    I am so enjoying spring too…our local Dutch Reformed church (which is very old) just had their hundreds of RED tulips bloom and it is spectacular!! Just made me smile so much!!

    love to you and Joe!!

    Jill from NY

  72. Robin in SC says:

    I so enjoy your blog and would love love love to win the books! I would also love the recipe for the yummy cake!!

  73. Suzanne Giljum says:

    Hi Susan,
    We finally have a sunny day here in St. Louis, Mo. and what a difference it makes. I am one of the lucky ones to have several girl friends. It would be a hard decision as to who I would give the Girl Firends Forever book to. I would love to receive both. Glad you are feeling better, just in time for good weather. Thanks and take care.

  74. Faith rose says:

    Susan , You are such a dear and wonderful woman!We don’t really deserve a give away!But you give it to us anyway and that’s what I love about you!You are willing to be humble and are always wanting us to win even though you have to go through all the trouble!You are such a wonderful friend ! I just hope that you would even except me as an internet friend!Thank you so much and it would be a pleasure to introduce a new book to my library!

  75. Kathy Christensen says:

    Oh! My heart just fills to brimming with joy and spills over when I read your posts, especially today! I would love to have one of your books of my very own to look at whenever I want to. I have a few small, inexpensive prints of your work, and once I even saved up and ordered checks that you designed. I could hardly bear to use them–so silly, I know. XXOO

  76. Georgie says:

    LiGhT HeArTeD! How Fun! Tunnel vision is like training for a race. And Sue, you’ve crossed the finish line… And you brought all of us girlfriends with you! It’s just like our journey over to England 🙂 What JOY we all feel in your accomplishment. The flowers are blooming the birds are singing and we are cheering.

    I’m so glad the cold has left you! That was not our wish for your birthday.

    My tunnel vision right now is dad and his hip. Hospitals have a way of dimming the light and the view. But oh the end of it brings healing … a great reward!

    Thanks for sharing with us the joy of raindrops and splashing in puddles… And of course, the preciousness of Girlfriends.

    xoxo Georgie

  77. Susie Cook says:

    As a retired music teacher, J’adore la musica! Hope I win!

  78. salve says:

    Happy to hear you are back to “normal” – whew! I believe I have those 2 books, I will accept anything coming from you! Thanks!

  79. Eurika says:

    My husband and I just spent 8 weeks in beautiful New England and I so loved it! I could not get enough of those beautiful flowers!

  80. Joyce Maloney says:

    Oh, how I enjoy all of your spring pictures!!! Our lilacs are in bloom here in WA. and they smell sooooooo good:) Love this time of the year, but oh, so many weeds when the winters are mild—-they grow ALL year!!! I am getting my “exercise” these days pulling them and planted new plants, but actually enjoying it all. Oh, I would LOVE to have one of your books as have just recently started collecting them. Thank you for giving me a chance to win one!!! Joyce

  81. Susan Ericksen of Bainbridge Island, Washington says:

    Holy Moley! Look at the numbers on this posting…YOU, Susan Branch….are so well loved. xoxo My Goodness, look where your life has taken you….AWESOME!

  82. Cheryl says:

    The spring pictures are a balm to our spirit. Our midwest spring has been up and down, and the only flowering shrubs and trees I have seen here so far are the forsythia. So thanks for sharing and helping us dream of spring.

  83. Linda Thomson says:

    Please, please do write a book on how to write a BOOK! Your are such an inspiration, thank you!

  84. Donna says:

    My deaest pal would be happily surprised if I could give her your Girlfriends book. We’re in our 70s, pals forever, and long ago shared our love of all things Susan Branch.

  85. Oh how I would love to win and share these great books with my best friends ! We are 7 Nurses mostly retired now but we have known and worked with each other for over 30 years ! We still get together for lunch every 6 weeks.Nothing better than old friendships….we’ve seen our children grow up,go to college,marry and now they are having kids. I vision if I win these we will trade them around with each other and write notes in them the others can read to Celebrate our Friendship !!

    • sbranch says:

      My best friend Diana is a nurse, a birthing and baby nurse for around the same length of time as you — she and all her nurse friends (in California) have recently retired. And now these girls just PLAY PLAY PLAY! I think the experiences nurses go through together must form a very strong bond.

  86. Chris k in Wisconsin says:

    Have enjoyed the process you have shared with us in writing the new book. Love following the kitties, too. These flower pictures are beyond beautiful. Seems that Spring might actually have sprung! Any day I see that you have a post in my email always brings joy! Thank you for sharing with us!!

  87. barbara malvik says:

    Thanks to a friend telling me about your blog, your love and enthusiasm for life helped lift me up from a terrible funk. I love your posts and thank you so much for being there when I needed to be reminded of all the beautiful and wonderful things that are right under our noses! (and yes, of course, please enter me in your drawing). 🙂

  88. Sharon - Ohio says:

    Oh Susan, I would love to win those books. The flowers are so beautiful, they came and went so quickly here. ~And that cake, oh my gosh, it looks so good. I made one with pineapple recently but no icing. I have been trying to diet also, always so hard and no fun for me. So glad you can rejoin the real world and see the full range instead of just a bit from a straw, lol

  89. Lonna Berridge says:

    I would love to win your books! I do not have these two, but love reading through the ones that I do have. Always makes me smile.

  90. Marion Rose says:

    Hi Susan,
    Just finish looking at my Plow & Hearth catalog, could not help thinking of you!
    Would you believe they have Sheep and a Lamb for your lawn! They are made of All weather polyresin. You would think they are real! What will they do next?

    • sbranch says:

      I saw those and thought about it. But they were only 2′ tall or something like that. I want big ones! I know, crazy. Really, what I would like is for some sweet farmer to drop off a mom and babies every spring, then take them away and bring new ones the next year! I don’t think I would like having lambs out there in the snow! Probably bring them in, and then where would we be!

      • Have you considered getting miniature sheep? Joe wouldn’t have to mow the lawn anymore!

        • sbranch says:

          OH! I went and looked at them. How adorable. They sound like they would be perfect! I was telling Joe how sweet they are, disease free, soft wool, all the wonderful things about them as pets — and he immediately asked the man question “How do they taste?” Wrong. Thanks for the info!

          • All bluster! You know men, they can’t APPEAR to love anything cute and cuddly. You need at least 2 because they are “flock” animals and it sounds like they could winter over in your barn without any problem…..Just tell Joe he needs to fence in the part of your yard where you want them to graze and his work is done. 🙂 ….and don’t forget the no cutting grass anymore part.

          • sbranch says:

            He would also have to clean out the barn! I know he would fall in love with them. Do you have them?

          • There was no place to reply to your question about whether I have miniature sheep or not. The answer is no I don’t. Perhaps one of your readers does…..but you’ll have to mention it in a post because no one else may see this comment thread buried in over 1,400 comments!

          • sbranch says:

            Here is the place to reply! I tweeted about it on Twitter too, looking for someone who’s got them. When you read about them you find out they are like almost the perfect pet! Fun, thanks so much Cathy!

  91. Lovely post. Makes me happy to know ‘our’ book is off to the publisher. 🙂 I was wondering and have been wanting to ask about a darling little Beach Cottage there on MV that was featured in an older magazine that was either Country living or some other publication like that. I cant find it at the moment but its been nagging at me to ask. It had no name of who owned it but it was staged with your books and just reminded me of you… Do you have a cute little Beach Cottage there?

  92. Ann Marie Murphy says:

    You make my day special when I open my email and see your blog. I have shared you with my two daughters and special friends. I have a friend that could use your friendship book right now. Thank you . You are a very nice person. Ann Marie

  93. Sherry Moran says:

    I would love to win these books – I can’t find the Girlfriends anywhere and Summer looks wonderful! Thanks for the lovely newsletter today – Martha’s Vineyard looks amazing!

  94. Pat says:

    I love the spring flowers, Susan. Thank you for those uplifting photos. But I was really captivated by your paintbox full of beautiful hues. They look like round gems. The colors are gorgeous!

  95. Fabienne says:

    Hi Susan – love the photos of your spring flowers. We really don’t have anything like that in CA. But roses are blooming in the neighborhood. You are my age (almost) so I too adored the Beatles. Walked to LAX with a girlfriend on just the chance we’d see them get off the plane, didn’t see them but saw Sonny and Cher ! I have a Beatles bag of memorabilia. Would adore a chance for any of your books – I’ve already ordered A Fine Romance! Happy Springtime, keep the photos coming, gorgeous.

  96. Sheila Fuesting says:

    Susan, I love this post, and happy for you that you can now enjoy all of your flowers to the fullest. I’m very patiently awaiting your new book. I know it’s worth waiting for. Love your pink dishes too. Happy Spring,


  97. Perplexing as it seems, I don’t have your Summer Book, even though summer is my favourite season of all. Your spring blossom photos are lovely. Here in the Pacific Northwest spring is bursting out all over, too. I must take a leave from my writing and go on a photojournalling walk. Thanks for the inspiration.

  98. Bebe says:

    Yes, it IS a happy day– whenever there’s a new post from you!
    Spring is one of the best subjects to write about.
    It reminds us everything can become new again!

  99. laurie says:

    I do have both books so you can give my chance to someone else.I cannot imagine doing all that painting with the tiny brush you use, wow, thats an amazing job!!
    It must be a very exciting but tiring job to do these books you do, I think I speak for everyone how much we all appreciate your talents and dedication to detail.I use your recipes often, some too often, ( size of my butt this winter), and all of the recipes turn out wonderful.
    The other thing I wanted to say was how beautiful and green it is with you and the blossoms , oh my! Oh and Jacks face couldn’t be more perfect, I LOVE that face!

    • sbranch says:

      I totally understand that feeling! 🙂 Thank you Laurie, I am so happy to hear about the recipes. I’ve always tried my best to make them wonderful — a cute cookbook is nothing without good recipes in it! xoxo

  100. The overwhelming beauty of Martha’s Vineyard is inspiring even on the most rainy, grey, and miserable looking day- and when it’s sunny and sprinkled with colorful radiant flowers and perfumed with Spring… WOW. There surely are no words give it justice!
    What a gorgeous post 🙂

    P.S.- Would love to get that recipe- looks delicious! <3

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